Revelations 3453 - 3578: Bertha Dudde Book 45

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Bertha Dudde Book 45

Revelations 3453 – 3578

received 1.3.1945 – 15.10.1945

A selection of Revelations from God,
received through the 'Inner Word'
by Bertha Dudde
Revelations 3453 – 3578

is book contains within the given range all the currently translated
Divine Revelations, received through the Inner Word by Bertha Dudde as
promised by John 14.21: ``Whoever has My commands and obeys them,
he is the one who loves Me. He who loves Me will be loved by My Father,
and I too will love him and show Myself to him.''


e revelations are non-denominational, they do not intend to attract

members of any Christian religious affiliation nor to recruit members into
any Christian religious affiliation.
e only purpose of these revelations is to make God's Word accessible to
all people, as it is God's Will.

Only complete and unaltered messages with references may be copied and

Published by friends of the New Revelation

On the internet you find reference addresses to obtain hardcover

themebooklets and books at:
BD 3460 `Blessed are the merciful ....' 1
BD 3482 Contact with God .... Influx of strength .... 2
BD 3483 Work of love for misguided souls .... 3
BD 3515 Prayer in spirit and in truth .... 4
BD 3519 End of the world .... Judgment Day .... 5
BD 3544 Scrutinising the source of spiritual knowledge .... 7
BD 3547 Explaining the process of transcription .... Truth .... 9
BD 3557 Coming in the clouds .... Rapture .... 11
BD 3560 Knowing the time of the end .... 12
BD 3569 Battle of faith .... e coming of the Lord .... 13
BD 3571 `My voice will resound from above ....' 14
BD 3573 Time of trials .... Jesus, the bearer of the cross .... 16
BD 3460 received 09.03.1945
`Blessed are the merciful ....'

Blessed are the merciful, who support their neighbour in adversi and
hardship and help him overcome it .... My grace visibly rests upon them
for they fulfil My commandments, they love Me Myself because they
meet their neighbour, My living creation, with love .... Someone helpless
and forsaken will feel grateful for the love offered to him; it will awaken
reciprocated love, the significance of which cannot be assessed by you
on earth .... the fact that every spark of love signifies a release from the
opposing power, a change which starts the return to Me, which can only
take place in love. Loving help will always be comforting for a person in any
earthly and spiritual adversi . Love gives strength, a er all, it originates
from Me, the eternal love, and can only have a life-giving effect. Helping
someone brings forth positive thoughts and feelings, it touches the other
person's soul and encourages similar actions, and every activi of love
distances a person from My adversary, hence it shortens his distance from
Me. Carrying out merciful deeds are essential in times of trouble, when
body and soul are ailing, when physical ailments must be the results of
psychological adversi , so that people will come to their senses and find
the path to Me. And you show this path to them if you practise mercy,
if, in unselfish neighbourly love, you li up your fellow human being in
body and soul with kind deeds, comforting words of encouragement and
loving care. en body and soul will be able to recover, for the latter feels
the strength of love and becomes strong and willing to strive towards Me
.... Love will awaken love in return and where the spark of love has been
kindled I Myself can work, because I can be wherever love exists. And
where I Am the adversi will ease .... according to the degree of love the
person feels. erefore, try eagerly to arouse reciprocated love and you
will redeem the souls through your works of mercy .... Redeeming souls,
however, will lead to a blissful fate in the beyond for you, where only love
will be valued and the souls will forever be thankful to you that you showed
them the right way ....

Copyright © 2013 by - All rights reserved BD 3460

BD 3482 received 17.05.1945
Contact with God ....
Influx of strength ....

