Jan2018Cleveland Table Games Handbook
Jan2018Cleveland Table Games Handbook
Jan2018Cleveland Table Games Handbook
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
1. Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Blackjack Table; Card Reader Device; Physical Characteristics; Inspections. ............................................................. 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks; Value of Cards. .................................................................................................................... 3
4. Wagers........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Opening of Table for Gaming. ...................................................................................................................................... 4
6. Shuffle and Cut of the Cards. ........................................................................................................................................ 4
7. Procedure for Dealing Cards. ........................................................................................................................................ 5
8. Payment of Blackjack.................................................................................................................................................... 7
9. Insurance Wager............................................................................................................................................................ 7
10. Double Down Wager..................................................................................................................................................... 7
11. Splitting Pairs. ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
12. Drawing of Additional Cards by Players and the Dealer. ............................................................................................. 8
13. Player Wagering on More Than One Box ..................................................................................................................... 9
14. Continuous Shuffling Shoe or Device ........................................................................................................................... 9
15. Optional Side Bets......................................................................................................................................................... 9
16. Single Deck, Double Deck Blackjack. ........................................................................................................................ 12
17. Irregularities. ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
18. Blackjack Tournaments. ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Any 20” means two cards of different suits with a total value of 20.
B. “Blackjack” means an ace and any card having a point value of 10 dealt as the initial two cards to a
player or a dealer.
C. “Card reader device” means a device which permits the dealer to determine if the dealer has a
D. “Cutting card” means a card which is opaque and in a solid color readily distinguishable from the
color of the backs and edges of the playing cards in use at a Blackjack table.
E. “Hard total” means the total point count of a hand which contains no aces or which contains aces
that are each counted as 1 in value.
F. “Soft total” means the total point count of a hand containing an ace when the ace is counted as 11 in
A. Blackjack shall be played at a table having on one side places for the players and on the opposite
side a place for the dealer may have the following information on it:
ii. No more than seven specific areas designated for the placement of wagers.
iv. Dealer shall draw to all soft 17’s, stand on all hard 17’s and soft 18’s. Any exceptions will
be clearly marked on the gaming table in question.
v. Insurance pays 2 to 1.
B. Each Blackjack table shall have a drop box and a tip box attached to it.
C. A Blackjack table may have attached to it a card reader device, which permits the dealer to determine
if the dealer has a Blackjack in accordance with §7 (relating to procedure for dealing cards).
D. To collect the cards at the conclusion of a round of play, each Blackjack table will have a discard rack
securely attached to the top of the dealer's side of the table where the height of each discard rack must either be equal
to or taller than the height of the cards, stacked one on top of the other, contained in the total number of decks that are
to be used in the dealing shoe at that table.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
A. Blackjack shall be played with at least one deck of cards. Except as otherwise provided in subsections
C and D, all decks of cards used for the play of Blackjack shall be identical in appearance. Blackjack shall also be
played with at least one cutting card.
iii. An ace shall have a value of eleven, unless that value would give a player or the dealer a score
in excess of 21, in which case, the ace shall have a value of one.
C. If an automated card shuffling device is utilized, the property may use a second deck of cards to play
the game, provided that:
i. The cards shall be separated into two batches, with an equal number of decks included in each
ii. The cards in each batch must be of the same design, but the backs of the cards in one batch
must be of a different color than the cards included in the other batch.
iii. One batch of cards shall be shuffled and stored in the automated card shuffling device while
the other batch is being dealt or used to play the game.
iv. Both batches of cards shall be continuously alternated in and out of play, with each batch being
used for every other dealing shoe.
v. The cards from only one batch shall be placed in the discard rack at any given time.
D. The decks of cards opened for use at a Blackjack table shall be changed at least once every 24 hours.
4. Wagers.
A. Prior to the first card being dealt for each round of play, each player may make a wager against the
i. The total value of the player’s hand is 21 or less and the total value of the dealer’s hand is in
excess of 21.
ii. The total value of the player’s hand exceeds the total value of the dealer’s hand without
exceeding 21.
iii. The player has a blackjack and the dealer’s hand has a total value of 21 in more than two cards.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
C. Except as otherwise provided in subsection B.iii, a wager made in accordance with this section shall
be void and returned to the player when the total value of the player’s hand is the same as the dealer’s provided,
however, that a player's wager shall be lost when the dealer has a Blackjack and the player’s hand has a total value of
21 which is not a Blackjack.
D. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no wager shall be made, increased or withdrawn after
the first card of the respective round has been dealt.
E. After each round of play is complete, the dealer shall collect all losing wagers and pay off all winning
wagers beginning with the player farthest to the right of the dealer and continuing counterclockwise around the table.
F. Winning wagers made in accordance with subsection B shall be paid at odds of 1 to 1 with the
exception of Blackjack, which shall be paid at odds of 3 to 2 or 6 to 5.
G. Once an Insurance Wager under §9 (relating to Insurance Wager), a Double Down Wager under §10
(relating to Double Down Wager) or a wager on split pairs has been made and confirmed by the dealer under §11
(relating to splitting pairs), a player may not handle, remove or alter the wagers until a decision has been rendered and
implemented with respect to that wager.
H. After the cards have been shuffled as required under § 5 (relating to opening of table for gaming), the
property may prohibit any person, whether seated at the gaming table or not, who does not make a wager on a given
round of play from placing a wager on the next round of play and any subsequent round of play at that gaming table
until either:
A. After receiving one or more decks of cards at the table, the dealer shall inspect the cards for any
defects, with the inspection verified by a Table Games Supervisor or above.
i. Pre-shuffled cards shall be used in accordance with Section I – Table Games sub-section 32
Pre-Shuffled Cards (Shoes).
ii. If single decks are utilized, the front and backs of the cards shall be checked for any defects.
The cards shall then be turned face downward on the table, mixed thoroughly by a washing of
the cards and stacked.
B. If an automated shuffling device is utilized, all the decks in one batch of cards shall be spread for
inspection on the table separate from the decks in the other batch of cards.
A. Immediately prior to commencement of play after any round of play as may be determined by a Table
Games Supervisor and after each shoe of cards is dealt, the dealer shall shuffle the cards so that they are randomly
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
B. After the cards have been shuffled, the dealer shall offer the stack of cards, with backs facing outward
to the players to be cut.
C. If no player accepts the cut, the dealer shall cut the cards.
D. The player shall cut the cards by placing the cutting card in the stack in accordance with standards
determined by the property.
E. Once the cutting card has been inserted, the dealer shall take all cards above the cutting card and place
them on the bottom of the stack. The dealer shall then take the entire stack of cards that was just cut and align them
along the side of the dealing shoe. The cut card will be placed in the stack to indicate the last hand of the shoe. The
stack of cards shall then be inserted into the dealing shoe for commencement of play.
F. After the cards have been cut and before any cards have been dealt, a Table Games Supervisor or
above may require the cards to be recut if he determines that the cut was performed improperly or in any way that
might affect the integrity or fairness of the game. If a recut is required, the cards shall be recut, at the property’s option,
by the player who last cut the cards, or by the next person entitled to cut the cards, as determined by subsection B.iv.
G. A reshuffle of the cards in the shoe shall take place after the cutting card is reached in the shoe as
provided for in §7.K (relating to procedure for dealing cards) except that a Table Games Supervisor may determine
after each round of play that the cards should be reshuffled.
H. If there is no gaming activity at a Blackjack table which is open for gaming, the cards may be removed
from the dealing shoe and the discard rack, at the property’s discretion, and spread out on the table for inspection,
either face up or face down.
i. If there is no automated shuffling device in use, the cards shall be stacked then shuffled and
cut in accordance with this section.
ii. If an automated shuffling device is in use, the cards shall be stacked and placed into the
automated shuffling device to be shuffled. The batch of cards already in the shuffler shall then be removed
unless a player requests the cards that are out are the first cards that are used.
(a) The automated card shuffling device stores a single batch of shuffled cards inside the
shuffler in a secure manner.
(b) The shuffled cards have been secured, released and prepared for play.
A. All cards used to play Blackjack shall be dealt from a dealing shoe specifically designed for that
B. The dealer shall remove cards from the shoe with his left hand, and then place the cards on the
appropriate area of the layout with his right hand, except that the dealer shall have the option to deal cards to the first
two positions with his left hand.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
C. After each full batch of cards is placed in the shoe, the dealer shall remove the first card and place it
in the discard rack. ach new dealer who comes to the table shall also remove one card and place it in the discard rack
before dealing any cards to the players. At the property’s discretion, a dealer may not burn a card.
D. At the commencement of each round of play, or immediately after the determinant card has been
drawn and either removed or used as the player's first card, the dealer shall, starting on his left and
continuing around the table, deal the cards in the following order:
i. One card face upwards to each box on the layout in which a wager is contained.
iii. A second card face upwards to each box in which a wager is contained.
iv. A second card face downwards to himself, at which time his first card is exposed.
E. If the dealer's first card is an ace, king, queen, jack or 10 of any suit, the dealer shall determine whether
the hole card will give the dealer a Blackjack prior to dealing any additional cards to the players at the table. The dealer
shall insert the hole card into the card reader device by moving the card face down on the layout without exposing it
to anyone, including the dealer, at the table.
F. After the cards have been dealt, and if necessary, the procedure in subsection F has been executed,
beginning from his left, the player shall indicate whether he wishes to double down as permitted under §10 (relating
to doubling down), split pairs as permitted under §11 (relating to splitting pairs), stand or draw as permitted under §12
(relating to drawing of additional cards by players and the dealer).
G. As each player indicates his decision(s), the dealer shall deal face upwards whatever additional cards
are necessary to effectuate the player’s decision consistent with this chapter. The property may offer the option for a
player to request for a card to be dealt face down in instances of “doubling down”. The dealer will deal the card face
down during these instances.
H. After the decisions of each player have been implemented and all additional cards have been dealt;
the dealer shall turn the second card that was dealt to the dealer face upwards. Any additional cards required to be
dealt to the hand of the dealer under §12.B shall be dealt face upwards at this time.
I. At the conclusion of a round of play, all cards still remaining on the layout shall be picked up by the
dealer in order and in a way that the cards can be readily arranged to indicate each player's hand in case of question or
dispute. The dealer shall pick up the cards beginning with those of the player to his far right and moving
counterclockwise around the table. After all the players' cards have been collected the dealer shall pick up his cards
against the bottom of the players' cards and place them in the discard rack.
J. Whenever the cutting card is the first card in the dealing shoe at the beginning of a round of play or
is reached in the deal of the cards, the dealer may continue dealing the cards until that round of play is completed after
which the dealer shall:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
(a) Whenever a single dealing shoe is used, the dealer shall remove the cards remaining
in the shoe and place them in the discard rack to ensure that no cards are missing.
K. Players and spectators may not handle, remove or alter any cards used to play Blackjack.
L. Each player at the table shall be responsible for correctly computing the point count of his hand and
no player shall rely on the point counts announced by the dealer.
8. Payment of Blackjack.
A. Payment of blackjacks will transpire during normal sequenced play of the game. For example if the
player with a black jack is in seat three, it will be paid after action to seats one and two. If the first face up card dealt
to the dealer is a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 and a player has Blackjack, the dealer shall pay the Blackjack at odds of 3 to 2
or 6 to 5 (with the exception of tournament play as described in section 18.) and shall remove the player's cards after
their Blackjack has been paid.
B. If the first face up card dealt to the dealer is an ace, king, queen, jack or 10 and a player has a
Blackjack; the dealer shall make no payment nor remove any cards until the dealer’s second card is known not to give
the dealer Blackjack. If the dealer's second card does not give the dealer Blackjack, play will continue and the player
having Blackjack shall be paid at odds of 3 to 2 or 6 to 5. If the dealer's second card gives him Blackjack, the wager
of the player having Blackjack shall be void and returned to the player.
9. Insurance Wager.
A. Whenever the first card dealt to the dealer is an ace, each player shall have the right to make an
Insurance Wager which shall win if the dealer’s second card is a king, queen, jack or 10 and shall lose if the dealer’s
second card is an ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
B. An Insurance Wager may be made by placing on the insurance line of the layout an amount not more
than half the amount staked on the player’s initial wager. A player may wager an amount in excess of half of the initial
wager to the next unit that can be wagered in chips, when because of the limitation of the value of chip denominations;
half the initial wager cannot be bet. Insurance Wagers shall be placed prior to the dealer inserting his hole card into
the card reader device.
D. Losing Insurance Wagers shall be collected by the dealer immediately after the dealer inserts his hole
card into the card reader device and determines that he does not have a Blackjack and before he draws any additional
A. A player may elect to make a Double Down Wager, which may not exceed the amount of his original
wager on the first two cards dealt to him or the first two cards of any split pair except aces, on the condition that one
and only one additional card shall be dealt to the hand on which the player has elected to double down. Players will
not have an option to double down when they have Blackjack, with an exception for tournament play as described in
section 18.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
B. If a dealer obtains Blackjack after a player makes a Double Down Wager, the dealer shall only collect
the amount of the original wager of the player and shall not collect the additional Double Down Wager.
C. Upon a player’s election to make a Double Down Wager, the dealer shall deal the one additional card
face upwards, and placed sideways on the layout. Players may request the double down card to be dealt face down.
When the hand is over the dealer will turn-over the card dealt face down revealing the value and pay and take according
to round of play rules.
D. The property may elect to offer different Double Down Wager rules on double deck and single deck
Blackjack games. These rules will be clearly posted at each double deck and/or single deck Blackjack game.
A. Whenever the initial two cards dealt to a player are identical in value, the player may elect to split the
hand into two separate hands provided that he makes a wager on the second hand so formed in an amount equal to his
original wager. For example, if a player has two 7’s or a king and a 10, the player may elect to split the hand.
B. When a player splits pairs, the dealer shall deal a card to and complete the player's decisions with
respect to the first incomplete hand on the dealer's left before proceeding to deal any cards to the second hand.
C. After a second card is dealt to each split pair hand, the player shall indicate his decision to stand, draw
or double down with respect that hand except that:
i. A player may split two more pair if the second card dealt is identical in value to a card of the
split pair, for a total of four hands.
ii. A player splitting aces may only have one card dealt to each ace. Aces may be split only once
for a total of two hands (exception for tournament play as described in section 18).
D. If the dealer obtains Blackjack after a player splits pairs, the dealer shall only collect the amount of
the original wager of the player and may not collect the additional amount wagered in splitting pairs.
A. A player may elect to draw additional cards whenever his point count total is less than 21, except that:
ii. A player electing to make a Double Down Wager may draw only one additional card.
iii. A player splitting aces may only have one card dealt to each ace.
B. Except as provided in subsection C, the dealer shall draw additional cards to a hard total of 17 or
above or soft total of 18 or above, unless specified on the layout that the dealer will stand on any 17.
C. A dealer shall draw no additional cards to his hand, regardless of the point count, if decisions have
been made on all player's hands and the point count of the dealer's hand will have no effect on the outcome of the
round of play.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
13. Player Wagering on More Than One Box. The property has the right to allow a single patron to play up
to “3” number of adjacent boxes during one round of play.
14. Continuous Shuffling Shoe or Device. In lieu of the dealing and shuffling requirements set forth in §6 and
7 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards; and procedure for dealing cards), the property may utilize a dealing shoe or other
device designed to automatically reshuffle the cards.
A. “Bet the Set.” Bet the Set “21” is an optional side bet for blackjack that considers the first two
cards a player receives. If the player’s first two cards are a pair or suited pair, the player wins. The player’s hand
is independent of the dealer’s hand and is unaffected by the dealer’s blackjack. Bet the Set “21” uses a standard
52-card deck. Follow standard house procedures for the total number of decks to be used.
i. Dealing Procedures.
(b) Once each player has received two cards, the dealer settles all Bet the Set wagers
according to house procedures. If a player’s first two cards are a pair or suited pair, they win according
to the posted paytable. If the player’s first two cards are not a pair, they lose their Bet the Set wager.
(c) All bonus payouts apply to the player’s first two cards only.
(d) Winning Bet the Set wagers will be paid in front of the Pair Square and pushed off
toward the player.
(a) When the cards are dealt face up, the Bet the Set wagers will be settled immediately
after everyone receives their first two (2) cards. Winners will be paid and losing bets will be picked up
in order of placement from the dealer’s right to left. Then, normal blackjack play will resume.
(b) When the cards are dealt face down, the Bet the Set wagers will be settled on a hand
to hand basis, as the dealer goes from left to right asking for hit/stand determinations.
iii. Payable:
Single Deck
Pair 15 to 1
Double Deck
Pair 10 to 1
Suited Pair 25 to 1
Four/Six/Eight Decks
Pair 10 to 1
Suited Pair 15 to 1
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
i. Royal Match considers the first two cards the player receives. If they are the King and Queen
suited or two cards same suit, the player wins. A paytable is below.
Paytable 4 Pays
ii. To begin each round, players must make their standard blackjack wagers and, if they like,
the Royal Match wager.
iv. Once players have two cards, the dealer settles Royal Match wagers. If players have two
suited cards, they win according to the paytable. If their first two cards are not suited, players lose their Royal
Match wager.
C. “TriLux Bonus.” TriLux Bonus is an optional side bet for Blackjack. TriLux considers the first two
cards the player receives and the dealer’s up card. Players will win the side bet if their first two cards and the dealers
up card combine for any of the following hands: (i) Flush; (ii) Straight; (iii) Three of a Kind; or (iv) Straight Flush.
i. Dealing Procedures.
(a) Players must make their standard blackjack wagers, and they may also make the
TriLux side bet within the posted minimum/maximum. At the property’s discretion
and when posted, a side bet wager may be made mandatory prior to the first card
being dealt for each round of play. The dealer then follows the procedures for dealing
(b) The TriLux Bonus side wager is based off of the player’s first two cards, and the
dealer’s up card.
(a) Once each player and dealer have received two cards, the dealer settles all TriLux
Bonus wagers as follows:
(1) When the cards are dealt face up, the TriLux Bonus wagers will be
settled immediately after everyone receives their first two cards and the dealer’s first
two cards. Winners will be paid and losing bets will be picked up in order of
placement from the dealer’s right to left. Then normal blackjack play will resume.
(2) When the cards are dealt face down, the TriLux Bonus wagers will
be settled on a hand to hand basis, as the dealer goes from left to right asking for
hit/stand determinations.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
(b) If a player has more than one winning TriLux combination on a single hand, only
the highest ranking hand according to the paytable shall be paid. This also applies to
the Lucky George payout listed below.
(a) Lucky George is an additional payout that goes to the dealer toke pool. When the
player has a winning TriLux wager, the dealer will get a corresponding payout based
on the winning combination.
iv. Paytable:
(a) On games where one, two, six or eight decks are being used:
Straight Flush 25 to 1
Three of a Kind 15 to 1
Straight 10 to 1
Flush 5 to 1
(b) Lucky George payout where one, two, six or eight decks are being used:
Straight Flush $10
Three of a Kind $5
Straight $2
Flush $1
i. King’s Bounty considers the first two cards the player receives. When the player’s first two
cards total 20, they win according to the payout table below
Pays Envy
2 Kings of Spades + Dealer BJ 500 to 1 $100
2 Kings of Spades 75 to 1 $25
2 Suited Kings 20 to 1 $10
2 Suited Queens, Jacks or 10s 15 to 1 $5
Suited 20 7 to 1 $2
2 Kings 5 to 1 $1
Unsuited 20 4 to 1 N/A
ii. To begin each round, players must make their standard blackjack wagers and, if they like, the
King’s Bounty wager within the designated areas on the layout.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
iv. Once players have two cards, the dealer settles King’s Bounty wagers. With the exception of
the 2 Kings of Spades and the dealer is showing a potential Blackjack, the dealer will wait to settle the King’s
Bounty at the end of the round of play. If players have two cards that total 20, they win according to the paytable
above. If their first two cards are not equal to 20, players lose their King’s Bounty wager.
v. Notwithstanding the payout odds in subsection 2, the property may establish a maximum
payout for a winning Wager that is payable for one round of play. The maximum payout amount shall be at
least $50,000 or the maximum amount that one player could win per round when betting the minimum possible
wager, whichever is greater. If the established maximum payout limit is not included on the layout, the property
shall provide notice of the maximum payout limit by posting the maximum payout limit on a sign at the table.
vi. The Dealer Envy payout goes to dealer toke pool when a qualifying hand is won by the player.
A. In addition to standard blackjack with at least one deck, the property may offer another version of
blackjack with one or two decks of cards . Should the property elect to do so, the property may allow the following
forms of blackjack to be played:
i. Dealer deals out of hand in a pitching motion, allowing players to touch cards.
iii. Cards will be changed on games in which players touch cards at least every 8 hours.
B. After shuffling the cards, the dealer shall place the deck or decks of cards in either hand. After the
dealer has chosen the hand in which to hold the cards, the dealer shall continue to use that hand when holding the cards
during that round of play. The cards held by the dealer shall be kept over the table inventory container and in front of
the dealer at all times.
C. The dealer shall deal each card by holding the deck of cards in the use the other hand to remove the
top card of the deck and place it face down on the appropriate area of the layout.
D. Prior to the commencement of each round of play, the dealer shall remove the top card and place it
in the discard rack. The dealer shall then, starting with the player farthest to the dealer's left and continuing around the
table in a clockwise direction, deal the cards as follows:
i. First card face down to each box on the layout in which a Blackjack Wager is contained.
iii. A second card face down to each box in which a Blackjack Wager is contained.
iv. A second card face down to the dealer, followed immediately by the dealer exposing the first
hold card.
E. After two cards have been dealt to each player, the dealer, shall, with one hand, examine his cards.
All players shall keep their cards in full view of the dealer at all times.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
i. Each player, starting with the player farthest to the dealer's left and continuing around the table
in a clockwise direction, shall then indicate whether he wishes to double down, split pairs, stand or draw
additional cards.
(a) If a player indicates that he wishes to double down or split his pair, the player will
turn over the player's two cards and complete the dealing.
(b) If a player draws additional cards which cause the point total to exceed 21, the player
shall immediately discard his first two cards face down.
(c) If a player indicates his decision to draw additional cards, the dealer shall deal face
up additional cards are necessary to effectuate the player's decision.
F. Once all decisions of each player have been implemented and all have been dealt, the dealer shall turn
over the hole card and follow dealing procedures outlined in §12.B or C.
G. After the dealer concludes their hand, the dealer shall turn over both guests’ cards and settle all
remaining wagers as outlined above.
17. Irregularities.
A. A card found turned face upwards in the shoe may not be used in the game and shall be placed in the
discard rack.
B. A card drawn in error without its face being exposed shall be used as though it were the next card
from the shoe.
C. After the initial two cards have been dealt to each player and a card is drawn in error by the dealer
and exposed to the players, the card shall be dealt to the players or dealer as though it were the next card from the
shoe. Any player refusing to accept the card shall not have any additional cards dealt to him during the round. If the
card is refused by the players and the dealer cannot use the card, the card shall be placed in the discard rack.
D. If the dealer accidentally draws a card for himself, the card shall be placed in the discard rack.
E. If the dealer misses dealing his first or second card to himself, the dealer shall continue dealing the
first two cards to each player, and then deal the appropriate number of cards to himself.
F. If there are insufficient cards remaining in the shoe to complete a round of play, all of the cards in the
discard rack shall be shuffled and cut according to the procedures outlined in §6 (relating to shuffle and cut of the
cards), the first card shall be drawn face down and placed in the discard rack, and the dealer shall complete the round
of play.
G. If no cards are dealt to a player's hand, the hand is dead and the player shall be included in the next
deal. If only one card is dealt to a player's hand, at the player's option, the dealer shall deal the second card to the player
after all other players have received a second card.
H. If after receiving the first two cards, the dealer fails to deal an additional card to a player who has
requested a card, then, at the player's option, the dealer shall either deal the additional card after all other players have
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
received their additional cards but prior to the dealer revealing his hole card, or call the player's hand dead and return
the player's original wager.
I. If the dealer inserts his hole card into a card reader device when the value of his first card is an ace,
king, queen, jack or 10 and
i. Incorrectly reveals his second card when he does not have a Blackjack: the hand shall proceed
as normal with both dealers cards exposed after notification to a Table Games Supervisor.
ii. Fails to reveal Blackjack and proceeds with the hand as if he did not have a Blackjack; the
dealer will collect all losing bets leaving on the table all double downs and splits bets after notification to the
Table Games Supervisor.
iv. Participants may double down on any two cards. The amount wagered to double down
shall be equal or less than the original amount wagered. Double down wagers on
blackjack may or may not be offered based on the tournament rules;
v. Participants may split any two original cards of identical value by wagering an amount
equal to the original wager. May only split up to three times (for a total of four hands).
Aces may or may not be split more than once based on the tournament rules;
vi. Participants may elect to take insurance at an amount up to but not more than half the
amount of the initial wager, and must be in multiples of $25;
vii. The individual participant shall ensure he or she has the required bankroll to double
down, take insurance, or split;
ix. In the event of a misdeal, the natural flow of cards will shift to the appropriate position.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
1. Definitions................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Craps Tables; Physical Characteristics. ...................................................................................................................... 2
3. Permissible Wagers. .................................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Making and Removal of Wagers............................................................................................................................... 13
5. Payout Odds. ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
6. Supplemental Wagers. .............................................................................................................................................. 16
7. Dice Retention and Selection .................................................................................................................................... 17
8. Throw of the Dice ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
9. Point Throw; Settlement of Wagers. ......................................................................................................................... 18
10. Continuation of Shooter; Selection of New Shooter ................................................................................................. 18
11. Additional Procedures and Rules for the Fire Bet .................................................................................................... 19
12. Invalid Roll of the Dice/Irregularities ....................................................................................................................... 19
13. Craps Tournaments. .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings,
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Boxperson” means a team member whose primary function is to participate in and supervise the
conduct of gaming at a single Craps table.
B. “Buy Bet” means a Place Bet to Win which offers a payout of true odds.
C. “Call Bet” means a wager made without cash or chips for a known customer.
D. “Come out point” means a total of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 thrown by the shooter on the come out roll.
E. “Come out roll” means the first roll of the dice at the opening of the game and the first roll of the
dice after a decision with respect to a Pass Bet and Don't Pass Bet has been affected.
F. “Come point” means a total of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 thrown by the shooter on the next roll following
placement of a Come Bet or Don't Come Bet.
G. “Lay Bet” means a Place Bet to Lose which offers a payout of true odds.
H. “Stickperson” means a team member whose primary function is to control the selection and use
of the dice at a Craps table.
A. Craps shall be played on an oblong table with rounded corners and high walled sides.
ii. Specific areas designated for the placement of wagers permitted under § 3 (relating to
permissible wagers).
D. Each Craps table may have a drop box and tip box attached to the table.
E. In addition to the requirements in subsection C, if the Fire Bet in the game of Craps is offered by
the property, the Craps table may include:
i. No more than 16 designated areas for the placement of Fire Bets in locations. The Fire
Bet areas must be located around the perimeter of the layout, corresponding to player positions at the
table, and be sequentially numbered in a clockwise direction, with the area numbered 1 being located
immediately to the left of the boxperson or dealer.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
ii. A designated area of the layout for the relocation and identification of all Fire Bets placed
by players prior to the come out roll of a shooter. The designated area may be located in front of the
boxperson and contain numbered areas which correspond to the location of the numbered areas described
in paragraph i.
(b) That Fire Bets shall only be accepted prior to a point being established after a
“seven out”.
3. Permissible Wagers.
A. The following wagers, or combination of wagers wager, may be used in the games of Craps:
i. A Pass Bet placed on the Pass Line of the layout immediately prior to the come out roll.
A winning or losing Pass Bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) A Pass Bet shall win if, on the come out roll, either:
(b) A Pass Bet shall lose if, on the come out roll, either:
ii. A Don't Pass Bet placed on the Don't Pass Line of the layout immediately prior to the
come out roll. A winning or losing Don’t Pass Bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) A Don't Pass Bet shall win if, on the come out roll, either:
(b) A Don't Pass Bet shall lose if, on the come out roll, either:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
(c) If a total of 12 is thrown on the come out roll, a Don't Pass Bet shall be void and
any Don’t Pass Bets shall be returned to the players.
iii. A Come Bet placed on the Come Line of the layout at any time after the come out roll. If
a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 is thrown after the placement of a Come Bet, the dealer shall move the Come Bet into
the numbered box corresponding to the number that was thrown. A winning or losing Come Bet shall be
determined as follows:
v. A Player may bypass the Come and have a flat bet (with or without a supplemental wager
in support of the Put Bet) PUT on a number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and/or 10) as if it had gone through the come. A
PUT bet is treated the same as a Come bet and cannot be removed or reduced once the dice have rolled.
Once on the number, a supplemental wager in support of the Put Bet may be placed or removed prior to a
(a) A Put Bet shall win if the number in which the bet is placed is thrown before a 7
is thrown.
(b) A Put Bet shall lose if a 7 is thrown before the number in which the bet is placed
is thrown.
vi. A Don't Come Bet placed on the Don't Come Line of the layout at any time after the
come out roll. If a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 is thrown after the placement of a Don’t Come Bet, the dealer shall
move the Don’t Come Bet into a box adjacent to the numbered box corresponding to the number that was
thrown. A winning or losing Don’t Come Bet shall be determined as follows:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
vii. A Place Bet to Win on any of the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 that may be made at any
time. A Place Bet to Win shall be inactive on a come out roll unless called “on” by the player and
confirmed by the dealer through placement of an “on” marker button on top of the player's wager. A
winning or losing Place Bet to Win shall be determined as follows:
(a) A Place Bet to Win shall win if the number on which the wager was placed is
thrown before a 7 is thrown.
(b) A Place Bet to Win shall lose if a 7 is thrown before the number on which the
wager was placed is thrown.
viii. A Four the Hardway Bet placed in a box which shows two dice, each of which displays a
value of 2 that may be made at any time. A Four the Hardway Bet shall be inactive on the come out roll
unless called “on” by the player and confirmed by the dealer through placement of an “on” marker button
on top of the player’s wager. A winning or losing Four the Hardway Bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) A Four the Hardway Bet shall win if a total of 4 is thrown with a 2 appearing on
each die before a 4 is thrown in any other way or before a 7 is thrown.
(b) A Four the Hardway Bet shall lose if a total of 4 is thrown without a 2 appearing
on each die or a 7 is thrown before a total of 4 is thrown with a 2 appearing on each die.
ix. A Six the Hardway Bet placed in a box which shows two dice, each of which displays a
value of 3 that may be made at any time. A Six the Hardway Bet shall be inactive on the come out roll
unless called “on” by the player and confirmed by the dealer through placement of an “on” marker button
on top of the player’s wager. A winning or losing Six the Hardway Bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) A Six the Hardway Bet shall win if a total of 6 is thrown with a 3 appearing on
each die before a 6 is thrown in any other way or before a 7 is thrown.
(b) A Six the Hardway Bet shall lose if a total of 6 is thrown without a 3 appearing
on each die or a 7 is thrown before a total of 6 is thrown with a 3 appearing on each die.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
x. An Eight the Hardway Bet placed in a box which shows two dice, each of which displays
a value of 4 that may be made at any time. An Eight the Hardway Bet shall be inactive on the come out
roll unless called “on” by the player and confirmed by the dealer through placement of an “on” marker
button on top of the player’s wager. A winning or losing Eight the Hardway Bet shall be determined as
(a) An Eight the Hardway Bet shall win if a total of 8 is thrown with a 4 appearing
on each die before an 8 is thrown in any other way or before a 7 is thrown.
(b) An Eight the Hardway Bet shall lose if a total of 8 is thrown without a 4
appearing on each die or a 7 is thrown before a total of 8 is thrown with a 4 appearing on each
xi. A Ten the Hardway Bet placed in a box which shows two dice, each of which displays a
value of 5 that may be made at any time. A Ten the Hardway Bet shall be inactive on the come out roll
unless called “on” by the player and confirmed by the dealer through placement of an “on” marker button
on top of the player’s wager. A winning or losing Ten the Hardway Bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) A Ten the Hardway Bet shall win if a total of 10 is thrown with a 5 appearing on
each die before a 10 is thrown in any other way or before a 7 is thrown.
(b) A Ten the Hardway Bet shall lose if a total of 10 is thrown without a 5 appearing
on each die or a 7 is thrown before a total of 10 is thrown with a 5 appearing on each die.
xii. A Field Bet placed in a box which shows the numbers 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 and 12 that may
be made at any time. A winning or losing Field Bet shall be determined as follows:
(b) A Field Bet shall lose if a 5, 6, 7 or 8 is thrown on the roll immediately following
placement of the Field bet.
xiii. An Any Seven Bet placed in a box which contains the phrase “Any Seven” that may be
made at any time. A winning or losing Any Seven Bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) An Any Seven Bet shall win if a 7 is thrown on the roll immediately following
placement of the Any Seven Bet.
(b) An Any Seven Bet shall lose if any total other than a 7 is thrown on the roll
immediately following placement of the Any Seven Bet.
xiv. An Any Craps Bet placed in a box which contains the phrase “Any Craps” that may be
made at any time. A winning or losing Any Craps Bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) An Any Craps Bet shall win if a 2, 3 or 12 is thrown on the roll immediately
following placement of the Any Craps Bet.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
(b) An Any Craps Bet shall lose if any total other than a 2, 3 or 12 is thrown on the
roll immediately following placement of the Any Craps Bet.
xv. A Craps Two Bet placed in a box which shows two dice, each of which displays a value
of 1 that may be made at any time. A winning or losing Craps Two Bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) A Craps Two Bet shall win if a 2 is thrown on the roll immediately following
placement of the Craps Two Bet.
(b) A Craps Two Bet shall lose if any total other than a 2 is thrown on the roll
immediately following placement of the Craps Two Bet.
xvi. A Craps Three Bet placed in a box which shows two dice, one of which displays a value
of 1 and the other of which displays a value of 2 that may be made at any time. A winning or losing Craps
Three Bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) A Craps Three Bet shall win if a 3 is thrown on the roll immediately following
placement of the Craps Three Bet.
(b) A Craps Three Bet shall lose if any total other than a 3 is thrown on the roll
immediately following placement of the Craps Three Bet.
xvii. A Craps Twelve Bet placed in a box which shows two dice, each of which displays a
value of 6 that may be made at any time. A winning or losing Craps Twelve Bet shall be determined as
(a) A Craps Twelve Bet shall win if a 12 is thrown on the roll immediately following
placement of the Craps Twelve Bet.
(b) A Craps Twelve Bet shall lose if any total other than a 12 is thrown on the roll
immediately following placement of the Craps Twelve Bet.
xviii. An 11 in One Roll Bet placed in a box which shows two dice, one of which displays a
value of 5 and the other of which displays a value of 6 that may be made at any time. A winning or losing
11 in One Roll Bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) An 11 in One Roll Bet shall win if an 11 is thrown on the roll immediately
following placement of the 11 in One Roll Bet.
(b) An 11 in One Roll Bet shall lose if any total other than an 11 is thrown on the roll
immediately following placement of the 11 in One Roll Bet.
xix. A Craps-Eleven or C and E Bet placed in an area on the table layout that contains the
letters “C” and “E” that may be made at any time. A winning or losing Craps-Eleven or C and E Bet shall
be determined as follows:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
(b) A Craps-Eleven or C and E Bet shall lose if any total other than a 2, 3, 11 or 12 is
thrown on the roll immediately following placement of the Craps-Eleven or C and E Bet.
xx. A Horn Bet placed in a box which contains the words “Horn Bet” that may be made at
any time. A Horn Bet is a four number bet which consists of wagering an equal amount on the 2, 3, 11
and 12. A winning or losing Horn Bet shall be determined as follows:
(b) A Horn Bet shall lose if any total other than a 2, 3, 11 or 12 is thrown on the roll
immediately following placement of the Horn Bet.
xxi. A Horn High Bet placed in a box which contains the words “Horn High Bet” and two
dice with a total value of 2, 3, 11 or 12 that may be made at any time. A Horn High Bet shall be placed in
units of five. The property that does not have a designated area on its layout for the acceptance of a Horn
High Bet shall break down a Horn High Bet into two separate wagers of four units on the Horn Bet and
one unit on one of the boxes which contain two dice with a total value of 2, 3, 11 or 12. A winning or
losing Horn High Bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) A Horn High Bet shall win if a 2, 3, 11 or 12 is thrown on the roll immediately
following placement of the Horn High Bet.
(b) A Horn High Bet shall lose if any total other than a 2, 3, 11 or 12 is thrown on
the roll immediately following placement of the Horn High Bet.
xxii. A World Bet placed in a box which contains the words “World bet” that may be made at
any time. A World Bet shall be placed in units of five. If the property does not have a designated area on
its layout for the acceptance of a World Bet, it may elect to break down a World Bet into two separate
wagers of four units on the Horn Bet and one unit on the Any Seven Bet. A winning or losing World Bet
shall be determined as follows:
(b) A World Bet shall lose if any total other than a 2, 3, 7, 11 or 12 is thrown on the
roll immediately following placement of the Horn High Bet.
xxiii. A Four The Hardway on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet that may
be made at any time. A winning or losing Four The Hardway on the Hop Bet shall be determined as
(a) A Four The Hardway on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 4 is thrown with a 2
appearing on each die on the roll immediately following placement of the Four The Hardway on
the Hop Bet.
(b) A Four The Hardway on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is
thrown on the roll immediately following placement of the Four The Hardway on The Hop Bet.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
xxiv. A Six The Hardway on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet that may
be made at any time. A winning or losing Six The Hardway on the Hop Bet shall be determined as
(a) A Six The Hardway on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 6 is thrown with a 3
appearing on each die on the roll immediately following placement of the Six The Hardway on
the Hop Bet.
(b) A Six The Hardway on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is thrown
on the roll immediately following placement of the Six The Hardway on the Hop Bet.
xxv. An Eight The Hardway on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet that
may be made at any time. A winning or losing Eight The Hardway on the Hop Bet shall be determined as
(a) An Eight The Hardway on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 8 is thrown with a 4
appearing on each die on the roll immediately following placement of the Eight The Hardway on
the Hop Bet.
(b) An Eight the Hardway on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is
thrown on the roll immediately following placement of the Eight The Hardway on the Hop Bet.
xxvi. A Ten The Hardway on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet that may
be made at any time. A winning or losing Ten The Hardway on the Hop Bet shall be determined as
(a) A Ten The Hardway on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 10 is thrown with a 5
appearing on each die on the roll immediately following placement of the Ten The Hardway on
the Hop Bet.
(b) A Ten the Hardway on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is thrown
on the roll immediately following placement of the Ten The Hardway on the Hop Bet.
xxvii. A One-Three or Ace-Trey on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet that
may be made at any time. A winning or losing One-Three or Ace-Trey on the Hop Bet shall be
determined as follows:
(a) A One-Three or Ace-Trey on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 4 is thrown with
a 1 appearing on one die and a 3 appearing on the other die on the roll immediately following
placement of the One-Three or Ace-Trey on the Hop Bet.
(b) A One-Three or Ace-Trey on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is
thrown on the roll immediately following placement of the One-Three or Ace-Trey on the Hop
xxviii. A One-Four or Ace-Four on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet that
may be made at any time. A winning or losing One-Four or Ace-Four on the Hop Bet shall be determined
as follows:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
(a) A One-Four or Ace-Four on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 5 is thrown with a
1 appearing on one die and a 4 appearing on the other die on the roll immediately following
placement of the One-Four or Ace-Four on the Hop Bet.
(b) A One-Four or Ace-Four on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is
thrown on the roll immediately following placement of the One-Four or Ace-Four on the Hop
xxix. A Two-Three or Deuce-Trey on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet
that may be made at any time. A winning or losing Two-Three or Deuce-Trey on the Hop Bet shall be
determined as follows:
(a) A Two-Three or Deuce-Trey on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 5 is thrown
with a 2 appearing on one die and a 3 appearing on the other die on the roll immediately
following placement of the Two-Three or Deuce-Trey on the Hop Bet.
(b) A Two-Three or Deuce-Trey on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination
is thrown on the roll immediately following placement of the Two-Three or Deuce-Trey on the
Hop Bet.
xxx. A One-Five or Ace-Five on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet that
may be made at any time. A winning or losing One-Five or Ace-Five on the Hop Bet shall be determined
as follows:
(a) A One-Five or Ace-Five on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 6 is thrown with a
1 appearing on one die and a 5 appearing on the other die on the roll immediately following
placement of the One-Five or Ace-Five on the Hop Bet.
(b) A One-Five or Ace-Five on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is
thrown on the roll immediately following placement of the One-Five or Ace-Five on the Hop Bet.
xxxi. A Two-Four or Deuce-Four on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet
that may be made at any time. A winning or losing Two-Four or Deuce-Four on the Hop Bet shall be
determined as follows:
(a) A Two-Four or Deuce-Four on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 6 is thrown
with a 2 appearing on one die and a 4 appearing on the other die on the roll immediately
following placement of the Two-Four or Deuce-Four on the Hop Bet.
(b) A Two-Four or Deuce-Four on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is
thrown on the roll immediately following placement of the One-Five or Ace-Five on the Hop Bet.
xxxii. A One-Six or Ace-Six on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet that
may be made at any time. A winning or losing One-Six or Ace-Six on the Hop Bet shall be determined as
(a) A One-Six or Ace-Six on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 7 is thrown with a 1
appearing on one die and a 6 appearing on the other die on the roll immediately following
placement of the One-Six or Ace-Six on the Hop Bet.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
(b) A One-Six or Ace-Six on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is
thrown on the roll immediately following placement of the One-Six or Ace-Six on the Hop Bet.
xxxiii. A Two-Five or Deuce-Five on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet
that may be made at any time. A winning or losing Two-Five or Deuce-Five on the Hop Bet shall be
determined as follows:
(a) A Two-Five or Deuce-Five on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 7 is thrown with
a 2 appearing on one die and a 5 appearing on the other die on the roll immediately following
placement of the Two-Five or Deuce-Five on the Hop Bet.
(b) A Two-Five or Deuce-Five on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is
thrown on the roll immediately following placement of the Two-Five or Deuce-Five on the Hop
xxxiv. A Three-Four or Trey-Four on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet
that may be made at any time. A winning or losing Three-Four or Trey-Four on the Hop Bet shall be
determined as follows:
(a) A Three-Four or Trey-Four on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 7 is thrown with
a 3 appearing on one die and a 4 appearing on the other die on the roll immediately following
placement of the Three-Four or Trey-Four on the Hop Bet.
(b) A Three-Four or Trey-Four on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is
thrown on the roll immediately following placement of the Three-Four or Trey-Four on the Hop
xxxv. A Two-Six or Deuce-Six on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet that
may be made at any time. A winning or losing Two-Six or Deuce-Six on the Hop Bet shall be determined
as follows:
(a) A Two-Six or Deuce-Six on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 8 is thrown with a
2 appearing on one die and a 6 appearing on the other die on the roll immediately following
placement of the Two-Six or Deuce-Six on the Hop Bet.
(b) A Two-Six or Deuce-Six on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is
thrown on the roll immediately following placement of the Two-Six or Deuce-Six on the Hop
xxxvi. A Three-Five or Trey-Five on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet that
may be made at any time. A winning or losing Three-Five or Trey-Five on the Hop Bet shall be
determined as follows:
(a) A Three-Five or Trey-Five on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 8 is thrown with
a 3 appearing on one die and a 5 appearing on the other die on the roll immediately following
placement of the Three-Five or Trey-Five on the Hop Bet.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
(b) A Three-Five or Trey-Five on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is
thrown on the roll immediately following placement of the Three-Five or Trey-Five on the Hop
xxxvii. A Three-Six or Trey-Six on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet that
may be made at any time. A winning or losing Bet shall be determined as follows
(a) A Three-Six or Trey-Six on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 9 is thrown with a
3 appearing on one die and a 6 appearing on the other die on the roll immediately following
placement of the Three-Six or Trey-Six on the Hop Bet.
(b) A Three-Six or Trey-Six on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is
thrown on the roll immediately following placement of the Three-Six or Trey-Six on the Hop Bet.
xxxviii. A Four-Five on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet that may be made
at any time. A winning or losing Four-Five on the Hop Bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) A Four-Five on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 9 is thrown with a 4 appearing
on one die and a 5 appearing on the other die on the roll immediately following placement of the
Four-Five on the Hop Bet.
(b) A Four-Five on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is thrown on the
roll immediately following placement of the Four-Five on the Hop Bet.
xxxix. A Four-Six on the Hop Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet that may be made
at any time. A winning or losing Bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) A Four-Six on the Hop Bet shall win if a total of 10 is thrown with a 4 appearing
on one die and a 6 appearing on the other die on the roll immediately following placement of the
Four-Six on the Hop Bet.
(b) A Four-Six on the Hop Bet shall lose if any other combination is thrown on the
roll immediately following placement of the Four-Six on the Hop Bet.
xl. A 6-7-8 Bet placed in an area on the layout for this bet that may be made at any time. A
winning or losing 6-7-8 Bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) A 6-7-8 Bet shall win if a total of 6, 7 or 8 is thrown on the roll immediately
following placement of the 6-7-8 Bet.
xli. A Fire Bet that may only be made prior to a point being established after a “seven out”.
(a) A Fire Bet shall win if at least four different unique point totals of either 4, 5, 6,
8, 9 or 10 are made by the shooter before a 7 is thrown.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
(b) A Fire Bet shall lose if less than four different unique point totals of either 4, 5, 6,
8, 9 or 10 are made by the shooter before a 7 is thrown.
B. Except as permitted under § 6 (relating to supplemental wagers made after the come out roll in
support of Pass, Don't Pass, Come and Don't Come bets (taking and laying odds)), the amount of a Craps:
C. The amounts of the minimum and maximum Craps wagers shall be posted at each Craps table.
B. Wagers shall be made by placing gaming chips or plaques on the appropriate areas of the layout.
Verbal wagers accompanied by cash may be accepted provided that they are confirmed by the dealer and that the
cash is expeditiously converted into gaming chips or plaques.
C. A wager made on any bet may be removed or reduced at any time prior to a roll that decides the
outcome of the wager except that:
i. A Pass Bet may not be removed or reduced after a come out point is established with
respect to the Pass Bet. The Pass Bet may be placed or increased after a point is established.
ii. A Come Bet may not be removed or reduced after a come point is established with
respect to the Come Bet.
iii. A Fire Bet may not be reduced or increased at any time, and may not be removed prior to
the throwing of a loser 7.
iv. A PUT bet is treated the same as a Come bet and cannot be removed or reduced once the
dice have rolled.
D. A Don't Come Bet and a Don't Pass Bet may be removed or reduced at any time but may not be
replaced or increased after the bet has been removed or reduced.
5. Payout Odds.
A. All odds stated on a table layout or in any brochure or other publication distributed by the
property shall be stated through use of the word "to" and payout odds may not be stated through use of the word
B. The payout odds for winning wagers at the game of Craps may not be less than the following
payout odds:
Wager Payout/Odds
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
Pass Bet 1 to 1
Don't Pass Bet 1 to 1
Come Bet 1 to 1
Don't Come Bet 1 to 1
Place Bet to Win on 4 9 to 5
Place Bet to Win on 5 7 to 5
Place Bet to Win on 6 7 to 6
Place Bet to Win on 8 7 to 6
Place Bet to Win on 9 7 to 5
Place Bet to Win on 10 9 to 5
Field Bet:
On a 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11 1 to 1
On a 2 or 12 2 to 1
Any Seven Bet 4 to 1
Any Craps Bet 7 to 1
Craps 2 Bet 30 to 1
Craps 3 Bet 15 to 1
Craps 12 Bet 30 to 1
11 in One Roll 15 to 1
Four The Hardway on the Hop Bet 30 to 1
Six The Hardway on the Hop Bet 30 to 1
Eight The Hardway on the Hop Bet 30 to 1
Ten The Hardway on the Hop Bet 30 to 1
One-Three or Ace-Trey on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
One-Four or Ace-Four on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
One-Five or Ace-Five on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
One-Six or Ace-Six on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Two-Three or Deuce-Trey on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Two-Four or Deuce-Four on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Two-Five or Deuce-Five on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Two-Six or Deuce-Six on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Three-Four or Trey-Four on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Three-Five or Trey-Five on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Three-Six or Trey-Six on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Four-Five on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Four-Six on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
C. A Craps-Eleven or C and E Bet shall be paid as if one half of the Craps-Eleven or C and E Bet
had been placed as an Any Craps Bet (7 to 1) and one half as an 11 in One Roll (15 to 1), and shall be paid as if
two separate wagers were made for the one roll.
D. A Horn Bet shall be paid as if it were four separate wagers on the 2, 3, 11 and 12, each of which
equaling 25% of the Horn Bet.
E. A Horn High Bet shall be paid as if it was four separate wagers on the 2, 3 ,11 and 12, each of
which equaling 20% of the Horn High Bet and a fifth wager on the 2, 3 ,11 or 12, equaling 20% of the Horn High
F. A World Bet may be paid as if it was two separate wagers with four units wagered as a Horn Bet
and one unit wagered as an Any Seven Bet.
G. A winning Fire Bet shall be paid once for the highest number of different unique points made at
no less than the odds set forth in the following pay table:
H. Except as permitted under § 6 (relating to supplemental wagers made after the come out roll in
support of Pass, Don't Pass, Come and Don't Come bets (taking and laying odds)), a property may not accept any
wager in excess of the maximum bet posted at the table.
A. In addition to Place Bets to Win on 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 the property may offer players the option
of placing Buy Bet. The property may collect a vigorish of up to 5% of the amount wagered on Buy Bets. The
property shall pay winning Buy Bet wagers as follows:
Wager Payout/Odds
Place Bet to Win on 4 2 to 1
Place Bet to Win on 5 3 to 2
Place Bet to Win on 6 6 to 5
Place Bet to Win on 8 6 to 5
Place Bet to Win on 9 3 to 2
Place Bet to Win on 10 2 to 1
B. On the 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 players have the option of placing a Lay Bet. The property may collect
a vigorish of up to 5% of the potential payoff of Lay Bets. The property shall pay winning Lay Bet wagers as
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
Wager Payout/Odds
Lay bet on 4 1 to 2
Lay bet on 5 2 to 3
Lay bet on 6 5 to 6
Lay bet on 8 5 to 6
Lay bet on 9 2 to 3
Lay bet on 10 1 to 2
6. Supplemental Wagers. Supplement wagers made after the come out roll in support of Pass, Don't Pass,
Come and Don't Come bets (taking and laying odds).
A. Whenever a player makes a Pass Bet and a total of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 is thrown on the come out
roll, the player may make a supplemental wager in support of the Pass Bet which may be limited by the property
to an amount that is equal to the amount of the original Pass Bet. If the Pass Bet wins after a supplemental wager
is made:
(b) 3 to 2 if the come out point was 5 or 9.6 to 5 if the come out point was 6 or 8.
B. Whenever a player makes a Don't Pass Bet and a total of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 is thrown on the come
out roll, the player may make a supplemental wager in support of the Don't Pass Bet which may be limited by the
property to an amount so calculated as to provide winnings not in excess of the amount originally wagered on the
Don't Pass Bet. If the Don't Pass Bet wins after a supplemental wager is made:
C. Whenever a player makes a Come Bet and a total of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 is thrown on the roll
immediately following placement of the Come Bet, the player may make a supplemental wager in support of the
Come Bet which may be limited by the property to an amount that is equal to the amount of the original Come
Bet. If the Come Bet wins after a supplemental wager is made:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
D. Whenever a player makes a Don't Come Bet and a total of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 is thrown on the roll
immediately following placement of the Don’t Come Bet, the player may make a supplemental wager in support
of the Don't Come Bet which may be limited by the property to an amount so calculated as to provide winnings
not in excess of the amount originally wagered on the Don't Come Bet. If the Don't Come Bet wins after a
supplemental wager is made:
E. Except as otherwise permitted, the original Pass, Don't Pass, Come or Don't Come Bet and any
supplemental wager allowed in accordance with this subsection shall be paid at the same odds as the original and
supplemental wagers are paid under subsections A – D.
F. The property may accept a supplemental wager that exceeds an amount that is otherwise
authorized by this section or posted as the maximum wager permitted if the excess amount of the supplemental
wager is necessary to facilitate the payouts permitted by this section.
