Cash Flows of Avon LTD C1Lf75UDUz
Cash Flows of Avon LTD C1Lf75UDUz
Cash Flows of Avon LTD C1Lf75UDUz
Prepare the cash flows of Avon Ltd. by indirect method based on the Balance Sheet and Income
Statement provided below. Please show the workings for 1. Income taxes paid 2. Net purchase/sale
of equipment, 3. Net purchase/sale of investments 4. Dividends paid
Balance Sheet Rs
31st March 2019 31st March 2018
Equipment 1,43,000 1,01,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation -20,600 -13,600
Equipment, net 1,22,400 87,400
Non-current investments 23,000 25,400
Total non-current assets 1,45,400 1,12,800