Bio Questions
Bio Questions
Bio Questions
L ig h t in te n s ity
+10 % n o rm a l d a y lig h t
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
C h a n g e in C O 2 in 1 h r/ g c m
S p e c ie s J
S p e c ie s K
The statements in the table refer to the light-dependent and light-independent (dark) reactions of
If the statement is correct for the process, place a tick ( ) in the appropriate box and if it is
incorrect, place a cross (x) in the appropriate box.
L ig h t– d e p e n d e n t L ig h t– in d e p e n d e n t
S ta te m e n t
re a c tio n re a c tio n
O x y g e n p ro d u c e d ;
C a rb o n d io x id e fix e d ;
O c c u rs in s tro m a ;
U ses N A D P H an d H ;
P ro d u c e s A T P ;
[Total 5 marks
The diagram below shows some of the processes which occur in the light-independent reaction of
5 c arb o n c o m p o u n d + X
R e g e n e ra tio n Y
N A D PH + H
T rio s e p h o s p h a te
G lu c o s e p h o s p h a te
(a) Name the substances represented by the letters X and Y.
X carbon dioxide / CO2;
Y PGA / phosphoglyceric acid / eq;
(2 marks)
(b) State the origin of the NADPH + H+ and the ATP used in the light-independent
the light (dependent) reaction / stage (of photosynthesis) / grana /
thylakoid /
non-cyclic photophosphorylation;
(1 marks)
(c) Where in the chloroplast does the light-independent reaction occur?
stroma (of chloroplast);
(1 marks)
An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of
photosynthesis of an aquatic plant, using the apparatus shown in the diagram below.
S y rin g e P la s tic c o n n e c tio n
B u b b le s
c o lle c t
F la re d e n d
o f c a p illa r y
tu b in g S c a le
C a p illa ry tu b in g
P la s tic
c o n n e c tio n L am p
Condition 1 & 2
2 .0
V o lu m e o f
oxygen / m m 3
1 .5
1 .0
1000 2000 3000
L ig h t in te n s ity / lu x
The graph below shows how the wavelength of light affects the rate of photosynthesis.
x x
x x
8 x
x x
R a te o f
p h o to sy n th e s is
/ a rb itr a ry u n its
0 x
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
W a v e le n g th o f lig h t / n m
(a) (i) What name is given to the relationship between wavelength of light and the rate
of photosynthesis, as shown by this graph?
action spectrum;
(1 mark)
(ii) From the graph, state the optimum wavelength of light for photosynthesis.
450 nm;
(1 mark)
(iii) Explain the effect on the rate of photosynthesis of varying the wavelength of
light from 550 to 700 mm.
625 gives max rate / rate fluctuates / steep fall after675; reference to
secondary pigments;
different pigments absorb different wavelengths / eq.;
chlorophyll a peak absorption 600 – 650;
chlorophyll a peak absorption at 650 – 675;
pigments do not absorb wavelengths above 675;
(2 marks)
(b) (i) Name the stage of photosynthesis the produces oxygen.
light dependent stage / eq.;
(1 mark)
(ii) State where in a chloroplast this stage would occur.
grana / thylakoids;
(1 mark)
[Total 6 marks]
N A D PH + H +
L ig h t e n e rg y
L ig h t– d e p e n d e n t
+ C om pound X
re a c tio n
w a te r
G as Y
(b) Name one pigment which is responsible for the capture of light energy during light–
dependent reaction of photosynthesis.
(Total 6 marks)
The diagram below is a summary of the processes that take place during the light-independent stage
of photosynthesis in a palisade cell.
+ C om pound R
2 × G ly c e ra ld e h y d e 3 – p h o s p h a te
O th e r s u g a rs
(T rio se p h o s p h a te )
P. ................................................................................................................................
Q. ...............................................................................................................................
R. ................................................................................................................................
(c) Some of the sugars produced are stored temporarily within the palisade cell. Name the
form in which they are stored and state precisely where this store is located within the
(Total 6 marks)
(b) An investigation into the effect of light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration on
photosynthesis was carried out using pond weed. The pond weed was placed in a test
tube that contained pond water and a quantity of sodium hydrogencarbonate. The light
was provided by a lamp. The oxygen bubbles produced by the pond weed were
directed into a length of capillary tubing.
The graph below shows how the rate of oxygen production of the pond weed changed
with light intensity when immersed in two different concentrations of sodium
0 .8
0 .7 0 .5 m o l d m – 3 s o d iu m
h y d ro g e n c a rb o n a te
R a te o f o x y g e n
p r o d u c tio n 0 .6
/ c m 3 m in –1
0 .5
0 .4
0 .1 m o l d m – 3 s o d iu m
0 .3 h y d ro g e n c a rb o n a te
0 .2
0 .1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
L ig h t in te n s ity / a r b itr a ry u n its
(i) Explain the shape of the graph between a light intensity of 0 and 400 arbitrary
units in the sodium hydrogencarbonate concentration of 0.5 mol dm –3.
(ii) Describe and explain the effect of increasing the concentration of sodium
hydrogencarbonate, on the rate of oxygen production.
(iii) A number of precautions would need to be taken while carrying out this
investigation in order to obtain reliable data. Describe one precaution and
explain why this precaution is necessary.
(Total 14 marks)
The graph below shows the absorption spectra for three photosynthetic pigments found in a leaf.
A b s o rp tio n
o f lig h t C h lo ro p h y ll b
C a ro te n o id s
C h lo r o p h y ll a
(b) Using the information in the graph, explain why it is advantageous for plants to have
more than one type of photosynthetic pigment.
(c) Describe a technique that you would use to separate the photosynthetic pigments
found in chloroplasts.
(Total 8 marks)
The carbohydrates in green plants are formed during the light-independent stage of photosynthesis.
They are synthesised from glycerate 3-phosphate (GP).
(a) State precisely where the synthesis of carbohydrates takes place during the light-
independent stage of photosynthesis.
(b) Name the products of the light-dependent stage of photosynthesis used during the
synthesis of carbohydrates.
(c) Describe the role of ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) in the light-independent stage of
(d) An investigation of photosynthesis in cells taken from a green alga was carried out.
Samples of the algal cells were taken at 1 minute intervals over a period of 6 minutes.
The quantities of GP and RuBP in these cell samples were measured.
At the start of the investigation, the algal cells were kept in an atmosphere with 1%
carbon dioxide. After 3 minutes, the concentration of carbon dioxide was decreased to
1 % c a rb o n d io x id e 0 .0 0 3 % c a r b o n d io x id e
Q u a n titie s R uB P
of R uB P
and G P
/ a rb itra ry
u n its
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time / minutes
(i) Describe the effects of the decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide on
the quantities of GP and RuBP.
(ii) Suggest explanations for the effects you have described in part (i).
(Total 9 marks)
(a) Stroma of chloroplast / stroma 1
(b) NADPH / reduced NADP / NADPH2 / NADPH + H / NADPH + H;
ATP; 2
(c) Idea of carbon dioxide fixation / carbon dioxide acceptor;
To form 6C {compound / intermediate / molecule} / to form {2 × 3C molecules
/ GP}; 2
(d) (i) RuBP increases and GP decreases;
Description of one curve (e.g. GP decreases and levels off, both
quantities equal at 3.5 minutes, comparison of 2 gradients); 2
(ii) 1. [RuBP rises because ] it is being regenerated / it accumulates / eq;
2. [RuBP rises because] less CO2 {to combine with it / for
fixation / eq};
3. [GP falls because] less is being formed;
4. [GP falls because] being used faster than it’s being formed; 2