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Full name: Óscar García Marcos

Date: 28/10/2020

 1 Why has BB been destroying things in the town?
o They were in the way when he looked for Shuck
o They frightened him, and he attacked them 
o He was angry that the humans had taken Shuck
 2 How does Joey help to distract the police?
o He tells them that someone is breaking into his mother’s shop
o He takes them some cupcakes to eat 
o He starts to tell them a very funny story
 3 What does BB stand for?
o Big Brother 
o Brown Bear
o Big Black
 4 Where did BB and Shuck grow up?
o In a tunnel
o In the Underworld 
o In the deep forest
 5 Why doesn’t BB want to go to the shadows with Lunar?
o He is scared of the dark
o He wants to live in the town
o He wants to live where he belongs 
 6 How does the vampire boy slip past the police?
o He sends them to sleep
o He turns into a bat 
o He slips in through the window
 7 How does Lark get Shuck out of the cage?
o She shrinks him, and he slips out through the bars 
o She takes off his collar, and he bends the bars
o She uses one of Aunt Nyx’s potions
 8 Who made the wand in the window?
o Aunt Nyx 
o The last Faery queen
o A witch
 9 Who asks Lark if she’s ready to be the new queen?
o Lunar
o BB
o The wand 
 10 What does Lark do to Lunar and the vampire boy?
o She shrinks them
o She makes them disappear
o She freezes them

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