Of Bangladesh: Determinants and Remedial Measures: Financial Distress in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)
Of Bangladesh: Determinants and Remedial Measures: Financial Distress in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)
Financial distress in SMEs is a common phenomenon across the world, which has been a
subject matter of academicians, professionals and government. Although SMEs are
contributing to the economy in the form of employment, supply of products and services by
using indigenous technologies, social entrepreneurship, income generating activities etc.
SMEs are found most vulnerable to the macro-economic as well as internal management
crises. Consequently, they fall into financial distress. In view of this, the present study has
been undertaken aiming at identifying the causes of financial distress in SMEs of
Bangladesh. The study has employed both financial and statistical techniques for analyzing
the data collected for the study. The study has identified some potential problem areas
related to financial distress such as rate adequacy, sales trends, indebtedness, management
capability, financial planning, etc. The study has also identified some most important
causes of financial distress such as fund management & resource crunch, poor accounting
system, poor financial control, poor productivity and profitability and management
succession. The study has finally come out some strategic and policy related measures for
both viable and financially distressed SMEs for preventing them from the exposition to
financial and operating risk.
SMEs are considered to be the buffer of national economy for their contribution to the
development of economy by generating employment opportunities, developing
entrepreneurship, using indigenous skills and technologies, making market competitive
though innovativeness and growth of industrial linkage, and finally enabling government to
accomplish poverty free society. These sectors are expected to offer ample opportunities to
different cross sectional people of the society to get involved into income generating
activities-traditional, technological, vocational and other activities and thereby
strengthening the efforts towards achieving high and sustainable economic growth which
Professor of Accounting and Finance, Department of Finance and Banking, University of
Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh, E-mail:[email protected]
Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Banking, University of Chittagong, Chittagong,
Bangladesh, E-mail: [email protected]
Economia. Seria Management Volume 15, Issue 1, 2012
are most important prerequisites for triggering an exit from vicious poverty circle. A recent
study (Papanek, Financial Express, April 19, 2010) has found that the decline in china’s
ability to compete opened up a once-in-a- lifetime opportunity for 10% growth, economic
transformation and dramatic cut in poverty. This can be accomplished by establishing
labour intensive SMEs in rural areas of the country where cheap labour should be key
competitive advantage.
SMEs are considered as one of the priority sectors of Bangladesh economy since
independence. Economic history conveys that healthy economic structures are usually
based on a complex network of large, medium-size and small enterprises. The intensity and
quality of relationships that exists between different size of companies -the input and output
they give and receive, the exchange of experiences and ideas - largely determine the
dynamism and the sustainability of economic development. Very small, small and medium
enterprises form the seedbed of the national economy. This sector also offers the best
chance of achieving two objectives that have been mutually exclusive in the past: economic
growth and fairer distribution of opportunities.
Small businesses are numerous in Bangladesh and form a large majority in the domestic
markets. According the estimate of BSCIC there are about 523 thousands of small
enterprises including cottage industries in the country employing about 2.3 millions of
people, which is around 82 percent of total industrial labor forces (Khan, 2000). Quoting
informal planning commission estimates, the SMDF puts the number medium enterprises to
be around 20,000 industrial units. Different definitions of SMEs emerge in different
countries. In Bangladesh, an SME is having 10 or less number of workers. According to the
BSCIC a company with Tk. 10 Crore or less assets or employing not more than 50 is
considered as SME. According to the Industrial Policy 2005, SMEs can be defined as
follows (Table 1):
Table 1. Type of SMEs
Type of SMEs Small Enterprises Medium Enterprises
Manufacturing Sector Value/replacement cost of Value/replacement cost of
durable resources other than durable resources other than
land and factory buildings is land and factory buildings is
under Tk.15 million. between Tk.15 million and
Tk. 100 million.
Service Sector (Non- Fewer than 25 workers 25 to 100 workers work.
Manufacturing Sector) Work.
Source: GOB, Industrial Policy, 2005
The present study has selected small and medium enterprises on the basis of definition laid
down in Industrial Policy 2005.
Mohammad Saleh JAHUR, S. M. Nasrul QUADIR
SMEs of Bangladesh have been vulnerable to frequent policy changes of Government from
time to time. Besides, they are facing severe competition in and outside the country. As a
result, the profitability of SMEs has got squeezed and many of them have got financially
distressed. Country's half of the ready-made garments (RMG) units have fallen sick due to
global crises, slump in the business as well as other industrial constraints at home. The sick
industries in various sectors include textile, leather, medicine, loom, food, chemical and
rubber. At least 200,000 employees were employed in those industries, and now at least
50,000 of them are unemployed leading inhuman life in absence of any alternative income
source. Country's civil society that includes noted economists, entrepreneurs and chamber
leaders called for revival of such sick industries in order to protect jobs and boost economy.
