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Bishara 1988

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Changes in the molar relationship between

the deciduous and permanent dentitions:

A longitudinal study
Samir E. Bishara, B.D.S., D.D.S., D. Ortho., MS.,* Brad J. Hoppens, D.D.S., MS.,**
Jane Ft. Jakobsen, B.S., M.A.,*** and Frank J. Kohout, Ph.D.****
Iowa City, Iowa, and Ogallala, Neb.

The purpose of this study was to describe the changes in the molar relationship from the deciduous
dentition to the permanent dentition in 121 subjects from the Iowa Longitudinal Growth Study. In
addition, an attempt was made to determine the association between the various dentofacial variables
and the changes in the molar relationship in 55 persons (33 male and 22 female subjects) with
normal occlusion. All subjects were ev+uated at three stages of dental development: stage I,
completion of the deciduous dentition (X age = 4.94 years); stage II, when permanent first molars
initially erupt into occlusion (x age = 6.91 years); and stage III, at the completion of eruption of
the permanent dentition excluding third molars (X age = 13.01 years). The following sets of variables
were evaluated: molar relationship, mesiodistal crown diameters of single and groups of deciduous
and permanent teeth, dental arch widths, arch lengths, and various cephalometric dentofacial
variables. Correlation coefficients and regression analyses were used to assess the relationships
between these measurements and the changes in the molar relationship from the deciduous to
the permanent dentition. The findings indicate that of the 242 sides evaluated in the deciduous
dentition, 61.6% developed into a Class I molar relationship, 34.3% into Class II, and 4.1% into
Class III. Those sides that started with a distal step in the deciduous dentition proceeded to develop
into a Class II molar relationship in the permanent dentition. Of the sides with a flush terminal
plane relationship in the deciduous dentition, 56% progressed to a Class I molar relationship and
44% to Class II in the permanent dentition. The presence of a mesial step in the deciduous dentition
indicates a greater probability for a Class I molar relationship and a lesser probability for a
Class II molar relationship. In the 55 subjects who achieved normal occlusion, the magnitude of
change in the molar relationship was 1.91 mm in male subjects and 1.64 mm in female subjects. On
the average, these cases had a mesial step in the deciduous dentition of 0.8 mm in male subjects
and 1.0 mm in female subjects. There was a favorable difference between the maxillary and
mandibular leeway spaces of 1.3 mm in male subjects and 1 .l mm in female subjects. There was
also a favorable decrease in the Wits appraisal of 1.2 mm in male subjects and 0.6 mm in female
subjects. There was only a weak correlation between the change in the molar relationship and
the change in the Wits appraisal, and no correlation with the magnitude of the difference in the
leeway space between the maxillary and mandibular arches. The results of the regression analysis
indicated that a number of changes in various dentofacial variables-for example, intercanine widths,
arch lengths, maxillary and mandibular relationships-are associated with changes in the molar
relationship. The clinical implications of the present findings are discussed. (AM J ORTHOD DENTOFAC
ORTHOP 1988;93:19-28.)

The establishment and maintenance of nor-

mal occlusion constitute one of the important objectives
of orthodontic treatment whether it is preventive, in-
terceptive, or corrective.
The understanding of the anteroposterior changes
that occur in the occlusion between the deciduous and
permanent dentitions is crucial for the clinician involved
*I’rofessor, Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, University of
Iowa. in early orthodontic treatment.
**Private practice of cwtlwdontics, Ogallala, Neb. Several investigators have described the character-
***Biostatistician, Department of Fkventive and Community Dentistry, Col- istics of a Class I dentitionl-” It is agreed that in the
lege of Dentistry. University of Iowa.
****Associate Professor, Department of Preventive and Community Dentistry, deciduous dentition it is common to have spacing be-
College of Dentistry, University of Iowa. tween the teeth and for the second molars to have a

20 Bishara et al.

Table I. Ages of subjects (years) at each of the three stages

- -..-_
StugeI”: Srqe Ilf Stage IIt$
N x SD x SD x SD

Male subjects 33 5.0 0.5 6.9 0.6 13.0 0 9

Female subjects 22 4.9 0.3 6.9 07 13.0 0.X

*Stage I = Completion of the deciduous dentition.

kStage II = After eruption of permanent first molars.
kStage III = Aftereruption of permanent second molars.
N = Sample size; X = mean; SD = standard deviation.