Take advantage of every opportuni to make contact with Me through

prayer and loving activi and you will never lack in strength .... Whatever
life situation you find yourselves in, you will always and forever need My
influx of strength and you become receptive to it through heartfelt prayer.
And if you do loving deeds My strength will likewise flow to you, for then
you will draw Me Myself to you, since I Am Love Itself. And thus you
need not fear anything, neither weakness nor loneliness, as long as you are
lovingly active and pray .... as long as your prayer rises up to Me from your
heart, for then I will hear you and grant your wishes, as I have promised.
Believe and trust when you pray, then the fulfilment of your prayer will be
certain .... My will directs your destiny according to your faith, and My will
is at all times able to banish hardship and suffering. But My love always
considers My Own in an obvious way, so that they will recognise their
Father when He expresses Himself. And I number all those as My Own
who approach Me in prayer, who use every quiet hour to communicate with
Me, who o en send their thoughts to Me, who look for Me of their own
accord and whose hearts love and yearn for My presence .... I will always
give My assistance to them, so that their faith becomes strong, so that they
ever more tangibly become aware of My strength and they recognise Me
in every happening on their path of life. To remain in constant contact
with Me ensures them My protection and My help at all times. For their
connection with Me also relieves them from the spiritual hardship, because
it enables My spirit to work in them. And My spirit guides them correctly,
My spirit shows them every path, every Word and every action, and thus
every person who is in constant contact with Me can travel his course of life
without worry, for I will take him by his hand and guide him .... And his
path will be blessed ....

BD 3482 Copyright © 2013 by - All rights reserved

BD 3483 received 18.05.1945
Work of love for misguided souls ....

Have mercy on misguided souls, consider them to suffer an illness which

needs help and do not let them starve in their spiritual distress. e
difficulties of the body come to an end but the soul takes its problems into
eterni , into the beyond. And this can be avoided if it finds the truth on
earth, which you should bring to erring souls. Whenever you have the
opportuni to help them, speak to them of God's love which longs for
them, remind them of their lack of maturi which stops them from getting
closer to God and show them the way to get better, the only way to the goal
.... the way of love .... Make them aware that they cannot mature nor reach
their goal without kindness and that they were only given their earthly life
for the purpose of improving their souls. Guide their thoughts to spiritual
matters, encourage them to think about the purpose of earthly life, explain
to them the meaning and purpose of creation, the objective of suffering and
earthly hardship, and try to persuade them to put an end to their spiritual
pover . is work of love, to have mercy on erring souls and to endeavour
to help them, is of tremendous importance. Do not be discouraged by their
initial rejection, bring the Word of God to them and always remember your
task which should be a redeeming one on earth.
Countless souls suffer spiritual hardship but they only take notice of earthly
distress and do not take time for inner reflection which could enlighten
them. ey are only interested in improving their living conditions and
don't know that these are primarily the consequences of spiritual pover ,
that the former has to be resolved before an improvement of their earthly
life can take place .... Give them this knowledge and help them walk the
path of love, and their souls will be eternally grateful to you. eir hardship
will increase as the last days approach because God's adversary is gaining
power over the souls and his influence is tremendously damaging to them.
e knowledge of their purpose of life can protect them from this influence
and, with good will, the soul can free itself from his power since it recognises
it to be evil and in opposition to God. But it has to be introduced to the
knowledge, and you should accomplish this work of mercy whenever the
opportuni presents itself, and your efforts shall not be in vain .... ere is
great need and the end draws ever closer, thus every hour should be used to

Copyright © 2013 by - All rights reserved BD 3483

work for the kingdom of God .... is is God's will which has to be observed
if you want to be active workers and serve Him in His vineyard ....

BD 3515 received 16.08.1945

Prayer in spirit and in truth ....

