Constitution of Pakistan
Constitution of Pakistan
Constitution of Pakistan
Legislative Procedure
70. Introduction and passing of Bills.
(1) A Bill with respect to any matter in the Federal Legislative List or in the Concurrent
71. Mediation Committee
72. Procedure at joint sittings.
73. Procedure with respect to Money Bill.
74. Federal Government's consent required for financial measures.
75. President's assent to Bills.
76. Bill not to lapse on prorogation, etc.
77. Tax to be levied by law only.
Financial Procedures
78. Federal Consolidated Fund and Public Account.
79. Custody, etc., of Federal Consolidated Fund and Public Account.
80. Annual Budget Statement.
81. Expenditure charged upon Federal Consolidated Fund.
82. Procedure relating to Annual Budget Statement.
83. Authentication of schedule of authorised expenditure.
84. Supplementary and excess grants.85. Votes on account.
86. Power to authorise expenditure when Assembly stands dissolved.
87. Secretariats of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament).
88. Finance Committees
89. Power of President to promulgate Ordinances.
Chapter 3: The Federal Government [Articles 90-100]
90. Exercise of executive authority of the Federation.
91. The Cabinet.
92. Federal Ministers and Ministers of State.
93. Advisers.
94. Prime Minister continuing in office.
95. Vote of no-confidence against Prime Minister.