History of Photog
History of Photog
History of Photog
A famous greek philosopher who invented the first pin hole camera that was later known as the
CAMERA OBSCURA "italian word for DARKROOM CHAMBER" which is literally translated as
darkened fox.
- He was the one who succeeded in recording the principle that light entering through a small
hole produces an inverted image or figure.
-An arabian scholar who found out that light entering a small hole in the wall or shuttered
window of a darkened room cast an upside down picture of the scene outside onto the opposite
-He was considered to be the one who invented the camera.
When the American Civil war broke out. he was able to preserve the scene with the use of a
-He coined the word PHOTOGRAPHY.
-He then suggested negative and positive in the following years.
-He pointed out images with a solution of HYPOSULFITE of SODA ( HYPO or SODIUM
thiosufate) which he had dicovered in 1819.
-He pioneered the wet colodian process which took place of collotype known as colodian type
-He is an Italian who encouraged the use of the camera obscura for artistic endeavors. also
introduced the use of LENS in the camera.
-An english philosopher, Mathematician and physicist who discovered and proved that the
strongest light is white light.
-He defended his theory by allowing a whte light (sunlight) to pass through a prism thus
refracting and diffracting the light into its component parts.
MAXILL (1863)
-He discovered that the different effects with this application, when colored photography was
MADDAOX (1884)
-The roll film came and new brands of cameras with different lenses and mechanism were
placed in the market.
-He popularized the small cheap portrait, anyone who could afford a picture of himself or
-He took the first aerial photographs of paris from a free balloon in 1858.
-was an American entrepreneur who founded the Eastman Kodak Company and helped to bring
the photographic use of roll film into the mainstream, He is also the founder of the buddha co.
who introduced the use of roll film mader of celluloid materials for use by a portable camera.
-He Discovered x-ray photography which later become the basis of RADIOGRAPH used by the
doctors in measuring the heartbeat and see the other structure of the body.
-Instead of using darkroom, they used a box with a lens and place a mirror.
1839- The Birthyear of modern Photography, the year when the science of photography became
a public knowledge.
1848- Abel Niepce de saint Victor introduced a process of negatives on glass using albumen as
binding medium.
-it was used an art concerned with landscape, portraiture and architectural presentaation.
1935- The Year when colored film, Sensitized Materials and different brands of cameras came
in different types and model sold in the market.
1859- In the United States one of the earliest applied Forensic Science was photography. it was
used to demonstrate evidence in a california case. enlarged photographs of signatures were
presented in court case involving forgery.
1864- Odelbercht firt advocated the use of photography for the identfication of criminals and the
documentation of evidence and crime scenes.
-Later, every major police force in ENGLAND and the United states Has "Rogues Gallery"
1882- Alphonse Bertillon who initiated anthropometric measurements for personal identification
was also involved in various means documentation by photography which developed into a fine
science for criminalistics when he photographed crime scenes and formulated a technique of
contract photography to demonstrate erasures on documents.
1885- Gelatine emulsion prinitng paper was commercially introduced based films in 1889.
1902- Dr. Reis, a german scientist contributed heavily to the use of photography in forensic
science and the world's earliest crime laboratory that serviced the academic community and the
swiss police.
1906- A plate was placed in the market that could reproduce all colors in equivalent shades of
1907- Lummiere Color Process was Introduced a panchromatic film was used but with blue
green and red filter.
1910- Victor Baltazard developed a method of photographic comparison of bullets and cartridge
cases which acts as an early foundation of the field of ballistics.
1970- Colored photography has matured as an artistic medium especially in the work of levit
and william eggleston.