Every prayer rising up to Me in spirit and in truth will be granted. But who
prays to Me in spirit and in truth? .... A thought arising from the bottom
of your heart intended for Me will guarantee the right prayer. Anyone who
speaks to Me without shyness and restraint just as if it came from the heart,
anyone who does not look for Me in the distance but feels Me close to
himself, who does not recite formal prayers but rather has thoughts which
come forth from himself, that is, thoughts which arise from his own heart,
who speaks to Me without falsehood and dishones .... thus anyone who
completely opens his heart to Me without wanting to hide anything, who
therefore speaks to Me like a child to its father .... sends his prayer to Me
in spirit and in truth, because the spiritual spark has been kindled in him
already. His spirit has awakened to life, and this places heartfelt thoughts
into a person's heart .... Anyone who can pray to Me like that is already on
the right path and he will be guided along by his spirit in the right way.
However, this is the kind of prayer I expect in order to hear it. I pay no
attention to formal prayers because they do not arise from a person's own
heart and can therefore never be felt with the same depth as the heart's
own language can express. Anyone who prays to Me must call upon Me in
spirit and his voice will be heard by the Father-Spirit. Anyone who calls
upon Me must drop all inhibitions, he must step in front of Me without
hiding anything and speak plainly and frankly, it must not be accompanied
by the least insincere thought, he must pray with absolute truthfulness
.... For I know every thought and nothing remains concealed from Me.
Anyone who prays to Me like that .... in spirit and in truth .... does not
need a special place for prayer, he can send his spirit to Me always and in
all places, he will always pray `in his closet'if he withdraws into himself and
seeks mental contact with Me and I will answer his prayer. I Am waiting
for such a call, and I Am perceptively close to anyone who calls upon Me in

BD 3515 Copyright © 2013 by - All rights reserved

spirit and in truth, and he will feel the presence of My Father-Spirit around
himself, he will not send his prayer into the distance but speak to Me in the
certain that I Myself Am close to Him and hear him. And whatever My
child asks for will be granted. For its indwelling spirit instructs it to pray in
the right way, and this prayer will always more relate to his spiritual than to
his physical well-being. But I will also help My child physically, because it
subordinates its will to Mine as soon as it prays in the right way, that is, in
spirit and in truth. He knows the goal of his life on earth and aims to attain
it, for the right prayer also guarantees higher knowledge .... Anyone who
calls upon Me as I want to be called upon, need not fear any want .... But first
I will consider his spirit, so that his soul shall be imbued with knowledge,
so that his soul need not live in want. en the human being will also know
that physical suffering is not inevitable, that it is beneficial for the soul
and he will humbly subordinate himself to My will. Nevertheless, I will
also guide him unscathed through his earthly life, because I will grant My
child every help. A right prayer therefore also guarantees the fulfilment of
earthly requests, and no such prayer will ever remain unheeded. My love
with always fulfil a sincere desire for Me and My help, for My grace and
strength, for spiritual and earthly care, because anyone praying to Me in
spirit and in truth lives up to My will, and I will be a loving Father on earth
and in eterni for anyone striving to fulfil My will ....

BD 3519 received 21.08.1945

End of the world ....
Judgment Day ....

e end will come when no-one expects it ..... It will be a time when God-re-
jecting people are enjoying life to the full while God's faithful are anxiously
awaiting the coming of the Lord. e former, however, don't spend a single
thought on the forthcoming end, they live for the moment without scru-
ples or tempering their earthly pleasures, they indulge themselves, commit
sins and are totally subject to Satan's influence. It will be a time when
an apparent improvement of living conditions has been achieved, when
earthly hardship has diminished for people complying with the demands

