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Intensive Benchmarking of D2D Communication Over 5G Cellular Networks: Prototype, Integrated Features, Challenges, and Main Applications

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Intensive Benchmarking of D2D Communication Over 5G Cellular Networks: Prototype, Integrated Features, Challenges, and Main Applications

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Wireless Networks

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-019-02131-2 (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().
,- volV)

Intensive Benchmarking of D2D communication over 5G cellular

networks: prototype, integrated features, challenges, and main
Hanan H. Hussein1 • Hussein A. Elsayed2 • Sherine M. Abd El-kader1

Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

The evolving Fifth generation (5G) cellular wireless networks are envisioned to provide higher data rates, lower end-to-end
latency, and lower energy consumption for devices. In order to achieve 5G requirements, a lot of new technologies are
needed to operate in 5G. Device-to-device communication (D2D) is one of the key technologies provided to enhance 5G
performance. D2D is direct communication between two devices without involvement of any central point (i.e. base
station). It is a recommended technique to enhance the energy efficiency, throughput, latency, and spectrum utilization in
cellular networks. This paper provides an intensive benchmarking of the integration of D2D communication into cellular
network focusing on the potential advantages, different recent prototypes, classifications, and applications for D2D
technology. Finally, the paper addresses the D2D related main topics and indicates the major possible challenges that face
most researchers.

Keywords Device-to-Device 5G cellular networks Prototype IoT Vehicle-to-Vehicle Green communication

Artificial intelligence

1 Introduction performance. It should support data rates up to 10 Gb/s for

reality applications (i.e. telemedicine, vehicle-to-vehicle
No doubt those telecommunication systems developments applications, etc.). Also, it is needed to guarantee latency
enhance lifestyle in unexpected ways. 5G wireless cellular less than 1 ms to support those applications. Tens of mil-
network deployment is the main key technology of the next lions of devices and hundreds of billions of sensors are
wireless cellular network evolution. 5G cellular networks vital to be served. Hence, the network has to stand with
commercial service is estimated to be launch in 2020 [1]. numerous capacities and extended coverage area especially
The main target of 5G is to provide ubiquitous connectivity in airplanes and remote areas. Devices’ battery lifetime
for any kind of device and any kind of application. 5G should be increased as well.
network should satisfy some needs in order to enhance the Such mentioned requirements need special technologies
to be deployed. The detailed 5G standards are still work in
progress and uncertain yet. Carrier Aggregation, massive
& Hanan H. Hussein Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO), beamforming,
[email protected] cloud computing, millimeter Waves (mmW), Cognitive
Hussein A. Elsayed Radio (CR), Full-Duplex (FD), Non-Orthogonal Multiple
[email protected] Access (NOMA), green communication, energy harvesting,
Sherine M. Abd El-kader D2D, and others are potential technologies under research
[email protected] to meet 5G needs and be applied on it [2]. All these pre-
1 vious technologies are outside of the scope of this paper
Department of Computers and Systems, Electronics Research
Institute, Giza, Egypt except D2D.
2 D2D Communication is one of the competent tech-
Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering,
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt nologies for 5G. In previous mobile generations (i.e. 1G–

Wireless Networks

4G), D2D technology did not take much attention; how-

ever, it is predicted that applying such a technology will
play a vital role in enhancing the era of wireless cellular
communication. D2D communication in cellular networks
is known as direct communication between two or more
terminal devices without involving the Base Station (BS)
or any core network [3]. In contrast to a traditional wireless
cellular network, D2D technology can provide more power
savings due to the close distance among connected devices.
Besides, this technology enhances energy efficiency,
throughput, and delay. D2D has the availability to offload
traffic from the cellular network with high performance.
Fig. 1 D2D network layout
One of the main advantage is its flexibility; so that D2D
can be integrated with different technologies to enhance the
destination receiver. Another advantage of applying D2D
network’s performance such as vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)
technology is that it can take some load off of the cellular
technology, mmW technology, Internet of Things (IoT),
network in a local area such as big shopping centers or
mode selection, and Artificial intelligence (AI).
stadiums. This direct transmission among devices enhances
Main organizations have co-operated to examine the
system performance.
validation of D2D in cellular networks such as 3GPP
Moreover, D2D technology can be an efficient solution
(Third Generation Partnership Project) [4]. Release 12 of
in case of emergency networks (an urgent communication
3GPP states that such a technology can be applied as a
network can be established within a short time to replace
public safety network feature, cellular offloading, V2V
the damaged infrastructure). This case will be explained in
communication, and content distribution. Although D2D
detail later. Another one of the big advantages is that DUs
technology introduces a lot of benefits; on the other side it
can extend the network coverage area by acting as trans-
faces a lot of challenges that should be taken into consid-
mission relays for each other. Figure 2 shows the concept
eration. Applying D2D technology leads to interference
of D2D relay mode that acts as a multi-hop sequence so as
among Cellular Users (CUs) and D2D Users (DUs) due to
to increase the D2D coverage area.
sharing the same resources in the same area. Other con-
Last but not least, using D2D communications beside
cerns that face D2D technology such as peer discovery,
cellular communications could raise the spectrum utiliza-
handover, radio resource allocation management and
tion and network capacity. A channel can be reused by
optimization, energy consumption, and security issue.
multiple D2D pairs in cellular communication if power
Consequently, D2D has been taking much attention from
control is applicable [5]. This feature also leads to an
researchers and mobile operators to enhance the network
increase in network capacity.
performance without violating any of the services
This paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 provides the
potential advantages of D2D technology. Section 3 intro-
duces the D2D classification with its three main categories,
while D2D scenarios and applications are provided in
Sect. 4. Section 5 discusses the prototypes and experi-
ments. D2D integrated features are laid out in Sect. 6.
Section 7 details D2D’s challenges. Finally, the paper is
concluded in Sect. 8.

2 D2D technology main advantages

D2D technology offers numerous numbers of benefits.

From the definition, in the case of devices that near in
distance, using D2D technology reduces latency between
devices and consumed power. As shown in Fig. 1, devices
communicate directly instead of sending data from the
source transmitter to Evolved Node B (eNB) then to the Fig. 2 D2D relay mode

Wireless Networks

3 D2D main classification Figs. 4c and 2. A D2D enabled device may act as a relay in
order to retransmit data from outer DU to eNB or vice
This section introduces a high-level overview of D2D versa [7]. A brief look at the advantages and disadvantages
classification. As shown in Fig. 3, this classification is of ‘‘in coverage’’ and ‘‘out of coverage’’ are given in
separated into three main categories; D2D control, D2D Table 2.
coverage, and D2D communication mode. Each category is
illustrated with details in the following subsections. 3.3 D2D communication mode

3.1 D2D control This category indicates whether the DUs share the same
Resource Blocks (RBs) with other users, whether CUs or
D2D control category highlights how deeply the core net- DUs. It is also based on deciding if the devices commu-
work is controlling and managing D2D connectivity. This nicate directly in a distributed or centralized manner cor-
mode can be classified into two types; namely, full control rect. As such, the D2D communication mode is classified
mode and autonomous mode. When devices are managed into three types. The first one is dedicated mode which
by a cellular network or operator, the mode is called con- allows the D2D pair to exchange data directly without
trolled mode; otherwise it is called autonomous mode. involving eNB. The allocated RB for this transmission is
Autonomous mode means that DUs participate in the dedicated only for certain pair without sharing with other
control. To be clear, Table 1 illustrates the meaning, users. Shared mode is the second type in which both DUs
advantages, and disadvantages of both types. and CUs can share the same RB; also known as underlay
mode. Finally, the third type is a cellular mode as in the
3.2 D2D coverage traditional cellular communication where all users transmit
and receive data through the core network without applying
3GPP has classified D2D based on coverage into three direct communication among users, which is known as
types as shown in Fig. 4 [6]. The first one is called ‘‘in overlay mode. Table 3 shows the advantages and disad-
coverage’’ which indicates that both DUs are within the vantages of each mode.
cellular network coverage as in Fig. 4a. This means that
DUs may access the licensed band. The second scenario is
‘‘out of coverage’’ in which both DUs are out of the cellular 4 D2D scenarios or applications
network coverage as in Fig. 4b. It is notable that this sce-
nario could be applied in case of an emergency when a Based on D2D advantages, D2D technology is used in
failed connection occurs due to eNB abnormal problems. several applications as shown in Fig. 5. The following
Out of coverage communications means that communica- subsections discuss the main scenarios that can have ben-
tion performed in an unlicensed band such as Industrial, efits from this technology.
Scientific, and Medical radio band (ISM) 2.4 GHz. The
most famous standards that implement this type are WiFi 4.1 Local voice and data service
direct, Zig Bee, and Bluetooth.
The third type is called ‘‘partial coverage’’. It indicates There are many cases where nearby users want to voice
that one DU is within cellular network coverage, while the chat like but not limited to people in big hall or in cubical
second DU is out of the cellular network coverage as in arrangement. Using such D2D technology can enhance the

