Streamline English 2 Connections Teacher S Edition PDF
Streamline English 2 Connections Teacher S Edition PDF
Streamline English 2 Connections Teacher S Edition PDF
Contents Introduction
Units 1 -8 0
Irregular verbs
The pre-intermediate level Pacing and integration
V erbs b e/h a v e-P resen t/P ast
There islarelzvaslwere
Im peratives
Sim ple Present
Present Continuous
Sim ple Past -regular/irregular
Past Continuous
going to do
Present Perfect - regular/irregular
+just /already Ifor Isincelyet
10 Auxiliary verbs: canlcouldlmustlneed
11 Q uestion words: W ho?IW here?IW hat?/W hose?I
W hy?/W hen?/How?
12 Personal Pronouns: l/metmy/mine/’s, etc.
13 A djectives - comparative/superlative -
14 Adverbs of manner: quickly /well, etc.
Adverbs of frequency: oftenlsom etim eslnever, etc.
15 Prepositions of place/time/movement
1(6 Mass and U nit: а /some/any /much/many la lot o f la few I
a littleInot enough! oneloneslalllbothlneitherlnone
17 The time/days/dates/seasons/numbers/points of
The four skills
а Listening
Correct the Statem ent, and Pair W ork are all used to
provide this kind of language activity.
4 Transfer. W henever possible the student is
encouraged to use the new ly-acquired language in
In Streamline English Connections the listening activities
а for the student are:
some way m eaningful to him/her. The degree of real
com m unication that takes place is of course lim ited by
1 Listening to the teacher. The teacher from the the nature of the classroom environm ent. However, by
setting up sim ulated situations we hope to give the
з outset will provide the most im portant model on which
the student will base his/her own language behaviour. student practice in generating the language necessary
The teacher should speak English at a speed to cope w ith real com municative situations.
, consistent w ith normal stress, rhythm and intonation
з patterns, 'Teacher-speak' should be avoided, however
great the tem ptations. It may help the students to Reading
understand the teacher, but not to understand In Streamline English Connections the reading activities
з authentic English. for the student are:
2 Listening to recorded v oices. The obvious 1 Reading from the board. The teacher will often
advantage of exposing the student to a variety of voices feel it useful and necessary to write up language
ч is that in any authentic situation the student will have
to cope w ith such variety. The talented teacher can
models, vocabulary item s, grammar sum m aries, etc.
2 Reading everything that appears in the
often role-play a variety of voices, but it is always student's book. This will include dialogues, texts,
second best.
а 3 L istening to fellow students. There are certainly
letters, form s, charts, signs, instructions, and
exercises. However, the student's book does not
risks in such activities as pair-work and role-playing in include linguistic descriptions either of the traditional
а that the students may be exposed to im perfect language
models. We feel that the advantages far outweigh the
disadvantages. The risks can be m inim ized by
gramm atical kind (the present perfect progressive, the
passive, etc.) or of the functional type (inquiring about
intention, expressing gratitude, etc.). Such
ensuring that the speech models have been thoroughly descriptions can be of value to the teacher and are
i practised in a controlled setting before em barking on confined to the teacher's book. They may be confusing
less controlled activity. to the students and we would not recom m end exposing
4 Listening to him self/herself. This activity is a the students to them.
1 much underrated one. The student should be
constantly encouraged to compare his/her own speech
Like listening, reading is a receptive skill. It
would normally occur after listening and speaking in
w ith that of accurate models. This can be done by the sequence of learning a language.
constant m onitoring by the teacher in the classroom
1 and in the laboratory, or by the student himself/herself
Reading silently (or aloud) does not help the
student to speak, but nevertheless serves a useful
in the laboratory. purpose in the learning sequence even w hen the major
aim is oral ability. Reading can help to reinforce and fix
I in the mem ory what has already been heard and
Speaking practised orally.
In Stream line English Connections the speaking activities Moreover, the student gets a sense of satisfaction
I for the student are: and achievem ent from reading. The silent reading
1 Selective repetition of model utterances. These phases also serve the practical purpose of providing
model utterances are first presented by the teacher or oases of calm in the general hurly-burly of an active
I by voices on tape and the student is encouraged to language lesson. These give both the students and the
teacher tim e to reflect and to gather their thoughts.
approxim ate as closely as possible to the model. Choral
Г repetition has the advantage of m axim izing the
I amount of language practice for the class as a whole and
makes the individual student feel less conspicuous. W riting
Individual repetition enables the teacher to check the In Streamline English Connections the w riting activities
accuracy of the students. for the student are:
2 M anipulative Drills. These drills are designed 1 Copying from the board. The student may be
to give the student practice in the accurate form ation of asked to copy language m odels, vocabulary item s,
language patterns. Such practice is an essential step grammar sum m aries, etc.
towards the ultimate goal of creative speaking. The 2 Exercises. These appear in the student's book
student m ust be able to say what he wants w hen he and fulfil a num ber of purposes. They reinforce and
wants to say it. consolidate what has been heard, said, and seen. They
Using Streamline English
Connections in the classroom
also give the teacher useful feed-back. The exercises are The teacher's book provides very full lesson plans for
so designed that they form a summary of the focal each unit. The precise num bering system enables exact
points of the lesson. They can be done orally first and reference to be made to specific lesson phases. This will
then w ritten either in class or for homework. In the case prove useful w here the course is shared betw een two or
of fill-in exercises students should write out the more teachers. Throughout the notes speeches by the
complete sentences. These fill-in exercises in the teacher, the class in chorus, and individual students
student's book are indicated by a convention of three are introduced by the letters T, С and S respectively.
d o ts(. . . ) and it is recom m ended that the students The instructions to the teacher may often seem
w rite these exercises in a separate book rather than in rather terse or abrupt. We say "D o th is !" rather than
the text. "T h is is a possible method of exploitation which may
3 Guided C om positions. The com positions in be found u sefu l." This is because of space available and
Stream line English Connections are freer than those in to indicate clearly and econom ically the transitions
Streamline English D epartures, but are guided to the from one phase to another. O bviously, many teachers
extent that the student is always presented w ith a will w ish to exploit the material in their own teaching
model on which to base his/her com position. styles. Various standard instructions are given in the
4 Com prehension Q uestions. At frequent teacher's notes on each unit, and there follows an
intervals throughout the course com prehension explanation of each of th ese.
questions appear in the student's book. These should
always be done orally but, at the discretion of the 1 Briefly revise the previous lesson
teacher, can be used to provide w ritten reinforcem ent. This phase at the beginning of a new lesson enables the
5 Dictation. Formal dictation phases are not teacher to check and reinforce the teaching points of the
suggested in the teacher's book. Individual teachers, previous lesson before m oving on to new material. A
how ever, may occasionally feel the need to include a few questions related to the material of the previous
short dictation phase. N othing should be dictated lesson or transferred to the students' own experience
unless it has already been heard, said, and seen. would usually be suitable.
2 Classroom set
The target language is always introduced in context.
This context usually takes the form of an illustrated
dialogue or text in the student's book. Som etim es,
how ever, the classroom situation itself seems to
provide a more appropriate context in which to present
a new structure for the first time. W hen such a classroom
set is used, the material in the student's book provides
further contextualization and consolidation.
а. 2 Telephoning Numbers
The alphabet
All right. Goodbye.
I'd like (to do it).
Thanks. Right.
E veryday conversation Trying to connect you. Hold on.
а N um ber, please.
Sim ple Past It's tim e f o r . . . .
Present Perfect H ere's the (result).
а 6 M onday morning
question form + negative
а 9 At the chemist’s
Everyday conversation
Can I help you?
Could I have a . . .?
Thank you very much.
а It doesn't really matter.
10 Lord Worth I want (it). A nything else? That's all.
I w ant to (do) it. Come in!
I want (you) to (do) it. Sorry!
а 12 A science fiction
Revision & consolidation
13 It's much It's too (hot) for (me) to (drink). Hurry up!
too hot! It's (cool) enough for (me) to (drink). Porter!
I'm not (strong) enough to (lift it). Taxi!
I'm too (weak) to lift it).
Unit Main teaching point Expressions
15 Army Careers You'll have to (do it) + question form Sit down.
Office + negative Sh u tup.
I've never had to (do it).
17 Australia House You'll be able to (do it) + question form Take a seat.
+ negative
18 Cheques and Dealing w ith cheques and credit cards I'm not sure. Let me see.
credit Next please.
E veryday conversation Will that be all right?
That'll be all right.
21 A day off work Revision & consolidation H ow are you? Fine, than ks.
W hat's the problem?
23 Four disasters Revision: Sim ple Past and Past Progressive Hi!
25 Travelling by May I (see it), please? Here it is. Here you are.
air That's fine.
E veryday conversation Follow me. Excuse me.
26 I've cut myself! myself, yourself, him self, herself, itself Ow! Let me see (it).
ourselves, yourselves, them selves Don't be (a baby)!
Be careful!
C ongratulations!
I'm not/I am
40 I've been I've/He's been (doing it) for (a long time) Is (he) in?
+ question form + negative
41 A court case Relatives (2): H e's the (man) (I saw). Are you absolutely sure?
43 How long? How long have you been (doing it)? Fill it up.
How much? How much have you (done)?
48 The weather It may/may not (rain). It's a long way. It isn 't too far.
forecast W hat will the weather be like in (Scotland)? That's no problem.
. . . during (the m orning). . . . by phone.
Unit Main teaching point Expressions
76 But you s a id . . . Reported Speech - extension & consolidation I can recommend it highly.
One moment.
You were quite right.
I'm really terribly sorry.
1 A ll A board!
21 Drill: Continue: 3 6 T : Have they been to Gibraltar? S'. Yes, they have.
T: you Mary T:Have theybeen to Alexandria? S: No, they haven't, etc.
T : What do you do? they PairWork. Students ask ea c h other:H ave they been t o . . .?
T : Mary she
T : What does Mary do? John andMary 3 7 T : When did they go to Gibraltar?
T : you he S ’.They went there on Saturday.
C'.What do you do? you PairWork. Students ask ea c h other :When did they g oto . . .?
2 7 Drill: Continue:
T: drink biscuit
T: Would you like another drink? cup of tea
T : biscuit cup o f coffee
T : Would you like another biscuit? cake
T: drink sandwich
C: Would you like another drink?
2 8 Drill: Continue:
T : orange juice orange juice
T : I'd like an orange juice. cup of tea
T : cup of tea apple juice
T : I'd like a cup o f tea. cup of coffee
T : orange juice ice-cream
С : I'd like an orange juice. glass of milk
2 9 Silent Reading.
3 0 PairWork.
E x e rc is e 2
This is a ‘de luxe' cabin on the Southam pton.
There are two beds, qtryj there's a shower
Describe the cabin.
T he S o u th a m p to n d e l u x e c a b in
Dressing table
2 beds .
T h e S o u th a m p to n Itin e ra r y
Saturday 1st Gibraltar
Sunday2nd Palma
Monday 3rd Barcelona
Tuesday 4th Cannes
Wednesday 5th Genoa
Thursday 6th Naples
Friday 7th Malta
Saturday 8th Corfu
Sunday9th Athens
Monday 10th Rhodes
Tuesday11th Alexandria
3 Drill: Continue:
T : Oxford Brighton
T : Can you tell me the code for Oxford? York
T : Brighton Liverpool
T : Can you tell me the code for Brighton? Leeds
Т : Oxford
С : Can you tell me the code for Oxford?
5 Silent Reading.
7 PairWork.
10 Drill: Continue:
T: Mr Walker Miss Robbins
T :1'dlike to speak to Mr Walker, please. Mrs Cole
T : Miss Robbins PeterBrown
T : I'd like to speak to Miss Robbins, please.
T : Mr Walker
С :I'd like to speak to Mr Walker.
T a rg e t S tr u c tu re s 8 Drill:
Revision and consolidation Simple past T: I've just used Fizz. It’s very good.
can thislthatltheselthose T: It's the best powder I've ever used.
T : I've just read a book. It's very interesting.
have got Comparative and superlative T : It’s the most interesting book I've ever read.
have to do It's the (best) I've ever (used),
going to doldomgldone Instructions T : I've just usedFizz. It's very good.
С .It's the best powder I've ever used.
K ey V ocab u lary Continue:
coffee machine select well known I've just read a book. It's very interesting.
detergent use (v) at I've just driven a car. It's very fast.
difference work (v) into I've just seen a film. It's very exciting.
instruction another out of I've just drunk some wine. It's very good.
launderette automatic on the right I’ve just bought some shoes. They're very expensive.
pile best 50p piece
soap compartment better the others 9 Silent Reading.
slot fantastic both
temperature identical never 10 Question and Answer:
washing machine other too Have the machines stopped yet?
washing powder ready for Has she taken the clothes out yet?
do the washing soft securely She washed some clothes in Fizz. What can you say about those
load (v) usual much clothes?
make (tea) What can you say about Fizz and her usual powder ?
Which powder is she going to buy next time? Ask Why?
E x p re s sio n s
What do you think? next time 11 Transfer:
That's right. o f course Do you wash your clothes?
By hand or by machine?
Have you ever seen a soap powder advert on television ?
1 Introductory Text (as far as. . .cu poftea). Didyoubelieveit?
Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the text is masked.
12 Drill:
Set the situation. Play the cassette.
T :good. . .
2 Listen and Repeat. T : better. . .the best
T : interesting
3 Silent Reading. T : more interesting . . . the most interesting
T :good
С '.better. . . the best
4 Question and Answer:
What's her name? Continue:
Where does she come from? interesting wet intelligent
Where's Glasgow? cold bad fast
Is the table in the living room? exciting hot heavy
Ask Where? cheap clean strong
Where are the clothes? expensive modern
Are they clean?
How many piles are there? (Thiscould be ashortdictation phase.)
Does Mrs Campbell have to do a lot of washing? Ask Why?
What make are the washing machines? 13 Focus attention on the instructions for the launderette.
Are they automatic? Set the situation. Read the instructions. Listen and Repeat.
Are they different or are they identical?
Why are there two piles of clothes? 14 Silent Reading.
5 Dialogue. Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the 15 Focus attention on the instructions for the coffee
text is masked. Set the situation. Play the cassette. machine.
T : I don't know how to use it. Instruct me.
6 Listen and Repeat. Go through orally. Set it in class or for homework.
7 Drill: 16 Transfer:
T .’Those clothes are clean . . . T: Give me instructions.
T :. . .but these clothes are much cleaner. I want to make a cup oftealboil an egglmake an omelette/cook
|T"л^ПЛяС^/Х?Й7И1?Г gc/c/a. J. . . xfyugnhitt/} ext:
T :. . . but this powder's much better.
T: Those clothes are clean
С :. . . but these clothes are much cleaner.
That powder's g ood . . .
Those clothes are white . .
Those clothes are s o ft. . .
That pile's clean . . .
3 Fizz is fantastic!
a this!
Ian W e ll. .. w hich powder are you
going to buy next time?
is best at the launderette too!
4 Olympic Report
Good evening. Well, today's most
important event was certainly the
w om en 's200 metres freestyle. The
American, Doris Kennedy, was first and
got the gold m edal. She swam the 200
metres in a new world record time of
1 m inute 58 seconds. The U .S.A . won
two gold medals yesterday, and three the
day before, so in the first three days
they've won s ix ' golds'.
This is Jack Lumber from Canada. This
m orning he won the m en's javelin final.
At his first attempt he threw the javelin
over 100 metres. Nobody has ever done
this before. Unfortunately there was
nearly a terrible accident in the javelin
event. Henry Fraser, the British
com petitor, slipped w hen he was
throwing his j avelin and it hit a j udge in
the foot. Luckily, it didn't hurt him.
Here we are in the Olympic Gymnasium . E x e rc is e 1
Olga Ivanov, the fifteen year old Russian The 21stOlympic Games were in Montreal in
gymnast, has ju st finished her display. July, 1976.
Here are some of the records.
W e're w aiting for the results now.
Men’s Javelin -Nemeth (Hungary) 94.58 metres
N em eth, the Hungarian, won the men's javelin
And here's the result! She's got an com petition. He threw it 94.58 metres.
average of 9.5 points. That's the best Men’s 800 m etres-Juantorena (Cuba) 1 minute
score today! O lga's won the gold medal! 43.5 seconds
Juantorena, the Cuban, won the men's 800 metres.
He ran 800 m etres in 1 minute 43.5 seconds.
Write sentences for:
Men’s Long Jum p-Beam on (U.S.A.) 8.9 metres
Men’s Discus-Wilkins (U.S.A.) 68.28 metres
Women’s 100 metres-Richter(WestGermany)
11.01 seconds
Women’s High Jump-Ackermann (East
Germany) 1.93 metres
Men’s Swimming (200 metres breaststroke) -
Wilkie (Britain) 2 minutes 15.11 seconds
Men’s Weightlifting (heavyweight)-Alexeev
(U.S.S.R. )440 kilos
T a rg e t S tru c tu re s 9 Transfer:
Revision and consolidation Can you swim? Ask melhimlherleach other.
Simple past Ask How far. . .?
Present perfect Can you swim freestyle?/breaststroke?/butterfly ?/backstroke?
Has your country ever won a swimming gold medal?
K ey V o c a b u la ry Ask Who?/When?/Where?
Can you swim 200 metres in 1 minute 58 seconds?
accident high jump begin
attempt javelin crash 1 0 Javelin. Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the text
average judge dive is masked.
bar jumper fall
Setthe situation. Play the cassette.
breast stroke Olympic games finish
competitor point get ready
display 11 Listen and Repeat.
records hit
discus report hurt
event 12 Silent Reading.
result jump
final satellite land
foot 13 Question and Answer:
score lift
gold medal What's his name? Where's he from?
weight lifting run
gymnasium Did he throw the discus or did he throw the javelin?
world record time slip
gymnast Ask How far?
gymnastics Was it his first attempt, or was it his second attempt?
Has he ever done this before?
Was there an accident?
live (adj)
Was it a terrible accident?
Was it nearly a terrible accident?
terrible Who slipped?
disappointed What nationality was he?
by When did he slip?
Did it hit Jack Lumber? Ask Who?
Did it hit him on the head? Ask Where?
Exp ressio ns Did it hurt him?
He's all right.
It's time fo r. . .. 14 Transfer:
Here's (the result)! Have you ever thrown a javelin/a discus/a hammer?
When? Where? Ask him/her/me leach other.
Has your country ever won a javelin gold medal?
1 Introductory Text. Focus attention on the picture. Ask Who?/When?/Where?
Ensure the text is masked. Can you throw a javelin over 100 metres?
Set the situation. Play the cassette. Can you throw a ball/a stone over 100 metres?
Ask him/her/me.
2 Listen and Repeat.
15 Focus attention on Exercise 1 (The21stOlympic
3 Silent Reading. Games). Silent Reading.
21 Question and Answer:
Where is this report coming from?
Where does Olga come from?
How oldisshe?
What has she just finished?
What average has she got?
Is that a good average?
Has anybody got a better average?
What has she won?
2 2 Transfer:
Do you like gymnastics? Ask melhimlherleach other.
Have you ever done gymnastics? When? Where?
Has your country ever won a gymnastics medal? When? Where?
2 6 Transfer:
Have you ever done the highllongjump? When? Where ?
How high/far can you jump?
Ask melhimlherleach other.
A He's g oin gto lift if. В H e’s lifting it. С He's lifted it.
Write sentences:
High jump
A . . . throw . . .
5 I'll be there
T a rg et S tru c tu re s Continue:
S imole future of to be 3 o'clock. . . 7 o'clock
'II next Wednesday . . . next Saturday
(D will be (there). 2 o'clock. . . 8 o'clock
won't next w eek. . .next year
YJill(you) be(there)? next Friday. . .next Sunday
Ye5 , (I) will. No (I) won't. The prompts may have to be modified to elicit the required
K ey V ocab u lary
8 Drill: Continue:
outside next weeklyearlmonthlMonday T: tomorrow next Sunday
about (8 o'clock) tomorrow (night) T : I'll be here tomorrow. this evening
alone T: next Sunday next month
T : I won't be here next Sunday. next year
E x p re ssio n s T : tomorrow nextWednesday
O.K. Don't worry. S '.I'll be here tomorrow. next weekend
•Note: This unit practises the Pure Future. The spoken form 9 Listen and Repeat:
is used throughout, so the problem of shall does not arise. T : Will you be here next Sunday ?
Teachers should avoid the problem otshall, which atthis Will Mary be here next week?
stage is confined to Suggestions and Offers. Will they be here tomorrow?
5 Listen and Repeat: Students can also write out the question forms.
I won'tbe here next Saturday.
Youwon'tbe here next Saturday. 14 PairWork.
He won't be here next Saturday. S 1 : Will you be here (next week) ? S2 :Y es,I willINo, I won't.
She won't be here next Saturday. ^9 *
We won't be here next Saturday. 1 5 Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the text is
They won't be here next Saturday. masked. Setthe situation. Play the cassette.
(Maria) won't be here next Saturday.
Pay careful attention to the pronunciation o f won't. 1 6 Listen and Repeat.
7 Doctor Sowanso
Tomorrow he'll fly to Nairobi. He'll m eet Where will he fly tomorrow?
the President of Kenya and other African Who will he meet?
leaders. He'll be there for twelve hours. How long will he be there?
6 Transferquestions: 1 8 TransferQuestions:
T : Some people use sleeping tablets. T : Everyone dreams every night.
Do you use sleeping tablets? Some people never remember their dreams.
I an electric blanket? Some people always remember their dreams.
Do you use \sleeping tablets ? What about you?
Have you ever used ! a hot water bottle? Do you dream in black and white, or do you dream in colour?
! an electric blanket? Can you remember any special colours?
Ask Why? Ask When ? How about last night?
T: Dreams are very private and personal.
7 Pair Work (as in 8.4). I'm not going to ask you about your dreams,
but say: There are some dreams which everybody has.
8 Section 3. Ensure the text is masked. Set the situation. Some people have very bad dreams- nightmares.
Do you have nightmares?
