Syllabus NCM 103 Health Assessment

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San Francisco District, Pagadian City

Tel. No. 215 – 3307
Email Add: [email protected]
1stSemester SY: 2019-2020

Course Title: Teaching Science in Elementary grades (Bio. & Chem)

Course No.: SPEC. SCI 1
Course Description: This course is designed as a presentation of current teaching methods as well as relevant approaches for teaching
science in the elementary school. Materials, methods, and strategies for teaching life, physical, and earth sciences will be presented. The
course will seek to help preservice teachers to develop an understanding and appreciation of science that hopefully will make an impression
to help children acquire knowledge, attitudes, and skills essential to science literacy.
Course Credit: Fifty Four Hours (54 Hrs.), Three Units (3 hours per week)
Placement: Second Year
Prerequisite: NONE

- Create a climate of charity, justice, responsibility and service in relating with other people
- Develop professional who are mature and responsible citizens.
- Educate and train professional geared to provide a supply of skilled man power.
- Produce professional who could formulate ideas, express and defend it.
- Become research oriented to address the needs of the challenging society.
- Create a life-long knowledge and belief and show good attitudes and skills in relating with the rest of the creation.
Program Outcomes: By the end of four- year stay at LCC the students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate in depth understanding of the development of elementary learners.
2. Exhibit comprehensive knowledge of various learning areas in the elementary curriculum.
3. Create and utilize materials appropriate to the elementary level to enhance teaching and learning.
4. Design and implement assessment tools and procedures to measure elementary learning outcome.
5. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice.
6. Effectively communicate orally and in written using both English and Filipino language.
7. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
8. Act in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibility.

Course Level Student Learning Outcomes: At the end of the semester, the students are expected to manifest the ff. competencies:

a) Participate in skills and strategies used in hands-on science approaches.

b) Be provided with opportunities to design and conduct investigations and experiments.
c) Be able to utilize appropriate instructional formats for teaching science in the elementary classroom.
d) Identify and demonstrate evaluative procedures for assessing science learning.
e) Plan, organize, teach, and critique science lessons. Enhance their science knowledge base as it relates to content.
f) Examine ways to integrate science with other disciplines.
g) Design science lesson plans and a science unit plan that may be utilized in a personal teaching experience.
h) Plan and implement a functional science lesson, which includes experimentation
Expected Lasallian Graduate Desired Learning Results: By the end of the course, the students are enabled to:
God Loving  Utilize selected Science and Non-science theories in care of their future students.

Competent  Differentiate views given by various Science Theorists on Person, Health, and Environment.
 Describe the various non- science theories as applies to education.


Midterm Grade (MG) Final Grade (FG)

MainTask/ Assignment 10% Main Task. Assigment 10%

Quizzes/ Long/ Oral 40% Quizzes/Long/ Oral Exam 40%
Midterm Exam 40% Final Exam 40%
100% 100%
FG = MG + FG

Lecture Determining data Data Collection 1. Watch the Lecture 1. Pre-lecture quiz July 3, 2020
collection process Documentation and video (Google classroom)
Identifying relevant Analysis from the clinical Submit
Mon- data A. Data Collection Process nursing c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/ODg2 requirements
Wed Classifying - General Survey skills sitemap- NjE0NzkxNTFa/details thru:
subjective from - Interview Techniques Class code---i3b232d
June 29- objective data - Special Considerations m/notes/dmc-college-of- Email:
July1 Utilizing interview during the Interview nursing-clinical-nursing- marilou974@gm
techniques skills/bates-video-guide-
Conducting health B. Collecting Subjective to-physical-
RLE history assessment Data assessment/8738273797 2. Discussion topics Facebook:
- Health History 43202/?redirect=false (Google classroom) Marilou Tan
July 2-3 a) Biographical data Regencia
b) Chief complaints 2. Live video meeting c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/ODg2
c) Present health history (Zoom/Google Meet) NjE0NzkxNjha/details
Performing d) Past health history Class code---i3b232d
1 hr & proficiently the e) Family history
30mins Physical Examination f) Psychosocial history 3. Case Study
g) Activities of Daily Living (Google classroom)
h) Review of Systems 3. Search for online c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/ODg2
videos related to the NjE0NzkxODJa/details
C. Collecting Objective Data topic Class code---i3b232d
1. Physical Assessment
Differentiating A. Techniques of physical 4. Online Post Test
normal from assessment
abnormal findings B. Equipment /online-test/start/?
Explaining C. Preparing for the quiz=pyf5ed060a35b953
deviations from examination 4. Google classroom & Password: covid19
normal results D. Physical examination Google Scholar 5. Submission of recorded
Demonstrating legal techniques video on the actual
practices in  Inspection 5. Read e-book Health collection of data
documentation  Palpation Assessment in Nursing by utilizing the different
 Percussion
Formulating Kelley & Weber 6 Ed. techniques and or
accurate nursing  Auscultation And answer the Chapter tools in conducting
diagnosis Review Questions physical assessment w/
E. Validating and any of their family
Documenting Data member as the patient.
 Validating data
 Purpose of
 Data requiring
 Methods of
1 hr &  Documenting data
30mins  Purpose of
 Information
Analyzing pain documentation
assessment data  Guidelines for
Utilizing pain documentation
assessment data the
fifth vital signs  Assessment forms
used for