Fig. 3 D2D classifications

Wireless Networks

Table 1 Main advantages and disadvantages of D2D control types

Type Full Autonomous

Meaning Network is in charge of the following: D2D authentication DUs themselves are in charge totally or partially of the
procedure, D2D pair discovery, D2D initiation procedure, following: D2D authentication procedure, D2D pair
D2D connection, power control, and allocate radio discovery, D2D initiation procedure, D2D connection,
resources power control, and allocate radio resources
Advantageous Core network controlling leads to achieving better QoS from Negligible signaling overhead
user perspective and network perspective.
Less interference among CUs and DUs as core network
control interference issues
Disadvantageous In order to control D2D communication, high signaling Interference caused by the DUs on the CUs
overhead is required

Fig. 4 Release 12 D2D communications are divided into three scenarios

Table 2 Main advantages and disadvantages of D2D coverage

Type Out coverage In coverage

Advantages Easier Resource allocation. Increased spectrum utilization.

No interference between cellular and D2D users. Easier Control of eNB on D2D devices.
Simultaneous transmission of D2D and cellular devices No more required additional interfaces
Disadvantage Additional interface is required for out of band communication and Less High interference between devices due to channels
spectrum utilization. reuse.
Out of band D2D devices become out of eNB control Need of smart power control and resource
allocation mechanisms

Table 3 Main advantages and disadvantages of dedicated, shared and cellular mode
Advantages Disadvantages

Dedicated mode Easier to manage interference Less capacity and low spectrum utilization
Shared mode Higher spectrum efficiency More interference either among DUs themselves or among CUs and DUs
Cellular mode Easier to manage interference Low spectral efficiency
No need to add new features Less performance than using D2D technology

network performance especially delay reduce between coverage area, want to exchange data. It leads also to
users to meet the real-time voice constrains. Similarly, reducing latency and increasing the data rate between these
local data service can be provided using D2D communi- DUs.
cation when two collocated users or devices, within D2D

Wireless Networks

monitoring environment, car automation, military, indus-

trial equipment, etc. In many cases, the M2M machines are
located close to each other in distance inside a building;
therefore D2D technology can be applied. The D2D com-
munications can raise network efficiency by exploiting the
high channel quality of short-range D2D links. In addition,
by reducing transmission power, machines can have pro-
longed life battery. Furthermore, overall M2M network
delay can be less because of direct routing of D2D traffic.
Also, network can have less load distribution of data ser-
vers for local M2M traffic [11].

4.4 Emergency networks

Fig. 5 Application and scenarios for D2D-5G environments Connection failure may exist due to natural disasters in a
certain area for a long time. Unfortunately, huge amounts
4.2 Video streaming of local traffic data need to be transmitted. For example
[12], the rescuers desire to establish a connection fre-
Video streaming is defined as sending contents in a com- quently with their rescuers, including sending images and
pressed form over the Internet in real-time. This means it is videos. Correspondingly, in the medical sites, nurses and
not necessary to wait until the video had downloaded doctors need to have a medical data of patients from their
completely to be watched. As an alternative, video is sent hospital and sometimes need to have remote supports and
in a continuous stream manner of data and is played back consultancy for certain operations. Also, journalists and
as it arrives immediately. So, video streaming becomes one reporters need to report the news fast, etc. D2D technology
of the key internet traffic. Cisco stated that in the near based on emergency network can afford broadband ser-
future about 90% of the internet traffic will be videos by vices temporary for all these requirements. Large numbers
2019 [8]. One type of video streaming that can offload the of devices can communicate with each other to create a
traffic from wireless networks is Point-to-Point (P2P) video small network and relay data for each other. Some
streaming. P2P video streaming promotes all users to share researchers have addressed this scenario and figured out
their videos with others through direct connection. how to solve this issue by applying D2D technology.
PPSTREAM and PPLIVE are considered as vital examples Authors in [13] investigated the benefit of exploiting
of P2P video services. In China, it is reported that there D2D technology in disaster scenarios. A coalition forma-
were more than 32,210,000 daily customers on tion method was recommended for energy saving in uplink
PPSTREAM and more than 60,000,000 overall users on and downlink to prolong network life time. The recom-
P2P video streaming in September 2012 [9]. D2D tech- mended method’s simulation results show lower energy
nology can provide more performance improvement than consumptions, lower latency, and better QoS compared to
normal cellular networks between devices that desire to the non-collaborative case. Another point of view was
share video streaming. Similar applications can also be like presented in [14] that also studied the disaster scenario
video chat or video conferences between the devices in the based on D2D. The connectivity between source and des-
same cell or neighbor cells that are close in distance. tination is established through intermediate nodes act as
relays nodes as discussed before. Furthermore, in order to
4.3 Machine to machine prolong nodes life time, Energy Harvesting (EH) is applied
in relays and cluster heads nodes in [15]. Simulation results
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication occurs proved that EH-based D2D protocol performs better nodes
among machines like objects or devices with computing life time due to energy efficiency for cluster heads and
and communication capabilities without human involve- relay nodes; and also offered extended coverage area.
ment [10]. M2M uses machines to monitor certain events
with sensors and to instruct actuation. The captured events
are relayed through wireless networks to servers, which 5 D2D prototypes and experiments
extract and process the gathered information and auto-
matically control and instruct other machines. The network D2D technology can be implemented with operator assis-
provides end-to-end connectivity between machines. Some ted kike as DataSpotting and Content Aggregator; or
famous examples of M2M technology are smart homes, autonomous mode like FlashLinQ and Relay by smart