9 Transfer Questions: Have you ever had a nigh tmare ?
T : Some people sleep on their backs. Some people have running dreamslfalling dreams/flying dreams.
Some people sleep on their sides. Have you ever had one of these?
Some people sleep on their fronts. Where did you run?lfall?lfly?
How do you sleep? Ask How fast?IHow far?IHow high?
| back?
Do you always sleep on your | side? 19 PairW ork(asin8.4).
I front?
Say :I can't sleep on my back . . ..Canyou?
Do you change positions? Do you use a pillow?
Do you need two pillows?
Do you wear pyjamas? Or a nightie?
How many blankets do you need?
Sleep and D ream s
9 At the chemist's
=3 K ey V o c a b u la ry
a tube of back-ache tablet
1 0 PairWork.
a bar of bristle throat lozenge 11 Transfer. Ask students to do the same without looking
a packet of capsule tissue at the paper. Explain that they can substitute different
a jar of chemist toothbrush vocabulary.
a box of cold toothpaste
a roll of ear-ache water 12 Dialogue 2. Follow the same procedure as for Dialogue 1,
a tin of film try but includethisdrill.
a tin of fluoride with
a bottle of hand cream without 13 Drill: Continue:
a bag of headache what colour? T : toothbrush hairbrush
pill hard T : I'd like a toothbrush, please. shaving brush
prescription man-size T : hairbrush nail brush
razor blade medium T : I'd like a hairbrush, please. clothesbrush
soap natural T : toothbrush shoe brush
sore throat nylon С :I'd like a toothbrush, please.
stomach-ache soft
1 4 Dialog ue3. Follow the same procedure as for Dialog ue 1,
but include this d rill.
E xpressions
Can I help you? 15 Drill: Continue:
Thank you very much. T: a tube o f toothpaste abarofsoap
It doesn't matter really. T : Could I have a tube of toothpaste, please? a packet of razor blades
Could I have a . . .? T: a bar o f soap a jar o f hand cream
Is that all? T : Could I have a bar o f soap, please ? a box of tissues
T: a tube of toothpaste a roll o f film
С : Could I have a tube of toothpaste, please? a tin of throat lozenges
1 Dialogue 1. Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the
text is masked. Setthe situation. Play the cassette. 16 Dialog ue 4. Follow the same procedure as for Dialogue 1,
but include these drills.
2 Listen and Repeat.
17 Drill: Continue:
3 Drill: Continue: T : Wait! Come back later!
T-.I he T : Wouldyou like to wait? Sit down!
T : I've got a headache. you T: Come backlater! Pay now!
T\he she T: Would you like to come back later? Pay later!
T : He's got a headache. John T : Wait! Try it!
T:I the teacher С '.Wouldyou like to wait?
С : I've got a headache.
1 8 Drill:
4 Drill: Continue: T : How long will it take? 20 minutes?
T: I've got aheadache. He's got a sore throat. T : Yes, it'll be ready in 20 minutes.
T: How long've you had it? They've got flu. T : How long will it take? 2 days?
T: He's got a sore throat. She's got tooth-ache. T : Yes, it'llbe ready in 2 days.
T : How long's he had it? I've got a stomach-ache. T : How long will it take? 20 minutes?
T : I've got a headache. John's got ear-ache. С : Yes, it'll be ready in 20 minutes.
С : How long've you had it?
5 Drill: How long will it take? 2 days? 13 hours?HO minutes?la week?/
T : (mimes headache) 2 hours?
T : Have you got a headache?
T : (mimes sore throat) 19 Free Transfer. Students role-play a situation in a
T : Have you got a sore throat? chemist’sshop.
T: (mimes headache)
С : Have you got a headache?
(mimes sore throat/flu/stomach-ache/ear-ache/tooth-ache)
7 Silent Reading.
Lord Worth Ah, James!
James Did you want to see m e, sir?
Lord Worth Yes, I wanted to see you
twenty m inutes ago.
James Sorry, sir. I was in the garage.
Lord Worth I w ant a car this afternoon.
James W hich car do you want, sir? The
Rolls, the M ercedes, or the Ferrari?
Lord Worth Mmm . .. the Rolls, I think
. . . Yes, the Rolls.
James Where do you want to go, sir?
Lord Worth Heathrow Airport.
Term inal 2.
James W hat tim e, sir?
Lord Worth W e'll leave here after lunch
. . . at two o'clock.
Lord Worth Ah, Charles!
Charles Yes, sir.
Lord Worth I w ant an early lunch today,
Charles Yes, s i r .. . W hat time?
Lord Worth Twelve o 'clo ck . . . Oh, and I
want you to reserve a table at the
Savoy . . . for seven o'clock.
Charles Yes, sir.
Lord Worth . . . and I want Mary to
prepare the guest room for Sir
Thomas. I want her to make a special
effort. Sir Thomas is a very important
Charles Yes, s i r . . . anything else, sir?
Lord Worth No, Charles, that's all.
E x e rc is e 1
I wanted to do something.
W hat did you w ant to do? 3 They/her/clean the room.
1 They wanted to go somewhere. 4 My parents/me/iearn English.
2 He wanted to buy something. 5 The police/them/stop.
3 We wanted to meet someone. 6 She/me/dance.
4 She wanted to eat something. 7 The teacher/us/do our homework.
5 Iwanted to see someone.
E x e rc is e 3
E x e rc is e 2 When Iwas young, my father wanted me to bea
He/her/cook the dinner. doctor. He wanted meto work hard.
Hew ants herfo cookthedinner. Whatdidyour father wantyou to do?
1 She/me/reserve a table. teachers
2 Lhim helpme. What did you want to do?
11 Look, feel, taste, sound, smell
The spaceship flew around the new planet several tim es. The
planet was blue and green. They couldn't see the surface of the
planet because there were too many w hite clouds. The
spaceship descended slowly through the clouds and landed in
ii’i e i i i i 'u u Y c u i 'c t g i e e n i b i e & l . T T ie twu dbCrunauts put on tfieir
space suits, opened the door, clim bed carefully down the
ladder, and stepped onto the planet.
The wom an looked at a small control unit on her arm. 'It's all
right,' she said to the man. 'W e can breathe the a ir . . . it's a
mixture of oxygen and nitrogen.' Both of them took off their
helmets and breathed deeply.
They looked at everything carefully. All the plants and
animals lookednew and strange. They couldn't find any
intelligent life.
After several hours, they returned to their spaceship.
Everything looked normal. The man switched on the controls,
but nothing happened. 'Som ething's w rong,' he said.
'I don't understand . . . the engines aren't w orking.' He
switched on the computer, but that didn't work either.
'Eve,' he said, 'w e're stuck here . . . we can't take off!'
'D on't worry, A dam ,' she replied. 'They'll rescue us soon.
13 It's much too hot!
On the platform
Susan Oh! There's the train . . . bring the
Michael Ooh! W hat have you got in
these cases?
Susan Only clothes. Why? Are they
Michael Yes, they are!
Susan The taxi driver managed to carry
Michael W ell, they're too heavy for me
to carry.
Susan W ell, I'm not strong enough to
help you. . .. Porter!
On the train
Susan Oh, M ich ael.. .1 didn't tell you.
My sister phoned yesterday.
Michael Oh? W hich sister? Andrea?
Susan Yes . .. she wants to get married.
Michael Married! But she isn't old
enough to get married. She's only
seventeen. W ho's she going to marry?
Susan Basil Caraway.
Michael Basil Caraway! I don't believe
it! H e's much too old for her. H e's over
Susan I know . . . but she loves him!
7 Play the whole of Dialoguel. Get students to copy th is. Point out why we usefo lift it, and
the possibility of deleting to lift.
8 Silent Reading.
21 Transfer. Try and elicit alternative responses for each
9 Drill: Continue: question, prompting with the adjectiveonly where
T: me him necessary:
T: It's much too hot for me to drink. us Can you touch the ceiling? . . . Why not?
T: him her Can you put on my shoe?/jacket?
T : It's much too hot for him to drink. you Can you buy a Rolls Royce?
T: me them Can you play (football) for у our country?
С: It's much too hot for me to drink. Can you read Shakespeare?
Can you swim from England to France?
1 0 Dialogue 2 (on the platform). Focus attention on the Can you climb Mount Everest?
picture. Ensure the text is masked. Set the situation. Play Canyou understand Chinese/Swahili? etc.
the cassette. Can you eat a lemon ? Can you drive a bus? etc.
Ask me/Ask her/Ask each other.
11 Listen and Repeat.
2 2 Run through the exercises о rally. Set them in class or
12 Silent Reading. for homework.
T a rg e t S tru c tu re s 1 0 Dialogue. Focus attention on the picture. E ~; -'e the
IYou) '11 have to (do it), text is masked. Setthe situation. Playthe cassette. Explain
will that in Britain there is a professional army and nobocy "as
won't todo military service. It’sajo b .
(I've) (never) had to (do it).
11 Listen and Repeat.
K ey V ocab u lary
1 2 Drill:
be (a soldier) cleaner sergeant
T :Iw an ttobe a soldierlnurseldoctorlteacherl
join haircut soldier
obey life toilet
С: Why do you want to be a soldier? etc.
sign opportunity travel
ad order uniform
13 Drill: Continue:
army pension hard
T : get a haircut wear a uniform
Army Careers Office promotion perhaps obey orders
T: Will I have to get a haircut?
T : wear a uniform work hard
E x p re ssio n s T : Will I have to wear a uniform? get up early
Sit down! Quick march! T : get a haircut carry a gun
Shut up! Left. . .right. . .left. . .right C:W illIhave to get a haircut?
14 Drill:
T : Will I have to get a haircutlwear a uniformlobey orderslwork
1 Classroom Set. T: I'm a teacher. hard?letc.
I have to get up early. I have to start work at 9 o'clock. С :Ohyes. You’llhave to get a haircut, etc.
1have to teach 25 lessons a week, etc.What about you?
(S :Ih av e to come to school at 9 o'clock, etc.) 1 5 Drill:
T: I don't have to wear a suitltielskirt, etc. What about you? T: Will I have to clean the toiletslcut the grasslpaint the
S : I don't have to (wear a tie), etc. buildings? Ietc.
Askquestions: С : No, you won't have to clean the toilets, etc.
T: Do you have to get up early?Icome to school at 8 o'clock?
S: Yes,IdolNo,Idon't. 1 6 Drill: Continue:
T :I he
2 Follow the procedure in 15.1 using these models: T : I’ve never had to clean the toilets. we
I had to (go to school) when I was ten, etc. T :he she
I didn't have to (wear a uniform), etc. T : He's never had to clean the toilets. they
Did you have (to wear a uniform)? etc. T :I the General
C:I've never had to clean the toilets.
3 T:I have to come to school every day.
I had to come to school (yesterday). 17 Play the cassette again.
I'll have to come to school (tomorrow).
(indicating students) 18 Silent Reading. t
They'll have to come to school. 19 Question and Answer:
Is he the new cleaner?
4 Listen and Repeat. Go through the list again paying Does he want tojoin the Air Force? Ask What?
attention to the pronunciation of'11and have to. Does he want to be a sailor? Ask What?
What's his name?
5 T: (indicating students). Have you ever seen an ad for the army?
On Sunday I won't have to come to school. Ask me. Ask him. Ask her.
You won't have to come to school. Did the ad look nice, or did it look terrible? What did he like?
HelShelWelThey won't have to come to school. Has he got any questions? Ask me some of the questions.
( Prompt '.haircut, orders, uniform)
6 Listen and Repeat. Go through this listagain. Will he have to clean the toilets?
Has the sergeant ever had to clean the toilets? Have you?
7 PairWork (first Listen and Repeat): Do girls like a man in uniform? Do you? Ask her.
S 1 : Will you have to come to school (tomorrow)? Do men like a girl in uniform? Do you? Ask him.
S 2 : Yes, I will. Are there any opportunities for promotion? Ask How many?
S 1 : Willyou have to come to school (on Saturday)? Will he be a general otiedau? (to elicit Perhaps...)
S2: No, I won’t.
2 0 PairWork.
8 Drill: Continue:
T : tomorrow on Monday 21 Written Phase:
T : Will you have to come to school tomorrow? next week He'll have to wear a uniform
T: on Monday on Wednesday He won't have to clean the toilets
T : Will you have to come to school on Monday? next month Will he have to obey orders? Yes, he willINo, he won't.
T : tomorrow on Thursday
С : Will you have to come to school tomorrow ? 2 2 Transfer.
Have you ever been in the army?
9 T ransfer. T : W illyouhave to come to school tomorrow? Ion Will you have to do military service?
Sunday?lon Friday?lon Saturday? etc.
S: Yes,IwilllNo, I won't. 2 3 Go through the exercise orally. Set it in class or for
T a r g e t S tr u c tu re s 12 Silent Reading.
How long (have you) been able (to do it) ?
(I've) been able to (do it) (for 2 years)l(since 1968). 13 Question and Answer:
(He's) never been able to (do it). What's his name? Is he over sixty? Ask How old?
Did he learn to drive? Ask When? Can he still drive?
K ey V ocab u lary How long has he been able to drive?
Does he always come into town by bus? Ask How?
conduct (a survey) driving test traffic system
learn (to do) parking space village 14 Text three. Setthe situation. Playthe cassette.
pass (a test) planning department narrow
save (money) problem by car 15 Listen and Repeat.
take (a test) result by train
city centre suburb by bus 16 Drill:
(the) country traffic survey occasionally T:s he C'.She hasn't been able to pass the test yet, etc.
Continue'.fhey, I, he, we, Mary
Note: The aim of this lesson is to teach the transformation
of can into the Present Perfect. At this stagecouM isquite 17 Silent Reading.
satisfactory for the expression of Simple Past ability, and so
thedistinction betweencouW andwas able to should be 18 Question and Answer:
avoided. The presentation of am able to and was able to at this What's her name? Is she a teenager? Ask How old?
stage is for recognition only. Has she had any driving lessons? Ask How many?
What hasn't she been able to do?
1 Classroom Set. T\ lean swim now.
I could swim when I was 5. 19 Textfour. Setthe situation. Play the cassette.
I'm able to swim now.
1was able to swim when I was 5. 20 Listen and Repeat.
I've been able to swim since I was 5.
I've been able to swim for a long time. Re peat. 21 Drill:
T '.he С '.How long has he been able to drive?.
2 Drill: Continue: they, I, she, w e, Mr Brown, Mary
I'.swim C'.I've been able to swim for along time, etc.
Continue:read, write, draw, dance, sing 2 2 Silent Reading.
3 Drill: Continue: 23 Question and Answer:
T : two years 1977 How old is Bob Brewer?
T : I've been able to drive for two years. Five years Has he been able to drive for 10 years? Ask How long?
T:1977 1971 Does he drive to work?
T : I've been able to drive since 1977. six months Ask Why not? ( to elicit Because he hasn't got a car.)
T : two years January Does he live in the centre of Oxford? Ask Where?
С : I've been able to drive for two years. 1975
24 Textfive. Setthe situation. Playthe cassette.
4 Drill:
T: Can you swim? ( S : Yes, I can.) 25 Listen and Repeat.
T : How long have you been able to swim?
C'.I've been able to swim for a long time. 26 Drill:
Continue:How long have you been able to read?lto write?lto T: They can't drive.
draw?Ho dance?Ito sing? С :No, they've never been able to drive, etc.
Co nt in ue: swimI understandI speak French I write iread.
5 Textone.Focusattentiononthepicture. Ensurethe
text is masked. Setthe situation. Playthe cassette. 27 Silent Reading.
1 How old are you?
2 Can you drive?
3 How long have you been able to drive?
4 W here do you live?
5 How do you come to town?
11 Silent Reading.
1 Dialogue 1. Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the
text is masked. Set the situation. Ask q uestions:
Have you ever been to Australia? Where is it? 12 Question and Answer:
Wouldyoulike to go to Australia? What's her name?
What is there in Australia? Does she want to emigrate to New Zealand? Ask Where?
Explair\emigration and immigration, and explain that Can he promise her anything?
Australia House arrangesemigration to Australia. Play the Are there only a few men in Australia? Ask How many?
cassette. Does she like tallmen, or does she like short men?
What kind of man does she want to meet?
Is Australia House a marriage bureau ?
2 Listen and Repeat.
13 PairWork.
3 Drill: Continue:
T: I she
they 1 4 Dialogue 3. Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the
T: W illlbe able to find a job?
T: she we
text is masked. Set the situation. Play the cassette.
T: Will she be able to find a job? you
T :I M rjones 15 Listen and Repeat.
C: W illlbe able to find a job?
16 Drill: Continue:
T: you he
4 Drill:
T : What'lluou be able to do? we
T: W illlbe able to find a job?
T : Oh, you'll be able to find a job easily. T: he they
T : What'll he be able to do ? she
T: Will he be able to find a house?
T : you Mr Cook
T : Oh, he'll be able to find a house easily.
C: What'llyou be able to do?
T: Will I be able to find a job?
C: Oh, you'llbe able to find a job easily.
17 Drill: Continue:
Continue: T: I he
Will he be able to find a house? T: I won't be able to work. we
Will they be able tofinda hostel? T-.he she
Will she be able tofinda doctor? T: He won't be able to work. they
Will he be able to find a good school? T :I Mr Cook
Will I be able to find a wifelhusband? C ’.Iwon'tbe able to work.
8 Dialogue2. Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the 2 3 Students role-play a situation in Australia House. One
text is masked. Set the situation. Play the cassette. is the interviewer, the other wants to emigrate to Australia.
K ey V o c ab u la ry
cash (a cheque) currency
12 Extra Transfer, Dialogue 2. Set up this pairwork.
Ask individual students. Then studentsdo it in pairs.
by post
check (v) driving licence S 1 : Where are you from?
by cable
expect S2: I'm from the U.S.A.
by telex
by credit card S 1 : What's the currency in the U.S.A. ?
S2: Dollars.
take (a cheque) madam ones (one pound notes)
bill Mark fives S 1 : What's the rate of exchange?
S2:($2) to the£l.
rate o f exchange
tens I
credit current 13 Dialogue 3. Follow the same procedure as for Dialogue
1, but include this drill.
E xpressions
1 4 Drill: Continue:
I'm terribly sorry. Next, please. T :I he
I'm not sure. Will that be all right? T : I haven't got enough cash with me. they
Let me see. That'll be all right. T’.he she (
T : He hasn'tgot enough cash with him. we
T:I you
1 Dialogue 1. Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the
text is masked. Setthe situation. Playthe cassette.
С: I haven't got enough cash with me.
15 Dialogue 4. Follow the same procedure as for Dialoguel,
2 Listen and Repeat. but includethese drills.
3 Drill: Continue: 16 Drill:
T : cash this cheque open an account T: I/Toronto
T: I'd like to cash this cheque, please. take out some money
T : open an account
T : I'd like to open an account, please.
change some money
T : I’m expecting some money from my bank in Toronto.
T ’.ShelGeneva i
telex some money T: She's expecting some money from her bank in Geneva.
T : cash this cheque borrow some money T : I/Toronto
С:I’dlike to cash this cheque, please. С :I'm expecting some money from my bank in Toronto.
4 Drill: Continue:
T:You haven't signed it yet. He hasn't signed it yet. she/Geneva
T: Haven't I?
T : He hasn't signed it yet.
They haven't signed it yet.
I haven't signed it yet.
T: Hasn't he? She hasn't signed it yet. they/Mexico
T: You haven't signed it yet. John hasn'tsignedityet. IlNew York
C: Haven't I?
17 Drill:
5 Play the cassette again. Students look and listen. T ’.Have you got any identification?. . . driving licence.
T : Well, I haven't got my passport, but I've got my driving licence.
6 Silent Reading. T: Have you got any identification? . . .identity card. G
T : Well, 1haven't got my passport, butl'vegot my identity card.
7 The teachertakes the part of A. The class in chorus T: Haveyougot any identification? . . . driving licence.
takes the part of B. Go through the dialogue. Then the
teacher takes the part of B, and the class in chorus takes the
S : Well, I haven't got my passport, but I've got my driving
part of A. Go through the dialogue. Continue:
8 PairWork.
Have you got any identification?
Have you got any identification?
.identity card.
Have you got any identification? . . .credit card.
9 Transfer. The teacher selects a student and acts out the Have you got any identification? . . .banker's card.
dialogue, substituting other vocabulary items. Studentsdo
the same in pairs using the prompts in the book. 18 Transfer:
(Note: Show students how to write a cheque in English.) Have you got a cheque book/credit card?
10 Dialogue2. Follow the same procedure as forDialogue
Ask him!Ask her.
Have you ever cashed a cheque in England?/Abroad? e
1, but include this drill. Ask himlAsk her
What happened?
11 Drill:
T \I'dlike to change these francs, please.
What times are banks open in England?
(note: 09.30-15.30, Monday to Friday)
T: How many francs have you got? What about your country? etc.
T : I'd like to change these Marks, please.
T ’.How many Marks have you got?
T: I'd like to change these francs, please.
С :How many francs haveyougot?
Г dlike to change these Marks, please.
I'd like to change these dollars, please.
I’d like to change these Swiss francs, please.
I'd like to change these lire, please.
I'd like to change these yen, please.
18 Cheques and credit
=3 A Next, please. £3° (4 x £5/10x £1)
В I'd like to cash this cheque, please. ^0 (5х£Ю)
■w , r ~n ^ £100 5 x £10/10 x £5
=3 Yes, madam . . . £30. Oh! You haven t
signed it yet, madam.
£20 (2 x £ 5/1 0 x £ 1)
D The current rates are on the notice
=a board, sir.
3 Silent Reading. 21 Text5. Focus attention on the league table. Ensure the
text is masked. Setthe situation. Playthe cassette.
4 Question and Answer:
What's the man's name? What's his wife's name? 2 2 Listen and Repeat.
Are they young or are they old? Do they work or are they retired?
Do they go to the shops every day? Ask How often? 2 3 Silent Reading.
Do they go by bus? Ask How?
Do they have to walk up a hill or down a hill? 2 4 Question and Answer:
Is it a steep hill? Ask How steep? Where is the hill? Are Tyneside United or Humber Rovers in the first division?
