Identity Unit Plans - Ela 6

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Identity Unit Plans

Fall 2020
Senator Gershaw School
Mrs. Amy Sauers- PSIII Intern Teacher

Table of Contents

Unit Overview………………. 3
Month at a Glance………….7
Unit Assessment Plan………13

Unit Overview

Grade Level
Grade 6 English Language Arts

Total Instructional Days

21 Days (5 weeks)

Unit Overview
Students will focus their attention on identity during this unit. Students will have the
opportunity to consider the unit theme in relation to their own lives and literature. Throughout
the unit, students will further their understanding and demonstrate their knowledge through a
variety of activities including composition, oral speech, reading activities, and a spelling
program. The unit will culminate with An Identity Inquiry Project. This project will allow
students to demonstrate a variety of skills in a variety of different modalities. Students will
finish this unit with a better understanding of each of the six strands of English, and a better
understanding of each of the unit’s essential questions.

Essential Question
What is an identity, and how do we find it?

Sub Essential Questions

o How do our experiences shape our identity?
o How do the people around us shape our identity?
o How does our culture shape our identity?
o What other things shape our identity?
o Can our identity change as we grow?

Main Focus Outcomes

1- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas,
feelings and experiences.
2- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond
personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
4- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and
artistry of communication.

1.1.2- read, write, represent and talk to explore and explain connections between prior
knowledge and new information in oral, print and other media texts
1.2.2- use talk, notes, personal writing and representing, together with texts and the ideas of
others, to clarify and shape understanding

2.2.1- experience oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and
genres, such as autobiographies, travelogues, comics, short films, myths, legends and dramatic
2.2.4- discuss common topics or themes in a variety of oral, print and other media texts
4.1.5- use paragraph structures in expository and narrative texts
4.2.7- edit for and correct commonly misspelled words in own writing, using spelling
generalizations and the meaning and function of words in context

Demonstrations of Learning
Summative Assessments:
Spelling and Vocabulary- 4.2.7- edit and correct commonly misspelled words
What’s On Your Water Bottle?: Students will take time to consider what makes up their
identity. First, they will write down some jot notes about their identity, and then they will draw
‘stickers’ on their water bottle to represent who their identity. - 1.1.2- explore and explain
connections between prior knowledge and new information, 1.2.2- use a variety of strategies to
clarify and shape understanding
Self Portrait- Students will represent their identity with a self portrait. They should be able to
explain how they have represented their identity. - 1.1.2- explore and explain connections
between prior knowledge and new information, 1.2.2- use a variety of strategies to clarify and
shape understanding, 2.2.1- experience a variety of literature, 2.2.4- discuss common topics or
themes in a variety of literature
Journal Entries: Journals will be ongoing throughout the unit. Students will keep these journals
virtually on a Google Doc. Students will both track and demonstrate their learning using
journals. - 1.1.2- explore and explain connections between prior knowledge and new
information, 1.2.2- use a variety of strategies to clarify and shape understanding, 2.2.4- discuss
common topics or themes in a variety of literature, 4.1.5- use paragraph structure, 4.2.7- edit
and correct commonly misspelled words
An Identity Inquiry: Students can choose to use one of these pieces of literature to complete
this project: The New Kid in Class, Hair Love, or Biography of Emmeline Pankhurst. Students will
go through a short series of activities to answer the unit’s essential questions in regards to the
literature they have chosen to study. Activities will consist of spoken, drawn and written
components. - 1.1.2- explore and explain connections between prior knowledge and new
information, 1.2.2- use a variety of strategies to clarify and shape understanding, 2.2.1-
experience a variety of literature, 2.2.4- discuss common topics or themes in a variety of
literature, 4.1.5- use paragraph structure
Reading Comprehension- Martin Luther King Jr.: Students will complete a Reading
Comprehension activity independently. Afterwards, we will discuss the activity as a class and
review their answers in order to optimize comprehension. - 1.2.2- use a variety of strategies to
clarify and shape understanding, 2.2.1- experience a variety of literature

