Irrigation Engineering Group Assignment - 1: Ju, Jit, Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Irrigation Engineering Group Assignment - 1: Ju, Jit, Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Irrigation Engineering Group Assignment - 1: Ju, Jit, Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
1. A field soil having different distinct layers has the following soil water coefficients:
Soil depth (%) (%) Present state of moisture, ,
(cm) (%)
0 - 20 35 15 25
20 - 40 40 18 27
40 -60 43 20 30
Maize crop is sown in the field. The effective root zone depth of the crop is 50 cm.
Determine the following:
a) Total Maximum available soil water
b) Total present available soil moisture
2. The following data were obtained in determining the soil moisture content at
successive depths in the root zone prior to applying irrigation water:
Depth of sampling Weight of moist soil Weight of oven-dried soil
sample sample
0 – 25 cm 1.35 N 1.27 N
25 – 50 cm 1.36 N 1.26 N
50 – 75 cm 1.23 N 1.15 N
75 – 100 cm 1.11 N 1.02 N
The bulk specific gravity of the soil in the root zone is 1.5. The available moisture-
holding capacity of the soil is 17.8 cm/m depth of soil. Determine
i. The moisture content at different depths in the root zone,
ii. The moisture content in the entire root zone prior to irrigation, and
iii. Depth of water to be applied to bring the moisture content to the field capacity.