Copyright © 2013 by - All rights reserved BD 3519

of the ruling power, when only those people have to suffer who are ex-
cluded on account of their faith. And in the midst of this euphoria the
Judgment will come .... surprising even God's faithful since nothing before
will have given the impression that a change of their sad situation might
occur. Humani is rife with guilt of sin, it has completely detached itself
from God and turned to His adversary, it has received his share on earth,
earthly pleasures in abundance, and people's intentions and endeavours
get increasingly worse and demonstrate themselves in their actions against
the faithful, who are mercilessly bullied and helpless against their power
and brutal aggression. ey do a first class job for Satan and humani is
ready for destruction. And thus the end will come as it is proclaimed in
Word and Scripture .... It will be a horrendous day for people, the earth
will split open, fires will break through the earth's crust and all elements
will be in uproar .... And people trying to flee will break into indescribable
panic, yet wherever they turn they will find the same everywhere, certain
destruction ....
e end has come for all whose mind is turned away from God .... and
the deliverance from greatest danger for His Own, who will be removed
alive and thus escape physical death. God has already announced this time
long in advance, yet no-one appreciates His predictions, and thus people
will suddenly find themselves in a dreadful situation from which there is
no escape. e destruction of the old earth has been decided since eterni ,
but when it will happen remains hidden from people, and thus they will
experience it at a time when they believe themselves safe and masters of
the world, when they try to get as much enjoyment as possible out of life,
when they are totally captivated by the world and therefore exclude God
from their thoughts.
And thus God reminds people of Himself .... He calls to account those
who sin against Him because they refuse to acknowledge Him .... He sits
in Judgment over humani and separates people by li ing His Own into
His kingdom and banishing the others once again .... by leaving them to
lose their lives in an appalling way and imprisoning their souls once more,
i.e. by constraining the soul's will so that it will have to take the path of
development through the new creation again. is is a cruel act and yet one
of divine justice, for people's sinfulness will have reached its climax. ey

BD 3519 Copyright © 2013 by - All rights reserved

are of service to Satan and have become sheer devils themselves; nothing
else can be given to them but physical destruction and spiritual captivi
so that God's faithful will be released from them and able to lead a life of
peace and harmony on the new earth.
And although God is ever forgiving and patient while the sinfulness keeps
growing .... the end will come without fail and at a time when it is least ex-
pected. For even the believers will be shocked, because everything worldly
appears to prevail, because the increasing power of the world's representa-
tives has rendered the faithful helpless and without rights. And thus the
world appears stable and yet is so close to its destruction .... until the day
comes, which God has determined since eterni , which no-one is able to
predetermine and which, according to God's plan, will nevertheless bring
the final disintegration of everything on earth. Only God knows the day,
people shall always expect it and prepare themselves for it so that they will
belong to those who will be taken away by God in advance, so that they
will not belong to those who will be condemned on the Day of Judgment,
as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture ....

BD 3544 received 10.09.1945

Scrutinising the source of spiritual knowledge ....

By lacking the right knowledge the human being o en endorses deceptive

knowledge, and thereby demonstrates such tenaci which only the repre-
sentative of true knowledge is entitled to. Yet this, too, is an effect of the
lower forces which endeavour to spread error throughout the world and
avail themselves of any person who, due to his low state of maturi , is
willing to accept their thoughts. It is an endless battle between light and
darkness, between truth and untruth. And the more people are inclined
towards one or the other, the more violently it is waged. However, during
the end time the battle will rage in a way which will manifestly point
to the end. For under the guise of spiritual aspiration many representa-
tives of misguided teachings will deem themselves called to convey their
knowledge to their fellow human beings, and it will require an excessive
amount of work on part of the spiritual world of light to invalidate this

