Personality Disorders

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Personality Disorders

Mental Illnesses

The Truth About Psychopaths, Sociopaths, and Narcissists!

Clarence T. Rivers
© 2014 Copyright.
Text copyright reserved. Clarence T. Rivers.

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provide factual and accurate content. No responsibility will be
taken by the author or publisher for any damages caused by
misuse of the content described in this book. The content of
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an expert before attempting anything described in this book.
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Chapter 1 – Personality Disorders and Mental Illnesses
Chapter 2 – Psychopathy Defined
Chapter 3 – Personality Disorders and Psychopathy
Chapter 4 – Crime and Psychopaths
Chapter 5 – Psychopaths vs. Sociopaths
Chapter 6 – Sociopathy Defined
Chapter 7 – The Goal of a Sociopath
Chapter 8 – The Weaknesses of a Sociopath
Chapter 9 – Dealing with a Sociopath
Chapter 10 – Is there Hope for a Sociopath?
Chapter 11 – Narcissism Defined
Chapter 12 – The Narcissist in You
Chapter 13 – The Narcissists of Today
Chapter 14 – How to Deal with a Narcissist

Thank you for purchasing the book, Personality Disorders &

Mental Illnesses: The Truth About Psychopaths, Sociopaths, and

There are several types of sickness that plague humankind, and

some of them are not even physical. Like physical illnesses,
mental illnesses cause health risks for people who obtain them.
Some mental illnesses are enduring and ingrained, while others
are temporary and easily treated. Regardless of the severity,
sickness of the mind can cause a person to be unable to form
social relationships or perform daily tasks. Afflicted individuals
develop behavior that is unacceptable for social norms. There
are those who survive mental illness, and there are those who
succumb to it. There are known cases of people learning to
live with it, but there are also incidents where attempts to
overcome it fail, and lives are claimed as a result.

How common is it?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are

roughly 450 million people, on average, who are suffering from
mental illness. A great percentage of these individuals are
adolescents. Some of these people have suicidal tendencies, and
successful suicides occur mostly in poverty stricken countries
and places with generally cold climates. Research shows that
suicide cases alone have risen by 60% in the last 45 years,
with victims’ ages ranging from 15 to 40 years old.

It is for this and many other significant reasons that medication

and professional counselling are sought and provided in most
developed countries. Medication can help in dealing with several
types of mental illnesses, although prior counselling is required,
while natural alternatives are preferred by others.

How is mental illness obtained? Where does it come from?

Mental illnesses are not instantly developed; they occur due to
a combination of many factors, including personal experiences
combined over the course of years or months. Some are easily
noticeable with identifiable causes, but others are slow to
develop and might only show seemingly harmless symptoms like
mild depression.

Not only is the whole of the individual an important factor, but

his or her surroundings can also determine the character or
severity of the mental illness. Climate, culture, and social
experiences, especially childhood experiences, are some of the
external forces that psychiatrists consider when diagnosing
people with mental illness. Some illnesses are primary effects of
traumatic experiences, while others are inherited in genes. Some
are transient or temporary, while others are recurring, even
chronic. One cannot prevent the occurrence of mental illness in
a person since there is more than one factor that helps to
develop it.

There are different forms of treatment that help cure mental

illness. There are also alternative methods for those who prefer
natural ways to cure the condition. Depending on the severity
and type of mental illness, the afflicted person might undergo
medication, psychotherapy, group therapy, or hospitalization.
There are existing natural alternatives that claim to help with
such illnesses, like meditative strategies, body massages, and
even water therapy.

Nowadays, people often use the term “ psychopath ” to refer to

criminals and people with violent tendencies. However, this
abusive use of the word has led people to believe that any
two-bit criminal immediately falls under the psychopath category.

There are nuances to the definition of psychopathy that are

often ignored due to the sensationalized use of the term. Here ’
s a simple reminder: not all psychopaths are criminals, and not
all criminals are psychopaths. In fact, you may have an
acquaintance that can be considered a psychopath — or you
might be a psychopath yourself.

Regardless of these misconceptions (or perhaps because of

them), psychopathy is a fascinating subject for most people.
This book aims to set the record straight once and for all
about psychopathy, and how exactly the mind of a psychopath

This book is divided into several chapters, which discuss each

specific aspect of psychopathy. You can learn all about
Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD) as well as signs and
symptoms of psychopathic behavior in one chapter. Another
chapter differentiates psychopaths from sociopaths according to
certain defining characteristics of these two psychological
disorders. Several chapters of this book also discuss behavioral
patterns associated with psychopathy, including narcissism and
violence, among others.

