Innovative Enhancement of The Caesar Cipher Algori
Innovative Enhancement of The Caesar Cipher Algori
Innovative Enhancement of The Caesar Cipher Algori
20 754
1 author:
Shreyank Gowda
The University of Edinburgh
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All content following this page was uploaded by Shreyank Gowda on 06 November 2017.
So first we perform a mod operation of 2240 with 26. We get Is the full
an output of 4. So the letter 'h' is replaced by shifting 4 in the message Yes
series of alphabet. Hence 'h' is replaced by 'i'. over?
Adding 2240 with 560 we get 2800. 2800 mod 26 gives us 18.
So 'i' is replaced with 'a'. So the encrypted word becomes "ia". Is
character Yes Replace blank space
There is one exception which has to be handled. If the key blank with kth alphabet
mod 26 is zero we add 1 to the key. Another exception to be
considered is the use of a blank space.
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