Do they walk quickly or do they walk slowly? Ask Which division? Are they near the top or near the bottom ?
Does Mr Kent have to wait for his wife? Has the football seasonjust begun, or has it nearly finished?
Does he wait at the bottom of the hill? Ask Where? Ask Why? Have Tyneside United won a lot of matches? Ask How many?
( to el icit: Because Mrs Kent walks more slowly than Mr Kent.) Have they played well or have they played badly?
Have Tyneside played worse than Humber, or have Humber
5 Drill: played worse than Tyneside?
T: Mrs Kent. . .M r Kent
С: Mrs Kent walks more slowly than Mr Kent. 2 5 Drill: * t
T :I . . .mybrother, etc. T : Humber . . . Tyneside
C: Humber have played worse than Tyneside.
6 Text2. Setthesituation. Play the cassette. T: Tyneside . . . Thamesford, etc.
7 Listen and Repeat. 2 6 Text 6. Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the text
is masked. Set the situation. Play the cassette.
8 Silent Reading.
2 7 Listen and Repeat.
9 Question and Answer:
What does Diana do ? Ask about Margaret. 2 8 Silent Reading.
Does Diana ever make a mistake?
Does Margaret ever make a mistake? Ask How often? 2 9 Question and Answer:
Does Margaret type more carefully than Diana, or does Diana What kind o f company do they work for?
type more carefully than Margaret? Are they hard workers?
Do they work 8 hours a day? Ask How many?
1 0 Drill: Who often works at weekends?
T : Margaret types carefully. Does he earn less money than Jim, or does he earn more money
C: Yes, but Diana types more carefully. than Jim? Ask Why ?
T : Margaret drives carefully, etc.
3 0 Drill: Continue:
11 Text3. Setthe situation. Playthe cassette. T : Tony . . .Jim I . . . him
T : Tony works harder than Jim. s h e . . . me
1 2 Listen and Repeat. T: I . . . him th ey . . . m s
T : I work harder than him. we . . . them
13 Silent Reading. T : Tony . . .Jim you . . . her
C: Tony works harder than Jim.
14 Question and Answer:
Do you drive? Do you drive well or badly? 31 Focus attention on the summary in the student’s book.
Are you a careful driver? What about Alan and David? Get the students to write sentences using the adverbs.
Have you ever had an accident?
Has Alan had any accidents this year? Ask How many?
20 Comparisons
Mr and Mrs Kent are old age pensioners. Both Carlos and M iguel are good
They go to the shops every Saturday. students. They speak English well, but
They have to walk up a very steep hill Miguel has spent a year in England, so he
between their house and the shops. They speaks English better than Carlos.
both walk slowly. Mr Kent always has to
w ait for his wife at the top of the hill, Tyneside United and Hum ber Rovers are
because Mrs Kent walks more slowly both near the bottom of the Fourth
than Mr Kent. D ivision. The football season has nearly
finished, and Tyneside have won only
Diana and Margaret work in the same one match. They've played very badly.
office. They're both good typists because Hum ber Rovers haven't won a match
they type carefully. Diana never makes a yet, and they haven't scored a goal.
m istake and Margaret rarely makes a Hum ber have played even worse than
mistake. Diana types more carefully than Tyneside.
Some drivers occasionally have
accidents, but Alan and David are very
careless drivers. Alan has already had Mersey Town 43 7 30 6 20 21
two accidents this year, and David has Thamesford 42 3 29 10 16 22
Tyneside United 43 1 35 7 9 23
had a lot. David drives even more Humber Rovers 43 0 41 2 2 24
carelessly than Alan.
Tony and Jim work for a construction
company. They're very hard workers.
They work about twelve hours a day.
Tony often works at weekends. He earns
more money than Jim because he works
harder than Jim.
Look a t this
slowly.................... more slowly
carefully ..............more carefully
dangerously ........more dangerously
well ........................better
badly ....................worse
hard ......................harder
fast ........................faster
21 A day off work
Mr Thompson liked Bill very much. At 12.30 he got into his car,
drove to a shop and bought some fruit for him. He w ent to
Bill's flat and rang the doorbell. Bill's w ife, Susan, answered
the door.
Susan O h, Mr Thompson! Hello . . . how are you?
M r Thompson Fine, thanks, Susan. I've ju st come to see Bill.
How is he?
Susan He doesn't look very well. I wanted him to see the
Mr Thompson I'll go in and see him. .. . Hello, Bill!
Bill O h . . . hello , . . hello, Mr Thom pson . . . er .. . e r . ..
Mr Thompson I've brought some fruit for you, B ill.
Bill Thank you very m uch, Mr Thompson.
Mr Thompson We l l . . . I had to pass your house anyway.
How's your throat?
Bill It seem s a little better. I'll be O.K. tomorrow.
Mr Thompson W ell, don't come in until you feel better.
Bill All r ig h t. .. but I'm sure I'll be able to come in tomorrow.
Mr Thompson Goodbye, Bill.
Bill Goodbye, Mr Thompson.
1 Part 1. Ensure the text is masked. P la y c a s ~ ~ f :ie 15 Part 6. Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the text is
introductiontothefirstdialogue. Pause to as- :~ese masked. Set the situation. Play the cassette.
questionsaftereachsentence, inorder:; s e tt le 5 :_a: on
(a) What's the man's name? 16 Listen and Repeat.
Is he a student or does he work?
What kind o f company does he work for? 17 Silent Reading.
(b) Did he ring his office?
Ask When? Ask What time? 18 Question and Answer:
(c) Did anybody answer the phone? What happened at3.20?
Ask Who? What's his boss's name? What did Mr Thompson do? Why?
What was he doing when the cameraman focussed on the crowd?
2 Part2. Play thefirstdialogue. What happened to his smile? How did he look?
What could he see on the screen?
3 Listen and Repeat. How did Bill look and sound?
What was he doing?
4 Silent Reading.
19 Closure. Free Reproduction using only the pictures.
5 Question and Answer: (For the dialogue, useW hat didhe say next? in order to elicit
Who's ringing? Who's he ringing? direct speech).
Can Bill come to work today? Ask Why not?
What's wrong with him ?
Does he sound ill on the phone?
Have you ever had a sore throat? Ask him!Ask her
Will Bill get up, or will he stay in bed?
When will he be able to come to work?
Is the boss angry?
9 S lent Reading.
T a r g e t S t r u c tu r e s Continue:
Question tags (1) You didn't go to university.
Note: In this lesson, question tags are used to check You can't speak Spanish.
information where the speaker feels reasonably sure that You haven't been to the Middle East.
his statement is correct and expects the listener to agree
with him. The statement and the tag both have falling 9 Silent Reading.
1 0 Play the cassette again.
K ey V ocab ulary
11 Transfer. Ask the students true questions about
age marital status technical college themselves to elicit short answers, in the affirmative, for
application form married university example:
education Middle East apply You're Brazilian, aren't you? (Yes, I am.)
engaged salesman check He's French, isn't he? (Yes, he is.)
job secondary school fluently Your name's John, isn't it? (Yes, it is.), etc.
languages shorthand
You can speak Spanish, can't you? (Yes, I can.)
He can drive, can't he? (Yes, he can.) etc.
E x p re s s io n s
How do you do? Of course You started school (5 weeks ago) didn't you? (Yes, I did), etc.
Italian 0 - Spanish I 1
[ / ^ ‘
Italy ______
F=a Interviewer Come in .. . come in. It's Mr Chandler, isn 't it?
Mr Chandler Yes, that's right. How do you do?
Fill in th e s p a ce s
9 Text2(MarthaHuggins). Followthesameprocedure.
T a rg e t S tru c tu re s 12 Transfer.(Ask him!Ask herlAsk me!Ask each other.)
Revision and Consolidation. Letterformat. Have you written a lot o f letters this week?
Have you had to do a lot of homework?
K ey V o c ab u la ry Are you going to do an examination? When will it be?
Can you speak English well enough yet?
address difficult make (friends) Have you made a lot o f friends since you came to this school?
exams easy receive Ask How many?
homework glad show
place real study
Have you got friends in other towns/countries?
reply cook visit
Are they going to visit you? Ask When?
studio flat What do you want to show them ?
Will they be able to speak English?
Did they study English at school? Didyou?
1 Introductory Text. Set the situation. Ensure the text is
masked. Read the text. Do you live in aflat? Ask Where?
Are flats easy to find here? Are hotels expensive here?
2 Listen and Repeat. Will you be able to cook an English meal?
Have you changed your address recently?
3 Silent Reading.
13 Now, give the prompts at the bottom of the page to
4 Question and Answer: elicit complete sentences, following the structural patterns
Where does John live? used in the model letter. Build up a complete letter orally.
What's his girlfriend studying? Ask Where?
How long's she been there? 1 4 Get them to set out and prepare a letter (in class or for
He wants to visit her, doesn't he?
He wrote to her about it, didn't he? Ask When?
He's just received a reply, hasn't he ?
15 Closure. Get one or two students to read their versions
if it has been done in class.
5 Read the lettertwice. Ensure the text is masked.
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Look a t th is e x a m p le
Thanks/letter. I/sorry/not write/a longtime.
Thanks fo r your letter. I'm sorry I haven't been
able to write fo r a long time.
Now, use these words and write a letter:
Thanks/letter. I/sorry/not write/a long time. I/study everynight.
My test/two weeks, and l/English/yet.
I/happy/you/come/England. You/soon? I/show a
lot of interesting places. I/you/meet/English friends. I lot since/here.
You/English because/none/(Spanish). It/too difficult?
You/English/school? How long/stay? I/find/flat.
Address/top/letter. Flats/difficult/England.
I cook/good English dinner. I/flat/hotel/expensive/me.
25 Travelling by air
3 Drill: 11 Transfer:
T: It was very savage . . .like a tiger! Have you got a pet? Ask him. Askher.
T : It was as savage as a tiger. What kind of pet is it?
T: She was very gentle . . . like a lamb'. Has your landlady got a pet? Ask him. Ask her.
T : She was as gentle as a lamb. Ask What kind?
T : It was very savage . . . like a tiger!
С: It was as savage as a tiger. Didyou have a pet when you were young?
Ask him. Askher.
Continue: What was it? Ask him. Askher.
She was very gentle . . .like a lamb! Which pet is the best? Why?
He was very quiet. . .like a mouse!
She was very f a t . . .like a pig!
12 Look atthe second page of Unit 27. Use the five
He was very brave . . .like a lion! exercises as oral drills, chorally and individually.
He was very busy . . . like a bee!
13 Set the exercises as written homework (or in class).
4 Drill: Continue:
T: friendly big
T: Cats aren't as friendly as dogs. nice
T '.big interesting
T: Cats aren't as big as dogs. noisy
T: friendly dangerous
C:Cats aren't as friendly as dogs. savage
5 Drill: Continue.
T: Cats . . . dogs Parrots . . . cats
T : Cats don't eat as much as dogs. Budgies. . .parrots
T : Parrots . . . cats Goldfish . . . budgies
T : Parrots don't eat as much as cats. Goldfish . . . crocodiles
T: Cats . . . dogs
С : Cats don't eat as much as dogs.
6 Drill: Continue:
T : quiet. . . goldfish fa s t. . . cheetah
T : There's nothing as quiet as a goldfish. savage . . . tiger
T :fast. . .cheetah clean . . . cat
T: There's nothing as fast as a cheetah. friendly . . . dog
T : quiet. . . goldfish brave . . . lion
C: There's nothing as quiet as a goldfish.
Mick/Jack/strong Her hair/his hair/long work hard/your boss Jumbo jets/ Tom/drunk/wine/
M ick is as strong as H er hair isn't as long Do you w ork as hard Concorde/high Robert
Jack. as his hair. as you r boss? Jum bo jets don't fly as Tom hasn’t drunk as
high as Concordes much wine as Robert.
Tom hasn't sm oked as
many cigarettes as
(Ш /Т О Ш
: ne s kysc ra pe r/t he my writing/her speak well/the teacher Sam Bill carefully Ron/caught/fish/Bob
church/high writing/clear
W ED N ESD A Y , JU N E 20th ___________________________________________ _______________ No-712 142
£5,000 BANK
There was a bank robbery in central London
yesterday. Just before closing time yesterday, a
man entered the Butcher Street Branch of the
National Westminster Bank. He was carrying a
shotgun, and wearing a stocking mask over his
head. There were only a few customers in the bank
at the time. He made them lie on the floor, and
forced the cashier to put themoney in a sack. As he
was leaving, the security guard tried to ring the
alarm. The robber shot him and the guard is now in
St Patrick’s Hospital. Surgeons are trying to save
his life. Last night the police arrested a man in
South London. He is now helping the police with
their enquiries. STATEM ENT O F W IT N E S S
(C.J. A c t 1 9 6 7 , ss. 2, 9; M .C. Rules 1 9 6 8 , r.58 )
s f т еп л £у ил. н у f o f С ск л + ц fo ш у f la t
1 0 Silent Reading.
11 Drill:
T: You're 36.
T : You're 36, aren't you?
T: You sell cars.
T : You sell cars, don't you?
T : You're 36.
C:You're36, aren't you?
You sell cars.
You live in Ealing.
You went to Ascot races yesterday.
You weren't alone.
You're married.
5 Drill:
T '.How about a drink before dinner?
T : What a good idea!
T .How about a cigar?
T: What a good idea!
T: How about a drinkbefore dinner?
С : What a good idea!
How about a cigar?
How about a walk before dinner?
How about another drink?
7 Silent Reading.
T a rg e t S tru c tu re s 12 Drill:
She likes him. He likes her. They like each other. T: She hasn't spoken to him. He hasn't spoken to her.
T: Why haven't they spoken to. each other?
K ey V o c ab u la ry T: He doesn't love her. She doesn't love him.
T : Why don’t they love each other?
be (in love) seem football star T : She hasn't spoken to him. He hasn't spoken to her.
care start manager С: Why haven't they spoken to each other?
give (a reason) think about (oneself) news
have (an argument) actress reason Continue:
know (somebody) apartment reporter He doesn't love her. She doesn't love him.
love argument training session He didn't write to her. She didn't write to him.
meet disco villa He can't understand her. She can't understandhim.
He couldn't look at her. She couldn't look at him.
Expressions He won't talk to her. She won't talk to him.
I don't care. It was love at first sight.
13 Drill: Continue:
T: 2 weeks Tuesday
1 Introductory text. Focus attention on the picture. T : We haven't seen each other for 2 weeks. 5 days
Ensure the text is masked. Set the situation. Play the T : Tuesday last Sunday
cassette. T : We haven't seen each other since Tuesday. 3 months
T : 2 weeks 4 hours
2 Silent Reading. C: We haven't seen each other for 2 weeks. January
Our reporter found Stanley at his villa in R How long have you known each other, Stanley?
Spain. He was w ith Inger Carlsor. the S W e met each other in a disco three weeks ago. It was love at
Sw edish actress. He seemed very first sight.
R But w hat about your football?
S O h, football can wait. Inger's the m ost im portant thing in
my life . We love each other very much and we understand
each other.
R And your w ife, Stanley? W hat about your wife?
S O h, that finished a long tim e ago.
R W hat happened?
S W ell, I was in love w ith Lucy for a long tim e. We taught
each other a lot, b u t . . .
R But what?
S W ell, we started to hate each other. We couldn't even look
at each other.
R So, what are you going to do next?
S I don't know. .. . Ask Inger!
E x ercis e
L o o k a t th is :
-= .an t spoken to her. She hasn’t spoken to me.
We ''en'tspoken to each other.
- e r e t her. She met him.
They met each other.
Now you do the same:
1 1love her. She loves me.
2 He's seen her. Sh e’s seen him.
3 He needs her. She needs him.
4 1wrote to him. He wrote to me.
5 I've helped him. He’s helped me.
31 So am I!
16 Drill: Continue:
6 Drill:
T : Ifeelsorry foryou. I feel sorry for her.
T: He likes his job, doesn't he?
T: Why do you feel sorry fov me? I feel sorry for them.
T : Yes, andhe's very good at his job.
T : She likes tennis, doesn't she? T: Ifeelsorry for her. I feel sorry for him.
C: Yes, and she's very good at tennis, etc. T: Why do you feel sorry for her? I feel sorry for Mary.
T: Ifeelsorry foryou. I feel sorry for Mr&Mrs
7 Drill: C: Why do you feel sorry forme? Smith.
T : He never talks about money, does he?
С :N o,he isn't interested in money. 17 Drill: Continue:
T : She never talks about her job, does she? etc. T: I hate dogs! She hates cats.
T : Why? Are you afraid of them? He hates snakes.
8 Silent Reading. T : She hates cats. Ihatemice.
T : Why? Is she afraid of them? They hate foreigners.
9 Question and Answer: T :Ihate dogs!
Who's writing the letter? C: Why? Are you afraidofthem?
Is she writing to her brother? Ask Who?
Does she live in the country, or does she live in the city? 1 8 Silent Reading.
Ask Which city? What's the date?
19 Question and Answer:
Her father gave her a present, didn't he? Ask Why?
Who's writing? What's his daughter's name?
Ask What kind of present?
Is he happy about last weekend? Is he sorry about last weekend?
Is she pleasedwith the Ferrari?
Was he angry with her? Ask Who? Ask Why?
What didn't she like? What's she going to do?
Does he like long-hairedyoung men? Do you?
Did she see her father yesterday? Ask Who?
He's tired of them, isn't he?
Is she worried about Tom? Is he worried about Tom?
Did Tom dress for dinner? Did her father dress for d:'-.7-.-'^
Is Tom good at his job, oris he bad at his job?
She loves Tom, doesn't she?
What does he do?
Does he feel sorry for Tom? Ask Who?
Is she going to bring Mm for dinner? Ask When? Ask Why?
Is he happy about the future? How does he feel?
Does she love Tom? Does Tom love her?
What does Tom like? Is he interestedin anything else?
They love each other, don't they?
Is he going to get Lord Worth's money?
Is he interestedin her father's money?
2 0 Transfer. Go through the exercise orally (and expand
10 Letter2. Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the text
it). Setwritten answers in classorforhomework.
is masked. Setthe situation. Playthe cassette.
32 A family problem
Worth House,
ansford, Hampshire
Dear Samantha,
Look a t th e s e e xp re ss io n s
Yes No the Yes No
That’s right That’s wrong with other
I don’t know
That’s correct That isn’t correct i your class
Of course Of course not I’m notsure
That’s true That isn’ttrue I’m not certain
I agree I disagree
Key V ocabulary
nod contest nervous
shake (one's head) contestant simple
dishwasher sure
rule fully (automatic)
star prize
E x p re s s io n s
Yes. That's right. No. That's wrong. I don't know.
That's correct. That isn't correct. I’m not sure.
Of course. O f course not. I'm not certain.
That's true. That isn't true.
I agree. I disagree.
Well done!
You've done it.
4 PairWork.
8 Getpairsofstudentsoutinfrontoftheclasstop aythe
game with each other. Interest may be generated by making
t competitive; either as a knock-out competition, or by
listing the times (up to one minute maximum) which
students achieve.
T a r g e t S t r u c tu r e s 12 Dialogue3. Focus attention on the picture. Ensurethe
(I) used to (do it), but (I) (don't) any more. textismasked. Setthe situation. Play the cassette.
С Dorchester 17908 . ..
D Hello, Angela?
С O h, hello, Mum.
D How's the baby today?
С O h, he's crying again. He cries all с a;.
D You can't complain! W hen you were a
baby, you used to cry all day and all
С Oh, I know, Mum . . . but I feel so
tired . . . there's so much housework
D But you've got a w ashing machir.r a
tumble dryer, a vacuum-cleaner a n i a
di s hwas her. . . I used to do
everything by hand.
С I know, I know . . . I've heard all zr is
D I'm sorry, d e a r . . . I'll come and help
G Dad? E x e rc is e
H Yes... I used to eat a lot of
G There's a good film on in town. sweets when Iwas
E Stanley, you used to be the best H O h, yes .. . what is it? young, butldon’tany
footballer in England. Are you go in с G W a r in S p a c e . more.
to come back and play again? H Are you going to see it? What did you use to do
F O h, no . . . no, I'm not. G I d like to . .. all my friends are going when you were young,
E W hy not? . . . but I haven't got any money. that you don’tdo any
F W ell, football used to be the most H .All right, all right. How much do you more?
important thing in my life . . . but it want? Write foursentences.
isn 't any more. For ten years I used to G Three pounds.
practise every day. I never used to H Three pounds! W hen I was your age, I
smoke, drink, or stay up late. only used to pay five pence for the
E W hy has your life changed, Stanley? cinem a.
F W ell, I was poor then, but I'm not G That was a long time ago, Dad.
now. I don't need to play football any H Yes, but my father used to earn three
more! pounds for a w eek's work!
35 A busy office
M r Power Yes, M iss W right? W hat is it?
M iss W right Mr Hudson wants to speak
to you, sir.
Mr Power I'm very busy at the moment.
Ask him to ring later.
M iss W right Yes, sir.
M r Power O h, and Miss W right? Tell
Chris to photocopy the Director's
M iss W right Yes, sir. Anything else, sir?
M r Power Y es. Tell Miss Davis not to
ring her boyfriend on the office phone.
M iss W right Yes, sir.
6 Drill: Continue:
T: / he
T : I used to be, but I'm not any more. she
T: he we
T : He used to be,but he isn't any more. - they
T:I you
C :Iu sedtobe, but I'm not any more.
7 Silent Reading.
8 PairWork.
Sam Lewis was a customs officer. He Sam Hello, there!
used to work in a small border tow n. It Draper Hi!
wasn't a busy town and there wasn't Sam Do you remember me?
much work. The road was usually very Draper Yes . . . of course I do.
quiet and there w eren't many travellers. You're a customs officer.
It wasn't a very interesting job, but Sam Sam I used to be, but I'm not any
liked an easy life. About once a week, he more. I retired last month. I often ?
used to meet an old man. His name was used to search your truck . . .
