02 Normalization

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Computer Science Faculty

Information Systems Department

Data warehousing & BI

Abdul Rahman Safi
Rafiullah Momand
With Materials taken from Dr. Marcela Charfuelan, Dr. Ahsan Abdullah, Dr. Michael
Mannino, Dr.Jahangir Karimi
• Purpose of normalization
• Problems associated with redundant data
• Identification of various types of update anomalies such as insertion,
deletion, and modification anomalies
• How to recognize appropriateness or quality of the design of relations
• De-normalization, its techniques, and Issues

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• How functional dependencies can be used to group attributes into
relations that are in a known normal form?
• How to undertake process of normalization?
• How to identify most commonly used normal forms, namely 1NF, 2NF,
3NF, and Boyce–Codd normal form (BCNF)?
• How to identify fourth (4NF) and fifth (5NF) normal forms?
• What is De-normalization?
• What are the well known De-normalization techniques?

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• Main objective in developing a logical data model for relational
database systems is to create an accurate representation of the data,
its relationships, and constraints.
• To achieve this objective, must identify a suitable set of relations.
• Four most commonly used normal forms are first (1NF), second (2NF)
and third (3NF) normal forms, and Boyce–Codd normal form (BCNF).
• Based on functional dependencies among the attributes of a relation.
• A relation can be normalized to a specific form to prevent possible
occurrence of update anomalies.

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Data Redundancy
• Major aim of relational database design is to group attributes into
relations to minimize data redundancy and reduce file storage space
required by base relations.

• Problems associated with data redundancy are illustrated by

comparing the following Staff and Branch relations with the
StaffBranch relation.

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Data Redundancy and anomalies

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Data Redundancy
• StaffBranch relation has redundant data: details of a branch are
repeated for every member of staff.

• In contrast, branch information appears only once for each branch in

Branch relation and only branchNo is repeated in Staff relation, to
represent where each member of staff works.

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Update Anomalies
• Relations that contain redundant information may potentially suffer
from update anomalies.
• Types of update anomalies include:
• Insertion
• Deletion
• Modification.

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Lossless-join and Dependency Preservation Properties

• Two important properties of decomposition:

- Lossless-join property enables us to find any instance of original
relation from corresponding instances in the smaller relations.
- Dependency preservation property enables us to enforce a
constraint on original relation by enforcing some constraint on each
of the smaller relations.

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Functional Dependency
• Main concept associated with normalization.
• Functional Dependency
• Describes relationship between attributes in a relation.
• If A and B are attributes of relation R, B is functionally dependent on A
(denoted A B), if each value of A in R is associated with exactly one value of
B in R.

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Functional Dependency
• Property of the meaning (or semantics) of the attributes in a
• Diagrammatic representation:

 Determinant of a functional dependency refers to

attribute or group of attributes on left-hand side
of the arrow.

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Example - Functional Dependency

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Functional Dependency
• Main characteristics of functional dependencies used in
• have a 1:1 relationship between attribute(s) on left and right-hand side of a
• hold for all time;
• are nontrivial.

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Functional Dependency
• Complete set of functional dependencies for a given relation can be
very large.
• Important to find an approach that can reduce set to a manageable
• Need to identify set of functional dependencies (X) for a relation that
is smaller than complete set of functional dependencies (Y) for that
relation and has property that every functional dependency in Y is
implied by functional dependencies in X.

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Functional Dependency
• Set of all functional dependencies implied by a given set of functional
dependencies X called closure of X (written X+).

• Set of inference rules, called Armstrong’s axioms, specifies how new

functional dependencies can be inferred from given ones.

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Functional Dependency
• Let A, B, and C be subsets of the attributes of relation R. Armstrong’s
axioms are as follows:
(1) Reflexivity
If B is a subset of A, then A → B
(2) Augmentation
If A → B, then A,C → B,C
(3) Transitivity
If A → B and B → C, then A → C

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Functional Dependency
(4) Self-determination:
(5) Decomposition:
If A → B,C, then A → B and A → C
(6) Union:
If A → B and A → C, then A → B,C
(7) Composition:
If A → B and C → D then A,C → B,D

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The Process of Normalization
• Formal technique for analyzing a relation based on its primary key
and functional dependencies between its attributes.

• Often executed as a series of steps. Each step corresponds to a

specific normal form, which has known properties.

• As normalization proceeds, relations become progressively more

restricted (stronger) in format and also less vulnerable to update

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Relationship Between Normal Forms

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Un-normalized Form (UNF)
• A table that contains one or more repeating groups.