Copyright © 2013 by - All rights reserved BD 3544

knowledge and to make the pure truth accessible to people instead. e
spiritual influx of the right knowledge will always be recognisable in the
representatives themselves, for true knowledge can only be found where a
life a love is lived according to God's commandments, Who requires selfless
neighbourly love from people, and this will always result in an influx of
divine wisdom. And attention must be paid to whether their actions are
entirely unselfish, for all selfish love presents a welcome target for God's
adversary, the prince of lies, who influences a person's thoughts and lets
him believe in his own value, thereby adding to his selfish love and making
him unsuitable to recognise truth and error. e human being must ex-
ercise strictest self criticism; he must constantly strive for perfection and,
with profound humili , pray to God for grace and strength, for protection
from misguided thinking .... But if he is taken in by his mental information,
then he must seriously question the source it comes from .... whether it was
gained intellectually or flowed to him without intellectual activi , for pure
truth will illuminate a person like a flash, o en without pondering and
researching, in that case he will be touched by emanations of pure spirits,
if he deeply and sincerely desires the truth without any selfish thought.
On the other hand, clearly comprehensible knowledge, which is manifestly
offered to a person without his own mental activi , ought to be accepted
as absolute truth, for then the transfer to the human being is a process
of emanation of strength which only beings of light, thus the bearers of
truth, have at their disposal, whereas mental knowledge gained though
intellectual activi can also be an influence of beings of darkness, and this
necessitates strict scrutiny. Light and darkness will constantly fight each
other. Light, however, is recognisable to anyone who wants to recognise it.
However, the dark forces seek to weaken a person's will for the pure truth
and to increase his selfish love, so that he will tenaciously hold on to his
endorsed mental knowledge because he believes it to be the product of his
superior intelligence, of his abili to solve profound spiritual problems.
is is a sign of arrogance; it displaces the heart's profound humili and
allows the forces of darkness to enter the human being's heart. For this
reason the source of spiritual knowledge should be carefully scrutinised
and God should be called upon for enlightenment of spirit, if a person is
offered information which lays claim to being the truth. And God will help

BD 3544 Copyright © 2013 by - All rights reserved

the person to recognise what is right, He will help him to separate the truth
from error, if he truly desires the truth ....

BD 3547 received 13.09.1945

Explaining the process of transcription ....
Truth ....

e bestowal of My Word is a purely spiritual process which can only be

achieved by a person who establishes heartfelt contact with Me and then
consciously listens within. Since the person does not actively need think
himself but is merely the recipient of thought emanations he must place
himself into a state which enables him to be affected by these emanations,
and this state is one of being totally detached from the earthly world and
immersed in the spiritual realm, i.e., it is a conscious turning away from all
earthly things and a focussing of the senses on My kingdom, which is not
of this world. e spiritual emanations then touch the person's heart in the
form of thought which subsequently can be written down by the recipient.
e easier a person can detach himself from his earthly surroundings the
more unimpeded will the imparting of spiritual knowledge proceed. e
disputed question as to the spiritual origin of the thought transference is
answered by the substance of the latter. Wherever love is taught, wherever
My act of Salvation is thoroughly dealt with, only I Myself can be the
origin and the mental transmission will have to be recognised as My Word.
Heartfelt prayer has to precede every bestowal of My Word, otherwise the
process cannot take place, otherwise the person would have to accomplish
a purely earthly work which, however, even then would still be free from
error because the person's thoughts are also guided by the beings of light
in order to prevent the endangering of the Word, which is intended to be
conveyed to the person. is only applies in instances where contact with
Me is less profound, for a person who is called by Me to work for My
kingdom, who is appointed as a mediator between Me and people who
don't strive towards Me, has been vetted by Me and his thinking will not
go astray because he is of good will and thus wants to be of service to Me. I
will prevent lying and deceptive spirits availing themselves of his will and

Copyright © 2013 by - All rights reserved BD 3547

his hand, just as every ignorant being will be stopped from accessing him if
he wants to work for Me. And every reception is an act of freedom of will,
it is the evidence of his will to be of service to Me, and thus I take hold of
his will and guide him so that he will only accomplish My will.
is spiritual knowledge is not comparable to human mental concepts
which are acquired through a person's own thinking, without the conscious
submission of his will to My will. A er all, the human being has free will
and can think in any direction of his liking. He is not compelled by Me
to think correctly, just as he is not stopped from thinking wrongly either.
Consequently, he can be accessed by all spiritual forces which he then
favours through his will. However, if the person consciously submits his
will to Mine he can only have My will within himself, for I will never leave
him at the mercy of forces which are still opposed to My will. I will take
possession of that which desires Me and will never ever let go of it again.
And only if a person consciously offers himself to Me, if he thus hands
his will to Me, can I appoint him to an office on earth in which he can
work for Me. But then he will also be protected from misguided thinking,
from evil spiritual influence, for it is important to receive and spread My
Word .... which My love conveys to earth, and I will truly protect My Word
from impure and untrue content which the opposite side wants to present
to people. Wherever My Word is being received that is where truth exists
and misguided teachings are excluded, because misguided thinking is the
influence of evil forces which cannot affect a person who wants to serve
Me as long as he is working for Me. A purely spiritual process can only
take place in a purely spiritual way, a transference of thought absolutely has
to take place because a person's own thinking, i.e., the use of intellectual
activi , requires more time in order to produce results of this nature.
Hence there is a recognisable expression of strength which can only ever
come forth from those who provide strength, that is, from beings of light
which are recipients of strength. And this also guarantees pure truth, for all
illuminated beings know the truth, and I Am the Eternal Truth Myself ....