A. A set of five dice shall be present at the Craps table during gaming. Control of the dice at a Craps
table shall be the responsibility of the stickperson at the table.
i. For Craps, the stickperson shall offer the set of dice to the player immediately to the left
of the boxperson at the table. If that player rejects the dice, the stickperson shall offer the dice to each of
the other players in turn clockwise around the table until one of the players accepts the dice.
C. The first player to accept the dice when offered shall become the shooter who shall select and
retain two of the dice offered. The remaining dice of the set shall be returned to the dice cup which shall:
8. Throw of the Dice. The shooter shall make a Pass Bet or Don't Pass Bet after which the shooter shall
throw the two selected dice so that they leave the shooter’s hand simultaneously and in a manner which causes the dice to
strike the end of the table farthest from the shooter.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
A. When the dice come to rest from a valid throw, the Craps stickperson or the boxperson shall call
out the sum of the numbers on the uppermost or skyward sides of the two dice. Only one face on each die shall be
considered uppermost or skyward.
B. In the event either or both of the dice do not land flat on the table (for example, one edge of the
die is resting cocked on a stack of chips), the side directly opposite the side that is resting on the chips or other
object shall be considered uppermost or skyward. If more than one side of a die is resting on a stack of chips or
other object, the roll shall be void and the dice shall be re-thrown.
i. In Craps, the boxperson shall have discretion to determine which face is uppermost or to
order the throw be void and the dice be re-thrown.
D. In Craps, after calling the throw, the stickperson shall collect the dice and bring them to the center
of the table between himself and the boxperson. All wagers decided by that throw shall then be settled, following
which the stickperson shall pass the dice to the shooter for the next throw. When collecting the dice and passing
them to the shooter, the stickperson shall use a stick designed for that purpose.
A. It shall be the option of the shooter, after any roll, either to pass the dice or remain the shooter
except that:
ii. The Craps boxperson may order the shooter to pass the dice if the shooter unreasonably
delays the game, repeatedly makes invalid rolls or violates either the act or this part.
B. If a shooter, after making the come out point, elects not to place another Pass Bet or Don't Pass
Bet, and other Come Bets or Don't Come Bets remain on the table, the Craps stickperson shall offer the dice to the
player immediately to the left of the previous shooter, as provided for in subsection C. If there are no other
players at the table, or if no other players at the table elect to make a Pass Bet or Don't Pass Bet in order to shoot
the dice and continue the game, the previous shooter shall be allowed to shoot the dice without making a Pass Bet
or Don't Pass Bet only for the purpose of effecting a decision on the remaining Come Bets or Don't Come Bets.
The on/off marker shall be placed on the Don't Pass Line in the off position in front of the shooter in order to
indicate that the shooter is rolling the dice only to effectuate a decision for the Come Bets or Don’t Come Bets
remaining on the layout. Once the remaining Come Bets or Don't Come Bets have been decided or a player
wishes to place a Pass Bet or Don't Pass Bet, the game shall proceed in accordance with § 8 (relating to throw of
the dice).
C. Whenever a voluntary or compulsory relinquishment of the dice occurs by the shooter, the Craps
stickperson shall offer the complete set of five dice to the player immediately to the left of the previous shooter
and, if he does not accept, to each of the other players in turn clockwise around the table.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
D. The first player to accept the dice when offered shall become the new shooter who shall select
and retain two of the dice offered. The remaining dice of the set shall be returned to the dice cup which shall be
placed immediately in front of the Craps stickperson.
A. If the property elects to offer the Fire Bet in the game of Craps as permitted under § 3 (relating to
permissible wagers), the following additional procedures must be observed:
i. Each player shall, prior to a new shooter’s initial come out roll, place his or her Fire Bet
on the numbered designated area for the placement of Fire Bets that is closest to his or her position at the
Craps table.
ii. Whenever there is a voluntary or compulsory surrender of the dice by a shooter under §
10 (relating to continuation of shooter; selection of new shooter) prior to the throwing of a loser 7, any
pending Fire Bet shall be settled upon the successor shooter throwing a loser 7.
iii. Once all Fire Bets are placed, the dealer shall bring in each Fire Bet in numerical order
and place it on the corresponding number of the designated area in front of the boxperson, where the Fire
Bets shall remain until they are either lost or paid.
iv. With each individual point made by a shooter, the dealer shall place a Fire Bet point
marker inscribed with the total number of different unique points made by the shooter in the area of the
table layout containing the number of the point (4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10) which was just made. Each Fire Bet
point marker shall be visually distinguishable from and have a diameter larger than any authorized
gaming chip. Fire Bet point markers shall be maintained by the boxperson or dealers at the Craps table.
v. Fire bets shall be collected or paid, as applicable, upon a shooter throwing a loser 7.
vi. Once four different unique points are made, the surveillance a property may be notified
for the purpose of confirming all Fire Bets and payouts.
B. If the property elects to offer the fire bet in the game of Craps under § 3, the following additional
rules shall apply:
i. The minimum wager shall be $1 and the maximum wager shall be $5 and all wagers shall
be made in increments of one dollar.
ii. When a shooter makes the same point total more than once, the total number of different
unique points made for purposes of settling a Fire Bet shall not increment.
iii. The four or more different unique points required to win a Fire Bet are not required to be
made in any specific order or combination.
A. A roll of the dice shall be invalid whenever either or both of the dice go off the table or whenever
one die comes to rest on top of the other.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
B. The persons listed in subsection D shall have the authority to invalidate a roll of the dice by
calling “no roll” for any of the following reasons:
ii. Either or both of the dice fail to strike the end of the table farthest from the shooter.
iii. Either or both of the dice come to rest on the chips constituting the Craps bank of chips
located in front of the boxperson.
iv. Either or both of the dice come to rest in or pass through the dice cup in front of the
Craps stickperson or on one of the rails surrounding the table.
v. The use of a cheating, crooked or fixed device or technique in the roll of the dice.
C. A throw of the dice which results in the dice coming into contact with any chips or plaques on the
table, other than the Craps bank of chips located in front of the Boxman, will not be a cause for a call of “no roll.”
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
(c) A bet may be moved from the “Don’t” side of a number to the “Do” side
when changing a bet is permitted.
vii. Procedures for how the dice “pass” from one participant to the next; and
viii. Each participant must have a wager for every roll for which they have chips
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
1. Definitions ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Crapless Tables; Physical Characteristics............................................................................................................. 2
3. Permissible Wagers. ........................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Making and Removal of Wagers. ........................................................................................................................ 7
5. Payout Odds ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
5a. Buy Bets ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
6. Supplemental Wagers Made After the Come Out Roll in Support of Pass and Come bets (Taking Odds) .............. 10
7. Dice Retention and Selection ............................................................................................................................ 11
8. Throw of the Dice ............................................................................................................................................ 12
9. Point Throw; Settlement of Wagers .................................................................................................................. 12
10. Continuation of Shooter; Selection of New Shooter ........................................................................................... 12
11. Invalid Roll of the Dice/Irregularities ............................................................................................................... 13
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings,
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Boxperson” means a team member whose primary function is to participate in and supervise the
conduct of gaming at a single Crapless table.
B. “Buy Bet” means a Place Bet which offers a payout of true odds.
C. “Call Bet” means a wager made without cash or chips for a known customer.
D. “Come out point” means a total of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 thrown by the shooter on the
come out roll.
E. “Come out roll” means the first roll of the dice at the opening of the game and the first roll of the
dice after a decision with respect to a Pass Bet has been affected.
F. “Come point” means a total of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 thrown by the shooter on the next
roll following placement of a Come Bet.
G. “Stickperson” means a team member whose primary function is to control the selection and use
of the dice at a Crapless table.
A. Crapless shall be played on an oblong table with rounded corners and high walled sides.
ii. Specific areas designated for the placement of wagers permitted under §3 (relating to
permissible wagers).
D. Each Crapless table may have a drop box and tip box attached to the table.
E. In addition to the requirements in subsection C, if the Fire Bet in the game of Craps is offered by
the property, the craps table may include:
i. No more than 16 designated areas for the placement of Fire Bets in locations. The Fire
Bet areas must be located around the perimeter of the layout, corresponding to the player
positions at the table, and be sequentially numbered in a clockwise direction, with the
area numbered 1 being located immediately to the left of the boxperson or dealer.
ii. A designated area of the layout for the relocation and identification of all Fire Bets placed
by players prior to the come out roll of a shooter. The designated area may be located in
front of the boxperson and contain numbered areas, which correspond to the location of
the numbered areas described in paragraph i.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
(b) That Fire Bets shall only be accepted prior to a point being established after a
“seven out”.
3. Permissible Wagers.
A. The following wagers, or combination of wagers wager, may be used in the games of Crapless:
i. A Pass bet placed on the Pass Line of the layout immediately prior to the come out roll. A
winning or losing Pass bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) A Pass bet shall win if, on the come out roll, either:
(2) Any other total is thrown and that total is thrown again before a 7 is
(1) Any total other than 7 is thrown and a 7 is subsequently thrown before
that total is thrown again.
ii. A Come bet placed on the Come Line of the layout at any time after the come out roll.
Any total thrown other than a 7, after the placement of a Come bet, the dealer shall move the Come bet
into the numbered box corresponding to the number that was thrown. A winning or losing Come bet shall
be determined as follows:
(2) Any total other than 7 is thrown on the roll immediately following
placement of the Come bet and that total is thrown again before a 7 is thrown.
(b) A Come bet shall lose when any total other than 7 thrown on the roll immediately
following placement of the Come bet and a 7 is subsequently thrown before that total is thrown
iii. A Player may bypass the Come and have a flat bet (with or without a supplemental wager
in support of the Put Bet) PUT on a number (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and/or 12) as if it had gone through
the come. A PUT bet is treated the same as a Come bet and cannot be removed or reduced once the dice
have rolled. Once on the number, a supplemental wager in support of the Put bet may be placed or
removed prior to a decision.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
(a) A Put bet shall win if the number in which the bet is placed is thrown before a 7
is thrown.
(b) A Put bet shall lose if a 7 is thrown before the number in which the bet is placed
is thrown.
iv. A Place bet on any of the numbers may be made at any time. A Place bet shall be inactive
on a come out roll unless called “on” by the player and confirmed by the dealer through placement of an
“on” marker button on top of the player's wager. A winning or losing Place bet shall be determined as
(a) A Place bet shall win if the number on which the wager was placed is thrown
before a 7 is thrown.
(b) A Place bet shall lose if a 7 is thrown before the number on which the wager was
placed is thrown.
v. A Four the Hardway bet placed in a box which shows two dice, each of which displays a
value of 2, may be made at any time. A Four the Hardway bet shall be inactive on the come out roll unless
called “on” by the player and confirmed by the dealer. A winning or losing Four the Hardway bet shall be
determined as follows:
(a) A Four the Hardway bet shall win if a total of 4 is thrown with a 2 appearing on
each die before a 4 is thrown in any other way or before a 7 is thrown.
(b) A Four the Hardway bet shall lose if a total of 4 is thrown without a 2 appearing
on each die or a 7 is thrown before a total of 4 is thrown with a 2 appearing on each die.
vi. A Six the Hardway bet placed in a box which shows two dice, each of which displays a
value of 3, may be made at any time. A Six the Hardway bet shall be inactive on the come out roll unless
called “on” by the player and confirmed by the dealer. A winning or losing Six the Hardway bet shall be
determined as follows:
(a) A Six the Hardway bet shall win if a total of 6 is thrown with a 3 appearing on
each die before a 6 is thrown in any other way or before a 7 is thrown.
(b) A Six the Hardway Bet shall lose if a total of 6 is thrown without a 3 appearing
on each die or a 7 is thrown before a total of 6 is thrown with a 3 appearing on each die.
vii. An Eight the Hardway bet placed in a box which shows two dice, each of which displays
a value of 4, may be made at any time. An Eight the Hardway bet shall be inactive on the come out roll
unless called “on” by the player and confirmed by the dealer. A winning or losing Eight the Hardway bet
shall be determined as follows:
(a) An Eight the Hardway bet shall win if a total of 8 is thrown with a 4 appearing on
each die before an 8 is thrown in any other way or before a 7 is thrown.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
(b) An Eight the Hardway bet shall lose if a total of 8 is thrown without a 4
appearing on each die or a 7 is thrown before a total of 8 is thrown with a 4 appearing on each
viii. A Ten the Hardway bet placed in a box which shows two dice, each of which displays a
value of 5, may be made at any time. A Ten the Hardway bet shall be inactive on the come out roll unless
called “on” by the player and confirmed by the dealer. A winning or losing ten the Hardway bet shall be
determined as follows:
(a) A Ten the Hardway bet shall win if a total of 10 is thrown with a 5 appearing on
each die before a 10 is thrown in any other way or before a 7 is thrown.
(b) A Ten the Hardway bet shall lose if a total of 10 is thrown without a 5 appearing
on each die or a 7 is thrown before a total of 10 is thrown with a 5 appearing on each die.
ix. A Field bet placed in a box which shows the numbers 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 and 12 that may
be made at any time. A winning or losing Field bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) A Field bet shall win if a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 or 12 is thrown on the roll immediately
following placement of the Field bet.
(b) A Field bet shall lose if a 5, 6, 7 or 8 is thrown on the roll immediately following
placement of the Field bet.
x. An Any Seven bet placed in a box which contains the phrase “Any Seven” that may be
made at any time. A winning or losing Any Seven bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) An Any Seven bet shall win if a 7 is thrown on the roll immediately following
placement of the Any Seven Bet.
(b) An Any Seven bet shall lose if any total other than a 7 is thrown on the roll
immediately following placement of the Any Seven Bet.
xi. An Any Craps bet placed in a box which contains the phrase “Any Craps” or marked as a
“C” that may be made at any time. A winning or losing Any Craps bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) An Any Craps bet shall win if a 2, 3 or 12 is thrown on the roll immediately
following placement of the Any Craps Bet.
(b) An Any Craps bet shall lose if any total other than a 2, 3 or 12 is thrown on the
roll immediately following placement of the Any Craps bet.
xii. A Craps Two bet placed in a box which shows two dice, each of which displays a value
of 1, which may be made at any time. A winning or losing Craps Two bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) A Craps Two bet shall win if a 2 is thrown on the roll immediately following
placement of the Craps Two bet.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
(b) A Craps Two bet shall lose if any total other than a 2 is thrown on the roll
immediately following placement of the Craps Two bet.
xiii. A Craps Three bet placed in a box which shows two dice, one of which displays a value
of 1 and the other of which displays a value of 2, which may be made at any time. A winning or losing
Craps Three bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) A Craps Three bet shall win if a 3 is thrown on the roll immediately following
placement of the Craps Three bet.
(b) A Craps Three bet shall lose if any total other than a 3 is thrown on the roll
immediately following placement of the Craps Three bet.
xiv. A Craps Twelve bet placed in a box which shows two dice, each of which displays a
value of 6, which may be made at any time. A winning or losing Craps Twelve bet shall be determined as
(a) A Craps Twelve bet shall win if a 12 is thrown on the roll immediately following
placement of the Craps Twelve bet.
(b) A Craps Twelve bet shall lose if any total other than a 12 is thrown on the roll
immediately following placement of the Craps Twelve bet.
xv. An 11 in one roll bet placed in a box which shows two dice, one of which displays a
value of 5 and the other of which displays a value of 6, or in a designated area labeled “E”. A winning or
losing 11 in one roll bet shall be determined as follows:
(a) An 11 in one roll bet shall win if an 11 is thrown on the roll immediately
following placement of the 11 in one roll bet.
(b) An 11 in one roll bet shall lose if any total other than an 11 is thrown on the roll
immediately following placement of the 11 in one roll bet.
xvi. A Horn bet placed in a box which contains the words “Horn Bet” that may be made at
any time. A Horn bet shall be placed in units of four. A winning or losing Horn bet shall be determined as
(b) A Horn bet shall lose if any total other than a 2, 3, 11 or 12 is thrown on the roll
immediately following placement of the Horn bet.
xvii. A Horn High bet placed in a box which contains the words “Horn High bet” and two dice
with a total value of 2, 3, 11 or 12 that may be made at any time. A Horn High bet shall be placed in units
of five. The property that does not have a designated area on its layout for the acceptance of a Horn High
bet shall break down a Horn High bet into two separate wagers of four units on the Horn Bet and one unit
on one of the boxes which contain two dice with a total value of 2, 3, 11 or 12. A winning or losing Horn
High bet shall be determined as follows:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
(a) A Horn High bet shall win if a 2, 3, 11 or 12 is thrown on the roll immediately
following placement of the Horn High Bet.
(b) A Horn High bet shall lose if any total other than a 2, 3, 11 or 12 is thrown on the
roll immediately following placement of the Horn High bet.
xviii. A World bet placed in a box which contains the words “World Bet” that may be made at
any time. If the property does not have a designated area on its layout for the acceptance of a World Bet,
it may elect to break down a World Bet into two separate wagers of four units on the Horn bet and one
unit on the Any Seven bet. A winning or losing World bet shall be determined as follows:
(b) A World bet shall lose if any total other than a 2, 3, 7, 11 or 12 is thrown on the
roll immediately following placement of the Horn High bet.
xix. A Hop bet is placed in a designated area on the layout which depicts the exact value of
each die for upcoming roll and may be made at any time. A winning or losing Hop bet shall be
determined as follows:
(a) A Hop Bet shall win if the bet correctly matches each die on the roll immediately
following placement of the Hop bet.
(b) A Hop bet shall lose if any other combination is thrown on the roll immediately
following placement of the Hop bet.
xx. A Fire Bet that may only be made prior to a point being established after a “seven out”.
(a) A Fire Bet shall win if at least three different unique point totals of either 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 are made by the shooter before a 7 is thrown.
(b) A Fire Bet shall lose if less than three different unique point totals of either 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 are made by the shooter before a 7 is thrown.
B. Except as permitted under § 6 (relating to supplemental wagers made after the come out roll in
support of Pass and Come bets), the amount of a Craps:
C. The amounts of the minimum and maximum Crapless wagers shall be posted at each Crapless
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
B. Wagers shall be made by placing gaming chips or plaques on the appropriate areas of the layout.
Verbal wagers accompanied by cash may be accepted provided that they are confirmed by the dealer and that the
cash is expeditiously converted into gaming chips or plaques.
C. A wager made on any bet may be removed or reduced at any time prior to a roll that decides the
outcome of the wager except that:
i. A Pass Bet may not be removed or reduced after a come out point is established with
respect to the Pass Bet. The Pass Bet may be placed or increased after a point is established.
ii. A Come Bet may not be removed or reduced after a come point is established with
respect to the Come Bet.
iii. A Fire Bet may not be reduced or increased at any time, and may not be removed prior to
the throwing of a loser 7.
iv. A PUT bet is treated the same as a Come bet and cannot be removed or reduced once the
dice have rolled.
5. Payout Odds.
A. All odds stated on a table layout or in any brochure or other publication distributed by the
property shall be stated through use of the word "to" and payout odds may not be stated through use of the word
B. The payout odds for winning wagers at the game of Crapless may not be less than the following
payout odds:
Wager Payout/Odds
Pass Bet 1 to 1
Come Bet 1 to 1
Place Bet on 2 11 to 2
Place Bet on 3 11 to 4
Place Bet on 4 9 to 5
Place Bet on 5 7 to 5
Place Bet on 6 7 to 6
Place Bet on 8 7 to 6
Place Bet on 9 7 to 5
Place Bet on 10 9 to 5
Place Bet on 11 11 to 4
Place Bet on 12 11 to 2
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
Field Bet 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11 1 to 1
Field Bet 2 or 12 2 to 1
Any Seven Bet 4 to 1
Any Craps Bet 7 to 1
Craps 2 Bet (one roll) 30 to 1
Craps 3 Bet (one roll) 15 to 1
Craps 12 Bet (one roll) 30 to 1
E or 11 (one roll) 15 to 1
Four The Hardway on the Hop Bet 30 to 1
Six The Hardway on the Hop Bet 30 to 1
Eight The Hardway on the Hop Bet 30 to 1
Ten The Hardway on the Hop Bet 30 to 1
One-Three on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
One-Four on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
One-Five on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
One-Six on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Two-Three on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Two-Four on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Two-Five on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Two-Six on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Three-Four on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Three-Five on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Three-Six on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Four-Five on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
Four-Six on the Hop Bet 15 to 1
C. A Horn bet shall be paid as if it were four separate wagers on the 2, 3, 11 and 12, each of which
equaling 25% of the Horn Bet.
D. A Horn High bet shall be paid as if it was four separate wagers on the 2, 3 ,11 and 12, each of
which equaling 20% of the Horn High bet and a fifth wager on the 2, 3 ,11 or 12, equaling 20% of the Horn High
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
E. A World bet may be paid as if it was two separate wagers with four units wagered as a Horn Bet
and one unit wagered as an Any Seven Bet.
F. A winning Fire Bet shall be paid once for the highest number of different unique points made at
no less than the odds set forth in the following paytable:
3 Points 9 to 1
4 Points 29 to 1
5 Points 149 to 1
G. Except as permitted under §6 (relating to supplemental wagers made after the come out roll in
support of Pass and Come bets (taking odds)), a property may not accept any wager in excess of the maximum bet
posted at the table.
A. In addition to Place bets, the property may offer players the option of placing a Buy bet. The
property may collect a vigorish of up to 5% of the amount wagered on Buy bets. The property shall pay winning
Buy bet wagers as follows:
Wager Payout/Odds
Buy bet on 2 6 to 1
Buy bet on 3 3 to 1
Buy bet on 4 2 to 1
Buy bet on 5 3 to 2
Buy bet on 6 6 to 5
Buy bet on 8 6 to 5
Buy bet on 9 3 to 2
Buy bet on 10 2 to 1
Buy bet on 11 3 to 1
Buy bet on 12 6 to 1
6. Supplemental Wagers Made after the Come Out Roll in Support of Pass and Come Bets (Taking
A. Whenever a player makes a Pass bet, the player may make a supplemental wager in support of the
Pass bet. If the Pass bet wins after a supplemental wager is made:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
B. Whenever a player makes a Come bet, the player may make a supplemental wager in support of
the Come bet. If the Come bet wins after a supplemental wager is made:
C. The property may accept a supplemental wager that exceeds an amount that is otherwise
authorized by this section or posted as the maximum wager permitted if the excess amount of the supplemental
wager is necessary to facilitate the payouts permitted by this section.
A. A set of five dice shall be present at the Crapless table during gaming. Control of the dice at a
Crapless table shall be the responsibility of the stickperson at the table.
i. The stickperson shall offer the set of dice to the player immediately to the left of the
boxperson at the table. If that player rejects the dice, the stickperson shall offer the dice to each of the
other players in turn clockwise around the table until one of the players accepts the dice.
C. The first player to accept the dice when offered shall become the shooter who shall select and
retain two of the dice offered. The remaining dice of the set shall be returned to the dice cup which shall be placed
immediately in front of the stickperson.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
A. The shooter shall make a Pass bet after which the shooter shall throw the two selected dice so that
they leave the shooter’s hand simultaneously and in a manner which causes the dice to strike the end of the table
farthest from the shooter.
A. When the dice come to rest from a valid throw, the stickperson or the boxperson shall call out the
sum of the numbers on the uppermost or skyward sides of the two dice. Only one face on each die shall be
considered uppermost or skyward.
B. In the event either or both of the dice do not land flat on the table (for example, one edge of the
die is resting cocked on a stack of chips), the side directly opposite the side that is resting on the chips or other
object shall be considered uppermost or skyward. If more than one side of a die is resting on a stack of chips or
other object, the roll shall be void and the dice shall be re-thrown.
C. In the event of a dispute as to which face is uppermost the boxperson shall have discretion to
determine which face is uppermost or to order the throw be void and the dice be re-thrown.
D. After calling the throw, the stickperson shall collect the dice and bring them to the center of the
table between himself and the boxperson. All wagers decided by that throw shall then be settled, following which
the stickperson shall pass the dice to the shooter for the next throw. When collecting the dice and passing them to
the shooter, the stickperson shall use a stick designed for that purpose.
A. It shall be the option of the shooter, after any roll, either to pass the dice or remain the shooter
except that:
ii. The boxperson may order the shooter to pass the dice if the shooter unreasonably delays
the game, repeatedly makes invalid rolls or appears to be willfully violating policies of the game.
B. If a shooter, after making the come out point, elects not to place another Pass Bet, and other
Come Bets remain on the table, the stickperson shall offer the dice to the player immediately to the left of the
previous shooter, as provided for in subsection C. If there are no other players at the table, or if no other players at
the table elect to make a Pass Bet in order to shoot the dice and continue the game, the previous shooter shall be
allowed to shoot the dice without making a Pass Bet only for the purpose of effecting a decision on the remaining
Come Bets. The on/off marker shall be placed on the Pass Line in the off position in front of the shooter in order
to indicate that the shooter is rolling the dice only to effectuate a decision for the Come Bets remaining on the
layout. Once the remaining Come Bets have been decided or a player wishes to place a Pass Bet, the game shall
proceed in accordance with § 8 (relating to throw of the dice).
C. Whenever a voluntary or compulsory relinquishment of the dice occurs by the shooter, the
stickperson shall offer the complete set of five dice to the player immediately to the left of the previous shooter
and, if he does not accept, to each of the other players in turn clockwise around the table.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
D. The first player to accept the dice when offered shall become the new shooter who shall select
and retain two of the dice offered. The remaining dice of the set shall be returned to the dice cup which shall be
placed immediately in front of the stickperson.
A. If the property elects to offer the Fire Bet in the game of Crapless Craps as permitted under § 3
(relating to permissible wagers), the following additional procedures must be observed:
i. Each player shall, prior to a new shooter’s initial come out roll, place his or her Fire Bet
on the numbered area designated for the placement of Fire Bets that is closest to his or
her position at the Crapless Craps table.
ii. Whenever there is a voluntary or compulsory surrender of the dice by a shooter under
§10 (relating to continuation of shooter; selection of new shooter) prior to the throwing of
a loser 7, any pending Fire Bet shall be settled upon the successor shooter throwing a
loser 7.
iii. Once all Fire Bets are placed, the dealer shall bring in each Fire Bet in numerical order
and place it on the corresponding number of the designated area in front of the
boxperson, where the Fire Bets shall remain until they are either lost or paid.
iv. With each individual point made by a shooter, the dealer shall place a Fire Bet point
marker inscribed with the total number of different unique points made by the shooter in
the area of the table layout containing the number of the point (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11,
or 12) which was just made. Each Fire Bet point marker shall be visually distinguishable
from and have a diameter larger than any authorized gaming chip. Fire Bet point markers
shall be maintained by the boxperson or dealers at the Crapless Craps table.
v. Fire Bets shall be collected or paid, as applicable, upon a shooter throwing a loser 7.
B. If the property elects to offer the Fire Bet in the game of Craps under §3, the following additional
rules shall apply:
i. The minimum and maximum requirements for this wager shall be posted at the Crapless
Craps table for patrons to see. The wager shall be required to be made increments of one
ii. When a shooter makes the same point total more than once, the total number of different
unique points made for purposes of settling a Fire Bet shall not increment.
iii. The three or more different unique points required to win a Fire Bet are not required to be
made in any specific order or combination.
A. A roll of the dice shall be invalid whenever either or both of the dice go off the table or whenever
one die comes to rest on top of the other.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/26/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/17/2018
B. The stickperson or boxperson or above shall have the authority to invalidate a roll of the dice by
calling “no roll” for any of the following reasons:
ii. Either or both of the dice fail to strike the end of the table farthest from the shooter.
iii. Either or both of the dice come to rest on the chips constituting the bank of chips located
in front of the boxperson.
iv. Either or both of the dice come to rest in or pass through the dice cup in front of the
iii. Either or both of the dice come to rest in the rail surrounding the table.
iv. The use of a cheating, crooked, or fixed device or technique in the roll of the dice.
C. A throw of the dice which results in the dice coming into contact with any chips or plaques on the
table, other than the bank of chips located in front of the boxperson, will not be a cause for a call of “no roll.”
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Four Card Poker Table Physical Characteristics ............................................................................................................. 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks ................................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Opening of the Table for Gaming ................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Shuffle and Cut of the Cards. .......................................................................................................................................... 4
6. Four Card Poker Rankings .............................................................................................................................................. 5
7. Wagers ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
8. Procedures for Dealing the Cards from a Manual Dealing Shoe .................................................................................... 6
9. Procedures for Dealing the Cards from the Hand .......................................................................................................... 7
10. Procedures for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe............................................................................. 7
11. Play Wagers; Procedures for Completion of Each Round of Play .................................................................................. 8
12. Payout Odds, Payout Limitations.................................................................................................................................... 8
13. Irregularities .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Ante Wager” means an initial wager a player may make prior to any cards being dealt in order
to compete against the dealer.
B. “Aces Up Wager” means an optional wager that a player may make prior to any cards being
dealt that the player’s best Four Card Poker hand will be a pair of aces or better.
C. “Hand” means the best Four Card Poker hand that can be formed by each player and the dealer
from the cards they are dealt.
D. “Play Wager” means an additional wager that a player is required to make if the player opts to
remain in competition against the dealer.
E. “Round of play” means one complete cycle of play during which all wagers have been placed,
all cards have been dealt and all remaining wagers have been settled in accordance with the rules of this chapter.
A. Four Card Poker shall be played on a table having betting positions for no more than seven
players on one side of the table and a place for the dealer on the opposite side which may include the following
ii. A separate designated betting area at each betting position for the placement of the Ante
iii. A separate designated betting area at each betting position for the placement of the Play
iv. A separate designated betting area at each betting position for the placement of the Aces
Up Wager.
v. An inscription identifying the payout odds for all authorized wagers unless the payout
odds are posted as required by subsection C.
(a) If payout odds are not inscribed on the layout a sign identifying the payout odds
for all authorized wagers shall be posted at each Four Card Poker table.
B. Each Four Card Poker table must have a drop box and a tip box attached to it on the same side of
the table as, but on opposite sides of the dealer.
C. Each Four Card Poker table must have a discard rack securely attached to the top of the dealer’s
side of the table.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
A. Except as provided in subsection B, Four Card Poker shall be played with one deck of cards with
backs of the same color and design and one additional cover card to be used in accordance with §5 (relating to
shuffle and cut of the cards).
B. If an automated card shuffling device is used, the property may use a second deck of cards to play
the game, provided that:
ii. The backs of the cards in the two decks are different colors.
iii. One deck is being shuffled by the automated card shuffling device while the other deck is
being used to play the game.
iv. Both decks are continuously alternated in and out of play, with each deck being used for
every other round of play.
v. The cards from only one deck are placed in the discard rack at any given time.
ii. At least every 8 hours if the cards are dealt from a manual or automated dealing shoe.
A. After receiving one or more decks of cards at the table, the dealer will inspect the cards with the
inspection verified by the Table Games Supervisor. Card inspection at the gaming table shall require the dealer to
sort each deck into sequence and into suit to ensure that all cards are in the deck. The dealer will also check each
card to ensure that there is no indication of tampering, flaws, scratches, marks, or other defects that might affect
the integrity of the game.
B. The cards shall be turned face down on the table, mixed thoroughly by a washing of the cards and
stacked. Once the cards have been stacked, the cards shall be shuffled in accordance with §5 (relating to shuffle
and cut of the cards).
C. If the property uses an automated card shuffling device to play the game and two decks of cards
are received at the table as permitted under §3.B (relating to cards; number of decks), each deck of cards shall be
separately spread, inspected, verified, mixed, stacked and shuffled.
D. If the decks of cards received at the table are pre-inspected and pre-shuffled all cards will go
directly into a shuffle machine to begin gaming activities.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
A. Immediately prior to the commencement of play, and after each round of play has been
completed, the dealer shall shuffle the cards, either manually or by use of an automated card shuffling device, so
that the cards are randomly intermixed. Upon completion of the shuffle, the dealer or automated card shuffling
device shall place the deck of cards in a single stack; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be
deemed to prohibit the use of an automated card shuffling device which, upon completion of the shuffling of the
cards, inserts the stack of cards directly into a dealing shoe.
B. If an automated card shuffling device that counts the number of cards in the deck after the
completion of each shuffle and indicates whether 52 cards are present is being used and reveals that an incorrect
number of cards are present, the deck shall be removed from the table.
C. After the cards have been shuffled and stacked, the dealer shall:
i. If the cards were shuffled using an automated card shuffling device, deal the cards in
accordance with §8, §9 or §10 (relating to procedures for dealing the cards from a manual dealing shoe;
procedures for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedures for dealing the cards from an automated
dealing shoe).
ii. If the cards were shuffled manually or were pre-shuffled, cut the cards in accordance with
the procedures in subsection D.
(a) Placing the cover card on the table in front of the deck of cards.
(b) Taking a stack of at least 10 cards from the top of the deck and placing them on
top of the cover card.
(c) Placing the cards remaining in the deck on top of the stack of cards that were cut
and placed on the cover card.
E. Notwithstanding subsection D, after the cards have been cut and before any cards have been
dealt, a Table Games Supervisor or above may require the cards to be recut if he determines that the cut was
performed improperly or in any way that might affect the integrity or fairness of the game.
F. Whenever there is no gaming activity at a Four Card Poker table that is open for gaming, the
cards shall be spread out on the table either face up or face down until such time that a player arrives, at which
point the dealer will put the cards in the automatic shuffle machine to begin play.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
A. The rank of the cards used in Four Card Poker, in order of highest to lowest rank, shall be: ace,
king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. All suits shall be considered equal in rank. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, an ace may be used to complete a straight flush or a straight with a 2, 3 and 4.
B. The permissible poker hands in the game of Four Card Poker, in order of highest to lowest rank,
shall be:
i. A four-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of four cards of the same rank, with four
aces being the highest ranking four-of-a-kind and four 2’s being the lowest ranking four-of-a-kind.
ii. A straight flush, which is a hand consisting of four cards of the same suit in consecutive
ranking, with an ace, king, queen and jack being the highest ranking straight flush and a 4, 3, 2 and ace
being the lowest ranking straight flush.
iii. A three-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same rank, with three
aces being the highest ranking three-of-a-kind and three 2’s being the lowest ranking three-of-a-kind.
iv. A flush, which is a hand consisting of four cards of the same suit, regardless of rank.
v. A straight, which is a hand consisting of four cards of more than one suit and of
consecutive rank, with ace, king, queen and jack being the highest ranking straight and 4, 3, 2 and ace
being the lowest ranking straight; provided however, that an ace may not be combined with any other
sequence of cards for purposes of determining a winning hand (for example, king, ace, 2 and 3).
vi. A two pair, which is a hand consisting of two pairs with two aces and two kings being the
highest ranking two pair and two 3’s and two 2’s being the lowest ranking two pair.
vii. A pair, which is a hand consisting of two cards of the same rank, regardless of suit, with
two aces being the highest ranking pair and two 2’s being the lowest ranking pair.
C. When comparing two hands that are of equal rank under subsection B, or that contain none of the
hands listed in subsection B, the hand that contains the highest ranking card under subsection A that is not
contained in the other hand shall be considered the higher ranking hand. If the hands are of equal rank after the
application of this section, the hands shall be considered a tie.
7. Wagers.
A. The following wagers may be placed in the game of Four Card Poker:
i. A player may compete solely against the dealer by placing an Ante Wager in an amount
within the posted minimum and maximum wagers posted at the table and then placing a Play Wager in an
amount from one to three times the amount of the Ante Wager.
ii. A player may compete solely against a posted payout table by placing an Aces Up Wager
in any amount within the minimum and maximum wagers posted at the table.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
iii. A player may compete against both the dealer and the posted payout table by placing
wagers in accordance with the requirements in subsections i and ii.
B. All wagers at Four Card Poker shall be made by placing gaming chips or plaques on the
appropriate betting areas of the table layout. A verbal wager accompanied by cash shall not be accepted.
C. Only players who are seated at a Four Card Poker table may wager at the game. Once a player has
placed a wager and received cards, that player shall remain seated until the completion of the round of play. If a
player leaves the table during a round of player, any wagers made by the player may be considered abandoned and
may be treated as losing wagers.
D. Ante Wagers and Aces Up Wagers shall be placed prior to the dealer announcing “no more bets”
in accordance with the dealing procedures in §8, §9 or §10 (relating to procedures for dealing the cards from a
manual dealing shoe; procedures for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedures for dealing the cards from
an automated dealing shoe). Except for Play Wagers, a wager may not be made, increased, or withdrawn after the
dealer has announced “no more bets.” All Play Wagers shall be placed in accordance with §11 (relating to
procedures for completion of each round of play).
E. The property has the right to permit a player to simultaneously play and place wagers at two
adjacent betting positions during a round of play.
A. If a manual dealing shoe is used, the property will follow the procedures set forth under §5
(relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) and the stacked deck of cards shall be placed in the dealing shoe either by
the dealer or by an automated card shuffling device.
B. Prior to dealing the cards and after all Ante Wagers and Aces Up Wagers are placed, the dealer
shall announce “no more bets.”
C. Each card shall be removed from the dealing shoe with the hand of the dealer that is closest to the
dealing shoe and placed on the appropriate area of the layout with the opposite hand.
D. The dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to the dealer’s left and continuing around the
table in a clockwise manner, deal one card at a time to each player who has placed an Ante Wager or an Aces Up
Wager and to the dealer until each player who placed a wager has five cards and the dealer has six cards. All cards
dealt to the players and the first five cards dealt to the dealer shall be dealt face down. The dealer’s sixth card
shall be dealt face up. The dealer’s fifth and sixth cards shall be dealt consecutively.
E. After five cards have been dealt to each player and six to the dealer, the dealer shall remove the
stub from the manual dealing shoe and place the stub in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
F. If the cards have been misdealt (a player has more or less than five cards or the dealer has more or
less than six cards) but 52 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers shall be returned to the
players. If the cards have not been misdealt, all hands shall be considered void all wagers shall be returned to the
players and the entire deck of cards shall be removed from the table.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
A. If the cards are dealt from the dealer's hand, the following requirements shall be observed:
i. After the procedures required under §5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been
completed, the dealer shall place the stacked deck of cards in either hand.
(a) After the dealer has chosen the hand in which he or she will hold the cards, the
dealer shall continue to use that hand whenever holding the cards during that round of play.
(b) The cards held by the dealer shall at all times be kept in front of the dealer and
over the table inventory container.
ii. The dealer shall then announce “no more bets” prior to dealing any cards. The dealer
shall deal each card by holding the deck of cards in the chosen hand and using the other hand to remove
the top card of the deck.
B. The dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to the dealer’s left and continuing around the
table in a clockwise manner, deal one card at a time to each player who has placed an Ante Wager or an Aces Up
Wager and to the dealer until each player who placed a wager has five cards and the dealer has six cards. All cards
dealt to the players and the first five cards dealt to the dealer shall be dealt face down. The sixth card dealt to the
dealer shall be dealt face up. The dealer’s fifth and sixth cards shall be dealt consecutively.
C. After five cards have been dealt to each player and six cards have been dealt to the dealer, the
dealer shall place the stub in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
D. If a player has more or less than five cards or the dealer has more or less that six cards, but 52
cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers shall be returned to the players. If the number of
cards in the deck is more or less than 52 cards, all hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to
the players and the entire deck of cards shall be removed from the table.
10. Procedures for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe.
A. If the cards are dealt from an automated dealing shoe, the following requirements shall be
i. After the procedures required under §5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been
completed, the cards shall be placed in the automated dealing shoe.
ii. The dealer shall then announce “no more bets” prior to the shoe dispensing any stacks of
B. The dealer shall deal the first stack of cards dispensed by the automated dealing shoe face down
to the player farthest to the dealer’s left who has placed an Ante Wager or Aces Up Wager. As the remaining
stacks are dispensed to the dealer by the automated dealing shoe, the dealer shall, moving clockwise around the
table, deal a stack face down to each of the other players who has placed an Ante Wager or Aces Up Wager. The
dealer shall then deal a stack of five cards face down to himself. When the automated dealing shoe dispenses the
next stack of five cards, the dealer shall remove the stack from the shoe and place the stack on the layout next to
his hand. The dealer shall spread the cards in the stack face down, with the bottom card of the stack to the dealer’s
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
far left and the top card of the stack to the dealer’s far right. The dealer shall turn the bottom card of the stack (the
card on the dealer’s far left) face up on the dealer’s hand. The dealer shall collect the remaining four cards of that
stack and place the cards in the discard rack without revealing the cards.
C. After each stack of five cards has been dispensed and delivered in accordance with this section,
the dealer shall remove the stub from the automated dealing shoe and, except as provided in subsection D, place
the cards in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
D. If a player has more or less than five cards or the dealer has more or less that six cards, but 52
cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers shall be returned to the players. If the number of
cards in the deck is more or less than 52 cards, all hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to
the players and the entire deck of cards shall be removed from the table.
A. After the dealing procedures required under §8, §9 or §10 (relating to procedures for dealing the
cards from a manual dealing shoe; procedures for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedures for dealing the
cards from an automated dealing shoe) have been completed, each player shall examine his cards.
B. Each player who wagers at Four Card Poker shall be responsible for his own hand and no person
other than the dealer and the player to whom the cards were dealt may touch the cards of that player.
C. The dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to the left of the dealer and continuing clockwise
around the table, offer each player who has placed an Ante Wager the option to either make a Play Wager or
forfeit his Ante Wager. A Play Wager shall be made in an amount from one to three times the amount of the
player’s Ante Wager. If a player has placed an Ante Wager and an Aces Up Wager but does not make a Play
Wager, the player shall forfeit the Ante Wager and the Aces Up Wager.
D. After each player has either placed a Play Wager on the designated area of the layout or forfeited
his Wager, the dealer shall collect all forfeited Wagers. The dealer shall collect the cards of any player who
forfeited his Wager and place the cards in the discard rack.
i. If all players discard their hands and forfeit their wagers; the dealer will place the dealers’
cards in the discard rack and begin the dealing process again.
E. The dealer shall then reveal the dealer's cards and select the four cards that form the highest
possible ranking hand. The dealer shall then, starting with the player farthest to the dealer’s right whose hand is
still active and continuing Counter-clockwise around the table, reveal the cards of the player and select the four
cards that form the highest possible ranking hand. After settling the player’s Play and Ante wagers (if applicable),
the dealer shall settle an Aces Up wager in accordance with §12.A (relating to payout odds) and discard the
player’s cards by placing them in the discard rack.
F. The dealer will repeat the steps listed in §11.E for each player with an active bet until all bets
have been settled and all cards have been collected by the dealer and placed in the discard rack. The dealer’s cards
will be discarded last.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
i. A player in competition against the dealer shall be paid 1 to 1 on both the Ante Wager and
the Play Wager if the player’s hand is either ranked higher than the dealer hand’s or is of equal rank with the
dealer’s hand.
ii. A player placing an Ante Wager and a Play Wager who has a three-of-a-kind or better shall
be paid a bonus on the Ante Wager, regardless of whether the player’s hand outranks the dealer’s hand:
iii. A player shall be paid for an Aces Up Wager if the player’s best Four Card Poker hand is
one of the hand types in the table below, regardless of whether the player’s hand outranks the dealer’s
hand, using the following payout table:
B. Notwithstanding the payout odds in subsection A, the property may establish a maximum payout
for a winning Wager that is payable for one round of play. The maximum payout amount shall be at least $50,000
or the maximum amount that one player could win per round when betting the minimum possible wager,
whichever is greater. If the established maximum payout limit is not included on the layout, the property shall
provide notice of the maximum payout limit by posting the maximum payout limit on a sign at the Four Card
13. Irregularities.
A. A card that is found face up in the shoe or the deck while the cards are being dealt shall not be
used in the game and shall be placed in the discard rack. If more than one card is found face up in the shoe or the
deck during the dealing of the cards, all hands shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the
cards shall be reshuffled.
B. A card drawn in error without its face being exposed shall be used as though it was the next card
from the shoe or the deck.
C. If any player or the dealer is dealt an incorrect number of cards, all hands shall be void, all wagers
shall be returned to the players and the cards shall be reshuffled.
D. If one or more of the dealer's cards is inadvertently exposed prior to the dealer revealing his cards
in accordance with §11.E (relating to play wagers; procedures for completion of each round of play), all hands
shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the cards shall be reshuffled.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
E. If an automated card shuffling device is being used and the device jams, stops shuffling during a
shuffle, or fails to complete a shuffle cycle, the cards shall be reshuffled.
F. If an automated dealing shoe is being used and the device jams, stops dealing cards, or fails to
deal all cards during a round of play, the round of play shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players
and the cards shall be removed from the device and reshuffled with any cards already dealt.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Let It Ride Poker Table Physical Characteristics ........................................................................................................... 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks . ............................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Opening of the Table for Gaming .................................................................................................................................. 3
5. Shuffle and Cut of the Cards. .......................................................................................................................................... 4
6. Let It Ride Poker Rankings ............................................................................................................................................. 5
7. Wagers ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
8. Let It Ride Bonus Wager ............................................................................................................................................... 6
9. Three Card Bonus Wager. ............................................................................................................................................... 7
10. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from a Manual Dealing Shoe ..................................................................................... 7
11. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from the Hand ............................................................................................................. 8
12. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe .............................................................................. 8
13. Procedures for Completion of Each Round of Play ........................................................................................................ 9
14. Payout Odds; Payout Limitation ................................................................................................................................... 10
15. Irregularities .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
A. “Community card” means a card which is initially dealt face down to a designated area in front of
the table inventory container and which is used by all players to form a five-card poker hand.
B. “Hand” means the five-card poker hand formed for each player by combining the three cards dealt
to the player and the two community cards.
C. “Let It Ride” means when a player chooses not to take back a wager that may be withdrawn in
accordance with the provisions in § 13 (relating to procedures for completion of each round of play).
D. “Round of play” means one complete cycle of play during which all wagers have been placed, all
cards have been dealt and all remaining wagers have been paid off or collected in accordance with the rules of this
A. Let It Ride Poker shall be played on a table having betting positions for up to seven players on one
side of the table and a place for the dealer on the opposite side which may include the following information:
ii. Three separate designated betting areas at each betting position for the placement of wagers
in accordance with § 7 (relating to wagers).
iii. A separate designated area at each betting position for the placement of the cards of each
iv. A separate designated area located directly in front of the table inventory container for the
placement of the community cards.
v. The payout odds for all authorized wagers, including the Let It Ride Bonus Wager authorized
under § 8 (relating to Let It Ride Bonus Wager) and the Three Card Bonus Wager authorized under § 9 (relating
to Three Card Bonus Wager), if the property offers either optional wager.
vi. The inscription indicating the payout limit per hand established by the property under § 14
(relating to payout odds; payout limitation) or a generic inscription indicating the game is subject to the posted
payout limit.
vii. The property may offer a separate Three Card Bonus Wager authorized under § 9, including
a separate designated area at each betting position for the placement of the Three Card Bonus Wager.
viii. Each Let It Ride Poker table must have a drop box and a tip box attached to it on the same
side of the table as the dealer.
B. Each Let It Ride Poker table must have a discard rack securely attached to the top of the dealer’s side
of the table.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
C. The property may offer the optional Let It Ride Bonus Wager authorized under § 8, which may include
the following equipment:
i. A wagering device at each betting position that acknowledges or accepts the placement of the
Let It Ride Bonus Wager.
ii. A control device that controls or monitors the placement of Let It Ride Bonus Wagers at the
gaming table, including a mechanism that prevents the recognition of any Let It Ride Bonus Wager that a player
attempts to place after the first card is dealt.
A. Except as provided in subsection B, Let It Ride Poker shall be played with one deck of cards with
backs of the same color and design and one additional cover card to be used in accordance with § 5 (relating to shuffle
and cut of the cards).
B. If an automated card shuffling device is used, the property shall be permitted to use a second deck of
cards to play the game, provided that:
ii. The backs of the cards in the two decks are different colors.
iii. One deck is being shuffled by the automated card shuffling device while the other deck is
being used to play the game.
iv. Both decks are continuously alternated in and out of play, with each deck being used for every
other round of play.
v. The cards from only one deck are placed in the discard rack at any given time.
ii. At least every 8 hours if the cards are dealt from a manual or automated dealing shoe.
A. After receiving one or more decks of cards at the table, the dealer will inspect the cards with the
inspection verified by the Table Games Supervisor. Card Inspection at the gaming table shall require the dealer to sort
each deck into sequence and into suit to ensure that all cards are in the deck. The dealer will also check each card to
ensure that there is no indication of tampering, flaws, scratches, marks, or other defect that might affect the integrity of
the game.
B. The cards shall be turned face down on the table, mixed thoroughly by a washing of the cards and
stacked. Once the cards have been stacked, they shall be shuffled in accordance with § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of
the cards).
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
C. If the property uses an automated card shuffling device to play the game and two decks of cards are
received at the table as permitted under § 3.B (relating to cards; number of decks), each deck of cards shall be separately
spread, inspected, verified, mixed, stacked and shuffled.
D. If the decks of cards received at the table are preinspected and preshuffled all cards will go directly
into a shuffle machine to begin gaming activities.
A. Immediately prior to the commencement of play, and after each round of play has been completed, the
dealer shall shuffle the cards, either manually or by use of an automated card shuffling device, so that the cards are
randomly intermixed. Upon completion of the shuffle, the dealer or automated card shuffling device shall place the
deck of cards in a single stack; provided, however, that nothing herein prohibits the use of an automated card shuffling
device which, upon completion of the shuffling of the cards, inserts the stack of cards directly into a dealing shoe.
B. If an automated card shuffling device that counts the number of cards in the deck after the completion
of each shuffle and indicates whether 52 cards are present is being used and reveals that an incorrect number of cards
are present, the deck shall be removed from the table.
C. After the cards have been shuffled and stacked, the dealer shall:
i. If the cards were shuffled using an automated card shuffling device, deal the cards in
accordance with § 10, § 11 or § 12 (relating to procedure for dealing the cards from a manual dealing shoe;
procedure for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedure for dealing the cards from an automated dealing
ii. If the cards were shuffled manually or were preshuffled, cut the cards in accordance with the
procedures in subsection D.
(a) Placing the cover card on the table in front of the deck of cards.
(b) Taking a stack of at least 10 cards from the top of the deck and placing them on top
of the cover card.
(c) Placing the cards remaining in the deck on top of the stack of cards that were cut and
placed on top of the cover card.
E. Notwithstanding subsection D, after the cards have been cut and before any cards have been dealt, a
floorperson or above may require the cards to be recut if he determines that the cut was performed improperly or in any
way that might affect the integrity or fairness of the game.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
F. Whenever there is no gaming activity at a Let It Ride Poker table which is open for gaming, the cards
shall be spread out on the table either face up or face down until such time that a player arrives, at which point the
procedures in § 4.C (relating to opening of the table for gaming) shall be completed.
A. The rank of the cards used in Let It Ride Poker, for the determination of winning hands, in order of
highest to lowest rank, shall be: ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an
ace may be used to complete a straight flush or straight formed with a 2, 3, 4 and 5. All suits shall be considered equal
in rank.
B. The permissible poker hands at the game of Let It Ride Poker, in order of highest to lowest rank, shall
i. A royal flush, which is a hand consisting of an ace, king, queen, jack and 10 of the same suit.
ii. A straight flush, which is a hand, other than a royal flush, consisting of five cards of the same
suit in consecutive ranking, with king, queen, jack, 10 and 9 being the highest ranking straight flush and ace,
2, 3, 4 and 5 being the lowest straight flush.
iii. A four-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of four cards of the same rank, with four aces
being the highest ranking four-of-a-kind and four 2’s being the lowest ranking four-of-a-kind.
iv. A full house, which is a hand consisting of three-of-a-kind and a pair, with three aces and two
kings being the highest ranking full house and three 2’s and two 3’s being the lowest ranking full house.
v. A flush, which is a hand consisting of five cards of the same suit, not in consecutive order,
with ace, king, queen, jack and 9 being the highest ranking flush and 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 being the lowest ranking
vi. A straight, which is a hand consisting of five cards of consecutive rank, with an ace, king,
queen, jack and 10 being the highest ranking straight and an ace, 2, 3, 4 and 5 being the lowest ranking straight;
provided, however, that an ace may not be combined with any other sequence of cards for purposes of
determining a winning hand (for example, queen, king, ace, 2, 3).
vii. A three-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same rank, with three aces
being the highest ranking three-of-a-kind and three 2’s being the lowest ranking three-of-a-kind.
viii. A two pair, which is a hand consisting of two pairs, with two aces and two kings being the
highest ranking two pair and two 3’s and two 2’s being the lowest ranking two pair.
ix. A pair, which is a hand containing two cards of the same rank, with two aces being the highest
ranking pair and two 2’s being the lowest ranking pair.