Wireless Networks

phone. As discussed earlier, controlling by operator means Experiment 2 Outdoor and indoor deployments were
full control over D2D links scheduling, security, and con- addressed. For the outdoor scenarios, links are distributed
nection while autonomous means DUs participate in the randomly in a square are with side length of 1000 m with
control of connection setup and establishing. This section link lengths of about 20 m. On the other hand, the indoor
addressed different prototypes for D2D communication and scenario links are distributed randomly in a five floors
their main experiments. Furthermore, it presents a com- cuboid building with dimensions 50 * 100 * 20 m and 4 m
parison between them. floor height. Link lengths were about 20 m with 60%
paired devices were on the same floor, while the remaining
5.1 Prototype 1: FlashLinQ pairs devices were one floor apart. In both deployments,
only slow fading was taken into account.
Qualcomm company invented a point-to-point wireless
Results 2 It displays the capacity gain of FlashlinQ
PHY/MAC network architecture called FlashLinQ [16].
compared to the WiFi protocol for indoor and outdoor
FlashLinQ’s main purpose is to discover the maximum
scenarios. Throughput of the network has an increase of
number of surrounding devices that could connect directly.
450% in spectrum efficiency with 256 links by using
FlashLinQ is a synchronous TDD/OFDM structure estab-
FlashLinQ than WiFi for both indoor and outdoor
lished over the licensed spectrum with carrier frequency of
2.586 GHz and bandwidth of 5 MHz. This structure
designed for enabling DUs to realize each other automat-
5.2 Prototype 2: DataSpotting
ically and communicate directly. FlashLinQ can support
also link management, rate scheduling, and peer discovery
‘‘DataSpotting’’ is a system designed for checking the
in an autonomous way.
possibility to offload communication from base station by
Based on FlashLinQ architecture, the prototype sched-
applying D2D technology. The system was designed by a
ules links for devices based on their priorities only in the
group of researchers from Alcatel Lucent and Duke
case of agreement between both transmitter and receiver.
University, KAIST [17]. The main target of Dataspotting
This agreement considers that the assigned link doesn’t
system is applying peer-to-peer (P2P) highly demand
cause more interference on any established links and also
content sharing like videos and pictures. Data spot is
considers that the Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) of the
defined as a crowded small area that has various numbers
link itself exceeds the threshold level. For peer discovery
of devices requesting data or desire to transfer data to each
process, dedicated small time slots are reserved for this
other. Good cases for this scenario are rush hours, sports
process. The system allocates resources fairly among all
stadiums, train stations, concerts, etc. Cellular operator
links by assigning random priority at each time slot.
requests to know the locations of all DUs inside the data
Dedicated small time slots are occupied for peer discovery
spot via GPS. The system operates at dual-band, which are
and each peer discovery slot is also divided into orthogonal
3G band and ISM band. 3G spectrum is assigned for
resources. The network can support link management by
control channel that is used for setup a connection through
assigning certain channel with Connection ID (CID).
WiFi ad-hoc mode [17]; while content transmission and
Similar CIDs are assigned by the network to those links
receiving is established in the ISM spectrum through WiFi
that are able to transmit simultaneously. It is expected that
FlashLinQ will introduce new types of applications like
The procedure of this system to achieve its target is as
secure mobile payments, content sharing, advertising, etc.
follows: (1) Dataspotting system activates the content
A prototype modem of FlashLinQ is implemented on TI
sharing system via the cellular operator in case of crowded
DSP chipset TMS-C6482 and XiLinX Virtex-4 FPGA. The
areas or rush hours. (2) It gathers all DUs’ locations and
main experiments and the results obtained in [16] are as
lists their available contents. (3) The size of each data spot
is assigned based on DUs’ locations and contents. For
Experiment 1 It was executed based on four-terminal example, presume a user Alice exists in a certain data spot;
devices allocated in the same room forming two links. At first, it records its location and then asks for the desired
the begging, both transmitters are initially 3 m away from content. The cellular operator tries to match DU1 request
their receivers then the transmitters get closer to their based on its location and content. After that, the operator
receivers as close as 1 m. confirms whether DU2 or WiFi access point exists, that
provides Alice’s content. If so, the operator allocates a
Results 1 Significant increasing in throughput was shown
temporary IP to requester Alice and provider Bob and
in the network applying IEEE 802.11 CSMA/CA protocol
guides Bob to transmit the required content to Alice
using RTS/CTS.
through WiFi ad-hoc mode. The Dataspotting prototype

Wireless Networks

system has been implemented on Android Nexus One To have a stable connection through D2D multihop,
devices. The main important three experiments and their several issues should be taken into consideration: (1)
results obtained in [17] are as follows: Choosing a suitable access interface such as Bluetooth,
LTE-A, ZigBee, WiFi, etc. The proper selection is ana-
Experiment 1 In the Manhattan area, a measurement was
lyzed based on transmission range, data rate and used
derived with Bluetooth and GPS as it is not easy to detect
frequency of each. (2) Selecting the best routing technol-
the availability of mobile devices. In their analysis, dumb
ogy whether DTN or MANET as routing is a dominant
devices as printers and headphones are discarded and take
technology in multihop D2D communication. MANET-
into consideration mobiles and laptops only. The aim of
type and DTN-type perform in different ways depending on
this experiment is to figure out the available number of
the environment and situation of users. (3) The capability
devices around a biking user at any time, and also the
of the network gateway to interconnect with other kinds of
average expected contact duration between DUs.
networking techniques, such as Movable and Deployable
Result 1 It showed that, most of the time, there are at least Resource Units (MDRUs) and Unmanned Aircraft Systems
30 devices around the biking user. Moreover, most of these (UASs). (4) Ensuring secure information in the procedure
detected devices stay nearby the user for more than 30 s. of message delivery. (5) Checking the operating systems of
Also based on their implementation, the measured data rate the smartphone like Android, iOS, Windows, TIZEN, etc.
is around 1 MB/s, so 30 s is more than enough to transfer a The system should support emergency operation mode and
medium-sized file. be compatible with applicable smartphone operating
Experiment 2 The main purpose of this experiment is to
A number of preliminary experiments have been exe-
understand how user density changes inside a data spot.
cuted in Sendai city, Japan. The reason behind selecting
They implemented the same previous experiment for two
this city is that it suffered from numerous disasters such as
waiting areas in NY Penn Station at rush hours but in a
tsunami and the Great East Japan earthquake. The main
static manner.
two experiments and their results obtained [18] are as
Result 2 The outcome measurements indicate that in both follows:
different places, the number of nearby DUs is large and
Experiment 1 It consisted of 20 smartphones that were
stable. Besides, the average contact duration is 80 s, more
distributed along the streets with a mutual distance of
than enough to transfer multiple files.
around 50–200 m. The main purpose of this experiment is
Experiment 3 Testing five terminal devices that commu- to test the mechanism of message delivery in the urban
nicating directly. area.
Result 3 D2D data rate range varies from 300 Kb/s to Results 1 The prototype successfully delivered a message
2.5 Mb/s depends on the location of DUs whether it is with a total route length of around 2.5 km from a park
outdoor or indoor; and also depends on the mobility designated as a refuge area to a railway station.
Experiment 2 It intended to test the interconnection
function of the gateway module in the system from the
5.3 Prototype 3: relay by smartphone
Aobayama campus of Tohoku University to Katahira
campus via a UAS flying in the air.
Tohoku University academics introduce a system called
‘‘Relay by Smartphone’’ [18] to be a supported system in Result 2 It showed that a data package of 100 KB can be
case of disaster. It supports multi-hop D2D communication efficiently delivered through the mentioned place, resulting
unlike ‘‘FlashLinQ’’ and ‘‘Data Spotting’’ which support in a delivery delay of fewer than 20 s over 3 km distance.
one-hop D2D communication. This system is designed to
transmit a small package of information such as voice, 5.4 Prototype 4: content aggregator
photo, SMS, etc., out of disaster area where the commu-
nication infrastructure is either physically damaged or In [19], a prototype was addressed that implemented a D2D
energy lacked. In Relay by Smartphone, each smartphone communication for mobile devices. It aims to ease D2D
can operate with one of two routing types either MANET link establishing among proximate devices with consider-
type or DTN type. The routing selection process subjected ing the security questions between them without needing
to mobility, battery power, neighbor density, etc. This any third partner. The main system provider is called
system operates in the ISM band and performs WiFi ad-hoc Content Aggregator (CA). CA keeps information about
mode for peer discovery and D2D communications. device locations and all the data of devices’ demands. The
CA’s purpose is to control devices that peers should be