F. Using Diagnostic
Reasoning Skills to
Analyze Data
 Analysis of data and
critical thinking
 The diagnostic
reasoning process

A. Definition
B. Pathophysiology of Pain
 Transduction
 Transmission
 Perception
 Modulation
 Sensitization
C. Classification of Pain
D. Pain Assessment
 Health history
 Pain scales
 Past health history
 Family history
 Review of systems
 Psychosocial profile

E. Behavioral Pain
Assessment Scales
 Postoperative pain
 Neonatal infant pain
 Pain rating scale
 Premature infant pain
profile (PIPP)
 Modified behavioral
pain scale
 Behavioral pain
assessment scale for
 Objective Pain score
 Rilly infant pain score
 FLACC Postoperative
pain tool
 Behavioral pain
assessment scale for
older adult
 Pain assessment in
advanced dementia


Lecture Determining data Data Collection 1. Watch the Lecture (These evaluation tools can be July 3 – July 31,
collection process Documentation and video accessed anytime they have 2020 or will
Identifying relevant Analysis from the clinical data connection available) depend
data nursing 1. Pre-lecture quiz upon the
Mon- Classifying G.Data Collection Process skills sitemap if they (Google classroom) internet
Wed subjective from - General Survey have internet connectivity of
objective data - Interview Techniques connection- c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/ODg2 the
June 29- - Special Considerations NjE0NzkxNTFa/details students.
July1 during the Interview m/notes/dmc-college-of- Class code---i3b232d
Utilizing interview nursing-clinical-nursing-
techniques H.Collecting Subjective skills/bates-video-guide- 2. Discussion topics
RLE Conducting health Data to-physical- (Google classroom) Submit
history assessment  Health History assessment/8738273797 requirements
July 2-3  Biographical data 43202/?redirect=false c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/ODg2 thru:
 Chief complaints NjE0NzkxNjha/details
 Present health 2. Live video meeting Class code---i3b232d Email:
history (Zoom/Google Meet) marilou974@gm
1 hr & Performing  Past health history Meeting ID :930 103 3. Case Study
30mins proficiently the  Family history 8715 (Google classroom)
Physical Examination  Psychosocial history Password: covid19 Facebook:
 Activities of Daily c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/ODg2 Marilou Tan
(If and only if the student NjE0NzkxODJa/details Regencia
Living (ADL) has data connection Class code---i3b232d
 Review of Systems otherwise we will send
the recorded zoom 4. Online Post Test
I. Collecting Objective Data meeting)
 Physical Assessment /online-test/start/?
 Techniques of 3. Search for online quiz=pyf5ed060a35b953
physical assessment videos related to the Password: covid19
 Equipment topic if they have data
 Preparing for the connection available 5. Submission of recorded
examination video on the actual
 Physical examination 4. Google classroom & collection of data
techniques Google Scholar utilizing the different
a. Inspection techniques and or
b. Palpation tools in conducting
c. Percussion 5. Download and Read physical assessment w/
Differentiating d. Auscultation pdf file e-book on Health any of their family
normal from Assessment in Nursing by member as the patient.
abnormal findings J. Validating and Kelley & Weber 6th Ed.
Explaining Documenting Data And answer the Chapter 6. Voice call Oral Examination
deviations from  Validating data Review Questions
normal results  Purpose of validation
Demonstrating legal  Data requiring
practices in 6. Contact the instructor
documentation thru sms/voice call
 Methods of validation
accurate nursing K. Documenting data
 Purpose of
 Information requiring
1 hr & documentation
30mins  Guidelines for
 Assessment forms
used for
Analyzing pain documentation
assessment data
Utilizing pain L. Using Diagnostic
assessment data the Reasoning Skills to
fifth vital signs Analyze Data
 Analysis of data and
critical thinking
 The diagnostic
reasoning process

M. Pathophysiology of Pain
 Transduction
 Transmission
 Perception
 Modulation
 Sensitization
N. Classification of Pain

O. Pain Assessment
 Health history
 Pain scales
 Past health history
 Family history
 Review of systems
 Psychosocial profile

P. Behavioral Pain
Assessment Scales
 Postoperative pain
 Neonatal infant pain
 Pain rating scale
 Premature infant pain
profile (PIPP)
 Modified behavioral
pain scale
 Behavioral pain
assessment scale for
 Objective Pain score
 Rilly infant pain score
 FLACC Postoperative
pain tool
 Behavioral pain
assessment scale for
older adult
Pain assessment in
advanced dementia