Draper. He always used to arrive at the Draper . . .but you never found
border early in the morning in a big anything!
truck. The truck was always empty. After Sam No, I didn't. Can I ask you
a while Sam became suspicious. He something?
often used to search the truck, but he Draper Of course you can.
never found anything. One day he asked Sam Were you a smuggler?
Draper about his job. Draper laughed Draper Of course Iw as.
and said, 'I'm a smuggler.' Sam Bu t .. . the truck was
always empty. What
Last year Sam retired. He spent his
were you smuggling?
savings on an expensive holiday. He
Draper Trucks!
. flew to Bermuda, and stayed in a luxury
yhotel. One day, he was sitting by the
/pool and opposite him he saw Draper
•drinkingchampagne. Sam walked over
Ш Ы щ Ш Ш ууу
37 I'm bored
С : He should diet.
T : He ' She
T : He's going to kill himself! I
6 Drill: Continue:
T: salad T : You We
T : You should eat lots o f salad.
T : fruit
T : You should eat lots of fruit.
T : salad
C: You're going to kill yourself!
2 0 Silent Reading. ■
С : You should eat lots of salad. 21 PairWork.
9 PairWork.
I’ve got a friend. . . he's very lonely.
I've got a friend. . .h e wants to be а тШ ктвгге. . . quickly.
I've got a friend. . .h e coughs all th: etc.
1 0 Dialogue 2. Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the 2 3 Set the exercise in classor for homework.
text is masked. Set the situation. Play the cassette. -
38 Advice
E x e rc is e
Write sentences with sh ou ld and sh ou ld n ’t :
1 Yourfriend wantsto loseweight.
2 Someone wants to learn yourlanguage.
3 Yourfriend wantsto be a millionaire
... quickly!
39 An evening out
7 Drill: Cor- - j e
T : a black suit
T : He’s the one that's wearing a black suit, i ytU&x skirt
T :aredtie ЫшеЛша
T : He's the one that's wearing a red tie.
T’.ablacksuit abrowmkmt
С: He's the one that's wearing a black suit.
8 Drill:
T : Which is Jack? Is he talking loudly?
T : Yes, he's the one that's talking loudly.
T : Which is Jack? Is he sitting in the corner?
T : Yes, he's the one that's sitting in the corne’r.
T: Which is Jack? Is he talking loudly?
С : Yes, he's the one that's talking loudly.
Which is Jack? Is hesittingin the corner?
Which is Jack? Is he drinking champagne?
Which is Jack? Is he smoking a cigar?
Which is Jack? Is he talking to the girl?
Which is Jack? Is he eating steak? c o n tin u ed
14 Transfer.
Tell individual studentsto do certain things:
Maria, open the window!
Fritz, open the door!
Ali, stand up!
Carlos, open your hook!
Anna, give me some money! etc.
T : Christopher Columbus? Who was Christopher Columbus?
S: He's the man that discovered/went to America.
Neil Armstrong? Who was Neil Armstrong?
Shakespeare? Who was Shakespeare?
Lee Harvey Oswald? Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
Pele? Who was Pele?
Beethoven? Who was Beethoven? etc.
Look a t this
в Ш /
= = -
{ r jo J
Lawyer Now, Miss Dexter. You saw the Miss Dexter I don't remem ber E x e rc is e
bank robbery, didn't you? everything . .. but I rem em ber his hat They’re the people.
Miss Dexter Yes, I did. and his bag. She saw them.
Lawyer You saw a man, didn't you? Lawyer Look at the hat on the table. Is They're the p eople she
Miss Dexter That's right. I saw him that the hat? saw .
w hen he went into the bank and when Miss Dexter Yes, that's the hat he was 1 Sh e’sthegirl.
he came out. wearing. He kissed her.
Lawyer . .. and the bag? 2 Those are the shoes.
Lawyer Now, look around the co u rt. . .
He was wearing
can you see that man? Miss Dexter Yes, that's the bag he was them.
Miss Dexter Yes, he's the man I saw. carrying. 3 That’s the house.
Lawyer He w asn't alone w hen he went Lawyer Do you rem em ber anything He’sgoing to buy it.
into the bank, was he? about the woman? 4 That’s the book.
Miss Dexter Yes. She was wearing a Sh e’s been reading
Miss Dexter No, he was with a woman.
Lawyer Now, look around the court blonde wig and black platform shoes.
a g a in . .. can you see that woman? Lawyer How do you know it was a wig,
Miss Dexter Yes, there! She's the M iss Dexter?
woman I saw. Miss Dexter Because it fell off w hen she
Lawyer I see, Miss Dexter. Now look at was running to the car.
the man and woman again. This is Lawyer Look at the wig on the table. Is
very important. Are you absolutely that the wig?
sure about them? Miss Dexter Yes, that's the wig she was
Miss Dexter Absolutely sure. They're wearing.
the people I saw. Lawyer . .. and the shoes .. . look at the
Lawyer Now, M iss Dexter. W hat was shoes.
the man wearing w hen he w ent into Miss Dexter Yes, they're the shoes she
the bank? was wearing.
Lawyer Thank you, M iss Dexter.
42 The Em pty C hair
A friend of m ine, Rob Jenkins, almost Doctor Hello, Mr Jenkins. W hat can I do foryou?
had a nervous breakdown last year. I Mr Jenkins W ell, d octo r. . . I'm very tense and nervous. I
told him to go to the doctor. haven't been able to sleep for several days.
Doctor Hmm . .. have you been working hard?
Mr Jenkins O h, yes. I've been very busy. I've been working
twelve hours a day.
Doctor Have you been taking any pills?
Mr Jenkins No, but I've been smoking too m uch, and I've
been drinking a lot of coffee.
Doctor W ell, you should take a holiday. You should go
som ewhere quiet and peaceful, like Cornwall. W hy don't
you go there?
Rob decided to go to Cornwall the next weekend. Penquay
was a very small fishing village on the north coast of Cornwall.
There were no trains or buses to Penquay, so he had to drive. It
was a long journey, and Rob arrived late on Friday evening.
The landlady of the guest house, Mrs Doone, answered the
door and showed him to his room. Rob was very tired and
w ent straight to bed. He slept well and didn't wake up until
nine o'clock the next m orning.
Rob w ent downstairs for breakfast. Because there were no
other guests, Mrs Doone invited him to have breakfast with
her and her daughter, C atherine. Catherine was already
sitting in the dining room. She was about thirteen years old,
w ith long, black hair and clear, grey eyes. Mrs Doone w ent to
the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Rob and Catherine looked at
each other nervously for a few seconds.
Rob There are four places at the table. Is there another guest?
Catherine O h, no . . . we never talk about the empty place.
Rob The empty place? W hat do you mean?
Catherine W ell, that used to be my father's place.
Rob 'Used to b e ? 'I don't understand.
Catherine My father was a fisherm an. Three years ago he w ent
out in his boat, and he never returned.
Rob W hat happened to him?
Catherine Nobody knows. They searched everywhere, but
they found nothin g. My m other always keeps that place for
him , and she makes his breakfast every m orning. She thinks
he'll come back. That's a photograph of h im . . . over there,
on the w all. My m other's been w aiting for him for three
Rob said nothing, but he looked very worried. At that
m oment Mrs Doone returned. She poured four cups of tea, and
put one cup in the empty place. Rob looked more worried and
he stared at the empty chair. Suddenly, he heard footsteps
outside the door and a tall man, w ith a black beard, walked
into the room. Rob looked terrified. It was the man in the
photograph! He jum ped up and ran out of the room.
Man W ho was that? W hat's the matter?
Mrs Doone I don't know. I don't understand. H e's a guest £
from London. He arrived last night while you were asleep
Man Catherine! Do you know anything about this?
Catherine No, I don't, father. But he's here because he's very £
nervous. He says he's hiding here because a tall man with a
black beard is trying to kill him.
Man Catherine, have you been telling stories again?
Catherine (la u g h in g ) Stories, father? Me?
T a r g e t S t r u c tu r e s 13 Silent Reading.
Revision and consolidation
14 Question and Answer:
Key V ocabulary How many places are there at the table?
Whose place is the fourth?
beard nervous breakdown almost What happened to him ?
boat photograph asleep Didpeople look for him? Did they find him?
coast place clear What did they find?
downstairs stories grey What does Mrs Doone think?
fisherman go (straight to) nervous Where’s the photograph?
fishing village hide nervously How long has she been waiting for him?
guest invite peaceful
guesthouse jump up tense 15 Part 5. Ensure the text is masked. Set the situation. Play
footsteps keep on (the wall) the cassette.
journey pour
landlady prepare 1 6 Silent Reading.
1 7 Reproduction (Complete my statement):
Rob said. . . .
1 Part 1. Ensure the text is masked. Set the situation. Play but he looked. . . .
the cassette. At that moment Mrs Doone . . . .
She poured. . . .
2 Listen and Repeat. She put one cup in . . . .
Rob looked m ore. . . .
3 Silent Reading. and he stared a t . . . .
Suddenly he heard. . . .
4 Question and Answer: and a tall man with . . . .
Does Rob feel well? walked. . . .
What's he been doing? Rob looked. . . .
PrompV.hard/12 hours a day /cigarettes c s " :; It w as. . . .
Whatshouldhe take? W hereshouldhego' He jumped up, an d. . . .
5 Part 2. Ensure the text is masked. S e ::~ e situation. Play 1 8 Part 6 . Ensure the text is masked. Set the situation. Play
the cassette. the cassette.
6 Silent Reading. 1 9 Listen and Repeat.
7 Question and Answer: 2 0 Silent Reading.
What did Rob decide to do? Did he drive'
Did he have to drive? Ask Why? 21 Question and Answer:
When did Rob arrive in Penquay? Who was the man?
Who answered the door? Was he surprised?
Did Rob have dinner? Did Mrs Doone understand?
What did he do? DidCatherine understand?
How didhesleep? When didhe wake up? Do you think Catherine often tells stories?
8 Part3. Ensure the text is masked. Se: the s :jation. Play
the cassette.
9 Silent Reading.
11 Drill:
T .’I've been reading it for a month.
С : How many pages have you read?
T : He's been reading it since two o'clock, etc.
43 How long? How much?
E x e rc is e
Now you do the same:
Look at these examples:
He'stheman. He visited Buenos Aires.
Sh e’sthegirl. I love her.
She’sthegirl. I knowher.
She's the girl I love.
They’re the shoes. Iwas wearing them.
He’sthe man. He met me. That’sthe man. He lives near me.
He's the man that met me. There’s the bridge. We crossed it.
There’s the house. We used to live in it.
That’sthe plane. I flew in it
Those are the parcels. They arrived this morning.
That's the plane I flew in.
That’sthewoman. Sh e’ll be Prime Ministeroneday.
It’sthegun. It killed him. He’s the man. I spoke to him.
It’s the gun that killed him. It’s the car. Itcrashed.
T a rg e t S tru c tu re s Continue:
Relative Clauses (3) That's the car. My car hit it.
That's the shop. It sells souvenirs.
(He's) the man (Imet) and (He's) the man that (met me).
That's the hotel. I stayed in it.
That's the beach. I used to lie on it.
K ey V o c a b u la ry
That's the beach. It's very beautiful.
beach swimmer fat
cane tour marvellous 14 Written Phase:
guide tourist in front of me That's the van. It hit my car. That's the van that hit my car.
headmaster van in the middle That's the car. My car hit it. That's the car my car hit.
p.c. (police constable) lie on the left
picnic lunches suddenly on the right 1 5 Text4. Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the text
souvenirs is masked. Set the situation. Play the cassette.
6* ы& A
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J ir t m
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/P ic u ^ j
Look a t th is e x a m p le
I got your postcard this afternoon. I'm happy
that you'll be able to com e here next w eek.
Now use these words, and write a letter.
l/postcard/afternoon. I new tape-recorder.
l/happy/you/able/here/week. Tape-recorder/portable/cassette-player.
Not worry/accommodation. I myself'home, and l/improve/accent.
There/Hotel Romantica/corner. MrSmith... he/teacher/me/came here... says I/longer.
That/hotel/l/stay/before/landlady. I think/good idea.
I/sure/you/bored. What/think?
This/interesting town, I/this town and/happy/but I/not satisfied/English yet.
l/college/afternoons/so/we/meet/evening. I/everybody. Write/soon.
46 Booking in advance
2 Listen and Repeat. 1 4 Dialogue 3. Follow the same procedure asfor Dialogue 1
but includethesedrills:
3 Drill:
T: two . . . tonight. 15 Drill:
T : I'd like to book a table for two for tonight. T : That excursion . . . does it go to Oxford?
T: Four. . . tomorrow evening. T : Is that the one that goes to Oxford?
T : I'd like to book a table for four for tom orr:^ evening T : That bus . . . does it stop at the station?
T : two . . . tonight. T : Is that the one that stops at the station?
C: I'd like to book a table for two fo r tonight T : That excursion . . . does it go to Oxford?
C: Is that the one that goes to Oxford?
fo u r. . . tomorrow evening Continue:
three . . . 8 o'clock That bus. . . does it stop at the station?
five . . . Saturday That train. . . does it go to London?
seven . . . Sunday lunchtime That bus. . . does it leave at 6 o'clock?
eight. . .10 o'clock That flight. . . does it land at Heathrow ?
Thattour. . . does it visit Buckingham Palace?
4 Drill: C o 't'^ e
T: we 1 6 Drill: Continue:
T:. . .but we are regular customers. T: excursion flight
T : he T : How long does the whole excursion take? journey
T:. . .but he is a regular customer. T: flight play
T'.we T : How long does the whole flight take? programme
C:. . .but we are regular customers. T: excursion film
С : How long does the whole excursion take?
5 Focus attention on Dialog ue1. The stL; 6 " s coKand
listen. Play the cassette or act out the text. 17 Drill: Continue:
T : Shall I pay you now? Shall 1wait here?
6 Silent Reading. T : If you don't mind. Shall I ring you later?
T : Shall I wait here? Shall I write you a cheque?
7 The teachertakesthepartof A . T h e c l a s s C 'C 'J S T: If you don't mind. Shall I sign the hotel register?
takes the part of B. Go through the dialogue. T~e ■ - T : Shalllpay younow? Shall I come back later?
teacher takes the part of B.The class in chords ta<es the С : If you don't mind.
part of A. Gothroughthedialogue.
18 Dialogue 4. Follow the same procedure as for Dialogue 1,
8 PairWork. but includethisdrill:
9 Transfer. The teacher selects a student and acts out the 19 Drill:
dialogue, substituting other vocabulary items. Stude- tsdo T :3 o'clock.
the same in pairs, using the prompts in the book С : I'd like to make an appointment for 3 o'clock.
10 Dialogue 2. Follow the same procedure as for Dialogue 1 this afternoonltomorrow morning/Friday evening/next
but include these drills. Tuesdayll0.30
11 Drill: 2 0 Transfer. Get students to role-play:
T: concert Continue: 1) booking a table
T: I'd like two tickets for the concert. football match 2) booking tickets for a concert
T: footballmatch pop concert 3) booking an excursion
T : I’dlike two tickets for the footballmatch. play 4) making an appointment for a hairdresser's
T : concert jazz concert
С : I'd like two tickets for the concert. film
T a rg e t S tru c tu re s 9 Invention Exercise: Continue:
(I) I like I (swimming). Do (you) like (reading) ? T : heltelevision theylfootball
I don't like I T: He doesn't like watching television. helhomework
T : theylfootball youlthe radio
I'm (afraid of) doing it. T : They don't like playing football. shelrestaurants
(tired of) T : heltelevision welthe dentist
(interestedin) S : He doesn't like watching television.
K ey V o c a b u la ry 1 0 T: swimming
S : I like swimming о rI don’t like swimming.
situations vacant adventure salary Give prompts:
responsibility paper (newspaper) parents readinglstudyinglwalkinglfishinglcookingldrivingl
personality independent attractive flyinglironinglsewingldrinkingwinelwatching television!
ad(advertisement) listening to the radio/going to the dentist, etc.
E xpressions 11 PairWork. Actout:
Good luck! A: Do you like walking? B: Yes, I doINo, I don't.
What's wrong with that?
12 Written Phase.
I like reading. I don’t like ironing. Do you like walking?
1 Listen:
(a) I read a lot of books, newspapers, and magazines. I buy two or 13 Focus attention on the picture. Ensurethe text is
three books every week. I like reading. masked. Set the situation. Ask individual students the
(b) One of my friends hasn't got a car. He walks everywhere. He questions in the advertisement:
doesn't want a car. He likes walking. Can you type 100 words a minute?
(c) My friend, Mary, has got a lot of friends in different countries. Ask himlherlme, etc. Then read out the advert.
She often writes to them. She writes a lot of letters every week.
She likes writing letters. 1 4 Setthe situation. Play the cassette.
C™ y o u S
W , ‘ 4 t'-t vv„, 2 e 1,1(1 Я 'О П к
i ^ Z Z sibt^
iftte rvi
E x e rc is e 1
Answer these questions:
What do you likedoing in spring?
. winter?
Whatdoyou likedoing atweekends?
on holiday?
E x e rc is e 2
I don’t like w atching television .
Write five true sentences.
E x e rc is e 3
flying Write sentences using:
He's afraid o f flying. going to thedentist
losing hisjob
E x e rc is e 4
I'm interested in learning English.
I'm not interested in studying history.
Write true sentences.
48 The weather forecast
Paul and Judy live in Birm ingham . It's a large city in the
Midlands. They're planning a weekend holiday.
Paul I know, Judy! W hy don't we go to Scotland?
Judy It's a very long way.
Paul O h, it isn't too far. Anyway, the motorway's very good,
so we can get there quickly.
Judy But Scotland's often cold at this time of the year. It may
Paul W ell, yes . . . it m a y . .. but I don't think it will.
Judy I'm not sure. It is February, and I'm frightened of driving
in snow. And we may not be able to find a hotel. They may
be closed.
Paul Oh, that's no problem. I can book a hotel by phone.
Judy W ell, perhaps it's not a bad idea. We may have beautiful
Paul O h, we'll enjoy ourselves anyway. Let's watch the
weather forecast on television. W e may not go to Scotland,
we may go to Wales or London. We can decide after the
forecast. . . .
24 February 25 February
•L iverpo ol ^
M ID LA N D S IRELAND e N o rw ic h •
Cloudy Rain
WALES anguaV
E x p r e s s io n s 9 Silent Reading.
Hurry up!
1 0 Play the cassette again. Students listen and read.
I know, I know
11 PairWork.
A Excuse me!
В Yes? Harridges
A I'm looking for the M en's Clothes ф 5th floor
Cafeteria Toilets
department. # 4th floor
В Ah, yes, sir. It's on the fourth floor. Men’sClothes
The lift's over there. # 3rd floor
A Thank you . . . but I'll use the stairs. I Ladies’Clothes
# 2nd floor
need the exercise! Furniture
# 1st floor
Household Goods
О Ground floor
# Basement
Food Hall
D Yes?
С D on't bother to knock. Go straight in
She's expecting you.
E Excuse me! London
F Yes? A3
E I'm lost! Is this the way to Brighton?
F No, I'm afraid it isn't. You're going
the wrong way. This is the
I Brighton
P ortsmouth Road. A272
E O h, dear. Can you tell me the way to
F Yes, turn round and go back to the
w y
roundabout. Take the third e x it. . .
that's the A272.
E The A272? Portsmouth
F That's right. You'll see signposts to A3
Brighton from there.
G Fares, please . . .
H Two to Market Street, please. Wessex Bus
G 3 6p.
H Can you tell me when we get there?
Destination Fare
G O.K. Market St. 18
H Thanks a lot. HighSt. 14
Exeter Rd. 12
PineAv. 10
E x p re s s io n s 11 Dialogue 2. Follow the same procedure as for Dialogue1,
I'm looking for the (cafeteria). but includethisdrill:
I've got an appointment with (Mrs Truman).
You can't miss it. 12 Drill: Continue:
Don'tbotherto knock. T : Mrs Truman Miss Green
Go straight in. T : I’ve got an appointment with Mrs Truman. Mr Williams
He's expecting you. T : Miss Green Mr Briggs
Is this the way to Brighton? T : I've got an appointment with Miss Green. Mrs Jones
Can you tell me the way to Brighton ? T: Mrs Truman Mr Lincoln
You're going the wrong way. С: I’ve got an appointment with Mrs Truman.
Take the(third) exit.
Can you tell me when we get there? 13 Dialog ue 3. Follow the same procedure as for Dialogue 1,
Fares, please! butincludethesedrills:
6 Silent Reading.
8 PairWork.
1 0 Transfer/Pair Work:
The teacher selects a student and acts out the dialogue,
substituting other vocabulary items. Students do the same
in pairs, using the prompts.
T a r g e t S tr u c tu r e s 8 Question and Answer:
Ask (me) if (I'm married). Where's the man fallen ?
Ask (me) (where) (I live). Where is he now?
What's just arrived?
Key V ocabulary What's one of the crew just done?
Who's he speaking to?
air sea rescue crewman editor
newsflash conscious pretty (bad) 9 Dialogue. Play the cassette (or act out).
helicopter trained arrange
cliff unconscious record (v) 1 0 Listen and Repeat.
crew injection
11 Silent Reading (Newsflash and Dialogue).
E x p re s s io n s
by radio 12 Question and Answer:
in pain Say :Tm the man on the beach.
Ask me if I can move.
Ask me if I'm in pain.
1 Ask the students to ask you questions, using the Ask me where it hurts.
pattern '.Ask me if I'm hungry, to elicit: Are you hungry? Ask me how I fell.
Answer. Ask me how long I've been on the beach.
Sample questions: Askm eifl'm cold.
Ask me if Ask me if I’ve ever had penicillin.
(1) I'm hungrylthirstyltired. Ask me where I live.
(2) There's a penlcombldriving licence in my (pocket/handbag). Ask me what the telephone number is.
(3) I've got a cameralRolls Royceldog.
