Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy: Aleksandra I. Pivovarova, Gordon G. Macgregor
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy: Aleksandra I. Pivovarova, Gordon G. Macgregor
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy: Aleksandra I. Pivovarova, Gordon G. Macgregor
Keywords: This study aims to investigate the utilization of The Warburg Effect, cancer’s “sweet tooth” and natural greed for
Warburg effect glucose to enhance the effect of monocarboxylate transporter inhibition on cellular acidification. By simulating
Monocarboxylate transporter hyperglycemia with high glucose we may increase the effectiveness of inhibition of lactate and proton export on
MCT1 the dysregulation of cell pH homeostasis causing cell death or disruption of growth in cancer cells. MCT1 and
MCT4 expression was determined in MCF7 and K562 cell lines using RT-PCR. Cell viability, growth, intracellular
pH and cell cycle analysis was measured in the cell lines grown in 5 mM and 25 mM glucose containing media in
Cell-cycle arrest the presence and absence of the MCT1 inhibitor AR-C155858 (1 μM) and the NHE1 inhibitor cariporide (10 μM).
Hyperglycemia The MCT1 inhibitor, AR-C155858 had minimal effect on the viability, growth and intracellular pH of MCT4
expressing MCF7 cells. AR-C155858 had no effect on the viability of the MCT1 expressing K562 cells, but de-
creased intracellular pH and cell proliferation, by a glucose-dependent mechanism. Inhibition of NHE1 on its
own had a no effect on cell growth, but together with AR-C155858 showed an additive effect on inhibition of cell
growth. In cancer cells that only express MCT1, increased glucose concentrations in the presence of an MCT1
inhibitor decreased intracellular pH and reduced cell growth by G1 phase cell-cycle arrest. Thus we propose a
transient hyperglycemic-clamp in combination with proton export inhibitors be evaluated as an adjunct to
cancer treatment in clinical studies.
1. Introduction members, from which only a few have been described as proton-linked
short-chain monocarboxylic acid transporters [6,7]. They are MCT1-
The German physiologist, Otto Warburg observed that cancer cells MCT4, and the concentration gradient of protons and mono-
utilize a higher amount of glucose compared to noncancerous cells [1]. carboxylates such as pyruvate, lactate, and ketone bodies dictates the
Not only do cancer cells consume more glucose, but the metabolic direction in which that substrate will be transported [8]. Due to the
pathway they employ to completely metabolize glucose also differs importance of MCTs in monocarboxylate and proton transport and their
from the pathway used by normal cells. Cancerous tissue and cells rely high expression levels in cancer cells [9], MCTs are now being con-
on pyruvate reduction to lactate for energy production even in the sidered in cancer prognosis [10]. The levels of MCT1 and MCT4 have
presence of oxygen [2]. This phenomenon was first described by Otto been noticeably upregulated in breast, cervical, colorectal, and gastric
Warburg, and is referred to as “the Warburg effect” [3]. To avoid a cancers, along with some glioblastomas [11]. Consequently these two
decrease in intracellular pH due to increased metabolic activity, lactate representatives of the MCT family have become important novel targets
molecules and protons are quickly and efficiently exported out of the for cancer therapy [12–15].
cell [4,5]. This function is performed by proton-linked mono- AR-C155858 is a potent MCT1 inhibitor and was first created by
carboxylate transporters, although there are multiple proton export AstraZeneca to function as an immunosuppressant to block the pro-
pathways in the plasma membrane including the sodium-hydrogen liferation of T-lymphocytes [16], but eventually the drug found its
exchanger (NHE), sodium bicarbonate transporters (NBC), chloride application in cancer treatment [17]. AR-C155858 binds to and inhibits
bicarbonate exchangers (AE) and others (Fig. 1). MCT1, but has no effect on MCT4 function up to a concentration as high
The monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) family includes 14 as 10 μM [16,17]. The viability of cells expressing MCT4 should not be
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (G.G. MacGregor).
