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The document discusses different types of wire ropes used in rigging applications including their components, cores, grades, and considerations in design.

Wire rope is typically made of steel wires laid together to form strands around a central core. The strands can have fiber or wire cores. Different types of strands are used for specialized purposes.

Fiber cores use vegetable or synthetic fibers while wire cores use another stranded rope. Wire cores provide more strength and resist crushing. Fiber cores can deteriorate or burn in high heat.



Wire Rope Parts
Wire rope is typically made of steel wires laid
together to form a strand, as shown in illus-
tration # I . These strands are formed into a
rope, usually around a central core of either
fiber or wire.

Wire A - Fiber Core

B - Wire Core

illustration #I - Wire Rope Parts

Fiber core and wire core strands are shown

in illustrations #2A and B. However new
types of wire rope designed for specific pur-
poses are being developed. C - Compacted Strand
Compacted strands are shown in illustration
#2C and flattened strands in illustration #2D. D - Flattened Strand
lillustration #2 Strand Types
RIGGING/WIREROPE Wire Rope Cores/Construction 3
Fiber Core Wire Rope Construction
A fiber core is composed of vegetable fiber Wire rope is made up of pre-formed strands.
(manila, sisal, or jute), or a synthetic fiber This pre-forming gives the rope strands an
such as polypropylene. The synthetic fibers equal load distribution, and it helps prevent
offer better resistance to deterioration. unravelling when the rope is cut.
During manufacture the fiber core is impreg- The number of strands, number of wires per
nated with lubricant, which is released during strand, type or quality of the wire material,
rope use and helps keep the wires lubri- and nature of the core will depend on the end
cated. A fiber core also helps to cushion the use of the wire rope.
strands during operation. A wire rope, with many smaller wires and
Wire Core strands, is more flexible than rope with large
diameter wires and fewer strands. Wire rope
lWRC is the abbreviation for independent
that is used with sheaves and drums should
wire rope core. This core, which is actually
have a sufficient number of strands to be
another strand (and can be called a
flexible enough to bend around the sheaves
mini-rope with its own strands and core), has
and drums.
several advantages over the fiber core. It
adds about 7 112% in strength, and helps re- The main considerations in the design and
sist rope crushing. In an extremely hot work- construction of wire rope are to impede the
ing environment a wire core is a requirement conditions that contribute to corrosion,
as a fiber core might burn or char. over-tension, wear, crushing, and rotation.
The result is many types and sizes of wire
rope, with new rope designs continually com-
ing on the market.
Wire Rope Grades Grade 100/110 Plow
Wire rope manufacturers have many differ- Has lower tensile strength but can be used
ent grades to meet the varying demands for when strength i s secondary to wear
strength and toughness. resistance.
Grade 120/130and l30/140 Grade 90/100 Mild Plow
Extra Extra Improved Plow (EElPS) This rope has high fatigue resistance but is
This rope is used when special installations lower in tensile strength. Applications for this
require maximum rope strength, such as rope are limited.
mine shaft hoisting. (About 10% stronger Galvanized Finish
than Extra Improved Plow). Most wire rope manufacturers supply all
Grade 115/125 grades of rope with several types of galva-
Extra Improved Plow (EIPS) nized finish. Each type of galvanizing has
This rope is used when the need for higher limits concerning wire diameter and also ten-
breaking strength is required. The bending sile strength. These limits are often not
quality of this rope is not as good as im- shown in catalogues due to the changes and
proved Plow (about 15% stronger than I m - improvements with research and new
proved Plow). technology.
Grade 110/120 Improved Plow (IPS) Corrosion Resistant Wires
This is the most commonly used wire rope. It Chromium-nickel steel alloyed ropes are
has good wear resistance, a high fatigue fac- usually made of type 302 or type 305 alloy.
tor and high tensile strength. Both types have military applications.
Phosphor Bronze and Copper Wires Regular Lay
These limited use ropes are corrosion resis- The wires in the strands are laid in one direc-
tant and non-sparking. Their applications are tion, while the strands in the rope are laid in
in hazardous industrial plants and marine the opposite direction. Therefore the wires
use. are able to withstand considerable crushing
Note: Check the applicable local author- and distortion due to the short length of ex-
ity for wire rope standards pertaining to posed wires. See illustrations #3 and #4.
elevators for construction, repair, and/or
rope replacement
Wire Rope Lays
Illustration#3 - Right Regular Lay
The term lay refers to the direction of winding
of both the wires in the strands and to the ac-
tual rope strands. The term also applies to
the actual design, of which there are two ba-
sic types. These are Regular Lay and Lang illustration #4- Left Regular Lay

Lay, as indicated in illustrations #3 and #5.

These in turn can be either right lay, left lay,
or a combination. Right or left lay is deter-
mined by the rotation of the strands as they
recede from the observer. Most wire rope is
manufactured right lay.
I 6
Lang Lay
lllustration #7 shows a right lay rope made of
The wires in the strands, and the strands in alternating strands of right regular lay and
the rope, are laid in the same direction. Lang right lang lay.
Lay rope should not be used for single part Rotation-Resistant
hoisting due to its tendency to unwind or un- There are several categories of this type of
ravel. Its biggest advantage is its resistance rope, but basically the outer layer and the in-
to abrasion. See illustrations #5 and #6. ner layer of strands are laid in the opposite di-
rection. The opposing torque from the right
hand lay and the left hand lay helps to pre-
vent rope rotation under load. See illustra-
lllustration #5 - Right Lang Lay tion #8.

A - Outer Strands
lllustration #6 - Left Lang Lay

B- Inner Strands

lllustration #8 - Rotation-Resistance
lllustration #7 Right Alternate Lay
RIGGING/WIREROPE Strand Classification 7
Strand Classification Classification No. of Strands Wires Per
Strands are grouped according to the num-
ber of wires per strand. The number of wires 6x 7 6 3 t o 14
and the pattern defines the rope's character-
istics. The wires in the strands can all be the
same size or a mixture of sizes.
There are many different strand pattern de-
sign classifications. Table #1 shows four - Wire Rope Classification Examples
Table #I
common wire rope classifications. In all Strand Examples
cases the number of strands is given, fol- Seale
lowed by the number of wires in each strand. One layer of wires is laid over a number of
The wires per strand indicate that a rope may small wires, with the same length and direc-
be chosen in one particular classification, 6 x tion of lay. The wires on the outer layers are
19, for example, but in that classification the supported in the valleys between the wires of
individual strand could have from 16 to 26
the inner layers. See illustration #9.
wires, depending on the use.
Table #2 shows several wire rope classifica-
tions and their common uses.
8 RIGGING/WIREROPE Strand Classification
One layer of wires is composed of alternating
large and small wires. The length of lay and
number of wires in each layer are equal. See
illustration # 1 0.

Illustration #1 1 - Filler

- Warrington
Illustration #10

Filler Construction Illustration #12 - Ordinary

The outer wires are supported by half their
number of main inner wires with an equal Strand Classification Examples
number of smaller filler wires. See illustra- 6 x 7 - This rope has large wires and is not
tion # 11. very flexible but has good abrasion resis-
tant qualities. It should be used on large
diameter sheaves and/or drums. It is
All the wires are the same size. See illustra- used for permanent guy-lines, ski tows
tion #12. and tramways.
RIGGING/WIREROPE Strand Classification 9
6 x 19 - This rope has the most diverse cranes where reverse bends and small
use. The wide range of wire arrange- sheaves exclude the use of non-rotating
ments give it excellent combinations for rope and usually require a higher design
both flexibility and abrasive wear. There (safety) factor.
can be from 8 to 12 outer wires in each
Classification Common Use
strand, and up to 26 total wires in each
strand. The more wires in a strand, the 6x7 Regular lay - guy lines
more flexible the wire rope. 6x19 Seale, regular lay mines,
6 x 37 - This rope will have 31 to 49 wires includinghoists
per strand. It is the most flexible, and Filler wire, regular lay -
therefore is commonly used on rnisc. hoists, derricks, cranes,
tackle blocks, mine hoists,
high-speed cranes, multiple reeving elevators
hoists, and also power shovels and Regular lay - hoists, traction
draglines. It is not commonly used where elevators
multiple drum layers are required be- 8x19 Spin resistant - hoists
cause of the tendency for wire crushing. having single line suspension
8 x 19 - This rope is more flexible than the
6 strand rope, but has poor abrasion re- Table #2 Common Wire Rope Uses

sistance, and it crushes and distorts eas-

ily. It is used on high-speed cranes with Rotation Resistant Wire Rope
multiple reeving. There are a wide variety of designs available
8 x 19 is available in spin-resistant de- for this type of rope, and each has its benefits
signs for applications such as tower and drawbacks.
10 RIGGING/WIREROPE Rotation Resistant Wire Rope
Several of the general classifications are: 3 More frequent inspection due to a ten-
strand - torque balanced, 8 strand - spin re- dency of inner wire breakage.
sistant, 19 strand rotation resistant, 35 Probably a lower listed strength.
strand - non-rotating. For each classifica- Strength affected by rotation. Rotation
tion, there are a number of strand under load can cause rope core slippage
combinations. where one layer of strands tighten (be-
The principle is that rope rotation is less- come shorter) while the other loosens
ened, or prevented, as the inner and outer (gets longer). Therefore one strand layer
strand layers are laid in opposite directions carries more load. See illustration # 1 4.
(left lay - right lay). See illustration #I 3.

lillestration #I4 - Rotation-Resistant Core Slippage

A higher design (safety) factor needed.

More crushing from multi-layer drum
Ends must be brazed or tightly seized to
lllustratisn #I3 - Rotation-Resistant Characteristics
prevent disturbance of the core or outer
The advantages of rotation resistant rope strands.
may be o f fset by some corn m o n Wedge sockets can cause rope core slip-
disadvantages: page due to their short bend radius.
RIGGING/WIREROPE Rotation Resistant Wire Rope 11
The following precautions are also needed: Some jurisdictions or companies may
Avoid disturbing the lay length. ha ve a higher design factor requirement
Avoid inducing twist into rope during han- Many types of rotation resistant rope are
dling and installation. Rope twist can be rated at approximately 85% tensile strength
caused by improper fleet angle, sheave of an equivalent size 6 x 19 improved plow
misalignment, poor spooling or improper rope. To be sure, check the rope being used
reeving. with the manufacturers data. The combina-
Avoid high loads with small diameter tion of a higher design factor and a lower
sheaves. tensile strength, reduces the working load
Maintain a tight rope on the drum by keep- limit (SWL).
ing tension on payoff reel when spooling. Note: Rotation resistant rope must be re-
Break in a new rope by running it through placed if there are two randomly distrib-
several cycles with a light load. uted broken wires i nsix rope diameters of
Design (Safety) Factor length; or four randomly distributed bro-
ken wires in thirty rope diameters; or one
Note: For crane equipped with rotation
outer wire broken at the interior contact
resistant wire rope, ANSI and most other point where the core and is protruding from
safety standards and regulations require
a minimum design (safety) factor of 5:1.
This doubles to 10: 1 when hoisting per- Open Swivels
s o n n e l . comparison, when using Generally, the 35 strand classification is the
or XIPS (extra improved plow), the factor only one where the continuous use of a
is 3.5: 1, and 7:1 for hoisting personnel. swivel is satisfactory for either single or multi-
ple part hoisting.
For safety reasons, swivels can be used
Rotation Resistant/PlasticEnhanced
contact produced from the rope being re-
for single line hoisting with 8 x 19, 19 x 7, peatedly bent around sheaves. Earlier types
and 19 x19 wire rope. However they must of plastic deteriorated quite quickly. How-
be properly used, have an adequate de- ever, research into new types of plastic has
sign factor and be inspected daily. resulted in some rope manufacturers using a
Swivels are sometimes used to relieve plastic that could double the number of rope
rope twist caused by installation and then usage cycles.
removed. They can be attached periodi- This enhanced plastic protects the inner
cally to relieve rope twist accumulated strand wires while supporting and protecting
during operation and then removed. the outer strand wires. See illustration # 15.
Consultthe Manufacturer
It is difficult to determine which type of rota-
tion resistant rope (if any) may be best for
single line, or multiple line hoisting. Instruc-
tions from a manufacturer or distributor
should be followed when selecting a rope
and making end connections.
Illustration #I5 - Plastic-Enhanced Wire Rope Cross Section
Plastic-Enhanced Wire Rope
Wire rope deterioration from broken wires Drum Crushing Resistant Wire
has been reduced considerably in recent Continuous winding of wire rope on and off a
years by placing a layer of plastic between drum results in excessive rope wear due to
the outer and inner layers of strands. This crushing from multiple layers, cross winding,
eliminates or reduces the metal to metal and improper tensioning.
RIGGING/WIRE ROPE Drum Crushing/Inspection 13
Some wire rope manufacturers have new it ensures that components will be re-
ropes using individual specifically shaped placed only when necessary,
wires and triangular shaped strands. They and it provides advance warning before
are designed to considerably reduce rope something breaks resulting in severe
wear from drums and sheaves. See illustra- damage.
tion # 16. Problems such as wear, metal fatigue, abra-
sion, corrosion, kinks, and improper block
reeving could have more influence on dictat-
ing the life of a wire rope than the breaking
strength factor based on new rope condition.
All wire rope should be inspected regularly.
The frequency will depend on the service
conditions. Wire rope in continuous service
or severe conditions should be inspected
Illustration#16- Drum Crushing Resistant
weekly (in some cases it should be inspected
Wire Rope Cross Sections daily), and also observed during normal op-
eration. For most other services it should
Wire Rope inspection have at least a monthly inspection.
Checking wire rope is one of the most impor-
The preferred method is to have one person
tant aspects of rigging equipment inspection. do the inspection and keep an inspection log,
Inspection serves several purposes:
listing dates, length of service, and any de-
it ensures safety, fects, as part of the regular routine
The decision on when to remove a wire rope complete revolution. Mark one strand on top
from service will always vary because of the of the rope, follow it around and mark the
working conditions, however items to con- strand again as it comes around to the top.
sider are: The straight point to point distance is the lay
The size, type, and frequency of lifts. length. See illustration # 17. Determining lay
The consequences of rope breakage in- length is one method used to check a rope for
cluding injury and damage. stretching.
The next inspection date.
One Rope Lay
The inspector must determine if the rope de-
terioration has reduced the rope strength
enough to cause a safety hazard. In continu-
ous service conditions where metal fatigue stration #17- One Lay Length
could be a factor, it may be beneficial to re-
place the wire rope on a regular basis regard- Lay length is also used when the bending arc
less of external appearance. of a wire rope around an object is measured
A wire rope must be totally inspected as wear in a certain number of lay lengths.
and deterioration could very well be in a lo- Wire Rope Stretch -Any new wire rope will
calized area. For example a rope cycling stretch when the initial load is applied. A new
back and forth on a sheave not properly rope is slightly oversize and this initial "con-
aligned will show localized wear. structional stretch" will bring it down to its ap-
Wire Rope Lay Length proximate correct nominal size. This stretch
The lay length of a wire rope is the straight is '1/2% to 3/4% for 6 strand fiber core, and 1 / 2 %
linear distance of one strand as it makes a for
to 6 sand wire core.
RIGGING/WIRE ROPE Wire Rope/Inspection 15
After the initial stretch, and a slight stretching measurements on a 6 strand rope and four
over time during normal wear, the rope will on an 8 strand rope. The correct and incor-
stretch at a quicker rate, which means it is rect methods are indicated in illustration # 19.
approaching the time for replacement. See il-
lustration # 18.
One Rope Lay

Normal Undamaged Rope

Stretched Rope With Increased Lay Length Illustration # 19 - Wire Rope Diameter Measuring

Illustration #18 -Wire Rope Stretching

Diameter Reduction - Any noticeable re-

Wire Rope Sizing duction in diameter is a serious deterioration
A wire rope is measured across the diameter problem. Diameter reduction could result
at its widest point. This is called measuring from One, Or a combination of several faults.
across the "crowns". Do not measure across See illustration #20.
the "flats". It is advisable to make three such
16 RIGGING/WIRE ROPE W Rope Inspection
Damaged See illustration #21 for inspection of wire
Strands bind and take
on an oval shape if
rope. The guidelines for rope replacement
the core has failed are shown in table #3.

heck Rope Condition at

The Lay Angle Decreases When the Core Fails

lllustration #20 - Wire Rope Diameter Reduction

The maximum wear for general purposes,

as well as EOT and mobile crane wire
ropes is: Watch for
Broken Wires

Broken Wires - The required removal of a
rope from service because of broken wires
will depend on how that particular rope is be-
ing used. Finding one broken wire (or sev-
eral widely spread) is usually not a problem.
Numerous breaks are a cause for concern
and require a closer inspection. Illustration #26 - Inspecting For Wire Breaks
RIGGING/WIRE ROPE Wire Rope Inspection 17
When To Replace Wire Rope Based On Number Of BrokenWires
Number Broken Wires in Number Broken Wires in
Running Ropes Standing Ropes
Standard Equipment One Rope In One Rope Connection
Strand or Adjacent
B30.2 Overhead and Gantry Cranes Not Specified
B30.3 Tower Cranes 12 4 2
Portal. Tower and Pillar Cranes 6 3 3
B30.5 Crawler, Locomotive 6 3 3 2
Truck Cranes
530.6 Derricks 6
B30.7 Base Mounted Drum Hoists 6
B30.8 Floating Cranes and Derricks 6
B30.16 Overhead Hoists Not Specified
A10.4 Personnel Hoists
0.5 Material Hoists 6** Not Specified Not Specified
**Also remove for 1 break.

Table - Wire Rope Broken Wires

18 ROPE Wire Rope I n s p e c t i o n
Broken wires are listed in four general cate- Abrasion -Wire rope winding over drums or
gories, which are: through sheaves will wear. The rope must be
Running ropes (exterior) replaced if the wear reduces the diameter to
Standing ropes (pendants, guylines). the limits specified on page 16 under "Diam-
Standing ropes (near fittings) eter Reduction". Watch for localized wear,
Running ropes (valley breaks). Any sign shown in illustration #22.
of breakage in the valley indicates an ab-
normal problem and the rope must be re- Section Through
Worn R o p e View of SingleStrand
3/6 Rule: A commonly followed practice for
rope replacement is the 3/6 rule, which is:
three broken wires in one strand, or six bro-
ken wires randomly distributed among all
strands, all within one lay length.
The problem with this rule is that a rope, sub-
jected to repeated bending cycles, could
have far more broken wires in the interior part
of the strands or in the core, than the rope ex- Illustration #22-Wire Rope Localized Wear

terior. This is due to the metal to metal con- Note: Replace rope if wire diameter wear
tact between the inner portion of the strands is 1/3 or more.
and the core.
RIGGING/WIRE ROPE Wire Rope Inspection 19
Crushed Strands -This condition is a result Some rope manufacturers are now making
of too many layers of rope wrapped on a wire rope with strands designed to be more
drum. The general recommendation is to resistant to drum crushing.
have no more than two layers on the drum,
especially if the rope is a type with many Corrosion -This problem is difficult to eval-
small wires, for example a 6 x 37. If more lay- uate, and it can be more serious than normal
ers are required, the rope should be a type wear as corrosion will often start inside the
which has fewer but larger wires and is more rope before it shows on the outside. A lack of
resistant to crushing, such as a 6 x 19; how- lubrication is usually the cause. Wire pitting
ever the drum diameter should be increased or severe rusting should mean immediate re-
as the rope is less flexible. Strand crushing is placement. Broken wires and corrosion can
also caused by cross winding, which is a re- be determined by magnetic particle testing.
sult of poor winding procedures when the
rope is wound in a pile in the middle of a
drum. See illustration #23. Kinks -Kinks are permanent distortions. Af-
ter a wire rope has been kinked it is impossi-
ble to straighten the rope enough to return it
to its original strength. The strands will not
have an equal load distribution at the
straightened kink. See illustration #24.
B) Scrubbing at Cross-Over or Flange Turnback

lllustration #23 - Wire Rope Damage From Drums

I 20 RIGGING/WIRE ROPE Wire Rope Inspection
Bird Caging - This torsional imbalance is a
result of mistreatment such as pulling
through tight sheaves, wound on too small a
drum, or sudden stops.
A sudden release of tension and rebound of
the rope from an overload condition results in
the strands not returning to their original po-
Illustration #24 -Wire Rope Kinking
sitions. See illustration #25.

Electric Arc -Wire rope that has been acci-

dentally (or purposely) used as a welding
ground, or has been in contact with a live
power line could have fused or annealed
wires and must be removed from service
Metal Fatigue - This wire rope problem is
usually caused by bending stress from re- illustration #25 - Wire Rope Bird Caging
peated passes over sheaves, or from vibra-
tion that may be encountered on crane Scrubbing -This is a wearing or displace-
pendants. Fatigue fractures can be either ex- ment of wires resulting from rubbing against
ternal or internal. A larger sheave or drum something.
size, or using a more flexible rope may in-
crease the rope life.
RIGGING/WIRE ROPE VVire Rope inspection 21
Protruding Core -Any rope damage result- Bending Fatigue - Repeated bending over
ing in a spreading of the strands with the core sheaves results in fatigue breaks in the indi-
bulging out means the rope should be re- vidual wires. These breaks are square and
placed. See illustration #26. are usually on the crown of the strand. See il-
lustration #28A.

Illustration #26 - Wire Rope Popped-Core

I- -

Localized Wear - This condition can be re- Illustration #28 - Wire Rope Bending Fatigue
duced with suitable cut-off practice. See il-
lustration #27. A wire rope subjected to heavy loads over
small sheaves results in the usual crown
breaks accompanied by breaks in the valleys
between the strands. The latter breaks are
caused by strand nicking. See illustration
Illustration #27 - Wire Rope Localized Wear #28B.
22 RIGGING/WIRE ROPE Wire Rope Inspection
Diagnostic Guide To Common Wire Rope Degradation
Mode Symptoms Possible Causes
Fatigue Wire break is transverse - either straight Check for rope bent around too small a radius; vibration or whipping;
across or Z shape. Broken ends will appear wobbly sheaves; rollers too small; reverse bends; bent shafts; tight
grainy. grooves; corrosion; small drums & sheaves; incorrect rope construction;
lmproper Installation; poor end terminations. (In the absence of other
modes of degradation, all rope will eventually fail i nfatigue.)
Tension Wire break reveals a mixture of cup and Check for overloads; sticky, grabby clutches; jerky conditions; loose
cone fracture and shear breaks. bearing on drum; fast starts, fast stops, broken sheave flange: wrong
rope size & grade; poor end terminations. Check for too . great a strain on
rope after factors of deqradation have weakened it
Abrasion Wire break mainly displays outer wires worn Check for change in rope or sheave size; change in load; overburden soft
smooth to knife edge thinness. Wire broken rollers, sheaves or drums; excessive fleet angle; misalignment of
by abrasion in combination with another sheaves; kinks; Improperly attached fittings; grit & sand; objects
factor will show a combination break. Imbedded i nrope; Improper qrooving
Abrasion plus Reduced cross-section is broken off square A long term condition normal to the operating process.
Fatique therebv producing a chisel shape.
Abrasion plus Reduced cross-section is necked down as A long term condition normal to the operating process.
Tension in a cup and cone configuration. Tensile
break produces a chisel shape.
Cut or Gouged Wire ends are pinched down, mashed Check on all the above conditions for mechanical abuse, or either
or Rough Wire and/or cut in a rough diagonal shear-like abnormal or accidental forces during installation.
Torsion or Wire ends show evidence of twist and/or Check on all the above conditions for mechanical abuse, or either
Twistinq cork-screw effect. abnormal or accidental forces durinq installation.
Mashing Wires are flattened and spread at broken Check on all the above conditions for mechanical abuse, or either
ends. abnormal or accidental forces durinq installation.
Corrosion Wire surfaces are pitted with break showing Indicates improper lubrication or storage, or a corrosive environment.
evidence either of fatigue tension or
Table #4- Wire Rope Diagnostic
RIGGING/WIRE ROPE Wire Rope Lubrication 23
Wire Rope Lubrication Depending on the type of service and the en-
A wire rope is lubricated during the manufac- vironment, at some point it is usually neces-
turing process. This provides the rope with sary to apply a lubricant to a wire rope under
protection for a reasonable time if the rope is working conditions. A light mineral oil can be
stored under proper conditions. When the used for lubrication. Never Use old crank-
wire rope is in service the initial lubrication Case oil. Several application methods are
will not be sufficient to last the lifetime of the shown in illustration #29-


Illustration #29 - Wire Rope Lubrication
24 RIGGING/WIRE ROPE Wire Rope Precautions
Wire Rope Precautions 8. The drums and sheaves must be of suffi-
1. Match the wire rope to the use, and in- cient diameter. The rope must spool prop-
spect it regularly. erly on the drum. Do not put excessive
2. Always apply the necessary design wire rope layers on any drum.
(safety) factor to any wire rope use. 9. Sheaves with worn or scored grooves,
3. Do not overload the rope and minimize broken rims, or faulty bearings should be
shock loading, especially in cold weather. replaced. Use the correct fleet angle.
Match the sheave with the rope size. Try
4. Exercise caution and increase the design to avoid reverse bends.
(safety) factor when there is a danger to
personnel, the conditions are abnormal, 10. Premature wear at a localized area is a
or the exact load weight is not known. common occurrence. This problem can
be reduced by regularly moving the rope
5. Use softeners on the corners of steel away from the wear point. On a drum,
edges, and do not drag a rope from under cutting a short section off the drum end of
a load. the rope can change cross-winding
6. Do not let a slack loop be pulled tight into a points and can also change an area of lo-
kink. A kink creates permanent damage. calized wear caused by a sheave. An-
7. Never use damaged wire rope. other option is to reverse the rope.
Cutting off a short section of a rope and
reconnecting it to a fitting can repair a
rope with broken wires near that fitting.
RIGGING/WIRE ROPE Wire Rope Seizing/Replacement 25
Wire Rope Seizing Seizing Size/Spacing
Seizing is a method of binding the end of a The length of each seizing should be be-
wire rope to prevent the wires and strands tween 1 and 1 1/2 times the rope diameter.
from unravelling. See illustration #30. The space between the seizing should be
Number of Seizings -
two times the diameter of the rope.
Method #1 Replacing Wire Rope
When replacing an old rope, contact the wire
rope distributor or manufacturer. The new
wire rope can be damaged if the proper
method and procedure is not followed.
Be aware that recent studies by wire rope
\ Method #2 manufacturers have shown that several of
the previously accepted replacement meth-
ods may result in the old rope faults, such as
rope twisting and jumped sheaves, being
Illustration #30 Wire Rope Seizing
transferred to the new rope. New methods of
joining the old and new rope for replacement
The number of seizings to be applied equals purposes are being developed to eliminate
approximately three times the diameter of this problem.
the rope in inches to the next whole number.
26 RIGGING/WIRE ROPE Wire Rope Unreeling
Wire Rope Unreeling
Unreeling and Uncoiling
The best way to lift a reel of wire rope is to
place an approved lifting device through the
center hole of the reel and connect it to slings
and a suitable hoist.
When removing wire rope from the shipping A - Uncoil by Hand
reel or coil, it is essential that the reel or coil
rotate as the rope unwinds. Attempting to re-
move a rope from a stationary reel or coil will
almost inevitably result in a tangled mess.
This easily results in a kinked rope, and the
rope will be ruined beyond repair at that
point. The correct methods are indicated in il-
lustration #31
Note :For information on wire rope and B - Uncoil on a Turntable
drum spooling see pages 115 to 123

illustration #31 - Uncoiling Wire Rope

RIGGING/WIREROPE Ultimate Load (Breaking Strength) 27
Wire Rope Ultimate Load Ultimate Load Examples
( Breaking Strength) Formulas Fiber Rope Core
' , inch fiber rope core-
One of the most important requirements to D2 x 42 = Ultimate Load
consider when selecting a wire rope is the ul- ' , x 'I2
1 x 42 = 42/4= 10.5
timate load (breaking strength). See table
Ultimate Load = 10.5 tons
#5. If a chart is not available, a "rule of
(chart value = 10.7 tons IPS)
thumb" formula can be used to give a close
Ultimate Load 2. Independent Wire Rope Core
Rule of Thumb Formula 1
' , inch independent wire rope core
D2 x 45 = Ultimate Load
Diameter squared multiplied by the ultimate
load (BS) of a one-inch diameter rope. ', x 1
1 ' , x 45 = 4514
= 11 -25 tons
Ultimate Load = 11.25 tons
UltimateLoad (BS) of 1 inch wire rope (chart value = 11.5 tons IPS)
x 42 (fiber core improved plow) All ultimate load formulas are based on a di-
6 x 19 x 1 inch fiber core rope has an ultimate ameter of one inch and in a tonnage ratio.
load (breaking strength) of 42 tons. Note: Remember rule of thumb formulas
(chart reading = 41.7 tons - IPS). can only give a close approximation, not
LF x 45 (wire core improved plow) the exact value and only apply to new or
6 x 19 x 1 inch independent wire core rope undamaged rope.
(IWRC) has an ultimate load (breaking
strength) of 45 tons. (chart rating 44.8 tons
RIGGINGMIWE ROPE Ultimate Load (Breaking Strength)

Table #5 - Wire Rope Nolminal Strengths

RIIGGINGNIRE ROPE Working Load Limit (WLL) 29
Working Load Limit (WLL) or For example, a one inch IPS core wire rope
Safe working Load (SWL) has an ultimate load of 45 tons
Most hoisting jobs use a Working Load Limit The design (safety) factor is 5.1.
(Safe Working Load) based on a 5 : l design 45 tons + 5 = 9 tons WLL (SWL)
(safety) factor of the wire rope breaking Note: See table #6 for an example of a safe
strength. The 5 : l factor also applies to most working load chart
rigging hardware when calculating the load Note: Mobile Crane Design (Safety) Fac-
- weight and equipment required for a hoisting tors: The various wire ropes on mobile
job. This factor should go higher if there is a cranes generally have different factors
possibility of injury or death due to breakage. applied to them than the usual 5:1 (or
For example elevators, which are usually higher) factor applied to the slings and
based on a 20:l factor. Critical lifts with a hardware on the actual load. These crane
danger to personnel should be calculated on factors are specified as a minimum by
a 10:l factor. If using an ultimate load ANSI, OSHA, and CSA. Cranes operating
(breaking strength) chart calculate the WLL under various jurisdictions or require-
(SWL) as follows: ments may have to be equipped with
Ultimate (Breaking) Strength higher factor wire rope.
Design (Safety) Factor
I 30 RIGG1NGNiWE ROPE Working Load Limit (WLL)
The minimum factors for cranes are:
@ Conventional type boom when boom
being raised from horizontal:
3: 1 for boom hoist line;
25: 1 for pendant lines.
@ Conventional type boom with load:
3.5: 1 for boom hoist line;
3: 1 for pendant lines;
3.5:1 for main load hoist line and jib or
whip line.
Hydraulic boom with load:
3: 1 for standing boom or jib lines;
3 3 1 for main load hoist line, jib or
whip line.
For rotation resistant wire rope used
on live or running lines, the minimum 1118 9.70 10.42 10.60 11.38
1 I14 12.00 12.90 13.10 14.1
design factor is 51. 1 3/8 14.70 15.80 , 16.20 , 17.40

Table #6 - Wire Rope Working Load Limits (SWL)

RIGGINGNVIRE ROPE Rule of Thumbl Efficiency 31
Wbh. Rule of Thumb Wire Rope Efficiency
A rule of thumb formula can be used to find A wire rope that bends around a sheave has
the approximate WLL (SWL) for IWRC rope. less strength compared to a straight pull
The general rule of thumb formula is: rope. The larger the bending diameter, the
D2 x 45 -+ 5 = load in tons more strength or efficiency the rope will
This load is based on a Design (Safety) have. The efficiency for most 6 x 19 and 6 x
Factor of 5 37 rope is shown in table #7. The same con-
dition applies to a wire rope sling bent around
Example 1:
the hook of a crane block, a shackle, or a
'I2inch wire rope pipe.
'I* x '12 x 45 -+ 5
Divide the sheave, hook, or pipe diameter by
= 9/4 = 2 'I4tons WLL (SWL)
the rope diameter to find a ratio (Dld). Then
Example 2: find the closest ratio in table #7. if the ratio
3/4 inch wire rope that is worked out doesn't match the table,
3/4 X 3/4 X 45 -+- 5 use the next smallest table ratio number.
= 9116x 9 = 81/16 = 5.1 tons WLL (SWL) Example:
Note: These formulas cannot be used 8 inch snatch block
with metric measurements.
7/8 inch wire rope I
Ratio = 8 inch -+- 7/8 = 9.14
The ratio is 9.14.
The closest table #6 ratio is 8 , and the wire
rope strength, or efficiency, is 83%.
32 RIGGINGANIRE ROPE Rule of Thumb/ Efficiency
From table #5, a 7/8 inch improved plow rope
is rated at 34.6 tons. With an efficiency of
83%, the rating is lowered to 28.7 tons.
A ratio of 1, which means a wire rope bent
sheavelrope Efficiency around an equal size diameter (such as a 1
diameter compared to inch sling and a 1 inch shackle pin) reduces
catalog the rope efficiency to 50%.
Strength In comparison, a ratio of 40 (a 1 inch rope
around a 40 inch sheave), has an efficiency
of 95%. Wire rope manufacturers indicate
that any bend will cause a strength reduction.
Therefore with anything other than a straight
pull, the maximum rope strength will never
be rated at 100%.
Note: The working load limit (SWL) of
wire rope is shown in table #6. The ulti-
mate load (breaking strength) of lWRC
rope is shown in table #5.
I -
Table #7 Rope Bending Efficiency
RIGGINGISLINGS Sling Identification/Sling Design Factor 33
Sling Identification Tags Note: When referring to slings, the "Rated
In 2001 it became a requirement that all Load" is the maximum a110wable working
slings, including wire rope, synthetics, metal load established by the sling manufac- (

mesh, or chain, manufactured under turer. The terms "Rated Capacity" and
ANSIIASME guidelines, must have an identi- "Working Load Limit" are commonly
fication tag. This tag must include the used to describe Rated Load in place of
following: the older terminology of "Safe Working
@ Name or trademark of the manufacturer Load".
@ Diameter or size of the sling Sling Design (Safety) Factor
@ Type of material used As a result of the excessive abuse of slings
@ Rated load for a given type of hitch due to overloading, abrasion, crushing, kink-
@ Lift angle upon which the load rating is ing, and impact loading, a design (safety)
based factor must be applied to every lift. A com-
Note: Sling characteristics are regulated mon factor is 5: 1, although this can vary de-
by ANSlB30.9 and CSA. pending upon the application.
Note: In the USA, users of alloy chain, Some specific engineered lifts may have a
wire rope, metal mesh, and ALL types of design (safety) factor lower than 5:1, how-
synthetic slings should refer to ANSI ever most factors that are not 5:1 will be
830.9 for training parameters. These in- higher. Design (safety) factors that are 6: 1,
clude sling selection, inspection, cau- 8:1,10:1 or higher are not uncommon.
t i o n s t o personnel, effects of
environment, and rigging practices, ef-
fective in 2003.
34 RIGGING/SLINGS Sling Hitches/Bridle
Rule of Thumb WLL (S WL)
The rule of thumb formula to find the working
load limit (safe working load) for a wire rope
sling is:
D2 x 45 5 = WLL (SWL) in tons)
Example: 1/2 inch IWRCsling
2.25 tons WLL (SWL)
This is based on a 5:1 design (safety) factor,
however be aware that many sling chart
numbers are based on a 6:1 factor, and wire
rope sling charts should be based on 95% of
the actual rope ultimate strength. Illustration#32 - Single Illustration#33 - 2 Leg
Vertical Hitch Bridle Hitch
Types of Sling Hitches Bridal Hitch
Single Vertical Hitch A bridle hitch can be made up of a number of
The total weight of the load is supported by a legs, usually 2, 3or 4. See illustration #33 for
single sling leg, therefore the load weight can a two leg bridle.
equal the working load limit (safe working A bridle hook-up with 2 legs can be straight-
load) of the sling, as shown in illustration #32 forward. However a non-symmetrical load,
The load might need a tag line for control. as shown in illustration #34, requires the
hook to be positioned over the center of
0 @ @ @ $ @ ~ ~ $ ~ @ 8 # @ ~ ~ @ 0 0 @ e ~
RIGGINGISLINGS Sling Hitches/Bridle 35
Note: Some companies require a full
length back up sling for a sling leg with an
Note: When using a multi-branch sling,
the rating shown for the single sling shall
not be exceeded for any branch of the
multiple branch sling bridle hitch.
A bridle with 3 legs will
result in uneven sling
leg loading if not prop-
erly hooked. See illus-
Illustration #34 - Non-Symmetrical Bridle Hitch tration #35.
Some type of adjustment method is needed
to increase or decrease one leg length to
If the pickup points are
not evenly spaced
keep the load level. and the sling legs are
not the same length,
On lighter loads a turnbuckle, come-a-long, the load distribution
or chain fall can be used, however the last will have the majority
two are not recommended as a number of of the load on two legs
factors including shock loading, extreme while the third leg will
sling lifting angles, or unknown weights could only act as a
overload the hardware. Getting the proper Illustration #35 - 3 Leg
adjustment is usually not easy. Bridal Hitch
36 RIGGING/SLINGS Sling Hitches/Bridle
A bridle with four sling legs, as shown in illus- Factors such as different sling leg lengths,
tration #36, is usually not as simple as it ap- stretched sling legs, position of lifting lugs,
pears. Several factors can often apply to position of sling eyes in the lifting hook, and a
make equal leg loading difficult or impossi- twisted, warped or uneven structure, can
ble. It is not unusual to have three legs (or change the loading of sling legs.
possibly only two) carrying the weight, while See tables #8, #9, # 1 0 for bridle sling exam-
the third (or third and fourth) balance the ple capacities based on improved plow wire
load. Sling manufacturers may rate a four leg rope,
bridle the same as a three leg, or a two leg. Note: u s i n g a four leg bridle,
OSHA/OCHS standards require the load
to be calculated using three legs.
Note: Multiple loads (e.g. structural steel
components) are not permitted during
one lift without using an approved hoist-
ing assembly. (Check with the local
OSHA/OCHS office).
Note: Angles shown in tables #8, #9, #10
are horizontal angles.
Note: Sling WLL (S WL) in tables #8, #9,
#10 is based on 6 to 1 design (safety)
Illustration#36 - 4 Leg Bridal Hitch
@ 0 ~ 8 8 ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ 8 0 8 0 #
RIGGINGISLINGS Sling HitchesIBridle 37
Two Part Bridal Sling Three Part Bridle Sling

3 Legs
3 Legs

I v8
I 31~
1 5/8
1 3/4
1 7/8
2 1 91,380 1 174,600 52,760 1 Table #9 -Three Part Bridle Sling Working Load Limits
Table #8 - Two Part Bridle Sling Working Load Limits
38 RIGGING/SLINGS Sling Hitches Bridle/Basket
Part Bridle Basket Hitch
A basket hitch for supporting a load is shown
in illustration #37A. The Dld ratio is the load
Rope S.W.L. diameter divided by the sling (wire rope) di-
4 Legs 4 Legs 4 Legs ameter. To have the full basket hitch sling
Inches Pounds Pounds Pounds
load rating, the Dld ratio must be 25 :I for im-
proved plow and extra improved plow wire
'14 3,200 2,600 I1850
ropes, or 20: 1 for extra-extra improved plow.
3 ~ 8 7,000 5,700 4,000
'12 13,000 10,500 7,500
5/8 19,500 15,800 11,200
314 28,000 22,900 17,000
7 ~ 8 37,800 31,000 21,800
1 49,200 40,100 28,300
1'18 57,800 47,000 33,300
11'4 72,000 58,500 41,500
I 87,700 71,700 50,600
'2 106,000 86,600 61,000
Table # I 0 - FOU; Part Bridle Sling Working Load Limits

Illustration #37 - Basket Hitch

40 RIGGING/SLINGS Sling Hitches/Basket
Note: Table #12 load limits are calculated rated at 200% if the legs are vertical and the
on improved plow steel 6 x 19 LW.R.C. Dld ratio is 25:1 (or 20:1 depending on the
from 1/411diameferto 1" diameter inclusive material grade), and the choker hitch is rated
and improved plow steel 6 x 37 I . W . R . C . up to 75% (depending on the choke angle).
from 1 diameter to 2" diameter What load condition applies to a basket to
inclusive give the full 200% rating?
Determining Basket Hitch Values The answer to this is often somewhat dis-
Most sling chart tables give three basic val- torted, as depending on the load, a true bas-
ues, which are a single vertical hitch, a bas- ket shape is often not being lifted. For
ket hitch, and a choker hitch. The vertical example, a sling wrapped around a rectan-
hitch capacity is the basis for the other two. A gular load with square corners is not a true
vertical hitch (illustration #38A) is rated at basket as the load corners cause a shearing
et hitch (illustration #38B) is effect on the sling. A true basket also re-
quires a full 180 degree support from the half
circle of the load and it must have a sufficient
D/d ratio.
The use of flat synthetic or chain slings
makes the basket D/d ratio difficult to estab-
lish, as the flat synthetic or chain sling capac-
ity would have to be compared to an
equivalent capacity wire rope sling. Then the
equivalent wire rope diameter is divided by
Illustration#38 - Vertical, Basket and Choker Values the load diameter to get a D / dratio.
RIGGING/SLINGS Sling Hitches/Basket 41
Note: Always remember, the tighter the Double Wrap Basket Hitch
bending radios, the less capacity the This basket hitch is wrapped completely
sling will have. around the load, rather than just supporting
Double Basket Hitch it.
This is a method of supporting a load using it is excellent for pipe and tubing as it exerts a
two single basket hitches. Do not use this full 360 degree contact and pulls the load to-
hitch on loads that are difficult to balance a gether. See illustration #40 for an example of
the load could shift and slip out of the sling two double wrapped basket hitches.
(see illustration #39).
Do not spread the slings too far apart as the
angle will create extra load on the sling legs.

Illustration#39 - Double Basket Witch Illustration #40 -Two Double Wrapped Basket Hitches
42 RIGGING/SLINGS Sling Hitches/Choker
Choker Hitch Single Choker Hitch
A choker hitch is rated at 75% of a single ver- A choker hitch tightens somewhat as the
tical hitch. However the capacity could be load is lifted due to the noose formed at the
less than 75% depending upon the angle of point of choke. See illustration #42. However
choke. See illustration #41 and table #13. the single choker hitch does not provide full
360 degree contact with the load and should
not be used to lift loose bundles. A more se-
cure method is a double wrap choker, where
the choker hitch is in full contact with the load
as the sling end is wrapped completely
around the load before it is hooked into the
vertical part of the sling. A double wrap
choker is more suitable when lifting a bundle
of loose material.

lllustration #41 - Choker

Angle of Choke Sling Leg Capacity

of Single Vertical Hitch
- 75%
90" - 65%
60" - 90" 55%
30" - 60" 40%
Table # 1 3- Choker Hitch Capacity
Illustration #42 - Single Choker Hitch
Double Choker Hitches The double choker hitch does not provide full
The double choker hitch is made up of two 360 degree contact with the load and should
single chokers that are spread out and at- not be used to lift loose bundles.
tached to the load, making the load more sta- An extra wrap around the load, creating two
ble. The hooks must be pointing out, as double wrap chokers should be used when
indicated in illustration #43A. lifting long bundles of loose material, such as
pipe or tubing (see illustration #43B).
ers Note: Two slings in a double choker hitch
configuration illustration #43)will have a
reduced lifting capacity as compared to
two choker hitches each lifting straight
up. The reduced capacity depends upon
the lifting angle.
Hooking Back on Choked Slings
Hooking back when choking a load with one
sling should be avoided as it creates extra lo-
calized stress in the sling.
When a load is choked and tension is applied
to the sling the two portions of the choker
coming off the load have a natural tendency
to lift up to as high an angle as possible. See
illustration #43 - Double Choker Hitch illustration #44A.
44 Sling Hitches/Choker/BraidedSlings
A very common occurrence for the person
hooking up the load is to grab whatever is
nearby and pound the eye down as close as
possible to the load. See illustration #44B.
This creates an extremely low sling angle
and creates extra localized stress in the
sling. See illustration #44C.
A similar situation applies to round loads
such as pipe, as the sling angle triangle is
also formed from the pipe points of tangency.
See illustration #44D.
Note: Do not force the choked eye down
close to the load, and never create an an-
gle less than 30 degrees to the horizontal.
Wire Rope Braided Slings
Braided slings are made up of many small di-
Create an ameter wire ropes (usually 6 or 8) braided to-
Less Than gether to form one large sling, see illustration
#45. The sling has greater flexibility than one
large diameter rope and does not kink easily.
They are used in high capacity lifts.

Illustration#44 - Hooking Back with Chokers

RIGGING/SLINGS Braided/SyntheticWeb Slings 45
Nylon resists most alcohols, aldehydes, al-
kalis, and hydrocarbons, but it is not recom-
mended for use around acids. Polyester can
be used in acidic conditions. Nylon has a
10% stretch factor, while polyester has a
lower stretch factor.
Both nylon and polyester can be used in tem-
peratures up to 200 degrees F.

6-Part Braided Sling

Illustration #45 - Braided Slings
8-Part Braided Sling
Synthetic Slings
Synthetic Web Slings: offer good protec-
tion for machined parts, are non-sparking,
light weight and flexible. It is a flexible flat
sling that has the ability to hug the load and
keep it more secure from slippage, as indi-
cated in illustration #46. This sling is usually
made of nylon or polyester, however other
illustration #46 - Synthetic Web Sling
materials are available.
46 RIGGING/SLINGS Braided/Svnthetic Web Slings
Rigging hardware, for example rings and Name of Manufacturer Type of Sling Material
shackles, is available to use with web slings
(see the hardware section). The flat shape of 0
the hardware is more suited to these slings Choker Vertical Basket
20,000 .
than the usual curved types. Any folding, 0

bunching or pinching in a standard shackle

will reduce the rated load of a synthetic sling.
Note: Check with a reputable safety sys- -
Illustration #47 Synthetic Sling Identification Example
tems distributor for the proper sling ma-
terial used with specific hazardous Note: Synthetic slings are manufactured
products. in single and double ply. The double ply
capacity ranges from 140% to 200% that
Note: Synthetic slings must be removed of a single ply, depending upon sling type
from service if any of the following condi- and hook up.
tions are present. acid or caustic burns;
melting or charring of any surface part; Edge protectors are available. They are the
snags, punctures, tears, or cuts; broken sewn-in, sliding, and replaceable types.
stitches; distorted fittings; or the colored Synthetic web slings are identified by a Type
core warning yarns are showing. Number, and they are available in a number
Note: All sling types, including synthetic of eye configurations. See illustration #48.
web s l i n g must have the proper
identification to show the name of the See Section Twelve - Appendix for a web
manufacturer, the rated load, and the type sling chart and a metal mesh chart.
of materialused. See illustration#47.
48 RIGGING/SLINGS Synthetic Grades/Roundslings
Synthetic Web Sling Grades Synthetic Roundslings: are flexible light-
Although most web slings look similar to the weight slings made up of load carrying fibers
untrained eye, they can vary in capacity for covered " with a tough non-load carrying
several reasons. cover. They are very flexible with limited
Number of plies stretch. Normal cover wear does not affect
Grade of webbing material the strength, and wear points can be moved
Efficiency of sewing around. A safety feature is that the cover will
Be aware that a double ply web sling may not rip when the sling is overloaded and
necessarily have twice the capacity of a sin- over-stretched.
gle ply.
Web slings are available in three grades of
webbing, and their rating is based on the effi-
ciency of the sewing.
The WLL of a sling is based on the formula:
Material breaking strength x efficiency of
sewing design (safety) factor Illustration #49 - Synthetic Roundsling Example

Note: Always refer to the sling identifica- Note: Always refer to the roundsling ID
tion tag for the sling capacity.If the tag is tag, Due to the wide number of manufac-
missing, do not use the sling. turers, there may be discrepancies in
sizes and capacities, and color coding of
round slings may not be standardized.
0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 m 0 ~ m 0 0 a 0 0 0 a ~ a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~
RIGGING/SLINGS New Synthetic Sling Types 49
New Synthetic Sling Types This sling only weighs about 60 pounds while
Twin Type: is one of the newest designs in a wire rope sling of equal capacity weighs ap-
slings. It is constructed using two roundsling proximately 600 pounds.
types encased in an outer cover. See illustra- Some of the other features of this sling type
tion #50 for an end view example. include:
Fiber-optic tell-tales: installed with both
ends near the identification tag. A light
Outer and Inner Covers
are Different Colors shining through one end is visible at the
other end. No light coming through could
Kevlar Type Yarns indicate damage and it should be re-
moved from service.
Load carrying yarns never come in con-
tact with load. Outer cover material about
Illustration #50 Twin-Type Sling
4 times more durable than polyester.
Two inner bundles are covered in a differ-
This sling type is made of fibers from a kevlar ent colored material than the outer cover
type material which has a better weight to to provide an instant alert for damage.
strength ratio than steel. For comparison Has overload indicator "tails" that are
purposes, one example is a type of 35 foot readily seen, but shrink and disappear
endless sling used in a basket configuration when the sling is overloaded (illustration
that has a capacity of 140,000 pounds. #51)
50 RIGGING/SLINGS Twin Slings/Angles on Sling Tables
Angles Shown on Sling Tables
Every sling manufacturer creates tables for
their product to list the working load limit
(safe working load). However, the tables do
not all have a consistent format, especially
when referring to the angle involved, which
may be either the horizontal angle or the ver-
tical angle (see illustration #52).
Illustration #51 - Twin-Type Sling

Should not recoil at break, thereby reduc-

ing or eliminating the whiplash effect
characteristic of chain, wire rope, and
synthetic rope.
The sling is actually two separate slings in Horizontal Angles x
one, with each making its own hook to Vertical Angles
load connection.
Available in a continuous loop sling, two
leg bridle sling with hardware, and eye Included
and eye sling, Angle

lllustration #52- Horizontal and Vertical Angles

RIGGING/SLINGS Angles on Tables/Lifting Angles 51
This can cause confusion, especially with the The three included angles of a triangle al-
60 degree horizontal angle, which is safe; ways add up to 180 degrees. The angle
compared to the 30 degree horizontal angle, formed by the line straight down from the
which is not safe. See illustration #52 for hook and out to the load will be 90 degrees,
clarification of angles. while the other two angles combined will be
A triangle is formed by a line straight down 90 degrees. If one of the angles is known the
from the hook to the load and a line from the other can be calculated. If one angle is 45 de-
hook out to the sling hook-up point. See il- grees, then the other must be 45 as well. If
lustration #53. The three angles that are one angle is 25 degrees, the other must be
formed always equal 180 degrees. 65.
Sling Lifting Angles
The load imposed on each leg of a bridle
sling configuration depends upon the angle
to the horizontal formed by the legs lifting the
load. Two vertical slings lifting a 1000 pound
weight will each carry a load of 500 pounds.
See illustration #54B.
When the sling legs are pulled together into a
common hook, each sling leg will have a load
increase. This sling leg load increase is often
not realized by the person hooking up the
Illustration #53 - Angles in a Triangle load.
RIGGING/SLINGS Safe Lifting Angle/Sling Leg Loading
At a 60" angle (illustration #54C), the sling From this point, the load on each sling leg in-
leg load is 115%. When the sling angle low- creases rapidly. If the angle could be lowered
ers to the sling leg load is increased to to the load on each sling leg would be
141% (illustration #54D), and at a 30" angle 5745 pounds, which is almost 6 times the ac-
the sling load increases to 200% (illustration tual load weight.
#54E). In other words, at the load on
each sling leg is equal to the actual load

Illustration #54 - Various Sling Angle Loads

RIGGING/SLINGS Safe Lifting Angle/Sling Leg Loading 53
Recommended Safe Lifting Angle The center of the load is determined either by
The recommended SAFE lifting angle for using a tape measure or by laying the sling
sling legs is to the horizontal (the mini- across the load. Then the two pick up points
mum lifting angle should be 45" or higher). are marked.
The 60" angle can be determined by using Sling Leg Loading
the actual sling or choker for measuring. Illustration #56 shows a 2,000 pound load
Lifting at a 60" angle creates an equilateral carried by two vertical slings (only one-half
triangle, where all three sides are the same the load and one vertical sling is illustrated).
length. See illustration #55. The loading on one sling leg as it is moved
out to different hookup angles is shown. In a
vertical lift one sling carries 1,000 ib (one-half
the load weight). When the sling is at a 5"
horizontal angle the load on one sling leg is
11,490 lb, or nearly 6 times the load weight.
Table #14 shows the Load Angle Factor that
matches the applicable sling leg lifting angle.

Illustration #55 - Using Sling to Determine Lift Points

Illustration #56 - Sling Leg Loading Increases 90" 1 1.OOO

Table # I 4 - Horizontal Sling


[email protected]@0@000000
RIGGING/SLINGS Calculating Sling Load 55
Calculating Sling Load
Riggers Rule Formula (1)
With this method, the sling length (L), is di-
vided by the vertical height from the hook to
the load (V). See illustration #57. This gives Height
the load angle factor. Multiple the factor by
the load weight and divide the answer by two
for a two-leg sling. This gives the load on
each sling leg. The load angle factors relate
to those shown in table # 14.
(a) Sling length = 96 inches,
vertical height = 61 inches, Weight (W)
weight = 9500 pounds. Illustration #57 - Sling Load Formula
(b) 96 61 = 1.57 factor 9500 2 Note: Measure the lengths in inches for
= 7457 pound (3.7 ton) sling load.
closer accuracy. If the lengths are mea-
Using a 5 to l the required sling sured in feet and rounded off to a half foot
size would be 3/4 inch wire rope (page 30, ta- the answer will only be approximate.
ble #6) or the equivalent web sling.
56 RIGGING/SLINGS Calculating Sling Load
Riggers Rule of Thumb Formula (2) Note: The load, the hook-up points, and
Another version of this formula is as follows: the sling lengths most be symmetrical for
W L the previous two formulas to be used.
Note: The above two formulas work for
T = tension per leg in pounds any number of sling legs but it is strongly
W = weight in pounds recommended that the formula be only
= number of legs used for two legs, as there is no way of
= sling length in inches (or feet) knowing that each leg is carrying an
V = vertical height in inches (or feet) equal share of the load. With an inflexible
Example: load and more than two legs, it is possible
W = weight = 15,000 pounds to have all the weight on only two legs.
= no. of legs = Load Angle Factors
= vertical height= 10 feet, 4 inches The "riggers rule" formula ( 1 ) in which the
= sling length = 16 feet sling length is divided by the vertical hook to
15000 load length (W)gives the "load angle fac-
tor". The factor numbers with the horizontal
2 10.33 20.66 sling angles are shown in the table # 14 por-
Tension per leg = 11,600 or 5.8 tons tion of illustration #56. By using the table the
Using a 5 to safety factor, the required sling rigger will know the lifting angle.
would be inch wire rope or equivalent. Two lift angle examples are shown in illustra-
tion #58.
RIGGING/SLINGS Calculating Sling Load 57
Illustration #58A example:
The sling length is 72 inches, and the vertical
height is 60 inches.
Divide 72 by 60(72 + 60) = 1.2. This is the
horizontal load angle factor.
From table # 14,factor 1.2is between 55 and
60 degrees. The lift angle is about 57 de-
grees, and a safe lifting angle.
72/60 = 1.2
Illustration #588 example:
The sling length is 72 inches, and the vertical
height is 45 inches. Illustration#58 - Lift Angle Examples
1 . Divide 72 by 45 (72 45) = 1.6. This is
the horizontal load angle factor. Calculating Sling Load Angles
2. From table # 1 4, factor 1.6is between 35 in a somewhat similar, but more complicated
and 40 degrees. The lift angle is about 37 version of formula (1) and formula (2),the
degrees, and is considerably less than load on each sling leg of a symmetrical 2 leg
what is considered a safe angle. bridle can be found by dividing the distance
between hook-up points by the sling length,
and then referring to table #15.See illustra-
tion #59.
RIGGING/SLINGS Calculating Sling Load 59
Method B: Example 2:
1. If the horizontal sling angle is known, look On a 12 ton load, two 10 foot slings are used
up the angle in column (Z). (distance (L), and the hook-up distance be-
2. Go to the (Y) column and select the num- tween them is 12 feet (distance D).
ber beside the (Z) column (sling angle). Divide 12 by 10 (12 10) = 1.2
3. Multiply the load weight by the (Y) column Using table #15, look for the closest num-
number to get the sling leg load. ber to 1.2 in column (X). It is between 1 . I 5
Example 1: and 1.29. Use the higher number, which is
On an 8 ton load, two 14 foot slings are used 1.29.
(distance L), and the hook-up distance be- Select the number from the (Y) column be-
tween them is 20 feet (distance D). side the 1.29. It is 0.66. Multiply 12 tons by
a. Divide 20 by 14 (20 14) = 1.43. 0.66 = 7.92.
b. Using table #15, look for the closest num- Therefore the load on each sling is 7.9 tons,
ber to 1.43 in column (X). It is 1.42. or 15,800 pounds and the horizontal lift angle
c. Select the number from the (Y) column is slightly more than 50 degrees.
beside the 1.42. It is 0.71. Multiply 8 tons
by 0.71 = 5.68.
Therefore the load on each sling is 5.7 tons,
or 11,400 pounds and the horizontal angle is
slightly under 45 degrees.
60 RIGGING/SLINGS C of G/Unequal Sling Length Loading
Unequal Sling Lengths Note: A load rigged with the hook not po-
Centering a Load sitioned directly over the center of gravity
will always swing when lifted. This imme-
When selecting slings for a lift, the main con-
diately changes the load distribution on
siderations are load weight, load size and the
the slings. In almost every instance one
center of gravity of the load. Estimate the
sling will be carrying more than 50% of
center of gravity and spot the hook directly
the weight Always attach the slings to
over it. See illustration #60.
the load with the hook directly over the
center of gravity. An improperly rigged
load could tip or overload one sling.

Center of Gravity (Non-Symmetrical)

A two sling non-symmetrical load example is
shown in illustration #61. The sling load will
be different on each side and the center of
gravity will be off-center.
1. Calculate the size and weight of section A
(8,000 lbs.) and its center of gravity
(CG1). Then calculate the size and weight
of section B (16,000 lbs.) and its center of
gravity (CG2).
illustration #60 - Center of Gravity
RIGGING/SLINGS C of G/Unequal Sling Length Loading 61
2. The combined weight is 24,000 lbs.
16,000 divided by 24,000 = 66.7%.
3. A line is drawn joining CG1 and CG2. It
measures 10.2 feet. The combined center
of gravity is located at a point on this line.
The point will be 66.7% of the 10.2 feet,
and is 6.8 feet from CG1. Therefore the
combined center of gravity is 6.8 feet from
CG1. The hook will have to be located
above this newly established C of G point.

Finding the center of gravity of an irregular

shaped load is usually not easy, but if the
hook is not centered over the C of G the load
will swing until the C of G is under the hook.
This changes the sling loading. The load can
be kept horizontal by changing the sling Illustration#61 - Finding Center of Gravity
62 RIGGING/SLINGS C of G/Unequal Sling Length Loading
Incorrect Formula for Non-Symmetrical This is done by using the standard rig-
Slings gers rule formula twice, once for one side
Note: Attempts are often made to simplify and again for the other, using two sets of
the sling load calculations for each side different sling lengths and heights, see il-
of a non-symmetricall ~ & ,with one at- lustration #62 This method is not accu-
tachment point higher than the other. rate, especially with extreme load
distributions, such as a module with a
heavy pressure vessel on one end and
only miscellaneous structural steel and
piping on the other end.
The other incorrect method uses the two
different load angle factors rn ultiplied by
a percentage of the load weight (calcu-
lated by the center of gravityposition).

Illustration #62 - Incorrect Sling Load Formula

RIGGING/SLINGS C of G/Unequal Sling Length Loading 63
Correct Non-Symmetrical Sling Formula Non-Symmetrical Sling Example
A much more accurate formula to calculate 24,000
sling load is: (Sling A) L2 = 12 (Sling B)
Load x
Sling A =
= 22.8 162 = 10.9
Load x 2400 x 5 x 29.7
Sling = Sling A =
5 x 22.8 + 1 x 10.9
Sling A =
LOAD X D 321
Sling A tension 1,099
LOAD X D Load x
Sling =

Sling =
5 x 22.8 19 0.9
Sling = 5,472,000
Sling tension = 17,041
Note: Irregular shaped loads can create
unexpected sling loads. Always use a
illustration - Non-Symmetrical Load Formula
minimum 5: safety factor for the rigging.
64 Sling Shock Loading
Sling Shock Loading Sling Shock Load Example
When the main hoist line is shock loaded, if a 15% shock load is added to the main hoist
which may happen through rapid lowering line, the load is increased from 20,000 ibs to
and a sudden stop, or by having a load snag 23,000 ib. With the sling legs set at a wide an-
on something and then come free, the shock gle, a small shock load could be magnified to
load is magnified in the sling legs. In illustra- 40% Or more. A 40% increase to the sling
tion #64, a 20,000 lbs load is rigged with two legs Puts their load at 28,000 lbs. each.
slings set at a 30 degree angle. Because of If the person who rigged the load was not fa-
the angle, each sling leg carries 20,000 lbs of miliar with sling load increases because of
load without any shock loading, while the angles, the assumption would be that each
main hoist line still has the 20,000 lbs load. sling would carry half the weight and have a
10,000 lb. load. A design (safety) factor of 5:1
applied to the equipment under this miscon-
ception would be cut to 2%:1 with a static
load at 20,000 lb. If the 40% shock load hap-
pens, the safety factor for the sling is reduced
to 1.7:1. At this point any further miscalcula-
tion or faulty equipment could cause a com-
ponent to be loaded beyond the breaking
Note: Always refer to a sling chart to get
the proper size sling to match the load
Illustration #64- shock Loading on Sling and the hook-up configuration.
RIGGING/SLINGS High Line Hazards 65
Hazards of Using High-Lines Building structures are not usually de-
A high-line is a method used to position a signed for unusual sidepull, and doingso
piece of equipment inside a building that is could damage the building steel, or could
not accessible by a crane. It consists of lash- even pull the building in.
ing wrapped around two building members Note: In areas where a crane cannot be
and a wire rope pulled tight between them. A used, new designs of portable jacking
snatch block on the rope is used to lift the systems may serve the hoisting n e e d s
load and move it laterally. High-Line Example
Note: The use of high-lines is not recom- In illustration #65A, the load weighs 3 tons.
mended, but they are used when other This load will require a 3 ton pull (plus friction)
lifting methods cannot be readilyapplied. if a single sheave is used with a tugger. The
We are not attempting to promote the use total weight supported by the high-line is a
of high-lines, but to point out their minimum 6 tons without friction or shock
hazards. loads. If the high-line sags to a 10 degree an-
Note: Extreme loads are imposed on the gle, the high-line load approaches 18 tons,
wire rope. High-lines only work effec- whichma~beanexcessivesidepullonthe
tively when pulled up tight to reduce sag building and probably an overload on the
and allow the load to move laterally. A wire rope.
tight high-line has extreme loads similar Note: Before using a high-line get engi-
to sling legs spread out at a wide angle. neering advice on the building structure
and the loads imposed on the hoisting
66 RIGGING/SLINGS High Line Tension

(Use Softeners When

Lifting From Building
Structural Steel)
3 Ton 3 Ton
+ Pull Load

Illustration #65 - High-Line Hazards Illustration #66 - High-Line Tension Formula

High-Line Formula Example:

High-Line Tension by Formula Weight = 6,000 Pull = 6,000
The total weight is the combined weight of
the load plus the hoist line pull. The formula = 10.1 = 4.1
for the line load on each side is: =10
= Load x =
= Load x D2) = Load x + + D2)
= 4 10.1 4)
= 484,800 14 =
The load on the high-line left side is 34,628
RIGGING/SLINGS High Line/Chain Fall Load 67
= Load x +
= x 10 + 4)
= =
The load on the high-line right side is

Chain Fall Load

The tension on two chain falls drifting a load
can be enough to extensively overload them.
Calculating the tension uses the same
method as that used for a high-line. Position 3
Chain fall (or come-a-long) tension will vary illustration #67 - Chain Fall Tension Formula
when a load is lifted, then drifted over to an-
other location. The tension on each chain fall Example Tensions While Drifting a Load
can be worked out by formula for various po- = Load x +
sitions. See illustration #67. = Load x H + D2)
Note: ANSI recommends that chain falls Load on chain fall
and come-a-longs be used for vertical lift- (initial position = 2000
ing only. However, if a load must be on chain fall A
moved as in illustration #67, ensure that (final position 3) =
the hardware can withstand any addi-
tional load strain. 3.8 11.4
H = 4.7
68 Chain Fall LoadICenter of Gravity
Chain Fall A
(position 2) = Load x D,S1 + H(D1+ D,)
Chain Fall A
= 2000 x 11.4 x 6.1 + 4.7(3.8 + 11.4)
The tension on chain fall A
= 139,080 + 71.44 = 1947 Ibs.
Chain fall B
(position 2) = Load x D1S2+ H(D1+ D2)
Chain fall B
2000 x 3.8 x 12.3 + 4.7(3.8 + 11.4)
The tension on chain fall B
= 93,480 + 71.44 = 1308 Ibs.
Note: The above formula is based on both
chain falls being positioned at the same
Sling Loading and Center of Gravity
With two slings lifting vertically, the load will
be equally shared if the center of gravity of
the load is in the middle. For example, with
an 18,000 pound weight, 12 feet long, each
sling would carry 9,000 pounds. See illustra-
tion #68A. lliustration #68 - Off-Center Sling Loads
RIGGING/SLINGS Center of Gravity/Softeners 69
If the center of gravity is off-center, the sling Softeners
loading will not be equal. The sling loading is All sharp corners should be covered by pads
shown in illustration #68B. or softeners to prevent the sling from being
The formula is: bent or cut. These softeners can be made
from a split pipe section, padding or blocking,
Sling 1 load = x load weight see illustration #69.
Sling 2 load = x load weight

With the same 12 foot, 18,000 pound weight,

and with the center of gravity 3 feet from one
end, the sling loading is shown in illustration
The formula is:
Sling 1 load = x 18,000 = 13,500
3+9 illustration #69 - Softeners

Sling 2 load =-- x 18,000 = 4,500 A good rule to follow is to make sure that the
3+9 length of contact of the wire rope is equal to
one rope lay, or seven times the rope
Note: see pages 31 and 32 for wire rope
efficiency and bending radius.
70 RIGGING/HARDWAWE ANSI Standards/Wire Rope Clips
Rigging Hardware or welding arcs. Hardware from a reputable
Note: In the USA, users of all types of rig- manufacturer or distributor should be
ging hardware should refer to the applica- embossed with the WLL and a traceable
ble ANSI standard for pending changes code number. See the applicable pages in
regarding training parameters. These pa- this section concerning hardware item infor-
rameters include item selection, inspec- mation, selection, inspection, and use.
tion, cautions to personnel, effects of Wire Rope Clips
environment, and rigging practices. Using wire rope clips is a common method of
The standards include: making an eye or attaching a wire rope to a
- B30.I for Jacks piece of equipment. There are two main
- B30.9 for Slings types, which are the U-Bolt and the Fist Grip.
- B30.10 for Hooks See illustration #70 for clip examples. Clips
- B30.20 for Below Hook Devices can develop approximately 80% of the wire
rope strength when properly applied, but can
- B30.26 for Rigging Hardware (new drop to 40% or less when improperly applied.
standard in development)
Implementation date for each standard is Note: ANSE/OHSA/OCHSregulations pro-
not known at this time. hibit the use of clips to make eyes for
slings. Sling eyes must be of a type made
It is extremely important that the proper hard- with a Flemish splice and a hydraulic
ware be selected and inspected before use. pressed swaged fitting.
Each item must display the correct working
load limit (safe working load), not show any
wear, cracks, gouges, distortion, stretching,
U-Bolt Clip
the lay of the wire rope, otherwise the
grooving edges will cut across and dam-
Fist Clip (J Clip) age the rope wires and strands. See illus-
tration #72 for clip installation.
Number of Clips Rule of Thumb
Number of wire rope clips = the diameter of
the rope x 3 + 1 to the next whole number.
Example: inch wire rope:
x 3 + 1 (NWN) = clips required
Illustration #70 Types of Clip
1% 1 (NWN) = 6 clips
U Bolt Type: When using U-bolt clips, the U
section must be on the dead or short end, as - U Bolt Type
indicated in illustration #71A.
Fist Grip Type: The fist grip, or J-clip, offers
a wide bearing .surface for maximum
strength and greater holding power as com-
pared to the U-bolt type. B - Fist Grip Tvpe
Note: Tighten the clips before tension is
placed on the rope. Then re-tighten after a
load has been applied to the rope. Clips
are usually groo wed and it is important to -
illustration #71 Properly Applied Clips
use the correct clip lay grooving to match
~ Spacing of Clips - Rule of Thumb
Spacing of wire rope clips = the diameter of
Example: 1 % inch wire rope:
x 6 = clip spacing
the rope x 6 1 % x 6 = 9 inch spacing
Proper Clip installation
Apply First Clip - One Base Width From Dead End All Other Clips
of wire Rope - U-Bolt Over Dead End. Tighten Nuts
Evenly to Recommended Torque.