Wireless Networks

connected with which, and what type of data to be mobile communication…etc. Millimeter wave’s band
transferred. which included the frequency band from 30 to 300 GHz,
When a new user joins the network, it logs into CA’s introduces a large availability of unused spectrum [20].
database and picks which data it wants to acquire. Then CA Previously, the mmW band has been exploited for rare
offers the new users with a list of neighbor devices that cases as indoor communication, P2P terrestrial and satellite
possessing these required data. Now, this user has gained links. The main advantage of mmW’s band is its great
knowledge on which other users to contact for any specific bandwidth expansion. It can lead to high data rate and
data. In case acquiring data from other devices, the user throughput too. Therefore, mmW technology is highly
informs the CA of the completed transfer. Moreover, the recommended to be applicable in 5G.
process of logging into the CA provides security and Millimeter waves have different characteristics than
authentication to the user. Such messaging media appli- normal propagation waves [21]. Firstly, the propagation
cations can be transfer over the conventional Internet like loss of microwave links is much less than the millimeter-
Facebook, Whatsapp, Telegram, Snapchat, etc. The oper- wave due to using higher frequencies carriers in mmW.
ating frequency of D2D connections is proposed to be in Hence, special antenna design is recommended with high
unlicensed and the operating system of the proposed gain to compensate for the fading problem. Secondly, the
implementation is Android platform due to its popularity. mmW signals have difficulties in penetrating through solid
Finally, WiFi Direct (WFD) is considered as the radio materials. The limited penetration capability leads to
access technique for D2D connectivity since it provides a restricting the usage of mmW signals outdoor. For these
lager data rate up to 300 Mbps, and extended coverage reasons, it is preferable to use this band inside buildings.
range up to 70 m. The main experiment and the results Finally, the shortage of millimeter wavelengths leads to
obtained in [19] are as follows: some difficulties in diffracting around obstacles. Line-of-
sight (LOS) transmissions can easily be blocked by the
Experiment To prototype the proposed model, a video
obstacles as non-LOS (NLOS) transmissions links will
application is shared among users that close in distance.
suffer from huge shadowing and fading which may cause
The experiment’s target is to utilize WFD technology to
link failure. There are a lot of challenges will be faced by
facilitate a D2D connection. The compressed video file was
using this technique such as antennas design, power con-
100 MB shared between two Nexus 5 smartphones. The
trol, reliability and hardware implementations. Numerous
adopted Wi-Fi technology was the following: 802.11 n in
academic researches and industrial hard works are on the
the 2.4 GHz range.
way to examine the applicability of the mmW band in the
Results The utilization of WFD is compared to cellular communications process between devices in 5G as it is a
networks and WiFi infrastructure. Results may improve the very promising topic.
data rate by up to 30% for a given set of users. Results also As mentioned before, since mmW has a large fading in
do not only provide higher data rates but also ‘‘frees’’ the transmission and needs a special directional antenna, it is
expensive licensed cellular spectrum. better to be used inside building or for short-distance
transmission. By allowing using mmW by D2D links, the
Based on [16–19], Table 4 summarized the features of
transmission data rate and network capacity can be
the different prototypes such as data rate, number of hops,
improved due to its large bandwidths. Some challenges
implementation platform, operating band, and application.
may face D2D devices during mmW usages such as special
hardware design, additional interfaces, and interference
6 D2D integrated features
In [23], applying D2D technology in mmW for 5G
cellular networks was studied. First, they describe the
A lot of features could be integrated with D2D technology
advantage of merging both techniques together. Then,
as shown in Fig. 6 in order to get better performance. A lot
network architecture has been imagined and explained.
of researchers have studied how to integrate this technol-
This network consists of 4G base stations, special mmW
ogy with different applications such as mmW, V2V and
base stations, and mobile devices, note that all devices
IoT. This section states other technologies and the potential
together consider as 5G cellular network. It is supposed
advantages of combing them with D2D.
that mmW transmission/reception depends on directional
antennas, which can significantly decrease the mutual
6.1 D2D integrated with millimeter wave (mmW)
interference between mmW base stations. After that, the
MAC interface for these devices has been showing by
Unfortunately, most of the recent spectrums below 3 GHz
introducing two modules for BSs and devices. These
have been occupied with several services as TV, satellite,
modules are 4G cellular module and mmW module.

Wireless Networks

Table 4 Technical comparison between different D2D prototypes [16–19]

FlashlinQ DataSpotting Relay by Content aggregator

D2D Discovery Autonomous Operator assisted Autonomous via Operator assisted

Peer discovery 1 km * 100 m * 100 m * 100 m
D2D Operator controller Operator controller Autonomous Autonomous
Operating band Dedicated cellular band Control channel: 3G ISM band ISM band (2.4 GHz)
Data channel: ISM
Radio access OFDMA WiFi adhoc WiFi adhoc WiFi Direct
Number of hops single hop single hop Multi hop Single hop
Data Rate 1.5 Mb/s 300 kb/s–2.5 Mb/s * 5 kb/s * 300 Mb/s
Implementation TI DSP chipset TMS-c6482 Xilinx Android Nexus one Android Android Nexus 5
platform virtex-4 FPGA smartphones
Application and Advertising, content sharing, secure Peak hours, train Emergency Internet media transfer (e.g. Facebook,
used cases mobile payments, p2p stations, sports network Telegram, Whatsapp, Snapshat, etc.)
communications stadiums

are the communicating nodes, providing each other with

certain information and data, such as speed, location, the
direction of travel, braking, loss of stability, safety warn-
ings and traffic information….etc. These data can be
effective in avoiding accidents and traffic congestion.
Consequently, V2V communications become one of the
main topics of wireless communications that have already
been the focus for several years. For example, IEEE has
already launched a standard called 802.11 p for wireless
communication between vehicles. Basically, Intelligent
Transportation System (ITS) applications is essential
depends on Dedicated Short Range Communication
(DSRC) technology that applied on IEEE 802.11 p [24].
Unfortunately, applying DSRC technology to support
vehicle communication leads to poor network performance
Fig. 6 D2D integrated features as less reliability due to shortage in data rate and trans-
mission range.
Finally, resource sharing has been proposed. The proposed Other proposed technologies for V2V are ad-hoc com-
algorithm shows better results than normal cellular com- munications, Bluetooth, Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) and
munication and random scheme in terms of capacity and WiFi Direct. The following Table 5 states these protocols
links connectivity. names and their specifications. From the mentioned table;
it is clear that the main problem with all mentioned com-
6.2 D2D integrated with vehicle to vehicle (V2V) munication systems is that they basically assigned for a
communication wireless LAN environment. Hence, the main drawbacks are
weaker mobility support and lower coverage area that may
Nowadays, Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications degrade network performance. For all previous reasons,
[24] have taken more concerns. Vehicular communication finding a better solution to backing V2V communications
systems are networks in which vehicles and roadside units becomes a vital issue. Due to Table 5 LTE-A and 5G

Wireless Networks

Table 5 Comparison between DSRC, ZigBee, Bluetooth, UWB, WiFi Direct and LTE-A
Technology DSRC ZigBee Bluetooth UWB WiFi Direct Next generation (LTE-A/

Standardization name IEEE 802.11p 802.1504 Bluetooth 802.1503a 802.11a 3GPP LTE-A Rel12
Transmission distance * 200 m * 100 m * 100 m * 10 m * 200 m * 1 km
Data rate (max) * 27 Mb/s * 1250 kb/s * 24 Mb/s * 480 Mb/s * 250 Mb/ * 1 Gb/s
Frequency band 5.86–5.92 GHz 868/915 MHz– 2.4 GHz 3.1–10.6 GHz 2.4/5 GHz Licensed Band
2.4 GHz
Supporting mobility Up to 60 km/h Low Very low Very low Low Up to 350 km/h
V2I Available Available Available Available Available Through eNB
V2V Ad hoc Ad hoc Ad hoc Ad hoc Ad hoc Through D2D