C. For purposes of the optional Three Card Bonus Wager defined in § 9 (relating to Three Card Bonus
Wager), the permissible Three Card Bonus Wager hands eligible for a payout in accordance with § 14.E (relating to
payout odds; payout limitation) shall be:
i. A mini-royal, which is a hand consisting of an ace, king and queen, all of the same suit.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
ii. A straight flush, which is a hand, other than a mini-royal, consisting of three cards of the same
suit in consecutive ranking.
iii. A flush, which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same suit, not in consecutive order.
iv. A straight, which is a hand consisting of three cards of consecutive rank, including an ace, two
and three; provided, however, that an ace may not be combined with a king and a two.
vi. A pair, which is a hand consisting of two cards of the same rank.
7. Wagers.
A. All wagers at Let It Ride Poker shall be made by placing gaming chips or plaques on the appropriate
betting areas of the table layout. A verbal wager accompanied by cash may not be accepted.
B. Only players who are seated at a Let It Ride Poker table may wager at the game. Once a player has
placed his wagers and received cards, that player shall remain seated until the completion of the round of play. If a
player leaves the table during a round of play, any wagers made by the player may be considered abandoned and may
be treated as losing wagers.
C. All wagers shall be placed prior to the first card being dealt in accordance with the dealing procedures
in § 10, § 11 or § 12 (relating to procedure for dealing the cards from a manual dealing shoe; procedure for dealing the
cards from the hand; and procedure for dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe). Except as provided in
subsection D, a wager may not be made, increased, or withdrawn after the first card has been dealt.
D. At the beginning of each round of play, each player shall be required to place three equal but separate
wagers. The wagers shall be identified as Bet Number 1, Bet Number 2 and Bet Number 3. Bet Number 1 and Bet
Number 2 may subsequently be removed by the player in accordance with § 13 (relating to procedures for completion
of each round of play).
E. The property has the right to permit a player to simultaneously play and place wagers at two adjacent
betting positions during a round of play.
A. The property may offer to each player at a Let It Ride Poker table the option to make an additional Let
It Ride Bonus Wager that the player will receive a poker hand with a rank of three-of-a-kind or better.
B. If the Let It Ride Bonus Wager is offered, each player who has placed the three wagers required under
§ 7 (relating to wagers) may make an additional Let It Ride Bonus Wager by placing a $1 gaming chip on the approved
wagering location designated for that wager prior to the first card being dealt.
C. All winning Let It Ride Bonus Wagers shall be paid in accordance with the payout schedule in § 14.D
(relating to payout odds; payout limitation).
D. A Let It Ride Bonus Wager shall be independent of any other wager made by a player at the game of
Let It Ride Poker.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
A. The property may offer to each player at a Let It Ride Poker table the option to make an additional
Three Card Bonus Wager that the three cards dealt to the player will have a rank of pair or better.
B. If the Three Card Bonus Wager is offered, each player who has placed the three wagers required under
§ 7 (relating to Wagers) may make an additional Three Card Bonus Wager by placing a wager on the approved wagering
area designated for that wager prior to the first card being dealt.
C. All winning Three Card Bonus Wagers shall be paid in accordance with the payout table in § 14.E
(relating to payout odds; payout limitation).
D. A Three Card Bonus Wager shall be independent of any other wager made by a player at the game of
Let It Ride Poker.
10. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from a Manual Dealing Shoe.
A. If a manual dealing shoe is used, the property will follow the procedures set forth under § 5 (relating
to shuffle and cut of the cards) and the stacked deck of cards shall be placed in the dealing shoe either by the dealer or
by an automated card shuffling device.
B. In dealing the cards, each card shall be removed from the dealing shoe with the hand of the dealer that
is closest to the dealing shoe and placed on the appropriate area of the layout with the opposite hand.
C. The dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to the dealer’s left and continuing around the table in
a clockwise manner, deal the cards as follows:
i. One card face down to each player who has placed three wagers in accordance with § 7
(relating to wagers).
ii. One card face down to the area designated for the placement of the community cards.
iii. A second card face down to each player who has placed three wagers in accordance with § 7.
iv. A second card face down to the area designated for the placement of the community cards,
which card shall be placed to the right of the first card dealt to this area.
v. A third card face down to each player who has placed three wagers in accordance with § 7.
D. After three cards have been dealt to each player and two cards have been dealt to the area designated
for the placement of the community cards, the dealer shall remove the stub from the manual dealing shoe and, except
as provided in subsection F, place the stub in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
E. If the cards have been misdealt (a player or the area designed for the placement of the community cards
has more or less than three or two cards) but 52 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers shall be
returned to the players. If the cards have not been misdealt, and the deck contains a number of cards other than 52, all
hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards shall be removed
from the table. Management at its discretion can call a hand valid to the customer’s benefit.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
A. If the cards are dealt from the dealer's hand, the following requirements shall be observed:
i. After the procedures required under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been
completed, the dealer shall place the stacked deck of cards in either hand.
(a) After the dealer has chosen the hand in which he will hold the cards, the dealer shall
use that hand whenever holding the cards during that round of play.
(b) The cards held by the dealer shall at all times be kept in front of the dealer and over
the table inventory container.
B. The dealer shall deal each card by holding the deck of cards in the chosen hand and using the other
hand to remove the top card of the deck and place it face down on the appropriate area of the layout. The dealer shall,
starting with the player farthest to the dealer’s left and continuing around the table in a clockwise manner, deal the
cards as follows:
i. One card face down to each player who has placed three wagers in accordance with § 7
(relating to wagers).
ii. One card face down to the area designated for the placement of the community cards.
iii. A second card face down to each player who has placed three wagers in accordance with § 7.
iv. A second card face down to the area designated for the placement of the community cards,
which card shall be placed to the right of the first card dealt to this area.
v. A third card face down to each player who has placed three wagers in accordance with § 7.
C. After three cards have been dealt to each player and two cards have been dealt to the area designated
for the placement of the community cards, the dealer shall, except as provided in subsection D, place the stub in the
discard rack without exposing the cards.
D. If the cards have been misdealt (a player or the area designed for the placement of the community
cards has more or less than three or two cards) but 52 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers
shall be returned to the players. If the cards have not been misdealt, and the deck contains a number of cards other
than 52, all hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards shall
be removed from the table. Management at its discretion can call a hand valid to the customer’s benefit.
12. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe.
A. If the cards are dealt from an automated dealing shoe, the following requirements shall be observed:
i. After the procedures required under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been
completed, the cards shall be placed in the automated dealing shoe.
B. The dealer shall deliver the first stack of cards dispensed by the automated dealing shoe face down to
the player farthest to his left who has placed three wagers in accordance with § 7 (relating to wagers). As the remaining
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
stacks are dispensed to the dealer by the automated dealing shoe, the dealer shall, moving clockwise around the table,
deliver a stack face down to each of the other players who has placed three wagers in accordance with § 7. The dealer
shall then deliver a stack of three cards face down to the area designated for the placement of the community cards,
and spread the stack within the designated area so that the top card is to the dealer's left, the middle card is directly in
front of the dealer, and the bottom card is to the dealer's right. The dealer shall then remove the community card that
is to his right, and place that card in the discard rack face down.
C. After each stack of three cards has been dispensed and delivered in accordance with this subsection,
the dealer shall remove the stub from the automated dealing shoe and, except as provided in subsection D, place the
cards in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
D. If the cards have been misdealt (a player or the area designed for the placement of the dealer's hand
has more or less than three or two cards) but 52 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers shall
be returned to the players. If the cards have not been misdealt, and the deck contains a number of cards other than 52,
all hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards shall be
removed from the table. Management at its discretion can call a hand valid to the customer’s benefit.
A. After the dealing procedures required under § 10, §11 or § 12 (relating to procedure for dealing the
cards from a manual dealing shoe; procedure for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedure for dealing the cards
from an automated dealing shoe) have been completed, each player shall examine his cards, subject to the following
i. Each player who wagers at Let It Ride Poker shall be responsible for his own hand and no
person other than the dealer may touch the cards of that player.
ii. Each player shall be required to keep his three cards in full view of the dealer at all times.
B. After each player has examined his cards, the dealer shall, beginning with the player farthest to the
dealer's left and moving clockwise around the table, ask each player if he wishes to withdraw Bet Number 1 or Let It
i. If a player chooses to let Bet Number 1 ride, that bet shall remain on the appropriate betting
area of the layout until the end of the round of play.
ii. If a player chooses to withdraw Bet Number 1, the dealer shall move the gaming chips on the
betting area designated for Bet Number 1 toward the player who shall then immediately remove the gaming
chips from the betting area.
C. After each player has made a decision regarding Bet Number 1, the dealer shall then turn the
community card that is to the dealer’s left face up. The exposed card shall become the first community card.
D. After the first community card is exposed, the dealer shall, beginning with the player farthest to the
dealer's left and moving clockwise around the table, ask each player if he wishes to withdraw Bet Number 2 or Let It
Ride. This decision shall be made by each player regardless of the decision made concerning Bet Number 1.
i. If a player chooses to let Bet Number 2 ride, that bet shall remain on the appropriate betting
area of the layout until the end of the round of play.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
ii. If a player chooses to withdraw Bet Number 2, the dealer shall move the gaming chips on the
betting area designated for Bet Number 2 toward the player who shall then immediately remove the gaming
chips from the betting area.
iii. After each player has made a decision regarding Bet Number 2 as required by subsection E,
the player's cards shall be placed face down on the appropriate area of the layout and the player may not touch
the cards again.
E. The dealer shall then turn the community card that is to the dealer’s right face up. The exposed card
shall become the second community card.
F. After the second community card is turned face up, the dealer shall, beginning with the player farthest
to the dealer’s right and continuing around the table in a counterclockwise direction, complete the following applicable
procedures in succession for each player:
i. The dealer shall turn the three cards of the player face up. The two community cards and the
three cards dealt to the player shall form the five-card poker hand of that player.
ii. The dealer shall examine the cards of the player to determine if the player's hand qualifies for
a payout under §14 (relating to payout odds; payout limitation). A Let It Ride Poker wager under § 7 (relating
to wagers) on a hand which has a rank that is lower than a pair of tens shall be a losing wager.
iii. The dealer shall then settle all wagers of that player, starting with the Three Card Bonus wager.
When a wager is settled: a losing wager shall be immediately collected by the dealer; a winning wager shall be
paid in accordance with the payout odds in § 14.
iv. Once each hand has been settled the dealer shall immediately collect the cards and place the
cards in the discard rack. After all players’ bets have been settled, the community cards will be collected and
placed into the discard rack.
A. The payout odds for winning wagers at Let It Ride Poker printed on the table layout or in any brochure
or other publication distributed by the property shall be stated through the use of the word "to" and no odds shall be
stated through the use of the word "for."
B. Subject to the payout limitation in subsection C, the property shall pay off each winning wager at the
game of Let It Ride Poker under § 7 (relating to wagers) at the odds specified which shall be no less than the following
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
Three-of-a-kind 3 to 1
Two Pair 2 to 1
Pair of Tens, Jacks, Queens, Kings, or Aces 1 to 1
C. Notwithstanding the minimum payout odds required in subsection B, the property may establish a
maximum amount that is payable to a player on a single hand. The maximum amount shall be at least $50,000 or the
maximum amount that one patron could win per round when betting the minimum permissible wager, whichever is
greater. If the established maximum payout limit is not included on the layout, the property shall provide notice of the
maximum payout limit by posting the maximum payout limit on a sign at the Let It Ride table. Any maximum payout
limit established by the property shall apply only to payouts of Let It Ride Poker wagers placed under § 7 (relating to
wagers) and does not apply to payouts of Let It Ride Bonus Wagers placed under § 8 (relating to Let It Ride Bonus
Wager) or Three Card Bonus Wagers placed under § 9 (relating to Three Card Bonus Wager).
D. The property shall pay off each winning Let It Ride Bonus Wager which shall be no less than the
following monetary amounts:
E. The property shall pay off each winning Three Card Bonus Wager which shall be no less than the odds
in one of the alternative pay tables:
15. Irregularities.
A. A card that is found face up in the shoe or the deck while the cards are being dealt shall not be used in
the game and shall be placed in the discard rack. If more than one card is found face up in the shoe or the deck during
the dealing of the cards, all hands shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the cards shall be
B. A card dealt in error without its face being exposed shall be used as though it was the next card from
the shoe or the deck.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
C. If any player or the area designated for the placement of the community cards is dealt an incorrect
number of cards, all hands shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the cards shall be reshuffled.
D. If an automated card shuffling device is being used and the device jams, stops shuffling during a
shuffle, or fails to complete a shuffle cycle, the cards shall be reshuffled.
E. If an automated dealing shoe is being used and the device jams, stops dealing cards, or fails to deal all
cards during a round of play, the round of play shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the cards
shall be removed from the device and reshuffled with any cards already dealt.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Mini-Baccarat Table Physical Characteristics ................................................................................................................ 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks. ................................................................................................................................................ 2
4. Opening of a Table for Gaming ...................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Shuffle and Cut of the Cards. .......................................................................................................................................... 3
6. Value; Point Count of Hand ............................................................................................................................................ 4
7. Dealing Shoe ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
8. Wagers. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
9. Hands of Player and Banker; Procedure for Dealing Initial Two Cards to Each Hand .................................................. 6
10. Procedure for Dealing a Third Card ................................................................................................................................ 7
11. Rules for Determining Whether a Third Card Shall be Dealt ......................................................................................... 7
12. Announcement of Result of Round; Payment and Collection of Wagers ....................................................................... 8
13. Payout Odds; Vigorish .................................................................................................................................................... 9
14. Irregularities .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
15. Continuous Shuffling Dealing Shoe or Device ............................................................................................................. 10
16. Procedures for Mini-Baccarat; Optional Bonus (Dragon) Wager; Payment of Dragon Bonus .................................... 10
17. Mini-Baccarat Tournaments ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings,
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Mini-Baccarat” shall include, unless otherwise stated, all references to mini- and midi-baccarat.
B. “Natural” means a hand which has a Point Count of 8 or 9 on the first two cards dealt.
A. Mini-Baccarat shall be played on a table having a place for the dealer on one side and on the
opposite side, up to a maximum of 18 betting positions, which may include:
ii. Specific areas designated for the placement of wagers on the Banker's Hand, Players Hand
and Tie Hand.
iii. A phrase that states the payout odds for Tie Bets.
iv. Numbered areas that correspond to the seat numbers for the purpose of marking vigorish.
v. An area designated for the placement of cards for the Player's Hand and Banker's Hand.
vi. If a Dragon Bonus Wager is offered, the property will have a separate area designated for
the placement of the Dragon Bonus Wager along with the payout odds either inscribed on the actual layout
or a sign identifying the payout odds at each Mini-Baccarat table.
B. If marker buttons are used for the purpose of marking vigorish, the marker buttons shall be placed
in the table inventory float container or in a separate rack designed for the purpose of storing marker buttons.
C. Each Mini-Baccarat table shall have a drop box and a tip box attached to it on the same side of the
gaming table as, but on opposite sides of, the dealer.
D. Each Mini-Baccarat table shall have a discard rack securely attached to the top of the dealer's side
of the table.
A. Mini-Baccarat shall be played with six to eight decks of cards having backs of the same color and
design and two additional cover cards to be used in accordance with § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards).
B. If an automated card shuffling device is utilized, Mini-Baccarat shall be played with 8 to 16 decks
of cards in accordance with the following requirements:
ii. The cards shall be separated into two batches, with an equal number of decks included in
each batch.
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iii. The backs of the cards in each batch must be of the same design, but of a different color
than the cards included in the other batch.
iv. One batch of cards shall be shuffled and stored in the automated card shuffling device while
the other batch is being used to play the game.
v. Both batches of cards shall be continuously alternated in and out of play, with each batch
being used for every other dealing shoe.
vi. The cards from only one batch shall be placed in the discard rack at any given time.
C. The decks of cards opened for use at a Mini-Baccarat table shall be changed at least once every 24
A. After receiving the six or more decks of cards at the table, the dealer calling the game will inspect
the cards with the inspection verified by the Table Games Supervisor. Card Inspection at the gaming table shall
require the dealer to sort each deck into sequence and into suit to ensure that all cards are in the deck. The dealer
will also check each card to ensure that there is no indication of tampering, flaws, scratches, marks or other defects
that might affect the integrity of the game.
B. Should the property use preshuffled and presorted cards, one distinct color of cards will be placed
in the automated shuffle machine while the other cards are spread out, face down, on the table.
A. Immediately prior to the commencement of play, unless the cards were preshuffled, and after the
completion of each shoe that is dealt, unless an automated shuffling device is used, the dealer shall shuffle the cards
so that they are randomly intermixed.
B. After the cards have been shuffled by a dealer, the dealer shall leave the entire stack of cards
intermixed but not entirely squared off (leave them feathered) so that the floorperson can verify that the shuffle did
not result in any uneven distribution of cards.
C. After shuffling the cards and, where applicable, reshuffling them, the dealer shall offer the stack of
cards, with backs facing away from the dealer, to the players to be cut. The dealer shall begin with the player seated
in the highest number position at the table and, working clockwise around the table, shall offer the stack to each
player until a player accepts the cut. If no player accepts the cut, the dealer shall cut the cards.
D. The cards shall be cut by placing a cover card in the stack at least ten cards in from the top or the
bottom of the stack.
E. Once the cover card has been inserted into the stack, the dealer shall take all cards above the cover
card and the cover card and place them on the bottom of the stack. The dealer shall then insert the second cover
card in a position at least 14 cards above the bottom of the stack, and the second cover card at the bottom of the
stack. The stack of cards shall then be inserted into the dealing shoe for commencement of play.
F. After the cards have been cut and before the cards have been placed in the dealing shoe, a
floorperson or above may require the cards to be recut if the floorperson or above determines that the cut was
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
performed improperly or in any way that might affect the integrity or fairness of the game. If a recut is required, the
cards shall be recut by the next person entitled to cut the cards, as determined by subsection C.
G. Prior to commencement of play, the dealer shall remove the first card from the dealing shoe and
place it, and an additional number of cards equal to the face value of the first card drawn, in the discard rack after
all cards have been shown to the players. When determining the face value of the first card removed from the dealing
shoe, a 10, jack, queen or king shall count as ten and an ace shall count as one.
H. If there is no gaming activity at a Mini-Baccarat table which is open for gaming, at the property’s
discretion the cards may be removed from the dealing shoe and the discard rack, and spread out on the table face
i. If there is no automated shuffling device in use, the cards shall be mixed thoroughly by a
washing of the cards, stacked, then shuffled and cut in accordance with this section.
ii. If an automated shuffling device is in use, the cards shall be stacked and placed into the
automated shuffling device to be shuffled. The batch of cards already in the shuffler shall then be removed.
Unless a player so requests, the batch of cards removed from the shuffler need not be spread for inspection
and reshuffled prior to being dealt.
ii. Any 10, jack, queen or king shall have a value of zero.
B. The Point Count of a hand shall be a single digit number from 0 to 9 inclusive and shall be
determined by totaling the value of the cards in the hand. If the total of the cards in a hand is a two-digit number,
the left digit of the number shall be discarded and the right digit shall constitute the Point Count of the hand.
Examples of this rule are as follows:
ii. A hand composed of an ace, 2 and 9 has a total of 12 but only a Point Count of 2 since the
digit 1 in the number 12 is discarded.
7. Dealing Shoe. Cards used to play Mini-Baccarat shall be dealt from a manual dealing shoe.
8. Wagers.
A. The following wagers shall be permitted to be made by a player at the game of Mini-Baccarat:
(a) Win if the Banker's Hand has a Point Count higher than that of the Player's Hand.
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(b) Lose if the Banker's Hand has a Point Count lower than that of the Player's Hand.
(c) Be void if the Banker's Hand and the Player's Hand have the same Point Count and
(a) Win if the Player's Hand has a Point Count higher than that of the Banker's Hand.
(b) Lose if the Player's Hand has a Point Count lower than that of the Banker's Hand.
(c) Be void and be returned to the player if the Point Counts of the Banker's Hand and
the Player's Hand are equal.
(a) Win if the Point Counts of the Banker's Hand and the Player's Hand are equal.
(b) Lose if Point Counts of the Banker's Hand and the Player's Hand are not equal.
iv. If offered by the property, a Dragon Bonus Wager on the Player’s Hand or Banker’s Hand,
or both, which shall:
(3) Not a Natural and has a Point Count that exceeds the Point Count of the
other hand by four or more points.
(2) Not a Natural and has a Point Count less than or equal to the Point Count
of the other hand.
(3) Not a Natural and has a Point Count that exceeds the Point Count of the
other hand by less than four points.
(c) Tie and be a “push” for the player if the selected hand is:
(1) A Natural and the other hand is a Natural of equal Point Count.
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Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
B. Wagers at Mini-Baccarat shall be made by placing gaming chips or plaques on the appropriate areas
of the Mini-Baccarat layout.
C. No wager at Mini-Baccarat shall be made, increased or withdrawn after the dealer has announced
“no more bets.”
D. Guests will be responsible for their own betting position at the table. Guests who are in a recognized
position will be required to place their own wagers. Guests are not allowed to bet multiple positions.
9. Hands of Player and Banker; Procedure for Dealing Initial Two Cards to Each Hand.
A. There shall be two hands dealt in the game of Mini-Baccarat, one of which shall be designated the
Player's Hand and the other designated the Banker's Hand.
B. Prior to dealing any cards, the dealer calling the game shall announce “no more bets”.
C. The dealer shall then deal an initial four cards from the dealing shoe. The first and third cards dealt
shall constitute the first and second cards of the Player's Hand. The second and fourth cards dealt shall constitute
the first and second cards of the Banker's Hand in one of two manners:
i. The dealer shall remove cards from the dealing shoe with his left hand, turn them face up
and then place them on the appropriate area of the layout with his right hand. The first and third cards dealt
shall be placed on the area designated for the Player's Hand and the second and fourth cards dealt shall be
placed on the area designated for the Banker's Hand.
ii. The first and third cards dealt shall be placed face down on the area designated for the
Player's Hand and the second and fourth cards dealt shall be placed face down underneath the right corner
of the dealing shoe until the Player's Hand is called as provided for in § 10 (relating to procedure for dealing
a third card), at which time the second and fourth cards shall be turned face up and placed on the area
designated for the Banker's Hand.
D. Players may not touch, handle, remove or alter any cards used to play Mini-Baccarat.
i. The player with the most money bet on the player wager will get the Players cards with the
following exceptions:
(a) A player may elect to cede control of the cards. If so, the patron with the next most
money that bets on “player” shall have the option to control the cards. If all players cede their
rights to player’s hand, the dealer will expose the cards.
(b) If no guests have a bet on the “players” bet, the dealer will expose the cards.
ii. The player with the most money bet on the banker wager will get the Bankers cards with
the following exceptions:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
(a) A player may elect to cede control of the cards. If so, the patron with the next most
money that bets on “banker” shall have the option to control the cards. If all players cede their
rights to banker’s hand, the dealer will expose the cards.
(b) If no guests have a bet on the “banker” bet, the dealer will expose the cards.
iii. Should either the “player” or “banker” hand need to draw a third card, as outlined in § 11,
the aforementioned procedure outlined in subsections i and ii shall apply.
A. After the dealer positions the cards in accordance with § 9.C.i or ii (relating to hands of player and
banker; procedure for dealing initial two cards to each hand), the dealer shall announce the point count of the
Player’s Hand and then the Banker's Hand.
B. Following the announcement of the Point Counts of each hand, the dealer shall determine whether
to deal a third card to each hand in conformity with the requirements of § 11 (relating to rules for determining
whether a third card shall be dealt.
C. After the dealer positions the cards in accordance with § 9.C.i or ii, any third card required to be
dealt shall first be dealt face up to the Player’s Hand and then to the Banker’s Hand by the dealer.
D. In no event may more than one additional card be dealt to either hand.
E. Whenever the cover card appears as the first card in the dealing shoe at the beginning of a round of
play or appears during play, the cover card shall be removed and placed to the side and the hand will be completed.
Upon completion of that hand, the dealer calling the game shall announce "last hand." At the completion of one
more hand, the cards shall be reshuffled.
A. If the Player's Hand or the Banker's Hand after the initial two cards are dealt to each is a Natural,
no more cards shall be dealt to either hand.
B. If the Point Count of the Player’s Hand and the Banker’s Hand on the first two cards is 0 to 7
inclusive, the Player's Hand shall:
i. Draw (that is, take a third card) if the Player’s Hand has a Point Count of less than 6.
ii. Stay (that is, not take a third card) if the Player’s Hand has a Point Count of 6 or more.
C. If the Point Count of the Player’s Hand and the Banker’s Hand on the first two cards is 0 to 7
inclusive, the Banker’s Hand shall draw (that is, take a third card) or stay (that is, not take a third card) in accordance
with the following requirements:
i. If the Player’s Hand does not receive a third card, the Banker’s Hand shall be dealt a third
card if the Point Count of the Banker’s Hand is 5 or less.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
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(a) The Banker’s Hand has a Point Count of less than 3, the Banker’s Hand shall be
dealt a third card.
(b) The Banker’s Hand has a Point Count of 7, the Banker’s Hand may not be dealt a
third card.
(c) The Banker’s Hand has a Point Count of 3, 4, 5 or 6, the Banker’s Hand shall be
dealt or not dealt a third card in accordance with Table 1 as follows:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point Count 3 Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Stand Draw
of Banker's 4 Stand Stand Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Stand Stand
Hand After 5 Stand Stand Stand Stand Draw Draw Draw Draw Stand Stand
Two Cards 6 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Draw Draw Stand Stand
D. The first vertical column in Table 1 labeled "Point Count of Banker's Hand" refers to the Point
Count of the Banker’s Hand after the first two cards have been dealt to the Banker’s Hand.
E. The first horizontal row at the top of Table 1 labeled "Value of the Third Card Drawn by Player's
Hand" refers to the value of the third card drawn by the Player’s Hand, not the Point Count of the Player’s Hand.
F. To use Table 1, first find the Point Count of the Banker’s Hand in the first vertical column and
trace that horizontally across the table until it intersects the vertical column that corresponds to the value of the third
card drawn by the Player’s Hand. The symbol located where the intersection occurs shall determine whether the
Banker’s Hand must draw a third card or stay. For example, if the Point Count of the Banker’s Hand after two cards
is 5 and the value of the third card drawn by the Player's Hand is 4, the table shows that the Banker’s Hand must
draw a third card.
A. After each hand has received all the cards to which it is entitled under § 9, 10 and 11 (relating to
hands of player and banker; procedure for dealing initial two cards to each hand; procedure for dealing a third card;
and rules for determining whether a third card shall be dealt), the dealer shall announce the final Point Count of
each hand indicating which hand has won the round. If two hands have equal Point Counts, the dealer shall announce
"tie hand".
B. After the result of the round is announced, the dealer responsible for the wagers on the table shall
first collect each losing wager. After the losing wagers are collected, the dealer shall, starting at the highest
numbered player position at which a winning wager is located, mark or collect the vigorish owed by that player and
immediately thereafter pay that player's winning wager and then, proceeding in descending order to the next highest
numbered player position at which a winning wager is located, repeat this procedure until the vigorish owed by
each player is either marked or collected and each winning wager is paid.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
C. At the conclusion of a round of play, all cards on the layout shall be picked up by the dealer and
placed in the discard rack, in order and in such a way that they can be readily arranged to indicate the Player’s Hand
and the Banker’s Hand in case of a question or dispute.
A. A winning wager made on the Player’s Hand shall be paid off at odds of 1 to 1.
C. Except as otherwise provided in subsection F and H, a winning wager made on the Banker’s Hand
shall be paid off by the property at odds of 1 to 1, except that the property shall extract a vigorish from the winning
players equal to 5% of the amount won. If needed, the dealer can use quarters for the vigorish.
D. If the property offers the Dragon Bonus Wager, a vigorish may not be extracted on a winning
Dragon Bonus Wager.
E. When collecting the vigorish, the may elect to round off the vigorish to 5 cents or the next highest
multiple of 5 cents.
F. A dealer, may collect the vigorish from a player at the time the winning payout is made or may
defer it to a later time; provided, however, that outstanding vigorish shall be collected prior to reshuffling the cards
in a dealing shoe or when the player leaves the gaming table, whichever occurs first. The amount of any vigorish
not collected at the time of the winning payouts shall be tracked by placing a coin or marker button containing the
amount of the vigorish owed in a rectangular space in front of the dealer on the layout imprinted with the number
of the player owing the vigorish. The coin or marker button may not be removed from the layout until the vigorish
owed is collected.
G. The type and percentage of vigorish charged at a Mini-Baccarat table applies to all players at that
table. The same type and percentage of vigorish shall be used for all Mini-Baccarat tables located within a licensed
H. For Baccarat Tournament play, any winning wager made on the Banker’s hand will not be charged
a vigorish. All winning wagers made on the Player’s hand and Banker’s hand will be paid 1 to 1. All winning tie
wagers will be paid 8 to 1.
14. Irregularities.
A. A card drawn in error from the dealing shoe that is not disclosed shall be used as the first card of
the next hand of play.
B. A third card dealt to the Player’s Hand that is not disclosed, when no third card is authorized under
§ 11 (relating to rules for determining whether a third card shall be dealt), shall become the third card of the Banker’s
Hand if the Banker’s Hand is obliged to draw under § 11.C. If the Banker’s Hand is required to stay, the card dealt
in error shall become the first card of the next hand.
C. If a card dealt in error under the circumstances described in subsections A or B is disclosed at the
time it is dealt, the dealer shall, use the disclosed card as the first card of a simulated round of play in which wagers
may not be accepted. The cards shall be dealt in accordance with the rules of this chapter and be placed in the
discard rack upon completion of the dealing procedure.
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D. Any card found face up in the dealing shoe may be used as the next card if it is needed to complete
the hand. If the card is not needed to complete the hand or if no cards have been dealt, it may not be used in the
game and shall be the first card of a simulated round of play in which wagers may not be accepted.
E. If there are insufficient cards remaining in the dealing shoe to complete a round of play, that round
shall be void and all wagers shall be returned. A new round shall commence after the entire set of cards are
reshuffled and placed in the dealing shoe.
15. Continuous Shuffling Dealing Shoe or Device. In lieu of the dealing and shuffling requirements in § 5
and 7 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards; and dealing shoe), the property may utilize a dealing shoe or other device
designed to automatically reshuffle the cards.
16. Procedures for Mini-Baccarat; Optional Bonus (Dragon) Wager; Payment of Dragon Bonus.
A. The property may, in its discretion, offer to each player at a mini-baccarat table the opportunity to
make a bonus wager in accordance with the provisions of this section.
B. A player making a mini-baccarat wager can make a bonus wager for no less than $1.00. A player
may place an independent bonus wager without making a mini-baccarat wager as long as the bonus wager meets
the posted table minimum/maximum.
C. The dealer shall, starting from the dealer’s right and moving counterclockwise around the table,
collect all losing wagers. Then, the dealer shall settle players’ wagers individually, by paying a winning Dragon
Bonus wager and then paying the Mini-Baccarat wager.
Win By 9 30 to 1
Win By 8 10 to 1
Win By 7 6 to 1
Win By 6 4 to 1
Win By 5 2 to 1
Win By 4 1 to 1
Natural Winner 1 to 1
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iv. All participants must have a Banker or Player bet at all times, but not both;
v. Dragon Bonus wagers may or may not be offered based on the tournament rules;
vi. Participants must wager on all hands that affect the outcome of the round; and
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Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions. .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
2. Pai Gow Poker table; Pai Gow Poker Shaker; Physical Characteristics. ...................................................................... 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks. .............................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Opening of the Table for Gaming. ................................................................................................................................ 4
5. Shuffle and Cut of the Cards. ........................................................................................................................................ 4
6. Pai Gow Poker Rankings; Cards; Poker Hands............................................................................................................. 5
7. Wagers........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
8. Pai Gow Poker Shaker and Dice; Computerized Random Number Generator; Button. ............................................... 7
9. Procedures for Dealing the Cards by Hand. .................................................................................................................. 7
10. Procedures for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe. .......................................................................... 8
11. Procedure for Determining the Starting Position for Dealing Cards or Delivering Stacks of Cards.............................. 8
12. House Ways. ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
13. Procedures for Completion of Each Round of Play; Setting of Hands; Payment and Collection of Wagers; Payout
odds; Vigorish. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
14. Fortune Bonus Wager; Envy Bonus; Payout Odds; Payout Limitation ...................................................................... 12
15. Irregularities; Invalid Roll of Dice. ............................................................................................................................. 13
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Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meaning
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Envy Bonus” means an additional fixed sum payout made to a player who placed a
Qualifying Fortune Bonus Wager or Qualifying Emperor’s Treasure Wager when another player at the Pai Gow
Poker table is the holder of a qualifying hand.
B. “High hand” means the five-card hand which is formed from the seven cards dealt at the game of
Pai Gow Poker so as to rank equal to or higher than the two-card Low hand.
C. “Low hand” means the two-card hand which is formed from the seven cards dealt at the game of
Pai Gow Poker so as to rank equal to or lower than the five-card High hand.
D. “Pai Gow Hand” means a seven card hand that does not contain a pair, straight or flush.
E. “Qualifying Fortune Bonus Wager” means a Fortune Bonus Wager of at least $5.
F. “Qualifying hand” means a Pai Gow Poker hand with a rank of four-of-a-kind or higher formed
from the seven cards dealt to a player.
G. “Rank or ranking” means the relative position of a card or group of cards as set forth in § 6 (relating
to Pai Gow Poker rankings; cards; poker hands).
H. “Set or setting the hands” means the process of forming a High hand and Low hand from the seven
cards dealt.
2. Pai Gow Poker table; Pai Gow Poker Shaker; Physical Characteristics.
A. Pai Gow Poker shall be played at a table having on one side places for six players and on the opposite
side a place for the dealer.
B. The layout for a Pai Gow Poker table may contain the following:
i. Six separate numbered betting areas for the players at the table.
ii. Two separate areas located below each betting area which shall be designated for the
placement of the High and Low hands of that player.
iii. Two separate areas designated for the placement of the High and Low hands of the dealer.
(a) A separate designated area for each player, located to the right of the player’s betting
area, designated for the placement of the Fortune Bonus Wager.
(b) Signage that denotes the payouts inscribed on the layout may be posted at each Pai
Gow Poker table.
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Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
(c) Inscriptions that advise patrons of the payout odds and amounts for the Fortune Bonus
Wager and Envy Bonus. If payout odds and amounts are not inscribed on the layout, a sign identifying
the payout odds and amounts shall be posted at each Pai Gow Poker table.
(d) Inscriptions that advise patrons of any payout limits as described in § 13a.F (relating
to Fortune Bonus Wager; Envy Bonus; payout odds; payout limitation). If payout limits are not
inscribed on the layout, a sign identifying the payout limits shall be posted at each Pai Gow Poker
C. Each Pai Gow Poker table must have a drop box and tip box attached to it on the same side of the
gaming table as, but on opposite sides of, the dealer.
D. Each Pai Gow Poker table must have a discard rack securely attached to the top of the dealer’s side
of the table.
E. Under § 8 (relating to Pai Gow Poker shaker and dice; computerized random number generator; button)
Pai Gow Poker may be played with a container, to be known as a Pai Gow shaker, which shall be used to shake three
dice before each hand of Pai Gow Poker is dealt to determine the starting position for the dealing or delivery of the
cards. The Pai Gow shaker may adhere to the following specifications:
i. The Pai Gow Poker shaker shall be capable of housing three dice and shall be designed so as
to prevent the dice from being seen while the dealer is shaking it.
ii. The Pai Gow Poker shaker may have the name or identifying logo of the property imprinted
or impressed thereon.
A. Except as provided in subsection B, Pai Gow Poker shall be played with one deck of cards with backs
of the same color and design and two cover cards. The deck of cards used to play Pai Gow Poker must include one
joker. Nothing in this section prohibits the property from using decks which are manufactured with two jokers provided
that only one joker is used for gaming at Pai Gow Poker.
B. If an automated card shuffling device is used for Pai Gow Poker, the property may use a second deck
of cards to play the game, provided that:
ii. The backs of the cards of the two decks are of a different color.
iii. One deck is being shuffled by the automated card shuffling device while the other deck is
being used to play the game.
iv. Both decks are continuously alternated in and out of play, with each deck being used for every
other round of play.
v. The cards from only one deck shall be placed in the discard rack at any given time.
C. The decks of cards used in Pai Gow Ride Poker shall be changed:
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ii. At least every 8 hours if the cards are dealt from an automated dealing shoe.
A. After receiving one or more deck of cards at the table, the dealer will inspect the cards with the
inspection verified by the Table Games Supervisor. Card inspection at the gaming table shall require the dealer to
sort each deck into sequence and into suit to ensure that all cards are in the deck. The dealer will also check each
card to ensure that there is no indication of tampering, flaws, scratches, marks, or other defects that might affect the
integrity of the game.
B. If the deck of cards used by the property contains two jokers, the dealer and a Table Games Supervisor
shall ensure that only one joker is utilized and that the other joker is torn in half and placed in the box, envelope or
container that the deck came from. Following the inspection of the cards by the dealer and the verification by the Table
Games Supervisor assigned to the table. The cards shall be spread out according to suit and in sequence and shall
include the one joker.
C. The cards shall be turned face down on the table, mixed thoroughly by a washing of the cards and
stacked. Once the cards have been stacked, they shall be shuffled in accordance with § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of
the cards).
D. If the property uses an automated card shuffling device to play the game of Pai Gow Poker and two
decks of cards are received at the table as permitted under § 3.B (relating to cards; number of decks), each deck of
cards shall be separately spread, inspected, verified, mixed, stacked and shuffled in accordance with subsections A - C.
E. If the decks of cards received at the table are preinspected and reshuffled all cards will go directly into
a shuffle machine to begin gaming activities.
A. Immediately prior to the commencement of play, and after each round of play has been completed,
the dealer shall shuffle the cards either manually or by use of an automated card shuffling device so that the cards are
randomly intermixed. Upon completion of the shuffle, the dealer or device shall place the deck of cards in a single
stack; provided, however, that nothing herein prohibits the use of an automated card shuffling device which, upon
completion of the shuffling of the cards, inserts the cards directly into an automated dealing shoe.
B. After the cards have been shuffled and stacked, the dealer shall:
i. If the cards were shuffled using an automated card shuffling device, deal or deliver the cards
in accordance with § 9 or § 10 (relating to procedures for dealing the cards by hand and procedures for dealing
the cards from an automated dealing shoe).
ii. If the cards were shuffled manually or were preshuffled, cut the cards in accordance with the
procedures set forth in subsections C - E.
C. Upon completion of a manual shuffle, the dealer shall cut the cards.
D. After the cards have been cut and before any cards have been dealt, a Table Games Supervisor or
higher may require the cards to be recut if he determines that the cut was performed improperly or in any way that
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
might affect the integrity or fairness of the game. If a recut is required, the cards shall be recut by the dealer or a player
different than the first player entitled to cut the cards.
E. Whenever there is no gaming activity at a Pai Gow Poker table which is open for gaming, the cards
shall be spread out on the table either face up or face down until a player arrives at the table and the table may be
opened and the cards shuffled and cut in accordance with § 4 (relating to opening of the table for gaming) and this
A. The rank of the cards used in Pai Gow Poker, in order of highest to lowest, are ace, king, queen, jack,
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an ace may be used to complete a straight flush or a straight
formed with a 2, 3, 4 and 5. Except as otherwise provided in subsection C, the joker shall be used and ranked as an ace.
B. The permissible poker hands at the game of Pai Gow Poker, in order of highest to lowest rank, are:
i. Five aces, which is a High hand consisting of four aces and a joker.
ii. A royal flush, which is a High hand consisting of an ace, king, queen, jack and 10 of the same
suit or any combination consisting of four of the five cards listed above of the same suit and a joker.
iii. A straight flush, which is a High hand consisting of five cards of the same suit in consecutive
ranking, with ace, 2, 3, 4 and 5 being the highest ranking straight flush; king, queen, jack, 10, and 9 being the
second highest ranking straight flush, and 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2 being the lowest ranking straight flush.
iv. A four-of-a-kind, which is a High hand consisting of four cards of the same rank, with four
aces being the highest ranking four-of-a-kind and four 2’s being the lowest ranking four-of-a-kind.
v. A full house, which is a High hand consisting of a three-of-a-kind and a pair, with three aces
and two kings being the highest ranking full house and three 2’s and two 3’s being the lowest ranking full
vi. A flush, which is a High hand consisting of five cards of the same suit. When comparing two
flushes, the hand which contains the highest ranking card as provided in subsection A which is not contained
in the other hand shall be considered the higher ranking hand.
vii. A straight, which is a High hand consisting of five cards of consecutive rank, regardless of
suit, with an ace, king, queen, jack and 10 being the highest ranking straight; an ace, 2, 3, 4 and 5 being the
second highest ranking straight, and a 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2 being the lowest ranking straight.
viii. A three-of-a-kind, which is a High hand containing three cards of the same rank, with three
aces being the highest ranking three-of-a-kind and three 2’s being the lowest ranking three-of-a-kind.
ix. Two pair, which is a High hand containing two pairs, with two aces and two kings being the
highest ranking two pair hand and two 3’s and two 2’s being the lowest ranking two pair hand.
x. A pair, which is either a High hand or a Low hand consisting of two cards of the same rank,
with two aces being the highest ranking pair and two 2’s being the lowest ranking pair.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
C. For purposes of setting the hands, a joker may be used as any card to complete a straight, a flush, a
straight flush or a royal flush.
D. When comparing two High hands or two Low hands which are of identical poker hand rank under
this section, or which contain none of the poker hands authorized in this section, the hand which contains the highest
ranking card as provided in subsection A which is not contained in the other hand shall be considered the higher
ranking hand. If the two hands are of identical rank after the application of this subsection, the hands shall be
considered a tie hand.
E. If the property offers the optional Fortune Bonus Wager under § 13a (relating to Fortune Bonus
Wager; Envy Bonus; payout odds; payout limitation), the following seven card hands, which shall have a rank higher
than a five-card poker hand of five aces, shall be used to determine the amount of the Fortune Bonus Wager payout or
Envy Bonus payment to a winning player:
i. Seven-card straight flush with no joker is a hand consisting of seven cards of the same suit in
consecutive ranking, with no joker used to complete the straight flush.
ii. Royal flush plus royal match is a seven card hand consisting of an ace, king, queen, jack and
a 10 of the same suit, with or without a joker, with one of the following:
iii. Seven-card straight flush with joker is a hand consisting of seven cards of the same suit in
consecutive ranking with a joker being used to complete the straight flush.
7. Wagers.
A. All wagers at Pai Gow Poker shall be made by placing gaming chips or plaques on the appropriate
betting area of the Pai Gow Poker layout. Verbal wagers accompanied by cash may not be accepted at the game of Pai
Gow Poker.
B. Only players who are seated at the Pai Gow Poker table may place a wager at the game. Once a player
has placed a wager and received cards, that player shall remain seated until the completion of the round of play. If a
player leaves the table during a round of player, any wagers made by the player may be considered abandoned and
may be treated as losing wagers.
C. All wagers at Pai Gow Poker must be placed prior to the dealer announcing “no more bets” in
accordance with the dealing procedures in § 9 or § 10 (relating to procedures for dealing the cards by hand and
procedures for dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe). No wager at Pai Gow Poker may be made, increased
or withdrawn after the first card has been dealt.
D. The property has the right to permit a player to simultaneously play and place wagers at up to three
adjacent betting positions during a round of play. If the wagers are not equal, the player shall be required to rank and
set the hand with the larger wagers before ranking and setting the other hand. If a player is betting three hands, the
third hand (smallest wager) shall be required to be played the House Way. If the amounts wagered are equal, each
hand shall be played separately in a counterclockwise rotation with the first hand being ranked and set before the
player proceeds to rank and set the second hand. Once a hand has been ranked and set and placed face down on the
appropriate area of the layout, the hand may not be changed.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
8. Pai Gow Poker Shaker and Dice; Computerized Random Number Generator; Button.
A. The starting position for the deal of cards in Pai Gow Poker shall be determined by using one of the
following methods:
i. Three dice and a Pai Gow Poker shaker, which shall be used in accordance with § 12 (relating
to procedure for determining the starting position for dealing cards or delivering stacks of cards). When dice
and a Pai Gow Poker shaker are used, the following apply:
(a) The three dice, when not being rolled, shall be maintained at all times within the Pai
Gow Poker shaker.
(b) The Pai Gow Poker shaker and the dice contained therein shall be the responsibility
of the dealer and shall never be left unattended while at the table.
ii. A computerized random number generator that, in accordance with § 12.C (relating to
procedure for determining the starting position for dealing cards or delivering stacks of cards) automatically
selects and displays a number from 1 - 7 inclusive.
iii. If an automated card shuffling device and dealing shoe is used under § 11 (relating to
procedures for dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe) and § 12.D, a button that is moved by the
dealer clockwise around the table after each round of play is completed.
A. If the cards are dealt from the dealer's hand, the following requirements shall be observed:
i. After the procedures required under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been
completed, the dealer shall place the deck of cards in either hand.
(a) Once the dealer has chosen the hand in which he will hold the cards, the dealer shall
use that hand whenever holding the cards during that round of play.
(b) The cards held by the dealer shall at all times be kept in front of the dealer and over
the table inventory container.
ii. All bets must be set prior to dealing seven stacks of seven cards each to the area in front of the
table inventory container. The dealer shall deal each card by holding the deck of cards in the chosen hand and
using the other hand to remove the top card of the deck and place it face down on the appropriate area of the
B. The dealer shall then, using one of the procedures authorized under § 12 (relating to procedure for
determining the starting position for dealing cards or delivering stacks of cards), determine the starting position for
dealing the cards.
C. After the starting position for dealing the cards has been determined, the dealer shall deal the first of
the seven cards moving from left to right and the second of the seven cards moving from right to left and shall continue
alternating in this manner until there are seven stacks of seven cards.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
D. After seven stacks of seven cards have been dealt, the dealer shall determine whether exactly four
cards are left by spreading the remaining cards face down on the layout.
E. If four cards remain, the four cards shall be placed in the discard rack without being exposed to anyone
at the table.
F. If more or less than four cards remain, the dealer shall determine if the cards were misdealt. If the
cards were misdealt and a stack has more or less than seven cards, the round of play shall be void, all wagers shall be
returned to the players and the cards shall be reshuffled. If the cards have not been misdealt, the round of play shall be
considered void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards shall be removed from the
G. If the dealer determines the cards were dealt properly, the dealer shall collect any stacks dealt to a
position where there is no wager and place them in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
10. Procedures for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe.
A. If the property chooses to have the cards dealt from an automated dealing shoe, the following
requirements shall be observed:
i. After the procedures under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been completed,
the cards shall be placed in the automated dealing shoe.
B. The dealer shall then, using one of the procedures under § 12 (relating to procedure for determining
the starting position for dealing cards or delivering stacks of cards), determine the starting position for delivering the
stacks of cards.
C. Once the starting position has been determined in accordance with subsection B, the dealer shall deliver
the first stack of cards dispensed by the automated dealing shoe to that position. As the remaining stacks are dispensed
to the dealer by the automated dealing shoe, the dealer shall deliver a stack in turn to each of the other positions,
including the dealer, moving counterclockwise around the table, whether or not there is a wager at the position. The
dealer shall deliver each stack face down.
D. After the seven stacks of seven cards have been dispensed and delivered to each position, including
the dealer, the dealer shall remove the remaining cards from the shoe and determine whether exactly four cards are left
by spreading them face down on the layout.
E. If four cards remain, the cards shall be placed in the discard rack without being exposed to anyone at
the table.
F. If more or less than four cards remain, the dealer shall determine if the cards were misdealt. If the cards
were misdealt and a stack has more or less than seven cards, the round of play shall be void, all wagers shall be returned
to the players and the cards shall be reshuffled. If the cards have not been misdealt, the round of play shall be considered
void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards shall be removed from the table.
G. If the dealer determines the cards were dealt properly, the dealer shall collect any stacks dealt to a
position where there is no wager and place them in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
11. Procedure for Determining the Starting Position for Dealing Cards or Delivering Stacks of Cards.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
A. To determine the starting position for the dealing of cards or the delivery of stacks of cards for the
game of Pai Gow Poker, the property shall use one of the procedures written below in subsection B, C, or D.
B. The dealer shall shake the shaker and dice described in § 8 (relating to Pai Gow Poker shaker and dice;
computerized random number generator; button) at least three times so as to cause a random mixture of the dice. The
dealer shall then remove the lid covering the Pai Gow Poker shaker, total the dice. To determine the starting position,
the dealer shall count counterclockwise around the table, with the position of the dealer considered number one, and
continuing around the table with each betting position counted in order, including the dealer, regardless of whether there
is a wager at the position, until the count matches the total of the three dice. After the dealing or delivery of the cards
has been completed, the dealer shall place the cover on the Pai Gow Poker shaker and shake the shaker once. The Pai
Gow Poker shaker shall then be placed to the right of the dealer.
C. The dealer may use a computerized random number generator to select and display a number from 1 -
7 inclusive. To determine the starting position, the dealer shall count counterclockwise around the table, with the
position of the dealer considered number one, and continuing around the table with each betting position counted in
order, including the dealer, regardless of whether there is a wager at the position, until the count matches the number
displayed by the random number generator.
D. If an automated card shuffling device and dealing shoe is used under § 11 (relating to procedures for
dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe), the dealer may use a flat button to indicate the starting position. At
the commencement of play, the button shall be placed in front of the dealer. Thereafter, the button shall rotate around
the table in a clockwise manner after each round of play.
A. No Pair: Use the highest card in the High hand. Use second and third highest card for the Low hand.
B. One Pair: Use in the High hand with the next two highest cards in the Low hand.
C. Two Pair:
(a) Low Pair – Low Pair: Split unless Ace or King can be played in the Low hand.
(b) Low Pair – Medium Pair: Split unless Ace or King can be played in the Low
(c) Low Pair – High Pair: Split unless Ace or Joker can be played in the Low hand.
(d) Medium Pair – Medium Pair: Split unless Ace or Joker can be played in the Low
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
E. Three of a Kind: Keep together in the High hand using the next two highest cards in the Low hand.
i. Exception: When having three Aces, use a pair of Aces in the high hand and an Ace and
the next highest card in the low hand.
F. Two Three of a Kinds: Play the pair from the highest three of a kind in the Low hand and the
lowest three of a kind in the High hand.
G. Straight, Flushes, Straight Flushes, and Royal Flushes: Keep a Straight, Flush, Straight Flush,
or Royal Flush together in the High hand (exceptions listed below).
i. With No Pair: When presented with a choice of playing a hand as either a Straight, Flush,
Straight Flush, or Royal Flush, use the option that gives you the highest Low hand.
ii. With One Pair: Play the pair in the Low hand only if a Straight, Flush, Straight Flush, or
Royal Flush can be preserved in the High hand.
iii. With Two Pair: Play a pair in the Low hand if the Straight, Flush, Straight Flush, or Royal
Flush can be preserved, otherwise, use the Two Pair rule if it improves your Low hand.
iv. With Three Pair: Play the highest pair in the Low hand.
v. With Three of a Kind (Aces): Play either a Straight, Flush, Straight Flush, Royal Flush, or
Pair of Aces in the High hand depending on which gives you the highest Low hand.
vi. With Full House: Always break up a Full House. With an extra pair, play the highest pair
in the Low hand.