- STEP 4
Tighten All Nuts to Recommended Torque.
Apply Second Clip - Nearest Eye as Possible Apply
- U-Bolt Over Dead End Tension
- Snug Up Nuts but Do Not Tighten
Recheck Nut Torque After Rope Has

i Illustration #72 Proper Clip installation
0 0 ~ 0 0 @ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 ~

6 302 5 '12 2 4 30
3 ~ 8 452 6 '14 2 5 45
7/1 652 6 3/4 2 5 3/4 65
'12 653 11 2 6 '12 65
6 953 11 '14 3 7 '14 130
5 ~ 8 953 12 3 8 130
3/4 1304 18 3 14 130
7/8 21'17 4225 4 23 225
1 4 24 225 4 26 225
1 '18 5 28 225 4 29 225
1 '14 5 30 360 5 40 360
1 3/8 6 37 '17 360 5 45 500
1 '12 6 40 '12 360 5 49 500
1 5/8 6 43 '12 345
1 3/4 6 46 465
2 7 62 650
Apply first clip one base width from end of wire rope. Apply all other clips, leaving equal space between
Tighten nuts. each clip. For maximum, holding power, install 6 or 8
Apply second clip nearest thimble. Do not tighten nuts. diameters apart. Take up rope slack -
recommended torque.
Table # I 6 - Wire Rope Clip Application
Shackles General Shackle Rules
The screw pin anchor and the screw pin 1. Use only a shackle with an embossed rat-
chain shackle are the most commonly used ing on the bow.
shackles. The anchor type is better suited for 2. Use only the proper manufacturer's pin,
using two slings to lift a load. The working never replace it with a bolt.
load limit (SWL) of each shackle should be 3. Never use a screw pin shackle if the pin
embossed on the bow section and is rated in can roll under load (illustration #74).
tons. The shackle is sized by the diameter of
the bow section, not the pin diameter.

Screw Pin
Anchor Shackle

IElustration #73 Shackle Types
Illustration #74 Do Not Let Rope Run Over Pin

4. Shackle pins are: 111 6 inch larger in diam- 6. The pin of a shackle is usually hung on a
eter than the bow on sizes up to 711 6 inch; hook and the load slings are placed in the
1/8 inch larger than the bow on sizes 112 body or anchor part. Washers, spacers or
inch to 1 518 inch; 114 inch larger than the a spool provided by the manufacturer can
bow on sizes 1 314 and over. be used on the pin to keep the shackle
5. Shackles are designed with maximum ca- hanging evenly on a hook (see illustration
pacity on a straight pull. See illustration #76).
#75 for capacity reduction on angled
loads using screw pin and bolt type - Hook
shackles. Do not side load a round pin
shackle. Use a larger shackle for two
slings spreads at a wide included angle.
Side Loading Reduction
for Pin and Bolt Type Shackles w 4 5 0 Hash Marks

Adjusted I
90" Angle from working Load I

Vertical Limit
Illustration #76 Shackle on a Hook

Note: Shackles with 45 degree hash

marks on the bow are recommended.
These marks indicate that slings hooked
up with an included angle greater than 90
~llustration#75 Shackle Capacity Reduction
degrees have a much reduced capacity.
76 RBGGINGIHARDWARE Shackle Working Load Limits (SWL)
Shackle Working Load Limits Synthetic Sling Shackles
SHACKLES Weldless Construction Forged Steel New types of hardware are available to

Inside Width

Max. Safe Working better fit the shape of synthetic slings. One
Diameter At Pin Load Single Vertical type of shackle designed for web slings is
(Inches) (inches) Pull (Pounds)
shown in illustration #77A. The advantages
@ Increased bow width gives wider sling
bearing area to avoid the folding, bunch-
ing, or pinching that occurs in standard
Increases web sling efficiency by up to
15%, which brings the sling closer to its
rated capacity.

3 5 150,000
Illustration #77 - Web Sling Shackle and Connector
Table #I7- Shackle Working Load Limits
Another item designed for web slings is the Hooks
web connector, which is a type of shackle de- All hooks should be made from forged steel
signed for web sling use. See illustration and, except grab and sorting types, they
#77B. should all be equipped with safety catches.
Extra Wide Shackle Body Forged hooks with the rating embossed on
The shackle shown in illustration #78A, de- are the best quality available.
signed for higher capacity lifts, has a bow di- Note: hspect hooks regularly and look
ameter almost twice that of a normal shackle. for wear in the saddle and cracks, nicks,
This increases the Dld ratio (shackle bow di- gouges, or corrosion. Check the hook at-
ameter to sling diameter), which increases tachment and securement. Make sure the
the sling strength efficiency, and reduces the safety latch i s not damaged or
need for a sling thimble. See illustration #78B malfunctioning.
and #78C for the bow comparison with equal
The throat will open if the hook has been over
sized pins.
loaded or tip loaded. OCHSIOSHA regula-
tions specify a hook should be replaced if the
throat has opened 15%, or the body is
twisted lo0, however some manufacturers
recommend zero distortion. Therefore a
safe practise is to destroy the hook if there is
any distortion.

llilestration #78 - Large Bow Diameter Shackle

Note: The recommended included safe Do not side load, tip load or back load any
liftinganglefortwoslingsis6Oo. Two hook(seeillustration#80)
slings in a hook with an angle greater
than 45"to the vertical (90" included an-
gle) is not recommended. For sling loads
greater than 90"included, use an interme-
diate shackle.
The load capacity is reduced if the load is ap-
plied anywhere between the saddle and tip of
the hook, as indicated in illustration #79.

Do Not illustration #80 - incorrect Hook Loading Practices

Correct Do Not Tip Load
Exceed 45"

lllustration #79 - Hook Loading

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- -- - - -

Two types of hooks designed for web slings -

GRAB HOOKS Clevis Type and Eye Type
are shown in illustration #81. A standard Forged Alloy Steel
hook with an eye designed for a web sling is
shown in #81A. A slide on hook for web sling
choker hitches is shown in illustration #81B.

Throat 1 ForSizeof I Maximum

Opening Chain \RILL (SWL)
(Inches) (Inches) (Pounds)

illustration #81 - Web Sling Hooks

Note: Hook characteristics are regulated

by ANSI B30.10

Table #I 8 - Grab Hook Working Load Limits

Forged Alloy Steel Safety Factor of 4 Forged Alloy Steel - Safety Factor of 5

8 Clev~s

For Size of

Throat For Rope Size
I!: Maximum
5/1 6 14 2,750 12 -
I/4 5/16 1,500
1 '116 5/1 6 4,300 5 ~ 8 3~8 2,600
1 5116 3/8 5,250 7/8 12 3,400

7,000 5,100

1 'Il6 7/1 6 1 I18 5/8

I 11/16 I12 9,000 I 118 3/4 8,000

13,500 1 7/16 7/8 -I 15,000
19,250 41
. I '18 - 1 '14 23,000
26,000 30,000
2 3/16 I 3/8 'I
Table # 20 - Sliding Hook Working Load Limits
Table #I9- Clevis, Eye Hook Working Load Limits
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 000m000000000
RIGGSNG/HAWDWAWE Headache Ballwedge Sockets 81
Headache Ball Note: Some cranes may ha we proprietary
All crane hooks that are used for lifting parts and components that can only be
should be equipped with swivels and a head- replaced through the crane
ache ball. The headache ball must be at- manufacturer.
tached securely so that it cannot slide up and Wedge Sockets
down the line, see illustration #82. The head- A wedge socket must be attached with the
ache ball must be heavy enough to keep the load line pulling in a straight line from the pin.
crane hoist line taut when lowering without a See illustration #83. Due to core slippage,
load. non-rotating rope is not recommended for
use with wedge sockets, however because
of the non-rotating benefit, it is commonly
used in this application.

Illustration #82 - Headache Ball lllustration #83 - Correct Wedge Socket Use
Safety regulations vary concerning the at-
tachment of the dead end line. The two ap-
proved methods of securing the dead end
are shown in illustrations #82A and #82B.
Illustration #84A is a method shown in many
safety regulations, but sometimes cannot be
used when the loop is too big and can snag
on projections.
Illustration #84B is currently the most popu-
lar method. A short stub is clipped to the
dead end.
Illustration #84C is a new patented design. It
has an extended wedge, allowing the dead
end and the wedge to be clipped together.
Clipping the dead end back to the load line is ,,,,st,,i~n - Wedge Socket Dead Ends
a method that is no longer suggested for use
by OHSA or ANSI. his is shown in illustra-
tion #84D. Note: Check with the applicable
OCHS/OSHA department concerning
wedge socket attachment, as there is a
wide discrepancy about which method
is permitted in different areas.
0 @ ~ 0 8 ~ ~ @ 8 ~ ~ % @ $ Q 8 0 8 0
Eye Bolts With an angular pull the capacity drops to
Do not angular load a shoulderless eyebolt. 30% of the rated capacity at a 45 degree an-
For added safety, always use the shoulder gle, and reduces to 25% at a 90 degree pull.
type. Eye bolt vertical and angular pull ca-
pacity is shown in table #21.
750 Vert~cal

Eye Bolt Working Load Limits

Shoulder Type Only
- Forged Carbon Steel

1 Shank Diameter 1 Vertical Pull 1 60" Pull I 45" Pull

1 Under 45" 1

Table #21 - Eye Bolt Working Load Limits

For angular pulls, the eye must be aligned as Note: Never run a sling through a pair of
shown in illustration #85. Shims may be eye bolts. See illustration #87. The result-
needed to align the eye (limit 3 shims). ing sling leg load stress on the eye bolts
will be much greater than what it would be
if two separate slings were used, as the
horizontal portion of the sling will create a
comprehensive force on the load.

illustration #85 - Eye Bolt Alignment

Do not insert a hook tip in the eye. Use a

shackle. See illustration #86.

Correct - Use

llllustration #87 - DO NOT Run a Sling through Eye Bolts

llllustration #86 - Use a Shackle
8 0 @ ~ @ 0 0 @ 0 # @ 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 8 0 0 ~
RIGGINGfHARDWARE Swivel HoistlSide Pull Rings 85
Swivel Hoist Ring
Swivel rings are a form of eye bolt. The bail
(ring) swivels 360 degrees and pivots 180
degrees. In general, the rules concerning
eye bolts apply to these
rings. They must fit flat
against the mounting sur-

face, and be torqued to
specification. Never use
spacers. Drilled mounting
holes must be 90 degrees CI
to the surface. See illistra- ,,lustration Swivel
tion #88, and table #22. Hoist Ring
Table #22 - Swivel Ring Data
Side Pull Hoist Rings
This ring is similar to an eye bolt except it is
designed for a 90 degree side pull. It is rated
at 100% capacity at 90 degrees. It is used
with a shackle for sling attachment. See illus-
tration #89 for an example, and table #23 for
side pull ring data.
Illustration #89 - Side Pull Ring
86 RIGGING/HARDWARE Swivel HoistlSide Pull Rings
For this same lift using swivel rings, two 5/8
inch, 4000 lb. rings would lift the load verti-
cally. However at the 45 degree angle, two
3/4 inch, 7000 ib rings are required.

Table #23 - Side Pull Ring Data

Eye Bolt & Swivel Ring Application

It should be noted that eye bolts lifting at an
angle lose capacity, but swivel rings do not.
In illustration #90, if two eye bolts were lifting 8000 lbs
vertically each would lift 4,000 ibs., requiring
two 5/8inch eye bolts. However lifting at 45
degrees creates a 5656 ib. sling load and Illustration #90 - Eye Bolt and Swivel Ring Application

would require two 1 inch eye bolts.

@ @ @ ~ ~ # @ 0 0 @ ~ @ ~ @ 0
Turnbuckles If vibration is present, it is important to lock
Turnbuckles should be made of forged alloy the frame of the end fitting, as in illustration
steel with no welded components. Several #92. Do not use jam nuts on turnbuckles that
turnbuckle end fittings are indicated in illus- do not come equipped with them as the jam
tration #91. nut will add to the load on the thread.
Note: Do not lubricate turnbuckle threads n Do Not Use Jam Nuts
unless recommended by the

Lock Wire Will Hold


Illustration #92 Turnbuckle Locking

Eye Jaw stub H O O ~Has

The safe working load depends on the diam-
Capacity eter of the threaded portion. The working
Illustration #91 Turnbuckle End Fittings
load limits of turnbuckles are indicated in ta-
ble #24.
I 88 RIGGINGIHARDWARE TurnbucklesIRings & Links
Rings & Links
Turnbuckle Working Load Limits Most rings and links are embossed with their
Jaw, Eye, load capacity. Tables #25 to #29 show the
Stock Stub, Hook End working load limits of various types of links.
Diameter End Fittings Fitting
(Inches) (Pounds) (Pounds)

- Forged Steel
- Heat Treated

Stock Inside Maximum

Diameter Diameter WLL (SWL)
(Inches) (Inches) (Pounds)
314 4 7,200
7/a 5 I12
1 4
1'18 6
Table #24 - Turnbuckle Working Load Limits
1 I14 5
1 3/R 6

Table #25 - Ring & Link Working Load Limits

~ 8 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 8 ~ ~ 0
Table #29 - Master Link Working Load Limits

Table #28 - End Link Working Load Limits

.ooo@[email protected]
WIGGING/HARBWARE SpreaderIEqualizer Beams 91
Spreader Beams Equalizer Beams
Spreader beams are used to support long, Equalizer beams are usually used on dual
hard to handle loads during lifting. The use of hoist lines to make tandem lifts, but can also
these bars eliminates load tipping, sliding or be used to equalize the load on sling legs, as
bending. They also decrease the possibility in illustration #94.
of unsafe sling angles. See illustration #93. Note: A custom fabricated lifting beam, or
any other lifting device must be designed
by an engineer. It should be tested at
125% of rated capacity. The manufac-
turer, the serial number, the weight and
the rated capacity must be clearly indi-
cated on all beams.

illustration #93 Spreader Beam illustration #94 - Equalizer Beam
92 RlGGlNG/HARBWARE Manbasket Safety Requirements
Manbasket Safety Requirements ManbasketDesign
Manbaskets used to hoist personnel have (mtbe A ed by an Engineer)
stringent regulations on both design and Positive adroom shall be provided
construction. illustration #95 shows a L O C ~Latch ich allows employees to
nd upright in platform
manbasket constructed to specifications. Construction
The standard states: B I O C ~with

1. A bridle sling used to support the basket Bridle

must have a master link or shackle to
evenly distribute the weight.
2. The bridle sling and any other rigging at-
tachments used for manbasket hoisting
shall not be used for any other purpose.
3. A proof test lift at 125% of the basket ca-
pacity must be conducted and held sus-
pended for 5 minutes at each new lift site.
4. Before personnel use a basket, trial lifts
with the anticipated weight must be made Toeboard 4 inches high
to all lift locations. Trial lifts shall be per-
formed every time the crane is reposi-

Illustration #95 Manbasket Design

5. The total weight of the loaded platform Sheaves
and related rigging shall not exceed 50% Always check the condition and dimensions
of the rated capacity for the radius and of sheave grooves before a new wire rope is
configuration of the crane. placed in service. The bottom of the groove
6. The number of employees occupying the should have an arc of support of at least 120'
personnel platform shall not exceed the to 1 50°, as indicated in illustration #96.
number required for the work being per-
7. If the hoist line is non-rotating wire rope,
the safety factor must be 10 : I . ,Rope Should be
8. The crane must be equipped with an Supported by the
Sheave Over an
anti-two block device. Arc of 120"-150"
9. The crane must have a flip over, positive
type hook latch, or a construction block
with a shackled bridal assembly.
10. The basket should have a metal name- -
Illustration #96 Sheave Support
plate with the basket capacity rating
clearly indicated. To ensure a long and efficient rope life, the
11. Some Canadian OCHS regulations re- grooves should be smoothly contoured, free
quire a safety line from the load line above of surface defects and have rounded edges.
the headache ball to the master ring.
When the groove diameter is worn to less Sheave Diameter
than the minimum values as indicated on ta- Do not operate wire rope over a sheave
ble #30,regroove or replace the sheave. smaller than the "critical" diameter. When
using small diameter sheaves, the excessive
1- [ k d 8ge-
and repeated bending and straightening of
the wires leads to premature failure from
metal fatigue. Table #31 shows several ex-
New Rope Worn Rope New Rope
amples of minimum and critical diameters for
New Groove Worn Groove Worn Groove
general use sheaves

Sheave Diameter Table
Rope Construction Minimum Critical
Nominal Amount by which the Groove Di- Diameter Diameter
Diameter ameter should exceed the Rope
(inches) 6 x 9 Seale
For Minimum For New or 6 x19 Filler Wire
Conditions Regrooved 6 x 19 Warrington 30 x d 16xd
Sheaves or Drums
8 x 19 Seale 26 x d 16xd
5/16 and smaller '1128 /64
8 x 19 Filler Wire 26 x d 16 x d
3/8 - 3/4 '164 '/32
6 x 22 Filler Wire 23 x d 16 x d
13/16 - 1 '18 3/1 28 3/64
1 3/16- 1 '12 '116
8 x 19 Warrington 21 x d 14 x d
1 '116.- 2 3/64 3/32 8 x 19 Filler Wire 21 x d 14 x d
2 5/16 and up '11 6 '18 6 x 37 Seale 18xd 14 x d
Table #30 - Sheave Groove Conditions Table # 31- Sheave Diameters
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 @ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 ~
RIGGINGIHARDWARE Sheave and Drum Ratios 95

FW - Filler Wire
- tread diameter of sheave

Table #32 - Sheave and Drum Ratios

I 96 RIGGING/HARDWARE Sheave DiameterlCrane Blocks
Sheave Diameter (Rule of Thumb)
The preferred and the minimum D/d ratios
suggested by various wire rope manufac-
turers are shown in table #32. Lacking avail- Cheek Weights
able manufacturer's guidelines, the Distinguish this
Type of Block
suggested critical diameter of a wire rope from Wire Rope

sheave should be at least 20 times the diam- Blocks
eter of the wire rope.
Crane Blocks -
Illustration #97 Crane Block
Blocks are used when moving heavy objects
weighing more than the safe working load of Note: Wire rope manufacturers indicate
a single wire rope. The sheaves transmit the the efficiency, or wire rope strength de-
load imposed by the wire rope to the center creases as it passes over sheaves. Any
pin, then to the side straps and connections. capacity calculations with wire rope
Crane blocks have heavy weights on the passing over a sheave should be reduced
sides of the blocks to help downhaul the hook by a minimum 5%. See pages 31 and 32.
when unloaded, as indicated in illustration The smaller the sheave, the higher the in-
#97. efficiency. A one inch IWRC rope rated at
Note: Some cranes may have proprietory 44.9 tons should be reduced to 42.6 tons.
parts and components that can only be The reduction is only calculated once, not
replaced by the crane manufacturer. compounded on multisheave blocks.
RIGGINGIHARDWARE BlocksIMechanicaI Advantage 97
Wire Rope Blocks Block Mechanical Advantage
Depending on the capacity, these blocks are The mechanical advantage of a machine is
much lighter than hook blocks as they are not the amount by which the machine multiplies
subjected to the abuse of hook blocks. They the force applied to move a load. Here, the
are equipped with cheek straps. The cheek machine is a pulley or a combination of pul-
straps provide strength between the end at- leys forming a block and tackle system.
tachments and sheave center pins. Two Usually this system is used to lift, but it can
examples of wire rope blocks are shown in il- also be used to move a load laterally across a
lustration #98. floor.
The top (fixed) sheaves on the block have no
other function than to change the direction of
the rope. The sheave on the bottom (travel-
Cheek ling) block will create a mechanical advan-
tage of 2:l for each sheave.
Calculating Mechanical Advantage:
Count the number of lines supporting the
load, with the exception of the lead line when
it comes down over the top block. The lead
line pulling down is not counted for mechani-
cal advantage (illustration #99A).

Illustration #98 Wire Rope Blocks
98 WIGGlNG/HAWDWAWE Block Mechanical Advalntase
If the lead line comes up to the winch from the Block Speed and Distance:
travelling block it will be counted as a sup- The speed of the travelling block and the dis-
porting line and included in the mechanical tance of load travel is determined by the
advantage (illustration #995). mechanical advantage. The speed of the
travelling block and the load is calculated by
dividing the lead line speed by the number of
parts of line, or the mechanical advantage
(MIA). Or in other words, using a 5 to 1 MIA,
the lead line will travel five feet for every foot
the load is lifted, and it will travel five times as
B The amount of wire rope needed for the sys-
5 Part tem is determined by measuring the top to
travelling block distance and multiplying by
the number of parts of line, plus enough wire
rope to go to the winch and have at least sev-
eral full wraps on the winch drum.

Illustration #99 Mechanical Advantage of 4 and 5
0 @ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Block Fricti~n: Block Friction Example:
When the load moves, part of the lifting force
is lost due to friction in the turning of the
sheaves, and the wire rope bending over the
n 3- Sheave Block

sheaves. Therefore the lead line pull must be

increased to make up for this loss.
This relationship between a rope sheave and
friction is called efficiency, and is usually ex-
pressed in terms of percent. Each type of
sheave has a different friction percentage,
usually based upon the type of bearings in
the sheave. The extra load added by friction
is calculated progressively on a line to line,
sheave-to-sheave basis (see illustration
#I 00 and the example which follows).

Y 3- Sheave Block

v60,000 lb Load
Illustration #I00 Line Friction Example
I 100 RIGGING/HARDWAWE Block Friction
Load = 60,000 lbs or 30 tons with a 6 part line Biock Friction Ratio: Table #33 shows the
Static load on each line equals: number of parts of line and the efficiency of
60,000 1 6 = 10,000 lbs load on each line three types of sheaves. It includes ratio
Roller bearing sheaves used ( 97% efficient - charts for fiber rope blocks at 10% friction,
approximately 3% efficiency loss) wire rope bronze bushing sheaves at 5% fric-
tion, and wire rope roller bearing sheaves at
Friction Calculation:
3% friction.
Line # I (becket line) 10,000 ibs
Three types of calculations can be made us-
Line #2 10,000 x 1.03 = 10,300 ibs ing the block friction ratio table #33, these
Line #3 10,300 x 1.03 = 10,609 lbs are:
Line #4 10,609 x 1.03 = 10,927 lbs 1. The number of wire, or fiber rope parts of
Line #5 10,927 x 1.03 = 11,255 ibs line required to make a lift.
Line #6 11,255 x 1.03 = 11,593 lbs 2. Determine the maximum load that can be
Lead line pull = 11,593 x 1.03 = 11,941 Ibs lifted with a given rigging arrangement.
The lead line pull would be 11, 941 ibs. 3. Determine the lead line pull when the load
weight and number of parts of line are estab-
lished or the rope size is known.
Three examples of these calculations are
shown below.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 I. Determine Number of Parts of Line

1 1
Ratio Factors To Account For Friction Loads
Bronze Bronze Rolling Required:
Parts Bushed Bushed Bearing
Fibre Wire Wire Determine the WLL (SWL) of the wire rope
Lines Rope 10% Rope 5% Rope 3% by chart or rule of thumb.
The rule of thumb formula is:
diameter squared x 8 = WLL (SWL).
Determine the weight of the load.
Load weight I WLL = R (ratio).
Find ratio in table #33
The number of parts of line is indicated oppo-
site the applicable ratio number.

Example One - Number of Parts of Line:

Size of wire rope = 1 1/4 inch
Load weight = 75 tons
Type of sheaves = roller bearing
WLL (SWL) of 1 inch rope
= 1.251 ~ . 2 5 x 8 = 12.5tons
Total weight of load: 75 tons
75 tons 1 12.5 = 6 (ratio)
Table #33 - Block Friction Ratios
182 RIGGlNG/HARDWARE Parts of Line
From the column under Roller Bearing wire Example Two - Maximum Load:
rope3%,weread6.30asthenexthighest 14partsofline
number over the calculated answer of 6. The roller bearing sheaves = 3%
first column indicates 8 parts of line. % inch wire rope
2. Determine Maximum Load to be Lifted: Roller bearing sheaves = 3% loss due to
The number of parts of line to be used. friction.
Type of sheaves: 3% for roller bearings, 5% % inch wire rope = -75 -75 8 = 4.5 tons
for bronze bushing. WLL (SWL)
The WLL or safe working load of the wire Chart ratio opposite 14 parts of line = 9.27
rope to be used or the maximum lead line (table #33).
pull. TO calculate the maximum load:
The rule of thumb formula = diameter WLL ratio = load
squared x 8 = WLL (SWL)
4.5 x 9.27 = 41.71 5 or 42 ton maximum load.
Use the ratio from table #33 opposite the
number of parts of line.
Calculate the maximum WLL (SWL) of the
wire rope or the lead line pull x the ratio of the
maximum load.
RBGGING/HARBWARE Parts of Line 103
3. Ca!culatisn to determine the lead line Example Three - Lead Line Pull & Wire
pull and wire rope diameter needed when Rope Diameter:
the load weight and number of parts of bronze bushed sheaves = 5%
line are established. load weight = 25 tons
The type of sheave: 3% for roller bearings, parts of line = 8
5% for bronze bushings. Bronze bushed sheave = 5%
The total weight of the load including lifting Weight of the load = 25 tons
equipment. Parts of line to be used = 8
The number of parts of line to be used. Chart Ratio (opposite 8 parts on table #33)
Calculate the line pull by dividing the load = 5.41
weight by the ratio (opposite the correct num- Calculate the lead line pull
ber of parts of line from table #33). = 25 tons / 5.41 ratio = 4.62 tons.
Load weight / ratio = lead line pull The lead line pull of 4.62 tons x 5 (design fac-
Calculate the size of wire rope needed, with a tor) = 23.1 tons of ultimate strength required.
design factor of five from tables #5 and #6, Calculate the size of wire rope needed:
pages 28 and 30. lWRC improved plow with a design factor of
5; to the next highest number = 3/4 inch.
From table #5, % inch = 25.6 tons (ultimate
strength), minus 5% = 24.3 tons.
104 RSGGBNGIHARDWARE Block Reeving MethodsILacing
Block Reeving Methods Before reeving, position the blocks as
Following are several tips to help block close together as possible. This makes
reeving: the process much easier with less wire
If the stationary block has more than two rope to pull through.
sheaves the lead line should be posi- @ The popular methods of arranging wire
tioned to come off a center sheave to bal- rope and sheaves to gain mechanical ad-
ance the block under load. vantage are lacing, skip reeving and
@ When both blocks have the same number square reeving.
of sheaves, the rope dead end (becket) is Block Lacing
attached to the stationary block. When Lacing is the least complicated method of
the number of sheaves per block varies, reeving a set of blocks. See illustration #I 01.
the becket is attached to the blockwith the The wire rope is fed in through the top out-
fewer sheaves, which will be the travelling side sheave, goes down to the back of the
block. outside bottom sheave, then progresses
When reeving, the becket end should be from sheave to sheave, from left to right.
fed through the blocks starting where the The advantages are that it is relatively easy,
lead line exits, and continued on through the blocks will pull quite close together,
toward the becket connection. This elimi- which creates more lifting height, and there
nates pulling all of the wire rope through are no reverse bends in the rope. The disad-
the blocks. vantage is that the rope and sheave speed is
faster on one side. This causes the blocks to
tilt together on one end, resulting in the rope
wearing against the sheaves.
RIGGING%WARDWARE Reeving MethodslSkiplSquare 105
Skip Reeving
Skip reeving is basically a more complicated
method of lacing. An example is shown in il-
lustration #I 02. Instead of the rope moving
progressively sheave to sheave, the rope is
fed into a center sheave and a sheave is
jumped or skipped as it is fed through from
left to right. The rope crosses over from front
to rear (or vice versa) on the end sheaves.
This creates two reverse bends in the rope,
however the line speed is more balanced at
each end with the blocks remaining more
Square Ree wing
The blocks are positioned with one block
turned 90 degrees to the other. The main ad-
vantage is that the blocks are brought into
balance and run smooth and level.
Square reeving has two major
M N O P 1. The blocks cannot come close together
iliustration #I 01 BIQCB<Lacing due to the positioning of the blocks and
wire rope.
A B c D If attempted, it causes the block-to-block
lines to come off the sheaves at excessive
1 angles, resulting in line scrub and sheave
2. Wire rope which is square reeved contin-
ually goes through reverse bending. Re-
verse bending in a wire rope will
eventually result in premature fatigue.
Most sets of blocks can be square reeved in
two types of patterns. The better method has
the lead line coming off one of the center
sheaves for balance. The other has the lead
line coming off an
uneven block pull
2 1 I \ 1 4 8\ 1 \ 1 6 next line coming off the sheave on the oppo-
site end. See 'ilustrations #I 04 to #I 0gfor
. . m.. ,-. . -.
Reeving Pattern
For a number of reasons, reevinq a set of
I M N o P blocks is never an easy process. 6ne of the
Eight Parts - TWO Reverse Bends difficulties with the blocks spread out is being
illustration #I02 - Skip Reeving
aware of what sheave to feed the wire rope
@ 0 ~ ~ 6 ~ 8 @ ~ ~ $ @ 0 8 @ 0 ~ % 8 0
RIGGINGIHARDWARE Reeving MethodsISquare 107
The following method uses a labeling system A B C
to indicate the top, bottom, front, or rear of
the blocks.
It is as follows (see illustration #I 03): TOP
For the top or fixed block, the front of the Front
sheaves are a (tf), and the rear of the (tf)
sheaves are a (tr). Therefore:
a. The top front sheaves are labeled
( t f ) ~(, t f ) ~(, t f ) ~etc.
b. The top rear sheaves are
A(tr), B(tr), C(tr), etc.
For the bottom or travelling block, the front of
the sheaves are a (bf), and the rear of the
sheaves are a (br).
c. The bottom front sheaves are labeled Bottom
(bf)M, (bf)N, (bf)O, etc,
d. The bottom rear sheaves are
M(br), N(br), O(br), etc.
e. Becket up or becket down indicates
whether the wire rope is attached to the M N O
top or bottom block. Illustration #I 03 - Square Reeving
The pattern for three to eight parts of line, Seven Part, 7 sheaves square reeved
and also ten and twelve are listed below. (top = A, 5,C, Dl bottom = M, N, 0):
The lead line enters in the top block in all Code is: (tf)C, (bf)N, A(tr), M(br), (OD,
cases, then follows through to the becket. (bf)O, B(tr), becket down.
Three Part, 3 sheaves laced Eight Part, 8 sheaves square reeved
(top = A, 5, bottom = M): (top = A, 5, C, Dl bottom = M, N, 0 ,P):
Code is: (m, M(br), (tf)B, becket down. Code is: (tf)C, (bf)O, A(tr), M(br), (tf)Q
Four Part, 4 sheaves square reeved (bf)P, B(tr), N(br), bbecket up.
(top = A, B, bottom = M, N): Ten Parts, 10 sheaves square reeved
Code is : (WB, bf)N, A(tr), M(br), becket up. (top = A, B, C, D, E, bottom = M, N, 0 ,P,
Five Part, 5 sheaves square reeved a):
(top = A, B, C, bottom = M, N): Code is: (WC, P(br), D(tr), (bf)N, (tf)B,
Code is: (tf)B, N(br), C(tr), (bf)M, (tf)A, Q(br), E(tr), (bf)M, (tf)A, O(br), becket
becket down. UP=
Six Part, 6 sheaves square reeved Twelve Parts, 12 sheaves square reeved
(top = A, B, C, bottom = M, N, 0 ) : (top =A, B, C, D, El F, bottom = M, N, 0 ,P,
Code is: (tf)B, (bf)N, A(tr), M(br), (ff)C, a , R):
(bf)O, becket up. Code is: (tf)D, (bf)P, A(tr), M(br), (%f)F,
(bf)R, B(tr), N(br), (ff)E, (bf)Q, C(W,
O(br), becket up.
@ @ 8 @ 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 @ 0 0 @ 8 0 $ @
RIGGlNGfHARDWARE Reeving MethodsISquare
Square Reeving Examples (3

Illustration #I04 - BlBustratlon #I05 - Illustration # I 06 - llllustration #I07 -

Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part
Square Reeving Examples A B C D E
Ten Part Square Reeved
(IIBustration # 108)
Enter the lead line at the front of the station-
ary block at sheave C.
Down behind the travelling block and
through sheave P.
Up behind and through D.
Down in front and through N.
Up in front and through B,
Down behind and through Q.
Up behind and through E.
Down in front and through M.
Up in front and through A.
Down behind and through 0.
Up and becket off on the stationary block for
1 0 parts.

illustration #I 08 - Square Reeving Ten Part
Twelve Part Square Reeved A B C D E F
(Illustration # 109)
Enter the lead line at the front of the station-
ary block at sheave D.
Down in front of the travelling block and go
through P.
Up behind and through A.
Down behind and through M.
Up in front and through F.
Down in front and through R.
Up behind and through B.
Down behind and through N.
Up in front and through E.
Down in front and through Q.
Up behind and through C.
Down behind and through 0 .
Up to the stationary block and becket off for
12 parts.

Illustration #I09 - Square Reeving Twelve Part
Snatch Blocks
Snatch Blocks
Multiplication Factors
Snatch blocks are used to change the pulling For Snatch Block Loads
direction of a wire rope. The side opens to al- Angk Between Lead Multiplication
low positioning of the rope without having to and Load Lines Factor
feed it through the block. See illustration lo0 1.99
#1 10. 20" 1.97

Illustration #110 - Snatch Block Side Plate

The load on the snatch block varies with the

angle between the lead and load lines. When
both the lead and load lines are parallel, the
load on the block hook is double the weight of
the load, plus friction when the load is mov-
ing. As the angle opens up, the load on the
hook is reduced. To determine the load on a
block, multiply the pull on the lead line by the
applicable factor from table #34.

Table #34 - Factors for Snatch Block Loading

~ o o o ~ ~ m o m o o o o ~ a ~ o m m ~ o m ~ a m o
RIGGIMG/HARDWARE Snatch Blocks 113
Snatch Block Load Example
2000 Pounds 1840 Pounds
Illustration # I 12 shows a 10,000 pound load
being lifted using four snatch blocks.
All wire rope changing direction from a
sheave loses efficiency to some degree
1000 (more pull required).

A -
1000 Pounds
The efficiency loss depends on the wire rope
to sheave size ratio (Dld), the angle of pull on
the sheave (illustration # I 1I ) , and the type of
A snatch block with a bronze bushing loses
approximately 5% on a 0 degree pull
(illustration #I 11A).
In the example shown in illustration # I 12
sheave A is based on a 5% (1.05) loss,
1000 pounds sheave B at 3% (1.03), and 2% (1.02) for
1000 Pounds sheaves C and D. Sheaves 5 , C and D have
less efficiency loss because the pull angles
lllustration #I11 - Snatch Block Loading are more open.
Note: On a straight vertical pull (illustra-
tion #I 1 IA), the block rigging must hold
double the load weight.

Illustration # -
I Snatch Block Load Example
00000000000000 0000000000a00~m
Wire Rope Drums
When winding wire rope from a storage reel
onto another reel or drum, the rope must be
reeled correctly to avoid fighting the rope's
natural looping and also prevent future wind-
ing problems.
The rope must wind from the top of one reel
or drum to the top of the other; or, from the
bottom of one reel or drum to the bottom of
the other, as indicated in illustrations #I 13A
and #I 13B.
Note: Do not cross wind the wire rope
from top to bottom, see illustration
#1 13C.
Winding Wire Rope on a Drum
To properly install a rope on a drum or winch
stand behind the drum and face it. The right
hand represents Right Lay Rope and the left
hand represents Left Lay Rope. Make a fist
and extend the index finger.
Illustration #113 - Reel To Drum Spooling
If the rope is Right Lay, imagine the right fist
Wire Rope Drums
Drum Grooves and Wire Rope Lay
as the drum, and the index finger as the rope. In a multi-layer winding, rope lay direction
The wire rope will attach to the drum on the . usually does not affect the rope perfor-
thumb side of the fist. This method is indi- mance. However in a single layer application
cated in illustration #I 14. the general rule is for the drum grooves to be
opposite that of the rope lay. That
Left Lay - Underwound Left Lay - Overwound would be left hand drum grooving for a
right lay rope. Rope winding is ad-
versely affected with a wide fleet angle.
1 Fleet Angle and Sheave Alignment
The fleet angle is the off-center angle
Lay from the outside wire rope wrap on a
Use Left Lay Rope Underwind Use Left Lay Rope overwind drum to the working sheave. AS indi-

cated in illustration #I 15, one line is

drawn from the center of the drum to
the sheave, and the other line extends
from the sheave to the outside wrap on
the drum nearest the flange of the
Overwind Left to Right Right Lay Underwind Right to Left Right Lay
Use Right Lay Rope Overwind Use Right Lay Rope Underwind @ On a grooved drum the fleet angle
should not exceed 2" (30:l ratio).
@ On a smooth drum the fleet angle
Illustration #I 14 -Winding Wire Rope on a Drum
should not exceed 1 '12" (40:1 ratio).
8 0 0 @ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 @ 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 @ 0
e The ratio is based on half the drum width Wire Rope Drum Capacities
and the distance from the drum out to the Illustration #I 16 and table #35 are used to
sheave. calculate the approximate wire rope capacity
Flat Drums Grooved Drums of a drum or reel.

Allow either 2 or 2 112 inches

(2 inches on grooved drums)
(2 112 inches on smooth drums)

Illustration # I 16 - Drum Reference Capacities)


15 - Fleet Angles
Illustration #I
Nominal Rope Diameter (inches) Factor Formula to find the drum capacity (feet
4.160 ofrope)=(A+B)xBxCxF
2.670 Add the diameter of the drum (A) to the depth
1.860 of the flange (B). Multiply this sum by the
depth of the flange (B). Multiply the result by
the distance between the drum flanges (C).
Multiply this result by the factor of (F) listed in
table #5 opposite the diameter of rope to be
Drum Capacity Example:
The diameter of the drum is 16 inches
The depth of the flange is 2 inches
The distance between flanges is 24 inches
The drum capacity for one inch is:
( 1 6 + 2 ) x 2 x 2 4 x .262=226feet
(The dimensions are given in inches and the
answer is in feet.)

1 Table #35 - Drum and Reel Factors

RlGGING/HARDWARE Wire Rolse Drums 119
Basic Drum Data @ The flange on a flat drum should project 2
There are a number of different types of wire rope diameters or 2 'I2 inches (whichever
rope drum, ranging from crane and dragline is larger) beyond the last layer of rope.
hoists to a variety of different industrial @ Whenever possible, not more than three
tuggers layers of rope should be on the drum at
Check manufacturers' specifications where one time. This will help prevent rope
possible, although in general, at least two full crushing.
wraps must remain on a drum in all service @ The maximum pull of the hoist occurs on
conditions. Check this number with the local the first layer, and decreases with every
ANSIIOSHAIOCHS regulations as the num- following wrap of the wire rope.
ber of wraps required can be three, or up to See pages 97 to 103 for information on
five in some areas. load weight compared to line pull, friction
Observe the following conditions: and mechanical advantage.
@ The drum end of the rope should be an-
chored to the drum with a clamp supplied
by the manufacturer.
@ The flange on a grooved drum should pro-
ject 2 rope diameters or 2 inches (which-
ever is larger) beyond the last layer of
128 RIGGINGIHARDWARE Drum Hoists (Tuggers)
Drum Hoists (Tuggers) Electric or air powered units are often used
Base mounted drum hoists (referred to as on construction sites for hoisting small com-
tuggers) are regulated by ANSl B30.7. This ponents up through the building steel (see il-
type of hoist can be powered by several lustration #I 17).
methods including; gas or diesel engines,
electric motors, compressed air, or
The larger gas or diesel units were often
used to lift process plant towers and vessels
with a set of gin poles. In most cases they
have been replaced by high capacity cranes.
However these units are used to power
barge derricks.
Drum hoists were commonly used, and are
still coccasionally used, to power cableway
systems (the Hoover Dam construction used
a series of cableway systems). Cableways
fall under ANSl B30.19.
Smaller tuggers are used for hoisting or low-
ering loads, or pulling smaller loads laterally -
Illustration #117 Lifting Construction boads

across a floor.
A typical air tugger is shown in illustration
#I 18.
0 0 @ 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 @ ~
RIGGIN'GIHARDWARE Drum Hoists (Tuggers) 121
Brake Wire Rope Spring Loaded @ The wire rope must be attached to the
Throttle drum by a method approved by the manu-
clutch / /

facturer. See illustration # I 19A for an ex-

@ The base must be bolted down securely
To maintain proper positioning of the
wraps on the drum, the wire rope should
be spooled out to a lead sheave aligned
with the drum center to maintain the
proper fleet angle (illustration # I 195).
(with a minimum of 4 bolts) @ A drum with loads suspended for ex-
Illustration #I 18 - Typical Air Tugger tended periods must have a ratchet and
pawl holding method in addition to the
All hoists must have an identification plate brake.
with the following information: load rating; @ Never leave a suspended load unat-
drum size (barrel diameter, barrel length, tended.
flange diameter); rope size; rope speed; The operator or someone giving signals
and rated power supply. must have a clear view of the load at all
If air powered, the air hose should be times.
blown out to remove excess moisture be- @ The wire rope and other rigging hardware
fore attaching to the hoist. must meet the normal 5:1 or applicable
working load limit (SWL).
I 122 RIGGIMGfHARDWARE Drum Hoists (Tuggers)
Wire Rope @ Throttle controls are usually spring
loaded to return to neutral. Modern hoists
Set Screw can often be operated by remote control.
@ To lock the drum and prevent rotation, the
Align Lead
Hoist Base Sheave with manual brake control lever is pushed
Drum Center down.

77"' \ 7 Angle
The clutch control lever is pulled up to dis-
engage. This allows the drum to free-
wheel when unwinding the wire rope by
\ Throttle
@ All hoist components, including base, mo-
tor and controls, drum, and wire rope
must be inspected regularly for any signs
of wear.
Three types of hoists are shown in illustra-
tions #120A,B,C. An air hoist is shown in
#120A, an electric hoist in #120B, and a
illustration #I 19 - Tugger Connections
larger three drum gas or diesel hoist in
@ Keep hands and clothing clear of the rope # I 20C. The swinger drum in # I 20C may be
and drum when spooling on. used to rotate a barge derrick.
WIG@IIMG/HARDWAWE Drum Hoists (Tuggers) 123
124 WIGGINGIHARDWARE Chain Identification
Chain Chain Grade Idenfification
Try to avoid using chain whenever it is possi- Chain should have an identifying mark
ble to use synthetic fiber or wire rope. The embossed regularly on the links, as indicated
failure of a single chain link results in the in illustration #121. Chain quality identifica-
complete failure of the chain, whereas the tion can be confusing as different manufac-
wire rope is made up of many wires and turers may use their own system of marking.
strands and they must all fail before the rope Some of the more common markings for al-
breaks. Chain usually gives no warning loy hoisting chain are "A" or a version of the
when it is about to break, other than the obvi- number "8", such as "80" or "800".
ous visible sign of a stretched link or links,
whereas a wire rope usually breaks through Chain
a progression of snapping wires and strands
which can usually be clearly heard.
Chain is not suitable for impact loading as
there is no elasticity, and although a wire
rope should also not be shock loaded, it does
allow a limited amount of flexibility.
Chains are more suitable than wire rope for
certain jobs, as they withstand rougher han-
dling, will not kink, and are much more resis-
tant to abrasion and corrosion when used as Illustration #I21 - Chain Identification

load slings for such items as heavy castings.

0 @ 0 0 @ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 @ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RIGGINGIHAWDWAWE Chain Safetv/Ins~ection 125
Chain Safety Tips 8. Always use softeners on the corners of
1. Keep shock loading to a minimum. rectangular loads. This reduces the trans-
2. Never shorten a chain by tying a knot in it, verse loading that chain is not designed
or by bolting two links together. A chain for. See illustration #I 22.
has its maximum strength with the load
running in a straight line through the links.
3. Only use alloy hoist slings for lifting a load.
Never use decking chain for lifting. With-
out being familiar with chain identification
markings, the strength of a chain will be
unknown. For example a chain with %
inch (6.4 mm) links can vary in safe load
capacity from 1200 to 3500 pounds, de-
pending upon the grade. lllustration #I 22 - Chain Bending Around Corners
4. Never use homemade links.
5. Never use repair links on alloy chain. Chain Inspection
6. Never weld an alloy chain. 1. Clean a chain before inspection. Dirt and
7. If the links of a chain bind on each other grease hide nicks and cracks.
the chain is overstretched. 2. Inspect for wear. Any portion of the chain
worn by 15% should be removed from
service immediately. See illustration
#I 23A.
1 126 RlGGlNGlHARDWARE Chain Inspection
3. lnspect for stretching. Compare the chain If it is stretched more than 5% it should be
with its rated length, or with a new length removed from service.
of chain. Hang a set of slings by the mas- 4. lnspect for twisted or bent links, and for
ter link and compare the sling leg lengths. cuts, gouges, or nicks. See illustration
Any length increase means wear or #I 24.
stretch. See illustration #I 23B and C. If
the length has increased 3% the chain
must be inspected carefully.

,.---. Illustration #I24 -Twisted and Gouged Links

5. lnspect for cracks. If any are found, re-

place the entire chain.
Chain Wear 6. lnspect for localized stretching. A chain
can be overloaded in one specific area.
See illustration #I 25 for an example.

Illustration #I23 Chain wear and Stretch

0 0 ~ 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0
RIGGINGIHAWDWARE Chain Ins~ection 129
8. lnspect the chain sling master rings for
any wear or stretching, also check the
hooks for damage, signs of overloading or
9. Chain sling hooks should be equipped
with safety latches.
10. Temperature - In general, alloy chain is
not affected by reasonable low or high
Capacity Loading Overloaded temperatures. The manufacturer should
Illustration #I25 - Localized Chain Stretch be consulted if chains are to be used un-
der extreme temperatures. Most alloy
7. Inspect the link welds. Lifted fins at the chains should not be used in ternpera-
weld edges signifies overloading. See il- tures over 800°F and if a chain has been
lustration #126. exposed to temperatures over 1000°F it
must be removed from service.

Lifted Weld Edges


Illustration #I26 - Link Weld "Fingernailing"


Chain Wear (Grade 100 Alloy)

Nominal Thickness
Chain Link Size after Wear
Inches inches mm
0.189 4.80
0.239 6.07
0.273 6.93
0.342 8.69
0.443 11.26
0.546 13.87
0.687 17.45
0.750 19.05
0.887 22.53

Table #36 - Chain Wear Grade 100

Table #37 - Chain Working Load Limits

Note:Chain wear gages are available from
chain manufacturers and distributors.
~ 0 8 $ ~ @ $ @ ~ 0 8 0 8 ~ ~ ~ 0 8 ~
Chain WLL Rule of Thumb Formula Example:
Chain slings will have their lifting capacity 3/4 inch diameter chain stock:
clearly marked. However the quality of other 3/4 x 3/4 x 6 = (9 x 6) + 16 = 3.4 tons
chain may be unknown in most cases, there- WLL (SWL) = 3.4 tons = 6,800 lbs
fore any rule of thumb formula giving an esti- Note: Compare the 6,800pound WLL with
mated safe load rating must use the strength the23,OOO WWL shown in table #37for the
rating of lower quality chain. same size chain,
A rule of thumb formula for the working load Note: Use only Grade 80 or 100 for all
limit or safe working load of a lower quality hoisting. Grades such as Proofcoil, BBB
decking chain is: coil, and Hi-Test are not used for hoisting.
(Diameter)' (of link) x 6 = WLL (SWL)
D2 (of link) x 6 = WLL (SWL) Chain Sling Safety Latches
Note: Safety latches should be standard
on all chain sling hooks and the hooks
must be of forged steel grade.

130 RI@GlMG/HARDWARE Chain Sling WLL (SWL)

Table #38 - Grade 80 Chain Sling Capacities

8 0 ~ & 8 8 ~ @ ~ ~ 8 @ 0 ~ ~ ~ @ @ @ I r %
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 8 8 ~ 0 @ ~ 8

Nominal Single Double Chain Slings Triple and Quad Chain Slings
Chain Chain
Size 90"

13 6800 11,800 9600 6800 17,700 14,400 10,200

16 10,200 17,700 14,500 10,200 26,600 21,700 15,400
20 16,000 27,700 22,600 16,000 41,600 34,000 24,000
Notes: 1. Quadruple Sling Rating is the same as Triple Sling Rating because lifting practice may not
distribute load uniformly. 2. Angles in parentheses are vertical angles.

Table #39 - Grade 100 Chain Sling Capacities

132 $QIGGING/HARDWARE Chain Safety Tips

Use Pads Around

o o o o ~ ~ o ~ o a o ~ m @ o ~ o o m o o ~ o m o o o
W1GGilMG/HAWBWARE Chain Basket Hiteh/beveller
Chain Basket Hitch Chain Sling Load Leveller
Whenever using chain slings for a basket Chain sling load levellers, or load positioners
hitch, ensure that it is hooked back to the are available for lifting non-symmetrical
master link (illustration # I 28A), not hooked loads. The sling lengths are adjustable, and
into the chain itself (illustration # I 285). If the when set, they are locked in position. This
hook is hooked into the chain the capacity is type of sling eliminates center of gravity cal-
reduced to 75%. culations, and the task of getting two proper
length slings to balance a load. However
sling load calculations are still required. See
illustration # I 29.
Do not lift over the rated capacity.

Illustration #I28 - Chain Hooked into Master Link lllustration # I- Chain Sling Load Leveller
Come-A-LongIChain Fall Note: On some come-a-long hoists the
Come-A-Long Safety: A come-a-long is an handle will flex when overloaded. This is
effectivemethodofliftingorpullingaload.It meanttobeawarningtobackofcnott*
is also one of the most abused pieces of rig- puts snipe or cheater overthe handle for
ging equipment; generally from severe more leverage=
overloading. Chain Fall Safety: Overload can easily hap-
These hoists are factory tested pen in a chain fall without realizing it due to
at 150% of capacity. Most of the gearing system. As the Chain Pull To Lift
these hoists take less than 100 Full Load numbers
pounds of pull on the lever to in table #41 indi-
lift the rated load. Therefore cate, the pull to lift 1,210

two average sized workers any capacity up to

hanging off the handle could 10 tons takes less A
be trying to lift a load 3 or 4 than 100 pounds.
times heavier than what the Two people pull-
hoist is rated for, and also be- ing on the hoist
yond its built in safety factor. chain will be trying
See illustration #I 30 for a typi- to lift far more than
cal come-a-long, and illustra- the hoist is rated
tion #132D for a bad come- for. See illustration
a-long practice. Illustration #I 30 - #I 31 for two types
Typical of chain falls.
Corne-a-Long Illustration #I31 - Typical Chain

~ ~ 0 @ ~ 0 ~ 0 @ ~ 0 @ ~ ~ @ 0 0 0 0 @ ~
~ ~ ~ a 0 0 0 ~ a ~ ~ ~ a ~ a a 0
RIIGGBNG/HARDWAWE Come-a=Lona/ChainFall Data 6 35
Typical Come-&Long Specifications
Max. Capacity (Tons) 3/4 1 'I2 3 6
Standard Lift (ft) 5 5 5 5
Pull on Std. lever to lift Full Load (Ibs) 58 83 95 96
Net Weight (Ibs) 14 24 34 65
Shipping Weight (Ibs) 16 26 37 74
Minimum Distance Between Hooks (in.) 10 3/4 14 'I4 17 21 3/8
Lever Length (in.) 21 'I4 21 'I4 21 'I4 21 'I4
Standard length of Chain 5' 6" 5' 6" 11' 3" 22' 9"
Chain Size (in.) I14 5116 5/16 5/16
Table #40 - Come-a-Long Data

Shipping Weight (Ibs) 35 38 63 64 91 98 129 134 237 244

Shortest Distance
12 7/8 14 173/8 173/8 21'12 21'12 24'14 25'14 34'1.2 35'12
Between Hooks (In.)
Chain Overhauled To
22 1' 2 30 40 1
'2 52 81 104 156 156 208 260
Lift Load One Foot (ft)
46 69 80 83 85 88 75 90 89 95
Lift Full Load (Ibs)
Table #41 - Chain Fall Data
Check Hoist

It's Overloaded

I -
illustration #I32 Chain Fall and Come-a-Long Safety
0 @ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 8 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 @ @ 0 8 0 0
Gantry Hoist. These smaller over-the-floor General guidelines for their use are listed
gantry hoists, as shown in illustration #133, below:
and also monorail hoists are ANSIIOSHA 1. Check the hoist before use and service it
and OCHS regulated concerning design, op- regularly.
eration, and inspection. These hoists are 2. Use the hoist properly. This means the
usually electric powered, but can be pneu- hook is seated correctly, the hoist and
matic or have a hand chain. load are free, the load will lift in a straight
line, the swivel is free, and the load is
safely rigged.
3. Keep everybody clear of a moving load.
4. Do not wrap the hoist load chain around
a load as a sling.
5. Do not ride on moving loads.
6. Do not hotrod with a powered hoist. This
means not jerking or shock loading the
hoist, travelling too fast, allowing the load
to swing, or bumping into objects.
For further information see Section Eleven -
Overhead Cranes.

Illustration #I33 -Typical Over-the-Floor Gantry with Chain

138 RIGGBNG/HARDWARE Load Binder (Boomer)
Load Binder (Boomer) Safety 3. Using a snipe can overload the chain and
A standard binder and a ratchet binder are damage the load, it can also fly danger-
shown in illustration # 134. Load binder infor- ously if it slips.
mation is shown in tables #42 and #43. 4. After tightening, check that the handle is
in the down position. Secure the handle
Load Binder by wrapping it with the load chain or a
m standard
5. Keep well clear when releasing a loaded
II I II Ratchet Binder
binder. Never use a snipe over the han-
dle; use a bar and pry under the handle.
When releasing by hand, push upwards
with an open palm.
6. Routinely lubricate the binder moving
Illustration #I34 - Standard Binder, Standard Ratchet Binder 7. Routinely check all parts for wear, bends,
1. Hook the binder so it can be tightened, or cracks.
while standing on the ground, pulling the 8. Be familiar with any regulations Concern-
lever downward. Have secure footing. ing the size or number of load securing
2. Manufacturers recommend against using systems on trucks.
a snipe (handle extension) for more lever- 9. Be aware of the position of other person-
age. Use a ratchet type instead. nel when tightening or releasing a binder.
RIGGINGfHARDWAWE Load Binder IBoonaer) 139
I Standard Load Binder
Min.-Max. Working Minimum
Chain Handle Load Proof Ultimate
Sine Length Take-Up Limit Load Strength Weight
(in) On) (in) (Ibs) (Ibs) (1 bs) (jbs)

Table #42 - Standard Binder Data

Standard Ratchet Load Binder

Min.-Max. Working Minimum
Chain Handle Barrel Load Proof Ultimate
Sine Length Length Take-Up Limit Load Strength Weight
(in1 (in) (in) (in) (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs)
5~16 31~ 14 10 8 5400 10,800 19,000 10.50
3/8 - 112 14 10 8 9200 18,400 33,000 12.90
I/,, - 51* 14 10

Table #43 - Standard Ratchet Binder Data

Rigging Over the Floor buildings or in areas difficult for cranes. They
Rigging over the floor is the movement of a are capable of lifting hundreds of tons to a
piece of heavy equipment laterally from one considerable height using either a single
location to another by a method other than two-legged gantry or a pair (4 legs) for hoist-
lifting and moving with a crane. ing longer horizontal loads. The base of the
This usually occurs inside a building with no legs can be solidly placed on the ground and
overhead crane, or not enough room for a secured, or self-propelled on tires or track
mobile crane to operate. The process in- wheels. If mobile, the ground and track prep-
volves lifting the load off the floor, usually aration must be extensive to ensure it is level
with two or more jacks, placing rollers, dol- and solid enough to hold the weight. An ex-
lies, roller skids, or compressed air castors ample is shown in the Mobile Canes Section
under the load, and then moving the load to a Four illustration #I 95.
new location.
Jacks can be either ratchet, screw or hydrau-
lic. See illustration #I 35 for several types.
Note: Jacks are regulated under ANSI
standard B30,I
Note: Advanced Hydraulic Lifting Sys-
tems - Combined with over the floor rigging,
new designs of hydraulic jacking or telescop-
ing gantry systems are becoming widely
used for hoisting heavy equipment inside
illustration #I35 - Ratchet, Screw and Hydraulic Jacks

RIlGGIING/WARDWARE Jacking Safetv/Process 141
Jack@ Safety Points Jacking Process
1. Always keep the jacks vertical. 1. When lifting one end or side, or all four
2. For stability, avoid using only one jack. corners, the jacks should be operated si-
3. All jacks should be of the same type and
capacity. 2 After each jacking sequence, use tempo-
rary blocking timbers under the load (1 x
4. Use a piece of hardwood between the
6, 2 x 10, 4 x 4, 6 x 6, etc.).
jack and the load.
3. Do not overload a jack by using a cheater
5. If lifting outside on the ground, do not
(extra long lever) bar for extra lift.
place the jack directly on the ground. See
illustration #I 36. 4. For safety, always remove the jacking
handle when not performing the jacking
K e e p Jacks Vertical 5. Do not leave the load on jacks for ex-
tended period. Use blocking or cribbing.
All Jacks Similar

Hardwood Under Load

Solid Base

#I36 - Jack Safety

! 142 RIGGINGIHARDWARE Jacking SafetyIProcess
Use of Rollers
1. Jack one end high enough to place a roller
I/, of the distance from the end (illustration
# I 38A)
2. Chock the roller, then jack the other end,
placing rollers midway and 113 from the
other end (illustration # I 38B).
3. Place a roller in front of load so it will go
under the load as it moves (illustration
#I 38C).
4. As a roller becomes free, move it to the
front (illustration # I 38D).
5 Use caution to avoid getting hands or feet
caught under the rollers.
6 Use a sledge hammer to move all rollers
an equal amount for a direction change (il-
lustration # I 38E).
7. Use 2 x 10 planks under the rollers on an
uneven surface (illustration # I 38F).
Cribbing 8. Chock the rollers when not moving the
load (illustration # I 38G).
lilustration #I37- Jacking Process
RIGGINGfHARDWARE Jacking SafetyfProcess 143

and insert

Chock roller
jack other end
and insert rollers

change e Use planks

under rollers

Place rollers
in front

Chock rollers
when not moving

Illustration #I38 - Use of Rollers

Roller Skids & Steel DoBiies Air Castors
Two other types of rollers are rollers skids or Another method of moving a load is the use
skates (illustration 139A) and steel dollies. of air castors. See illustration #140. The load
With the roller skid, use hardwood between is supported on a thin layer of compressed
the skid and the load to prevent slipping, and air, similar to a hovercraft. The benefit is that
use a 6 x 6 or 8 x 8 cross tie for the steel dol- the friction is minimal, thereby requiring very
lies (illustration #I 398). Wedge the cross tie little push or pull to move the load. Damage
in firmly to prevent movement. The roller to the floor is also reduced or eliminated. If
skid may be the straight line type or swivel the floor is uneven or has cracks, plywood
type, while steel dollies are usually the swivel can be laid down to create a flat surface.
Tape the plywood seams to prevent air loss.

Illustration #I 40 - Air Castor

Illustration #I39 - Roller Skid and Steel Dolly
Moving a Load or a winch (air tugger) along with a snatch
block attached to the load (illustration
Heavy loads may be moved by several #141C).
methods including a motorized tug bar (illus-
tration # I 41 A), a forklift (illustration # I 41B),

Illustration #146 - Load Moving Methods

146 RIGGINGIHARDWARE Coefficients of Friction
Coefficients of Friction
To move a load laterally across a floor, the
pull required compared to the load weight de- Coefficients sf Friction
pends on the amount of friction between the Concrete on Concrete 0.65
two surfaces. This ratio is the coefficient of b g a on
~ Concrete
friction. Wood on Wood 0.50
To find the amount of effort required to move
a load, the load weight is multiplied by the co- Wood on Concrete 0.45
efficient factor (table #44). Leather on Metal 0.40
For example steel on steel slides quite eas- Wood on Metal 0.30
ily, and the coefficient number is only 0.10.
Therefore a 1000 pound steel object on a
1 Cast Iron on Steel 0.25 1
Continuous Lubrication 0.15
steel floor would require a push or pull of:
1000 x 0.1 0 = 100 pounds. Steel on Steel 0.10
However, concrete sliding over concrete has On Wheels 0.05
a coefficient number of 0.65. Therefore a Pull required is load weight x coefficient
1000 pound concrete block sliding over a Table #44 - Coefficient of Friction
concrete floor would require a push or pull of:
1000 x 0.65 = 650 pounds.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 @ 0 # ~ 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 ~ 0 ~ @ 0
Natural & Synthetic Fiber Rope Number One Natural Manila is strong and
Fiber Rope: Fiber rope can be made from ei- durable. It is recognized by its light yellow
ther natural or synthetic fibers. Natural fiber color. As the grade and strength decreases,
rope is derived from plants and synthetic the color darkens. A low grade Manila is dark
rope is made from chemical compounds. brown. The minimum breaking strength of a
Natural Fiber Rope: The length of the fibers one inch diameter manila rope is 9,000
in natural fiber rope is at most a few feet and pounds (4 082 kg).
the effectiveness in this state is very limited.
The fibers are first twisted into yarns, which
are laid up into strands, and finally three or
more strands are formed into a rope, as in il-
lustration #I 42.
Manila Rope: The only type of natural fiber
rope that is used in the construction industry
is Number One Grade Manila. Other types of
natural fiber rope are not strong enough or
deteriorate too quickly.

Illustration #I42 - Fiber Rope Construction

ROPE Svnthetic Fiber
The following types of natural fibre rope are Nylon: Other than the Kelvar type materials,
not used in the construction industry due to Nylon is the strongest rope available. It
various undesirable qualities: will absorb greater shock load than any
1. Hemp: It is the strongest of the natural fi- other rope, and outlast all natural fiber
ber ropes, however it deteriorates quickly ropes by a wide margin. Nylon is flexible,
when wet. has high abrasion resistance, can be
2. Sisal: It is approximately 75% the strength stored wet, resists most alkalis and or-
of untarred hemp, and will stand exposure ganic solvents, and will not rot. Nylon rope
to sea water. is ideal for anchor lines, couplers, haw-
3. Coir: It is made from coconut husk fibers. sers, tie-up lines, safety and mountain-
Very elastic, about one-quarter the eering ropes. It is also widely used in
strength of hemp, and will float. commercial fishing.
4. Cotton: It is approximately 60% as strong Polyester (terylene): Polyester is not as
as hemp. strong as Nylon, but is twice the strength
Synthetic Fiber Rope: Synthetic ropes of Manila. It stretches far less than Nylon
have individual threads and fibers that run but slightly more than Manila. It has excel-
continuously through the rope. All syn- lent resistance to abrasion, chemicals
thetic ropes have a common characteris- and weathering. Polyester ropes are rec-
tic and that is a resistance to rot, mildew, ommended wherever minimum stretch,
and more strength than natural fiber rope. high strength and durability are needed.
0 0 0 0 0 @ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ @ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RIGGINGIFIBER ROPE Synthetic FiberICoiling 149
Polypropylene: Polypropylene is the light-
est, most economical and widely used
rope on the market. Strength is far greater
than Manila. Other characteristics are
long life, ease of handling, flexibility in
cold temperatures, excellent resistance
to most acids and alkalis and very good
impact loading. And it floats! It is supplied
in many colors and color combinations.
Polyethylene: Polyethylene is 50% as
strong as nylon and resists acids and al-
Uncoiling and Coiling Rope illlustration #143 - Proper Rope Uncoiling

A new coil of rope should be laid flat, with the Even when a rope is properly uncoiled, loops
inside rope end on the floor. Reach down in- and kinks could form. These must be re-
side and pull the rope up through, unwinding moved to prevent damage.
it in a counter clockwise direction, as in illus-
tration #I 43. After use, recoil a rope in a clockwise direc-
tion. Loop the rope over your arm and tie with
two half hitches. Leave a short end for carry-
ing or hanging from a peg, as in illustration
#I 44.
1 150 RlGiGBNGfFlBER ROPE inspection

Pull on A until B is in the center

of the whipping

Illlustration #I44 - Proper Rope Coiling

Rope Ends Illustration #I45 - Fiber Rope Whipping

Whipping Natural Fiber Rope: When cutting
a natural fiber rope, the ends must be taped, Fiber Rope inspection
or whipped with a small twine to prevent the Every foot of a rope should be inspected, as it
rope from untwisting. See illustration #I 45 is only as strong as its weakest part. Inspect
Melting Synthetic Fiber Rope: As whipping the outer surface for broken yarns or fibers,
will not stay in position on synthetic fiber then untwist the strands and observe the
rope, the common practice is to melt the inside.
strands ends together, after cutting, with a
torch or lighter to keep the end from untwist-
ing and fraying.
0 0 ~ 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0
On manila rope, look for a bright yellow color As the fibers in a Manila rope are short and
to indicate good quality. Broken fibers or intertwined, they will pull apart under a con-
powder inside a rope indicates the rope has tinuous load. If loaded to 50% of its breaking
been overloaded. The interior yarns of an strength a Manila rope will fail in several
overloaded rope will fail first. hours, due to fiber creepage, and if loaded to
With a natural fiber rope, pull out a fiber and 75% of breaking strength, it will fail in
try to break it, if it breaks easily the rope has minutes.
been overloaded or affected by mildew or dry Knots tied in fiber rope reduce the
rot. strength by approximately 50%.
In northern regions, be careful not to allow An eye splice reduces the strength of fiber
natural or synthetic fiber rope to freeze. This rope by 15 - 20%.
causes the separation of yarns and fibers. A @ Fiber rope bent over sharp edges such as
frozen rope should not be disturbed until it structural steel, reduces the ropes
has thawed. Exposure to sunlight will even- strength by 50%.
tually deteriorate a natural fiber rope. @ Fiber ropes bent around each other in a U
Fiber Rope Factors & Reductions reduces the strength by 50%.
@ Manila rope guy-lines should be slack-
Fiber rope used for rope falls, or hoisting per-
sonal has a working load limit (safety factor) ened off if they become wet as manila
of 10. For other uses the factor is 5. swells and becomes shorter.
@ See table #45 for the WLL (SWL) of fiber

Approximate WLL (SWL) of New Fibre Rope (3-Strand Ropes)

Design (Safety) Factor of 5
1 Rope ~ ,i a m e t e1r
I Manila
I Nylon
1 Polypropylene I
I Polyethylene 1
Inch (mm) Ibs kg ibs kg ibs kg Ibs kg ibs kg
3/16 (4.82) 100 45.3 200 90.7 150 68.0 200 90.7 150 68.0

Table #45 - Fiber Rope Safe Working Loads


, 0 0 0 8 @ 0 @ 0 0 @ 0 0 ~ 0 0 @ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
@ O @ # O O O e $ 8 ~ $ 0
Fiber Rope Splices & Knots
@ Short Splice: As a short splice doubles
the diameter, it is only used when the rope
does not have to pass through a sheave.
A short splice is 85% as strong as the orig-
inal fiber rope.
@ Unlay both ends for approximately eight
turns. Whip or tape the strand ends, bring
them together so they interlock with a
strand from one rope between two
strands of the other rope (illustration
# I 46A).
@ Apply temporary seizing or tape to both
ropes after they have been brought
closely together.
@ Take any one strand and pass it over the
strand nearest and tuck it under the next
(illustration # I 46C).
@ Tuck all six strands in both ropes at least
three times for natural fiber, five times for
synthetic. The ends can now be feathered
out with several more tucks, then roll the E
splice to smooth it out (illustration # I 46E). Illustration #I46 - Short Splice
154 RiGGlNGIFlBER ROPE Splices
Eye or Side Splice: An eye or side splice is @ Turn over the partially completed splice
used to make eyes in fiber rope. All eye and lock the eye in by tucking strand #3
splices used for lifting should have a metal or through the last remaining strand on the
nylon thimble. rope, #6 (illustration #147C).
@ Manila rope should be seized or taped six @ The remaining rounds of tucks are made
turns from the end (nine for synthetic by passing each protruding strand over
rope). and under the next strand, usually three
@ The rope is then untwisted to the seizing. times for manila and five times for syn-
@ Tuck the middle strand, #2, under #5 (il- thetic. Cut away the remaining strands
lustration #I 47A). and roll the splice on the floor under foot to
@ Tuck strand # I under strand #4 (illustra- smoothen out (illustration # I 47D).
tion # I 478).