systems offered better transmission range, massive data expected that will be 24 billion to 50 billion total connected
rate and support high speeds. That is why most researchers devices in the market by 2020 [29].
tend to studying applying V2V on LTE-A or 5G system. In order to enhance the performance of IoT, some
5G network supports licensed spectrum, higher data rate up requirements need to be fulfilled [30] as minimizing energy
to 5 Gb/s, higher mobility up to 350 km/h, higher coverage consumption, supporting massive Machine-Type Commu-
region around 1 km, and lower latency around 1 ms. nication (MTC) without degradation in network perfor-
From V2V communication perspective, it usually occurs mance, supporting interoperability and Handling Big Data
among vehicles that close in distance such as vehicles in for complicated IoT applications like as storage and anal-
the same roadside. Furthermore, V2V depends on real-time ysis of the huge amount of data that generated by IoT
requirements. Hence, V2V communication requires low devices. In addition, IoT should have a high-level network
latency about 1 ms approximately and high reliability recovery capacity, quickly identify connectivity failures,
around 99.99% approximately. These QoS are necessary and automatically establish alternative communication
for V2V communications to be achieved by exploiting the paths. Smart multimedia devices shall be properly included
offered advantages of D2D technology. Thus, D2D tech- to sustain multimedia services in IoT networks. Some of
nology can be a strong candidate for achieving V2V’s the multimedia services such as patient monitoring, mili-
requirements [25]. The main challenges that face V2V tary surveillance, smart home integrated monitoring sys-
communication are mobility, interference and resource tems for security, ambient multimedia services….etc.
allocation. The notion of extending D2D technology in By applying D2D, it will meet previous IoT require-
V2V communication scenario is cleared in LTE-a band in ments [31]. Performance of IoT network will be enhanced
[24]. Simulation results proved that D2D is one the suit- by achieving larger data rate and low delay which could
able solutions in order to eliminate latency concerning sustain Internet of Multimedia Things, minimizing energy
IEEE 802.11 p. A different topic is covered in [25–27]. consumption for IoT devices, extending both coverage area
They tend to optimize SINR for cellular users while opti- and capacity increasing to fund MTC and supporting
mizing latency and reliability for communicating vehicles. interoperability in Multi-RAT heterogeneous networks.
The resource multiplexing has been investigated in the
6.3 D2D integrated with internet of things (IoT) multi-cell D2D communication scenario [32]. Cross-cell
Frequency Resource Multiplexing (CFRM) scheme has
The Internet of Things (IoT) holds the promise to improve proposed to maximize the network throughput and to
our lives by introducing innovative services conceived for decrease the interference between CUs and DUs. CFRM
a wide range of application domains [28]. IoT defines new allocates resources to CUs according to the cell region
kind of connectivity that introduces free flowing transfer- division and provides efficient resource multiplexing for
ring information among human and machine, software and DUs. The simulation results demonstrate that CFRM can
hardware. It is expected that will be 30 billion connected enhance the stability of the cellular network and increase
devices in the market by 2020 and the economic value of the network throughput for IoT by exploiting D2D.
IoT to be around $1.46 trillion in 2020, while Ericsson

Wireless Networks

6.4 D2D integrated with mode selection connection and the situation when the D2D is applied
technique nevertheless of the distance between the devices. It is
obvious that for the entire available distances among the
Mode selection is the problem of choosing whether two devices; the average sum rate for the proposed technique
users should communicate through a direct link (D2D) or always achieves the highest results. However the paper
via eNB [33] in order to optimize network performance. highlights the dynamic mode issue, it does not take into
The optimal mode selection depends on the performance account the mobility of devices but it states the best mode
measure to enhance network output such as sum rate, according to the device’s position within the cell. Paper
transmit power, energy consumption, and system capacity; [39] addresses both connection types that are cellular
and on the state information available when making the connection and D2D connection, in the case of semi-static
decision such as physical distance, the channel quality of mode selection and dynamic mode selection. The paper
the links, and interference level. Static and dynamic demonstrates that dynamic mode selection is better than the
selections are two types of mode selection [34]. The first semi-static mode selection.
one is the simplest that study one parameter. This type
assumes that such a parameter is static and does not change 6.5 D2D integrated with artificial-intelligence
with time. However, dynamic selection is more compli- (AI)
cated. It is more accurate than the other. As it takes into
account the dynamicity nature of the wireless network, AI methodologies have been widely deployed in an
where mobility could occur or even channel quality may extensive range in several fields of researches, such as
change in time among connected nodes. computer vision, prediction models, natural language pro-
The joint optimization problem of mode selection and cessing, wireless communications, etc. Swarm search,
eNB selection in multi eNB cellular concepts have been neural network, fuzzy logic, bio-inspired, genetic algorithm
formulated in [33]. They adopted a centralized graph and machine learning are the most well-known mecha-
approach to solving the problem globally optimally in nisms of AI that deployed for wireless communication
polynomial time. To reduce the complexity and signaling field. A special interest of AI in 5G cellular networks grows
overhead, a distributed algorithm had been proposed which due the necessities of 5G networks. AI mechanisms have
solves the original problem in the dual domain via the capability to deploy nonlinear approximations data
Lagrangian dual decomposition. Simulation results driven, manage resources for massive capacity, optimize
demonstrate that the distributed algorithm acts with very networks’ QoS, and mitigate interference and nonlineari-
closely way as the centralized algorithm. The authors in ties of radio frequency (RF) components, such as High-
[34, 35] defined the problem joint mode selection and the Power Amplifiers (HPAs). Furthermore, AI algorithms can
problem of allocating resources as a Mixed-Integer Non- provide relevant network operator with the capability to
linear Programming (MINLP) problem. Heuristic algo- create a cognitive and comprehensive data repository by
rithms were proposed as a solution for mode selection splitting, scheduling resources, processing and signal
problem, channel assignment problem, and power control classification, link adaptation, and interpreting the opera-
problem. tional data [40].
In [36, 37] authors study mode selection based on Due to higher capacity needs of next generation net-
energy efficiency in case of dedicated resources or shared works, 5G Radio Access Network (RAN) has multiple tiers
resources. They used heuristic suboptimal solution and of heterogeneous networks (HetNets) which are macro cell
Bound & Branch (B&B) optimal solutions. It has been and small cells and D2D. However, D2D communication in
proved that the second solution is more complicated that case adds to another tier. So, D2D makes interference
compared with the first solution. However, they didn’t mitigation and resource allocation more complex. Thus,
show the performance of the network in the case of using applying AI acquires these kinds of networks the capability
mode selection. All these papers depend on static mode of self-configuration, self-healing, and self-optimization
selection while [38, 39] depends on dynamic mode selec- [41].
tion. In [38], a framework was developed which oppor- A cooperative Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm
tunistically executes mode selection under the nature of the was imposed in [42] to allocate power level and RBs for
channel dynamicity. The authors take into consideration DUs and CUs. The reason behind selecting this algorithm
two connections scenarios, which are the cellular connec- as it is seen as a suitable one for adaptive resource allo-
tion and the direct connection. The aim of the paper is to cation which contributes to improving system throughput
utilize either the uplink or the downlink cellular resources. and D2D throughput. A single tier network model with
Paper’s results are compared with the traditional macro BS is suggested, while both CUs and DUs operate
under this BS. The authors proposed cooperation between