BD 3547 Copyright © 2013 by - All rights reserved

BD 3557 received 24.09.1945
Coming in the clouds ....
Rapture ....

An unusual roar will fill the air as the Day of Judgment arrives. And this
will be the last sign for people, yet it will only be recognised as such by the
believers, which will cause them great joy. For then they will be anticipating
the coming of the Lord .... It requires a strong faith to expect God to be
coming in the clouds, for this is such an extraordinary process that godless
people just ridicule and make fun of it when it is mentioned to them.
ey will indeed hear the sound, too, yet they won't see the Lord in the
clouds and thus take little notice of the unusual noise in the air and won't
let themselves be distracted from their lives .... exuberantly and without
scruples they will continue to enjoy themselves. e faithful, however,
will get together and, with a happy heart, prepare themselves to receive the
Lord. ey will have reached the limit of their physical endurance and know
that their time of suffering has come to an end, and in the final hour they
will unanimously profess their faith in God although it will mean the loss of
their earthly life, because they will be mercilessly attacked by the world. Yet
the appearance of the Lord will thwart the plans of their godless pursuers
.... For suddenly they will see the believers being li ed off the ground and
rising into the air .... At the same time there will be a sound of dreadful
thunder and people will realise with dismay that something dreadful is
going to happen. Paralysed by the unusual process of the rapture they will
be unable to think, they will try to flee and see the same everywhere ....
flames of fire bursting through the earth from which there is no escape.
And their life will end in a most dreadful way, for the people who rage on
earth like devils and are rife with sin cannot be saved.
But the flock of the faithful will witness the end of the old earth; the divine
work of destruction will take place before their eyes, while they will have
escaped and will be safe and secure in a place of peace, as promised by God.
is will be the end of one period of Salvation and the start of a new one as
soon as the old earth is shaped anew through God's will. en the faithful
will continue to live as the root of the new human race and the new period
of Salvation will begin. e process of rapture is only understandable and
therefore credible to a knowing and profoundly enlightened person, yet

Copyright © 2013 by - All rights reserved BD 3557

it will be the culmination of an anxious time of hardship and suffering,
it will be the conclusion and the evidence of God's glory, Who will also
prepare a fate for His Own which testifies of His glory .... It will be an act of
profoundly divine love for His living creations who will recognise in Him
their Father of eterni , who will have returned to Him and become as one
with Him through love .... with whom He will then be able to stay because
divine love meets with no obstacle once the human being has become love
himself ....

BD 3560 received 27.09.1945

Knowing the time of the end ....

It is exceptionally misguided to state that the time of the breakdown will be

in the distant future; this error is detrimental for the souls because they will
pay no attention to the admonitions and warnings of the last days. But it is
equally misguided trying to determine the point in time, for this knowledge
is concealed from people. God always refers to the near end through seers
and prophets in order to encourage people to live according to a quickly
occurring end, in order to make them aware of their responsibili towards
their souls and to constantly prepare themselves for the end. e end is
near, yet no-one but God knows the day. e signs of the time point towards
the end, nevertheless, it will come suddenly and unexpectedly for all people
including the faithful who are knowledgeable and make an effort to live in
accordance with the approaching end. Human mind and human intellect
will never be able to penetrate the divine plan of eterni and therefore
never be able to determine the time nor the manner of the end. Only where
the spirit of God is at work He will instruct people as to how the end will
take place, yet always leaving the day and the hour open when it happens.
For this knowledge is God's prerogative and therefore concealed to people.
e faithful will be able to recognise the time of the end by the low level
of spiritual development, and if they expect the coming of the Lord every
day and enter into heartfelt contact with God they will also sense when the
Day of Judgment is approaching.
But anyone who wants to calculate the time in advance, anyone who
deems himself to know without the obvious working of the spirit, will be