Illustration #I47- Side Splice

a @ O O m $ 0 8 @ @ @ @ 0
Bowline: The bowline is one of the most Bowline on the Bight: The bowline on the
popular knots. It never jams or slips under bight is used to form a non slipping eye in the
load and is easily untied. See illustration middle of a rope. See illustration #I 49.
#I 48.

a B c
Illustration #I48- Bowline Illustration #I49 - Bowline on the Bight
Spanish Bow1ine:The Spanish bowline can Like all bowlines, it will not slip and is easily
be tied at any point in a line where it is dou- untied. See illustration #150.
bled up. It can be used as a last-resort rescue
knot as the loops are adjustable.

illustration #I50 - Spanish Bowline
8 0 ~ @ 0 0 0 ~ 0 8 ~ 0 0 0 # 0 ~ 0 0 0 @ 8 ~ 0 0 0 0
The self-centering
bowline is useful when
a knot must be tied to
center a load with
equal load distribu-
tion. It compliments a
scaffold or barrel
hitch, which is shown
in illustration #I 51.
illustration #I51 - Self-centering Bowline

Running Bowline:
The running bowline is used to provide a
choker type sling at the end of a single line.
The knot is made around the standing part of
the rope and runs freely. See illustration
#I 52.
Illustration # I 5 2 - Running Bowline
Clove Hitch: The clove hitch is used to tie a
rope to a pipe or post. It can be tied in position
or slipped over the end. See in illustration
#I 53. To prevent loosening it should be fin- Becket Hitch: A becket is the end connec-
ished with a half hitch. tion on a block for connecting a rope while
reeving the block. A becket hitch is used to
secure the end of a rope to the becket on a
set of rope falls. See illustration #I 54.
Becket of Bloc

lilustration #I54 - Becket Hitch

Illustration #I53 - Clove Hitch

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 8 0 @ ~ @
Biwaber Hitch: A timber hitch is used for Barrel Hitch: A barrel hitch is used to sup-
moving planks, pipes, etc. The load must port a barrel vertically. A self-centering bow-
have a steady pull as any slack will release line is used to complete the knot. See
the hitch. It should be used with several half illustration #I 56.
hitches. See illustration #I 55. Note: The use of the timber and barrel
hitches may be prohibited on some con-
struction sites. Check with BCHSIOSHA.

Timber Half Timber Hitch

Hitch Hitch and Half Hitch
(End of Line)
illustration #I55 - Timber Hitch illustration #I56 - Barrel Hitch
Reef Knot: A reef knot is also referred to as a Carrick Bend: A carrick bend is used to tie
square knot. See illustration #I 57. large diameter ropes together. It will draw up
tightly but will not jamb. See illustration #I 59.

Illustration #I57 - Reef (Deadmans) Knot

Note: This knot is often misused Or is not illustration #is9 - Carrick Bend
tied properly. It is sometimes referred to Catspaw: A catspaw is used to attach a rope
as a "killer" knot. It must only be used to to a hook. It is especially useful if the center
tie the two ends of a rope together. Do not of the rope is used. See illustration #160.
use if as a bend for joining two ropes. I

Sheet Bend: A sheet bend is used for tying

two ropes of unequal diameter together. It is
not used on large diameter rope. See illustra-
tion #I 58.

Illustration #I58- Double Sheet Bend -

Illustration #I60 Catspaw
Strength of Knots, Bends, Hitches A rope loses 25% of its strength with a
Straight lengths of rope without knots or hitch.
splices represent 100% of its strength.
When a knot is tied in a rope it loses ap-
proximately 50% of its original strength.

lllustration #I63 Hitch = 75% Efficiency

A rope loses 15% of its strength with an

eye splice or a short splice.

Illustration #I61 - Knots = 50% Efficiency

A rope loses 50% of its strength with a


lllustration #I64 - Splice = 85% Efficiency

Illustration #I62 Bend = 50% Efficiency
Fiber Rope Tackle Blocks
When reeving a pair of blocks that have more
than two sheaves, the hoisting rope should Seven
lead from one of the center sheaves on the
upper block. The hoist line pull is then placed
on the center of the block. This prevents the
block from toppling and damaging the fiber
rope. The two blocks should be positioned
with the sheaves in the upper block at right
angles to those in the lower block. See illus-
tration #I 65.
Note: It is good practice to use the
shackle block as the upper block and a
hook block as the lower travelling block.
A shackle is stronger than a hook of the
same size, and the total load on the upper
block is considerably more than the lower
block load. The lower block supports
only the load whereas the upper block
carries the load as well as the sheave fric-
tion and the lead line pull.

Illustration #I65 - Fiber Rope Block Reeving

0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~
R1GGINIGlFIBER ROPE Tackle Blocks 163
Block Friction Calculations of Dynamic Loading
Do not use more than eight parts of line when
using fiber rope blocks. After eight parts, the 1 Becket 500 lbs 226.8 kg I
increased friction becomes greater than the 1 Line 1 x1.10 x1.10 I
550.0 lbs 249.4 kg
theoretical mechanical advantage gained by
adding more parts of line. Additional line 550.0 lbs 249.4 kg
XI.I0 x1.10
loading due to friction is indicated in the fol- 605.0 lbs 274.3 ka
lowing example.
Line 3 605.0 lbs
Fiber Rope Block Friction XI .I0
A 10% friction factor must be used every time 665.5 lbs
a fiber rope passes over a sheave. Line 4 665.5 lbs
Example: Five part set of falls with a load of x1.10
2,500 ibs ( I 134 kg). 732.0 lbs
The static (non-moving) load on each line is Line 5 732.0 lbs
2,500 pounds (1 134 kg) divided by 5, or 500 XI .I0
805.2 lbs
Ibs (226.8 kg) per line.
Friction progressively increases the line pull
an extra 10% at each sheave or an extra 305
1 Lead
Line Pull
805.2 lbs 365.1 kg

Ibs to a total lead line pull of:

500 + 305 = 805 lbs (365.1 kg).
1 SECTION ONE QUESTIONS 4. Determine if this statement is true or false. Grade
110/120 Improved Plow steel has the highest tensile
Rigging strength of any type of wire rope.
I l l true eB false
I. Determine if this statement is true or false. The two types 5. A regular lay wire rope has strands and wires in the
of wire rope center core designs are fiber core and strands that:
independent wire rope core. D are all laid in the right hand direction
true €7false I3 are all laid in the left hand direction
2. What is the percentage gain in strength using an IWRC II! are laid in opposite directions
versus a fiber core wire rope? are all laid in the same direction
n 3.5 6. Due to its tendency to unwind, which wire rope should
t$ 5.5 MOT be used on single part hoisting lines?
rJ 7.5 regular lay
ea 9.5 lang lay
3. What characteristic increases in a wire rope by using a alternate lay
rope with more strands and more wires in the strands? I3 none of above
I3 rigidity 7. Determine if this statement is true or false. A 6 x 19 wire
e breaking strength rope classification could have as many as 16 to 26 wires
CB lubrication per strand.
I3 flexibility I3 true LS false

Section 1 Rigging Page Q1-1

0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0
Section 1 Rigging Page Q1-2

8. Which wire rope classification is listed as non-rotating? I I. When hoisting personnel on a crane equipped with
€3 3 strand rotating resistant wire rope, what is the Design (safety)
8 strand Factor required by most safety standards?
19 strand 0 3.5:l
D 35 strand 0 5:l
9. When a non-rotating rope is used in a wedge socket, 0 1O:l
care must be taken to prevent:
D core slippage 12. Newer designs of wire rope with shaped wires and
0 rope from unraveling triangular strands are an attempt to prevent rope damage
0 wire slippage from:
t3 strand slippage I3 multiple drum layers
e3 cross windina
10. A rotation resistant wire rope may have a smaller a improper tensioning
Working Load Limit (SWL) than an equal size 6 x 3 7 all of the above
IWRC because:
lWRC has a higher ultimate load (breaking 13. Referring to the number of broken wires allowed in a wire
strenath) rope, The "Rule of Thumb" for determining replacement
rotating resistant requires higher working load limit
both of the above B 216
14. Wire rope should be replaced if the wear in the outer 18. To avoid kinking wire rope when spooling it onto a drum
strand wires exceeds: from the shipping reel, the operator should always:
l l 1116 of original diameter O allow the reel to rotate freely
O 118 of original diameter keep the reel stationary
1/3 of original diameter Ci always suspend the reel in a vertical position
114 of original diameter a always suspend the reel in a horizontal position
15. Determine if the following statement is true or false. 19. What is the Rule of Thumb formula to find the Ultimate
When inspecting wire rope, interior broken wires and Load (breaking strength) of an IWRC wire rope?
corrosion can be checked by magnetic particle testing. a D2x42
O true false 0 D2x45
16. Corrosion of wire rope is usually caused from:
o D2x5
O metal fatigue
broken wires 20. When the Ultimate Load (breaking strength) of a wire
CI high speed operation rope is divided by a safety (design) factor, the result is
O lack of lubrication called the:

17. Which product below is considered a suitable lubricant to

O ultimate tensile load
use on a wire rope?
O nominal strength of rope
O yield strength of rope
O light mineral oil working load limit (SWL)
O vegetable oil
O grease
O used crankcase oil

Section 1 Rigging Page Q1-3

0.00000.08@0... ~ 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 ~ @ 0 0 . . . .
l0 0 # 0 ~ # 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 8 ~
Sec Rigging Page Q1-4

21. What happens when a wire rope is bent around a sheave 24. What is the minimum Design (safety) Factor for general
or a hook? sling use?
nominal strength does not change 3to1
nominal strength is reduced 5to1
l outside strands are in compression till 7 t o 1
D inside strands are in tension 0 10to1
22. A 1 inch wire rope eye sling (no thimble) lifting a load 25. Determine if this statement is true or false. A 4-leg bridle
with a 1 inch shackle will be approximately how efficient? sling will always carry the load weight equally on all 4
tll O
loo /o legs.
I3 75% D true false
rn 50% 26. With an "improved plow" wire rope sling, the preferred
rn 25% D/d basket hitch ratio is:
23. Referring to slings, the terms "Rated Capacity" or 25 to 1
"Working Load Limit" replaces the old terminology of: 20 to 1
e% safety factor 15to1
breaking strength 0 10to 1
I3 rule of thumb 27. Determine if this statement is true or false. A sling
0 safe working load wrapped around a rectangular load in a basket is rated at
the full basket hitch Working Load Limit.
O true false

When slinging a bundle of pipe or tubing, which of the 32. Using two slings to lift a load, at what degree angle to the
following would provide the best contact between sling horizontal is the load on each sling considered to be
and load? equal to the weight of the load?
l l double basket 15
CI bridle hitch 30
two double wrap chokers es 45
single leg choker a 60
Determine if this statement is true or false. Because all 33. Calculate using the recommended safe lifting angle, the
web slings are manufactured identically, the ID tag does distance between the lift points connecting the load using
not indicate the rated load. two 12 foot slings.
€3true a false C l 6 feet
8 feet
Determine if this statement is true or false. Synthetic
slings can be safely used under any environmental
CI 10 feet
circumstances. 12 feet
true I I I false 34. Using the basic "Riggers Rule" ( L N x load/2) calculate
the load in pounds on each sling leg, using two 12 foot
Referring to the standard format of sling load charts, the slings with a vertical distance to hook point of 8 feet, and
angle between the top of the load and the sling leg is
a load of 8,000 pounds.
called the:
CSI 12,000
B double angle 8,000
CB working angle 0 6,000
I7 vertical angle 0 4,000
CI horizontal angle
Section 1 Rigging Page Q1-6

35. Is the following statement true or false? The standard 39. Safety regulations prohibit the use of clips to make
"Riggers Rule" sling load formula can be applied to a hoisting sling eyes.
non-symmetrical shaped load lifted with 2 sling legs. 17true e3 false
true B false
40. Correctly installed U bolt type wire rope clips are installed
36. What happens to the rigging hardware when sudden with the U portion of the clip on the:
movements or shock loading occurs? • dead or short end
increased load stresspage 64 on the live or long end
decreased load stress installed either wav
no load stress if load is below the WLL I
lalternating up andadown
load weight will decrease
4 1. When compared to the rated size of the body of a
37. Is the following statement true or false? Using a high line shackle, the diameter of the pin is always:
to lift a load inside a building does not require l3 same size
consultation with a structural engineer. €3larger than body
I I l true e3 false smaller than body
38. Which answer below is always embossed on good CB depends on manufacturer
quality forged rigging hardware? Pick the best answer. 42. Shackles are only rated for their maximum capacity when
date of manufacture used for what type of pull?
diameter of pin straight line pull
traceable code number I l 90 degree pull
ultimate breaking strength 45 degree pull
C11 designed for any angle pull
43. With two shackles or sling eyes in a hook, what is the 47. Determine if this statement is true or false. It is
suggested maximum included lifting angle? acceptable practice to lift a load at an angle less than 45
8 0 degrees degrees to the horizontal with an eye-bolt.
O 45 degrees Cl true 0 false
90 degrees 48. Custom fabricated lifting beams or any homemade lifting
180 degrees device must be:
44. A wedge socket must be attached with the load line 0 designed by an engineer
pulling in a straight line from the: 0 have the rated capacity clearly stamped
I3 wedge 8 be test lifted at 125% of rated capacity
ef8 shank B all of the above
8 point 49. What safety requirement must be performed with a
Cl pin basket used to hoist personnel?
45. Determine if this statement is true or false. Referring to 8 proof-test lift at 125% of capacity at each new site
wedge sockets, it is permitted to clip the wire rope dead 8 trial lift with anticipated weight before using
end to the load line. 8 trial lift each time crane is relocated
B true ef8 false 8 all of above
46. Which type of eye-bolt should be used if there is any 50. The "Rule of Thumb" minimum for wire rope to sheave
possibility of an angular load? ratio is:
B shoulder type r l 20to1
shoulderless type 0 30 to 1
40 to 1
0 50 to 1

Section 1 Rigging Page Q1-7

a o @ ~ o o ~ a o ~ @0 @
o ~6 ~
o 0o 0 0 @ @ 0 @ 0 0 0 ~
Section 1 Rigging Page Q1-8

51. What is the mechanical advantage ratio created on the 55. With the load suspended, a single block hoisting
top fixed sheave of a two block hoisting system? assembly has a lead-line pull of 200 pounds. If the lines
D none are parallel, what is the load on the block?
2t01 O 600 pounds
4to1 O 400 pounds
depends on number of sheaves O 200 pounds
O 100 pounds
52. When determining the number of parts of line needed for
rigging a system, what unknown factor makes the use of 56. When spooling wire rope from a reel to the bottom of a
a ratio chart a necessity? crane or hoist drum, the wire rope must come off which
block weight part of the reel?
CB friction 0 top 0 bottom
CB length of wire rope 57. A hoist drum is an over-wind type using right lay wire
diameter of drum rope. Where is the rope connected in relation to the hoist
53. The main disadvantage of lace reeving is: operator standing behind the drum?
line speed is constant left side
the blocks tilt toward each other right side
C3 blocks cannot be brought close together could be either side
l l there are reverse bends C1 depends on the rope size
54. The main advantage of a side opening snatch block is: 58. If the wire rope hoist line coming off a drum is fed into a
(pick the best answer) sheave, how must the sheave be positioned:
0 change direction of load B aligned with the proper fleet angle
change direction of wire rope e aligned with the left drum flange
• swivel hook 0 aligned with the right drum flange
13 ease of installing on wire rope C1 depends on the rope lay
59. As more wraps of wire rope are spooled onto a drum 64. Determine if this statement is true or false. To safely
hoist (tugger), the exerted pull on the rope will: increase the capacity of a Come-A-Long, a two foot long
increase snipe can be used.
0 decrease LlIg true 0 false
3 remain the same 65. Which of the following is NO P a typical type of jack for
60. Answer true or false to this statement. Before using an over-the-floor rigging?
air operated tugger, the air line should be blown out to ratchet
remove excess moisture. electric
0 true III false tl screw
61. Answer true or false to this statement. One advantage of
I3 hydraulic
a chain sling is that it can be safely shock loaded due to 66. Which of the following could be used to move a heavy
its elasticity. load from an outside pad into a building?
IZI true false C1 roller skid
62. Answer true or false to this statement. Load decking O steel dolly
chain is the type used for chain hoisting slings. 0 air castor
I I I true false CI% all of above
67. The most commonly used grade of natural fiber rope is:
63. A matched set of chain slings with one leg longer than
the others is likely an indication of: O number one grade manila
0 cracked links 0 number one grade hemp
twisted links l
lnumber one grade nylon
IIii hardened links number one grade sisal
C1 stretched links

Section 1 Rigging Page Q1-9

Section 1 Rigging Page Q1-10

68. Knots tied in fiber rope reduce the strength by 70. Which of the following can be used as a last resort
approximately: emergency rescue knot?
n 10% B bowline on a bight
25% self-centering bowline
35% e3 spanish bowline
50% B running bowline
69. Which splice is used when forming an eye in fiber rope? 71. This knot is known as a "ki1ler"knot because it is often
lside splice used improperly.
rn short splice B bowline on the bight
llong splice spanish bowline
bowline splice B reef knot
becket hitch
Certification Necessity 1. Load lift planning
Statistics from OSHA and OCHS will verify 2. Load hook-up
the fact that a high percentage of industrial 3. Load movement signaling
accidents occur during material handling and Hoisting equipment
load hoisting. 5. Crane operators
To help lower these accident numbers, more Load planning- One of the first steps in re-
emphasis is being placed On workforce train- ducing load movement accidents is proper
ing by contractors, unions, company owners, pre-lift planning. While lift planning to some
and various government departments and degree is necessary for any lift, it is an abso-
regulatory bodies. lute necessity for any lift classified as a criti-
This includes all types of industries ranging cal lift (see Section Three).
from a boom truck moving relatively light Depending on the type of load, the location of
loads in a service capacity, a mobile or the lift, and who is responsible, the planning
crawler crane lifting heavier loads for heavy process can be quite complex.
industry or construction a tower crane on The process starts by determining the load
building construction, or an EOT crane in a where it is being moved from, and the
manufacturing environment. steps involved in moving the load to a new lo-
For load movement by different types of cation. This means that all those involved in
cranes, this emphasis on the training and planning (engineers, rigging supervisors, rig-
certification of the workforce is directed at gers and crane operators) may be required
five areas, which are: to have some type of certification.
- - -


This may include operator certificates, rigger There are recent changes to the ANSI B30
training certificates or documented training, standard regarding training parameters for
and very likely some type of certification, slings and rigging hardware.
documented training or testing for the These include selection, inspection, cau-
signalperson as well. They will have to sign tions to personnel, effects of environment,
off on the lift plan and its personnel checklist. and rigging practices that will require training
Load hook-up (rigging) - After the lift plan- and documentation. In general terms, to sat-
ning is completed, the next step is the crane isfy the ANSI standards in place and pending
set-up and actual load hook-up in prepara- for slings and hardware, the training will or
tion for lifting. Until recently it has not been may include:
mandatory, in most areas, for the rigger to 1. Training as deemed necessary by the
have a certificate or show proof of qualifica- employer for any employee with as-
tion. However, that situation is changing, as signed rigging duties.
hook-up work performed in some jurisdic- 2. Training provided by a qualified person
tions requires the rigger to either be certified, designated by the employer.
have some type of documented training, be 3. Training covering the items as specified
tested, or be working under the direct instruc- in the applicable standards chapter.
tion of someone who is certified and 4. Training time frame varying as required
responsible. by the individual job description.
5. Training being documented.
Load movement signaling - The person or Within the next several years it is likely that
persons who direct the movement of the some type of signaling training and/or testing
load, either by hand signal or by voice will be required in all aspects of industry.
communication, are responsible for its safe The revised ANSI B30.5 standard, effective
movement, and the safety of all personnel in 2004, requires the signal person to be
and bystanders in the area. tested prior to crane signaling. Merely at-
Up to this point, it was often not necessary for tending a training session will not suffice as
this person to be any more qualified than testing will be required and the person must
having some vague idea about hoisting sig- demonstrate:
nals, crane movements, and knowing where 1. A basic understanding of crane opera-
the load was going. Many persons perform- tion, movements, and limitations.
ing the signals had a very limited knowledge 2. Understanding of standard hand signals
about crane movements and limitations, (when used).
such as reduced capacity with increased ra- 3. Understanding of standard voice signals
dius, crane deflection, or maintaining a con- (when used).
stant load height while moving the load. But The new voice requirements will have the
vthat situation is quickly changing, as owners, these three elements,
contractors, unions, and regulatory bodies 1 Function and direction (example load
are deeming it necessary that the signal per- up or down, boom in or out, or swing left
son knows exactly what they are doing and to or right).
understand what is going on.
2. Distance and speed (distance to final aware of any obvious problems in the crane
position with appropriate movement structure, hoisting assembly, or the drive
speed). train.
3. Function and stop (example - swing, Crane operator certification varies widely,
slowly, 1 foot, stop). depending on the equipment and the regula-
Hoisting Equipment - This includes load tory body within the jurisdiction of a particular
movement with indoor hoists such as pole location.
and wall mounted jibs, monorails, and In Canada, there are few regulations for EOT
A-frame floor gantries. Generally, on a crane operators, however most provinces
smaller scale, the person(s) using this equip- have some type of certification process for
ment combines the above three items (plan- tower, mobile and crawler cranes, as well as
ning, rigging, and signaling) so the training boom truck operators.
and certification requirements will be similar. Crane operator certification in the USA is ba-
Crane operators - To operate a crane sically regulated by OSHA and ANSI, how-
safely and effectively, the operator must un- ever various states and municipalities also
derstand all aspects of the machine, includ- have regulations. The armed forces and in-
ing: location of controls and their function and dividual companies may also have specific
the resulting movements; crane movements; requirements for crane operators. In general
capacities, load charts, and related data; op- terms, anybody operating a crane must have
eration speeds; and visual and audible sig- a certificate. It may be necessary in some ju-
nals. In addition, the operator must have a risdictions for crane operators to follow a
basic knowledge of crane inspection to be re-certification process.
170 TRAINING/CERTIFICATION Training Purpose/Operator Selection
Training Program Purpose When a company or organization requires
The general purpose of any training program new trainees for a crane operator program,
is as follows: the prospective trainees will go through
1. Define the objectives and duties of the some type of selection process established
training facility, and/or the trainer. by that company or organization. Common
2. Define the administrative policies relat- requirements include passing a physical ex-
ing to initial and subsequent certification. amination and the ability to communicate.
Communication means the ability to read
3 Define the responsibilities of personnel
and comprehend the crane manuals, instruc-
to ensure a safe lift process.
tions, load charts, crane reports, and all
4. Ensure the person requiring the training warning signs. It also means the operator or
receives the proper technical and safety trainee must understand the applicable lan-
instruction. guage when instructions or operating signals
Crane Operator Selection are verbal.
The four primary ingredients in becoming a Note: It is an absolute necessity for train-
fully qualified crane operator are as follows: ees and operators to be drug and alcohol
Physical condition free and not be substance abusers. Peri-
Hands-on and classroom training odic proof of this avoidance may be
Certification examination required.
Practical experience
- - -

TRAINING/CERTIFICATION Training Purpose/OperatorSelection 171

PhysicalCondition: It is suggested (and re- f. Evidence that an operator is subject to
quired by some companies) that operators seizure or loss of physical control shall
have a regular physical examination. ANSI be reason for disqualification. Special-
stipulates that operators shall be in good ized medical tests may be required.
physical condition. The primary health con- g. Operator must have normal depth per-
cerns are: ception, field of vision, reaction time,
a. Vision of at least 20130 snellen in one manual dexterity, coordination, and no
eye and 20150 in the other, with or with- tendency of dizziness.
out corrective lenses. h. Physical re-examination may be periodi-
b. Ability to distinguish colors, regardless cally required (physical re-examination
of position. required every three years in the USA).
c. Adequate hearing, with or without hear- Training - Classroom: Classroom training
ing aid, for the specific operation. will include:
d. Sufficient strength, endurance, agility, a. Crane nomenclature.
coordination and speed of reaction to b. Material and load handling require-
meet operation demand. ments.
e. Evidence of physical problems or emo- c. Crane controller and crane movements.
tional instability that could create a haz- d. Determining crane capacities using the
ard, in the opinion of the examiner, may load charts and related data.
be sufficient cause for disqualification. In e. Basic rigging hardware and its use.
such a case, specialized clinical or med-
ical tests may be required.
172 TRAINING/CERTIFICATION Training Purpose/OperatorSelection
f. Basic crane inspection and mainte-
nance. FRONT
g. Pertinent and related safety regulations. CRANE OPERATORS IDENTIFICATION CARD
Training - Hands-On: Hands-on training
provides an opportunity for the trainee to use Name:
the crane during simulated and actual load Payroll No.:
conditions while under the direct guidance of
an experienced and certified operator.
Training Period Duration: The duration of Signed:
the training period will vary depending on the Department Superintendent
type of crane and on the jurisdictional body
regulating the certification process. Qualified To Operate Approved By Medical
These Cranes Dept. Supt. Examination
Whatever the stipulated time frame, any Initial Date Dates
trainee will have to complete the necessary
period and/orbe able to demonstrate ability
through a certification examination that could
be written, practical, or a combination of
both. A crane operator's certification card will
then be issued. A sample is shown in illustra-
tion #I 66.

Illustration #I66 - Sample Operators Certificate
TRAINING/CERTIFICATION Training Purpose/OperatorSelection 173
Practical Experience: Unless the crane op- Operator Conduct
erator training period is very specific, and a. The operator shall not engage in any ac-
also very in-depth, the newly certified trainee tivity that will divert attention from oper-
will invariably be a marginal operator. Be- ating the crane.
coming a good operator requires a great deal b. The operator shall not operate a crane
of practical experience using a variety of when physically or mentally unfit.
cranes under different configurations and c. The operator shall only respond to the
load conditions. Experience plus theory designated signal person, however any-
training will make the ideal operator. one can give a stop signal.
Note: Operation Warning - Never operate d. The operator is responsible for opera-
a crane in any State, Pro vince,or other ju- tions under his control. When in doubt,
risdiction stipulating compulsory opera- consult a supervisor before hoisting.
tor certification, unless holding a e. Before leaving the crane unattended,
certification card issued by the applicable the operator shall: land the load, disen-
authority; or unless you are in a training gage the master clutch, set all brakes
program and are under the supervision of and locking devices, put controls in off
an instructor or an experienced and certi- or neutral position, secure the crane
fied crane operator. against accidental travel, stop the en-
176 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan Requirement
Lift Plan Requirement The lift plan will describe the systematic
Prior to any crane lift, a lift plan of some type assessment of important load and site
is necessary, including lifts that are classed factors. These factors are used to deter-
as non-critical. An ill-prepared one ton lift of a mine the size of crane needed, where it
sign on a building can be more hazardous will be located and what site preparations
than a 400 ton lift of a pressure vessel in an will be required.
operating refinery, if something is left unac- The size, type and set-up, of the crane(s)
counted for and a mishap occurs. The plan (or other type of lifting device) as well as
can be as simple as the supervisor, the crane an up-to-date inspection report.
operator, and the rigger(s) discussing the lift The load lifting points, attachment meth-
prior to it being made. Or it can be extremely ods, and rigging hardware to be used.
complex, involving detailed site and lift draw- The step by step movements of the
ings, and a team composed of experienced crane(s) required to ensure a safe lift and
riggers, crane operators, and engineers with work-site.
a rigging background. The plan will include any environmental
The lift plan identifies the requirements lifting conditions.
needed for the primary areas of every lift, A documented plan will include the name
including: of those preparing the plan.
Identifies the size, shape, and weight of A documented plan will designate the lift
the load that is to be lifted, where it will be supervisor, crane operator(s), rigger(s),
lifted from, where it will be placed, and and state their qualifications.
where the lifting crane(s) will be located. A copy of the plan should go to any desig-
nated authority.
PRE-LIFT PLANNING Critical Lift Criteria 177
Designation of a Critical Lift The weight of the load exceeds set limits.
There are few set rules to define whether a lift The load weight is close to the crane's lift-
is considered critical and thereby requires a ing capacity, as specified by the crane
lift study or lift plan. The guidelines will vary manufacturer's rating chart.
from one jurisdiction to another, depending When lifting personnel in a basket.
on what is being lifted and where the lift is Lift Criteria: Criteria other than those listed
taking place. may be specified to define a critical lift, as
Crane companies and plant owners will often one company may have a much lower load
set specific criteria that determines whether weight limit than another. For instance, one
a lift study is necessary during new plant con- company might specify that a lift plan is nec-
struction, or when equipment is being re- essary for any lift over 20 tons in weight, or
moved or installed in an existing plant. when a lift is to be made in or around any ex-
Some of the factors used to determine isting above ground structure.
whether a lift should be designated as critical Crane Capacity: Any load that is heavier
are: than 75% of the rated capacity of a crane is a
When a load is lifted over or near operat- critical lift, and warrants special attention. Do
ing equipment or electrical power lines. not permit inexperienced or untrained per-
When two or more pieces of lifting equip- sonnel to prepare a critical lift plan.
ment are required to work in unison. Many inexperienced people assume that a
When special lifting equipment, such as crane can lift its rated capacity under almost
non-standard crane configurations will be any circumstances.
178 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Preparation
However, a crane can only lift its maximum Crane data includes the number, type, and
capacity when it has a short boom that is po- size of crane(s), initial and final crane and
sitioned at its highest angle. For example, load positions, site preparation, and the
the assumption that a 60 ton crane can al- blocking or pads. Also necessary is the crane
ways lift 60 tons is incorrect. With a long configuration (radius, boom length, boom
boom configuration and a low boom working angle, amount of swing) for all steps and po-
angle, that 60 ton crane may only have a ca- sitions during the lift. Any buildings or ob-
pacity of 2,000 - 3,000 pounds. structions must be considered. A print is not
Under these conditions it would take very lit- always needed, but one advantage of draw-
tle to tip the crane, and this would undoubt- ing one is that it does make it necessary to
edly be classed as a critical lift. know all of the details. These include load
weight and measurements, crane capacities
Critical Lift Preparation and measurements, as well as the hardware
1 .Rigging Print. It is often necessary to pre- sizes, sling lengths, etc. This eliminates pac-
pare a blueprint or drawing of the rigging job ing off or guessing of distances, or guessing
(see examples in this Section). This would in- weights instead of measuring and
clude the load and the crane. For the load it calculating.
would show the exact size, shape, and 2. Firm, Level Ground: The ground under
weight, and how it will be hooked up. It will the crane must be compacted, or proven to
specify the rigging hardware and indicate be stable. A soil analysis might be needed.
whether the load is turned, rotated, or in- The crane must be on outriggers with pads or
verted at some point during the lift. blocking under the outriggers when neces-
sary (or a crawler crane on bearing mats).
The crane must be perfectly level for full ca- The rigging hardware must have a suitable
pacity rating and to avoid boom sideloading. safety factor for the lift. Do not, under any cir-
For further information refer to pages 234 to cumstances, use the crane on-board load in-
242 for ground conditions and pages 265 to dicator computer to test lift a load to
274 on levelling and stability. determine an unknown weight. This is an un-
3. Radius, Boom Length, Boom Angle: safe practice that violates the crane manu-
The boom length must be known, and the facturers operating guidelines and also ANSI
load radius and boom angle must be deter- 830.5-3.2.1 . 1 (a)(b)(c).
mined exactly and known through the entire 5. Environmental Conditions: The plan
lifting process. An in-cab load indicator will should consider the expected weather condi-
show these three pieces of information, but tions for visibility and load safety. Conditions
only after the hook is directly over the load, that might force a postponement such as
and the operator must know, rather than as- wind, rain, thunderstorms, snow, or fog,
sume, that the computer readings are cor- tides, and currents around water are con-
rect. These three details must be known cerns. Plan for adequate lighting for any
during the planning process, not while hook- night operation.
ing up to do the lift. 6. Operator and Signalperson: Ensure that
4. Load and Rigging: The exact load weight an experienced operator is at the controls
must be known, including all of the crane and during a critical lift. All movements must be
rigging components which are added to find smooth and slow. The signalperson must
the total weight. The capacity chart readings know the signals.
for gross weight must match before any lift is
180 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Checklist Examples
The operator and signalperson must know Rigging Data Sheet - lllustration # 1 7 1
the sequence of the crane and load move- Crane Set-up Summary - Illustration # 172
ments through the lift process. They must be
able to communicate with either hand sig-
nals or radio. Radio is a must if the distance is OPERATIONSCRITICAL LIFT PLAN
too great to see the hand signals clearly. Plan Contents Checklist #1
Lift Plan Checklist Examples
Critical Lift - Planning Checklist
Several types of planning checklist exam-
Lift Analysis Report
ples follow.
Process Contingency Plan
They include:
Copy of Crane(s) Load Chart
Plans Content Checklist - Table #46
Copy of Vendor's Charts showing Capacity
Planning Checklist - Table #47 of Slings & Shackles
Crane Set-up Lift Analysis - Table #48 Copy of Inspection Reports for Manufactured
Crane Capacity Lift Analysis - Table #49 Lifting Equipment
Hardware Lift Analysis Report - Table #50 Elevation View Drawings
Critical Lift Plan Personnel Checklist Engineering Calculations for Engineered
Table #51 Lifting Components
Lift Calculation Form - Illustration #I 67
Crane Hookup - lllustration #168
Routing Sketch of Equipment Travel into

Other (list)
Tailing Crane Hookup - lllustration # 169
Rigging Sketch Sheet - lllustration # 170 Y yes, n/a = not applicable
Table #46 Plans Content ChecklistExample
PRE-LIFT PLANNING Checklist Examples 181

Table #47A Planning Checklist Example # 1 (part 1 of 3)
182 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Checklist E x a m p l e s
Planning Checklist #2 (cont.) Y = yes, nla = not applicable
Description of Component Y n/a Description of Component Y nla
Are shackles or hooks always used in such a How will the lifting and swing areas be
manner as to avoid side bending in the barricaded?
hardware? . What are the limits on wind speeds for making
Will spreaders and other rigging hardware the lift? How and where will wind speed be
remain safely clear of the boom, the load, and measured?
other objects at all times during the lifting If a tailing crane has to walk is the path level
operation? and properly compacted? --
Have qualified personnel designed and tested Has the shift superintendent been notified of
special rigging hardware in accordance to movement of the load to the lifting site? Are
regulations? . any permits required? --
Are the dimensions of the lifting lugs-pad eye Has the load transport route to the lift site
consistent with the size of shackle proposed? been checked for overhead obstructions? Are
Will the shackle be able to turn as the load there any bridges, culverts, pipe ways etc. to
goes from horizontal to vertical? cross? Are they structurally capable of safely
Have the appropriate impact factors been supporting the transport load?
used in designing the lifting lugs, shackles, Has the Safety Department been involved in
etc.? the lift planning process or lift plan review?
Has any required non-destructive testing What efforts have been made to identify
been done to assess the quality of welds obstructions in the lift path and swing path?
attaching lifting lugs, pad eyes, trunnions, How accurate are these efforts?
etc.? --
What are the maximum loads imposed by the
Is there enough clearance between the shell cranes on the soil? Is the soil bearing capacity
and the lifting lug-pad eye to get the nut on adequate to safely support the crane loads?
the shackle pin?
Table #47B Planning Checklist (part 2 of 3)
- - - -

PRE-LIFT PLANNING Checklist Examples

Planning Checklist #2 (cont.) Y yes, n/a= not applicable
Description of Component Y n/a Description of Component Y n/a
Has a soil investigation program been Have emergency plans been developed by,
performed? What is the assumed load communicated, and understood by operating
distribution through the timber mats, if they personnel?
are used? Are the operating personnel clear regarding
Where will the crane be assembled? What isolation of lines containing toxic or flammable
route will the crane take from the assembly material? How are the valves identified?
site to the lift site? Has the lift plan been reviewed with crane
Can the outriggers be fully deployed? operators, riggers, and others involved in the
How will the lifting slings be safely lifting operations? Has the plan been reviewed
disconnected once the load is landed and with supervisors and workers in adjacent
anchored? area?
Is adequate lighting equipment available for Does the lift plan reflect the philosophy that
use if the lifting operation should extend safety is the top priority?
beyond normal daylight hours?
Can rigging personnel safely control and The above checklist has been reviewed and all
manipulate the load throughout the lifting items listed above have been addressed in the
path? Critical Lift Plan:
Have emergency procedures been
determined and communicated to all Lift Plan Developer:
personnel involved in the lifting operation?
Rigging Supervisor:

Table #47C - Planning Checklist (part 3 of 3)
184 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Checklist Examples
Location: Description of item:
Load Length: Load Width: Load Height: Load Weight:
Is weight estimated? Yes / No By whom?
Is weight documented? Yes / No By whom?
LIFT CRANE Make & Capacity: TAIL CRANE Make & Capacity:
Boom Length: Boom Length:
Jib Length: Jib Length:
Boom Extension Length: Boom Extension Length:
Over Front: Over Front:
Over Side: Over Side:
Over Rear: Over Rear:
360 degree Rotation: 360 degree Rotation:

Radius-Verified by Measurement in Field: Radius-Verified by Measurement in Field:

Chart Capacity: Chart Capacity:
Boom Angle at Pick: Boom angle at Pick:
Boom angle at Set:
Boom Angle at Set:
Jib Offset Degrees:
Jib Offset Degrees:
Parts of Line to be Used:
Parts of Line to be Used:
Capacity Per Part:
Capacity Per Part:

Table #48 Crane Set-Up Lift Analysis Example
PRE-LIFT PLANNING Checklist Examples 185
OPERATIONS CRITICAL LlFT PLAN Crane Capacity Lift Analysis
LIFT CRANE (lbs/ton) TAIL CRANE (lbs/ton)
Main Block:
Auxiliary Ball:
Jib Stowed:
Jib Erected:
Auxiliary Boom Point:
Loadline / Whipline:
Other (list):
Total Weight Deductions:

Crane Gross Capacity:
Minus Deductions:
Equal Net Capacity:
Weight of Load:
Divided by Net Capacity:
Equals % of Load Chart used on this Lift:

Maximum Wind Speed Allowed for Lift to Proceed:

Type and Capacity of Weakest Part of Rigging:
Lifting Over Pipe Rack? Yes / No Approval
Lifting Over Process Equipment? Yes / No Approval
Lifting Over Electrical Lines? Yes / No Approval

Table #49 Crane Capacity Lift Analysis Example
186 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Checklist Examples
LIFT CRANE Rigging to be Used
TYPE QTY SIZE LGTH l lbs/ton WGT. Hitch Arrangement

Eye Bolts
Spreader Bar
TA1L CRANE Rigging to be Used
TYPE QTY SIZE LGTH lbs/ton WGT. Hitch Arrangement

Eye Bolts
Spreader Bar

Include: Diagram for each Rigging System /Calculations for Sling Angles and Stress Per beg

Table #50 Hardware Lift Analysis Report Example
PWE-LIFT PLANNING Checklist Examples 187
CRITICAL LIFT PLAN Personnel Checklist
General information on Lift
Description of Lift: Area - Unit of Lift:
Planned Lift Date:
Plan Developed By:

Date: Project Number:

Contractor's Review and Approval (review & approve method, safety, location and orientation)
Wigging Supervisor:
Safety Department:
Project Manager:
Engineering Departments: (as needed due to complexity of lift)
Review and Concurrence (review for safety and completeness)
Client Rigging Specialist:
Client Representative:
(Project Manager)
Client Safety Representative: (as needed due to complexity of lift)

Pre-Lift Safety Meeting (review plan with work crew at jobsite before lifting)
Contractor Supervisor:
Crane Operator # 1:
Crane Operator #2:
Work Crew Members: (attach extra personnel list if necessary)

Table #51 Critical Lift Plan Personnel Checklist Example
188 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Calculation Form
This form is to be filled out by the area superintendent for all lifts over 10,000 Ibs. handled by the jib block or 20,000 Ibs handled by the
main block, and given to the rigging superintendent a minimum of 24 hrs before the lift is made. Permission for the lift may be denied
if the above time scale is not observed. (FORM IS TO BE SIGNED & DATED BY RIGGING SITE SUPERINTENDENT & APPLICANT)
AREA NUMBER *If load is being lifted by the Jib, neglect effective Jib weight and
1. Description of Load effective overhaul ball weight and use only overhaul ball weight.
2. Type of crane to be used Other Considerations:
Boom Length 7. Crane must be set up level.
Jib Length T ype Offset 8. Crane must be set up on well compacted material.
3. Weight of Load lbs. A. Type of material
*Effective weight of Jib (see Jib chart) Ibs. B. Percent of compaction
*Effective weight of Jib overhaul ball Ibs. 9. If the total erection weight exceeds 70% of the crane capacity
(2x ball weight) at the radius being used, then crane mats must be used over
Weight of load block I$% well-compacted material.
Weight and Description of Slings: 10. If this lift is a near-capacity lift, use out haul line(s) to prevent
Each - Length load from drifting away from the crane as load is being lifted

Weight of lifting beam
Weight and Descriptio of Shackles:

clear of transporter or ground.
11. Tag lines (minimum of two) must be used on all lifts.
12. No lift may be executed outside crane capacity chart.
Reference weights:
Weight of other rigging MODEL BLOCK (Ibs) (Ibs)
Total Erection Load Ibs.
lbs. 5299 1200 350
4. Operating Radius 5460 1200 350
Ibs. 7260 1750 600
5. Crane capacity at above radius
Ibs. 999 C 2440 600
6. Jib capacity at above offset (if applicable)
9270 3000 700
Do not make lift if total erection load is greater than: 9299 3520 700
A. Crane capacity shown for item 5 when using main boom fall 9310 6500 800
to lift load. 11310 11500 1000
B. Crane capacity shown for item 5 or Jib structural capacity 11320 13500 1000

Illustration #167 Lift Calculation Form Example
PRE-LIFT PLANNING Hookup Examples 189




Illustration #I68 Crane Hookup Example
190 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Hookup Examples



illustration #I69 Taiiing Crane Hookup Example
, I No" 2004

1 1/2" dia. X 40'

NORTH 0" 45" UP =34. OK

35 TON
2 REQ'D.





Illustration #I70 Rigging Sketch Sheet Example
192 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Rigging Data Sheet


AT &


1 x 40 FT. SLING


Illustration #I71 Rigging Data Sheet Example
PRE-LIFT PLANNING Set-up Summary 193

Hook is
Directly Above
C of G of Load

Boom Angle, Boom Length

And Load Radius Are Known
And The Crane's Rated
Capacity Is Known
\ Correct

Crane Is Level
All Outrigger
Load is Beams Are Fully Wheels Are Clear
Known Extended Of Ground

Outrigger Pads Are

on Solid Footing or Blocking
Illustration #172 Crane Set-Up Summary Example
194 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan Drawing Cad/Fin Fan
Lift Plan Drawing Examples
Lift plan drawings for four different hoist-
ing projects are shown on the following
pages. FIN FAN
For each crane lift the drawings show: PERSPECTIVE VIEW
a perspective (isometric view) of the
lift site
an elevation (side) view
a plan (top) view showing the crane
and load positioning details
rigging hook-up details
specification details for the crane and
hardware requirements of each lift.

illustration #I73 - Fin Fan Perspective View (part 1 of 6)


Lift Plan Drawings/FinFan


- Fin Fan Plan View (part 2 of 6)

illustration #173
196 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan Drawings/Fin Fan
1 X 20'

75 TON
. -..


Illustration #I73 Fin Fan Elevation View (part 3 of 6) -
Illustration #I73 Fin Fan Rigging Detail (part 4 of 6)
BOOM LENGTH 133.5 ft.

CRANE CAPACITY 66,500 lbs.


51,630 lbs.
LOAD BLOCK 2,320 lbs.


Illustration#I73 Fin Fan CraneILoadl Lift Information(part 5 of 6)
198 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan DrawingsIFin Fan
1 2 SLING, 1 112 in. DIA X 20 ft.
2 4 SLING, 1 114 in. DIA X 20 ft.
3 4 SLING, 1 in. DIA X 20 ft.



illustration #I73 Fin Fan Rigging List & Notes (part 6 of 6)
PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan DrawingsIHeat Exchanger 199

illustration #I74 Heat Exchanger Perspective View (part 1 of 6)
200 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan DrawinasIHeat Exchanger







Illustration #I74 Heat Exchanger Plan View (part 2 of 6)
PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan DrawingsIHeat Exchanger 201


1 1/2"0 X 15'-0" SLING (TYP)


11'-0" SPAN

1 1/2"0 X 15'-0" SLING (TYP)



Illustration #I74 Heat Exchanger Elevation View (3 of 6) -
lllustration #I74 Heat Exchanger Rigging Detail (4 of 6)
202 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan DrawinasIHeat Exchanger


NOTE: EQUIPMENT SIZE 27' - 10 3/4" X 5' - 4" DIA

BOOM LENGTH 115 ft. 3 in.
LIFT RADIUS 29 ft. 0 in.
CRANE CAPACITY 83,500 lbs.
EQUIP. WEIGHT 63,580 lbs.
LOAD BLOCK 2,680 lbs.
Illustration #I 74 Heat Exchanger Crane I Load I Lift Information (part 5 of 6)
PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan DrawinaslHeat Exchanaer 203
1 4 SLING. 1 112 in. DIA x 15 ft.

1 4 1 4 1 SHACKLE. 35TON ' 1

5 I
2 1

I 7 1 I I SPREADER BAR. "HA" TYPE 1I ft. o in. I



Illustration #I74 Heat Exchanger Rigging List (part 6 of 6)
204 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan Drawings/Module

illustration #I75 - Module Perspective View (part 1 of 7)

PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan Drawings/Module 205

Illustration #175- Module Plan View (part 2 of.7)
206 PRE-EIFP PLANNING Lift Plan DrawingsfModule

13000mm (42'64') \ (0.98')
Illustration #I75 Module Elevation View (part 3 of 7)
- d - - - - * - - - -

PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan DrawinqsIModule




illustration #I75 Module Rigging Detail (part 4 of 7)
208 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan Drawings/Module






Y \\

Illustration #I75 Module ShackleDetails and Rigging List (part 5 of 7)
Lift Plan DrawinaslModule
NOTE: MODULE 68-B WEIGHT 48,637 kg (107,245 lbs.)
MODULE 68-B APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS: 12 000 mm x 6 500 mm x 5 445 mm
MODULE 68-B APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS: 40 ft. x 21 ft. x 18 ft. TALL
1 BOOM LENGTH 1 60 m (197 ft.) 1 60 m (197 ft.)
36m(118ft.) -1
LIFT RADIUS 14 000 mm (45.92 ft.) 27 941 mm (91.65 ft.)
CRANE CAPACITY 114 000 kg (251,370 lbs.) 66 207 kg (145,985 lbs.)
EQUIP. WEIGHT 48 637 kg (107,245 lbs.) 48 637 kg (107,245 lbs.)
1 RIGGING WEIGHT / 4243kg(9,356lbs.) 1 4243kq(9,356lbs.)
2 721 kq ( 6,000 lbs.) 1
2721 kg (6,000lbs.) 1
TOTAL LIFT WEIGHT 55 601 kg (122,601 lbs.) 55 601 kq (122,601 lbs.)


Illustration #I75 Module Crane Loadlbift Information (part 6 of 7)
210 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan Drawinus/Nlodule

Illustration #I75 Module Procedure & Notes (part 7 of 7)
- - - - - - - - - -

' FRELPTPL~NNIRG Lift Plan Drawingslfractionator 211

Illustration #I 76 Fractionator Perspective View (part 1 of 6)
212 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan DrawingslFractionator
n n nn

illustration #I76 Fractionator Plan \liew (part 2 of 6)
- - - - - -

PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan DrawinclslFractionator

65' RADIUS 1
4 1
Illustration #176- Fractionator Elevation Views (part 3 of 6)
214 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan DrawingsIFractionator
10 PARTS OF - 16 PARTS 0

3" DIA. x 31' SLINGS \\"
110 TON

2 314" DIA. x 26'


Illustration #I76 Fractionator Rigging Details (part 4 of 6)
PRE=LIFTPLANNING Lift Plan Drawings/Fractionator 215




Illustration #I76 Fractionator Crane 1Load 1Lift Information (part 5 of 6)
21 6 PRE-LIFT PLANNING Lift Plan DrawingslFractionator


/ \


8' x 8' STEEL MAT

I I 5' x 20' TIMBER MAT 1 I

GROUND PRESSURE = 4 150 sf \ GROUND PRESSURE = 3 100 psf


illustration #I76 - Fractionator Ground Pressure Details (part 6 of 6)
- - - - -

ANSI Standards
ANSl and OSHA Standards Applicable to Cranes and Lifting Devices
Vehicle Mounted Elevating & Rotating Aerial Stacker Cranes (top or under running bridge,
Devices multiple girder with top or under running
Manual Propelled Elevating Work Platforms trolley hoist
Boom Supported Elevating Work Platforms Cableways
Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
Jacks Manually Lever Operated Hoists
Overhead and Gantry Cranes (top running Articulating Boom Cranes
bridge, single or multiple girder, top running Personnel Lifting Systems
trolley hoist) Container Cranes (Under Development)
Construction Tower Cranes Scrap and Material Handlers
Portal, Tower, Pedestal Cranes Rigging Hardware (Under Development)
Mobile and Locomotive Cranes Material Placement Systems (Under
Derricks Development)
Base Mounted Drum Hoists Balance Lifting Units (Under Development)
Floating Cranes and Floating Derricks
Slings B56.1 Safety Standards for High and Low Forklift
Hooks Trucks
Monorails and Underhung Cranes B56.6 Safety Standards for Rough Terrain Forklift
Handling Loads Suspended from Rotorcraft Trucks
Storage Retrieval (SIR) Machines and B56.7 Safety Standards for Industrial Crane Trucks
Associated Equipment
Side Boom Tractors HST Performance Standards
Mobile Hydraulic Cranes (has been withdrawn, HST-1 Electric Chain Hoists
now included in B30.5) HST-2 Manually Operated Chain Hoists
Overhead Hoists (underhung) HST-3 Manually Operated Lever Hoists
Overhead and Gantry Cranes (top running HST-4 Overhead Electric Wire Rope Hoists
bridge, single girder, underhung hoist) HST-5 Air Chain Hoists
HST-6 Air Wire Rope Hoists
Table #52A ANSl and OSHA Standards
ANSI and OSHA Standards Applicable to Cranes and Lifting Devices
D l 4.1-85 ANSIIAWS for indoor and mill cranes and OSHA 29 CFR - Part 1910 General Industry Standards
hoists welding repair
D l 4.3 ANSIIAWS for mobile cranes and construction Sub Part F - Vehicle Mounted Work Platrforms
equipment welding repair 1910.67
Sub Part N - Material Handling and Storage
OSHA 29 CFR - Part 1926 Construction Industry 1910.176 1910.177 1910.178
Standards 1910.179 1910.180 1910.181
Sub Part H - Material Handling and Storage
1926.251 Rigging Equipment OSHA 46 CFR - Parts 1-199 Shipping, U.S.Coastguard
and D.0.T 173.005 - 173.025
Sub Part L - Scaffolds
1926.453 Aerial Lifts OSHA 29 CFR - Part 1917 Marine Terminal Standards
1926.454 Training Requirements
OSHA 29 CFR - Part 1918 Longshoring Standards
Sub Part N - Cranes, Derricks and Hoists
1926.550 1926.552 ISO-0960 Lifting Equipment and Cranes
1926.553 1926.554 ISO-0990 Lifting Chains, Hooks
ISO-2650 Wire Rope
Sub Part 0 - Motor Vehicles, Mechanized Equipment ISO-060 Material Handling
and Marine Operations ISO-0690 Industrial Trucks
1926.600 1926.601 1926.602
1926.603 1926.604 1926.605 Note: EM 385 -1 -1 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
General Safety Requirements

Table #52B ANSI and OSHA Standards
SECTION THREE QUESTIONS 5. Which of the following would be classed as a critical lift?
Pre-Lift Planning B operating over or near powerlines
B two cranes working in tandem
D the load is close to the cranes' capacity
I. Determine if this statement is true or false. All lift plans 0 all of the above
are complex and require an engineering staff and a site 6. Determine if this statement is true or false. Any load
drawing. heavier than 75% of the rated capacity of a crane is a
0 true O false critical lift?
2. Determine if this statement is true or false. A 0 true CI false
documented pre-lift plan will state the names of the 7. Determine if this statement is true or false. A print or
engineers and supervisors who have worked to prepare drawing of a lift never includes actual measurements or
the plan. distances as they are usually too hard to calculate until
0 true O false the crane is hooked to the load.
3. Determine if this statement is true or false. A CI true false
documented pre-lift plan will state the names of the 8. Determine if this statement is true or false. A detailed
operator(s) and the riggers who will rig the load and print or drawing of a lift eliminates guesswork,
perform the lift. B true !Ilfalse
true B false
9. Determine if this statement is true or false. If a crane can
4. Determine if this statement is true or false. There are sit firmly without the tracks or outriggers sinking into the
standardized industry rules to specify what is classified ground prior to lifting the load, a soil analysis is never
as a critical lift. needed.
true B false D true false

Section 3 Pre-Lift Planning Page Q3-1

Section 3 Pre-Lift Planning Page Q3-2

10. Determine if this statement is true or false. On a critical 14. In illustration #173, what is the load radius?
lift, it is necessary that the load radius, boom length, and 39 ft.
boom angle are known when hooking up the load. 0 33 ft. 1 in.
true CI false 29 ft. 8 in.
I I . Determine if this statement is true or false. Using the C8 16ft. 11 in.
crane load indicator as a scale to weigh a load is an 15. In illustration #173, what is the swing circle?
accepted practice when preparing a lift plan. 0 45 degrees
O true C3 false 0 90 degrees
12. Which of the following is the most satisfactory method of 0 180 degrees
signaling on a two-crane lift? 0 270 degrees
CI one person using hand signals for both cranes 16. Determine if this statement is true or false. In illustration
CI one person using hand signals for each crane #173, there is only several inches of clearance between
• one person using voice communication the boom and the building structure.
13. As the pre-lift items that must be investigated by a 0 true 0 false
planning group are completed, the results are entered 17. Determine if this statement is true or false. In illustration
and filed in a series of: #173, the crane capacity is 97,000 lbs.
0 crane log books 0 true 13false
C3 crane maintenance manuals
inter-office memos 18. 'In illustration # I 74, what does the crane do during the lift
checklists process?
I3 swing clockwise and boom down
0 swing clockwise and boom up
O swing counterclockwise and boom down
0 swing counterclockwise and boom up
19. Determine if this statement is true or false. In illustration 23. In illustration #175, what size shackle supports the
#I 74, the crane block is reeved using all of the sheaves. snatch block?
3 true B false 0 25 ton
C3 35 ton
20. Determine if this statement is true or false. In illustration
#I 74, all four slings and shackles will have an equal load 85 ton
stress. D 110ton
D true III false 24. Determine if this statement is true or false. In illustration
#I 76, two cranes are used to lift the load off the ground.
21. Determine if this statement is true or false. In illustration
#I 75, the counterweight is attached prior to lifting the true e3 false
module. 25. In illustration #I 76, how many 110ton shackles are used
IZI true 0 false on the main crane lift?
22. In illustration #I 75, how many shackles are attached to one
the main load block? IIItwo
D one tl four
CB two III five
e3 three 26. In illustration #176, after the main crane booms up to 52
0 fourteen degrees, how many times does the load radius change?
III one
D three

Section 3 Pre-Lift Planning Page Q3-3

220 MOBILE CRANES Crane Signals
Crane Signals Some organizations require audio com-
Company owners, contractors, unions, and munication anytime the load is out of sight
regulatory bodies are deeming it necessary of the operator, or the signalperson is
that the person performing hand signals or over 100 feet from the operator.
voice communication understands exactly The crane operator must only respond to
what he/sheis doing during all aspects of a the signals from the designated person,
lift. Within the next several years, it is very other than a stop signal from any crew
likely that some type of signal training and/or member.
testing will be required in every type of indus- The operator and the person performing
try. The revised ANSI 530.5 standard, effec- the signals must agree prior to the lift on
tive in 2005, requires the signal person to be any necessary signals that are not in-
tested prior to crane signaling. Merely at- cluded among the standard hand signals
tending a training session will not suffice, as (shown in illustrations # 177 & #178).
testing will be required. The person must
demonstrate a basic understanding of crane
operation, movements and limitations, and
an understanding of the standard hand sig-
nals, and/or the standard voice signals with HORN SIGNALS FOR TRAVELLING
their elements (see Section Two). AND MOBILE CRANES
(and as a warning for travel direction
The person performing the signals must for Crawler Machines)
be positioned where the load can be One blast ............STOP
Two blasts.. .......FORWARD
plainly seen, and is in clear sight of the Three blasts ........... REVERSE
crane operator. illustration #177- Bell, Light, and Horn Signals
- -

MOBILE CRANES Crane Signals 221


Load Slowly

om Lower
the Boom the Boom

the Boom
One Hand

Boom Up
Load Down

Load Up
Boom Extend Hydraulic

Illustration #178A Typical Hand Signals
222 MOBILE CRANES Crane Signals

Turn Left
Travel Forward

Emergency Stop Dog Everything

Swing Load NOresponse
should be
made to
Close Clam Open Clam

1. Only one person to be Signalperson

2. Make sure the Operator can see you and acknowledges the signal given
3. Signalperson must watch the load - the Operator is watching you
4. Don't swing the load over other workers; warn them to keep out of the way

illustration #178B-Typical Hand Signals

MOBILE CRANES Crane Operational Aids
Crane Operational Aids A limiter is a device that also monitors the
ANSI standard B30.5 was revised in 2002 to movements, will warn the operator about an
recognize the new category of "operational approaching unsafe condition, but will also
aid" for mobile crane equipment. An opera- prevent the crane from any movement that
tional aid is a crane accessory that is not es- will overload it.
sential for the normal movements of The 530.5 standard requires any crane with
booming, swinging, and the lifting operation. a rated capacity of 3 tons or more to have a
However an operational aid will provide infor- "load indicator, rated capacity indicator, or
mation to the operator concerning the opera- rated capacity (load) limiter. An older crane
tion process. Depending on the device, it does not require installation of the new oper-
may take control of a particular function of ational aid until the crane undergoes modifi-
the operation when it senses the crane has cation or repair, at which time the operation
reached a certain preset limit and may not aids should be installed.
safely go beyond that limit. The standard requires the manufacturer of
Operational aids include: boom angle indica- the device to include information regarding
tor, boom hoist shut-off, anti-two block sys- the operational parameters (does it only dou-
tem, load indicator, rated capacity indicator ble-check the operators judgement and warn
(load moment indicator), and rated capacity of an approaching unsafe condition, or does
limiter. An indicator is a passive device that the device set its own limits). The standard
monitors the specific crane movements and also requires the manufacturer to provide in-
warns the operator about an overload or un- formation to the user about what to do if the
safe condition. device is not working properly.
224 MOBILE CRANES Crane Introduction
Note: See pages 381 and 382 for an Some of the considerations before selecting
example. the crane capacity for a specific job include:
Note: Operational Aids must be checked The dimensions and weight of the load.
daily for proper functioning, and must be The maximum lift radius and lift height of
regularly inspected and tested in accor- the load.
dance w i t h the manufacturers The number and type of lifts.
Note I the event that the device read- Other considerations for the carrier will
ings do not match the machine chart rat- include:
ings, the chart verified weight ratings and How mobile the crane must be.
measured radii shall take precedence Site ground conditions.
over the indicator readings. Road conditions.
Note: It is a conflict with the manufactur- Crane ldentification
ers guidelines and a violation of the ANSI All cranes should have identification plates
B30.5 standard to use a load indicator as on all removable components. The plate will
a method to weigh a load. give the pertinent information concerning
Crane Introduction that particular crane.
In general, a crane is described as a piece of For safety purposes, all components at-
equipment that is designed to lift, move, and tached to a crane (boom, jib, counterweight,
land a load. There is a very wide selection in etc.) must be from that particular crane or the
the types of lifting equipment. identical model.
MOBILE CRANES Crane Types 225
Crane Types Lattice boom carrier mounted
There are a multitude of various types of Lattice boom crawler mounted
cranes that range from smaller capacity mo- Lattice boom truck mounted tower attach-
bile units for light industry, up through higher ment
capacity mobile and crawler cranes. Cranes Lattice boom carrier, tower attachment
are grouped into several general categories. Lattice boom carrier mounted with long
For each category there are a number of reach attachment
manufacturers with varying types, lift capaci- Lattice boom crawler mounted with heavy
ties, and boom attachments. Different types lift attachment
of hydraulic gantry lifting devices are also be-
coming common.
The general crane categories are:
Telescoping boom rough terrain cranes
with a fixed or swing cab
Telescoping boom carrydeck cranes with
a fixed or rotating boom
Telescoping fixed boom pick and carry
Telescoping boom all terrain crane
Telescoping boom carrier mounted
Telescoping boom crawler mounted
Telescoping boom truck mounted
- Crane Types
Illustration #179
226 MOBILE CRANES Crane Types

Aux. Boom

Main Boom


Center of

Illustrations #180,181,182 - Crane Types

MOBILE CRANES Crane T y p e s 227

#2 Power

Telescoping Section
# 1 Power
Telescoping Section

Tip Heel, Base Or

Foot Section
Main Hoist Line
Telescoping Section

#P 1ower Main Hoist

Telescoping Section

H o o k
Block Boom Hoist



illustrations #183,184 - Crane Types

228 MOBILE CRANES Crane Types

Boom Pendants (stays)

Lattice Boom


Illustrations #185, 186 - Crane Types


illustrations # 187, 188 - Crane Types

230 MOBILE CRANES Crane Types
MOBILE CRANES CraneTypes 231

Illustrations #191,192 - Crane Types

232 MOBILE CRANES Crane TypesIHoisting Systems

illustrations #193-Guy Derrick -

Illustration #I94 Jacking Hoist System
MOBILE CRANES Hoisting Systems 233

Note: This method under

v Fixed or Mobile
ANSIIASME 930.I Jacks. Base

Illustration #I95 Hydraulic Gantry Jacking System
234 MOBILE CRANES Site Pre~aration
Site Preparation 5. Block off public access, and erect barri-
Prior to any crane set-up or crane hoisting, cades around the set-up and lift area.
the site location where the crane will be 6. Set-up and lift area must have a minimum
set-up andlor operating must be properly 2 feet of 360 degree swing clearance be-
prepared. The project engineer, rigging su- tween the crane counterweight and any
perintendent or foreman, or in some cases obstacle.
the operator, will arrange the preparation of a 7. Keep at least the minimum required dis-
new site or ensure that an existing site is tance from any powerline, or ensure the
satisfactory. line is shut down during operation.
Site preparation items include: 8. Provide blocking to support boom while
1. Satisfactory access roads. being assembled (or dismantled).
2. If necessary, sufficient room to erect the 9. Provide outrigger blocking, or mats or
crane and boom. cribbing for soft ground conditions.
3. Level and compacted ground for set-up, 10. If the crane is to operate on a structure,
especially the crane hoisting area (a soil the person responsible must ensure the
analysis might be needed). structure is adequate to support the crane
4. Operating location must be well clear of and the load.
any trenches, shoring, buried utility lines,
etc. to avoid ground collapse from exces-
sive machine and load weight.
MOBILE CRANE% Ground Conditions 235
Ground Conditions
The ground conditions must be suitable to
operate a crane safely. The surface must
have enough stability and bearing capacity
to support all loads transferred to it by the
crane. This includes the dead weight of the
machine, the load, the rigging, plus any
shock or impact loads and dynamic condi-
tions such as swinging, hoisting, lowering
and travelling.
Use extreme caution when hoisting be-
side buildings (particularly newly con-
structed) with uncompacted backfill,
along trenches which could collapse, or
in areas where water mains, sewer pipes,
or steam lines may possibly undermine
the soil. See illustration #196.
Note: Compacted soil is not as solid as
undisturbed sd!. Be AII Around
A New Structure

illustration #I96 Uncompacted Soil
236 MOBILE CRANES Ground Conditions

Machine Weight
/ And Vibration Can Sewers And
Cause Excavation Watermains
To Collapse Can Collapse
From Machine
Weight And Vibration

illustration #I97 Stay Away From Trenches
lllustration #I98 Try To Avoid Sewers and Watermains
- - - - - -

MOBILE CRANE% Bearing Surface 237

Bearing Surface Illustration #I 99 indicates the distribution of
When a crane sits on its bearing surface it ex- ground Pressure when a crawler crane is
erts varying pressures depending on the op- used in different quadrants. The greater the
crating conditions and area of operation density of dots, the greater the pressure- 11-
(quadrant). Iustration #200 shows a mobile crane and
The lowest pressure on the ground is simply the weight distribution under its outriggers.
the total weight of the machine distributed

over the entire area of both tracks or all out-
rigger pads.
@ Load
.. ,p:;:a.*
- , - I . .

, . ,.. ,:,-:-'.;d.,
-2s-...C .,?
8. .,.: ?,

......., .- .,.
-,a,-, d :,,-+,y
p' ,:y
a,;.,:., a
, 0

, ;,, * :
..- .--.
I . .
-, -,',-, : . , '.
.. ° ..; .'p ,*, ,
-. ,.; .. ..p
. . ..'
, .-

, .'?
,, 0 ,
', .',>
, P?.. , 'P:
,.*, . p
.;,'.,'!, ;-:;,'
..,... ....-

,,.,_ . ..,.- I . . ,..'

,.. ,. ,
0 -.:-, :, b, 0. _ D , . I

....-. . ,
.'. , I, *.
. :.

,... . ,.. -

. ., . , ,-, : : ..I..