flush terminal plane relationship.3T5 Such a molar re- and in the dental arches, but very little is known on the
lationship is observed in almost 50% of a normal pop- relative importance of these variables for the develop-
ulation. “~‘2~24 ment of a Class I occlusion.
At the time of eruption of the permanent first mo-
lars, their initial occlusion is dependent on the terminal
plane relationship of the deciduous second molars.‘,” The purposes of this study are to (1) describe the
As a result, the first molars frequently erupt into a cusp- changes in the molar relationship from the deciduous
to-cusp relationship-that is, with the mesiobuccal cusp to the permanent dentition and (2) determine the as-
of the maxillary first permanent molar anterior to the sociation between the changes in the molar relationship
buccal groove of the mandibular first permanent mo- and several dentofacial variabIes in a normal dentition.
lar. “J’ Arya, Savara, and Thomas” found that molars
that erupted into a distal or mesial relationship main-
tained similar relationships in the permanent dentition.
On the other hand, of tbe molars that initially erupted The material for this investigation was obtained
into a cusp-to-cusp relationship, 70% developed into a from the Facial Growth Study at the University of Iowa.
Class I relationship; the other 30% maintained their end- The study was started in 1946 on 167 subjects.‘7,‘RThe
to-end relationship or developed into a Class II molar records for the present investigation were selected for
relationship. subjects of whom models and cephalograms were
It has been suggested that for an initial cusp-to-cusp available biennially between the ages of 3.5 and 12
relationship to develop into a Class I permanent mo- years, and annualIy through age 17. Ninety-seven per-
lar relationship, two mechanisms come into play: cent of the subjects were of northwestern European
(1) greater anterior growth of the mandible relative to ancestry.
the maxilla and (2) a greater leeway space in the man- Of the 167 subjects (81 males and 86 females) who
dibular arch compared with the maxillary arch resulting were initially evaluated, 43 lacked records through the
in a greater mesial migration of the mandibular per- permanent dentition. As a result, the changes in the
manent molars. 3,5 molar relationship were evaluated on 121 subjects (60
Various estimates have been made for the amounts males and 61 females). None of these subjects had
of maxillary and mandibular leeway spaces. Meyers’ congenitally missing teeth; none had exhibited early
calculated them to be 2.6 mm in the maxillary arch and loss of deciduous first or second molars nor had un-
6.2 mm in the mandibular arch; in other reports they dergone orthodontic therapy.
have been estimated to be 1.8 mm and 3.4 mm in the The subjects with normal occlusion included 33
maxillary and mandibular arches, respectively. 13-15In male subjects and 22 female subjeets. Each subject had
spite of these large variations in the estimates, it is a clinically acceptable occlusion in the permanent den-
generally agreed that the leeway spaces are greater in tition-that is, Class I molar and canine relationship,
the mandibular arch,5~‘“~‘5,‘6and that these differences anterior crowding of less than 2 mm, and no apparent
contribute to the change in the permanent first molar facial disharmony. in addition, eaeh subject had a com-
relationship from the initial cusp-to-cusp relationship plete set of data at three stages of dental development-
into a Class I occlusion.5.“.‘2.‘4,‘6 namely, (1) at the completion of the deciduous denti-
This brief review indicates that a number of studies tion, (2) at the time the permanent first molars initially
have reported on the changes in the molar relationship erupted into occlusion, and (3) at the completion of
Volume 93 Changes in molar relationship between deciduous and permanent dentitions 21
Number 1

Fig. 1. Measurements of molar relationship at the three stages

of dental development.

eruption of the permanent dentition excluding third mo-

lars. These selection criteria limited the number of sub-
jects in this investigation to 55. The ages of the subjects
Fig. 2. Cephalometric landmarks used.
with normal occlusion at the various stages evaluated
are detailed in Table I.