BD 3560 Copyright © 2013 by - All rights reserved

mistaken in his announcement, people should not believe him for he only
contributes towards increasing the unbelief in the end. Even the forerunner
of the Lord, who will be sent to Earth by God Himself in order to save the
still undecided, even he will not speci a day .... He, too, will proclaim the
imminent end and admonish people to expect it daily and hourly. He will
be enlightened by the spirit of God, and the Father-Spirit, Who speaks in
and through him, truly knows the day and the hour. And yet he, too, will
still keep it secret from people because the knowledge of it will be of no use
to them. And thus the hour will come suddenly and unexpectedly, as it was
proclaimed by God .... His voice will resound in the midst of the euphoria
of the world, to the horror of the unbelievers but to the comfort and joy of
those who are faithful ....

BD 3569 received 06.10.1945

Battle of faith ....
e coming of the Lord ....

Anyone professing the church of Christ will be treated by the world with
hostili and his fate on earth will be difficult, albeit only for a short time,
for as soon as the adversi seems beyond endurance, God will rescue His
Own and all adversi will end. And God always points out the end to the
believers, so that they will bear up against the external onslaught, so that
they will faithfully persevere until God delivers them. He will inform them
long in advance how Satan will rage and He will promise His Own His
protection, so that they recognise the truth of His Word and remain firm in
their resistance. If the believers therefore recognise the truth of the divine
Word by the progression of world events, by the progression of the battle
of faith and the earthly ruling powers'brutal disposition, they will defend
His Word even more eagerly, because it will deepen their faith to such an
extent that human measures will no longer be able to shake it. And they
will receive strength from God, according to their will and their faith, and
thus endure the difficult time, for God will not let those down who want
to remain faithful to Him unless He still recalls someone into His realm
before the end of this earth, if his physical end has come in accordance with

Copyright © 2013 by - All rights reserved BD 3569

divine purpose. However, He needs staunch representatives of the church
of Christ during the last days, so that the separation of the spirits can take
place. He requires people who proclaim His Word and preach Christ's
doctrine of love to the unbelievers, and this without fear and inhibition,
so that the unbelievers shall recognise the strength of faith and be shaken
up from their spiritual lethargy once more, so that they will still be able to
change their mind in the last hour and take the path to Christ, Who alone
can bring them salvation, Who alone can redeem them by strengthening
their will to liberate themselves from evil and to strive towards God. e
fact that the strength of faith is visibly pointed out to the unbelievers are
the final means of grace; even so, very little use is made of them because
humani is entangled in Satan's web of lies, because it pays excessive
homage to the world and sees its goal of life in exuberant pleasure. And
therefore the end will soon happen to you .... and you can recognise this by
the fact that faith is being fought against in a way which can truly be called
satanic. en the followers of Christ should unite and together wait for the
Lord's help and His coming, for every day and every hour could be the last
one, because earthly adversi will become so severe that it will necessitate
God's immediate appearance, so that the promises will come true which
God gave to people through His Word .... that He will deliver His Own
from utmost adversi ....

BD 3571 received 08.10.1945

`My voice will resound from above ....'

