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Anatomy Upper Limb Q Bank MCQ 1

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01. Regarding axillary region,

a) Divisions of the brachial plexus lie beneath the lateral 1/3 of the clavicle.
b) Damage to axillary nerve affects abduction.
c) Subclavian artery does not give any branches to scapular anastomoses.
d) All the lymph nodes which drain the mammary glands are palpable.
e) Apex of the axilla communicates with the posterior triangle of the neck.

02. In the arm,

a) Cephalic vein lies in the deltopectoral groove.
b) Ulnar nerve lies in the flexor compartment throughout its course.
c) Deltoid is attached to the greater tubercle.
d) Biceps supinates the forearm.
e) Profunda brachii lies in the spiral groove.

03. In the forearm

a) Biceps aponeurosis is superficial to the brachial artery.
b) Median nerve passes deep to pronator teres.
c) Median nerve gives its branches in the middle1/3.
d) Deep branch of the radial nerve enters the supinator.

04. Regarding the ulnar nerve

a) Enters the forearm between the heads of flexor carpi ulnaris.
b) Lies on the flexor digitorum profundus.
c) Supplies the medial half of the flexor digitorum profundus.
d) Runs medial to the hook of the hamate.
e) When damaged there is no sensory loss.

05. In the hand

a) Superficial palmar arch is at the level of the distal border of the extended thumb.
b) Deep palmar arch lies between flexor retinaculum and long flexor tendons.
c) Deep branch of the ulnar nerve ends in the abductor policis.
d) In the pulp of the finger fibrous septae extends from skin to the bone.
e) In the carpal tunnel syndrome paresis of the muscles does not occur.
06. Regarding the bones of the upper arm
a) Proximal epiphysis of the humerus joins the shaft at puberty.
b) Axis of supinator passes between the radius and ulnar.
c) 5th & 6th cervical nerve roots are involved in abduction and lateral rotation.
d) The weakest point of the clavicle is at the junction of outer and middle third.
e) Ossification centres of proximal carpal bones appear before birth.

07. Regarding the brachial plexus

a) Suprascapular nerves originate from theupper trunk.
b) Divisions lie behind the subclavius.
c) Posterior cord supplies the muscles of the posterior compartment.
d) The cords of the brachial plexus lie lateral to the first part of the axillary artery.
e) Lower trunk is likely to damage when the neck is suddenly turned to the other side.

08. If the median nerve is damaged at the elbow

a) There is loss of sensation at the tips of all the fingers.
b) Opposition is made impossible.
c) Adduction of the thumb is impossible.
d) Flexion of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb is affected.
e) Flexion of the wrist is made impossible.

09. Regarding the ulnar nerve

a) The adductor pollicis is supplied by the deep branch of the ulnar nerve.
b) In the ulnar nerve palsy holding a piece of paper between the index and the middle
finger is difficult.
c) Clawing is more profound if the ulnar nerve is damaged at the wrist than it is damaged at
the elbow.
d) Ulnar nerve lies posterior to the medial epicondyle.
e) Lies lateral to the ulnar artery.
f) If damaged sensory loss of the medial side of the forearm.

10. Regarding the flexor retinaculum

a) Apex of the palmar aponeurosis is attached to it.
b) The tendon of flexor carpi radialis lies in a separate tunnel within it.
c) Superficial palmar branch of the median nerve lies superficial to it.
d) Ulnar nerve passes through it.
e) Palmaris brevis partly arises from it.
11. The elbow joint;
a) Is a hinge joint.
b) Capsule is weak medially and laterally.
c) The synovial membrane is continuous with the proximal radio ulnar joint.
d) Radial collateral ligament is attached to the annular ligament.

13. Regarding the thumb

a) Flexor digitorum profundus only flexes the distal interphalangeal joint.
b) Abductor pollicis longus is supplied by the dorsal interosseus nerve.
c) Lumbricals extend the interphalangeal joints.
d) Abductor pollicis is supplied by the deep branch of the ulnar nerve.
e) Metacarpophalangeal movements are more marked in the thumb.

