FRB and Ebr at Fire
FRB and Ebr at Fire
FRB and Ebr at Fire
Composites: Part B
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Article history: The method to increase the ultimate capacity of reinforced concrete elements, by means of Fiber Rein-
Received 18 February 2008 forced Polymers bonded on their substrate with thermosetting resins, represents a technique useable
Received in revised form 12 June 2008 worldwide. The bonding materials used, generally epoxy resins, are sensitive to a temperature increase.
Accepted 22 June 2008
In fact, the curing process of epoxies leads to low glass transition temperature (Tg) values, that may cause
Available online 30 August 2008
a relevant decay of the mechanical properties of the adhesive, even under service thermal conditions. The
reduction can influence the bond performance, compromising the effectiveness of the reinforcing tech-
nique. In this work the interface behaviour FRP–concrete at elevated service temperatures is analyzed.
A. Laminate
B. Debonding
The experimental results show a relevant influence of the temperature on bond performance, in terms
B. Thermal properties of type of failure of the interface, effective bond length and bond strength.
Concrete Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1359-8368/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
86 M. Leone et al. / Composites: Part B 40 (2009) 85–93
load increased around 5% while the comparison with the speci- non-instrumented zones, extra clamp anchorages are used (left
mens tested at 75 °C showed a decrease of the bond strength of hand side in Fig. 1).
around 38%. For the tests at elevated temperatures an electrical hollow fur-
Finally, similar results in terms of the type of failure were ob- nace was used. The oven was placed around the specimen in the
served in [5] and [7]: a cohesion failure in the concrete occurred zone without clamps. All gaps between the furnace and the speci-
at moderate temperatures while at high temperatures an adhesive men were filled with mineral wool. The temperature in the furnace
failure took place at the adhesive–concrete interface. was controlled by a thermocouple (type K) measuring the air tem-
The experimental program presented in this paper mainly aims to perature inside the furnace. The specimens aligned in a universal
determine what effect elevated service temperatures have on the testing machine (2500 kN servo – hydraulic testing machine) were
bond performance between FRP reinforcement and concrete mem- subjected to a tensile force with a displacement rate of 0,1 mm/min.
bers. To that extent specimens have been tested under double-face In the Fig. 2 a view of the test set-up with and without the oven
pure shear test and at different test temperatures: 20, 50, 65 and is given.
80 °C. A comparison between un-conditioned (20 °C) and condi-
tioned specimens was performed to evaluate the degradation caused 2.2. Test parameters
by the thermal exposure. Three types of FRP reinforcement were
used in this study: CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforce Polymer) sheet The influence of the type of reinforcements (factory made ver-
and laminate and GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer) sheet. sus wet lay-up sheet), as well as the type of fibers was evaluated.
The experimental results are presented and discussed in terms of The externally bonded reinforcement used comprised CFRP (Car-
strains within the reinforcement during the load history, bond bon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) sheet and laminate, and GFRP (Glass
stress–slip law, transfer length, bond strength and kind of failure. Fiber Reinforced Polymer) sheet. The material properties are given
in the materials section. Three different test temperatures were
2. Outline of the experiments used: 50, 65 and 80 °C. The temperature level was chosen in rela-
tion to the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the utilized epoxy
The performed experimental program aimed to determine what resin, experimentally evaluated as reported in the materials sec-
effect elevated service temperatures have on the bond perfor- tion. Given a Tg value of 55 °C, the test temperatures of 50, 65
mance of FRP reinforced concrete members. The investigation and 80 °C represent 10%, +18% and +45% of the glass transition
comprised 18 double face shear tests, performed varying the tem- temperature, respectively. The tests conducted at elevated temper-
perature value. A comparison between un-conditioned (20 °C) and atures were compared with those at room temperature (20 °C).
conditioned specimens was made to evaluate the degradation An overview of the experimental program is given in Table 1.
caused from the thermal exposure. The specimens are listed using the following code: the first letter
C or G indicates carbon fibers or glass fibers, respectively; the sec-
2.1. Test set-up ond letter, either L or S, indicates the type of reinforcement: factory
made or wet lay-up sheet; the third notation indicated the test
The test set-up is given in Fig. 1. The concrete specimens temperature, 20, 50, 65 and 80 °C, respectively. The last letter indi-
(150 150 800 mm) consist of two concrete prisms (length cates the test sequence of the two similar specimens tested for
400 mm). A thin metal plate separates the two concrete blocks, each analyzed parameter (Table 1).
the height of this plate is 15 mm less than the height of the prisms.
