Practice Test For Professional Education 5

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1. The child fainted in your class because she has not eaten her
breakfast. What is the best thing for you to do in this situation?
a. Ignore the situation
b. Comfort the child
c. Give the child food
d. Call the parent

2. Who perpetuated the idea that reason is superior to experience as a

source of knowledge, thus schools must develop human reason?
a. Humanist
b. Stoics
c. Hedonists
d. Rationalists

3. Faith, hope, and love are values now and forever whether they will be
valued by people or not. Upon what philosophy is this anchored?
a. Idealism
b. Existentialism
c. Realism
d. Pragmatism

4. When teachers are convinced that it is best to teach students the

skill to adapt to change since change is the only thing permanent in
this world, they subscribe to the philosophy of
a. Realism
b. Existentialism
c. Pragmatism
d. Idealism

5. The old adage “Do not do to others what you want others do to you” is
a teaching of
a. Lao Tse
b. Confucius
c. Mohammad
d. Buddha

6. If the student is encouraged to develop himself to the fullest, which

of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs should be satisfied?
a. safely needs
b. Physiological needs
c. Belongingness
d. Self- actualization

7. Which is unethical for teachers to do?

a. obeying the legitimate policy of the school administration
b. cordial relation parents
c. refusing to serve in worthwhile neighborhood activities as these will
adversely affect her teaching
d. conferring with the next of kin about the problems and needs of a student

8. Which characteristic of a good test will pupils will assured of when

a teacher constructs a table of specification for test construction purpose?
a. Scorability
b. Reliability
c. Economy
d. Content validity

9. Which of the following is the most important contribution of Gestalt

psychology to the theories of learning?
a. Cognitive insights
b. Use of the multimedia approaches
c. Concept of readiness
d. Importance of reinforcement in the learning process

10. Which of the following could produce more than one value?
a. mean
b. mode
c. median
d. mean of grouped data

11. Which statement on test result interpretation is CORRECT?

a. a raw score by itself is meaningful
b. A student’s score is a final indication of his ability
c. The use of statistical technique gives meaning to pupil’s score
d. Test scores do not in any way reflect teacher’s effectiveness

12. This embodies the teacher’s duties and responsibilities as well as

the proper behavior in performing them?
a. Code of Ethics for teachers
b. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
c. Bill of Rights
d. Philippine Constitution of 1987

13. What type of validity is needed if a test must course objective and
a. Content
b. Concurrent
c. Criterion
d. Construct

14. Which applies when there are extreme scores?

a. The median will not be very reliable measure of central tendency
b. The mode will be the most reliable measure of central tendency
c. There is no reliable measure of central tendency
d. The mean will not be very reliable measure of central tendency
15. What does a negatively skewed score contribution imply?
a. The scores congregate on the left side of the normal contribution curve
b. The scores are widespread
c. The students must be academically poor
d. The score congregate on the right side of the normal contribution curve

16. The more in direct the classroom instruction, the more

______________ it is.
a. Topic- focused
b. Student- centered
c. Teacher- centered
d. Individualized

17. Which terms to the act of educating a child with special education
needs partially in a special education classroom and partially in
regular classroom?
a. Mainstreaming
b. Inclusion
c. Individualization
d. Head Start

18. It is good to give students challenging and creative tasks because

a. development is aided by stimulation
b. the development of individual is unique
c. development is effective by cultural changes
d. development is the individual’s choice

19. The process of one’s thinking to develop critical thinking is known

as _________.
a. Metacognition
b. Hypothesizing
c. Reflection
d. Meditation

20. It is an intensive investigation of a particular individual,

institution, community or any group considered as a unit which includes
the development, adjustment, remedial or corrective procedures that
suitably follow diagnosis of the causes of maladjustment or of favorable
a. Experimental
b. Descriptive
c. Historical
d. Case- study

21. Which of the following test is used as a basis in giving grades or

a. Mastery
b. Formative
c. Summative
d. Post test

22. It is the process of judging an attribute based on certain goals or

a. Counseling
b. Measuring
c. Evaluating
d. Testing

23. Which of the following criteria is the most important in test

a. Preparation of Table of Specification
b. Items must jive with the objectives
c. Arrange events in occurrence
d. The stem should contain the central problem

24. Which of the following type of test is not advisable to be used as a

diagnostic test?
a. Multiple choice
b. Short response
c. essays
d. true false

25. Why should negative terms be avoided in the stem of multiple choice
a. They may be overlooked
b. It increases the difficulty of scoring
c. It increase the length of the stem
d. They make the construction of alternatives more difficult