I . I -

, . .
a ,',', p
, . ,, .
* I

, I . ' "

.. "'
, '
.- ,

Over Side Over Corner Over Front

Illustration #I99 Crane to Ground Pressure Points (Crawlers)
238 MOBILE CRANES Bearing Surface

Q=+ Side

Illustration #200 Crane to Ground Pressure Points (Outriggers)

Lifting a load over the corner produces the The ground pressure on a truck crane can be
maximum ground bearing pressure. This is higher than a crawler crane due to the
the most dangerous position to make a lift. smaller total bearing surface area of the
Take into account any dynamic or impact pads. For this reason always make sure the
loads. Rapid swinging of the machine or sud- ground under the outrigger is firm enough to
denly stopping the load will greatly increase support the machine in a fully loaded
the ground pressure. condition.
Outrigger Blocking See illustrations #201 and #202 for exam-
Any blocking under the outrigger float should ples of incorrect blocking.
be at least three times larger in area than the
float, it should be rigid and completely sup- '
port the total area. See illustration #201. Be Sure
Is Stable


Never Block
Under The

Illustration #201 Right and Wrong Outrigger Blocking

Illustration #202 Incorrect Blocking
248 MOBILE CRANES Bearing Mats
Bearing Mats Shackle access openings should be pro-
The mats can be made of steel or wood, al- vided near the ends of the mats for ease in
though steel mats offer more rigidity. handling, see illustration #203.
Wooden mats should be constructed of Illustration #204 indicates the position of the
Douglas fir or construction grade timber of crane on the bearing mats. The timber block-
equal quality. ing at the side and ends of the tracks must be
Wooden mats can be constructed of eight, secured to the mats.
ten or twelve inch timbers. These are bolted Note: If there is any doubt about the sta-
at uniform intervals to any desired width and bility of the ground on your jobsite, con-
length. The bolts must go completely through sult a soil professional.
the mat to ensure that the timbers work as a
unit. Generally the mats would be five feet
wide and sixteen, twenty-four or thirty-two
feet long.
The bolts should be counter sunk in the out-
side timbers to eliminate protruding ends,
see illustration #203.
MOBBILE CRANES Bearing Mat Construction
Bearing Mat Construction

Shackle 7 pcs. @
Access 10" x 10"
Opening = 5ft - loin
(1.8 m)

Section A - A

Illustration #203 Construction of Bearing Mats
242 MOBILE CRANES Bearing Mat Construction
Bearing Mats

Illustration #204 Crane Position on a Bearing Mat
M ~ B I L ECRANES blyl~oo~s
Crane ~ s s e m 243
Crane Set-up and Assembly A second crane must be used to lift the crane
When setting up a crane for use, several house onto the carriage when the crane ar-
steps must be followed: rives on site completely broken down.
1. The Operator Manual and the Service 1. A tri-legged sling assembly made for each
Manual for that particular crane must be crane type is normally used for this lift.
available for reference. 2. Position the house on the carriage and at-
2. The manufacturers assembly procedure tach as per manufacturer's specifications.
sequence must be followed. 3. Off-load the counterweight, boom sec-
3. All crane components must be in an un- tions and load block.
damaged condition. 4. Install the outrigger boxes on the carrier
4. The crane logbook for inspection, tests, mounted cranes before mounting either
repairs, etc. must be available. the boom sections or the counterweight,
5. The crane must be inspected prior to use. see illustration #205.

Rigging up a Crane
The following instructions for crane assem- r\ L .

bly apply, in general, to many types of

crawler cranes, although there will be some
differences with various manufacturers and

Illustration #205 Always Use Crane Outriggers
244 MOBILE CRANES Crane AssemblyIBooms
Boom installation Avoid connecting slings to the main
The same boom installation procedure chords; attach them to the fittings at the
should be used for both crawler and truck end of the main ~ h o r d $as indicated in il-
cranes, with the exception that truck cranes lustration #206=
must erect booms with all outriggers ex- ' If possible, use synthetic web slings.
tended and set.
Basic Boom Installation
Lifting Boom Sections Pin the boom tail section to the machine.
Reeve the bridle between the inner and outer
ball, and pin the bail to the tail section ears,
see illustration #207.

Inner Bail Pinned Here

illustration #206 Lifting a Boom Section -
Illustration #207 Boom Tail Installation
/ -

MOBILE CRANES Crane AssernblylCounterweights 245

If the counterweight is not on the crane prior Set the counterweight on hardwood block-
to boom installation, connect the boom tip ing, as in illustration #208.
section to the tail section to complete the ba-
sic boom. Follow the boom assembly proce- Back Legs Fully
Extended and
dure to connect the tip section. Pinned to Deck \
Counterweight Installation
The counterweight is attached to the crane to
offset or balance the weight of the boom and
the load being lifted.
Note: It should be connectedprior to the Blocking for /
'\ Boom in Lowered Counterweight on 24"
installation of the complete boom. Position Hardwood Blocking

A counterweight may be off-loaded from, or -

illustration #208 Counterweight Blocking

loaded onto a railroad car or flatbed truck by

its own crane. Cranes can lift their own coun- Take the slack out of the boom suspension
terweight (following manufacturers recom- and backhinges. Slowly lower the boom gan-
mendations) if the following requirements try, (boom down) until the backlegs are in po-
are met : sition to attach to the counterweight, then
@ Firm level ground. pin, see illustration #209.
Gantry must be fully extended.
@ Four parts of load line must be reeved on
a basic boom.
246 MOBILE CRANES Crane AssemblyKounterweights
Back Legs Fully Extended and
Attached to Countemeight Slowly boom up until the counterweight is in
position to be connected to the crane, see il-
lustration #211.
Continue to Take Up

illustration #209 - Counterweight Connecting


Boom up until the boom is at approximately

3Q0,then hook onto the minimum required
weight, as indicated in the manufacturer's in-
structions, #210.

llllustration #2%1 Counterweight Connected to Deck

Counterweight Removal
To remove the counterweight, the installa-
tion procedure should be followed in reverse
llliustration #210 Counterweight Lifting
- - -

MOBILE CRANES Crane Assembly/Booms 247

Complete Boom Assembly Pull the sections together and line up the up-
The remainder of the boom sections can be per pin holes. Insert the top pins, using cotter
added after the counterweight installation. pins as retainers, as in illustration #213.
Assemble the boom with the short heavy
sections close to the tail.
Keep the pendant lines behind the boom
sections being connected.
Assemble the rest of the boom on the
ground. Be sure to block up the boom tip to
protect the sheave guards.
illustration #213 Boom Top Pins
Lay out the boom sections on blocking, in the
order specified by the crane manual, as indi- Boom up slightly and install the bottom pins
cated in illustration #212. when the connection points line up, as indi-
cated in illustration #214.

illlustration #212 Boom Layout
' A s
Illustration #214 Boom Bottom Pins
248 MOBILE CRANES Crane Assemblv/Booms
Boom down onto blocking until the pendants Note: Pin the pendants from the gantry to
are slack, as indicated in illustration #215. the boom section pendants together, The
boom pendants must be a matched set to
prevent boom twisting, and they should
be lashed to the boom sections when

Reeve the load blocks after booming up

slightly, see illustration #217.
lllustration #215 Move Pendant Lines

Move the pendants out to the end of the

boom, see illustration #216.

Illustration #217 Block Reeving

Illustration #216 Pendant Lines Repositioned

Connect the pendants to the boom tip.

MOBILE CRANES Crane Assembly/Booms 249
Slowly raise the boom smoothly in one The pins should be installed so they can
continuous lift. To decrease the weight be removed from the outside. The rigger
on the boom, run out the hoist line keep- should never have to climb under the
ing the block on the ground, as indicated boom to remove any pins, see illustration
jn illustration #218. A second crane is of- #219.
ten needed to lift the boom up off the

Ii%lrustration -
#218 Raising the Boom -
Illustration #219 Boom Pins on Outside

Boom P h s Note: Some boom types are designed so

All pins should be positioned with the cotter that the pins are installed from the out-
pins on the outside of the boom. The boom side Avoid pendant line snag. Use ex-
sections should go together reasonably treme caution when dismantling this type
easily. of boom.
250 MOBILE CRANES Dismantling Boom Sections
Dismantling Boom Sections
Lower the boom until it is horizontal with the
ground, unreeve and remove the load
blocks, see illustration #220.

Illustration #221 Reconnecting Pendant Lines

Boom up slightly and remove all lower pins

on the sections ahead of the pendants, see il-
lustration #222.
18lustratiot-i #220 Removing the Blocks

Note: An important point to remember in

dismantling crane boom sections is to re-
move the bottom pins first after relocat-
ing the pendant lines.
Rest the boom tip on blocking until the pen-
dants are slack. Then move the pendants 'Pins '
back no farther than the cantilever length al-
lowed in the crane manual, see illustration -
Illustration #222 Remove Lower Pins

MOBILE CRANES Dismantling Boom Sections 251
Make sure that every section is supported, The sections can then be removed and
then lower onto blocking. Remove the upper loaded for transport, see illustration #224.
pins on the sections ahead of the pendants,
as in illustration #223.

illustration #224 Section Separation

Illustration #223 Upper Pin Removal
Note: If crane booms are transported on a
trailer, use extreme caution when tying
Caution: Do not climb under the boom to down. Do not poll a tight chain across the
remove pins. Use a long bar to knock the boom cords as the tension and move-
pins out if installed with the cotter pins on ment will dent the chords. Secure the
the inside- boom to the trailer by using the boom pin
attachment points.
252 MOBILE CRANES Boom Ins~ection/Damage
Boom lnspectionlDamage
Dents Reduce Boom Strength
Booms should be thoroughly inspected on a
regular basis. See illustration #225 for typical
inspection points.

Never Use Boom Sections with If a Chord Has Slight Damage Do Not Use It.
Bent Lattice Members - Bent Do Not Try To Repair It. Chords Are Vital To
Members Will Pull in the Main Chords The Strength Of The Boom. Do Not Attempt
Repairs Without Manufacturer's Procedure.
Illustration #226 Dented Boom

Manufacturer Will Specify Boom Limits

Check End Fittings Check Welds for
for Cracks Cracks and Corrosion

lllustration #225 Boom Inspection Points

Boom damage can take the form of bent

and/or dented chords and lacings, or cracks
from overloads and metal fatigue. See illus-
trations #226, #227. -
Illustration #227 Boom Damages
MOBILE CRANES Boom Repair 253
Boom Repair
Use extreme caution when attempting Use Short Sleeves OR Replace Complete
boom repair. Contact the crane manufac- And Lacing Lacing
turer and follow their procedure.
When removing damaged lacings, cut in a
manner which will prevent heat transfer to
the chords. See illustration #228. -
illustration #229 Replacing Lacings

If Removing
Cut the Lacing Stubs - Grind
to Keep the Heat In Line With
From the Chords the Chords Weld Across
Procedure and Rod To Be a Member Only
Approved By The When Approved
Manufacturer By The
Certified Welder
illustration #228 Cut Lacings With Care

When welding in a replacement section,

folbw the manufacturers recommends-
tions on replacement parts, welding rods,
heat treatment, and use a welder certified
Remove Kinked Lacings