Two steel bars, with a diameter of 16 mm, are embedded in each 2.3. Material properties
prism. As is also shown in Fig. 1 these internal steel bars do not
connect the two concrete parts, which means that the two blocks The concrete composition and material properties of the FRP
are only joined through the externally bonded FRP reinforcement. reinforcements, fresh and hardened concrete, are reported in the
Special care was taken during the installation of the formwork to following.
position the internal steel reinforcement perfectly aligned, so that Three different concrete batches, with the same concrete com-
their working lines in the two separated blocks coincide. The position, were used. The batches are indicated as T_I, T_II and
length of the protruding part of the steel rebars was chosen in or-
der to allow clamping in the tensile testing machine. The speci-
mens are characterized by four FRP to concrete bond zones with
a length of 300 mm, of which two zones are instrumented (right
hand site in Fig. 1). An un-bonded zone was also left in the central
part of the specimens as is better specified in the specimens prep-
aration and measurements section. To prevent bond failure in the
100 300
400 400
Fig. 1. Test set-up. Fig. 2. Specimens in the tensile machine. (A) without oven, (B) with oven.
M. Leone et al. / Composites: Part B 40 (2009) 85–93 87
Table 1 Table 3
Experimental program Mechanical properties of FRP EBR systems
Specimens FRP reinforcement Test temperature ( °C) FRP reinforcement ffu (MPa) efu (%) Ef (GPa) t Ef (GPa mm)
C_S_20_a CFRP sheet 20 CFRP sheet 2600 1.19 226 26.4
C_S_20_b CFRP sheet 20 GFRP sheet 780 – 73 21.9
C_S_50_a CFRP sheet 50 CFRP laminate 2450 1.41 176 176
C_S_50_b CFRP sheet 50
C_S_65_a CFRP sheet 65
C_S_65_b CFRP sheet 65
C_S_80_a CFRP sheet 80 gives effective estimation of the strength area of the reinforcement
C_S_80_b CFRP sheet 80 in the field of strengthening and/or upgrading of reinforced con-
C_L_20_a CFRP laminate 20
crete elements. In fact, according with the available guide line
C_L_20_b CFRP laminate 20
C_L_80_a CFRP laminate 80 [4,14] that area is calculated using the known area of the fiber,
C_L_80_b CFRP laminate 80 neglecting the total width and thickness of the cured system.
C_L_50_a CFRP laminate 50 The thermal characteristics of the two utilized epoxy resins
C_L_50_b CFRP laminate 50 were analysed using a Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) by
G_S_20_a GFRP sheet 20
G_S_20_b GFRP sheet 20
means of a thermoanalyzer (DSC-7 Perkin Elmer). The analysis
G_S_80_a GFRP sheet 80 has been performed on three samples of each epoxy resin, after
G_S_80_b GFRP sheet 80 the complete hardening was reached (curing of test coupons under
ambient conditions). Each sample was held for 1.0 min at 5 °C and
subsequently heated in a nitrogen atmosphere from 5 °C to 200 °C
at 10 °C/min. The glass transition temperature, Tg, of each speci-
T_III. The properties of the fresh concrete were evaluated perform- men has been calculated and the results averaged. For both resins
ing slump tests and flow tests, according to CEN [8,9]. The obtained the average Tg value equals 55 °C. In the Fig. 3 the plot of the scan-
results are reported in the Table 2, as well as the measured density ning performed to evaluate the glass transition temperature is
of the fresh concrete. The mechanical properties of the hardened reported. The curve is referred on a sample of PC5800 CARBO resin
concrete were experimentally evaluated at the same age of the but similar results were found for the other analyzed specimens.