Formative Assessments:
Padlet: To be used for collaborative responses - 1.1.2- explore and explain connections between
prior knowledge and new information, 1.2.2- use a variety of strategies to clarify and shape
understanding, 2.2.4- discuss common topics or themes in a variety of literature
o What is Identity? Padlet
o Hair Love Padlet
A Letter to Me: Students will write a letter to themselves at the beginning of the year that I will
send to them at the end of the year. I will ask them to record their hopes and expectations, and
fears for the year. This will also be used as a diagnostic writing assignment for formative
assessment. - 4.1.5- use paragraph structure
Brainstorm: Activity to get the students to consider what things make up their identity and
keep a record of their thinking. - 1.1.2- explore and explain connections between prior
knowledge and new information, 1.2.2- use a variety of strategies to clarify and shape
WordCloud: Intended for students to share ideas and to spark discussion - 1.1.2- explore and
explain connections between prior knowledge and new information, 1.2.2- use a variety of
strategies to clarify and shape understanding
o Emeline Pankhurst’s Identity
o What things impact our identity?
Reading Comprehension: Intended for students to practice their reading comprehension skills
-- 1.2.2- use a variety of strategies to clarify and shape understanding, 2.2.1- experience a
variety of literature
o The Case of the Missing Pencil
o Quest A+ Activity-
Literature Circle Preparation and Performance: Students will turn in the work they have
prepared for their literature circle, and will complete a self-evaluation afterwards. -1.1.2-
explore and explain connections between prior knowledge and new information, 1.2.2- use a
variety of strategies to clarify and shape understanding, 2.2.1- experience a variety of literature,
2.2.4- discuss common topics or themes in a variety of literature

Meta- Concepts
o Theme
o Oral Speech
o Projection
o Type of speech: impromptu
o Annunciation
o Emphasis

Student Resources
Invitation – Shel Silverstein
Unique? – Adrian Rumble, Cornerstone 6b
Self Portrait – George Little Child, Cornerstone 6b
The New Kid in Class -Kaitlin Cyca and Monita K. Bell, Teaching Tolerance,

Hair Love – Sony Pictures, YouTube
Biography of Emmeline Pankhurst – Sophia Harken,
Why Do Things Have to Change? -Lynn Johnston, Cornerstone 6A
When I Grow Up -Jack Prelutsky, Cornerstone 6A

Month at a Glance Red- No Class
White- Intro Days- not part of unit
Yellow- Age of Romance
Green- Age of Precision
Orange- Age of Generalization
Monday August 31 Tuesday September 1 Wednesday September 2 Thursday September 3 Friday September 4
1st day of School Morning: Morning: Morning: Morning:
Morning: Finish A Mad- Libs Letter Choose Books from Library Free Reading Spelling/ Vocab Test
No Class to my Teacher
Spelling/ Vocab Worksheets Corrections of Spelling/ A Letter to Me- to be
Afternoon: Back to School Emoji Afternoon: Vocab Worksheets opened at the end of
Invitation by Shel Writing- with teacher Finish Spelling/ Vocab grade 6
Silverstein demonstration Worksheets Afternoon:
Padlet: What is identity, Afternoon:
Introduction to Mrs. If time- students can share Introduction to Oral and how do we find it? Finish A Letter to Me (if
Sauers one section of their Speech: Discuss aspects needed)
graphic organizer with the that are important in oral Unit introduction- slides
Introduce a Classmate class speech. Introduction to with all essential Introduction to Journals
projection. questions. What is a
A Mad-Libs Letter to my Afternoon: theme? First Journal Entry: What
Teacher Go over syllabus Teacher demonstration of does the word ‘Identity’
projection Unique? By Adrian Rumble mean to you? After
Spelling/ Vocab Pretest reading yesterday’s poem
Class practice of projection Discussion: What is the Unique? do you think that
Outcomes: 2.2.1- experience narrator saying about our you are unique?
a variety of literature, 4.2.7- Outcomes: 4.2.7- edit and identity? How do you
edit and correct commonly correct commonly misspelled know that? Give evidence Outcomes:
misspelled words words 4.1.5- use paragraph structure
from the text.
4.2.7- edit and correct
commonly misspelled words
2 Minute Lesson:

Class Read Aloud

Outcomes: 1.1.2- explore and

explain connections between
prior knowledge and new

information, 2.2.1-
experience a variety of
literature, 2.2.4- discuss
common topics or themes in a
variety of literature, 4.2.7-
edit and correct commonly
misspelled words
Monday September 7 Tuesday September 8 Wednesday September 9 Thursday September 10 Friday September 11
Labour Day Weekend Morning: Morning: Morning: Morning:
Holiday Free Reading Spelling/ Vocab Worksheets Free Reading Spelling/ Vocab Test

