8 Ways To Raise Your Vibration (Your Positive Energy)
8 Ways To Raise Your Vibration (Your Positive Energy)
8 Ways To Raise Your Vibration (Your Positive Energy)
By Amy Crawford
Originally written in November of 2014, I've chosen to share this post again, in light of a common 'theme' in my
therapy practise this week. These words from a client sum it up : "I look at others around me and things just
seem to work for them, things fall into place, they just seem to have so much luck. I don't appear to have that
same luck."
My personal opinion is that in most instances, it is not about luck. It is about energy, our personal power, our
ability to attract into our life that which we manifest, that we deserve and feel worthy of.
A few years ago my vibration was so low I was flat on the floor (with CFS). I felt totally and utterly stuck with
no idea how to move forward (from my corporate career). I was filled with a whole host of limiting beliefs that
were holding me back no end. I seemed to be attracting people into my life who often left me feeling anxious,
who felt 'toxic' if you like.
Fast forward a few years (and a life transforming CTC treatment) and I have my health back; I have an amazing
new career doing a bit of everything I love; I have freed myself of the fear and limiting beliefs (freeing myself of
the fear of public speaking was up there as one of the most exciting 'releases') ; and I've a whole host of new and
amazing friendships. All of this because not only did I manage to raise my vibration, but I also learnt how to
keep it up 'there'.
Quite fundamentally, I learnt to let go of the need to know how it'd work out, I simply trusted that it would.
What is 'vibration'?
As described by Cassandra Sturdy*; "Your ‘vibration’ is a fancy way of describing your overall state of being.
Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even things that look solid
are made up of vibrational energy fields at the quantum level. This includes you."
From a scientific and metaphysical perspective, Sturdy further explains that we are a ‘being’ that is made up of
different energy levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Each of these levels has a vibrational
frequency, which combine to create your overall vibration of being.
All vibrations operate at high and low frequencies, within us and around us. If your vibration is low it will be
evident; it's simply a matter of bringing awareness to your situation and then working on rectifying it. Perhaps
money no longer flows, your health is poor or you feel surrounded by negative people. When your vibration
is high however, this is that beautiful sense of living in the flow. Here you may be inviting inspiring people into
life, jumping out of bed each day full of optimism, things may be progressing particularly well in business,
perhaps your bank balance has never looked so good!
To others it may appear that you have all the luck in the world, when in actual fact you've invited it all in on
your own.
It is helpful to be aware that like energy attracts energy. For example, I know when my vibration has dropped
because all areas of my life are impacted in some way. My energy might be poor or my health dodgy, sales for
my eBook may drop, money may not be flowing as it should. If however your vibration is high, you are more
likely to attract those positive, motivating people into your life that you desire; you are probably bouncing with
energy; that job promotion you hoped for just landed; opportunities seem to fall in your lap.
So how do we raise our vibration? I know it sounds complex but I'm here to tell you, it's the simplest of
activities! Read on to learn how you can start attracting more abundance in your life, so you too can be
perceived as the "lucky one"!
Easier said than done in the face of adversity though right? How 'bout this, the next time a negative thought
shows up in your head, take the time to acknowledge it, thank it for showing up, and then dismiss it and turn it
around for the positive.
4. Drink water.
Always ensure you drink plenty of water (filtered is best) to assist your body to flush out toxicity day to day.
Toxicity has a marked impact on our vibration so we must do what we can to reduce it's impact within us and
around us.
5. Meditate.
Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and breath in and out. Too often we rush through our days with a
scattered brain leaving us in a state of anxiety and stress. Meditation helps to calm your spirit down and put you
in a peaceful state of mind. Just 10 minutes of meditation a day can change your life forever.
6. Be grateful.
Making a gratitude list shifts your vibrations from focusing on what you don't have to what is already abundant
in your life. There is more to be grateful for than you could possibly imagine. For example, every night when I
go to bed I write down (in a little gratitude journal) 5 things I am grateful for that day. It's such a beautiful
* If this gets you excited and you are eager to take your energy to a whole new height, have a read of this post
by Cassandra Sturdy and you should consider yourself very well equipped!
Do you have any points to add to our list above? What are the activities that leave you with a higher vibration?