H. Full House: Break up a Full House unless you have a second pair. If a second pair is present, play
the highest pair in the low hand.
i. Exception: If a Full House contains a pair of 2s in addition to three of a kind and contains
an Ace and King, play the Ace and King in the Low hand and a Full House in the High hand.
I. Four of a Kind:
ii. 7s through Kings: Split, unless an Ace can be played in the Low hand, then keep the four of a
kind in the High hand.
J. Four of a Kind with a Pair: Play the pair in the Low hand.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
i. Exception: With four Aces, always split unless the pair is Kings, then play the four Aces in
the High hand and pair of Kings in the Low hand.
K. Four of a Kind with Three of a Kind: Use the highest pair in the Low hand.
i. Exception: With a pair of Kings – play the pair of Kings in the Low hand.
13. Procedures for Completion of Each Round of Play; Setting of Hands; Payment and Collection of
Wagers; Payout odds; Vigorish.
A. After the cards have been dealt, each player shall set his hands by arranging the cards into a High hand
and a Low hand. When setting the two hands, the five-card High hand must be equal to or higher in rank than the two-
card Low hand. For example, if the two-card hand contains a pair of sevens, the five-card hand must contain at least a
pair of sevens and the three remaining cards.
B. Each player at the table shall be responsible for setting his own hands and no other person except the
dealer may touch the cards of that player. If a player requests assistance in the setting of his hands, the dealer shall
inform the player of the manner in which the property requires the hands of the dealer to be set. Each player shall be
required to keep the seven cards in full view of the dealer at all times. Once each player has set a High and Low hand
and placed the two hands face down on the appropriate area of the layout, the player may not touch the cards again.
C. After all players have set their hands and placed the cards on the table, the seven cards of the dealer
shall be turned over and the dealer shall set his hands by arranging the cards into a High and Low hand. The dealer shall
then place the two hands face up on the appropriate area of the layout.
D. The property shall set its hand for the game of Pai Gow Poker in accordance with the House Ways.
E. A player may announce that he wishes to surrender his wager prior to the dealer exposing either of the
two hands of that player as required under subsection F. Once the player has announced his intention to surrender, the
dealer shall immediately collect the wager from that player and collect the seven cards dealt to that player without
exposing the cards to anyone at the table. The dealer shall verify that seven cards were collected by counting them face
down on the layout prior to placing them in the discard rack.
F. After the dealer has set a High hand and a Low hand, the dealer shall expose both hands of each player,
starting from the right and proceeding counterclockwise around the table. The dealer shall compare the High and Low
hand of each player to the High and Low hand of the dealer and determine whether the Pai Gow Poker wager of that
player wins, loses or is a tie.
i. The High hand of the player is lower in rank than the High hand of the dealer and the Low
hand of the player is lower in rank than the Low hand of the dealer.
ii. The High hand of the player is identical in rank to the High hand of the dealer or the Low
hand of the player is identical in rank to the Low hand of the dealer and the other hand of the player is identical
in rank or lower in rank than the other hand of the dealer.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
iii. The High hand of the player was not set so as to rank equal to or higher than the Low hand of
that player.
iv. The two hands of the player were not otherwise set correctly in accordance with this chapter.
H. All losing Pai Gow Poker wagers shall be immediately collected by the dealer and put in the table
inventory container. All losing Pai Gow Poker hands shall also be collected.
i. The High hand of the player is higher in rank than the High hand of the dealer, but the Low
hand of the player is identical in rank to the Low hand of the dealer or lower in rank than the Low hand of the
ii. The High hand of the player is identical in rank to the High hand of the dealer or lower in rank
than the High hand of the dealer, but the Low hand of the player is higher in rank than the Low hand of the
J. If a Pai Gow Poker wager is a tie the dealer shall return the Pai Gow Poker wager to the player. All
tie Pai Gow Poker hands shall also be collected.
K. A Pai Gow Poker wager wins if the High hand of the player is higher in rank than the High hand of
the dealer and the Low hand of the player is higher in rank than the Low hand of the dealer.
L. All hands that resulted in a winning Pai Gow Poker wager shall remain face up on the layout. Winning
wagers shall be paid before continuing counterclockwise around the table.
M. A winning Pai Gow Poker wager shall be paid off by the property at odds of 1 to 1, except that the
property shall extract a vigorish, from the winning player in an amount equal to 5% of the amount won; provided,
however, that when collecting the vigorish, the property may round off the vigorish to 25 cents or the next highest
multiple of 25 cents. The property shall collect the vigorish from a player at the time the winning payout is made. If
needed, the dealer can use quarters for the vigorish. The dealer shall then collect the cards from that player.
N. All cards collected by the dealer shall be picked up in order and placed in the discard rack in such a
way that they can be readily arranged to reconstruct each hand in case of a question or dispute.
14. Fortune Bonus Wager; Envy Bonus; Payout Odds; Payout Limitation
A. The property may offer a player the option of placing a Fortune Bonus Wager on whether the player
will be dealt a hand type as set forth in subsection E. A player who makes a Qualifying Fortune Bonus Wager shall also
qualify to receive an Envy Bonus payout.
B. Prior to the first card being dealt for each round of play, each player who has placed a wager in
accordance with § 7 (relating to wagers), may make a Fortune Bonus Wager by placing a value chip of at least $1 into
the separate area designated for that player. If a player makes a Qualifying Fortune Bonus Wager, the dealer shall place
an Envy lammer next to that player’s wager.
C. The dealer shall deal the cards in accordance with the dealing procedures in § 9 or § 10 (relating to
procedures for dealing the cards by hand and procedures for dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe).
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
D. If a Fortune Bonus Wager has been made by one or more players, the dealer shall settle the Fortune
Bonus wager first with the following modifications:
E. After the wagers of an individual player who had a Qualifying Hand have been settled, the dealer
shall, starting from the dealer’s right and moving counterclockwise around the table, settle with each player who has
an Envy Bonus lammer at the player’s betting position. If a player:
i. Has an Envy Bonus lammer, the dealer shall pay the player in accordance with subsection E
and collect the Envy Bonus lammer.
ii. Has a Fortune Bonus Wager and a Qualifying Hand, the dealer shall pay the winning Fortune
Bonus Wager in accordance with subsection E and place the cards of the player in the discard rack. Players are
entitled to multiple Envy Bonuses when another player at the same Pai Gow Poker table is the holder of an
Envy Bonus; provided, however, that a player is not entitled to an Envy Bonus for his own hand or the hand of
the dealer.
iii. After all Envy Bonuses and Qualifying Hands have been paid, the dealer shall collect the cards
of any player who had a Qualifying Hand but did not place a Fortune Bonus Wager and shall place the cards
of the player in the discard rack.
F. The property shall pay out winning Fortune Bonus Wagers and Envy Bonus payouts at the amounts
contained in the following payout table:
G. Notwithstanding the payout odds in subsection E, the property may establish a maximum payout for a
winning Fortune Bonus Wager that is payable for one round of play. The maximum payout amount shall be at least
$50,000 or the maximum amount that one player could win per round when betting the minimum possible wager,
whichever is greater. Any maximum payout limit established by a property shall apply only to Fortune Bonus Wagers
and does not apply to Envy Bonus payouts.
A. In the occasion that a card is removed from the table, during a round of play, a supervisor has the
option to call the hand dead or allow the card to play if verified that the card had not been tampered with. If the dealer’s
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
card falls out of play the entire round of play can be called dead unless the card can be verified to have not been tampered
with and can be put back into play.
B. When cards are dealt starting in the wrong the wrong spot, the hand will be called dead and the round
of play will be re-dealt.
C. If a dice shaker is used and the dice land stacked, the dice shaker will be re-covered and re-shaken to
determine starting location.
D. If an automated card shuffling device is being used and the device jams, stops shuffling during a
shuffle, or fails to complete a shuffle cycle, the cards shall be reshuffled.
E. If there is a malfunction that occurs with the verification system, the property shall set its hand in
accordance with the House Ways, regardless of what the system states.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 03/24/2016
Date Approved by the Commission: 04/20/2016
No Pair
Use the highest card in the high hand. Use second and third highest card for low hand.
One Pair
Always use the pair as the high hand and use the next highest ranking cards in the low hand.
Two Pair
Always use this formula for pairs:
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 = Low Pair
7, 8, 9 = Medium Pair
10, J, Q, K = High Pair
Aces = Aces
the low hand.
low hand.
Always split Medium & High pairs or High & High pairs.
Split Aces with any other pair.
Three Pair
Play highest pair in the low hand.
Three of a Kind
When having three Aces, use a pair of Aces in the high hand and an Ace and the next highest card in the low hand.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 03/24/2016
Date Approved by the Commission: 04/20/2016
Full House
Highest pair in the low hand.
Ace and King; the dealer shall play the Ace and King in the low hand and a Full House in the high hand.
Four of a Kind
Never split 2's - 6's: play in the high hand.
The high hand.
Aces, always split.
a) With an extra pair - play pair in low hand.
and pair of Kings in low.
b) With three of a kind – play whatever will give you the highest pair for the low hand.
Five Aces
Contains a pair of Kings.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 01/04/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/18/2017
1. Roulette Wheel and Table; Physical Characteristics; Double Zero Roulette Wheel Used as a Single Zero Roulette
Wheel. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
2. Roulette Balls. ................................................................................................................................................................. 2
3. Inspection and Security Procedures. ............................................................................................................................... 2
4. Placement of Wagers. ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Payout Odds. ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
6. Rotation of Wheel and Ball. ............................................................................................................................................ 6
7. Irregularities. ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 01/04/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/18/2017
1. Roulette Wheel and Table; Physical Characteristics; Double Zero Roulette Wheel Used as a Single
Zero Roulette Wheel.
A. Roulette shall be played on a table having a Roulette wheel of at least 30 inches in diameter at one
end of the table and a Roulette layout imprinted on the opposite end of the table which may include the following
ii. Specific areas for the placement of the wagers authorized under §4 (relating to placement
of wagers).
iii. Signage indicating the minimum and maximum wagers permitted at that table.
B. A single zero Roulette wheel must have 37 equally spaced compartments around the wheel where
the Roulette ball may come to rest. The Roulette wheel must also have a ring of equally spaced areas to correspond
to the position of the compartments with one marked zero and colored green and the others marked 1 to 36 and
colored alternately red and black. The numbers must be arranged clockwise around the wheel in the following order:
0, 32, 15, 19, 4, 21, 2, 25, 17, 34, 6, 27, 13, 36, 11, 30, 8, 23, 10, 5, 24, 16, 33, 1, 20, 14, 31, 9, 22, 18, 29, 7, 28, 12,
35, 3 and 26. The color of each compartment must either be a corresponding color to those depicted on the ring or
a neutral color.
C. A double zero Roulette wheel must have 38 equally spaced compartments around the wheel where
the Roulette ball may come to rest. The Roulette wheel must also have a ring of equally spaced areas to correspond
to the position of the compartments with one marked zero and colored green, one marked double-zero (00) and
colored green, and the others marked 1 to 36 and colored alternately red and black. The numbers must be arranged
clockwise around the wheel in the following order: 0, 28, 9, 26, 30, 11, 7, 20, 32, 17, 5, 22, 34, 15, 3, 24, 36, 13, 1,
00, 27, 10, 25, 29, 12, 8, 19, 31, 18, 6, 21, 33, 16, 4, 23, 35, 14 and 2. The color of each compartment must either
be a corresponding color to those depicted on the ring or a neutral color.
D. A double zero Roulette wheel and double zero table layout may be used as a single zero Roulette
wheel and single zero table layout. If the Roulette ball comes to rest in the compartment marked double zero (00),
the spin will be declared void and the wheel will be re-spun and all wagers on red, black, odd, even, 1 to 18 and 19
to 36 shall be lost if the Roulette ball comes to rest in a compartment marked zero (0).
E. Each Roulette table shall have a drop box and tip box attached to it.
2. Roulette Balls.
A. Balls used in Roulette must be made completely of a nonmetallic substance and not be less than
12/16 of an inch nor more than 14/16 of an inch in diameter.
A. Prior to opening a Roulette table for gaming activity, the Table Games Supervisor or above shall:
i. Inspect the Roulette table and Roulette wheel for any magnet or contrivance that would
affect the fair operation of the Roulette wheel.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 01/04/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/18/2017
ii. Inspect the Roulette wheel to assure that the wheel is level and rotating freely and evenly.
iii. Inspect the Roulette wheel to assure that all parts are secure and free from movement.
iv. Inspect the Roulette ball by passing it over a magnet or compass to assure its nonmagnetic
B. Table Games shall maintain a log of the required inspections and any maintenance.
C. If the property uses a Roulette wheel which has external movable parts, any adjustments to the
movable parts shall be made by the Table Games Supervisor or above or a member of the maintenance team.
E. The property may replace any of the movable parts at any time, provided that an inspection as
required by subsection A must be completed prior to reopening the Roulette wheel and table for play.
F. When a Roulette table is not open for play, the Roulette wheel shall be secured by placing a cover
over the entire wheel.
G. Twice a calendar year, there will be a review of computer-generated data from the Roulette wheel.
Table Games Supervisor or above will assess the randomness of game outcomes by evaluating the
data of at least 10,000 game outcomes (i.e., “hit” frequencies for numbers). In the event an
irregularity is identified, a random audit will be conducted by the Table Games Managers or above
of Roulette inspection procedures to ensure the integrity of the Roulette games.
H. The Commission shall be notified immediately upon discovering a roulette wheel, table, or ball has
been compromised.
4. Placement of Wagers.
A. All wagers at Roulette shall be made by placing gaming chips or plaques, on the appropriate areas
of the Roulette layout, except that verbal wagers accompanied by cash may be accepted provided that they are
confirmed by the dealer and that the cash is expeditiously converted into gaming chips or plaques.
B. A person at a Roulette table may not play with non-value chips that are identical in color and design
to value chips or to non-value (inside or outside wagers) or value (inside wagers only) chips being used by another
person at that same table. Non-value chips must be cashed in for value chips before a player leaves a Roulette table.
C. Each player shall be responsible for the correct positioning of his wager on the Roulette layout,
regardless of whether he is assisted by the dealer. The player shall be responsible for ensuring that instructions he
gives to the dealer regarding the placement of a wager are correctly carried out.
D. A wager shall be settled in accordance with its position on the layout when the ball falls to rest in
a compartment of the wheel.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 01/04/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/18/2017
i. A Straight Wager that the Roulette ball will come to rest in the compartment of the Roulette
wheel that corresponds to a single number selected by the player. The player shall make a Straight Wager
by placing a gaming chip or plaque within the box on the Roulette layout that contains the selected number.
ii. A Split Wager that the Roulette ball will come to rest in a compartment of the Roulette
wheel that corresponds to either of two numbers selected by the player. The player shall select the numbers
by placing a wager on the line between the two boxes on the Roulette layout that contain the two selected
numbers. A Split Wager on 0 and 00 may also be placed on the line between the 0 and 00 or on the line
between the 2nd 12 box and the 3rd 12 box.
iii. A Three Numbers Wager that the Roulette ball will come to rest in a compartment of the
Roulette wheel that corresponds to any one of three numbers in a single row on the Roulette layout selected
by the player. The player shall select a row of numbers by placing a wager on the outside line of the box on
the Roulette layout that contains the first number in the selected row.
(a) Three Numbers Wager may also include a wager that the Roulette ball will come
to rest in a compartment of the Roulette wheel that corresponds to any one of the three numbers
contained in one of the following groups of numbers: 0, 1 and 2; 0, 2 and 00; or 00, 2 and 3.
(b) The player shall select one of the three numbers wagers identified in subparagraph
(i) by placing a wager on the common corner of the three boxes containing the elected numbers.
iv. A Four Numbers Wager that the Roulette ball will come to rest in a compartment of the
Roulette wheel that corresponds to any one of four numbers in contiguous boxes on the Roulette layout
selected by the player. The player shall select the four numbers by placing a wager on the common corner
of the four boxes containing the selected numbers.
v. A First Five Numbers Wager that the Roulette ball will come to rest in a compartment of
the Roulette wheel that corresponds to any one of the numbers 0, 00, 1, 2 or 3. The player shall make a First
Five Numbers Wager by placing a wager on the common corner of the boxes on the Roulette layout that
contain the label 1st 12 and the numbers 0 and 1.
vi. A Six Numbers Wager that the Roulette ball will come to rest in a compartment of the
Roulette wheel that corresponds to one of six consecutive numbers contained in two contiguous rows of
numbers on the Roulette layout selected by the player. The player shall select the two rows of numbers by
placing a wager on the outside common corner of the boxes on the Roulette layout that contain the first
number in each of the rows being selected.
vii. A Column Wager that the Roulette ball will come to rest in a compartment of the Roulette
wheel that corresponds to any one of 12 numbers contained in a single column on the Roulette layout
selected by the player. The player shall select a column of 12 numbers by placing a wager in the box on the
Roulette layout that is at the bottom of the column being selected.
viii. A Dozen Wager that the Roulette ball will come to rest in a compartment of the Roulette
wheel that corresponds to any one of 12 consecutive numbers from 1 - 12, 13 - 24 or 25 - 36, selected by
the player. The player shall select the 12 numbers by placing a wager in the box on the Roulette layout
labeled 1st 12, 2nd 12 or 3rd 12.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 01/04/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/18/2017
ix. A Red Wager that the Roulette ball will come to rest in any compartment of the Roulette
wheel that corresponds to a number with a red background on the Roulette wheel. The player shall make a
Red Wager by placing a wager within the red box on the Roulette layout.
x. A Black Wager that the Roulette ball will come to rest in any compartment of the Roulette
wheel that corresponds to a number with a black background on the Roulette wheel. The player shall make
a Black Wager by placing a wager within the black box on the Roulette layout.
xi. An Odd Wager that the Roulette ball will come to rest in any compartment of the Roulette
wheel that corresponds to an odd number. The player shall make an Odd Wager by placing a wager within
the box on the Roulette layout that is labeled Odd.
xii. An Even Wager that the Roulette ball will come to rest in any compartment of the Roulette
wheel that corresponds to an even number. The player shall make an Even Wager by placing a wager within
the box on the Roulette layout that is labeled Even.
xiii. A 1 - 18 Wager that the Roulette ball will come to rest in a compartment of the Roulette
wheel that corresponds to any one of 18 consecutive numbers from 1 - 18. The player shall make a 1 - 18
Wager by placing a wager within the box on the Roulette layout that is labeled 1 - 18.
xiv. A 19 - 36 Wager that the Roulette ball will come to rest in a compartment of the Roulette
wheel that corresponds to any one of 18 consecutive numbers from 19 - 36. The player shall make a 19 to
36 Wager by placing a wager within the box on the Roulette layout that is labeled 19 - 36.
5. Payout Odds.
A. The property shall pay off winning wagers at the game of Roulette at no less than the following
Wager Payout/Odds
Straight 35 to 1
Split 17 to 1
Three Numbers 11 to 1
Four Numbers 8 to 1
First Five Numbers 6 to 1
Six Numbers 5 to 1
Column 2 to 1
Dozen 2 to 1
Red 1 to 1
Black 1 to 1
Odd 1 to 1
Even 1 to 1
1 to 18 1 to 1
19 to 36 1 to 1
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 01/04/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/18/2017
B. When Roulette is played on a single zero wheel or double zero wheel and the Roulette ball comes
to rest in a compartment marked zero (0) or double zero (00), wagers on red, black, odd, even, 1 - 18, and 19 - 36
shall be lost.
C. When Roulette is played on a double zero wheel being used as a single zero wheel, as provided in
§ 1 (relating to Roulette wheel and table; physical characteristics; double zero Roulette wheel used as a single zero
Roulette wheel), the following apply:
i. Notice shall be provided that the double zero wheel is being used as a single zero wheel.
ii. The dealer shall announce “no spin,” declare the spin void and re-spin the ball if the
Roulette ball comes to rest in a compartment marked double zero (00).
iii. Wagers on red, black, odd, even, 1 - 18 and 19 – 36 shall be lost if the Roulette ball comes
to rest in a compartment marked zero (0).
A. The Roulette ball shall be spun by the dealer in a direction opposite to the rotation of the wheel and
must complete at least four revolutions around the track of the wheel to constitute a valid spin.
B. While the ball is still rotating in the track around the wheel, the dealer shall call “no more bets," in
a manner sufficient to be heard by all players at the table. Once “no more bets” has been called by the dealer, players
may not touch any chips or plaques that have been placed on the Roulette layout until the dealer has collected all
losing wagers and paid off all winning wagers under subsection D.
C. When the ball comes to rest in a compartment, the dealer shall announce the number of the
compartment and shall place a point marker on that number on the Roulette layout.
D. After placing the point marker on the layout, the dealer shall first collect all losing wagers and then
pay off all winning wagers.
7. Irregularities.
A. If the ball is spun in the same direction as the wheel, the dealer shall announce “no spin” and shall
attempt to remove the Roulette ball from the wheel prior to its coming to rest in one of the compartments.
B. If the Roulette ball does not complete four revolutions around the track of the wheel, the dealer
shall announce “no spin.” The dealer shall inspect the ball for any signs of damage and if the ball is damaged, ask
the Table Games Supervisor or above in charge of the table to give the dealer a new Roulette ball with which to
continue gaming at the table.
C. If the Roulette ball leaves the wheel during the spin, the dealer shall announce “no spin.” The dealer
shall inspect the ball for any signs of damage and if the ball is damaged, ask the Table Games Supervisor or above
in charge of the table to give the dealer a new Roulette ball with which to continue gaming at the table.
D. If a foreign object enters the wheel prior to the ball coming to rest, the dealer shall announce “no
spin” and shall attempt to remove the ball from the wheel prior to its coming to rest in one of the compartments.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 01/04/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 01/18/2017
E. A “floater” is when the ball slowly revolves on the wheel head without dropping into a numbered
slot. Once the ball “floats” for at least 2 to 4 revolutions, the dealer shall announce “floater” or “no spin” and waive
their arm over the wheel head to declare a “floater”. The dealer shall immediately attempt to remove the Roulette
ball from the wheel head.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Three Card Poker Table Physical Characteristics .......................................................................................................... 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks ................................................................................................................................................ 3
4. Opening of the Table for Gaming .................................................................................................................................. 3
5. Shuffle and Cut of the Cards .......................................................................................................................................... 4
6. Three Card Poker Rankings ........................................................................................................................................... 4
7. Wagers............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
8. Procedures for Dealing the Cards from the Hand .......................................................................................................... 7
9. Procedures for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe ............................................................................ 7
10. Procedures for Completion of Each Round of Play ....................................................................................................... 8
11. Six Card Bonus Wager ................................................................................................................................................... 8
12. Payout Odds; Rate of Progression; Payout Limitation .................................................................................................. 9
13. Irregularities ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings unless
the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Hand” means the Three Card Poker hand that is held by each player and the dealer after the cards
are dealt.
B. “Pair Plus Wager” means the wager that a player is required to make prior to any cards being
dealt in order to compete against a posted scale of payouts, regardless of the outcome of the player's hand against
the dealer’s hand.
C. “Play Wager” means an additional wager that a player must make if the player opts to remain in
competition against the dealer after the player reviews his hand.
D. “Round of play” means one complete cycle of play during which all wagers have been placed, all
cards have been dealt and all remaining wagers have been paid off or collected in accordance with the rules of this
E. “Six Card Bonus Wager” means an optional wager that a player will be able to form a winning
five-card Poker hand from the three cards dealt to the dealer and the three cards dealt to the player.
A. Three Card Poker shall be played at a table having betting positions for no more than seven players
on one side of the table and a place for the dealer on the opposite side which may include the following
ii. A separate designated betting area at each betting position for the placement of an Ante
iii. A separate designated betting area located immediately in front of each Ante Wager betting
area for the placement of a Play Wager.
iv. A separate designated betting area located immediately behind each Ante Wager betting
area for the placement of a Pair Plus Wager.
v. If the property offers the Six Card Bonus Wager, a separate area for each player, located
immediately behind the Pair Plus Wager betting area, designated for the placement of the Six Card Bonus
vi. Inscriptions that advise patrons of the payout odds or amounts for Ante and Play Wagers,
Pair Plus Wagers and Ante bonuses, the Six Card Bonus Wager and the phrase “Dealer Plays with Queen
High or Better."
B. Each Three Card Poker table must have a drop box and a tip box attached to it on the same side of
the gaming table as, but on opposite sides of, the dealer.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
C. Each Three Card Poker table must have a discard rack securely attached to the top of the dealer’s
side of the table.
A. Except as provided in subsection B, Three Card Poker shall be played with one deck of cards with
backs of the same color and design and one cover card to be used in accordance with § 5 and § 9.B (relating to
shuffle and cut of the cards; and procedures for dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe).
B. If an automated card shuffling device is used, the property may use a second deck of cards to play
the game, provided that:
ii. The backs of the cards in the two decks are different colors.
iii. One deck is being shuffled by the automated card shuffling device while the other deck is
being used to play the game.
iv. Both decks are continuously alternated in and out of play, with each deck being used for
every other round of play.
v. The cards from only one deck are placed in the discard rack at any given time.
ii. At least every 8 hours if the cards are dealt from a manual or automated dealing shoe.
A. After receiving one or more decks of cards at the table, the dealer will inspect the cards with the
inspection verified by the Table Games Supervisor. Card inspection at the gaming table shall require the dealer to
sort each deck into sequence and into suit to ensure that all cards are in the deck. The dealer will also check each
card to ensure that there is no indication of tampering, flaws, scratches, marks, or other defects that might affect the
integrity of the game.
B. The cards shall be turned face down on the table, mixed thoroughly by a washing of the cards and
stacked. Once the cards have been stacked, they shall be shuffled in accordance with § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut
of the cards).
C. If the property uses an automated card shuffling device to play the game and two decks of cards
are received at the table as permitted under § 3.B (relating to cards; number of decks), each deck of cards shall be
separately spread, inspected, verified, mixed, stacked and shuffled.
D. If the decks of cards received at the table are preinspected and preshuffled in accordance all cards
will go directly into a shuffle machine to begin gaming activities.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
A. Immediately prior to the commencement of play, and after each round of play has been completed,
the dealer shall shuffle the cards, either manually or by use of an automated card shuffling device, so that the cards
are randomly intermixed. Upon completion of the shuffle, the dealer or device shall place the deck of cards in a
single stack; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be deemed to prohibit the use of an automated
card shuffling device which, upon completion of the shuffling of the cards, inserts the stack of cards directly into a
dealing shoe.
B. If an automated card shuffling device that counts the number of cards in the deck after the
completion of each shuffle and indicates whether 52 cards are present is being used and reveals that an incorrect
number of cards are present, the deck shall be removed from the table.
C. After the cards have been shuffled and stacked, the dealer shall:
i. If the cards were shuffled using an automated card shuffling device, deal the cards in
accordance with § 8or § 9 (relating to procedures for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedures for
dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe).
ii. If the cards were shuffled manually or were preshuffled, cut the cards in accordance with
the procedures in subsection D.
(a) Placing the cover card on the table in front of the deck of cards.
(b) Taking a stack of at least 10 cards from the top of the deck and placing them on
top of the cover card.
(c) Placing the cards remaining in the deck on top of the stack of cards that were cut
and placed on the cover card.
E. Notwithstanding subsection D after the cards have been cut and before any cards have been dealt,
a Table Games Supervisor or above may require the cards to be recut if he determines that the cut was performed
improperly or in any way that might affect the integrity or fairness of the game.
F. Whenever there is no gaming activity at a Three Card Poker table that is open for gaming, the cards
shall be spread out on the table either face up or face down until such time that a player arrives, at which point the
dealer will put the cards in the automatic shuffle machine to begin play.
A. The rank of the cards used in Three Card Poker, in order of highest to lowest rank, shall be: ace,
king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. All suits shall be equal in rank. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an ace
may be used to complete a straight flush or a straight with a two and three.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
B. The permissible poker hands in the game of Three Card Poker, in order of highest to lowest rank,
shall be:
i. A straight flush, which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same suit in consecutive
ranking, with an ace, king and queen being the highest ranking straight flush and a three, two and ace being
the lowest ranking straight flush.
ii. A three-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same rank with three
aces being the highest ranking three-of-a-kind and three 2’s being the lowest ranking three-of-a-kind.
iii. A straight, which is a hand consisting of three cards of more than one suit and of
consecutive rank, with an ace, king and queen being the highest ranking straight and a three, two and ace
being the lowest ranking straight; provided however, that an ace may not be combined with any other
sequence of cards for purposes of determining a winning hand (for example, king, ace and 2).
iv. A flush, which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same suit, regardless of rank.
v. A pair, which is a hand consisting of two cards of the same rank, with two aces being the
highest ranking pair and two 2’s being the lowest ranking pair.
C. When comparing two hands that are of identical poker hand rank under subsection B, or that contain
none of the hands listed in subsection B, the hand that contains the highest ranking card under subsection A that is
not contained in the other hand shall be considered the higher ranking hand. If the hands are of equal rank after the
application of this section, the hands shall be considered a tie.
D. If the property offers the optional Six Card Bonus Wager under § 11.B (relating to Six Card Bonus
Wager), the rank of a winning five-card Poker hand, in order of highest to lowest rank, shall be:
i. A royal flush, which is a hand consisting of an ace, king, queen, jack and 10 of the same
ii. A straight flush, which is a hand consisting of five cards of the same suit in consecutive
iii. A four-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of four cards of the same rank, regardless of
vi. A straight, which is a hand consisting of five cards of consecutive rank, regardless of suit.
vii. A three-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same rank, regardless of
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
7. Wagers.
A. The following wagers may be placed in the game of Three Card Poker:
i. A player may compete solely against the dealer by placing an Ante Wager in an amount
within the minimum and maximum wagers posted at the table and then placing a Play Wager in an equal
ii. A player may compete solely against a posted payout table by placing a Pair Plus Wager,
which wager may be in any amount within the minimum and maximum wagers posted at the table.
iii. A player may compete against both the dealer and the posted payout table by placing
wagers in accordance with the requirements in subsection i and subsection ii.
iv. If the property offers the Six Card Bonus Wager, after placing a Pair Plus Wager and Ante
Wager, a player may also place a Six Card Bonus Wager on whether the player will be dealt a hand type as
set forth in § 12.F (relating to payout odds; rate of progression; payout limitation).
B. Wagers at Three Card Poker shall be made by placing gaming chips or plaques on the appropriate
betting areas of the table layout at the player’s betting position. A verbal wager accompanied by cash may not be
C. Only players who are seated at a Three Card Poker table may wager at the game. Once a player has
placed a wager and received cards, that player shall remain seated until the completion of the round of play. If a
player leaves the table during a round of play, any wagers made by the player may be considered abandoned and
may be treated as losing wagers.
D. Ante Wagers, Pair Plus Wagers and Six Card Bonus Wagers shall be placed prior to the dealer
announcing “no more bets” in accordance with § 8 or § 9 (relating to procedures for dealing the cards from the
hand; and procedures for dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe). Except for Play Wagers, a wager may
not be made, increased, or withdrawn after the dealer has announced “no more bets.” Play Wagers shall be placed
in accordance with § 10.B (relating to procedures for completion of each round of play).
E. The property has the right to permit a player to simultaneously play and place wagers at up to three
adjacent betting positions during a round of play.
F. Notwithstanding subsection A, the property may offer a version of the game of Three Card Poker
i. As a precondition to the placement of a Pair Plus Wager, the placement of an Ante Wager
in an amount at least equal to the Pair Plus Wager.
ii. As a precondition to the placement of a Pair Plus Wager, the placement of an Ante Wager
in an amount at least equal to one-half the Pair Plus Wager.
iii. The compulsory placement of an Ante Wager and a Pair Plus Wager, provided that one
wager may be placed in an amount up to a maximum of five times the amount of the other wager without
regard to which wager is the greater of the two.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
A. If the cards are dealt from the dealer's hand, the following requirements shall be observed:
i. After the procedures required under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been
completed, the dealer shall place the stacked deck of cards in either hand.
(a) After the dealer has chosen the hand in which he will hold the cards, the dealer
shall continue to use that hand whenever holding the cards during that round of play.
(b) The cards held by the dealer shall at all times be kept in front of the dealer and
over the table inventory container.
ii. Prior to dealing any cards, the dealer shall then announce “no more bets” to prevent the
placement of any additional wagers. The dealer shall deal each card by holding the deck of cards in the
chosen hand and using the other hand to remove the top card of the deck and place it face down on the
appropriate area of the layout.
B. The dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to the dealer’s left and continuing around the table
in a clockwise manner, deal one card at a time to each player who has placed a wager in accordance with § 7
(relating to wagers) and to the dealer until each player who placed a wager and the dealer have three cards. All cards
shall be dealt face down.
C. After three cards have been dealt to each player and the dealer, the dealer shall, except as provided
in subsection D, place the stub in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
D. If the cards have been misdealt (a player or the dealer has more or less than three cards) but 52
cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers shall be returned to the players. If the cards have
not been misdealt, and the deck contains a number of cards other than 52, all hands shall be considered void, all
wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards shall be removed from the table.
A. If the cards are dealt from an automated dealing shoe, the following requirements shall be observed:
i. After the procedures required under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been
completed, the cards shall be placed in the automated dealing shoe.
ii. Prior to the shoe dispensing any stacks of cards, the dealer shall then announce “no more
bets” to prevent the placement of any additional wagers. The dealer shall then place the gaming chips into
the table inventory container.
B. The dealer shall deal the first stack of cards dispensed by the automated dealing shoe face down to
the area designated for the placement of the dealer’s cards. The next stack of cards that are dispensed shall be dealt
to the player farthest to the dealer’s left who has placed a wager in accordance with § 7 (relating to wagers). As the
remaining stacks are dispensed to the dealer by the automated dealing shoe, the dealer shall, moving clockwise
around the table, deal a stack face down to each of the other players who has placed a wager in accordance with §7
(relating to wagers).
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
C. After each stack of three cards has been dispensed and dealt in accordance with subsection B, the
dealer shall remove the stub from the automated dealing shoe and, except as provided in subsection D, place the
cards in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
D. If the cards have been misdealt (a player or the dealer has more or less than three cards) but 52
cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers shall be returned to the players. If the cards have
not been misdealt, and the deck contains a number of cards other than 52, all hands shall be considered void, all
wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards shall be removed from the table. In these events,
a Table Games Supervisor or above may consider wagers unaffected by the Dealer’s hand still valid and pay them
in accordance with § 12 (relating to payout odds).
A. After the dealing procedures required under § 8 or § 9 (relating to procedures for dealing the cards
from the hand; and procedures for dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe) have been completed, each
player shall examine his cards. Each player who wagers at Three Card Poker shall be responsible for his own hand
and no person other than the dealer and the player to whom the cards were dealt may touch the cards of that player.
B. After examination of his cards, each player who has placed an Ante Wager shall have the option to
either make a Play Wager in an amount equal to the player’s Ante Wager or forfeit the Ante Wager and end his
participation in the round of play. The dealer shall offer this option to each player, starting with the player farthest
to the left of the dealer and moving clockwise around the table in order.
i. If a player has placed an Ante Wager and a Pair Plus Wager as required under § 7.D
(relating to wagers) but does not make a Play Wager, the player shall forfeit both the Ante Wager and the
Pair Plus Wager.
ii. If a player has placed an Ante Wager, a Pair Plus Wager and a Six Card Bonus Wager, but
does not make a Play Wager, the player shall forfeit both the Ante Wager and the Pair Plus Wager but may
not forfeit the Six Card Bonus Wager.
C. After each player has either placed a Play Wager on the designated area of the layout or forfeited
his Ante Wager and hand, the dealer shall collect all forfeited wagers and associated cards, except for the cards of
those players who placed a Six Card Bonus Wager in accordance with § 11.B (relating to Six Card Bonus Wager),
and place the cards in the discard rack. The dealer shall then reveal the dealer’s cards and place the cards so as to
form the highest possible ranking hand. If an automated dealing shoe is used to deal the cards, the cover card shall
be removed from the dealer’s hand and placed on the table layout immediately next to the automated dealing shoe.
D. The dealer shall then, starting with the player farthest to the dealer’s right whose hand is still active
and continuing Counter-clockwise around the table, reveal the cards of the player and determine the ranking hand.
After settling the player’s Play and Ante wagers, the dealer shall settle the Pair Plus and then the Six Card wager in
accordance with subsection 12 (relating to payout odds) and discard the player’s cards by placing them in the discard
E. The cards shall be collected by the dealer and placed in the discard rack in such a way that the cards
can be readily arranged to reconstruct in the event of a question or dispute.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
A. The property may offer a player the option of placing a Six Card Bonus Wager on whether the
player’s three cards and the dealer’s three cards will form a winning five-card Poker hand as set forth in § 12.F
(relating to payout odds; rate of progression; payout limitation).
B. If a Six Card Bonus Wager has been made by one or more players:
i. Does not have a three-of-a-kind or better, as described in § 6.D (relating to Three Card
Poker rankings), the dealer shall collect the Six Card Bonus Wager and place the cards of the player in the
discard rack.
ii. Has a three-of-a-kind or better, as described in § 6.D, the dealer shall pay the winning Six
Card Bonus Wager in accordance with § 12.F.
A. If the dealer does not hold a hand with a queen high or better rank, the Ante Wager shall
automatically be paid 1 to 1 and the Play Wager shall be returned to the player.
B. If the dealer holds a hand with a queen high or better rank, a player in competition against the dealer
shall be paid 1 to 1 on both the Ante Wager and the Play Wager if the player's hand is ranked higher than the dealer's
C. If the dealer holds a hand with a queen high or better rank and a player holds a hand with a rank
equal to the dealer’s hand, the hand will be a tie and the player’s Ante Wager and Play Wager shall be returned to
the player.
D. A player placing a Pair Plus Wager, shall be paid in accordance with a posted pay table, regardless
of whether the player’s hand outranks the dealer’s hand, the property shall pay bonus payouts which are no less
than the following:
Hand-Type Table I
Straight Flush 40 to 1
Three of a Kind 30 to 1
Straight 6 to 1
Flush 3 to 1
Pair 1 to 1
E. A player placing an Ante Wager and a Play Wager shall be paid a bonus, regardless of whether the
player’s hand outranks the dealer’s hand, if the player's hand consists of the following:
Straight Flush 5 to 1
Three of a Kind 4 to 1
Straight 1 to 1
F. If the property chooses to offers the Six Card Bonus Wager, the property shall pay out winning Six
Card Bonus Wagers at the amounts contained in the following pay tables:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
5-Card Royal Flush 1000 to 1
5-Card Straight Flush 200 to 1
Four of a Kind 50 to 1
Full House 25 to 1
5-Card Flush 15 to 1
5-Card Straight 10 to 1
Three of a Kind 5 to 1
G. Notwithstanding the
minimum payout odds required in subsection F, the property may establish a maximum amount that is payable to a
player on a single hand. The maximum amount shall be at least $50,000 or the maximum amount that one patron
could win per round when betting the minimum permissible wager, whichever is greater. If the established
maximum payout limit is not included on the layout, the property shall provide notice of the maximum payout limit
by posting the maximum payout limit on the Three Card table.
13. Irregularities.
A. A card that is found face up in the shoe or the deck while the cards are being dealt shall not be used
in that round of play and shall be placed in the discard rack. If more than one card is found face up in the shoe or
the deck during the dealing of the cards, all hands shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the
cards shall be reshuffled.
B. A card dealt in error without its face being exposed shall be used as though it was the next card
from the shoe or the deck.
C. If a player or the dealer is dealt an incorrect number of cards, all hands shall be void, all wagers
shall be returned to the players and the cards shall be reshuffled.
D. If one or more of the dealer's cards is inadvertently exposed prior to the dealer revealing his cards
as prescribed in § 10.C (relating to procedures for completion of each round of play), all hands shall be void, all
wagers shall be returned to the players and the cards shall be reshuffled.
E. If an automated card shuffling device is being used and the device jams, stops shuffling during a
shuffle, or fails to complete a shuffle cycle, the cards shall be reshuffled.
F. If an automated dealing shoe is being used and the device jams, stops dealing cards, or fails to deal
all cards during a round of play, the round of play shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the
cards shall be removed from the device and reshuffled with any cards already dealt.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/07/2016
Date Approved by the Commission: 12/21/2016
1. Definitions.......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker Table; Physical Characteristics ....................................................................................... 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks .................................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Opening of the Table for Gaming ...................................................................................................................................... 4
5. Shuffle and Cut of the Cards .............................................................................................................................................. 4
6. Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker Hand Rankings ................................................................................................................ 5
7. Wagers ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
8. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from a Manual Dealing Shoe......................................................................................... 7
9. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from the Hand ................................................................................................................ 7
10. Procedures for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe.............................................................................. 8
11. Procedures for Completion of Each Round of Play; Collection and Payment of Wagers ............................................... 8
12. Payout Odds .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
13. Irregularities.................................................................................................................................................................... 11
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Date Approved by the Commission: 12/21/2016
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless
the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Ante Wager” shall mean an initial wager required to be made prior to any cards being dealt in order
to participate in the round of play.
B. “Blind Wager” shall mean an initial wager required to be made prior to any cards being dealt in order
to participate in the round of play.
C. “Burn” shall mean to remove the top or next card from the deck and place it face down in the discard
rack without revealing it to anyone.
D. “Check” shall mean waiving the right to place a Play Wager, but remaining in the round of play.
E. “Community card” shall mean any of the five cards dealt face up in the center of the table, all of
which may be used by each player and the dealer together with the player’s or dealer’s own two cards to form the best
possible five-card poker hand.
F. “Flop” shall mean the first three community cards dealt face up in the area designated for the
placement of the community cards.
G. “Fold” shall mean the withdrawal of a player from a round of play by not making a Play Wager.
H. “Hand” shall mean five-cards formed from any combination of the five community cards and the
two cards dealt to a player or the dealer.
I. “Play Wager” shall mean a wager made after two cards have been dealt to each player and the dealer,
and before the dealer reveals his two cards.
J. “Quads” shall mean the poker hand Four-of-a-kind. This is a poker hand consisting of four cards of
the same rank.
K. “Rank or ranking” shall mean the relative position of a card or group of cards as set forth in § 6
(relating to Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker hand rankings).
L. “Round of play or round” shall mean one complete cycle of play during which all players playing
at the table have been dealt cards, have wagered or folded, and have had their wagers paid or collected in accordance
with the rules of this chapter.
M. “Trips Wager” shall mean an optional wager that a player may make prior to any cards being dealt,
that the player’s best five-card hand will be a three-of-a-kind or better.
A. Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker shall be played on a table having positions for six players on one side
of the table and a place for the dealer on the opposite side.
B. The layout for an Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker table may contain the following items:
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Date Approved by the Commission: 12/21/2016
ii. Four separate designated betting areas at each player position for the placement of Ante, Blind,
Play and Trips Wagers, configured with the Trips Wager area closest to the dealer, the Play Wager area farthest
from the dealer, the Ante Wager area arrayed between the Trips Wager area and the Play Wager area, and the
Blind Wager area to the right of the Ante Wager area and separated from the Ante Wager area by an “=”
iii. A separate designated area for the placement of the five community cards, located in the center
of the table between the table inventory container and the player betting areas.
iv. A separate designated area for the placement of the dealer’s two cards, located between the
table inventory container and the designated area for the five community cards.
v. An inscription indicating that an Ante Wager must tie if the dealer has less than a pair.
vi. Except as permitted under subsection C, an inscription at each player position describing the
(b) A Blind Wager may not be paid unless the player’s hand ranks higher than the dealer’s
(c) The rules governing the required amount of a Play Wager as a multiple of the player’s
Ante Wager.
C. If the information required under subsection B is not inscribed on the layout, a sign may be posted at
the Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker table that sets forth the required information.
D. Each Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker table must have a drop box and a tip box attached to it on the
same side of the table as, but on opposite sides of, the dealer.
E. Each Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker table must have a discard rack securely attached to the top of the
dealer’s side of the table.
A. Except as provided in subsection B, the game of Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker shall be played with
one deck of 52 cards and 2 additional cover cards.
B. If an automated card shuffling device is used, the property may use a second deck of cards to play the
game, provided that:
ii. The backs of the cards in the two decks are different colors.
iii. One deck is being shuffled by the automated card shuffling device while the other deck is
being dealt or used to play the game.
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Date Approved by the Commission: 12/21/2016
iv. Both decks are continually alternated in and out of play, with each deck being used for every
other round of play.
v. The cards from only one deck shall be placed in the discard rack at any given time.
C. The decks of cards used in Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker shall be changed at least:
ii. Every 8 hours if the cards are dealt from a manual or automated dealing shoe.
A. After receiving the cards at the table, the dealer will inspect the cards with the inspection verified by
the Table Games Supervisor. Card inspection at the gaming table shall require the dealer to sort each deck into
sequence and into suit to ensure that all cards are in the deck. The dealer will also check each card to ensure that
there is no indication of tampering, flaws, scratches, marks, or other defects that might affect the integrity of the
B. Following the inspection of the cards by the dealer and the verification by the Table Games Supervisor
assigned to the table, the cards shall be spread out according to suit and in sequence.
C. The cards shall be turned face down on the table, mixed thoroughly by a washing of the cards and
stacked. Once the cards have been stacked, they shall be shuffled in accordance with § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of
the cards).
D. If the property uses an automated card shuffling device to play the game and two decks of cards are
received at the table as permitted under § 3 (relating to cards; numbers of decks), each deck of cards shall be separately
spread, inspected, verified, mixed, stacked and shuffled.
E. If the decks of cards received at the table are preinspected and preshuffled all cards will go directly
into a shuffle machine to begin gaming activities.
A. Immediately prior to the beginning of play, and after each round of play has been completed, the
dealer shall shuffle the cards, either manually or by use of an automated card shuffling device, so that they are
randomly intermixed. Upon completion of the shuffle, the dealer or device shall place the deck of cards in a single
stack, provided, however, that nothing in this section prohibits the use of an automated card shuffling device which,
upon completion of the shuffling of the cards, inserts the stack of cards directly into a dealing shoe.
B. If an automated card shuffling device that counts the number of cards in the deck after the completion
of each shuffle and indicates whether 52 cards are present is being used and reveals that an incorrect number of cards
are present, the deck shall be removed from the table.
C. After the cards have been shuffled and stacked, the dealer shall do the following:
i. If the cards were shuffled using an automated card shuffling device, deal or deliver the cards
in accordance with § 8, § 9, or § 10 (relating to procedure for dealing the cards from a manual dealing shoe;
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/07/2016
Date Approved by the Commission: 12/21/2016
procedure for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedure for dealing the cards from an automated dealing
ii. If the cards were shuffled manually or were preshuffled, cut the cards in accordance with
subsection D.
(a) Placing a cover card on the table in front of the deck of cards.
(b) Taking a stack of at least ten cards from the top of the deck and placing them on top
of the cover card.
(c) Placing the cards remaining in the deck on top of the stack of cards that were cut and
placed on the cover card.
E. Notwithstanding subsection D, after the cards have been cut and before any cards have been dealt, a
Table Games Supervisor or above may require the cards to be recut if he determines that the cut was performed
improperly or in any way that might affect the integrity or fairness of the game.
F. Whenever there is no gaming activity at an Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker table that is open for
gaming, the cards shall be spread out on the table either face up or face down until such time that a player arrives, at
which point the dealer will put the cards in the automatic shuffle machine to begin play.
A. The rank of the cards used in Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker, for the determination of winning hands,
in order of highest to lowest rank, must be: ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, an ace may be used to complete a straight flush or a straight formed with a 2, 3, 4 and 5.
B. The permissible five-card poker hands at the game of Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker, in order of
highest to lowest rank, must be:
i. A royal flush, which is a hand consisting of an ace, king, queen, jack and 10 of the same suit.
ii. A straight flush, which is a hand consisting of five cards of the same suit in consecutive
ranking, with king, queen, jack, 10 and 9 being the highest ranking straight flush and ace, 2, 3, 4 and 5 being
the lowest ranking straight flush.
iii. A four-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of four cards of the same rank, with four aces
being the highest ranking four-of-a-kind and four 2’s being the lowest ranking four-of-a-kind.
iv. A full house, which is a hand consisting of a three-of-a-kind and a pair, with three aces and
two kings being the highest ranking full house and three 2’s and two 3’s being the lowest ranking full house.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/07/2016
Date Approved by the Commission: 12/21/2016
v. A flush, which is a hand consisting of five cards of the same suit, not in consecutive order,
with ace, king, queen, jack and 9 being the highest ranking flush and 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 being the lowest ranking
vi. A straight, which is a hand consisting of five cards of more than one suit and of consecutive
rank, with an ace, king, queen, jack and 10 being the highest ranking straight and an ace, 2, 3, 4 and 5 being
the lowest ranking straight; provided however, that an ace may not be combined with any other sequence of
cards for purposes of determining a winning hand (for example, queen, king, ace, two and three).
vii. A three-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same rank, with three aces
being the highest ranking three-of-a-kind and three 2’s being the lowest ranking three-of-a-kind. Two pairs,
which is a hand consisting of two pairs, with two aces and two kings being the highest ranking two pair and
two 3’s and two 2’s being the lowest ranking two pair.
viii. One pair, which is a hand consisting of two cards of the same rank, with two aces being the
highest ranking pair and two 2’s being the lowest ranking pair.
C. When comparing two hands which are of identical poker rank under subsection B, or which contain
none of the hands in subsection B, the hand that contains the highest ranking card under subsection A, which is not
contained in the other hand shall be considered the higher ranking hand. If the hands are of identical rank after the
application of this subsection, the hands shall be considered a tie.
7. Wagers.
A. Wagers at Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker shall be made by placing value chips or gaming plaques
on the appropriate betting areas of the table layout. A verbal wager accompanied by cash may not be accepted.
B. Ante, Blind and Trips Wagers shall be placed prior to the first card being dealt in accordance with the
dealing procedure in § 8, § 9 or § 10 (relating to procedure for dealing cards from a manual shoe; procedure for dealing
cards from the hand; and procedure for dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe). Except as provided in §
11 (relating to the procedure for completion of each round of play; collection and payment of wagers), no wager shall
be made, increased, or withdrawn after the dealer has dealt a card.
C. To participate in a round of play, a player shall be required to make both an Ante Wager and a Blind
Wager. The amounts of the Ante Wager and the Blind Wager must be the same.
D. A player may also place a Trips Wager by placing a wager on the Trips Wager betting area of the
layout. The outcome of the Trips Wager shall have no bearing on any other wager made by the player at the game of
Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker.
F. Only players who are seated at the Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker table may place a wager at the
game. Once a player has placed a wager and received cards, that player shall remain seated until the completion of the
round of play.
G. A player may not simultaneously play and wager on more than one player position at an Ultimate
Texas Hold’em Poker table.
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Date Approved by the Commission: 12/21/2016
A. If a manual dealing shoe is used the stacked deck of cards shall be placed in the dealing shoe either by
the dealer or by the automated card shuffling device.
B. Each card shall be removed from the dealing shoe with the hand of the dealer that is the closest to the
dealing shoe and placed on the appropriate area of the layout with the opposite hand.
C. The dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to his left who has placed an Ante and Blind Wager
and continuing around the table in a clockwise manner, deal the cards as follows:
i. One card face down to the area designated for the dealer’s hand.
iii. A second card face down to an area designated for the dealer’s hand.
D. After two cards have been dealt to each player and to the area designated for the dealer’s hand, and
after all community cards have been dealt in accordance with § 11 (relating to the procedure for completion of each
round of play; collection and payment of wagers), the dealer shall remove the stub from the manual dealing shoe and,
except as provided in subsection F, place the stub in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
E. If the cards have been misdealt but 52 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers
shall be returned to the players. If the cards have not been misdealt, and the deck contains a number of cards other than
52, all hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards shall be
removed from the table.
A. If the cards are dealt from the dealer’s hand, the following requirements shall be observed:
i. After the procedures required under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been
completed, the dealer shall place the stacked deck of cards in either hand.
(a) After the dealer has chosen the hand in which he will hold the cards, the dealer shall
continue to use that hand whenever holding the cards during that round of play.