Received 20 November 2017; Received in revised form 5 December 2017; Accepted 13 December 2017
0753-3322/ © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
A.I. Pivovarova, G.G. MacGregor Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 98 (2018) 173–179
A.I. Pivovarova, G.G. MacGregor Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 98 (2018) 173–179
2.4. Intracellular pH measurements 3.2. The MCT1 inhibitor AR-C155858 did not alter the viability of MCF7
cells, but had a small effect on cell number
Cells were removed from culture and resuspended in physiological
experimental solution (145 mM NaCl, 4.5 mM KCl, 1 mM CaCl2, 1 mM Inhibition of the MCT1 transporter with 1 μM AR-C155858 did not
MgCl2, 5 mM glucose, 20 mM HEPES, pH 7.4. Cells were loaded with produce a change in cell viability in MCF7 cells grown either in 5 mM or
10 μM BCECF-AM (Tocris Biosciences, Minneapolis, MN) and left for 25 mM glucose containing media (F (3, 20) = 1.57, P = 0.2278), data
15 min in the dark. Cells were then aliquoted, centrifuged to form a cell not shown. The number of cells grown in the culture media containing
pellet and resuspended into either calibration solutions or experimental 5 mM glucose did not change with the addition of 1 μM AR-C155858
solutions. The BCECF fluorescence was calibrated with valinomycin/ (Fig. 2C) and was 118.1 ± 9.1% (n = 6, P = 0.075) of control. When
nigericin 10 μM (Molecular Probes, Carlsbad, CA) in buffers of pH 5.5, the media glucose concentration was increased to 25 mM, addition of
pH 6.5 or pH 7.5. For investigational measurements cells were re- the MCT1 inhibitor 1 μM AR-C155858 decreased cell growth slightly to
suspended in physiological experimental solutions with additions of 86.1 ± 4.3% of control (n = 6, P = 0.0083).
25 mM glucose and combinations of 1 μM AR-C155858 and 10 μM
cariporide. Iso-osmolarity was maintained with the addition of 20 mM 3.3. The MCT1 inhibitor AR-C155858 showed a small increase in K562 cell
mannitol. Cell loaded with BCECF were excited at 488 nm and emission viability and decreased K652 cell number by a glucose enhanced mechanism
was recorded at 500–535 nm on a Zeiss LSM 500 confocal microscope.
The fluorescence intensity of ten randomly selected cells was averaged There was a small increase in K562 cell viability in both glucose
for each data point [21]. solutions when cells were grown in the presence of 1 μM AR-C155858
(data not shown). The number of cells grown in culture media sup-
plemented with 5 mM glucose in the presence of the MCT1 inhibitor
2.5. Statistical analysis and graph plotting decreased to 77.1 ± 2.6% (n = 6) from control, a change of
22.9 ± 2.6% (P < 0.0001). When the glucose concentration was in-
For the RT-PCR experiments, biological replicates were taken one to creased to 25 mM (Fig. 2D) addition of the MCT1 inhibitor 1 μM AR-
three samples per week, one to four weeks apart. For the viability, cell- C155858 reduced cell growth even more to 57.9 ± 2.2% (n = 6), a
cycle and AR-C155858 inhibitor studies, cells were defrosted and pas- decrease of 42.1 ± 2.2% (P < 0.0001) from control.
saged a minimum of three times in the different glucose concentration
media. For the BCECF intracellular pH fluorescence experiments, bio- 3.4. Inhibition of the MCT1 transporter with AR-C155858 caused a
logical replicates were from the subsequent passage of multiple dif- glucose-dependent intracellular acidification in K562 cells
ferent cell cultures. All data were plotted and statistical analysis per-
formed using Prizm 7.03 graph suite of software (GraphPad Software, Addition of the MCT1 inhibitor AR-C155858 had no effect on the
Inc., La Jolla, CA). All data are shown as mean ± SEM, with the intracellular pH of MCF7 cells (Fig. 3A). The resting pH of MCF7 cells
number of experiments, n, shown in parenthesis. Statistical analysis was bathed in 5 mM glucose containing solution was 6.93 ± 0.16 (n = 5)
performed using Student’s two-tailed t-test for unpaired samples or one- which did not change and was 6.85 ± 0.14 (P = 0.697) 30 min after
way ANOVA, if the calculated P-value was below the threshold chosen the addition of the MCT1 inhibitor, AR-C155858 (1 μM). Bathing the
for statistical significance (P < 0.05), then the two measured phe- MCF7 cells in 25 mM glucose solution with or without 1 μM AR-
nomena are considered different. C155858, also did not alter the resting pH from the 5 mM glucose bath
solution (F (3, 16) = 0.1281, P = 0.9420).