• To create an un-normalized table:

• transform data from information source (e.g. form) into table format with
columns and rows.

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First Normal Form (1NF)
• A relation in which intersection of each row and column contains one
and only one value.

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UNF to 1NF
• Nominate an attribute or group of attributes to act as the key for the
unnormalized table.

• Identify repeating group(s) in unnormalized table which repeats for

the key attribute(s).

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UNF to 1NF
• Remove repeating group by:
• entering appropriate data into the empty columns of rows containing
repeating data (‘flattening’ the table).
Or by
• placing repeating data along with copy of the original key attribute(s) into a
separate relation.

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Second Normal Form (2NF)
• Based on concept of full functional dependency:
• A and B are attributes of a relation,
• B is fully dependent on A if B is functionally dependent on A but not on any
proper subset of A.

• 2NF - A relation that is in 1NF and every non-primary-key attribute is

fully functionally dependent on the primary key.

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1NF to 2NF
• Identify primary key for the 1NF relation.

• Identify functional dependencies in the relation.

• If partial dependencies exist on the primary key remove them by

placing them in a new relation along with copy of their determinant.

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Third Normal Form (3NF)
• Based on concept of transitive dependency:
• A, B and C are attributes of a relation such that if A → B and B → C,
• then C is transitively dependent on A through B. (Provided that A is not
functionally dependent on B or C).
• 3NF - A relation that is in 1NF and 2NF and in which no non-primary-
key attribute is transitively dependent on the primary key.

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2NF to 3NF
• Identify the primary key in the 2NF relation.

• Identify functional dependencies in the relation.

• If transitive dependencies exist on the primary key remove them by

placing them in a new relation along with copy of their determinant.

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General Definitions of 2NF and 3NF
• Second normal form (2NF)
• A relation that is in 1NF and every non-primary-key attribute is fully
functionally dependent on any candidate key.

• Third normal form (3NF)

• A relation that is in 1NF and 2NF and in which no non-primary-key attribute is
transitively dependent on any candidate key.

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Boyce–Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
• Based on functional dependencies that take into account all
candidate keys in a relation, however BCNF also has additional
constraints compared with general definition of 3NF.

• BCNF - A relation is in BCNF if and only if every determinant is a

candidate key.

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Boyce–Codd normal form (BCNF)
• Difference between 3NF and BCNF is that for a functional dependency
A  B, 3NF allows this dependency in a relation if B is a primary-key
attribute and A is not a candidate key.

• Whereas, BCNF insists that for this dependency to remain in a

relation, A must be a candidate key.

• Every relation in BCNF is also in 3NF. However, relation in 3NF may

not be in BCNF.

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Boyce–Codd normal form (BCNF)
• Violation of BCNF is quite rare.

• Potential to violate BCNF may occur in a relation that:

• contains two (or more) composite candidate keys;
• the candidate keys overlap (ie. have at least one attribute in common).

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Review of Normalization (UNF to BCNF)

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Review of Normalization (UNF to BCNF)

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Review of Normalization (UNF to BCNF)

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Review of Normalization (UNF to BCNF)

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Fourth Normal Form (4NF)
• Although BCNF removes anomalies due to functional dependencies,
another type of dependency called a multi-valued dependency (MVD)
can also cause data redundancy.

• Possible existence of MVDs in a relation is due to 1NF and can result

in data redundancy.

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Fourth Normal Form (4NF) - MVD
• Dependency between attributes (for example, A, B, and C) in a
relation, such that for each value of A there is a set of values for B and
a set of values for C. However, set of values for B and C are
independent of each other.

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Fourth Normal Form (4NF)
• MVD between attributes A, B, and C in a relation using the following
A -->> B
A -->> C

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Fourth Normal Form (4NF)
• MVD can be further defined as being trivial or nontrivial.
• MVD A -->> B in relation R is defined as being trivial if (a) B is a subset of A or (b)
A  B = R.
• MVD is defined as being nontrivial if neither (a) nor (b) are satisfied.
• Trivial MVD does not specify a constraint on a relation, while a nontrivial MVD
does specify a constraint.

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Fourth Normal Form (4NF)
• Defined as a relation that is in BCNF and contains no nontrivial MVDs.
• 4NF Example:

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Fifth Normal Form (5NF)
• A relation decomposed into two relations must have lossless-join
property, which ensures that no spurious tuples are generated when
relations are reunited through a natural join.

• However, there are requirements to decompose a relation into more

than two relations.

• Although rare, these cases are managed by join dependency and fifth
normal form (5NF).

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Fifth Normal Form (5NF)
• A relation that has no join dependency.