Dental cast measurements the deciduous second molars or permanent first

At each of the three stages and for each subject, the molars. 1930
following dental arch measurements were evaluated: 4. Mesiodistal crown dimension of all the decidu-
1. Molar relationship. This is defined as the dis- ous teeth in both arches and all the permanent
tance in millimeters between perpendicular pro- teeth from jirst molar to first molar. These mea-
jections, on the occlusal plane, from the distal surements were obtained from casts in which the
surfaces of deciduous second molar crowns at dentition was complete and in good condition.
stage I or the mesial surfaces of permanent first Crown diameters were taken as the distance be-
molar crowns at stages II and III (Fig. 1). tween anatomic contact points.2’,22
2. Segmental and total lengths of the maxillary and In addition, the following measurements were
mandibular dental arches. The segments mea- derived;
sured were (1) anterior segment, defined as the a. Leeway space for each quadrant, calculated
distance between the distal surface of the lateral as the difference between the combined me-
incisor to the midway point between the mesial siodistal widths of the deciduous canines, and
surfaces of the central incisors, and (2) posterior first and second molars, and their permanent
segment, defined as the distance between the successors
distal surface of the lateral incisor to the distal b. The difference between the maxillary and
surface of the deciduous second molar or the mandibular leeway spaces for each side
mesial surface of the permanent first molar. The c. The difference between the total deciduous
arch lengths for each side in each of the two tooth size and the size of their permanent
dental arches were calculated in addition to the successors
differences between the maxillary and mandib-
ular arch lengths. Cephalometric measurements
3. Maxillary and mandibular arch widths for the The following landmarks were identified on each
canines, deciduous second molars, and per- cephalogram (Fig. 2): anterior-most point on the oc-
manentjrst molars. Intercanine width was mea- cipital condyle (0), articulare (Ar), porion (PO), sella
sured between cusp tips; intermolar width was turcica (S), sphenoidal wing point (W), nasion (N),
measured between the mesiobuccal cusp tips of orbitale (Or), anterior nasal spine (Ans), A point (A),
22 Bishara et al.

Table If. Changes in the molar relationship from the deciduous to the permanent dentition in 60 male
subjects (120 sides) and 61 female subjects (122 sides)
First molar occlusion in the permanenr dentition

Initial occlusion Class II or

in the deciduous dentition N Class 1* Class II tendency? Class Ill-t

Distal step of 1 to 7 mm
Male subjects 6.6% 8 8
Female subjects 12.3% 1s 15
TOTAL 9.5% 23 -~ 23 .-
Flush terminal plane
Male subjects 39.2% 47 28 19
Female subjects 19.7% 24 12 12
TOTAL 29.4% 71 40 31
Mesial step of 1 mm
Male subjects 41.7% 50 38 12 --
Female subjects 41.8% 51 39 II I
TOTAL 41.7% 101 77 23 1
Mesial step of 2 mm or more
Male subjects 12.5% is 12 3
Female subjects 26.2% 32 20 6 6
TOTAL 19.4%> 47 32 6 9

N = Number of sides.
*In Class I occlusion, the distancebetween the mesial surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular first molars was +3 to +4 mm (see text for
tin Class II/Class II tendency occlusion, the distance between the surfaces ranged between - 4 and + 2 mm.
‘$In Class III occlusion, the distance between the surfaces was greater than + 4 mm.

B point (B), pogonion (Pog), menton (Me), gonion I amd w

(Go), long axes of the most protrusive maxillary and Sliding calipers, dial calipers, protractors, and a
mandibular incisors (l- and 7). In addition, articulare magnifying hunp were used to obtain the various mea-
prime (Ar’) and anterior nasal spine prime (Ans’) were s-nts. The reliabiiity of the measurements with
identified as projections from Ar and Ans on S-Go and these calipers has been previously demonstrated;22
N-Me, respectively. The definition of all these land- To minimize measurement error, a11linear and an-
marks correspond to those given by Bishar~,*~ Knott,” gular measurements were performed by two investi-
Frogman and Sassouni,25 Meredith and Chadha, and gators working indeperuient~y. Each investigator per-
Riolo and associates.*’ All bilateral landmarks were formedeach measurement twice on different occasions.
projected to the midsagittal plane. When their initial measurements were within 0.25 mm
From these landmarks, the following variables were or 0.5” of each other, the average of the two was used.
measured:263o If the disparity was greater, each made two additional
A. Maxillary and mandibular anteroposterior relation- measurements and the closest three were averaged.
ships: SNA, SNB, SWA, SWB, AWB, SWPog, and
the Wits appraisal. The Wits appraisal is the dis-
tance in millimeters between perpendiculars from Descriptive statistics including the mean, standard
points A and B on the occlusal plane2* deviation, and minimum and maximum values were
B. Maxillary and mandibular depths: O-A and 0-Pog calculated for each parameter at the thme stages.
C. Anterior and posterior facial heights: N-Ans’, Student’s t teats were used to determine whether
N-Me, N-Ans’/N-Me%, Ar’-Go, S-Go, Ar’-Got significant differences were present between male and
S-Go%, and S-Go/N-Me% female subjects, and between the right and left sides.
D. Incisor angulations: l-:x, i:SN, i:FH and i:MP Signilicance was predetermined at the 0.05 ?evel of
A total of 3 10 different variables were measured or confidence.
calculated from the various measurements. Correlation coefficients (r) were calculated to de-
Volume 93 Changes in molar relationship between deciduous and permanent dentitions 23
Number 1