Delve into the minds of the world ’ s most famous psychopaths

and discover the twisted logic that makes them commit horrific
crimes without showing any signs of remorse. Why do they
enjoy inflicting pain and suffering on other people, without any
twinges of conscience?

You can find everything you need to know about psychopaths

and psychopathy in this book. Plus, find out if you have
psychopathic tendencies yourself by taking the Psychopath Test!

Now, lets switch gears and explore Sociopathy.

Is society to be blamed for the negative perception of

sociopaths? It is undeniable that serial killers and notorious
criminals throughout history have proven sociopaths can be
extremely dangerous individuals. Their presence itself is
threatening, and they must be handled with great precaution.
While they can be fearsome and their existence is troubling,
they do stir intrigue. We cannot help but wonder about their
natures, simply because they are different. They are far from

In reading this book, you have to keep this in mind:

sociopathy is defined as a syndrome that makes a person
incapable of emotionally conditioning his or her social
experiences. Sociopaths essentially lack the ability to emotionally
organize. This is why they do not feel empathy or other
feelings that are normal to other people.

In other words, sociopaths are different. If someone in your life

seems different, find out through this book whether or not it is
cause for alarm.

By understanding how the mind of a sociopath works, you

become capable of protecting yourself against manipulation,
deception, and possible physical harm. Throughout this book,
you can turn from a potentially easy victim to an individual
who can defy attempts of control even from a person who
seems genuine and charismatic.

Being different is not always bad. It goes without saying that

not all sociopaths turn out to be serial killers or criminals. Find
out who to protect yourself from.

Finally, I’d like to discuss the growing epidemic of Narcissism.

As you cross the street, you are very likely to come across a
narcissist, and this means one thing: they are common. Of
course, there are two sides of the coin when it comes to this
type of personality.

There is the captivating individual who can be an inspiration to

many, once you look past the vanity. And then, there is the
artful and short-tempered narcissist who suffers from so much
self-love that he cannot accept the fact that not everyone
agrees with him. Nevertheless, it is best to get to know more
about this interesting phenomenon – or disorder, whichever you
view it to be – and learn how to handle anyone in your life
who is a narcissist.

This segment will provide you with all the information that you
will need in order to understand narcissism and the narcissistic
personality disorder. Here, you be able to find out how to
identify someone who is a narcissist (or if you are one
yourself), read up on ideas about whether this is a good or a
bad thing (or a little bit of both), and how to control yourself
if you are narcissistic.

Narcissism has become an increasingly controversial and

popular topic due to the rise of media that promote this type
of behavior. This book seeks to open up the mind of a
narcissist and let you peek into it and see what ’ s going on.

After all, now that more and more individuals are regularly
posting “ selfies ” (short for self portraits, usually taken with a
camera) and boasting about their accomplishments on the
internet, could it be that narcissism has become a norm? It is
amazing what you can learn from the mind of a narcissist. You
will make many new discoveries about yourself and society
once you have read this book.

So without further ado, let’s dive right in!

Thanks again,

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Personality Disorders and Mental Illnesses

There are many types of mental illnesses; there are those that
affect mood, personality, and psyche. Some of these mental
illnesses, like eating disorders, can be overcome or prevented
with the support of loved ones, while others require professional
help. There are also critical conditions that require medication,
psychiatric counselling and/or therapy.
Common Types of Mental Illness

One of the most popular, if not easily distinguishable mental

illnesses, is phobia. A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder
where the person afflicted has an irrational fear of an object,
animal, or situation. When the person is confronted with the
object of his or her fear, he or she will take great measures to
keep away from it. When confrontation is inevitable, the person
experiences panic attacks or feel greatly distressed.

General phobia is an irrational or unexplainable fear of the

many dangers of life. General phobia is usually characterized by
the fear of uncontrollable events, like death, and general threats
such as natural disasters, murder, accidents, and epidemics.
People with general phobia also have anxiety and tend to
become restless—especially at night—because of over-thinking
and over-worrying.