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5NF - Example

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Other Normal Forms
• There are other NFs that are more of academia interest including:
• 6th NF

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Normalization Exercise

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Striking Between “Good” and “Evil”
De-normalization Normalization
Too many tables
4+ Normal Forms

3rd Normal Form

2nd Normal Form

Data Cubes 1st Normal Form

Data Lists

Flat Table One big flat file

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What is De-normalization?
• It is not chaos, more like a “controlled crash” with the aim of
performance enhancement without loss of information.

• Normalization is a rule of thumb in DBMS, but in DSS ease of use is

achieved by way of de-normalization.

• De-normalization comes in many flavors, such as combining tables,

splitting tables, adding data etc., but all done very carefully.

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Why De-normalization In DSS?
• Bringing “close” dispersed but related data items.

• Query performance in DSS significantly dependent on physical data


• Very early studies showed performance difference in orders of

magnitude for different number de-normalized tables and rows per

• The level of de-normalization should be carefully considered.

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How De-normalization improves
• De-normalization specifically improves performance by
• Reducing the number of tables and hence the reliance on joins, which
consequently speeds up performance.
• Reducing the number of joins required during query execution, or
• Reducing the number of rows to be retrieved from the Primary Data Table.

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4 Guidelines for De-normalization
• 1. Carefully do a cost-benefit analysis (frequency of use, additional
storage, join time).

• 2. Do a data requirement and storage analysis.

• 3. Weigh against the maintenance issue of the redundant data

(triggers used).

• 4. When in doubt, don’t de-normalize.

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Areas for Applying De-Normalization
• Dealing with the abundance of star schemas.
• Fast access of time series data for analysis.
• Fast aggregate (sum, average etc.) results and complicated calculations.
• Multidimensional analysis (e.g. geography) in a complex hierarchy.
• Dealing with few updates but many join queries.

De-normalization will ultimately affect the database

size and query performance.

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Five principal De-normalization techniques
• Collapsing Tables
• Two entities with a One-to-One relationship
• Two entities with a Many-to-Many relationship
• Splitting Tables (Horizontal/Vertical Splitting)
• Pre-Joining
• Adding Redundant Columns (Reference Data)
• Derived Attributes (Summary, Total, Balance etc…)

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Collapsing Tables
ColA ColB

ColA ColB ColC


ColA ColC

 Reduced storage space.

 Reduced update time.
 Does not changes business view.
 Reduced foreign keys.
 Reduced indexing.

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Splitting Tables
Table_v1 Table_v2
ColA ColB ColC
ColA ColB ColA ColC

Vertical Split
Table_h1 Table_h2
ColA ColB ColC ColA ColB ColC

Horizontal split
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Splitting Tables: Horizontal splitting
• Breaks a table into multiple tables based upon common column
values. Example: Campus specific queries.
• Spreading rows for exploiting parallelism.
• Grouping data to avoid unnecessary query load in WHERE clause.

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Splitting Tables: Horizontal splitting
• Advantages
• Enhance security of data.
• Organizing tables differently for different queries.
• Graceful degradation of database in case of table damage.
• Fewer rows result in flatter B-trees and fast data retrieval.

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Splitting Tables: Vertical Splitting
• Infrequently accessed columns become extra “baggage” thus
degrading performance.
• Very useful for rarely accessed large text columns with large headers.
• Header size is reduced, allowing more rows per block, thus reducing
• Splitting and distributing into separate files with repeating primary
• For an end user, the split appears as a single table through a view.

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• Identify frequent joins and append the tables together in the physical
data model.

• Generally used for 1:M such as master-detail. RI is assumed to exist.

• Additional space is required as the master information is repeated in

the new header table.

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Pre-Joining Sale_ID Sale_date Sale_person

1 M
Tx_ID Sale_ID Item_ID Item_Qty Sale_Rs Detail

Tx_ID Sale_ID Sale_date Sale_person Item_ID Item_Qty Sale_Rs


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Adding Redundant Columns
Table_1 Table_1’
ColA ColB ColA ColB ColC

Table_2 Table_2
ColA ColC ColD … ColZ ColA ColC ColD … ColZ

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Adding Redundant Columns
• Columns can also be moved, instead of making them redundant. Very
similar to pre-joining as discussed earlier.
• Example:
• Frequent referencing of code in one table and corresponding description in
another table.
• A join is required.
• To eliminate the join, a redundant attribute added in the target entity which
is functionally independent of the primary key.

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Redundant Columns: Surprise
Note that:
• Actually increases in storage space, and increase in update overhead.
• Keeping the actual table intact and unchanged helps enforce RI
• Age old debate of RI ON or OFF.