Wireless Networks

the learning agents DUs by sharing their value functions to achieve its main purpose such as power control, energy
jointly increase the overall throughput of the system. harvesting, femto-cells, and cloud RAN. One of the main
Moreover, the set of states with the appropriate number of technologies that assist green networks is D2D technology.
system-defined variables was performed, which raises the It is able to offload some energy from BS. Also short range
observation space. Consequently, the accuracy of the connectivity between proximate devices leads to less con-
learning algorithm was enhanced. Results from this model sumer power for devices. D2D eliminate BSs’ radiation.
were compared to the distributed reinforcement learning Besides, relays applicability using DUs will enhance
models and random allocation of resources. Results proved energy efficiency also.
that the proposed algorithm has better performance in One of the main challenges that face cooperative D2D
terms of network throughput and D2D throughput, and networking is energy consumption problem; because of
network QoS. evolved DUs in such networks are battery-powered devi-
Another RL algorithm was investigated that based ces. In [46], authors demonstrated this challenge in the case
power control mechanism for underlying D2D connectivity of the influence of social characteristics. A social-aware
in cellular networks [43]. The main purpose of this inves- cooperative D2D MAC protocol was outlined in order to
tigated algorithm was maximizing system capacity while solve the energy efficiency challenge. This protocol is
keeping the level QoS of CUs. In order to realize the referred to as a green D2D MAC protocol. It permits the
purpose, two RL based power control algorithms were use of neighbors as relays to introduce a green communi-
investigated that are distributed-Q learning and team-Q cation. In addition, social awareness of green D2D coop-
learning. Team-Q learning algorithm is implemented to erative network’s practical issues was highlighted. Results
achieve global optimal policy while distributed-Q learning of the simulation have provided better energy efficiency
algorithm is applied to accelerate convergence speed. than other protocols. Results also showed the importance of
Numerical results proved that compared to the open-loop green social-aware D2D cooperative networks.
power control algorithm. Q-learning based power control To make a smart green city, energy consumption and
performs better. gas emission for high data rate services should be elimi-
nated. D2D communications have made recommendations
in [47] to tractable these issues and support real-time ser-
7 D2D challenges vices. Single-cell D2D underlying cellular network was
planned. In order to reduce consumer energy and guarantee
D2D technology gets more consideration thanks to its throughput for all devices either CUs or DUs, joint opti-
numerous advantages. However, it copes with a lot of mization of uplink subcarrier assignment and power allo-
challenges such as energy consumption, interference cation were highlighted. Generally, this optimization
management, peer discovery, handover, radio resource problem is viewed as a Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Pro-
management and security. Following subsections highlight gramming (MINLP) problem. To manage this optimized
these challenges. problem, a heuristic algorithm is suggested. The effec-
tiveness of the applied algorithm has been verified through
7.1 Energy consumption simulation results.
Three layers of architecture is supposed in [44] to save
Abundant numbers of devices will be served in future prolonging battery lifetime of devices and terminal energy
cellular networks. It is estimated to be 50 billion devices. for a single BS-cell network. Layer1 represents terminal
Regrettably, rising number of communication devices leads devices that close in distance to BS up to 3 m. Layer 2
to increasing the amount of consumed energy. Because of represents terminal devices that are intermediate up to
that CO2 level in the atmosphere will increase that harms 35 m while the third layer represents the most far terminal
the environment and global weather. Moreover, BSs and devices in the cell. Terminal devices in the first layer
access points need a huge amount of energy and emit large communicate directly with the BS without excessive
amount radiation [44] that effect on human health and the energy while terminal devices in third layers communicate
global economy. As a result, wireless communication directly together via D2D. In layer2, cell may have relayed
networks are made an enemy of the environment. For these to prolong battery lifetime in case of faraway devices. It is
reasons, 5G network has a tendency to deploy green expected that this network will have better lifetime and
communication networks. Green communication is to lower energy consumption than other networks.
reduce energy consumption as possible and to prolong
devices’ batteries. It is expected to raise energy efficiency
up to 9 1000 time in next 5G cellular networks [45].
Green network can be supported with different aspects to

Wireless Networks

7.2 Peer discovery handover and D2D aware handover. These algorithms
presented lower signaling overhead and latency in simu-
One of the main challenges that face researcher is a D2D lation results. However, in [54], horizontal and vertical
discovery peer process. D2D discovery process defined as handover are represented in order to eliminate consumed
the way to gain knowledge about surrounding devices that energy in 5G heterogeneous networks.
may communicate directly together. Discovery initiation
and discovery control are the main two stages of this dis- 7.4 Interference management
covery process [6]. The D2D discovery initiation stage may
be priori or posteriori process [48]. Priori process means Interference between DUs and CUs is one of the main
initiating D2D discovery before the DUs start to commu- challenges that face D2D technology. Most D2D
nicate by sharing certain information between devices. On researchers try to minimize interference between links as
the other hand, the posteriori process occurs during on- possible as can. In the case of in-band shared resource
going communication. The common use of this kind of communication, interference among cellular and D2D
process could happen when mobile devices change their devices can exist. There are four interference scenarios.
locations. The second stage is D2D discovery control that The first scenario studies interference from DUs to CUs
can be fully controlled via eNB, or autonomously by the while the second scenario studies interference from CUs to
DUs themselves. DUs. The third scenario combines both previous models in
Utilizing allocated resources for D2D discovery dis- the study. Finally, the fourth one studies interference
cussed in [49]. UEs execute procedures in order to discover between D2D pairs themselves.
surrounding nodes. The first state is search/listen period; Scenario 1: interference from DUs to CUs is the most
the second one is discoverable interval state and finally important one and it needs to be mitigated, as cellular
frequency multiplexed discovery channel. Paper’s results networks consider CUs as licensed users or primary users
show that the suggested procedures are capable of raising while DUs considered as unlicensed users or secondary
the amount of discovered devices during one discovery users. The power control mechanism is the most appro-
period. priate and used technique in this scenario.
The time-division multiplexing (TDM) technique based Radio Resource Allocation (RRA) technique is one of
on the synchronous OFDM system applied for a fully the power control techniques used for interference elimi-
distributed D2D discovery network has been suggested in nation [55]. The eNB determines an acceptable level for
[50]. Each allocated radio resource has a discovery period, interference caused by DUs then this information has
which includes the process of transmitting or receiving broadcasted by eNB to all D2D devices. Based on this
discovery signals. This period permits each device to information, DUs fill those RB only that does not cause
acknowledge its presence and to discover other proximity harmful interference. Simulation results introduce
devices. The main target for [51] is to minimize discovery throughput rising in the case of the cellular receiver from
process overhead. This could happen by assign a minor part 2.65 to 3.33 Mb/s. Unfortunately, this achievement hap-
form frames of the physical layer for the D2D discovery pens at the cost of D2D receiver throughput which
process. decreases from 3.02 to 2.83 Mb/s.
More complicated RRA techniques have been suggested
7.3 D2D handover in [56] which successfully assigns time slots for cellular
and D2D users. Licensed users are categorized into two
Unfortunately, there are very fewer literatures are available main categories: near-far risk and non-near-far risk. Also,
on handover for D2D communication. In the case of time slots are categorized into shared and dedicated time
enabling D2D connection, when both communicating slots. Where cellular users from the first category access
devices or one of them are moving toward the neighbor both types of time slots; while the second one access
cell, they enter into this cell at some point then a joint dedicated time slots only without additional interference
handover happens. In the case of only one of the commu- from D2D transmitters. This technique denotes the net-
nicating devices moves to the neighbor cell, it is called half work’s lower signaling overhead, DUs have been consid-
handover or partial handover [52]. A general handover ered as autonomously controlled, where DUs themselves
scenario has been clarified in Fig. 7, showing the handover allocate RBs. The results introduce that CUs and DUs
scenario of UE1 from source to target eNB. average throughput depends on a certain value for thresh-
Several solutions for mobility management issues have old (from - 5 to 13 dB). In the case of higher values for
proposed in [53]. Two smart algorithms for handover threshold, the overall gain has been raised. Some
execution have provided which are D2D triggered researchers combine the RRA technique with a power
control mechanism to get better results as in [57–59].

Wireless Networks

Fig. 7 Handover scenario case, a before handover; b after handover

Scenario 2: although scenario 1 has the priority, scenario are exploited by CUs that existed in the outer region. The
2 also takes more attention in order to enhance D2D users’ overall four sub-bands are used by all DUs with smart
performance. The novelist in [60] stated that interference technique to eliminate interference with CUs. For example,
from CUs to DUs can be reduced easily by a simple dis- if DU exists in the inner region of the cell, in this case CUs
tance-based resource allocation algorithm. In the case of use f1. DU can access other sub-bands that assigned for the
DUs close in distance desire to have direct communication, outer region of other eNBs (f2, f3, and f4). While if the DU
a request is transmitted to the eNB by the transmitter. The locates in the outer region, it may exploit f1 from the inner
eNB allocates specified resources to DUs in order to reduce region. Simulation results of this scheme show higher
the outage probability. The main advantage of this method SINR for CUs and DUs both with respect to assigning
is lower signaling overhead as the resource allocation resources for DUs randomly. The main drawback of this
process is executed only with respect to the mutual distance scheme that it has a lower spectrum utilization ratio, as
of CUs and DUs, not due to channel state information. 25% of the overall band can be allocated for one user. In
Therefore, the accurate positioning technique is essential addition, the scheme requires having a very accurate
requires in order allowing the eNB to allocate resources localized approach for users, which may affect the network
properly. performance.
Scenario 3: previous two scenarios concern on The previous method has an enhancement version in
addressing interference elimination from DUs to CUs or [62], where accessible and reusable regions are specified
vice versa, while this scenario concerns on addressing both next to the previous regions either outer or inner regions.
interference issues simultaneously. Mutual interference So, only DUs that exist in the accessible region is able to
among the CUs and DUs could be reduced by utilizing the exploit CUs’ resources where exist in the reusable region.
Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) scheme [61]. The FFR For example, in the case of the D2D pair that exists in the
grouped the whole band into four sub-bands (f1, f2, f3, and inner region, the outer region of neighbors cells becomes
f4). Each cell is assumed to be divided into two regions the accessible region. Correspondingly, DUs can exploit
which are inner region and outer region. The first subband the cellular inner region resources in case of they exist in
(f1) is reused in each cell by overall CUs that existed in the the outer region. The simulation presented that the CUs and
inner region. While remaining sub-bands (f2, f3, and f4) the DUs have more SINR than [61]. But, in this case, the