1. Send learning 1. Oral exam/quiz through Submission of

materials/module/ Mobile phone/ Requirements
hand-outs/ seatwork/ Landline phone are done every
case study/ test week either
questionnaires/saved they can send it
lecture video in USB thru a courier or
(handed personally/ by the bus or
mailed to any
students/send through relatives/friends
the driver of bus/van) who can hand
carry the
2. Read the textbook and 2. Students will submit their envelope which
answer the Chapter handwritten requirements will be dropped
Review Questions- enclosed in an envelope. at DMCCFI
Health Assess in Guard House.
Nursing by Weber and
Kelly 6th Ed.
3. Recorded video on the
3. If possible meet with actual collection of data
instructor once or utilizing the various
every techniques and or tools in
week to obtain conducting physical
learning materials assessment to any of their
through USB/ module. family member saved in the
(if allowed or safe to usb.
Out or if not sms/voice
call the instructor)

With strong capacity and

strong connectivity
Head & Identifying the A. Physical Assessment 1. Watch the Lecture 1. Pre-lecture quiz July 3, 2020
Neck anatomy and video (Google classroom)
physiology of the a) Head and Neck from the clinical Submit
head, neck and face. Assessment nursing c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/ODg2 requirements
Mon- Distinguishing - Review of the structure skills sitemap- NjE0NzkxNTFa/details thru:
Wed landmarks that and function of the: (head,neck, ears, eyes) Class code---i3b232d
guide assessment -Head [https://www.facebook.c Email:
JuLY 5, Explaining the -Neck om/video/video.php? marilou974@gm
2020 process of -Face v=430915576923642]
performing an - Collecting Subjective 2. Discussion topics
assessment of the Data: The Nursing Health 2. Live video meeting (Google classroom) Facebook:
RLE head, face and neck. History (Zoom/Google Meet) Marilou Tan
Describing the - Collecting Objective c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/ODg2 Regencia
July 9-10 technique, and Data: Physical NjE0NzkxNjha/details
identify client Examination Class code---i3b232d
position and - Abormalities of the
equipment required head, neck and face 3. Case Study
1 hr & for assessment 3. Search for online (Google classroom)
30mins Differentiating videos related to the
normal from topic c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/ODg2
abnormal NjE0NzkxODJa/details
assessment findings Class code---i3b232d
of the head, face,
and neck 4. Online Post Test
developmental, 4. Google classroom & /online-test/start/?
psychosocial, Google Scholar quiz=pyf5ed060a35b953
cultural and Password: covid19
variation in the
physical assessment
Identifying health
promotion needs of
clients based on
findings of head,
face and neck b) Eye Assessment
assessment - Review of the Structure 5. Read e-book Health 5. Submission of recorded
and Function of the Eye: Assessment in Nursing by video on the actual
-External Structures of the Kelley & Weber 6 Ed. collection of data
Identifying the Eye And answer the Chapter utilizing the different
anatomy and -Internal Structures of the Review Questions techniques and or
physiology of the Eye tools in conducting
eyes. - Collecting Subjective physical assessment w/
Distinguishing Data: The Nursing Health any of their family
landmarks that History member as the patient.
guide assessment - Collecting Objective
Explaining the Data: Physical
process of Examination
performing an - Abnormal findings:
assessment of the Extraocular Muscle
eyes Dysfunction
Describing the - Abnormalities of the
technique, and External Eye
identify client
position and c) Ear Assessment
equipment required - Review of the Structure
for assessment and function of the:
Differentiating -External Ear
normal from -Middle Ear
abnormal -Inner Ear
assessment findings - Collecting Subjective
of the eye Data: The Nursing Health
Conducting History
developmental, - Collecting Objective
psychosocial, Data: Physical
cultural and Examination
environmental - How to use the otoscope
1 hr & variation in physical - Abnormalities of the
30mins assessment External Ear and Ear
Identifying health Canal
promotion needs of - Abnormalities of the
clients based on tympanic membrane
findings of eye