K562 cells bathed in 5 mM glucose solution had a resting in-
3. Results tracellular pH of 7.01 ± 0.14 which acidified to 6.24 ± 0.17
(P = 0.0085, n = 5) after addition of the MCT1 inhibitor 1 μM AR-
3.1. The quantification and glucose dependence of monocarboxylate C155858 (Fig. 3B). In high-glucose (25 mM) solution, inhibition of
transporter expression in the MCF7 and K562 cell lines MCT1 caused the intracellular pH to acidify even more (Fig. 3B, E) to
5.79 ± 0.01 (P = 0.0002, n = 5). We hypothesize that this in-
The expression level of mRNA for monocarboxylate transporters, tracellular acidification in the K562 cells causes cell-cycle arrest and
MCT1 and MCT4 was measured in the weakly invasive, estrogen posi- inhibits cell growth (Fig. 3E and F).
tive breast cancer cell line, MCF7, and in the myelogenous leukemia
line, K562, using real-time PCR (RT-PCR). 3.5. Inhibition of MCT1 had no effect on the cell cycle populations of MCF7
MCF7 cells grown in 5 mM glucose showed 0.02 ± 0.01 (n = 5) cells but produced a cell-cycle arrest in K562 cells
fold less expression of MCT1 than the reference gene, succinate dehy-
drogenase complex, subunit A (SDHA). The values did not change sig- Cell-cycle analysis was only performed in 25 mM glucose containing
nificantly when MCF7 cells were grown in 25 mM glucose, 0.03 ± 0.01 media, as it showed the greatest change in cell number (Fig. 2D), and
(n = 5, P = 0.810). MCT4 levels were higher in MCF7 cells, being hence should demonstrate the biggest change in the cell-cycle phase
19.50 ± 3.56 (n = 5) fold higher than the reference SDHA expression, populations. In MCF7 cells, the percentage of cells in G1 phase was
which did not change upon increasing glucose concentration to 25 mM, high, being about 76.97 ± 1.6% (n = 6), in the control cells, which
21.98 ± 1.86 (n = 5, P = 0.553). In our hands MCF7 cells pre- decreased to 65.18 ± 1.40% (n = 6), in the cells grown in the presence
dominantly only express MCT4 (Fig. 2A). of 1 μM AR-C155858 (Fig. 3C). There was no difference in the popu-
K562 cells grown in 5 mM glucose showed 42.9 ± 14.0 (n = 5) fold lation of cells in the S or G2 phase grown with and without the in-
more expression of MCT1 than the reference gene SDHA (Fig. 2B). This hibitor. Hence, MCT1 inhibition in MCF7 cells does not cause G1 cell-
increased to 108.3 ± 25.4 (n = 4, P = 0.0482) fold over the reference cycle arrest.
gene SDHA when the media glucose concentration was increased to In K562 cells, the percentage of cells in G1 phase was
25 mM glucose. MCT4 levels were not dependent on glucose con- 26.46 ± 2.60% (n = 6) in the control cells, which increased to
centration, and were 1.3 ± 1.0 (n = 5) times higher than the reference 39.29 ± 1.29% (n = 6) in the G1 phase of cells grown in the presence
gene SDHA in 5 mM glucose concentration and 1.3 ± 0.4 (n = 4, of 1 μM AR-C155858. This was an increase of 12.83 ± 2.90%
P = 0.9746) higher than SDHA gene expression in 25 mM glucose (P = 0.0013) of the total cell population (Fig. 3D). There was no dif-
containing media (Fig. 2B). Therefore K562 cells predominantly express ference in the S phase of cells grown with and without 1 μM AR-
MCT1. C155858, 36.56 ± 1.95% (n = 6), versus 36.51 ± 3.75% (n = 6),
A.I. Pivovarova, G.G. MacGregor Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 98 (2018) 173–179
A.I. Pivovarova, G.G. MacGregor Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 98 (2018) 173–179
Fig. 3. Inhibition of the MCT1 transporter with AR-C155858 caused a glucose-dependent intracellular acidification and induces a G1 cell cycle arrest in MCT1-expressing K562 cells. (A)
Addition of the monocarboxylate transporter 1 inhibitor, AR-C155858 (1 μM) had no effect on the intracellular pH of MCF7 cells in either 5 mM or 25 mM glucose containing media (F (3,
16), P = 0.1281). (B) 1 μM AR-C155858 causes an intracellular acidification in K562 cells. (C) There is a small decrease in the percentage of MCF7 cells in G1 phase was in the presence of
1 μM AR-C155858. There was no difference in the S or G2 phases of cells grown with and without 1 μM AR-C155858 (n = 6). (D) The MCT1 inhibitor AR-C155858 induced G1 phase cell
cycle arrest in K652 cells. (E) An example of K562 cells fluorescence loaded with BCECF after 30 min in 25 mM Glucose solution (left panel). K562 cells measured 30 min after the addition
of the MCT1 inhibitor show decreased BCECF fluorescence (Right panel). (F) A schematic representation of the cell cycle showing G1 phase, S phase, G2, where the DNA has doubled and
M phase where mitosis occurs. We hypothesize that this dramatic intracellular acidification causes cell-cycle arrest in the G1 phase and inhibits cell growth.