Spelling/ Vocab Pretest Afternoon Corrections of Spelling/ Mini- Lesson: Paragraph

Introduction to impromptu Vocab Worksheets Structure- Topic, body and
Brainstorm: What things speeches and annunciation conclusion sentences
make up my identity? Self Portrait by George
Teacher demonstration of Littlechild Afternoon:
Introduction to impromptu speech- clear Journal Write: Write about
assignment: What’s on projection and annunciation Discussion: How did an experience that has
your Water Bottle? George Littlechild’s culture helped shape your
Afternoon: Student practice of impact his identity? Can identity. Teacher to give
Identity Assignment: impromptu speech in pairs- you “see” his identity in example/ mentor text.
What’s on your Water timed. Followed by two his portrait?
Bottle? stars from a classmate and Outcomes: 1.1.2- explore and
wish from self (self Afternoon: explain connections between
Class Read Aloud evaluation). To be recorded Draw a self portrait- prior knowledge and new
and handed in. represent your own 1.2.2- use a variety of
Outcomes: identity in a visual manner strategies to clarify and shape
1.2.2- use a variety of Outcomes: understanding
strategies to clarify and 1.2.2- use a variety of strategies Class Read Aloud 4.1.5- use paragraph structure
shape understanding to clarify and shape 4.2.7- edit and correct
understanding commonly misspelled words
4.2.7- edit and correct 4.2.7- edit and correct
commonly misspelled commonly misspelled words

Monday September 14 Tuesday September 15 Wednesday September 16 Thursday September 17 Friday September 18
Morning: Morning: Morning: Morning: PD Day
Spelling/ Vocab Pretest Free Reading Spelling/ Vocab Worksheets Free Reading

Finish Journal Write from Reading Comprehension- Introduction to Emphasis in Corrections of Spelling/
Friday The Case of the Missing speech Vocab Worksheets
Pencil Afternoon:
Afternoon: Review of Impromptu Spelling/ Vocab Test
Hair Love -Sony Pictures Afternoon: Speeches
Discussion of morning’s Emmeline Pankhurst
Padlet and discussion: Reading Comprehension Impromptu speeches in Biography
Was the little girl’s hair a front of class Afternoon:
part of her identity? Why Class Read aloud Wordcloud: What words
or why not? Do you have describe Emmeline
any physical features Outcomes: Outcomes: 1.1.2- explore and Pankhurst’s identity?
that are a part of your 1.2.2- use a variety of explain connections between Pair and Share: Did
identity? (Give eyes strategies to clarify and shape prior knowledge and new Emmeline’s experience
understanding information
example for self) 2.2.1- experience a variety of 1.2.2- use a variety of strategies
help shape her identity?
literature to clarify and shape Did the people around her
Outcomes: 1.1.2- explore understanding shape her identity?
and explain connections 4.2.7- edit and correct
between prior knowledge commonly misspelled words Journal Write: Answer one
and new information
1.2.2- use a variety of
of the previous questions
strategies to clarify and
shape understanding Class Read Aloud (if time)
2.2.1- experience a variety
of literature Outcomes: 1.1.2- explore and
2.2.4- discuss common explain connections between
topics or themes in a variety prior knowledge and new
of literature information
4.2.7- edit and correct 1.2.2- use a variety of

commonly misspelled words strategies to clarify and shape
2.2.1- experience a variety of
2.2.4- discuss common topics
or themes in a variety of
4.1.5- use paragraph structure
4.2.7- edit and correct
commonly misspelled words
Monday September 21 Tuesday September 22 Wednesday September 23 Thursday September 24 Friday September 25
Morning: Morning: Morning: Morning: Morning:
Spelling/ Vocab Pretest Free Reading Spelling/ Vocab Worksheet Free Reading Spelling/ Vocab Test

