Motor Imitation 1-4M
Motor Imitation 1-4M
Motor Imitation 1-4M
(T) Direct Testing (O) Observation (E) Either Testing or observation (TO) Timed observation
Motor Imitation: Level 1 Skill 4M: Spontaneously imitates the motor behaviors of others on 5 occasions
Skill # Target/Skill Probe (+/-) Date Introduced Date Mastered
4-a Imitates pointing at people or
objects (T)
4-b Imitates transferring an object
from one hand to another (T)
4-c Imitates 5 actions that produce an
outcome (e.g., pushing buttons on
a pop-up toy) (T)
4-d Imitates 2 head movements (e.g.,
nods yes and no) (T)
4-M Spontaneously imitates the
motor behaviors of others on 5
occasions (O)