There are specific types of phobias that are focused on a

particular object or situation, such as the fear of spiders
(arachnophobia) and the fear of confined spaces
(claustrophobia). Some fears are not just irrational, but also
very unusual, like Tremophobia (fear of trembling),
Amaxophobia (fear of riding cars), and Anthrophobia (fear of

The most common phobias are as follows:

• Arachnophobia (fear of arachnids)

• Acrophobia (fear of heights or seeing heights)
• Cynophobia (fear of dogs
• Astraphobia (fear of thunder and lightning)
• Pteromerhanophobia (fear of flying in planes, helicopters, etc.)
Rare Types of Mental Illnesses

Some mental illnesses are rare, but the severity of such

conditions is extreme, making them infamous in the medical
world. There are also psychotic disorders that don ’ t just affect
a person ’ s behavior, but also the brain and its cognitive
thinking. This type of mental illness interferes with “ reality ” in
the eyes of the person, making him or her unable to live
normally in any way. For example, schizophrenia is a condition
in which a person has more than one personality and an
inability to tell reality apart from fantasy.

Another known but rare condition is the infamous Manic

Bipolar Disorder. People with schizophrenia develop delusional
beliefs that start out as simple fantasies that later take over
their lives almost completely. Sometimes, these delusions are
involuntary. In addition, schizophrenics have a complicated set
of behaviors and ways of thinking. Not only are schizophrenics
paranoid , they may also be depressive and anxious, but in
such extreme levels that they can neither think clearly, nor face
choices or changes.


The main characteristics of schizophrenia are disorganized

thinking, severe paranoia and/or anxiety, and a disconnection
from reality. People with this condition experience hallucinations:
hearing voices or seeing apparitions that are not really there.
When told that these experiences are unreal, a schizophrenic
might deny the truth to the extent of becoming aggressive.
Schizophrenic individuals also experience phantom pains. The
unreal experiences affect their way of thinking, disrupting it and
leading them to disbelieve others, even loved ones.

Confusion is inevitable in this condition, and cognitive thinking is

greatly affected. This kind of mental illness not only affects the
afflicted person, but also the people around him or her. They
are not mentally capable of doing certain jobs. It is unsafe for
them to be left alone, and it is also unsafe for them to be in
crowded places. People who are diagnosed with schizophrenia
are considered self-destructive, and they may also pose a
possible threat to others. The schizophrenic individual is not
just emotionally unstable, but has no strength to control their
illness, making them unpredictable and sometimes prone to
inhumane actions.

There are four types of schizophrenics:

Disorganized Type - this type of schizophrenia is characterized

by general disorganization. People with this type of disorder
suddenly talk gibberish or recite songs, poems, or scripts, and
they do so for no apparent reason. They might even invent a
language of their own or simply speak out meaningless words.
Some will suddenly laugh, sob, or giggle by themselves,
obviously caught up and lost in their own thoughts.

Paranoid Type – paranoid type schizophrenics have extreme

anxiety and fear. Their paranoia revolves around the suspicion
that someone, a surreal being or secret organization, is out to
capture or hurt them. A paranoid schizophrenic may also feel
that others are harassing him or are scheming to overthrow,
murder, or harm him in some way. People who are paranoid
schizophrenic have a tendency to argue excessively with others,
act aloof, and display fits of anger or rage. They have the
unusual belief that there is either a known or unknown enemy

Undifferentiated Type – this type has some of the

characteristics of the other types of schizophrenia. The individual
may have paranoid symptoms as well as disorganization. What
makes this type of schizophrenic separate is that the symptoms
are not equally evident and are only transitional, if not
temporary, and no symptoms are intense enough to categorize
the person under a single type.

Residual Type – this simply means “ leftovers ” of a previous

or past history of schizophrenia in a person. There are some
symptoms of the condition left that may indicate a major
outburst followed by complete remission, or simply no more
occurrences for the rest of the individual’ s life.

Manic Bipolar Disorder

This disorder is infamous for its extremely noticeable
characteristics. Like schizophrenics, manic-bipolar individuals have
a false sense of reality and tend to live in their own thoughts
of fantasy. People with this condition believe they are an
entirely different person; for example, the Queen of Sheba, an
ex-convict hiding from government forces, or an alien envoy
from another galaxy. Their perception of reality is so altered
that they have no sense of time, place, or what is happening
to them. Manic bipolar individuals will suddenly act a certain
way without warning, possibly hurting others. Some individuals
with bipolar disorder simply stop moving or speaking for hours.