~ ~ i g " h ~EzK
~~~trf Is Taken

to the proper procedure.

iliustration #230 Welding Repair
254 MOBILE CRANES GantryMibs
Gantry Jibs
The stress is lower on hoisting equipment A jib is an auxiliary boom. It may vary in
when the gantry is used in its highest posi- length according to the capacity of the crane
tion. This gives longer life and added safety and the intended use. The jib can be used as
factors for equipment. When the crane is lift- a straight extension to the main boom, or at
ing a load the gantry must always be in the an angle (offset) to the main boom. A table of
highest position, see illustration #231. maximum safe working loads for the jib at the
appropriate offset is always supplied with the
The jib produces a greater clearance be-
tween the forward edge of the boom and the
jib hook. This is useful in construction for
placing loads beyond the outer perimeter of
building structures.
The jib is usually a single line of wire rope,
with a maximum capacity up to the cranes
rating for a single line.

I \ I \

$ilustration#231 Crane Gantry
- -

MOBILE CRANES Ji bs/Assembly 255

J ibs/Assembly Assemble a wrap-around pendant by run-
If necessary, bolt the jib adaptor to the boom ning it through the jib block sheave and con-
before connecting the jib. An adaptor is usu- necting it on each side of the jib pendant
ally used only on a hammerhead crane. adapter. Pin the jib to the boom tip. Attach the
Assemble and pin the jib sections together backstay lines to the jib mast and raise the
before connecting any part of the jib to the mast. The backstay lines may be attached to
boom, see illustration #232. various positions on the boom.

c-2 Jib Block Sheave

Jib \ Basic Wraparound Pendant

Line Jib Inner Jib Insert
Section Insert Pendant

Pendant Adapter
Plate '7- Boom

lllustratisn #232 Jib Assembly
256 MOBILE CRANES Jibs/Assembly
The distance to the jib backstay line connec-
tion from the boom point must be equal to or \

greater than the length of the jib.

Set the jib offset as allowed by the crane
rating sheet. Coil the extra rope and lash it to
the boom.
Jib offset is usually allowable to 25" from the
centerline of the boom, see illustration #233.
Run the load line up the boom through the jib
mast sheave and jib tip sheave.
For optimum jib pendant loads, the jib
backstay pendants and the jib forestay
pendants should be of equal lengths, or
the jib backstay pendants should be
When a jib is attached on the boom, but is not
in use, the working load for the boom must be

reduced in accordance with the crane manu-
facturer's instructions to allow for the weight
of the jib and hook.

Illustration #233 Jib Offset
Jibs (stowed and stored)
Jibs that are not being used may be pinned to
the base section of the crane boom (stowed).
See illustration #234. Another option is to
carry the jib on the crane deck (stored).

llllustaation #234 Stowed Jib Assembly
Jib Capacity Capacity Goes Down
As Angle Of Jib To Ground
Do not operate using the boom hoist and Goes Down
jib simultaneously unless the crane has
been designed for this movement.
Jib capacity decreases as the horizontal an-
gle lowers. This can be due to a changing
boom angle (illustration #235), or a changing
jib offset angle (illustration #236).
Capacity Goes Down
As Angle Of Jib To Ground
Goes Down

illustration #236 - Capacity Reduction (Lower Jib Angle)

Note: All jibs shall have positive stops to

prevent their movement if more than 5"
above the straight line of the jib and boom
on conventional type booms. Use of wire
rope type belly slings does not constitute
Jib Deflection compliance with this rule.
From Its Own Weight Also Increases
lllustration #235 Capacity Reduction (Lower Boom Angle)
- / - A - .- --


Jib as Boom Extension If the jib is used as shown in illustration #238
The jib must not be used as a normal boom the capacity chart must be read using the aP-
extension. The capacity of a boom and jib plicable boom length PIUS the attached jib.
combination will be considerably less than The term "boom length" in the load d-~afl
that of a boom of equal length. does not include the jib.

Ca~acitvOf The I c
Boom ~ e n g t h 1 A

Illustration #237 Boom Without Jib -
Illustration #238 Boom and Jib
260 MOBILE CRANES Wire Rope Safety Factors
Crane Wire Rope Safety Factors Note: Slings and other rigging attach-
The minimum wire rope working load limits ments have a 5 to 1 (or higher) working
(safety factors) for cranes are specified by load limit to compensate for general
ANSI B30.5, OSHA 1926,550B2, SAE J959, rough usage (see Section One).
and CSA 2150. See illustration #239.
Cranes may be designed with higher safety
factors by customer request.

Hydraulic Boom: Same

Rope Safety Factors

In Working Position:
3 To 1 - Standing Ropes
3 112 To 1 - Running Ropes
Boom Hoist Line:
3 To 1

Illustration #239 Minimum Wire Rope Safety Factors
MOBILE CRANES Reeving Load Blocks 261
Reeving Load Blocks Eccentric Reeving
The boom tip sheaves should be symmetri- Examples of eccentric reeving causing boom
cally reeved to avoid torsional loading. This twisting are shown in illustrations #241 and
occurs whenever the main hoist line is #242.
reeved to one side of the boom tip.
Boom Guide
Boom Boom Torque

Load Block
/ 1
The Boom Will Symmetrically
Twist If The Reeved Blocks
Load Line Is Will Run
Not Centered Straight

illustration #240 Boom Tip Reeving -
llsustratisn #241 Boom Twist Illustration #242-Balanced and Unbal-
anced Block Comparison
262 MOBILE CRANES Reeving Load Blocks - -
Symmetrical Reeving Reeving Examples
On single line reeving, the hoist line must run illustrations #244 - #250 show examples of
on one of the center sheaves. On a multi part typical crane block reeving.
block the rope must be distributed on each
side to share the load. See illustration #243.

To M~n~mize
Boom Torque, Run the Ho~stLlne
on The Center Sheave or the Sheave
Bes~dethe Boom Centerl~ne

to the Boom

On Multi-part Systems, Boom Torque

W~llBe Mlnlmlzed d the Parts of the
Llne Are Dlstrlbutedon E~ther
Side of the Boom Centerl~ne
Illustration #244 Two Part Reeving
lllustration #243 Symmetrical Reeving
- - - -

MOBlLE CRANES Reeving Load Blocks 263

Boom Guide



to the Boom
Dead End
f l to the Boom

UY Load Block

Illustration #247 Five Part Reeving
Illustration #245 Three Part Reeving

illustration #246 Four Part Reeving
264 MOBILE CRANES Reeving Load Blocks

lllustration #248 Six Part Reeving -
Illustration #250 Eight Part Reeving
lllustration #249 Seven Part Reeving
Out-of-Level Cranes
Out-of-Level Cranes

Every crane must be set-up as perfectly level

as possible before any hoisting operation be-
gins. Operating a crane off-level can create
k ,.I/ 100 feet

A One Foot Drop in 100 Feet is


operating problems, or cause structural 1 foot
1% of Grade
damage, either of which can result in an
accident. illustration #251 - 1% of Grade

Most safety standards and regulations indi-

cate a maximum 1% of grade for a crane to On a 48 inch crane rotation ring, 1% is equal
operate out-of-level. However every crane to .48 inches (less than112 inch), and Y2%
manufacturer designs and rates each crane would be .24 inches (less than % inch)
to the company criteria, and some types of off-level.
cranes must operate within %% of level to A crane that is operating 1% off-level will
meet the load chart numbers. side-load the boom. The extent of
Or in other words, a crane must be within 1% side-loading will depend on the boom length,
of level, unless stated otherwise by the par- boom angle and the operating radius. See
ticular crane manufacturer. table #53.
ANSIIASME states the degree of level as a Note: Do not confusepercentage of grade
percentage of grade. This means that in a (or slope measurement) with degree mea-
horizontal length of I 0 0 feet (1200 inches), a surement They are not the same. When
drop of 1 foot ( I2 inches) is equal to 1% (see measuringin degrees, 1% off level on a 48
illustration #251). inch ring would be 373 degrees (slightly
over % degree).
266 MOBILE CRANE% Out-of-Level
Boom Length Capacity Last When IN THE CAB
and Radius Crane Out of Level By

Short Boom,
Minimum Radius
Short Boom,
Maximum Radius
Long Boom,






Minimum Radius
Long Boom, 5% 10% 15%
Maximum Radius Levels
Table #53 Off-level Lost Capacity
Crane Leveling Bullseye
It is impossible to accurately level a crane by
eye. Always use a level, preferably a longer
carpenters level, or the birds-eye level(s)
mounted in the cab or on the deck. See illus-
tration #252 and #253.
Get The Machine
As Level As Possible

Illustration #252 - Crane Leveling Positions

MOBILE CRANES Out-of-Level 267
After leveling the crane, raise the boom to its
highest angle and lower the whip line. With a
small compact load, in all quadrants (front,
side, and corners), the line should lie in the
dead center of the boom. With a crane 1 % off
level, and the boom tip 100 feet high, the
whip line would be about 12 inches
off-center. See illustration #254.
Do not use this method if it is windy.

Check Level Over the Rear Check Level Over the Side

Illustration #253 Crane Levelling with a Level

When leveling, check the level front-to-back

and side-to-side, then rotate the boom 90 de-
grees and check again. If making a series of
lifts, recheck the level of the crane

Illustration #254 - Levelling with the Whip Line

268 MOBILE CRANES Crane Stability
Crane Stability The actual stability (tipping resistance) of a
A crane uses the power of its hoisting appa- crane is based on the lever principle. See il-
ratus to lift a load. This includes the motor, lustration #255, #256.
drum, wire rope, and block sheaves.



Same Principle /
FROM C o f G
' = ' FROM


illustration #255 Crane Leverage -
Illustration #256 Crane vs Load Leverage
- - - - -

CRANES crime Stability 269
Crane Stability (Crawler) The tipping axis of a crawler crane is at the
Due to the configuration of a crawler crane center of its track on a side lift (illustration
with its center of gravity (C of G) almost at the #257). The leverage can be increased on
center pin, the C of G changes very little as some cranes by extending the tracks. The
the crane rotates. tipping axis is through the diameter of the
drive or idler sprocket when lifting over the
W front or rear (illustration #258).

Crane is Stable
When Crane

Illustration #257 Tipping Axis Over the Side
illustration #258 Tipping Axis over the Front
270 MOBILE CRANES Crane Stability
Crane Stability (Mobile) When the boom swings over the side the C of
On most rubber tired mobile cranes, the C G shifts closer to the tipping axis, see illustra-
of G of the unit changes dramatically as tion #260.
the boom swings from the rear, to the
side, to over the front
On a lift over the rear the combined C of G is
well back of the tipping axis, see illustration

ver The Rear


Illustration #259 Tipping Axis Over the Rear -
Illustration #260 Tipping Axis Over the Side
-- - - - - - /

MOBILE CRANES Crane Stabilitv 271

Swinging the boom over the front shifts the C Note: When lifting over the front, the cab
of G dangerously close to the tipping axis, and truck front drivetrain are hanging
see illustration #261. over the front outriggers thereby adding
leverage to that caused by the load.

As crane stability is based on the leverage

principle, the rule that would apply for
crane-load balance is equal leverage; how-
ever if the crane is to lift the load without tip-
ping and with a suitable safety margin, the
crane leverage must be greater than the load

Illustration #261 Tipping Axis Over the Front
272 MOBILE CRANES Crane Stability

Load Leverage Will Tip the

or a Component Will

Illustration #262- Lower Boom and Lose Stability

- -

M O ~ I L ECRANES Crane Stability Factor

Crane Stability Factor
Cranes operate on a safety factor to avoid
tipping. The maximum rated capacity of a
crane is a percentage of the load that would
tip the crane.
Table #54 and illustration #263 show the rat-
ing percentages required by ANSl 530.5.


on outriggers 85%
on tires 75%
on stabilizers 85%
Check your crane above percentages not used
by ail manufacturers
ANSl B 30.5 & CSA 2150

Table #54 - Tipping Percentages

illustration #263 - Crane Stability Factors

274 MOBILE CRANES Crane Stabilitv Factor
Intermediate Position Outriggers Tipping Rating Formula
Up until the introduction of cranes designed A formula, established by the I S 0 (Interna-
to work with outriggers in the intermediate tional Standards Organization) can be used
position, it was a violation of safety standards to determine the tipping rating at 50% and
to use a crane in the intermediate position. 0%. The formula is now included in many
The two allowable positions were at 100% crane load charts. It is:
and 0% extension. Any crane operated with Tipping Load - 0.1 x load factor + 1.25
the outriggers partially extended was still To get the load factor, the formula takes the
rated at the 0% extension. boom weight and the load into consideration.
Modern cranes so designed can now use The resulting formula tipping rating will be
0%, 50%, and 100% extensions. Most less than 85% or 75%, as the crane will tip
cranes with this design are pinned at the 50% considerably quicker with the outriggers not
extension to guarantee that it actually is fullv extended.

50%. Also, it isnormally specified that all out-

riggers be extended the same. Computerized Load Indicators
The majority of cranes are rated 85% of tip- Note: A Load Indicator, Rated Capacity
pingwithfullyextendedoutriggers,However Indicator~orRatedCa~c~t~Limitermust
the rating varies with different manufacturers be instal1edonanycrane a maximum
for the 50% and 0% position. rated capacity of 3 tons or more to warn
the operator both visually and audibly
when the crane is lifting beyond a preset
capacity. The system senses an overload
and can lock out the hoist control.
- -

N~O~IL crane Stability Factor 275
Note: These devices are an aid only. Ver- Note: Load Indicator Safety Hazard
ified load chart weight ratings and mea- The proper use of these devices is a ma-
sored radii take precedence over the jor step forward in job lifting safety. How-
indicator readings. ever their use has also created an
unexpected safety problem. That prob-
A variety of different types of indicators are lem is the use of a load indicator as a
available as an after market item for older method of test weighing a load. This use
model cranes, and they are usually a stan- of the computerized system is in direct
dard feature on new cranes. In general terms conflict with the crane manufacturers' in-
the device can perform the following stroctions.1ndicatorsmustonlybeused
functions: to check the weight of a previously calcu-
@ Display boom angle lated load weight. The electronic equip-
@ Display boom length ment is intended strictly as an operator
@ Display load radius aid, and is not meant to replace crane
Display boom tip height load charts and operating instructions.
@ Display maximum permissible load The use of these devices to test weigh un-
0 Display actual lifted weight known loads is a violation of ANSI
@ Display approaching two-block condition &#30.5-
276 MOBILE CRANES Load Shape Factors
Load Shape Factors Additional factors enter the picture to affect
Actual crane capacities are based on three the lifting and positioning of a load. The pri-
basic factors: mary one is the actual load weight, which in-
1. Weight of the machine cludes the rigging equipment, the crane
2. Stability block and its wire rope. Three other major
considerations are the shape and dimen-
3. Strength of components
sions of the load, the height to which it must
be raised, and the distance out from the
crane (radius).
The capacity limitations of the boom must be
deterhined: Know the length and capacity at
different operating angles and radii. For ex-
ample, illustration #265 shows a large di-
mension load and its limited lift height due to
a rather high boom angle.
To lift the load higher, the boom angle must
be lowered, which increases the operating
load radius. The longer radius results in less
crane capacity, and an increased load stress
on its components.
Strength of Components

Illustration #264- Crane Capacity Factors

MOBILE CRANES Load Shape Factors 277
Load Shape

Load Size
and Lift Height
May Affect the
Boom Angle

Illustration #265 - Lower Boom Angle Required to Lift Bulky Load

278 MOBILE CRANES Load Shalae Factors
Load Shape & Lift Radius Boom movement is more extreme on a ma-
The load radius is the horizontal distance chine sitting on its tires, due to deflection of
measured from the rotation center of the the rubber.
crane (mounting pin) to the load hook, while On critical lifts, the radius should be
the boom is under load. re-rneasured after the load clears the
The load radius will increase when the load is ground. Recheck the crane load chart as the
lifted off the ground due to pendant line increased radius might put the crane into an
stretch, andlor deflection of the boom and unsafe lift condition.
machine. See illustration #266.
Strength vs Stability
It is important to know the difference be-
tween the rated capacity of cranes in regards
to strength and stability. Strength means that
a structural component of the crane will prob-
ably break when overloaded (rather than tip).
Stability means the crane will tip when

ililustration #266 - Load Radius Deflection

- - --

MOBILE CRANES Structural Failure

Failure Cranes that have been overloaded on previ-
A structural failure does not necessarily ous lifts have had catastrophic structural fail-
mean an immediate fracture. ure on normal, safe lifts. Some of the more
I:l.. common failure points are shown in illustra-
tion #267.

~ r r Come; Off [ # / Cylinders
- -.-. - - -.. -.. .Failure
Track Or
1 1 La1I I ~ I
From Overloading
-... -.. -

Frame Bends Can Occur Anywhere

Pads Fail

Outrigger Beam
Or Pad Fails
Illustration #267 Common Failure Points
280 MOBILE CRANES Boom Strengthweakness
Boom Strength and Weakness When a conventional lattice boom (or jib) is
A crane boom is at its strongest position in a lowered it has increased sag with more pull
near vertical lift. The compression on the 0" the supporting pendant lines. The capac-
boom does not cause it to bend until it is at a lty is also lowered considerably, See illustra-
lower angle. See illustration #268. tion #269.

Load Load Capacity

Strong if


Illustration #269 Boom Sag From Pendant Line Pull

lllustration #268 Compression Causing Failure
MOBILE CRANES Boom StrengthNVeakness 281
Boom Strength and Weakness Many cranes with extremely long booms
Lattice Boom often need assistance by another crane to lift
Boom compression is a major cause of fail- the boom off the ground, the pendant line pull
ure. As the boom sags the line of compres- is too great, and when combined with boom
sion is between the boom tip and the foot pin. sag can result in boom failure.
The boom fails when it cannot take the com- Hydraulic Booms
pression factor. See illustration #270. When a hydraulic crane boom is lowered to a
dangerous point, the boom tip will bend due
to the load leverage. This problem is not as
common at a higher lifting angle as much of
the boom load is supported by the hydraulic
boom cylinders. See illustration #271.

Compression Line is At High Angles

Between Boom Tip and Much of the
Boom Foot Pin Load is on
Boom Cylinders

Illustration #270 Boom Compression and Bending Boom is Lowered
the Load Causes a

lllustration #271 Hydraulic Boom Tip Bending
28% MOBILE CRANES Quadrants of Operation
Quadrants of Operation For example some cranes may have a full
Every crane has a Quadrant of Operation (or 360 degree operation, while others may
Area of Operation) diagram included with the safely lift more over the rear than over the
load rating chart for that particular crane. front or sides.
The diagram shows the safe approved work- @ Do not lift over the front unless so stated in
ing areas of the crane. the chart. Some carrier models may have
Maximum lifting capacity is approved only in a front mounted stabilizer or jack.
the areas shown in the diagram and listed in @

ratings may change when

the load chart. Depending on the crane swinging from one quadrant to another
model, lifting outside the approved quadrant (for example, rear to side). If so, use the
is either not permitted or there is a reduced lower rating.
capacity. Every different crane model will @ Always extend the outriggers fully. The
have a quadrant of operation suitable for that only exception is when the crane has an
crane only. The quadrant of operation is intermediate outrigger position rating
based on the manufacturer, and on the ANSI specified in the rating chart.
B30.5 standard.
@ The quadrants are over the rear, over the Several, but not all the quadrant areas are
front, and over the sides. However the shown in illustrations #272 to #279.
scope or shape of these quadrants varies.
@ Check each crane for the permitted work-
ing quadrant, as there will be variations
with every type, make, and model.
MOBILE CRANES Quadrants of Operation 283
Carrier mounted hydraulic boom

illustration #272 - Mobile Crane Quadrants

284 MOBILE CRANES Quadrants of Operation
Carrier mounted lattice boom

s Over Side Quadrant

Center of Rotation

Over Side Quadrant Over Side Quadrant

Illustration #273-Free Over Side and Free Over Rear -

Illustration #274 Outrigger Extended and Set
(Outrigger not extended) Over Side or Rear
- / - - -
- - - - - - -

MOBILE CRANES Quadrants of Operation 285

Rough Terrain Cranes
Rough terrain crane capacities are greatly
reduced on rubber.

Over Front Quadrant Over Front Quadrant

Lifting Areas
On Rubber

Quadrant Quadrant

Over Rear Quadrant Over Rear Quadrant

Illustration #275 Rough Terrain Free Over Side and Rear - -
Illlustration #276 Rough Terrain Outriggers Extended
Outriggers Not Extended
286 MOBILE CRANES Quadrants of Operation
Crawler Cranes Check the specific load chart data for the
Crawlers Over the Side crane being used. (See illustrations #277,
Two methods are used to indicate the quad- #278 and #279.)
rants of a crawler crane.

/ Over Side //A

Center Line
of Tracks
1 Center Line
of Drive Sprocket

s -
Over Side

lliiustratiora #277 Crawler Crane Quadrants

MOBILE CRANES Quadrants of Operation 287
Cmwler Cranes
Crawlers Over the End
I I Center Line
I 4
Of Tracks
360 Degree

Illustration #278 - Crawler Crane Quadrants

288 MOBILE CRANES Swinq Area Protection
Swing Area Protection

Barricade or Rope off The area around the hoisting operation must
the Hoisting Area be blocked off to maintain safety for pedestri-
ans or other nearby workers. See illustration
Either rope the area off or use barricades to
prevent access to the swing area of the crane
counterweight and/or the load, depending
upon the amount of swing the crane has to
make during the lifting and lowering
A clear minimum distance of 2 feet must be
maintained between any building or struc-
Maintain Minimum ture and the closest point of the crane C O U ~
2 ft. Clearance terweight during the swing.
illustration #279 Swing Area Protection
MOBILE CRANES l ~ffectiveLoad Weight
~ c t u avs
Actual vs Effective Load Weight This can apply to either lattice or hydrau-
Under normal conditions anything hanging lic booms (see #280). Crane
below the boom tip is considered load. When manufacturers US@ different methods of
the main load block is being used for hoist- calculating thejib weightn
ing, and the jib is erected, the effective When the main block is being used and
weight of the jib may be calculated higher the jib is stowed on the boom its effective
than its actual weight. weight may be less than its actual weight.
Check the load chart data carefully.

Because Of Leverage
The Effective Weight
Of The Jib Is
Higher Than The
Actual Weight

The Effective Weight

Of Stowed Extensions
Are Lower Than The
Actual Weight

Illustration #280 Effective vs Actual Jib Weights
290 MOBILE CRANES Load on Boom
Load on Boom If the jib is erected, it is considered part of the
Every crane has specific rules for its boom load, as well as the jib gantry and jib pen-
and jib makeup, however it can be safely as- dants. The headache ball and hook are a l ~ ~
that everything under the boom tip is incdded, as well as the jib line (on most
load. cranes). See illustration #281. The crane
This will include the object being lifted, slings manual and load charts must be followed
and any rigging components, the hook and closely as some types of cranes
the jib weight as part of the load. For example
hoist block, and the hoist wire rope below the
boom tip (on most cranes). a 2200 ,bm(1000 kg.) jib could be a 4400 ib.
(2000 ka.) deduction.
Jib (Jib Weight
Doubled on
Some Models)


Illustration #281 - Load on Boom With Jib

MOBILE CRANES Loadon~id 291
Load On Jib The main load block and hook, as well as the
The load on the jib will be the weight hanging main load line is included as load On most jib
below the jib tip. This will be the actual load, calculations.
the slings and rigging components, the head- It must be emphasized that the crane
ache ball and hook, plus the jib line (on most manufacturers manual and load chart
cranes). data must be studied to obtain the spe-
cific load details.


Weight Of The Hoist Rope

On Most Cranes

Illustration #282 Load on Jib
292 MOBILE CRANE% Net and Gross
Net and Gross Load Net and Gross Capacity
Two terms are used concerning the load be- Two terms are also used concerning crane
ing lifted by a crane. Net load is the weight of capacity. Gross capacity 'is the net capacity
the object being lifted. Gross load is the net plus all attachments, rigging components,
load plus all rigging components, hooks, blocks, hooks, etc.
blocks, wire rope, etc. Gross load is the num- Net capacity is the load weight the crane
ber used when checking the load charts. See can lift safely. Gross capacity is the num-
illustration #283. ber shown on the crane load chart. See il-
lustration #284.
is the
Total of
Load, Rigging,
Ropes Etc.

. - .. . - -. ..

is the Weight That Can Be Made

of the Load Only

Illustration #283 Gross and Net Load -
Illustration #284 Gross and Net Capacity
- - -

MOBILE CRANES Static and Dvnarnic Load

Static and Dynamic Load
When the load on a crane is suspended in a
non-moving situation it is called the static
Is the Gross Load
When the load begins to move, extra stress When Stationary
is imposed on the crane. This could be
caused by hoisting, lowering and stopping,
or rapid swing causing the load radius to in-
crease. A sudden lift or stop is called impact
loading and should be avoided, as it can eas-
ily increase the load by up to 30% or more.
Extreme impact loading can amount to 100% DYNAMIC LOAD
or more. Is Caused By Sudden
See illustration #285 for an example of a Lifting, Stopping
static and dynamic load. or Swinging

On the Crane Is Equal To:

Static Load + Dynamic Load

Illustration #285 Static and Dynamic Load
294 MOBILE CRANES Load Charts vs Load Indicators
Necessity of Load Charts Many modern cranes will be overloaded be-
The load chart shows the maximum capacity fore there is any indication of tipping. The
of that specific crane under every permissi- electronic operator aids must be tested every
ble configuration. The ability to interpret this day to ensure their accuracy. If there is any
chart correctly is critical for those planning a doubt, the crane manufacturers load chart in-
lift, and to the safe operation of the crane. formation will prevail.
Crane manufacturers place the capacity Note: It is a conflict with the manufactur-
charts in readily accessible locations in the ers guidelines and a violation of the ANSl
crane cab. They should be attached and not standards to use a load indicator as a
removed. method to weigh a load.

Load Charts ws Load Indicators Do not use signs of tipping to indicate ca-
Modern technology, specifically Load Mo- pacity limits.
ment indicators, and Capacity Limiters have Some cranes are overloaded before any
taken away some of the old trial and error sign of tipping.
practices. However, accidents happen, al- Cranes at maximum lift configuration will
most always for reasons that should have probably fail structurally before there is
been avoided. Any operator relying on any sign of tipping.
guesswork and a sign of the crane going light An operator may not notice the point
(beginning to tip slightly) to warn of overload when a crane goes from stable to unsta-
is playing a dangerous game. ble.
Load chart lnforrnation
@ When a crane begins to tip it may be too
late to recover, even by a quick release Boom Rad. Boom FREE Outriggers Set
of the load.
@ A crane is rated at its maximum capac-
ity load ONLY with its shortest boom
section, and lifting at the minimum ra-

Load Chart information

All crane manufacturers have different ca-
pacity charts for each of their cranes, but
they all include similar information:
@ Type of crane base.
@ Type of crane configuration.
@ Quadrant of operation.
@ Length of boom.
@ Angle of boom.
@ Load radius. 1/ Ratings with a * are based on strength, not stability.
Subtract from gross capacity for additional
equipment (jib, rigging, etc). -
Table #55 Carrier Mounted Lattice Boom Example

Two sample load charts are shown in ta-

bles #55 and #56.
MOBILE CRAI\BES Load Chart Information
Boom Oper. Boom Boom Capacity: Capacity: Typical capacity chart nomenclature in-
Lgth.: Rad.: Ang.: Point: Crawlers Crawlers cludes the following:
Feet Feet Deg. Elev. Extended
16 80.1 76.0 400,000* Boom length: The measurement from cen-
17 79.3 75.8 383,300*
18 78.5 75.6 365,300*
ter of boom hinge pin to center of sheave pin.
19 77.6 75.4 348,900* Operating radius: The horizontal distance
20 76.8 75.1 319,800 from rotation axis to center of load block with
22 75.1 74.6 270,100 the load suspended.
73.4 74.1 235,600
71.7 73.5 205,500
Boom angle: The angle between horizontal
69.9 72.8 183,400 and centerline of the boom. This indicates
operating radius. Operating radius governs
Maximum capacity: Free over side and rear
(outriggers not extended).
Maximum capacity: Outriggers extended
and set over side and rear.
Boom point elevation: The distance from
ground to center of boom point shaft.

1 Ratings with a * are based on strength, not stability.

Table #56 - Crawler Mounted Lattice Boom Example
/ -

MOBILE CRANES ConfigurationslStrength vs Stability 297

Chart Configurations Load Chart Strength vs Stability
The three basic crane chart configurations The load numbers in the l ~ ~section
e r of
are: most capacity charts (indicating the
1. Boom extension and/or jib not installed. lesser lifting capacities), are based on
2. Liftingfrommainloadlinebutwithboom Cranestabilit~orti~ping~Theloadnum-
extension and/or jib installed. bers in the upper section of the chart indi-
3. Load lifted from boom extension or jib. cate capacities based on structural
Some cranes can have different styles of strength. To indicate the difference, the
boomtops,suchasopenthroat, hammer- uPPernumbersmaYbesham,divi&d
head,orlighttaperedtop.Eachstyleoftop b~adarkline,orshownwithasterisks=
has its own capacity chart. Some crane mod- These uppef'chartnumbersmean a Crane
els use different numbered booms. The componentwillbreakbeforethereisany
boom number listed on the capacity chart sign of the crane tipping. See illustration
must correspond to the boom number on the #286 for examples.
crane. The amount of counterweight on the
crane must match the specifications in the
load chart.
298 MOBILE CRANES Interpreting Load Charts
OUTRIGGERS FULLY EX interpreting the Load Chart
1. Shaded area Radius
for strenath Boom Lenath Load radius, boom length and boom angle
< are three critical load chart factors. When
calculating capacity from the chart, and any
of these three do not match the actual crane
Tipping set up, then the capacity numbers for a lon-
ger radius, a longer boom length, or a lower
boom angle on the load chart must be used.
the two areas Boom Length It is not permitted to guess or mathematically
calculate in-between (interpolate) chart val-
ues. The following text and illustration #287
on radius, #288 on boom length, and #289 on
boom angle explains this more clearly.

3. Asterisks

15;700* 11 1050
9,900* 5,800
Tipping 7,000 3,650
4850 2,100
Illustration #286 - Strength vs Stability on Chart
- - - - - -

MOBILE CRANES Interpreting Load Charts 299

Radius Between Chart Values The chart indicates that an 80 foot boom, at a
Frequently the measured load radius will fall 50 foot radius, has a rating of 38,900 pounds.
between two numbers shown on the load A 90 foot boom at a 50 foot radius is rated at
chart. When this occurs, the chart radius 38,600. The 90 foot rating of 38,600 must be
number used must be the higher number used.
(longer radius-less capacity). In illustration
#287, the crane has an 80 foot boom, and is Boom ~ n g Between
h values
lifting at an off-the-ground radius of 38 feet. the boom angle indicator shows an angle
The chart (page 301) indicates a load rating not matching the load chart, the angle value
of 67,000 pounds at a 35 foot radius, and a used (lower angle-less capacity) must be the
load rating of 54,300 at a 40 foot radius. With next lowest number. In illustration #289, the
a measured distance of 38 feet, the 40 foot crane has an 80 foot boom and the angle in-
rating of 54,300 must be used. dicator shows 59 degrees.
The chart (illustration #289) shows a rating of
Boom Length Between Values 38,900 pounds at 55 degrees, and 54,300 at
Due to the extension of hydraulic booms, the 63 degrees. The lower angle of 55 degrees
boom length will often not match the num- with the 38,900 rating must be used.
bers shown in the boom length chart. When
this occurs, the next highest boom length
number (longer boom-less capacity) must be
used. In illustration #288, the crane is lifting
with an 85 foot boom.
300 MOBILE CRANES Interpreting Load Charts

Illustration #287 - Radius Between Chart Values illustration #288 - Boom Length Between Chart Values
- - - -

M O ~ I L ECRANES Interpreting ~ o a Charts

d 301

Boom Radius Boom Boom Outriggers Outriggers
in Angr i n poinl Pin( Tet * Over
in Feet Feet Degrees He~ght S ~ d eor Rear Side Rear

Illustration #289 - Boom Angle Between Chart Values

Do not make up in-between values.

Range Diagram
Load CharVRange Diagram

The range diagram included on all mobile

cranes is a side view of the crane with its full
range of configurations. It shows the crane
placement, boom length, boom angle, load
radius, jib and jib offset, and load heights,
needed to lift and place the load.
Each chart is marked off with horizontal lines
indicating boom tip height, vertical lines indi-
cating load radius lines, radial boom angle
lines and boom tip arcs that trace the position
of the boom for each boom length as the ra-
dius and boom angle change.
If different jibs are used they would also be
indicated on the diagram. See illustration
#290 for an example of a range diagram.

Note: Boom angle and boom length deter-

mine load radius. Refer t~ load chart for
lifting capacity at required boom length
and radius.
Illustration #290 Range Diagram Example
d Lines

Number of Hoist Lines

A crane will often have to be equipped with
more than a single hoist line. If the load lifted
weighs more than the safe working load of 4 Parts
the wire rope the crane will have to be reeved
with more line parts.
The load will be the lift plus the hook block,
slings, and all components.
Example: The load weighs 60,000 pounds
and the block and rigging weighs 1125 illustration #291 - Parts of Line
pounds. The crane wire rope has a WLL
(SWL) of 18,000 pounds. Study the manufacturers chart closely to
Line parts = 61,125 118,000 = 3.39 determine the line parts needed and / or
The crane will need 4 parts of hoist line. See the requirements of determining these
illustration #291. line parts.

Note: Some load charts may include the

weight of the minimum parts of line re-
quired to lift a load. Excessive parts of
line or an extra fall must be calculated,
304 MOBILE CRANES Load ChartlBoom Capacity
Boom Capacity (No Attachments)
The following basic requirements are used to
calculate boom capacity with no jib or exten-
sion attachments:
Use the load capacity chart and find the
gross allowed capacity for the applicable
boom length, boom angle, load radius,
and operation quadrant.
@ Use the load chart notes to determine the
parts of hoist line needed and which hook
block to use.
@ Use the load chart notes to determine
specific load deductions, but generally it
will be anything beneath the boom tip.
This will be the block and hook or head-
ache ball, wire rope, slings and rigging
hardware. The load chart notes will indi-
cate if a jib stowed on the boom must be
The actual load weight will be the gross
capacity minus the deductions.

illustration #292- Boom Capacity Without Attachments

Boom Capacity (With A ttachments)
The following basic requirements are used to
calculate boom hoisting capacity with a jib or Attachments
boom extension attached:
@ Use the load capacity chart and find the
gross allowed capacity for the applicable
boom length, boom angle, load radius,
and operation quadrant.
@ Use the load chart notes to determine the
parts of hoist line needed and which hook
block to use.
@ Use the load chart notes to determine the
effective weight of the jib ofextension and
the attachments. These will be deducted
from the boom capacity.
@ Use the load chart notes to determine
specific load deductions, but generally it
will be anything beneath the boom tip.
This will be the block and hook or head-
ache ball, wire rope, slings, rigging hard-
ware, andlor the boom effective weight,
either erected or stowed on the boom.
Illustration #293 Boom Capacity With Attachments
306 MOBILE CRANES Load Chart/Jib Capacity
Calculating Jib Capacity A

Jib capacity can be checked by a chart from

either the tipping factor in the boom chart, or
the strength factor in the jib rating chart.
The following basic requirements are used to
calculate jib capacity for either lattice or hy-
draulic boom cranes:
@ Use the jib chart, the boom chart, and the
chart notes to find the proper jib offset,
boom angle, or jib to ground angle.
@ Use the jib chart (andlor the boom chart)
to determine the capacity.
Use the chart to determine which head-
ache ball and hook to use.
@ Use the chart notes and tables to deter-
mine the load deductions. Generally
these will be anything below the jib tip, in-
cluding the jib hoist wire rope, the ball and
hook, the rigging components, and the
load. In addition the wire rope, and the
block and hook hanging from the main
boom tip will be deducted, plus any boom
extension stowed on the boom.
Illustration #294 Jib Capacity
MOBILECRANES Load ~ h a r t l ~Capacity
ib 3b7
Jib Lifting Capacity
There are many jib combinations that can be Jib Capacities in Pounds Jib
Point Point
used with each boom. As with the boom ca- Rad. Boom Length - Feet Rad.
pacity charts, the conditions that the chart Feet 160 170 180 190 Feet
applies to are stated in the heading, and sup- 70 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 70
75 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 75
plements the applicable capacity chart. All
the requirements stated on both capacity
chart and jib chart must be met before the jib
3 80
chart can be used.
See table #57 for an example of a jib capacity

Table #57 Jib Chart Example
308 MOBILE CRANES Load Chart Points
Capacity Chart Points 1. Operating radius - main load line (lower
The example used is a Manitowoc Crane: boom point).
Operating Radius: operating radius is the 2. Operating radius - whip line (upper boom
horizontal distance from the axis of rotation point).
to the center of vertical hoist line or load block 3. Operating radius - jib line (jib point).
with the load freely suspended. Add 14
inches to boom point radius for radius of The boom point elevation, in feet, is the verti-
sheave when using single part hoist line, see cal distance from ground level to centerline
illustration #295. of boom point shaft.

4. Boom point elevation - main load (lower

boom point).
5. Boom point elevation - whip line (upper
boom point).
6. Jib point elevation - jib line (jib point).

The boom angle is the angle between hori-

zontal and boom butt centerline and it is an
indication of operating radius. In all cases,
operating radius shall govern capacity.

Illustration #295 Operating Radius and Boom Extension
MOBILE CRANES Load Chart Examples 309
Load Calculation (Example One) Step 3. Determine the total weight of the jib,
The following is a step method of calculating headache ball, hook and line (table #5, page
the crane limit when lifting with the main load 28), which is included in the overall weight.
line. The two charts used are samples only. Assume 20 feet of line hanging from jib.
With this example, all hoist lines below the I.Jib Weight = 3,500 lbs.
boom and jib must be included for weight. 2. Jib Line (20 ft of 1 118" @ 2.34) = 47 lbs.
Step 1. The load block weighs 4,550 ibs. and 3. Headache Ball and Hook = 950 ibs.
the rigging weighs 760 lbs. 4. Total Jib Components = 4457 lbs.
Step 2. Determine the parts of line for the Step 4. Determine the approximate weight to
main load block: be lifted:
1. Load Block = 4,550 lbs. 1. Weight of load = 49,600 lbs.
2. Slings = 760 lbs. 2. Rigging attachments = 760 lbs.
3. Weight of Load = 49,600 ibs. 3. Jib components = 4457 ibs.
4. Total = 54,910 lbs. 4. Load Block = 4,550 lbs.
Hoist reeving for main load block must have 5. Load block line weight (approximate) =
equal or greater capacity than the weight to (boom is 240 ft.) x (2 parts line) x (2.34 lbs.
be lifted. From table #58, use 65,000 lbs., per ft.) = 1123 lbs.
which corresponds to a two part line. 6. Total Approx. Lifted Weight = 60,490 lbs.

Table #58 - Hoist Reeving Example for Main Load Block

No. Parts of Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Max Load - Lbs 32,500 65,000 97,500 130,000 162,500 195,000 227,500 260,000 292,500 325,000 357,500 400,000
310 MOBILE CRANES Load Chart Examples
Step 5. The approximate weight is 60,490
Ibs. From the load chart (table #59), with
crawlers extended, the crane capacity is
64,600 at a 55 foot radius and with a boom
point elevation of 241.5 feet.
As the boom tip elevation is 241.5 feet, the
actual line weight will be: 241.5 x 2 x 2.34 lbs.
= 1130.2 lbs. The actual total lifted weight will
be 60, 497 lbs.

Note: Some load charts do not show the

actual boom height to get this exact line
length. Ensure the load chart being used
belongs to the right crane.

Crawlers Extended: The total lifted weight

is 60,497. With crawlers extended and oper-
ating at a 55 foot radius, the load is within the
safe range of the crane capacity of 64,600.
Crawlers Retracfe& If the crawlers were re- Table #59 - Capacity Chart Example
tracted, the crane capacity is reduced to
56,100 at a 55 foot radius.
- - - - - - d - -

Load Chart Examples 31 I

Maximum Radius Allowable With Lifting JIB CAPACITIES IN POUNDS
(no load): The weight of the jib components, 24 ft. JIB and 32 fa. EXT. combination
plus the load block, wire rope (block low- Main Boom Min. Max.
Angle 5 Offset 17 Offset 30 Offset
ered), and slings would be approximately 76 6,000 5,200 4,600
10,897 lbs. The next highest chart rating is 70 4,300 3,940 3,650
11,900, which means this boom cannot be 65 3,430
3,200 3,010
60 2,600
lowered under 54 degrees at a 145 foot ra- 55 2,220 2,110
dius with no load other than the attachments. -
Table #60 Jib Capacity Example Two

Note: When going below grade level, all I WEIGHT REDUCTION F ~ W I

hoist lines must be considered. 32 ft. BOOM EXTENSION
Note: Due to variations, check the crane
load chart to find exactly when, and how
- 290,ibs.
- 2,350 ibs.

much, of the load line and jib line wire **

24 ft. JIB & 32 ft. EXT. COMB.
- 5,825 ibs.
- 1,130 Ibs.
rope is added to the load weight total.
tReduction of main boom capacities.
Reduction of 32 ft. Ext. capacities.
Table #61 Weight Reduction Example Two
Load Calculation (Example Two)
Typical load and information charts are used
for this example, however, remember that
every manufacturers chart will be different.
Always use the chart that belongs to that
particular crane.
50 Ton, 4 Sheave .......................................................... 700 ibs.
Auxiliary Boom Head .....................................................220 ibs.
5 Ton, Headache Ball .....................................................150 lbs.
7 112 Ton, Headache Ball..............................................300 ibs.

Table #62 - Block Weight Example Two -

312 MOBILE CRANES Load Chart Examples
Example Two information
1. 50 ton carrier hydraulic boom crane
2. 50 ton, 4 - sheave block, hanging 15 feet
below boom tip, with 31 4 inch wire rope @
1.04 lbs. per foot.
3. 32 foot boom extension, 24 foot jib @ 17
degree offset
4. 7 1 1 2 ton headache ball, with 3 1 4 inch
wire rope @ 1.04 lbs. per foot
5. Rigging components = 75 lbs.
In example two, the wire rope is consid-
ered only when more than the minimum
required hoist reeving is in place on the
unused block.

Example Two Questions

Question 1. - What is the net jib capacity
when the boom is fully extended and is set at
an angle of 59 degrees?
Answer 1. - The jib capacity is based on the
main boom angle (jib chart - table #60).
There is no rating for 59 degrees.
Table #63 - Capacity Chart - Example Two
- - - -

Mosi~ECRANES Load Chart Examples 3i3

The next lower rating is 55 degrees, and with
a 17 degree offset the capacity is 2,110 Ibs.
Deduct: 50 ton block = 700 ibs.
Rigging = 75 ibs.
7 1 / 2 ton headache ball = 300 lbs.
4 parts of ropex 15ftx 1.04 Ibs-lft= 62.4 lbs.
TOTAL = 1,137 ibs.
The net jib capacity for question one would
be 973 lbs. (21 10 - 1137).

Question 2. - What is the maximum operat-

ing radius for a 2,700 lb load? The crane is
set up similar to question one.
Answer 2 - The total load will be:
Actual load = 2,700 ibs.
Deductions = 1 , I 37 ibs.;
TOTAL = 3,837 Ibs.
The closest rating in the jib chart with 17 de-
grees offset is 3,940 ibs. at 70 degrees.
Use the range diagram (illustration #296) to
get the operating radius.
314 MOBILE CRANES Load Chart Examples
At a 70 degree boom angle with maximum Question 4. - The jib and boom extension
length, the operating radius would be 55 feet. have been removed and the extension is
Question 3. - Fully extended, what is the stowed. The same load block and rigging is
maximum capacity of the main boom with the used. Can a 10 ton load be positioned at a 35
boom extension and jib attached, and with foot radius with the boom fully extended?
the same equipment set up as in questions Answer 4. - The actual load weight is:
one and two? What will the load radius be? Load = 20,000 ibs.
Answer 3. - Add the deductions: 50 ton block = 700 ibs.
50 ton block = 700 ibs. Rigging = 75 lbs.
Rigging = 75 ibs. Stowed boom extension = 290 ibs.
7 1 I 2 ton headache ball = 300 lbs. Total Load = 21,065 lbs.
10 feet of single jib line @ 1.04 per foot From the capacity chart, follow across on the
Effective weight of erected extension and jib 35 foot radius. The capacity for the 84 foot
= 5,825 ibs. boom is 20,280 lbs. The 10ton load could not
TOTAL = 6,910 Ibs. be safely positioned at 35 feet. The safest ra-
From the capacity chart, the 84 foot boom dius is at 30 feet with a capacity of 23,900 ibs.
has a maximum capacity of 31,000 ibs.
(boom angle = 76.5 degrees). Note: With a shorter radius, the boom tip
Deduct 6,910 ibs. will be higher, resulting in more wire rope
The net load would be 24,090 ibs. at a load and a slightly heavier gross load.
radius of 20 feet (load chart).
- - - -

MOBILE CRANES Tandem Crane Lifts 31 5

Tandem Crane Lifts An example of a tandem lift is shown in illus-
Any lift involving multiple cranes is a critical tration #297.
lift. Tandem crane lifts are complex and dan-
gerous as crane capacities are based on
freely suspended and balanced loads. The
use of two, and often more cranes, may intro-
duce side loading of the boom not normally
encountered with one crane. The load must
be divided as planned and the rigging so
A lift plan, as outlined earlier, including a rig-
ging print, outlining the entire operation must
be prepared. This job plan would include:
load calculation, crane selection, ground
preparation, crane hook up, crane move-
ments, and initial and final positions.
This plan must be prepared by qualified and
experienced personnel. The preferable team
to prepare this plan would be an experienced
construction engineer, a rigging superinten-
dent, and a crane operator. All, or at least
one of these people should have previous "IU"'~"O" "97 - Tandem Lift Example
experience on tandem lifts.
316 MOBILE CRANES Tandem Crane Lifts
Tandem Lift Job Plan 3. The net load weight must be calculated.
Extreme care must be taken to include every After the crane types have been selected,
detail in a job plan. Most of the usual require- the gross weight of the load can be
ments of a tandem or multiple lift are listed worked out, including the crane hook
below: blocks and rigging components.
1. Ground conditions must support the 4. The order of #2 and #3 may be reversed.
crane and the load. The ground must be Sometimes it is possible to obtain cranes
levelled and compacted, (especially so if to match the site and the load; or if specific
one or more cranes must travel with the cranes must be used, the plan may have
load); and if necessary, blocking and to be designed to suit the cranes.
floats provided for hydraulic machines 5. All cranes must have their capacity calcu-
and mats for crawlers. The cranes must lated for the lift. None of the cranes should
be level. have more than a-75% load.
2. The load and crane positions during the 6. If different crane models are used, the op-
lift must be determined. With these posi- erators will have to match the line, boom,
tions determined, the load radius, boom and swing speed. Unequal hoisting
length, and boom angle can be calculated speeds will place extra load on one crane,
for the entire lift operation. Special atten- and unequal swing rates will cause boom
tion must be paid to the longest load ra- sideloading. All swing and boom motions,
dius. and crane travel must be kept to a mini-
mum. (An equalizer beam may help in
balancing a load if hoist line speeds are
difficult to match).
- - - - - - - -

MOBILE CRANES em Lifts / Tailing cranes

Tailing Cranes
7. Operators, riggers, and signalpersons A tailing crane is often used when erecting a
must know exactly what the entire opera- pressure vessel or structural component
tion is, step by step. At least one dry run from a horizontal to a vertical position.
should be made. To avoid confusion and
time delay, all communication should be There are two basic tailing crane methods:
made by radio. There must be one person
coordinating the lift. This person must be Illustration #298 shows the tail crane posi-
in constant radio contact with all parties. tioned behind the vessel. As crane #I lifts the
vessel, the tail crane #2 will walk in slowly,
8. The operators must use extreme caution keeping the vessel bottom just clear of the
to maintain jerk-free movements.
ground. As the vessel comes up to the verti-
Hoisting, booming, or swinging requires
cal position crane #I will absorb more and fi-
smooth starts and stops. This will elimi-
nally, all of the weight.
nate impact loading on the cranes. The
operators, riggers, and signalpersons Illustration #299 shows a tail crane posi-
must constantly watch that the hoist lines tioned beside the pressure vessel. As crane
are vertical. Off-vertical hoist lines means #I lifts the vessel, crane #2 will swing the bot-
sideloading. tom in. This move is a bit more complicated
9. All cranes on a multi-crane lift must lift the as crane #2 must swing, and also boom up
load off the ground (or lower onto the and then down to maintain the same side dis-
ground) simultaneously. If not, one of the tance as the vessel moves in to position.
cranes will be overloaded.
318 MOBILE CRANES Tailing Cranes
Avoidusingachokertypeslingonaves- The sling could slip as the vessel
sel unless necessary and properly changes position from horizontal to
rigged. vertical.

illustration #298 Tailing Crane Walking In With Load
MOBILE CRANES Tailing Cranes 31 9

The Use of Choker Slings

Can Be Dangerous.
They Could Slip, Shock
Loading the Cranes

lllustratisn #299 Tailing Crane Swinging With Load
320 MOBILE CRANES Tandem Lift (Unequal Loadina)
Tandem Lift (Unequal Loading) If the load is symmetrical as in illustration
Whentwocranesliftaloadadetermination #3017butonecranehaslessca~acit~than
must be made on the location of the lift points the other; the higher capacity crane could be
for each crane. This must be calculated to positioned closer to the center to lift Over half
properly distribute the load according to the the load weight.
capacities of each crane. I I
If a load is non-symmetrical as in illustration
#300,the center of gravity will be closer to
(I n
one end. Therefore it is likely that one crane
will be positioned to lift ove; half of the load

Symmetrical Load
Crane A Lifts More
lllustration #301 Different Capacity Cranes

n-Symmetrical Load
Crane A Lifts More
- -
lllustration #300 Tandem Lift Non Symmetrical
MOBILE CRANES Tandem Lift (Unequal Loading) 321
Determine Lift Point Positions
1 . In a tandem lift it is necessary that neither
crane be loaded in excess of 75% of its
rated capacity.
2. The capacity of each crane must be
worked out by considering the load ra-
dius, boom angle, boom length, operation
quadrants, rigging components and other
3. The calculated 75% capacities of the two -
Illustration #302 Determine Lift Points
cranes must combine to be greater than
the load weight.
Net capacity CRANE A
4. After the load center of gravity has been Distance Y =
established, the two lift points are calcu- Net capacity CRANE B
lated by the following formula: After calculating distance Y, measure it on
(Net capacity CRANE A) x X = the load to establish the position of CRANE
(Net capacity CRANE B) x Y B. If distance Y is not suitable, change dis-
5. Estimate the position of CRANE A at the tance X and recalculate distance Y.
heavy end of the load. Measure this dis-
tance (X) to the center of gravity. See il-
lustration #302.
322 MOBILE CRANES Tandem Lift (Unequal Loading)
Determine Load of Each Crane Dimension X = 34 feet
The load carried by each crane can be calcu- Net capacity CRANE A
Dimension y =
lated with the formula: Net capacity CRANE B
Load on CRANE A = (-
x : y ) x load weight Y = 1289800x 34 = 46.4 feet

jx :)

Load on CRANE B = -x b a d weight

\ ,
Determine Load on Each Crane (eg. one)
Tandem Lift Example (illustration #303) Load CRANE A = - y ) x load weight

x 160,000 = 92,338 lbs
=[34 + 46.4)
CRANEAcap. = 128,800~.75=96,600Ibs
CRANE A has a safe lift.

Load CRANE B = [ X-
: Y ) x bad weight

iliustratisn #303-Tandem Load Example x 160,000 = 67,662 Ibs
= (34 + 46.4)
Net capacity CRANE A = 128f800pounds
CRANE B cap. = 94,300 x ,75 = 70,725 ,bs
Net capacity CRANE B = 94,300 pounds
CRANE B has a safe lift.
Total combined capacity = 223,100 pounds
Load weight = 160,000 pounds
Tandem Lift Load Change When applying the 75% tandem lift factor,
If the load sharing distribution of two cranes this increase could bring CRANE A close to
is to remain constant, both cranes must lift or over its capacity limit.
and lower in unison. If one end is lifted off the
ground before the other, or if one end is low- CRANEA () () CRANE 5
ered onto the ground first, the weight distri-
bution is changed. This could easily place
one crane in an overload situation.
Load Change Example

180,000 lbs Both
(i/ler!stration #304 Ends Lifted
On a consistent lift the load on both cranes
will remain at 90,000 pounds each (illustra- A
tion #304A).
CRANE A = 90,000 pounds
CRANE 5 = 90,000 pounds
When CRANE B lowered its end (illustration
#304B), crane A has a significant load
CRANE 5 = no load 80,000 lbs One End
CRANE A = 34 x 180,000 = 122,400 Lowered First
CRANE A increase = 32,400 pounds. -
illustration #304 Determine Load Change
324 MOBILE CRANES Tandem Lift (Unequal Loading)
Tandem Lift With Equalizer Capacity CRANE A
1. A tandem lift with an equalizer beam is Total Capacity CRANES A + B
similar to other multi-crane lifts in that 5. The load on each is determined by the
none of the cranes should be loaded in formula:
excess of 75% of the rated capacity. The
advantage of an equalizer is that if neces-
sary, the load can be repositioned on the CRANE A load = 1x load weight
beam to suit the lift capacities of the two
2. The capacity of each crane must be cal-
CRANE B load =
z x load weight
culated by determining the load radius, The actual load weight will include the beam
boom angle, boom length, operation and beam to load rigging.
quadrants, plus all crane deductions. The
load radius is at the lift point, not the cen-
ter of gravity of the load.
3. The distance between the lift points (Z in
illustration #305) must be measured.
4. The lift points of each crane can be
worked out with the formula (Z= X + Y):

= ( Capacity CRANE B
Total Capacity CRANES A + B
Illustration #305- Tandem Lift With Equalizer
MOBILE CRANES Tandem Lift (Unequal Loading) 325
Note: All custom made spreader and Net capacity CRANE A = 96,400 pounds
equalizer beams must be engineered, and Net capacity CRANE B = 62,900 pounds
musfbe load tested at 125% of their rated Load weight = 106,000 pounds
capcity and have the capacity clearly Equalizer weight = 1850 pounds
stamped. Distance Z = 22 feet
CRANES A + 5 = 159,300 pounds
EqualizerLiftExample(Illustration#306) 159,300x0m75=119,475pounds
(This will allow a safe lift).

CRANE CRANE Determine Beam Lift Points

Distance X = ( )

Equalizer = 1850 lbs

El Load = 166,000 ibs Distance Y = ( CRANE A


illustration #306 Tandem Lift With Equalizer Example
326 MOBILE CRANES Tandem Lift (Unequal Loading)
Determine Loads on Each Crane Equalizer Load Changes
CRANE A load =
x load + beam Load distribution changes when the beam lift
angle changes. This distribution can be mi-
nor, or very major.
In illustration #307, the load X - X', Y - Y' ratio
CRANE A capacity = 96,400 x .75 = 72,300 stays the same. With the weight hooked just
below the beam the load change will be
This is a safe lift for CRANE A. minor.
CRANE 5 load =
($1 x load + beam CRANE A CRANE

= (z) x 107,850 lbs = 42,650 lbs

CRANE A capacity = 62,900 x -75= 47,175

This is a safe lift for CRANE B.

Illustration #307- Equalizer Load Change

MOBILE CRANES Tandem Lift (Unequal Loading) 327
In illustration #308 the load and its center of All of the careful crane load calculations
gravity is a solid, non-flexible, irregular mean very little if the load is not lifted and
shaped object. lowered evenly.
When one end is lifted higher (crane A in this Note: This applies when the C of G is be-
example), there will be a major load redistri- low the lift points.
bution to CRANE A as the center of gravity
moves left.

illustration #308 Equalizer Load Change
328 MOBILE CRANES Conditions Affecting Capacity
Conditions Affecting Capacity 3. Using the wrong counterweight will
There are several conditions that could affect change either forward or backward stabil-
the stability/strength of a crane. These could ity of a crane.
be caused by a lack of awareness by the op- 4. Out of level conditions will dramatically al-
erator or lift supervisor, or they could be ter the lifting capacity. Load chart capaci-
caused by external forces. ties are based on a level crane.
The more common situations are listed 5. Equipment in poor condition will change
below: the strength or stability of a crane. Some
1 . Improper outrigger use or setup. This in- of these include: lattice boom, hydraulic
cludes not using all of the outriggers, or boom, structural welds, hydraulic pumps
not being fully extended, which changes and hoses, rubber tire condition, equip-
the operating quadrants; or not getting all ment bearings, wire rope, outriggers, etc.
of the wheels off the ground, which may
not allow the full capacity on the load Other conditions which will be mentioned in
chart. the next several pages include:
2. Ground condition. Soft ground should dic- e Wind
tate the use of floats under the outriggers. @ Changing radius (swingout7 n~achinede-
Leaking water mains and steam lines, etc. flection)
could cause washouts below the surface. Side-loading
Do not assume that a crane on asphalt or @ Impact loading
concrete is stable as the ground below
may be uncompacted.
MOBILE CRANES Conditions Affecting Capacity 329
Capacity Loss - Off-Level When the crane is off-level, the load radius
Load capacity charts require the machine to will change when the boom swings from the
be level in all directions no matter what the high to low side. This situation will also create
configurations. extra stress on the turntable and other crane
0 f f - 1 ~ ~conditions
~ 1 cause b o o m components. See illustration #310.
side-loading resulting in loss of capacity. See
illustration #309.

M Chart Ratings
are Based on

Illustration #309 Off Level Boom (Capacity Loss) -
Illustration #310 Off Level Boom (Radius increase)
330 MOBILE CRANES Conditions Affecting Capacity
Capacity Loss - Side-loading Hydraulic booms and their rams, and lattice
Boom side-loading occurs when the load is booms are affected. Side-loading can cause
positioned to one side of the boom. rapid structural failure. See illustration #311.

A Rapid
Swing Rate
Can Cause

Illustration #311 Boom Sideloadlng
MOBILE CRANES Conditions Affecting Capacity 331
Capacity Loss - Rapid Swing
If a boom is moved rapidly the load will not be
able to catch up due to inertia and the flexibil-
ity in the load line. This positions the load be-
hind the boom causing side-loading. See 3- -
During Swing
illustration #312.
Illustration #313 Rapid Swing Causes Load Rad. Increase
Not Moving

If the boom is moved rapidly and stopped,

the load will continue to swing out past the
boom tip causing side-loading. See illustra-
tion #314.

Boom Stops
Illustration #312 Load Cannot Catch Up to Rapid Swing

Rapid swing also causes the load to swing
out, thereby increasing the radius, resulting
in reduced capacity and boom side-loading. Load
See illustration #313. - -
illustration #314 Boom Stops Load Continues to Swing
332 MOBILE CRANES Conditions Affecting Ca~acitv
Note: Use caution when swinging long in illustration #315 the load is initially hooked
boom cranes. The weight of the boom up beyond the boom tip resulting in the
causes centrifugal force problems in wrong radius and a swinging load.
starting and stopping which could result Illustration #316 shows a crane hooked up
in collapse. with the load inside the boom tip. When the
Capacity Loss Radius Increase load is lifted it will swing out beyond the boom
The load hoist line must remain vertical to causing extra radius.
maintain the load radius and the load chart
rating. Several conditions can cause the load
line to swing out, thereby increasing the load
radius and resulting in lost capacity.

Only Position Load

Outside Boom Tip
Enough to Allow fo
Boom Deflection

Do Not Lift
Inside the
Load Radius

Illustration #315 Lifting Beyond Boom Tip
lllustration #316 Lifting lnside Boom Tip
MOBILE CRANES Conditions Affectina Ca~acitv 333
Illustrations #317 and #318 show cranes in- Deflection also occurs due to decreased tip-
creasing the load radius due to deflection. As ping radius when the boom is swung from
the load resists moving, the machine compo- over the rear to over the side.
nents will stretch, bend, give, and tighten up
slightly, causing the boom tip to move down
and out. This deflection is magnified on a ma-
chine on rubber tires.

Hydraulic and Lattice Boom Cranes

Set Up with a Long Boom Assembly
Will Deflect and Increase the Load Radius

I Long Hydraulic Boom Deflection

illustration #317 Long Hydraulic Boom Deflection
334 MOBILE CRANES Conditions Affecting Capacity
Capacity Loss - Wind Effect
The effect of wind on a crane can be devas-
at Boom Tip tating. This is especially true when a crane is
rigged in a long boom configuration. Over the
years there have been many cases of cranes
and loads lost due to wind. See illustration
The wind can push a boom andlor the load
, sideways causing side-loading.
: Wind blowing from behind a crane exerts
force on the boom, and helps push the load
out past the calculated load radius.
Another result often not considered is that
cranes can be (and have been) blown over
at the Base
backward. A long boom crane standing at its
highest angle will be susceptible to this

Hoisting activities should be restricted or

illustration #318 Bending Boom Causing Radius Increase stopped completely in windy conditions.
MOBILE CRANES Conditions Affecting Capacity 335
Force of Wind

Illustration #319 Wind Effects on Crane Booms
336 MOBILE CRANES Conditions Affecting Capacity
Capacity Loss - Impact Loading
Rapid Hoisting
Impact loading can cause several boom and and Sudden Stopping
crane problems. Impact problems can be High
Can Produce

caused by: Loads

@ Rapid acceleration (ill. #320A).
@ Sudden stopping (ill. #320B / table #64).
@ Sudden load release (ill. #321A).
@ Sudden load snatching (ill. #3218).
Pick and carry operations.


10 6 2
100 0.40% 0.70% 2.20%
150 1.OO% 1.60% 4.90%
200 1.70% 2.90% 8.60%
250 2.70% 4.50% 13.50%
300 3.90% 6.50% 19.40%
350 5.30% 8.50% 26.40%
400 6.90% 11.50% 34.50%

Table #64 Hook Travel Load Increase -
Illustration #320 Impact Loading
MOBILE CRANES Conditions Affecting Capacity 337
Capacity LOSS- Duty Cycle
Cranes that operate in a continuous high
speed production operation may not have
the full load chart rating. These types of
cranes would be in draglines, steel erection,
concrete placing, magnet work, etc.
It is quite possible that these cranes will have
a separate lower capacity load chart, or will
be down-rated by approximately 20%.
The reduction in capacity is due to the extra
stresses imposed by the continuous or high
speed operation, which causes impact load-
ing, high speed load swingout, and boom
side-loading. They also cause extra wear
and strain on the mechanical parts.

lllustralion #321 Impact Loading
338 MOBILE CRANES Travellincr with a Load
Travelling with a Load Precautions to be followed during pick
All capacity ratings are based on the and carry operations:
crane being used in a stationary position. @ Keep the load as close to the carrier as
This also applies to models designed for possible.
pick and carry operations. Travelling with @ Keep the boom as short as possible.
suspended loads entails many variables, @ Keep the boom as low as possible.
including: e Load and boom to be carried in line with
@ Type of terrain the direction of travel and in line with the
@ Boom length axis of the crane.
@ Stopping and starting momentum @ Rough terrain crane - boom and load
must be over the front.
It is impossible to establish a single standard @ Carrier mounted crane - (engine at rear)
rating procedure with any assurance of boom and load over the rear.
safety. Therefore, when travelling with a Crawler - boom and load over the idler
load, the prevailing conditions must be eval- end.
uated to determine the applicable safety @ Loads - should be carried close to the
precautions. ground and tied back to the carrier or con-
trolled with tag lines.
MOBILE CRANES Travelling with a Load 339
Use extreme caution if the load is behind the Never make any sudden starts or stops. In il-
direction of travel (illustration #322). If the lustration #323,a sudden start could push
load is not snubbed to the crane, the load the boom over backwards.
could swing out when the crane starts, thus
allowing the crane to walk out from the load
and tip over.

\ \ === USE CAUTION ===

Illustration #323-Effect of Travelling With High Load

Note: Snub the load to the crane to avoid

Illustration #322 Snub Load to Crane
340 MOBILE CRANES Telescoping Booms
Telescoping Booms
Most telescoping boom cranes have a se- The load chart is based on the boom sections
quencing valve that extends the sections of a being equally extended. If the boom sections
hydraulic boom equally. Booms on machines are not equally extended, the chart readings
with several boom extension levers will have are not accurate and the longer extended
to be equally extended by the operator. section may be overloaded.

Extend The \

Illustration #324-Right and Wrong Boom Telescoping

Boom Contact Hazard
Boom Contact Hazard
Keep the load clear of the boom (illustration if the boom is lowered onto an object, the
#325). A load must never be permitted to boom load changes from compression to
swing and hit the boom. The boom must not bending. Any bending force or dented mem-
bump any object while swinging or lowering. ber could allow the boom to collapse.

If The Boom
Rests on a Ledge
the Boom Force
Changes from
to Bending

Illustration #325 Avoid Boom Contact
342 MOBILE CRANES Anti-Two-Block Device
Anti Two-Block Device
Two-blocking occurs when the hook block is On hydraulic booms it can occur when the
pulled up into the boom tip sheaves. The wire boom is extended and the load line is not
rope can be cut, damaged, or overloaded. played out to suit the extra length (illustration
This can happen for several reasons, includ- #327).
ing simply pulling the block up into the
sheaves, or lowering the boom when the
block is too close to the boom tip (illustration
Two Blocking
Can Occur
When Lowering
the Boom
Never Allow
the Two Blocks
to Pull

Illustration #326 - Boom Lowering Two-Blocking islustration #327 - Boom Extension Two-Blocking
~nti-TWO- lock Device
All cranes should be equipped with an anti-
two-block device. This device should be in- Boom Tip
cluded with most computerized operational
aid warning systems. If the anti-two-block
system or warning device is not working,
ANSI requires someone to watch the boom
tip to prevent two-blocking. Do not hoist per- -Anti
< Two-block
sonnel if the anti-two-block device is not Device
working properly.
A typical system has a weight hanging off the
upper sheave casing. If the block comes up
and hits the casing, a limit switch solenoid is Block
tripped. See illustration #328.

Note: ANSVOSHA regulations require 'a lllustrati~n#328 - Anti-Two-Bl~ckDevice

working anti-two-block device on any
crane hoisting a personnel basket
344 MOBILE CRANES Electrical Clearances
Electrical Clearances Electrical Hazards Clearance Guide
Accidental electrocutions are among the
most frequently repeated crane accidents. OPERATING NEAR HIGH VOLTAGE POWER
Most of these are caused when the boom
Normal Voltage Minimum Required
contacts or approaches too close to over- (Phase to Phase) Clearance
head power lines. The fatality rate is high, to 50 kV 10 ft. (3,05m)
particularly among riggers guiding the load.
Over 50 to 200 kV 15 ft. (4.60 m)
Inexperienced boom truck operators are an-
Over 200 to 350 kV 20 ft. (6.10 m)
other cause of high fatalities.
Over 350 to 500 kV 25 ft. (7.62 m)
While the danger is greater from high voltage
transmission lines, where flashover can oc- Over 500 to 750 kV 35 ft. (10.67 rn)
cur without actual contact, fatal accidents Over 750 to 1 000 kV 45 ft. (13.72 m)
have resulted from contact with 440 volts and IN TRANSIT WIITH NO LOAD AND BOOM
220 volt service lines and strut lighting
systems. Normal Voltage Minimum Required
(Phase to Phase) Clearance
The safest procedure is to request the local
to 75 kV 4 ft. (1 .22 rn)
electrical authority to cut off the power.
Over .75 to 50 kV 6 ft. (1.83 m)
If, for any reason this is not possible or practi-
Over 50 to 345 kV 10 ft, (3.05 m)
cable, and it is necessary for cranes to be un-
Over 345 to 750 kV 16 ft, (4.87 m)
der or near hot power lines, see table #65 for
guidelines. Over 750 to 1 000 kV 20 ft. (6.10 rn)
Table #65 Operating Near Powerlines
Electrical Clearances
Over 250,000 Volts
Absolute Limit of Approach
125,000 To
Every live powerline has an area around it 250,000 Volts
called the limit of approach. A crane boom, Less Than
125,000 Volts
load line, or load cannot operate in this area
without the power being cut off. This is an ab-
solute, no exception rule.
The absolute limit of approach will vary
somewhat with provincial, state, federal or
other regulating bodies; however the guide-
lines shown in table #65 and illustration #329
are close to those guidelines.
Limit of Approach If a Crane
Component Limit of Approach
or the Load
Can Swing
the Limits
of Approach,
I a Signalman
is Required

I Do Not Handle Materials

I With Crane in this Area

Boom Shall Not Be

Positioned Beyond this Line
illustration #329- Powerline Limit of Approach -
Illustration #330 Use of Signalman Near Powerline
346 MOBILE CRANES Electrical Clearances
Powerline Approach Guidelines 6. Only use taglines to control the load or
1 . Maintain a safe operating distance and al- keep it from spinning. All ropes conduct
ways observe the absolute limit of ap- electricity, although dry polypropylene is
proach better than the other types.
2. A signalperson must be used when the 7. The operator should slow the crane oper-
crane boom or the load can swing within ation near a powerline.
the limit of approach, see illustration 8. Warning devices and various types of in-
#330. The signalperson must be posi- sulators are not fail safe. They all have
tioned to estimate the minimum distance limitations.
as pertable#G57and warn the operator as 9. The absolute limit of approach should be
the boom approaches the minimum dis- increased when operating near a long
tance. The person giving the signals must span powerlines as these lines will sway
not have any other duties. with the wind.
3. All powerlines must be considered as live. 10. Use extreme caution when travelling with
Do not change this assumption until a crane under a powerline. Rough ground
proven otherwise by a reliable source. can cause a boom to undulate.
4. Always notify the utility Company when 11. Use synthetic web slings,
operating near a powerline. Note: ANSIIASME B38.% code conditions
5- ,411 personnel (except the operator) must apply to cranes working near poweriines.
stay away from the crane when it is near it may be necessary for a pm-lift meeting
the limit of approach. Do not touch the between the crane company and the ut&
crane or the load. ity company. Check the B30.5 code, then
contact the utility company.
MOBILE CRANES Electrical Clearances 347
Poweriine Contact Atter jumping clear, the operator must hop or
The operator should remain in the cab af- shuffle to a safe area. The area around the
ter powerline contact until the power has crane will be energized, and a normal step
been disconnected. If this is not practical, may cause the Werator to be the conductor
the operator must not step from the between a high and low voltage area. See il-
crane. He must jump clear with both feet lustration #332=
together, being carefol not to touch the
r e See iI!ustration #331.

118ustration #331 Jumping Clear of Crane after Contact illustration #332-Energized Zone Around Crane
348 MOBILE CRANES Electrical Clearances
After Contact

1. After contact the operator must not panic 4. The machine must be thoroughly in-
and make hasty moves. If he is not in- spected before reuse. If any of the crane
jured, he must asses the situation and wire ropes have been arced they must be
warn others to stay away. replaced.

2. If the machine is still running, gently tly to 5. All powerline contact must be reported to
swing the crane away from the contact the utility company as the line will have to
zone. If it breaks contact easily, move the be inspected and/or repaired to avoid
boom well clear. If the crane boom or load breakage at a later date.
line is welded to the powerline, do not try
to break the contact,

3. Remain in the cab until the utility company

de-energizes the line. If waiting is not pos-
sible, jump clear as per illustration #331.
MOBILE CRANES Crane Log kooks 349
Crane ~ o Books
g @ Defects or deficiencies.
ANSI/OSHA/OCHS regulations require a @ Sizes and types of wire rope used, includ-
separate logbook for every crane, derrick, or ing any rigging information.
hoist. The book stays with that particular @ Hours of service.
crane or hoisting device, and is transferred if @ Any matter or incident that may affect the
it is sold. The book must be readily available safe operation of the crane or hoist.
to any Safety Inspection Officer. @ A record of certification complying with
Every crane or hoist component must be in- the appropriate requirements of the latest
spected on either a daily, weekly, monthly, applicable edition of the standards for the
periodic, or yearly basis and recorded in the country, state, province, or region.
logbook with each entry initialed and signed. @ Any other operational information specifi-
The inspection time frame depends on the cally identified by the manufacturer.
component, but the key operating compo- @ For tower c r a n e s j whether t h e
nents are inspected daily. Any accidents in- weight-testing device was used before
volving the equipment must be recorded. the lifting of materials commenced for the
Operators must familiarize themselves with day.
all recent entries prior to commencing Table #66A,B,C show a sample inspection
operation. timeframe for one type of carrier mounted hy-
Logbook data includes: draulic crane.
@ Date and time of any work or repairs. Check the specific crane logbook, as there
Inspections, examinations, checks and will be variations in requirements from One
tests including those specified in the man- manufacturer Or Crane model to another.
ufacturers' instructions.
350 MOBILE CRANES Crane Log Books

Daily = D, Weekly = W, Monthly = M, Periodically = P

Operators Cab Load Rating Charts D Aux. Hoist Free Fall Brake D
General itenis Operators Manual M Aux. Hoist Free Fall Clutch D
Overall Cleanliness D 3 rd Drum Automatic Clutch D
Window Glass D t2sntroI Mechanisms 3 rd Drum Overrunning ClutchD
Signal Horn D Computerized Boom Telescope Function D
Fire Extinguisher D Operational Aids D Boom Synchronization
Safety and Instruction Decals D Swing D Function D
Windshield Wipers D Swing Brake D Boom Hoist Function D
HeaterIDefroster D Swing Lock D Anti Two-Block Device D
Air Conditioner D Boom Hoist Automatic Brake D Outrigger Controls D
Flood Lights D Boom Hoist Overrunning
Cab Lights D Clutch D Engine & Upperworks
Fuel Gage D Boom Hoist Pawl D Components
Engine Oil Pressure Gage D Main Hoist Automatic Brake D Radiator D
Water Pressure Gage D Engine Oil Level D
Ammeter D Main Hoiist ~werrunning Engine Master Clutch
Drum Rotation Device D
Brake Oil Level D
Main Hoist Free Fall Brake D Engine Master Clutch D
Computerized Operator Aids D
Main Hoist Free Fall Clutch D Fuel Tank Level D
Crane Level indicator D
Aux. Hoist Automatic Brake D Fuel Cap D
Boom Angle indicator
Aux. Hoist Overrunning Gear Boxes D
Boom Angle Limit Switch D Clutch D Lubricating System D
Table #66A inspection Timeframes (part 1 of 3 )
- -

MOBILE CRANES Crane Log Books 3511

Batteries M Drums, Hoist Rope, Fittings Boom Bearing Points W
Engine, Transmission Boom Pendants D Boom Side Plates W
Mounting Bolts M Jib Pendants D Boom Sections W
Air Cleaner M Boom Hoist D Rope Guards W
Engine Oil & Filter M Main Hoist D Boom Point W
Drive Belts M Auxiliary Hoist D Boom Backstops & Lugs W
All Hoses M 3 rd Drum D Hydraulic Cylinder Mounting W
Loose Nuts & Bolts M Sheaves & Guards W Jib
Machine Guards M Hooks & Hook Blocks W Jib ID Decals W
Exhaust System M Drums M Jib Foot Pins W
Muffler Guards M Jib Chords & Lacings W
Railings, Walkways P WevsBving Frame, Jib Splice Pins & Lugs W
Welded Components Jib Point W
Crane Hydraulics Boom Foot Lugs W Jib Backstop & Lugs W
Hydraulic Tank D A-Frame Hitch Lugs W Jib Mast Foot Lugs & Pins W
Hoses & Fittings D A-Frame Pin Connection W Jib Mast Backstop & Lugs W
Hyd. Tank BreatherlFiIter M A-Frame Sheaves W Jib Mast Point W
Hose Reel M Swing Circle & Bolts W
Pumps & Motors M outriggers
Valves M Boom Attachment Lugs & Pins W
Cylinders M Boom ID Decals W Beam Bearing Points W
Magnetic Plugs M Boom Foot & Pins W Beam Housing W
Swivel Assembly M Boom Chord & Lacings W Vertical Cylinder Attachment W
Boom Splice Pins & Lugs W Floats W
Table #665 inspection Timeframes (part 2 of 3)
352 MOBILE CRANES Crane Log Books
All Glass D Hydraulic Reservoir & Filter D
Counterweight Fire Extinguisher D Outrigger Controls D
Removal Device W Warning Flags & Reflectors D Batteries D
Attachment Lugs W Operators Manual M Master Cylinder M
Pins & Bolts W Air Cleaner M
Truck Carrier Inside Truck Carrier Outside Thermostat & Hoses P
Overall Cleanliness D All Lights D Muffler & Exhaust P
Engine Oil Pressure Gage D Windshield Wiper Blades D Muffler Guards P
Warning Lights & Buzzers D Mirrors D Clutch P
Air Pressure Gage D Tires, Wheels, Lugs D Transmission P
Low Air Warning Device D Fuel Tank & Cap D Transfer Case P
Parking Brake D Engine Oil Level D Drive Shaft & U Joints P
Brakes D Radiator D Differential P
Horn D Drive Belts D Front Axle P
Windshield Wipersnnlashers D Steering Gear D Rear Axle P
HeaterIDefroster D Air Compressor D Wheel Cylinders P
Mirrors D Air Governor D Shocks & Springs P
Steering Wheel Play D Air Tank & Lines D
All Lights D Hydraulic System D
fable #66C Inspection Timeframes (part 3 of 3)
MOBILE CRANES Crane Inspection
Typical Crane Inspection Guide @ The level of the fluid shall be maintained
@ Engine Performance & Gages - check and the fluid shall be reasonably clean.
for any irregularities or power losses. @ Windshield, Wipers and Door Locks -
Gages must be operational and legible. windshields shall be clean, free of cracks,
@ QiIPress~reandLevels - shall be within hazing, discolouration and frosting so as
manufacturer's specifications. not to affect visibility. Wipers are to be op-
@ Housekeeping- the unit shall be clean of erational. Cab doors shall have key
litter, grease and oil accumulations. lockable devices.
@ Fire Extinguisher - an all-purpose fire @ Batteries and Charging Systems - bat-
extinguisher shall be fully charged, prop- tery fluids shall be kept at the proper level
erly mounted and suitable for extreme and maintained by an operational charg-
cold weather conditions. ing system.
@ Audible Warning Device - the device @ Hand Signal Chart - the chart is to be
shall be operational and loud enough to mounted on the unit in a conspicuous
be heard by workers in the vicinity. place. Additional copies shall be available
@ Rear View Mirrors and Lights - mirrors for reference purposes.
and lights including headlights, emer- @ Load and Radius Chart - chart is to be
gency flasher, interior and boom lights mounted where operator can see it while
shall be clean and operational. working or where it is immediately avail-
Hydraulic Lines and Fluid - lines shall able for reference.
be free of nicks, bulges, abrasions or @ Guards - all exposed gears, drive belts,
leaks. pulleys, clutches and brakes shall be ade-
quately guarded.
354 MOBILE CRANES Crane lns~ection
@ -
Glutches all bands and plates shall be Turntables shall be true, free of excessive
properly lined and in good condition. The wear, cracks or gouges and all fasteners
operation shall be smooth with no grab- shall be tight and in place.
bing. @ Drive Chains - shall be properly lubri-
Outriggers - outriggers shall extend and cated in a safe manner, adjusted and free
retract completely, with pins and retainers of excessive wear and damage.
in good operational condition. Check @ Sheaves and Drums - sheaves shall not
valves shall be protected where required. have excessive wear on shoulders,
All levelling devices must be operational grooving or gouging in the cradle and
and legible. shall be the correct size. Check sheave
@ Brakes - all brakes shall be fully opera- bushing and bearings for excessive wear.
tional. When parking brake is applied, Drums shall be free of gouges, excessive
how many wheels lock up? Check. wear and large enough in size to properly
@ Boom Hoist Pawl - shall be fully opera- contain the wire rope.
tional and in good working condition. @ Wire Rope (Boom, Hoist and Pendant)
@ Swing Dog and Brake - operation shall - check for excessive wear or damage
be smooth and the brake shall engage such as broken strands, reduction in di-
properly. ameter, kinks, corrosion, e t ~ .
@ Track, Drive, Lugs and Pins - check for @ Hoist Block and Nooks - check for
excessive wear, missing or broken parts. grooving, gouging or excessive shoulder
@ All Rollers Including Under Carriage wear of sheaves. Check bushings, bear-
Rollers - shall be free of defects and ings and pins for excessive wear.
properly adjusted.
~ O B I L ECRANES Crane Inspection 355
Check hoist block body for cracks, @ Boom Anglelndicators- shall have legi-
breaks, excessive wear or missing parts. ble degree markings and the indicator
Check hook for bends, cracks, corrosion arms should be in place and fully opera-
and enlarged throat opening, free swivel tional.
action and operational safety latch. @ Boom Locking Device - cranes shall
All Pins - shall be lubricated as needed.

. have an up and down power design and


Retainer shall be in place and opera- the dog brake shall be fully operational.
tional. Pins should not be excessively Transmissions - shall be fully opera-
worn. tional, clutches and selector operation
Outriggers and Tracks - ensure that shall be free with no "grabbing".
suitable additional support pads shall be e Steering- shall be properly aligned in ac-
provided for soft or unstable conditions. cordance with manufacturer's specifica-
@ Boom - chords shall be straight, free of tions.
kinks, bends or cracks, lacings shall all be Gantry and Jib-Gantry - shall be free of
in place, free of bends, cracks and broken cracks, excessive rust and wear etc.
welds. 4,11 joining devices shall be in place Wheels and Tires - shall be in good con-
and tightened as required. dition, properly mounted and the tires in-
@ Boom and Jib Stops - shall be installed flated to manufacturer's specifications.
on the crane, be free of defects and in op- @ Carrier Assembly - check carrier frame
erationall condition. and cross-members for cracks and de-
356 MOBILE CRANE% Crane Inspection
@ Operating Aids - must be checked for Annual Crane Inspections
function and be included in the periodic in- The boom and other structural components,
spection. as well as the hoist assembly and hook, must
All controls - Hoisting, Swing, Travel and be inspected annually by a quality control
Boom shall be checked. company recognized by OCHSIOSHA.
Load Limit and Safety Devices - shall The inspection will b e one of the
be tested. non-destructive testing methods.
The inspection reports should be retained in
Note: The above guide will vary accord- the file for the applicable crane.
ing to crane type and model.

Periodic Crane Inspection

Cranes which have not been in use for sev-
eral months should be given a normal in-
spection before being used.
If the crane has been out of service for an ex-
tended time it should be given a complete in-
spection before use.
MOBILE CRANES Inspection I Crane Manual 357
Inspections As Needed Crane Manual and Reccsrds
Whenever sudden and unusual shock loads A manual supplied by the manufacturer with
are applied to a crane, an inspection is re- data relating to operation and maintenance
quired immediately due to the possibility of for the specific model of crane should be pro-
damage in the load bearing components. vided with each machine. The manuals will
This inspection is visual and, if necessary, is vary with different manufacturers, but the ba-
also performed by using non-destructive sic information will include:
testing methods. e The name of the crane manufacturer, and
Any damage must be repaired before the any related design different from the man-
crane is returned to service. ufacturer.
The boom, jib, and other load bearing com- The crane model name, designation, or
ponents are the most likely to be damaged by type, plus the model number, the serial
any sudden shock load or whipping by a number, and the year of manufacture.
quick load release; however do not limit the Specific crane data including:
inspection to these areas. A machine which 1 . Weight of the unit and the ground bearing
has been shock loaded needs a thorough pressures on tracks, or tires and outrig-
inspection. gers.
Note: All inspections must be fully re- 2. The load chart and all charts, tables and
cordedin the crane log book, and must be data necessary to calculate capacity in
dated and signed by the inspector. various configuration combinations.
3. Data including size and weight of boom
358 MOBILE CRANES Crane Manual / Maintenance
4. The erection and rigging procedures Crane Maintenance Safety
needed for all designed configurations. A preventative maintenance program based
5. The inspection and maintenance proce- on the manufacturers recommendations
dures on booms and outriggers including should be established for all cranes.
material, welding, and bolt and torque The log book must be used to record all de-
specifications. tails of hours worked, inspections, adjust-
6. A log book. This must be routinely used to ments, repairs, replacement parts, and
maintain records on inspections, tests, re- testing.
pairs, maintenance, and hours of service The maintenance and repair personnel must
related to the machine. The log book en- be aware of the hazards involved in working
tries should be dated and signed by the on cranes, must have a working knowledge
operator, repairman and supervisor. If the of the crane and have access to the manu-
crane is sold or is a rental unit, the owners facturer's literature.
should ensure that the log book remains
with the machine and is kept up-to-date Prior to the start of any maintenance or re-
throughout its working life. pairs on a crane, other than for minor adjust-
ments, safety precautions including some of
7. Any crane which was modified or altered
the steps below should be followed:
(also repair of damage) from the original
specifications, which could in any way af-
fect the operation should not be used un-
less there is proof the changes were
engineered and certified by a competent
MOBILE CRANES Maintenance Safety 359
1. The crane should be positioned where it 6. The engine must be shut off during repairs
will cause the least interference with other if it is not needed. The ignition key must be
equipment or operations in the area. removed, and warning signs placed in the
2. Rope off the area and post warning signs cab.
to keep unnecessary personnel away. 7. Maintenance personnel must never be
3. The boom should be lowered to the under any part of the machine if the en-
ground, or otherwise blocked or secured gine is running, or if anyone is at the crane
from dropping. controls.
Note: Always block the boom when as- 8. The controls should be secured so they
sembling or disassembling (see section cannot be accidentally actuated.
on assembly- disassembly). Neverstand 9. Keep the crane deck clean and free of oil,
on or climb beneath the boom during this grease, rags, scattered tools and miscel-
operation. Never reach into holes in hy- laneous parts and pieces. Keep all loose
