An Introduction To Deep Reinforcement Learning PDF
An Introduction To Deep Reinforcement Learning PDF
An Introduction To Deep Reinforcement Learning PDF
An Introduction to Deep
Reinforcement Learning
Vincent François-Lavet, Peter Henderson, Riashat Islam, Marc G. Bellemare and Joelle
Pineau (2018), “An Introduction to Deep Reinforcement Learning”, Foundations and
Trends in Machine Learning: Vol. 11, No. 3-4. DOI: 10.1561/2200000071.
Boston — Delft
1 Introduction 2
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
9 Benchmarking Deep RL 73
9.1 Benchmark Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
9.2 Best practices to benchmark deep RL . . . . . . . . . . . 78
9.3 Open-source software for Deep RL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
12 Conclusion 99
12.1 Future development of deep RL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
12.2 Applications and societal impact of deep RL . . . . . . . . 100
Appendices 103
References 106
An Introduction to Deep
Reinforcement Learning
Vincent François-Lavet1 , Peter Henderson2 , Riashat Islam3 , Marc
G. Bellemare4 and Joelle Pineau5
1 McGill University; [email protected]
2 McGill University; [email protected]
3 McGill University; [email protected]
4 Google Brain; [email protected]
5 Facebook, McGill University; [email protected]
Deep reinforcement learning is the combination of reinforce-
ment learning (RL) and deep learning. This field of research
has been able to solve a wide range of complex decision-
making tasks that were previously out of reach for a machine.
Thus, deep RL opens up many new applications in domains
such as healthcare, robotics, smart grids, finance, and many
more. This manuscript provides an introduction to deep
reinforcement learning models, algorithms and techniques.
Particular focus is on the aspects related to generalization
and how deep RL can be used for practical applications. We
assume the reader is familiar with basic machine learning
1.1 Motivation
1.2. Outline 3
1.2 Outline
references for further reading. After reading this introduction, the reader
should be able to understand the key different deep RL approaches and
algorithms and should be able to apply them. The reader should also
have enough background to investigate the scientific literature further
and pursue research on deep RL.
In Chapter 2, we introduce the field of machine learning and the deep
learning approach. The goal is to provide the general technical context
and explain briefly where deep learning is situated in the broader field
of machine learning. We assume the reader is familiar with basic notions
of supervised and unsupervised learning; however, we briefly review the
In Chapter 3, we provide the general RL framework along with
the case of a Markov Decision Process (MDP). In that context, we
examine the different methodologies that can be used to train a deep
RL agent. On the one hand, learning a value function (Chapter 4)
and/or a direct representation of the policy (Chapter 5) belong to the
so-called model-free approaches. On the other hand, planning algorithms
that can make use of a learned model of the environment belong to the
so-called model-based approaches (Chapter 6).
We dedicate Chapter 7 to the notion of generalization in RL.
Within either a model-based or a model-free approach, we discuss the
importance of different elements: (i) feature selection, (ii) function
approximator selection, (iii) modifying the objective function and
(iv) hierarchical learning. In Chapter 8, we present the main challenges of
using RL in the online setting. In particular, we discuss the exploration-
exploitation dilemma and the use of a replay memory.
In Chapter 9, we provide an overview of different existing bench-
marks for evaluation of RL algorithms. Furthermore, we present a set
of best practices to ensure consistency and reproducibility of the results
obtained on the different benchmarks.
In Chapter 10, we discuss more general settings than MDPs: (i) the
Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP), (ii) the
distribution of MDPs (instead of a given MDP) along with the notion
of transfer learning, (iii) learning without explicit reward function and
(iv) multi-agent systems. We provide descriptions of how deep RL can
be used in these settings.
1.2. Outline 5
2.1. Supervised learning and the concepts of bias and overfitting 7
y = f (x). (2.1)
where L(·, ·) is the loss function. If L(y, ŷ) = (y − ŷ)2 , the error
decomposes naturally into a sum of a bias term and a variance term1 .
This bias-variance decomposition can be useful because it highlights a
tradeoff between an error due to erroneous assumptions in the model
selection/learning algorithm (the bias) and an error due to the fact that
only a finite set of data is available to learn that model (the parametric
variance). Note that the parametric variance is also called the overfitting
error2 . Even though there is no such direct decomposition for other loss
functions (James, 2003), there is always a tradeoff between a sufficiently
rich model (to reduce the model bias, which is present even when the
amount of data would be unlimited) and a model not too complex (so as
to avoid overfitting to the limited amount of data). Figure 2.1 provides
an illustration.