(4) I can swim/speak Frenchlplay the piano. 13 Group Work (in threes). Students role-play the
(5) Ismokelread“The Times" Iwalk to school. crewman, doctor, and injured man. Encourage them to use
(6) I went out last night/watched television/had a drink. questions asin51.12.
(7) I've ever been to Parislhad an accidentlmet the Queen.
(8) I'm going to have a holiday this yearlstay at home 1 4 Text2. Ensure the text is masked. Setthe situation. Play
tonightlwatch television on Saturday. the cassette (or act out).
(9) I was here on Sunday /Monday /Saturday.
(10) I'll be here tomorrow/on Saturday /next week. 15 SilentReading.
(Add: Ask him i f . . ./A skherif. . . questions as well.)
16 Question and Answer:
2 Get the students to ask yo u to ask them questions Say.Now, I'm Bob Sonata.
(prompt if necessary): Ask me how many wives I’ve had.
S 1 : Ask me if I'm married. Ask me if I like England.
T : Are you married? etc. Ask me what my next record will be.
Ask me when I recorded it.
3 PairWork. Students ask each other to ask each other Askme where I recorded it.
questions as in 51.2. Ask me if I've recorded many songs recently,
. . .and. . . don't askme how old I am!
4 Ask the students to ask you questions using the
pattern:Ask me what I did last weekend, to elicit: What did you 17 Role-Playing. Students in pairs role-play the editor and
do last weekend? Answer. journalist. (See Practice.)
Ask me 18 Go through exercises 1—4 orally. Set them for
(1) What I did last weekend/last night. homework.
(2) When I started teaching/driving.
(3) Where I'm going tonight/on Saturday.
(4) Why I went to the doctor's/police station yesterday.
(5) How I came to school this morning/yesterday morning.
(6) How much money I've got in my (pocket)lin the bank.
(7) How many languages I can speak/sports I can play/musical
instruments I can play.
(8) Which my favourite television programme /colour is.
(9) Who I saw last night/this morning.
(10) How old I amlmy sister is, etc.
(Add:Ask him w h at. . ./Ask her when . . . questionsaswell).
E x e rc is e 2
Is she bored?
I don't know . You ask her if sh e’s bored.
1 Has she got any brothers?
2 Canshedrive?
3 DoesshespeakFrench?
4 Doesshelikewatchingtelevision?
5 Didshegooutlastnight?
6 HassheevermettheQueen?
7 Will she be atschool tomorrow?
E x e rc is e 3
Ask him where he lives.
W here do you live?
1 Ask him what his job is.
2 Ask him who he metyesterday.
3 Askhimwhen he arrived atschool.
4 Askhimwhy he’s laughing.
5 Askhim how he goes to work.
6 Askhim howfar it is to London.
7 Ask him how much money he’s got.
E x e rc is e 4
Wheredid he buy his watch?
I don’t k n o w . You ask him w here he bought his
w atch.
1 Whodid he speak to lastnight?
2 When did they get married?
3 What has she done today?
4 How many children have they got?
5 Why musthego to the police station?
6 Howold isshe?
7 Howmuchdidshepayforhercar?
52 U F O
Ronald and Jean were driving along a quiet country road in E x ercise 1
southern England. They were on the way to W estbury. It was Where did it come from? (They don’t know.)
nearly m idnight. They don't know w here it cam e from .
Jean R o n . . . look over there. There's som ething in the sky. 1 What was it? (He’s got no idea.)
W hat is it? 2 Why wasn’t it working? (They wonder.)
3 Wheredid itgo?(Shedoesn’tknow.)
Ron I don't know w hat it is. It's probably a plane. 4 What will the police say? (They’ve got no idea
Jean I don't think so. It's too big . . . and too bright.
Ron Oh, no. E x ercise 2
Jean W hat's the matter? Was it a UFO? (He’s got no idea.)
Ron The engine's stopped. He's got no idea if it w as a UFO.
Jean Why has it stopped? 1 Did it come from another planet? (They
Ron I don't know why it's stopped. W e'll have to find a garage. wonder.)
Jean Is there one near here? 2 Is the garage open? (Hedoesn't know.)
Ron Yes, there's one in the next village .. . but I don't know if 3 Wasitadream?(Wedon’tknow.)
it's open. It's very late. 4 Will the police believe them? (They’ve got no
Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a big, bright silver object
flew low over their car. It stopped in m id-air, turned round
and flew back over their car. Then it w ent straight up into the
sky and disappeared.
Jean O h, Ron! W hat was that?
Ron Eh? D on't ask me . . .I've got no idea what it was!
Jean Oh, I'm frightened .. . let's go.
Ron W e c a n 't .. . the engine isn 't working.
Jean Oh . .. try it again!
Ron That's strange. It's O .K . now. I w onder why it w asn't
Jean O h ,R o n . . . doyou think it was a UFO?
Ron I don't k n o w . . . I really don't. We should phone the
Jean R o n . . . do you think they'll believe us?
Т a rg e t S tru c tu re s 5 Focusattentiononthepicture. Ensure the text is
Do you know (who) (it is) ? masked. Setthe situation. Playthe cassette (or act out the
I don't know (what) (it was). text).
I've got no idea (where) (it came from).
6 Listen and Repeat.
I wonder (why) (the engine has stopped).
Do you know if(it's a UFO) ?
I don't know if (it's open). 7 Drill: Continue:
I've got no idea if (it was a dream). T:Isit open? Has it stopped?
T: I don't know if it's open. Is there a garage?
K ey V o c a b u la ry T: Has it stopped? WasitaUFO?
object T : I don't know if it's stopped. Did they phone the police?
Я mid air T ilsit open?
S : I don't know if it's open.
Will they believe them?
U.F.OA unidentified flying object)
bright 8 Drill:
low T : What was it?
probably T: I don't know what it was.
straight up T : Why did the engine stop?
T : I don't know why the engine stopped.
wonder T : What was it?
disappear S: I don't know what it was.
Exp ressio ns Why did the engine stop?
I've got no idea . How did it disappear?
I wonder. . . How fast was it moving?
Don't askme! When did they phone the police?
9 Drill:
1 Briefly revise the previous lesson. T : What was it?
T : I don’t know what it was.
2 Conceal asmall object in apocketo'^andbag (for T : WasitaUFO?
example, a paperclip) before the lesson Or ;-aw an T : I don't know if it was a UFO.
unrecognisable object on the board.) T -.What was it?
Say -.There’s something in my (pocket). Doyou know whatitis? S: I don't know what it was.
(Ifstudentstry to guess, say No, itisn’t repea'edfy). Continue:
Say: Ah, you don’t know what it is. WasitaUFO?
Choose a student, say Do you know what it is1 tee ciU don't Has it stopped?
know what it is. Why has it stopped?
Say.Askhimlherlme. . . to elicit/don't know what it is. Did they phone the police ?
When did they phone the police?
3 Followthesameprocedure using:
(a) A picture of a person (on a flashcard, or с n the board) to 1 0 SilentReading.
Do you know who it is? 11 PairWork.
I don't know who it is.
(b) The name of a fairly obscure town to prac: se 1 2 Go through exercises 1 and 2 orally. Set them in class
Do you know where it is? orforhomework.
I don't know where it is.
(c) A pen, that you pretend to have found to practise: 13 Transfer:
Do you know whose it is? Have you ever seen a UFO? Ask himlher.
1don’t know whose it is. Do you know if I've seen one? Ask me.
(d) Ask what time it is in various countries to practise : Have you ever seen a picture o f a UFO? Askhimlherlme.
Do you know what time it is in (New York)? Have you read any books about UFO's? Ask himlherlme.
I don't know what time it is. Do you think people really see them?
(e) Your birthday to practise:
Do you know when it is?
I don't know when it is.
(f) Extend this by asking:
How far is it to (Glasgow) ?
How tall is my (sister)?
How heavy (ami)? etc.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 12th No. 732 142
Danger to holiday beaches
Holiday towns and fishing villages in the South-West are
preparing to fight the oil pollution which is threatening local
Yesterday there was a collision in the English
Channel between the “ S. P. Titan ’ ’, which is one of CORNWALL
the biggest oil tankers in the world, and a Dutch
cargo ship. The collision happened in thick fog late
last night, and damaged the tanker’s engines. It
drifted onto rocks, and broke in half. The tanker
was carrying 100,000 tons of crude oil, and an oil
slick is moving slowly towards Cornwall. Heli
copters rescued both crews, and nobody died in the OILSLICK
collision. Hundreds of small boats, which are X
carrying detergents, are spraying the oil.
Learn a
WEATHER Mr Jeff Shepherd, who lives in Watermouth, A I О
returned home from work last night and couldn’t
There may be snow in
parts of Scotland. In find his house. It was on the edge of a cliff, and L E M in 8 Hours
Northern England during the afternoon it fell into the sea. There may with "instant" self-
there probably won’t be more cliff falls, and local residents are spending N P С studycassettes.
1. Listento anative
be snow, but there the night in a school. The police have warned How many words can speaker.
may be heavy showers. people not to return to their homes. you make? Every word 2. Recordyourself.
must contain the letter 3. Listento yourself
Showery weather will carefullyandcorrect
also reach the Midlands
later. It will be a cloudy
day in the South, with
Surprise for a thief “ E ” , and use some of
the other letters in
the box.
Yourself in8Hours
Languages available:
some thunder and Somewhere in London, a thief is going to get a You can only use each
French Spanish
lightning in the south nasty surprise today. Last night someone stole a letter once. It’s possible German English
van in Baker Street. The van belonged to London to make one 9-letter Arabic Japanese
Zoo, and in the back were two large boxes. They word. Write to:
Temperatures: average contained poisonous snakes. The van was on its 30 words or m ote Excel "instant" courses,
for the time of year. way from London Airport to the Zoo. The thief lent. 20 words or more 85SohoStreet,
Winds: light to moder took the van from outside a shop while the driver Very g oo d . 15 words for cassettes, tapes
ate. Strong in Scotland. was buying cigarettes! or more Good. or records.
54 A mugging
E x e rc is e
Write the story below. The words will help you.
5 6 7
Last night Mr Lester/ They/few seconds/and/ Suddenly Mr Lester/ The two astonished
middle-aged widower/ walk/slowly/silently/ big one/shoulder. men/sit/ground.
Birmingham street. Mr Lester. He/collide with/ Mr Lester/cross/
He/briefcase/umbrella. The big man/hold/ thin one. road/towards/door/
There/nobody else/ behind. They/land/pavement. painted sign.
two men. The thin one/try/ Mr Lester/strike/ Mr Lester/stop/
They/sid e-street. steal/ umbrella/and/walk/ turn/laugh/walk
One/big/black, Mr Lester/briefcase. quickly away. into/Central
curly hair. Birmingham Karate
The other/thin/ Club.
bald head.
T a rg e t S tru c tu re 13 Paragraph Four. Focus attention on Picture 4. Ensure
- e . sion and consolidation the text is masked. Playthe cassette (or read).
nobody else
14 Listen and Repeat.
Key V o c ab u la ry
15 SilentReading.
<a) mugging bald over
widow curly towards 16 Free Reproduction:
Tridower elderly snatch T : Look at the picture. Tellme what happened next.
cirrier bag fair strike, struck (Prompt if necessary.)
doorway middle-aged crash into
shoulder lighted collide with 17 Focus attention on Pictures 5—8. Go through orally.
ground painted except Set it in classorforhomework.
pavem ent astonished
sign calmly
youth silently
3 SilentReading.
7 SilentReading.
8 Reproduction (Correctthe s t a t e r ; -- :
T : They waitedfor a few minutes.
C ’.They waited for a few moments.
They walked slowly and noisily . . .
away from Mrs Riley . . .
The short youth held h e r . . .
from the fron t. . .
while the other youth tried to kiss her.
11 SilentReading.
5 Focus attention on the firsttwo small pictures. Ensure 21 Complete these sentences:
the text is masked. Play the cassette. When the train stops . . . .
When she gets o ff the train. . . .
6 Listen and Repeat. Before she leaves the station . . . .
As soon as she arrives at the school. . . .
7 Drill: Continue: After she opens the school. . . .
T : Has the Queen arrived yet? Has the King arrived yet? When she gets to the town hall. . . .
T: No, but she'll be here soon. Has the Prince arrived yet? After I make the speech . . . .
T : Has the King arrived yet? Has the Princess arrived yet? Before she leaves Portsbridge . . . .
T : No, but he'll be here soon. Has the Duke arrived yet? I
T : Has the Queen arrived yet? Has the Duchess arrived yet? 2 2 (See step 21 above.) Complete these sentences. Go
С : No, but she'll be here soon. through the sentences again in reverse. For example '.The
bandwillstartplaying. . . .
8 Drill: Continue:
T : We We 2 3 Transfer.(Ask himlherlmeleach other):
T '.We'll wait until we see the train. The people What'll you do when you get home?
T: The people He eat after have dinner?
T : The people'llwait until they see the train. She drink before go to bed?
T \We The Mayor watch as soon as go out?
С : We'll wait until we see the train. I listen to get up?
9 Drill: say
T : The train will stop soon.
T : When the train stops, the band will start playing. 2 4 Imagine that (an important visitor) iscoming to visit this
T : The plane will land soon. school. Makeplansfortheday.
T: When the plane lands, the band will start playing.
T : The train will stop soon. 2 5 Go through Exercises 1- -3 orally. Set them in class or
С : When the train stops, the band will start playing. for homework.
The plane will land soon.
The car will arrive soon.
The helicopter will land soon.
The bus will arrive soon.
10 SilentReading.
E x p r e s s io n s
They're off! (They've started.)
2 SilentReading.
6 PairWork. Studentsaskeachotherthequestions.
5 SilentReading.
/ u m d d /U a аш М .a
иЛ & - ; ' je r / S
H M pjU fo ; O c & fe f, ib
‘z r u t t d d t y , n t h O o /v fre S , гм с А с л ы ^ . 7 % & и г
ш )Ы&0 у i&ptore<2
C *? z U d K A iLrV & tt& U
fr y fittc U i* t ff
ij/w Jb
^ Hotel Napoleon
i к ц М Л С ! )I1
iartre Ряпс Toirv^i----
13,ruePigalle, Montmartre, Paris. Telephone 126 63 238. Telex 28443 Honap,
E x e rc is e 1
Now, write a letter to reserve a room at the,Hotel
Post Offic© International Telegram
I This telegram will be charged at ordinary rate untess an indicator (URGENT, ELI, LT orGLT) I
Wellington, Waterloo Street, London. is inserted between the double hyphens before the address.
E x e rc is e 2
T0 MAZY C0LErMAt f / 6 S , Z>15> A/.P&S/ PAtZKb,
Now, write a reply from the hotel. Begin az i z t v гае>нт g g w l& v e ^ dhsI
Dear M r . . . , M r s . . . , Miss . . . , o r M s . . . I
N am e an d A d d ress sf S e n d e r (N o t to b e Telegraphed)
E x e rc is e 3 C $ Z T E Z / 13 N E L S O N ' * ф / MOSS S f & £ ' /
M M c ^ rE jk / .... T^phon; no
Now, write a telegram to a friend. Tell him when
you’ll arrive home. You can use only twelve
60 Em ergency. . . 999
2 A Smart Teacher. Ensure the text is masked. Setthe 13 Listen and Repeat.
situation. Play the cassette.
1 4 SilentReading.
3 Listen and Repeat.
15 Question and Answer:
4 SilentReading. Who had Kate made an appointment with? Ask Why?
Was she nervous? Ask Why?
5 Question and Answer: Did she walk into town? AskHow?
When did his most embarrassing experience happen? She was lucky, wasn't she? Ask Why ?
What had he just started doing? When did the other car drive into the space?
Why didn't his alarm clock ring? How didshe feel?
What time did he wake up? What didshe do?
What time did school begin? What didshe say, do you think? »
Did he walk to school? What did the other driver do?
He drove, didn't he?
Did she find another space immediately ?
Had he washed? Had he shaved? Had he dressed? How long did it take?
When he arrived at school, were the students outside? When did she rush back to the bank?
Where had they gone? Was she early or late? Ask How late?
He didn't go to the staffroom, did he? Ask Where? What was the manager doing?
The students began laughing, didn't they? Who was he?
Could Stanley understand why? What did she say, do you think?
Why were they laughing?
Why hadn't he noticed before? 1 6 Transfer:
Have you ever had an important interview?
6 Transfer: What happened?
Have you ever forgotten to wind up your alarm clock? Have you ever seenlbeen in an argument about parking?
Have you ever been late for school? What happened?
Have you ever put on odd shoeslsocks ?
What colour were they? 17 Get students to tell you about embarrassing
When didyou notice? experiences they have had. Tell them about an
Have you ever put on a pullover inside out or back to front? embarrassing experience you have had.
7 Hand in Hand. Ensure the text is masked. Set the 18 Get them to write the story of an embarrassing
situation. Fi'ay the cassette. experience they have had. (In this, or in a later lesson these
can be told to the class.)
8 Listen and Repeat.
9 SilentReading.
61 Readers' Letters
? £ e a d e i5 * J le t t e u
62 A ghost story
E x e rc is e
Do you believe in ghosts? Have you everseen one?
Can you tell a ghost story?
T a rg e t S t r u c tu r e s 11 Drill: Continue:
Past Perfect T : What’d he been doing? What'd they been doing?
Past Perfect Prog ressive T : He' dbeen walking in the forest. What'd she been doing?
Emphatic pronouns T : What'd they been doing? What'd you been doing?
T: They'd been walking in the forest. What'd Edgar been doing?
Key V ocabulary T : What'd he been doing?
believe in sheet С : He'd been walking in the forest.
sit up
belong stare uncle
borrow child upstairs 12 Drill: Continue:
describe cottage wood T : all day 9 o'clock
disappear fireplace ordinary T : He'd been walking in the forest all day. 3 hours
frighten ghost T:9 o'clock 5 hours
lock grandfather clock shocked T: He'd been walking in the forest since 9 o'clock. all morning
panic Victorian T : 3 hours 11 o'clock
log fire
shout New Forest suddenly T : He'dbeen walking in the forest for 3 hours. all afternoon
T: all day 2 o'clock
С: He'd been walking in the forest all day. 4 hours
E x p re s s io n s
Don’t be silly! This isn't funny. Go on. 13 Drill: Continue:
T: you he
T : Had you had anything to drink? they
1 IntroductoryText. Ensure the text is masked. Setthe T\he she
situation. Play the cassette. T: Had he had anything to drink? Edgar
T:you the ghost
2 Silent Reading. С: Hadyou had anything to drink?
In a jeweller's shop
Nigel I'm trying to find a Christmas bracelet
present for my wife. pendant
Assistant Yes, sir. W hat exactly are you chain
looking for? necklace
Nigel I'm not sure, really. Perhaps you ear-rings
can help me.
gold (Au)
Assistant R ig h t. .. I'll show you some silver (Ag)
bracelets. platinum (Pt)
Nigel No, I bought a bracelet for our copper (Cu)
wedding anniversary. diamond
Assistant Maybe a ring, then. These ruby
rings are made of gold. emerald
Nigel Yes . . . I like that one. W hat's the sapphire
Assistant It's a diam ond, sir . . . and it's
only £2000!
Nigel A h . . . well, perhaps you could
show me some ear-rings, then.
врвивэ puBuoos 6
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=3 Т a rg e t S tru c tu re s 14 PairWork.
Introduction to the Passive (Present and Past Simple)
15 T:A lot o f things are made in England.
It What things are made in your countryItownlcapital city?
3 is
made in
produced in S : (Cars) are made in (Germany).
They are importedfrom Practise this thoroughly.(Ask himlherlme).
were exported to
=э K ey V o c a b u la ry
1 6 SilentReading.
1 7 PairWork.
assassinate print studio
be (bom) produce vacuum cleaner 1 8 T: A lot of things are produced on English farms.
build baker's wood Milkisproducedon English farms.
climb century cabbage Potatoes are produced on English farms.
discover goods carrot
export hairdresser's cucumber 19 Drill:
have (a look) hair dryer lettuce T : milk
hear of launderette pear T '.Milk is produced on English farms.
=э import
invent rubber
T : potatoes
T: Potatoes are produced on English farms.
T : milk
E xpressions C: Milk is produced on English farms.
3 I'm wrong. Continue:
3 1 Dialogue. Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the text
is masked. Setthe situation. Play the cassette. 2 0 T : What islare produced on farms in your country?
2 Listen and Repeat. 21 SilentReading.
3 SilentReading. 2 2 PairWork.
Mr Palmer is looking for a new house. Agent It's a very solid house. It's E x e rc is e
H e's tired of living in the city and he built of brick with a tiled ro o f. . .
wants to live in a quiet village. He's with Mr Palmer It's a long way from a big
the estate agent now. town. What are the services like?
Agent Hold on . . . I've got the details
Estate Agent Well, Mr Palmer. This is h ere. Yes .. .le t me see .. . the
the sem i-detached house that I told dustbins are emptied every Thursday.
you a b o u t. . . Number 26, Richmond Mr Palmer It's im portant for me to see
13 Orchard Lane.
Road. The owners are away, but I've the post before I go to work. W hen is it Cottage.
got a key. delivered? Built: 1820
Mr Palmer Hmm . . . w hen was it built? Agent It's usually delivered at about Stone/thatched roof.
Agent It was built in 1928. 7.30. The milk is delivered about six Central heating: 1978.
Mr Palmer Who built it? o 'clo ck . . . so you'll have fresh milk for Rewired: 1972.
Agent I'm not really sure. Is it breakfast. 13 O rchard Lane is a
important? cottage. It w as built in
Mr Palmer No, not really. Is that a new Mr Palmer It's certainly very cheap. I've 1820. It's built o f stone
with a thatched roof.
roof? It looks new. seen a lot of similar houses .. . and Central heating was
Agent It is nearly new. It was put on last they're more expensive. putin in 1978, and it
year. Agent Ah, yes . .. it's a real bargain. w as rew ired in 1972.