Identifying the
anatomy and
physiology of the
landmarks that
guide assessment
Explaining the
process of
performing an
assessment of the
Describing the
technique, and
identify client
position and
equipment required
for assessment
normal from
assessment findings
of the ear.
cultural and
variation in physical
Identifying health
promotion needs of
clients based on
findings of ear
Limited capacity and/or
Identifying the B. Physical Assessment 1. Watch the Lecture (These evaluation tools can be
anatomy and video accessed anytime they have July 3 – July 31,
Lecture physiology of the a) Head and Neck from the clinical data connection available) 2020 or will
head, neck and face. Assessment nursing 1. Pre-lecture quiz depend
Distinguishing - Review of the structure skills sitemap if they (Google classroom) upon the
Mon- landmarks that and function of the: have internet internet
Wed guide assessment -Head connection- c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/ODg2 connectivity of
Explaining the -Neck (head,neck, ears, eyes) NjE0NzkxNTFa/details the
June 29- process of -Face [https://www.facebook.c Class code---i3b232d students.
July1 performing an - Collecting Subjective om/video/video.php?
assessment of the Data: The Nursing Health v=430915576923642] 2. Discussion topics
head, face and neck. History (Google classroom)
RLE Describing the - Collecting Objective 2. Live video meeting Submit
technique, and Data: Physical (Zoom/Google Meet) c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/ODg2 requirements
July 2-3 identify client Examination Meeting ID :930 103 NjE0NzkxNjha/details thru:
position and - Abormalities of the 8715 Class code---i3b232d
equipment required head, neck and face Password: covid19 Email:
for assessment 3. Case Study marilou974@gm
1 hr & Differentiating (If and only if the student (Google classroom)
30mins normal from has data connection
abnormal b) Eye Assessment otherwise we will send c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/ODg2 Facebook:
assessment findings - Review of the Structure the recorded zoom NjE0NzkxODJa/details Marilou Tan
of the head, face, and Function of the Eye: meeting) Class code---i3b232d Regencia
and neck -External Structures of the
Conducting Eye 3. Search for online 4. Online Post Test
developmental, -Internal Structures of the videos related to the
psychosocial, Eye topic if they have data /online-test/start/?
cultural and - Collecting Subjective connection available quiz=pyf5ed060a35b953
environmental Data: The Nursing Health Password: covid19
variation in the History 4. Google classroom &
physical assessment - Collecting Objective Google Scholar
Identifying health Data: Physical 5. Submission of recorded
promotion needs of Examination video on the actual
clients based on - Abnormal findings: 5. Download and Read collection of data
findings of head, Extraocular Muscle pdf file e-book on Health utilizing the different
face and neck Dysfunction Assessment in Nursing by techniques and or
- Abnormalities of the
assessment Kelley & Weber 6 Ed. tools in conducting
External Eye And answer the Chapter physical assessment w/
Identifying the Review Questions any of their family
anatomy and member as the patient.
physiology of the c) Ear Assessment
eyes. - Review of the Structure 6. Voice call Oral Examination
Distinguishing and function of the:
landmarks that -External Ear 6. Contact the instructor
guide assessment -Middle Ear thru sms/voice call
Explaining the -Inner Ear
process of - Collecting Subjective
performing an Data: The Nursing Health
assessment of the History
eyes - Collecting Objective
Describing the Data: Physical
technique, and Examination
identify client - How to use the otoscope
position and - Abnormalities of the
equipment required External Ear and Ear
for assessment Canal
Differentiating - Abnormalities of the
1 hr & normal from tympanic membrane
30mins abnormal
assessment findings
of the eye
cultural and
variation in physical
Identifying health
promotion needs of
clients based on
findings of eye

Identifying the
anatomy and
physiology of the
landmarks that
guide assessment
Explaining the
process of
performing an
assessment of the
Describing the
technique, and
identify client
position and
equipment required
for assessment
normal from
assessment findings
of the ear.
cultural and
variation in physical
Identifying health
promotion needs of
clients based on
findings of ear
No capacity and internet
1. Send learning 1. Oral exam/quiz through
materials/module/ Mobile phone/ Submission of
hand-outs/ seatwork/ Landline phone requirements
case study/ test are done every
questionnaires/saved 2. Students will submit their week either
lecture video in USB handwritten requirements they can send it
(handed personally/ enclosed in an envelope. thru a courier or
mailed to by the bus or
students/send through 3. Recorded video on the any
the driver of bus/van) actual collection of data relatives/friends
utilizing the various who can hand
2. Read the textbook and techniques and or tools in carry the
answer the Chapter conducting physical envelope which
Review Questions- assessment to any of their will be dropped
Health Assess in family member saved in the at DMCCFI
Nursing by Weber and usb. Guard House.
Kelly 6 Ed.
3. If possible meet with
instructor once or
week to obtain
learning materials
through USB/ module.
(if allowed or safe to
Out or if not sms/voice
call the instructor)

With strong capacity and

strong connectivity
(WEEK 3)
BREAST 1. Review the I. Assessment of the Breast 1. Watch the Lecture 1. Pre lecture quiz (Google June 26, 2020
function and video Classroom)
structure of a. Structure and function from the sitemap. Submit
July 7, 2020 the of the breast Breast Exam Lecture: 2. Case study (Google requirements
Breast  Mammary gland Classroom) thru:
 Lactiferous Gland m/medicalsurgical.nursin Email:
2.. Identify the  Lactiferous Sinuses 3. Oral exam through Zoom,
g.1/videos/43093342358 euniimiranda26
structure  Areola Google Meet, Facebook
and function of  Montgomery’s Gland Messenger and mobile
the Breast  Nipple 2. Scheduled video phone/landline phone Facebook:
 Coppers’s Ligament conferencing Eunice Marie
3. Demonstrate  Anterior (pectoral) (Zoom/video chat) Miranda
beginning  Central (midaxillary)
skills in  Lateral (brachial) 3. Watch different
performing health  Paterior (subscapular) Respiratory assessment
assessment to  Internal mammary tool through YouTube.
individuals.  Epitrochlear Breast Exam:
 Subraclavicular (
4. Document  Infraclavicular m/watch?
assessment v=5SUJfmZNCvM)
data accurately b. Collection of subjective 4. Ask the students to draw
and data and identify the different
comprehensively.  Health history 4. Participate in Google structure and function of
c. Collection of objective Classroom activity the breast
 physical assessment 5. Recorded video on the
 Preparation 5. Access in any online actual collection of data
 Positioning sites on health utilizing the different
 Techniques assessment. techniques and or tools in
I. Diagnostic Test and conducting
Procedures physical assessment to any of
II. Other Sources e.g.
their family member.
client chart