Without knowing the joint probability distribution, it is impossible
to compute I[f ]. Instead, we can compute the empirical error on a
sample of data. Given n data points (xi , yi ), the empirical error is
IS [f ] = L(yi , f (xi )).
n i=1
G = I[f ] − IS [f ].
The bias-variance decomposition (Geman et al., 1992) is given by:
bias2 (x) , EY |x (Y ) − EDLS f (x | DLS ) ,
2 2
σ 2 (x) , EY |x Y − EY |x (Y ) + EDLS f (x | DLS ) − EDLS f (x | DLS ) , (2.4)
| {z } | {z }
Internal variance
Parametric variance
For any given model, the parametric variance goes to zero with an arbitrary
large dataset by considering the strong law of convergence.
2.2. Unsupervised learning 9
x x x
Figure 2.1: Illustration of overfitting and underfitting for a simple 1D regression task
in supervised learning (based on one example from the library scikit-learn (Pedregosa
et al., 2011)). In this illustration, the data points (x, y) are noisy samples from a
true function represented in green. In the left figure, the degree 1 approximation is
underfitting, which means that it is not a good model, even for the training samples;
on the right, the degree 10 approximation is a very good model for the training
samples but is overly complex and fails to provide a good generalization.
h = A(W1 · x + b1 ), (2.6)
y = (W2 · h + b2 ), (2.7)
Hidden Output
layer layer
h y
θ ← θ − α∇θ IS [f ], (2.8)
h = h h h ... h h
Figure 2.4: Illustration of a simple recurrent neural network. The layer denoted
by "h" may represent any non linear function that takes two inputs and provides
two outputs. On the left is the simplified view of a recurrent neural network that
is applied recursively to (xt , yt ) for increasing values of t and where the blue line
presents a delay of one time step. On the right, the neural network is unfolded with
the implicit requirement of presenting all inputs and outputs simultaneously.
Recurrent layers are particularly well suited for sequential data (see
Fig 2.4). Several different variants provide particular benefits in different
settings. One such example is the long short-term memory network
(LSTM) (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997), which is able to encode
information from long sequences, unlike a basic recurrent neural network.
Neural Turing Machines (NTMs) (Graves et al., 2014) are another such
example. In such systems, a differentiable "external memory" is used
for inferring even longer-term dependencies than LSTMs with low
Several other specific neural network architectures have also been
studied to improve generalization in deep learning. For instance, it is
possible to design an architecture in such a way that it automatically
focuses on only some parts of the inputs with a mechanism called
attention (Xu et al., 2015; Vaswani et al., 2017). Other approaches aim
to work with symbolic rules by learning to create programs (Reed and
De Freitas, 2015; Neelakantan et al., 2015; Johnson et al., 2017; Chen
et al., 2017).
To be able to actually apply the deep RL methods described in the
later chapters, the reader should have practical knowledge of applying
deep learning methods in simple supervised learning settings (e.g.,
MNIST classification). For information on topics such as the importance
14 Machine learning and deep learning
16 Introduction to reinforcement learning
at ωt+1 rt
st → st+1
• P(rt | ωt , at ) = P(rt | ωt , at , . . . , , ω0 , a0 ).
The Markov property means that the future of the process only
depends on the current observation, and the agent has no interest in
looking at the full history.
A Markov Decision Process (MDP) (Bellman, 1957a) is a discrete
time stochastic control process defined as follows:
s0 s1 s2
Reward Reward
Policy function Policy function
R(s0 , a0 , s1 ) R(s1 , a1 , s2 )
a0 r0 a1 r1
Figure 3.2: Illustration of a MDP. At each step, the agent takes an action that
changes its state in the environment and provides a reward.
The formalism can be directly extended to the finite horizon context. In that
case, the policy and the cumulative expected returns should be time-dependent.