SMEs generate employment, add value, bring in foreign currency and investment, improve
labour skills, and have linkages with large enterprises. Although SMEs represent a majority
of Bangladesh's national economy in terms of output, employment and effective utilization
of regional resources, they are characterized by poor management and/or administrative
skills, limited marketing skills, minimal technology skills, and lack of access to government
and institutional credit facilities. SMEs lack of access to capital and high interest rates
charges are partially the result of incomplete (or no) accounting records, and the inefficient
use of accounting information. Poor record keeping and accounting information make it
difficult for financial institutions to evaluate potential risks and returns (World Bank,
1978), making them unwilling to lend to SMEs. As a result, SMEs pay high interest rates or
fall back on the middlemen or moneylenders, whose loans are costly and often restrictive.
The misuse and inaccuracy of accounting information causes SMEs to inaccurately assess
their financial situation, and make poor financial decisions, as well as leads them to face
with the high failure rate (Byron & Friedlob, 1984; DiPietro & Sawhney, 1977; Fredland &
Morris, 1976: quoted in Seminar Paper, Sarapaivanich, 2003).
Due to the lack of access to the capital markets, the allocation of capital in small firms is
very important. Capital assets involve a large amount of money. It should be planned to be
sure funds are available. The result of capital budgeting decisions continues for many years.
Unnecessarily high expense (depreciation and others) will occur, if the firm invests too
much. In contrast, uncompetitive production and loss of market share due to insufficient
model and inadequate capacity of equipment may arise, if the firm does not invest enough.
An incorrect forecast of asset requirements can have serious consequences. Effective
capital budgeting can improve asset acquisitions (Brigham, Gapenski & Ehrhardt, 1999).
Although capital budget is important to small firms, they do not use the tools that have been
developed to improve these decisions (Runyon, 1983). Studies show that many small firms
are more likely to rely on the payback approach, even though the NPV and IRR methods
are both superior to the payback (Graham & Harvey, 1999 quoted in Brigham & Houston,
2001; Walker, Burns & Denson, 1993). Runyon (1983) showed that a small business may
put itself at a serious competitive because it fails to use sophisticated discounted cash flow
Even though SMEs are the base of the country’s economy, little research has been done on
the implication of accounting and financial information that causes financial distress in
SMEs of Bangladesh. Most of studies (Jahur, 2005; Uddin, 1999;) have been made on the
constraints to the growth of SMEs, characteristics on the development of small
Economia. Seria Management Volume 15, Issue 1, 2012
entrepreneurship etc. In view of this, the present study has been undertaken aiming at
studying the status and causes of financial distress of SMEs of Bangladesh.
The principal objective of the study is to evaluate the status and causes of financial distress
in SMES of Bangladesh. To accomplish this objective, following specific objectives have
been covered:
a) To highlight the theoretical dimensions of financial distress in SMEs of
b) To identify the potential problem areas related to financial distress of sample
c) To examine the degree of financial distress of sample SMEs.
d) To identify the causes of financial distress of sample SMEs of Bangladesh.
e) To suggest some strategic measures to the Accountants and other policy makers
for the improvement of financially distress of SMEs.
The study has covered 20 small and medium enterprises of different economically
important sectors. It has also covered financial activities of these sample firms for five
years from 2004 to 2008.
The study has been both theoretical and empirical one. Both primary and secondary data
have been used in this study.
1.4.1 Collection of Primary Data: Researcher has prepared a questionnaire for collecting
primary data on the basis of literatures survey and opinion of experts/professionals. For that
researcher has selected 30 SMEs for the purpose of collecting data conveniently. He has
attempted to conduct interview of 30 concerned persons of the sample SMEs and to collect
the financial statements. Finally he has been able to conducted interview of 23 concerned
persons of the sample SMEs and 14 experts engaged in business and academic fields; and
has collected usable financial statements of 20 sample SMEs. In this case, the opinions of
sample respondents have been captured on five point likert scale (5-Most Important,
4-Important, 3- Indifferent, 2-Less Important, and 1-least Important).