draulic booms unless the sections are se- tools and parts in a box. Use nonflamma-
curely anchored together (either with the ble solutions for cleaning.
boom on or off the machine). 10. Never wear loose clothing which may be-
4. Lower the load blocks to the ground, or come entangled. Keep hands, feet and
secure them from falling if the boom can- clothing away from gears, ropes, drums
not be lowered. and sheaves, or any other moving com-
5. Any crane component which could move ponent such as fans, while the engine is
or collapse during repair should be running or the component could slip.
blocked or secured.

368 MOBILE CRANES Maintenance Safety

11. Ensure that safety equipment (such as Note: Welding repairs to crane
fire extinguishers) is available and in good components other than the boom must
condition. Never tamper with or alter any be in accordance with ANSI/. WS 814.3.
safety devices.
12. Never use the wire rope to aid in climbing Crane Maintenance Safety
to the top of the cab. (Hydraulic)
13. Use a bar to guide wire ropes onto drums. Hydraulic components present specific haz-
14. Protective guards and panels must be re- ards to maintenance personnel. The boom,
placed before operating the machine. outriggers, and other attachments are main-
15. Before testing a crane or returning it to tained in position by a high pressure trapped
service, all components which have been column of oil.
affected by the maintenance or repair When this pressure is released, the boom or
should be thoroughly inspected. This is attachment will or can fall, and the outriggers
followed by an operational check by the will or can retract. Pressure may also be
operator to ensure that the components maintained in the system with accumulators.
are functional. Improper release of this pressure can cause
16. Never restart the engine until all person- oil, and items such as pipe plugs, to dis-
nel involved know what is going to happen charge at a very high velocity. Anyone in the
and when it will happen. line of this discharge could be seriously in-
17. Do not put the crane into operation until jured. To help avoid injury, the following
all personnel are well clear of the crane. safety guidelines are used:
4 - - - -

MOBILE C R A N E Maintenance Safety 361

1 . Lower the boom to its lowest position and The oil can be extremely hot and cause
lower the machine off its outriggers before severe personal injury. To prevent injury,
doing repair work. If it is necessary to loosen the hydraulic system filler cap part
work with the crane on outriggers or the way to allow pressure in the tank to dissi-
boom in the raised position, each must be pate.
securely blocked. 4. Hydraulic relief valve settings should not
2. Operate all hydraulic control levers exceed the manufacturers specified pres-
through the operating positions before sure settings. If relief valve settings re-
beginning the repair work. Pressure may quire readjustment, it must be performed
be retained in some circuits almost indefi- by qualified personnel.
nitely. If the boom or outriggers are 5. Crane components, which have been
blocked, move the control levers to re- damaged and extensively repaired, must
lieve trapped pressure and ensure the be completely inspected and tested by a
blocking is actually supporting the boom qualified inspection agency, or by a man-
or outriggers without the assistance of ufacturer's representative, before going
trapped oil. back into service.
3. When a crane is operating, oil and air in 6. A boom which has failed or which is sus-
an unvented hydraulic tank becomes pected of having been overstressed must
heated and expands, thereby raising the be removed from service until it has been
pressure inside the unvented tank. If the properly repaired and thoroughly in-
filler cap is removed rapidly, the pressure spected and tested by an acceptable au-
in the tank could blow the oil out of the thority who will document that the
tank. structural integrity has not been impaired.
362 MOBILE CRANES Maintenance I Control Layout
Note: Boom repairs, especially those In- Crane Cab Control Layout
volving welding, require special meth- @ Cabs and control stations on all mobile
ods, skills, and experience. Before cranes conform to basic standards and
attempting any boom repair, contact the guidelines for design and layout.
manufacturer or the crane distributor. @ Controls used during the normal crane
The manufacturers procedure must be operating process must be located within
followed. The welder must be certified to easy reach of the operator and allow sat-
that procedure. isfactory room for operation. The control
arrangement should be in accordance
with SAEJ983.
7. All crane parts replaced or repaired must On some crane types, the control levers
have at least the same safety factor and are adjustable to the operator's reach. A
specification as the original part. Pur- thumb screw on top of the lever shaft can
chasing parts from the original equipment be loosened thus allowing the lever length
manufacturer will ensure that the ma- to be pulled out or pushed in.
chine's original quality is maintained. @ Load hoist, boom hoist, and swing clutch
8. All crane repairs and adjustments must controls must hold in neutral without the
be made only by qualified and authorized use of positive latches.
personnel. Under no circumstances @ All controls must be clearly marked to in-
should any person attempt any crane re- dicate the function. See illustration #334
pair for which he is not fully qualified. for a typical hydraulic cab layout, illustra-
tion #335 for control lever direction, and il-
lustration #336 for a typical conventional
cab layout.
- - - - - - - - -

MOBILE CRANES Control Lavout Q 363

@ Controls move in the direction of the re-
sultant load movement or machine move-
ment. Fast
@ Control lever functions speed up the oper-
ation farther away from the neutral posi-
tion and slow it down closer to neutral.
See illustration #333.
Cranes must have a clutch for disengag-
ing power to the superstructure machin-
Whenever possible, controls should be of
the deadman type.
@ Controls must be adjusted so the force
needed to actuate the hand controls is
less than 35 lbs. and that needed to actu-
ate the foot controls is less than 50 ibs.
The travel distance on hand levers must -
Illustration #333 Control Lever Functions
not exceed 24 inches on one-way levers
and 14 inches on two-way levers (from
the neutral to the engaged positions). The
travel distance on foot pedals must not
exceed 10 inches.
364 MOBILE CRANES Control Layout
Typical Control Layout (Hydraulic)



0 ...-.
- 0
1 Swing Control Push forward to swing toward boom, swinging
left for right side operator position and right
for left side operator position. For centrally
BOOM located operator, same as left side operator
SWING TELESCOPE HOIST BOOM position. Pull rearward to reverse action.

2 Telescope Control Push forward to extend telescopic boom.

(If Applicable) Center position to hold. Pull rearward to
retract telescopic boom.
BOOM RETRACT HOIST RAISE 3 Mobile Control Push rearward to hoist. Center position may
be held. Push forward to lower by power.

4 Boom Control Push rearward to raise boom. Center position

to hold. Push forward to lower boom.

5 5 Telescope Pedal
(If Applicable)
Rock pedal forward to extend telescopic
boom. Center position to hold. Rock pedal
PUSH rearward to retract telescopic boom.
(If Applicable)
Push to stop or hold lowering load. Release to
lower load.

illustration #334- Hydraulic Control Layout

Nlosl~ECRANES Control Layout 365
Crane Control Lever Direction
Main Aux.
Hoist Hoist Boom
Lower Lower Extend

Hoist Hoist Retract

Proper Layout When Swing Left

The Control Station Boom
Is To The Left
Of The Boom. Lower

1 1 /// Swing Right

Proper Layout When

The Control Station

Bliustration #335 Crane Control Lever Direction
366 MOBILE CRANES Control Eavsut
Typical Control Layout (Con wentional)



O _
/ Q

I Swing Control push forward to swing toward boom, swinging
left for right side operator position or swinging
right for left side operator position. Pull back
BOOM to reverse these actions.
2 Hoist Control Pull back to hoist. Center (release) to lower
by brake 5. Push forward to lower, if provided
with powered load lowering on this drum.

FROM 3 Hoist Control Pull back to hoist. Center (release) to lower

by brake 6. Push forward to lower, if provided

6 0 0 6
r *,
.- 4 Boom Hoist
with powered load lowering on this drum.

Pull back to raise boom. Push forward to

Control lower boom. Center (released) position must
HOIST BRAKE HOIST BRAKE hold boom stationary even with boom safety
pawl released.
5 6 5 Hoist Brake Push to hold or to stop lowering load. Release
to Iower load.
6 Hoist Brake Push to hold or to stop lowering load. Release
to Iower load.

illustration #336 Conventional Crane Cab Layout

Niosi~ECRANES Control Layout I Pre-operation 367

Outrigger Control Pre-Operation Notes:
Two typical outrigger activation systems are @ Before starting the engine, ensure the
shown in illustration #337. The system may transmission is in neutral, the parking
be activated by a two position switch on the brake is applied, and the swing lock is en-
panel or a pedal type control. gaged.
If the oil pressure and temperature gages
do not display the proper reading shut off
the engine.


I The engine must be off before engaging
Always disengage the hydraulic pumps
for extended travel, cold weather starting,
or engine checks.
@ Operate the engine at or near the gov-
erned RPM while using the crane.
Extend and set the outriggers before at-
tempting any lifting.
On outriggers controls with toggle
switches, depress a button before moving
the toggle switch. Failure to do so could
cause a hydraulic lock.
SET MAlN OUTRIGGER CONTROL IN DESIRED POSITION @ @ Before swinging the crane make sure the
Illustration #337 Outrigger Controls area is clear.
368 MOBILE CRANES Control Operation
Control Operation Note: Long booms can create a tipping
Swinging the boom: Depending on the con- condition when lowered too far, even wifh
no load. When lowering, let out the load
trol and boom position, pushing the lever for- line to prevent two-blocking.
ward will move the boom either right or left,
Extending and retracting the boom: Both
and pulling it back will reverse the movement
telescoping levers (some cranes may only
(see illustration #335).Swing is stopped by
either reverse swing or pedal application, de- have one lever) must be pushed forward to
pending on the model. When rotation stops, the OUT position to extend the boom, Both
levers are pulled back to the IN position to re-
engage the mechanical swing brake and the
tract the boom.
positive swing lock.
Note: Power telescoping sections must
Note: Never push or pull the swing lever be extended equally to satisfy the load
through neutral to stop the swing motion. chart capacity ratings. Check the load
Boom raising and lowering: Pull the boom chart capacity ratings for boom length,
elevation lever back to the UP position to boom angle, load radius, before extend-
raise the boom. Push the lever forward to ing the boom. When extending the boom,
DOWN to lower the boom. let o u t the load l i n e t o prevent
Boom foot control: Some cranes may be Raising and lowering the load line: To
equipped with a foot control to raise or lower lower either the main load or auxiliary load
the boom. Push the pedal forward to LOWER line, the applicable lever is pushed forward to
the boom. Push the pedal back down to DOWN. To raise, the lever is pulled back to
RAISE the boom. UP. The hoist speed can be changed to high
or low range.
NlOBlCE CRANES- Control aperation / safety - 369
Note: Do not change the hoist speed Typical Crane Safety Features
range with the hoist moving. Do not jerk The safety features in mobile cranes will vary
the control lever to cause shock loading. somewhat in design and application with the
Emergency boom operation: On rare oc- various crane manufacturers and the individ-
casions the boom lift cylinders hydraulic ual crane models.
equalizer line can fail. If this happens, re- The points listed below are commonly used:
stricting devices allow continued operation @ A fire extinguisher in a readily accessible
until the hydraulic reservoir empties. Imme- position. Operators and crane support
diately try to get the boom to a safe position personnel must be familiar with the use
and the load on the ground. and care of the fire extinguishers pro-
a. Keep the engine at normal operating vided.
RPM. Self-closing fuel filler caps and flame
b. Keep the desired boom angle by pulling arrestors on fuel tanks.
back (UP) on the lever as needed. @ Suitable lighting for night operations, with
c. Keep the boom angle and telescope in the back-up lights for all mobile units.
boom sections while operating the hoist to @ Rear view mirrors on both sides of mobile
get the load on the ground in a safe loca- equipment that are large enough to give
tion. the operator a satisfactory rear view.
dmIf operating over the side, telescope in as @ Wheel chocks on mobile units to stop
much as possible before lowering the movement on slopes when the equipment
boom. If operating over the rear, immedi- is on rubber, is unattended, or is being re-
ately lower the boom. paired.
370 MOBILE CRANES Safety Features
Boom angle indicators. The indicator @ Devices to automatically stop boom drum
must be clearly visible to the operator motion when the maximum boom angle is
from the seat. It must also be readable to reached.
within one degree. Drum rotation indicators clearly visible to
@ Boom length indicators should be in- the operator.
stalled on all machines having telescopic @ Outriggers must be marked or painted to
booms. clearly indicate the outrigger beam is fully
@ Boom stops and hoist safety shutoffs, see extended.
illustration #338 for examples. @ A clearly audible outside warning signal.
The control for the signaling device must
Resisting Action
Increases Until be within easy reach of the operator.
Boom is Brought
to Dead Stop
@ A spirit level at the outrigger control sta-
tion for levelling the crane.
I / Air Pressure @ A machined surface on the revolving deck
/I/ , A Resists
Boom to place a four foot level for final precision
as it Nears
Spring 1
Telescoping Strut @ A plate by the boom foot pins indicating
Spring Boom Stops the distance to the center of rotation. This
distance, plus the distance of the point out
Telescoping Boom
Strut Member Hoist to the load center, gives the total load ra-
\ Piston
Cut Out
dius (center of rotation to center of load).
Pneumatic Boom Stops
Illustration #338 Boom Stops
- 1

MOBICE CRANES Hoist Drum ~ a f e t v 371

Hoist Drum Safety Pressure
Crane drums must have sufficient clutch- Pressure Holds
Pistons Out,
ing or power engaging devices that imme- Keeping
diately start and stop the drum motion. Brakes Off
@ Crane drums must have self-setting
fail-safe brakes that are capable of sup-
porting the rated loads with recom-
mended reeving and which operates V Pressure Is
automatically should the power fail. See
Put On Brake
illustration #339. Pressure is
@ Crane drum brake and clutch assemblies Released and
Spring Pulls
must have adjustments to compensate On Brake
for wear and maintain adequate spring
force, when used.
@ Crane drum boom hoisting mechanisms
must have an auxiliary ratchet and pawl or
an equivalent positive locking device. See
Line Bursts and
illustration #340. Brake is
@ Crane hoist drums should be provided Automatically
Applied By
with a method to ensure even spooling of Spring
the wire rope on the drum.
illustration #339 Fail-Safe Brake
372 MOBILE CRANES Hoist Drum Safety
Crane drums must have rims and flange
guards large enough to prevent a slack
wire rope from jumping off the drum.
@ Crane drums should have at least three
full wraps of rope remaining on the drum
in all service conditions. This number is
contentious, as the requirements in some
jurisdictions might require five full wraps
and others may require only two wraps.
All Boom Hoists on
Friction Machines
To be sure, check with the local OCHSI
M U S ~be Equipped OSHA department.
With Positive Locks
@ Grooved crane drums must have the cor-
rect minimum groove pitch and groove
lilustration #340 - Crane Drum Fail-safe Brake depth for the diameter of the rope.
MOBILE CRANES Brake Safety 373
Brake Safety Swing brakes must have a fail-safe
@ Pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical method stopping the swing with full load,
brakes must be designed so the brakes and hold the boom in 30 mph (50 kmlhr)
will apply automatically if there is a loss of winds. They must hold without operator
power or pressure. The brakes must not attention.
release until power has been restored to @ Cranes must have a positive swing lock or
the machine and the brake is deliberately house lock to prevent accidental engage-
released. ment or disengagement. This is used
@ Foot brake pedals should have a means when moving the suspended load, and
of being latched in the applied position. when traveling the crane.
e Load hoist drums must have fail-safe Mobile cranes must have brakes which
brakes which are released electrically, can hold the machine stationary under
hydraulically or pneumatically. There normal working conditions, as well as
cannot be a belt or chain drive connection holding on the maximum grade for travel
between the drum and the brake. recommended by the manufacturer.
Hoist brakes must be capable of holding @ H~drauliccranes must be equipped with
the capacity rated load. integrally mounted devices to prevent
The brake drum surface must always be boom lowering or retracting in the event of
in good condition. The brake must have a hydraulic failure.
method of adjusting for lining wear.
374 MOBILE CRANES Operator Hoisting Safety Points
Operator Hoisting Safety Points 3. The operator should be familiar with the
1 if there is reasonable doubt concerning machine preventive maintenance pro-
the mechanical or structural status of a gram to help avoid any problems.
crane it should not be used until the ques- 4. No one should operate any crane until
tionable components have been repaired they are familiar with the machine, com-
or proven satisfactory. petent at operating all controls, and certi-
2. A pre-operation inspection must be car- fied by the applicable area authority.
ried out. This will include: 5. The operator must know the location and
Fuel and battery levels; leakage of fuel or lu- use of all emergency shutdown features.
brication fluids; hydraulic hoses for leaks or 6. The engine should warm up to circulate
damage; tire pressure and stud tightness; the oil in the pumps. The hoist winches,
lighting, signal and warning lights; brakes, air boom hoist cylinders, boom extension
brake pressure and brake warning devices; cylinders, and swing mechanism should
clutches, brakes, and control operation; sta- all be operated to circulate the oil through
tus of warning gages; wire rope, sheaves, the system and warm it up to the manu-
blocks, hooks, and other hoist components; facturers specifications. Perform this cir-
boom and boom hoisting apparatus; struc- culation exercise slowly in cold weather to
tural integrity of machine for loose or missing prevent hydraulic shock loading.
parts, cracked welds. 7. Do not repair or lubricate the crane while it
is running. Lower the boom to its lowest
point and then shut off the engine.
- - - -

MOBILE CRANES Operator Hoisting Safety Points 375

8. The crane engine should run close to the 12. If a crane develops any audible or visible
maximum governed speed during lifting evidence of problems during a hoisting
and normal operation for fuel economy, operation, the operation should cease
plus operating efficiency, power, and until the problem is checked.
overall safety. 13. If a machine has to back up, the operator
9. If the crane is to operate in a confined must have clear vision behind the ma-
space, such as a building, the engine ex- chine, or use a signalperson. The area
haust fumes must be vented and ade- behind the crane must be clear of person-
quate air circulated for personnel safety nel, and the crane warning device should
and combustion air for the machine. be used.
10. Use extreme caution if it is necessary to 14. A crane must be secured, including
operate in poor visibility situations such blocking if necessary, from any travel
as darkness, fog, dust, rain or snow. during the hoisting operation.
11. Some weather conditions also warrant 15. If it is necessary to lift on rubber, the air
special attention. Wind can be very dan- brakes must be on and the wheels must
gerous to hoisting operations. The dan- be blocked. The transmission should be
ger point of wind velocity will vary with the in neutral as movement might damage it
dimensions and weight of the load, and during operation.
the height of the lift. Extreme cold can
also be hazardous to crane components
that are shock loaded.
376 MOBILECRANES Operator Hoisting Safety Points
16. It is always a benefit if a practise or dry 20. If the crane is equipped with a boom hoist
run of the lift without the load is made first. lever lock, it should be engaged when the
This will allow a smoother lift and elimi- boom hoist is not in use.
nate problems encountered by guess- 21. A manually operated boom hoist drum
work when a lift plan is not made, or steps pawl (if so equipped) must be engaged at
are missed in the plan. all times, except when lowering the
17. The crane should be positioned to allow boom. Automatically engaged boom
adequate clearance for tail swing. No hoist drum pawls should be regularly
part of the crane should come within 2 checked.
feet of any obstruction which could pin a 22. When planning a lift or setting up a crane,
worker. A barrier or fence should be used make every effort to find location of utility
to keep vehicles and unnecessary per- lines, pipelines, and sewers.
sonnel away. 23. Whenever possible, the crane must be
18. The operator should practice on all the set up to operate in its most stable posi-
controls to get the feel of the crane if this tion and in the area of highest capacity.
is not his normal machine. The operator This usually means lifting over the rear.
must devote full attention to the load and 24. A crane should always be set up on out-
not be distracted. riggers, with the beams fully extended
19. The operator must not leave his seat and the wheels off the ground, regardless
when the crane has a suspended load. of the load weight. The crane must be
No one should be permitted to get on or level at all times. Level should also be
off an operating crane. checked during an operation that has
several lifts.
MOBILE CRANES Operator Hoisting Safety Points 37%
25. The crane should be spotted as close as 30. The lift plan should be carefully worked
possible to the load to minimize load out for crane and load positioning, and
swing and help reduce boom length. swing clearances. It is much easier and
26. Do not swing or lift over the front of a truck safer to work it out in advance than to
mounted crane, unless it is approved in lower the load and reposition the crane.
the manufacturer's manual. 31. Lifts over 75% of the crane capacity are
27. Caution must be used in lift planning, and critical, and require special attention and
lift implementation, to ensure that work- planning for load radius, load lift height,
ing personnel and other non-involved load weight, and crane capacity.
people are not in the swing radius of the 32. For any lift, the crane must be rigged with
crane. sufficient parts of line to make the lift (as
28. The load weight must be known before a per the load chart details). The boom tip
safe lift can be planned. Be aware that must be situated directly over the load
using a load indicator as a test scale is a center of gravity (make sure the load line
violation of the ANSI codes. is always vertical). Ensure that the rope is
29. Read the load charts carefully to get the properly seated on the drum and in the
crane capacity. The total load weight will sheaves. Watch for any slack rope condi-
generally include everything beneath the tion or improper spooling on the drum.
boom tip, plus the jib weight (if attached),
when lifting off the main block. Use ex-
treme care in calculating near-capacity
378 MOBILE CRANES Operator Hoisting Safety Points
33. The load must be safely rigged (use a 39. The operator must take signals only from
minimum 5:1 safety factor) and all loose one designated signalperson. An emer-
load objects secured or removed. Use gency stop signal from anyone must be
taglines to keep the load from spinning obeyed.
out of control. IMake sure the load is not 40. The operator must never take his eyes off
bolted or fastened down before lifting. the load. Do not be distracted. If the load
34. Do not impact load the crane by sudden cannot be seen, a signalperson is re-
lifting or stopping. Lift the hook gradually quired.
until the slack is out of the hoist line. 41. Two separately rigged loads must never
35. Lift a heavy load a short distance off the be lifted at once, regardless of the weight.
ground, then hold it to check the hoist Excess slings must never hang loose
brakes. during a lift.
36.Do not operate by the seat of the pants 42. Make sure the load does not catch on any
method to check a load for stability. Many obstructions during the lift.
cranes will fail structurally before tipping. 43. Never swing a load over personnel.
If a crane shows signs of tipping it is over- Never permit anyone to work under a
loaded. suspended load.
37. If a load is lifted and it does not balance 44. A crane must not drag a load sideways as
properly, put it down and rehook until it is this creates boom side-loading. Side-
balanced. loading has been the cause of many col-
38. No one must ever ride the load or the lapsed booms.
- - - -

MOBlLE CRANES Operator Hoisting Safety Points 379

45. Make sure it is clear before swinging a 49. The drum should always have at least
load. The outriggers must be down and three full wraps of wire rope (this mini-
the load must always be under control. mum number may vary in some jurisdic-
Do not make any rapid moves when tions). If all the rope accidentally winds off
swinging a load as centrifugal force might the drum it must be rewound in the right
pull the load out past the proper radius. direction.
46. The load should always be as close to the 50. Be carefull about keeping a safe clear-
crane and the ground as possible; but be ance between the hook block and head
careful not to hit the boom or the outrig- sheaves. Two-blocking can be caused in
gers. different ways, and it can result in a bro-
47. After the boom hoist limiting device has ken hoist rope.
functioned it may sometimes be neces- 51. Load charts for hydraulic boom cranes
sary to boom up a little to release the are based on the boom sections being
boom hoist pawl (when the override con- equally extended. If the crane has multi-
trol is used, the limiting device will be in- ple telescoping levers, the sections will
active and this may allow the boom to have to be extended equally by the oper-
come back against the stops hard ator. Never make a lift by using one tele-
enough to cause boom damage). scopic section. The sections extend
48. Do not operate the boom at a higher an- equally on a single lever crane.
gle than the chart allows, as a sudden
load release could result in boom kick
380 MOBILE CRANES Operator Hoisting Safety Points
52. Some cranes have foot pedal brake This method of lowering is recommended
locks. They are engaged with the opera- for precise spotting of heavy loads only.
tor's feet remaining on both pedals; the Note: When slowly lifting, lowering, or
operator must be ready to react to the holding a load with the torque converter,
safety of personnel. Their Purpose is to do not engage any other clutch as addi-
rest the operator's legs while suspending tional load will cause the converter to
the load for short periods. slip.
53. Many cranes are equipped with power 55. While hoisting, the operator should keep
load lowering devices. They give precise his foot on the hoist brake at all times to
control for lowering loads and allows the prevent the load from falling if the engine
hoist brake to be kept in reserve. stalls.
54. Torque converters can be used to lower 56. The drum rotation indicator can be used
heavy loads. The hoist clutch remains as a guide when inching a load into posi-
engaged and the engine speed is regu- tion.
kited to either hold the load suspended or 57. If the load is sus~endedfor an extended
allow it to creep down. With this method, period, the safety pawl must be engaged.
the engine -Iurns and the ma- 58. In the unlikely event of a power failure
chinery turns backward. Increasing the during a lift, set the brakes and locking
engine speed or applying the brake will devices. If it is practical and/or possible, a
stop the load. If the load is suspended for suspended load should be landed under
more than a few seconds, the hoist brake brake control rather than left hanging.
should be applied and the hoist clutch
MOBILE CRANES Operator Hoisting Safety Points 381
Note: Always keep Murphy's Law in mind There are numerous manufacturers of these
while performing a rigging or hoisting op- devices, and although they are somewhat
eration. "If it can go wrong, it will. " To similar, the actual display and programming
avoid this always double check and be will vary. The example shown in illustration
carefulrn #341 shows the basic items included in an
operational aid. The boom angle and load ra-
Operational Aids dius are shown on the right side. The left side
ANSI 530.5 requires an Operational Aid on display shows the crane capacity and the
any new crane with a rated capacity of 3 tons load being lifted (at the real time boom angle
or more. This can be a load indicator, rated and load radius). The load is also shown as a
capacity indicator, or rated capacity (load) in- percentage of capacity.
dicator. An older crane does not require in-
stallation of a new operational aid until the
crane undergoes modification or repair. LMl System
The manufacturer of the device must include
manual information regarding the opera- I M A I N W I N C H PULL
1 2 , 4 2 0 LB

tional parameters. This information would in-

clude whether the device only shows the MAXIMUM LOAD
operating conditions (load weight, radius, 18,000 LB
boom angle, two-block, etc.) and warns the
I F ]
operator about an approaching unsafe con-
dition; or whether the device has its own pre-
set limits and will override the crane operator
Pass 0

and actually stop operation. -

Illustration #341 Load Indicator
382 MOBILE CRANES Operator Hoisting Safety Points
These devices can be as basic as showing Note: In the event the that the device read-
the actual lift circumstances, or they can be ings do not match the machine chart rat-
much more complex with shutdown features ings, the verified chart ratings and
for an overload situation, and they may re- measured radii shall take precedence
cord and store movement history for later re- over the indicator readings.
view. Careful study of the manual is required
t o f u " ~ u n d e r s t a n b t h e ~ r o g r a m m i n g o f t h e Note;Itisaconflictwiththemanufactur-
as as what the em guidelines and a of the ANSI
standards to use a Boad indicator as a
method to weigh a load.
Note: Operational Aids must be checked
daily for proper functioning, and must be
regularly inspected and tested in accor-
dance w i t h the manufacturer's
SECTION FOUR QUESTIONS 4. Which of the following is not a permitted use of an
"operational aid"?
Mobile Cranes warn of approaching two-block condition
O indicates changing boom angle
I. Determine if this statement is true or false. As crane e3 warns of approaching crane overload
signaling is only a basic function and the signalperson e3 used to test weigh a load prior to hoisting
knows where the loads will be positioned, training or 5. Determine if this statement is true or false. Any crane
testing of the signalperson should not be required. component can be used on any other crane made by the
true • false same company,
2. When using hand signals to direct a crane operator, an true III
extended arm with the thumb verfical and the fingers 6. A rough terrain crane is commonly referred to as:
opening and closing into a fist indicates: 0 mobile crane
lower load 0 crawler crane
raise boom and lower load CB carrier crane
raise the load line 0 cherry picker
extend boom
7, Which of these conditions could be dangerous when
3. Two closed fists with both thumbs pointing toward each operating a crane around a newly constructed building?
other is the signal for: height of structure
retract hydraulic boom uncompacted soil
extend boom protected pedways
retract middle section of boom only €3compacted soil
D secure load in position

Section 4 Mobile Cranes Page Q4-1

Section 4 Mobile Cranes Page Q4-2

8. When hoisting on outriggers with a permitted 360 degree 12. Where should the slings be attached when lifting lattice
swing, which position is the most hazardous in most boom sections?
conditions? er use the end connections
e3 over front Cs choke at mid-point of the main chords
B over rear B to the chord lacings
O over side O depends on boom length
eB over corner 13. Determine if this statement is true or false. During crane
9. Determine if this statement is true or false. The .ground assembly, the counterweight is mounted after the
pressure under outriggers is higher than it is under a installation of the complete boom.
crawler track because of a smaller bearing surface. eB true tl false
tl true B false 14. When assembling lattice boom sections, which set of
10. An outrigger float should be approximately how much pins are installed first?
larger than the outrigger pad? O left side
l.Il same Cs right side
tl 1.5 times both lower
2 times both upper
3 times
15. When installing the boom pins, the pin should be
I I . When setting up a crawler crane for use on a new site, pointing:
which of the following is not required prior to use? ell out away from boom center
B operator manual and service manual tl in toward boom center
3 inspected components
€3crane logbook
CB name of the person who will operate the crane
16. When dismantling a lattice boom, which boom pins 20. Jib forestay and backstay pendant lines should be:
should be removed first? of equal length, or the forestay pendant lines
0 left side should be longer
B right side 0 of equal length, or the backstay pendant lines
C] both lower should be longer
0 both upper 21. Determine if this statement is true or false. Jib capacity
17. Determine if this statement is true or false. It is safe to "increases" as the angle to the ground decreases.
climb under a boom to knock out the boom pins if the true CI false
crane has tension on the pendant lines.
22. Determine if this statement is true or false. On most
0 true CI false cranes the jib hoist and boom hoist can be safely
18. What important step must be followed when welding a operated simultaneously.
damaged crane boom? 0 true false
0 follow manufacturers welding procedure 23. Which of the following is an auxiliary boom, or an
0 have a welder certified to the correct welding extension of the main boom?
use correct welding rods and heat treatment gantry
CS all of above 0 mast
19. What position should the gantry of a crane be in when all of above
lifting a load?
0 highest position
I3 third position
I3 mid position
D lowest position

Section 4 Mobile Cranes Page Q4-3

Section 4 Mobile Cranes Page Q4-4

24. All wire rope on a crane (hoist lines, boom hoist lines, 28. Determine if this statement is true or false. A crane sitting
pendant lines, etc.) have a standardized design (safety) 3 degrees off-level with a long boom at minimum radius,
factor of: can have an increase in boom stress of approximately
0 true 0 false
0 3.5 to 1 29. The load line is hanging plumb when positioned over the
I3 will vary depending on the crane and the rear. When positioned over the side, the load line is
application observed to be off center. This means it is:
25. To avoid torsional loading, the boom tip sheaves should tl safe to lift over the rear
be reeved: I 3 safe to lift over the corner
a non-symmetrical safe to lift over the side
0 svmmetrical 0 not safe to lift until level in all positions
0 i t h an even number of line parts 30. Crane stability is based on:
0 with an uneven number of line parts I3 lever principle
26. Determine if this statement is true or false. When n ability of crane hoist to lift load
determining whether a crane is level, percentage of ts load measurements
grade and degree measurement is the same. B height of lift
0 true 0 false 31. The crane center of gravity will vary the most while
27, Wow much out of level, in inches, is a crane with a 48 swinging from rear to side to front with which type of
inch rotation ring that is 1 % off-level? machine?
0 almost 5 inches I
3 crawler cranes
0 almost one-half inch € I
€3 almost one-eighth inch 0 cherry pickers
a too small to measure 0 same with all types
32. Determine if this statement is true or false. Hoisting with 37, Deflection of the boom and pendant stretch will increase:
a crane is performed only on rubber or with outriggers load radius
fully extended unless it is designed for an intermediate e4 weight of boom
outrigger position and has a matching chart. !Iiload weight
0 true Cl false CD crane stability
33. Determine if this statement is true or false. Computerized 38. Determine if this statement is true or false. A crane that
Load Moment lndicators warn the operator of an has been overloaded, resulting in structural failure, will
overload condition. always have the breakage show immediately.
true CIIs false 0 true false
34. Determine if this statement is true or false. Use of 39. When raising a long boom up off the ground, what will
Computerized Load Moment lndicators is a quick, easy avoid excessive pendant pull and boom compression?
method of checking a load weight that is approved by keep main block on ground while raising the boom
crane manufacturers and safety regulations.
0 use a second crane to raise the boom
IIJ true CB false C3 all the above
35. What determines crane capacity? Determine if this statement is true or false. The approved
0 machine weight swing working areas of a crane are referred to as
D stability quadrants of operation.
3 strength of components 0 true false
all the above
The effective weight of a jib is:
36. Determine if this statement is true or false. Load 0 higher than the actual weight
dimensions could have as much bearing on boom radius 0 lower than the actual weight
as the load weight.
13same as actual weight
0 true false 0 depends on crane, could be any of the above

Section 4 Mobile Cranes Page Q4-5

Section 4 Mobile Cranes Page Q4-6

42. When using the main load line with the jib attached, the 46. Determine if this statement is true or false. A method of
working load for the boom must be reduced by: determining when a crane is nearing overload is to watch
0 weight of jib attachments for the outriggers to slightly lift off the floats (the first sign
0 weight of jib pendants of tipping).
weight of jib I3 true C3 false
0 manufacturer's specifications for jib and hook 47. Determine if this statement is true or false. A crane that
weight reduction "goes light" is not yet overloaded, and can be safely
43. What are the safe load weight numbers given in a crane returned to normal by rapid load lowering.
load chart? 0 true l
T false
net capacity 48. Determine if this statement is true or false. The quadrant
0 net load minus rigging of operation is shown on most mobile crane load charts.
gross load minus rigging 0 true false
D gross load
49. On load charts with the upper and lower numbers
44. When hoisting, a sudden start or stop produces a: divided, the upper numbers are in the range that mean
static load the crane will do what if it is overloaded?
0 dynamic load tl tip
45. Specific details on calculating the weight of crane structurally fail
components to set up for a safe lift are found in: O cannot lift the load
0 operators manual 0 none of above
0 rigging handbook 50. Determine if this statement is true or false. When using
0 load chart data crane load charts, it is not permitted to guess or calculate
0 all of above in-between values.
C1 true B false
51. Boom angle is the measured angle between 55. Determine if this statement is true or false. The crane is
and the centerline of the boom. always set up to specification, [herefore the load chart
0 vertical does not have to be used to determine the required
horizontal number of parts of line in the main load block to lift a
52. If the measured radius between crane rotation point and true false
load center is 57 feet, and the load chart only shows
values at 55 feet and 60 feet, which value would be 56. Determine if this statement is true or false. In general
used? terms, everything be/ow the boom tip is considered load.
0 5 feet 0 true 0 false
0 60 feet 57. What load chart weight term defines the main block,
0 must consider boom length rigging hardware, the actual load, and any attached jib
0 depends on load weight and jib hook?
53. Using the range diagram on page 284, determine the 0 gross load
approximate load radius with a boom length of 84 feet at net load
an angle of 30 degrees.
58. Using load calculation example one, on pages 309 and
0 80 feet 310, and a load weight of 53,400 pounds, what is the
70 feet maximum radius a110wed with the crawlers extended?
0 67 feet 0 50 feet
55 feet O 55 feet
54. From the previous question, what chart radius value a 60 feet
would be used to calculate capacity? 0 65 feet
D 80 feet
70 feet
0 67 feet
65 feet
Section 4 Mobile Cranes Page Q4-7
Section 4 Mobile Cranes Page Q4-8

59. Determine if this statement is true or false. The weight of 63. Pages 325 and 326 illustrate a method of determining
a load being lifted by two cranes in tandem is only 50% load share on a two-crane lift using an equalizer beam.
of the lifting capacity of either crane. Therefore it is not a Use the formula on page 326, crane capacities, and
critical lift and does not require a lift plan. dimensions from the example shown, but use a 130,000
• true B false pound load including lifting beam and rigging. The load
on crane A and crane B will be:
60. Determine if this statement is true or false. For tandem B CRANE A:
crane lifts, the shared load reduces the need for the
cranes to be exactly level.
!3 true !3 false 64. From question 63, determine if this is a safe lift for both
cranes if crane A has a capacity of 96,400 Ibs. and crane
61. Determine if this statement is true or false. On a tandem B a capacity of 62,900 Ibs.
lift, it is necessary for both cranes to lift the load off the Crane A:
ground simultaneously.
Cl yes no
D true Cl false
Crane B:
62. Page 322 illustrates a method of determining load share
Cl yes Cs no
on a two-crane lift, Use the formula, crane capacities,
dimensions from the example shown, but use a 100,000 65. Which of these conditions will dramatically affect the
pound load. The load on crane A and crane B would be: values illustrated on load charts?
0 CRANE A: 0 improper outrigger set up
B CRANE B: 0 changing radius
0 wind
13all of the above
66. Determine if this statement is true or false. After a load is 70. '~etermine if this statement is true or false. It is
off the ground and the boom starts to swing, the act~ral permissible to let the boom of a crane rest on the edge of
swing rate of speed will never have any bearing on the a building while lowering a load onto the roof.
conditions affecting the crane. 0 true D false
0 true 0 false 71. Determine,if this statement is true or false. As long as
67. Which of these weather conditions is more likely to another person is on watch, it is permissible to hoist
restrict or completely stop hoisting activities. personnel in a basket when the anti two-block device is
CI wind gusts not working.
0 light breeze 0 true 0 false
light rain 72. Determine if this statement is true or false. Even with
13 light snow high voltage power lines, it is not possible to have an
68. When a crane is traveling with a load, whenever possible electrical accident unless the crane or load actually hits
the load should be: the line.
0 tied off, low to ground, and close to carrier I3 true 0 false
low to ground and far out 73. Determine if this statement is true or false. A
O as high as possible without hitting boom signalperson must be used if a crane can swing within
Dl always carried over the rear the limit of approach of a power transmission line.
69. When a hydraulic boom is not extended with equal CI true CI false
section lengths, the effect is: 74. Determine if this statement is true or false. The operator
damage the hydraulic system should always jump out of the cab as quickly as possible
O overload the longest section if the crane makes contact with a power line.
17 equal extension does not matter C( true 0 false

Section 4 Mobile Cranes Page Q4-9

Section 4 Mobile Cranes Page Q4-10

75. Determine if this statement is true or false. It is not 80. If the boom swing lever is pushed forward, the boom will:
necessary for an equipment operator to check the recent swing left
log book entries before commencing operation as that is 0 swing right
the responsibility of the supervisor. 0 could be either, depending on boom and control
0 true 0 false position
76. Who is responsible to sign and date the crane log book 8 1. Which of these items "would not ' be necessary to check

when it is inspected? before starting the engine of a crane.

operator transmission was in neutral
0 signalperson oil pressure gauge
tl mechanic 0 parking brake was applied
inspector 0 swing lock is engaged
77. Determine if this statement is true or false. It is safe to 82. Determine if this statement is true or false. Depending on
reach through the openings of a hydraulic boom if the the model, boom swing is stopped with the swing control
machine is not running. lever, or a foot pedal.
0 true 0 false 0 true 0 false
78. Determine if this statement is true or false. It is always 83. Determine if this statement is true or false. Hydraulic fluid
safe to remove the hydraulic reservoir filler cap to check and controls are not affected by cold weather, therefore a
the level immediately after the machine is stopped. warm up procedure is not required.
true 0 false 0 true , false
79. Determine if this statement is true or false. The crane 84. Determine if this statement is true or false. When
operating control positions are not regulated and every extending a hydraulic boom, the load line will
crane manufacturer locates the controls in relation to automatically lower to prevent the block from hitting the
each other differently. boom tip.
3 true 0 false true t l false
85. Determine if this statement is true or false. With a 87, Determine if this statement is true or false. After being
suspended load, the operator can leave the seat if the programmed, an operational aid must ONLY be checked
machine is in perfect condition and all brakes are set. for accuracy by the manufacturer every six months.
O true 13false C3 true l l false
86. Determine if this statement is true or false. The operator 88. Determine if this statement is true or false. If the readout
must take signals from one person only, but must obey a on an operational aid does not match the crane load
stop signal from anyone. chart ratings, the operational aid numbers will take
O true O false precedence.
C4 true t
3 false

Section 4 Mobile Cranes Page Q4-11

384 BOOM TRUCKS Boom Truck Types
Boom Trucks See Mobile Crane Section for further infor-
Boom Truck Types mation on operational aids.
A boom truck is another type of mobile hoist- Similar to a mobile Crane, a boom truck must
ingequipment. Whatmakesthisclassifica- have a log book and an inspection chart.
tion different is that the lifting apparatus is Many items must be checked daily, including
mounted on a truck chassis. It is designed to the digital operational aids.
lift a load, place it on the truck, transport it on The two most common types of boom trucks
a highway, and then unload it at the new are front or rear mounted turret (illustrations
location. #342 and #343), however the articulating
Due to their popularity and versatility, boom (knuckle) boom type (illustrations #344 and
trucks are being manufactured in an #345) is becoming widely used in North
ever-increasing number of styles and lifting America due to the ability to work in confined
capacities. Some of these newer units have spaces. The articulating boom type falls un-
capacities in excess of 75 tons. The normal der ANSI 830.22.
extending boom type falls under ANSI stan- A turret mounted boom truck uses a standard
dard, 830.5. "straight"boom (similar to a crane) along with
Starting in 2003, the standard requires that a hoisting drum and wire rope. An articulating
any machine built with a capacity of 3 tons or boom type has a "live" boom with hinged sec-
more must be equipped with an operational tions, where the hook is on the boom tip and
aid of either a "load indicator, a rated capac- the load is lifted with the actual boom, al-
ity indicator, or a rated capacity (load) though some types also have a hook, wire
limiter". rope, and a drum similar to other cranes.
BOOM TRUCKS Boom Truck Types 385

illustration #342 - Front Mounted Turret

Most boom truck operating controls re- Illustration #343 - Rear Mounted Turret
quire the operator to stand at the side Some of the articulating boom types are
Or rear of the boom,however several of the equipped to be operated by remote control.
larger capacity units have a sit-down type The basic boom truck components are
cab. shown in illustrations #346.
386 BOOM TRUCKS Boom Truck Types
Mid Point



Illustration #344 - Articulating Boom

Boom Hoist Cylinder



Illustration #346 - Boom Truck Components

Illustration #345 Lifting From Boom Tip
BOOM TRUCKS Boom Truck Stabilitv 387
Boom Truck Stability Several common boom turret locations and
Boom trucks are available with varying types outrigger positions are shown in illustration
of boom and outrigger configurations. #347. Two basic outrigger designs for boom
trucks are shown in illustration #348.

Illustration #347 Turret and Outrigger Positions
388 BOOM TRUCKS Boom Truck Stability
Due to the wide variety of boom truck outrig-
ger positions and types, it is necessary to
know the operating quadrants specified in
the manual provided with each boom truck.
Lifting a load that swings outside the tipping
axis, or an area supported only by springs
and tires, may cause stability problems or
structural failure. The tipping axis will vary
with outrigger position, several examples of
which are shown in illustrations #349.
Angled outriggers not fully set, as shown in il-
lustration #350, will have reduced capacity
on the short side.


Illustration #348- Outrigger Designs

BOOM TRUCKS Boom Truck Stability 389

- -
Normal Tipping Axis

Tipping Axis
Rear stabilizers

Shorter Distance
Reduces Capacity

Illustration #349 - Tipping Axis

Illustration #350 - Outrigger Spread Variation

390 BOOM TRUCKS Boom Truck Stability
Setting Outriggers
Because of the various boom truck outrigger
configurations, it is necessary to know the
procedure for setting the outriggers. Study
the manual and load chart requirements.
One fact that is consistent with all boom
trucks is that in order to obtain the full load
rating, the outriggers must be extended and
the unit leveled.
If it has four outriggers, all four must be ex-
tended, and the weight taken off the wheels.
If it only has mid-point side outriggers, ex-
tend them and level the unit side to side.
Then extend the rear stabilizer (if so
equipped) and level front to back. Also ex-
tend the front stabilizer if so equipped. De-
pending on the unit, the wheels may or may
not have to be off the ground. Check the op-
erators manual. Use pads under the outrig-
gers if the ground is soft. Use The Boom And Load
Line To Check For Level
The unit is leveled with either a birds-eye
level at the control station, or a carpenters Illustration #351 Leveling Positions
level on the turret. See illustration #351.
BOOM TRUCKS Boom Truck Stability 391
A method of checking level is to extend the
boom and lower the load line, then stand
back and look at the load line in relation to the Hoist Line
boom. If it hangs off-center the unit is not
level. Rotate the boom and check in all four
quadrants. The basic points for a safe lift are
shown in illustration #352.
Load Radius
A major area of concern for boom truck hoist-
ing is the load radius. Due to many factors,
the load may be lifted at a radius that is not
safe. This can be caused by swinging into an
area outside the tipping axis, by not having
the outriggers properly set, by not following
the load chart instructions for measuring ra-
dius, or by having the load swing out due to
deflection of the machine tires, frame, outrig-
gers, and boom. Illustration #353 shows the
load radius before and after machine
deflection. Outriggers
Get Weight Off The Wheels Set On Solid
(check Manual and Load Chart) Ground Or
Illustration #352 - Safe Lift Set-up
392 BOOM TRUCKS Boom Truck Stability
Pre-Use Inspection
I ,
Like any other piece of hoisting equipment,
Loading ,
,, ,,
the components of a boom truck must be in-
, spected on a daily, weekly, monthly, peri-
I odic, or yearly basis. An inspection log-book
must be in the unit and be available for a
safety inspection when requested. In gen-
eral, the pre-use inspection points include:
1. Checking the truck chassis for fluid lev-
els, lights, brakes, and the tires for infla-
tion, cuts, or loose wheel nuts.
2. Checking the hydraulic system for fluid
levels, leaks, or bulging hoses.
3. Checking the structural integrity of the
unit for bends, twists, and cracks. This
includes the frame, the boom and
mounting, and the outrigger assembly.
4. Checking the hoisting system, including
the drum, for damage and proper
spooling, wire rope condition, sheaves
for rotation and condition, and the hook
for cracks or twisting. Computerized op-
lllustration #353 Load radius Increase
erational aids must be checked daily.
BOOM TRUCKS Typical Controls 393
5. Checking the rigging hardware condi- Boom Telescope: Operate the lever to
tion, including, wire rope or synthetic OUT to extend the boom, and IN to retract
slings, hooks, shackles, etc. the boom.
Winch: Operate the lever to DOWN to
Typical Controls lower the hoist line, and UP to raise the
Although there are many manufacturers hoist line.
of boom trucks with various control pan- Outriggers: Operate the lever to DOWN
els, the type of control will be basically to extend, and UP to retract.
similar to those listed below and shownin Stabilizers: Operate the lever to DOWN
illustration #354. However an operator, to lower, and UP to raise.
going from one type of unit to another, Foot Throttle: Depress the foot throttle to
should be aware that control movement accelerate the truck engine. Increased
and component mo vement will vary, also engine speed increases the operating
the control locations in relation to each speed.
other may be different Kill Switch: Operate the switch to stop
Turn: Operate the lever to RIGHT to ro-
the truck engine. The switch must be re-
tate the boom clockwise, and LEFT to ro-
set to restart the engine from the cab.
tate the boom countercIockwise. This is Winch + BOOST: Operate this (burst of
looking from the front to the rear of the speed) to get an increase in hoisting or
unit. lowering speed. Do not use this regularly.
Boom: Operate the lever to DOWN to
lower the boom, and UP to raise it.
394 BOOM TRUCKS Typical Controls

illustration #354 Boom Truck Controls

Capacity Chart: The chart shows the ca- Stowed Jib
pacities at different load weights, load ra- A stowed jib is shown in illustration #355A,
dii, boom lengths, boom angles, and and is shown in its extended position in illus-
operating quadrants. tration #355B. The jib is kept in position (ei-
Boom Angle Indicator. Use the angle in- ther extended or stowed) by the use of pins
dicator with the capacity chart to calculate with retaining clips.
the safe load capacity. To move the jib from one position to another,
Horn: Use the horn to warn personnel of remove the locking pins but be sure not to re-
crane movements. move the pin the jib will pivot on.

Illustration #355 Jib Stowed and Extended
396 BOOM TRUCKS Capacity Charts
Position the jib, either extended or stowed,
and insert the pins with their safety clips. En-
sure the pivot pin does not tie the jib and the
boom tip together when the jib is in the
stowed position. Do not forget to reattach the
anti-two-block switch to the boom or jib tip.
Several types of boom truck jibs are shown in
illustration #356
Boom Truck Capacity Chart
A typical boom truck or mobile unit is rated on
Pull Out Extension
the structural integrity of the unit and on an
85% stability tipping factor.
The following method is typically used to de-
termine the ability of a crane to handle a load:
1 . Calculate the load weight plus all slings
and rigging components.
2. Measure the radius from the center of
rotation to the load center. Then mea- Illustration #356 - Boom Truck Jibs
sure the distance from rotation to the fi-
nal load position. 3. Measure the height of where the load
will be positioned. Use this height to find
the boom angle and boom length.
BOOM TRUCKS Capacity Charts 397
4. Use the capacity chart information to Load Charts
find out if the load weight, load radius, There are various types of load charts for
boom length, and boom angle will be boom trucks, depending upon the rnanufac-
within safe operating limits. turer, the type and capacity. One type, a
5. Use the capacity chart notes on winch combined range capacity chart, for knuckle
pull to see what block reeving will be re- boom trucks is shown in illustration #357.
quired to lift the load. The shaded areas in illustration #357 are
It is necessary that the load wieght be Range 1, Range 2, Range 3, and Range 4.
known. Never attempt to test lift an un- I In Range 1, the outer hook lifts within a 6 ft

known loa d to see if the crane can handle radius and 19 ft. 7 in. height (capacity
it. When the crane begins to "go light it 8,000 lb).
means the Crane is overloaded. At this In Range 2, the outer hook has its maxi-
point it may have already suffered struc- mum radius of 10 ft. and height of 19 ft. 7
tural damage; or on some units, when it in. (capacity 4,800 lb).
starts to tip it might be too late to stop it In Range 3, the retracted boom extension
from going over even by releasing the has a radius of 13 ft. 5 in. and lift height of
load. lt is an ANSI violationto use an op- 22 ft. 9 in. (capacity 3,600 ib).
erational aid to test weigh a load. In Range 4, the fully extended boom ex-
tension has a radius of 17 ft. 5 in. and lift
height of 26 ft. 4 in. (capacity 2,700 lb).
A more typical straight hydraulic boom chart
. along with a load example is shown in illus-
tration #358 and #359.
398 BOOM TRUCKS Capacity Charts
1 0"
Capacities In Pounds

Working loads
will be limited to
those shown.
Deduct the
weight of
handling devices

10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Radius In Feet
REACH 10'-0" 12'-10"
illustration Load Chart Example
CAPACITY (Ibs) 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000
lllustration #357 Knuckle Boom Load Chart Example
BOOM TRUCKS Capacity Charts 399






USE ONLY 9/16" dia. CABLE WlTH 35000 lbs.


Illlustration #359 Load Chart Example (continued)
400 BOOM TRUCKS Capacity Charts
Load Chart Capacity Example Example 2. - Can the load be repositioned at
The load chart used in this example (illustra- an 18 foot radius on top of a 55 foot high
tions #358 and #359) is only one of many dif- structure?
ferent types. There are many manufacturers Answer 2. - To lift the load to the 55 foot level
of boom trucks and each manufacturer will means the 3rd section must be used. The
have at least several different models. load chart indicates the capacity of the boom
The load chart for each will vary but all will at a angle is 7,500 pounds. This capacity
contain similar data including radius, boom is at the approximate 18 foot radius line. With
length, boom angle and caution notes. a gross load of 7,270 pounds and a capacity
Load . . . . . . . . . . . 6800 pounds of 7,500 this lift would require extreme care.
2 Part Block. . . . . . . . . 150 pounds Any lift over 75% of rated capacity is a critical
Rigging Hardware . . . . . . 70 pounds lift.
Stowed Jib . . . . . . . . . 250 pounds Example 3 . - If the jib is attached, can a
Total Weight . . . . . . . 7270 pounds 2,300 pound load be positioned at a 55 foot
radius and 30 feet high?
Example 1. - The 6,800 pound load is posi- Answer 3. The 2,300 pound net load will
tioned at a 20 foot radius. Is this a safe lift us- have the weight of the rigging hardware plus
ing the first section? the block added to it.
Answer 1. - The line pull is only 7,000 The capacity chart reading for a load at a 55
pounds, therefore the two part block is foot radius and 30 feet high means the jib
needed. The maximum capacity of the first must be used. The capacity is only 2,300
section is 9,200 pounds. This is a safe lift. pounds. Do not make this lift.
BOOM TRUCKS Operation Safety Tips 401
Example 4.- What two precautions must be 3. Always know the load weight, boom an-
considered when attempting to lift the maxi- gle, boom length, and load radius to
mum load of 35,000 pounds? avoid overload.
Answer 4. - The maximum load this unit can 4. Add the weight of the rigging slings and
lift is 35,000 pounds. hardware to the load weight when calcu-
a. The line pull is only 7,000 pounds, there- lating capacities.
fore the 5 part line would have to be 5. Do not exceed the jib rating when lifting
used. with a jib, even though the boom is re-
b. The 35,000 pound rating is only handled tracted.
at a very limited load radius of less than 6. Reeve the crane with the proper parts of
5 feet. wire rope needed to lift the load.
Operation Safety Tips Follow the manufacturers method of
The hoist drum must have a minimum of reeving the hoist blocks.
three wraps of wire rope (check this with Ensure the boom tip is positioned di-
the applicable OCHS/OSHA office as rectly over the center of gravity of the
the requirement will vary in some areas. load before hoisting.
2. Know both the winch pull and the boom Ensure the jib is securely stowed before
capacity. They will be different. The load operating the boom.
weight must not exceed the lesser Never use the feel of crane tipping or go-
amount. ing light to determine load capacity.
462 BOOM TRUCKS Operation Safety Tips
Before hoisting, always make sure the 19. If signals are required, only one person
load is not bolted or fastened down. Do must give the signals, and the person
not try to lift loads frozen to the ground. must understand what is required.
Never let the load be positioned to one 20. The operator must obey a stop signal
side of the boom while lifting or lowering. from anyone.
Keep the swing movement slow to avoid 21. If taglines are used they must be of a
sideloading the boom or creating exces- non-conductive material.
sive load radius. 22. Do not operate in hazardous weather
Never use the hoist line to drag a load conditions such as: high winds, electri-
and never use the boom to drag a load cal storms, poor visibility.
sideways. 23. Operate the controls slowly and
Never permit anyone to ride the hook or smoothly. This protects the hydraulic
the load. system and prevents jerky and erratic
Never swing a load over working per- load movements.
sonnel or any bystanders. 24. The operator should not be at the con-
Always keep the load as close as possi- trols with greasy hands. The control
ble to the ground. deck must be free of grease, oil, or ice to
Make sure any loose objects are se- maintain secure footing.
cured on the load. Never try to make two 25. Always have tension on the hoist wire
lifts at once. rope to maintain proper spooling.
BOOM TRUCKS Operation Safety Tips
26. The operator should warn personnel to 31. All Danger and Caution decals must be
keep their feet away from the outriggers. maintained and visible on the crane.
The outrigger may lift up from the load 32. A very high percentage of all mobile
weight, then suddenly drop. crane accidents involve power line con-
27. Never allow the load block to pull up into tact. Always keep the recommended
the boom tip sheaves (two-blocking) minimum distance between the power
while hoisting or extending the boom. line and any part of the crane (boom, jib,
28. Never leave the crane unattended with a load line, load) (see table #78 in Mobile
suspended load. Crane section). Ensure the
29. Never disconnect hydraulic compo- signalperson is aware of the hazards.
nents if they are pressurized. There should be a pre-lift discussion
amongst all parties to plan the load
30. Avoid areas of hydraulic leaks as the hot
fluid and high pressure can cause injury.
SECTION FIVE QUESTIONS 5. Determine if this statement is true or false. If a boom
truck only has two outriggers, the turret must be located
Boom Trucks at the rear.
true false
1. Determine if this statement is true or false. Because 6. Which piece of literature below would the quadrants of
boom trucks are not in the same category as a crane, operation be found in?
they do not require a log book or an inspection chart. manufacturers manual or load chart
true false inspection checklist
2. When referring to the boom, what is one of the primary log book
differences between a turret type and an articulating quadrants not used in boom trucks
type ? 7. Determine if this statement is true or false. After setting
all turret boom types have higher capacities the outriggers, boom truck stability does not change
all turret types have more boom sections when swinging a load from an area supported by the
only articulating type have remote control outriggers to an area supported by springs and tires.
operation true false
articulating boom has hinged boom sections Which condition below is a result of having higher
3. Determine if this statement is true or false. All articulating blocking on one side when the truck is equipped with
boom types do not have a hoisting wire rope with a drum. angled type outriggers?
true false uneven load on boom
boom truck not level
4. Determine if this statement is true or false. All boom
trucks have four outriggers similar to a mobile crane.
tipping axis distance reduction
has no effect
true false

Section 5 Boom Trucks Page Q5-1

Section 5 Boom Trucks Page Q5-2

9. Determine if this statement is true or false. If a boom 14. The radius number on the load chart is:
truck has the outriggers extended, the unit does not have the estimated distance from crane rotation pin to
to be level. load center
true false the actual distance from crane rotation pin to
10. Determine if this statement is true or false. When using unlifted load center
all four outriggers on a boom truck, it is not necessary to the actual distance from crane rotation center to
take the vehicle weight off the tires. lifted load center
true false the distance from crane rotation pin to center of
1 I . A hoist line that does not hang dead center from an
extended boom would indicate: 15. Determine if this statement is true or false. Due to the
overall lower lifting capacities than mobile cranes, boom
outriggers not extended trucks do not require regular daily, weekly, monthly, or
boom angle too high yearly inspections.
unit is not level
true false
boom not fully extended
16. Which of the following applies when using the controls of
12. Determine if this statement is true or false. When setting
a machine the operator is not familiar with?
up a boom truck, the unit only has to be level from side to
side, not front to rear. individual control positions may be different
true false individual control movements may be different
control and component movement may be
13. Determine if this statement is true or false. The distance different
from the centerline of rotation to the load center can all of above
change as the load clears the ground.
17. Determine if this statement is true or false. A stowed jib is
true false
kept in the stowed position with the use of pins and
retaining clips.
true 0 false
18. Determine if this statement is true or false. Overloading 21. Determine if this statement is true or false. It is possible
or structural damage is not a factor with boom trucks as the winch pull capacity could exceed the boom capacity:
their load charts are based on the unit tipping before true false
something breaks.
22. Which of the following could cause structural damage to,
true false
or overload a boom?
19. Determine if this statement is true or false. It is a lifting a load positioned beyond the boom tip
common and accepted practice to use a computerized rapid swinging of a load
"load indicator" to test weigh a load to get the actual lifting a load positioned off to one side of the boom
weight. tip
true false all of above
20. Changing the wire rope block reeving from a single line 23. Determine if this statement is true or false. Boom trucks
to multiple parts will: have shorter booms than mobile cranes, therefore fewer
increase the lifting capacity powerline accidents. As a result a pre-lift planning
require the boom to be shortened meeting is not necessary.
require the jib to be attached true false
all of above

Section 5 Boom Trucks Page Q5-3

406 MATERIAL HANDLERS Material HandlerslMulti-Purpose
Material Handlers Multi-Purpose Material Handler
The term "Material Handler" loosely covers a ANSI refers to this type of unit as a Variable
range of machinery designed to move differ- Reach Boom Type Rough Terrain Forklift. It
ent types of loads. They are widely used in is similar to a standard forklift except for the
manufacturing and production plants, scrap- extendable boom (illustration #360).
yards, and construction sites. Some designs The boom head is usually designed to re-
are basically rough terrain forklifts. One of move the forks (illustration #361).
the two types mentioned in this section has The forks can be replaced with various at-
more capacity and reach with an extendable tachments, including a stinger for lifting cable
boom, and the forks can be replaced with spools (illustration #362), or a pipe or lumber
other devices, including a hoisting hook, grappler (illustration #363).
which turns the unit into a crane. The other Other attachments include a material bucket,
type of material handler in this section is simi- scraper blade, barrel or container holder, rail
lar to an articulating (knuckleboom) crane, car coupler or a fifth wheel (for moving rail
equipped with either a scrapyard style mag- cars or semi trailers). Some units have a re-
net or grappling hook instead of a conven- cessed hoisting hook with wire rope and a
tional hook. hoist drum, or a hook can be attached (illus-
These handlers are covered by various sec- trations #364, #365).
tions of the ANSI standards, depending upon Note: Higher capacity units are used at
the use, type, and design. rail yards and ports to move shipping
con tainers.
408 MATERIAL HANDLERS Material HandlersIMuIti-Purpose
In the typical fork configuration it falls under Rated Load Capacity @ 2 ft Load Center with 3s Boom
the ANSI 56.6 standard, however B30.5 Boom Extension in Feet from Front of Tire to Face of Fork
crane standards can also apply when hoist-
ing with the hook.

Illustration #364 Recessed Hook

Winch Capacity: 6000# Single Part Line, 12000# Two Part Line or
Stacking Capacity, Whichever is Less

lllustration #365 Hoisting Hook -
lllustration #366 Load Chart for Forks or Hook
MATERIAL HANDLERS Material Handlers/Multi-Purpose 409
Capacity Chart
A capacity chart similar to a crane chart is in-
cluded with the unit showing the weight ca-
pacities at different boom lengths, boom
angles, load radius, and heights. See illustra-
tion #366 for an example.
To determine boom extension, use the larg-
est number of letter on the boom visible from
the cab.
Some manufacturers have models that may
have the following features:
A front stabilizer (similar to crane outrig-
ger beams)
@ A leveling device to keep the body, forks
and load level while the wheels are
off-level (illustration #367)
@ Right and left swing forks
@ Center articulating
Steering is either front wheel, rear wheel, DO Not Raise the Boom with the Materials Handler on any Side
Slope, Unless it is Equipped with Frame Levelling.
front with rear wheel circle or rear wheel
Illustration #367 - Lifting with Leveling Device
41 0 MATERlAL HANDLERS Material HandlersIMulti-Purpose
Multi-Purpose Operation Requirements Safety Tips
Operation of this type of multi-purpose ma- Although there are various types of
chine definitely has grey areas and multi-purpose handlers, most have similar
cross-overs. While selection, training, and safety requirements.
certification of the operator for safe use of a 0 Any new operator must read and be famil-
forklift is required in most jurisdictions, it is iar with the operation and safety manual.
mandatory for a crane operator. Most forklift @ Inspect the unit every day before use.
training is not the same as, or include crane Check the gages, controls, lights, brakes,
operator training, and vice versa. How this and check for leaks or any unusual noise.
type of unit is equipped and its use will deter- 0 Check the coolant and battery level. Use
mine how and what type of training is re- caution.
quired. That will vary somewhat depending @ Fill fuel tank in a ventilated area with the
on whether it is the United States or Canada, engine off.
what state or province, or what particular 0 Keep clear of fan, pulleys, belts, gears,
company or organization controls the ma- etc. Keep guards in place.
chine use. To be sure, check the applicable 0 Know the working area. Watch for soft or
operation regulations. uneven ground.
@ Keep the necessary distance from power
0 Know the load weight before lifting. Do not

exceed capacity.
Keep the load centered for balance.
- - -

MATERIAL HANDLERS Material HandlersIMulti-Purpose 41 1

Keep the load against the forks and tipped Illustration #368 shows a crawler mounted
back slightly. unit with a grappling hook and illustration
@ Travel with the boom retracted and low to #369 is a rough terrain mobile unit with a
the ground. magnet. They can also be pedestal, rail car,
@ Keep the load uphill when traveling on or truck mounted. Different manufacturers
slopes. will have various types of articulating booms.
@ Do not allow people to ride the load or
forks. Material Handler Operation
@ Check the load hoist wire rope, attach- Requirements
ments, and slings. As this type of material handler is basically a
@ Do not drag or side-pull a load with the crane with a magnet or grappling hook in-
hoist. stead of a load hook, the operator selection,
training, and certification is treated the same
Scrap and Material Handler as a crane in most jurisdictions. As with the
ANSI refers to this type of machine as a Ma- multi-purpose handler, check the applicable
terial Handler. It falls under ANSI standard operation regulations. The requirement for
B30.25 when equipped with a scrap magnet safe crane operation applying to these in-
or a grappling hook (as compared to B30.22 clude: load weight, operating radius, quad-
for articulating boom cranes). rants of operation, ground conditions, and
use of outriggers when applicable.
412 MATERIAL HANDLERS Material HandlerslMulti-Purpose

Illustration #368 - Crawler Mounted with Grappling Hook

Illustration #369 Mobile Mounted with Magnet
- -

MATERIAL HANDLERS Locomotive and Rail Car Cranes

Locomotive and Rail Car Cranes The other type of rail crane is usually a
Rail Crane Ta.v ~ e s tracked or wheeled land crane mounted on a
There are two basic types of railway cranes. flat car. This type must be moved by an exter-
The locomotive type is mounted on rail nal method. See illustration #371. Both
wheels and can be self-propelled or pro- wheeled or track type could have a conven-
pelled by an external source. See illustration tional or a hydraulic boom.


Illustration #370 Locomotive Crane Illustration #371 - Rail Car Crane
414 MATERIAL HANDLERS Locomotive and Rail Car Cranes
Crane Stability Ratings Crane Stability
Locomotive and rail cranes are regulated by Locomotive style cranes work with a huge
ANSI standard 530.5. Due to the fact they stability disadvantage compared to land
are on rails and their use is greatly affected cranes. This is because of the short
by the movement of freight and passenger rail-to-rail spacing distance. Stability of
trains, they are also regulated by the ARA cranes mounted on flat cars is even worse
(American Railroad Association). due to the car movement.
Similar to land cranes, there are two load The crane and/or rail car must be securely
chart ratings - one based on the use of outrig- blocked to prevent movement or tipping. Var-
gers and one without outriggers. With outrig- ious railroad lines have used different meth-
gers, the crane chart is rated at 80% of ods of blocking and/or securing rail cranes
capacity; without outriggers, it is based on for stability. One method of blocking outrig-
85% of capacity with up to a 60 foot boom. gers is listed below and illustrated in #372.
Know the crane capacity.
Counterweights are sometimes used for ad- Do Not Use Creosote Ties for Blocking
ditional over-the-side hoisting stability. The 2 - 3 inch 4 inch
V\ledges Space
counterweight can be transported on a fol- \

lowing flat car (along with tools and block-

ing). The trailing flat car can also be used to
support the crane boom.

Illustration #372 Rail Crane Outrigger Blocking

MATERIAL HANDLERS Locomotive and Rail Car Cranes 415

1. The ground under the crane outriggers is Therefore the use of rail type cranes is being
leveled. A solid crib is formed using 6 x 6 reduced by some railroad lines and is limited
hardwood timbers to within approximately 4 to car-to-car movement of material or track
inches of the outrigger. maintenance. They are being replaced by
2. A layer of 3-inch hardwood is placed on the wheeled cherry picker or rough terrain hy-
cribbing. draulic cranes for urban area uses. In the
3. The outrigger is lifted with a jack, then two case of derailments and remote track main-
hardwood wedges are driven in, one from tenance, side boom hoists are more predom-
each side. inately used. A wheeled side boom is shown
in illustration #373, and a tracked side boom
4. Do not use oiled or creosote timbers (no
with a moveable or adjustable counterweight
old railway ties) for cribbing.
is shown in illustration #374. Side boom
5. Do not use a sledgehammer directly on the hoists are covered under ANSI B30.14.
timber ends as hammerincl could shatter the
V -
timber interior.

Side Boom Hoists

Due to the lack of any method to move a
crane sideways and closer to the load, crane om

hoisting for such problems as derailed cars

can create difficult or impossible working
Illustration #373 - Wheeled Side Boom Hoist
416 MATERIAL HANDLERS Locomotive and Rail Car Cranes
If flags are used, a red flag is used in daylight
and a white flag is used at night. Voice com-
munication can also be used.
Colored Light (Flag) Warnings
A series of colored lights (red, yellow or blue)
should be set up and used as a warning to
oncoming trains concerning movement or a
possible hazard ahead, or if there are work-
ers immediately ahead.
illustration #374 Tracked Side Boom Hoist Red Light or Flag: A train must stop short of
a red flag and only proceed when authorized.
Rail Signals Yellow Light or Flag: This denotes caution
and slow down. For example, for a 40 mph
Standard crane hand signals may be used speed limit, the train must slow to 10 mph.
for the hoisting operation (see Section Four),
However due to the fact that the crane is in a Blue Light or Flag: This denotes that work-
railway environment, often with multiple ers ahead are engaged in inspection, testing,
tracks, other types of signals and lights come repair or servicing of equipment. They are
into play concerning the movement of rolling on, under, or between rolling equipment and
equipment on the track. The standard rail- the equipment must not be coupled or
road light (lantern) or flag signals for train moved. In addition, rolling equipment must
movement should be known. See illustration not pass a blue signal on a track protected by
#375. that signal.
- .- - - - A / -

MATERIAL HANDLERS Locomotive and Rail Car Cranes

Note: Additional railroad regulations are
required for mainline cross-country




Reduce Speed Apply Air Brakes

Illustration #375 Railroad Hand Signals
SECTION SIX QUESTIONS 4. Determine if this statement is true or false. These
variable reach forklifts have an extendable boom,
Material Handling I Rail Cranes however they do not require a load chart for different load
positions because of the light loads involved.
O true O false
I. Determine if this statement is true or false. If the
"Variable Reach Boom Type Rough Terrain Forklift" 5. Determine if this statement is true or false. Training for all
material handler is using a hoisting hook to lift a load, the variable reach forklifts is standardized.
operation is under the ANSI crane standard B30.5. O true e3 false
C11 true O false
6. Determine if this statement is true or false. Training for
2. The above type of material handler can also be equipped - variable reach forklifts could be either forklift training or
with which type of attachment? crane training.
O stinger for lifting a reel C! true O false
pipe or lumber grappler 7. Determine if this statement is true or false. A scrap and
rail car coupler material handler is similar to an articulating boom crane
e% all of the above with the exception of a different ANSI standard.
3. Determine if this statement is true or false. Most of these C11 true O false
handlers have a letter or number on the boom, visible
8. Determine if this statement is true or false. Operation
from the cab, which indicates the boom section being
training for a scrap handler with a grappling hook is
similar to that of an articulating crane.
D true CB false
D true false

Section 6 Material Handling / Rail Cranes Page Q6-1

Section 6 Material Handling 1 Rail Cranes Page Q6-2

9. Determine if this statement is true or false. All railway 13. Determine if this statement is true or false. When using a
cranes are tracked or wheeled land cranes mounted on a railway crane, the signals for the crane operator's
flat car. hoisting movements are the standard railway colored
0 true 0 false flags.
0 true tl false
10. Determine if this statement is true or false. Rail cranes
are covered under the B30.5 ANSI Standard. 14. A blue light or flag mounted on either end of a rail work
O true O false site indicates:
0 proceed slowly
1 1. Determine if this statement is true or false. With B workers on or under equipment ahead
outriggers extended, a rail crane load chart is rated at
80% of capacity.
tl hoist the load
B true
- I
7 false tl lower the crane boom
15. A light or flag moved back and forth across a worker's
12. Determine if this statement is true or false. If a flat car chest indicates:
has a land crane mounted on it, it is not necessary to
block up that car because railway flat cars are extremely tl proceed
stable. stop
tl true • false 0 back up
0 slow down
of Aerial Platforms
Types of Aerial Platforms 3. Boom-supported elevating platforms
Aerial work platforms fall under several dif- (illustration #378) (A92.5)
ferent categories, and are manufactured in a 4. Self-propelled elevating platform
variety of designs. They are covered by four (illustration #379) (A92.6)
sections of the ANSI standard. 5. Up-right elevating lift mast platforms
1. Vehicle mounted elevating platforms (illustration #380)
(illustration #376) (A92.2)
2. Manually propelled elevating platform
(illustration #377) (A92.3)

Illustration #376 - Vehicle Mounted Platform

Illustration #377 - Manually Propelled Platform

Illustration #378 - Boom-supported Platform
- -

Illustration #379 - Self-propelled Platform Illustration #380 - Up-right Mast Platform

AERIAL PLATFORMS Aerial Platform Safetv
Aerial Platform Safety e Read, understand, and be familiar with
Aerial platforms are set up and operated un- the contents of the operation manual.
der the same general rules and guidelines as Know what to look for and how to conduct
any other piece of mobile hoisting equip- a pre-operation inspection of the unit.
ment. However, due to the fact that these e Know the location and function of all the
platforms are used solely to hoist personnel, controls. The operator should be able to
safety precautions are a must. Many acci- go immediately to the required control.
dents happen every year due to operator Know the set-up and operating sequence
misuse, taking shortcuts, or using the equip- of the unit, especially the holding valve
ment for something it wasn't designed for. testing procedure.
Three major safety items concerning the op- Know the rated load capacity. Over-
eration of these platforms must include: loading can cause instability or structural
a thorough operator training program failure.
@ thorough inspection and care of the If so equipped, always use the outriggers.
equipment @ Have a plan for dealing with system
@ understanding and protection against breakdowns while in use.
electrical hazards
Note: Do not minimize the importance of
Aerial Platform Training Program operator training.
No one must be permitted to operate an ae-
rial platform without having been thoroughly
trained in its use. Training points must
AERIAL PLATFORMS Aerial Platform Safety 423
Note: Don't assume that a person trained Note: Personnel in the basket are always
on one make, or type of equipment is under the control of the ground operator,
qualified to operate other devices, as the as the base controls are dominant, and
capacities, controls, and operating char- will override platform controls. See illus-
ac teristics will vary. tration #382.
Note: Do not overload the basket or use it
as a crane for hoisting.
Note: Avoid powerline contact (illustra- Platform Station
tion #381).

Base Station

An Insulated Platform Cannot

Protect You from Phase-to-Phase -
lBlustration#382 Control Locations
or Hot-to-Ground Contact
Illustration #381 - Avoid Powerline Contact
424 AERlaL PLATFORMS Aerial Platform Safetv

Know the location and function /

of ALL controls on the unit. Make a pre-operation inspection. Use a checJlist.
1 1 I n r 1 1 1 1 rl' I I1 I \A\ \ \ I

Note the rated load capacity. Exceeding Operators should run a complete cycle of oper-
the rated load can result in instability ation with emphasis on the holding valve tests.
and structural failure. The controls should be handled SMOOTHLY.
Ka I
- - / - - -

AERIAL PLAWFBRMS Aerial Platform Safety 425

\ Use a safety harness and lanyard in all aerial defective holding valve can allow an outrig-
equipment. Always buckle up. ger or boom to creep out of position.
\fir\\ I 1 ~ ~ - ' - 7 - 1 7 -

movements on

, Ensure the outriggers are on firm ground.

When in doubt, use a float under the foot.
and are hard
Don't try to stretch the reach

aids from the platform

safety harness should
be securely fasten

Unauthorized alterations of the unit could cause

structural failure or personnel injuries. Use the
equipment as it was intended. 7
AERIAL PLATFORMS Aerial Platform Safety 427
Aerial Platform Safety Points

Aerial Platform Inspection

All safety regulations require aerial platforms
to be inspected on a daily, weekly, or monthly
basis, and at least once a year for a complete
inspection. Aerial platforms specially
equipped for work on live power lines will nor-
mally have insulated booms and fiberglass
baskets, requiring a dielectric test for the
boom, ultrasound test for the basket, and a
magnetic particle test for the structural
When stowing the unit, ease the booms into See illustration #396 and tables #67 and #68
place. Slamming could cause damage. Don't for-
get to tie the booms down. /
for inspection checkpoints and an equipment
428 baEWlALPLA"T0WMS Inspection Checkpoints

illustration #396 - Inspection Checkpoints

AERIAL PLATFORMS Inspection Locations 4-29


Rotation gearbox Securely bolted to frame
Rotation bearing All bolts tight and in place
l Turntable Main boom pivot Pivot pin secure, no cracking around pivot bearing
Cylinder pivots Pivot pins secure, no cracking around pivot points
Lower controls All controls free in movement with no binding
Structure No visible damage or cracks
Upper controls All controls free in movement with no binding
2 - Platform Leveling drive Leveling gearbox or cylinder securely fastened
Fiberglass Clean, attachment points secure, no cracks or damage
3 Booms Fiberglass sections
Steel sections
Clean, no looseness or obvious damage
No visible damage or cracks
Pivot Pivot pin secure, no cracking around pivot bearing
4 Elbow Cylinder points Pivot pins secure, no cracking around pivot points
Structure No visible damage or cracks
5 Vehicle Safety harness & lanyard
Clean, no looseness or obvious damage
No visible damage or cracks
Outrigger arm pivots Pivot pin secure, no cracking around pivot pins
6 Stabilizers Cylinder pivots Pivot pins secure, no cracking at pivot points
Structure No visible damage or cracks
7 -Jib Boom Structure Boom sound, no visible cracks, securely pinned to mounting
Winch line No fraying, lines reeved over sheave properly

Table #67 - inspection Locations

AERIAL PLATFORMS Aerial Platform Checklist

1 Are outrigger arms and pivots sound and free of cracks?
2 Are control handles at all stations free of binds?
3 Are booms free of cracks, especially near all pivots?
4 Are fiberglass boom sections sound and securely fastened to booms?
5 Are rotation bearing bolts (in rotation head) tight?
6 Is rotation drive gearbox tightly secured to turntable?
7 Are all cylinders free of signs of excess seepage or leaks?
8 Is hosing, where visible, in sound condition?
9 Is fiberglass platform sound and secure at attachment points?
10 Are safety harnesses, wheel chocks and outrigger pads on hand?
Any ''NO9'check disqualifies unit from use until corrected. INSPECTOR
Table #68 - Aerial Platform Checklist
SECTION SEVEN QUESTIONS 6. Determine if this statement is true or false. As an aerial
platform is not classified as a crane, it does not require a
Aerial Platforms pre-lift inspection.
1. Determine if this statement is true or false. Aerial work • true CI false
platforms are covered by four different ANSI Standards.
7. Determine if this statement is true or false. A safety
tl true CI false harness and attached lanyard are not required in an
2. Which of the following is the primary safety item aerial lift platform.
regarding aerial platforms? CJ] true 0 false
CI thorough operator training program 8. Determine if this statement is true or false. Even when so
thorough inspection and care of equipment equipped, outriggers are rarely required for hoisting