And My voice will resound from above .... It will be migh and people will
have to listen to it even if they otherwise pay no attention to Me. Depending
on the state of their souls they will either willingly or unwillingly have to
raise their eyes towards heaven. For they will find themselves exposed to a
force they can no longer avoid. Admittedly, it will only touch the hearts of a
few, yet these will have been helped even if physical help fails to materialise.
But as the rule, fear and worry about physical life will predominate and
My voice will not suffice to accept it and return to Me despite utmost
hardship and affliction. ey will not want to realise that My voice applies

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to those who are still distant from Me and, being obstinate-hearted, they
will only try to save themselves and yet will be powerless against the forces
of nature.

ey will lose all footing, for the ground will sway, a roaring storm will fill
the air and everyone will have to rely on himself as no-one will be able
to help the other. And My voice will resound from above .... I will speak
with a voice of thunder and all elements of nature will obey My will, they
will speak on My behalf and testi to My might. I will manifestly confront
people and won't force them to believe, for it will still be up to them to
accept natural forces but to deny Me as the Being Which also governs the
natural forces according to His will. And thus the final means of teaching
before the end will not force people to believe either, even though it should
speak clearly enough for Me and can also be recognised by people of good
will not entirely enslaved by My adversary who wants to separate them
from Me forever.

What I have proclaimed through My spirit will fulfil itself .... e earth
will tremble and the elements of nature will cause incalculable damage
and claim countless victims. Yet this has been determined since eterni ,
because even this occurrence is a means of help used by Me in order to still
win people over to Me, since other forms of adversi and distress are not
enough to let them find their way back to Me and I have to brandish a sharp
rod over the hardened human race. And it is absolutely true that I will not
rest until I have regained all My living creations. And thus My love, which
wants to save them from their downfall, will never end even if this love is
not recognisable in My activi . Yet anyone who takes notice of My voice
will also feel My love and he will be grateful to Me for all eterni ....

Copyright © 2013 by - All rights reserved BD 3571

BD 3573 received 10.10.1945
Time of trials ....
Jesus, the bearer of the cross ....

If God puts you to the test, humbly accept His trials and faithfully wait for
His help .... For the suffering and trials will not end until the last day has
come. It is still necessary to puri and to reform souls until their physical
death or to gain souls which still stand apart from God's love. And the
time le until the end of the old earth is only short. Hence, it needs to
be used in every way. Only adversi and afflictions of the body will still
bring the soul's transformation about. And these adversities will also affect
those people who strive towards God. Yet they, too, can gain the greatest
blessings from these adversities if they are recognised as means used by
God's love in order to reduce the distance between Himself and people
within a short time, so as to enable the soul to receive God's illumination of
love directly, which signifies eternal life for the soul. Endure your destiny
without complaining, for it is determined by God's love for your soul's
speedier maturing. And know that He will never leave you without the
strength to pass the tests; know that He will always help you carry your
cross if you, in faith of the divine Redeemer, appeal to Him for it. Know
that all adversi will come to an end when you leave the earthly valley
in order to enter the spiritual kingdom. It is only a short time of trial,
nevertheless it is a blessing for you if you recognise divine will therein and
don't grumble and complain. at which has been destined for you since
eterni serves you, who believe, to benefit your soul, or to transform those
of you who are still distant from God. erefore bow down to divine will
and carry your small cross, and if you deem it to be heavy let yourselves
be helped by Jesus, the bearer of the cross, Who took the crucifixion upon
Himself for the sake of your adversi and Who suffered on your behalf
out of greater than great love. Call upon Him and His help will be assured
to you. His love is always on hand for you, and your earthly adversi will
be endurable, you will overcome the trials and stand firm in faith. e
whole of humani needs the adversities and sufferings, and therefore God
pours them upon the earth in order to gain its inhabitants for the spiritual
kingdom. And even if His Own must suffer too, they nevertheless still
attain even greater perfection, and they will be eternally thankful to their

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Creator and Provider, their Father of eterni , Who, in His love, uses the
right means to shape their souls into bearers of light while they are still on
earth. And therefore don't despair and don't let yourselves be disheartened
by the adversities of the time .... e end is near and with it the time of your
deliverance and your entry into the spiritual kingdom, where all suffering
comes to an end ....

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