production of protons from cell work metabolic activity caused by a alternative pathway for lactate and protons to leave the cell. In K562
five-fold increase in the supply of glucose for glycolysis. cells, the MCT1 inhibitor produced no change in viability, but a 22%
In this study, the application of the MCT1 inhibitor AR-C155858 decrease in cell number after growth in 5 mM glucose containing
had no effect on MCF7 viability, cell number or intracellular pH in media. The inhibition of cell growth was glucose-dependent and in-
normal 5 mM (90 mg/dl) glucose or increased 25 mM glucose media (to creased to about 42% in K562 cells incubated in an increased 25 mM
mimic hyperglycemia 450 mg/dl). This absence of an effect of the glucose containing media when exposed to the MCT1 inhibitor AR-
MCT1 inhibitor can be explained by the large expression of the AR- C155858. Such a significant decrease in cell growth can be explained by
C155858 insensitive MCT4 transporter in MCF7 cells, providing an the majority of the lactate efflux being carried out by MCT1 in K562
A.I. Pivovarova, G.G. MacGregor Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 98 (2018) 173–179
cells, and the lack of expression of MCT4. Essentially, a glucose-sti- the ones expressing MCT4, if the MCT4 was also blocked from per-
mulated intracellular acidification takes place in MCT1 expressing cells. forming its function. The development of MCT4 inhibitors is currently
This acidification induced a cell-cycle arrest in the G1 phase, reducing in early stage pre-clinical discovery. Furthermore, the increase of glu-
cell division and growth but not altering cell viability. Inhibition of the cose in culture media demonstrates the ability to stimulate glycolysis,
sodium-hydrogen exchanger NHE1 on its own had a small effect thereby inducing the state of acidosis through intracellular accumula-
(0.23 pH units) on intracellular resting pH but had no effect on cell tion of protons generated by increased production and utilization of
growth. The dominant membrane proton transport pathway in cells ATP. Hence, the combination of MCT inhibitors with an induced hy-
under a high glycolysis generated metabolic proton load appears to be perglycemic state is an efficient strategy of cancer treatment. It is not
mediated through the lactate transporters and not the sodium-hydrogen uncommon for cancer cells to acquire drug resistance in response to
exchanger. However, it appears that silencing the NHE1 and MCT1 therapy. However, with a major reliance on glycolysis it is highly un-
pathways produces an additive effect on cell growth (compare Fig. 2D likely that cancer cells will be able to reduce their dependence on
to Fig. 4B). glycolysis, making the inhibition of pH regulators an even more at-
Although this study concentrated on two particular proton-coupled tractive solution.
lactate transporters (MCT1 and MCT4), the range of transporters reg-
ulating proton efflux and maintaining intracellular pH is quite wide 5. Conclusions
(Fig. 1.). These include the Na+/H+ exchanger, Na+/HCO3 co-trans-
porter, the plasma membrane proton pump ATPase (V-ATPase), car- This current study extends the knowledge of the effects of MCT1
bonic anhydrases, anion exchangers and others [35,36]. Each one of inhibition on cancer cells by combining it with an induced hypergly-
these proton efflux transporters can become a potential drug target, cemic event, causing an amplified intracellular acidification and cell
alone or in combination. Furthermore, most of these pH regulatory cycle arrest. We have shown that our “feeding the Warburg effect”
transporters have FDA approved pharmacological inhibitors on the strategy induced cell growth arrest in the lab and we propose that a
market. Besides considering the use of proton efflux inhibitors alone, transient hyperglycemic clamp, in combination with MCT inhibitors
the application of these inhibitors could be expanded to combinations and other proton efflux inhibitors should be investigated in the clinic.
that target other pathways.
Recently, an immunofluorescence (IF) method for detection of Acknowledgements
MCT1 and MCT4 levels in circulating tumor cells has been developed,
emphasizing the importance of evaluating MCT1 levels prior to, as well We would like to thank Dr. Sireesh Appajosyula, PharmD (Raleigh,
as after the treatment with the MCT1 inhibitor AZD3965 (an analogue NC) and Dr. Mark Rosenberg, MD (Boca Raton, FL) for the idea of using
of AR-C155858) to assess the responsiveness of cancer to the drug [37]. hyperglycemia and monocarboxylate transporter inhibition as a po-
MCT4 expression levels are taken into consideration as a biomarker for tential cancer treatment strategy. This research did not receive any
resistance to AZD3965 treatment in cells that retain the ability to export specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-
lactate [37]. Undoubtedly, both transporters appear to have great po- for-profit sectors.
tential in cancer treatment and its prognosis. Although MCT4 expres-
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