Limited capacity and/or

ABDOMEN 1.Review the A. Assessment of the 1. Watch the Lecture (These evaluation tools can be June 26 – June
function and accessed anytime they have
structure of the Abdomen video data connection available) 31,
July 8, 2020 Abdomen from the sitemap. 2020 or will
 Structure and 1. Pre lecture quiz (Google
Abdomen lecture: depend
function of the Classroom)
2. Identify the upon the internet
structure and m/video/video.php? connectivity of
 Spleen
function of the 2. Case study (Google
 Urinary tract, Bladder, v=430958656919334 the
abdomen Classroom) students.
 Spine 2. Scheduled video
3. Demonstrate  Spermatic cord conferencing
beginning skills in 3. Oral exam through Zoom,
 Uterus and Ovaries (Zoom/video chat)
performing health Google Meet, Facebook
 Vasculature of the
assessment to 3. Watch different Messenger and mobile
individuals. Respiratory assessment phone/landline phone
 Aorta and Inferior tool through YouTube.
Vena Cava Abdomen Assessment:
4. Document B. Collection of subjective 4. Ask the students to draw
assessment data data m/watch?v=4fxKy3ykiB8 and identify the different
accurately and 4. Participate in Google structure and function of The
 Health history breast
comprehensively. Classroom activity
C. Collection of objective
data Note: If student is able to
participate but not
 physical assessment compulsory 5. Recorded video on the
 Preparation actual collection of data
 Positioning 5. Access in any online utilizing the different
 Techniques sites on health techniques and or tools in
III. Diagnostic Test and
Procedures assessment. conducting
IV. Other Sources e.g. physical assessment to any
client chart of their family member.

No capacity and
1. Send learning 1. Oral exam/quiz through Submission of
materials/ module/ Mobile phone/ Landline requirements
hand-outs/ USB phone should
(handed personally/ be done when
mailed to new
students/send through learning
the driver of bus/van 2. Students will submit their materials is
2. Read reference book: handwritten requirements given.
Nursing Health enclosed in an envelope.
Assessment Note: If allowed
Patricia M. Dillon, or safe to go out
Assessment of the Breast and or send
chapter 16, page 527. though mail
Assessment of the /hand carry by
Abdomen,chapter 17, any other family
page 556. 3. Recorded video on the member.
actual collection of data
3. If possible meet with utilizing the various
instructor once or every techniques and or tools in
two weeks to obtain conducting physical
learning materials assessment to any of their
through USB/ module. family member saved in the
(if allowed or safe to go usb.