Wireless Networks

need for accurate localization technique becomes more selection technique is applied in order to optimize SINR
challenging as the different categories for regions become based on DU pair distance and number of users [67]. Also,
much smaller in area. the mode selection example for selecting optimal relay
Scenario 4: This scenario addresses the interference nodes mentioned in [68]. While the opposite scenario is
between DUs that use non-orthogonal radio resources. investigated in [69], where there are multiple DUs
Interference between DUs could be avoided by allocating accessing the same channel with a single CU. An opti-
spatial, frequency, and time orthogonal resources. The mization problem is addressed to minimize total power
graph coloring approach is used in [63] to be capable of consumption for both CUs and DUs subjected to users’
sharing similar resource blocks. In this paper, DUs are QoS. The property of the Z-matrix is examined to be
categorized into two groups. The first group of DUs that do exploited by a power allocation mechanism.
not suffer from interference is assigning the same color in Multiple DUs/multiple CUs scenario is remarked in
the created graph. While DUs that may interfere together [70–72] to allocate appropriate resources that optimize a
represent the second group. For example, one of D2D users certain parameter(s) under specific constraints. Maximizing
at least exists in the region of transmission of the other the system energy efficiency is proposed in [70], which
user. The region of transmission is specified by transmitted based on searching all possible mode combinations of
power value by DUs that have the same color. This region overall DUs and CUs to achieve this target. A list-coloring
is considered a circular area. To raise utilization proba- theory-based resource allocation algorithm is highlighted
bility, similar resources are exploited by the DUs that exist in order to increase utilization probability [71]. In this
in the same region. It also indicates the issue of allocating algorithm, additional tasks were supposed for DUs to
available RBs D2D reuse groups. The allocating unfilled report their desired UL resource block to the eNBs. The
RBs processes for DUs are executed by a fair assignment eNB constructs a Node Contention Graph (NCG) to overall
mechanism or opportunistic mechanism. The paper shows DUs based on their desired UL resource block and then
high network throughput. Paper’s disadvantage is assuming completes an interference-free allocated resource. Finally,
that the transmission region is circular; while in reality, the the main target of authors in [72] is to maximize spectrum
obstacles lead to deformation in the cellular area. utilization and throughput of the network. A Stackelberg
game framework was settled for multiple CUs and DUs to
7.5 D2D resource allocation optimization form a leader–follower pair where CUs are the leader while
and management others are followers. A joint scheduling and resource
allocation algorithm was proposed to solve the optimiza-
Radio resource management optimization issue indicates tion problem due to interference constrains.
how to optimally allocate frequency resources to overall A comparison of different related works can be found in
DUs so as to optimize some performance parameters such Table 6. This table classifies the research works based on
as SINR, latency, power consumption, reliability, QoS, their network scenario, main objective(s), main restric-
interference, channel utilization, energy efficiency …etc. tion(s), and finally a proper tool or solution that fits the
Resource blocks should be distributed among DUs problem.
depending on certain rules based on cellular network
design. Optimization procedures may be executed by eNB 7.6 Security
or by D2D pairs themselves. Basically, CUs should have a
priority than DUs in optimizing procedures. One of the Assuring security of D2D connectivity considers as one of
technical challenges in optimization procedures comes the main challenging topics. Because of the nature of D2D
from the nature of dynamicity of the network where DUs networks, DUs become less secure than CUs under eNB
and CUs always have variable states and locations. control. Different security attacks can face communication
Heuristics, fuzzy logic, and game theory are some exam- channels like node impersonation, message modification,
ples of solution types used to solve optimization problems and eavesdropping. In the case of DUs that are in coverage,
relating to D2D communication. Various papers supposed they may exploit the security algorithms providing by the
[64–66] simple scenarios that include a single CU and a cellular network. However, DUs that are out of coverage
single D2D pair. Optimization of resource allocation in couldn’t be secured [73]. Thus, designing security algo-
terms of SNR had highlighted in detail with certain rithms for DUs consider a vital challenge to be studied.
restrictions that are maximum transmit power and energy One of the important papers that highlighting this issue
limitation [64], spectral efficiency restrictions boundaries is [74]; it offers three simplified techniques. It suggested a
[65], and average Channel State Information (CSI) [66]. shark key algorithm to manage authentication for D2D
Another network scenario is introduced in [67, 68] connectivity in the LTE network. However, many other
where there is one DU pair and multiple CUs. The mode algorithms of attack, as replay attacks, distributed denial of

Wireless Networks

Table 6 Comparison between resource allocations related works

Scenario Related Objective(s) Restrictions(s) Solution/tool

1 D2D/1 [64] Maximize SINR Maximum transmit power and energy limitation Linear optimization
CUE [65] Minimum and maximum spectral efficiency
[66] Average Channel State Information (CSI)
1 D2D/M [67] Maximize SINR D2D pair distance and number of cellular users Basic math derivation and
CUs mode selection
[68] Number of relay nodes Basic math derivation
M D2D/1 [69] Minimize power consumption Users’ QoS Z-Matrix
CUs [25] Maximize SINR and reliability Minimize outage probability, maximize transmit Hungarian method
M DUs/M [24] Maximize SINR, reliability and Maximize transmit power, resource blocks Heuristic two-stage scheme
CUs minimize latency orthogonally, guarantee of users QoS
[26] Maximize SINR and reliability Minimize outage probability, maximize transmit weighted 3-dimensional
power and reuse channels matching problem
[70] Maximizing energy efficiency Guarantee of users QoS and maximize time frame Basic math derivation and
mode selection
[71] Maximize spectrum utilization Minimize interference among DUs and CUs List coloring graph theory
[72] Maximize spectrum utilization CUs fairness and DUs interference Stackelberg game
and throughput
[47] Minimize energy consumption Guarantee throughput for CUs and DUs Heuristic two-stage scheme

service, denial of service, and man-in-the-middle attack allocation of legitimacy patterns. Besides, executing
which not studied at all. In reality, it is a mandatory issue to security at the lower layer improves the overall system
have a secure algorithm for D2D connectivity even in case security.
of complex scenarios. A D2D communication protocol was A D2D connection between two DUs in a cellular net-
suggested for m-health application in [75]. This protocol is work is proposed in [77]. Both DUs are in the network
called a Light-weight and Robust Security-Aware (LRSA) coverage. A key exchange protocol based on the standard
D2D-assist. In order to establish a secure link for this Diffie-Hellman (DH) is also proposed. Moreover, the
application, the protocol needs to have a mutual authenti- Authors analyzed three key exchange protocols for D2D
cation for sensors. Thus, it provides a new efficient Cer- communication. A thorough threat and defense analysis of
tificate-Less Generalized Sign-Cryption (CLGSC) the proposed protocol has been presented for the common
scheme which can adaptively work as one of the three brute force and man-in-the-middle attacks. Compared to
cryptographic primitives: sign-cryption, signature, or other existing key exchange protocols, numerical results
encryption, but within one single algorithm. Based on the verified that the proposed protocol has lower computational
paper’s analysis, CLGSC proves to be secure, simultane- overhead and time. The proposed protocols are practically
ously achieving confidentiality and unforgeability. The implementable and highly suitable for D2D communica-
outcome of the performance evaluation shows that the tions in 5G cellular networks.
LSRA protocol succeeded in achieving the design objec- Another protocol was proposed called eCMS-SD2D
tives and outperform existing schemes in terms of com- (enhanced Conventional Multicast Scheme with Secure
putational and communication overhead. D2D communications) [78]. The main target of this pro-
To provide security scoring system (SeS) for D2D net- tocol is to establish a D2D secure connection of a multicast
works, continuous authenticity with legitimacy patterns is service in the 5G network, while also increasing the net-
lectured in [76]. SeS is used to prevent, react, and detect work utilization. Therefore, to establish this secure con-
attacks at the physical layer without necessitating compu- nection, mechanisms as signature and encryption were
tations at upper layers of the software stack. The feasibility applied to ensure the privacy and protection of the trans-
of implementing the proposed security-scoring using mitted data. The outcome of this protocol performs that, it
legitimacy patterns is proved by Simulation results. It is possible to eliminate data losses caused by malicious
offers less secure attacks compared to static and random