bond shear test [10,11] e [12]. From the Fig. 3 it is possible to note the presence of a large endo-
In particular, compressive strength, fc,cub, was evaluate by thermic peak, that very probably is due to the physical aging phe-
means three single cubes with side dimensions of 150 mm, while nomenon [15]. As reported in experimental work on cold-cured
compressive cylindrical strength, fc, and splitting strength, fct,S1, epoxy resin [15–17] the physical aging superimposed on Tg making
were estimate testing three single cylinders with a diameter of the measure of it difficult. However, the obtained values of glass
150 mm and height of 300 mm, respectively. In addition flexural transition temperature are in agreement with other experimental
strength, fc, fl, was measured by means of 3-point bending tests observations on the same kind of epoxy trade system.
on three single prisms 150 150 600 mm with a clear span of For the higher viscosity resin, an additional DSC analysis was
500 mm; and splitting strength, fct,S2, were evaluated on the performed involving a pre-heating cycle between 50 °C and
remaining halves of the prisms. Finally, secant modulus of elastic- 200 °C (rate 10 °C/min); the obtained Tg was equal to 81 °C.
ity, Ec, was determined by axial compression test on concrete cyl-
inders with diameter of 150 mm and height of 300 mm. The
average results can be found in Table 2.
The FRP EBR system is based on continuous unidirectional car-
bon and glass fibres for CFRP and GFRP hand lay-up sheets, respec-
tively, and an angle ply (±45) laminate the for factory made CFRP.
The hand lay-up sheets and the factory made laminate were glued 0.25
ΔHrelaxation = 0.41(W˚C/g)
on the substrate by two different epoxy resins, (PC5800 CARBO for
hand lay-up sheets and PC5800/BL for factory made laminate. Both 0.20
Heat Flux (W/g)
Table 2
Quality control tests on fresh and hardened concrete – Experimental results
Batch Age of test (days) fc (MPa) fc,cub (MPa) fct,S1 (MPa) fct,fl (MPa) fct,S2(MPa) Ec (MPa) Slump (mm) Flow test Density (kg/m3)
T_I 31 – 50.3 3.3 3.9 3.3 31227 160 2.3 1905
T_II 30 32.1 50.2 – 3.8 3.2 27529 160 2.2 1813
T_III 30 32.1 41.3 – 3.7 3.1 32804 180 2.5 1915
88 M. Leone et al. / Composites: Part B 40 (2009) 85–93
9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1
sðxÞ ¼ Ef t ð1Þ
400 with s(x) the bond stress in the FRP reinforcement between two
consecutive strain gauges, Ef and t the elastic modulus and the nom-
FRP REINFORCEMENT inal thickness of the FRP reinforcement, respectively, and Dei the
UN-BONDED ZONE measured strain difference between the two considered strain
300 50
The slip between the FRP reinforcement and concrete is calcu-
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
SIDE B lated through integration of the strain along the bonded length.
39 50 50 50 35 35 35
On the basis of the strain compatibility hypothesis in the infinites-
imal range, dx, of the FRP–concrete interface and neglecting the
concrete strain, the following equation can be written:
Z Lb
with, s(x) the slip along the bond length, s(0) the slip at the loaded
The increase of the Tg value demonstrates the beneficial effect of end, ef the strain in the FRP reinforcement and Lb the bond length.
