Visual Diagnosis and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Face Reading - What Your Face Says

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The document discusses using facial features and colorings to diagnose weaknesses in traditional Chinese medicine organ systems and how to address imbalances. It covers features related to adrenal function, digestive health, and reproductive health.

Adrenal exhaustion occurs when the adrenal glands become weak from stress and cannot properly produce and regulate important hormones like cortisol. This can lead to issues like low immunity, inflammation, and difficulty controlling the fight or flight response. It is important to address lifestyle factors that may contribute to adrenal weakness.

A weak spleen/pancreas/stomach system can contribute to issues like digestive disorders, weight imbalances, hemorrhages, blood sugar problems, and connective tissue disorders like varicose veins or allergies. Diet is a major influence on the strength of this system.

Face Reading - What Your Face Says

Visual Diagnosis and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Your face says a great deal about you. It's true that we
communicate how we are feeling to the rest of the world by our
expressions, but the colorings on the face also mean something.
Learning to read the face will clue you into which organ
(energetic) systems are weak. Once you understand the underlying
condition often signaled in facial colorings you can go about
correcting diet and lifestyle and bring yourself back to better health
and balance.

The colorings under the eyes are very

telling. You know what they look like
when you have missed a good night’s
sleep. Often there is a bluish cast under
the whole eye. A little rest should clear
that up. I rarely worry about that one. The
coloring that really makes me worry is
when it’s a blue/black in the corners under
the eye by the bridge of the nose. This is a big danger sign
screaming ADRENAL EXHAUSTION. With the schedule I keep
as an international speaker and private practitioner I MUST take a
good look at my eyes daily. When I see the blue/black starting to
appear in the corners I simply must stop and make some changes.

What is adrenal exhaustion and why is it so dangerous? Your

adrenal glands get weak from too much stress, improper lifestyle
and some prescription drugs and stimulants (yes, like too much
coffee). This is a very bad thing because the adrenal glands
produce and regulate some very important hormones. When the
glands are weak they cannot produce enough cortisol which is your
body’s own anti-inflammatory drug. Also when the glands are
weak they cannot regulate the release of adrenaline, your fight or
flight hormone. This in turns depletes your immune system. All
my panic disorder clients get a full adrenal strengthening treatment
within a session. Their adrenaline is definitely pumping out of
control. The adrenals must be made stronger to control things. It's
the same thing for my clients with inflammation. If you can catch
the adrenals BEFORE they get too exhausted you can avoid many
symptoms down the road.
This isn’t the only color that can be so
very telling under the eyes. The other
color is brown under the eye. This is a
clear sign of the
spleen/pancreas/stomach (Earth
element) system being weak. When this system is weak symptoms
of ill health can manifest themselves in many ways as it is the ruler
of the digestive system, reproductive system and connective
tissues. Some of the symptoms of weakness are excess weight
especially around the middle and hips, stomach disorders, cysts,
under weight, loose stools, hemorrhages, hemorrhoids, prolapses,
blood sugar imbalances, varicose veins, bulge at side of big toe,
endometriosis, and allergies (hay fever). Allergies are considered
a problem with the connective tissues in that the cells are not
holding together. They burst apart sending histamines throughout
the body.

Many people say that they feel the brown under their eyes is
cultural or that it is inherited. My response to that is you can
inherit your parent’s weaknesses but you most likely inherited their
dietary practices as well. Diet is a HUGE factor in either
strengthening the spleen/pancreas/stomach system or weakening it
terribly. None of the above symptoms are pleasant. When my
system was particularly weak I had horrendous seasonal allergies.
I learned to avoid the sabotaging foods and consequently the
allergies disappeared. Now as long as I don’t eat or drink the
wrong things I can mountain bike during the highest pollen counts
without a wheeze.

Vertical lines between the brows are

called by the Japanese “kan shaku”
which translates to liver pains.
Sometimes there is only one line and
other times you will see two. The
liver/gallbladder (Wood element) is
responsible for the detoxification of the body. Everything that we
take in goes through the liver. When it is weak or constrained we
have all sorts of symptoms. The emotions associated with this
energy is anger and frustration. I used to point to my deep line
(it’s has softened considerably with my program) and say this line
is from my fill in the blank.

Many people do not realize that when a

woman is sexually aroused her lips swell.
Keep in mind a woman has two sets of lips.
The swelling may not be very visible to our
conscious mind but to our instinctual mind,
what I like to call our reptilian mind, it is
VERY noticeable. Men become quite
attracted. What is the big rage these days?
That’s right, collagen injections and the puffy
Parisian lip. Advertisers and marketers realized this quite a long
time ago.

The bottom lip when it is swollen often signals a weakness in the

large intestine and consequently the presence of loose stools. A
tight set of lips, pursed, relates to the other end of the alimentary
tract or the anus. A protruding upper lip signals too much stomach
acid. Purplish/blue lips shows that there is too much acid in the
whole system while pale lips are a sign of anemia due to poor
absorption of food nutrients.

Surrounding the mouth is the reproductive

area of the face map. Little cyst-like
bumps on the corners of the mouth when
you have it opened (gently press around
the areas to check) is a sign of
endometriosis. In one seminar that I gave
when I reached this part of the program a woman spoke up. She
related that she had those bumps and had asked her doctor about
them. She was concerned that they were dangerous. As this is
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and not Western the
symptom was not caught. What made her story fascinating is the
fact that she has a horrible case of endometriosis.

Puppet face is a term used for the vertical lines on either side of the
mouth that appear as a women gets older Why not men? Because
this is a sign of the state of the reproductive system, more
specifically the ovaries. The closer a woman is to menopause the
deeper the lines become. Facial Renewal Exercises and the
Acupressure Facelift Routine can help immensely to keep the area
toned and the energy freely moving. It is however, a tough battle
to fight. If a woman has a hysterectomy or is forced into
menopause early she may develop these lines far earlier in life than
Nose and Cheeks

A red nose is a sign of a heart

condition. Broken capillaries and/or
redness of the cheeks are a sign of a
weak lung system. When we think of
the stereotypical drunk (picture WC
Fields) we see both in the same
person. You don’t have to be a
drinker to have problems with both
the heart and the lungs. This
combination is a dangerous one. A
person with weaknesses in both heart
and lung are far more in danger of having a heart attack and not
being resuscitated. Broken capillaries on the cheeks are a warning


Please look the men in your life and look at their chin. A sign of
prostate problems can be a red chin. So many men never go to the
doctor for checkups. They wait until they keel over and it may be
too late. Prostate problems when dealt with early have far better
success rates. Nag him, hit him over the head if you have to, but
get him to a doctor.
I hope you have enjoyed this small piece of Visual Diagnosis and
Traditional Chinese Medicine. The face is just one part of the
body that can be read visually. It is a wonderful unique part that
our health can shine through. Feed yourself only the healthiest of
thoughts, the best of foods, and an abundance of love and you too
shall shine from the inside out.


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