3.1. Formal framework 19
• rt = E R st , a, st+1 ,
a∼π(st ,·)
• P st+1 |st , at = T (st , at , st+1 ) with at ∼ π(st , ·),
From the definition of the expected return, the optimal expected return
can be defined as:
V ∗ (s) = max V π (s). (3.2)
In addition to the V-value function, a few other functions of interest
can be introduced. The Q-value function Qπ (s, a) : S ×A → R is defined
as follows:
hX∞ i
Qπ (s, a) = E γ k rt+k | st = s, at = a, π . (3.3)
Model RL Value/policy
Figure 3.3: General schema of the different methods for RL. The direct approach
uses a representation of either a value function or a policy to act in the environment.
The indirect approach makes use of a model of the environment.
4.1 Q-learning
4.2. Fitted Q-learning 25
of the Bellman equation for the Q-value function (Bellman and Dreyfus,
1962) whose unique solution is Q∗ (s, a):
YkQ = r + γ max
Q(s0 , a0 ; θk ), (4.3)
a ∈A
where α is a scalar step size called the learning rate. Note that using the
square loss is not arbitrary. Indeed, it ensures that Q(s, a; θk ) should
tend without bias to the expected value of the random variable YkQ 2 .
Hence, it ensures that Q(s, a; θk ) should tend to Q∗ (s, a) after many
iterations in the hypothesis that the neural network is well-suited for
the task and that the experience gathered in the dataset D is sufficient
(more details will be given in Chapter 7).
When updating the weights, one also changes the target. Due to
the generalization and extrapolation abilities of neural networks, this
approach can build large errors at different places in the state-action
space3 . Therefore, the contraction mapping property of the Bellman
The minimum of E[(Z − c)2 ] occurs when the constant c equals the expected
value of the random variable Z.
Note that even fitted value iteration with linear regression can diverge (Boyan
and Moore, 1995). However, this drawback does not happen when using linear
4.3. Deep Q-networks 27
technique allows for updates that cover a wide range of the state-
action space. In addition, one mini-batch update has less variance
compared to a single tuple update. Consequently, it provides the
possibility to make a larger update of the parameters, while having
an efficient parallelization of the algorithm.
The max operation in Q-learning (Equations 4.2, 4.3) uses the same
values both to select and to evaluate an action. This makes it more likely
to select overestimated values in case of inaccuracies or noise, resulting
in overoptimistic value estimates. Therefore, the DQN algorithm induces
an upward bias. The double estimator method uses two estimates for
each variable, which allows for the selection of an estimator and its value
to be uncoupled (Hasselt, 2010). Thus, regardless of whether errors
in the estimated Q-values are due to stochasticity in the environment,
function approximation, non-stationarity, or any other source, this
allows for the removal of the positive bias in estimating the action
4.5. Dueling network architecture 29
s1+1 , . . . , sNreplay+1
rt + γmax
(Q(st+1 , a0 ; θk− ))
a ∈A
Figure 4.1: Sketch of the DQN algorithm. Q(s, a; θk ) is initialized to random values
(close to 0) everywhere in its domain and the replay memory is initially empty;
the target Q-network parameters θk− are only updated every C iterations with the
Q-network parameters θk and are held fixed between updates; the update uses a
mini-batch (e.g., 32 elements) of tuples < s, a > taken randomly in the replay
memory along with the corresponding mini-batch of target values for the tuples.
values. In Double DQN, or DDQN (Van Hasselt et al., 2016), the target
value YkQ is replaced by
YkDDQN = r + γQ(s0 , argmax Q(s0 , a; θk ); θk− ), (4.6)
the stream V (s; θ(1) , θ(3) ) provides an estimate of the value function,
while the other stream produces an estimate of the advantage function.
The learning update is done as in DQN and it is only the structure of
the neural network that is modified.
V (s)
Q(s, a)
A(s, a)
Figure 4.2: Illustration of the dueling network architecture with the two streams
that separately estimate the value V (s) and the advantages A(s, a). The boxes
represent layers of a neural network and the grey output implements equation 4.7 to
combine V (s) and A(s, a).
In that case, the advantages only need to change as fast as the mean,
which appears to work better in practice (Wang et al., 2015).
4.6. Distributional DQN 31
Q(s, a). These training signals that are not a priori necessary
for optimizing the expected return are known as auxiliary tasks
(Jaderberg et al., 2016) and lead to an improved learning (this is
discussed in §7.2.1).
