Tribal Museum Case Study
Tribal Museum Case Study
Tribal Museum Case Study
Tribal museum
The Museum of Tribal Heritage at Bhopal was
commissioned by the Government of Madhya Pradesh
in 2004 The Museum is designed to create a built fabric
which the tribal communities could identify with!
e"tend! and evolve! to represent themselves and
e"press their own ideas and way of life with ease and
spontaneity #hile the architecture of the Museum is
inspired by tribal rhythms! geometries! materials!
forms! aesthetics and spatial consciousness!
these very $ualities are now acting as points of inspiration for the
display materials being created by tribal artisans! supported by anthropologists! sociologists and social wor%ers
Madhya Pradesh Tribal Museum
(hyamala Hills! Bhopal 4)2002! Madhya Pradesh! *+,*-
Phone' ./ 1 2))/43! 2)))40
mail' contact5mptribalmuseumcom!
(tructure' 1/6
7/17/2019 Tribal Museum Case Study
Built on a site of seven acres! the galleries are raised above the
ground on columns! forming a continuous! multileveled veranda!
following the contours of the sloping! roc%y terrain
The structure is built of steel tubes! castellated girders! and
steel rods fabricated into intricate trusses
(teel seemed
ancient to be
*ron -ge a natural
7 Bron8e -gechoice in the land
civili8ations! and7 location of
contemporary truc% body building industry
The roofs are made of half9round tiles! galvalume sheets and
concrete with a topping of grass and groundcover
i beam
tubes 2/6
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• -fter entering person has 2
choices whether to go to the
museum display or to the
• -fter entering the main
museum circulation path has
been de;ned to ma%e visitors
go to through the same
passage and e"perience the
whole museum
• - separate passage way has
been de;ned for the peoples
with the o<ce related wor%
• (pecial care has been ta%en for
the movement of the
physically challenged visitors 3/6
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Materials of building'
The plant material
landscape is composed
is designed of largely
to collect local rain
and store forest species
to be used for both cooling and irrigating the green roof! and gardens
,isplay' 4/6
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gallery 2'9
HereTribal lifestyle
a huge food has been
grain displayed
container has in thisre9constructed *nformation about diverse aspects of tribal
life has been given through ultramodern methods :hanges witnessed in tribal dwellings during last to 1
decades have also been displayed 5/6
7/17/2019 Tribal Museum Case Study
Gallery 4'9 This gallery has been presented li%e a ,ev &o% *t has
been decorated with twin%ling stars and constellations -part from
deities of stateAs Gods and Goddesses! &ingo ,ev %i Gudi and
Madiya ham etc of Bastar have also been displayed in it ?ther
e"hibits include Malwi Mata %i Gudi! (heetla Mata %a (than! Ghotul!
armaseni tree and a street in which potter! waterman! blac%smith!
gold smithAs houses and tools have been displayed 6/6