CI understandinglprotectionagainst electrical contact personnel.
D all of above 0 true CI false
3. Determine if this statement is true or false. Aerial 9. What is the regular inspection schedule for various
platforms are designed to be used as working platforms components of an aerial platform?
for personnel and also as cranes to hoist material.
CII daily
C3 true elB false CB weekly
4. A person fully trained to operate one type of platform can CB monthly
immediately operate any other type of platform. CI any of above depending on component
D true ela false 10. Which of the following could disqualify a platform from
5. Determine if this statement is true or false. Due to the being used?
usually small basket size, a boom type aerial platform I l cracks in outriggers
cannot be overloaded. CI fiberglass boom & platform is secure
true D false safety harness & wheel chocks at hand
all of above

Section 7 Aerial Platforms Page Q7-1


inspect the
Before Use

Use Correct Assembly Procedure


Keep the Unit

Free of
Grease and

Use Caution Clutter

Use Extreme

Allways Use
the Outriggers


Keep a
Short Boom

Keep the
Load Line

eck the Brake

Boom Section

Never Leave
a Load
\ Suspended

Never Lift
Two Loads
at One Time

Never Swing
a Load Over

Use the Alarm When Backing Up

Never Operate in Unsafe Conditions


Pinch Points

Use the Never Wide
proper the Hook,
hoad Slings or
Rigging hoad

Only One Person
to Give Signals
/ /


Be Careful when Inflatin

444 BARGEISHIP CRANES Dynamic Barge Movements
Barge Mounted Cranes Such factors as list and roll, trim, currents,
Barge mounted cranes are widely used for tide, waves, and surge can turn a simple pick
loading, offloading, and dredging on North and place operation from a routine job into a
American rivers and coastlines. They are far disaster.
more extensively used in the United States 1. Trim is backward or forward barge tip-
than in Canada. The equipment on floating ping. (illustration #432)
craneslderricks, crane barges, and ship- 2. List is sideways inclination, and is usually
board cranes are designed in accordance barge list but can be machine list, or both.
with the following: (illustrations #432 and #433)
1. ANSI/ASME 630.8 3. Trim and especially list can be magnified
2. American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) - by roll, which is wave action.
Guide for Certification of Cranes 4. Trim or list, and roll movement, can easily
3. ANSIIAPI Specification 2C change the load radius or side-load the
4. SAE Report J1366 - Rating Lift Cranes boom. Working with two barges or ships
Operating on Platforms in the Ocean En- moving in different directions (one going
vironment up while the other goes down) due to
wave action requires some operating
practice and experience. (Due to all these
Dynamic Barge Movements
movements, cranes very seldom operate
Operating a floating crane can be a radical when level.)
adjustment for an operator who has only pre- Freeboard is the distance between the wa-
viously worked on land. ter line and the deck.
BARGEISHIP CRANES Dynamic Barge Movements 445
ANSI/ASME Trim or kist Limits
1. Cranes designed for barge mounting: For
cranes up to 25 tons capacity, the maxi-
mum allowed list or trim is 5 degrees, and
for cranes rated over 25 tons, the maxi-
mum allowed list is 7 degrees.
2. Derricks designed for barge mounting:
NOTE: Barge can roll front to back (Trim), side The maximum allowed list or trim for any
to side (bist),from wave actions or crane load capacity is 10 degrees.
movement. Barge can also move vertically
from wave and tide movement. 3. Land cranes or derricks mounted on
Illustration #432- Barge List and Trim barges: The maximum allowed list or trim
is 5 degrees or the maximum specified by
the manufacturer.
4. Barge designed crane and derrick load
design conditions: The unit must be sta-
ble under the following conditions:
Rated load, 60 mph (100 kmlh) wind, 2

Illustration #433 - Barge or Crane List
feet (.6 m) freeboard.
Rated load + 25%, 60 mph (100 km/h)
wind, 1 foot (.3 m) freeboard.
High wind, no load, 60 mph (100 kmlh)
wind, 2 feet (.6 m) freeboard.
446 BARGEISHIP CRANES Dynamic Movements / Land Cranes

@ Backward stability - high boom, no load, @ Truck or crawler cranes must be attached
full back list, 90 mph (140 km/h) wind. to the barge with a slack tie down to pre-
5. Land crane and derrick load design condi- vent travel.
tions: @ Pick and travel operations are not permit-
The land based rating will be modified due ted.
to trim, list, wind and waves. The barge
size will also have a bearing on the rating. Land Crane on Barge Applications
Each crane/derrick must be rated by the illustrations #434 and #435 depict typical
manufacturer to suit the particular barge mobile crane on barge applications which in-
under the expected weather conditions. corporate a slack tie down system.
@ When loaded, the barge deck must be Illustration #436 is a square type pedestal
above water. mount often referred to as a tub.
When loaded, the entire bottom area Illustration #437 is a typical turret pedestal
must be submerged. mount which elevates the crane and en-
@ Derricks must be tied-down to transmit hances deck space and eliminates pinch
loading to the barge or pontoon (do not points.
weld pad eyes directly to a non-reinforced
Illustration #438 is a crawler mounted ringer
area of the barge hull).
crane with the ring secured to the barge.
@ Cranes must be blocked and secured to
prevent shifting.
- - - - - -

BARGEEHIP CRANES Land Crane Applications 447

Slack Tie-Down /Frame

I w

lllustration #434 Mobile Crane -
Illustration #436 Square Type Pedestal

Mote: Consult the crane man-

ufacturer about the bolting
pattern and the type and
number of bolts if the crane
carbody or a ringer is bolted
to the barge or structure.

Illustration #435 Crawler Crane -
Illustration #437 Mounted on Pedestal
448 BARGEISHIP CRANES Land Cranes ICrane Types

- \
Ring Assembly
lllustration #438 Ringer Crane
lllustration #440 Stiffleg Derrick
Barge Crane and Derrick Types

Illustration #439 Pedestal Crane
lllustration #441 - Floating A-Frame Derrick
BARGEISHIP CRANES Crane Types / Barge Stability 449
Crane and Barge Stability
Crane placement on a barge is important. If
possible, the crane should be centered side
to side for 360 degree rotation.
Cranes are often positioned to hoist over the
rear (stern) of the barge for reach. See illus-
tration #443.
If the crane load chart and the pre-lift test lift
illustration #442 - Barge Mounted Land Crane are based on the crane being positioned in
the center, the crane should not be moved
(see illustration #444). If the load chart and
the pre-lift test lift are based on the forward or
stern position (illustration #445), the crane
can be moved to the center for more stability,
however the load chart capacity remains the
same. Equipment on a crane barge is ac-
ceptable, but the barge and crane must be
closely monitored (see illustration #446).
Wheeled equipment on a barge must be se-
curely tied down. Any barge with a deployed
crane must be certified (see illustration
Illustration #443 Hoisting Over Stern
450 BARGEISHIP CRANES Barge Stability

If Load Chart and Load Test Here Equipment on Crane Barge

DO NOT Acceptable, But Monitor
Crane Level Frequently

illustration #444- Center Position -

Illustration #446 Equipment on Barge

A Mobile Crane on a Barge

If Load Test Here A
Not Certified and Adding
Deck Ballast Can be

Distance to Headlog
Fore and Aft Must be
Strictly Adhered to

lllustration #445 Fore or Aft Position lllustration #447- Barge Failure
Load Rating If the manufacturers' specifications are not
A floating crane load rating is the maximum available, the crane limitations must be de-
working load at various radii. This is deter- termined by an engineer competent in this
mined by the manufacturer or other qualified field, and the ratings must be documented
person. This must be determined for each and recorded.
cranelbarge installation and reflect the de- A barge mounted crane or derrick must have
sign standard, machine list and trim, and the the normal load chart data including operat-
anticipated dynamic and environmental ing radii, boom lengths, boom angles, and jib
loadings. A Naval Architectural Analysis is configurations. In addition the operator must
required to determine these parameters. have the manufacturers' andlor applicable
The load rating is based on the structural ANSI requirements on list and trim, plus dy-
competence of the crane, the wire rope namic and environmental factors including
strength, the hoist capacity, the crane to deck loads and weather conditions. Other
barge attachment, and the stability and free- cranes or derrick requirements include:
board of the barge. 1. A method for the operator to visually de-
termine from the seat both list and trim,
The rated load of a land crane or derrick must
and machine list and trim.
be modified by the manufacturer or other
qualified person, and evaluated by a quali- 2. A boom angle indicator readable from the
fied person specific to that crane to barge or operator's seat.
ship combination. See pages 453 and 454 3. All floating cranes and derricks must be
for an example of a manufacturer's equipped with a load limiting device (LLD)
bargelcrane load rating. to prevent overloading through the range
of all crane operating positions.
4. All floating cranes and derricks must be @ Never ballast an open hull barge with wa-
equipped with a load moment indicator ter.
(LMI). A Naval Architect or Marine Engineer
5. If a load approaches the maximum rating must formulate a ballast configuration.
of the crane, the person in charge must @ Deck ballast is usually not recommended
ascertain that the load weight is within +I- due to likely crane center-of-gravity
10 % of its stated weight before lifting. changes while swinging.
6. Boom stops are required to prevent back-
ward boom movement. Before using a crane on a barge or ship, en-
7. Walking surfaces shall be skid-resistant. sure the correct capacity chart is being used.
See illustrations #448 & #449. Crane compa-
Capacity Charts nies will provide two types of load capacity
The load chart must identify the following Na- charts for cranes mounted on a barge or
val Architect Notes, and the safety points ship. They are based on either tipping capac-
addressed: ity or strength capacity.
@ Draft limits (including deck load).
@ Barge motion limits. Tipping Capacity: A crane secured only to
@ Barge and machine list and trim limits. prevent shifting shall have a chart based on
@ Barge condition including watertight in- tipping capacity.
tegrity and dry bilges (bilges must be as Strength Capacity A crane secured for use
dry as possible to avoid the affect of as a pedestal crane shall have a chart based
sloshing liquid). on the strength of its components.
BARGEISHIP CRANES Capacity Charts I ~nvironhent 453
Note: The tie-down method used to se- 3. When a local storm condition exists, fol-
cure a crane from shifting may not be ade- low the manufacturer's recommendation
quate for using the pedestal strength for securing the crane.
capacity chart. Work shall halt when excessive wave ac-
Remember, mobile cranes incorporate a tion exists.
slack tie-down system.
Note: Because of possible structural Example Load Charts
damage, it is recommended that the hook The following three examples of load charts
roller assembly be inspected every day are from one crane with a 130 ft. boom and a
for any sign of damage or overloading. 102,400 lb. counterweight mounted on a 53
Note: Releasing the load during clam- ft. x 75 ft. barge. Illustration #448 shows this
shell excavation results in excessive fully revolving assembly used under normal
rocking motion thereby adding extra hoisting operations.
strain on components. Illustration #449 shows the same boom and
Environmental Conditions counterweight assembly with a clamshell.
1. All floating cranes must be equipped with Note the down-rated capacities. This is due
a wind speed and direction indicator to the manufacturers' concerns about the dy-
within view of the operator's seat. namic loads imposed not only on the 130 ft.
2. The project supervisor must obtain a daily boom, but also on the house and hook rollers
weather forecast before beginning work caused by the clamshell loading and
and as frequently as necessary to monitor unloading.
unsafe conditions.
454 BARGElSHlP CRANES Example Load Charts

30' Boom, 102,400 lb CTRWT Mounted on 53' x 75' Barge

I[llustration#449 130 ft Boom with Clamshell
(Fully Revolving Lifts)

illustration #448 130 ft Boom WLL (Fully Revolving Lifts)
BARGE~SHIPCRANES Example Load Charts / ~ u m m a r y
illustration #450 shows the 130 ft. boom
1 EXAMPLE LOAD CHART 1 equipped with a jib that loses 30% capacity
Boom Jib Boom Jib 0 Degree 1 Degree
when 1 degree off-level. Some authorities
Lgth.: Oper. Ang.: Point: Lisnrim List/Trim
Rad.: Elev. Capacity Capacity
suggest a jib may not be a suitable choice
Feet Feet Deg. Feet Pounds Pounds due to dynamic boom loading with
35 79.8 161.8 20,000 14,000 out-of-level conditions.
40 78.0 160.7 20,000 14,000 Note: The chart examples in illustrations
45 76.2 159.5 20,000 14,000
#448, #449, #450 are from one
50 74.3 158.2 20,000 14,000
55 72.5 156.6 20,000 14,000
bargelcrane combination, with the crane
60 70.6 154.9 20,000 14,000
do wn-rated approximately 45% for clam-
65 68.7 153.0 20,000 14,000 shell work by the manufacturer to match
3 70
the barge. Other bargelcrane combina-
tions wi!$be rated to suit the crane, the
barge, and the type of work being

Barge Safety Point Summary

1. When loaded, the barge deck must be
above water and the entire bottom must
11 0 and 1 degree List and Trim be submerged.
illustration #450 130 ft Boom with Jib 2. The barge must maintain watertight integ-
rity and never ballast an open hull with
456 BARGEEHIP CRANES Ca~acitvCharts / Environment
3. Deck ballast is usually not recommended. 9. Cranes must have enough power to per-
4. Mobile or crawler cranes - land cranes on a form swing, boom, and hoist operations
barge must be tied down with a slack when list conditions occur, however
tie-down system. higher torque swing motors may operate
5. Land cranes - the manufacturer or other at a slower speed during cycle work. Con-
qualified person must rate land cranes sult the manufacturer before using a land
mounted on a barge. The load chart must crane on a barge.
suit that particular crane to barge combi- 10. For stability, all cranes must comply with
nation. Land rated load charts must not be USCG requirements specified in OSHA
used. 46 CFR 173.005 through 173.025.
6. If the load chart and pre-lift test is based on 1 1. All floating cranes must be equipped with
the crane being positioned in the barge a load limiting device (LLD) in compli-
center the crane must not be moved. If the ance with OSHA 29 CFR 1918.66 (f).
load chart and pre-lift test is based on a 12. List, trim and freeboard limits shown on
stern or forward position, the crane can be pages 445 and 446 are those listed by
moved but the rating remains the same. the ANSIIASME standard. For operation
7. Operators and crew must be thoroughly working limits, the applicable crane rating
trained concerning out-of-level conditions chart for that particular crane and barge
due to list and trim parameters while or ship must be used. Use extreme cau-
hoisting and swinging. tion, as depending on wind, wave action,
8. Critical lift plans and lift communications or other conditions, the rated capacity
are an absolute must. limits may not be attainable.
BARGEEHIP CRANES Ship & Offshore Drilling Cranes 457
Ship & Offshore
Drilling Cranes
In general terms, ship
mounted cranes are cov-
ered under the ANSI 530.8
standard, as well as those
mentioned on the first page
of this section. This covers
ship list and trim move-
ments allowed for hoisting.
However, various other
regulatory bodies can have
codes and standards relat-
ing to floating cranes.
A ship with a tandem crane
system is shown in illustra-
tion #451. Two different
types of supply ship cranes
are shown in illustrations
#452 and #453.

IBlustration #451 - Tandem Ship Cranes

458 BARGUSHIP CRANES Ship & Offshore Drilling Cranes

lllustration #452 - Supply Ship Crane -

Illustration #453 Knuckleboom Ship Crane
BARGEISHIP CRANES Ship & offshore Drilling Cranes 459
API (American Petroleum Institute)
The API 2C (effective 2004) regulates the Examples of offshore cranes mounted on
cranes on various types of drilling and off- pedestals (kingposts) are shown in illustra-
shore equipment, such as fixed structures, tions #454 and #455. Two other examples of
tension leg platforms, semi-submersibles, offshore platforms with cranes are shown in
drill ships, and floating production storage illustrations #456 and #457.
off-loaders (ships that drill and store).

Illustration #454- Typical Offshore Crane

460 BARGEISHIP CRANES Ship & Offshore Drilling Cranes

illustration #455 - Offshore Crane on Platform illustration #456 - Offshore Crane

BARGEISHIP CRANES Ship & Offshore Drilling Cranes 461
- --
--- - -
y -
= .
= ===-
-__-- - To establish the crane load chart ratings, the
user must provide the crane manufacturer
with the following data:
@ Type of platform
@ Wave heights
Wind speeds
Crane to sea-level lifting distance
Note: Crane load chart ratings under API
2C are generaNy down-rated by approxi-
mately 25 - 35% as compared to a similar
capacity type of crane under the ANSI
B30.8 standardm

~ -0

#457- Offshore Crane

API 2C Rating for Fixed Platforms: On
fixed platforms, the load rating parameters
u for onboard (static) or offboard (dynamic) lifts
were modified similar to those shown in illus-
tration #458 and #459. Note that CV (dy-
narnic load coefficient) is now 1.4 rather than
APi 2C Standard
1.33. These show the possible movements
The purpose of API 2C is to ensure the that must be taken into consideration when
Crane is designed and rated to match the establishing a load rating.
type of installation.
462 BARGEISHIP CRANES Ship & Offshore Drilling Cranes


Inclinations Note: Cv =
Heel & Tri 1.4 x Load

User Supplied Data + User Supplied Data

Load x Cv
(Cv = I.4 x Load)

Wind Speed(s) Type of Installation (Spar, TLP, Semi) Calculated Parameters

Significant Wave Height(s) Significant Wave Height(s)
Type of Installation (Spar, TLP, Semi, etc.) Supply Boat Velocity
Distance: Crane to Sea Level Crane Boom Tip Velocity
Wind Speed(s) Load x Cv (Min Cv = 1.4)
Calculated Parameters Supply Boat offlead & sidelead
Load x Cv (Min Cv = 1.4 or User Specified) Vertical & Horizontal Accelerations
Vertical & Horizontal Accelerations Loads Due to Vessel Heel and Trim
Loads Due to Vessel Heel and Trim Hook Velocity (Hook Speed at Supply Boat)
Dead Loads Dead Loads
Illustration #458 Onboard Lift Parameters Illustration #459- Offboard Lift Parameters
BARGEISHIP CRANES Ship & Offshore Drilling Cranes 463
API 2C Rating for Supply Boats: For sup- Another example is a 5500 lb weight lifted
ply boats, a Cv (dynamic coefficient) of load x from a supply ship by the ship crane (5500 x
2.0 applies in normal mild sea and wind con- 2.0 = 11,000). In this case,11,000 is the num-
ditions. Unless the ship is extremely large, it ber used in the load chart.
would be hoisting under almost constant
off-level conditions. The boat must maintain Wave Action
a constant position relative (possibly teth- There are two primary problems that affect
ered) to the platform. For rougher sea condi- offshore hoisting. One is the wind and the
tions, the wave action must be taken into other is wave action. With the crane mounted
consideration. These are addressed in sev- on a fixed platform, which may or may not
eral API detailed wave coefficient factor have movement depending on the platform
tables. type and size, the difficulty is hoisting a load
from the deck of a supply vessel that moves
Dynamic Coefficient laterally and vertically. The point is to get the
In basic terms, this means that the load load off the deck and clear of any ship ob-
weight is multiplied by the applicable coeffi- structions as quickly as possible before the
cient number. This gives the number that is wind and waves cause the ship to move and
used in the load chart for hoisting capacity. interfere with the load.
One example is a 5500 lb. weight lifted from a
supply ship deck by a fixed platform crane
(5500 x 1.4 = 7700). 7700 is the number used
in the load chart.
464 BARGEISHIP CRANES Ship & Offshore Drilling Cranes
The other scenario is the hoisting operation Operator Safety
with a crane on a supply ship that moves a For operator safety, the API 2C standard
load to afixed platform (or to another ship). In states that in the event of a catastrophic fail-
this situation, the operator has to deal with al- ure, the equipment should be designed so
most constant off-level conditions, vertical that some piece of equipment will fail other
movement of the ship and crane, and Per- than the crane mounting or kingpost. This
haps an unstable load drop area as well. would prevent the operator's cab from being
pulled down or overboard if a situation, such
Load Chart Data as the hook snagging a supply boat, should
In additional to the standard load capacities Occur-
at various radii, the following operator infor-
mation must be included on the load chart.
@ Conditions applicable to the chart (wave
coefficients, load coefficients, etc.)
@ Rating method used to establish capacity.
Hook speed at supply boat level.
Block reeving diagrams.
@ Warning notes pertaining to equipment
All hoist wire rope data.
Instructions on use of emergency load re-
lease devices.
SECTION NINE QUESTIONS 5. For cranes designed for barge mounting up to 25 tons,
the maximum allowed list is:
Barge, Ship & Offshore Cranes 5 degrees
0 7 degrees
1. Determine if this statement is true or false. Land cranes 0 10 degrees
mounted on a barge fall under the ANSI 930.5 standard. 0 must be level at all times
0 true false 6. For cranes designed for barge mounting over 25 tons,
the maximum allowed list is:
2. When determining barge movement, sideways inclination
or movement is called: 5 degrees
0 trim 0 7 degrees
B list 0 10 degrees
O wave dynamics 0 must be level at all times
Cs freeboard 7. For land cranes mounted on a barge, the maximum
allowed list is:
3. When determining barge movement, backward or
forward movement is called: 0 5 degrees
0 trim 0 7 degrees
0 list 8 10 degrees
wave dynamics must be level at all times
0 freeboard 8. Determine if this statement is true or false. A land crane
mounted on a barge will always have the same chart lift
4. Determine if this statement is true or false. The distance
rating on the barge as it did on land.
between the waterline and the deck is called freeboard.
Cs true O false
true Cs false

Section 9 Barge, Ship & Offshore Cranes Page Q9-1

Section 9 Barge, Ship & Offshore Cranes Page Q9-2

9. Determine if this statement is true or false. A land crane 14. When mounting a land crane on a barge, who of the
mounted on a barge will always have the same chart lift following should NOT determine the crane capacity?
rating regardless of the actual barge size. B operator
Cl true B false manufacturer
10. Determine if this statement is true or false. When welding
O marine engineer
pad eyes to a barge deck in order to tie-down a crane, a none of above
the pad eyes must NEVER be welded to an area of deck 15. Determine if this statement is true or false. Floating
directly over a reinforcing beam. cranes and derricks are MOT required to have a load
B true false limiting device (LL D).
1 1. Determine if this statement is true or false. If a crane load true O false
chart and the pre-lift test are based on the crane being 16. Which one of the following is required for a floating
positioned in the barge center, it is permissible to move crane?
the crane to the stern for hoisting. B boom angle indicator
B true B false B wind speed indicator
12. Determine if this statement is true or false. Miscellaneous O list and trim indicator
equipment on a barge deck is NOT permitted when all of above
hoisting with a crane on that barge. 17. Determine if this statement is true or false. A mobile
B true B false crane fastened to a barge deck will be secured utilizing a
13. Determine if this statement is true or false. If a crane load slack tie-down system.
chart and the pre-lift test are based on the crane being true Cl false
positioned at the stern of the barge, it is permissible to 18. Determine if this statement is true or false. Crane load
move the crane to the barge center for hoisting. chart capacity is rated the same for both clamshell
O true false excavation and routine hoisting.
B true 0 false
19. Determine if this statement is true or false. Jibs are 23. When hoisting with a crane from a fixed offshore
routinely and safely used on barge mounted cranes. platform, the load weight coefficient is:
B true €3false I .oo
lIIB 1.33
20. Determine if this statement is true or false. Partially filling
with water is the method commonly used to ballast a
e% 1.40
barge with an open hull. B 2.00
D true B false 24. When hoisting with a crane from a supply boat in mild
sea conditions, the load weight coefficient is:
21. Determine if this statement is true or false. Small hull
leaks are permitted provided all pumps are in good 0 1.00
working order. B 1.33
€Iltrue CB false B 1.40
B 2.00
22. Cranes mounted on offshore drilling platforms and the
platform supply boats are normally regulated by what 25. Determine if this statement is true or false. When hoisting
standard? a load from a supply boat with a fixed platform crane the
load must be lifted from the deck slowly because of the
C l ANSI wave action.
Cs true D false
81 none of above

Section 9 Barge, Ship & Offshore Cranes Page Q9-3

466 TOWER CRaMES CertificationISelf Erecting Cranes
Tower Crane Operator Certification Self Erecting Models
Changes to ANSI/OSHA and various Self-erecting tower cranes have been avail-
OCHS standards and regulations are re- able for a number of years, however they are
quiring compulsory operator certification becoming more popular for several reasons
in most areas of both the United States including cost, easy erection and quick
and Canada. erection.
Tower Crane Standards The self-erecting system is either hydraulic
Construction tower cranes are regulated by or wire rope and drum. Earlier self-erecting
the ANSI B30.3 standard. Their use is ex- models were generally considered small in
panding from the usual low-rise (up to 6 sto- size and capacity, however the height,
ries), mid-rise (7 - 15 stories), and high-rise reach, and capacity is continually increasing
(over 15 stories) buildings to include struc- due to technology.
tures such as; stadiums, medical and retail A fixed tower crane requires a concrete pad
centers, industrial plants, and communica- (for example 30 ft. x 30 ft. x 4 ft. thick with an-
tion towers. New designs with higher capaci- chor bolts) poured well in advance to allow
ties, luffing boom models with little rear the concrete to cure. It also requires several
overhang, and self-erecting types are mak- truckloads of components and a mobile
ing these cranes more attractive to use. crane to erect the tower, jib, and
TOWER CRANES Self Erecting Cranes 467
New truck mounted units are becoming more Self-erecting Site Preparation
common, and are available in different sizes Site preparation for these units is extremely
and capacities. They arrive on site, are set important. Due to the relatively small base,
up within an hour or two, then self-erect in long mast and jib, they must be stable and
minutes. level. The ground must be solid and level.
Depending on the manufacturer, they are Large pads may be required under the out-
self-contained on one truck, or one trailer, or rigger floats to distribute the ground
a truck-trailer combination, complete with the pressure.
counterweight. Smaller units are operated Two types are shown in illustration #460 and
by remote control. Larger units can be oper- #461.
ated by remote control or from a cab. Illustration #460 is a truck unit that has a
boom tip capacity of 4,000 lbs. with a boom
length approaching 200 feet.
Illustration #461 is a trailer unit with four op-
erating mast heights and a combined boom
and jib lifting height of 330 feet.
468 TOWER CRANES Self Erecting Cranes

Illustration #460 - Self-erecting Truck Crane

TOWER CRANES Self Erecting Cranes 469

illustration #461 - Self-erecting Trailer Crane

470 "BWER CRANES Tower Crane Tvpes
Tower Crane Types These two tower types are also available in
Tower cranes are of two basic types: three basic designs:
1. Fixed Tower - The base is non-moving, a. Telescopic Towers - This type has at least
and a rotating or slewing ring is located two sections which slide inside each
beneath the jib. See illustration #462. other. This gives a height adjustment
2. Slewing Tower - The slewing ring is lo- without dismantling the crane. See illus-
cated at the base and the entire assembly tration #464.
rotates. See illustration #463. b. Inner-Outer Towers - The jib is supported
by a partial slewing inner tower which ro-
tates inside the fixed outer tower. See
iIIlustration #465.
c. Mono Tower - This type is a single tower
which can be either fixed or slewing. See
Illustration #466.
TOWER CRANES Tower Crane Types 471

lBlustration #462 Fixed Tower Crane
illustration #463 Slewing Tower Crane
472 TOWER CRANES Tower Crane Types

Slewing Section

Fixed Section

Illustration #464 Telescoping Tower Crane
Illustration #465 Inner-outer Tower
- - / - - -

TOWER CRANES Crane/Jib Types 473

Crane Jib Types
Tower cranes use four basic types of jib
1 . Saddle Jib -The jib is horizontal, or slightly
angled, and is supported by pendant
lines. A movable trolley supports the hoist
assembly. It allows a smaller operating
radius than a luffing jib. See illustration

Illustration #466 Mono Tower Crane

Illustration #467 - Saddle Jib

4"B TOWER CRBI\%ES CraneIJib Types
2. Luffing Jib (Front Pivot) - The luffing jib
does not have a movable trolley. The jib
raises and lowers to change the load ra-
dius similar to a mobile crane. These usu-
ally have a top mounted slewing ring. This
type has a higher operating height than a
saddle type. See illustration #468.
3. Luffing Jib (Rear Pivot) - This type is simi-
lar to the above, except the jib pivots be-
hind the tower. This type has a smaller
load radius than a front pivot. See illustra-
tion #469.
4. Fixed Luff Jib - The fixed luff jib has a fixed
angle supported by pendant lines. The
hoist assembly is supported from a mov-
able trolley. See illustration #470.
Note: Remember a tower crane loses ca-
pacity with a longer load radius. A jib will
deflect when a load is lifted and this de-
flection will increase ithe load radius.

Illustration #468 Front Pivot Luffing Jib
TOWER CRANES CraneIJib T V D ~ S 475



lllustration #469 Rear Pivot Luffing Jib -
lllustration #470 Fixed Jib
476 TOWER CRANES Crane Mounting
Crane Mounting
Tower cranes have four basic types of
mounting configurations:
Stationary units are fixed in position. They
can be free standing up to the crane limit,
and/or can be attached to a building or
structure for support. If the crane height
has to be extended, it would be simpler if
the crane was of a type that could add its
own extra sections without dismantling.
See Illustration #471A to #471E.

Illustration #471-Self Installing Sections

/ -

TOWER CRANES Crane mountinglldentification 477

@ Mobile units can be either truck mounted Component Identification
or on crawlers. The main advantage in the All crane components must have a plate with
mobile tower unit is a longer reach than a the crane manufacturers name, serial num-
normal lattice or hydraulic crane boom ber, model number, year of manufacture,
overs building edge- Some types are self weight and size of unit (see illustration #472).
containedandself-erecting.Thegreatest Theseplatesmustalsobeattachedtothere-
disadvantage is having a limited load Ca- movable components to indicate which
pability. crane they belong to. Crane components can
@ Rail mounted tower Cranes Can have any not be mixed and matched with anything ex-
type of tower or jib configuration- They cept the original crane or an identical unit.
usually handle a load better while travel-
ling than a comparable mobile tower
@ Climbing tower cranes are supported by
and attached to the building structure be-
ing constructed. As the building height in-
creases, the crane height is increased by
means of climbing ladders. The tower is
attached to the building, or is wedged at
least every four floors.
478 TOWER CRANES Component ldentification

illustration #472 Tower Crane Identification
- -

TOWER CRANES Equipment RecordslErection 479

Crane Equipment Records Log Book
Every machine must have a manufacturer's A log book must be kept in the crane to re-
manual with specific data concerning the cord all operating hours, inspections and any
machine, its setup, and with provisions to re- maintenance- This book must be updated
cord inspections and maintenance. daily and signed by the operator, service me-
The data included must include specific chanics, and a supervisor-
information concerning: Tower Crane Erection
@ crane type A site plan must be carefully prepared before
@ manufacturer a tower crane is set up. This plan must show
@ model and serial number the location; swing radius in relation to other
@ year of manufacture and sale buildings or objects; the location of under-
@ weight of boom sections ground sewers, waters mains; and it must
@ weight of unit and ground Pressure ex- show any bracing methods. The crane must
erted if mobile maintain the applicable clearance from a
@ loadchaflsandalldataneededtocalcu- powerline.Asoiltestingcompanyshouldbe
late lifts, rigging and erection procedures, used to ensure the ground will support the
type of material, welding and bolting weight.
specifications for load bearing structural
480 TOWER CRANES Erection
It is absolutely essential that a tower
crane be set up on a firm, level base;
whether it be a concrete pad or a base in-
side a building structure. Numerous acci-
dents have occurred because of poor
footing. Ground movement due to frost
heaving in colder climates must be
When the tower is set inside a structure the
opening must be large enough to permit the
climbing frames to work and to fit the hard-
wood support and levelling wedges as rec-
ommended by the manufacturer. The
wedges must be inserted at a minimum of ev-
ery four floors as shown in illustration #473.

lilustration #473 Tower Base and Secureanent
POWER CRANES Erection 481
Carefully follow the manufacturer's erection I . The tower can be assembled on the
guidelines. These will include: ground, or the sections erected vertically
1 . Maximum free standing height. one by one on the base; a mobile crane
2. Use and location of bracing and wedges. will be needed, Either way the sections
3. Use of guylines. must be oriented properly. Guylines are
4. Follow the recommendations on wind often needed to support a free standing
speed limits. tower.
See illustration #474 for good and poor meth-
5. Be very careful with the size of the coun- ods of using wire rope on the tower angle iron
terweight. If it is too light the crane will legs. Crane support guylines must meet the
have less capacity, and if it is too heavy minimum design (safety) factor. See illustra-
the tower could suffer from structural tion #475. Make sure the tower is dumb and
overload. the auvline tensions are eaual.

6. Always use new bolts of the recom- , , , , , , , ,o, , , , , , ,

mended type. During assembly the bolts
are usually torqued to 75%, then to 100%
after the crane is erected.
Tower Crane Assembly
Crane erection details will vary with different
machines, however the basic steps will be as

illustration #474 - Tower Guy Wire Attachment

482 TOWER CRANES Erection
5. Install the trolley on the main jib. Make
sure it is lubricated and aligned.
6. Use a crane to hoist the counter jib. Lift it
level. Insert the jib into the turntable and
For Guy L~nes
pin. Lift the end slightly and pin the pen-
dants. Adjust the pendant turnbuckles so
the jib hangs at the right angle and is not
twisted. See illustration #476. Use cotter
pins, not spring clips on the pins.
Illustration #475 Permanent Guylines

2. Install the mast to the turntable on the

ground. Torque the bolts to 100%. Check
and lubricate the gearing. Pin the pen-
dants in place.
3. Use a crane to lift the mast assembly into
place. Check the orientation.
4. Block up the main jib and counter jib sec-
tions on the ground. The short heavier for Proper
sections are located next to the mast. Inclination
Torque the bolts to 100%. of the Jib

Illustration #476 Counter Jib Erection
T ~ w E RCRANES Erection 483
7. The main jib is lifted using a crane. Keep it Make sure the counterweight is securely
level while lifting. Pin the jib to the the turn- in place.
table. Lift the end and pin the pendants. 9. Reeve the main hoist line as per the man-
Adjust the angle with the pendant turn- ufacturers manual. See illustration #478
buckles. Check across the trolley rails for for a typical 2 and 4 part reeving system.
level. See illustration #477. Use cotter Note: ld a tower crane is secured to the
pins. outside of a building it must be secured a
8. Using the other crane, lift the counter- minimum of every four floors. The se-
weight into position. Lift one at a time. curement must be approved by an

Lift the Jib Ends

to Attach the Pendants

Adjust the Inclination

with the Turnbuckles
and Check for Twisting
Hoist the Jib Horizontally
to Attach the Pin

illustration #477 Main Jib Erection
484 TOWER CRANES ErectionISafety Features
10. All electrical connections must be done
by a certified electrician in accordance
with the applicable local authority.
1 1. All bolts which were only partially torqued
must now be torqued to 100%. The coun-
terweight is rotated to be positioned over
the slew ring bolts being tightened. See
the torquing tables in the Appendix of this
I- ----
' Two Part Line 12. All limit switches must be set and tested.
Tower Crane Safety Features
There are several safety features that all
tower cranes should be equipped with:
@ An audible warning device for rail or mo-
bile mounted units.
Four Part Line
Lighting for night operation.
@ Jib stops of a shock absorbing type, and a
jib hoist limit switch on luffing cranes.
@ A jib angle indicator visible to the operator
is required on all cranes with a luffing type
illustration #478 - Hoist Reeving
486 TOWER CRANES Safety FeaturesILimit Switches
1. Trolley Limit Switch - This switch cuts
trolley power when it reaches a predeter-
mined position.
Hook Height Limit Switch - This stops
the block from hoisting at a predeter-
mined distance from the jib sheaves. See
illustration #482.

High Boom Angle and

Low Boom Angle
Limit Switches

Hook Height Limit Switch

Stops the Hook Block
from Being Pulled Up Into
the Trolley or Jib.
Travel Limit Switches

Illustration #481 Limit Switch Positions -
Illustration #482 Hook Height Limit Switch
- -

TOWER CRANES Safety FeaturesILimit Switches 487

3. Rail Trawl Limit SWg't~h- The travel Hoist Rope Overload
brakes are applied when the crane ap-
proaches the rail end. Winc
4. Luffing Jib Limit Switch - The jib hoist
drum is stopped when the jib angle gets
too high or too low. The luffing jib must
also have a physical stop to keep it from
flipping over if the jib is whipped.
5. Hoist Drum Stop Limit Switches -
There are several of these that stop the
hoist drum when an overload is reached. Illustration #48
6. Hoist Line Overload SwifGh - This
switch cuts hoisting power at a 5% over-
load on the hoist line, regardless of the jib,
or trolley position. See illustrations #483
and #484.
7. Jib Pendant Tension Overload Svvitch
-This switch cuts hoisting power at a 5%
overload when the load weight deflects
the jib and increases the tension on the jib
pendant lines. This switch also stops trol-
ley travel. -
Illustration #484 Hoist Line Overload Switch
488 TOWER CRANES Safetv FeaturesIFail Safe Brakes
Tower Cmne Brakes The slewing drive brake will hold the crane
All tower crane brakes must be of the fail safe from moving under designed wind velocity;
type that automatically apply when there is a however the brake will slip with winds over
loss of power. These brakes must not be re- that design velocity and the crane will
leased until power is restored, and then they weath~ane.
are mechanically released. See illustration Note: Never allow a load to be lowered
#485 for an example of a fail safe brake. only by brake control unless the hoist has
a speed limiting device. Uncontrolled
lowering is extremely dangerous.

Electric Current
Holds Pistons Out
And Keeps Brake Off If The Power Fails
The Brake Is
utomatically Applied
Power Goes Off and
Springs Pull Brake On

Bliustratiori #485 Fail Safe Brakes

TOWER CRANES Testing 489

Testing 5. Set the hoist overload switch. Lift the
1. Set the hoist height limit switch. Run the rated load off the ground and hold. Fasten
block in slowly, then lower and run in a second weight to the first. The limit
again at full speed. Check the drift and re- switch should stop the hoist at a 5% over-
set the limit switch with a suitable safety load. Check this overload at both mini-
distance. mum and maximum lift radii.
2. Set the trolley in and out limit switches. Note: Many crane types are tested at
Ensure there is a safe distance from the 125% of rated capacity. Do not test
stops at the ends. Boad a tower crane at more a 5%
3. Set the jib hoist limit switches on luffing overload!!
jibs. Boom up and down slowly allowing 6. After testing the limit switches do a 100%
the jib to contact the stops. Set the load test to check the overall crane opera-
switches to stop the jib before contacting tion.
the stops.
4. Set the jib deflection overload switch. The
switch should cut out at 5% over the rated
490 TOWER CRANES Operator Controls
Tower Crane Operator Controls I I TROLLEY OUT I I LOWERHOOK I I
The use of microprocessor controls is be-
coming widely used in new or modified tower
cranes. They allow accurate readings for the
operator and also remote control operation.
However these types of controls must be
checked every day for the proper function. I ] TROLLEY IN I I RAISE HOOK I I
The following outlines the use of the older -
lllustration #487 Control Markings
style controls.
@ Controls should be of the dead man type. @ Controls must be installed and marked to
They will return to neutral when pressure move the crane in the direction indicated.
is released. See illustration #486. See illustration #488 to #491.
@ Controls must be plainly marked to show
their function. See illustration #487.

Raise and Lower Hook


When the Control Han

is Released
it Returns to the Central Position

Illustration #486 Dead Man Type Controls -
illustration #488 Hoist Raise & Lower
TOWER CRANES Operator Controls 491

Illustration #489 Trolley In And Out -
lllustration #491 Swing Left and Right

Illustration #490 Boom Up And Down -
Illustration #492 Tower Travel
492 TOWER CRANES Load Ratina Charts
Tower Crane Load Rating Charts The load chart will include the following basic
There must be a load chart in every tower information:
crane cab giving specific data about the @ Specific data including the crane serial
crane hoisting limits under different condi- number, model number, and year of man-
tions and capacities. If the tower crane is a ufacture.
remote control unit, the control console must Load ratings for all crane operating con-
have a load chart attached to it (illustration figurations including tower height, jib
#493). length, operating radius, installed coun-
@ Load ratings when manufacturer ap-
proved optional equipment is used such
as bracing, guy wires, or extra counter-
@ Wire rope type, size, and reeving; plus
line pull, line speed, and drum capacity.
@ Operating limits in windy or cold weather
Two different types of load chart are shown in
illustrations #494 and #495.
Illustration #493 Remote Control With Chart
TOWER CRANES Load Rating charts 493 -

IS 8800 LBS

1S 17,600 LBS


Illustration #494 Capacity Chart Example

08 1


000'09 S'Z 1
UOO~ L ~ O O ~ - U ~ HY ~ ! M laad
14 5 2 1 U 001 Luoo9 l4 SL UJoo€l U 0s u! s n ! P ~ t l
uoog a a ! ~ e~l o~jy ~ e c i e6u!y!7
3 paleH
Operator Precautions
Tower Crane Operator Precautions 6. Wind is always a major factor on any
1. Determine exactly the weight of any load. crane, but especially so with a tower
The actual load plus the rigging slings and crane. Winds funneling between high
hardware make up the total load. This buildings, or vortexing off the top of a
load weight and the final position is then building can double the actual wind
compared to the load chart to see if the speed. Load dimensions and weight are
crane can safely lift it. Do not forget that major factors in how a load will be moved
rapid swing increasing the load radius, or about by wind. Wind speeds of 20 to 30
impact loading can immediately eliminate mph (30 - 50 kmlh) should be the operat-
all previous calculations. ing limit (depending on applicable safety
2. Mobile and rail mounted cranes must not regulations).
be moved until the operator is sure every- 7. Cold weather operation is hazardous to
thing is clear. A warning device should be crane operation. The flexing of tower
sounded, and a signalperson must be cranes in cold weather increases metal
used when vision is not clear. fatigue. Shock loading in cold weather
3 All personnel must stay off the tower or can cause fracture of components. A tem-
the jib when the crane is operating. perature of 0" F (- 17 "C) is considered an
operating limit.
4. The operator and the signalperson must
be certain the crane is not hoisting over 8. Make sure the block is not lowered to the
working personnel or pedestrians. ground. The hoist line must not be al-
5. Never attempt to repair or lubricate a lowed to go slack. Always watch the drum
crane which is in operation. spooling.
496 TOWER C R M E S Operator Precautions
9. Always ensure the load center of gravity is 12. Load charts on tower cranes are based
directly under the hoist line sheave. Do on lifting capacities at various radii. The
not side load the jib under any circum- load radius must be known at all times.
stances and do not allow the load to swing Extra load radius can be caused by rapid
out from the jib tip. swing, by lifting behind or beyond the jib
10. Never use the limit switches or the com- tip and allowing the load to swing out.
puterized control system as a scale to Load radius increase due to jib or pen-
judge or check the load weight. Limit dant line deflection must be considered
switches and/or digital operator aids when preparing a load for hoisting.
must be tested, but they are not to be 13. Always avoid shock loading the hoist
used as a weight scale. wire rope. Lifts and stops must be done
11. A tower crane operator often can not see gradually. Lifting and travelling speeds
the load being rigged, and therefore does must be attained gradually. Never do
not know or cannot even estimate the anything which could result in the back-
load weight unless told b y voice ward whipping of a luffing jib.
communication. Someone must be in 14. If a load does not lift and hang level,
charge of calculating all load weights. lower the load and rehook.
This person and the operator must deter-
mine whether or not the load can be
safely lifted and transported.
TOWER CRANES Operator ~recautions~~ig6ais 497
15. Riggers and the signalperson must al- Tower Crane Signals
ways ensure the load can not catch on The importance of a good signalperson
any projections. If the load catches or is cannot be overemphasized with tower
hung, use extreme caution to ensure the crane operation. A signalperson must be
load does not whip, drop, or sideload the present when the operator is near a
jib. po werline, is moving a crane on rails, or is
16. Always have at least three wraps of wire hoisting loads not clearly visible (which
rope on the drum (check this with the lo- is often the case with tower cranes).
cal OCHSIOSHA department as the re- The signalperson must be aware of the hoist-
quirement may vary in some areas. ing operation and have enough experience
17. Watch the electrical cables. Do not allow to spot potential hazards. The signalperson
them to become wound around the tower must be positioned to clearly see the load at
with more than two or three tower all times; although it is often necessary to
swings. have more than one signalperson on a large
18. Never under any circumstances should Structure. If two or more signalpeople are us-
the operator leave his seat while the ing hand signals, one of them must always
crane is moving or a load is suspended. be in sight of the load; and they should be in
sight of each other.
19 The load must not be allowed to swing
out over traffic or pedestrians. If the jib
overlaps the street below, barricades
must be used to detour traffic.
498 TOWER CRANES SignalslAdjacent Cranes
A 2 way radio communication system is a Adjacent Cranes
preferred signalling method for tower cranes TWO cranes operating within reach of each
(a hard wire system is preferred). Iiand sig- other always have the potential for colliding
rials over long distances are difficult to iden- or interfering. The two towers must be set at
tify. Signal confusion can easily lead to an different heights to allow one to swing under
accident. the other without contact.
When hand signals are used day-glo orange The two operators should be in constant ra-
gloves Or a vest should be worn to help the dio contact. A preferred method is to have
operator see the signalperson. one person organize the loads and the hoist-
If the 2 way radio link is lost, Or the opera- ing operation to ensure there are no colli-
tor loses s$ht of the signalperson using sions or fouled loads.
hand signals, the operation must stop un-
til the operator is signaled to resume. Unattended Tower Crane
~ ~See Section
t ~ T~: concerning train- The operator must never leave the controls
ing a n d testing requirements for with a suspended load. The unexpected
signalpersons. could happen and allow an unattended load
to drop or lower.
If the operator leaves the cab he must:
a. Lower the load, bring the hoist up to the jib
and in close to the tower.
b. Raise the hoist on a luffing jib and position
the jib at 15 degrees. See illustration
TOWER CRANES Unattended CraneNeathervaning 499
e. Clamp the wheels to the rail (if
15 degrees applicable).
f. If the in service height is higher than that
allowed for out of service, the crane will
have to be anchored off.
A Luffing Crane Boom
Should Be Set At
15 Degrees When The
Crane IS Unattended A tower crane must weathervane if left unat-
tended. That is, the jib is allowed to rotate
with the wind with the main jib drifting down-
wind as shown in illustration #497. If an ad-
vertising sign is on the counter jib, the
illustration #496 Luffing Overnight Position
operator should allow the crane to weather-
vane and see if it will rotate properly. If it
c. Allow the crane to weathervane. won't, the sign will have to be removed. If it
dmshut off the main power and lock the still will not weathervane, a sign Or plywood
switch box, the control consol and the cab sheet may have to go at the jib
500 TOWER CRANES Weathervaning

Wind Velocity 6-12 MPH (10-20 kmlh)

.he Jib Should Slew to the Wind

1. Slew Side on to the Wind an
Release the Brake

d Loads on a Sign
Prevent the Crane
Into the Wind

lllustration #497 Jib Weatyhervaning
, . - -

TOWER CRANES inspection 501

Tower Crane Inspection 4. Check the condition of all hydraulic hoses
All cranes must be inspected on a regular ba- and connections for leaks or signs of
sis to ensure the safety of the machine. A wear.
safe policy is a daily inspection before opera- 5. Check the level of all lubricating oil reser-
tion on obvious wear points. A more thor- voirs. Check filter condition. Watch for
ough inspection should be done at least on a sign of leaks around connections and
weekly or monthly basis, and tower crane gear boxes.
structural components prone to metal fatigue 6. Check condition of slewing ring gear.
must have a yearly non-destructive inspec- 7. Check gears for backlash and any drive
tion by a registered inspection company. belts for proper tension.
1. All wire rope, sheaves, hooks, drums, at-
8. Check all electrical connections and wir-
tachments, and hoisting components
ing. Ensure the power is off.
must be thoroughly checked for wear,
cracks, bends or twists and proper rota- 9. Check all clutches and brakes for condi-
tion. tion and operation. Test load the brake by
suspending a load a short distance off the
2. Any tower support must be thoroughly
checked daily. This includes tower sup-
port beams, shoring or bracing; tension of 10. Check all limit switches. Test weights
guywires; tightness of hardwood wedges should be used to ensure the settings are
(while the crane is operating). correct.
3. Check the counterweight.
502 TOWER CRANES Inspection/Torquing Bolts
11. Thoroughly check the structural integrity 12. Frequently check the torque of the sup-
of the jib and the tower. Watch for bent or port bolts, including slewing ring, tower,
damaged lattices or chords; look for and jib. Bolts should not be retightened
cracks, especially in welded joints; flak- more than once. Bolts that come loose a
ing paint may indicate metal fatigue. second time should be checked or re-
Note: Tower cranes are susceptible to placed as they may be stretched.
metal fatigue. All components are contin- Torquing of Bolts
ually flexingflbut the tower in particular is
always being pulled by either the load or When the tower base bolts are retorqued,
the counterweight. Check the slewing the jib is rotated so the counterweight is
ring, gears7 support brackets for wear positioned over the bolts being tight-
and cracks. This area of a tower crane is ened See illustration #498.
also very susceptiple to fatigue cracking. The jib slewing ring bolts should be
All structural components must be inspected retorqued with approximately a 75% load
regularly, and a non-destructive inspection on the jib tip. Rotate the jib to position it
by a registered inspection company must be over the the bolts being tightened. See II-
performed on the entire strucure at least lustra tion #499,
yearly or before being erected on a new job.
Tower or jib repairs must follow the manufac-
turers procedure. A welder must be qualified
to that procedure.
TOWER CRANES Torquing of Bolts 503
Torquing of Tower and
Slewing Ring Bolts

Front Half

Torquing Slewing Ring Bolts:

A) Do Rear Half Circle
with No Load on Hook \
Rear Half
B) Do Front Half Circle Circle
with 314 Load on Hook
... Counterweight Must be Aligned
Over the Corner of the Tower C) Swing 180 Degrees
and Repeat A and B Sequence

illustration #498 Torquing Tower Bolts -
illustration #499 Torquing Slewing Ring Bolts
SECTION TEN QUESTIONS 5. What best describes a tower crane saddle jib?
Tower Cranes B rolling trolley and supported by fixed pendant lines
stationary trolley and jib pivots at front of tower
stationary trolley and jib pivots at rear of tower
1. Determine if this statement is true or false. Very few B none of above
areas in either the United States or Canada require 6. What best describes a tower crane front luffing jib?
certification to operate a tower crane. D rolling trolley and supported by fixed pendant lines
B true false CB stationary trolley and jib pivots at front of tower
2. Determine if this statement is true or false. Self-erecting I3 stationary trolley and jib pivots at rear of tower
tower cranes are easier to erect than a conventional B none of above
tower crane, but erection time takes longer. 7. Determine if this statement is true or false. In general,
D true B false tower cranes are designed to have the same lifting
3. How does the crane rotate with a fixed tower base? capacity regardless of the jib length and load radius.
B slewing ring at the base l l true O false
B slewing ring beneath the jib 8. Determine if this statement is true or false. A tower crane
depends on the manufacturer only requires one identification plate. All components are
0 does not rotate included in that one ID plate.
4. Determine if this statement is true or false. A mono type B true e3 false
of tower can be either fixed or slewing. 9. Determine if this statement is true or false. All tower
B true C3 false cranes manufactured by a company will have a common
manufacturer's manual that is generic to all cranes made
by that company.
B true eb false

Section 10 Tower Cranes Page Q10-1

Section 10 Tower Cranes Page Q10-2

10. Of the following, who must sign a tower crane log book? 14. When erecting tower cranes how many times should the
0 operator bolts be reused?
service mechanic tl only once
0 supervisor two times
OI all of above 0 three times
l l does not matter if in good condition
I I . What is the first step taken before erecting a tower
crane? 15. Determine if this statement is true or false. Guylines are
O decide on type of erection bracing never used to secure a freestanding tower while it is
CI check for underground water mains being assembled.
prepare a site plan OI true false
measure height of nearby buildings 16. Determine if this statement is true or false. When
12. Determine if this statement is true or false. Because of assembling the crane, spring clips are used to secure the
the typically high operating heights, tower crane pendant pins because of their ease and safety.
operation is not affected by, and is therefore exempt O true O false
from, powerline clearance regulations.
17. What is used to adjust the jib for proper inclination and
B true O false eliminate jib twist?
13. What method is often used to level and secure the tower turnbuckles
structure being erected inside a building? 0 bolts
tl hardwood wedges B pendants
steel wedges 141 wedges
0 hydraulic jacks
18. A tower crane fastened to the outside of a building 23. Tower crane brakes must apply when there is a power
should be secured a minimum of: loss. These are called:
every floor 0 fail safe brakes
every two floors C3 automatic lowering brakes
0 every three floors 13 hydraulic brakes
O four floors O mechanical brakes
19. What is the purpose of a jib radius marker? 24. Determine if this statement is true or false. Tower and
n indicate length of jib mobile cranes are both load tested at 125% overload.
CII indicate height of jib true false
indicate overlap of jibs of two adjacent cranes 25. Tower crane operator controls should automatically
I l indicate position of trolley on jib return to what position when pressure is released?
20. Determine if this statement is true or false. A limit switch I3 forward
is a safety device that restricts movements of the crane B reverse
and prevents overloading or damage. 0 neutral
ltrue 13false e3 automatic lowering
21. Determine if this statement is true or false. Each crane 26. Every tower crane cab MUST be equipped with a:
requires only one limit switch. That switch will be on the 01 serial number
trolley hoist. I 3 wire rope capacity chart
D true 0 false O drum capacity chart
22. Determine if this statement is true or false. All limit B load rating chart
switches are of a mechanical type, including those on 27, Determine if this statement is true or false. Because of
digital control cranes. their light weight, it is not necessary to include slings and
13true I7 false rigging hardware in the pre-lift load weight calculations.
Cs true I7 false

Section 10 Tower Cranes Page Q10-3

Section 10 Tower Cranes Page Q10-4

28. Determine if this statement is true or false. A tower crane 32. If the jibs of two adjacent tower cranes can overlap,
can be safely operated in wind speeds exceeding 20-30 which of the following conditions should apply?
mph (30-50 km/h) if the load does not approach the 13 jibs set at different heights
crane capacity. 13 operators have voice contact
ts true 13 false 13 one person organize hoisting operations
29. Determine if this statement is true or false. If so CI all of above
equipped, the digital computerized operator aid system 33. Determine if this statement is true or false. The jib of an
can be used as a scale to test weigh a load. unattended tower crane is locked in position and never
17true €3false allowed to weathenlane with the wind.
30. Determine if this statement is true or false. The person 13 true D false
giving signals must always be in a position to see the 34. Determine if this statement is true or false. A tower crane
load clearly at all times. used regularly and in good working condition only
C% true C% false requires inspection every 6 months.
31. The preferred method of contact between signalperson O true C$ false
and operator is by: 35. When the tower base bolts are re-torqued, the jib is
13 wireless voice c'ommunication rotated so the counterweight is positioned in what
CSI hard wire voice communication position relating to the bolts being tightened?
CI hand signals counterweight over the bolts
13flags counterweight at 90 degrees to the bolts
e3 counterweight at 180 degrees to the bolts
13 tower bolts never require re-torquing
506 OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Crane IntPodue"tion
Overhead Crane introduction @ ANSl B30.2 - Overhead and Gantry
In the past and, even to some extent, in this Cranes with Top Running Bridge, Single
era of safety awareness, an overhead crane or Multiple Girder, Top Running Trolley
is a lifting device taken for granted far too of- Hoist
ten. It was all too easy to point at someone, @ ANSl 630.1 8 - Stacker Cranes with Top
anyone, and say "run the crane". To a great or Under Running Bridge and Top or Un-
extent, those days have ended. This is par- der Running Trolley
tially due to larger capacity and more com- ANSl 630.17 - Overhead and Gantry
plex cranes requiring operator knowledge, Cranes with Top Running Bridge, Single
combined with a much greater awareness by Girder, Under-hung Hoist
almost all companies on employee and @ ANSl B30.16 - Under-hung Overhead
equipment safety. In addition, there are new Hoists (air, electric or chain powered)
safety regulations and standards concerning @ ANSI B30.11 - Monorails with Un-
hoisting operation which, in most jurisdic- der-hung Hoists
tions, requires some type of operator certifi-
cate of proficiency for any or all types of There are three ANSI service classifications:
hoisting equipment or machinery. @ Normal Service: Operating at less than
85% rated load and, with rare exception,
ANSI Standards & CIassi~atisns no more than 10 lifts per hour.
The ANSl standards for overhead cranes, @ Heavy Service: Operating at 85% - 100%
gantries, and monorails are as follows: of rated load, or over 10 lifts per hour.
@ Severe Service: Normal or heavy service
under abnormal operating conditions.

Overhead Crane lntrsduction 507
CMAA Classifjcations @ Class D (Heavy Duty): Used in steel fabri-
There are six service classifications of over- cation shops, foundries, or with bucket or
head cranes established by the Crane Manu- magnet operations. High speed crane
facturers Association of America (CMAA). used 15 - 20 times per hour with loads at
They are: A l , A2, B, C, D, E, and F. 50% capacity. Not over 65% of loads are
@ Class A1 (Standby Service): Used for ex- capacity.
act positioning of machinery. It is slow op- Class E (Severe Service): Used in scrap
erating and often sits idle. Used in a yards, fertilizer and cement plants. Oper-
powerhouse or nuclear reactor turbine ates continually at high speed with capac-
room. ity loads. Frequency is 20 or more per
@ Class A2 (Infrequent Use): Used in pump hour.
rooms and laboratories, etc.. Usually light @ Class F (Steel Mill AISE): Used for steel
loads, slow speeds, and low accuracy re- mills. Falls under Association of Iron and
quired. Lift frequency would be several Steel Engineers' Standard 6-1969 for
per day. EOT cranes.
@ Class B (Light Service): Used in ware-
houses, light fabrication or repair facili-
ties. Slow speed and lift frequency is 2 - 5 Indoor Crane & Hoist Types
per hour at 50% capacity. Industry has created two vague definitions of
Class C (Moderate Service): Used in typi- indoor and outdoor hoists and cranes. The
cal machine shop. Lift frequency is 5 - 10 indoor type generally refers to smaller hoists.
per hour, with no more than 50% at ca-
508 OVEWHEBD CRaNES Indoor Crane and Hoist Types
They can range from a hand powered For powered hoists, the crane operator may
come-a-long or chain fall, to a compressed be seated in a cab above the load, standing
air or electric powered hoist on a monorail, on the floor with a pendant control, or use ra-
jib, or hand or powered gantry. However dio remote control. Examples of indoor
bridgestyleEOT(electricoverheadtravel- cranes are shown with the following
ing) cranes are also included in this category, illustrations:
and they can have capacities up to several
hundred tons. Also included are various
types of stacker cranes used in warehouses.

Illustration #500 Electric Hoist Monorail -
Illustration #501 Electric Hoist Jib
OVERHEAD CRANES Indoor Crane a n d ~ o i sTypes
t 509

Illustration #502 Over-The-Floor Gantry with a Chain-Fall -
Illustration #504 Cantilever Type Gantry


Illustration #503 Rail Gantry With Electric Hoist -
Illustration #505 Semi-Gantry
510 OVERHEAD CRANES Indoor Crane and Hoist Types

lllustration #508 Top Running, Under-Hung, Cab Operated
illustration #506 Under-Hung Bridge Crane

Illustration #507 Top Running, Top Hoist Bridge Crane -
illustration #509 Cab-Operated Under-Hung
OVERHEADCRANES Indoor Crane and Hoist Types
Four Direction

Down* 1 1-, 360 Degree


llllustration #510 Under-Hung Stacker

Illustration #511 Floor Operated Stacker

Illustration #512 Cab-Operated Stacker
512 OVERHEAD CRANES Indoor Crane Safetynutdoor Cranes
indoor Crane Safety However, if the crane, such as a cab
There are two aspects to hoisting safety. The mounted unit, is operated by a specific per-
first is rigging of the load. The second is the son, then the training requirements should
actual hoisting operation. be specific to that particular type of equip-
Rigging the Load: Rigging safety involves ment. Most safety regulations are rapidly
knowing the load weight, how the slings or changing to make it a necessity for all crane
lifting devices will be attached, and what type operators to have some type of certification.
and size of slings and hardware are required
to provide a suitable factor for a safe lift. Outdoor Cranes
Depending upon the jurisdiction, the person Outdoor cranes are bridge or rail mounted
doing the load hook-up may have to be gantries of various designs. They are similar
trained or show proof of having been trained. to the indoor types, except they are usually
Hoisting the Load: Due to the wide range of much larger in size and with capacities up to
indoor hoisting apparatus, from a chain-fall many hundreds of tons. A gantry crane is
on a monorail to a cab type overhead crane, similar to an EOT in that both types have a
safety regulation requirements also vary bridge structure that supports the hoist trol-
widely for hoisting. Generally, if the same ley. The EOT has dolley wheels and travels
person who hooked up the load is going to on a type of rail runway structure. The gantry
use a chain fall, come-a-long, a pendant con- usually travels on tracks. The crane hoist ap-
trol or remote control electric hoist, then the paratus for both types travels either on
applicable training program should cover top-running rails or is under-slung, where the
both aspects, safe rigging and safe use of the hoist rides on the bottom flanges of the run-
hoisting equipment. way beams.
OVERHEAD CRANES Mobile Straddle Lift Gantry 513
M b i k Straddle Lift Gantry These units are usually powered by hydrau-
Another outdoor crane type is the mobile lics. This means the throttle runs the engine
straddle mount gantry, which is used primar- at a constant speed while a v0hme control
ily in rail and shipping yards for moving pedal controls all applications. The volume
containers. control pedal controls the forward or reverse
These cranes have capacities up to 100 speed, as well as the trolley and hoist speed
tons. A straddle lift is similar to a gantry ex- (drive, traverse, hoist).
cept it has both a front and rear trolley hoist, None of the lever functions work until the aP-
and it runs on rubber tires. With most types, ~licablelever is pushed or pulled and the vol-
the two front wheels are non-powered, ume control pedal is pushed in. Releasing
non-steering, while the rear wheels are pow- Pressure on the volume control pedal slows
ered and steer the crane. It has a selector for or stops the operation-
forward or reverse, and four controls for the The basic components of a straddle lift crane
two hoists to move left or right, and up or are shown in illustration #513. Illustration
down. It has a vehicle type steering wheel, #514 shows the wheel positions while mak-
and can pivot on one front wheel in a 90 de- ing a 90 degree, or less than 90 degree turn.
gree turn. The capacity will vary with different
models, but will be clearly indicated on a
chart in the cab.
514 OVERHEAD CRANES Mobile Straddle Lift Gantry

Illustration #513 - Straddle Lift Components

OVERHEAD CRANES Mobile Straddle Lift Gantry 51 5
Lesser Turn

Steering Wheel

Front Rear
Trolle Hoist

Angle Angle Left

w Volume

Full 90" Turn


k +-
Fixed ~ o n - ~ r i vWheels

Outside Wheel

lllustration #515 - Example Cab Layout

Illustration #514 -Wheel Turning Positions
EOT Cranes These are in-out for the trolley, left-right for
This section will cover the components, the bridge, and up-down for the hoist. Some
movements, types of controls, and safe op- cranes may have two or more hoists de-
eration tips for EOT (electric overhead travel- signed for a specific use, such as light duty
ing) cranes. Illustration #516 shows the and heavy duty, high and low speed, or sev-
bridge, trolley, and hoist of a typical over- eral hoists to handle long loads. The various
head crane, along with the three crane components making up a typical overhead
movements. crane are shown in illustration #517.

@ ,Rails

Illustration #516 - Typical EOT Movements


Hoist Gear Case

Trolley Gear Case

Festooned Type
Cross Conductor

Front Platform

Coupling With Guard

Serial No. Plate Bumper Extension

lllustration #517 - Typical EOT Components
518 OVERHEAD CRAialES Crane Terminology
Crane Terminology Control cabinets are located on the walkway
Bridge -The bridge is made up of girders that of the bridge. Controls Can also be pendant
are connected on each end to wheel trucks. or remote.
There is also a walkway, conductors power- Crane Braking (Mechanical) - Mechanical
ing the motors, a cab, controllers, and brakes are applied by foot pressure on a
controls. brake pedal.
Bridge Travel - This is movement of the Crane Braking (Electrical) - Electric power
crane from one end of a building runway to holds the brakes off. The brake is applied
the other. mechanically when the power is shut off.
Bumpers - Bumpers are located on both Crane Braking (Dynamic) - Eddy current
sides of the bridge and trolley to prevent braking occurs when the hoist is being low-
over-travel. ered with a load.
Cab - The cab is usually hung under the Drift - This is movement of a crane after the
bridge and contains the crane controls. power is shut off. It can be bridge or trolley
Centering- Loading and unloading is accom- motion while traveling, Or hoist movement
plished in three motions: while lifting or lowering.
@ Center bridge over loading area; Drive Motors - The bridge motor drives the
@ Center the trolley over loading area; bridge and a trolley motor drives the trolley.
@ Lowering and raising of hoist over load. The hoist motor powers the load block.
Controls - Controllers in the cab give motion Festoon - Power cables are hung in draped
to the bridge, trolley, and hoist. curves on the crane.
OVERHEAD CRANES Crane Terminology 51 9
Hoist: The hoist mechanism raises and low- Idler- An idler is an end truck or bogie wheel
ers the load. It is a drum mounted on the trol- that does not drive.
ley, which is spooled with wire rope and is Load Swing - Load swing is movement of the
driven by a motor and a gearing system. block and load caused by acceleration or de-
Hoist (Auxiliary) - This hoist is similar to the celeration of the crane.
main hoist, but has less lifting capacity and is Main Line Shaft - The main line shaft is the
faster. motor powered shaft driving the bridge.
Hoist Block - The hoist block consists of Mechanical - This is a drag
sheaves, sheave pins, bearings, swivel and brake which is engaged only while lowering.
a hook suspended by the hoist wire rope. When hoisting, the brake releases, thereby
Hoist Movements - The load block is raised eliminating the drag on the motor.
and lowered by the operator controls. Monorail - This is a single rail with a hoist.
Hook - The hook is connected to the hoist Overhauling Load - This load is heavy
block and is used for lifting loads. A hook enough to overcome the friction of the hoist-
safety latch prevents the slings or chains ing mechanism (gears, wire rope, drum,
from slipping off the hook. etc.). The motor must be aided in holding
Inching - inching is the term used to indicate back the load by a mechanical load brake or
very short movements. This is accomplished by a dynamic lowering control.
by applying motor power for a fraction of a
second, then quickly removing the power to
stop the bridge, trolley, or load movement af-
ter it has moved a slight distance.
520 OVERHEAD CRANES Crane Terminology
Pendant Control - This is the operator's Skewing- Skewing is when the crane girders
crane controller box hanging from the bridge are not perpendicular to the runway rails and
or trolley by a cable. The pendant box must one end of the crane is ahead of the other.
be supported so as to eliminate any strain on This condition should be immediately
the electrical connections. corrected.
Plugging - Plugging is the use of reverse mo- Slack Out - This occurs when the initial lifting
tor power to stop a forward-moving load. The tension is applied to the hoist wire rope and
controller handle is moved to supply power in the load chains or slings.
the direction opposite to the direction of Torque - The ability of a motor to exert rotary
travel. When the load stops, the controller force is called torque. Sufficient power is ap-
handle must be centered at the off position, plied by controllers to the motor to move the
otherwise the load will accelerate in the re- load.
verse direction. Trolley- This is a frame which consists of end
Radio Control - Radio signals can be trans- trucks, a drive motor, a hoist motor, a drum
mitted from an operator on the floor with a with wire rope and a hoist block. It is operated
control box to a receiver on the crane. through controllers and it travels on rails
Rail Runways - Runways are floor tracks or across the bridge structure, while supporting
tracks supported by beams on the side of a the load.
building, on which the crane can travel over Walkway- This is an isleway across the span
the work area. of the bridge girders. It allows access to the
Reeving- This is the system of wire rope con- trolley and to the bridge drive mechanism.
necting the upper and lower sheaves on the
hoisting blocks.
OVERHEADCRANES Crane ~ o h e /rControls 521
Power to the Crane Power to Trolleys: The motors that operate
EOT cranes can receive their power by the trolley racking and the motors for the
various methods. Several examples are hoist are powered through the conductors
shown in illustration #518. that run the length of the bridge. The crane
Rail Runways: These are the supports for operator controls the trolley and hoist from
the crane in the work area. The conductors the cab, with either a floor pendant control
for the electric power to the crane are on one box or a radio control unit.
side. The cond;ctors are attached below the
rail on the girders by insulators. These insu- Crane Controls
late the conductors from going to ground. EOT cranes can be controlled by several
They run the full length of the runway. A mas- methods, including:
ter switch is located at ground level and con- Keypad style adjustable frequency con-
nected to the conductors. Each end of the rail trols
runways should have wheel stops to limit @ Remote radio adjustable frequency con-
travel of the crane. trol
Power To Bridge: Power to the bridge is Pendant style control hanging from hoist
through collectors that ride the conductors. Operator in a cab with controls
The power is to the main line switch located
on the bridge. Power from the master switch
is connected to conductors that run the
length of the bridge span and also to controls
in the cab, as well as the control cabinets.
522 OVERHEAD CRANES Crane Power 1 Controls

Festooned Flat

Round Cable

Enclosed Bar Cable Reel

Illustration #518 - ElectrificationMethods

- -

OVERHEAD CRANES Crane Controls / K e v ~ a d 523

Keypad Adjustable Frequency Controls @ When the lift button is pressed, an ade-
The technology in this method of overhead quate torque to lift a suspended load is
crane control is advancing rapidly, year by generated before the brake is released.
year, with the use of transistors and micro- This prevents the load from any down-
processors. In addition to being a controller, ward movement before going up.
it can also indicate a number of warning con- 9 The system can prevent any free-fall in
ditions and store information for later readout the event of brake failure by a slow speed
concerning maintenance problems. The op- automatic lowering of the load.
erator uses a keypad type control box, and
can be used for cab-mounted, pendant con-
trolled, and radio or infrared remote controls. 0 uuun
An example is shown in illustration #519.
Due to computerized torque control of the
motors, this type of control allows precise
mastery of all loads with exact positioning
and speeds.
By programming it will be certain that lift-
ing torque is less than lowering torque,
thereby ensuring a load can be safely low-
ered. And by programming torque, it will [RUN] [STOP]
prevent attempting to lift an overload.

Illustration #519 - Digital Keypad Control Example

524 OVERHEAD CRANES Controls / Keypad !Radio
Digital Operator Benefits Remote Radio Control
@ Allows precise positioning and creep Portable Radio Remote Control (PRRC7s)
speeds technology for overhead cranes operation
@ Reduces possible operator error when has advanced considerably in the past few
lifting or lowering years. Electromechanical actuators are be-
@ Canprogramvariousliftingspeeds,de- i n g replaced with more advanced
pending on the load electrohydraulic systems. The older style
@ Electronic reverse plugging makes for a with their sometimes dangerous lower oper-
smoother operation ating frequencies are being replaced with
higher frequency hopping technology using
Digital Equipment Benefits digital codes. They can be watertight and
@ Reduces mechanical shock with built-in dust-proof for either indoor or outdoor
soft starts and stops applications.
@ Less brake wear with electronic dynamic The working range is usually up to 160 feet,
braking however that depends on the unit and the re-
* Reduced component wear with pro- quirements. Having the crane too far away
grammed torque limits from the operator's visibility can create
@ Magnetic contactors and their built-in me- safety problems. The controls must be de-
chanical problems are eliminated by us- signed so the crane will stop if the signal be-
ing electronic selectors comes distorted, and the crane must not
respond to any other source.
- - - - -

OVERWEADCRANES ~ o n t r o l s/ K e v ~ a d
/ Radio- 525
The basic components consist of an antenna Radio Control Advantages
and receiver on the bridge, and a portable Better operator visibility for spotting loads
operator-worn transmitter. An example of a @ Operator can be a safe distance from haz-
transmitter box is shown in illustration #520. ardous loads or environment
Strict safety rules must be followed with Operator does not have to walk with the
these remote control cranes due to the possi- crane or be confined to the cab
bility of personnel being on or around the @ Fewer missed signals between floor
crane without the operator's knowledge. workers and cab positioned operator


Main Aux.
Bridge Trolley Hoist Hoist Bridge Trolley Hoist
Markings on the Crane 3 Motion
Visible from the Bridge
Must Indicate the Direction
of Bridge and Trolley Travel
Corresponding to the A, B, C, D,
Lettering on the Transmitter

B D UP up (Letters used are only

intended for this illustration)

Illustration #520 - Radio Control Example

526 OVERHEADCRANES Radio Control
Radio Control Rules Check List For Radio Controlled Crane
Note: The following rules on the next sev- Operators
eral pages cover crane operation when JKnowledge of hazards inherent to crane
they are on radio control. If a radio crane operation.
is operated on cab control, special care J Familiar with safety rules for radio con-
must be taken to secure the Radio Con- trolled cranes.
trol Box (transmitter). The supervisor in JAbility to judge distance to stationary
charge of crane operations must ensure objects.
that this is done. JKnowledge of the safe use of the radio
control box (transmitter).
Radio Controlled Crane Operators J Know the limit switch test procedure.
Only designated employees shall be per- J Knowledge of plugging for crane motions.
mitted to operate radio controlled cranes
J Familiar with signal devices (bell, siren,
and only after proper training.
@ Cranes shall not be operated by any per- horn).
sons who cannot read and understand J Observance of signal lights on crane.

the applicable signs, notices and operat- J Operation care in avoiding any equipment
ing instructions. or obstructions in building.
Cranes shall not be operated by a person J Maintain proper clearance of load or hook
with seriously defective eyesight or hear- before moving bridge or trolley.
ing, or who may be suffering from any J Replacing radio control box in proper stor-
problem causing physical or mental im- age box when not in use.
J Proper procedure for transferring the con- Operating Area For Radio Controlled
trol box to another person. Cranes
J Reporting unsafe or unusual operating @ Unobstructed aisleways must be main-
and/or equipment conditions. tained for the radio controlled crane oper-
J Exercise caution in approaching bridge or ator's movement. These aisleways
trolley bumpers. should be a minimum of 3 feet (900 mm)
JAwareness of the capacity of the wide.
equipment. @ The radio controlled crane operator shall
always be in position for the best view of
J Knowledge of safety problems when mak-
the crane.
ing lifts below floor level. @ Never operate the crane blindly. Always
4Knowledge of hazard in making side pulls. keep the crane and the load in sight, and
Maintaining a safe distance for operator stay as close as possible to the load.
and/or co-workers from load.
Use of proper signals when a second per- Radio Control Box (Transmitter)
son directs the crane operator. If the control box has switches, they will be of
4 Inspection of wire rope, hooks, and other the dead man type (spring return to off). The
crane components. antenndhandle should act as a guard for
4Knowledge of procedure for testing hoist, these switches to prevent accidental move-
trolley and bridge brakes. ment of the switches. These switches must
never be mechanically blocked in an on
528 OVERHEAD CRANES Radio Comtral
The master channel on the radio control box 2. The limit switches must never be used as
must always be turned off when the box is not a stopping device. They are designed to
in use. be protective devices only.
A prescribed storage space shall be pro- 3. If so equipped, the bridge and trolley
vided for the radio control box. It shall always brakes must be tested at the beginning of
be placed there when not in use. This pre- each shift or when a new operator takes
caution will prevent unauthorized people control of the crane. They are tested with
from operating the crane. the bridge and trolley at low speed.
The master channel must be turned off when 4. When lifting maximum, or near maximum
the operator is putting on the control box and loads, the operator shall test the hoist
belt assembly or taking it off (fastening or un- brakes by raising the load a few inches
fastening the carry support straps). from the floor. If the brakes do not hold,
the load shall be immediately lowered to
Radio Controlled Crane Operation the floor and the problem reported imme-
1. The crane limit switches shall be checked diately.
at the beginning of each shift or when a 5. Operators should never make lifts in ex-
new operator takes control of the crane. cess of the rated capacity of the overhead
To avoid injury or equipment damage in crane, or the rigging equipment.
the event of an accident while checking 6. When making lifts, the trolley should be
the limit switches, the hoist should be cen- centered directly over the load. This will
tered over an area free of personnel and prevent swinging when the load is raised.
OVERHEAD CRANES Radio Control 529
7. When raising or lowering a load, proceed 12. When the crane is traveling with a hang-
slowly and ensure the load is under con- ing load, the operator shall sound the
trol. Tag lines must be used to control long warning device frequently.
or awkward loads. Raise by taking the 13. If the radio crane operator is being as-
slack out of the chains or slings gradually. sisted, the operator shall not move the
Make sure all personnel are clear before crane until an all clear signal has been re-
making a lift. ceived from the assistant.
8. Side pulls should be avoided. If such a lift 14. If personnel are in the path of travel, the
is necessary, it must only be with the per- operator must stop and clear the area be-
mission of supervision. The operator shall fore proceeding.
not be positioned in the line or path of 15. Bumping into runway stops or other
travel of the load, but shall operate the cranes on the same runway is prohibited.
crane from a position either to the side or 16. The crane must not travel with slings,
behind the line of travel. chains, etc. dragging on the floor.
9. The crane operator shall keep all body 17. When moving the crane, the operator
parts away from the load and shall never must ensure that the hook block, and any
be positioned under it. attachments or slings will not snag floor
10. Never make a lift or move the crane if equipment. Wire rope and other slings
anyone is in a position to be injured. will slingshot when broken by
11. The operator of a crane transporting a overtension.
load must ensure the load is not carried
over floor personnel.
18. All loose material or parts must be re- When plugging, the operator must pause
moved from the load, or secured, before on 1st point in the direction opposite to
starting the lift. Loose material can shake travel. If the crane is traveling in the for-
free and fall, striking personnel below. ward direction, the operator must pause
19. The radio operator shall maintain a safe for a second or two on I st point reverse
distance when another stationary crane when plugging.
on the same runway has a hanging load. 23. The load must always be raised high
20. If the radio controlled crane operator is enough to clear everything below.
asked to do something that is believed to 24. Where gloves are not required for safety
be unsafe, the operator shall refuse to reasons they shall not be worn when op-
perform the task, and call supervision for erating the radio control box (the guard
advice. over the switches make the wearing of
21. The crane operator must never permit gloves very difficult).
anyone to ride on the load or the hook. 25. If there is a power failure, all switches
22. Plugging shall not be used as a regular must be positioned in the off position.
means of stopping the radio crane. It is 26. If the crane fails to respond correctly, the
intended for emergency stops only, ex- operator shall stop operation and turn off
cept when authorized by qualified super- the master channel on the radio control
vision. Caution must be used when box. The condition must be reported im-
plugging with the radio control box. mediately.
27. Outside cranes subjected to movement 2. The crew leader shall turn off the master
by weather conditions must be securely channel on the radio control box and carry
anchored when left unattended. If the the box onto the crane. The leader shall
crane is equipped with bridge brakes, the board the crane first, open and lock out
parking brake should be set. the main switch, and then signal the other
members of the crew that it is safe for
Radio Controlled Crane Boarding them to board the crane.
The radio controlled crane shall not be 3. Warning signs shall be placed on the floor
boarded without a supervisor's permission. beneath the crane, or suspended from the
The person boarding the crane must turn off crane.
the master channel on the control box and 4. Safety belts shall be worn by the crew if
carry the box onto the crane. the work is to be done in areas of the
When several people board the radio con- crane other than those protected by stan-
trolled crane, one person shall be responsi- dard handrails.
ble to see that all personnel are off the crane 5. All tools and equipment must be moved
before the control box is returned to onto the crane by the use of handlines.
operation. The tools and equipment should be ade-
quately secured.
Radio Controlled Crane Repair 6. If it is necessary to energize the control
1. When the repair crew consists of several circuits on the crane, the crew leader will
people, one person shall be designated open all power circuits to the motion
as the leader. switches before closing the main switch.
7. If during the course of repairs, it becomes Bumpers suitable for crane protection
necessary to move the crane, it shall be should be installed on the exposed side of
the responsibility of the leader of the re- the crane under repair, at a minimum dis-
pair crew to see that everyone, plus all tance of 20 feet (6.1 m). The bumpers
tools and equipment are in safe positions shall be indicated by red lights placed to
before the crane is moved. be clearly visible to other persons operat-
8. Headroom is at a minimum in certain crane ing cranes traveling on the same runway.
cabs and crane walkways. Caution When it is impossible to use bumpers for
should be exercised by people boarding protection, red lights must be placed in
such cranes, and hard hats should be clear view of other persons operating
worn. cranes on the runway to indicate the re-
9. If any other cranes are operating on the pair or restricted travel zone. It is desir-
same or adjacent runways, all operators able that such red lights be located a
must be notified prior to the start of re- minimum of 20 feet (6.1 m) from the crane