the resin post-cure. Assuming that the slip at the free end s(Lb) can be considered neg-
ligible before debonding (given that the provided bond length is
2.4. Specimen preparation and measurements longer than the minimum transfer bond length defined in fib Bulle-
tin 14 [4]), the total slip s can be obtained by integrating the strain
After casting the concrete specimens, the formwork was re- along the FRP sheet. In the discrete field one obtains:
moved after 1 day and the specimens were kept covered under a
plastic foil during 7 days and further stored in the laboratory envi- s¼ ei Dxi ð3Þ
ronment until the day of the test. The FRP reinforcement i¼1
(100 700 mm) was bonded at a concrete age of 15 days, taking
with n the number of strain measurements along the bond length
into account proper specimen preparation as specified by the man-
and Dxi the distance between two consecutive measurement points.
ufacturer. This comprised concrete roughening by means of grind-
The slip between FRP reinforcement and concrete can be also
ing. The FRP reinforcement was left un-bonded for approximately
directly measured with a displacement transducer during the test
50 mm in the central zone (Fig. 1). This was done to ensure that
(measured slip). As observed by other researchers performing bond
first cracking (separation of the two blocks) happened in the un-
tests, the experimental measurement of the slip between the
bonded area, allowing the proper evaluation of tensile force within
external FRP reinforcement and concrete often resulted not very
the reinforcement. The bond length equalled 300 mm for each
accurate. In this test programme, the experimental slip measure-
bond zone. A bond length of 300 mm is in agreement with the min-
ments are rather used to evaluate the relative behaviour of differ-
imum transfer length defined in fib Bullettin 14 [4] to establish the
ent specimens or possible eccentricities in loading. However, in
full anchorage capacity that an externally bonded FRP reinforce-
absolute terms, the slip values obtained from the experimental
ment can develop according to fracture mechanics modelling. At
strain measurements (Eq. 3) are utilized.
one prism end, the FRP was additionally fixed with clamps
During the data elaboration stage, a high scatter has been ob-
(Fig. 1), allowing the occurrence of the delamination of the rein-
served between similar specimens. Based on a critical review of
forcement only on the opposite prism end, where the strain gauge
the measurement data, results believed to be significantly influ-
measurements were provided.
enced by secondary effects (such as the presence of eccentricity
Electrical strain gauges were glued on the composite reinforce-
in the specimens or the inadequacy of some experimental mea-
ment on both sides according to Fig. 3. The relative displacement
surements), were omitted.
between the FRP reinforcement and concrete was recorded with
The averaged experimental results in terms of maximum bond
two displacement transducers (one per side of the monitored prism),
stress (Eq. 1, smax), measured and calculated slip (Eq. 3) are re-
fixed to the concrete and directly connected to the reinforcement.
ported in Table 4.
To make a more correct comparison of the maximum bond
stress between the specimens of different concrete batches the fol-
3. Experimental results
lowing multiplier coefficient was used:
3.1. Evaluation of the measurement fc;cub
In the following, reference will be made (unless stated other-
wise) to the average test results obtained by the two equivalent where fc,cub is the cubic compressive strength of a given specimen
specimens tested for each parameter combination. The experimen- and fc,cub,REF is the cubic compressive strength of specimens chosen
tal results are elaborated in terms of maximum force, maximum as reference between those analysed. This way to make the bond
bond stress and corresponding slip between the concrete and stress independent on the variability of concrete strength is consis-
reinforcement. tent with the indications provided by the relationship between
Bond stresses have been evaluated by utilizing experimentally bond strength and compressive concrete strength given in Model
recorded strains along the FRP. The positions of the strain Code [18].
M. Leone et al. / Composites: Part B 40 (2009) 85–93 89
Table 4 0.0010
Averaged experimental results
0.0009 C_L_80_a
Specimens Maximum bond stress Calculated slip Measured slip
0.0008 C_S_80_b
(MPa) (mm) (mm)
C_S_20 4.22 0.181 0.661
C_S_50 5.62 0.197 0.508 0.0006
Strain (ε)
C_S_65 3.68 0.271 0.205
C_S_80 1.96 0.116 0.078
C_L_20 5.65 0.087 0.270 0.0004
C_L_50 3.28 0.183 0.169
C_L_80 4.21 0.237 0.866
G_S_20 3.41 0.186 0.645 0.0002
G_S_80 0.96 0.182 0.221
0 100 200 300
Position (mm)
3.2. Influence of type of FRP reinforcement
Fig. 5. Strain versus position curves – F = 4 kN – T = 80 °C.