(b) The cards held by the dealer shall at all times be kept in front of the dealer and over
the table inventory container.
ii. The dealer shall deal each card by holding the deck of cards in the chosen hand and using the
other hand to remove the top card of the deck and place it face down on the appropriate area of the layout.
B. The dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to his left who has placed an Ante and Blind Wager
and continuing around the table in a clockwise manner, deal the cards as follows:
i. One card face down to the area designated for the dealer’s hand.
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Date Approved by the Commission: 12/21/2016
iii. A second card face down to the area designated for the dealer’s hand.
C. After two cads have been dealt to each player and the area designated for the hand of the dealer and
all community cards have been dealt in accordance with § 11 (relating to procedures for completion of each round of
play; collection and payment of wagers), the dealer shall, except as provided in subsection D, place the stub in the
discard rack without exposing the cards.
D. If the cards have been misdealt but 52 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers
shall be returned to the players. If the cards have not been misdealt, and the deck contains a number of cards other
than 52, all hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards shall
be removed from the table.
10. Procedures for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe.
A. After the procedures required under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been completed,
the cards shall be placed in the automated dealing shoe.
B. The dealer shall deal the first stack of five cards dispensed by the automated dealing shoe face down
and spread the cards from left to right in the community area. The dealer shall then deliver a stack of two cards face
down to the area designated for the dealer’s hand. As the remaining two card stacks are dispensed to the dealer by the
automated dealing shoe, the dealer shall, moving clockwise around the table, deliver a stack face down to each of the
other players who has placed an Ante and Blind Wager.
C. After all of the cards have been dealt, the dealer shall, except as provided in subsection D, place the
stub in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
D. If the cards have been misdealt but 52 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers
shall be returned to the players. If the cards have not been misdealt, and the deck contains a number of cards other
than 52, all hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards shall
be removed from the table. In these events, a Table Games Supervisor or above may consider wagers unaffected by
the Dealer’s hand still valid and pay them in accordance with § 12 (relating to payout odds).
11. Procedures for Completion of Each Round of Play; Collection and Payment of Wagers.
A. After the dealing procedures required under § 8, § 9 or § 10 (relating to procedure for dealing cards
from a manual shoe; procedure for dealing cards from the hand; and procedure for dealing the cards from an automated
dealing shoe) have been completed, each player shall examine his cards without exposing them to any other person and
replace the cards face down on the layout. The dealer shall then, starting with the player farthest to his left and
proceeding in a clockwise manner around the table, ask each player if the player wishes to place a Play Wager prior
to the dealing of the Flop. The player may either check or place a Play Wager in an amount equal to three or four times
the amount of the player’s Ante Wager.
i. If a player places a Play Wager, the wager shall be placed in the designated Play Wager betting
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/07/2016
Date Approved by the Commission: 12/21/2016
ii. If a player checks, the player shall remain in the game and defer his decision to place a Play
Wager to the next betting opportunity.
B. Once all players have either placed a Play Wager or checked, the dealer shall reveal the Flop face up
to the designated area for the community cards.
C. After the Flop has been dealt, the dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to his left and
proceeding in a clockwise manner around the table, ask each player who has not placed a Play Wager if he wishes to
place a Play Wager prior to the dealing of the final two community cards. The player may either check or place a Play
Wager in an amount equal to two times the amount of the player’s Ante Wager.
i. If a player places a Play Wager, the wager shall be placed in the designated Play Wager betting
ii. If a player checks, the player shall remain in the game and defer his decision to place a Play
Wager to the next betting opportunity.
D. Once all players have either placed a Play Wager or checked, the dealer shall reveal the final two
community cards face up to the designated area for the community cards.
E. After the final two community cards have been dealt, the dealer shall, starting with the player farthest
to his left and proceeding in a clockwise manner around the table, ask each player who has not yet placed a Play Wager
whether he wishes to fold or place a Play Wager equal in amount to his Ante Wager.
i. If a player places a Play Wager, the wager shall be placed in the designated Play Wager betting
ii. If a player folds, all wagers of the player shall be collected by the dealer and placed in the
table inventory container, unless a player elects to place their cards underneath the their Trips Wager pending
its resolution at the conclusion of the round of play, in which case, the dealer shall immediately collect their
Ante and Blind wagers.
F. After each player has either folded or placed a Play Wager, the dealer shall then turn his two cards
face up, position the combination of his cards and either three, four or five of the community cards that can be used to
form the best possible five-card hand.
G. If the dealer’s best possible five-card hand is lower than a pair, the dealer shall, starting with the
player farthest to the dealer’s right who has placed a Play Wager and proceeding in a counterclockwise manner around
the table, return each player’s Ante Wager and resolve all other wagers in accordance with subsection H.
H. If the dealer’s best possible five-card hand is a pair or above, the dealer shall, starting with the player
farthest to the dealer’s right who has placed a Play Wager and proceeding in a counterclockwise manner around the
table, turn the two cards of each player who has placed a Play Wager face up and determine the best possible five-card
poker hand that can be formed using the player’s two cards and the five community cards. The wagers of each player
shall be resolved one player at a time regardless of outcome. After all wagers placed by a player are settled, the player’s
cards shall then be immediately collected by the dealer and placed in the discard rack.
i. If the player’s five-card hand is ranked lower than the dealer’s five-card hand, the player shall
lose and the dealer shall immediately collect the Ante, Blind and Play Wagers made by the player and place
the wagers in the table inventory container.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 12/07/2016
Date Approved by the Commission: 12/21/2016
ii. If the player’s five-card hand is ranked higher than the dealer’s five-card hand, the player shall
win and the dealer shall pay the Ante, Blind and Play Wagers made by the player in accordance with the payout
odds in § 12 (relating to payout odds); provided, however, that the Blind Wager may not be paid unless the
player’s winning hand has a rank of straight or higher.
iii. If the player’s five-card hand and the dealer’s five-card hand are of equal rank, the hand shall
be a tie. In this case, the dealer may not collect or pay the player’s Ante, Blind or Play Wagers.
iv. After settling a player’s Ante, Blind and Play Wagers, the dealer shall settle any Trips Wager
made by the player by determining whether the player’s five-card hand qualifies for a payout in accordance
with § 12.D. A winning Trips Wager shall be paid without regard to the outcome of any other wager made by
the player.
(a) All cards collected by the dealer shall be picked up in order and placed in the
discard rack in a way that the cards can be readily arranged to reconstruct each hand in the event
of a question or dispute.
A. The payout odds for winning wagers at Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker printed on any sign or in any
brochure or other publication distributed by the property shall be stated through the use of the word “to” and odds may
not be stated through the use of the word “for.”
B. The property shall pay each winning Ante and Play Wager at odds of 1 to 1.
C. If a player’s five-card hand ranks higher than the dealer’s five-card hand, the property shall pay the
player’s Blind Wager in accordance with the following odds:
D. The property shall pay each winning Trips Wager at the game of Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker at the
odds from the following paytable:
Hand Table A
Royal Flush 50 to 1
Straight Flush 40 to 1
Quads 30 to 1
Full House 8 to 1
Flush 7 to 1
Straight 4 to 1
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Date Approved by the Commission: 12/21/2016
Three-of-a-kind 3 to 1
E. Notwithstanding the payout odds in subsections B, C and D, the aggregate payout limit on all winning
Ante, Play, Blind and Trips Wagers for any hand may not exceed $50,000 or the maximum amount that one patron
could win per round when betting the minimum wager, whichever is greater.
13. Irregularities.
A. If any card dealt to the dealer in Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker is exposed prior to each player having
either folded or placed a Play Wager as provided for under § 11 (procedures for completion of each round of play;
collection and payment of wagers), all hands shall be void and all Ante, Blind and Play wagers shall be returned to the
players. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a player has placed a Trips Wager, the community cards shall be dealt and
each Trips Wager shall be settled in accordance with the payout odds in § 12.D (relating to payout odds).
B. A card that is found face up in the shoe or the deck while the cards are being dealt may not be used in
the game and shall be placed in the discard rack. If more than one card is found face up in the shoe or the deck during
the dealing of the cards, all hands shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the cards shall be
reshuffled. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the cards are found face up after each player and the dealer has received
their initial two cards, the community cards shall be dealt and any Trips Wager shall be settled in accordance with the
payout odds in § 12.D.
C. A card drawn in error without its face being exposed shall be used as though it was the next card from
the shoe or the deck.
D. If a player or the dealer is dealt an incorrect number of cards, the round of play shall be void, all wagers
shall be returned to the players and the cards shall be reshuffled.
E. If an automated card shuffling device is being used and the device jams, stops shuffling during a
shuffle, or fails to complete a shuffle cycle, the cards shall be reshuffled.
F. If an automated dealing shoe is being used and the device jams, stops dealing cards, or fails to deal
cards during a round of play, the round of play shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the cards
shall be removed from the device and reshuffled with any cards already dealt.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Mississippi Stud Poker Table Physical Characteristics................................................................................................... 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks ................................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Opening of the Table for Gaming ................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Shuffle and Cut of the Cards ........................................................................................................................................... 4
6. Mississippi Stud Poker Rankings ................................................................................................................................... 4
7. Wagers ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
8. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from a Manual Dealing Shoe ...................................................................................... 6
9. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from the Hand ............................................................................................................. 7
10. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe .............................................................................. 8
11. Procedures for Completion of Each Round of Play ........................................................................................................ 8
12. Payout Odds; Payout Limitation ................................................................................................................................... 10
13. Irregularities .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Burn Card” means a card placed in the discard rack by a dealer between each round of play.
B. “Community card” means a card which is initially dealt face down to a designated area in front
of the table inventory container and which is used by all players to form a five-card poker hand.
C. “Fourth Street” means a community card that the players use to complete their 5 card poker hand;
the second card the dealer exposes.
D. “Fifth Street” means a community card that the players use to complete their 5 card poker hand;
the third card the dealer exposes.
E. “Hand” means the five-card poker hand formed for each player by combining the two cards dealt
to the player and the three community cards.
F. “Optional Three Card bonus wager” means an optional wager based on the three community
cards only.
G. “Round of play” means one complete cycle of play during which all wagers have been placed, all
cards have been dealt and all remaining wagers have been paid off or collected in accordance with the rules of this
H. “Third Street” means a community card that the players use to complete their 5 card poker hand;
the first card the dealer exposes.
A. Mississippi Stud Poker shall be played on a table having betting positions for no more than seven
players on one side of the table and a place for the dealer on the opposite side which may include the following
ii. Four separate designated betting areas at each betting position for the placement of wagers
in accordance with § 7 (relating to wagers).
iii. A separate designated area at each betting position for the placement of the cards of each
iv. A separate designated area located directly in front of the table inventory container for the
placement of the community cards
vi. The inscription indicating the payout limit per hand established by the property under § 12
(relating to payout odds; payout limitation) or a generic inscription indicating the game is subject to the
posted payout limit.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
B. Each Mississippi Stud Poker table must have a drop box and a tip box attached to it on the same
side of the table as the dealer.
C. Each Mississippi Stud Poker table must have a discard rack securely attached to the top of the
dealer’s side of the table.
A. Except as provided in subsection B, Mississippi Stud Poker shall be played with one deck of cards
with backs of the same color and design and one additional cover card to be used in accordance with § 5 (relating
to shuffle and cut of the cards).
B. If an automated card shuffling device is used, the property shall be permitted to use a second deck
of cards to play the game, provided that:
ii. The backs of the cards in the two decks are different colors.
iii. One deck is being shuffled by the automated card shuffling device while the other deck is
being used to play the game.
iv. Both decks are continuously alternated in and out of play, with each deck being used for
every other round of play.
v. The cards from only one deck are placed in the discard rack at any given time.
ii. At least every 8 hours if the cards are dealt from a manual or automated dealing shoe.
A. After receiving one or more decks of cards at the table, the dealer shall inspect the cards for any
B. Following the inspection of the cards by the dealer and the verification by the Table Games
Supervisor assigned to the table, the cards shall be spread out face up on the table for visual inspection by the first
player to arrive at the table or the table games supervisor assigned to the table. The cards shall be spread out
according to suit and in sequence.
C. The cards shall be turned face down on the table, mixed thoroughly by a washing of the cards and
stacked. Once the cards have been stacked, they shall be shuffled in accordance with § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut
of the cards).
D. If the property uses an automated card shuffling device to play the game and two decks of cards
are received at the table as permitted under § 3.B (relating to cards; number of decks), each deck of cards shall be
separately spread, inspected, verified, mixed, stacked and shuffled.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
A. Immediately prior to the commencement of play, and after each round of play has been completed,
the dealer shall shuffle the cards, either manually or by use of an automated card shuffling device, so that the cards
are randomly intermixed. Upon completion of the shuffle, the dealer or automated card shuffling device shall place
the deck of cards in a single stack; provided, however, that nothing herein prohibits the use of an automated card
shuffling device which, upon completion of the shuffling of the cards, inserts the stack of cards directly into a
dealing shoe.
B. If an automated card shuffling device that counts the number of cards in the deck after the
completion of each shuffle and indicates whether 52 cards are present is being used and reveals that an incorrect
number of cards are present, the deck shall be removed from the table.
C. After the cards have been shuffled and stacked, the dealer shall:
i. If the cards were shuffled using an automated card shuffling device, deal the cards in
accordance with § 8, § 9 or § 10 (relating to procedure for dealing the cards from a manual dealing shoe;
procedure for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedure for dealing the cards from an automated
dealing shoe).
ii. If the cards were shuffled manually cut the cards in accordance with the procedures in
subsection D.
(a) Placing the cover card on the table in front of the deck of cards.
(b) Taking a stack of at least 10 cards from the top of the deck and placing them on
top of the cover card.
(c) Placing the cards remaining in the deck on top of the stack of cards that were cut
and placed on top of the cover card.
E. Notwithstanding subsection D, after the cards have been cut and before any cards have been dealt,
a Table Games Supervisor or above may require the cards to be recut if he determines that the cut was performed
improperly or in any way that might affect the integrity or fairness of the game.
F. Whenever there is no gaming activity at a Mississippi Stud Poker table which is open for gaming,
the cards shall be spread out on the table face down until such time that a player arrives, at which point the
procedures in § 4.C, (relating to opening of the table for gaming) shall be completed.
A. The rank of the cards used in Mississippi Stud Poker, for the determination of winning hands, in
order of highest to lowest rank, shall be: ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. Notwithstanding the
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
foregoing, an ace may be used to complete a straight flush or straight formed with a 2, 3, 4 and 5. All suits shall be
considered equal in rank.
B. The permissible poker hands at the game of Mississippi Stud Poker, in order of highest to lowest
rank, shall be:
i. A royal flush, which is a hand consisting of an ace, king, queen, jack and 10 of the same
ii. A straight flush, which is a hand, other than a royal flush, consisting of five cards of the
same suit in consecutive ranking, with king, queen, jack, 10 and 9 being the highest ranking straight flush
and ace, 2, 3, 4 and 5 being the lowest straight flush.
iii. A four-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of four cards of the same rank, with four aces
being the highest ranking four-of-a-kind and four 2’s being the lowest ranking four-of-a-kind.
iv. A full house, which is a hand consisting of three-of-a-kind and a pair, with three aces and
two kings being the highest ranking full house and three 2’s and two 3’s being the lowest ranking full house.
v. A flush, which is a hand consisting of five cards of the same suit, not in consecutive order,
with ace, king, queen, jack and 9 being the highest ranking flush and 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 being the lowest
ranking flush.
vi. A straight, which is a hand consisting of five cards of consecutive rank, with an ace, king,
queen, jack and 10 being the highest ranking straight and an ace, 2, 3, 4 and 5 being the lowest ranking
straight; provided, however, that an ace may not be combined with any other sequence of cards for purposes
of determining a winning hand (for example, queen, king, ace, 2, 3).
vii. A three-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same rank, with three
aces being the highest ranking three-of-a-kind and three 2’s being the lowest ranking three-of-a-kind.
viii. A two pair, which is a hand consisting of two pairs, with two aces and two kings being the
highest ranking two pair and two 3’s and two 2’s being the lowest ranking two pair.
ix. A pair, which is a hand containing two cards of the same rank, with two aces being the
highest ranking pair and two 2’s being the lowest ranking pair.
C. The rank of the cards used in the Three Card Bonus, for the determination of winning hands, in
order of highest to lowest rank, shall be: ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, an ace may be used to complete a straight flush or straight formed with a 2, 3, 4 and 5. All suits shall be
considered equal in rank.
D. The permissible poker hands for Three Card bonus, in order of highest to lowest rank, shall be:
i. A straight flush, which is a hand, consisting of three cards of the same suit in consecutive
ranking, with ace, king, queen being the highest ranking straight flush and ace, 2, 3 being the lowest straight
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
ii. A three-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same rank, with three
aces being the highest ranking three-of-a-kind and three 2’s being the lowest ranking three-of-a-kind.
iii. A straight, which is a hand consisting of three cards of consecutive rank, with an ace, king
and queen being the highest ranking straight and an ace, 2 and 3 being the lowest ranking straight; provided,
however, that an ace may not be combined with any other sequence of cards for purposes of determining a
winning hand (for example, king, ace, 2).
iv. A flush, which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same suit, not in consecutive order,
with ace, king and queen being the highest ranking flush and ace, 2 and 3 being the lowest ranking flush.
v. A pair, which is a hand containing two cards of the same rank, with two aces being the
highest ranking pair and two 2’s being the lowest ranking pair.
7. Wagers.
A. All wagers at Mississippi Stud Poker shall be made by placing gaming chips or plaques on the
appropriate betting areas of the table layout. A verbal wager accompanied by cash may not be accepted.
B. Only players who are seated at a Mississippi Stud Poker table may wager at the game. Once a
player has placed his wagers and received cards, that player shall remain seated until the completion of the round
of play. If a player leaves the table during a round of play, any wagers made by the player may be considered
abandoned and may be treated as losing wagers.
C. All pertinent wagers shall be placed prior to the first card being dealt in accordance with the dealing
procedures in § 8, § 9 or § 10 (relating to procedure for dealing the cards from a manual dealing shoe; procedure
for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedure for dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe). Except
for Third Street, Fourth Street and Fifth Street wagers, a wager may not be made, increased, or withdrawn after the
first card has been dealt. All Third Street, Fourth Street, and Fifth Street wagers shall be placed in accordance to §
11 (relating to procedures for completion for each round of play).
D. At the beginning of each round of play, each player shall be required to place one wager to receive
cards. The wager shall be identified as Ante Bet.
E. Optional wager: Three card bonus may be wagered once the required ante wager is satisfied.
F. The property has the right to permit a player to simultaneously play and place wagers at two
adjacent betting positions during a round of play.
A. If a manual dealing shoe is used, the property will follow the procedures set forth under § 5 (relating
to shuffle and cut of the cards) and the stacked deck of cards shall be placed in the dealing shoe either by the dealer
or by an automated card shuffling device.
B. In dealing the cards, each card shall be removed from the dealing shoe with the hand of the dealer
that is closest to the dealing shoe and placed on the appropriate area of the layout with the opposite hand.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
C. The dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to the dealer’s left and continuing around the table
in a clockwise manner, deal the cards as follows:
i. One card face down to each player who has placed an ante wager in accordance with § 7
(relating to wagers) followed by a second card face down to each player who has placed an ante wager.
D. After two cards have been dealt to each player, the dealer will offer players the opportunity to bet
1 to 3 times their initial ante wager on Third Street. If a player elects not to place a wager, all monies will be
forfeited and that patrons cards will be collected by the dealer.
E. Once all active players have made their decisions on Third Street, the dealer will take the first card
out of the manual dealing shoe and place it in the discard rack as a burn card. The dealer then produces the next
card out of the shoe and exposes it to the players as the first community card.
F. Procedures will follow for Fourth Street and Fifth Street as listed in subsections E and F.
G. If the cards have been misdealt (a player or the area designed for the placement of the community
cards has more or less than three or two cards) but 52 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers
shall be returned to the players. If the cards have not been misdealt, and the deck contains a number of cards other
than 52, all hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards
shall be removed from the table.
A. If the cards are dealt from the dealer's hand, the following requirements shall be observed:
i. After the procedures required under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been
completed, the dealer shall place the stacked deck of cards in either hand.
(a) After the dealer has chosen the hand in which he will hold the cards, the dealer
shall use that hand whenever holding the cards during that round of play.
(b) The cards held by the dealer shall at all times be kept in front of the dealer and
over the table inventory container.
B. The dealer shall deal each card by holding the deck of cards in the chosen hand and using the other
hand to remove the top card of the deck and place it face down on the appropriate area of the layout. The dealer
shall, starting with the player farthest to the dealer’s left and continuing around the table in a clockwise manner,
deal the cards as follows:
i. One card face down to each player who has placed an ante wager in accordance with § 7
(relating to wagers) followed by a second card face down to each player who has placed an ante wager.
C. After two cards have been dealt to each player, the dealer will offer players the opportunity to bet
1 to 3 times their initial ante wager on Third Street. If a player elects not to place a wager, all monies will be
forfeited and that patrons cards will be collected by the dealer.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
D. Once all active players have made their decisions on Third Street, the dealer will remove the top
card of the deck and place it in the discard rack as a burn card. The dealer then deals the next card from the deck
and exposes it to the players as the first community card.
E. Procedures will follow for Fourth Street and Fifth Street as listed in subsections C and D.
F. If the cards have been misdealt (a player or the area designed for the placement of the community
cards has more or less than three or two cards) but 52 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers
shall be returned to the players. If the cards have not been misdealt, and the deck contains a number of cards other
than 52, all hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards
shall be removed from the table.
10. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe.
A. After the procedures required under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been
completed, the cards shall be placed in the automated dealing shoe.
B. The dealer shall deliver the first stack of cards dispensed by the automated dealing shoe face down
to the player farthest to his left who has placed an Ante wager in accordance with § 7 (relating to wagers). As the
remaining stacks are dispensed to the dealer by the automated dealing shoe, the dealer shall, moving clockwise
around the table, deliver a stack face down to each of the other players who has placed an ante wager in accordance
with § 7. The dealer shall then deliver a stack of two cards face down to the area designated for the placement of
the community cards, and spread the stack within the designated area so that the bottom card is to the dealer’s far
left, the top card is directly in front of the dealer. The dealer shall then deliver a stack of two cards face down to the
area designated for the placement of the community cards, and spread the stack within the designated area so that
the top card is to the dealer’s far right with the bottom card being placed in the discard rack face down.
C. After two cards have been dealt to each player, the dealer will offer players the opportunity to bet
1 to 3 times their initial ante wager on Third Street. If a player elects not to place a wager, all monies will be
forfeited and that patrons cards will be collected by the dealer.
D. Once all active players have made their decisions on Third Street, the dealer will expose the Third
Street card.
E. Procedures will follow for Fourth Street and Fifth Street as listed in subsections C and D.
F. If the cards have been misdealt (a player or the area designed for the placement of the dealer's hand
has more or less than three or two cards) but 52 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers
shall be returned to the players. If the cards have not been misdealt, and the deck contains a number of cards other
than 52, all hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards
shall be removed from the table.
A. After the dealing procedures required under § 8, §9 or § 10 (relating to procedure for dealing the
cards from a manual dealing shoe; procedure for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedure for dealing the
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
cards from an automated dealing shoe) have been completed, each player shall examine his cards, subject to the
following limitations:
i. Each player who wagers at Mississippi Stud Poker shall be responsible for his own hand
and no person other than the dealer may touch the cards of that player.
ii. Each player shall be required to keep his two cards in full view of the dealer at all times.
iii. After each player has made a decision regarding Fifth Street as required by subsection F),
the player's cards shall be placed face down on the appropriate area of the layout and the player may not
touch the cards again.
B. After each player has examined his cards, the dealer shall, beginning with the player farthest to the
dealer's left and moving clockwise around the table, ask each player if he wishes to wager on Third Street or fold:
i. If a player chooses to bet on Third Street, that bet shall be 1 to 3 times the initial ante wager
and be placed on the appropriate betting area of the layout until the end of the round of play.
ii. If a player chooses to fold, the dealer shall immediately place all monies in the table
inventory rack and collect the player’s cards.
C. After each player has made a decision regarding Third Street, the dealer shall then turn the
community card that is to the dealer’s left face up. The exposed card shall become the first community card.
D. After the first community card is exposed, the dealer shall, beginning with the player farthest to the
dealer's left and moving clockwise around the table, ask each player if he wishes to wager on Fourth Street or fold.
This decision shall be made by each player regardless of the decision made concerning Third Street.
i. If a player chooses to bet on Fourth Street, that bet shall be 1 to 3 times the initial ante
wager and be placed on the appropriate betting area of the layout until the end of the round of play.
ii. If a player chooses to fold, the dealer shall immediately place all monies in the table
inventory rack and collect the player’s cards.
E. After each player has made a decision regarding Fourth Street, the dealer shall then turn the next
card face up and expose it next to Third Street.
F. After the second community card is exposed, the dealer shall, beginning with the player farthest to
the dealer's left and moving clockwise around the table, ask each player if he wishes to wager on Fifth Street or
fold. This decision shall be made by each player regardless of the decision made concerning Fourth Street.
i. If a player chooses to bet on Fifth Street, that bet shall be 1 to 3 times the initial ante wager
and be placed on the appropriate betting area of the layout until the end of the round of play.
ii. If a player chooses to fold, the dealer shall immediately place all monies in the table
inventory rack and collect the player’s cards.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
iii. After each player has made a decision regarding Fifth Street as required by subsection F,
the player’s cards shall be placed face down on the appropriate area of the layout and the player may not
touch the cards again.
G. After the third community card is exposed, the dealer shall settle the Three Card Bonus wagers (as
applicable) for all players first.
i. The Three Card bonus side bet is based on the three community cards only. The Three Card
bonus will receive action regardless if the player folds their hand. If the player has placed a wager on the
Three Card bonus side bet and folds, the dealer will remove the original Mississippi Stud wager(s), and
tuck the folded cards under the players Three Card Bonus side bet.
H. Then, the dealer shall settle the Mississippi Stud wagers beginning with the player farthest to the
dealer's right and moving counter-clockwise around the table:
i. The dealer shall turn the two cards of the player face up. The three community cards and
the two cards dealt to the player shall form the five-card poker hand of that player.
ii. The dealer shall examine the cards of the player to determine if the player's hand qualifies
for a payout under §12 (relating to payout odds; payout limitation). A Mississippi Stud Poker wager under
§ 7 (relating to wagers) on a hand which has a rank that is lower than a pair of sixes shall be a losing wager.
iii. The dealer shall then settle all wagers of that player. All losing wagers by the player shall
be immediately collected by the dealer and placed in the table inventory container. After all losing wagers
have been collected, all winning wagers shall be paid in accordance with the payout odds in § 12 (relating
to payout odds; payout limitations, and cards will be collected and placed into the discard rack.
iv. Once hands have been settled the dealer shall immediately collect the community cards
and place the cards in the discard rack.
A. The payout odds for winning wagers at Mississippi Stud Poker printed on the table layout or in any
brochure or other publication distributed by the property may be stated through the use of the word "to" and no odds
shall be stated through the use of the word "for."
B. Subject to the payout limitation in subsection D, the property shall pay off each winning wager at
the game of Mississippi Stud Poker under § 7 (relating to wagers) at the odds specified which shall be no less than
the following odds:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
Two Pair 2 to 1
Pair of J's or Better 1 to 1
Pair of 6's thru 10's PUSH
C. Subject to the payout limitation in subsection D, the property shall pay off each winning wager of
the Three Card bonus side bet wagers in accordance to the following odds:
D. Notwithstanding the minimum payout odds required in subsection B, the property may establish a
maximum amount that is payable to a player on a single hand. The maximum amount shall be at least $50,000 or
the maximum amount that one patron could win per round when betting the minimum permissible wager, whichever
is greater. If the established maximum payout limit is not included on the layout, the property shall provide notice
of the maximum payout limit by posting the maximum payout limit on a sign at the Mississippi Stud table.
3. Irregularities.
A. A card that is found face up in the shoe or the deck while the cards are being dealt shall not be used
in the game and shall be placed in the discard rack. If more than one card is found face up in the shoe or the deck
during the dealing of the cards, all hands shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the cards shall
be reshuffled.
B. A card dealt in error without its face being exposed shall be used as though it was the next card
from the shoe or the deck.
C. If any player or the area designated for the placement of the community cards is dealt an incorrect
number of cards, all hands shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the cards shall be reshuffled.
D. If an automated card shuffling device is being used and the device jams, stops shuffling during a
shuffle, or fails to complete a shuffle cycle, the cards shall be reshuffled.
E. If an automated dealing shoe is being used and the device jams, stops dealing cards, or fails to deal
all cards during a round of play, the round of play shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the
cards shall be removed from the device and reshuffled with any cards already dealt.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 03/24/2016
Date Approved by the Commission: 04/20/2016
1. Definitions....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker Table Physical Characteristics ......................................................................................... 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks................................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Opening of the Table for Gaming ................................................................................................................................... 4
5. Shuffle and Cut of the Cards........................................................................................................................................... 4
6. Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker Hand Rankings................................................................................................................. 5
7. Wagers ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
8. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from a Manual Dealing Shoe...................................................................................... 6
9. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from the Hand ............................................................................................................ 7
10. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe .............................................................................. 8
11. Procedure for Completion of Each Round of Play; Collection and Payment of Wagers................................................ 8
12. Payout Odds .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
13. Irregularities .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 03/24/2016
Date Approved by the Commission: 04/20/2016
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following
meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Bonus wager” means an optional, supplemental wager on the two cards dealt to a player.
B. “Burn” means to remove the top or next card from the deck and place it face down in the discard
rack without revealing it to anyone.
C. “Community cards” means any of the five cards dealt face up in the center of the table that are
used by each player and the dealer with their own two cards to form the best possible five-card poker hand.
D. “Flop” means the first three community cards dealt face up to the area designated for the
placement of the community cards.
E. “Flop wager” means the second wager that is required to be made prior to the Flop being dealt in
order to continue participation in the round of play.
F. “Fold” means the withdrawal of a player from a round of play by discarding his two cards prior
to placing a Flop wager.
G. “Hand” means the highest ranking five-card hand that can be formed from the five community
cards and the two cards dealt to the dealer or a player.
H. “Rank or ranking” means the relative position of a card or group of cards as set forth in § 6
(relating to Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker hand rankings).
I. “River or River card” means the fifth and final community card dealt face up to the designated
area of the layout.
J. “River wager” means the fourth wager that the player may place prior to the River card being
K. “Round of play or round” means one complete cycle of play during which all players playing at
the table have been dealt a hand, have folded or wagered upon their hand, and have had their wagers paid or
collected in accordance with the rules of this chapter.
L. “Turn or Turn card” means the fourth community card dealt face up to the designated area of
the layout.
M. “Turn wager” means the third wager that a player may place prior to the Turn card being dealt.
A. Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker shall be played on a table having positions for up to six players on
one side of the table and a place for the dealer on the opposite side which may include the following
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 03/24/2016
Date Approved by the Commission: 04/20/2016
ii. A separate designated betting area at each player position for the placement of Ante
iii. Three separate designated areas at each player position for the placement of Flop, Turn
and River Wagers, located immediately above the Ante Wager betting area as viewed by a player.
iv. A separate designated area at each player position for the placement of an optional Bonus
Wager, located immediately above and to the right of the Flop wager betting area as viewed by a player.
v. A separate designated area for the placement of the five community cards, located in the
center of the table between the table inventory container and the player betting areas.
vi. A separate designated area for the placement of the dealer’s two cards, located between
the table inventory container and the designated area for the community cards described in paragraph v.
vii. An inscription indicating that an Ante Wager shall receive a payout if a winning hand has
a qualifying rank of straight or higher or flush or higher.
viii. Each Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker table may have a sign that lists the payout odds for all
authorized wagers.
ix. Each Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker table may have a drop box and a tip box attached to it
on the same side of the table as, but on opposite sides of the dealer.
x. Each Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker table must have a discard rack securely attached to the
top of the dealer’s side of the table.
A. Except as provided in subsection B, the game of Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker shall be played
with one deck of cards and two additional cover cards.
B. If an automated card shuffling device is used, a certificate holder may use a second deck of cards
to play the game, provided that:
ii. The backs of the cards in the two decks are different colors.
iii. One deck is being shuffled by the automated card shuffling device while the other deck is
being dealt or used to play the game.
iv. Both decks are continually alternated in and out of play, with each deck being used for
every other round of play.
v. The cards from only one deck shall be placed in the discard rack at any given time.
C. The decks of cards used in Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker shall be changed:
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ii. At least every 8 hours if the cards are dealt from a manual or automated dealing shoe.
A. After receiving the cards at the table, the dealer shall inspect the cards for any defects.
B. Following the inspection of the cards by the dealer and the verification by the floorperson
assigned to the table, the cards shall be spread out face up on the table for visual inspection by the first player to
arrive at the table. The cards shall be spread out by deck according to suit and in sequence.
C. After the first player arriving at the table is afforded an opportunity to visually inspect the cards,
the cards shall be turned face down on the table, mixed thoroughly by a washing of the cards and stacked. Once
the cards have been stacked, they shall be shuffled in accordance with § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the
D. If the casino uses an automated card shuffling device to play the game and two decks of cards are
received at the table as permitted under § 3.B (relating to cards; number of decks), each deck of cards shall be
separately spread, inspected, verified, mixed, stacked and shuffled.
E. If the decks of cards received at the table are preinspected and preshuffled in accordance all cards
will go directly into a shuffle machine to begin gaming activities.
A. Immediately prior to commencement of play, and after each round of play has been completed,
the dealer shall shuffle the cards, either manually or by use of an automated card shuffling device, so that the
cards are randomly intermixed. Upon completion of the shuffle, the dealer or device shall place the deck of cards
in a single stack; provided, however, that nothing in this section prohibits the use of an automated card shuffling
device which, upon completion of the shuffling of the cards, inserts the stack of cards directly into a dealing shoe.
B. If an automated card shuffling device that counts the number of cards in the deck after the
completion of each shuffle and indicates whether 52 cards are present is being used and reveals that an incorrect
number of cards are present, the deck shall be removed from the table.
C. After the cards have been shuffled and stacked, the dealer shall:
i. If the cards were shuffled using an automated card shuffling device, deal or deliver the
cards in accordance with §8, § 9 or § 10 (relating to procedure for dealing the cards from a manual
dealing shoe; procedure for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedure for dealing the cards from an
automated dealing shoe).
ii. If the cards were shuffled manually or were preshuffled, cut the cards in accordance with
the procedures set forth in subsection D.
(a) Placing a cover card on the table in front of the deck of cards.
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(b) Taking a stack of at least 10 cards from the top of the deck and placing them on
top of the cover card.
(c) Placing the cards remaining in the deck on top of the stack of cards that were cut
and placed on the cover card.
E. Notwithstanding subsection D, after the cards have been cut and before any cards have been
dealt, a floorperson or higher may require the cards to be recut if he determines that the cut was performed
improperly or in any way that might affect the integrity or fairness of the game.
F. Whenever there is no gaming activity at a Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker table that is open for
gaming, the cards shall be spread out on the table either face up or face down until such time that a player arrives,
at which point the dealer will put the cards in the automatic shuffle machine to begin play.
A. The rank of the cards used in Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker, for the determination of winning
hands, in order of highest to lowest rank, shall be: ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, an ace may be used to complete a straight flush or straight formed with a 2, 3, 4
and 5.
B. The permissible five-card poker hands at the game of Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker, in order of
highest to lowest rank, shall be:
i. A royal flush, which is a hand consisting of an ace, king, queen, jack and 10 of the same
ii. A straight flush, which is a hand consisting of five cards of the same suit in consecutive
ranking, with king, queen, jack 10 and 9 being the highest ranking straight flush and ace, 2, 3, 4 and 5
being the lowest straight flush.
iii. A four-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of four cards of the same rank, with four
aces being the highest ranking four-of-a-kind and four 2’s being the lowest ranking four-of-a-kind.
iv. A full house, which is a hand consisting of a three-of-a-kind and a pair, with three aces
and two kings being the highest ranking full house and three 2’s and two 3’s being the lowest ranking full
v. A flush, which is a hand consisting of five cards of the same suit, not in consecutive
order, with ace, king, queen, jack and 9 being the highest ranking flush and 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 being the
lowest ranking flush.
vi. A straight, which is a hand consisting of five cards of more than one suit and of
consecutive rank, with an ace, king, queen, jack, and 10 being the highest ranking straight and an ace, 2,
3, 4 and 5 being the lowest ranking straight; provided however, that an ace may not be combined with any
other sequence of cards for purposes of determining a winning hand (for example, queen, king, ace, 2 and
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 03/24/2016
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vii. A three-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same rank, with three
aces being the highest ranking three-of-a-kind and three 2’s being the lowest ranking three-of-a-kind.
viii. Two pair, which is a hand consisting of two pairs, with two aces and two kings being the
highest ranking two pair and two 3’s and two 2’s being the lowest ranking two pair.
ix. One pair, which is a hand consisting of two cards of the same rank, with two aces being
the highest ranking pair and two 2’s being the lowest ranking pair.
C. When comparing two hands that are of identical poker rank under subsection B, or that contain
none of the poker hands in subsection B, the hand which contains the highest ranking card under subsection A
which is not contained in the other hand shall be considered the higher ranking hand. If the hands are of identical
rank after the application of this subsection, the hands shall be considered a tie.
7. Wagers.
A. All wagers at Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker shall be made by placing gaming chips or plaques on
the appropriate betting areas of the table layout. A verbal wager accompanied by cash may not be accepted.
B. All Ante and Bonus Wagers shall be placed prior to the dealer announcing “no more bets” in
accordance with the dealing procedure in § 8, § 9 or § 10 (relating to procedure for dealing the cards from a
manual dealing shoe; procedure for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedure for dealing the cards from an
automated dealing shoe). Except as provided in § 11 (relating to the procedure for completion of each round of
play; collection and payment of wagers), no wager may be made, increased, or withdrawn after the dealer has
announced “no more bets.”
C. After placing an Ante Wager, a player may also place a Bonus wager by placing, at a minimum, a
$1 gaming chip on the designated betting area of the layout. The outcome of the Bonus wager shall have no
bearing on any other wager made by the player at the game of Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker.
D. Flop, Turn and River Wagers shall be made in accordance with the provisions of § 11.
E. Only players who are seated at the Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker table may place a wager at the
game. Once a player has placed a wager and received cards, that player shall remain seated until the completion of
the round of play. If a player leaves the table during a round of player, any wagers made by the player may be
considered abandoned and may be treated as losing wagers.
F. A player may not be permitted to simultaneously play and wager on more than one player
position at a Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker table.
A. If a manual dealing shoe is used, the dealing shoe shall be located on the table. Once the
procedures required under § 5 (relating to the shuffle and cut of the cards) have been completed, the stacked deck
of cards shall be placed in the dealing shoe either by the dealer or by the automated card shuffling device.
B. Prior to dealing the cards and after all Ante and Bonus Wagers are placed, the dealer shall
announce “no more bets.”
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C. Each card shall be removed from the dealing shoe with the hand of the dealer that is the closest to
the dealing shoe and placed on the appropriate area of the layout with the opposite hand.
D. The dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to his left who has placed an Ante Wager and
continuing around the table in a clockwise manner, deal the cards as follows:
ii. One card face down to the area designated for the dealer’s hand under a cover card.
iv. A second card face down to the area designated for the dealer’s hand under a cover card.
E. After two cards have been dealt to each player and to the area designated for the hand of the
dealer, and after all community cards have been dealt in accordance with § 11 (relating to the procedure for
completion of each round of play; collection and payment of wagers), the dealer shall remove the stub from the
manual dealing shoe and, except as provided in subsection F, place the stub in the discard rack without exposing
the cards.
F. If the cards have been misdealt but 52 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all
wagers shall be returned to the players. If the cards have not been misdealt, all hands shall be considered void, all
wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards shall be removed from the table.
A. If the cards are dealt from the dealer's hand, the following requirements shall be observed:
ii. After the procedures required under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have
been completed, the dealer shall place the stacked deck of cards in either hand.
(a) After the dealer has chosen the hand in which he will hold the cards, the dealer
shall continue to use that hand whenever holding the cards during that round of play.
(b) The cards held by the dealer shall at all times be kept in front of the dealer and
over the table inventory contain.
iii. The dealer shall announce “no more bets” and then shall deal each card by holding the
deck of cards in the chosen hand and using the other hand to remove the top card of the deck and place it
face down on the appropriate area of the layout.
B. The dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to his left who has placed an Ante Wager and
continuing around the table in a clockwise manner, deal the cards as follows:
ii. One card face down to the area designated for the dealer’s hand under a cover card.
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iv. A second card face down to the area designated for the dealer’s hand under a cover card.
C. After two cards have been dealt to each player and to the area designated for the hand of the
dealer and after all community cards have been dealt in accordance with § 11 (relating to the procedure for
completion of each round of play; collection and payment of wagers), the dealer shall, except as provided in
subsection D, place the stub in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
D. If the cards have been misdealt but 52 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all
wagers shall be returned to the players. If the cards have not been misdealt, all hands shall be considered void, all
wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards shall be removed from the table.
10. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe.
A. If the cards are dealt from an automated dealing shoe, the following requirements shall be
i. After the procedures required under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have
been completed, the cards shall be placed in the automated dealing shoe.
ii. The dealer shall then announce “no more bets” prior to dispensing any stacks of cards.
B. The dealer shall deal the first stack of two cards dispensed by the automated dealing shoe face
down to the player farthest to the dealer’s left who has placed an Ante Wager. As the remaining stacks are
dispensed to the dealer by the automated dealing shoe, the dealer shall, moving clockwise around the table,
deliver a stack of two cards face down to each of the other players who has placed an Ante Wager. The dealer
shall then deliver a stack of two cards face down under a cover card to the area designated for the dealer's hand.
C. After each stack of two cards has been dispensed and delivered in accordance with this section,
the dealer shall remove the remaining cards from the automated dealing shoe and, following the procedures in §
9.A.ii and iii (relating to the procedure for dealing the cards from the hand), deal from his hand the five
community cards in accordance with § 11 (relating to the procedure for completion of each round of play;
collection and payment of wagers). After all community cards have been dealt, the dealer shall, except as
provided in subsection D, place the stub in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
D. If the cards have been misdealt but 52 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all
wagers shall be returned to the players. If the cards have not been misdealt, all hands shall be considered void, all
wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards shall be removed from the table.
11. Procedure for Completion of Each Round of Play; Collection and Payment of Wagers.
A. After the dealing procedures required under § 8, § 9 and § 10 (relating to the procedure for
dealing the cards from a manual dealing shoe; procedure for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedure for
dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe) have been completed, each player shall examine his cards
without exposing them to any person, replace the cards face down on the layout and either place a Flop Wager
equal to twice the amount of the player’s Ante Wager or fold and forfeit the Ante Wager.
i. If a player chooses to place a Flop Wager, the wager shall be placed in the designated
Flop betting area
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 03/24/2016
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ii. If a player folds, the player’s Ante Wager shall be collected by the dealer and placed in
the table inventory container.
(a) If the player has also placed a Bonus Wager, the player’s cards shall remain on
the table pending resolution of the Bonus Wager at the conclusion of the round of play.
(b) If the player has not placed a Bonus wager, the dealer shall immediately spread
the cards of the folded hand face down, collect the cards and place them in the discard rack.
B. Once all players have either placed a Flop Wager or folded, the dealer shall burn the next card
face down. The dealer shall then turn face up the next three cards in the deck (the Flop) and place them in the
designated area for the community cards.
C. Prior to dealing and revealing the Turn card, the dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to
the dealer’s left who has placed a Flop Wager and proceeding around the table in a clockwise manner, ask each
player who has placed a Flop Wager if he wishes to place a Turn Wager equal to the amount of the player’s Ante
Wager or check (not place a Turn wager). If a player wishes to place a Turn Wager, the wager shall be placed in
the designated Turn betting area.
D. Once all remaining players have either placed a Turn wager or checked, the dealer shall burn the
next card face down. The dealer shall then turn face up the next card in the deck (the Turn) and place it in the
designated area for the community cards.
E. Prior to dealing and revealing the River card, the dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to
the dealer’s left who has placed a Flop Wager and proceeding around the table in a clockwise manner, ask each
player if he desires to place a River Wager equal to the amount of the player’s Ante Wager or check (not place a
River wager). If a player wishes to place a River Wager, the wager shall be placed in the designated River betting
F. Once all remaining players have either placed a River Wager or checked, the dealer shall burn the
next card face down. The dealer shall then turn the next card in the deck (the River) face up and place it in the
designated area for the community cards.
G. The dealer shall remove the cover card on top of the dealer’s cards and place it on the table
layout. The dealer shall then turn the dealer’s two cards face up, and announce and place the cards to indicate the
best possible five-card poker hand that can be formed using the dealer’s two cards and the five community cards.
H. Starting with the player farthest to the dealer’s right who has placed a Flop wager and proceeding
in a counterclockwise manner around the table, the dealer shall turn face up the two cards of each player who has
placed a Flop wager and announce the best possible five-card poker hand that can be formed using the two player
cards and the five community cards. The wagers of each player shall be resolved one player at a time regardless of
outcome. Unless a player has placed a Bonus Wager, after each player’s other wagers have been resolved, the
hand of the player shall then be collected by the dealer and placed in the discard rack.
i. If the player’s five-card poker hand has a lower rank than the dealer’s five-card poker
hand, the player shall lose and the dealer shall immediately collect any Ante, Flop, Turn and River
Wagers made by the player and place the wagers in the table inventory container.
ii. If the player’s five-card poker hand has a higher rank than the dealer’s five-card poker
hand, the player shall win and the dealer shall pay any Ante, Flop, Turn and River Wagers made by the
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 03/24/2016
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player in accordance with the payout odds in § 12 (relating to payout odds), provided, however, that the
Ante Wager may not be paid unless the player’s winning hand has a rank of straight or higher or flush or
iii. If the player’s five-card poker hand and the dealer’s five-card poker hand are of equal
rank, the player’s hand shall be a tie and the dealer shall return any Ante, Flop, Turn and River Wagers
placed by the player.
iv. After settling a player’s Ante, Flop, Turn and River Wagers, the dealer shall settle any
Bonus Wager made by the player by determining whether the player’s two cards qualify for a payout in
accordance with § 12.C. A winning Bonus wager shall be paid without regard to the outcome of any other
wager made by the player. After the Bonus wager of the player is settled, the dealer shall immediately
collect the cards of that player and place them in the discard rack.
(a) All cards collected by the dealer shall be picked up in order and placed in the
discard rack in a way that the cards can be readily arranged to reconstruct each hand in the event
of a question or dispute.
A. The payout odds for winning wagers at Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker printed on the table layout,
on any sign or in any brochure or other publication distributed by a certificate holder shall be stated through the
use of the word “to” and no odds shall be stated through the use of the word “for.”
B. The casino shall pay each winning Ante, Flop, Turn and River Wager at odds of 1 to 1.
C. The casino shall pay each winning Bonus Wager at the game of Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker at
the odds which shall be no less than the following odds:
D. The casino may supplement the pay table set forth in subsection C to include a payout for when
both a player and the dealer have a pair of aces. If the casino elects to offer this bonus, the player shall be paid at
the odds which shall be of no less than 1000 to 1.
E. Notwithstanding the payout odds set forth in subsections B - D, the maximum aggregate payout
limit on all winning Ante, Flop, Turn, River and Bonus Wagers for any hand shall be $50,000 or the maximum
amount that one patron could win per round when betting the minimum wager, whichever is greater.
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13. Irregularities.
A. If any card dealt to the dealer in Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker is exposed prior to each player
having either folded or placed a Flop, Turn or River Wager as provided for under §11 (relating to the procedure
for completion of each round of play; collection and payment of wagers), all hands shall be void and all Ante,
Flop, Turn and River Wagers shall be returned to the players. If a player has placed a Bonus wager, the Bonus
wager shall be settled in accordance with the payout odds set forth in § 12.C (relating to payout odds).
B. A card that is found face up in the shoe or the deck while the cards are being dealt shall not be
used in the game and shall be placed in the discard rack. If more than one card is found face up in the shoe or the
deck during the dealing of the cards, all hands shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the
cards shall be reshuffled. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the cards are found face up after each player and the
dealer have received their initial two cards, any Bonus Wager shall be settled in accordance with the payout odds
set forth in § 12.C.
C. A card drawn in error without its face being exposed shall be used as though it was the next card
from the shoe or the deck.
D. If a player or the dealer is dealt an incorrect number of cards, the round of play shall be void, all
wagers shall be returned to the players and the cards shall be reshuffled.
E. If an automated card shuffling device is being used and the device jams, stops shuffling during a
shuffle, or fails to complete a shuffle cycle, the cards shall be reshuffled.
F. If an automated dealing shoe is being used and the device jams, stops dealing cards, or fails to
deal cards during a round of play, the round of play shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and
the cards shall be removed from the device and reshuffled with any cards already dealt.
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Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
A. The information contained in this section shall apply to the subsequent sections in this control,
including, the Multi-Link Progressive, Three Card Poker Progressive, Fortune Pai Gow Progressive, and
Blackjack Progressive.
i. In order to make a progressive wager, the standard wager for the game must be made in
accordance with the rules of the game.
ii. All games shall be dealt as outlined in their respective internal controls.
iii. Players must place the progressive wagers on the sensor in front of their betting position.
B. Progressive Winners
i. A winning progressive payout shall be paid irrespective of the outcome of the player’s
standard game wager (e.g. Ante, Pai Gow Poker Wager, etc.) and shall have no bearing on any other
wagers made by the player.
ii. All progressive payouts are paid from the table inventory container.
(a) The percentage payouts will be paid from the progressive jackpot shown on the
progressive meter.
(b) Only percentage payouts will come off the meter. Only hands that qualify for a
percentage payout will affect the progressive meter.
(c) When a player has a winning percentage payout, the dealer shall press the
appropriate button on the keypad.
(d) The dealer will then contact a Table Games Supervisor or above to verify the
winning hand. If the winning hand qualifies for a percentage payout, Surveillance will be
contacted to verify the winning hand.
(e) Once Surveillance verifies the progressive win, the dealer or above will press the
confirm button. To complete the action, the Table Games Supervisor or above will either use a
key or an appropriate swipe card.
(f) When the dealer reconciles all wagers, the dealer presses “Game Over”. This
resets the system to begin the next round.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
2. Multi-Link Progressive
A. All Multi-Link Progressive pays are based on five card poker hands. The Multi-Link Progressive
wager is settled first. The odds of winning the top prize with a Royal Flush are the same across all games listed in
paragraph B below.
B. The property may elect to have a Multi-Linked Progressive Jackpot for the following tables:
i. Let It Ride
C. If the property offers games such as Let It Ride and Mississippi Stud, in order to qualify for one
of the progressive jackpot payouts, players will need to use the cards they are initially dealt along with the dealer
community cards to form a five-card hand used to determine if there is a winning progressive payout.
D. If the property offers games such as Ultimate Texas Hold’em and Texas Hold’em Bonus, in order
to qualify for one of the progressive jackpot payouts, players will need to use the player’s two hole cards plus the
first three community cards (also known as the flop) to determine if there is a winning progressive payout.
E. If the property offers Four Card Poker and Crazy Four Card Poker, in order to qualify for one of
the progressive jackpot payouts, players will need to use all five of the cards they were initially dealt to determine
if there is a winning progressive payout.
i. A winning Multi-Link Progressive Payout Wager shall be paid in accordance with the
payout table in paragraph I (relating to payout odds) prior to the collection of the winning player’s cards
by the dealer.
ii. A winning player shall receive the payout for only the highest-ranking hand formed from
the player’s winning Multi-Link Progressive Payout hand.
G. Envy Bonus:
i. A player making the progressive side wager also qualifies to win an envy payout. If another
player at the table hits a hand associated with an envy pay, all other players who made the
progressive side bet win the envy pay. The player hitting the hand receives the normal prize
pay only and does NOT receive the envy pay.
*Note: The players shall not qualify for an Envy bonus payout based on the dealer’s
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
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ii. The dealer pays any Envy Bonus at the end of the round of play.
iii. In the event that more than one player is involved in a qualifying envy, all players that have
wagered on the progressive side bet will win multiple envy payouts.