Mohammad Saleh JAHUR, S. M. Nasrul QUADIR
1.4.2 Collection of Secondary Data: The study has collected secondary data by consulting
existing literature, journals, magazines, websites, and annual reports of the sample SMEs.
1.4.3 Analysis of Data: The data thus collected has been tabulated first. Then the data
tabulated has been analyzed by applying different financial ratios, Altman’s Z score
analysis, and factor analysis. Financial ratios have been used to assess the financial status as
well as to determine the potential problem areas of financial distress of sample SMEs;
Altman’s Z score, for assessing the degree of financial distress; and factor analysis, for
identifying the causes of financial distress in sample SMEs. The financial variables used
and causes studied have been described in the section - theoretical dimensions of financial
distress in business firms (section 2.1).
1.4.4 Factor Analysis: Factor analysis is a method of reducing a large number of variables
(tests, scales, items, persons and so on) to a smaller number of presumed underlying
hypothetical entities called factor (Fruchter, 1967). It tries to simplify and diverse
relationship that exist among a set of observed variables by uncovering common
dimensions or factors that link together the seemingly unrelated variables and consequently
provides insight into the underlying structures of the data (Dillion & Goldstein, 1984). The
purpose of factor analysis is mainly two folds: data reduction and substantive interpretation.
In the present study, ‘Principal Components Varimax Rotated Method’ of factor analysis
has been used in order to identify the causes of financial distress in SMES of Bangladesh.
Principal component factor explains more variance that the loadings obtained from any
method of factoring. In order to define the group membership, an algorithm may be used to
uncover a structure purely on the basis of the correlation structure of the input variables.
Then the number of principal components to be retained in the study has been decided on
the basis of Kaiser’s criterion (1958) of Eigen value >1. Principal components having
higher reliability coefficients are more reliable in the sense that the corresponding factors
would be replicable in other similar kind of studies. Then Communality, symbolized by h 2--
are then worked out which show how much of each variable is accounted for by the
underlying factors taken together. Then, factor scores have been generated on the basis of
weighted average of Principal Factor loadings and average of respective variables included
into the concerned group. Ranking of each factor has been made on the basis of scores
The study has been segmented into three sections. First section has covered introduction,
statement of the problem, objective, and research methodology of the study; second session
has focused on the findings and their analysis; and third session has covered summary of
the findings, policy implications and conclusion.
The study has concentrated to financial distress in SMEs of Bangladesh. Keeping this in
mind, it has recoursed to existing literatures for developing theoretical dimensions of
financial distress; analyzed financial statements for identifying the potential problem areas;
and analyzed the various causes of financial distress of SMEs for ranking the causes in
order of their magnitudes. These have discussed in the following paragraphs:
Economia. Seria Management Volume 15, Issue 1, 2012
Mohammad Saleh JAHUR, S. M. Nasrul QUADIR
Economia. Seria Management Volume 15, Issue 1, 2012
Mohammad Saleh JAHUR, S. M. Nasrul QUADIR
Economia. Seria Management Volume 15, Issue 1, 2012
classified as financially distressed; and with a discriminant score of 1.99186 and above will
be classifies as financially non-distressed company. The status of financial distress in
sample SMEs has been exhibited in the following Table 6:
Table 6. Showing the Degree of Financial Distress in Sample SMEs
Z Equation
13.1146 X5 + 0.2323 X6 + 0.0156 X8 + 0.2183 X9 = Z Financial Status
Sample -1 0.5574 + 0.6128 + 0.4415 + 1.6268 = 3.2398 Non-Distressed
Sample-2 0.5570 + 0.06523+ 0.4490 +1.4851 =3.1634 Non-Distressed
Sample-3 0.5114 + 0.5895 + 0.3959 + 2.4832 = 3.9800 Non-Distressed
Sample-4 0.6505 + 0.6290 + 0.3492 + 1.5936 = 3.1683 Non-Distressed
Sample-5 0.5508 + 0.5895 + 0.4271 + 1.5178 =3.0852 Non-Distressed
Sample-6 0.6295 + 0.5616 + 0.4740 + 1.6274 = 3.2295 Non-Distressed
Sample-7 0.5246 + 0.6109 + 0.6056 + 2.2665 = 4.0076 Non-Distressed
Sample-8 (0.1298) + 0.0580 + (0.0079) + 1.3604 = 1.2807 Distressed
Sample-9 (0.1967) + 0.0445 + (0.0987) + 1.6449 = 1.3940 Distressed