26. It is equivalent to the average score of the group or class?

a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. Standard Deviation

27. The result of the item analysis showed that item no. 4 has a
discrimination index of 0.67. What could be true about this item?
a. Difficult
b. Valid
c. Easy
d. Average

28. What is the norm of a test?

a. The mean of grouping scores
b. The standard of for adequate performance
c. The standard deviation of a group of scores
d. The typical performance of a certain group of individuals who took
the test
29. Which of the following is the most important stage in testing process?
a. Constructing test items
b. Establishing test reliability
c. Improving test items
d. Interpreting test result

30. What does a Table of Specification establish?

a. construct validity
b. content related validity and criterion reference
c. content validity and construct validity
d. content validity and content related validity

31. Aura Vivian is one- half standard deviation above the mean of his
group in arithmetic and one standard deviation above in spelling. What
does this imply?
a. she excels both in spelling and arithmetic
b. She is better in arithmetic than in spelling
c. She does not excel in spelling nor in arithmetic
d. She is better in spelling than in arithmetic

32. Given the scores 1,3,3,3,5,5,6,6,6 and 10, the mode(s) is (are)
a. 3
b. 3 and 6
c. 5
d. 6

33. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level.
This means that NSAT and NEAT fall under?
a. criterion- reference test
b. intelligence test
c. aptitude test
d. norm- reference test

34. These are significant in formation about a student, gathered through

the use of various techniques, assembled, summarize and organized in
such a way that they may be used effectively. What is referred to?
a. Cumulative record
b. Case studies
c. Test profiles
d. personnel inventory

35. Which measure(s) of central tendency is (are) most appropriate when

the score distribution is badly skewed?
a. Mean and mode
c. Median
b. Mode
d. Mean
36. The inclusion of the study of Rizal and other national heroes in the
school curriculum in order to inculcate love of country is based on a(an).
a. pragmatist philosophy
b. existentialist philosophy
c. idealist philosophy
d. realist philosophy

37. What concept of education makes every individual a useful citizen to

the state?
a. Conformity
b. Security
c. Humanitarianism
d. Utilitarianism

38. It is an area of philosophy which on the nature of knowledge and the

best method of teaching is.
a. Epistemology
b. Ethics
c. Metaphysics
d. Aesthetics

39. A test is considered reliable if

a. it is easy to score
b. it served the purpose for which it is constructed
c. It is consistent and stable
d. it is easy to administer

40. Which is an element of norm- referenced grading?

a. the student’s pat performance
b. an absolute standard
c. the performance of the group
d. what constitutes a perfect score

41. Mario obtained an NSAT percentile rank of 80. This indicates that
a. He surpassed in performance 80% of her fellow examinees
b. He got a score of 80
c. He surpassed in performance 20% of her fellow examinees
d. He answered 80 items correctly

42. In the problem- solving method of teaching, which is the primary

role of the teacher?
a. Director
b. Clarifier
c. Lecturer
d. Judge

43. Which element should be present for brainstorming to be effective?

a. Lax atmosphere
b. Teacher’s non- judgmental attitude
c. Teacher’s use of “put down” strategy
d. Threatening atmosphere

44. Which is a selective reading technique meant at getting important

facts very fast?
a. Silent reading
b. Skim reading
c. Oral reading
d. scanning

45. The study type of reading exercises gives practice in.

a. picking out the main ideas
b. all sorts of study methods
c. reading skills needed in other subjects
d. recognizing the precise meaning of words

46. Which is the best reason why Mr. Cruz begins a lesson in Math by
checking and reviewing on the previous day’s assignment practice and drills?
a. Prepare the students for the mastery test
b. Make learning interesting and enjoyable for students
c. Check if parents guide their children in the making of assignment
d. Make sure that the students understand the pre- requisite skills of
the lesson

47. The test item “Group the following items according to shape” is a
thought question on.
a. creating
b. generalizing
c. comparing
d. classifying

48. Which one should teacher B use if he wants to teach to pupils the
relationship among details?
a. Journal entries
b. Story frame
c. Graphic organizers
d. Learning log

49. “What I hear, I forget. What I see I remember. What I do, I

understand.” This means that pupils learn best when they.
a. learn independently
b. work with groups
c. watch TV
d. take active part in the learning process

50. Which is a type of graph in which lines represent each score or set
of scores
a. Scattergram
b. Histogram
c. Frequency polygon
d. Scatterplot

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