With strong capacity and

strong connectivity
(Week 4) Identifying the 1. Respiratory system 1. Watch the Lecture 1. Pre-lecture quiz
Respiratory anatomy and Assessment video (Google classroom) July 17, 2020
System physiology of the - Review of the from the clinical
thorax and lungs. Structure and function: nursing /c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/OD Submit
Mon-Wed Distinguishing - Upper Respiratory skills sitemap- g2NjE0NzkxNTFa/details requirements
landmarks that Tract (thorax and lungs) Class code---i3b232d thru:
July 13-14 guide assessment - Lower Respiratory [https://www.facebook.c
Explaining the Tract om/video/video.php? Email:
process of - Collecting Subjective v=430943760254157] msolitario@gmail
RLE performing an Data: Nursing Health 2. Live video meeting 2. Discussion topics .com
assessment of the History (Zoom/Google Meet) (Google classroom)
July 15-16 thorax and lungs - Collecting Objective Facebook:
Describing the Data: Physical /c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/OD Maricor Solitario
technique, and Examination g2NjE0NzkxNjha/details
identify client - Inspection of the Class code---i3b232d
3 hours position and chest
equipment - Palpation of the 3. Search for online 3. Case Study
required for chest videos related to the (Google classroom)
assessment - Percussing the chest topic
Differentiating - Auscultating the /c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/OD
normal from lungs g2NjE0NzkxODJa/details
abnormal - Abnormalities of the Class code---i3b232d
assessment chest and lungs
findings of the - Nursing Diagnoses 4. Online Post Test
thorax and lungs 4. Google classroom &
Conducting Google Scholar /online-test/start/?
developmental, quiz=pyf5ed060a35b953
psychosocial, Password: covid19
cultural and 5. Read e-book Health 5. Submission of recorded
environmental Assessment in Nursing by video on the actual
variation in Kelley & Weber 6 Ed. collection of data
physical And answer the Chapter utilizing the different
assessment Review Questions techniques and or
Identifying health tools in conducting
promotion needs physical assessment w/
of clients based any of their family
on findings of member as the patient.
thorax and lungs
Limited capacity and/or
 Identifying the (These evaluation tools can be
anatomy and A. Physical Assessment 1. Watch the Lecture accessed anytime they have
Lecture physiology of video data connection available) July 17-July 31,
the thorax and a) Respiratory system from the clinical 1. Pre-lecture quiz 2020 or will
lungs. Assessment nursing (Google classroom) depend
Mon-Wed  Distinguishing - Review of the skills sitemap if they upon the
landmarks that Structure and function: have internet /c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/OD internet
July 13-14 guide - Upper Respiratory connection- g2NjE0NzkxNTFa/details connectivity of
assessment Tract (thorax and lungs) Class code---i3b232d the
 Explaining the - Lower Respiratory [https://www.facebook.c students.
RLE process of Tract om/video/video.php? 2. Discussion topics
performing an - Collecting Subjective v=430943760254157] (Google classroom) Submit
July 15-16 assessment of Data: Nursing Health requirements
the thorax and History 2. Live video meeting /c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/OD thru:
lungs - Collecting Objective (Zoom/Google Meet) g2NjE0NzkxNjha/details
 Describing the Data: Physical Meeting ID :930 103 Class code---i3b232d Email:
3 hours technique, and Examination 8715 msolitario@gmail
identify client - Inspection of the Password: covid19 3. Case Study .com
position and chest (Google classroom)
equipment - Palpation of the (If and only if the student Facebook:
required for chest has data connection /c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/OD Maricor Solitario
assessment - Percussing the chest otherwise we will send g2NjE0NzkxODJa/details
 Differentiating - Auscultating the the recorded zoom Class code---i3b232d
normal from lungs meeting)
abnormal - Abnormalities of the 4. Online Post Test
assessment chest and lungs 3. Search for online
findings of the - Nursing Diagnoses videos related to the /online-test/start/?
thorax and topic if they have data quiz=pyf5ed060a35b953
lungs connection available Password: covid19
 Conducting
developmental 4. Google classroom & 5. Submission of recorded
, psychosocial, Google Scholar video on the actual
cultural and collection of data
environmental utilizing the different
variation in 5. Download and Read techniques and or
physical pdf file e-book on Health tools in conducting
assessment Assessment in Nursing by physical assessment w/
 Identifying
Kelley & Weber 6 Ed. any of their family
health And answer the Chapter member as the patient.
promotion Review Questions
needs of 6. Voice call Oral Examination
clients based
on findings of
thorax and 6. Contact the instructor
lungs thru sms/voice call
No capacity and internet
1. Send learning 1. Oral exam/quiz through Submission of
materials/module/ Mobile phone/ requirements
hand-outs/ seatwork/ Landline phone are done every
case study/ test week either they
questionnaires/saved 2. Students will submit their can send it thru
lecture video in USB handwritten requirements a courier or by
(handed personally/ enclosed in an envelope. the bus or any
mailed to relatives/friends
students/send through 3. Recorded video on the who can hand
the driver of bus/van) actual collection of data carry the
utilizing the various envelope which
2. Read the textbook and techniques and or tools in will be dropped
answer the Chapter conducting physical at DMCCFI Guard
Review Questions- assessment to any of their House.
Health Assess in family member saved in the
Nursing by Weber and usb.
Kelly 6 Ed.

3. If possible meet with

instructor once or
week to obtain
learning materials
through USB/ module.
(if allowed or safe to
Out or if not sms/voice
call the instructor)

With strong capacity and

strong connectivity
(Week 5) 2. Review the I. Cardiovascular System 1. Watch the Lecture 1. Online pretest in Google July 21, 2020
Cardiovascul function and Assessment video from the form Submit
ar System structure of sitemap requirements
the A. Review of the structure https://www.faceboo om/c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha thru:
July 20, 2020 Cardiovascular and function of the /a/ODg2NE0NzkxNTFa/det Email:
system Cardiovascular System college-of-nursing- ails casilangga2014@
clinical-nursing- password: covid19
B. Performing the guide-to-physical-
3. Identify the cardiovascular assessment Facebook/
structure and assessment 2. Case Study Messenger:
function of the 2. Scheduled video Sol Reyes
cardiovascular - Collection of subjective conferencing assroom/c/ODg2NjE0Nzkx
system data (Zoom/Google Meet) MTha/a/ODg2NjE0NzkxOD
 Health history Cardiovascular Ja/details
3. Demonstrate - Collection of objective Assessment: (Meeting class code: i3b232d
beginning skills data ID: 930 103 8715
in performing  Anatomical Password: covid19) 3. Online posttest
health landmarks https://www.classmarker.c
assessment to  physical assessment Male and Female om/online-test/start/?
individuals. a. inspection Genitourinary quiz=pyf5ed060a35b953
b. palpation Assessment: (Meeting class code: i3b232d
4. Differentiate c. percussion ID: 526 034 2118
normal from d. auscultation Password: 8iSb0u)
abnormal  nursing diagnoses
assessment 3. Watch different
findings of the cardiovascular
cardiovascular assessment tools
system through YouTube