pairs. This notification should include the under repair. All operators of cranes on
nature of the repair, safety features pro- the same runway must be thoroughly in-
vided, as well as the limitations of other formed on the repair work, and the safe
crane movements. operating procedures for other cranes.
10. Cranes which must be positioned for re-
pairs and cannot be moved must be pro-
tected against bumping by other cranes.
11. When a runway is positioned adjacent to Radio Contmlled Crane as a Work Plat-
that of the crane being repaired, and if any form
hazard exists involving repair personnel, When the radio controlled crane is to be used
the adjacent runway should be blocked as a stationary platform for work on the build-
off in accordance with the preceding para- ing or structure, the lockout rules outlined
graph. When it is necessary to continue previously will apply.
operation of the cranes on adjacent run- When using the crane for this purpose and
ways, warning lights must be installed the crane has to be moved, the operator
clearly visible to persons operating such must position himself on the crane with the
cranes on the adjacent runways and iden- radio control box. The operator must ensure
tifying the restricted area. Cranes on the that all persons working on the crane are in a
adjacent runways should come to a full safe position before moving the crane to the
stop prior to entering the restricted area next working station. It must also be the oper-
and only proceed through this area upon ator's duty to ensure that the main switch is
receiving permission from a signal man open and locked before work is resumed af-
posted for this purpose. ter each movement.
12. Upon completion of repairs, it shall be the
responsibility of the crew leader to ensure Radio Control System
that all personnel are off the crane and in Most radio controlled cranes will have a se-
a safe position before removing the main curity start system somewhat similar to the
switch lock and putting the crane back following points. This particular system can-
into operation. not be activated until eight conditions have
been met.
1. All signals must be within the pass band of Not only do the eight conditions have to be
the master receiver. achieved but also three different frequencies
2. The Safety Channel must be present. are needed to start the system.
3. A second channel (usually alarm) must be
mesent. Radio Control Box (Transmitter)
4. A third channel (usually a motion second @ If the control box is equipped with
speed) must be present. switches they should be of the dead man
type. The handle acts as a guard for the
5. All signal amplitudes must be above the
switches to prevent accidental movement
minimum level.
of the switches. The switches should
6. All signal amplitudes must be below the never be blocked in an opened position.
maximum level. The handle swivels for easier use when
7. All signals must be present simulta- operating the controls. The handle pro-
neously. tects the controls if the box is dropped.
8. All signals must be maintained for approxi- @ If the box has control knobs, they should
mately three seconds. have different shapes to help the operator
identify by feel the motor control that is be-
Note: The above eight steps illustrate ing activated. The box is usually light,
how the system is fail-safe and specifies weighing between 8 and 10 pounds (4 kg)
why it is unlikely the eight conditions and is either worn on the chest or the hip
could be matched by any outside of the operator.
in terfererace,
OVERHEAD CRANES Radio Control - 535
@ Theboxfeaturesakeylockwhichmust RadioControlBoxStartingPro~edore
be turned off when the crane is not in use. 1. Insert key and turn it in a clockwise direc-
The key must be turned to the off position tion. Turn the red toggle switch to the on
when the operator is putting the box on or position.
taking it off. 2. Depress start button and hold for 2 to 3
@ The radio control box must always be seconds. The siren will sound and the
placed in the prescribed storage place green light on the backside of the cab will
when not in use. come on indicating the system is ready for
The operator should use one hand when operation.
engaging the controls. Using the controls
with both hands should only be performed Special Considerations For Operation
when necessary and after considerable @ The radio control box is not a toy and must
practice by the operator. be handled with a sense of responsibility.
@ Only authorized, trained personnel
should operate a radio controlled crane.
@ The operator with the radio control box is
responsible for its use. The operator must
not tamper with the transmitter box. Do
not open the box. The transmitter box
must be kept in a secure area. The box
and key should be stored separately.
536 OVERHEAD CRANES Pendant Controls
Pendant Controls dk? Pendant Control Safety
A gantry hoist or over- Knowledge of the crane movements while
head crane operated using a pendant control is extremely impor-
with a hanging pendant tant. The operator must be aware of the three
has the same three movements, bridge, trolley, and hoist, and
movements as any the load position at all times. Don't try to do
other type of control; things too quickly.
however, with smaller The button or control positions must be
gantries or monorails memorized, as the operator may be in a criti-
the pendant may only cal hoisting operation and should not take his
control the hoist
up-down. The pendant
is either remote control
1' ( @ I (!I or her eyes off the load.
The pendant control does not have a foot
brake to stop the bridge motion. Therefore,
or hard wired into the unless the bridge has a brake controlled by
hoist apparatus. If hard : the pendant stop button, or a brake operated
wired, the pendant F when the bridge button is released (kill
must be supported to switch), the bridge must be stopped by either
avoid strain on the coasting or plugging. Plugging is not recom-
electrical connections. mended with some types of pendant cranes.
A push button type Safety regulations require the pendant con-
pendant is shown in il- trols to be kept clean, free of anything that
lustration #521. might cause the buttons to stick, and the but-
Illustration #521 -
Push Button Pendant ton labels must be legible.
- -

OVERHEADCRANES Pendant Controls 537

Pendant Control of Movements Note: EOT pendant cranes should be
T h e pendant controller box with a tested for limit switches, load brakes and
push-button panel is suspended from the travel at the beginning of each shift, simi-
crane by a cable and control wires, unless it lar to a cab mounted crane.
is a wireless remote. Bridge Travel
The push buttons are of the dead man type, The pendant control has push buttons that
which means they will pop back to the off po- determine the bridge travel. Depressing the
sition when finger pressure is released. direction button controls the movement of
The operator, by pushing the proper buttons, the bridge, and pressing harder on the button
controls the movement of the bridge, trolley, controls the speed of the bridge. Releasing
or hoist. A point that inexperienced operators the button cuts the power, and the bridge
may not realize is that increasing pressure comes to a stop. Careful control of the bridge
on the button will increase the speed. speed and stopping can only be performed
Wearing gloves may compound the opera- by the careful judgement of the operator. Af-
tors problems. ter an operator gets the feel of the control, the
By releasing the button, the motion is bridge can be moved or stopped with
stopped. Careful control of these motions is accuracy.
in the hands of the operator. When starting to Trolley Travel
move the crane, the operator should signal to Operation of the trolley by the pendant con-
persons in the area that the crane is moving. trol buttons is similar to the bridge except the
A light, bell, or horn are some of the usual trolley runs back and forth on the bridge rails.
warning devices. The trolley supports the hoist motor drums,
gears of the hoist and hoist block and hook.
538 OVERHEAD CRANES Pendant Contsrsls
Depressing the button for direction of trolley Spotting Movements
travel controls the speed and stopping of the a. Move bridge over load pick up area
trolley. b. Move trolley over load pick up area
It is possible to move both the trolley and the c. Lower hoist down to pick up
bridge simultaneously, although this takes Control of Swinging Movements
some operator skill and practice. a. Control swing with bridge
Hoist Movement b. Control swing with trolley
Operation of the hoist by pendant control is c. Control swing with bridge and trolley
accomplished by depressing the buttons for Movement of Bridge and Trolley with
raising or lowering. Hoist Lowered
In lowering, a heavy load may have a tend- a. Around floor objects
ency to overcome the lowering speed and a b. Be aware of surrounding workers
different motor action has to take place to Material Handling
slow the hoist motion. a. Proper use of slings
Pendant Control Summary b. Test hoist brakes
Operations Safety Awareness c. Plan movement of materials
a. Check main switch to hot rails d. Use hand signals
b. Check pendant control e. Use of tag lines
c. Test hoist limits f. Remove slings when finished
d. Check bridge movements and drift Crane Parking
e. Check trolley movements and drift a. Move crane to safe parking area
f. Test crane brakes b. Shut off and lock out power
- -
Cab Controls
Cab Crane Controls The cab may be positioned with a right or left
Cab Controls and Layout fading position, or center facing. (See illus-
There are two basic overhead crane cab de- tration #522-)
signs. The cab is either attached to the trolley The primary advantage of the cab is that the
and moves in and out across the bay open- operator is up over the load and usually has a
ing, or it is attached to the bridge and moves good overall view of the load and the sur-
up and down the length of the bay. rounding area.
n n

Left Hand Cab

@lsb Right Hand Cab

Center Cab
Illustration #522 - Operator Positions
OVERHEAD CRANES Cab Contpsls / Bridge
The two main disadvantages are depth per- Smaller cranes have two wheels connected
ception difficulties while looking down and by a common driveshaft driven by a motor.
possible view obstructions from larger loads. Larger cranes are driven by two or more mo-
Until the beginning of the computer era, the tors wired to a common controller.
operating of larger types of overhead cranes Bridge Mowment
was done exclusively by an operator sitting The control is often mounted at right angles
at electro-mechanically designed controls to the hoist and trolley controllers. The han-
that required constant maintenance. dles, when moved to the right or left, auto-
Many older cranes still function quite well matically indicate the direction of travel of the
with this type of controls. However, many crane along the runway. See illustration
new cranes, as well as older retrofitted #523.
cranes, are equipped with microprocessor If mounted with handles operating parallel to
type controls similar to those mentioned ear- the hoist and trolley controllers, it is always
lier in the Digital Keypad portion. advisable to check the direction of travel by a
This section will cover the basic operating small movement of the controller, as control
procedures using the older controls for the arrangements and control direction move-
bridge, the trolley, and the hoist. ment will vary from crane to crane.
The bridge motion may be free-running and
Overhead Crane Bridge not be equipped with limit switches at each
The bridge travels on a rail structure at- end of the runway to cut off power and stop
tached to structural steel. There are wheels the crane. Bumpers are usually attached on
(or tandem wheels) on each corner. the outside corners of the crane, see illustra-
tion #524.
OVERHEAD CRANES Cab Controls / Bridge 541



illustration #523 - Bridge Control Position Illustratisn #524 - Bridge Bumpers

These bumpers should not be depended Bridge Contro/lers

upon to stop the crane. They are a safety If the crane is equipped with manual control-
measure only to protect the end of the build- lers, accelerate the bridge gradually by mov-
ing or another crane on the same runway. ing the control handle, point by point, in the
When approaching the extreme end of the desired direction. Correct acceleration will
runway, bring the crane to a stop. Then re- eliminate spinning the bridge wheels and al-
start and move slowly until the bumper low the load hanging down from the hook to
touches. gather momentum at the same rate as the
crane to prevent swinging.
542 OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Controls !Bridge
lnterm Steps
It will also prevent the motor and crane from
undergoing unnecessary stress.
If a magnetic control is used, the master
switch may be moved at once to the full on
position, as proper acceleration is automati- FULL

cally supplied by the accelerating relays.

When an operator changes from a crane with Point-by-Point
a manual control, it must be remembered
Speed Cannot
that acceleration with a magnet control is be Forced
provided automatically in proportion to the
ability of the motor to gather speed and move
the load. Speed cannot be forced. See illus- Illustration #525 - Manual Controller
tration #525.
Do not operate the bridge over long dis- The bridge controller is designed for slow
tances up and down the runway with the con- starting on the first point with a gradual in-
trol handle part way between the off and full crease in speed and motor torque as the
on positions. This heats the controller exces- handle is notched along to the full on
sively. If the bridge is traveling too fast, return position.
the controller to off and coast. Re-apply As shown in illustration #526, the bridge
power as needed. structure is long and narrow, not compact
like the trolley which carries the hoisting
OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead ~ o n t r o l s
/ Bridge 543

illustration #526 Hydraulic Brake System
544 OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Controls I BridgelBraking
The bridge is heavier than the trolley and The proper method for stopping the bridge
also has to carry the weight of the trolley plus motion will vary in different plants and crane
the load. It must be started and stopped types. The variations are due to:
slowly to avoid misalignment or skewing of @ Length of the crane span.
the bridge. Care in operating the bridge will @ Type of bridge construction.
not only keep maintenance down, but will @ Gearing between the motor and bridge
also result in easier operation for the crane wheels.
operator and those working on the floor @ Speed at which the bridge will travel with
through reduced load swing and overall control on the last point.
smoother handling. @ Type of control (manual or magnetic) by
which the bridge motor is operated.
@ Size and weight of any load.
Bridge Braking System
Because of the variations listed above, there
Note: A N S V O S M C H S safety regula- is no standard rule for stopping the bridge
tions require a brake for the bridge mo- drive. For an operator unfamiliar with a
tion of aN overhead and gantry cranes, crane, questions should be asked about the
except those which have a non-coasting proper stopping procedure before starting to
mechanical drive. A bridge brake for cab operate. Even if the operator changes
operated cranes is usually hydraulic. cranes in the same plant, it is advisable to
Other types of cranes will have an auto- ask which method should be used on the
matic electric-released, spring-applied new crane.
brake. See illustration #526 for a typical
hydraulic brake system.
OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Controls / Bridge 545
Generally, the preferred method of stopping Before this stopping method is permitted, the
cab operated cranes is by using the foot plugging relay and resistor drift point must be
brake. properly adjusted to take care of the plugging
After the bridge is moving under power, the operations. See illustration #527 for a typical
controller should be brought to the off posi- reverse plugging and control system.
tion as the stopping point is approached. Al- When properly adjusted, this automatic fea-
low some distance to coast without power to ture of the control can be advantageous in
reduce speed then apply the foot brake stopping the crane. Similar to a manual
gradually. bridge controller, some distance should be
Note: Avoid the practice of pressing the allowed to coast with the power off before us-
foot brake so hard that the wheels skid ing the plugging feature.
This will cause flat spots on the wheels, Drive Wheels
making the crane hard riding and also re-
u / \u

sults in more difficulty in positioning the -2-

crane over a load.

Bridge Plugging Hydraulic

Where the bridge is operated by magnetic Bridge Control
holding brakes with drift point, the bridge Panel (r-p)
may be stopped by the use of reverse power
(or plugging).

Resistor I
Master Switch
Hydraulic Brake
Foot Pedal

Illustration #527 - Reverse Plugging System

546 OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Controls l Trolley
The operator's foot should be within easy
reach of the brake foot pedal so the brake Trolley
can be applied immediately in case power
should fall at the moment plugging starts.
Failure to apply a foot brake in time can result
in a serious accident. The foot brake should
be used frequently even though plugging is
permitted. The brake must be checked regu-
larly. The operator should report immediately
any improper adjustment or response that is -
llllustration #528 Crane Trolley
detected on the brake during normal opera-
tion. Bridge controller or master switches for The trolley may be free-running and, due to
the bridge motion are usually mounted in the momentum, might continue to coast after
cab, adjacent to the trolley controller. power is cut off from the motor.
On equipment where roller bearings have
Overhead Crane Trolley been mounted to reduce friction, the coast-
ing ability of the trolley has increased
The trolley is a wheeled structure containing
the hoist assembly that runs back and forth
on rails on top of, or underslung from, the Electric brakes, keyed to the trolley-motor
crane girders. See illustration #528. The trol- shaft, are installed on some crane trolleys.
ley motor is usually geared to one of the ax-
les with a wheel at each end.
OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Controls / Trolley
The electric brake o~eratesautomaticallv
Operating Steps are
similar to the hoist-;notor brake. POW& Developed by Practice
through the motor releases it. When power is Interim Steps
cut off from the motor, the brake is automati-
Bridge FUL
cally applied by a spring to stop the trolley.
When the power is off, the brake is set and WI ON

keeps the trolley stationary.

Note: A trolley brake is mandatory on cab
operated cranes when the cab is attached
to the trolley either as a trailer type or Operator
overhanging type. On other types the trol-
ley brake is optional. ----V
Illustration #529 - Trolley Controller Movement

Trolley Controller
The trolley controller is generally mounted
adjacent to the hoist controller. It is usually a Controllers are designed to allow slow start-
straight lever which is pulled toward the oper- ing on the first point in either direction. Ad-
ator to bring the trolley in, or toward the cab vancing the controller toward the "full-on"
end of the crane. The controller is pushed position, either forward or backward, in-
away from the operator to move the trolley creases the speed at which the trolley moves
away from the cab toward the opposite end on the crane rails.
of the crane. See illustration #529.
548 OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Controls I Trolley
Centering the Trolley Using the second, third, or succeeding points
The trolley is spotted approximately over the on the controller will stop the trolley more
load, and the operator's hand stays on the quickly, but may cause the trolley wheels to
trolley control handle to make any slide, resulting in higher loads on the motor
re-adjustment necessary to position the trol- and the trolley mechanism. See illustration
ley exactly over the load. Exact positioning of #530.
the crane for a vertical lift is the duty of a A manual controller carries main power cir-
signalperson. After hook up, the hoist ropes cuits directly to the motor. The position of the
must be perpendicular to the floor and the control handle determines the amount of cur-
load lifted in a vertical line. rent or power to the motor. When the mag-
netic-contactor control is used, a small
Controller Plugging master switch allows the operator to choose
Reverse power is applied to the trolley motor the forward or reverse direction desired. The
to stop a moving trolley which is not equipped main power circuits to the motor are made by
with a brake. This is done by moving the trol- the magnetic contactors on the control panel.
ley control handle in the direction opposite to The closing of these connectors is controlled
which the trolley is traveling. by automatic relays which govern accelera-
When the trolley stops, the control handle tion or plugging operations to the motor- See
should be centered at the off position. illustration #531.
Under normal conditions, it is recommended
that the first point of the controller is used to
plug the motor to rest with reverse power.
OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Controls / Trolley 549
Controller Lever

Stationary Contacts
h yarns ,Star Wheel

7 Contacts

Steel Ball

Illustration #530 Controller Full On illustration #531 - Controller Contacts

By this automatic method, the motor cannot Trolley Stopping

be given too much plugging current when On most cranes, there are no limit switches
bringing the trolley to rest by reverse power at the end of the crane to cut off power and
regardless of whether the master handle is stop the trolley motor. A stop or bumper is
on first, last, or intermediate points. When usually welded to the girder to keep the trol-
the trolley stops, the master switch handle ley from rolling too far. See illustration
must be returned to the off position or the trol- #532A. A seldom used trolley wheel stop is
ley will start to accelerate in the opposite shown in illustration #532B.
550 OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Controls l Trolley

(A) pg2;;<b to Girder

Then, slowly approach the stop by moving
the control handle on and off. Do not forget
the coasting ability of the trolley. When the
trolley touches the rail stops, the controller
should be centered in the off position.
, I Wheel Stoo

Note: Do not operate the trolley over long

Stop Runway
distances of travel with the conltrs! han-
(seldom dle on intermediate points as this heats
up the motors. Some trolleys equipped
Illustration #532 - Trolley Stops
with roller-bearings tra we1 very easily. If
the trolley runs too fast with the controller
on the last point, do not move the control
When stops are used, extreme care should handle to an intermediate point Bring it
be used to avoid striking these at high speed all the way back to the off position. Let the
or the trolley may be derailed. trolley coast, and then stop at the desired
If it is necessary to run the trolley against the point by reverse-power plugging.
rail stop in order to make a lift at the extreme
end of the crane, it is recommended that the
trolley be brought completely to rest a suit-
able distance from the end.
- - -

OVERHEADCRANES Overhead Controls I Hoist 551

Overhead Crane Hoist
The hoist assembly consists of the electric
motor, speed reducer, hoist brake, drum,
wire rope, hoist block, and hook. The motor
and the drum mounting frame are attached to
the trolley. Larger cranes may have two or
more hoists. See illustrations #533 - #535.

u - -
Illustration #535 Double Trolley Single Hoist (Each)

Hoist Controllers (Lifting)

Hoist controllers are usually equipped with
vertical handles and arranged for lever oper-
ation, moving toward and away from the op-
- -
Illustration #533 Single Trolley Single Hoist erator. Pulling the handle forward raises the
hook and pushing the handle away causes
the hook to lower.
In the up direction, illustration #536, the hoist
motor has to lift the load against gravity. This
means that it will require more power to start
a heavy load than a light one; also a heavy
load will hoist more slowly than a light one.
- -
Illustration #534 Single Trolley Double Hoist
552 OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Controls / Hoist
Handle position 1 (first point) slow speed, ?' '
low torque (or power) is supplied to start Trolley 2)St //
the empty hook up smoothly.
Handle position 2 (second point) gives an Bridge
increase in speed for the empty hook be- WISE

ing hoisted, or more torque for smooth

starting of a medium size load which was
too heavy to start on first point. I 1 Controller

Handle position 3 (third point) gives a fur- Operator

ther increase in speed for the empty hook -
illustration #536 Point by Point h
and pick-up in speed for the medium load,
or still more power for smooth starting up
of a heavy load which, due to its weight,
would not start on the first or second con-
troller point.
Fourth and remaining handle positions
give further increases in speeds until the




full on position is reached which gives the

maximum speed at which the motor will I
hoist the load.
lilluslration #537 Point by Point Lowering
Hoist Controllers (Lo wering) Dynamic Lowering
1. On first point lowering, all loads will start To prevent heavy loads from lowering too
slowly. Use this point to inch the load quickly, two systems are used. Both are
down. If the controller is allowed to stay on automatic.
this point, the heavy load will reach a One method is a mechanical load brake
higher maximum speed than the empty which is built into the drum mechanism to
hook or a light load. limit the maximum lowering speed of the mo-
2. On second point lowering, an increase in tor under any condition.
speed of all loads will be obtained. The other dynamic lowering method is elec-
3. Third and remaining points will give further trical. It is an automatic feature of the control-
increase in speed, until the motor is run- ler which drives the empty hook or light,
ning at the highest speed, with the con- non-overhauling load down and holds back a
troller in the full on ~osition.
heavy, overhauling load.
4. When lowering very heavy loads, it is rec- When the operator is lowering9and any
ommended that intermediate speed overspeeding is detected on any lower-
points be used. This slower speed re- ing point (with any type of load and with
duces strain on the hoisting mechanism either system), the fault should be re-
and wear on the brake when the load is fi- ported at once to the supervisor. The load
nally stopped. It helps to ensure more ac- brake may need adjustment, the resis-
curate control by being able to stop the tor-tap connections may have been dam-
heavy load more quickly when necessary. aged or tampered with. The hoist may be
unsafe a n d should be repaired
OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Controls 1 Hoist
Dynamic lowering is a modern feature and is Inching a Load
in use on the majority of cranes in service. When a heavy load is suspended from the
The following comments apply specifically to crane hook, the first two hoisting points of the
cranes equipped with dynamic lowering con- controller give reduced motor power for
trollers. The same comments, however, ap- smooth starting of light loads or an empty
ply to cranes equipped with a load brake and hook. If the load is to be raised above its sus-
operated by reversing controllers. pended position, remember which control
point was required to make the motor start
Raising Heavy Load when the load was first raised off the ground
When raising a heavy load, use the first point and go to that point quickly; otherwise the
of the controller to take the slack out of the hook may lower due to the weight of the load.
wire rope. This will avoid whipping and im- For this reason, it is desirable to inch a heavy
pact loading. When the wire rope is taunt, ad- load down, rather than up.
vance the controller slowly until the load When possible, hoist above the landing point
starts to rise. Then move the controller point and lower into position.
by point, until the full on point is reached. When lowering a load, reduce speed as the
Note: Ensure the hoist brake will hold a landing point is approached by returning the
heavy load. Test it after the load has been controller toward the off position. To set a
lifted a short distance. Id the brake will not load down carefully, it is advisable to stop the
hold, lower the load to the floor at once motor when the load is a few inches from the
and call the supervisor or repairman to ground.
adjust or repair the hoist brake.
OVERHEADCRANES Overhead Controls I Hoist I Summary 555
Then restart the motor and use the first point Summary of Crane Movements
of the controller (or first point and off, re- Power:
peated as needed) to lower the remaining Check the controls to see if they are in the
distance. off position.
When making fractional movements to Close the main bridge switch.
position a loa4 move the controller to Push the on button; power is now on.
first point lower, and pause only an in- Proceed with crane operation.
stant before returning the controller to
the off position. Avoid excessively rapid Hoist:
movements of the controller between Test hoist limit switch.
these two points. Operating too fast will Check the hoist brake by raising the hoist
not allow time for the magnetism in the up rapidly, then shut off the power well be-
electric holding brake to build up to the low the limit block to see how far the hoist
releasing point; operating too slow may will drift and make sure the brake holds.
allow the load to lower too farrn Slowly hoist the block to the limit switch
just below the drum.
A few practice movements will enable a per- 1. Raise slowly to see where the hoist block
fection of this positioning operation. Definite, stops.
short movements will please the ground 2. If the limit switch stops the hoist block at
crew and eliminate unnecessary wear on the the right position, lower and then raise the
crane controller. block rapidly to check limit switch shut off
and drift of hoist.
556 OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Controls I Hoist I Summary
3. If the limit switch stops the hoist block well Coordination of Three Movements
below the drum, lower the block to a safe It is sometimes necessary to operate both
position. the hoist and trolley controllers while lower-
ing down to hook onto a load. One hand is
Bridge: kept on the hoist control handle to always be
@ Operate bridge control to move bridge in position to stop the hook and the other
over the center of the load. hand is on the trolley controller to adjust the
@ Test bridge brake. trolley movement so that it will be centered
@ Check the bridge drift after shutting off the directly over the load.
bridge control. At times, while still positioning the trolley and
Note: Motor and resistors will overheat in lowering the hoist, it will be necessary to
a few seconds if the crane bridge or trol- bridge slightly to the left or right to get the
ley is operated at intermediate speed. Al- hook in proper position.
ways go to the full on position. To make this extra move, it is recom-
mended that the hand be transferredfrom
Trolley: the trolley controller to the bridge con-
@ Operate trolley rack to center of load posi- troller. Always keep the one hand on the
tion. hoist controller to stop the hook or load
@ When trolley is centered directly over the instantly when necessary.
load, operate either the main hoist, or the
auxiliary hoist, depending on the capacity
of the load to be lifted.
CRANES Overhead Controls 1 Moverments 557
Obviously these three positioning move- Swinging Load
ments can be done individually, however as Stopping a load from swinging quickly after
operators become experienced they are able having traveled some distance and ap-
to operate the crane controllers with all three proaching the point where the load is to be
motions simultaneously. After the load has landed, requires an experienced operator.
been raised to a sufficient height to pass See illustration #538.
safely over all floor obstacles, the trolley is Swing is the result of the flexible connection
started in or out, being careful not to pass between crane and load.
over workers below. At the same time, the Applying power to the bridge motor starts the
bridge motion is starting to move the crane crane immediately, but the load lags slightly
up or down the runway. behind with the hoist wire rope at an angle to
the perpendicular. When the crane is slowed
Note: The trolley or bridge motions most down or decelerated by the footbrake, mo-
not be started mtil the load is off the mentum of the load does not slow it down im-
ground and will safely pass by, or over, mediately. The result is a load that swings
floor equipment or obstacles. ahead in the leading position and exerts a
pulling force on the crane.
An experienced crane operator takes advan-
tage of this leading pull by the load to prevent
the hook from swinging back and forth when
the crane is completely stopped.
558 OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Controls / Movements
Instead of permitting the load to go past the At the instant the load is directly above the
landing point and then swing back and forth discharge point, the crane is accelerated
several times until it comes to rest in a per- quickly with forward power so that it catches
pendicular position between the crane gird- up with the load. Then both load and crane
ers, the operator stops the crane a short can be stopped simultaneously directly over
distance before the final stopping point is the place where the load is to be spotted.
Accelerate and Stop
Gradually to Avoid
Swinging Loads

Illustration #538 Swinging Loads
OVERHEAD CRANES Controls / Movements / Signals 559
Note:Coordinatedoperationspeedsup StandardHandSignals
production, but it is recommended that Note; Crane operators must observe sig-
this not be done until the operator has be- nals only from persons duly authorized
come very familiar with the crane and for crane service, and under no circum-
knows the time required to safely allow stance is a load to be moved until the sig-
any of the motors to run before it is neC4?S- nal is received from the proper person.
sary to shut off power or stop motion.
The standard hand signals are shown in illus-
When practicing coordinated movements of tration #539.
the three motions, new or inexperienced op-
erators should only do so when traveling
without a load and when there are no other
cranes close by on the same runway.
The movements may also be practiced with-
out power on the motors; the various control
handles being operated exactly as though
the crane were in motion.
560 OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Crane Signals


Arm extended, palm

Illustration #539 Hand Signals
OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Crane Magnets 561
Hoisting With A Magnet @ Never sling another load to the hook with
@ Never use the magnet as a hammer or a the magnet attached.
battering ram to break up packed mate- @ Never transport anything on top of the
rial. A hard blow can break a magnet. magnet.
@ Keep the magnet as dry as possible. Do Prevent unnecessary swinging of the
not cool it off with water. Store it under magnet when traveling with a load.
cover and off the ground. @ The operator must acknowledge that the
@ Keep the terminal box closed. Do not al- power has been disconnected before
low it to get wet. hooking or unhooking magnet plugs.
@ Keep the chain links greased. This pre- @ Lift, move, and lower the load as soon as
vents friction and wear. possible (and as safely as possible). The
@ Watch the temperature when handling longer the power is on, the hotter the mag-
hot material. Switch to a spare magnet if net will get.
one overheats. Extreme heat will damage @ When loading a rail car, the signalperson
a magnet. must be positioned in front of the crane
@ Lower the magnet to the ground or on the but at the far end of the car.
load carefully. Broken magnets are diffi- @ Protect the electrical components. No-
cult and costly to repair. tify supervision if the controls do not
@ Check the magnet bolts for tightness. respond correctly. Defective parts
Loose bolts allow moisture to get in, re- may cause the load to drop urnexpect-
ducing safety and efficiency. edly.
@ Never use magnets to transport oxy-
gen or other high pressure cylinders.
562 OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Crane Magnets

Keep Power
Return Trip

Smaller Piles

illustration #540 - Magnet Use Illustration #541 - Magnet Parts

OVERHEAD CRANES Hoist Assemblv 563
Hoist Assembly
The hoisting assembly is made up of an elec-
tric motor, drum, wire rope, the load block
and hook. The wire hoist rope is securely at-
tached to the drum (illustration #542). The
applicable safety regulations will specify how
many wraps of wire rope must be left on the
drum with the block at its lowest position. The
wire rope usually rides in the grooves in the Type A Type B Type C
Illustration #542-Wire Rope to Drum Attachments
drum (illustration #543), and is then reeved
through a set of blocks. Depending on the
crane capacity, there may only be two parts
of line, or two dozen or more (illustration
Trolley Gage
#544). The hook, with a 360 degree swivel, is
attached to the lower block. Depending upon
the crane capacity, some types of block can
be very large (illustration #545). The hook
also has a latch guard to prevent slings from
slipping out. When using a sister hook (illus-
tration #546), the load must be balanced on 1 Drum Has Left and I
Right Hand Grooving
each side.
Illustration #543 - Left and Right Drum Grooving
564 OVERHEAD CRANES Hoist Assembly

Long Type Block

Requires much more Headroom
lllustration #545 - Short and Long Blocks

lllustration #546 - Sister Hook

Illustration #544 Reeving Examples
~VERHE~ DANES Hoist Assembly 565


Rope Dia. Weight per Foot (Ibs) Improved Plow Steel (tons) Extra IPS (tons) Super Tensile Extra Super T
(inches) Fiber Core Wire Core Fiber Core Wire Core Wire Core Wire Core Wire Core
1I 4 0.105 0.116 2.74 2.94 3.40 - -
5116 0.164 0.180 4.26 4.58 5.27 - -
318 0.236 0.260 6.10 6.56 9.55 - -

7116 0.32 0.35 8.27 8.89 10.2 - -

1I2 0.42 0.46 10.7 11.5 13.3 14.6 -
9116 0.53 0.59 13.5 14.5 16.8 18.5 -

518 0.66 0.72 16.7 17.9 20.6 22.7 24.3

314 0.95 1.04 23.8 25.6 29.4 32.3 34.6
718 1.29 1.42 32.2 34.6 39.8 43.8 48.6
1 1.68 1.85 41.8 44.9 51.7 57.5 63.0
1 118 2.13 2.34 52.6 56.5 65.0 71.5 80.0
1 114 2.63 2.89 64.6 69.4 79.9 87.9 97.5
1 318 3.18 3.50 77.7 83.5 96.0 106.0 117.0
1 112 3.78 4.1 6 92.0 98.9 114.0 125.0 139.0
1 518 4.44 4.88 107.0 115.0 132.0 145.0 -

1 314 5.15 5.67 124.0 133.0 153.0 168.0 -

1 718 5.91 6.50 141 .O 152.0 174.0 191 .O -
2 6.72 7.39 160.0 172.0 198.0 218.0 -

Table #69 - 6 x 37 Wire rope

566 OVERHEADCRANES Hoist Assembh / bimlt Switch
Hoist Wire Rope Hoist Limit Switch
Due to its flexibility the hoist wire rope is usu- To prevent pulling the load block up into the
ally the 6 x 37 classification. The wire core drum, all overhead cranes should be
type is preferred over fiber core as it is stron- equipped with a type of limit switch. Older
ger, does not crush as easily on the drum, cranes may have some type of mechanical
and is better for high heat applications. See switch, such as a paddle or lever type, a
table #69 for the nominal strength of 6 x 37 weight on the wire that trips a counterweight,
wire rope. The B30 ANSI standards specify or a rotating gear type attached to a shaft in
the maximum load on the wire to be: the hoist. Some newer or reconditioned
The load weight plus the hook block weight cranes may have a limit switch controlled by
divided by the number of parts of reeving microprocessors.
shall not exceed 20% of the wire rope nomi-
nal strength. This is a 5 to 1 design (safety)
pf Power Type Limit Switch

Block Will Drift to Here When
Hoisting the Empty Hook at
Note: If the block weight is not known, the
total weight of the load and the block is ill stop Here When Motor is
at Full Load Speed and
sometimes calculated at 0 h e s the
road weight
Limit Stop Operates When
Weight is Raised to this Point
Illustration #547 - Limit Switch Drift
OVERHEAD CRANES Hoist Limit Switch 567
Limit switches disconnect power from the All EOT cranes should have limit switches to
motor and automatically set the electric hold- prevent excessive upward travel, however, it
ing brake. is possible that a downward switch was not
When the limit switch has tripped, reverse installed. If the motor is allowed to run after
the controller to lower, using an inching the hook touches the floor, the wire rope will
movement until the limit switch is reset. run off the hoisting drum and then wind up in
Some types of limit switches not only discon- the opposite direction. If this occurs, stop im-
nect the motor from the line, but bring it to a mediately. Reverse winding of the wire rope
quick stop b y a n electrical braking on the drum may damage the rope and could
connection. also make the upper limit switch inoperative.
This avoids excessive drift and permits the If the rope is allowed to continue to wind up in
limit switch to be adjusted for close clearance the reverse direction, the hook will run
between the hook block and the drum, mak- against the drum, break the rope, and drop
ing high headroom available and eliminating the load which will damage the crane and in-
frequent limit switch operation when high lifts jure personnel below. Special attention
are numerous. should be given to the possibility of this prob-
lem when working in areas which are below
Downward Limit Switch floor level.
When a lower limit switch is required, it will Note: The crane hoist should be set up to
usually be the rotating type which will stop have at least the minimum number of
the lowering movement after a set number of wraps remaining on the drum, required
revolutions. by the applicable safety regulations,
when the hook is at its lowest position.
568 OVERHEAD CRANES Hoist Limit Switch
Limit Switch Guidelines Move the crane to a clear space where
The following or similar guidelines regarding the hook block will not injure anyone or
limit switch testing are followed by many damage equipment below if the block
companies. They have been prepared to falls.
provide the operator with a definite proce- Raise the block up to a point just below
dure to follow. The knowledge that the limit where the limit switch normally operates
switch is in good working order should be and bring the hoist controller to the off po-
helpful throughout the operators shift, as the sition.
danger of an overhoisting accident will be 0 Proceed carefully into the limit switch, us-
considerably reduced. ing the first point hoisting. If the limit
At the beginning of each shift, it is recom- switch is operating properly the hoist will
mended that the operator regularly check the stop and the controller should be cen-
working condition of the limit switch by run- tered at the off position.
ning the hoist block up carefully. The limit The operator must closely watch the hook
switch is a safety device and should never be block during this test. If it does not stop
used to stop the hoist motor. A cautious oper- within the proper clearance between hook
ator will avoid this practice by stopping the block and hoisting drum, the hoist motor
hoisting motion with the controller, allowing must be stopped by the controller in-
the limit switch to act only in an emergency. stantly. The faulty switch must be exam-
Proceed as follows to test the hoist limit ined and repaired or reset by a qualified
switch... person.
& ,

OVERHEAD CRANES Hoist Limit Switch 569

@ If the limit switch operates satisfactorily The hoist motor should be brought to a com-
under the conditions described above, plete stop a suitable distance before entering
the hook block should be lowered about the limit switch. Proceed to hoist until
halfway to the floor. stopped by the limit switch, using the first
The hoist controller should then be moved controller point or the slowest speed point
to the last hoisting point and the hook which will raise the load.
block allowed to go into the limit switch at
full speed. Do not use the hoist limit switch as a
@ Should any inaccuracy by the limit switch means of stopping the hoist motion.
to stop the hoist be detected, the condi- It is a safety device for the protection of
tion must be reported at once. Excessive the operator, fellow workers, the crane
hoist drift may be caused by the hoist and surrounding equipment, and should
brake being out of adjustment, or due to be reserved for emergency use only.
improper operation of the limit switch. The
weights o n weight-operated-type
switches must always hang in their proper Note: Never change the height of the trip-
position. ping weight or make special high lifts un-
@ There may be occasions when it is neces- less this change is made under qualified
sary to purposely lift to the highest possi-
ble height. If this happens, proceed as
570 OVERHEAD CRANES Limit Switch / Hoist Brakes
Geared Limit Switch Note: OCHSIOSHA safety regulations re-
The adjustable geared limit switch opens the quires each independent crane hoist to
hoist circuit when the bottom block reaches a have at least one holding brake and one
preset upper limit, and opens the lower cir- control braking means.
cuit when the bottom block reaches a preset
lower limit. The limit switch is driven by the
hoist drum, and is actuated after a predeter-
mined number of drum revolutions.
Both the hoist and lower circuits are con-
nected through sets of normally closed con-
tacts in the limit switch. Both the upper and
lower limits of bottom block travel are preset
at the factory.

Hoist Brakes
To hold a load stationary when the hoist con- -
Illustration #548 De-Energized Brake

troller handle is in the "off" position, a brake is

keyed to the shaft of the hoist motor that is lo- The brake is released electrically (by the cur-
cated on the trolley. The brake is automatic, rent through the motor) when the controller
and is applied by a spring when the power is handle is moved to raise or lower the load.
off. See illustration #548.
Hoist ~ r ~ k /eOverload
s 571
For safety reasons some cranes, particularly Hoisting Overload Protection
those of large capacity, have an additional Safety regulations prohibit the loading of a
brake keyed on the drum or to the gearing crane beyond its rated capacity. Many peo-
between motor and drum. In these cases, ple assume that a dropped load is the result
both of the brakes work simultaneously and of equipment failure. While this is true in
automatically by the motor current. See illus- some cases, most loads are dropped for rea-
tration #549. sons that could have been avoided. The rea-
sons are often from damaged wire rope due
to rope abuse, such as bad spooling. Other
reasons are sudden overloads caused by
two-blocking and load snatching, as well as
lifting over-capacity loads. Rope damage
from the drum can be reduced by frequent in-
spections and ensuring the equipment is
working the way it is supposed to, and also
avoiding side pulls or lifting swinging loads. A
sudden overload is an operating problem
caused by an inexperienced or careless op-
erator. Overloads are avoided by knowing
Illustration #549 Energized Brake the weight or by having the crane equipped
with an overload device.
Overload Detection An overload device that can shut down the
There are a variety of devices manufactured hoist or activate an alarm when an overload
by a number of companies that can show the occurs can be set or programmed to a set
weight of a load. These can range from a ba- limit. These devices can be attached with
sic scale or dynamometer between two shackles in the load line or can be clamped
shackles in the load line just above the load onto the load line. The modern types are
hook (illustration #550) giving a digital read- equipped with microprocessorsfor exact set-
out to the person who hooked up the load. tings. See illustration #551 for two examples.
A more advanced type has a remote readout
for the operator in the cab.

Illlustration #550 - Dynamometer Examples illustration #551 - Overload Protection Switch Examples
OVERHEAD CRANES Overload I Pre-operation Inspection 573
The older types are mounted on the hoist as- Pre-operation Inspection
sembly, and generally are not totally accu- The operator should visually inspect the
rate. See illustration #552 for equalizer arm crane on each shift indicating conditions that
and spring mounted examples. are satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The opera-
Force Control
tor should lock out the main switch on the
Switch crane, and place his lock and tag on it. The
Hinged Equalizer, crane conditions should be checked off on a
list designed for this purpose. Any unsatis-
Pivot Point
factory condition that needs attention should
be immediately reported to the supervisor in
Checklist items would include:
J Walkway, hand rails on bridge: Check
Equalizer Arm for loose floor plates, debris, bolts,
Hinged Equalizer
welding rods, oil grease.
J Controls located at walkway: Open
cabinet, check for heating of wires,
coils or burnt contacts.
J Resistance grids: Check for broken,
cracked, loose connections; check and
remove if welding rods or any metal ob-
jects are laVing on grids
Illustration #552 - Equalizer Arm & Spring Detection
574 OVERHEAD Pre-operation Inspection
4 Check bridge conductors. 4 Load Wsok Check for cracks or bends,
4Check drive motor and line shaft, also also check safety latch.
check wheel grease. 4 Fire extinguisher: Check seals to see if
J Ensure collectors are in place. they are broken. If so replace with full
4 Trolley rails: Check for wear or flat extinguisher.
spots. 4 Before removing the lock and tag from
4Trolley motors: Check both main hoist the main switch, check the controllers
and auxiliary brushes on commutator, in cab.
and/or slip rings for burning or pitting. 4 Try the controls for movement to
4 Check motor bearing for grease. positions.
4Check gear boxes for lubrication. 4 Check function of digital controls.
4 Brakes: Check both bridge and trolley. 4 Bridge brake: Depress foot pedal.
4Trolley conductors and collectors: 4Remove lock and tag, then close the
Check for wear or loose or dislodged switch.
collectors. 4 Check bell, gong, sirens, lights, or any
J Drum rope: Check for wear, kinks or alarm systems.
other faults. 4 When check list is completed, turn it in
J Hoist block sheaves: Check for wear, to the supervisor.
pitting, misalignment.
Table #70 shows a pre-operational checklist.
~VERHE~ D ES Pre-operation Inspection 575

Place an (X) on the item or items that require service.

( ) A- Crane signal lights and sounding device ( ) M- Battery test on radio transmitter control box
( ) B- Loose parts and material removed from (radio control crane only)
walkways and platforms ( ) N- Fire extinguisher for cab operated cranes
( ) C- All guards (gear) in place ( ) 0- Check rigging equipment (pendant and radio
( ) D- Limit switch cables crane operators)
( ) E- Main hoist cables, block and sheaves ( ) P- Lubrication
( ) F- Auxiliary hoist cables, block and sheaves ( ) Q- Fluid levels (gear boxes and hydraulics)
( ) G- Bridge brake ( ) R- Proper spooling on drums
( ) H- Trolley brake ( ) S- Wheels, shafts and couplings
( ) I- Main hoist limit switch (visual inspection)
( ) J- Auxiliary hoist limit switch ( ) T- Electrical system (visual inspection)
( ) K- Hook latch ( )u-
( ) L- Controls sticking ( ) v-
(cab, pendant & radio operated) ( )w-

Use alphabet letters when remarking on the above items.

Table #70 - Pre-operation lnspection Checklist

576 OVERHEAD CRANES Operator Awareness Rules
Operator Awareness Rules 10. Ensure there is no loose object on the
I . Do not move the load or the crane unless load.
the floor signals are clearly understood. 11. Signal the alarm when approaching
2. Signals to be given only by one person. workers below.
3. Start and stop slowly. 12. Never stop suddenly by using either the
4. Be careful that the load does not swing to brake or the plugging motion, except in
injure anyone on the floor. an emergency.
5. Never pick up a load greater than the ca- 13. Stop on emergency signal at all times, no
pacity of the crane. Double check the load matter who gives it.
weight, and the crane capacity if unsure of 14. Never bump or move another crane
either. when it is under repair.
6. Never operate when in doubt of the load 15. Avoid side pulls (illustration #553):
condition, or in doubt of the crane condi- a. Under no circumstances are side pulls
tion. permitted.
7. When raising, lowering, or moving the b. Center the crane over the load before
load, ensure that it will safely clear nearby hoisting to avoid swinging the load as it
equipment. comes off the floor.
8. Make all moves slowly to prevent swing- c. Loads should not be swung by the
ing loads. crane to reach areas not under the
9. Personnel are not permitted to "ride" on crane.
the hook or the load. d. Crane hoisting ropes must be kept
OVERHEAD CRANES Awareness Rules !Crane Safety 577
16. Cooperate with those hooking on the Crane Safety Summary
load. The operator and those on the floor 1. A crane's operation from initial start to run-
are a team handling a valuable piece of ning speed to stop is regulated by the con-
equipment. Never let it become a hazard. troller one step at a time.
17 . Never do anything that is not safe. 2. When the drift of crane motions are known,
less braking and/or plugging is needed.
WIGHT WRONG 3. Full speed should always be the rate of
travel; unless jogging js necessary for
some movements. Less than full speed
operation must be used with extreme care
as the motors and resistors will heat.
4. Warning devices shall be activated when
the crane is in motion to alert personnel of
crane movement.
5. The crane shall never be overloaded, ex-
cept for test purposes.
6. All load hoisting shall be made with the
hoist ropes in the vertical position. Never
illustration #553 - Avoid side-pulls
pick up loads that may swing out of con-
7. Side pulls should never be attempted. If 14. If the block is lowered too far and the rope
necessary, use a snatch block to drift the begins to rewind in the opposite direc-
load. tion, stop immediately and ensure that
8. All lifts shall be made slowly to remove all the rope is properly rewound.
slack from hoist ropes. 15. Never move magnetic held loads over
9. Loads that are unsafe should never be personnel or equipment. A power loss
moved. Long extended loads should have will drop the load.
a hand line (tag line) attached to keep the 16. Hot metal should never be carried over or
movements under control. near personnel.
10. Signals for crane movement are only 17. Bumpers should not be used to stop
given by one person. crane travel. Do not bump another crane
II.When an emergency stop signal is given on the runway.
by anyone it must be obeyed. The crane 18. When carrying a load with the weight
is not moved until a signal is given. shared by the main hook and the auxil-
12. Under normal operating conditions, only iary hook, the load must be balanced be-
the authorized operator shall be on the fore traveling.
crane. The exceptions are for mainte- 19. Outside cranes must be secured when
nance and repair, or operator trainee in- unattended due to the possibility of wind
struction. damages.
13. Do not lower the block below a point 20. All cranes must have a fire extinguisher
where less than the minimum wraps of readily accessible.
rope remain on the drum.
OVERHEAD CRANES Crane Safety 579
21. Hand signals must be in accordance with 25. All danger and warning signs are for per-
prescribed standards, unless radio, tele- sonnel safety and protection. They are to
phone, or other communications are be obeyed at all times.
supplied. If other signals are to be used, 26. All main switches must be opened and
they must be agreeable to the signal- tagged by the people who will work on
person and the crane operator. the crane. This is for their protection and
22. Cranes and their trolleys and hoists must for the protection of others who may
be marked as to rated load. come in contact with the equipment.
23. Maximum loads shall not be moved until
the hoist brakes are tested by raising and
holding the load a short distance above Housekeeping & Fire Hazards
floor level. If the brakes do not hold, do Crane operators are responsible for
not lift and travel with the load. Notify su- keeping their crane cab clean.
pervision immediately. @ Sweep the cab on every shift.
24. When lifting magnet leads that are to be Operators should refrain from littering the
disconnected for repairs or for other rea- cab.
sons, the magnet main switch must be @ Cab windows must be kept clean at all
opened by the operator and notice given times. Dirty windows minimize visibility
that the switch is open before discon- and increase the possibility of an acci-
necting the leads. dent. Report any broken windows as soon
as found.
588 OVERHEAD CRANES Crane Safetv
If, after cleaning, such conditions occur
again, operators should notify the proper su-
pervisor so that arrangements can be made
to repair the cause of such leakage.
Fire on cranes is hazardous to personnel
and usually results in extensive operating
delays by damage to complicated electrical
Standard safety practices are:
@ Keep the crane bridge and the trolley free
of oil, grease, litter, and dirt accumulation.
@ Keep the crane cab free of rags, waste,
wood, oil, or other combustibles. Clothing
should not be kept in the cab.
Illustration #554 Keep Cab Clean
@ Maintain the required stock of fire
@ Debris of any kind must not be allowed to extinguishers, stored neatly and ready for
accumulate on cranes. This includes pop use. It will be the responsibility of the op-
bottles or cans, bolts, nuts, welding rod erator to report to supervisors when fire
stubs, etc. fighting equipment has been used.
Be on the alert for grease or oil spots on @ Inspect the electrical system regularly for
crane runways, walkways or stairs. These hot connections, overheated wires or re-
are hazardous and must be cleaned up. sistors and insufficient insulation.
OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Crane Lockout 581
If it is necessary to carry lubricating supplies T i switch musf be locked out and
on the crane, a suitable container must be tagged by the supervisor in charge. The
provided and located a safe distance from power switch must also be opened,
the cage and other vital areas of the crane. locked and tagged by personnel inspect-
ing the crane. The tags and locks are only
removed when the inspection is finished.
Overhead Crane Lockout If another crane is being operated adjacent
A lock-out procedure must be established to the crane being inspected, lights and pen-
and strictly followed prior to any inspection of nants must be used to warn all inspection
EOT cranes. All applicable plant personnel and operation personnel. Travel from the in-
should be notified of this inspection and they spection area into the working crane area
should be notified of the results. should be avoided.
If other cranes are operating on the same If a crane requires moving as part of the in-
runway, bumpers are placed 20 feet (6.1 m) spection process, a crane operator must be
from the crane on either side. Danger flags in the cab, and all persons alerted to this
andlor lights, or a flagperson must be posted movementm
to warn approaching cranes. The floor area Table #71 shows the suggested frequency of
below the crane must be roped off with pen- inspection.
nant warning lights. Table #72 shows a sample mechanical
If this is the only crane on the runway, pull checklist.
the main switCh to kill power to the run- Table #73 shows a sample electrical
way conductors. checklist.
OVERHEAD CRANES Freauencv of Inspection


Crane Use
Components Continuous Intermittent and Standby
Hoist System Inspect monthly Inspect before each return to
Motor Shaft & Couplings service, then monthly during
Hoist Gearing period when crane is in service.
Drum, Drum Shafts & Bearings
Sheaves & Pins

Hoist Motor Brake(s) Inspect monthly Inspect weekly during period when
Rope Damage - such as worn, cut, crushed, crane is in service.
kinked, unstranded, corroded, loss of
lubricant, bird-caged, heat damage,
welding arc...

Hook - cracked, bent, spread Inspect at start of each Inspect before each return to
Limit Switches (per ANSI B30.2.0) operating shift service, then at start of each
Reverse reeving (check hoist direction) operating shift.

All other crane components See ANSI B30.2.0

Table #71 Inspection Frequency
OVERHEAD CRANES Meckaanieal Checklist 583


firequires additional daily inspection

requires monthly inspection & lubrication

Items not marked to be inspected and

lubricated every six months.

Table #72A Mechanical Checklist
584 OVERHEAD CRANES Mechanical Cheeklist


* requires additional daily inspection

sl requires monthly inspection & lubrication

Items not marked to be inspected and

lubricated every six months.

Table,#72B Mechanical Checklist (continued)
OVERHEAD CRANES Electricall Checklist 585

: . Eogo m.o' .-
E . E E a
+j .-&%.=$%$ 5 $
i z g z ge!g$.E
=L$.-m- + j . v,~ a
% a =ss mn,,.5 c 0
cz s2
~ - ~
g :9
c -,an

A.H. limit switch contacts

requires additional daily inspection

Items not marked to be inspected and

lubricated every six months.

Table #73A Electrical Checklist
586 OVERHEAD CRANES Electrical Checklist


* requires additional daily inspection

Items not marked to be inspected and

lubricated every six months.

Table #73B Electrical Checklist (continued)
OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Crane Testing 587
Overhead Crane Testing Hoist Test:
A crane must never be loaded beyond its I . Place the master switch in 1st point hoist
rated capacity during normal operation. position.
This limitation is an ANSl/OSHA/OCHS 2. Observe the contactor for proper se-
regulation. Using a crane above its rated quence and direction of hoist drum rota-
capacity for other than test purposes may tion. Increase the speed gradually if
void the warranty, invalidate the user's in- operating correctly.
surance, and present a severe safety
3. If the hoist contactor and rotation is not
correct, shut-off the power, reverse the
The normal 125% test bad shall be han- two leads on the main line collectors or on
dled for bona fide test purposes only. the hoist motor (whichever is incorrect), to
obtain the correct phasing. Restore the
Preliminary Test (without reeving): power and repeat steps 1 and 2.
The preliminary test is done before the hoist 4mAfter checking the hoisting motion, return
block is reeved. Test the various motions as the master switch to neutral position and
follows: observe the braking action. Readjust if
Close the runway disconnect switch. needed.
o Close the main crane disconnect switch.
@ Close the individual motor and accessory 5. Place the master switch in lower 1st point
switches (if used) in that order. and observe if correct motion and
contactor sequence occurs.
6. Reset hoist timers if necessary.
7. Speed points are for accelerating only and 4. Adjust end limit switch trip (if used).
should not be used for running full speed 5. Reverse the master switch and repeat
over a long distance. The maximum time steps 1 through 4.
for acceleration is 1 5 seconds unless spe- 6. Reset the trolley timers if needed.
cial equipment is provided. If held on full
speed for a longer time there may be re- Bridge Motion Test:
sistor damage. 1. Place the master switch in I st point
8. If the crane is equipped with an auxiliary bridge travel position.
hoist the check is the same as the main 2. Observe contactor sequence and direc-
hoist. tion of travel through the full range of mas-
Trolley Motion Test: ter switch. Reverse the phasing if
1. Place the master switch in I st point trolley necessary.
travel position. 3. Allow the bridge to move the entire length
2. Observe contactor sequence and direc- of the runway, watching the alignment of
tion of travel through full range of master main collector pole and runway conduc-
switch. Reverse the phasing if necessary. tors, and also for any interference with the
building or equipment. Do not run bridge
3. Allow trolley to move the entire length of into end stops.
bridge span, watching alignment of trolley
collector pole and bridge conductors, and 4. Adjust end limit switch trip (if used).
also for any interference with the building 5. Reverse master switch and repeat steps
or equipment. Do not run the trolley into 1 through 4.
end stops. 6. Reset bridge timers if needed.
Overhead Crane Testina - - - - --

Crane Testing (Limit Switch) No-Load Test - Lower Limit Switch

No-Load Test - Upper Limit Switch: If the crane is equipped with a lower limit
1. After reeving the hoist, test the operation switch, proceed as follows:
of the hoist limit switches. 1. Lower the empty block until a minimum
2. Raise empty block to within approximately two wraps of rope remains on each end of
2 feet (600 mm) of its upper position. the drum.
3. Raise empty block at the lowest speed un- 2. Set lower limit switch to trip at this point,
til the limit switch trips and stops the hoist- or any position which is higher.
ing motion. Watch for proper alignment 3. Never lower the block beyond the point
between load block and limit switch trip (if when the minimum wraps remain at each
used). end of the drum.
4. Ensure the block stops at the correct
height as shown on drawings. Adjust limit Crane Testing (Load Test)
switch if necessary. -
Load Test With Load
5. Lower the block approx. 5 feet (1.5 m). After completing the no-load running test, the
6. Raise block at about half weed. crane should be tested with loads in the
Check for adequate clearance between following manner:
block and trolley frame (or upper 1. Raise a load equal to about 50% of the
sheaves). rated capacity no higher than necessary
to clear the floor (or load's support) and do
Repeat points 5,6,7 with the block being
the following steps:
raised at full speed.
a. Adjust brakes if necessary.
590 OVERHEAD CRANES Overhead Crane Testing
b. Raise the load approximately 3 feet (900 d. Transport the load in the other direction
mm). with the trolley at the other end of the
c. Lower the load about 12 inches (300 crane.
mm) and stop. e. Reduce the amount of bridge and/or
d. Check the load drift while stopping. If motor travel when it is not reasonable
load drifts, brakes are not properly ad- or prudent due to personnel or equip-
justed. ment on the floor.
e. Repeat the test until the brakes are f. Lower the load carefully onto its sup-
properly adjusted. ports. Never raise or lower a load more
f. Lower the load carefully back to the floor than two feet (600 mm) at reduced
or its supports. speeds, except with creep-speed con-
trol, as the resistors and/or hoist motor
2. The crane will now be tested with a maxi-
may overheat.
mum 125% test load.
g. If the crane is equipped with a creep
a. Hoist the load high enough to clear ob-
speed control, it should be tested for
structions but no higher than neces-
approximately two feet (600 mm). The
creep-speed drive is designed for con-
b. Move the trolley across the entire span tinuous operation and prevents over-
of the bridge. heating problems which can occur with
c. Transport the test load with the bridge other types of controls when operated
for the full length of the runway in one at less than full speed.
direction with the trolley at one end of
the crane.
OVERHEAD CRANES Cab Boarding / Crane Securing 591
Note: In accordance with regulations Crane Cab Boarding
a. A test load shall not be less than Note: An operator approaching a crane to
100% of the rated load of the crane, begin work should not attempt to board
or more than 125% of the rated load the crane unless the crane is at its autho-
unless otherwise recommended by rized platform and the operator coming
the manufacturer off duty is exiting the crane at the board-
ing point, Or is at ground level=
b. The final load rating should not be
mom than 80% of the maximum load Note: inspect the crane at the beginning
sustained during the test of each shift,,
Do not operate the crane if:
Note: The testing process listed above is 1. The limit switch fails-
a guideline which will suit most EOT 2. The wire rope is damaged or out of the
cranes, however cheek with the specific drum groove.
crane manufacturer's fnanual if it is 3, The stitus lights do not work.
a wailable. 4. The brakes fail to work.
592 OVERHEA%$CRANES Outdoor Storage Bridge Cranes
Overhead Crane Securing Outdoor Storage Bridge Cranes
Bridge: Park the crane only at its authorized Outdoor Storage gantry types of cranes fall
boarding platform. under the guidelines of ANSI 530.2.
Trolley: Secure the trolley next to the cab. They may be equipped with:
Hoist. Raise the hoist block to a position just a- Remote operated rail clamps or an equiva-
below the limit switch. lent device. A parking brake is considered
Controls: Position all controls to off. as minimal compliance with the ANSI reg-
Main Switch: Open the main switch. Lights: ulation.
Turn on red light. Turn off heater or air condi- b. A wind indicator, giving visible and audible
tioners. Place bridge brake in park position. warning to the operator when wind
Disembark Ensure the crane will not be reaches a predetermined velocity (usu-
bumped by another crane. Step off the ally 45 mph I70 kmlh), must be provided.
crane. Secure the crane entrance with a c. The rail clamps must only be applied when
chain or gate to prevent others from stepping the crane is not in motion.
off platform. Turn in the checklist. d. When rails are used for anchorage, they
must be secured to withstand the resul-
tant forces applied by the rail clamp. If the
clamp acts on the rails, any projection or
obstruction in the clamping area must be
SECTION ELEVEN QUESTIONS 5. A "mobile straddle lift gantry crane ' is usually used for

what purpose?
Overhead Cranes B in a steel foundry
0 in a manufacturing plant
1. Determine if this statement is true or false. Because they in a ship repair yard
are easy to operate, overhead crane operation seldom l l for moving shipping containers
requires operator certification. 6. Determine if this statement is true or false. The "Bridge,
true 0 false Trolley, and Hoist" are the three basic components of an
overhead crane.
2. A crane operating continuously at high speeds with
capacity loads would most likely be of what '%lass"? true C% false
0 A2 7. Keypad Adjustable Frequency Controls are used with
BB what control method?
BD cab mounted controls
E hanging pendant controls
3. Determine if this statement is true or false. Monorail and walkabout remote controls
jib cranes usually have more lifting capacity than a typical CB all of above
overhead crane. 8. Determine if this statement is true or false. A
0 true B false disadvantage of a Keypad Adjustable Frequency control
is that it cannot be programmed for what is known as a
4. A "mobile straddle lift gantry crane" will run on:
soft start or stop.
0 a jib B true II
0 rails
O rubber tires
0 none of above

Section 11 Overhead Cranes Page Q11-1

Section 11 Overhead Cranes Page Q11-2

9. Older types of remote controls can be dangerous for 13. When a crew is repairing a radio controlled crane, who is
what reason? responsible for the control box?
I3 range too short D designated repair crew member
O range too long I3 any repair crew member
C l conflicting low operating frequencies a designated person not on the crane
0 conflicting high operating frequencies D the shift supervisor
10. When operating a radio controlled crane, the operator 14. When hoisting in a critical load situation with a pendant
must never operate the crane: control crane, what procedure should be followed so the
I3 at night operator can keep his eyes on the load?
I3 blindly have a second person advise which button to push
0 without a load memorize the button positions
0 without a signalperson I3 stop and start with each separate movement
I3 all of above
I I. What must happen to the transmitter box to avoid injury
to personnel working in the vicinity of a remote control 15. Determine if this statement is true or false. The primary
crane that is not in use? advantage to a cab-controlled crane is a good overall
esl antenna handle blocked open view of the load.
0 box placed in a secure location I3 true D false
operator must carry box at all times 16. Determine if this statement is true or false. The two
0 none of above disadvantages to a cab-controlled crane are possible
12. Determine if this statement is true or false. If a radio depth perception difficulties and view obstruction with
controlled crane fails to operate properly, all movements large loads.
must stop immediately and the master switch be turned 13true I3 false
true B false
A condition caused by possible rough operation whereby 2 7. Positioning the bridge and trolley over the load for
the crane girders are not perpendicular to the runway hoisting is called:
resulting in one end being ahead of the other is called: B centering
0 inching B aligning
idling t3 hooking
CJ plugging B idling
C$ skewing
22. Determine if this statement is true or false. For overall
Determine if this statement is true or false. All cab efficiency, a load should be moved with the controller on
operated cranes should be stopped by using the same a continuous intermediate point.
basic operation method, Cs true 0 false
CBI true t
3 false 23. When hoisting, which position of the hoist controller will
When slowing or stopping a cab-controlled crane bridge result in the slowest speed?
or trolley with reverse power (when the crane controls e7 first position
are designed for this purpose), the movement is called: B second position
B inching third position
0 idling I3 fourth position
24. Determine if this statement is true or false. On 3rd point
l l skewing
hoisting, the load will increase in speed for light loads
Determine if this statement is true or false. The plugging and starf to move with heavy loads.
operation is best achieved on controller points 3 and 4. 0 true B false
B true CI false

Section 11 Overhead Cranes Page Q11-3

Section 11 Overhead Cranes Page Q11-4

25. Determine if this statement is true or false. On cranes 29. Determine if this statement is true or false. A slow start
equipped with a dynamic lowering system, a light load is and a quick stop of the bridge is the best way to prevent
allowed to move while a heavy load is held back. a load from swinging.
true C! false tl true false
26. Determine if this statement is true or false. To ensure the 30. Which of the following is a hazardous practice when
hoist brake will hold a heavy load, the operator should lift using a magnet for hoisting?
the load a short distance then stop and check the brake. cool off with water
0 true 13false tl allow to get excessively hot
27. Which term is used to describe very short load
I3 hoisting of high pressure cylinders
movements during hoisting operations? all of above
CI inching 31. Determine if this statement is true or false. Overhead
tl idling crane hooks do not require a safety latch.
O plugging IIi true 0 false
0 skewing 32. Determine if this statement is true or false. A double hook
28. As the operator in a cab can only move two control is called a sister hook.
handles at the same time, one hand should always be on true I3 false
33. Determine if this statement is true or false. The minimum
C1 bridge controller number of wire rope wraps to remain on the hoist drum
trolley controller may vary and should be determined by the applicable
B hoist controller OCHS/OSHA department,
0 true tl false
34. Determine if this statement is true or false. A 6 x 37 wire 37. What is the purpose of a hoist limit switch?
rope classification has good flexibility and is generally CI prevent overloading
suitable for use on overhead cranes. C3 prevent pulling load block into drum
Cs true LTB false e3 prevent excessive bridge travel
35. The hoist wire rope on an overhead crane will typically prevent excessive trolley travel
have a working load limit (safety factor) of: 38. The hoist limit switch operation should be checked:
3to1 D each shift
4to1 B daily
5to1 I l weekly
CI 1 0 t o 1 Cs monthly
36. Referring to the chart on page 176, what is the nominal 39. Determine if this statement is true or false. Two possible
breaking strength in tons for a 1 inch diameter Improved methods of overload detection for overhead cranes are a
Plow Steel, wire core rope? dynamometer attached to the crane hook or an in-cab
eS 41.8 computerized digital readout.
C3 44.9 • true €3false
C3 57.5

Section 11 Overhead Cranes Page Q11-5

Section 11 Overhead Cranes Page Q11-6

40. All overhead cranes should have a visual inspection on 42. Under what circumstances can an overhead crane lift
what regular basis? 125% of its rated load?
B every shift CB for test purposes only
C31 every week B after approval by the superintendent
every month C4 on written approval by the OCHSIOSHA
CB every year department
41. What process must be followed prior to inspecting an 43. Determine if this statement is true or false. An outdoor
overhead crane? storage bridge crane must be equipped with a parking
l l lift hoist to highest level brake or rail clamp for use when the crane is sitting idle.
e notify supervisor Cs true 13false
ll7 turn off power
use a lockout procedure
594 APPENDIX Weights of Materials
Weiclhts Of Materials (Based on V[olume) Weiahts Of Materials (Based on Volume)
Ibs.per I bs.per
Material cu.ft Material cu.ft

Table #74 Weights of Miscellaneous Materials
APPENDIX Weights of Materials 595

- Of Materials (Based on Volume) Weiahts Of Materials (Based on Volume)
lbs.per Ibs.per
Material Material cu.ft
Portland Cement 94
Concrete-Stone 144
Concrete Reinforced 150
Earth-Dry, Loose 74
Earth-Packed. Wet 96
Gravel-Loose, Dry 110
Gravel-Packed, Wet 113
Granite 167
Limestone 165
Ibs x 27 = weight per cubic yard
Ibs x 35.31 = weight per cubic metre
Ibs + 2.2 = weight in kg

Table #74 (contd.) Weights of Miscellaneous Materials
Weight of Imperial and Metric Wein-
Concrete Bucket Sizes and Weights
Bucket Outside Loading Weight in pounds
Size Diameter Height I I

cu. ~ d . inches inches LW* GP* HW*

38 34 240 330
45 40 260 440
314 50 45 320 570
1 57-60 48-56 400 640 1910
1'12 60-64 54-61 490 776 2075
2 61-71 57-78 642 1123 2340
3 77 87 4230
4 77 102 5180
6 96 105 7200
8 96 123 8000
1 cu yd. = 0.76 m3 1 in. = 25.4 mm 1 pound = 0.45 kg
LW: Lightweight Buckets, useful with small cranes.
GP: General Purpose, low-cost bucket.
HW: Heavyweight Bucket, used for concrete with large
aggregates or low slump.
(Reinforced concrete - 150 Ib./cu, ft. = 4050 Ibs./cu. yd.
= 2403 kg/m3)

Table #75 Concrete Bucket Weights

Table #76 Weights of Rebar
APPENDIX Weights of Pipe 597'

14 54.57 72.09 36.71 45.68 54.57 63.37 85.01 106.13 130.79 150.76 170.22 189.15
16 62.58 82.77 42.05 52.36 62.58 82.77 107.54 136.58 164.86 192.40 223.57 245.22
18 70.59 93.45 47.39 59.03 82.06 104.76 138.17 170.84 208.00 244.14 274.30 308.55
20 78.60 104.13 52.73 78.60 104.13 123.06 166.50 208.92 256.15 296.37 341.10 379.14
22 86.61 114.81 58.07 86.61 114.81 197.42 250.82 302.88 353.61 403.01 451.07
24 94.62 125.49 63.41 94.62 140.80 171.17 238.29 296.53 367.45 -483.24 542.09
26 102.63 136.17 85.73 136.17
28 110.64 146.85 92.41 146.85 182.73
30 118.65 157.53 99.08 157.53 196.08
32 126.66 168.21 105.76 168.21 209.43 229.92 1
34 134.67 178.89 112.43 178.89 222.78 244.60
36 142.68 189.57 119.11 189.57 236.13 282.36
42 166.71 221.61 221.61 276.1 7 330.41
Pipe weights shown above are given in pounds per lineal foot of plain end pipe. To convert Ibslft to metric: 1 Iblft =
1.49 kglm

Table #77 - Weight of Pipes

598 APPENDIX Useful Formulas

e- 1 -+
?' Square
Area- xw
Perimeter = (I+w) x 2
Area = n; x ? o r IT x d'

Perimeter = n x d

Rectangle Ellipse
w Area=Ixw
jl Perimeter = (I+w) x 2 Cylinder
Volume = n; ? X h

Area = b x h
Perimeter = (b+s) x 2 Elliptical Tank
M Volume= Z x r x R x I

?"/T\T2 Trapezoid
Area = p
J xh
/ \L \& Perimeter = a+b+sl +s2 Volume = ( n ? x h)

Area = bxh
Perimeter = a+b+c

Table #78 Useful Mathematical Formulas
APPENDIX Weight of Steel plate - 569
Weight of Steel Plate

One Cubic Foot of Steel

weighs 490 lbs

Illustration #555 Cubic Foot of Steel -
Illustration #556 Area of Steel Plate

One cubic foot of steel plate = 490 pounds. Example:

490 I12 = 40.8 lbs1sq.ft.per inch thickness 4 ft. x 12 ft. x 7/8"steelplate.
This 40.8 lb./sq.ft. per inch of thickness is A=LxW
rounded off to 40 for convenience. A = 4 x 12 =48sq. ft.
Therefore every 'I8 inch of plate one foot Weight = Area x Wt. sq. ft.
Weight = 48 sq. ft. x 35 ibs./sq. ft.

square = 5 lbs.
@ '/811 = 5 1b~. '14'' = 10 l b ~ . = 1680 pounds.
31~"= I5 I ~ S . 1/211 = 20 I ~ S . Rectangular Container
@ 5/8" = 25 I ~ s . 3/411= 30 1b~. Weight = Area of All Sides (in sq. ft.)
@ 7/8" = 35 l b ~ . 1" = 40 Ibs. x Weightlsq, ft.
Area = Length x Width A = L x W Volume = Area of Base x Height
Weight = Area (in sq. ft.) x Weightlsq. ft. Weight of Contents = Cu. ft. x Weightlcu. ft.
600 APPENDIX Weight of Cylindical Objects

Weight of Cylindical Objects
Diameter ( 1 I+ Length 7 ]

lllustration #557 Neutral diameter of a Pipe L
Illustration #558 Surface Area of a Pipe

1. Measure thickness to get wt./sq.ft.

2. Measure neutral diameter 3. Circumference = Diameter x 3.14
1.4479 x 3.1 4 = 4.55ft.
3. Circumference =neutral diameter x 3.1 4.
4. Length = 20' - 9" = 20.75ft.
4. Convert circumference to feet
5. Area = Circumference x Length
5. Area = Circumference (ft.) x Length (ft.)
= 4.55 ft. x 20.75 ft.
6. Weight = Area in sq.ft. x Wt./sq.ft = 94.4 sq.ft.
Weight Example 6. Weight = Area x Wt./sq.ft.
18 inch pipe, 3/8"wall, 20' - 9" long = 94.4 sq.ft. x 15 lbs./sq.ft.
1. Wt./sq.ft. (318") = 15 pounds = 1416 pounds
2. Neutral diameter = 17 5/8"(1 '- 5 5/811)
1.4688 ft.
APPENDIX wei ghts of Structural Shapes 681
Weights of Structural Shapes Use of Equivalent Tables
Calculate the weight of each part and add For tables #6 to #9, units in the left hand col-
them together, or refer to a steel data book umn are equivalent to the number under
for weight per lineal foot of various structural each unit across the top.
shapes. For example in the length table, one m
(metre) in the first column of the length table
is equivalent to 39.37 inches under the
inches column.
In the tables, "scientific notation" is used to
express large numbers with several zeros.
To interpret these numbers, move the deci-
mal to the left or right as dictated by the
For example, 9.53 x 10 = 95300 (4 decimal
places to right).
A negative moves the decimal left.
Therefore 9.53 x 10 -4 = 0.000953 (4 decimal
places to the left).

illustration #559 Weight of Structural Shapes
APPENDIX Weights of Structural Shapes

Table #?9 Imperial-Metric Equivalents (Length)

1 Square inches 1 Square


Table #80 Imperial-Metric Equivalents (Area)
APPENDIX Weights of Structural Shapes 603
Cubic cm litres 1
Cubic rn Cubic Inches Cubic Feet US Gallon 1 Can. Gallon US Barrels /
Cubk cm



1 x l ~ 1~
x 1 03

1 10‘~
61.024 x
0.035315 x
0.2642 x
1 10-3- -

- A 0.21997 x
0.00629 x
Cubic rn 1 x lo6 1000 1 - 61023.744 35.3147 I 264.2 219.9694 6.29
Cubic 1.63871 0.0164 1.638706 x 1 5.787 x 1 o - I ~4.329 x 1 o - ~3.606 x 1 o - ~ 1.03 x 1o - ~
Inches lo-5
Cubic Feet 2.8317x1 o4 2.831 7x 10 2.8317 x 1 1728 1 7.48055 6.22888 0.1781 -_
US Gailon 3.785 x 1 o3 3.78541 3.785 x 10-3 231 0.1337 1 0.833 2.38 x 1 o - ~
Can. Gallon 4.5461~1 o3 4.54609 4.5461x 1 o 3 277.4193 0.1 605 1.20095 1 2.877 x 1 o - ~
US Barrels 158.98~1 o3 158.98 0.15898 9701.856 5.61 45 42 34.973 1

Table #81 Imperial-Metric Equivalents (Volume)

Table #82 Imperial-Metric Equivalents (Mass)
Weicshts of Structural S h a ~ e s
Decimal E guivalents Decimal Equivalents Decimal Equivalents
Fraction Decimal Fraction Decimal Fraction Decimal
1I64 0.015625 23/64 0.359375 45/64 0.703125
1I32 0.03125 318 0.375 23/32 0.71875
3/64 0.046875 25/64 0.390625 47/64 0.734375
1116 0.0625 13/32 0.40625 314 0.75
5/64 0.078125 27/64 0.421875 49/64 0.765625
3/32 0.09375 7116 0.4375 25/32 0.78125
7/64 0.109375 29/64 0.453125 51164 0.796875
118 0.125 15/32 0.46875 13116 0.8125
9/64 0.140625 31I64 0.48438 53/64 0.828125
5/32 0.15625 112 0.5 27/32 0.84375
11164 0.171875 33/64 0.515625 55/64 0.859375
3116 0.1 875 17/32 0.53125 718 0.875
13/64 0.203125 35/64 0.546875 57/64 0.890625
7/32 0.21875 9116 0.5625 29/32 0.90625
15/64 0.234375 37/64 0.578125 59/64 0.921875
114 0.25 19/32 0.59375 1 5116 0.9375
17/64 0.265625 39/64 0.609375 61164 0.953125
9/32 0.28125 0.625 31/32 0.96875
19/64 0.296875 41164 0.640625 63/64 0.984375
5116 0.3125 21/32 0.65625 1 1.ooo
21/64 0.328125 43/64 0.671875
11132 0.34375
Table #83 Decimal Equivalents
Bolt Head Markings

Wlarki -- ,
Specification Material

1 g-1 1
rki ,
ASTM-A 325
Type 3

ASTM-A 354
Grade BB
Atmospheric Corrosion
(Weathering) Steel,
Quenched and Tem ered
Low Alloy Steel,
Quenched and Tempered
ASTM-A 354 Low Alloy Steel,
Grade BC Quenched and Tempered

Medium Carbon Steel,

Quenched and Tempered

Low Carbon Martensite Steel,

Quenched and Tempered

Note: Ensure both nut and washer

match the applicable bolt and stud

ASTM Standards:
A 307 - Low Carbon Steel Externally and Internally Threaded Standard Fasteners.
A 325 - High Strength Steel Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, Including Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardened Washers.
A 449 - Quenched and Tempered Steel Bolts and Studs.
A 354 - Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts and Studs with Suitable Nuts.
A 490 - Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts for Structural Steel Joints.
J 429 - Mechanical and Quality Requirements for Externally Threaded Fasteners.

Table #84 Bolt Head Markings
686 APPENDIX Tightening Torque Guide

Tightening Torque Guide Tightening Torque Guide

SAE Grade 5 - Coarse Thread -
SAE Grade 5 Fine Thread
Clamp Plated Size Clamp Plain Plated
koad koad
8 ft. Ibs. 76 in. Ibs. 1/4- 28 (.250) 2,325 1Oft.Ibs. 87in.Ibs.
17 ft. Ibs. 13 ft. Ibs. 5116- 24 (.3125) 3,675 19 ft. Ibs. 14 ft. Ibs.
31 ft. Ibs. 23 ft. Ibs. 318- 24 (.375) 5,588 35 ft. Ibs. 26 ft. Ibs.
7/16- 20 (.4375) 7,575 55 ft. Ibs. 41 ft. lbs.
50 ft. Ibs. 37 ft. Ibs.
112- 20 (.500) 10,200 85 ft. Ibs. 64 ft. lbs.
76 ft. Ibs. 57 ft. Ibs.
9/16-18(.5625) 12,975 122 ft. Ibs. 91 ft. Ibs.
109 ft. Ibs. 82 ft. Ibs. 518-18 (.625) 16,350 170 ft. Ibs. 128 ft. Ibs.
150 ft. Ibs. 1 12 ft. Ibs. 3/4-16(.750) 23,775 297 ft. Ibs. 223 ft. Ibs.
266 ft. Ibs. 200 ft. Ibs. 718-14 (.875) 32,475 474 ft. Ibs. 355 ft. Ibs.
430 ft. Ibs. 322 ft. Ibs. 1 - 12 (1 .OOO) 42,300 705ft.Ibs. 529ft.Ibs.
644 ft. Ibs. 483 ft. Ibs. 1 -14 (1 .OOO) 32,275 721 ft. Ibs. 541 ft. Ibs.
794 ft. Ibs. 596 ft. Ibs. 1 118-12 (1 .I25) 47,475 890 ft. Ibs. 668 ft. I bs.
1120 ft. Ibs. 840 ft. Ibs. 1 1/4-12(1.250) 59,550 1241 ft. lbs. 930 ft. Ibs.
1470 ft. Ibs. 1 102 ft. Ibs. 1 3/8-12(1.375) 72,975 1672 ft. Ibs. 1254 ft. Ibs.
1 1/2-12 (1.500) 87,750 2194 ft. Ibs. 1645 ft. Ibs
1950 ft. Ibs. 1462 ft. Ibs.
- -
Table #$6 SAE Grade 5 Fine
- -
Table #$5 SAE Grade 5 Coarse
- -

APPENDIX Tightening Torque Guide 607

Tightening Torque Guide Tightening Torque Guide
SAE Grade 8 Coarse Thread -
SAE Grade 8 Fine Thread
Size Clamp Plain Plated Size Clamp Plain Plated
Load Load
1/4-20 (250) 2,850 12 ft. Ibs. 9 ft. Ibs. 114- 28 (.250) 3,263 14 ft. Ibs. 10 ft. Ibs.
5116-18 (.3125) 4,725 25 ft. Ibs. 18 ft. Ibs. 5116- 24 (.3125) 5,113 27 ft. Ibs. 20 ft. Ibs.
318-16 (.375) 6,975 44 ft. Ibs. 33 ft. Ibs. 318- 24 (.375) 7,875 49 ft. Ibs. 37 ft. Ibs.
7/16 -14(.4375) 9,600 70 ft. Ibs. 52 ft. Ibs. p
711 6-20(.4375)
pp 10,650 78 ft. Ibs. 58 ft. Ibs.
112-13 (.500) 12,750 106 ft. Ibs. 80 ft. I bs. 112- 20 (-500) 14,400 120 ft. Ibs. 90 ft. Ibs.
9116-1 2 (.5625) 16,350 153 ft. Ibs. 115 ft. Ibs. 9/16- 18 (.5625) 18,300 172 ft. Ibs. 129 ft. Ibs.
518-11 (.625) 1 20,325 1212 ft. Ibs. 1 159 ft. Ibs. 1 5/8-18 (.625) 1 23,025 2 4 0 ft. Ibs. 1 180 ft. Ibs. 1
314-10 (.750) 1 30,075 1376 ft. Ibs. 1282 ft. Ibs. 1 314 -16(.750) / 33,600 (420ft. Ibs. (315ft. Ibs. 1
718-9 (.875) 41,550 606 ft. Ibs. 718-14 (.875) 45,825 668 ft. Ibs. 501 ft. lbs.
1-8 (1.OOO) 54,525 909ft. Ibs. 682 ft. Ibs. 1 -1 2 (1.OOO) 59,700 995 ft. Ibs. 746 ft. Ibs.
I 118-7 (1.I 25) 68,700 1288 ft. Ibs. 966 ft. Ibs. 1 -1 4 (1.OOO) 61,125 1019 ft. Ibs. 764 ft. Ibs.
1 114 -7 (1.250) 87,225 1817 ft. Ibs. 1363 ft. Ibs. I 18-12 (I 2 5 77,025 1444 ft. Ibs. 1083 ft. Ibs.
1 318-6 (1.375) 103,950 2382 ft. Ibs. 1787 ft. Ibs. 1 114-12 (1.250) 96,600 201 2 ft. Ibs. 1509 ft. Ibs.
1 112-6(1.500) 126,450 3161 ft. Ibs. 1 3/8-12 (1.375) 118,350 271 2 ft. Ibs. 2034 ft. Ibs.
1 112-12 (1.500) 142,275 3557 ft. Ibs. 2668 ft. Ibs.
Table #87 - SAE Grade 8 Coarse
Table #88 - SAE Grade 8 - Fine
608 APPENDIX Svnthetic Web Sling Loads

Rated Loads for Single PIv, CI

Hitch Types I, I!, 8111, and IV
-b4Ve Single Leg
Vertical Choker Basket


1 1100 880 2200 2200 1900 1600 1100 2200

1'12 1600 1280 3200 3200 2800 2300 1600 3200
1 314 1900 1520 3800 3800 3100 2700 1900 1800
2 2200 1760 4400 4400 3800 31 00 2200 4400
3 3300 2640 6600 6600 5700 4700 3300 6600
4 4400 3520 8800 8800 7600 6200 4400 8800
5 5500 4400 11,000 11,000 9500 7800 5500 11,000
6 6600 5280 13,200 13,200 11,400 9300 6600 13,200
(a) The rated loads are based on stuffer weave construction webbing with a minimum certified tensile strength of
6,800 pounds per inch of width of webbing.
(b) Rated loads for Types Ill and IV slings apply to both tapered and non-tapered eye constructions. Rated loads for
Type V slings are for non-tapered webbng.
(c) For Type VI slings, consult the manufacturer for rated loads.
(d) For choker hitch, the angle of choke shall be 120 degrees or greater.

Table #89 Single Ply, Class 5, Synthetic Web Slings
APPENDIX Metal Mesh Slina Loads 609
Rated Loads for Heavy Duty Metal Mesh Slings (in pounds) Desian Factor = 5
VerticalIChoker Basket 60 deg 45deg 30 deg

2 1,600 3,200 2,770 2,260 1,600

3 3,000 6,000 5,200 4,240 3,000
4 4,400 8,800 7,620 6,220 4,400
6 6,600 13,200 1 1,430 9,330 6,600
8 8,800 17,600 15,240 12,440 8,800
10 1 1,000 22,000 19,050 15,550 1 1,000
12 13,200 26,400 22,860 18,660 13,200
14 15,400 30,860 26,670 21,770 15,400
16 17,600 35,200 30,480 24,880 17,600
18 19,800 39,600 34,290 28,000 19,800
20 22,000 44,000 38,100 31 ,I00 22,000
Widely used where loads are abrasive, hot or other applications that tend to cut other types of slings
Slings feature: A smooth bearing surface; flexibility to conform to abrasion and cutting; resistance to temperatures
up to 550 deurees

Table #90 Rated Load for Metal Mesh Slings

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