Sample-10 (0.3878) + 0.0465 + (0.1265) + 1.3942 = 0.9864 Distressed
Sample -11 (0.6657) + 0.0638 + (0.0675) + 0.9583 =0.2989 Distressed
Sample-12 (0.4590) + 0.0267 + (0.1159) + 0.8376 = 0.2938 Distressed
Sample-13 (0.7868) + 0.0722 + (0.0719) + 1.3637 = 0.5772 Distressed
Sample-14 (1.1803) + 0.0236 + (0.0092) + 1.1620 = 0.0039 Distressed
Sample-15 (0.6557) + 0.0454 + (0.1040) + 0.7682 = 0.0539 Distressed
Sample-16 (0.1311) + 0.0553 + (0.0493) + 0.7492 = 0.6241 Distressed
Sample-17 (0.2098) + 0.0620 + (0.0338) + 0.6444 = 0.4628 Distressed
Sample-18 (0.0026) + 0.0442 + (0.0556) + 1.0033 = 0.9893 Distressed
Sample-19 (0.1967) + 0.0721 + (0.0716) + 1.5898 = 1.3936 Distressed
Sample-20 (1.1934) + 0.0489 + (0.1185) + 1.4721 = 0.2091 Distressed
Source: authors
From the above table, it is evident that 14 out of 20 sample SMEs have been found
financially distressed and the remaining 6 has been financially found financial sound. This
implies that a large number of SMEs are within the vicious circle of financial poverty.
Addressing this issue vigorously is an urgent task of practitioners and others involved in the
area of financial management and accounting. To address this issue properly, one has to
identify the root cause of financial distress of SMEs of Bangladesh.
2.4 Identification of Causes of Financial Distress in SMEs of Bangladesh
The study has collected opinion of 23 sample SMEs and 14 professionals on 5 point likert
scale in order to identify the causes of financial distress in SMEs of Bangladesh. Varimax
Rotated Factor Analytical technique has been employed for grouping the variables on the
basis of their inherent relationship and finally ranking the group on the basis of their
Mohammad Saleh JAHUR, S. M. Nasrul QUADIR
Economia. Seria Management Volume 15, Issue 1, 2012
The rotated factor matrix has been shown in Appendix-2. This shows that variables
understudy have constituted eight groups/factors which have been discussed in the
following paragraphs:
Factor-I: Poor Accounting System
Factor-I explains 14.746 percent of the total variations existing in the variable set. This
includes variables- X17, X15, and X20. This factor has significant factor loadings on these
variables which have formed this major cluster. This factor belongs to internal
organizational factor of financial and accounting. So, this factor provides a basis for
conceptualization of a dimension, which may be identified as poor accounting system.
Factor-II: Productivity and Profitability Factor
Factor-II explains 14.012 percent of the total variations existing in the variable set. This
includes variables-X13, X11, X19 and X3. This factor has also significant factors loading on
these variables which formed second important cluster with respect to the variation. This
factor is concerned with the productivity and profitability of SMEs. So, this has provided a
dimension of conceptualizing investor related variables, which may be identified as
productivity and profitability factor.
Factor-III: Fund Management and Credit Crunch
Factor-III explains 10.382 percent of the total variations existing in the variable set. This
includes variables- X1, X16, and X6. This factor has moderate factor loadings on these
variables which have formed a third important cluster. This factor is related to fund
management and resource crunch. So, this factor has provided a basis for conceptualization
of a dimension, which may be called ‘Fund Management and Credit Crunch’.
Factor-IV: Liquidity Factor
Factor-IV explains 9.276 percent of the total variations existing in the variable set. This
includes variables- X10, and X14, . This factor has high factor loadings on these variables
which have formed a fourth important cluster. This factor has provided a basis for
conceptualization of dimension which may be called Liquidity Factor.
Factor-V: Sensitivity to the Government Policy Change Factor
Factor-V explains 8.577 percent of the total variations existing in the variable set. This
includes variables- X2 and X18 . This factor has high factor loadings on these variables which
have formed a fifth important cluster. This factor has provided a basis for conceptualization
of dimension which may be called Liquidity Factor
Factor-VI: Macro-Economic Factor
Factor-V explains 7.1897 percent of the total variations existing in the variable set. This
includes variables- X12, and X4. This factor has factor loadings ranging from moderate to
high on these variables which have formed a sixth important cluster. This factor is
concerned with the macroeconomic factor. This factor has provided a basis for
conceptualization of dimension which may be called ‘Macro-economic Factor’.