Finish Journal Write from Reading Comprehension: Afternoon: Corrections of Spelling/ Mini Lesson: Introduction
Thursday Martin Luther King Jr. Oral Speech Lesson: Vocab Worksheets to sentence structure
Activity What scares you about Oral Afternoon:
Intro to Lit Circles Speech? Final Preparation for Lit Journal Write: How does
Afternoon: Afternoon: Circle culture shape identity?
Finish Intro to Lit Circles- Finish/ Discussion of Vocal Warm Up Lesson/ Think about how culture
pass out bookmarks morning’s Reading Comp Practice Class Read Aloud shaped identity in The
New Kid in Class or your
The New Kid in Class Class Read Aloud Introduction to prepared Afternoon: personal experience.
-Kaitlin Cyca and Monita speeches Lit Circle on The New Kid
K. Bell Outcomes: in Class Outcomes: 1.1.2- explore and
1.2.2- use a variety of Brainstorming topics for explain connections between
Lit Circle Preparation strategies to clarify and shape prepared speeches Discussion about how the prior knowledge and new
understanding information
2.2.1- experience a variety of
Lit Circle benefitted 1.2.2- use a variety of
Outcomes: 1.1.2- explore Outcomes: students
literature strategies to clarify and shape
and explain connections 1.1.2- use a variety of understanding
between prior knowledge strategies to clarify and shape Class Read Aloud 2.2.1- experience a variety of
and new information understanding literature
1.2.2- use a variety of
Outcomes: 2.2.4- discuss common topics

strategies to clarify and 1.1.2- explore and explain or themes in a variety of
shape understanding connections between prior literature
2.2.1- experience a variety knowledge and new 4.1.5- use paragraph structure
of literature information 4.2.7- edit and correct
4.2.7- edit and correct 1.2.2- use a variety of commonly misspelled words
commonly misspelled words strategies to clarify and shape
2.2.1- experience a variety of
2.2.4- discuss common topics
or themes in a variety of
4.2.7- edit and correct
commonly misspelled words
Monday September 28 Tuesday September 29 Wednesday September 30 Thursday October 1 Friday October 2
Morning: Morning: Morning: Morning: Morning:
Spelling/ Vocab Pretest Free Reading Spelling/ Vocab Worksheet Free Reading Spelling/ Vocab Test

Why Do Things Have to Discussion about PAT Work on An Identity Inquiry Corrections of Spelling/ Finish Identity Inquiry
Change? Reading Comprehension Project Vocab Worksheets Project
Exam Afternoon:
Afternoon: Continue work on An Continue work on An Afternoon:
When I Grow Up Quest A+ Practice Exam Identity Inquiry Project Identity Inquiry Project Final Journal: What is
Afternoon: Afternoon: Identity, and how do we
WordCloud: What are all Begin An Identity Inquiry Outcomes: 1.1.2- explore and Work on An Identity find it?
of the things that impact Project explain connections between Inquiry Project
our identity? prior knowledge and new Outcomes: 1.1.2- explore and
information explain connections between
Class Read Aloud 1.2.2- use a variety of strategies
Class Read Aloud
Discussion: Can/ does prior knowledge and new
to clarify and shape information
our identity change as Outcomes: 1.1.2- explore and understanding Outcomes: 1.1.2- explore and
1.2.2- use a variety of
we grow? explain connections between 2.2.1- experience a variety of explain connections between
strategies to clarify and shape
prior knowledge and new literature prior knowledge and new
information 2.2.4- discuss common topics or information
Introduction to An 1.2.2- use a variety of 1.2.2- use a variety of
2.2.1- experience a variety of

Identity Inquiry Project strategies to clarify and shape themes in a variety of literature strategies to clarify and shape literature
understanding 4.1.5- use paragraph structure understanding 2.2.4- discuss common topics
Outcomes: 1.1.2- explore 2.2.1- experience a variety of 4.2.7- edit and correct 2.2.1- experience a variety of or themes in a variety of
and explain connections literature commonly misspelled words literature literature
between prior knowledge 2.2.4- discuss common topics 2.2.4- discuss common topics 4.1.5- use paragraph structure
and new information or themes in a variety of or themes in a variety of 4.2.7- edit and correct
1.2.2- use a variety of literature literature commonly misspelled words
strategies to clarify and 4.1.5- use paragraph structure 4.1.5- use paragraph structure
shape understanding 4.2.7- edit and correct 4.2.7- edit and correct
2.2.1- experience a variety commonly misspelled words commonly misspelled words
of literature
2.2.4- discuss common
topics or themes in a variety
of literature
4.2.7- edit and correct
commonly misspelled words