Q̂π1≈ Q̂π2
Ẑ π1
P=1 Rmax
Ẑ π2
s(1) 5
π1 P = 0.2
(s, a) s(3) Rmax
s(2) 0
P = 0.8
0 Rmax
(a) Example MDP. (b) Sketch (in an idealized version) of
the estimate of resulting value distribu-
tion Ẑ π1 and Ẑ π2 as well as the esti-
mate of the Q-values Q̂π1 , Q̂π2 .
Figure 4.3: For two policies illustrated on Fig (a), the illustration on Fig (b) gives
the value distribution Z (π) (s, a) as compared to the expected value Qπ (s, a). On
the left figure, one can see that π1 moves with certainty to an absorbing state with
reward at every step Rmax
, while π2 moves with probability 0.2 and 0.8 to absorbing
states with respectively rewards at every step Rmax and 0. From the pair (s, a), the
policies π1 and π2 have the same expected return but different value distributions.
with n−1
i=0 λi = 1. In the method called T D(λ) (Sutton, 1988), n → ∞
where cs = λ min 1, π(s,a)
µ(s,a) with 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1 and µ is the behavior
policy (estimated from observed samples). This way of updating the
Q-network has guaranteed convergence, does not suffer from a high
variance and it does not cut the traces unnecessarily when π and µ
are close. Nonetheless, one can note that estimating the target is more
expansive to compute as compared to the one-step target (such as in
DQN) because the Q-value function has to be estimated on more states.
The original DQN algorithm can combine the different variants discussed
in §4.4 to §4.7 (as well as some discussed in Chapter 8.1) and that
has been studied by Hessel et al., 2017. Their experiments show that
the combination of all the previously mentioned extensions to DQN
provides state-of-the-art performance on the Atari 2600 benchmarks,
both in terms of sample efficiency and final performance. Overall, a
large majority of Atari games can be solved such that the deep RL
agents surpass the human level performance.
Some limitations remain with DQN-based approaches. Among others,
these types of algorithms are not well-suited to deal with large and/or
continuous action spaces. In addition, they cannot explicitly learn
stochastic policies. Modifications that address these limitations will be
discussed in the following Chapter 5, where we discuss policy-based
approaches. Actually, the next section will also show that value-based
and policy-based approaches can be seen as two facets of the same
model-free approach. Therefore, the limitations of discrete action spaces
and deterministic policies are only related to DQN.
One can also note that value-based or policy-based approaches do
not make use of any model of the environment, which limits their sample
4.8. Combination of all DQN improvements and variants of DQN 35
5.1. Stochastic Policy Gradient 37
πw πw
∇w V (s0 ) = ρ (s) ∇w πw (s, a)Qπw (s, a)dads. (5.2)
∇w πw (s, a)
∇w πw (s, a) = πw (s, a)
πw (s, a) (5.3)
= πw (s, a)∇w log(πw (s, a)).
Considering Equation 5.3, it follows that
∇w V πw (s0 ) = Es∼ρπw ,a∼πw [∇w (log πw (s, a)) Qπw (s, a)] . (5.4)
38 Policy gradient methods for deep RL
1 πw
R on s to Q (s, a) in Eq. 5.2
Indeed, subtracting a baseline that only depends
does not change the gradient estimator because ∀s, A ∇w πw (s, a)da = 0.
40 Policy gradient methods for deep RL
The critic
From a (set of) tuples < s, a, r, s0 >, possibly taken from a replay
memory, the simplest off-policy approach to estimating the critic is to
use a pure bootstrapping algorithm T D(0) where, at every iteration,
the current value Q(s, a; θ) is updated towards a target value:
YkQ = r + γQ(s0 , a = π(s0 ); θ) (5.7)
This approach has the advantage of being simple, yet it is not
computationally efficient as it uses a pure bootstrapping technique that
is prone to instabilities and has a slow reward propagation backwards
in time (Sutton, 1996). This is similar to the elements discussed in the
value-based methods in §4.7.
The ideal is to have an architecture that is
• sample-efficient such that it should be able to make use of both
off-policy and and on-policy trajectories (i.e., it should be able to
use a replay memory), and
There are many methods that combine on- and off-policy data for
policy evaluation (Precup, 2000). The algorithm Retrace(λ) (Munos
et al., 2016) has the advantages that (i) it can make use of samples
collected from any behavior policy without introducing a bias and
(ii) it is efficient as it makes the best use of samples collected from
near on-policy behavior policies. That approach was used in actor-critic
architectures described by Wang et al. (2016b) and Gruslys et al. (2017).