Factor-VII: Management Succession Factor
Factor-V explains 6.967 percent of the total variations existing in the variable set. This
includes variables- X9 and X8. This factor has factor loadings ranging from moderate to high
on these variables which have formed a seventh important cluster. This factor is concerned
with the management succession. This factor has provided a basis for conceptualization of
dimension which may be called ‘Management Succession Factor’.
Mohammad Saleh JAHUR, S. M. Nasrul QUADIR
Economia. Seria Management Volume 15, Issue 1, 2012
II. The study has identified following causes with the help of sophisticated
multivariate technique-Varimax Rotated Factor Analysis:
a) Fund Management and Credit Crunch;
b) Poor Accounting System;
c) Financial Control Factor;
d) Productivity and Profitability Factor; and
e) Management Succession Factor.
Financial distress is characterized by different features. Parties interested in the firm always
take care of these features; and accordingly take their own strategic position. SMEs are
contributing to the economy as a buffer of the economic system. So, preventing SMES
from being financially distressed is the most important job of Government, Apex Body,
Regulatory Agencies, Profession Bodies and Non-Government Agencies. So, following
policy and strategic measures have been suggested for developing the non-distressed SMEs
as well as for strengthening distressed SMEs in all fronts so that they can get out of
financial distressed circle:
a) SMEs should have proper financial planning. They should undertake both
financing and investment program according to financial planning.
b) SMEs should keep all records of financial transactions in a system way. In this
case, they should appoint professional accountants so that financial statements
can be prepared by adopting rules of Companies Act 1994, and International
Financial Reporting Standards adopted by ICAB. This will provide accurate
accounting and financial information for making both routine and non-routine
managerial decisions by the management of SMEs. This will also enable
lending agencies to conduct credit risk analysis; and rating agency to carryout
the rating job for the SMEs.
c) SMEs should introduce internal audit to restore effective financial control in
the SMEs.
d) SMEs need to have an effective management system as well as skilled
manpower. This is expected to exert a positive influence in efficiency as well
as productivity of SMEs. Good culture in the firm develops leadership in the
organization who can be able to trace the financial distress early and thereby
prevent SMEs from the exposition to financial and operating risk.
3.3 Conclusion
SMEs being integral part of economy have been an important subject of different interested
parties including Government of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bank has already declared ‘Loan
Policy For SMEs’ and directed all commercial banks and non-banking financial
institutions to simplify the SME Loan procedures by opening separate SME Loan Centre.
At this juncture, the inferences drawn by the present study and strategies & policies
suggested can be of immense interest to related parties to SMEs for giving this sector
appropriate direction towards development of economy of the country.
Mohammad Saleh JAHUR, S. M. Nasrul QUADIR
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Economia. Seria Management Volume 15, Issue 1, 2012
Appendix 1
Total Variance Explained
Rotation Sums of Squared
Initial Eigen Values
% of Cumulative % of Cumulative
Total Total
Variance % Variance %
1 3.649 18.245 18.245 2.949 14.746 14.746
2 2.335 11.674 29.919 2.802 14.012 28.757
3 2.200 10.998 40.916 2.076 10.832 39.140
4 1.969 9.884 50.760 1.855 9.276 48.416
5 1.565 7.825 58.585 1.715 8.577 56.993
6 1.354 6.769 65.354 1.438 7.189 64.182
7 1.246 6.232 71.586 1.393 6.967 71.149
8 1.206 6.030 77.616 1.293 6.466 77.616
9 0.902 4.509 82.125
10 0.783 3.916 86.040
11 0.683 3.192 89.233
12 0.521 2.603 91.836
13 0.478 2.389 94.226
14 0.347 1.735 95.960
15 0.261 1.303 97.264
16 0.230 1.152 98.416
17 0.148 0.742 99.158
18 0.105 0.524 99.682
19 0.0064 0.318 100.00
20 -1.956 -9.782 100.00
Appendix 2
Rotated Factor Matrix
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
X17 0.976
X15 0.976
X20 0.802
X13 0.878
X11 0.832
X19 0.757
X3 0.519
X1 0.839
X16 0.710
X6 -.505
X14 0.894
X10 0.862
X2 0.870
X18 0.807
X12 0.801
X4 -0.612
X9 0.746
X8 0.538
X7 0.788
X5 0.673