5. Document 4. Participate in Google

assessment Classroom discussion
data accurately and activities
ly. zkxMTha/a/ODg2NjE0
class code: i3b232d
6. Access any online
sites on health

Limited capacity and/or


Male and 1. Review the II. Female Genitourinary 1. Watch the recorded 1. Online exams/quiz: July 24 – July 26,
Female anatomy and System Assessment lecture video Participate in Google 2020
Genitourinar physiology of Form quizzes (or will depend
y Systems the male and A. Review of the structure 2. Send learning upon the internet
female and function of the materials through /c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha/a/OD connectivity of
July 21 – 22, genitourinary Female Genitourinary online g2NE0NzkxNTFa/details the students)
2020 systems. System  email/ messenger password: covid19
 viber/twitter
2. Describe the B. Performing female Note: schedule will depend Submit
process genitourinary upon the internet connectivity requirements
RLE required for assessment of the student. thru:
(Retdem) the Email:
assessment. - Collection of subjective 3. Scheduled video 2. Other alternative form casilangga2014@
July 23-24, data conferencing (text massages/
2020 3. Demonstrate  Health history (Zoom/video chat) messenger chat)
beginning skills - Collection of objective Facebook/
and proper data Note: If student is able to 3. Oral exam through phone Messenger:
techniques in  Physical assessment participate but not calls (mobile phone/ Sol Reyes
performing a. External Genitalia compulsory landline
health  Inspection
assessment to  Palpation
individuals. b. Internal Genitalia
 Inspection 4. Submission of drawings
4. Differentiate  Palpation 4. Access in any online Illustration identifying the
normal from  Rectovaginal sites on health different structures and
abnormal Examination assessment. functions of the
assessment cardiovascular system,
findings of the III. Male Genitourinary Male and Female
male and System Assessment Genitourinary Systems
genitourinary A. Review of the structure 5. Submission of recorded
systems. and function of the video on the actual
Female Genitourinary collection of data utilizing
5. Document System the different techniques or
assessment B. Performing female tools in conducting
data accurately genitourinary physical assessment to any
and assessment of their family member.
comprehensive - Collection of subjective
ly. data
 Health history
- Collection of objective
 Physical assessment
a. Genitalia
 Inspection
 Palpation
 Auscultation
No capacity and internet
1. Send learning 1. Oral exam/quiz through Submission of
materials/ Mobile phone/ Landline requirements
module/ hand-outs/ phone should be done
USB when new
(handed personally or 2. Submission of drawings learning material
mailed to students, or identifying the different is given.
send through the driver structures and functions of
of bus/van the cardiovascular system, Note:
male and female If allowed or safe
2. Read reference book genitourinary systems to
Weber, Janet, go out and or
Health 3. Recorded video on the send
Assessment in Nursing. actual collection of data though mail
6 utilizing the various /hand carry by
edition techniques and or tools any other family
in conducting physical member.
3. If possible, meet with assessment to any of
instructor once or their family member.
every two weeks to
obtain learning
materials through USB/
module. (if allowed or
safe to
go out)

With strong capacity and

strong connectivity
(Week 6)
Neurologic 1. Review the I. Neurologic Assessment 1. Watch the Lecture 1. Online quiz June 26, 2020
System function and video Google form
structure of the A. Structure and function from the sitemap Submit
July 26-28, Central nervous of the CNS /c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha requirements
2020 system  Cerebrum m/notes/dmc-college-of- Class code: i3b232d thru:
 Brainstem nursing-clinical-nursing- Email:
2.Identify the  Cerebellum skills/bates-video-guide- 2. Oral exam through mariarose1966@i
structure and  Spinal cord to-physical- mobile phone/landline
function of the  PNS: Cranial nerves assessment/8738273797 phone
central nervous  Autonomic nervous 43202/ Facebook:
system and system 2. Scheduled video 3. Ask the students to draw Rose Ortega
musculoskeletal conferencing and identify the different Alarin
system B. Collection of subjective (Zoom/video chat) structure and function of
data the central nervous
3. Demonstrate  Health history 3. Watch different system
beginning skills in C. Collection of objective neurologic assessment
performing data tool through YouTube
health 4. Recorded video on the
 Physical assessment
assessment to 4. Participate in Google actual collection of data
individuals. Five areas assessed: Classroom activity utilizing the different
a. Mental Status and techniques and or
4. Document level of 5. Access in any online tools in conducting
assessment data consciousness sites on health physical assessment to any
accurately and assessment. of
b. Cranial nerves their family member.
comprehensively. c. Motor and
d. Sensory system
e. Reflexes