Subject Area
Grade Level
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning
Unit Assessment Plan Length of Unit

Stage 1: Desired Results

General Outcomes (in full):
3- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and
4- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally
and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
4- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of
Understandings: Essential Questions:
Big picture/ideas after you have unpacked the These address more specifically how you will achieve the
outcomes big picture/ideas
Essential Question
Students will have a more solid understanding What is an identity, and how do we find it?
of identity and uniqueness. Students will Sub Essential Questions
develop listening, speaking, reading, writing,  How do our experiences shape our identity?
viewing and representing skills.  How do the people around us shape our identity?
 How does our culture shape our identity?
 What other things shape our identity?
 Can our identity change as we grow?

Specific Outcomes (in full): Prior understandings…

Students will be able to…  Students will enter this unit with a basic
.1.2- read, write, represent and talk to explore understanding of what identity is (I anticipate
and explain connections between prior different students having different previous
knowledge and new information in oral, print understandings).
and other media texts Where does this lead? (Future outcomes in the same
1.2.2- use talk, notes, personal writing and course, following grade-level classes, etc.)
representing, together with texts and the ideas  The next unit will be about choices, and this unit will
of others, to clarify and shape understanding help students gain an understanding of human
2.2.1- experience oral, print and other media difference and uniqueness, setting them up to better
texts from a variety of cultural traditions and understand choices.
genres, such as autobiographies, travelogues,  In the coming units, students will focus more heavily
comics, short films, myths, legends and on writing (narrative, specifically) and reading
dramatic performances comprehension. This unit will begin to prepare them
2.2.4- discuss common topics or themes in a with the skills they will need in those areas.
variety of oral, print and other media texts
4.1.5- use paragraph structures in expository
and narrative texts
4.2.7- edit for and correct commonly
misspelled words in own writing, using spelling
generalizations and the meaning and function
of words in context
EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template
Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Subject Area
Grade Level
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning
Unit Assessment Plan Length of Unit

EDUC 3604 – Unit Assessment Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design (2005) by Wiggins and McTighe
Stage 2: Assessments
What’s Letter Brainstor Word- Read- Lit Circle
on An MLK to Me m cloud ing
and Self Padlet
Learnin Title
Journal Identity Readin
g Water Inquiry g Comp
Type F F F F
es (Formative S S S S S S F F
1.1.2- read, write,
represent and talk to
explore and explain
between prior
knowledge and new
information in oral,
print and other
media texts
1.2.2- use talk,
notes, personal
writing and
together with texts
and the ideas of
others, to clarify and
shape understanding
2.2.1- experience
oral, print and other
media texts from a
variety of cultural
traditions and
genres, such as
travelogues, comics,
short films, myths,
legends and
2.2.4- discuss
common topics or
themes in a variety
of oral, print and
other media texts
4.1.5- use paragraph
structures in
expository and
narrative texts
4.2.7- edit for and
correct commonly
misspelled words in
own writing, using
generalizations and
the meaning and
function of words in
Assessment FOR Assessment OF
Assessment Tool Brief Description Learning Learning

Spelling and Students will complete a Spelling and Vocabulary

Vocabulary program throughout the year

Students will write weekly spelling and

Spelling and
vocabulary tests to accompany the program they
Vocabulary Tests
are working through

Students will begin their study of identity by

What’s on Your
considering their own identity and representing it
Water Bottle?
in the form of “stickers” on a water bottle.

Students will continue thinking about their

Self Portrait identity by drawing a Self Portrait after reading
and discussing Self Portrait by George Littlechild.

Journals will be ongoing throughout the unit.

Students will keep these journals virtually on a
Google Doc. Students will both track and
demonstrate their learning using journals.
Students can choose to use one of these pieces of
literature to complete this project: The New Kid in
Class, Hair Love, or Biography of Emmeline
An Identity Pankhurst. Students will go through a short series
Inquiry of activities to answer the unit’s essential
questions in regards to the literature they have
chosen to study. Activities will consist of spoken,
drawn and written components.
Students will complete a Reading Comprehension
MLK Reading activity independently. Afterwards, we will
Comp discuss the activity as a class and review their
answers in order to optimize comprehension.

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