These architectures are sample-efficient thanks to the use of a replay
memory, and computationally efficient since they use multi-step returns
which improves the stability of learning and increases the speed of
reward propagation backwards in time.
The actor
From Equation 5.4, the off-policy gradient in the policy improvement
phase for the stochastic case is given as:
∇w V πw (s0 ) = Es∼ρπβ ,a∼πβ [∇θ (log πw (s, a)) Qπw (s, a)] . (5.8)
Policy gradients following ∇w V πw (·) are often slow because they are
prone to getting stuck in local plateaus. Natural gradients, however, do
not follow the usual steepest direction in the parameter space, but the
5.5. Trust Region Optimization 43
steepest direction with respect to the Fisher metric. Note that, as the
angle between natural and ordinary gradient is never larger than ninety
degrees, convergence is also guaranteed when using natural gradients.
The caveat with natural gradients is that, in the case of neural
networks and their large number of parameters, it is usually impractical
to compute, invert, and store the Fisher information matrix (Schulman
et al., 2015). This is the reason why natural policy gradients are usually
not used in practice for deep RL; however alternatives inspired by this
idea have been found and they are discussed in the following section.
∇w V πw (s0 ) = Es,a [∇w (log πw (s, a)) Qπw (s, a)] + αEs ∇w H πw (s).
where H π (s) = − a π(s, a) log π(s, a). From this, one can note
6.1. Pure model-based methods 47
a(i) ∈ A
a(i) ∈ A
dynamics. It can then explicitly use the uncertainty for planning and
policy evaluation in order to achieve a good sample efficiency. However,
the gaussian processes have not been able to scale reliably to high-
dimensional problems.
One approach to scale planning to higher dimensions is to aim at
leveraging the generalization capabilities of deep learning. For instance,
Wahlström et al. (2015) uses a deep learning model of the dynamics
(with an auto-encoder) along with a model in a latent state space.
Model-predictive control (Morari and Lee, 1999) can then be used to
find the policy by repeatedly solving a finite-horizon optimal control
problem in the latent space. It is also possible to build a probabilistic
generative model in a latent space with the objective that it possesses
a locally linear dynamics, which allows control to be performed more
efficiently (Watter et al., 2015). Another approach is to use the trajectory
optimizer as a teacher rather than a demonstrator: guided policy
search (Levine and Koltun, 2013) takes a few sequences of actions
suggested by another controller. iIt then learns to adjust the policy from
these sequences. Methods that leverage trajectory optimization have
6.2. Integrating model-free and model-based methods 49
leads to many different possible situations, even for one given sequence
of actions).
Value-based Policy-based
In the former case, the agent must learn how to behave in a test
environment that is identical to the one it has been trained on. In
that case, the idea of generalization is directly related to the notion
of sample efficiency (e.g., when the state-action space is too large to
be fully visited). In the latter case, the test environment has common
patterns with the training environment but can differ in the dynamics
and the rewards. For instance, the underlying dynamics may be the
same but a transformation on the observations may have happened
(e.g., noise, shift in the features, etc.). That case is related to the idea
of transfer learning (discussed in §10.2) and meta-learning (discussed
in §10.1.2).
54 The concept of generalization
• a reward r = R(s, a, s0 ).
h ∗
i h ∗ i
E V π (s) − V πD (s) = E V π (s) − V πD∞ (s) + V πD∞ (s) − V πD (s)
= (V (s) − V πD∞ (s))
| {z }
asymptotic bias
h i
+ E V πD∞ (s) − V πD (s) .
| {z }
error due to finite size of the dataset D
% of the % of the
error error due to
due to Policy asymptotic
Data class
overfitting bias
stuck in the same state if it tries to move out of the domain. On the
left, the agent transitions deterministically to a given state, which will
provide a reward of 0.6 for any action at the next time step. On the
right side of the square, the agent transitions with a probability 25% to
another state that will provide, at the next time step, a reward of 1 for
any action (the rewards are 0 for all other states). When a reward is
obtained, the agent transitions back to the central state.