Mr Palmer Are there any plans for the
Agent You can see that it's in very good area? Now write paragraphs
condition. The previous owner was a Agent Pardon?Plans .. . well, anew
builder. school is going to be built in the village
Mr Palmer It's quite an old house. I'm next y e a r. . .
worried about the electrical wiring. M rPalm er Anything else?
Has it been rewired? Agent . .. and a new road, a motorway
Agent Yes, it has. actually, will be built next year, too.
Mr Palmer O h, w hen was it done? You'll be able to get to London easily.
Agent Five years ago. Also, it's been M rPalm er Where exactly will the
44 Primrose Avenue.
redecorated. Central heating has been motorway be built? Detached house.
put in, and a new garage has been Agent W ell, actually, it'll be built Built: 1935
built. behind the house. A bridge will be Brick/tiled roof.
Mr Palmer Oh, when was that done? constructed over the house. It'll be New roof: 1976
very interesting. You'll be able to Redecorated: 1978
Agent Last year . . . I think.
watch the traffic . . . .
68 Jubilee Street.
Town house.
Built: 1977
Brick/flat roof.
Sauna: January 1978.
Repainted: May 1978.
66 The Eight O'Clock News
Good evening, and here is the Eight O'Clock News. Robert Vic Bostik, the lead guitarist of The Rats
G ibbs, the great plane robber, has been caught in M ontina. He pop group, is dead. He was found
was arrested in a Vanadelo nightclu b. He is being questioned unconscious in his Mayfair flat early this
at police headquarters, and he will probably be sent back to m orning. Bostik was rushed to S t.
Britain. Two British detectives left Heathrow earlier this Sw ithin's Hospital, but doctors were
evening, and they will help the police in Vanadelo with their unable to save his life. A num ber of
enqu iries. In 1978 G ibbs was sentenced to forty years in prison bottles, w hich had been found in his flat,
for his part in the Great Plane Robbery. He escaped from were taken away by the police.
Parkwood Maximum Security Prison in A pril. Since then he
has been seen in ten different countries. There is no more news about the famous
Lanstable painting, N o r fo lk S u n set,
The strike at Fernside Engineering in Birm ingham has ended which was stolen last night from the
after talks betw een trade union leaders and management National Gallery. The painting, w hich is
representatives. The strike began last weekend after a worker worth half a m illion pounds, was given
had been sacked. He had had an argument with a supervisor. to the gallery in 1975. It hasn't been
Five thousand m en w ent on strike. The worker has now been found yet, and all airports and ports are
re-employed. being watched. Cars and trucks are
being searched. A reward of £10,000 has
been offered for inform ation.
E x e rc is e 1
Someone stole them. They w ere stolen.
Look a t this
Someone has found it.
Someone is watching it.
We d on ’t know who did it. Someone cleans the windows.
or Someone had taken them.
Someonedid it. It isn’t im portantw ho did it. Itwas done. Someone will buy it.
Someone brought it.
We aren 't interested in who did it.
Someone has seen it.
(or We are more interested in what was done than in who d id it.)
Someone issearching them.
Someone had caught it.
Someonedoes i t ....................Itisdone.
Someone will send it.
Someone isdoing i t .............. It is being done.
Someone hasdone i t ............It has been done.
E x e rc is e 2
Someone had done i t ............It had been done.
Someonewilldo it ................Itwill bedone. Now write the news for today.
T a rg e t S tru c tu re s 12 Question and Answer:
Extension of Passives, to include: Who's dead? Who was he?
It is being (done). He was found unconscious, wasn't he?
It had been (done). AskWhere? Ask When?
He was rushed to hospital.
K ey V o c a b u la ry Ask Which hospital?
Were the doctors able to save his life?
arrest sign non-league club Were any bottles taken away?
be unable to steal part Where had they been found?
be worth transfer pop group
capture use port 13 Text Four. Ensure the text is masked. Set the situation.
chase argument reward Play the cassette.
do (damage) contract strike
escape damage striker 14 Listen and Repeat.
go (on strike) detective supervisor
have (an argument) elephant talks 15 SilentReading.
load enquiry trade union leader
offer fee tranquillizer gun 16 Question and Answer:
question gallery veterinary surgeon What was stolen? AskWhere . . .from?
return headquarters dead Is there any more news about it?
rush information unconscious How much is the painting worth?
sack lead guitarist Mayfair Was it given to the gallery in 1977? Ask When?
save (a life) lunchtime on strike Has it been found yet?
search management representative probably Is the gallery being watched? Ask What?
sentence maximum security prison Are people being searched? Ask What?
How much has been offered for information?
1 Text One. Ensure the text is masked. Set the situation. 17 Text Five. Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the
Play the cassette. text is masked. Setthe situation. Play the cassette.
2 Listen and Repeat. 18 Listen and Repeat.
3 SilentReading. 19 SilentReading.
4 Question and Answer: 2 0 Question and Answer:
Who is Robert Gibbs? What kind o f elephant is Jumbo?
Has he been caught? Ask Where? Where didhe escape from? Ask When ?
Was he arrested at home? Ask Where? Has he been caught yet?
Where is he now? Was Jumbo chased across Hyde Park? Ask Where?
Is he asking questions oris he being questioned? Where was he captured?
Does he want to come back to Britain? What was used to capture him?
Will he probably be sent back? How was he taken back to the zoo?
Why did the two detectives go to Montina? Who was he examined by?
When was Gibbs sentenced to prison? Had any damage been done?
How many years was he sentenced to? What will happen to Jumbo ?
Why was hesentencedto prison?
Was he sent to an ordinary prison? 21 Text Six. Ensure the text is masked. Setthe situation.
Did he escape? Ask When? Play the cassette.
Has he been seen since then? Ask Where?
2 2 Listen and Repeat.
5 TextTwo. Ensurethetextismasked.Setthesituation.
Play the cassette. 2 3 SilentReading.
6 Listen and Repeat. 2 4 Question and Answer:
Is Jimmy Mactavish English?
7 SilentReading. Why is he in the news?
When was the contract signed?
8 Question and Answer: Has he been sold to a European club? Ask Which club?
Has the strike ended? How old is he?
When did the strike begin? When was he bought by Eastfield United?
Why did the strike begin ? How much was he bought for?
Had he had an argument with his wife? Ask Who?
How many men went on strike? 2 5 Focus attention on the summary. Silent Reading.
What about the worker now?
2 6 Go through Exercise 1 orally. Set it in classorfor
9 Text Three. Ensure the text is masked. Setthe situation. homework.
Play the cassette.
2 7 Set Exercise 2 for homework.
10 Listen and Repeat.
11 SilentReading.
T a r g e t S t r u c tu r e s 7 Question and Answer:
Extension of passives Who was it written by?
Who was it published by ?
It can be (done). Where was the boat made?
How was it designed?
Key V ocab ulary Who does Redwood think America was first discovered by?
album compose future Where were the designs taken from?
Atlantic design golden Where had the books been found?
ballad direct Irish How is this book illustrated?
concert tour discover remote Who were the photographs taken by?
crossing film rock When were they taken?
deep illustrate romantic
design print wooden 8 Transfer (Ask melhimlherleach other):
documentary produce beautifully Have you read this book?
live Have you read any other books by Eric Redwood?
Who do you think America was discovered by?
Do you like books about the sea?
habit repeat Have you read any other books about the sea?
use Tell us about them. в
map 9 Review 3. Ensure the text is masked. Set the situation.
monster Read the text.
province 1 0 SilentReading.
shark 11 Question and Answer:
song Who is the singer?
variety Who was the record pro duced by ?
voyage Who were the songs written by?
When was the album recorded?
E x p re s s io n s Who is she accompanied by?
Have you hear d o f any of them?
Don't miss it! Where are the words printed?
Atlantic Crossing
Written by Eric Redwood.
Published by Heath Brothers
This book tells the story of Eric Songs of the City Last of the Eagles?
Redwood who crossed the Atlantic By Lisa Francis (XYZ Records) Directed by Barbara Anfield.
Ocean alone in a small wooden boat. Produced by Martin Duncan. (BBC-TV)
The boat was made in Ireland, and
was designed like the boats which All the songs on this new album This documentary, which was first
were used by Irish fisherman one were written by Lisa herself, and the shown on BBC 2 last year, will be
thousand years ago. Redwood album was recorded live during her repeated on BBC 1 next week. The
thinks America was first discovered recent successful concert tour. She is golden eagle is now found in only a
many years before Columbus was accompanied by several well- few remote places in Scotland. In
born. The designs for the boat were known musicians, Elton Kash, recent years nests have been robbed
taken from old books which had Dave Langdown, Ken Thompson, and eggs have been stolen. Eagles
been found in an Irish monastery. and Tony Lloyd. There is a great are protected by law, but they are
The book is beautifully illustrated variety of music on the album - threatened with extinction. Barbara
with many colour photographs and gentle romantic ballads, soul music, Anfield spent a year making this
maps. The photographs were taken and exciting rock songs. The words programme. The everyday habits of
by Redwood himself during the to all the songs are printed on the the eagle have been recorded for
voyage. back of the cover. future generations.
E x e rc is e
N o w w rite a s h o rt re v ie w o f
a film th a t y o u ’ve s e e n ,
a b o o k th a t y o u ’v e re a d ,
a re c o rd th a t yo u ’ v e h e a r d .
a te le v is io n p ro g r a m m e th a t y o u ’ve s e e n .
68 Elvis Presley - Story of a Superstar
W hen Elvis Presley died on 16th August, In the summer of 1953 Elvis paid $4
1977, radio and television programmes and recorded two songs for his m other's
all over the world were interrupted to birthday at Sam Phillips' Sun Records
give the news of his death. President studio. Sam Phillips heard Elvis and
Carter was asked to declare a day of asked him to record T hat's A ll R ig h t in
national m ourning. Carter said: 'Elvis July 1954. 20,000 copies were sold,
Presley changed the face of American mainly in and around M em phis. He
popular culture. . . . He was unique and made five more records for Sun, and in
irreplaceable.' Eighty thousand people July 1955 he met Colonel Tom Parker,
attended his funeral. The streets were who becam e his manager in November.
jamm ed with cars, and Elvis Presley Parker sold Elvis's contract to RCA
films were shown on television, and his Records. Sun Records got $35,000 and
records were played on the radio all day. Elvis got $5,000. W ith the money he
In the year after his death, 100 million bought a pink Cadillac for his mother.
Presley LPs were sold. On January 10th, 1956, Elvis recorded
Elvis Presley was born on January 8th, H e a r tb r e a k H o te l, and a m illion copies
1935, in Tupelo, M ississippi. were sold. In the next fourteen months
His tw in brother, Jesse Garon, died at he made another fourteen records, and
birth. His parents were very poor and they were all big h its. In 1956 he also
Elvis never had music lessons, but he made his first film in Hollywood.
was surrounded by m usic from an early In March, 1958, Elvis had to join the
age. His parents were very religious, and army. He wanted to be an ordinary
Elvis regularly sang at church services. In soldier. W hen his hair was cut
1948, when he was thirteen, his family thousands of women cried. He spent the
moved to M em phis, Tennessee. He left next two years in Germany, where he
school in 1953 and got a job as a truck met Priscilla Beaulieu, who became his
driver. wife eight years later on May 1st, 1967. In
1960 he left the army and w ent to
Hollywood where he made several films
during the next few years.
By 1968 many people had becom e tired
of Elvis. He hadn't performed live since
1960. But he recorded a new LP From
E lvis in M em p h is and appeared in a
special television programme. He
became popular again, and went to Las
Vegas, where he was paid $750,000 for
four weeks. In 1972 his wife left him , and
they were divorced in O ctober, 1973. He
died from a heart attack. He had been
working too hard, and eating and
drinking too much for several years. He
left all his money to his only daughter.
Lisa Marie Presley. She became one of
the richest people in the world when she
was only nine
T a r g e t S t r u c tu r e s 10 Play the cassette.
Revision and consolidation
11 Silent Reading (and correction of pre-questions).
to become
He became popular/rich. 12 Question and Answer:
She became his wifetone of the richest women. How many records did Elvis record for his mother's birthday?
What was the name of his first record?
Key V ocab ulary Who became his manager?
attend copy irreplaceable How much money did Elvis get?
become church service live What did he buy for his mother?
death day of national mourning religious What was the name of his first big hit?
declare funeral unique Where didhe make his first film?
divorce heart attack mainly
interrupt hit regularly 13 Paragraph 4.
jam (v) only daughter at birth Pre-questions: When didhe join the army?
make (afilmlrecord) popular culture Where did he spend two years?
move twin brother When didhe get married?
record When did he leave the army?
surround 14 Play the cassette.
8 Correct mystatement:
Elvis Presley was born in England.
His twin sister died at birth.
His parents were very rich.
Elvis had a lot of music lessons.
He was surrounded by books from an early age.
His parents weren't very religious.
Elvis never sang at choral services.
In 1948, when he was thirty, his family moved to Memphis.
He left school in 1943.
He got a job as an English teacher.
9 Paragraph 3.
Pre-questions:VWjai was the name of his first record?
Who became his manager?
What did he buy for his mother?
When did he make his first film?
T a rg e t S tru c tu re s 15 Part 3 (Overland Expedition). Focus attention on the
If (I) I had enough money I I'd(buyit). advert. Silent Reading.
I were rich,
W hatw ouldyoudoifyou I were rich? 16 Play the cassette (Eric). Listen and Repeat.
\ had enough money?
17 Question and Answer:
K ey V o c a b u la ry What's his job?
How much does he know about cars?
applicant engineer apply Has he got a clean driving licence?
B.Sc.(Bachelor of Science) expenses clean Has he got enough money?
computer programmer experience mechanical What’llhe do if they ask him to go with them?
driving licence knowledge
18 Play the cassette (Frank). Listen and Repeat.
1 Part 1 (Ford Cortina). Focus attention on the advert. 19 Question and Answer:
Silent Reading. Has he got a licence? What about money?
How much does he know about cars?
2 Play the cassette (Andrew). Listen and Repeat. What would he do if he knew enough about cars?
3 Drill: Continue: 2 0 Pair Work, as in 69.8.
T: I He
T :lfllik e it,r ilb u y it. You 21 Part 4 (Secretary Wanted). Focus attention on the
T: He They
advert. Silent Reading.
T'.If he likes it, he' 11buy it. We
T :I She 2 2 Play the cassette (Georgina). Listen and Repeat.
C: If Ilike it, I'll buy it.
2 3 Question and Answer:
4 Question and Answer: What languages can she speak?
How much is the car? What languages does she need?
Has he got enough money? Will she apply?
Is he going to look at the car? What'll she do if she gets the job?
Will he buy it?
What will he do if he likes it? 2 4 Play the cassette (Helen). Listen and Repeat.
5 Play the cassette (Barbara). Listen and Repeat. 2 5 Question and Answer:
Can she speak German ?
6 Drill: Continue: Does she need German?
T:I he Canshe apply? Why not?
T'.If I had enough money, I'd buy it. you What would she do if she could speak German?
T:He they
T: If he had enough money, he'd buy it. she 2 6 PairWork, as in 69.8.
T :/ we
С: If I had enough money, I'd buy it. 2 7 Part 5 (Computer Programmer). Focus attention on the
advert. Silent Reading.
7 Question and Answer:
Does she like the car? 2 8 Play the cassette (Isabel). Listen and Repeat.
Has she got enough money?
Will she buy the car? Why not? 29 Question and Answer:
What would she do if she had enough money? How oldisshe?
Isshe too old?
8 PairWork. Students ask each otherthe questions. What'll happen if she phones?
Will she apply?
9 Part2(Engineerwanted). Focus attention on the
advert. Silent Reading. 3 0 Play the cassette (Jack). Listen and Repeat.
10 Play the cassette (Christopher). Listen and Repeat. 31 Drill: C o r :'_ e
T :I he
11 Question and Answer: T: If I were younger, I’d apply.
Has he got experience? T :he you
Has he got aB. Sc.? T :Ifhew ere younger, he'dapply.
Is he going to apply? T: 1
What will he do if they offer him the job? C: If I were younger, I'd apply.
12 Play the cassette (David). Listen and Repeat. 3 2 Question and Answer:
Is he over 23 or under 23 ?
13 Question and Answer: Is he going to apply? Why not?
Does he like the job? What would he do if he were younger?
Can he apply? Why not?
What would he do, if he had the qualifications? 3 3 Pair Work as in 69.8,
14 PairWork(asin69.8). 3 4 Focus attention on the summary chart. Silent Reading.
69 If I had enough money. . .
Andrew Barbara
I've got £3500. I'm going to look at the That's a nice car, but I haven't got
car. If I like it, I'll buy it. [ f o r d CORTINA. For
enough money.
Howmuch isthecar? Sale. One carefu l lady If I had enough m oney, I'd buy it!
Has hegotenough money? owner. V ery good Does she like the car?
Is he going to look at the car? condition. £ 3 ,5 0 0 Has shegotenough money?
Will he buy it? Will she buy the car? Why not?
Whatwill he do if he likes it? Whatwould shedo if she had enough money?
Christopher David
I've worked for an oil company for ten I like that jo b , but I can't apply for it.
years. I haven't got the qualifications.
I'm a Bachelor of Science in Engineering. If I had the qualifications, I'd apply for it.
I've got the qualifications. ENGINEER WANTED
N orth S e a oil company. Does helikethe job?
I'm going to apply for the jo b . Q ualifications: B ach elor Can he apply?
If they offer me the j o b , I'll certainly take of Science and five years Why not?
it. exp erien ce o f sim ilar
Whatwould he do, if he had the qualifications?
Eric Frank
I'm a m echanic, and I know a lot about OVERLAND EXPEDI I've got £1000, and a driving licence.
cars. TION TO A U S T R A L IA . But I know very little about cars.
I've got a clean driving licence and By Land Rover. T hree If I knew som ething about cars, I'd go
enough money. men w anted. Q U A L IF I- w ith them.
If they ask me, I'll go w ith them. CA TIO N S-clean driving
Has he gota licence?
licence - m echanical
What’s his job? What about money?
knowledge. The applic How much does he know about cars?
How much does he know about cars?
ant m ust have £1,000 Whatwould hedo if he knew enough about
Hashegotacleandriving licence?
Has he gotenough money? fo r expenses. cars?
What’ll hedo, ifthey askhimtogowiththem?
Georgina Helen
I can speak French and German. I can speak French, but I can't speak
I'll apply for the j o b . WANTED S e creta ry for German.
If I get it, I'll have to move to busy office in Geneva. If I could speak German, I would apply
Switzerland. The applicant m ust be for the job.
able to speak F ren ch
What languages can she speak? Can she speak German?
and Germ an. Apply:
What languages does she need? Does she need German?
UNO, W HO, Geneva.
Will she apply? Can she apply?
What’llshedo ifshe gets the job? Why not?
Whatwould shedo, if she could speak German?
Isabel Jack
I'm 19 and I'm interested in the jo b . TRAINEE COMPUTER I'm interestedin the jo b , but I'm too old.
I'll get more inform ation if I phone PROGRAMMER. A If I were younger, I'd apply.
them , and if the salary's good I'll apply! marvellous opportunity
Is he over23 or under 23?
for a young person Is he going to apply?
Howold isshe? aged between 18 & 23.
Isshetooold? Why not?
For more information: Whatwould hedo, if he were younger?
What’ll happen ifshe phones? Phone 01-123 4567
Will she apply?
8 PairWork.
1 2 Drill: Continue:
T : prawns pate
T: I'm very fond o f prawns. melon
I ’.pate trout
T .’I'm very fond of pate. avocados
T : prawns
С .’I'm very fond o f prawns.
T a rg e t S tru c tu re s 9 Part two. Focus attention on the picture. Ensure the text
Extension of conditionals is masked. Play the cassette.
I’ve just seen an I need some money I want to stop smoking. Iwant to be a I’ve been mugged!
accident. and the banks are millionaire,
T a r g e t S t r u c tu r e s 9 Focus attention on the next section.
Extension of conditionals T : She wants to buy a pet. Ifyouw ereher, which pet wouldyou
Key V ocabulary Ask himlherlmeleach other.
She also wants to buy a radio, etc.
have (a rest) aspirin
imagine desert island 10 PairWork. Studentsgive advice in pairs,
film star
e.g. S 1 : (She) wants to buy aradio.
headache S 2 : If Iwere (her), I'd buy a (Sony), etc.
North Pole
11 J : Now look at these people.
I've lost my passport.
1 Focus attention on the firsttext (the desert island). Set T : What's his problem?
the situation. Ensure the text is masked. S : He's lost his passport.
T : If Iwere going to a desert island, I'd take a dog, a gun, a knife, a J : Advise him.
chess set, a fishing rod, a big box of matches, and the S : If Iwere you, I'd go to the police station.
"Encyclopedia Britannica". If I lost my passport, I'd go to my embassy.
T: Whatwouldyou take? Now go through the others in the same way, asking
Ask him/her. (a) What's (his) problem? (b) Advise him.
2 PairWork. Students ask each other in pairs, and each 12 PairWorkasin72.11.
student writes down a list of six things.
5 Lookatthenextpicture.
T: Ifshe could be somebody else, who would she like to be?
What about you? Why? Ask himlherlmeleach other.
16 PairWork as in 72.15.
1 8 PairWorkonA.
ш л
■ €'av e m z m j
OH,W/zfs A
fO U C £ Ж
^ / M W T 7D
l/V E U Y 77L
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. _
73 Mad killer strikes again!
AGAIN Brad Stafford and Saul Goldberg
Central Los Angeles was rocked by car bombs. Nobody knows why they
another car bomb explosion last night. were killed or who killed them. A
Doctor Martin was killed when he warning letter was sent to the Daily Echo
started his car outside the General two days ago.
Hospital. Detective Leo Lasky has been put in
Five doctors have been killed this year by charge o f the investigation.
T a rg e l S tru c tu re s 7 Drill:
It must be | done, T : It can't be done . . . .
can't be T: It must be done!
couldn't be T: He can't be found. . . .
maybe T: He must be found!
T:It can't be done.