Wireless Networks

users. At the same time, it also ensures an acceptable users’ In 2015 13th International Symposium on Modeling and Opti-
data rate. mization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt) (pp.
23–29). IEEE.
8. Pham-Thi, H., Hoang-Van, H., & Miyoshi, T. (2015). Correlating
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13. Yaacoub, E., & Kubbar, O. (2012). Energy-efficient device-to-
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59. Peng, B., Hu, C., Peng, T., & Wang, W. (2012). Optimal resource 74. Alam, M., Yang, D., Rodriguez, J., & Abd-Alhameed, R. A.
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61. Duong, Q., Shin, Y., & Shin, O. S. (2013). Resource allocation Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
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62. Chae, H. S., Gu, J., Choi, B. G., & Chung, M. Y. (2011). Radio Wireless Days (WD) (pp. 1–6). IEEE.
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Asia Pacific Conference on Communications (pp. 58–62). IEEE. through D2D communications in 5G networks. Future Internet,
63. Hajiaghayi, M., Wijting, C., Ribeiro, C., & Hajiaghayi, M. T. 10(7), 66.
(2014). Efficient and practical resource block allocation for LTE-
based D2D network via graph coloring. Wireless Networks, 20(4), Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
611–624. jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
64. Yu, C. H., Doppler, K., Ribeiro, C. B., & Tirkkonen, O. (2011).
Resource sharing optimization for device-to-device communica-
tion underlaying cellular networks. IEEE Transactions on Wire- Hanan H. Hussein received the
less Communications, 10(8), 2752–2763. B.S. and M.S from faculty of
65. Yu, C. H., Tirkkonen, O., Doppler, K., & Ribeiro, C. (2009). Engineering, Ain Shams
Power optimization of device-to-device communication under- University, Cairo, Egypt, in
laying cellular communication. In 2009 IEEE International 2008, 2013. The M.S. was about
Conference on Communications (pp. 1–5). IEEE. cognitive Radio Wireless Ad
66. Yu, C. H., Doppler, K., Ribeiro, C., & Tirkkonen, O. (2009). hoc Networks. She is currently a
Performance impact of fading interference to device-to-device Ph.D. student. The Ph.D. is
communication underlaying cellular networks. In 2009 IEEE about resource allocation for
20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Vehicle networks using Device-
Radio Communications (pp. 858–862). IEEE. to-Device in 5G heterogeneous
67. Hussein, H. H., & El-Kader, S. M. A. (2017). Enhancing signal to networks. From 2009 to 2011,
noise interference ratio for device to device technology in 5G she was an assistant researcher
applying mode selection technique. In 2017 International Con- in high technology institute.
ference on Advanced Control Circuits Systems (ACCS) Systems & From 2011 to 2013, she has
2017 International Conference on New Paradigms in Electronics been an assistant researcher in a ‘‘DVB-T2 and Cognitive Radio
& Information Technology (PEIT) (pp. 187–192). IEEE. Networks’’ project that Funded by National Telecommunication
68. Xiang, S., Quan, Q., Peng, T., & Wang, W. (2012). Performance Regularity Authority organization (NTRA). Since 2014, she is
analysis of cooperative mode selection in hybrid D2D and IMT- researcher assistance in Electronics Research Institute. She is the
advanced network. In 7th International Conference on Commu- author of five conference papers, and four journal articles. Her
nications and Networking in China (pp. 717–721). IEEE. research interests include wireless communication, Wireless sensor
69. Omorinoye, A. A., Vien, Q. T., Le, T. A., & Shah, P. (2019). On networks, Ad hoc, Cognitive Radio, MAC protocols, IoT, cellular
the resource allocation for D2D underlaying uplink cellular net- networks (1G–5G), Vehicles communication and Device-to-Device.
works. In 26th International Conference on Telecommunications
(ICT), 08–10 Apr 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam. Hussein A. Elsayed is currently
70. Jung, M., Hwang, K., & Choi, S. (2012). Joint mode selection and an Associate Professor at the
power allocation scheme for power-efficient device-to-device Electronics and Communica-
(D2D) communication. In 2012 IEEE 75th Vehicular Technology tions Engineering Dept., Faculty
Conference (VTC Spring) (pp. 1–5). IEEE. of Engineering, Ain Shams
71. Tsolkas, D., Liotou, E., Passas, N., & Merakos, L. (2012). A University, Cairo, Egypt. He
graph-coloring secondary resource allocation for D2D commu- obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc.
nications in LTE networks. In 2012 IEEE 17th International from Ain Shams University; and
Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Com- Ph.D. from Electrical Engineer-
munication Links and Networks (CAMAD) (pp. 56–60). IEEE. ing Dept., City University of
72. Wang, F., Song, L., Han, Z., Zhao, Q., & Wang, X. (2013). Joint New York, New York, NY,
scheduling and resource allocation for device-to-device underlay USA. Dr. Elsayed became an
communication. In 2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and IEEE member in 1991. Since
Networking Conference (WCNC) (pp. 134–139). IEEE. then, he served in different
73. Wang, M., & Yan, Z. (2017). A survey on security in D2D positions and built both practi-
communications. Mobile Networks and Applications, 22(2), cal and theoretical skills in the area of communication networks. His
195–208. fields of interest are but not limited to telecommunication networks,
ad-hoc networks, Software Defined Networks (SDN), Device-to-

Wireless Networks

Device communication (D2D), Cognitive Radio Network (CRN), Academy, from 2007 to 2009. She was the Head of the Technology
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Internet of Things (IoT), Medium Innovation Support Center (TISC), ERI, from 2013 to 2017. She has
Access Control (MAC), routing protocols, and mobile systems; where been a Professor with the Computers and Systems Department,
he has a long list of publications. Dr. Elsayed supervised and joined Electronics Research Institute (ERI), since April 2014. She is a
several telecommunication graduation, research, and lab./operational member of the Technological Development and Linkage with
networks projects including service provider NOC. Industry and Civil Society Committee, since 2016, and the Head of
media committee, since 2017. She is the Head of the Computers and
Sherine M. Abd El-Kader re- Systems Department, ERI, since 2018. She is also the Head of the
ceived the M.Sc. degree from Technology, Innovation and Commercialization Office (TICO), since
the Electronics and Communi- 2018. She supervised more than 20 M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. She has
cations Department, Faculty of published more than 50 papers, 6 book chapters in computer net-
Engineering, Cairo University, working area and an Editor for two books in 5G and Precision
in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree Agriculture Technologies for Food Security and Sustainability. She is
from the Computers Depart- working in many computer networking hot topics such as: the IoT,
ment, Faculty of Engineering, 5G, cognitive radio, Wi-MAX, Wi-Fi, IP mobility, QoS, wireless
Cairo University, in 2003. She sensors Networks, ad-hoc networking, real time traffics, and local-
was the Head of the Internet and ization algorithms. She supervised many automation and web projects
Networking Unit, ERI, from for ERI. She was also a Technical Member with the ERI Projects
2003 to 2014. She was the Head Committee and at the Telecommunication Networks Committee,
of the Information and Decision Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality, from Febru-
Making Support Center, ERI, ary 2007 to 2011. She has two copyrights and one patent application
from 2009 to 2014. She was an with a great background on Intellectual property. She is also a
Associate Professor with the Faculty of Engineering, Akhbar El Yom Technical Reviewer for many international journals.


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