Limited capacity and/or

(Week 6)
Musculo 1. Review the II. Musculoskeletal 1. Watch the recorded 1. Online exams/quiz
Skeletal Assessment Lecture video Participate in Google June 26 – June
system musculoskeletal Form quizzes 30,
system. a. Bone and Muscle m/notes/dmc-college-of- Note: schedule 2020 or will
June Function nursing-clinical-nursing- will depend upon the depend
24 – 25, 2. Identify the b. Types/classification of skills/bates-video-guide- internet connectivity of the upon the
2020 bones and Bones. to-physical- student. internet
muscle function. c. Muscle Movements assessment/8738273797 connectivity of
d. Collection of 43202/ /c/ODg2NjE0NzkxMTha the
3. Demonstrate subjective data Class code: i3b232d students.
beginning skills  Health history 2. Send learning
and proper e. Collection of materials through 2. Other alternative form
technique in objective data online ( text massages/
performing  Physical assessment  email/ messenger messenger chat
health  Posture and gait  viber/twitter
assessment to  ROM 2. Oral exam through phone
individuals.  Lasegue’s test 3. Scheduled video calls (mobile phone/
 Test for carpal tunnel conferencing landline
syndrome (Zoom/video chat)
 Types of gaits 3. Ask the students to draw
Note: If student is able and identify the structure
to participate but not and function bone and
compulsory muscle.

3. Recorded video on the

4. Access in any online actual collection of data
sites on health utilizing the different
assessment. techniques or
tools in conducting
physical assessment to
any of their family

No capacity and internet


1. Send learning 1. Oral exam/quiz through Submission of

materials/module/ Mobile phone/ requirements
hand-outs/ USB Landline phone should
(handed personally/ be done when
mailed to 2. Ask the students to draw new
students/send through and identify the different learning
the driver of bus/van structure and function of materials is
the musculoskeletal given.
2. Read reference book system
3. If possible meet with 3. Recorded video on the : If allowed or
instructor once or actual collection of data safe to
every utilizing the various go out and or
two weeks to obtain techniques and or tools in send
learning materials conducting physical though mail
through USB/ module. assessment to any of their /hand
(if allowed or safe to family member. carry by any
go other
out) family member.


A. Honesty is the best policy (cheating)
B. If you’re instructor is late: for 90-minute class, the students should wait for 22.5 minutes.
C. Assignments must be submitted before the class begins; unless otherwise directed.
D. Special and make-up written outputs (long quizzes, assignments, seatwork) will be given only if you have justifiable reason/s for
falling to submit them.
E. Special major exams will be given one week after the administration of the regular major examination.
F. The use of cellular phones is prohibited during class hours, unless a special permission to use it is granted. In addition, the use of any
electronic gadget is prohibited unless otherwise relevant to the class lesson/discussion.
G. You are encouraged to discuss your class-related concerns with your subject-teacher
Course Online Class Policies
A. Students must possess positive attitude and willingness to learn.
B. Students are required to comply all assignments/task and to actively participate during online class.
C. Students and Teachers are expected to represent themselves ethically in the online course activities.
D. All students personal information is considered confidential and secured.
E. Students and teacher must look good online.
F. Honesty is the best policy.

Online Learning Environment

An educational domain that is unique in terms of interaction , participation and collaboration. The development of critical and problem
solving skills in a social atmosphere where learners can share , consider and challenge one anothers ideas.

Learning Environment: Classroom and Skills Laboratory Independent Study: Use of learner’s time spent outside of the laboratory for
self-directed learning
using available resources (Actual and online), equivalent to 20-30% of the total RLE hours.
Resources: Print, Non-print materials, and Electronic Materials, Equipment and supplies, Clinical Scenarios Vignettes, Videos,
CDs, Audio on
Physical Assessment.
Course Requirements: These are major student outputs (whether individual or group outputs) reflective of the integrated Attainment
of course outcomes.
Grading System:
1.) Includes combined grades of both Theory and Skills Lab/ RLE with corresponding unit weights.
2.) Assessment tools measure the learning outcomes taking into consideration of the Table of Specifications (TOS).
3.) Follows the institutional grading system.
References: Bibliography and Webliography (includes several appropriate and relevant references)
Textbooks: 1. Nursing Health Assessment by: Patricia M. Dillon 2nd Edition Copyright 2015
2. Taylor’s Clinical Nursing Skills by Pamela Lynn and Marilee LeBon 2nd Edition copyright 2015
Online Resources: Health assessment in nursing 6th edition

Prepared by: Endorsed: Approved:

BSN1&2 COORDINATOR Dean – BSNURSING Dean of Instruction

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