H. Payout Odds: Should a player be eligible for a winning Multi-Link Progressive Payout Wager, the
property shall pay the following odds:
i. The bet considers the best hand possible among each individual player’s cards.
iii. The Three Card Poker Progressive wager is settled first. A winning Three Card Poker
progressive wager will paid according to the following paytable:
B. Envy Bonus:
i. A player making the progressive side wager also qualifies to win an envy payout. If another
player at the table hits a hand associated with an envy pay, all other players who made the progressive side
bet win the envy pay. The player hitting the hand receives the normal prize pay only, but does NOT receive
the envy pay.
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*Note: The players shall not qualify for an Envy bonus payout based on the dealer’s hand.
ii. The dealer pays any Envy Bonuses at the end of the round of play.
iii. In the event that more than one player is involved in a qualifying envy, all players that
have wagered on the progressive side bet will win multiple envy payouts.
A. Fortune Pai Gow Poker Progressive is an optional progressive side bet that can be offered on Pai Gow
Poker and Commission Free Pai Gow Poker. The Fortunate Pai Gow Poker Progressive wager is settled first.
i. The bet considers the best hand possible among all the player’s cards.
iii. If the player has a hand that contains a qualifying winning progressive payout, the payout will
be paid according to the paytable below:
Hand Pays
7 Card Straight Flush 100%
5 Aces 10%
Royal Flush $500
Straight Flush $100
Four of a Kind $75
Full House $4
*Note: The Joker is used to complete a Straight, Flush, and Straight Flush; Otherwise
the Joker substitutes for an Ace.
i. Blazing 7’s Progressive considers the first two cards the player receives and the dealer’s up
card. A winning Blazing 7 wager is paid individually when it is the player’s turn to act on their Blackjack
ii. If the player does not have at least one 7 in the player’s initial two cards, the progressive bet
will lose.
iii. If the player’s initial two cards contain at least one 7, the player’s Blazing 7’s Progressive
wager qualifies for a payout. The Blazing 7’s Progressive side wager is paid according to the following
Hand Payouts
Three 7's – Same Suit 100%
Three 7's - Same Color 10%
Three 7's $1,000.00
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Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
v. After the dealer has completed the initial deal and revealed their up card, they may resolve
the progressive wager.
6. Irregularities
A. In the event that two or more patrons simultaneously have a winning progressive payout (%), the
patrons will be paid according to the following:
i. If at the same table, the payouts will follow the order in which the hands were dealt. The
patron to be paid first will receive the payout from the meter shown, and then the jackpot will be
processed and reset. Once the first payout is completed/processed, the second patron will receive their
payout from the meter and the process will continue until all patrons are paid for their winning
progressive wager.
ii. If patrons are at different tables, the payouts will be paid in order of which hand is keyed
in first. The hand that is keyed in first will be paid the amount shown on the progressive meter. After
completing the first payout, the jackpot will be processed and reset. Once the first payout is
completed/processed, the second patron will receive their payout from the meter and the process will
continue until all patrons are paid for their winning progressive wager.
B. A patron with a winning progressive jackpot wager that does not have a valid ID will be handled
in the following manner:
i. The amount of the winning jackpot will be taken off the table and transferred to the Cage
to be placed in Safekeeping. The Cage will hold any forms related to this jackpot along with the
safekeeping deposit paperwork until the guest returns.
ii. Once the guest returns to claim the jackpot with a valid ID. The Cage team will contact a
Table Games Supervisor or above to run the intercept. Surveillance will be notified to confirm that they
were the patron that was playing when the winning jackpot wager occurred.
iii. Once confirmed, the Table Games Supervisor or above will process the intercept. The
Cage will process all withholdings and pay the guest out their winning amount less any taxes and
intercept. All paperwork will be sent to Accounting for the shift it was processed on.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Physical Characteristics.................................................................................................................................................. 2
2. Opening of a Table for Gaming ..................................................................................................................................... 2
3. Wagers and Rotation of the Wheel................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Big Six Payout Odds. ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Irregularities. .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Physical Characteristics.
A. A Big Six wheel is circular in shape not less than 48 inches or more than 66 inches in a diameter.
The rim of the wheel shall be divided into 54 equally spaced sections as follows: 24 sections containing a $1.00
bill, 15 sections containing a $2.00 bill, 7 sections containing a $5.00 bill, 4 sections containing a $10.00 bill, 2
sections containing a $20.00 bill, 1 section containing the name of the property, and 1 section containing a picture
of the Joker. Each section shall be covered with glass.
B. Each Big Six-Wheel table shall have the name of the property, or such other logo approved by the
Commission displayed on it and shall have a drop box and a tip box attached to it.
C. The cloth covering each Big Six table shall be marked with insignias of a $1.00 bill, a $2.00 bill, a
$5.00 bill, a $10.00 bill, a $20.00 bill, a section containing the name of the property and a Joker, which shall be
used by patrons in placing bets at this game.
D. Inspection procedures.
i. Prior to opening a Big Six table for gaming activity, a Table Games Supervisor or above
(a) Inspect the Big Six wheel to assure that the wheel is rotating freely and to assure
that all parts are secure.
ii. Any adjustments to the Big Six wheel shall be made by a Table Games Supervisor or above,
or a member of the maintenance department.
iii. All adjustments shall be completed prior to the opening of the game.
iv. The property may replace any of the parts at any time, provided that an inspection as
required by subsection i must be completed prior to reopening the table for play.
E. Twice a calendar year, there will be a review of a manual data sample of a minimum of 500
outcomes per Big Six wheel. A Table Games Supervisor or above will assess the randomness of
game outcomes by evaluating the data of game outcome frequencies (i.e., “hit” frequencies for
numbers). In the event an irregularity is identified, a random audit will be conducted by the Table
Games Managers or above of Big Six inspection procedures to ensure the integrity of the Big Six
2. Opening of a Table for Gaming. The Table Games Supervisor or above shall inspect the Big Six table
and wheel for the following:
A. The wheel for any contrivance that would affect the integrity or fairness of the game;
B. The wheel to verify it is balanced and rotating freely and evenly; and
C. All parts to ensure that they are secure and free from movement.
D. Table games shall maintain a log of the required inspections and any maintenance.
E. The Commission shall be notified immediately upon discovering the wheel has been compromised.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
A. The minimum and maximum wagers shall be posted at the Big Six.
B. Each player shall be responsible for the correct positioning of his wager or wagers on the Big Six
layout regardless of whether the player is assisted by the dealer. Each player must ensure that any instructions given
to the dealer regarding the placement of wagers are correctly carried out.
C. The dealer shall walk-spin the wheel at least two times before the final spin and release of the
wheel. Before the dealer releases the wheel, he/she will call No More Bets.
A. The property shall take all losing wagers first, then pay winning wagers at Big Six at the odds listed
below unless otherwise approved by the Commission in writing:
5. Irregularities.
A. If the clapper sticks on a peg, wait a few seconds to see if it will fall. If it doesn’t, bring this to the
attention of the supervisor. The supervisor will call for the previous number passed to be the winner.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. DJ (Deuces Joker) Wild Stud Poker Table Physical Characteristics ............................................................................ 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks ............................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Opening of the Table for Gaming ................................................................................................................................. 3
5. Shuffle and Cut of the Card........................................................................................................................................... 4
6. DJ Wild Poker Rankings ............................................................................................................................................... 5
7. Wagers........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
8. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from a Manual Dealing Shoe .................................................................................... 7
9. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from the Hand ........................................................................................................... 8
10. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe ............................................................................ 9
11. Procedures for Completion of Each Round of Play ...................................................................................................... 9
12. Payout Odds; Payout Limitation ................................................................................................................................. 10
13. Irregularities ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Ante” means a wager that is placed before any cards are dealt. This wager is necessary for a player
to receive a hand.
B. “Blind” means a wager that is placed before any cards are dealt. This wager amount must be equal
to the amount wagered on the Ante and is also necessary for a player to receive a hand.
C. “Hand” means five cards that are dealt to the player in which a poker hand is made.
D. “Natural” means a card that is used for its face value and suit.
E. “Optional: Trips Wager” means an optional wager based on the five-card poker hand formed by
the player.
F. “Optional: Two Way Bad Beat (TWBB)” means an optional wager that may be offered by the
property based on the five-card poker hand formed by the player against the five-card poker hand formed by the
G. “Play wager” means a wager that is placed equal to 2x the players Ante wager.
H. “Round of play” means one complete cycle of play during which all wagers have been placed, all
cards have been dealt and all remaining wagers have been paid off or collected in accordance with the rules of this
I. “Wild” means a card that may be used to represent any other card including suit that would be
found within the deck.
A. DJ Wild Stud Poker shall be played on a table having betting positions for no more than seven
players on one side of the table and a place for the dealer on the opposite side which will include the following
ii. Up to Five separate designated betting areas at each betting position for the placement of
wagers in accordance with § 7 (relating to wagers).
iii. A separate designated area at each betting position for the placement of the cards of each
iv. A separate designated area located directly in front of the table inventory container for the
placement of the dealers cards.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
vi. The inscription indicating the payout limit per hand established by the property under § 12
(relating to payout odds; payout limitation) or a generic inscription indicating the game is subject to the
posted payout limit.
vii. Each DJ Wild Stud Poker table must have a drop box and a tip box attached to it on the
same side of the table as the dealer.
viii. Each DJ Wild Stud Poker table must have a discard rack securely attached to the top of the
dealer’s side of the table
A. Except as provided in subsection B, DJ Wild Stud Poker shall be played with one deck of cards
with backs of the same color and design and one additional cover card to be used in accordance with § 5 (relating
to shuffle and cut of the cards).
B. If an automated card shuffling device is used, the property shall be permitted to use a second deck
of cards to play the game, provided that:
ii. The backs of the cards in the two decks are different colors.
iii. One deck is being shuffled by the automated card shuffling device while the other deck is
being used to play the game.
iv. Both decks are continuously alternated in and out of play, with each deck being used for
every other round of play.
v. The cards from only one deck are placed in the discard rack at any given time.
C. The Table Games Supervisor will be sure that there are 53 cards readily available for the game to
include one JOKER along with an ACE, KING, QUEEN, JACK, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2 of each suit.
ii. At least every 8 hours if the cards are dealt from a manual or automated dealing shoe.
A. After receiving one or more decks of cards at the table, the dealer shall inspect the cards for any
defects. The Table Games Supervisor will verify that there are no defects with those cards as well.
B. The cards shall be turned face down on the table, mixed thoroughly by a washing of the cards and
stacked. Once the cards have been stacked, they shall be shuffled in accordance with § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut
of the cards).
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
C. If the property uses an automated card shuffling device to play the game and two decks of cards
are received at the table as permitted under § 3.B (relating to cards; number of decks), each deck of cards shall be
separately spread, inspected, verified, mixed, stacked and shuffled.
A. Immediately prior to the commencement of play, and after each round of play has been completed,
the dealer shall shuffle the cards, either manually or by use of an automated card shuffling device, so that the cards
are randomly intermixed. Upon completion of the shuffle, the dealer or automated card shuffling device shall place
the deck of cards in a single stack; provided, however, that nothing herein prohibits the use of an automated card
shuffling device which, upon completion of the shuffling of the cards, inserts the stack of cards directly into a
dealing shoe.
B. If an automated card shuffling device that counts the number of cards in the deck after the
completion of each shuffle and indicates whether 53 cards are present is being used and reveals that an incorrect
number of cards are present, the deck shall be removed from the table.
C. After the cards have been shuffled and stacked, the dealer shall:
i. If the cards were shuffled using an automated card shuffling device, deal the cards in
accordance with § 8, § 9 or § 10 (relating to procedure for dealing the cards from a manual dealing shoe;
procedure for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedure for dealing the cards from an automated
dealing shoe).
ii. If the cards were shuffled manually cut the cards in accordance with the procedures in
subsection D.
(a) Placing the cover card on the table in front of the deck of cards.
(b) Taking a stack of at least 10 cards from the top of the deck and placing them on
top of the cover card.
(c) Placing the cards remaining in the deck on top of the stack of cards that were cut
and placed on top of the cover card.
E. Notwithstanding subsection D, after the cards have been cut and before any cards have been dealt,
a Table Games Supervisor or above may require the cards to be recut if he determines that the cut was performed
improperly or in any way that might affect the integrity or fairness of the game.
F. Whenever there is no gaming activity at a DJ Wild Stud Poker table which is open for gaming, the
cards shall be spread out on the table face down until such time that a player arrives, at which point the procedures
in § 4.C, (relating to opening of the table for gaming) shall be completed.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
A. The rank of the cards used in DJ Wild Stud Poker, for the determination of winning hands, in order
of highest to lowest rank, shall be: ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. The Joker will always be
considered wild, with a 2 of any suit being considered either a natural or a wild. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an
ace may be used to complete a straight flush or straight formed with a 2, 3, 4 and 5. All suits shall be considered
equal in rank.
B. The permissible poker hands at the game of DJ Wild Stud Poker, in order of highest to lowest rank,
shall be:
i. A five wilds, which is a hand consisting of the joker, deuce (Spade), deuce (Diamonds),
deuce (Clubs), deuce (Hearts).
ii. A royal flush, which is a hand consisting of an ace, king, queen, jack and 10 of the same
iii. A five-of-a-kind (Quints), which is a hand consisting of five cards of the same rank which
will include at least one wild card.
iv. A straight flush, which is a hand, other than a royal flush, consisting of five cards of the
same suit in consecutive ranking.
v. A four-of-a-kind (“Quads”), which is a hand consisting of four cards of the same rank.
vii. A flush, which is a hand consisting of five cards of the same suit, not in consecutive order.
viii. A straight, which is a hand consisting of five cards of consecutive rank. However, an ace
may not be combined with any other sequence of cards for purposes of determining a winning hand (for
example, queen, king, ace, 2, 3).
ix. A three-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same rank.
xi. A pair, which is a hand containing two cards of the same rank.
C. The rank of the cards used in the Trips wager, for the determination of winning hands, in order of
highest to lowest rank, shall be: ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. The Joker will always be
considered wild, with a 2 of any suit being considered either a natural or a wild. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an
ace may be used to complete a straight flush or straight formed with a 2, 3, 4 and 5. All suits shall be considered
equal in rank.
D. The permissible poker hands for Trips wager, in order of highest to lowest rank, shall be:
i. An all wild, which is a hand consisting of the joker, deuce (Spade), deuce (Diamonds),
deuce (Clubs), deuce (Hearts).
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
ii. A royal flush, which is a hand consisting of an ace, king, queen, jack and 10 of the same
iii. A five-of-a-kind (Quints), which is a hand consisting of five cards of the same rank which
will include at least one wild card.
iv. A straight flush, which is a hand, other than a royal flush, consisting of five cards of the
same suit in consecutive ranking.
v. A four-of-a-kind (“Quads”), which is a hand consisting of four cards of the same rank.
vii. A flush, which is a hand consisting of five cards of the same suit, not in consecutive order.
viii. A straight, which is a hand consisting of five cards of consecutive rank. However, an ace
may not be combined with any other sequence of cards for purposes of determining a winning hand (for
example, queen, king, ace, 2, 3).
ix. A three-of-a-kind (“Trips”), which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same rank.
E. If offered, the rank of the cards used in the Two Way Bad Beat wager, for the determination of
winning hands, in order of highest to lowest rank, shall be: ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. The
Joker will always be considered wild, with a 2 of any suit being considered either a natural or a wild.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, an ace may be used to complete a straight flush or straight formed with a 2, 3, 4 and
5. All suits shall be considered equal in rank.
F. If offered, the permissible poker hands for Two Way Bad Beat wager, in order of highest to lowest
rank, shall be:
i. An all wild, which is a hand consisting of the joker, deuce (Spade), deuce (Diamonds),
deuce (Clubs), deuce (Hearts).
ii. A royal flush, which is a hand consisting of an ace, king, queen, jack and 10 of the same
iii. A five-of-a-kind (Quints), which is a hand consisting of five cards of the same rank which
will include at least one wild card.
iv. A straight flush, which is a hand, other than a royal flush, consisting of five cards of the
same suit in consecutive ranking.
v. A four-of-a-kind (“Quads”), which is a hand consisting of four cards of the same rank.
vii. A flush, which is a hand consisting of five cards of the same suit, not in consecutive order.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
viii. A straight, which is a hand consisting of five cards of consecutive rank. However, an ace
may not be combined with any other sequence of cards for purposes of determining a winning hand (for
example, queen, king, ace, 2, 3).
ix. A three-of-a-kind (“Trips”), which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same rank.
7. Wagers.
A. All wagers at DJ Wild Stud Poker shall be made by placing gaming chips on the appropriate betting
areas of the table layout. A verbal wager accompanied by cash may not be accepted.
B. Only players who are seated at a DJ Wild Stud Poker table may wager at the game. Once a player
has placed his wagers and received cards, that player shall remain seated until the completion of the round of play.
If a player leaves the table during a round of play, any wagers made by the player may be considered abandoned
and may be treated as losing wagers.
C. All pertinent wagers shall be placed prior to the dealer announcing “no more bets” in accordance
with the dealing procedures in § 8, § 9 or § 10 (relating to procedure for dealing the cards from a manual dealing
shoe; procedure for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedure for dealing the cards from an automated dealing
shoe). Except as provided in § 11 (relating to procedures for completion for each round of play), a wager may not
be made, increased, or withdrawn after the first card has been dealt.
D. At the beginning of each round of play, each player shall be required to place two wagers of
equivalent value to receive cards. The wagers shall be identified as Ante and Blind wagers. Before any cards may
be dealt, each player is required to make wagers of identical amounts on both the Ante and the Blind.
E. The property may offer an additional side wager: Two Way Bad Beat.
F. Optional player wagers: Trips and/or Two Way Bad Beat (if offered) wagers may be bet once the
required ante wager is satisfied.
G. After the player has received their cards, they may either fold their hand or place a wager of 2x
their Ante on the Play betting spot to continue with their hand.
A. If a manual dealing shoe is used, the property will follow the procedures set forth under § 5 (relating
to shuffle and cut of the cards) and the stacked deck of cards shall be placed in the dealing shoe either by the dealer
or by an automated card shuffling device.
B. In dealing the cards, each card shall be removed from the dealing shoe with the hand of the dealer
that is closest to the dealing shoe and placed on the appropriate area of the layout with the opposite hand.
C. The dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to the dealer’s left and continuing around the table
in a clockwise manner, deal the cards as follows:
i. One card face down to each player who has placed an ante and blind wager in accordance
with § 7 (relating to wagers) with the dealer position being the last position to receive a card face down.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
The dealer will continue this process until each player who has placed an ante and blind wager along with
the dealer has five cards face down.
D. After five cards have been dealt to each player, the dealer will offer players the opportunity to bet
exactly 2 times their initial ante wager on the “play” betting spot. If a player elects not to place a wager, all monies
will be forfeited and that patrons cards will be collected by the dealer.
E. Once all active players have made their decisions, the dealer will expose their five card hand and
set in accordance of their best five card hand as it relates to § 6 (relating to poker rankings).
F. If the cards have been misdealt (a player or the area designed for the placement of the community
cards has more or less than three or two cards) but 53 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers
shall be returned to the players. If the cards have not been misdealt, and the deck contains a number of cards other
than 53, all hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards
shall be removed from the table.
G. If the property offers the additional side wager of Two Way Bad Beat and a player folds, the Two
Way Bad Beat wager is still in action. The dealer will pick up the player’s Ante and Blind wagers and place them
in the inventory tray. The player’s cards are then tucked face down under the Two Way Bad Beat wager and will
be resolved at the same time of the remaining hands.
A. If the cards are dealt from the dealer's hand, the following requirements shall be observed:
i. After the procedures required under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been
completed, the dealer shall place the stacked deck of cards in either hand.
(a) After the dealer has chosen the hand in which he will hold the cards, the dealer
shall use that hand whenever holding the cards during that round of play.
(b) The cards held by the dealer shall at all times be kept in front of the dealer and
over the table inventory container.
B. The dealer shall deal each card by holding the deck of cards in the chosen hand and using the other
hand to remove the top card of the deck and place it face down on the appropriate area of the layout. The dealer
shall, starting with the player farthest to the dealer’s left and continuing around the table in a clockwise manner,
deal the cards as follows:
i. One card face down to each player who has placed an ante and blind wager in accordance
with § 7 (relating to wagers) with the dealer position being the last position to receive a card face down.
The dealer will continue this process until each player who has placed an ante and blind wager along with
the dealer has five cards face down.
C. After five cards have been dealt to each player, the dealer will offer players the opportunity to bet
exactly 2 times their initial ante wager on the “play” betting spot. If a player elects not to place a wager, all monies
will be forfeited and that patrons cards will be collected by the dealer.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
D. Once all active players have made their decisions, the dealer will expose their five card hand and
set in accordance of their best five card hand as it relates to § 6 (relating to poker rankings).
E. If the cards have been misdealt (a player or the area designed for the placement of the community
cards has more or less than three or two cards) but 53 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers
shall be returned to the players. If the cards have not been misdealt, and the deck contains a number of cards other
than 53, all hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards
shall be removed from the table.
10. Procedure for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe.
A. After the procedures required under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been
completed, the cards shall be placed in the automated dealing shoe.
B. The dealer shall deliver the first stack of cards dispensed by the automated dealing shoe face down
to the player farthest to his left who has placed an Ante and Blind wagers in accordance with § 7 (relating to wagers).
As the remaining stacks are dispensed to the dealer by the automated dealing shoe, the dealer shall, moving
clockwise around the table, deliver a stack face down to each of the other players who has placed an ante and blind
wager in accordance with § 7. The dealer shall then deliver a stack of five cards face down to the area designated
for dealer. The dealer shall then place the remaining cards from the shuffler into the discard rack.
C. After five cards have been dealt to each player, the dealer will offer players the opportunity to bet
exactly 2 times their initial ante wager on the “play” betting spot. If a player elects not to place a wager, all monies
will be forfeited and that patrons cards will be collected by the dealer.
D. Once all active players have made their decisions, the dealer will expose their five card hand and
set in accordance of their best five card hand as it relates to § 6 (relating to poker rankings).
E. If the cards have been misdealt (a player or the area designed for the placement of the community
cards has more or less than three or two cards) but 53 cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers
shall be returned to the players. If the cards have not been misdealt, and the deck contains a number of cards other
than 53, all hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards
shall be removed from the table.
A. After the dealing procedures required under § 8, § 9 or § 10 (relating to procedure for dealing the
cards from a manual dealing shoe; procedure for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedure for dealing the
cards from an automated dealing shoe) have been completed, each player shall examine his cards, subject to the
following limitations:
i. Each player who wagers at DJ Wild Stud Poker shall be responsible for his own hand and
no person other than the dealer may touch the cards of that player.
ii. Each player shall be required to keep his five cards in full view of the dealer at all times.
iii. After each player has made a decision regarding the “Play” wager as required by subsection
B, the player's cards shall be placed face down on the appropriate area of the layout and the player may not
touch the cards again.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
B. After each player has examined their cards, the dealer shall, beginning with the player farthest to
the dealer's left and moving clockwise around the table, ask each player if he wishes to place a “Play” wager or
i. If a player chooses to bet on the “Play”, that bet shall be 2 times the initial ante wager and
be placed on the appropriate betting area of the layout until the end of the round of play.
ii. If a player chooses to fold, the dealer shall immediately place all monies in the table
inventory rack and collect the player’s cards.
C. After each player has made a decision regarding the “Play”, the dealer shall then turn the dealer’s
five cards over and set their hand based on the best ranking hand that can be made.
D. After the dealer sets their hand, the dealer shall, beginning with the player farthest to the dealer's
right and moving counter-clockwise around the table:
i. The dealer shall turn the five cards of the player face up to form the best ranking five-card
poker hand of that player.
(a) The players hand will be recognized as the best ranking hand that can be made
based on § 6.
ii. The dealer shall examine the cards of the player to determine if the player's hand qualifies
for a payout under § 12 (relating to payout odds; payout limitation). A DJ Wild Stud Poker wager on the
Ante, Blind and Play under § 7 (relating to wagers) on a hand which has a rank that is lower than the dealer’s
five card hand shall be losing wagers.
iii. The Trips side wager wins if the player’s hand rank is three-of-a-kind or better related to §
6. The hand qualifies for a payout under § 12 (relating to payout odds; payout limitation).
iv. The Two Way Bad Beat wager wins if both the player and the dealer each have three-of-
a-kind or better related to § 6 – and they do not tie. The Two Way Bad Beat wager qualifies for a payout
under § 12 (relating to payout odds; payout limitation).
(a) In the event that the player’s hand and the dealer’s hand are the same ranking five
card hand (based on § 6) the Two Way Bad Beat is considered a losing wager.
v. After settling a player’s Ante, Blind and Play Wagers, the dealer shall settle any Trips
wager and then Two Way Bad Beat wager. A winning Trips and Two Way Bad Beat Wager shall be paid
without regard to the outcome of any other wager made by the player.
vi. Once hands have been settled, the dealer shall immediately collect the cards and place all
cards in the discard rack.
A. The payout odds for winning wagers at DJ Wild Stud Poker printed on the table layout or in any
brochure or other publication distributed by the property may be stated through the use of the word "to" and no odds
shall be stated through the use of the word "for."
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
B. The property shall pay each winning Ante and Play wager at odds of 1 to 1.
C. If the dealer’s hand beats the player’s hand, the Ante, Play, and Blind wagers lose. If the dealer’s
hand ties the player’s hand, the Ante, Play, and Blind wagers push.
D. Subject to the payout limitation in subsection F, the property shall pay off each winning wager of
the blind wagers under § 7 (relating to wagers) at the odds specified which shall be no less than the following odds:
E. Subject to the payout limitation in the subsection F, the property shall pay off each winning wager
of the Trips side bet wagers in accordance to the following odds:
F. Subject to the payout limitation in subsection F, the property shall pay off each winning wager of
the Two Way Bad Beat side bet wagers in accordance to the following odds (these payouts are based on the losing
i. The Two Way Bad Beat is considered a losing wager for all ties between the
player’s and dealer’s hand.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
G. The maximum aggregate amount per round shall be $50,000. The property shall provide notice of
the maximum payout limit by posting the maximum payout limit on the layout of the DJ Wild Stud Poker table.
13. Irregularities.
A. A card that is found face up in the shoe or the deck while the cards are being dealt shall not be used
in the game and shall be placed in the discard rack, all hands shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players
and the cards shall be reshuffled.
B. A card dealt in error without its face being exposed shall be used as though it was the next card
from the shoe or the deck.
C. If any player is dealt an incorrect number of cards, all hands shall be void, all wagers shall be
returned to the players and the cards shall be reshuffled.
D. If an automated card shuffling device is being used and the device jams, stops shuffling during a
shuffle, or fails to complete a shuffle cycle, the cards shall be reshuffled.
E. If an automated dealing shoe is being used and the device jams, stops dealing cards, or fails to deal
all cards during a round of play, the round of play shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the
cards shall be removed from the device and reshuffled with any cards already dealt.
F. All hands with a deuce are not considered “wild”. If the deuce is not used as a wild card to make a
winning Trips hand, it will be considered “natural”.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Free Bet Blackjack Table; Card Reader Device; Physical Characteristics ................................................................... 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks; Value of Cards ..................................................................................................................... 3
4. Wagers........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Opening of the Table for Gaming ................................................................................................................................. 4
6. Shuffle and Cut of the Cards ......................................................................................................................................... 5
7. Procedure for Dealing Cards ......................................................................................................................................... 6
8. Payment of Blackjack ................................................................................................................................................... 7
9. Insurance ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
10. Double Down Wager..................................................................................................................................................... 8
11. Splitting Pairs ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
12. Drawing of Additional Cards ........................................................................................................................................ 9
13. Player Wagering on More than One Box ................................................................................................................... 10
14. Optional Side Bets....................................................................................................................................................... 10
15. Irregularities ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following
meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Blackjack” means an ace and any card having a point value of 10 dealt as the initial two cards
to a player or dealer.
B. “Card Reader Device” means a device which permits the dealer to determine if the dealer has a
C. “Cutting Card” means a card which is opaque and in a solid color readily distinguishable from
the color of the backs and edges of the playing cards in use at a Blackjack table.
D. “Hard Total” means the total point count of a hand which contains no aces or which contains
aces that are each counted as 1 in value.
E. “Soft Total” means the total point count of a hand containing an ace when the ace is counted as
11 in value.
A. Free Bet Blackjack shall be played at a table having on one side places for the players and on the
opposite side a place for the dealer which may include the following information on it.
ii. No more than seven specific areas designated for the placement of wagers.
iv. Dealer shall draw to all soft 17’s, stand on all hard 17’s and soft 18’s. Any exceptions
will be clearly marked on the gaming table in question.
v. Insurance pays 2 to 1.
B. Each Free Bet Blackjack table shall have a drop box and a tip box attached to it.
C. A Free Bet Blackjack table may have attached to it a card reader device, which permits the dealer
to determine if the dealer has a Blackjack in accordance with § 7 of this chapter (relating to procedure for dealing
D. To collect the cards at the conclusion of a round of play, each Free Bet Blackjack table will have
a discard rack securely attached to the top of the dealer’s side of the table where the height of each discard rack
must either be equal to or taller than the height of the cards, stacked one on top of the other, contained in the total
number of decks that are to be used in the dealing shoe at that table.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
3. Cards; Number of Decks; Value of Cards.
A. Free Bet Blackjack shall be played with at least one deck of cards. Except as otherwise provided
in subsections C and D, all decks of cards used for the play of Blackjack shall be identical in appearance. Free Bet
Blackjack shall also be played with at least one cutting card.
iii. An ace shall have a value of eleven, unless that value would give the player or the dealer
a score in excess of 21, in which case, the ace shall have a value of one.
C. If an automated card shuffling device is utilized, Free Bet Blackjack shall be played with at least
two decks of cards in accordance with the following requirements:
i. The cards shall be separated into two batches, with an equal number of decks included in
each batch.
ii. The cards in each batch must be of the same design, but the backs of the cards in one
batch must be of a different color than the cards included in the other batch.
iii. One batch of cards shall be shuffled and stored in the automated card shuffling device
while the other batch is being dealt or used to play that game.
iv. Both batches of cards shall be continuously alternated in and out of play, with each batch
being used for every other dealing shoe.
v. The cards from only one batch shall be placed in the discard rack at any given time.
D. The decks of cards opened for use at a Free Bet Blackjack table shall be changed at least once
every 24 hours.
4. Wagers.
A. Prior to the first card being dealt for each round of play, each player may make a wager against
the dealer.
i. The total value of the player’s hand is 21 or less and the total value of the dealer’s hand is
in excess of 22.
ii. The total value of the player’s hand exceeds the total value of the dealer’s hand without
exceeding 21.
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Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
iii. The player has a blackjack and the dealer’s hand has a total value of 21 in more than two
i. The total value of the hand is the same as the dealer’s hand.
D. Except as otherwise provided in subsection iii, a wager made in accordance with this section shall
be void and returned to the player when the total value of the player’s hand is the same as the dealer’s provided,
however, that a player's wager shall be lost when the dealer has a Blackjack and the player’s hand has a total
value of 21 which is not a Blackjack.
E. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no wager shall be made, increased or withdrawn
after the first card of the respective round has been dealt.
F. After each round of play is complete, the dealer shall collect all losing wagers and pay off all
winning wagers beginning with the player farthest to the right of the dealer and continuing counterclockwise
around the table.
G. Winning wagers made in accordance with subsection B shall be paid at odds of 1 to 1 with the
exception of Blackjack, which shall be paid at odds of 3 to 2 or 6 to 5.
H. Once an Insurance Wager under § 9 (relating to Insurance Wager), a Double Down Wager under
§ 10 (relating to Double Down Wager) or a wager on split pairs has been made and confirmed by the dealer under
§ 11 (relating to splitting pairs), a player may not handle, remove or alter the wagers until a decision has been
rendered and implemented with respect to that wager.
I. After the cards have been shuffled as required under § 5 (relating to opening of table for gaming),
the property may prohibit any person, whether seated at the gaming table or not, who does not make a wager on a
given round of play from placing a wager on the next round of play and any subsequent round of play at that
gaming table until either:
A. After receiving one or more decks of cards at the table, the dealer shall inspect the cards for any
defects, with the inspection verified by a Table Games Supervisor or above.
i. Pre-shuffled cards shall be used in accordance with Section I – Table Games sub-section
32 Pre-Shuffled Cards (Shoes).
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
ii. If single decks are utilized, the front and backs of the cards shall be checked for any
defects. The cards shall then be turned face downward on the table, mixed thoroughly by
a washing of the cards and stacked.
B. If an automated shuffling device is utilized, all the decks in one batch of cards shall be spread for
inspection on the table separate from the decks in the other batch of cards.
A. Immediately prior to commencement of play after any round of play as may be determined by a
Table Games Supervisor and after each shoe of cards is dealt, the dealer shall shuffle the cards so that they are
randomly intermixed.
B. After the cards have been shuffled, the dealer shall offer the stack of cards, with backs facing
outward to the players to be cut.
C. If no player accepts the cut, the dealer shall cut the cards.
D. The player shall cut the cards by placing the cutting card in the stack in accordance with
standards determined by the property.
E. Once the cutting card has been inserted, the dealer shall take all cards above the cutting card and
place them on the bottom of the stack. The dealer shall then take the entire stack of cards that was just cut and
align them along the side of the dealing shoe The cut card will be placed in the stack to indicate the last hand of
the shoe. The stack of cards shall then be inserted into the dealing shoe for commencement of play.
F. After the cards have been cut and before any cards have been dealt, a Table Games Supervisor or
above may require the cards to be recut if he determines that the cut was performed improperly or in any way that
might affect the integrity or fairness of the game. If a recut is required, the cards shall be recut, at the property’s
option, by the player who last cut the cards, or by the next person entitled to cut the cards, as determined by
subsection B.
G. A reshuffle of the cards in the shoe shall take place after the cutting card is reached in the shoe as
provided for in § 7.K (relating to procedure for dealing cards) except that a Table Games Supervisor may
determine after each round of play that the cards should be reshuffled.
H. If there is no gaming activity at a Free Bet Blackjack table which is open for Gaming, the cards
may be removed from the dealing shoe and the discard rack, at the property’s discretion, and spread out on the
table for inspection, either face up or face down.
i. If there is no automated shuffling device in use, the cards shall be stacked then shuffled
and cut in accordance with this section.
ii. If an automated shuffling device is in use, the cards shall be stacked and placed into the
automated shuffling device to be shuffled. The batch of cards already in the shuffler shall then be
removed unless a player requests the cards that are out are the first cards that are used.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
(a) The automated card shuffling device stores a single batch of shuffled cards inside
the shuffler in a secure manner.
(b) The shuffled cards have been secured, released and prepared for play.
A. All cards used to play Blackjack shall be dealt from a dealing shoe specifically designed for that
B. The dealer shall remove cards from the shoe with his left hand, and then place the cards on the
appropriate area of the layout with his right hand, except that the dealer shall have the option to deal cards to the
first two positions with his left hand.
C. After each full batch of cards is placed in the shoe, the dealer shall remove the first card and place
it in the discard rack. Each new dealer who comes to the table shall also remove one card and place it in the
discard rack before dealing any cards to the players. At the property’s discretion, a dealer may not burn a card.
D. At the commencement of each round of play, or immediately after the determinant card has been
drawn and either removed or used as the player's first card, the dealer shall, starting on his left and continuing
around the table, deal the cards in the following order:
i. One card face upwards to each box on the layout in which a wager is contained.
iii. A second card face upwards to each box in which a wager is contained.
iv. A second card face downwards to himself, at which time his first card is exposed.
E. If the dealer's first card is an ace, king, queen, jack or 10 of any suit, the dealer shall determine
whether the hole card will give the dealer a Blackjack prior to dealing any additional cards to the players at the
table. The dealer shall insert the hole card into the card reader device by moving the card face down on the layout
without exposing it to anyone, including the dealer, at the table.
F. After the cards have been dealt, and if necessary, the procedure in subsection 6.F has been
executed, beginning from his left, the player shall indicate whether he wishes to double down as permitted under
§ 10 (relating to Double Down Wager), split pairs as permitted under § 11 (relating to splitting pairs), stand or
draw as permitted under § 12 (relating to drawing of additional cards by players and the dealer).
G. As each player indicates his decision(s), the dealer shall deal face upwards whatever additional
cards are necessary to effectuate the player’s decision consistent with this chapter. The property may offer the
option for a player to request for a card to be dealt face down in instances of “doubling down”. The dealer will
deal the card face down during these instances.
H. After the decisions of each player have been implemented and all additional cards have been
dealt; the dealer shall turn the second card that was dealt to the dealer face upwards. Any additional cards required
to be dealt to the hand of the dealer under § 12.B shall be dealt face upwards at this time.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
I. At the conclusion of a round of play, all cards still remaining on the layout shall be picked up by
the dealer in order and in a way that the cards can be readily arranged to indicate each player's hand in case of
question or dispute. The dealer shall pick up the cards beginning with those of the player to his far right and
moving counterclockwise around the table. After all the players' cards have been collected the dealer shall pick up
his cards against the bottom of the players' cards and place them in the discard rack.
J. Whenever the cutting card is the first card in the dealing shoe at the beginning of a round of play
or is reached in the deal of the cards, the dealer may continue dealing the cards until that round of play is
completed after which the dealer shall:
(a) Whenever a single dealing shoe is used, the dealer shall remove the cards
remaining in the shoe and place them in the discard rack to ensure that no cards are missing.
K. Players and spectators may not handle, remove or alter any cards used to play Blackjack.
L. Each player at the table shall be responsible for correctly computing the point count of his hand
and no player shall rely on the point counts announced by the dealer.
8. Payment of Blackjack.
A. Payment of blackjacks will transpire during normal sequenced play of the game.
B. For example if the player with a black jack is in seat three, it will be paid after action to seats one
and two. If the first face up card dealt to the dealer is a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 and a player has Blackjack, the
dealer shall pay the Blackjack at odds of 3 to 2 or 6 to 5 and shall remove the player's cards after their Blackjack
has been paid.
C. If the first face up card dealt to the dealer is an ace, king, queen, jack or 10 and a player has a
Blackjack; the dealer shall make no payment nor remove any cards until the dealer’s second card is known not to
give the dealer Blackjack. If the dealer's second card does not give the dealer Blackjack, play will continue and
the player having Blackjack shall be paid at odds of 3 to 2 or 6 to 5. If the dealer's second card gives him
Blackjack, the wager of the player having Blackjack shall be void and returned to the player.
9. Insurance.
A. Whenever the first card dealt to the dealer is an ace, each player shall have the right to make an
Insurance Wager which shall win if the dealer’s second card is a king, queen, jack or 10 and shall lose if the
dealer’s second card is an ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
B. If a player has Blackjack, and the dealer has an ace up, the player may not take insurance but may
elect to receive Even Money and be paid 1 to 1 for the blackjack before the dealer checks the hole card. After
paying Even Money, the dealer will place the cards into the discard rack and the players hand will be over at the
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
C. An Insurance Wager may be made by placing on the insurance line of the layout an amount not
more than half the amount staked on the player’s initial wager. A player may wager an amount in excess of half of
the initial wager to the next unit that can be wagered in chips, when because of the limitation of the value of chip
denominations; half the initial wager cannot be bet. Insurance Wagers shall be placed prior to the dealer inserting
his hole card into the card reader device.
E. Losing Insurance Wagers shall be collected by the dealer immediately after the dealer inserts his
hole card into the card reader device and determines that he does not have a Blackjack and before he draws any
additional cards.
A. A player may elect to make a Double Down Wager, which may not exceed the amount of his
original wager on the first two cards dealt to him or the first two cards of any split pair except aces, on the
condition that one and only one additional card shall be dealt to the hand on which the player has elected to
double down. Players will not have an option to double down when they have Blackjack.
B. If a dealer obtains Blackjack after a player makes a Double Down Wager, the dealer shall only
collect the amount of the original wager of the player and shall not collect the additional Double Down Wager.
C. Upon a player’s election to make a Double Down Wager, the dealer shall deal the one additional
card face upwards, and placed sideways on the layout. Players may request the double down card to be dealt face
down. When the hand is over the dealer will turn-over the card dealt face down revealing the value and pay and
take according to round of play rules.
i. Except for when a player has a Blackjack, a player may elect to Double Down for free on
the first two (2) cards with a hard total of 9, 10 or 11 dealt to him/her or the first two (2) cards of any Split
Pair that also have a hard total of 9, 10, or 11. A lamer will reading “Free Bet” will be placed next to the
original wager to indicate that the patron has elected to double down.
ii. Upon a player’s election to make a Free Double Down, the dealer shall deal the one
additional card face upwards, and placed sideways on the layout. Players may request the double down
card to be dealt face down. When the hand is over the dealer will turn-over the card dealt face down
revealing the value and pay and take according to round of play rules.
iii. If the player wins the free bet hand, the dealer will pay the original wager 1 to 1, as well
as replace the Free Bet lammer with the amount of the original wager. The dealer will then take the Free
Bet lammer and place it back into the tray.
iv. If the player pushes the free bet hand, the dealer will push the hand, and take the Free Bet
lammer and place it back in the tray.
v. If the player loses the free bet hand, the dealer will collect the original wager and the Free
Bet lammer and place them both back into the tray.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
vi. If the player wins the free bet option to split their hand, and the original bet loses, the
dealer will tuck the cards for that hand under the original wager, and leave it there until the remaining free
bet hands have been acted on.
A. Whenever the initial two cards dealt to a player are identical in value, the player may elect to split
the hand into two separate hands provided that he makes a wager on the second hand so formed in an amount
equal to his original wager. For example, if a player has two 7’s or a king and a 10, the player may elect to split
the hand.
B. When a player splits pairs, the dealer shall deal a card to and complete the player's decisions with
respect to the first incomplete hand on the dealer's left before proceeding to deal any cards to the second hand.
C. After a second card is dealt to each split pair hand, the player shall indicate his decision to stand,
draw or double down with respect that hand except that:
i. A player may split two more pair if the second card dealt is identical in value to a card of
the split pair, for a total of four hands. A player may split aces once for a total of two hands with each ace
receiving one card. When a 10 is drawn on a split ace, the hand total is 21, not Blackjack. When an ace is
drawn on a split 10, the hand tota11 - l is soft 21.
D. If the dealer obtains Blackjack after a player splits pairs, the dealer shall only collect the amount
of the original wager of the player and may not collect the additional amount wagered in splitting pairs.
E. Free Splitting:
i. Whenever the initial two cards dealt to a player are identical in value except any 10 point
value, the player may elect to split the hand into two separate hands.
ii. A lammer reading “Free Bet” will be placed next to the original bet to indicate that the
patron has elected to split.
iii. If the player wins the free bet hand, the dealer will pay the free hand the amount of the
original wager, the dealer will then take the Free Bet lammer and place it back into the tray.
iv. If the player pushes the free bet hand, the dealer will push the hand, and take the Free Bet
lammer and place it back in the tray.
v. If the player loses the free bet hand, the dealer will collect the Free Bet lammer and place
it back in the tray.
vi. If the player wins the free bet option to split their hand, and the original bet loses, the
dealer will tuck the cards for that hand under the original wager, and leave it there until the remaining free
bet hands have been acted on.
A. A player may elect to draw additional cards whenever his point count total is less than 21, except
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
i. A player having a hard total of 21 may not draw additional cards.
ii. A player electing to make a Double Down Wager may draw only one additional card.
iii. A player splitting aces may only have one card dealt to each ace.
B. Except as provided in subsection C, the dealer shall draw additional cards to a hard total of 17 or
above or soft total of 18 or above, unless specified on the layout that the dealer will stand on any 17.
C. A dealer shall draw no additional cards to his hand, regardless of the point count, if decisions
have been made on all players’ hands and the point count of the dealer's hand will have no effect on the outcome
of the round of play.
13. Player Wagering on More than One Box. The property has the right to allow a single patron to play up
to “3” number of adjacent boxes during one round of play.
ii. To begin each round, players make the standard wager and the optional Push 22 wager on
the appropriate area of the layout. Patron’s will then receive their first two cards, if the dealer reaches a
point total of 22 the player shall win according to the pay table below. If the Push 22 wager wins, all other
remaining Blackjack wagers are a push, and the Push 22 wager is settled from the Dealer’s right to left. If
the Push 22 wager loses, the Push 22 wager will be settled with the Blackjack wagers for each player.
The pay table will be clearly posted at the table.
15. Irregularities.
A. A card found turned face upwards in the shoe may not be used in the game and shall be placed in
the discard rack.
B. A card drawn in error without its face being exposed shall be used as though it were the next card
from the shoe.
C. After the initial two cards have been dealt to each player and a card is drawn in error by the dealer
and exposed to the players, the card shall be dealt to the players or dealer as though it were the next card from the
shoe. Any player refusing to accept the card shall not have any additional cards dealt to him during the round. If
the card is refused by the players and the dealer cannot use the card, the card shall be placed in the discard rack.
D. If the dealer accidentally draws a card for himself, the card shall be placed in the discard rack.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
E. If the dealer misses dealing his first or second card to himself, the dealer shall continue dealing
the first two cards to each player, and then deal the appropriate number of cards to himself.
F. If there are insufficient cards remaining in the shoe to complete a round of play, all of the cards in
the discard rack shall be shuffled and cut according to the procedures outlined in § 6 (relating to shuffle and cut of
the cards), the first card shall be drawn face down and placed in the discard rack, and the dealer shall complete the
round of play.
G. If no cards are dealt to a player's hand, the hand is dead and the player shall be included in the
next deal. If only one card is dealt to a player's hand, at the player's option, the dealer shall deal the second card to
the player after all other players have received a second card.
H. If after receiving the first two cards, the dealer fails to deal an additional card to a player who has
requested a card, then, at the player's option, the dealer shall either deal the additional card after all other players
have received their additional cards but prior to the dealer revealing his hole card, or call the player's hand dead
and return the player's original wager.
I. If the dealer inserts his hole card into a card reader device when the value of his first card is an
ace, king, queen, jack or 10 and,
i. Incorrectly reveals his second card when he does not have a Blackjack: the hand shall
proceed as normal with both dealers cards exposed after notification to a Table Games Supervisor.
ii. Fails to reveal Blackjack and proceeds with the hand as if he did not have a Blackjack;
the dealer will collect all losing bets leaving on the table all double downs and splits bets after notification
to the Table Games Supervisor.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free Table Physical Characteristics.................................................................. 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks. ................................................................................................................................................ 2
4. Opening of a Table for Gaming ...................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Shuffle and Cut of the Cards. .......................................................................................................................................... 3
6. Value; Point Count of Hand ............................................................................................................................................ 4
7. Dealing Shoe ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
8. Wagers. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
9. Hands of Player and Banker; Procedure for Dealing Initial Two Cards to Each Hand .................................................. 6
10. Procedure for Dealing a Third Card ................................................................................................................................ 7
11. Rules for Determining Whether a Third Card Shall be Dealt ......................................................................................... 7
12. Announcement of Result of Round; Payment and Collection of Wagers ....................................................................... 8
13. Payout Odds .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
14. Irregularities .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
15. Continuous Shuffling Dealing Shoe or Device ............................................................................................................. 10
16. Procedures for Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free; Optional Bonus (Dragon) and Fortune 7 Wagers;
Payment of Dragon Bonus and Fortune 7 Wagers ................................................................................................................ 10
17. Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free Tournaments ........................................................................................... 10
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings,
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Push” a hand in which the outcome results in a wager neither being paid nor taken.
B. “Natural” means a hand which has a Point Count of 8 or 9 on the first two cards dealt.
A. Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free shall be played on a table having a place for the
dealer on one side and on the opposite side, up to a maximum of 18 betting positions, which may include:
ii. Specific areas designated for the placement of wagers on the Banker's Hand, Players
Hand and Tie Hand.
iii. A phrase that states the payout odds for Tie Bets.
v. An area designated for the placement of cards for the Player's Hand and Banker's Hand.
vi. If a Dragon Bonus Wager and/or Fortune 7 wager is offered, the property will have a
separate area designated for the placement of the Dragon Bonus Wager and the Fortune 7 wager along
with the payout odds either inscribed on the actual layout or a sign identifying the payout odds at each
Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free table.
B. Each Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free table shall have a drop box and a tip box
attached to it on the same side of the gaming table as, but on opposite sides of, the dealer.
C. Each Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free table shall have a discard rack securely attached
to the top of the dealer's side of the table.
A. Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free shall be played with six to eight decks of cards
having backs of the same color and design and two additional cover cards to be used in accordance with § 5
(relating to shuffle and cut of the cards).
B. If an automated card shuffling device is utilized, Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free shall
be played with 8 to 16 decks of cards in accordance with the following requirements:
ii. The cards shall be separated into two batches, with an equal number of decks included in
each batch.
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Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
iii. The backs of the cards in each batch must be of the same design, but of a different color
than the cards included in the other batch.
iv. One batch of cards shall be shuffled and stored in the automated card shuffling device
while the other batch is being used to play the game.
v. Both batches of cards shall be continuously alternated in and out of play, with each batch
being used for every other dealing shoe.
vi. The cards from only one batch shall be placed in the discard rack at any given time.
C. The decks of cards opened for use at a Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free table shall be
changed at least once every 24 hours.
A. After receiving the six or more decks of cards at the table, the dealer will inspect the front and
back of the cards for any defects, with the inspection verified by the Table Games Supervisor or above.
B. The cards shall be turned face downward on the table, mixed thoroughly by a washing of the
cards and stacked.
C. Should the property use preshuffled and presorted cards, one distinct color of cards will be placed
in the automated shuffle machine while the other cards are spread out, face down, on the table.
A. Immediately prior to the commencement of play, unless the cards were preshuffled, and after the
completion of each shoe that is dealt, unless an automated shuffling device is used, the dealer shall shuffle the
cards so that they are randomly intermixed.
B. After the cards have been shuffled by a dealer, the dealer shall leave the entire stack of cards
intermixed but not entirely squared off (leave them feathered) so that the Table Games Supervisor can verify that
the shuffle did not result in any uneven distribution of cards.
C. After shuffling the cards and, where applicable, reshuffling them, the dealer shall offer the stack
of cards, with backs facing away from the dealer, to the players to be cut. If no player accepts the cut, the dealer
shall cut the cards.
D. The cards shall be cut by placing a cover card in the stack at least ten cards in from the top or the
bottom of the stack.
E. Once the cover card has been inserted into the stack, the dealer shall take all cards above the
cover card and the cover card and place them on the bottom of the stack. The dealer shall then insert the second
cover card in a position at least 14 cards above the bottom of the stack, and the second cover card at the bottom of
the stack. The stack of cards shall then be inserted into the dealing shoe for commencement of play.
F. After the cards have been cut and before the cards have been placed in the dealing shoe, a Table
Games Supervisor or above may require the cards to be recut if the Table Games Supervisor or above determines
that the cut was performed improperly or in any way that might affect the integrity or fairness of the game.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
G. Prior to commencement of play, the dealer shall remove the first card from the dealing shoe and
place it, and an additional number of cards equal to the face value of the first card drawn, in the discard rack after
all cards have been shown (but not exposed) to the players. When determining the face value of the first card
removed from the dealing shoe, a 10, jack, queen or king shall count as ten and an ace shall count as one.
H. If there is no gaming activity at a Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free table which is open
for gaming, the cards may be removed from the dealing shoe and the discard rack, and spread out on the table face
i. If there is no automated shuffling device in use, the cards shall be mixed thoroughly by a
washing of the cards, stacked, then shuffled and cut in accordance with this section.
ii. If an automated shuffling device is in use, the cards shall be stacked and placed into the
automated shuffling device to be shuffled. The batch of cards already in the shuffler shall then be
removed. Unless a player so requests, the batch of cards removed from the shuffler need not be spread for
inspection and reshuffled prior to being dealt.
ii. Any 10, jack, queen or king shall have a value of zero.
B. The Point Count of a hand shall be a single digit number from 0 to 9 inclusive and shall be
determined by totaling the value of the cards in the hand. If the total of the cards in a hand is a two-digit number,
the left digit of the number shall be discarded and the right digit shall constitute the Point Count of the hand.