K ey V o c a b u la ry С :ltm ustbe done.
block blame Continue:
car bomb race He can't be found!
investigation rock He can't be caught today!
murder strike He can't be arrested today!
revenge threaten He can't be caught before he kills again.
warning (n./adj.) Doc.
8 SilentReading.
5 Drill: Continue:
T : by tomorrow as soon as possible
T : He must be foundby tomorrow. quickly
T: as soon as possible at once i
T : He must be found as soon as possible. immediately
T : by tomorrow soon
С: He must be foundby tomorrow.
6 Drill:
T : He must be foundby tomorrow.
T:It can't be done.
T : He must be arrested today.
T: It can't be done.
T : He must be foundby tomorrow.
C: It can't be done.
He must be arrested today.
He must be caught at once.
He must be caught before he kills again.
He must be found today. c o n tin u ed
10 Focus attention on the picture strip (second page). Play
the cassette for the complete picture strip.
12 Drill: Continue:
T: I You
T: I may be killed next! He
T: You She
T: You may be killed next! They
T: I We
С: I may be killed next! Anybody
13 Drill: Continue:
T : Did you find him ? Didyou catch him?
T: No, he couldn't be found. Didyou stop him?
T : Did you catch him? Didyou follow him?
T: No, he couldn't be caught.
T : Didyou find him?
С :N o,h e couldn't be found.
15 SilentReading.
1 8 SilentReading.
21 SilentReading.
2 p/ i
2 Ж ‘Ш Шл
\ ^
He l p you ?
I u J f 0 COUK5E l>LL H* T E 5 DOCTORS./
\H E L F you. /Л 1 А У B E
W HY ?
b'LLEfr h e XT.' , m T W E L L , М А У & Е A R E L A T IV E OR
L A S K Y 'W O R K E D F O U N P S O M E T H IN G FO U R M O N T H ? AC>0? T H E
t=~OR H O U R * .... /14} 'F O U R M ONTHS E A R L IE R M U R V £R f> S T A R T E D TH E N '.
■Ш*1 ------- . H!5 WIFE WERE ^ V I OP£KAT!N& THEATRE. /
Laura's Report
Dr Sowanso visited England yesterday.
He arrived at London Airport at 10 am,
and we asked him to comment on the
international situation. He just made a
brief statement. He said he was very
busy, and that he'd got a lot of
appointm ents. He said he couldn't say
very much, but he said he loved
England. He said that he had been here
many tim es, and that he had enjoyed his
visit in January. He said he would be in
England for only twelve hours, and that
he was going to m eet the Prime M inister.
He said he had no other com m ents.
Key V ocabulary
album beat brief
appointment destroy forever
career international
V.I.P. lounge
2 SilentReading.
3 DoctorSowanso.
Follow this procedure:
Step 1 .Listen to Dr. Sowanso. He's at London Airport now.
Step 2. Listen and Repeat.
Step3. Listen and Transform, forexample:
Dr. Sowanso.‘I'm very b u s y T : What does he say?
С: He says he's very busy.
Pause the tape after each statement.
Step 7.
T : Doctor Sowanso arrived at London Airport yesterday.
T : 'I’m very busy,' he said. What did he say?
С : He said he was very busy.
‘I've got a lot o f appointments.'
'I can't say very much.'
'llove England.’
‘I've been here many times before.’
‘I enjoyed my visit in January.’
'I'll only be in England for twelve hours.'
‘I'mgoing to meet the Prime Minister.'
'I have no other comments.'
3 Silent Reading.
4 PairWork.
6, Give prompts:
T : What's your name?
T : She askedher what her name was.
T: Where do you come from?
T : She asked her where she came from.
T : What's your name ?
C: She askedher what her name was.
Go through the examiner’s checklist in this way.
9 PairWork.Studentsgiveeachothertheoral
This is the paper that
the examiner used, Examination in English as a
Foreign Language
when she was asking
Stage One: Oral Examination.
the questions.
This Itst must not b e shown to the candidates
щ “
n ? ^ ow wifi you use English in the future?
— 6 Do you like the school?
L j 7 Do you live with your parents'?
П I Do you speak any other languages?
□ 10 Look
-J 10 iTn? at
T this
l yOUr h0bbi8S?
picture. Tel1 m
Describe it.e about them.
— 11 Reading passage
Look a t this
“Do you like English food?”................(She) asked (him) if (he) liked English food.
“Have you been to Paris?” .............. . (He) asked (me) if (I had) been to Paris.
“Will you go there?” ............................. (They) asked (us) if (we) would go there.
“What’s your address?” ...................... (I) asked (them) what (their) address was.
“Howdid you cometo school?” ........(You) asked (her) how (she) had come to school.
“When can you do it?”..........................(She) asked (me) when (I) could do it.
76 But you said. .
6 Silent Reading.
10 Silent Reading.
77 Having things done
11 Drill: Continue:
T : suit jacket
T : I want to have my suit cleaned. skirt
T: jacket dress
T : I want to have my jacket cleaned. trousers
T : suit
C'.Iwantto have my suit cleaned.
78 Trouble at the supermarket
4 T a rg e t S t r u c tu r e s 4 Picture 8.
T: Now Mrs Bell's in the manager's office.
Revision and consolidation
What's the manager saying?
Key V ocabulary What's she saying?
counter section astonish(ed) 5 Pair Work/Improvisation. Improvise the scene in the
exit spirits hang
groceries store detective
=a handle trolley 6 Get one or two students to improvise it in front of the
queue trouble class.
Picture 3. At the wines and spirits section she met her neighbour,
Mrs Young. Mrs Young's three-year-old daughter, Lisa, was
sitting in the trolley. She had put her there because she was too
heavy to carry. The two women started talking. Mrs Bell told Mrs
Young about the dinner party.
Picture 5. After she'd looked at the bottle for a few seconds, she
got bored. She couldn’t open the bottle, so she put it in Mrs Bell's
shopping bag which was hanging from the handle of the trolley.
Picture 6. Mrs Bell found a nice bottle of red wine and put it in her
trolley. She went to the checkout and joined the queue. The store
detective was standing near the checkout. She saw the bottle of
whisky in her bag. Mrs Bell paid for all the things in her trolley
and walked towards the exit.
Picture 7. As she was going out the store detective stopped her.
She asked her why she hadn't paid for the whisky. Mrs Bell was
astonished. She explained that she didn't know anything about the
bottle of whisky. The store detective didn't believe her and asked
Mrs Bell to go with her to the manager’s office.
T a rg e t S tru c tu re s 12 Question and Answer:
Revision and consolidation of reported speech and direct Ask if the Caliph was puzzled.
speech Ask w hohew asfondof.
Ask why he was angry.
K ey V o c a b u la ry Ask if he hadbeen badly frightened.
Ask who he hadbeen frightenedby.
drop Caliph dressed (in black) Askwhere he decided to go.
give (permission) fruit puzzled Ask why he decided to go there.
shiver market terrified
turn (away) servant wise Ask if the Caliph found the man in black.
turn (around) stranger boldly Ask how he spoke to him.
basket sunset nervously Ask what his first question was.
certain all the way Ask what the stranger replied.
Ask what the Caliph answered.
Ask what the stranger said then.
1 Part One. Ensure the text is masked. Setthe situation. Ask what the Caliph's last question was.
Play the cassette. Ask what Death replied.
2 Listen and Repeat. 13 Play the complete cassette.
3 SilentReading. 14 Get the students to transform all the sentences in direct
speech into reported speech.
4 Reproduction from prompts.
Once upon a time/rich Caliph/Baghdad. 15 Setthe exercise in class or for homework.
Helfamous becauselwiselkind.
One morning he/servant, Abdul,Imarketlbuylfruit. 16 F r e e Reproductior\:Tellme the story. Promptwhere
As Abdullmarketjhe suddenly/cold. necessary.
He knew/somebody /behind.
He/round and/tall manldressedlblack.
7 SilentReading.
11 SilentReading.
79 The Appointment
/lie o u j
E x e rc is e
Now write John’s reply to Mary: . ^
Write your address and the date/Begin Dear. ^'
/Wary/Teliherthatyouwerepleasedtoreceive ^ / s
her letter/Tell her that you miss her/Ask her if л
she’s passed herexam/Tell herthatyou think
she’ll beabletogetabetterjob/Tell herabout ^9/ ’
your new job/Ask herwhattime she’ll arrive at ^ ^9^
the airport/Tell herthatyou’ll be able to meet
her/Say that you’ve just bought a car/Tell her that
it’s a very old car/Explain that you’re going to
have it repainted/Send her all your love/Sign
your name/Write a postscript and tell her that
you’ve had your photograph taken.
T a rg e t S t r u c tu r e s 15 Transfer:
Revision and consolidation When was the last time you went to a restaurant or a party?
Tell us about it.
Key V ocabulary Have you had у our hair done (women) I recently?
cut (men)
mark (exams) atmosphere final Have you had your photograph taken recently?
make (friends) farewell party useful Ask When? Ask Why? Ask Who . . .by?
receive portrait pretty (difficult)
riverside restaurant in a good mood 16 Go through the exercise orally. Set it in class (or for
street artist P.S. (postscript) homework).
3 SilentReading.
6 SilentReading.
9 SilentReading.
12 SilentReading.
This vocabulary contains all the words in the bed 1 brow n 62 cheap 49
student's book, and the num ber of the unit bedroom 29 Brussels sprouts 70 cheaply 71
bedside 55 B.Sc. 69 check (v) 18
where they first occur.
beef 64 (Bachelor of Science) ch eck in 25
b een 1 budgie 27 cheer (v) 21
a 2
army 15
Army Careers
beer 28
before 4
buffet 23
build (v) 64
cheese 64
chef 49
A272 50 Office 15 begin 23 build ing 23 chem ist 8
(be) able to 15 around 1 begin ning 37 burn (v) 60 cheque 18
aboard 1 arrange 51 behind 28 bus 8 cheque book 58
about 1 arrest 41 b elieve 13 busin ess 2 chicken 28
absolutely 41 arrive 6 bell 23 busy 7 child 62
accent 45 article 40 belong 53 but 4 children 3
accept 46 artificial 60 below 54 butter 64 chips 28
accident 4 artist 80 b en d (n ) 57 button 56 choose 27
accom pany 67 as 6 beneath 71 buy (v) 3 Christm as 63
accounts 2 Ascot races 28 benefit 71 buzzer 55 church 27
across 66 ashore 71 beside 62 by 4 cigarette 27
actress 30 ashtray 63 b est 3 by the way 2 cigarette case 25
'ad' 15 A sian 7 bet 57 cinem a 31
address 1 ask 1 b etter 3 city 16
(in) advance 46 asleep 42 betw een 20 class 61
adventure 47 aspirin 72 big 19 CC (centigrade) 29 clean 3
advertisem ent 53 assassinate 64 bill (n) 28 cabbage 64 clean (v) 6
advice 38 astonished 54 bird 23 cable (n) 18 cleaner (n) 6
advise (v) 63 astronaut 12 birth 2 cabin 1 clear 27
afraid 21 at 2 birthday 28 cafeteria 50 clearly 51
African 7 atm osphere 80 (a) b it 27 caliph 79 clever 12
after 7 attack 37 b ite(v ) 27 call (n) 2 cliff 53
afternoon 9 attem pt 4 black 8 call (v) 13 clim b (v) 12
again 6 attend 68 blam e 73 calmly 23 clock 2
against 21 Australia House 16 bleed 26 camera 64 close (v) 3
age 19 A ustralian 1 block 73 cam eram an 21 closed 48
ta aged 66
ago 10
autom atic 3
autum n 47
blonde 42
blood 37
can (v) 2
can (n) 58
close-up 22
cloth 49
agree 33 available 53 blood pressure 77 Canadian 1 clothes 3
air 1 2 ,3 7 Ave. (avenue) 50 blue 9 canal 19 cloud 12
a airport 5
alarm clock 61
average 4 board (v) 25
boarding card 2
cane 44
capital 64
cloudy 48
club 38
avocado 70
album (record) 63 away 4 boat 42 capsule 9 clue 73
alcohol 38 awful 1 boiled 70 captain 1 cm. (centim etre) 19
alibi 28 bom b (n) 73 capture(v) 66 coal 71
all 1 boo (v) 21 car 10 coast 25
all right 2 b ook (n ) 42 card 1 coat 12
alm ost 56 В book(v) 29
booking form 79
care (v) 30
career 74
cocktail 6
coffee 3
alone 5 В .A. 61
A lsatian (dog) 27 (Bachelor of Arts) border 36 careful 26 coffee m achine 3
alteration 77 baby 6 bore (v) 37 carefully 12 code 2
always 6 back 8 boring 6 careless 20 cold (adj.) 22
am 1 backache 9 born 2 carelessly 20 cold (n) 9
A m erican 1 bad 6 borrow 43 cargo 53 coldly 79
am bulance 60 badly 8 boss 24 carrier-bag 54 collapse 23
am use 37 bag 9 both 3 carrot 64 collide 54
an 1 baked 70 bother (v) 50 carry (v) 23 collision 53
and 1 baker 64 bottles 26 case 23 colour 8
angry 21 balcony 76 bottom 20 cash(n) 28 com b 25
anim al 12 bald 54 box 9 cash(v) 28 come 2
sl anniversary 26
announcer 23
ballad 67
ballet 46
boxer 74
boy 27
cassette 64
cassette-player 45
come back 9
come in 27
announcem ent 25 band 55 boyfriend 35 casualty 55 come on! 6
another 1 bandage 26 bracelet 63 cat 23 com m ent (n) 73
a answ er (n) 6
answ er (v) 13
bank 1
bar 4 ,7 6
brakes 77
brand new 22
catch (v) 6
cauliflower 70
com pany 2
com parison 20
anti-freeze 77 bargain 65 brandy 29 cause (v) 23 com partm ent 3
a. any 3
anym ore 34
anything 10
bar of soap 9
basem ent 50
basket 60
bread 38
breadcrum bs 70
break 39
ceiling 23
centim etre 4
central 28
com petition 4
com petitor 4
com plain 34
anyw ay 21 bass 11 breakdow n 4 2 ,5 8 central heating 65 com plaint 73
a apartm ent 30
application form 22
apply 22
bath (v) 6
bathroom 29
battery 58
breakfast 42
breast stroke 4
breathe 22
brick 65
centre 26
certain 33
certainly 4
com plete (v) 2
com plete (adj.) 61
com pose 65
com prehensive 55
appointm ent 46 be 1 certificate 80
approach (v) 57 beach 19 bridge 44 chain 63 com puter 12
approxim ately 25 bean 70 brief 74 chair 8 concert 46
A rabic 53 beard 42 bright 48 cham pagne 26 Concorde 27
are 1 b ea t(v ) 74 brilliant 67 cham pion 74 cond ition 65
area 2 beautiful 48 bring 23 change (v) 8 conduct 16
argum ent 30 beautifully 67 bristle 9 charge(n) 2 confirm 59
arm (n) 12 because 12 Britain 4 chart 63 congratulations 26
arm chair 40 becom e 68 brochure 29 chase (v) 66 connect 2
conscious 51 deep 1 9 ,6 7 expedition 68 foot 4
construct 65 deeply 12 expensive 11 footballer 51
construction 20 delicious 29 each other 30 experience 61 football season 20
contain 53 deliver 65 eagle 67 explosion 23 footsteps 42
contract 68 de luxe 1 ear-ache 9 explosives 73 for 2
contest (n) 33 dentist 47 early 10 export (n) 21 forecast (n) 48
contestant 33 departm ent 2 earn (v) 17 export (v) 64 forenam e 1
control (v) 71 departure lounge 25 ear-ring 63 expression 33 forest 12
controls (n) 12 deposit 59 easily 17 extinction 67 forever 76
control unit 12 depth 19 east 48 eye 42 forget 13
convenient 77 descend 12 easy 27 form (n) 22
cool 13 describe 1 eat 27 fortnight 43
cook(n) 49 desert island 72 econom ic 7 fortunately 60
cook(v) 10 d esign (v & n) 67 edge (n) 53
editor 51
F (a) fortune 39
cooker 26 desk 61 face 21 four 13
copper 63 destination 13 educational 63 factory 60 fourth 27
copy 68 detached 65 education 70 fair 54 Fourth D ivision 20
corner 39 details 65 effort 10 faithfully 59 freestyle 4
correct (adj.) 28 detective 66 egg 67 fall (v) 8 French 22
corridor 50 detergent 3 eh? 6 fall (n) 53 fresh 11
cosm etics 50 diam ond 63 eight 5 false teeth 77 Friday 2
cottage 62 dictate 23 either 12 fam ily 32 fried 70
could (I) ? 9 die (v) 47 elderly 54 fam ous 51 friend 15
could (v) 12 d iet(n ) 38 elephant 66 fancy (v) 70 friendly 27
country 15 difference 3 electric 8 fantastic 3 frighten (v) 37
courgette 70 different 6 electrical 65 far 13 from 1
course 43 difficult 13 electrician 17 fare 50 front 8
court 41 d in in g ro om 29 electricity 71 farewell 80 frosty 29
court case 41 dinner 6 electronic 31 farm 64 fruit 21
cousin 63 direct 67 else 10 farm er 23 full 23
cover (n) 61 direction 50 em barrass 37 fast 20 fully 33
crash (v) 4 director 35 em barrassing 61 fat 44 funeral 68
crazy 31 directory 2 emerald 63 father 10 funny 62
cream 70 dirty 3 em ergency 60 favourite (n) 57 fur 11
credit 18 disagree 33 em igrate 17 February 48 furniture 50
credit card 18 disappear 21 em pty 36 fee 66 future 67
crew 1 disappointed 4 em pty (v) 65 feed 6
crewm an 51 disaster 23 encourage 71 feel 11
crim e 71 disco 30 en d (n ) 26 feet 25
crocodile 27
cross (v) 44
discotheque 6
discount 78
en d (v) 66
engaged 22
fence 57
Ferrari 10
gallery 66
crossing (n) 58 discover 64 English 1 few 9 game 4
crowd 21 discus 4 English Channel 53 field 23 garage 10
crude oil 53 discuss 7 engine 12 fifth 24 garlic 70
cru ise(n ) 1 dishw asher 33 engineer 68 fight (v) 53 gas 71
cruise (v) 1 display 4 engineering 60 fill 77 gate 25
cry(v) 26 dive 4 enjoy 26 fill in 22 general (n) 15
Cuban 4 divorce (v) 68 enough 13 fill up 43 general (adj.) 55
cucum ber 64 do (v) 1 en qu iries 2 film 9 General A ssem bly 7
culture 68 doctor 7 enter 57 film producer 6 generally 48
cup 3 docum entary 67 entertainm ent 37 film star 72 generation 67
curly 54 dog 6 erupt 23 final (n) 4 gentle 67
custom er 22 do-it-yourself 63 escape (v) 66 final (adj.) 4 gentlem en 25
custom s-officer 36 doll 63 estate agent 65 finally 66 Germ an 53
cut (v) 26 dollar 18 European 7 fine (adj.) 11 get 4
done 4 even 20 finger 26 get up 4
door 3 evening 13 finish (v) 4 get (arrive) 19
doorbell 21 event 4 fire 23 ghost 62
D doorway 54 ever 3
every 6
firebell 23 gin 27
dad 34 double 58 fire engine 60 girl 15
daily 53 down 12 everybody 8 fireplace 62 girlfriend 24
damage (n) 23 dow nstairs 42 everything 12 first 1 glad 29
dance(n) 77 dreadfully 33 everyw here 13 fish (n ) 27 glasses 64
dance (v) 10 d re a m (v & n ) 8 exactly 28 fisherm an 42 go (v) 1
danger 53 dress (v & n) 61 exam 17 five 6 goal 20
dangerously 20 drift (v) 53 exam ination 24 flat(n ) 17 godfather 43
dark 17,54 drink (n) 1 exam ine 66 flat (adj.) 58 gold 4
darling 34 drink (v) 13 example 24 flight 25 golden 67
date 1 drive (v) 16 excellent 53 floor 23 goldfish 27
daughter 42 driving licence 18 except 51 flower 55 good 15
day 1 drop (v) 49 excess baggage 25 fluently 22 goodbye 2
day off 21 drum set 63 exchange rate 17 fluoride 9 good afternoon 9
dead 66 dry 11 excite 37 fly (v) 7 good evening 4
dear 6 dry cleaner's 77 excited 21 focus (v) 20 good m orning 9
D e a r . . . 24 dull 48 exciting 21 fog 53 g oo d n ig h t 29
death 68 during 7 excursion 19 foggy 29 goods 50
deck 1 dustbin 65 excuse me! 25 follow 25 (have) got 3
decide 42 Dutch 53 exercise 1 fond 70 grade 43
declare 68 exit 50 food 23 granddaughter 63
expect 18
grandfather clock
grandm other 63
grandson 62
62 hom ew ork 20
hope (v) 35
horror 37
jacket 64
lie (on) (v) 23
lie (n ) 74
lift (v) 4
m ay I? 28
m ayor 45
me 2
great 66 horse 56 jam (v ) 68 lift (n) 23 m ean (v) 24
green 9 horse-racing 56 January 53 light (adj.) 53 meat 32
grey 42 hospital 23 Japanese 53 lighted 54 m echanic 58