The strain curves along the bond length show the influence of
the reinforcement stiffness on the strain distribution. A significant
difference is noted between specimens C_L_80_a and the speci-
mens with the hand lay-up reinforcement, while almost the same
results are obtained between G_S_80_a and C_S_80_b specimens.
The observed difference is related to the difference between the
effective stiffness of the FRPs (Table 3). Similar results were found
for the other specimens tested at different temperatures.
The influence of the type of reinforcement has also been ana-
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
lysed referring to the bond stress (s) versus calculated slip (s), as
Slip (mm)
reported in Fig. 6. From Fig. 6 it can be noted that the slope of
the ascendant branch of the s–s curves increases with the effective Fig. 6. Comparison between types of reinforcement – T = 20 °C.
90 M. Leone et al. / Composites: Part B 40 (2009) 85–93
Bond Stress (MPa)
3 T=50 ºC
1 T=80ºC
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Slip (mm)
Fig. 7. Bond stress–slip curves for varying test temperatures – CFRP laminate. Fig. 8. Reinforcement after failure.
M. Leone et al. / Composites: Part B 40 (2009) 85–93 91
other hand, increasing the temperature values, the kind of failure the load transfer mechanism is observed as well. In fact, from this
becomes similar to that observed for other kinds of reinforcement, strain distribution profiles two distinct stages depending on the le-
as in this condition the adhesive is always the critical component. vel of load, may be identified. The first stage is characterized by an
almost exponential trend of strain at low load level. The distance
3.5. Transfer length required for the strain to reach almost zero in the stage of linear
elastic material behaviour is the so-called initial transfer length
Fig. 9 shows the change in bond stress along the bond length, (Lt). Once bond interface failure starts at the loaded end, a further
comparing three consecutive regions, as a function of the relative increase in load gradually displaces the transfer region towards the
load level F/Fu. In particular the figure refers to specimens rein- unloaded end (beyond 70% Fu) and the curves becomes more irreg-
forced with GFRP hand-made sheets at room temperature ular. The limit of this second stage coincides with the bond failure
(Fig. 9A) and specimens reinforced with CFRP hand-made sheets (100% Fu). Analysing Fig. 10A and B, it seems to be evident as the
at 80 °C (Fig. 9B); similar trends were observed for all tested shape of the curve remains almost similar increasing the
specimens. temperature.
The curves are obtained from the stress measurements accord- In Fig. 11 the comparison between the strains along the rein-
ing to Eq. (1) for any given load level. With increasing the load, the forcement varying the service temperature is reported. Fig. 11A re-
graphs show that the bond stress in the region near the loaded end fers to specimens reinforced with CFRP sheets while Fig. 11B refers
(6 mm < x < 14 mm in the Fig. 4 and curve 6–41 mm in Fig. 9) reach to specimens reinforced with GFRP sheets. The curves within the
a peak and then start to decrease abruptly. At the same time, the same graph are plotted at a fixed load, that belongs to the elastic
bond stress in the adjacent region (41 mm < x < 76 mm in the range of the specimen tested at room temperature. It has to be no-
Fig. 4 and curve 41–76 mm in the Fig. 9) starts to increase. The ticed that the chosen load value could not be in the elastic stage of
decrease of the bond stress indicates bond failure in that region, the specimens tested at the high service temperature. Analyzing
while the build-up of the bond stress in the adjacent region indi- the figure it is possible to note as the strains along the reinforce-
cates that the load is transferred further along the bond length. ment increase with the service temperature. In particular the strain
This phenomenon is observed progressively from one region to value at the loaded end at 80 °C is double the strain value at 20 °C,
another until the total failure of the joint occurs [24]. registered in the same position. Similar results are reported in [7].