Changes in the dentofacial structures between 5 years-

3 months, and 12 years-6 months in a female subject with
an untreated Class II occlusion.

5Y-3M 7Y-6M 12Y-6M

SNA’= 83 63 85
Flg. 3. Dental and facial changes in a patient with Class II SNB” 76 78 82
malocclusion between the deciduous and permanent dentitions. ANB” 7 5 3
A, Facial photographs at 5 years 3 months, 7 years 6 months, Wits mm 3 1 0
and 12 years 6 months of age.
Leeway difference between the maxillary and mandibular
arches = 2.0 mm/side.

termine the association between the change in the molar Fig. 3 (Cont’d). B, Superimpositions of cephalometric tracings
relationship, the change in the max+ry-mandibular of each two consecutive stages.
relationship, and the difference in the leeway space
between the two arches.
Stepwise regression analysis3’ was used to deter- of cases correctly classified by a prediction equation),
mine which of the variables should be included in a which is not available through conventional regression
regression model. This procedure is useful in isolating analysis.
a subset of predictor variables that best explain the
variation of the dependent variable. FINDINGS
Separate stepwise regressions were first performed Changes in molar relationship from the deciduous
for each of four categories of available variables: to the permanent dentition in the overall sample
a. Deciduous and permanent mesiodistal tooth di- (Tables II and Ill)
mensions in addition to the differences between As stated earlier, the findings on the 60 male sub-
these dimensions for both arches in the two den- jects and 61 female subjects are presented separately
titions as right and left sides for a total 242 sides.
b. Maxillary and mandibular arch widths at the Of the 23 sides with distal steps in the initial oc-
three stages clusion (9.5% of the total), all progressed to a Class II
c. Maxillary and mandibular arch lengths at the tendency or a full Class II molar relationship in the
three stages permanent dentition. In general, there was a tendency
d. Cephalometric measurements including skel- for the distal occlusion to slightly improve with age but
etal and dental relationships at the three not to the extent of becoming a Class I relationship. A
stages. change to a Class I molar relationship occurred in two
Then, the best subset of predictors from each of the cases as a result of the premature loss of the mandibular
stepwise regressions was entered in a final regression second deciduous molars due to caries. These two cases
analysis and those predictors that no longer contributed were not included in the study.
to explained variance were deleted from the model. As Of the 71 sides with fiush terminal planes (29.4%
noted later, all regression analyses were done separately of the total) in the initial occlusion, 56.3% became
for male and female subjects. Class I in the permanent dentition; 43.7% became
Discriminant analysis3’ was used to supplement the Class II in the permanent dentition. These findings in-
findings of the regression analysis because it provides dicate that the presence of either a flush terminal plane
a means of assessing predictive accuracy (percentage in the deciduous dentition or an end-to-end relationship
Fig. 3 (Cont’d). C, Occlusal relationships at the three stages evaluated.

Table III. Summary of the percent change in molar relationship for the total sample evaluated
First molar occlusion in the permanent dentition
Initial occlusion in the Class I1 or
.1’ l-----
deciduous dentition c‘luss I* Class II tendency? Class IIIi

Distal step of I to 7 mm 23 I) 23 (100%) 0

Flush terminal plane 71 40 (56.3%) 31 (43.7%) 0
Mesial step of 1 mm 101 17 (76.2%) 23 (22.8%) I i 1%)
Mesial step of 2 mm or more 47 32 (68.1%) 6 (12.8%) 9 (19.1%)
TOTAL SAMPLE 242 149 (61.6%) 83 (34.3%) 10 (4.1%)
- ---
N = Number of sides.
*In Class I occlusion, the distance between the mesial surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular first molars was + 3 to i-4 mm (see text for
?In Class II/Class II tendency occlusion, the distance between the surfaces ranged between - 4 and t 2 mm.
$In Class III occlusion, the distance between the surfaces was greater than +4 mm.