P=1 P = 0.25
r = 0.6 r=1
The idea of selecting the right features for the task at hand is key in the
whole field of machine learning and also highly prevalent in reinforcement
learning (see e.g., Munos and Moore, 2002; Ravindran and Barto, 2004;
Leffler et al., 2007; Kroon and Whiteson, 2009; Dinculescu and Precup,
2010; Li et al., 2011; Ortner et al., 2014; Mandel et al., 2014; Jiang
et al., 2015a; Guo and Brunskill, 2017; François-Lavet et al., 2017). The
appropriate level of abstraction plays a key role in the bias-overfitting
tradeoff and one of the key advantages of using a small but rich abstract
representation is to allow for improved generalization.
Figure 7.3: Illustration of the state representation and feature selection process. In
this case, after the feature selection process, all states with the same x-coordinate
are considered as indistinguishable.
7.2. Choice of the learning algorithm and function approximator selection
(Figure 7.2), in the case where the upper right or lower right states
would seem to lead deterministically to r = 1 from the limited data,
one may take into account that it requires more steps and thus more
uncertainty on the transitions (and rewards). In that context, a low
training discount factor would reduce the impact of rewards that are
temporally distant. In the example, a discount factor close to 0 would
discount the estimated rewards at three time steps much more strongly
than the rewards two time steps away, hence practically discarding the
potential rewards that can be obtained by going through the corners as
compared to the ones that only require moving along the x-axis.
In addition to the bias-overfitting tradeoff, a high discount factor
also requires specific care in value iteration algorithms as it can lead to
instabilities in convergence. This effect is due to the mappings used in
the value iteration algorithms with bootstrapping (e.g., Equation 4.2
for the Q-learning algorithm) that propagate errors more strongly with
a high discount factor. This issue is discussed by Gordon (1999) with
the notion of non-expansion/expansion mappings. When bootstrapping
is used in a deep RL value iteration algorithm, the risk of instabilities
and overestimation of the value function is empirically stronger for a
discount factor close to one (François-Lavet et al., 2015).
The empirical MDP can then be used to evaluate the policy. This purely
model-based estimator has alternatives that do not require fitting a
model. One possibility is to use a policy evaluation step obtained
by generating artificial trajectories from the data, without explicitly
referring to a model, thus designing a Model-free Monte Carlo-like
(MFMC) estimator (Fonteneau et al., 2013). Another approach is to
use the idea of importance sampling that lets us obtain an estimate of
V π (s) from trajectories that come from a behavior policy β 6= π, where
β is assumed to be known (Precup, 2000). That approach is unbiased
but the variance usually grows exponentially in horizon, which renders
the method unsuitable when the amount of data is low. A mix of the
regression-based approach and the importance sampling approach is
also possible (Jiang and Li, 2016; Thomas and Brunskill, 2016), and
the idea is to use a doubly-robust estimator that is both unbiased and
with a lower variance than the importance sampling estimators.
Note that there exists a particular case where the environment’s
dynamics are known to the agent, but contain a dependence on
an exogenous time series (e.g., trading in energy markets, weather-
dependent dynamics) for which the agent only has finite data. In that
case, the exogenous signal can be broken down in training time series
and validation time series (François-Lavet et al., 2016b). This allows
training on the environment with the training time series and this
allows estimating any policy on the environment with the validation
time series.
8.1. Exploration/Exploitation dilemma 67
P(·) P(·)
where the uncertainty due to limited data is the highest. When rewards
are not sparse, a measure of the uncertainty on the value function can
be used to drive the exploration (Dearden et al., 1998; Dearden et al.,
1999). When rewards are sparse, this is even more challenging and
exploration should in addition be driven by some novelty measures on
the observations (or states in a Markov setting).
Before discussing the different techniques that have been proposed
in the deep RL setting, one can note that the success of the first deep
RL algorithms such as DQN also come from the exploration that arises
naturally. Indeed, following a simple -greedy scheme online often proves
to be already relatively efficient thanks to the natural instability of the
Q-network that drives exploration (see Chapter 4 for why there are
instabilities when using bootstrapping in a fitted Q-learning algorithm
with neural networks).
Different improvements are directly built on that observation. For
instance, the method of "Bootstrapped DQN" (Osband et al., 2016)
makes an explicit use of randomized value functions. Along similar lines,
efficient exploration has been obtained by the induced stochasticity
of uncertainty estimates given by a dropout Q-network (Gal and
Ghahramani, 2016) or parametric noise added to its weights (Lipton
et al., 2016; Plappert et al., 2017; Fortunato et al., 2017). One specificity
of the work done by Fortunato et al., 2017 is that, similarly to Bayesian
deep learning, the variance parameters are learned by gradient descent
from the reinforcement learning loss function.