In Fig. 10 the strain versus position (starting from the loaded The initial transfer length was evaluated considering the dis-
end) is reported for different load levels with reference to speci- tance from the loaded end (x = 0 in the Fig. 3) to the point where
men G_S_20 (Fig. 10A) and G_S_80 (Fig. 10B) From this figure, the strain reaches almost zero: the strain value was considered
3.50 2.50
6-41 mm 6-41 mm
3.00 41-76 mm
41-76 mm 2.00 76-111 mm
Bond Stress (MPa)
2.50 76-111 mm
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
F/Fu F/Fu
Fig. 9. Bond stress as function of relative load level – (A) G_S_20, (B) C_S_80.
0.007 0.004
10% Fu
0.006 30% Fu
50% Fu
0.003 70% Fu
100% Fu
10% Fu
Strain (ε)
Strain (ε)
30% Fu 0.002
50% Fu
70% Fu
100% Fu
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Position (mm) Position (mm)
Fig. 10. Strain versus position curves – (A) G_S_20, (B) G_S_80.
92 M. Leone et al. / Composites: Part B 40 (2009) 85–93
0.0025 0.0015
T=20ºC T=20ºC
T=80ºC T=80ºC
Strain (ε )
Strain (ε )
0.0000 0.0000
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
Position (mm) Position (mm)
Fig. 11. Strain along the reinforcement with increasing service temperature – (A) C_S, (B) G_S.
Table 5 The bond tests performed in the range of the glass transition
Evaluated transfer length temperature of the matrix and the adhesive of the FRP gave
Specimens Initial transfer length (mm) Maximum load (kN)
anomalous results. Probably, the chemical processes occurring
at the Tg temperature range could be the cause of the scattered
C_S_20 40.42 11.99
C_S_50 40.74 14.85
results. How this chemical processes influences the bond perfor-
C_S_65 108.16 12.82 mance of FRP reinforced concrete elements needs further
C_S_80 104.42 10.74 investigation.
C_L_20 99.95 40.47 The type of failure changes with increasing test temperature.
C_L_50 152.87 34.33
Specimens tested at T = 50 °C show cohesion failure within the
C_L_80 251.32 44.02
G_S_20 68.37 14.63 concrete. Increasing the temperature (T = 80 °C), an adhesion
G_S_80 214.81 11.64 failure at the interface was observed. At temperature similar
to or higher than the Tg the adhesion strength of the adhesive
drops below that of the concrete, causing the bond failure at
the FRP reinforcement–adhesive interface.
negligible (almost zero) at 1% of the strain measured at the loaded The strain values along the reinforcement significantly increases
end for each load level. The obtained Lt values are reported in Table with temperature.
5. In this table also the maximum load of each specimens (Fu) is The initial transfer length increases with the test temperature
reported. while the maximum force remains almost constant. In particular
From the Table 5 it is possible to note that for all types of tested the initial transfer length increases of 2.5–3 times with respect
FRP reinforcement, the initial transfer length increases with the to that at 20 °C. This result appears to be particularly interesting
test temperature while the maximum force remains almost con- because the apparent independence of the maximum load on
stant. In particular Lt increases with a factor 2.5–3 comparing re- the service temperature, in the tested range, appears related to
sults obtained at 80 °C with results obtained at 20 °C. This result the considerable increase of the initial transfer length.
appears to be particularly interesting since it clarifies the apparent Temperature effects must be properly taken into account from a
independence of the maximum load on the service temperature, design point of view. First of all a temperature value (limit ser-
for the tested temperature range. In fact, the higher ultimate load vice temperature) below which any variation in bond perfor-
values, registered also with the temperature increase, is basically mance is expected must be given, on the basis of the Tg values
linked to the considerable increase of the initial transfer length. of utilized resins. For higher service temperatures the bond
stress slip curves must be consistently evaluated, however more
4. Conclusions accurate indication could be given on the basis of a wider exper-
imental data.
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