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Derived Attributes: Example
DWH Data Model
Business Data Model
Degree Degree
Course Course
Grade Grade
Credits Credits Derived attributes
GP  Calculated once
DoB: Date of Birth Age  Used Frequently

• Age is also a derived attribute, calculated as Current_Date – DoB (calculated

• GP (Grade Point) column in the data warehouse data model is included as a derived
value. The formula for calculating this field is Grade*Credits.
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Issues of De-Normalization
Issues of De-normalization
• Storage
• Performance
• Ease-of-use
• Maintenance

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Industry Characteristics
Master:Detail Ratios
• Health care 1:2 ratio
• Video Rental 1:3 ratio
• Retail 1:30 ratio

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Storage Issues: Pre-joining Facts
• Assume 1:2 record count ratio between claim master and detail for
health-care application
• Assume 10 million members, 20 million records in claim detail
• Assume 10 byte member_ID
• Assume 40 byte header for master and 60 byte header for detail

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Storage Issues: Pre-joining (Calculations)
With Normalization:
Total space used = 10 x 40 + 20 x 60 = 1.6 GB

After De-normalization:
Total space used = (60 + 40 – 10) x 20 = 1.8 GB

Net result is 12.5% additional space required in raw data table size for
the database.

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Performance Issues: Pre-joining
Consider the query “How many members were paid claims during
last year?”
With Normalization:
Simply count the number of records in the master table.
After De-normalization:
The member_ID would be repeated, hence need a count distinct.
This will cause sorting on a larger table and degraded performance.

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Why Performance Issues: Pre-joining
Depending on the query, the performance actually deteriorates with
de-normalization! This is due to the following three reasons:

• Forcing a sort due to count distinct.

• Using a table with 1.5 times header size.
• Using a table which is 2 times larger.
• Resulting in 3 times degradation in performance.

Bottom Line: Other than 0.2 GB additional space, also keep the 0.4
GB master table.

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Performance Issues: Adding redundant
Continuing with the previous Health-Care example, assuming a 60
byte detail table and 10 byte Sale_Person.
• Copying the Sale_Person to the detail table results in all scans taking 16%
longer than previously.
• Justifiable only if significant portion of queries get benefit by accessing the
de-normalized detail table.
• Need to look at the cost-benefit trade-off for each denormalization decision.

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Other Issues: Adding redundant columns
Other issues include, increase in table size, maintenance and loss
of information:
• The size of the (largest table i.e.) transaction table increases by the size of the
Sale_Person key.
• For the example being considered, the detail table size increases from 1.2
GB to 1.32 GB.
• If the Sale_Person key changes (e.g. new 12 digit NID), then updates to be
reflected all the way to transaction table.
• In the absence of 1:M relationship, column movement will actually result in
loss of data.

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Ease of use Issues: Horizontal Splitting
Horizontal splitting is a Divide & Conquer technique that exploits
parallelism. The conquer part of the technique is about combining the
Lets see how it works for hash based splitting/partitioning.
• Assuming uniform hashing, hash splitting supports even data
distribution across all partitions in a pre-defined manner.
• However, hash based splitting is not easily reversible to eliminate the

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Ease of use Issues: Horizontal Splitting

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Ease of use Issues: Horizontal Splitting

• Round robin and random splitting:

• Guarantee good data distribution.
• Almost impossible to reverse (or undo).
• Not pre-defined.

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Ease of use Issues: Horizontal Splitting

• Range and expression splitting:

• Can facilitate partition elimination with a smart
• Generally lead to "hot spots” (uneven distribution
of data).

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Performance Issues: Horizontal Splitting

Dramatic cancellation of
airline reservations after
9/11, resulting in “hot
Processors spot”

P1 P2 P3 P4

1998 1999 2000 2001

Splitting based on year

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Performance issues: Vertical Splitting Facts
Example: Consider a 100 byte header for the member table such that
20 bytes provide complete coverage for 90% of the queries.

Split the member table into two parts as follows:

1. Frequently accessed portion of table (20 bytes), and
2. Infrequently accessed portion of table (80+ bytes). Why 80+?
Note that primary key (member_id) must be present in both tables for
eliminating the split.

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Performance issues: Vertical Splitting Good
vs. Bad
• Scanning the claim table for most frequently used queries will be
500% faster with vertical splitting
• Ironically, for the “infrequently” accessed queries the performance
will be inferior as compared to the un-split table because of the join

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• Normalization and its different forms
• De-normalization techniques
• Trade-off between different factors when considering Normalization
and de-normalization.

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