Another common approach is to have a directed scheme thanks
to exploration rewards given to the agent via heuristics that estimate
novelty (Schmidhuber, 2010; Stadie et al., 2015; Houthooft et al., 2016).
In (Bellemare et al., 2016; Ostrovski et al., 2017), an algorithm provides
the notion of novelty through a pseudo-count from an arbitrary density
model that provides an estimate of how many times an action has been
taken in similar states. This has shown good results on one of the most
difficult Atari 2600 games, Montezuma’s Revenge.
In (Florensa et al., 2017), useful skills are learned in pre-training
environments, which can then be utilized in the actual environment
to improve exploration and train a high-level policy over these skills.
Similarly, an agent that learns a set of auxiliary tasks may use them to
70 Particular challenges in the online setting
T (s, a, s(1) ) = 1 −
s(1) V π (s(1) ) = 0
T (s, a, s(2) ) =
Figure 8.2: Illustration of a state s where for a given action a, the value of Qπ (s, a; θ)
would be biased if prioritized experience replay is used ( << 1).
74 Benchmarking Deep RL
9.1.2 Games
Board-games have also been used for evaluating artificial intelligence
methods for decades (Shannon, 1950; Turing, 1953; Samuel, 1959; Sutton,
1988; Littman, 1994; Schraudolph et al., 1994; Tesauro, 1995; Campbell
et al., 2002). In recent years, several notable works have stood out in
using deep RL for mastering Go (Silver et al., 2016a) or Poker (Brown
and Sandholm, 2017; Moravčik et al., 2017).
In parallel to the achievements in board games, video games have
also been used to further investigate reinforcement learning algorithms.
In particular,
• they also usually require very long planning horizons (e.g., due to
sparse rewards).
games or different variants of the same game, they are also a good test-
bed for evaluating generalization of reinforcement learning algorithms
(Machado et al., 2017b), multi-task learning (Parisotto et al., 2015) and
for transfer learning (Rusu et al., 2015).
9.1.4 Frameworks
Most of the previously cited benchmarks have open-source code available.
There also exists easy-to-use wrappers for accessing many different
benchmarks. One such example is OpenAI Gym (Brockman et al., 2016).
This wrapper provides ready access to environments such as algorithmic,
Atari, board games, Box2d games, classical control problems, MuJoCo
robotics simulations, toy text problems, and others. Gym Retro1 is
a wrapper similar to OpenAI Gym and it provides over 1,000 games
78 Benchmarking Deep RL
9.2. Best practices to benchmark deep RL 79
82 Deep reinforcement learning beyond MDPs
s0 s1 s2 Hidden
ω0 ω1 ω2
a0 r0 a1 r1 a2
H0 H1 H2
Distribution of tasks
on a set
of tasks
RL algorithm
on related
Figure 10.2: Illustration of the general setting of meta learning on POMDPs for a
set of labyrinth tasks. In this illustration, it is supposed that the agent only sees the
nature of the environment just one time step away from him.
Figure 10.3: Illustration of the continual learning setting where an agent has to
interact sequentially with related (but different) tasks.
11.2. Challenges of applying reinforcement learning to real-world problems
Note that a combination of the two scenarios is also possible in the case
where the dynamics of the environment may be simulated but where
there is a dependence on an exogenous time series that is only accessible
via limited data (François-Lavet et al., 2016b).
In order to deal with these limitations, different elements are
The idea of reinforcement (or at least the term) can be traced back
to the work of Pavlov (1927) in the context of animal behavior. In
the Pavlovian conditioning model, reinforcement is described as the
strengthening/weakening effect of a behavior whenever that behavior is
preceded by a specific stimulus. The Pavlovian conditioning model led
to the development of the Rescorla-Wagner Theory (Rescorla, Wagner,
et al., 1972), which assumed that learning is driven by the error between
predicted and received reward, among other prediction models. In
computational RL, those concepts have been at the heart of many
different algorithms, such as in the development of temporal-difference
(TD) methods (Sutton, 1984; Schultz et al., 1997; Russek et al., 2017).