Examples of this rule are as follows:
ii. A hand composed of an ace, 2 and 9 has a total of 12 but only a Point Count of 2 since
the digit 1 in the number 12 is discarded.
7. Dealing Shoe. Cards used to play Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free shall be dealt from a
manual dealing shoe.
8. Wagers.
A. The following wagers shall be permitted to be made by a player at the game of Dragon Bonus
Baccarat - Commission Free:
(a) Win if the Banker's Hand has a Point Count higher than that of the Player's Hand.
The exception is if the Banker hand wins with a three-card total of 7, in which case, the Banker’s
Hand shall be a push.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
(b) Lose if the Banker's Hand has a Point Count lower than that of the Player's Hand.
(c) Push if the Banker's Hand and the Player's Hand have the same Point Count, or if
the Banker hand wins with a three-card total of 7.
(a) Win if the Player's Hand has a Point Count higher than that of the Banker's Hand.
(b) Lose if the Player's Hand has a Point Count lower than that of the Banker's Hand.
(c) Push if the Point Counts of the Banker's Hand and the Player's Hand are equal.
(a) Win if the Point Counts of the Banker's Hand and the Player's Hand are equal.
(b) Lose if Point Counts of the Banker's Hand and the Player's Hand are not equal.
(b) Lose if the Banker has any other hand except a winning hand with a three-card
total of 7.
v. A Dragon Bonus Wager on the Player’s Hand or Banker’s Hand, or both, which shall:
(3) Not a Natural and has a Point Count that exceeds the Point Count of the
other hand by four or more points.
(2) Not a Natural and has a Point Count less than or equal to the Point Count
of the other hand.
(3) Not a Natural and has a Point Count that exceeds the Point Count of the
other hand by less than four points.
(c) Tie and be a “push” for the player if the selected hand is a Natural and the other
hand is a Natural of equal Point Count.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
B. Wagers at Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free shall be made by placing gaming chips or
plaques on the appropriate areas of the Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free layout. A verbal wager,
accompanied by cash may be accepted provided the verbal wager is confirmed by the dealer, and the cash is
expeditiously converted into gaming chips or plaques.
C. No wager at Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free shall be made, increased or withdrawn
after the first card has been dealt.
9. Hands of Player and Banker; Procedure for Dealing Initial Two Cards to Each Hand.
A. There shall be two hands dealt in the game of Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free, one of
which shall be designated the Player's Hand and the other designated the Banker's Hand.
B. No wagers may be altered once the first card of the round has been dealt.
C. The dealer shall then deal an initial four cards from the dealing shoe. The first and third cards
dealt shall constitute the first and second cards of the Player's Hand. The second and fourth cards dealt shall
constitute the first and second cards of the Banker's Hand in one of two manners:
i. The dealer shall remove cards from the dealing shoe with his left hand, turn them face up
and then place them on the appropriate area of the layout with his right hand. The first and third cards
dealt shall be placed on the area designated for the Player's Hand and the second and fourth cards dealt
shall be placed on the area designated for the Banker's Hand.
ii. The first and third cards dealt shall be placed face down on the area designated for the
Player's Hand and the second and fourth cards dealt shall be placed face down underneath the right corner
of the dealing shoe until the Player's Hand is called as provided for in § 10 (relating to procedure for
dealing a third card), at which time the second and fourth cards shall be turned face up and placed on the
area designated for the Banker's Hand.
D. Should the table be designated, players will have the ability to touch or handle cards given the following
i. The player with the most money bet on the player wager will get the Players cards with
the following exceptions:
(a) A player may elect to cede control of the cards. If so, the patron with the next
most money that bets on “player” shall have the option to control the cards. If all players cede
their rights to player’s hand, the dealer will expose the cards.
(b) If no guests have a bet on the “players” bet, the dealer will expose the cards.
ii. The player with the most money bet on the banker wager will get the Bankers cards with
the following exceptions:
(a) A player may elect to cede control of the cards. If so, the patron with the next
most money that bets on “banker” shall have the option to control the cards. If all players cede
their rights to banker’s hand, the dealer will expose the cards.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
(b) If no guests have a bet on the “banker” bet, the dealer will expose the cards.
iii. Should either the “player” or “banker” hand need to draw a third card, as outlined in § 11,
the aforementioned procedure outlined in subsections i and ii shall apply.
A. After the dealer positions the cards in accordance with § 9.C.i or ii (relating to hands of player
and banker; procedure for dealing initial two cards to each hand), the dealer shall announce the point count of the
Player’s Hand and then the Banker's Hand.
B. Following the announcement of the Point Counts of each hand, the dealer shall determine
whether to deal a third card to each hand in conformity with the requirements of § 11 (relating to rules for
determining whether a third card shall be dealt.
C. After the dealer positions the cards in accordance with § 9.C.i or ii, any third card required to be
dealt shall first be dealt face up to the Player’s Hand and then to the Banker’s Hand by the dealer.
D. In no event may more than one additional card be dealt to either hand.
E. Whenever the cover card appears as the first card in the dealing shoe at the beginning of a round
of play or appears during play, the cover card shall be removed and placed to the side and the hand will be
completed. Upon completion of that hand, the dealer calling the game shall announce “last hand.” At the
completion of one more hand, the cards shall be reshuffled.
A. If the Player's Hand or the Banker's Hand after the initial two cards are dealt to each is a Natural,
no more cards shall be dealt to either hand.
B. If the Point Count of the Player’s Hand and the Banker’s Hand on the first two cards is 0 to 7
inclusive, the Player's Hand shall:
i. Draw (that is, take a third card) if the Player’s Hand has a Point Count of less than 6.
ii. Stay (that is, not take a third card) if the Player’s Hand has a Point Count of 6 or more.
C. If the Point Count of the Player’s Hand and the Banker’s Hand on the first two cards is 0 to 7
inclusive, the Banker’s Hand shall draw (that is, take a third card) or stay (that is, not take a third card) in
accordance with the following requirements:
i. If the Player’s Hand does not receive a third card, the Banker’s Hand shall be dealt a third
card if the Point Count of the Banker’s Hand is 5 or less.
(a) The Banker’s Hand has a Point Count of less than 3; the Banker’s Hand shall be
dealt a third card.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
(b) The Banker’s Hand has a Point Count of 7, the Banker’s Hand may not be dealt a
third card.
(c) The Banker’s Hand has a Point Count of 3, 4, 5 or 6, the Banker’s Hand shall be
dealt or not dealt a third card in accordance with Table 1 as follows:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Point Count 3 Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Stand Draw
of Banker's 4 Stand Stand Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Stand Stand
Hand After 5 Stand Stand Stand Stand Draw Draw Draw Draw Stand Stand
Two Cards 6 Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Stand Draw Draw Stand Stand
D. The first vertical column in Table 1 labeled "Point Count of Banker's Hand" refers to the Point
Count of the Banker’s Hand after the first two cards have been dealt to the Banker’s Hand.
E. The first horizontal row at the top of Table 1 labeled "Value of the Third Card Drawn by Player's
Hand" refers to the value of the third card drawn by the Player’s Hand, not the Point Count of the Player’s Hand.
F. To use Table 1, first find the Point Count of the Banker’s Hand in the first vertical column and
trace that horizontally across the table until it intersects the vertical column that corresponds to the value of the
third card drawn by the Player’s Hand. The symbol located where the intersection occurs shall determine whether
the Banker’s Hand must draw a third card or stay. For example, if the Point Count of the Banker’s Hand after two
cards is 5 and the value of the third card drawn by the Player's Hand is 4, the table shows that the Banker’s Hand
must draw a third card.
A. After each hand has received all the cards to which it is entitled under § 9, 10 and 11 (relating to
hands of player and banker; procedure for dealing initial two cards to each hand; procedure for dealing a third
card; and rules for determining whether a third card shall be dealt), the dealer shall announce the final Point Count
of each hand indicating which hand has won the round. If two hands have equal Point Counts, the dealer shall
announce "tie hand".
B. After the result of the round is announced, the dealer responsible for the wagers on the table shall
first collect each losing wager. After the losing wagers are collected, the dealer shall, starting at the highest
numbered player position at which a winning wager is located, pay that player's winning wager and then,
proceeding in descending order to the next highest numbered player position at which a winning wager is located,
repeat this procedure until each winning wager is paid.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
C. At the conclusion of a round of play, all cards on the layout shall be picked up by the dealer and
placed in the discard rack, in order and in such a way that they can be readily arranged to indicate the Player’s
Hand and the Banker’s Hand in case of a question or dispute.
A. A winning wager made on the Player’s Hand shall be paid off at odds of 1 to 1.
D. A winning Dragon Bonus Wager shall be paid out at the odds contained below:
Win By 9* 30 to 1
Win By 8* 10 to 1
Win By 7* 6 to 1
Win By 6* 4 to 1
Win By 5* 2 to 1
Win By 4* 1 to 1
Natural Winner 1 to 1
14. Irregularities.
A. A card drawn in error from the dealing shoe that is not disclosed shall be used as the first card of
the next hand of play.
B. A third card dealt to the Player’s Hand that is not disclosed, when no third card is authorized
under § 11 (relating to rules for determining whether a third card shall be dealt), shall become the third card of the
Banker’s Hand if the Banker’s Hand is obliged to draw under § 11.C. If the Banker’s Hand is required to stay, the
card dealt in error shall become the first card of the next hand.
C. If a card dealt in error under the circumstances described in subsections A or B is disclosed at the
time it is dealt, the dealer shall, use the disclosed card as the first card of a simulated round of play in which
wagers may not be accepted. The cards shall be dealt in accordance with the rules of this chapter and be placed in
the discard rack upon completion of the dealing procedure.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
D. Any card found face up in the dealing shoe may be used as the next card if it is needed to
complete the hand. If the card is not needed to complete the hand or if no cards have been dealt, it may not be
used in the game and shall be the first card of a simulated round of play in which wagers may not be accepted.
E. If there are insufficient cards remaining in the dealing shoe to complete a round of play, that
round shall be void and all wagers shall be returned. A new round shall commence after the entire set of cards are
reshuffled and placed in the dealing shoe.
15. Continuous Shuffling Dealing Shoe or Device. In lieu of the dealing and shuffling requirements in § 5
and 7 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards; and dealing shoe), the property may utilize a dealing shoe or other device
designed to automatically reshuffle the cards.
16. Procedures for Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free; Optional Bonus (Dragon) and Fortune
7 Wagers; Payment of Dragon Bonus and Fortune 7 Wagers.
A. The property may, in its discretion, offer to each player at a Dragon Bonus Baccarat -
Commission Free table the opportunity to make a bonus wager in accordance with the provisions of this section.
B. A player making a Dragon Bonus Baccarat – Commission Free wager can make a bonus wager
for no less than $1.00. A player may place an independent bonus wager (Dragon Bonus and/or Fortune 7) without
making a mini-baccarat wager as long as the bonus wager meets the posted table minimum/maximum.
C. The dealer shall, starting from the dealer’s right and moving counterclockwise around the table,
collect all losing wagers. Then, the dealer shall settle players’ wagers individually, by paying the Dragon Bonus
and Fortune 7 wagers before acting on the Dragon Bonus Baccarat – Commission Free wager.
A. Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free Tournament rules must be approved by the Executive
B. Dragon Bonus Baccarat - Commission Free Tournament rules must include the following
iv. All participants must have a Banker or Player bet at all times, but not both;
v. Dragon Bonus wagers may or may not be offered based on the tournament rules;
vi. Participants must wager on all hands that affect the outcome of the round; and
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
1. Definitions. .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Crazy Four Poker Table Physical Characteristics. .......................................................................................................... 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks. ................................................................................................................................................ 3
4. Opening of the Table for Gaming. .................................................................................................................................. 3
5. Shuffle and Cut of the Cards. .......................................................................................................................................... 4
6. Crazy Four Poker Rankings. ........................................................................................................................................... 5
7. Wagers. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
8. Procedures for Dealing the Cards from the Hand. .......................................................................................................... 6
9. Procedures for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe............................................................................. 6
10. Play Wagers; Procedures for Completion of Each Round of Play. ................................................................................. 7
11. Payout Odds, Payout Limitations.................................................................................................................................... 8
12. Irregularities. ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
13. Multi-link Progressive Option. ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Ante Wager” means a mandatory wager, equal in amount to the Super Bonus wager that a
player has to make prior to any cards being dealt.
B. “Hand” means the best Crazy Four Poker hand that can be formed by each player and the dealer
from the cards they are dealt.
C. “Play Wager” means an additional wager that a player is required to make if the player opts to
remain in competition against the dealer.
D. “Round of play” means one complete cycle of play during which all wagers have been placed,
all cards have been dealt and all remaining wagers have been settled in accordance with the rules of this chapter.
E. “Super Bonus Wager” means a mandatory wager, equal in amount to the Ante wager that a
player has to make prior to any cards being dealt.
F. “Queens Up” means an optional wager a player may make prior to any cards being dealt to
compete against a posted pay table, regardless of the outcome of the player’s hand against the dealer.
A. Crazy Four Poker shall be played on a table having betting positions for no more than seven
players on one side of the table and a place for the dealer on the opposite side which may include the following
ii. A separate designated betting area at each betting position for the placement of the Ante
iii. A separate designated betting area at each betting position for the placement of the Play
iv. A separate designated betting area at each betting position for the placement of the Super
Bonus Wager. The Super Bonus betting area must be located next to the Ante Wager betting area and be
separated by an “=” symbol.
v. A separate designated betting area at each position for the placement of the Queens Up
vi. An inscription identifying the payout odds for all authorized wagers. If payout odds are
not inscribed on the layout a sign identifying the payout odds for all authorized wagers shall be posted at
each Crazy Four Poker table.
vii. Inscriptions on the layout or a table sign that advise patrons of the following:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
(c) A player who has a pair of Aces or better may place a Play Wager in an amount
up to three times the player’s Ante Wager.
(d) The player’s Super Bonus Wager shall be returned if the player beats or ties the
dealer with a hand that is not a straight or better.
B. Each Crazy Four Poker table must have a drop box and a tip box attached to it on the same side of
the table as, but on opposite sides of the dealer.
C. Each Crazy Four Poker table must have a discard rack securely attached to the top of the dealer’s
side of the table.
A. Except as provided in subsection B, Crazy Four Poker shall be played with one deck of cards with
backs of the same color and design and one additional cover card to be used in accordance with §5 (relating to
shuffle and cut of the cards).
B. If an automated card shuffling device is used, the property may use a second deck of cards to play
the game, provided that:
ii. The backs of the cards in the two decks are different colors.
iii. One deck is being shuffled by the automated card shuffling device while the other deck is
being used to play the game.
iv. Both decks are continuously alternated in and out of play, with each deck being used for
every other round of play. In the event the automated card shuffling device malfunctions, a manual
shuffler procedure will be used.
v. The cards from only one deck are placed in the discard rack at any given time.
ii. At least every 8 hours if the cards are dealt from an automated dealing shoe.
A. After receiving one or more decks of cards at the table, the dealer will inspect the front and back
of the cards for any defects.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
B. The cards shall be turned face down on the table, mixed thoroughly by a washing of the cards and
stacked. Once the cards have been stacked, the cards shall be shuffled in accordance with §5 (relating to shuffle
and cut of the cards).
C. If the property uses an automated card shuffling device to play the game and two decks of cards
are received at the table as permitted under §3.B (relating to cards; number of decks), each deck of cards shall be
separately spread, inspected, verified, mixed, stacked and shuffled.
A. Immediately prior to the commencement of play, and after each round of play has been
completed, the dealer shall shuffle the cards, either manually or by use of an automated card shuffling device, so
that the cards are randomly intermixed. Upon completion of the shuffle, the dealer or automated card shuffling
device shall place the deck of cards in a single stack; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be
deemed to prohibit the use of an automated card shuffling device which, upon completion of the shuffling of the
cards, inserts the stack of cards directly into a dealing shoe.
B. If an automated card shuffling device that counts the number of cards in the deck after the
completion of each shuffle and indicates whether 52 cards are present is being used and reveals that an incorrect
number of cards are present, the deck shall be removed from the table.
C. After the cards have been shuffled and stacked, the dealer shall:
i. If the cards were shuffled using an automated card shuffling device, deal the cards in
accordance with §8 or §9 (relating to procedures for dealing the cards from the hand; and procedures for
dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe).
ii. If the cards were shuffled manually or were pre-shuffled, cut the cards in accordance with
the procedures in subsection D.
(a) Placing the cover card on the table in front of the deck of cards.
(b) Taking a stack of at least 10 cards from the top of the deck and placing them on
top of the cover card.
(c) Placing the cards remaining in the deck on top of the stack of cards that were cut
and placed on the cover card.
E. Notwithstanding subsection D, after the cards have been cut and before any cards have been
dealt, a Table Games Supervisor or above may require the cards to be recut if he determines that the cut was
performed improperly or in any way that might affect the integrity or fairness of the game.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
F. Whenever there is no gaming activity at a Crazy Four Poker table that is open for gaming, the
cards shall be spread out on the table either face up or face down until such time that a player arrives, at which
point the dealer will put the cards in the automatic shuffle machine to begin play.
A. The rank of the cards used in Crazy Four Poker, in order of highest to lowest rank, shall be: ace,
king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. All suits shall be considered equal in rank. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, an ace may be used to complete a straight flush or a straight with a 2, 3 and 4.
B. The permissible poker hands in the game of Crazy Four Poker, in order of highest to lowest rank,
shall be:
i. A four-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of four cards of the same rank, with four
aces being the highest ranking four-of-a-kind and four 2’s being the lowest ranking four-of-a-kind.
ii. A straight flush, which is a hand consisting of four cards of the same suit in consecutive
ranking, with an ace, king, queen and jack being the highest ranking straight flush and a 4, 3, 2 and ace
being the lowest ranking straight flush.
iii. A three-of-a-kind, which is a hand consisting of three cards of the same rank, with three
aces being the highest ranking three-of-a-kind and three 2’s being the lowest ranking three-of-a-kind.
iv. A flush, which is a hand consisting of four cards of the same suit, regardless of rank.
v. A straight, which is a hand consisting of four cards of more than one suit and of
consecutive rank, with ace, king, queen and jack being the highest ranking straight and 4, 3, 2 and ace
being the lowest ranking straight; provided however, that an ace may not be combined with any other
sequence of cards for purposes of determining a winning hand (for example, king, ace, 2 and 3).
vi. A two pair, which is a hand consisting of two pairs with two aces and two kings being the
highest ranking two pair and two 3’s and two 2’s being the lowest ranking two pair.
vii. A pair, which is a hand consisting of two cards of the same rank, regardless of suit, with
two aces being the highest ranking pair and two 2’s being the lowest ranking pair.
C. When comparing two hands that are of equal rank under subsection B, or that contain none of the
hands listed in subsection B, the hand that contains the highest ranking card under subsection A that is not
contained in the other hand shall be considered the higher ranking hand. If the hands are of equal rank after the
application of this section, the hands shall be considered a tie.
7. Wagers.
A. The following wagers may be placed in the game of Crazy Four Poker:
i. A player may compete solely against the dealer by placing an Ante Wager and a Super
Bonus wager in equal amounts, within the posted minimum and maximum wagers posted at the table, and
then placing a Play Wager in accordance with §10 (relating to procedures for completion of each round of
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
ii. In addition to the Ante and Super Bonus Wagers, a player may compete against a posted
pay table by placing a Queens Up wager.
iii. A player may compete against both the dealer and the posted payout table by placing
wagers in accordance with the requirements in subsections i and ii.
B. All wagers at Crazy Four Poker shall be made by placing gaming chips or plaques on the
appropriate betting areas of the table layout. A verbal wager accompanied by cash shall not be accepted.
C. Only players who are seated at a Crazy Four Poker table may wager at the game. Once a player
has placed a wager and received cards, that player shall remain seated until the completion of the round of play. If
a player leaves the table during a round of player, any wagers made by the player may be considered abandoned
and may be treated as losing wagers.
D. Ante, Super Bonus and Queens Up Wagers shall be placed prior to the cards being dealt in
accordance with the dealing procedures in §8 or §9 (relating to procedures for dealing the cards from the hand;
and procedures for dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe). Except for Play Wagers, a wager may not
be made, increased, or withdrawn after the first card has been dealt. All Play Wagers shall be placed in
accordance with §10 (relating to procedures for completion of each round of play).
E. A player may not be permitted to simultaneously play and wager on more than one player
A. If the cards are dealt from the dealer's hand, the following requirements shall be observed:
i. After the procedures required under §5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been
completed, the dealer shall place the stacked deck of cards in either hand. The cards held by the dealer
shall at all times be kept in front of the dealer and over the table inventory container.
ii. Unless specified in the rules of the game, no wagers may be altered once the first card of
the round has been dealt. The dealer shall deal each card by holding the deck of cards in the left hand and
using the other hand to remove the top card of the deck.
B. The dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to the dealer’s left and continuing around the
table in a clockwise manner, deal one card at a time to each player who has placed the required wagers in
accordance with §7 (relating to wagers), and to the dealer until each player and the dealer have five cards. All
cards shall be dealt face down.
C. After five cards have been dealt to each player and to the dealer, the dealer shall place the stub in
the discard rack without exposing the cards.
D. If a player has more or less than five cards or the dealer has more or less than five cards, but 52
cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers shall be returned to the players. If the number of
cards in the deck is more or less than 52 cards, all hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to
the players and the entire deck of cards shall be removed from the table.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
A. If the cards are dealt from an automated dealing shoe, the following requirements shall be
i. After the procedures required under §5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been
completed, the cards shall be placed in the automated dealing shoe.
B. The dealer shall deal the first stack of cards dispensed by the automated dealing shoe face down
to the player farthest to the dealer’s left who has placed a wager in accordance with §7 (relating to wagers). As the
remaining stacks are dispensed to the dealer by the automated dealing shoe, the dealer shall, moving clockwise
around the table, deal a stack face down to each of the other players who has placed wager in accordance with §7
(relating to wagers). The dealer shall then deal a stack of five cards face down to himself.
C. After each stack of five cards has been dispensed and delivered in accordance with this section,
the dealer shall remove the stub from the automated dealing shoe and, except as provided in subsection D, place
the cards in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
D. If a player has more or less than five cards or the dealer has more or less than five cards, but 52
cards remain in the deck, all hands shall be void and all wagers shall be returned to the players. If the number of
cards in the deck is more or less than 52 cards, all hands shall be considered void, all wagers shall be returned to
the players and the entire deck of cards shall be removed from the table.
A. After the dealing procedures required under §8 or §9 (relating to procedures for dealing the cards
from the hand; and procedures for dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe) have been completed, each
player shall examine his cards.
B. Each player who wagers at Crazy Four Poker shall be responsible for his own hand and no person
other than the dealer and the player to whom the cards were dealt may touch the cards of that player.
C. The dealer shall, starting with the player farthest to the left of the dealer and continuing clockwise
around the table, offer each player who has placed an Ante and Super Bonus wagers the option to either forfeit his
Ante and Super Bonus wagers and end his participation in the round of play or make a Play wager in an amount
equal to the player’s Ante wager. A player who has a pair of Aces or better may place a Play wager in an amount
that is one, two or three times the amount of the player’s Ante wager. If a player has placed an Ante, Super Bonus
and a Queens Up wager but does not make a Play Wager, the player shall forfeit all three wagers..
D. After each player who has placed the Ante and Super Bonus wagers has either placed a Play
wager on the designated area of the layout or forfeited his wagers and hand, the dealer shall collect all forfeited
wagers and associated cards and place the cards in the discard rack.
E. The dealer shall then reveal the dealer's cards and select the four cards that form the highest
possible ranking hand. The dealer shall then, starting with the player farthest to the dealer’s right and continuing
counter-clockwise around the table, the dealer shall turn the five cards of each player face up on the layout and
form the highest possible ranking four-card poker hand for the player.
i. If the dealer’s highest ranking four-card Poker hand is ranked lower than a king, the
dealer shall return the player’s Ante wager and pay out the Play and Super Bonus wagers made by the
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
player in accordance with the payout odds. The player’s Super Bonus Wager shall be returned if the
player’s winning hand is not a straight or better.
ii. If the dealer’s highest ranking four-card Poker hand is a king or better, and the player’s
highest ranking four-card Poker hand is ranked:
(a) Lower than the dealer’s four-card Poker hand, the dealer shall immediately
collect the Ante and Play Wagers made by the player but shall pay out the Super Bonus wager
made by the player in accordance with the payout odds. The player’s Super Bonus wager will
lose if the player’s losing hand is not a straight or better.
(b) Higher than the dealer’s four-card Poker hand, the dealer shall pay the Ante, Play
and Super Bonus wagers made by the player in accordance with the payout odds. The player’s
Super Bonus wager will be a “push” if the player’s winning hand is not a straight or better.
(c) Is equal in rank to the dealer’s four-card hand, the dealer shall return the Ante
and Play wagers and pay out the Super Bonus wager in accordance with the payout odds. The
player’s Super Bonus wager will be a “push” if the player’s winning hand is not a straight or
F. After settling the player’s Ante, Play and Super Bonus wagers, the dealer shall settle a Queens
Up wager by determining whether the player’s four-card Poker hand qualifies for a payout in accordance with
payout odds. A winning Queens Up wager shall be paid irrespective of whether the player’s four-card Poker
hand outranks the dealer’s hand.
G. Each player’s wagers will be settled before moving on to the next player.
H. After all wagers have been settled, the remaining cards shall be collected by the dealer and placed
in the discard rack in such a way that the cards can be readily arranged to reconstruct each hand in the event of a
question or dispute.
A. The property shall pay each winning Ante and Play Wager at odds of 1 to 1.
B. The property shall pay each winning Super Bonus Wager in accordance with the following odds:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
C. A player placing a Queens Up Wager shall be paid at the odds in the following pay tables, regardless
of whether the player’s hand outranks the dealer’s hand:
C. Notwithstanding the payout odds in subsection A, the property may establish a maximum payout
for a winning Wager that is payable for one round of play. The maximum payout amount shall be at least $50,000
or the maximum amount that one player could win per round when betting the minimum possible wager,
whichever is greater. If the established maximum payout limit is not included on the layout, the property shall
provide notice of the maximum payout limit by posting the maximum payout limit on a sign at the Four Card
12. Irregularities.
A. A card drawn in error without its face being exposed shall be used as though it was the next card
from the shoe or the deck.
B. If any player or the dealer is dealt an incorrect number of cards, all hands shall be void, all wagers
shall be returned to the players and the cards shall be reshuffled.
C. If one or more of the dealer's cards is inadvertently exposed prior to the dealer revealing his cards
in accordance with §10.E (relating to play wagers; procedures for completion of each round of play), all hands
shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the cards shall be reshuffled.
D. If an automated card shuffling device is being used and the device jams, stops shuffling during a
shuffle, or fails to complete a shuffle cycle, the cards shall be reshuffled.
E. If an automated dealing shoe is being used and the device jams, stops dealing cards, or fails to
deal all cards during a round of play, the round of play shall be void, all wagers shall be returned to the players
and the cards shall be removed from the device and reshuffled with any cards already dealt.
13. Multi-link Progressive Option. Procedures governing the operation of the Multi-Link Progressive are
listed in Section J: Multi-Link Progressive Jackpot.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions. .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
2. Commission Free Pai Gow Poker table and shaker; Physical Characteristics. ............................................................. 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks. .............................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Opening of the Table for Gaming. ................................................................................................................................ 4
5. Shuffle and Cut of the Cards. ........................................................................................................................................ 4
6. Pai Gow Poker Rankings; Cards; Poker Hands............................................................................................................. 5
7. Wagers........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
8. Pai Gow Shaker and Dice; Computerized Random Number Generator; Button. ......................................................... 7
9. Procedures for Dealing the Cards by Hand. .................................................................................................................. 7
10. Procedures for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe. .......................................................................... 8
11. Procedure for Determining the Starting Position for Dealing Cards or Delivering Stacks of Cards.............................. 9
12. House Ways. ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
13. Procedures for Completion of Each Round of Play; Setting of Hands; Payment and Collection of Wagers; Payout
odds; Vigorish. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
14. Fortune Bonus Wager; Envy Bonus; Tiger 9; Payout Odds; Payout Limitation. ....................................................... 12
15. Irregularities; Invalid Roll of Dice. ............................................................................................................................. 14
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Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meaning
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Envy Bonus” means an additional fixed sum payout made to a player who placed a
Qualifying Fortune Bonus Wager or Qualifying Emperor’s Treasure Wager when another player at the Commission
Free Pai Gow Poker table is the holder of a qualifying hand.
B. “High hand” means the five-card hand which is formed from the seven cards dealt at the game of
Pai Gow Poker so as to rank equal to or higher than the two-card Low hand.
C. “Low hand” means the two-card hand which is formed from the seven cards dealt at the game of
Pai Gow Poker so as to rank equal to or lower than the five-card High hand.
D. “Pai Gow Hand” means a seven card hand that does not contain a pair, straight or flush.
E. “Qualifying Fortune Bonus Wager” means a Fortune Bonus Wager of at least $5.
F. “Qualifying hand” means a Commission Free Pai Gow Poker hand with a rank of four-of-a-kind or
higher formed from the seven cards dealt to a player.
G. “Rank or ranking” means the relative position of a card or group of cards as set forth in § 6 (relating
to Pai Gow Poker rankings; cards; poker hands).
H. “Set or setting the hands” means the process of forming a High hand and Low hand from the seven
cards dealt.
I. “Tiger-9 Hand” means the two-card Low hand is a 9-high and all Commission Free Pai Gow
wagers shall “push”.
2. Commission Free Pai Gow Poker table and shaker; Physical Characteristics.
A. Commission Free Pai Gow Poker shall be played at a table having on one side places for six players
and on the opposite side a place for the dealer.
B. The layout for a Commission Free Pai Gow Poker table may contain the following:
i. Six separate numbered betting areas for the players at the table.
ii. Two separate areas located below each betting area which shall be designated for the
placement of the High and Low hands of that player.
iii. Two separate areas designated for the placement of the High and Low hands of the dealer.
(a) A separate designated area for each player, located to the right of the player’s betting
area, designated for the placement of the Fortune Bonus Wager.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
(b) Signage that denotes the payouts inscribed on the layout may be posted at each
Commission Free Pai Gow Poker table.
(c) Inscriptions that advise patrons of the payout odds and amounts for the Fortune Bonus
Wager and Envy Bonus. If payout odds and amounts are not inscribed on the layout, a sign identifying
the payout odds and amounts shall be posted at each Commission Free Pai Gow Poker table.
(d) Inscriptions that advise patrons of any payout limits as described in § 13a.F (relating
to Fortune Bonus Wager; Envy Bonus; payout odds; payout limitation). If payout limits are not
inscribed on the layout, a sign identifying the payout limits shall be posted at each Commission Free
Pai Gow Poker table.
C. Each Commission Free Pai Gow Poker table must have a drop box and tip box attached to it on the
same side of the gaming table as, but on opposite sides of, the dealer.
D. Each Commission Free Pai Gow Poker table must have a discard rack securely attached to the top of
the dealer’s side of the table.
E. Under § 8 (relating to Commission Free Pai Gow Poker shaker and dice; computerized random number
generator; button) Commission Free Pai Gow Poker may be played with a container, to be known as a Pai Gow shaker,
which shall be used to shake three dice before each hand of Commission Free Pai Gow Poker is dealt to determine the
starting position for the dealing or delivery of the cards. The Pai Gow shaker may adhere to the following specifications:
i. The Pai Gow shaker shall be capable of housing three dice and shall be designed so as to
prevent the dice from being seen while the dealer is shaking it.
ii. The Pai Gow shaker may have the name or identifying logo of the property imprinted or
impressed thereon.
A. Except as provided in subsection B, Commission Free Pai Gow Poker shall be played with one deck
of cards with backs of the same color and design and two cover cards. The deck of cards used to play Commission Free
Pai Gow Poker must include one joker. Nothing in this section prohibits the property from using decks which are
manufactured with two jokers provided that only one joker is used for gaming at Commission Free Pai Gow Poker.
B. If an automated card shuffling device is used for Commission Free Pai Gow Poker, the property may
use a second deck of cards to play the game, provided that:
ii. The backs of the cards of the two decks are of a different color.
iii. One deck is being shuffled by the automated card shuffling device while the other deck is
being used to play the game.
iv. Both decks are continuously alternated in and out of play, with each deck being used for every
other round of play.
v. The cards from only one deck shall be placed in the discard rack at any given time.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
C. The decks of cards used in Commission Free Pai Gow Poker shall be changed:
ii. At least every 8 hours if the cards are dealt from an automated dealing shoe.
A. After receiving one or more deck of cards at the table, the dealer will inspect the cards with the
inspection verified by the Table Games Supervisor. Card inspection at the gaming table shall require the dealer to
sort each deck into sequence and into suit to ensure that all cards are in the deck. The dealer will also check each
card to ensure that there is no indication of tampering, flaws, scratches, marks, or other defects that might affect the
integrity of the game.
B. If the deck of cards used by the property contains two jokers, the dealer and a Table Games Supervisor
shall ensure that only one joker is utilized and that the other joker is torn in half and placed in the box, envelope or
container that the deck came from. Following the inspection of the cards by the dealer and the verification by the Table
Games Supervisor assigned to the table. The cards shall be spread out according to suit and in sequence and shall
include the one joker.
C. The cards shall be turned face down on the table, mixed thoroughly by a washing of the cards and
stacked. Once the cards have been stacked, they shall be shuffled in accordance with § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of
the cards).
D. If the property uses an automated card shuffling device to play the game of Commission Free Pai
Gow Poker and two decks of cards are received at the table as permitted under § 3.B (relating to cards; number of
decks), each deck of cards shall be separately spread, inspected, verified, mixed, stacked and shuffled in accordance
with subsections A - C.
E. If the decks of cards received at the table are preinspected and reshuffled all cards will go directly into
a shuffle machine to begin gaming activities.
A. Immediately prior to the commencement of play, and after each round of play has been completed,
the dealer shall shuffle the cards either manually or by use of an automated card shuffling device so that the cards are
randomly intermixed. Upon completion of the shuffle, the dealer or device shall place the deck of cards in a single
stack; provided, however, that nothing herein prohibits the use of an automated card shuffling device which, upon
completion of the shuffling of the cards, inserts the cards directly into an automated dealing shoe.
B. After the cards have been shuffled and stacked, the dealer shall:
i. If the cards were shuffled using an automated card shuffling device, deal or deliver the cards
in accordance with § 9 or § 10 (relating to procedures for dealing the cards by hand and procedures for dealing
the cards from an automated dealing shoe).
ii. If the cards were shuffled manually or were preshuffled, cut the cards in accordance with the
procedures set forth in subsections C - E.
C. Upon completion of a manual shuffle, the dealer shall cut the cards.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
D. After the cards have been cut and before any cards have been dealt, a Table Games Supervisor or
higher may require the cards to be recut if he determines that the cut was performed improperly or in any way that
might affect the integrity or fairness of the game. If a recut is required, the cards shall be recut by the dealer or a player
different than the first player entitled to cut the cards.
E. Whenever there is no gaming activity at a Commission Free Pai Gow Poker table which is open for
gaming, the cards shall be spread out on the table either face up or face down until a player arrives at the table and the
table may be opened and the cards shuffled and cut in accordance with § 4 (relating to opening of the table for gaming)
and this section.
A. The rank of the cards used in Commission Free Pai Gow Poker, in order of highest to lowest, are ace,
king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an ace may be used to complete a straight
flush or a straight formed with a 2, 3, 4 and 5. Except as otherwise provided in subsection C, the joker shall be used
and ranked as an ace.
B. The permissible poker hands at the game of Commission Free Pai Gow Poker, in order of highest to
lowest rank, are:
i. Five aces, which is a High hand consisting of four aces and a joker.
ii. A royal flush, which is a High hand consisting of an ace, king, queen, jack and 10 of the same
suit or any combination consisting of four of the five cards listed above of the same suit and a joker.
iii. A straight flush, which is a High hand consisting of five cards of the same suit in consecutive
ranking, with ace, 2, 3, 4 and 5 being the highest ranking straight flush; king, queen, jack, 10, and 9 being the
second highest ranking straight flush, and 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2 being the lowest ranking straight flush.
iv. A four-of-a-kind, which is a High hand consisting of four cards of the same rank, with four
aces being the highest ranking four-of-a-kind and four 2’s being the lowest ranking four-of-a-kind.
v. A full house, which is a High hand consisting of a three-of-a-kind and a pair, with three aces
and two kings being the highest ranking full house and three 2’s and two 3’s being the lowest ranking full
vi. A flush, which is a High hand consisting of five cards of the same suit. When comparing two
flushes, the hand which contains the highest ranking card as provided in subsection A which is not contained
in the other hand shall be considered the higher ranking hand.
vii. A straight, which is a High hand consisting of five cards of consecutive rank, regardless of
suit, with an ace, king, queen, jack and 10 being the highest ranking straight; an ace, 2, 3, 4 and 5 being the
second highest ranking straight, and a 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2 being the lowest ranking straight.
viii. A three-of-a-kind, which is a High hand containing three cards of the same rank, with three
aces being the highest ranking three-of-a-kind and three 2’s being the lowest ranking three-of-a-kind.
ix. Two pair, which is a High hand containing two pairs, with two aces and two kings being the
highest ranking two pair hand and two 3’s and two 2’s being the lowest ranking two pair hand.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
x. A pair, which is either a High hand or a Low hand consisting of two cards of the same rank,
with two aces being the highest ranking pair and two 2’s being the lowest ranking pair.
C. For purposes of setting the hands, a joker may be used as any card to complete a straight, a flush, a
straight flush or a royal flush.
D. When comparing two High hands or two Low hands which are of identical poker hand rank under
this section, or which contain none of the poker hands authorized in this section, the hand which contains the highest
ranking card as provided in subsection A which is not contained in the other hand shall be considered the higher
ranking hand. If the two hands are of identical rank after the application of this subsection, the hands shall be
considered a tie hand.
E. If the property offers the optional Fortune Bonus Wager under § 13a (relating to Fortune Bonus
Wager; Envy Bonus; payout odds; payout limitation), the following seven card hands, which shall have a rank higher
than a five-card poker hand of five aces, shall be used to determine the amount of the Fortune Bonus Wager payout or
Envy Bonus payment to a winning player:
i. Seven-card straight flush with no joker is a hand consisting of seven cards of the same suit in
consecutive ranking, with no joker used to complete the straight flush.
ii. Royal flush plus royal match is a seven card hand consisting of an ace, king, queen, jack and
a 10 of the same suit, with or without a joker, with one of the following:
iii. Seven-card straight flush with joker is a hand consisting of seven cards of the same suit in
consecutive ranking with a joker being used to complete the straight flush.
7. Wagers.
A. All wagers at Commission Free Pai Gow Poker shall be made by placing gaming chips or plaques on
the appropriate betting area of the Commission Free Pai Gow Poker layout. Verbal wagers accompanied by cash may
not be accepted at the game of Commission Free Pai Gow Poker.
B. Only players who are seated at the Commission Free Pai Gow Poker table may place a wager at the
game. Once a player has placed a wager and received cards, that player shall remain seated until the completion of the
round of play. If a player leaves the table during a round of player, any wagers made by the player may be considered
abandoned and may be treated as losing wagers.
C. All wagers at Commission Free Pai Gow Poker must be placed prior to the first card being dealt in
accordance with the dealing procedures in § 9 or § 10 (relating to procedures for dealing the cards by hand and
procedures for dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe). No wager at Commission Free Pai Gow Poker may
be made, increased or withdrawn after the first card has been dealt.
D. The property has the right to permit a player to simultaneously play and place wagers at up to three
adjacent betting positions during a round of play. If the wagers are not equal, the player shall be required to rank and
set the hand with the larger wagers before ranking and setting the other hand. If a player is betting three hands, the
third hand (smallest wager) shall be required to be played the House Way. If the amounts wagered are equal, each
hand shall be played separately in a counterclockwise rotation with the first hand being ranked and set before the
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
player proceeds to rank and set the second hand. Once a hand has been ranked and set and placed face down on the
appropriate area of the layout, the hand may not be changed.
8. Pai Gow Shaker and Dice; Computerized Random Number Generator; Button.
A. The starting position for the deal of cards in Commission Free Pai Gow Poker shall be determined by
using one of the following methods:
i. Three dice and a Pai Gow shaker, which shall be used in accordance with § 12 (relating to
procedure for determining the starting position for dealing cards or delivering stacks of cards). When dice and
a Pai Gow shaker are used, the following apply:
(a) The three dice, when not being rolled, shall be maintained at all times within the Pai
Gow shaker.
(b) The Pai Gow shaker and the dice contained therein shall be the responsibility of the
dealer and shall never be left unattended while at the table.
ii. A computerized random number generator that, in accordance with § 12.C (relating to
procedure for determining the starting position for dealing cards or delivering stacks of cards) automatically
selects and displays a number from 1 - 7 inclusive.
iii. If an automated card shuffling device and dealing shoe is used under § 11 (relating to
procedures for dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe) and § 12.D, a button that is moved by the
dealer clockwise around the table after each round of play is completed.
A. If the cards are dealt from the dealer's hand, the following requirements shall be observed:
i. After the procedures required under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been
completed, the dealer shall place the deck of cards in either hand.
(a) Once the dealer has chosen the hand in which he will hold the cards, the dealer shall
use that hand whenever holding the cards during that round of play.
(b) The cards held by the dealer shall at all times be kept in front of the dealer and over
the table inventory container.
ii. All bets must be set prior to dealing seven stacks of seven cards each to the area in front of the
table inventory container. The dealer shall deal each card by holding the deck of cards in the chosen hand and
using the other hand to remove the top card of the deck and place it face down on the appropriate area of the
B. The dealer shall then, using one of the procedures authorized under § 12 (relating to procedure for
determining the starting position for dealing cards or delivering stacks of cards), determine the starting position for
dealing the cards.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
C. After the starting position for dealing the cards has been determined, the dealer shall deal the first of
the seven cards moving from left to right and the second of the seven cards moving from right to left and shall continue
alternating in this manner until there are seven stacks of seven cards.
D. After seven stacks of seven cards have been dealt, the dealer shall determine whether exactly four
cards are left by spreading the remaining cards face down on the layout.
E. If four cards remain, the four cards shall be placed in the discard rack without being exposed to anyone
at the table.
F. If more or less than four cards remain, the dealer shall determine if the cards were misdealt. If the
cards were misdealt and a stack has more or less than seven cards, the round of play shall be void, all wagers shall be
returned to the players and the cards shall be reshuffled. If the cards have not been misdealt, the round of play shall be
considered void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards shall be removed from the
G. If the dealer determines the cards were dealt properly, the dealer shall collect any stacks dealt to a
position where there is no wager and place them in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
10. Procedures for Dealing the Cards from an Automated Dealing Shoe.
A. If the property chooses to have the cards dealt from an automated dealing shoe, the following
requirements shall be observed:
i. After the procedures under § 5 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards) have been completed,
the cards shall be placed in the automated dealing shoe.
B. The dealer shall then, using one of the procedures under § 12 (relating to procedure for determining
the starting position for dealing cards or delivering stacks of cards), determine the starting position for delivering the
stacks of cards.
C. Once the starting position has been determined in accordance with subsection B, the dealer shall deliver
the first stack of cards dispensed by the automated dealing shoe to that position. As the remaining stacks are dispensed
to the dealer by the automated dealing shoe, the dealer shall deliver a stack in turn to each of the other positions,
including the dealer, moving counterclockwise around the table, whether or not there is a wager at the position. The
dealer shall deliver each stack face down.
D. After the seven stacks of seven cards have been dispensed and delivered to each position, including
the dealer, the dealer shall remove the remaining cards from the shoe and determine whether exactly four cards are left
by spreading them face down on the layout.
E. If four cards remain, the cards shall be placed in the discard rack without being exposed to anyone at
the table.
F. If more or less than four cards remain, the dealer shall determine if the cards were misdealt. If the cards
were misdealt and a stack has more or less than seven cards, the round of play shall be void, all wagers shall be returned
to the players and the cards shall be reshuffled. If the cards have not been misdealt, the round of play shall be considered
void, all wagers shall be returned to the players and the entire deck of cards shall be removed from the table.
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Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
G. If the dealer determines the cards were dealt properly, the dealer shall collect any stacks dealt to a
position where there is no wager and place them in the discard rack without exposing the cards.
11. Procedure for Determining the Starting Position for Dealing Cards or Delivering Stacks of Cards.
A. To determine the starting position for the dealing of cards or the delivery of stacks of cards for the
game of Commission Free Pai Gow Poker, the property shall use one of the procedures written below in subsection B,
C, or D.
B. The dealer shall shake the shaker and dice described in § 8 (relating to Pai Gow shaker and dice;
computerized random number generator; button) at least three times so as to cause a random mixture of the dice. The
dealer shall then remove the lid covering the Pai Gow shaker, total the dice. To determine the starting position, the
dealer shall count counterclockwise around the table, with the position of the dealer considered number one, and
continuing around the table with each betting position counted in order, including the dealer, regardless of whether there
is a wager at the position, until the count matches the total of the three dice. After the dealing or delivery of the cards
has been completed, the dealer shall place the cover on the Pai Gow shaker and shake the shaker once. The Pai Gow
shaker shall then be placed to the right of the dealer.
C. The dealer may use a computerized random number generator to select and display a number from 1 -
7 inclusive. To determine the starting position, the dealer shall count counterclockwise around the table, with the
position of the dealer considered number one, and continuing around the table with each betting position counted in
order, including the dealer, regardless of whether there is a wager at the position, until the count matches the number
displayed by the random number generator.
D. If an automated card shuffling device and dealing shoe is used under § 11 (relating to procedures for
dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe), the dealer may use a flat button to indicate the starting position. At
the commencement of play, the button shall be placed in front of the dealer. Thereafter, the button shall rotate around
the table in a clockwise manner after each round of play.
A. No Pair: Use the highest card in the High hand. Use second and third highest card for the Low hand.
B. One Pair: Use in the High hand with the next two highest cards in the Low hand.
C. Two Pair:
(a) Low Pair – Low Pair: Split unless Ace or King can be played in the Low hand.
(b) Low Pair – Medium Pair: Split unless Ace or King can be played in the Low
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
(c) Low Pair – High Pair: Split unless Ace or Joker can be played in the Low hand.
(d) Medium Pair – Medium Pair: Split unless Ace or Joker can be played in the Low
E. Three of a Kind: Keep together in the High hand using the next two highest cards in the Low hand.
i. Exception: When having three Aces, use a pair of Aces in the high hand and an Ace and
the next highest card in the low hand.
F. Two Three of a Kinds: Play the pair from the highest three of a kind in the Low hand and the
lowest three of a kind in the High hand.
G. Straight, Flushes, Straight Flushes, and Royal Flushes: Keep a Straight, Flush, Straight Flush,
or Royal Flush together in the High hand (exceptions listed below).
i. With No Pair: When presented with a choice of playing a hand as either a Straight, Flush,
Straight Flush, or Royal Flush, use the option that gives you the highest Low hand.
ii. With One Pair: Play the pair in the Low hand only if a Straight, Flush, Straight Flush, or
Royal Flush can be preserved in the High hand.
iii. With Two Pair: Play a pair in the Low hand if the Straight, Flush, Straight Flush, or Royal
Flush can be preserved, otherwise, use the Two Pair rule if it improves your Low hand.
iv. With Three Pair: Play the highest pair in the Low hand.
v. With Three of a Kind (Aces): Play either a Straight, Flush, Straight Flush, Royal Flush, or
Pair of Aces in the High hand depending on which gives you the highest Low hand.
vi. With Full House: Always break up a Full House. With an extra pair, play the highest pair
in the Low hand.
H. Full House: Break up a Full House unless you have a second pair. If a second pair is present, play
the highest pair in the low hand.
i. Exception: If a Full House contains a pair of 2s in addition to three of a kind and contains
an Ace and King, play the Ace and King in the Low hand and a Full House in the High hand.
I. Four of a Kind:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
ii. 7s through Kings: Split, unless an Ace can be played in the Low hand, then keep the four of a
kind in the High hand.
J. Four of a Kind with a Pair: Play the pair in the Low hand.
i. Exception: With four Aces, always split unless the pair is Kings, then play the four Aces in
the High hand and pair of Kings in the Low hand.
K. Four of a Kind with Three of a Kind: Use the highest pair in the Low hand.
i. Exception: With a pair of Kings – play the pair of Kings in the Low hand.
13. Procedures for Completion of Each Round of Play; Setting of Hands; Payment and Collection of
Wagers; Payout odds
A. After the cards have been dealt, each player shall set his hands by arranging the cards into a High hand
and a Low hand. When setting the two hands, the five-card High hand must be equal to or higher in rank than the two-
card Low hand. For example, if the two-card hand contains a pair of sevens, the five-card hand must contain at least a
pair of sevens and the three remaining cards.
B. Each player at the table shall be responsible for setting his own hands and no other person except the
dealer may touch the cards of that player. If a player requests assistance in the setting of his hands, the dealer shall
inform the player of the manner in which the property requires the hands of the dealer to be set. Each player shall be
required to keep the seven cards in full view of the dealer at all times. Once each player has set a High and Low hand
and placed the two hands face down on the appropriate area of the layout, the player may not touch the cards again.
C. After all players have set their hands and placed the cards on the table, the seven cards of the dealer
shall be turned over and the dealer shall set his hands by arranging the cards into a High and Low hand. The dealer shall
then place the two hands face up on the appropriate area of the layout.
D. The property shall set its hand for the game of Commission Free Pai Gow Poker in accordance with
the House Ways.
E. A player may announce that he wishes to surrender his wager prior to the dealer exposing either of the
two hands of that player as required under subsection F. Once the player has announced his intention to surrender, the
dealer shall immediately collect the wager from that player and collect the seven cards dealt to that player without
exposing the cards to anyone at the table. The dealer shall verify that seven cards were collected by counting them face
down on the layout prior to placing them in the discard rack.
F. After the dealer has set a High hand and a Low hand, the dealer shall expose both hands of each player,
starting from the right and proceeding counterclockwise around the table. The dealer shall compare the High and Low
hand of each player to the High and Low hand of the dealer and determine whether the Commission Free Pai Gow
Poker wager of that player wins, loses or is a tie.
G. If the dealer does not have a Tiger-9 hand, a Commission Free Pai Gow Poker wager loses if:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
i. The High hand of the player is lower in rank than the High hand of the dealer and the Low
hand of the player is lower in rank than the Low hand of the dealer.
ii. The High hand of the player is identical in rank to the High hand of the dealer or the Low
hand of the player is identical in rank to the Low hand of the dealer and the other hand of the player is identical
in rank or lower in rank than the other hand of the dealer.
iii. The High hand of the player was not set so as to rank equal to or higher than the Low hand of
that player.
iv. The two hands of the player were not otherwise set correctly in accordance with this chapter.
H. All losing Commission Free Pai Gow Poker wagers shall be immediately collected by the dealer and
put in the table inventory container. All losing Commission Free Pai Gow Poker hands shall also be collected.
i. The High hand of the player is higher in rank than the High hand of the dealer, but the Low
hand of the player is identical in rank to the Low hand of the dealer or lower in rank than the Low hand of the
ii. The High hand of the player is identical in rank to the High hand of the dealer or lower in rank
than the High hand of the dealer, but the Low hand of the player is higher in rank than the Low hand of the
iii. The Low hand of the dealer is played as a 9-high for a Tiger-9 hand, all player’s Commission
Free Pai Gow Poker wagers shall be considered a “push.”
J. If a Commission Free Pai Gow Poker wager is a tie the dealer shall neither pay nor take the
Commission Free Pai Gow Poker wager. All tie Commission Free Pai Gow Poker hands shall also be collected.
K. If the dealer does not have a Tiger-9 hand, a Commission Free Pai Gow Poker wager wins if the High
hand of the player is higher in rank than the High hand of the dealer and the Low hand of the player is higher in rank
than the Low hand of the dealer.
L. All hands that resulted in a winning Commission Free Pai Gow Poker wager shall remain face up on
the layout. Winning wagers shall be paid before continuing counterclockwise around the table.