14. True or False

a) Biceps supinates the forearm in the flexed position.
b) Deltoid initiates abduction of arm.
c) The whole breast lies in the superficial fascia.
d) Most of the lymphatic drainage of the breast into the parasternal nodes.
e) In radial nerve palsy there is no disturbance to flexion of fingers.
f) You can palpate brachial artery lateral to the humerus.
g) Brachial artery commences from the inferior border of the teres major.

15. In the axilla

a) Pectoral nodes lie along the subscapular artery.
b) Axillary fascia is a continuation of the prevertebral fascia.
c) Medial cord of the brachial plexus lies medial to the third part of the axillary artery.
d) Complete destruction of the brachial plexus will not affect sensation over the shoulder
e) Damage to axillary nerve results in the adduction of arm as seen in Erbs’ palsy.

16. Regarding the arm

a) Radial nerve supplies the extensor carpi radialis longus.
b) Deep fibre of triceps inserted into the capsule of the elbow joint.
c) Ulnar nerve does not give any branches.
d) Superior ulnar collateral artery runs with the radial artery.
e) T2,C5 & C6 supply the anterior compartment of the arm.
17. In the forearm
a) Flexor digitorum profundus is supplied by the ulnar nerve.
b) Anterior interosseous nerve supplies flexor digitorum superficialis.
c) Radial nerve goes through the supinator muscle.
d) Radial artery lies superficial to pronator teres.
e) Ulnar artery is the main source of supply.

18. In the hand

a) The median nerve supplies adductor pollicis muscle.
b) The ulnar nerve supplies all the lumbricals.
c) Mid palmar space is continuous with the lumbricus canal.
d) Deep transverse metacarpal ligament extends between all five metacarpophalangeal
e) The principal movement of the thumb is at the first carpometacarpal joint.

20. Regarding the ulnar nerve

a) It does not give any branches in the arm.
b) It can be felt at the shaft of the humerus.
c) If damaged in the arm abduction and adduction of the middle four fingers are impaired.
d) In the arm lies medial to the brachial artery.
e) It comes from posterior cord of the brachial plexus.

21. Regarding the forearm

a) All the tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus separate before entering the carpal
b) Posterior interosseous artery pierces the interosseus membrane.
c) Median nerve enters the forearm between the two heads of pronator teres.
d) The ulnar nerve lies deep to the flexor carpi ulnaris in the distal 1/3 of the forearm.

22. Regarding the axilla

a) The pectoral lymph nodes are closely related to the lateral thoracic artery.
b) During surgical removal of the breast the long thoracic nerve may get damaged.
c) The intercostobrachial nerve is sensory to the floor of the axilla.
d) The axillary vein receives the brachial vein inferiorly.

23. T/F regarding the nerves of the upper limb

a) The cords of the brachial plexus lie posterior to the clavicle.
b) The axillary nerve is a mixed nerve.
c) The musculocutaneous nerve has oligodendrocytes forming its myelin sheath.
d) The ulnar nerve supplies no structures in the arm.
e) In the distal half of the arm the median nerve lies medial to the brachial artery.
24. True/False
a) The brachial artery divides at the level of the neck of the radius.
b) The radial artery is the principal source of blood to the forearm.
c) The common interosseous artery pierces the interosseous membrane.
d) The posterior interosseous artery supplies the median nerve.
e) The nutrient arteries to the ulna and the radius arise from the anterior interosseous artery.

25. True/False
a) Palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve passes superficial to the flexor
b) The fibrous flexor sheath to the terminal phalanx.
c) Extensor expansion is attached to the carpal bones.
d) Lumbrical canals extend between the deep and superficial transverse metacarpal
e) The base of the extensor expansion is attached to the superficial transverse metacarpal

26. Brachial artery

a) Is crossed by the median nerve medial to lateral.
b) Originates at the lower border of the teres major.
c) Have concentric laminae in its tunica media.
d) Can be compressed against the humerus in its upper 1/3.
e) Is medial to the biceps tendon in the cubital fossa.

27. In the hand

a) Damage to the radial nerve at the elbow causes weakness in flexion of fingers.
b) Development starts in the sixth week.
c) Deep palmar arch is superficial to the lumbricals.
d) In median nerve damage touching the tip of the fingers is impossible.
e) Ulnar nerve enters wrist lateral to the ulnar artery.