at the time of eruption of the first molars will lead to uated in this study, 61.6% ended with a Class I molar
a Class II occlusion in almost 44% of the sides. relationship, 34.3% with Class II, and 4.1% with
Of the 101 sides with a 1.0 mm mesiul step (41.7% Class III (Table III).
of the total) in the deciduous dentition, 76.2% became
Class I in the permanent dentition; 22.8% became
Class II and one side became Class III.
Of the 47 sides with a mesial step of 2.0 mm or
more (19.4% of the total) in the deciduous dentition, The present findings indicate that the average an-
61.6% became Class I, 12.8% became Class II, and teroposterior change in molar relationship from the de-
19.1% became Class III molar relationships in the per- ciduous or mixed dentition to the permanent dent&on
manent dentition. is 1.91 mm for males and 1.64 mm for females.
In summary, of the 121 subjects (242 sides) eval- The changes in the Wits appraisal-that is, tbe an-
Volume 93
Changes in molar relationship between deciduous and permanent dentitions 25
Number 1

Table IV. Molar relationship in millimeters (see Fig. 1) for 55 subjects with normal occlusion at the three
stages of development evaluated (the right and left sides were averaged)
Boys Girls Combined

x SD x SD x SD

Stage I 0.78 0.67 1.02 0.46 0.87 0.60

Stage II 1.45 0.86 1.19 0.61 1.34 0.78
Stage III 2.69 0.45 2.66 0.63 2.68 0.52
Change from stage I to stage III 1.91 1.64 1.81

x = Mean; SD = standard deviation.

Table V. Descriptive statistics (in millimeters) for the leeway spaces (right and left sides averaged) and the
changes in the Wits appraisal
Male subjects Female subjects Combined

x SD x SD x SD

(1) Maxillary leeway space 1.1 1.1 1.3 0.9 1.2 1.0
(2) Mandibular leeway space 2.4 1.1 2.4 1.0 2.4 I .o
(3) Difference between (1) and (2) 1.3 0.7 1.1 0.9 1.2 0.8
(4) Change in Wits appraisal from -1.2 2.1 -0.6 1.8 -0.9 2.0
stages I to III

% = Mean; SD = standard deviation

*Dependent variable is the change in the molar relationship between stages I and II.

teroposterior relationship between points A and B- analysis. On the other hand, many of the dental arch
indicated an average decrease of 1.2 mm in male sub- and cephalometric measurements showed marked dif-
jects and 0.6 mm in female subjects. ferences between male and female subjects-for ex-
The differences in the leeway spaces (Table V) be- ample, the mesiodistal diameters of the permanent ca-
tween the maxillary and mandibular teeth were calcu- nines and molars, intercanine and intermolar widths,
lated to be 1.29 mm for male subjects and 1.08 mm and facial heights. As a result of this finding, and also
for female subjects. because previous literature indicated that male and fe-
Correlation coefficients were calculated to deter- male subjects should be treated separately,33 regression
mine the degree of association in the changes in the equations were calculated separately for the male and
molar relationship, the Wits appraisal, and the leeway female subjects.
difference. The only significant association present was
between the change in the molar relationship and that Regression analysis (Table VI)
of the Wits appraisal between stages I and III (r = The regression analysis indicated a number of as-
-0.35 for the right side, P = 0.04; r = -0.38 for sociations between the changes in molar relationship
the left side, P = 0.02). from stages I through III and various dentofacial
The next step was to determine whether other den- variables.
tofacial variables are associated with the change in the As explained earlier, four regression analyses were
molar relationship; for this purpose, multiple regression used to identify significant associations between the
analyses were performed. At this point it was necessary changes in the molar relationship and four groups of
to determine whether a separate analysis was needed variables: tooth size, arch widths, arch lengths, and
for the right and left sides as well as for male and female cephalometric dentofacial dimensions and relation-
subjects. ships. From these analyses, it was possible to identify
Comparisons of contralateral tooth size and bilateral 23 variables for male subjects and 19 for female sub-
dental arch measurements indicated virtually no differ- jects that were used in calculating the final regression
ences between the right and left sides; therefore, all analysis.
bilateral measurements were averaged for the regression The results of the final regression analysis are pre-
26 Bishara et al. Am. J. Orthod. Lkntofirc. Orrhq.
.Imuurv I98X