M. A winning Commission Free Pai Gow Poker wager shall be paid off by the property at odds of 1 to
1. The dealer shall then collect the cards from that player.
N. All cards collected by the dealer shall be picked up in order and placed in the discard rack in such a
way that they can be readily arranged to reconstruct each hand in case of a question or dispute.
14. Fortune Bonus Wager; Envy Bonus; Tiger 9; Payout Odds; Payout Limitation.
A. The property may offer a player the option of placing a Fortune Bonus Wager on whether the player
will be dealt a hand type as set forth in subsection E. A player who makes a Qualifying Fortune Bonus Wager shall also
qualify to receive an Envy Bonus payout.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
B. Prior to the first card being dealt for each round of play, each player who has placed a wager in
accordance with § 7 (relating to wagers), may make a Fortune Bonus Wager by placing a value chip of at least $1 into
the separate area designated for that player. If a player makes a Qualifying Fortune Bonus Wager, the dealer shall place
an Envy lammer next to that player’s wager.
C. The dealer shall deal the cards in accordance with the dealing procedures in § 9 or § 10 (relating to
procedures for dealing the cards by hand and procedures for dealing the cards from an automated dealing shoe).
D. If a Fortune Bonus Wager has been made by one or more players, the dealer shall settle the Fortune
Bonus Wager first with the following modifications:
E. After the wagers of an individual player who had a Qualifying Hand have been settled, the dealer
shall, starting from the dealer’s right and moving counterclockwise around the table, settle with each player who has
an Envy Bonus lammer at the player’s betting position. If a player:
i. Has an Envy Bonus lammer, the dealer shall pay the player in accordance with subsection E
and collect the Envy Bonus lammer.
ii. Has a Fortune Bonus Wager and a Qualifying Hand, the dealer shall pay the winning Fortune
Bonus Wager in accordance with subsection E and place the cards of the player in the discard rack. Players are
entitled to multiple Envy Bonuses when another player at the same Commission Free Pai Gow Poker table is
the holder of an Envy Bonus; provided, however, that a player is not entitled to an Envy Bonus for his own
hand or the hand of the dealer.
iii. After all Envy Bonuses and Qualifying Hands have been paid, the dealer shall collect the cards
of any player who had a Qualifying Hand but did not place a Fortune Bonus Wager and shall place the cards
of the player in the discard rack.
F. The property shall pay out winning Fortune Bonus Wagers and Envy Bonus payouts at the amounts
contained in the following payout table:
G. Notwithstanding the payout odds in subsection E, the property may establish a maximum payout for a
winning Fortune Bonus Wager that is payable for one round of play. The maximum payout amount shall be at least
$50,000 or the maximum amount that one player could win per round when betting the minimum possible wager,
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 09/06/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 09/20/2017
whichever is greater. Any maximum payout limit established by a property shall apply only to Fortune Bonus Wagers
and does not apply to Envy Bonus payouts.
i. Prior to the first card being dealt for each round of play, each player who has placed a wager
in accordance with § 7 (relating to wagers), may make a Tiger 9 wager on a separate area
designated for that player.
ii. The Tiger 9 wager shall win anytime the dealer plays a 9-high in the low hand. Once the dealer
sets their hand in accordance with the House Ways, this wager will be settled for all players.
This wager shall be paid in accordance to payout odds listed in subsection iii.
iii. The Tiger 9 wager shall lose when the dealer plays any low hand that is not a 9-high. All
losing Tiger 9 wagers shall be collected and placed into the table inventory container. The
property shall pay all winning Tiger 9 wagers at the odds of 30 to 1.
A. In the occasion that a card is removed from the table, during a round of play, a supervisor has the
option to call the hand dead or allow the card to play if verified that the card had not been tampered with. If the dealer’s
card falls out of play the entire round of play can be called dead unless the card can be verified to have not been tampered
with and can be put back into play.
B. When cards are dealt starting in the wrong the wrong spot, the hand will be called dead and the round
of play will be re-dealt.
C. If a dice shaker is used and the dice land stacked, the dice shaker will be re-covered and re-shaken to
determine starting location.
D. If an automated card shuffling device is being used and the device jams, stops shuffling during a
shuffle, or fails to complete a shuffle cycle, the cards shall be reshuffled.
E. If there is a malfunction that occurs with the verification system, the property shall set its hand in
accordance with the House Ways, regardless of what the system states.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
1. Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. ZAPPIT Blackjack Table; Card Reader Device; Physical Characteristics; Inspections. .............................................. 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks; Value of Cards. .................................................................................................................... 3
4. Wagers........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Opening of Table for Gaming. ...................................................................................................................................... 4
6. Shuffle and Cut of the Cards. ........................................................................................................................................ 4
7. Procedure for Dealing Cards. ........................................................................................................................................ 5
8. Payment of Blackjack.................................................................................................................................................... 7
9. Insurance Wager............................................................................................................................................................ 7
10. Double Down Wager..................................................................................................................................................... 7
11. Splitting Pairs. ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
12. Drawing of Additional Cards by Players and the Dealer. ............................................................................................. 8
13. Player Wagering on More Than One Box ..................................................................................................................... 8
14. Continuous Shuffling Shoe or Device ........................................................................................................................... 9
15. Side Bets........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
16. Irregularities. ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Blackjack” means an ace and any card having a point value of 10 dealt as the initial two cards to a
player or a dealer.
B. “Card reader device” means a device which permits the dealer to determine if the dealer has a
C. “Cutting card” means a card which is opaque and in a solid color readily distinguishable from the
color of the backs and edges of the playing cards in use at a Blackjack table.
D. “Hard total” means the total point count of a hand which contains no aces or which contains aces
that are each counted as 1 in value.
E. “Soft total” means the total point count of a hand containing an ace when the ace is counted as 11 in
A. ZAPPIT Blackjack shall be played at a table having on one side places for the players and on the
opposite side a place for the dealer may have the following information on it:
ii. No more than seven specific areas designated for the placement of wagers.
iv. Dealer shall draw to all soft 17’s, stand on all hard 17’s and soft 18’s. Any exceptions will
be clearly marked on the gaming table in question.
v. Insurance pays 2 to 1.
vi. Player may exchange first two cards with a hard-total of 15, 16, 17 or 18.
B. Each ZAPPIT Blackjack table shall have a drop box and a tip box attached to it.
C. A ZAPPIT Blackjack table may have attached to it a card reader device, which permits the dealer to
determine if the dealer has a Blackjack in accordance with §7 (relating to procedure for dealing cards).
D. To collect the cards at the conclusion of a round of play, each ZAPPIT Blackjack table will have a
discard rack securely attached to the top of the dealer's side of the table where the height of each discard rack must
either be equal to or taller than the height of the cards, stacked one on top of the other, contained in the total number
of decks that are to be used in the dealing shoe at that table.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
A. ZAPPIT Blackjack shall be played with either 6 or 8 decks of cards. Except as otherwise provided in
subsections C and D, all decks of cards used for the play of ZAPPIT Blackjack shall be identical in appearance.
ZAPPIT Blackjack shall also be played with at least one cutting card.
iii. An ace shall have a value of eleven, unless that value would give a player or the dealer a score
in excess of 21, in which case, the ace shall have a value of one.
C. If an automated card shuffling device is utilized, ZAPPIT Blackjack shall be played with at least two
decks of cards in accordance with the following requirements:
i. The cards shall be separated into two batches, with an equal number of decks included in each
ii. The cards in each batch must be of the same design, but the backs of the cards in one batch
must be of a different color than the cards included in the other batch.
iii. One batch of cards shall be shuffled and stored in the automated card shuffling device while
the other batch is being dealt or used to play the game.
iv. Both batches of cards shall be continuously alternated in and out of play, with each batch being
used for every other dealing shoe.
v. The cards from only one batch shall be placed in the discard rack at any given time.
D. The decks of cards opened for use at a ZAPPIT Blackjack table shall be changed at least once every
24 hours.
4. Wagers.
A. Prior to the first card being dealt for each round of play, each player will make a wager against the
dealer. Side bets are considered optional wagers unless otherwise posted, at the property’s discretion.
i. The total value of the player’s hand is 21 or less and the total value of the dealer’s hand is in
excess of 22.
ii. The total value of the player’s hand exceeds the total value of the dealer’s hand without
exceeding 21.
iii. The player has a blackjack and the dealer’s hand has a total value of 21 in more than two cards.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
D. Except as otherwise provided in subsection B.iii, a wager made in accordance with this section shall
be void and returned to the player when the total value of the player’s hand is the same as the dealer’s provided,
however, that a player's wager shall be lost when the dealer has a Blackjack and the player’s hand has a total value of
21 which is not a Blackjack.
E. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no wager shall be made, increased or withdrawn after
the first card of the respective round has been dealt.
F. After each round of play is complete, the dealer shall collect all losing wagers and pay off all winning
wagers beginning with the player farthest to the right of the dealer and continuing counterclockwise around the table.
G. Winning wagers made in accordance with subsection B shall be paid at odds of 1 to 1 with the
exception of Blackjack, which shall be paid at odds of 3 to 2 or 6 to 5.
H. Once an Insurance Wager under §9 (relating to Insurance Wager), a Double Down Wager under §10
(relating to Double Down Wager) or a wager on split pairs has been made and confirmed by the dealer under §11
(relating to splitting pairs), a player may not handle, remove or alter the wagers until a decision has been rendered and
implemented with respect to that wager.
I. After the cards have been shuffled as required under § 5 (relating to opening of table for gaming), the
property may prohibit any person, whether seated at the gaming table or not, who does not make a wager on a given
round of play from placing a wager on the next round of play and any subsequent round of play at that gaming table
until either:
A. After receiving one or more decks of cards at the table, the dealer shall inspect the cards for any
i. Pre-shuffled cards shall be used in accordance with Section I – Table Games sub-section 32
Pre-Shuffled Cards (Shoes).
ii. If single decks are utilized, the front and backs of the cards shall be checked for any defects.
The cards shall then be turned face downward on the table, mixed thoroughly by a washing
of the cards and stacked.
B. If an automated shuffling device is utilized, all the decks in one batch of cards shall be spread for
inspection on the table separate from the decks in the other batch of cards.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
A. Immediately prior to commencement of play after any round of play as may be determined by a Table
Games Supervisor and after each shoe of cards is dealt, the dealer shall shuffle the cards so that they are randomly
B. After the cards have been shuffled, the dealer shall offer the stack of cards, with backs facing outward
to the players to be cut.
C. If no player accepts the cut, the dealer shall cut the cards.
D. The player shall cut the cards by placing the cutting card in the stack in accordance with standards
determined by the property.
E. Once the cutting card has been inserted by the player, the dealer shall take all cards above the cutting
card and place them on the bottom of the stack. The dealer shall then take the entire stack of cards that was just cut
and align them along the side of the dealing shoe. The cut card will be placed in the stack to indicate the last hand of
the shoe. The stack of cards shall then be inserted into the dealing shoe for commencement of play.
F. After the cards have been cut and before any cards have been dealt, a Table Games Supervisor or
above may require the cards to be recut if he determines that the cut was performed improperly or in any way that
might affect the integrity or fairness of the game.
G. A reshuffle of the cards in the shoe shall take place after the cutting card is reached in the shoe as
provided for in §7.K (relating to procedure for dealing cards) except that a Table Games Supervisor may determine
after each round of play that the cards should be reshuffled.
H. If there is no gaming activity at a ZAPPIT Blackjack table which is open for gaming, the cards may
be removed from the dealing shoe and the discard rack, at the property’s discretion, and spread out on the table for
inspection, either face up or face down.
i. If there is no automated shuffling device in use, the cards shall be stacked then shuffled and
cut in accordance with this section.
ii. If an automated shuffling device is in use, the cards shall be stacked and placed into the
automated shuffling device to be shuffled. The batch of cards already in the shuffler shall then be removed
unless a player requests the cards that are out are the first cards that are used.
(a) The automated card shuffling device stores a single batch of shuffled cards inside the
shuffler in a secure manner.
(b) The shuffled cards have been secured, released and prepared for play.
A. All cards used to play ZAPPIT Blackjack shall be dealt from a dealing shoe specifically designed for
that purpose.
B. After each full batch of cards is placed in the shoe, the dealer shall remove the first card and place it
in the discard rack. Each new dealer who comes to the table shall also remove one card and place it in the discard rack
before dealing any cards to the players. At the property’s discretion, a dealer may not burn a card.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
C. At the commencement of each round of play, the dealer shall, starting on his left and continuing
around the table, deal the cards in the following order:
i. One card face up to each box on the layout in which a wager is contained.
iv. A second card face down to himself, at which time his first card is exposed.
D. If the dealer's first card is an ace, king, queen, jack or 10 of any suit, the dealer shall determine whether
the hole card will give the dealer a Blackjack prior to dealing any additional cards to the players at the table. The dealer
shall insert the hole card into the card reader device by moving the card face down on the layout without exposing it
to anyone, including the dealer, at the table.
E. After the cards have been dealt, and if necessary, the procedure in subsection F has been executed,
beginning from the dealers left, the player shall indicate whether he wishes to double down as permitted under §10
(relating to doubling down), split pairs as permitted under §11 (relating to splitting pairs), stand or draw as permitted
under §12 (relating to drawing of additional cards by players and the dealer).
F. As each player indicates his decision(s), the dealer shall deal face upwards whatever additional cards
are necessary to effectuate the player’s decision consistent with this chapter.. The property may offer the option for a
player to request for a card to be dealt face down in instances of “doubling down”. The dealer will deal the card face
down during these instances.
G. After the decisions of each player have been implemented and all additional cards have been dealt;
the dealer shall turn the second card that was dealt to the dealer face upwards. Any additional cards required to be
dealt to the hand of the dealer under §12.B shall be dealt face upwards at this time.
H. At the conclusion of a round of play, all cards still remaining on the layout shall be picked up by the
dealer in order and in a way that the cards can be readily arranged to indicate each player's hand in case of question or
dispute. The dealer shall pick up the cards beginning with those of the player to his far right and moving
counterclockwise around the table. After all the players' cards have been collected the dealer shall pick up his cards
against the bottom of the players' cards and place them in the discard rack.
I. Whenever the cutting card is the first card in the dealing show at the beginning of a round of play or
is reached in the deal of the cards, the dealer may continue dealing the cards until that round of play is completed after
which the dealer shall:
ii. Remove the cards remaining in the shoe and place them in the discard rack.
J. Players and spectators may not remove or alter any cards used to play ZAPPIT Blackjack.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
K. Each player at the table shall be responsible for correctly computing the point count of his hand and
no player shall rely on the point counts announced by the dealer.
8. Payment of Blackjack.
A. If the first face up card dealt to the dealer is a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 and a player has Blackjack, the
dealer shall pay the Blackjack at odds of 3 to 2 or 6 to 5.
B. If the first face up card dealt to the dealer is an ace, king, queen, jack or 10 and a player has a
Blackjack; the dealer shall make no payment nor remove any cards until the dealer’s second card is known not to give
the dealer Blackjack. If the dealer's second card does not give the dealer Blackjack, play will continue and the player
having Blackjack shall be paid at odds of 3 to 2 or 6 to 5. If the dealer's second card gives him Blackjack, the wager
of the player having Blackjack shall be void and returned to the player.
9. Insurance Wager.
A. Whenever the first card dealt to the dealer is an ace, each player shall have the right to make an
Insurance Wager which shall win if the dealer’s second card is a king, queen, jack or 10 and shall lose if the dealer’s
second card is an ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
B. An Insurance Wager may be made by placing on the insurance line of the layout an amount not more
than half the amount staked on the player’s initial wager. A player may wager an amount in excess of half of the initial
wager to the next unit that can be wagered in chips, when because of the limitation of the value of chip denominations;
half the initial wager cannot be bet. Insurance Wagers shall be placed prior to the dealer inserting his hole card into
the card reader device.
D. Losing Insurance Wagers shall be collected by the dealer immediately after the dealer inserts his hole
card into the card reader device and determines that he does not have a Blackjack and before he draws any additional
A. Except for when a player has a Blackjack, a player may elect to make a Double Down Wager, which
may not exceed the amount of his original wager on the first two cards dealt to him or the first two cards of any split
pair except aces, on the condition that one and only one additional card shall be dealt to the hand on which the player
has elected to double down.
B. If a dealer obtains Blackjack after a player makes a Double Down Wager, the dealer shall only collect
the amount of the original wager of the player and shall not collect the additional Double Down Wager.
C. Upon a player’s election to make a Double Down Wager, the dealer shall deal the one additional card
face upwards, and placed sideways on the layout. Players may request the double down card to be dealt face down.
When the hand is over the dealer will turn-over the card dealt face down revealing the value and pay and take according
to round of play rules.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
A. Whenever the initial two cards dealt to a player are identical in value, the player may elect to split the
hand into two separate hands provided that he makes a wager on the second hand so formed in an amount equal to his
original wager. For example, if a player has two 7’s or a king and a 10, the player may elect to split the hand.
B. When a player splits pairs, the dealer shall deal a card to and complete the player's decisions with
respect to the first incomplete hand on the dealer's left before proceeding to deal any cards to the second hand.
C. After a second card is dealt to each split pair hand, the player shall indicate his decision to stand, draw
or double down with respect that hand except that: A player may split two more pair if the second card dealt is
identical in value to a card of the split pair, for a total of four hands. A player may split aces once for a total of two
hands with each ace receiving one card. When a 10 is drawn on a split ace the hand total is 21, not blackjack. When
an ace is drawn on a split 10 the hand total is soft 21.
D. If the dealer obtains Blackjack after a player splits pairs, the dealer shall only collect the amount of
the original wager of the player and may not collect the additional amount wagered in splitting pairs.
A. A player may elect to draw additional cards whenever his point count total is less than 21, except that:
ii. A player electing to make a Double Down Wager may draw only one additional card.
iii. A player splitting aces may only have one card dealt to each ace.
iv. Provided the dealer does not have a blackjack, players will have the option to “ZAP” their
hand and receive two new cards, provided they are dealt with their first two cards a hard
two-card total of 15, 16, 17, or 18.
(a) Players will indicate their intention to “Zap” their hand with a closed fist hand signal.
(b) A player may “Zap” their hand only once per hand.
(c) If a player “Zaps” their initial hand and is then dealt an Ace and a Ten/Face card, the
hand counts as an ordinary 21 (not a Blackjack) and will be paid even money if it
B. If a player “Zaps” their initial hand, all doubling and splitting is allowed except as provided in
subsection C, the dealer shall draw additional cards to a hard total of 17 or above or soft total of 18 or above, unless
specified on the layout that the dealer will stand on any 17.
C. A dealer shall draw no additional cards to the dealer’s hand, regardless of the point count, if decisions
have been made on all player's hands and the point count of the dealer's hand will have no effect on the outcome of
the round of play.
13. Player Wagering on More Than One Box. The property has the right to allow a single patron to play a
multiple number of adjacent boxes during one round of play. The property may require a specific minimum wager for multiple
bets, which may be different than the posted minimum.
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Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
14. Continuous Shuffling Shoe or Device. In lieu of the dealing and shuffling requirements set forth in §6 and
7 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards; and procedure for dealing cards), the property may utilize a dealing shoe or other
device designed to automatically reshuffle the cards.
A. “House Money.” House Money is a side bet for blackjack. Players win if their first two cards
make any of the following hands: (i) Ace-King Suited; (ii) Straight Flush; (iii) Pair; or (iv) Straight. Players
may immediately collect their winnings or they may apply them to their standard blackjack bet, giving them the
chance to play with “house money.”
i. Dealing Procedures.
(a) Players must make their standard blackjack wagers, and they may also make the
House Money side bet within the posted minimum/maximum. At the property’s discretion and when
posted, a side bet wager may be made mandatory prior to the first card being dealt for each round of
play. The dealer then follows the standard blackjack rules in accordance with Section J: Blackjack.
(b) The House Money wager is based on the player’s original two cards.
(a) If the dealer has an Ace or a 10 value showing, the dealer will check for blackjack
before paying winning House Money wagers.
(1) If the dealer has blackjack, the dealer will pay the winning House Money
bets, but the players will not have the option of adding their House Money side bet winnings
to their standard blackjack wagers.
(2) If the dealer does not have blackjack, the dealer will pay the House Money
wagers and then ask player if they want the proceeds (the win plus the original House Money
wager) given to them or added to their standard blackjack wagers. Players may elect to add
none or any percentage up to 100% of the House Money proceeds. Once all House Money
wagers have been resolved, the dealer will follow the standard blackjack rules in accordance
with Section J: Blackjack.
(b) If the dealer does not have an Ace or 10 value showing, the dealer will follow the
standard blackjack rules in accordance with Section J: Blackjack.
(c) If the player receives one of the winning House Money payouts, the player may
choose to “cap” their base blackjack wager by adding up to the entire amount paid (including the
original side bet wager) to their base blackjack wager. The entire wager will be considered their
blackjack wager. Thus, if the player eventually splits, the player must match the entire wager as
required in Section J: Blackjack. If the player doubles down, the player may match the entire wager or
may choose to double down for less as allowed in Section J: Blackjack. The player may also cap their
wager if the winning hand was a Blackjack (including Ace-King suited).
iii. Payable:
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
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Ace-King Suited 9 to 1
Straight Flush 4 to 1
Pair 3 to 1
Straight 1 to 1
Ace-King Suited 9 to 1
Straight Flush 5 to 1
Pair 3 to 1
Straight 1 to 1
(c) If player does not have a hand listed on the pay table, the dealer will collect the losing
House Money wager.
B. “Bet the Set.” Bet the Set is a side bet for blackjack. Players win if their original two cards make
any of the following hands: (i) Suited Pair; or (ii) Pair.
(a) Players must make their standard blackjack wagers, and they may also make the Bet
the Set side bet within the posted minimum/maximum. At the property’s discretion and when posted,
a side bet wager may be made mandatory prior to the first card being dealt for each round of play. The
dealer then follows the standard blackjack rules in accordance with Section J: Blackjack.
(b) The Bet the Set wager is based on the player’s first two cards.
(a) Once each player received two cards, the dealer settles all Bet the Set wagers as
(1) If the player does not have one of the hands listed on the pay table, the dealer
will collect the Bet the Set side wagers. In Blackjack games where the cards are dealt face
down, the Bet the Set wager shall be settled on a hand-to-hand basis, as the dealer goes from
left to right asking for decisions on the player’s hand in accordance with Section J: Blackjack.
(2) If the player’s first two cards are a Suited Pair or a Pair, the Bet the Set side
wager shall be paid in accordance with the posted pay table.
(3) Once the Bet the Set wagers are settled, the dealer will follow the standard
blackjack rules as stated in Section J: Blackjack.
iv. Payable:
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Suited Pair 15 to 1
Pair 10 to 1
C. “TriLux Bonus.” TriLux Bonus is a side bet for Blackjack. TriLux considers the first two cards the
player receives and the dealer’s up card. Players will win the side bet if their first two cards and the dealers
up card combine for any of the following hands: (i) Flush; (ii) Straight; (iii) Three of a Kind; or (iv) Straight
i. Dealing Procedures.
(a) Players must make their standard blackjack wagers, and they may also make the
TriLux side bet within the posted minimum/maximum. At the property’s discretion and when posted,
a side bet wager may be made mandatory prior to the first card being dealt for each round of play. The
dealer then follows the standard ZAPPIT blackjack rules in accordance with Section J: ZAPPIT
(b) The TriLux Bonus side wager is based off of the player’s original two cards, and the
dealer’s up card.
(a) Once each player and dealer have received two cards, the dealer settles all TriLux
Bonus wagers as follows:
(1) When the cards are dealt face up, the TriLux wagers will be settled
immediately after everyone receives their first two (2) cards and the dealer’s first two cards.
Winners will be paid and losing bets will be picked up in order of placement from the dealer’s
right to left. Then, normal blackjack play will resume.
(2) When the cards are dealt face down, the TriLux Bonus wagers will be settled
on a hand to hand basis, as the dealer goes from left to right asking for hit/stand determinations.
(b) If a player has more than one winning TriLux combination on a single hand, only the
highest ranking hand according to the pay table shall be paid.
(a) Lucky George is an additional payout that goes to the dealer toke pool. When the
player hits a corresponding hand, the dealer will get a payout as well.
iv. Paytable:
(a) On games where one, two, six or eight decks are being used:
Straight Flush 25 to 1
Three of a Kind 15 to 1
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
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Straight 10 to 1
Flush 5 to 1
(b) Lucky George Payout where one, two, six or eight decks are being used:
A. A card found turned face upwards in the shoe may not be used in the game and shall be placed in the
discard rack.
B. A card drawn in error without its face being exposed shall be used as though it were the next card
from the shoe.
C. After the initial two cards have been dealt to each player and a card is drawn in error by the dealer
and exposed to the players, the card shall be dealt to the players or dealer as though it were the next card from the
shoe. Any player refusing to accept the card shall not have any additional cards dealt to him during the round. If the
card is refused by the players and the dealer cannot use the card, the card shall be placed in the discard rack.
D. If the dealer has 17 or above and accidentally draws a card for himself, the card shall be placed in the
discard rack.
E. If the dealer misses dealing his first or second card to himself, the dealer shall continue dealing the
first two cards to each player, and then deal the appropriate number of cards to himself.
F. If there are insufficient cards remaining in the shoe to complete a round of play, all of the cards in the
discard rack shall be shuffled and cut according to the procedures outlined in §6 (relating to shuffle and cut of the
cards), the first card shall be drawn face down and placed in the discard rack, and the dealer shall complete the round
of play.
G. If no cards are dealt to a player's hand, the hand is dead and the player shall be included in the next
deal. If only one card is dealt to a player's hand, at the player's option, the dealer shall deal the second card to the player
after all other players have received a second card.
H. If after receiving the first two cards, the dealer fails to deal an additional card to a player who has
requested a card, then, at the player's option, the dealer shall either deal the additional card after all other players have
received their additional cards but prior to the dealer revealing his hole card, or call the player's hand dead and return
the player's original wager.
I. If the dealer inserts his hole card into a card reader device when the value of his first card is an ace,
king, queen, jack or 10 and
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i. Incorrectly reveals his second card when he does not have a Blackjack: the hand shall proceed
as normal with both dealers cards exposed after notification to a Table Games Supervisor.
ii. Fails to reveal Blackjack and proceeds with the hand as if he did not have a Blackjack; the
dealer will collect all losing bets leaving on the table all double downs and splits bets after notification to the
Table Games Supervisor.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
1. Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. JackJack Table; Card Reader Device; Physical Characteristics; Inspections. .............................................................. 2
3. Cards; Number of Decks; Value of Cards. .................................................................................................................... 3
4. Wagers........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Opening of Table for Gaming. ...................................................................................................................................... 4
6. Shuffle and Cut of the Cards. ........................................................................................................................................ 4
7. Procedure for Dealing Cards. ........................................................................................................................................ 5
8. Payment of Blackjack.................................................................................................................................................... 7
9. Insurance Wager............................................................................................................................................................ 7
10. Double Down Wager..................................................................................................................................................... 7
11. Splitting Pairs. ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
12. Drawing of Additional Cards by Players and the Dealer. ............................................................................................. 8
13. Player Wagering on More Than One Box ..................................................................................................................... 9
14. Continuous Shuffling Shoe or Device ........................................................................................................................... 9
15. Optional Side Bets......................................................................................................................................................... 9
16. Irregularities. ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A. “Blackjack” means an ace and any card having a point value of 10 dealt as the initial two cards to a
player or a dealer.
B. “Card reader device” means a device which permits the dealer to determine if the dealer has a
C. “Cutting card” means a card which is opaque and in a solid color readily distinguishable from the
color of the backs and edges of the playing cards in use at a JackJack table.
D. “Hard total” means the total point count of a hand which contains no aces or which contains aces
that are each counted as 1 in value.
E. “Soft total” means the total point count of a hand containing an ace when the ace is counted as 11
in value.
A. JackJack shall be played at a table having on one side places for the players and on the opposite side
a place for the dealer may have the following information on it:
ii. No more than seven specific areas designated for the placement of wagers.
iv. Dealer shall draw to all soft 17’s, stand on all hard 17’s and soft 18’s. Any exceptions will
be clearly marked on the gaming table in question.
v. Insurance pays 2 to 1.
B. Each JackJack table shall have a drop box and a tip box attached to it.
C. A JackJack table may have attached to it a card reader device, which permits the dealer to determine
if the dealer has a Blackjack in accordance with §7 (relating to procedure for dealing cards).
D. To collect the cards at the conclusion of a round of play, each JackJack table will have a discard rack
securely attached to the top of the dealer's side of the table where the height of each discard rack must either be equal
to or taller than the height of the cards, stacked one on top of the other, contained in the total number of decks that
are to be used in the dealing shoe at that table.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
A. JackJack shall be played with at least six or eight deck of cards. Except as otherwise provided in
subsections C and D, all decks of cards used for the play of JackJack shall be identical in appearance. JackJack shall
also be played with at least one cutting card.
iii. An ace shall have a value of eleven, unless that value would give a player or the dealer a
score in excess of 21, in which case, the ace shall have a value of one.
C. If an automated card shuffling device is utilized, JackJack shall be played with at least two decks of
cards in accordance with the following requirements:
i. The cards shall be separated into two batches, with an equal number of decks included in
each batch.
ii. The cards in each batch must be of the same design, but the backs of the cards in one batch
must be of a different color than the cards included in the other batch.
iii. One batch of cards shall be shuffled and stored in the automated card shuffling device while
the other batch is being dealt or used to play the game.
iv. Both batches of cards shall be continuously alternated in and out of play, with each batch
being used for every other dealing shoe.
v. The cards from only one batch shall be placed in the discard rack at any given time.
D. The decks of cards opened for use at a JackJack table shall be changed at least once every 24 hours.
4. Wagers.
A. Prior to the first card being dealt for each round of play, each player may make a wager against the
i. Side bets are considered optional wagers unless otherwise posted, at the property’s
i. The total value of the player’s hand is 21 or less and the total value of the dealer’s hand is in
excess of 21.
ii. The total value of the player’s hand exceeds the total value of the dealer’s hand without
exceeding 21.
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iii. The player has a blackjack and the dealer’s hand has a total value of 21 in more than two
C. Except as otherwise provided in subsection B.iii, a wager made in accordance with this section shall
be void and returned to the player when the total value of the player’s hand is the same as the dealer’s provided,
however, that a player's wager shall be lost when the dealer has a Blackjack and the player’s hand has a total value of
21 which is not a Blackjack.
D. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no wager shall be made, increased or withdrawn after
the first card of the respective round has been dealt.
E. After each round of play is complete, the dealer shall collect all losing wagers and pay off all
winning wagers beginning with the player farthest to the right of the dealer and continuing counterclockwise around
the table.
F. Winning wagers made in accordance with subsection B shall be paid at odds of 1 to 1 with the
exception of Blackjack, which shall be paid at odds of 2 to 1, 3 to 2, or 1 to 1 in accordance with Section 8. Payment
of Blackjack.
G. Once an Insurance Wager under §9 (relating to Insurance Wager), a Double Down Wager under §10
(relating to Double Down Wager) or a wager on split pairs has been made and confirmed by the dealer under §11
(relating to splitting pairs), a player may not handle, remove or alter the wagers until a decision has been rendered
and implemented with respect to that wager.
H. After the cards have been shuffled as required under § 5 (relating to opening of table for gaming),
the property may prohibit any person, whether seated at the gaming table or not, who does not make a wager on a
given round of play from placing a wager on the next round of play and any subsequent round of play at that gaming
table until either:
A. After receiving one or more decks of cards at the table, the dealer shall inspect the cards for any
i. Pre-shuffled cards shall be used in accordance with Section I – Table Games sub-section 32
Pre-Shuffled Cards (Shoes).
ii. If single decks are utilized, the front and backs of the cards shall be checked for any
defects. The cards shall then be turned face downward on the table, mixed thoroughly by a
washing of the cards and stacked.
B. If an automated shuffling device is utilized, all the decks in one batch of cards shall be spread for
inspection on the table separate from the decks in the other batch of cards.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
A. Immediately prior to commencement of play after any round of play as may be determined by a
Table Games Supervisor and after each shoe of cards is dealt, the dealer shall shuffle the cards so that they are
randomly intermixed.
B. After the cards have been shuffled, the dealer shall offer the stack of cards, with backs facing
outward to the players to be cut.
C. If no player accepts the cut, the dealer shall cut the cards.
D. The player shall cut the cards by placing the cutting card in the stack in accordance with standards
determined by the property.
E. Once the cutting card has been inserted by the player, the dealer shall take all cards above the
cutting card and place them on the bottom of the stack. The dealer shall then take the entire stack of cards that was
just cut and align them along the side of the dealing shoe. The cut card will be placed in the stack to indicate the last
hand of the shoe. The stack of cards shall then be inserted into the dealing shoe for commencement of play.
F. After the cards have been cut and before any cards have been dealt, a Table Games Supervisor or
above may require the cards to be recut if he determines that the cut was performed improperly or in any way that
might affect the integrity or fairness of the game.
G. A reshuffle of the cards in the shoe shall take place after the cutting card is reached in the shoe as
provided for in §7.K (relating to procedure for dealing cards) except that a Table Games Supervisor may determine
after each round of play that the cards should be reshuffled.
H. If there is no gaming activity at a JackJack table which is open for gaming, the cards may be
removed from the dealing shoe and the discard rack, at the property’s discretion, and spread out on the table for
inspection, either face up or face down.
i. If there is no automated shuffling device in use, the cards shall be stacked then shuffled and
cut in accordance with this section.
ii. If an automated shuffling device is in use, the cards shall be stacked and placed into the
automated shuffling device to be shuffled. The batch of cards already in the shuffler shall then be removed
unless a player requests the cards that are out are the first cards that are used.
(a) The automated card shuffling device stores a single batch of shuffled cards inside
the shuffler in a secure manner.
(b) The shuffled cards have been secured, released and prepared for play.
A. All cards used to play JackJack shall be dealt from a dealing shoe specifically designed for that
B. After each full batch of cards is placed in the shoe, the dealer shall remove the first card and place it
in the discard rack. Each new dealer who comes to the table shall also remove one card and place it in the discard
rack before dealing any cards to the players. At the property’s discretion, a dealer may not burn a card.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
C. At the commencement of each round of play, the dealer shall, starting on his left and continuing
around the table, deal the cards in the following order:
i. One card face up to each box on the layout in which a wager is contained.
iv. A second card face down to himself, at which time his first card is exposed.
D. If the dealer's first card is an ace, king, queen, jack or 10 of any suit, the dealer shall determine
whether the hole card will give the dealer a Blackjack prior to dealing any additional cards to the players at the table.
The dealer shall insert the hole card into the card reader device by moving the card face down on the layout without
exposing it to anyone, including the dealer, at the table.
E. After the cards have been dealt, and if necessary, the procedure in subsection F has been executed,
beginning from the dealers left, the player shall indicate whether he wishes to double down as permitted under §10
(relating to doubling down), split pairs as permitted under §11 (relating to splitting pairs), stand or draw as permitted
under §12 (relating to drawing of additional cards by players and the dealer).
F. As each player indicates his decision(s), the dealer shall deal face upwards whatever additional
cards are necessary to effectuate the player’s decision consistent with this chapter.. The property may offer the
option for a player to request for a card to be dealt face down in instances of “doubling down”. The dealer will deal
the card face down during these instances.
G. After the decisions of each player have been implemented and all additional cards have been dealt;
the dealer shall turn the second card that was dealt to the dealer face upwards. Any additional cards required to be
dealt to the hand of the dealer under §12.B shall be dealt face upwards at this time.
H. At the conclusion of a round of play, all cards still remaining on the layout shall be picked up by the
dealer in order and in a way that the cards can be readily arranged to indicate each player's hand in case of question
or dispute. The dealer shall pick up the cards beginning with those of the player to his far right and moving
counterclockwise around the table. After all the players' cards have been collected the dealer shall pick up his cards
against the bottom of the players' cards and place them in the discard rack.
I. Whenever the cutting card is the first card in the dealing show at the beginning of a round of play or
is reached in the deal of the cards, the dealer may continue dealing the cards until that round of play is completed
after which the dealer shall:
ii. Remove the cards remaining in the shoe and place them in the discard rack.
J. Players and spectators may not remove or alter any cards used to play Blackjack.
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K. Each player at the table shall be responsible for correctly computing the point count of his hand and
no player shall rely on the point counts announced by the dealer.
8. Payment of Blackjack.
A. If the first face up card dealt to the dealer is a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 and a player has Blackjack, the
dealer shall pay the Blackjack at odds based on the player’s two card color combination:
iii. Blackjack consisting of one black and one red card shall pay 1 to 1.
B. If the first face up card dealt to the dealer is an ace, king, queen, jack or 10 and a player has a
Blackjack; the dealer shall make no payment nor remove any cards until the dealer’s second card is known not to
give the dealer Blackjack. If the dealer's second card does not give the dealer Blackjack, play will continue and the
player having Blackjack shall be paid at odds in accordance with subsection A. If the dealer's second card gives him
Blackjack, the wager of the player having Blackjack shall be void and returned to the player.
9. Insurance Wager.
A. Whenever the first card dealt to the dealer is an ace, each player shall have the right to make an
Insurance Wager which shall win if the dealer’s second card is a king, queen, jack or 10 and shall lose if the dealer’s
second card is an ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
B. An Insurance Wager may be made by placing on the insurance line of the layout an amount not
more than half the amount staked on the player’s initial wager. A player may wager an amount in excess of half of
the initial wager to the next unit that can be wagered in chips, when because of the limitation of the value of chip
denominations; half the initial wager cannot be bet. Insurance Wagers shall be placed prior to the dealer inserting his
hole card into the card reader device.
D. Losing Insurance Wagers shall be collected by the dealer immediately after the dealer inserts his
hole card into the card reader device and determines that he does not have a Blackjack and before he draws any
additional cards.
A. Except for when a player has a Blackjack, a player may elect to make a Double Down Wager,
which may not exceed the amount of his original wager on the first two cards dealt to him or the first two cards of
any split pair except aces, on the condition that one and only one additional card shall be dealt to the hand on which
the player has elected to double down.
B. If a dealer obtains Blackjack after a player makes a Double Down Wager, the dealer shall only
collect the amount of the original wager of the player and shall not collect the additional Double Down Wager.
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C. Upon a player’s election to make a Double Down Wager, the dealer shall deal the one additional
card face upwards, and placed sideways on the layout. Players may request the double down card to be dealt face
down. When the hand is over the dealer will turn-over the card dealt face down revealing the value and pay and take
according to round of play rules.
D. The property may elect to offer different Double Down Wager rules on double deck and single deck
JackJack games. These rules will be clearly posted at each double deck and/or single deck JackJack game.
A. Whenever the initial two cards dealt to a player are identical in value, the player may elect to split
the hand into two separate hands provided that he makes a wager on the second hand so formed in an amount equal
to his original wager. For example, if a player has two 7’s or a king and a 10, the player may elect to split the hand.
B. When a player splits pairs, the dealer shall deal a card to and complete the player's decisions with
respect to the first incomplete hand on the dealer's left before proceeding to deal any cards to the second hand.
C. After a second card is dealt to each split pair hand, the player shall indicate his decision to stand,
draw or double down with respect that hand except that: A player may split two more pair if the second card dealt is
identical in value to a card of the split pair, for a total of four hands. A player may split aces once for a total of two
hands with each ace receiving one card. When a 10 is drawn on a split ace the hand total is 21, not blackjack.
When an ace is drawn on a split 10 the hand total is soft 21.
D. If the dealer obtains Blackjack after a player splits pairs, the dealer shall only collect the amount of
the original wager of the player and may not collect the additional amount wagered in splitting pairs.
E. The property may elect to offer different split rules on double deck and single deck JackJack games.
These rules will be clearly posted at each double deck and/or single deck JackJack game.
A. A player may elect to draw additional cards whenever his point count total is less than 21, except
ii. A player electing to make a Double Down Wager may draw only one additional card.
iii. A player splitting aces may only have one card dealt to each ace.
B. Except as provided in subsection C, the dealer shall draw additional cards to a hard total of 17 or
above or soft total of 18 or above, unless specified on the layout that the dealer will stand on any 17.
C. A dealer shall draw no additional cards to the dealer’s hand, regardless of the point count, if
decisions have been made on all player's hands and the point count of the dealer's hand will have no effect on the
outcome of the round of play.
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Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
13. Player Wagering on More Than One Box. The property has the right to allow a single patron to play a
multiple number of adjacent boxes during one round of play. The property may require a specific minimum wager for
multiple bets, which may be different than the posted minimum.
14. Continuous Shuffling Shoe or Device. In lieu of the dealing and shuffling requirements set forth in §6
and 7 (relating to shuffle and cut of the cards; and procedure for dealing cards), the property may utilize a dealing shoe or
other device designed to automatically reshuffle the cards.
A. “House Money.” House Money is a side bet for JackJack. Players win if their first two cards
make any of the following hands: (i) Ace-King Suited; (ii) Straight Flush; (iii) Pair; or (iv) Straight. Players
may immediately collect their winnings or they may apply them to their standard bet, giving them the chance
to play with “house money.”
i. Dealing Procedures.
(a) Players must make their standard wagers, and they may also make the House
Money side bet within the posted minimum/maximum. At the property’s discretion and when posted,
a side bet wager may be made mandatory prior to the first card being dealt for each round of play.
The dealer then follows the standard rules in accordance with Section J A 20: JackJack .
(b) The House Money wager is based on the player’s first two cards.
(a) If the dealer has an Ace or a 10 value showing, the dealer will check for blackjack
before paying winning House Money wagers.
(1) If the dealer has blackjack, the dealer will pay the winning House Money
bets, but the players will not have the option of adding their House Money side bet winnings
to their standard wagers.
(2) If the dealer does not have blackjack, the dealer will pay the House Money
wagers and then ask player if they want the proceeds (the win plus the original House
Money wager) given to them or added to their standard JackJack wagers. Players may elect
to add none or any percentage up to 100% of the House Money proceeds. Once all House
Money wagers have been resolved, the dealer will follow the standard rules in accordance
with Section J A 20: JackJack .
(b) If the dealer does not have an Ace or 10 value showing, the dealer will follow the
standard rules in accordance with Section J A 20: JackJack .
(c) If the player receives one of the winning House Money payouts, the player may
choose to “cap” their base wager by adding up to the entire amount paid (including the original side
bet wager) to their base wager. The entire wager will be considered their JackJack wager. Thus, if the
player eventually splits, the player must match the entire wager as required in Section J A 20:
JackJack. If the player doubles down, the player may match the entire wager or may choose to
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
double down for less as allowed in Section J A 20: JackJack. The player may also cap their wager if
the winning hand was a Blackjack (including Ace-King suited).
iii. Payable:
Ace-King Suited 9 to 1
Straight Flush 4 to 1
Pair 3 to 1
Straight 1 to 1
Ace-King Suited 9 to 1
Straight Flush 5 to 1
Pair 3 to 1
Straight 1 to 1
(b) If player does not have a hand listed on the pay table, the dealer will collect the
losing House Money wager.
B. “Bet the Set.” Bet the Set is a side bet for JackJack. Players win if their first two cards make any of
the following hands: (i) Suited Pair; or (ii) Pair.
i. Dealing Procedures.
(a) Players must make their standard wagers, and they may also make the Bet the Set
side bet within the posted minimum/maximum. At the property’s discretion and when posted, a side
bet wager may be made mandatory prior to the first card being dealt for each round of play. The
dealer then follows the standard rules in accordance with Section J A 20: JackJack .
(b) The Bet the Set wager is based on the player’s first two cards.
(a) Once each player received two cards, the dealer settles all Bet the Set wagers as
(1) If the player does not have one of the hands listed on the pay table, the
dealer will collect the Bet the Set side wagers. In JackJack games where the cards are dealt
face down, the Bet the Set wager shall be settled on a hand-to-hand basis, as the dealer goes
from left to right asking for decisions on the player’s hand in accordance with Section J A
20: JackJack.
(2) If the player’s first two cards are a Suited Pair or a Pair, the Bet the Set side
wager shall be paid in accordance with the posted pay table.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
(3) Once the Bet the Set wagers are settled, the dealer will follow the standard
rules as stated in Section J A 20: JackJack.
iii. Payable:
Pair 15 to 1
Suited Pair 25 to 1
Pair 10 to 1
Suited Pair 15 to 1
Pair 10 to 1
C. “TriLux Bonus.” TriLux Bonus is a side bet for JackJack. TriLux considers the first two cards the
player receives and the dealer’s up card. Players will win the side bet if their first two cards and the dealers
up card combine for any of the following hands: (i) Flush; (ii) Straight; (iii) Three of a Kind; or (iv) Straight
i. Dealing Procedures.
(a) Players must make their standard wagers, and they may also make the TriLux side
bet within the posted minimum/maximum. At the property’s discretion and when posted, a side bet
wager may be made mandatory prior to the first card being dealt for each round of play. The dealer
then follows the standard rules in accordance with Section J A 20: JackJack.
(b) The TriLux Bonus side wager is based off of the player’s first two cards, and the
dealer’s up card.
(a) Once each player and dealer have received two cards, the dealer settles all TriLux
Bonus wagers as follows:
(1) When the cards are dealt face up, the TriLux wagers will be settled
immediately after everyone receives their first two (2) cards and the dealer’s first two cards.
Winners will be paid and losing bets will be picked up in order of placement from the
dealer’s right to left. Then, normal JackJack play will resume.
(2) When the cards are dealt face down, the TriLux Bonus wagers will be
settled on a hand to hand basis, as the dealer goes from left to right asking for hit/stand
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
(b) If a player has more than one winning TriLux combination on a single hand, only
the highest ranking hand according to the pay table shall be paid.
(a) Lucky George is an additional payout that goes to the dealer toke pool. When the
player hits a corresponding hand, the dealer will get a payout as well.
iv. Paytable:
(a) On games where one, two, six, or eight decks are being used:
Straight Flush 25 to 1
Three of a Kind 15 to 1
Straight 10 to 1
Flush 5 to 1
(b) Lucky George Payout where one, two, six, or eight decks are being used:
16. Irregularities.
A. A card found turned face upwards in the shoe may not be used in the game and shall be placed in
the discard rack.
B. A card drawn in error without its face being exposed shall be used as though it were the next card
from the shoe.
C. After the initial two cards have been dealt to each player and a card is drawn in error by the dealer
and exposed to the players, the card shall be dealt to the players or dealer as though it were the next card from the
shoe. Any player refusing to accept the card shall not have any additional cards dealt to him during the round. If the
card is refused by the players and the dealer cannot use the card, the card shall be placed in the discard rack.
D. If the dealer has 17 or above and accidentally draws a card for himself, the card shall be placed in
the discard rack.
E. If the dealer misses dealing his first or second card to himself, the dealer shall continue dealing the
first two cards to each player, and then deal the appropriate number of cards to himself.
F. If there are insufficient cards remaining in the shoe to complete a round of play, all of the cards in
the discard rack shall be shuffled and cut according to the procedures outlined in §6 (relating to shuffle and cut of the
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (the “Commission”): 07/05/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: 07/19/2017
cards), the first card shall be drawn face down and placed in the discard rack, and the dealer shall complete the round
of play.
G. If no cards are dealt to a player's hand, the hand is dead and the player shall be included in the next
deal. If only one card is dealt to a player's hand, at the player's option, the dealer shall deal the second card to the
player after all other players have received a second card.
H. If after receiving the first two cards, the dealer fails to deal an additional card to a player who has
requested a card, then, at the player's option, the dealer shall either deal the additional card after all other players
have received their additional cards but prior to the dealer revealing his hole card, or call the player's hand dead and
return the player's original wager.
I. If the dealer inserts his hole card into a card reader device when the value of his first card is an ace,
king, queen, jack or 10 and
i. Incorrectly reveals his second card when he does not have a Blackjack: the hand shall
proceed as normal with both dealers cards exposed after notification to a Table Games Supervisor.
ii. Fails to reveal Blackjack and proceeds with the hand as if he did not have a Blackjack; the
dealer will collect all losing bets leaving on the table all double downs and splits bets after notification to the
Table Games Supervisor.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (“Commission”): 11/01/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: ____________________
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (“Commission”): 11/01/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: ____________________
1. Physical Characteristics.
A. Synergy/Stadium Games is defined as the Interblock Stadium Table Games product. The
Synergy/Stadium Games will not be equipped with a chip tray as no live wagers shall be placed or paid
from the table.
B. Synergy/Stadium Games offers Player Game Interface (“PGI”) stations for patrons to place wagers on
both Dealer operated games (dealt by a live Dealer) and electronically operated (without Dealer present):
1. Dealer operated games, which may also operate electronically without a Dealer present:
(a) Mini-Baccarat (including side wagers); and
(b) Blackjack (including side wagers).
2. Games offered that only operate electronically:
(a) Roulette; and
(b) Craps.
C. Dealers will be on an elevated platform during Dealer operated play. The Dealer will utilize the Dealer
Interface Screen (“DIS”). The Dealer operated games will be equipped with an automated shuffling
device or a continuous shuffling device (a dealing shoe or other device designed to automatically
reshuffle the cards). The shuffling device utilized will have card recognition. The DIS will display to the
Dealer the sequence of cards to be dealt, and the Dealer only deals cards as prescribed by the DIS.
D. Synergy/Stadium games will be serviced and maintained by the Slot Operations and IT teams.
E. An existing Table Games pit podium will be used to keep new and used cards, as well as store any
equipment needed in the pit. Cards will be transported by a Table Games Supervisor or above to the
elevated platform as needed to open the game for Dealer operated play, transported from the elevated
platform when the game is closed, and otherwise to and from in order to replace cards damaged during
game play.
2. Method of Play.
A. Method of play for Dealer operated Blackjack: The Dealer will draw cards as prescribed by the DIS,
using card recognition to determine cards to be dealt and whether the Dealer will hit or stay. Once the
Dealer’s hand has reached its conclusion, either by making a hand of hard 17 or above or soft total of 18
or above, the wagers shall be automatically settled and displayed on the PGI.
B. Method of play for Dealer operated Mini-Baccarat: The Dealer will draw cards as prescribed by the DIS,
using card recognition to determine cards to be dealt and whether the Dealer will hit or stay. Once the
Dealer has concluded the dealing of the Player and Banker hand based on the internal controls for
Mini/Midi-Baccarat Section 11. Rules for Determining Whether a Third Card Shall be Dealt, the wagers
shall be automatically settled and displayed on the PGI.
C. During Dealer operated games, the Dealer will use a maximum of 8 decks, and may either use an
automated shuffling device, continuous shuffling device, or hand shuffle to then load into a shuffling
device. The Dealer will only deal cards as prescribed by the DIS.
3. Player Gaming Interface Station.
Date Submitted to the Ohio Casino Control Commission (“Commission”): 11/01/2017
Date Approved by the Commission: ____________________
A. The PGI utilizes touch screen monitors for patrons to place their wagers on either Dealer operated, or
electronic operated games.
B. Patron buy-ins will be conducted via cash or TITO tickets inserted into the bill validator. Buy-ins shall
not be conducted with a Table Games Dealer.
C. PGI bill validators will be dropped in accordance with the designated slot drop schedule as established in
the Cage internal controls.
D. Any applicable jackpot or manual payouts will be processed by a Slot Attendant or above. Gratuities
provided by patrons on jackpots or manual payouts will be distributed to the slot team in accordance with
Tips & Gratuity internal control standards.
E. Gratuities provided by patrons on the PGI or in the Table Games Dealer’s toke box will be distributed to
the Table Games Dealers in accordance with Tips & Gratuity internal control standards.
4. Irregularities.
A. A misdeal will result in a hand being voided, and all bets shall remain for the next hand. A Table Games
Dealer may void the hand through the DIS with prior notification to a Table Games Supervisor or above.
A Table Games Supervisor or above will only leave a pit area to respond to an irregularity if the pit area
is still able to maintain minimum required oversight, as prescribed in Table Games internal controls
section 24. Table Games Pit Areas and Supervision; otherwise, a Table Games Assistant Shift Manager or
above will respond to a game irregularity.