28. The muscles supplied by the deep branch of the ulnar nerve include
a) Lumbricals
b) Adductor pollicis
c) Adductor digiti minimi
d) Opponens pollicis
e) Dorsal interossei
29. T/F regarding the hand
a) Superficial branch of the median nerve supplies the thenar muscles.
b) Superficial palmar arch is proximal to the deep palmar arch.
c) Radial artery runs through the two heads of the adductor pollicis.
d) Ulnar nerve supplies both sides of the hand.
e) Polydactyly is associated with the Down syndrome.

30. T/F
a) Head of the radius can be palpated immediately inferior to the lateral condyle.
b) Anconeus assists in pronation.
c) Superficial branch of the radial nerve is deep to the brachioradialis.
d) Posterior compartment of the forearm is supplied by the ulnar artery.
e) Thenar muscles are supplied by the superficial branch of the ulnar nerve.

31. T/F regarding forearm

a) All the muscles in the superficial compartment are supplied by the median nerve.
b) Supinator muscle is the main supinator of the forearm.
c) Ulnar artery is the main supply of the forearm.
d) Median nerve gives off its palmar cutaneous branch in the carpal tunnel.
e) Ulnar nerve and artery lie between the tendons of flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor
digitorum superficialis at the wrist.

32. Regarding the elbow joint

a) Ulnar nerve passes on the medial part of the ulnar collateral ligament.
b) Pronation takes place at this joint.
c) Muscles which extend the joint are supplied by the radial nerve.

33. Shoulder joint

a) Pain referred to the insertion of the deltoid.
b) Dislocation damages axillary nerve.
c) Subacromial bursa lies beneath the deltoid.

34. T/F
a) Dorsal axial line extends up to the wrist.
b) Clavicle is liable to fracture frequently at the junction of middle & lateral third.
c) Cords of the brachial plexus lie behind the clavicle.
d) Posterior cutaneous nerve of the arm is a branch of the axillary nerve.
e) There is a dermatome between 1st & 2nd which is supplied only by the radial nerve on
the back of the hand.
35. T/F
a) The anterior and posterior interosseous arteries of the upper limb are branches of ulnar
b) Part of the interosseous tendons of the hand pass to the base of the proximal phalanx.
c) Lumbricals flex the metacarpophalangeal joints.

36. Ulnar nerve

a) Supplies no structures in the axilla.
b) Leaves the anterior compartment of the arm at the level of insertion of coracobrachialis.
c) Is sensory to the lateral 1/3 of the palm.
d) Supplies all the lumbricals of the hand.
e) Runs within the carpal tunnel.

37. Regarding the shoulder joint/region

a) Dislocation may be followed by wasting of deltoid.
b) Acromion is the most lateral bony prominence.
c) Abduction is initiated by the supraspinatus.
d) C5 dermatome overlies the tip of the shoulder.
e) Deltoid contributes to all movements of shoulder joint except abduction.

38. True or False regarding the hand

a) Fibrous contraction of palmar aponeurosis causes Dupuytrens’ contracture.
b) Lumbricals flex the metacarpophalangeal joints & extend the interphalangeal joints.
c) Abductor pollicis brevis is always supplied by the median nerve.
d) Ulnar artery is always the main source of blood supply.
e) Clawing is less profound if the ulnar nerve is damaged at the wrist than at the elbow.

39. Regarding female breast

a) Major lymph drainage is into the parasternal lymph nodes.
b) Axillary tail of Spence lies between skin and superficial fascia.
c) Venous drainage communicates with the vertebral venous plexus.
d) Myoepitheliocytes are found around alveoli and ducts.
e) Main blood supply is by the subscapular artery.

40. True or False

a) Divisions of the brachial plexus lie deep to the lateral 1/3 of the clavicle.
b) Pectoral lymph nodes lie closely related to the lateral thoracic artery.
c) Scapular anastomoses establish a communication between 3rd part of the axillary artery
and the subclavian artery which are dilated in coarctation of the aorta.
41. Regarding the anatomy of the hand
a) The superficial palmar arch is deep to the tendons of profundus.
b) Digital nerves are more palmar than dorsal.
c) Lumbricals originate from the flexor digitorum superficialis.
d) Necrosis of the distal part of the distal phalanx happens due to pulp space infection.
e) Metacarpophalangeal joint lies on a line with distal palmar crease.