Table VI. Results of the regression analysis (beta values)*

Male subjects, F’ = 3.8356 Female subjects, R2 = 0.9388

Maxillary canine width, stage II 0.1141 Difference between the sum of mandibular deciduous teeth and - 0.0684
Maxillary arch length, stage I1 -0.1518 permanent successors
Differences in arch length between stages I and III 0.3764 Width of mandibular second deciduous molars 0.6940
Difference in maxillary and mandibular arch 0.1981 Mandibular canine width at stage I -0.1380
length at stage I Maxillaty canine width change in between stages I and 111 0.0931
SWPog at stage II 0.0342 SWA at stage I 0.0920
Change in Wits appraisal between stages 1 and III -0.1178 SWB at stage I 0.0400
Change in 1: FHP between stages II and III -0.0348 SWA at stage II - 0.0659
NAPog at stage II 0.0813
Change in N-Ans’ between stages II and III -- 0.0967

*Dependent variable is the change in the molar relationship between stages I and III.

sented in Table VI, which indicates that seven variables a 1 mm mesial step, 76% became Class I, 23% changed
explained more than 83% of the variation in the change to Class II, and 1% to Class III. In cases with a mesial
in molar relationship in males while nine variables ex- step of 2 mm or more in the deciduous dentition, 68%
plained 94% of the variation in females. became Class I, 13% Class II, and 19% Class III.
Stepwise regression analysis was used to determine These findings indicate that a more favorable molar
which variables at stage I can be useful in predicting relationship in the deciduous dentition will lessen the
changes in molar relationship. For male subjects, 64% chance for a Class II occlusion in the permanent den-
of the variation was explained by the following inde- tition. For example, in the present study the incidence
pendent variables: maxillary molar width, SWPog, Wits of a Class II developing from a flush terminal plane is
appraisal, l-:-i, maxillary arch length, and the ratio 44%; from a 1 mm mesial step the incidence is 23%,
N-Ans’/N-Me. For female subjects, 72% of the varia- and from a mesial step of 2 mm or more it is only 13%.
tion was explained by mandibular deciduous tooth size, Furthermore, the incidence of a Class III molar rela-
SWA, Ar’-Go, ratio of S-Go/N-Me, and the difference tionship in the permanent dentition is increased when
between maxillary and mandibular leeway spaces. there is a larger mesial step in the deciduous dentition-
Discriminant analysis3* was used to verify the pre- for example, the incidence is 1% with a 1 mm mesial
dictive accuracy of the regression equations. Using the step and increases to 19% with a mesial step of 2 mm
variables identified through the prediction regression or more.
analysis, the discriminant analysis indicated that the
final equation correctly classified 87% of the male
subjects and 95% of the female subjects as to their The present findings have some important clinical
stage III occlusal status. implications regarding treatment and its timing. As an
example, none of the sides that started with a distal
DlSCUSSK)N step (Class II) in the deciduous dentition were able to
Changea in molar inthetatrd e self-correct. These findings and observations provide
The findings in this investigation indicated that if credence to a frequently repeated axiom: “Once a
the initial occlusion in the permanent dentition has a Class II, always a Class II.”
distal step, the molar relationship in the permanent den- The absence of “self-correction” in Class II mal-
tition develops into a Class II. Therefore, cases with a occlusions in growing persons is illustrated in the case
distal occlusion in the deciduous dentition will, at least presented in Fig. 3. The records were taken at 5 years
for all clinical purposes, become Class II in the per- 3 months, 7 years 6 months, and 12 years 6 months-
manent dentition. that is, over a span of 7 years 3 months. These records
These findings indicate that distoocclusion in the indicate the presence of a favorable mandibular growth
deciduous or mixed dentition will not self-correct with as evidenced by a reduction in the AN3 angle of 4” and
growth and that orthodontic treatment will need to be in the Wits appraisal of 3 mm, in addition to a favorable
initiated as soon as it is indicated. difference betwreen the maxillary and mandibular lee-
In those cases with a flush terminal plane, 56% way spaces of 2.0 mm per side. The superimpositions
became Class I and 44% became Class II in the per- illustrate the substantial and favorable mandibular
manent dentition. On the other hand, of the cases with growth as it relates to that of the maxilla at the different
Volume 93 Changes in molar relationship between deciduous and permanent dentitions 27
Number 1