ground 4 hostel 27 javelin 4 lighter 59 medal 2
guard 60 hot 3 jean s 68 lightning 53 m edicine 55
guess (v) 57 hot-dog 66 jet' 27 (be) like 48 M editerranean 2
guest 10 hotel 29 jew eller 63 (I'd) like 2 m edium 9
gu esth o u se 42 hot w ater bottle 8 jo b 27 like (such as) 42 m eet (v) 2
guide 44 hour 7 jockey 57 lin e(n ) 57 (race) m eeting 57
gun 44 house 6 jo in (v ) 25 liqueur 29 m elon 70
guitar 26 household 50 jo k e(v ) 32 list(n ) 57 m em ber 42
guitarist 66 housew ife 6 journ alist 51 listen 2 m en 4
gym nasium 4 housew ork 34 journey 42 little 22 m ention (v) 29
gym nast 4 how ? 2 judge (n) 4,41 live (v) 2 m enu 40
gym nastics 4 hundred 53 Judo 54 live 5 m etal 25
H ungarian 4 ju ice 70 (a) living (n) 17 metre 4
hab it 67
hungry 49
hunter 67
hurry up! 23
July 4
Jum bo je t 27
ju m p (v) 4
living-room 29
load(v) 29
local 53
m id -air 53
middle 22
m iddle-aged 54
hair 27 hurt (v) 4 ju m p (n ) 4 location 67 m idnight 52
haircut 15 husband 27 jum per 4 lock(v) 21 mile 23
hairdresser 46 jury 41 log (fire) 62 m ilk 23
hairdryer 64
half 9
hall 46
I 2
ju st 4 lonely 80
long (adj.) 2
look(v) 11
m illion 57
m illionaire 38
m ind (v) 46
(by) hand 34
handbag 22
ice 2
idea 29
Karate 54
look for 27
Lord 10
m ine (pro.) 22
m inor (adj.) 55
hand cream 9 identical 3 keep (v) 27 lose 17 m inus 25
handsom e 17 identification 18 key 25 (a) lot (of) 1 m inute (n) 3
Hants (Ham pshire) 61 if 46 kill (v) 26 lots 24 m irror 26
happen 12 ignore 62 killer 73 love(v) 13 M iss 27
happy 24 ill 22 kind (adj.) 79 love(n) 26 m iss(v) 23
happily 22 illustrated 67 kilo(gram) 4 loud 11 m istake (n) 20
harbour 23 im agine 72 kilom etre 19 loudly 27 m isty 29
hard (adj.) 8 im m ediately 20 kitchen 3 lounge (n) 29 m ixed 70
hard (adv.) 10 im m igrant 27 kiss (v) 41 lovely 29 m ixture 22
hat 41 im port (n) 22 knife 26 low 52 mm. (m illim etre) 9
hate (v) 30 im port (v) 64 knock (v) 50 lozenge 9 m oderate (adj.) 53
have 3 im portant 4 knock out (v) 60 luck 33 m odern 76
have to 1 im possible 28 know 6 luckily 4 m om ent 9
he 8 im prove 45 K rem lin 7 lucky 28 m onastery 67
head 33 in 2 lunch 6 M onday 2
headache 8 increase(v) 72 L.P. 63 • m oney 5
headm aster 44 include 76 L
ladder 22
(long playing record) m onster 67
headquarters 66 inclusive 59 m onth 6
health 71 incredible 29 ladies 25 m ood 80
hear 23 independent 47 lady 50 m oon 72
heart attack 68 Indian 7 lam b 64 M
m achine 3
more 27
heavy 13 industry 72 Lancs (Lancashire) 62 m orning 4
heavyw eight 4 inflation 72 land(v) 22 mad 73 m ost 2
height 25 inform ation 2 landlady 42 madam 18 m other 20
hello 1 inherit 39 language 38 m adm an 73 m otorw ay 27
helicopter 23 instant 43 large 9 Mafia 43 m ourning 68
helm et 12 instruction 3 last 4 m agazine 40 m oustache 54
help (v) 2 intelligent 22 late 23 m ain (adj.) 70 move (v) 23
help (n) 23 interest (v) 37 later 6 m ainly 68 m .p .h . 25
her 3 interested 32 Latin 44 make 2 (m iles per hour)
here 1 interesting 6 laugh (v) 36 make up (v) 9 Mr 25
herself 26 international 7 launderette 3 man 12 Mrs 20
hi! 23 interrogation 28 lava 23 manage to do 13 Ms 59
hide (v) 42 interrupt 68 law 67 m anagem ent 66 m uch 3
hi-fi 11 interview (v) 6 lawyer 42 m anager 12 mug (v) 72
high 4 interview (n) 52 (in the) lead 57 map 67 (a) m ugging 54
highly 76 interview er 6 lead (guitarist) 66 mark (DM) 28 Mum (M other) 34
hijack 72 into 3 leader 7 market 79 m ushroom 70
hill 20 invent 64 learn 20 m arketing 2 m usic 32
him 4 investigate 79 leave (v) 6 m arriage bureau 2 7 m usician 67
him self 26 investm ent 71 left (opp. right) 15 (get) m arried 23 must 6
his 4 invite 29 left (rem aining) 43 marry (v) 23 my 2
history 47 Irish 25 lengthen 77 marvellous 29 m yself 26
h it (v) 23 irreplaceable 68 lesson 26 m aternity 55
h it (a success) 68 is 2 let (me) 26 m athem atics 32
hobby 75 island 23 let's 3
letter 23
m atter (n) 6
m atter (v) 9
nam e 2
hold (v) 2 it 2
hold on! 2 Italian 22 lettuce 64 m axim um 66 narrow 26
holiday 7 itinerary 2 licence 58 m ay (v) 48 nasty 53
hom e 6 itself 26 life 6 maybe 59 national 66
nationality 2 opportunity 25 phone (n) 2 protect 67 rescue (n) 52
native speaker 53 opposite 36 phone (v) 2 provinces 67 reservation 59
near 16 optician 27 phone call 24 p.s. (postscript) 80 reserve 20
nearly 4 orange ju ice 2 photocopy 35 pub 6 resid ent 53
necessary 58 order 25 photofinish 57 publicity 2 respiration 60
necklace 63 ordinary 62 photo(graph) (n) 42 publish 67 rest(n ) 23
need (v) 7 other 3 p ick u p 23 pudding 70 restaurant 26
neighbou ring 60 others 2 picnic 44 pump (n) 60 result 4
neither 21 our 4 picture 63 put (v) 3 retire 36
nephew 63 ourselves 26 piece 3 puzzled 79 return (v) 22
nervous 33 out of 3 pile 3 pyramid 29 (by) return 59
nervously 42 outside 5 pill 9 revenge 73
n est(n ) 67 over 4 ,1 3 ,3 6 pink 9 revenue 72
never 3 overcoat 77 pipe 63 reverse 62
new 3 overland 68 place (n) 42 review 67
new s 2 overw eight 25 plan (n) 46 qualification 27 reward 66
new sagent 64 ow! 26 plan (v) 48 quay 60 rew ire 65
new sdesk 51 own (adj.) 73 plane 8 queen 39 rice 70
next 3 ow ner 65 planet 22 question 2 rich 23
next, please! 7 oxygen 22 planning departm ent 2 6 question (v) 60 right! 2
next (to) 29 plant (n) 22 question tag 28 right (opp. left) 25
nice 13 plastic 54 quick 23 right (correct) 27
niece 63 plate 23 quickly 54 ring (v) 22
night 5 P platform 23 quiet 27 ring (n) 63
nightclub 66 package holiday 76 platform shoes 42 quietly 54 riverside 80
nightm are 8 packet 9 platinum 63 quite 49 road 2
nitrogen 12 page 43 play(v) 20 roast 70
no 4 pain 52 play(n) 26 rob 67
nobod y 2 painted 54 player 30 robbery 42
nod (v) 33 painting (n) 66
pair 49
please 2 R rock (n) 53
noise 23 pleased 2 race (v) 73 rock (m usic) 67
none 24 palace 63 plenty 49 race (horse) 28 rock m usician 26
non-league club 66 pan 49 pocket 25 radiator 22 roll (of film) 9
normal 12 panic (v) 62 pocket-size 9 radio 40 rom antic 67
north 31 (news) paper 27 point 4 rain 53 roof 23
northern 48 paragraph 65 poisonous 53 raincoat 77 room 20
nothing 12 parcel 44 (North) Pole 72 rarely 8 roundabout 50
notice-board 18 pardon? 2 police 22 rate of exchange 28 royal 63
now 3 parent 20 police force 72 razor blades 9 rubber 64
now adays 34 park (v) 58 policem an 37 Rd. (road) 50 ruby 63
nuisance 46 park(n) 66 police station 52 reach (v) 53 rule 33
num ber 2 parking 58 politics 7 read(v) 42 run (v) 4
nurse 3 parking space 26 pollution 53 read about 27 run out of 58
nylon 9 parking ticket 58 poor 34 reader 62 rush (v) 23
parrot 27 pop 46 ready 3 rush hour 28
part (n) 53 popular 27 real 24 Russian 4
О party 2 port 66 really 9, 22
obey 15 pass(v) 22 porter 23 reason 30
ob ject 52
occasionally 16
occupation 1
pass (a test) 26
(reading) passage 74
passenger 2
portable 22
portrait 80
possible 53
reasonable 72
receive (v) 24
recent 67
sack (n) 27
ocean 67 passport 28 p ost(n) 28 recently 30 sack (V) 66
o'clock 5 past 28 postcard 45 recom m end 27 sad 26
odds 57 pate 70 postm an 39 record (sport) 4 safe (adj.) 44
of 1 pause (v) 54 potatoes 29 record (disc) 52 sail (v) 2
of course 3 pay (v) 9 pound (£) 34 record (police) 73 salad 29
offer (v) 66 P .C . 22 pour 29 record (v) 52 salary 47
office 20 (Police Constable) powder 3 red 9 sales m anager 49
often 20 p (pence) 3 practise 34 redecorate 65 sales departm ent 2
oh! 2 peace 43 prawn 70 reduce 72 same 6
oh dear! 33 peaceful 42 prefer 37 re-em ploy 66 sandw ich 28
oil 43 peas 29 prepare 6 ref. (reference) 59 sapphire 63
oil slick 53 pedestrian 58 present (n) 22 refinery 76 satellite 4
oil tanker 53 pen 64 prescription 9 refrigerator 64 satisfied 45
old 4 penalty 22 president 7 refund (n) 76 sauce 49
old-age pensioner 20 pencil 64 press(v) 55 regular 46 saucepan 55
O lym pic Gam es 4 pendant 63 pretty 27,52 relative (n) 73 sauna 65
ooh! 4 penknife 25 previous 65 religious 68 savage 27
on 1 pension 15 price 72 rem em ber 24 save(v) 26
once 36 people 3 prim e m inister 7 remote 67 savings 36
one 6 p ercen t 76 print (v) 64 repaint 65 say 22
onion 70 perfect (adj.) 22 prison 66 repair 64 scales 25
only 6 perform 68 private 59 repeat 67 scam pi 70
onto 12 perfum e 2 2 prize 33 reply (v) 12 scene 52
open 3 perhaps 25 probably 52 reply (n) 24 scheduled flight 76
opera 14 perm anent 2 problem 7 report (n) 4 school 27
operate 55 perm ission 79 produce (v) 64 reporter 30 science fiction 22
operating theatre 55 personal 30 programme 23 representative 66 score(n) 4
operation 40 pet 27 prom ise (v) 27 require 59 score (v) 20
op inion 72 petrol 28 prom otion 25 rescue (v) 22 scratch (n) 26
scream (v) 23 siren 60 stare (v) 42 tape recorder 45 too 3
scream (n) 62 sister 23 start (v) 22 taste (v) 2 2 tooth 77
screen (n) 21 sit(v ) 25 start (n) 76 tax 76 toothbrush 9
sea 1 situation 47 starter 70 taxi 23 toothpaste 9
seafood 39 six 25 statem ent 74 taxi driver 23 top 20
search (v) 25 sixth 2 station 5 tea 3 touch (v) 23
season 20 size 72 stay(v) 22 teach 26 tour 7
(40) seater 49 skateboard 63 stay up 34 teacher 20 tourist 2
second (n) 2 skirt 77 steal 53 team 22 towards 23
secondary 22 sky 52 steak 70 teapot 63 tow (v) 58
secondhand 11 skyscraper 23 steep 20 technical college 22 town 2
secretary 73 slap (v) 62 step (v) 22 teeth 77 Tow n Hall 55
Secretary G eneral 7 sleep 8 steward 25 telegram 59 toy 63
securely 3 sleeping tablet 8 stew ardess 25 telephone (v) 2 trade union 66
security check 25 slip (v) 4 stick (v) 12 telephone traditional 27
security van 60 slo t(n) 3 still 54 directory 24 traffic 26
seem 21 slowly 2 stom ach-ache 9 television 6 traffic warden 58
select (v) 3 small 9 stone (n) 63 telex 28 train (n) 6
selection 61 smart (adj.) 62 stop (v) 2 tell (v) 2 train (v) 27
selfish 30 smell (v) 11 story 22 telly 37 trainee 52
self-study 53 sm ile (v) 22 straight 25,42 tem perature 3 training 30
sell(v) 28 smile (n) 22 strange 22 ten 9 tranquillizer gun 66
sem i-detached 65 smoke (v) 22 stranger (n) 62 tense (adj.) 42 transfer (v) 66
send 51 smoke (n) 23 street 2 term inal 20 tranferred charge
sentence (n) 4 smuggle 36 strike (v) 54 terrible 4 call 2
sentence (v) 64 sm uggler 36 strike (n) 60 terribly 2 translator 68
serious 55 snake 27 striker (n) (football) 60 terrific 22 trapped 72
servant 79 snatch (v) 54 strong 23 terrify (v) 37 travel (v) 6
serve (v) 25 snore (v) 8 student 20 test(n ) 26 travel (n) 15
service (n) 60 snow (v) 48 studio 6 test(v ) 77 travel agent 76
session 30 so 1,22 studio flat 24 than 3 traveller 30
seven 6 soap 3 study (v) 22 thanks 2 traveller's cheque 28
several 22 sock 64 suburb 26 thank you 2 tree 23
sex 37 soft 3 successful 67 that 2 trip (n) 59
shake (v) 23 soldier 25 suddenly 22 thatched 65 trouble (n) 77
shall I? 9 solid 65 Suez Canal 29 that's right 3 trout 70
shark 67 some 2 suggest 27 the 2 truck 36
sharp 26 som ebody 2 su it(n ) 39 th eir 2 true 27
shave (v) 55 som ething 6 suitcase 23 them 2 try (v) 2
she 4 som eone 10 sum m er 47 them selves 26 Tuesday 2
sheet 62 som etim es 8 Sunday 2 then 6 tum ble dryer 34
ship 2 som ew here 20 sunshine 48 there 2 turn round 50
shiver (v) 79 son 24 set 26 these 3 tw in 68
shocked 62 soon 22 superb 76 they 2 two 2
shoe 42 sore throat 9 superm arket 6 thick 23 type 20
shoot (v) 60 sorry 2 superstar 67 thief 53 typew riter 27
shop (n) 20 soul m usic 6 supertanker 43 thin 54 typically 63
shop-assistant 27 sound (v) 22 supervisor 66 thing 6 typist 20
short 7 soup 70 sure 2 8 think 2 tyre 77
shorten 77 south (n) 53 surface 22 third 3
shorthand 22
shorthand-typist 27
should 38
south (adj.) 59
South Pacific 23
southern 48
surgeon 66
surname 2
surprise (n) 53
this 3
those 3
thousand 29
U .F .O . 52
shoulder 54 souvenir 44 surprised 54 threaten 53 (U nidentified Flying
show (v) 24 Soviet 7 surround 68 throat 9 O bject)
show er 2 space (n) 27 suspicious 36 through 2 um brella 54
show ery 53 spaceship 22 survey (n) 26 throw (v) 4 (be) unable (to) 66
show room 60 spacesuit 22 survive 23 thunder 53 uncle 62
shut (v) 72 Spanish 22 Sw eden 30 Thursday 2 unconscious 52
shut up! 25 spare 58 sweet 22 ticket 25 under 37
sid e(n ) 8, 29 speak 2 sw eet (n) 34 tie (n) 63 underneath 63
sid e-street 54 special 20 swim (v) 4 tiger 27 understand 2
sight 30 speciality 70 sw im m ing 4 tight 38 undressed 55
sign(v) 25 speech 55 Sw iss 28 tiled 65 unfortunately 4
sig n (n ) 54 speed (n) 25 sw itch (v) 22 till 6 uniform 25
signature 2 speed (v) 58 sym phony 46 tim e 3 unique 68
signpost 50 speed lim it 58 system 16 (a good) tim e 26 U nited N ations 7
silently 54 spell (v) 2 tim er 26 university 22
silver 52 spend 20 tin 9 unplaced 57
silly 26 sport 32 T tired 8 until 22
sim ilar 65 spray (v) 53 table 3 tissue 9 unusual 27
sim ple 33 spread (v) 60 tablet 8 to 2 up 23
since 24 spring (n) 47 take (v) 3 today 4 upon 79
sincerely 59 St. (street) 50 tak eo ff 22 together 46 urgent 35
singer 52 staffroom 62 (to) take (tim e) 9 toilet 25 us 3
single 59,63 stairs 23 talk (v) 7 toilets 50 use 3
sink (v) 60 stall (n) 66 talk(n) 66 tomato 70 used to 34
Sir 59 stand (v) 8 tall 23 tomorrow 5 useful 80
sir 22 standard 77 tank 72 ton 53 usual 3
star 30 tape (n) 53 tonight 4 usually 8
Irregular verbs
vacant 47
(a) while 36
w hisky 27
w hite 3
becom e
becom e
vacuum cleaner 34 who 2 begin began begun
van 44 why 2 bite bit bitten
variety 67 wide 29 break broke broken
veal 70 widow 54 bring brought brought
vegetable 22 w ife 5 build built built
very 9 wig 42 burn burnt burnt
veterinary 66 wildly 22 buy bought bought
V ictorian 62 win (v) 4 catch caught caught
villa 30 w ind 53 choose chose chosen
village 16 w indow 23 come came come
violence 37 w ind up (v) 62 cost cost cost
V .I.P . (very im portant w indy 29 cut cut cut
person) 74 w ine 22 do did done
v isit(v ) 7 w inner 57 drink drank drunk
visitor 54 w inter 47 drive drove driven
volcano 23 w iring 65 eat ate eaten
voyage 67 w ise 79 fall fell fallen
w ith 2 feel felt felt
w ithin 58 fight fought fought
wages 60
w ithout 9
w itness box 42
woman 22
w ait(v) 3 wom en 4 forget forgot forgotten
w aiter 11 w onder (v) 52 freeze froze frozen
w aitress 49 wonderful 26 get got got
wake up 23 wood 62 give gave given
walk (v) 4 wooden 67 go went gone
walk (n) 6 word 45 grow grew grown
wall 42 work (v) 6 have had had
wallet 72 worker 66 hear heard heard
want 10 work for 20 hide hid hidden
war 34 world 4 hit hit hit
ward (hospital) 55 worry about 5 hurt hurt hurt
w arden 58 worse 20 keep kept kept
warm 3 worth 56 know knew known
warn 53 would (you like)? 2 learn learnt learnt
w arning 73 would 64 leave left left
warplane 72 w rite (v) 3 lend lent lent
was 4 wrong 22 let let let
w ash (v) 3 light lit lit
w ashing 3 lose lost lost
w ashing m achine 3
w ashing up (n) 29
w ash up (v) 6
year 2
m eant
m eant
w aste paper 60 yellow 9 pay paid paid
watch (n) 2 yen 28 put put put
watch (v) 7 yes 2 read read read
water 9 yesterday 4 ride rode ridden
way J yet 2 ring rang rung
we 3 Yorks (Yorkshire) 62 run ran run
wear (v) 15 you 2 say said said
w eather 2 young 3 see saw seen
w edding 26 your 2 sell sold sold
w edding yourself 26 send sent sent
anniversary 26 youth 54 shine shone shone
W ednesday 1 shoot shot shot
week 5
show showed shown
w eekend 20 shut shut shut
w eigh (v) 25 sing sang sung
w eight 19 zoo 53 sit sat sat
w eightlifting 4 sleep slept slept
welcome (v) 25 smell smelt smelt
well 2 speak spoke spoken
well (adv.) 8 • spend spent spent
well done! 33 stand stood stood
well know n 3 steal stole stolen
were 4 swim swam swum
w est 58 take took taken
wet 27 teach taught taught
w hat 2 tear tore tom
w hat colour? 9 tell told told
what kind? 22 think thought thought
what tim e? 8 throw threw throw n
w heat 64 wake woke w oken
when 2 wear wore w orn
where 2 win won won
w hich 2 write wrote written
1^0 ООО.
Lively, original stories for S tream lin e students
Also available on cassette
Connections Connections
U nits 1 -4 0 : S torylin es Level 3 U n its 4 1 -8 0 : S torylin es Level 4
Sunnyvista is a city in the future, a place where all you A car crash on an em pty road, a driver who believes he
have to do is sunbathe, w atch TV and play sports. has killed a man although the police have found no dead
Nobody knows why they are in Sunnyvista or what is body ... Sue Fraser, a police sergeant, has to investigate the
happening outside the city, but everybody is happy - accident... but first, she must find the hitch-hiker - the
everybody except Dan. One day Dan decides to find out m an she gave a lift to on the day of the crash.
ISBN 0 19 421946 1
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ISBN 0 19 421942 9
штшшщ Streamline English
Connections is an
*!!!?« i y intensive course for
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яш Я ш ш Щ students of English. It
^ — is designed either to
■i i ■■■ follow on from
" ~ Streamline English
^ Departures,
consolidating and
building upon work
introduced there, or as
Ш Ж -...■■■— an independent course
-------------- for pre-intermediate
students of varying backgrounds.
The emphasis is on the
development of oral/aural skills,
and units of everyday conversation
have been included to underline
the practical nature of the language
being taught. Students who
complete this course successfully
will have covered the basic
structures and vocabulary of
English which need to be learned
actively if a reasonable level of
communicative competence is to be
The material consists of 80 units,
each providing a 50-minute
lesson. Each unit is clearly laid
out on a separate page and is
attractively illustrated with
drawings or photographs.
This Teacher's Edition contains all
the student's material interleaved
with detailed teaching notes. These
give step-by-step instructions for
using the material as well as
comprehensive suggestions on
how to present each new topic.
This book is accompanied by two
Workbooks each covering 40 units
of the course, 2 cassettes, and
Speechwork, a book of oral drills
accompanied by 5 cassettes or tapes.
Also available:
Streamline English Departures
for beginners
Streamline English Destinations
for intermediate students