42. True or False regarding the arm

a) Profunda brachii accompanies the radial nerve in the spiral groove.
b) Musculocutaneous nerve pierces the brachioradialis.
c) Radial nerve supplies extensor carpi radialis longus in this region.
d) T2,C5 & C6 are dermatomes of the arm.
e) Radial nerve gives no branches before it enters the spiral groove.

43. Regarding elbow joint/cubital fossa

a) Brachial artery lies between biceps tendon and median nerve.
b) When the forearm is flexed main supinator is biceps brachii.
c) Median nerve supplies flexor carpi radialis muscle within the cubital fossa.
d) Joint capsule is weak medially and laterally.
e) Infection of the thumb leads to inflammation of cubital lymph nodes.

44. Range of movement at the shoulder joint is enhanced by

a) Lax capsule.
b) Large humoral head improportionate to the glenoid cavity.
c) Rotator cuff muscles.
d) Greater tubercle of the humerus.
e) Coracoacromial arch.

45. Axillary nerve

a) has no cutaneous branches.
b) Passes inferior to teres major.
c) Contains fibres from C2-C3 spinal nerves.
d) Gives a branch to the shoulder joint.
e) May be damaged in downward dislocation of the humerus.

46. At the wrist

a) Ulnar nerve is medial to the ulnar artery.
b) Radial artery lies between the tendons of flexor carpi radialis and brachioradialis.
c) Ulnar nerve & artery are superficial to the flexor retinaculum.
d) Deep branch of the radial nerve passes through the carpal tunnel.
e) Median artery accompanies the mediannerve.
47. Regarding the nerves of the upper limb
a) Ulnar nerve pierces the medial intermuscular septum.
b) Radial nerve passes anterior to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.
c) Radial nerve supplies the brachialis muscle.
d) Musculocutaneous nerve continues as the lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm.
e) Damage to the anterior interosseous nerve results in “pointing index” with a sensory loss
over the thenar eminence.

48. What is the structure that does not pierce the clavipectoral fascia?
a) Lateral pectoral nerve
b) Thoraco acromial artery
c) Cephalic vein
d) Lymphatic vessels
e) Medial pectoral nerve

49. What is the nerve that is damaged when the radial head dislocates?
a) Lower lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
b) Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm
c) Superior cutaneous nerve of radial nerve
d) Posterior interosseous nerve
e) Anterior interosseous nerve

50. Which of the following is a unipennate

a) Rectus femoris
b) Medial most lumbrical
c) Flexor policis longus
d) Dorsal interossei
e) Deltoid

51. The most stable position of the shoulderjoint .

a) Abducted and medially rotated
b) Anatomical position
c) Adducted and medially rotated
d) Flexed ,abducted and laterally rotated
e) Flexed laterally rotated
52. Which answer gives the correct arrangement of the contents of the cubital fossa
from medial to lateral?
a) Brachial artery, median nerve, biceps tendon, radial nerve
b) Median nerve, biceps tendon, radial nerve, brachioradialis
c) Biceps tendon, median nerve, brachial artery, radial nerve
d) Radial nerve, biceps tendon, brachial artery, median nerve
e) Median nerve, brachial artery, biceps tendon, radial nerve

53. What is the extent of the synovial sheath of middle finger?

a) from mid palm to distal phalanx
b) from mid palm to proximal phalanx
c) from distal palm to distal phalanx
d) from distal palm to proximal phalanx
e) from proximal palm to proximal phalanx

54. A female was presented in a clinic with a breast lump and the doctor asked her to
keep her hands on her hips and press on the hip. What was the muscle can be test like
a) Serratus Anterior
b) Latissimus dorsi
c) Pectoralis major
d) Trapezius
e) Gluteus maximus

55. A 40 yr patient is presented with a sensory loss in palmer and dorsal aspect of
medial 1 ½ fingers. Flexion of the fingers are impaired. There is weak flexion of the
interphalangeal joint of the thumb.Where is the lesion is located ?
a) Axilla
b) Mid arm
c) Posterior to the medial epicondyle
d) 10 cm distal to the elbow .
e) wrist

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