stages. The occurrence of all these favorable dental and Such a proposition is both a simple and attractive
skeletal changes did not contribute significantly in the explanation of how the change in the molar relationship
correction of the preexisting dental malrelationships. occurs. But for this assumption to be true, a high cor-
The findings and clinical observations imply that cases relation should exist between the change in the molar
with distal steps in the deciduous dentition should be relationship and these two variables. The results of the
observed on a regular basis and treatment started correlation coefficients did not substantiate this as-
as soon as the clinician and the patient are ready to sumption. The only significant correlation (r = - 0.35
initiate it. and -0.38) was between the change in the Wits ap-
Patients with a “flush terminal plane relationship” praisal and the change in the right and left molar re-
present a more challenging diagnostic question. The lationships from the deciduous to the permanent den-
findings suggest that slightly more than half of these tition. These correlations are low and explain less than
cases will progress to a normal Class I molar relation- 10% of the variation in the change of molar relationship.
ship, while 44% of the cases will end with a Class II The results of the regression equations further sub-
or end-to-end occlusion. No attempt was made in this stantiate these findings and indicate that a number of
study to determine if the change can be predicted. The dental arch and dentofacial changes are associated with
findings imply that what is considered “normal” occlu- the change in the molar relationship (Table VI).
sion in the deciduous or mixed dentition does not nec-
essarily lead to a “normal” occlusion in the permanent Clinical implications
dentition for a large number of persons. Therefore, it Although these findings seem surprising, they in-
is important for the clinician to closely observe these dicate that the change in the molar relationship might
cases and, when needed, to initiate treatment at the be more complex than was previously assumed and is
appropriate tnme . associated with changes in a number of variables in the
For cases with a mesial step in the deciduous den- dental arches and the rest of the dentofacial structures.
tition, the present findings indicate that the greater the This complexity might explain why none of the cases
mesial step, the greater the probability for the molar with a distal step and many of the cases with a flush
relationship to develop into a Class I occlusion. Fur- terminal plane or a mesial step in the deciduous den-
thermore, the development of a Class II molar rela- tition do not change to a Class I permanent molar re-
tionship, although still possible, is less probable. Con- lationship.
versely, the incidence of a Class III molar relationship The findings also indicate that the presence of a
increases. favorable difference in the leeway spaces between the
maxillary and mandibular arches is not a good predictor
Attainment of Class I molar relationship of whether a Class I molar relationship will be estab-
In the 55 cases with normal occlusion, the change lished in the permanent dentition, and that the final
in the molar relationship between stages I and III was molar occlusion is dependent on a number of dental
on the average 1.9 1 mm for male subjects and 1.64 and facial skeletal changes, both genetic and environ-
mm in female subjects (Table IV). It has been assumed mental, that interact to achieve, or not achieve, normal
that the change in the molar relationship from an end- occlusion.
to-end relationship toward a Class I occlusion is the
result of the difference in the leeway space between the SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
maxillary and mandibular arches as well as the result One hundred twenty-one subjects (242 sides) were
of differential growth between the maxilla and man- followed from the deciduous dentition to the permanent
dible, in favor of the latter. dentition for an average period of 8 years.
The differences in the leeway spaces between the The findings indicate the following.
maxillary and mandibular arches were 1.3 mm for male 1. A total of 61.6% of the sides will end in a
subjects and 1..1 mm for female subjects (Table V). The Class I molar relationship, 34.3% in Class II, and 4.1%
decrease in the Wits appraisal between stages I and III in Class III.
was 1.2 mm for male subjects and 0.6 mm in female 2. Those sides that started with a distal step in the
subjects (Table V). When the difference in the leeway deciduous dentition developed into a Class II molar
space and the change in the Wits appraisal are added relationship in the permanent dentition. Since none of
(2.5 mm for males and 1.7 mm for females), they are these cases self-corrected, treatment should be initiated
on the average slightly larger than the change in the by the clinician as early as it is indicated.
molar relationship, which is 1.9 for males and 1.6 mm 3. Of the cases with a flush terminal plane rela-
for females. tionship in the deciduous dentition, 56% will develop
28 Bishara et al.

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