These connections were further strengthened when it was found that
the dopamine neurons in the brain act in a similar manner to TD-like
updates to direct learning in the brain (Schultz et al., 1997).
Driven by such connections, many aspects of reinforcement learning
have also been investigated directly to explain certain phenomena in
the brain. For instance, computational models have been an inspiration
to explain cognitive phenomena such as exploration (Cohen et al., 2007)
and temporal discounting of rewards (Story et al., 2014). In cognitive
science, Kahneman (2011) has also described that there is a dichotomy
between two modes of thoughts: a "System 1" that is fast and instinctive
and a "System 2" that is slower and more logical. In deep reinforcement,
a similar dichotomy can be observed when we consider the model-free
and the model-based approaches. As another example, the idea of having
a meaningful abstract representation in deep RL can also be related to
how animals (including humans) think. Indeed, a conscious thought at
a particular time instant can be seen as a low-dimensional combination
of a few concepts in order to take decisions (Bengio, 2017).
There is a dense and rich literature about the connections between
RL and neuroscience and, as such, the reader is referred to the work of
Sutton and Barto (2017), Niv (2009), Lee et al. (2012), Holroyd and
Coles (2002), Dayan and Niv (2008), Dayan and Daw (2008), Montague
(2013), and Niv and Montague (2009) for an in-depth history of the
development of reinforcement learning and its relations to neuroscience.
98 Perspectives on deep reinforcement learning
Deep learning Deep learning also finds its origin in models of neural
processing in the brain of biological entities. However, subsequent de-
velopments are such that deep learning has become partly incompatible
with current knowledge of neurobiology (Bengio et al., 2015). There
exists nonetheless many parallels. One such example is the convolutional
structure used in deep learning that is inspired by the organization of
the animal visual cortex (Fukushima and Miyake, 1982; LeCun et al.,
Much work is still needed to bridge the gap between machine learning
and general intelligence of humans (or even animals). Looking back at all
the achievements obtained by taking inspiration from neuroscience, it is
natural to believe that further understanding of biological brains could
play a vital role in building more powerful algorithms and conversely.
In particular, we refer the reader to the survey by Hassabis et al., 2017
where the bidirectional influence between deep RL and neuroscience is
100 Conclusion
content and keeping students engaged (Mandel et al., 2014). They can
improve public health with, for instance, intelligent clinical decision-
making (Fonteneau et al., 2008; Bennett and Hauser, 2013). They may
provide robust solutions to some of the self-driving cars challenges
(Bojarski et al., 2016; You et al., 2017). They also have the possibility
to help managing ecological resources (Dietterich, 2009) or reducing
greenhouse gas emissions by, e.g., optimizing traffic (Li et al., 2016).
They have applications in computer graphics, such as for character
animation (Peng et al., 2017b). They also have applications in finance
(Deng et al., 2017), smart grids (François-Lavet, 2017), etc.
However, we need to be careful that deep RL algorithms are safe,
reliable and predictable (Amodei et al., 2016; Bostrom, 2017). As a
simple example, to capture what we want an agent to do in deep
RL, we frequently end up, in practice, designing the reward function,
somewhat arbitrarily. Often this works well, but sometimes it produces
unexpected, and potentially catastrophic behaviors. For instance, to
remove a certain invasive species from an environment, one may design
an agent that obtains a reward every time it removes one of these
organisms. However, it is likely that to obtain the maximum cumulative
rewards, the agent will learn to let that invasive species develop and
only then would eliminate many of the invasive organisms, which is of
course not the intended behavior. All aspects related to safe exploration
are also potential concerns in the hypothesis that deep RL algorithms
are deployed in real-life settings.
In addition, as with all powerful tools, deep RL algorithms also
bring societal and ethical challenges (Brundage et al., 2018), raising
the question of how they can be used for the benefit of all. Even tough
different interpretations can come into play when one discusses human
sciences, we mention in this conclusion some of the potential issues that
may need further investigation.
The ethical use of artificial intelligence is a broad concern. The
specificity of RL as compared to supervised learning techniques is that
it can naturally deal with sequences of interactions, which is ideal for
chatbots, smart assistants, etc. As it is the case with most technologies,
regulation should, at some point, ensure a positive impact of its usage.
102 Conclusion
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