Infamous cases involve individuals talking nonsensical things,

putting make-up on, and dressing in unusual ways. Some of
the most serious cases involve the individual stopping in the
middle of his or her activities, including walking. The person
maintains this “ pose ” for hours without disturbance. Others
may try to provoke the individual to move or speak, but to no
avail. The danger in this is that the return of motion is
unpredictable; it may take days before the manic bipolar
resumes his activities, and sometimes when he does, he is

Schizophrenia and manic bipolar disorder are chronic mental

illnesses that require multiple medications alongside
psychotherapy and moral support. Some cases take years to
treat, and most individuals with these disorders experience
recurring symptoms with remissions before finally achieving
more stable mental health. Remissions are lingering episodes or
periods of time when the afflicted individual experiences a
mentally healthy state. The symptoms of their illness are absent
for a time being, but the cycle ends at some point, and the
onset of the symptoms returns. Not all mental illnesses have
remissions; some are consistent, while other symptoms grow
less in severity but are still present.
Understanding Personality Disorder

Mental illnesses vary; some are extreme and prolonged, while

others are recurring but mild. Differences in consistency and
severity set the types of mental illness apart from each other.
Personality disorders are a kind of mental illness. They are
focused on, but not specifically confined to, the behavior of the
individual. While most mental illnesses have many symptoms in
common, they are different by contrast and degree.

Differences Between Mental Illness and Personality Disorder

Personality disorders fall under a class of mental illness that is

recognizable by patterns in human behavior. These patterns are
out of the ordinary. In comparison to what most people would
normally do in their culture, a person with a personality
disorder feels, thinks, perceives, and relates differently. This
different behavior is usually obvious, either because of its
extremity in nature or lack of extremities. A person suffering
from this kind of condition is capable of working and forming
relationships, but with difficulty.

What is personality disorder?

Personality disorder is the condition where one ’ s overall

personality is affected by his or her thoughts and behavior.
There is a pattern in the behavior that is self-destructive or
dissocial in nature. Its characteristics are not acceptable to most
people. The signs and symptoms begin forming during the
younger years, but only become noticeable later. Signs are often
evident in the workplace, where social interaction and a variety
of other forces are at work, like change, pressure, and criticism.
The signs and symptoms of personality disorders are much
easier to see in this type of environment.

How are personality disorders obtained?

People get conditions like these during their adolescent years,

when experiences are most memorable and influential. Most
mental conditions are obtained during this stage. Personality
disorders develop from adolescence, but come to light or
worsen during adulthood.

The classification of personality disorders is argued over by

most institutions and psychiatric organizations because of their
nature. People with personality disorder may carry the condition
throughout their lives; there is a characteristic that suggests that
untreated or mistreated cases grow steadily worse. People with
personality disorders are also most prone to acquiring other
types of mental illnesses, in addition to suicidal tendencies and
substance abuse.
The Four Clusters /Types of Personality Disorder
(Clusters A & B)

Personality disorders are organized into four clusters. In each

cluster, there are three to four conditions. These conditions also
have subtypes with unique behavioral patterns; however, these
will not be included.

Cluster A

The first cluster, Cluster A Personality Disorder, is made up of

personality disorders that make an individual unable to relate to
others. People with personality disorders in this cluster are
usually defined as “ odd, ” “ strange, ” or “ eccentric. ” They are
described by others as people who seem to have a world of
their own.


Paranoia is a condition where the person is constantly wary of

his or her surroundings. Paranoid individuals generally mistrust
others; some types of paranoid people will take extreme
measures to ensure their safety through preparations like
stockpiling food or weapons in the home. People with this
condition tend to suspect bad things are about to happen;
some of these fears are legitimate, while others are imaginary.
One of the most extreme behaviors of paranoid people is
extensively searching for evidence in their surroundings to
validate their fears or suspicions. They are constantly on the
look-out for signs of danger, scanning for possible escape
routes in case these dangers occur. Paranoid individuals also
tend to have explosive tempers; this is a defense mechanism
that triggers when the individual feels apprehensive.

The causes of paranoia differ for each person. Most cases

develop due to negative feelings, starting from bad parental
models and leading to peer rejection and social insecurity.
There are also genetic contributions to this condition. Some
people with schizophrenia tend to develop paranoia and vice


Often mistaken as schizophrenia, schizoid personality disorder is

more passive in nature and not as prolonged. A person with
schizoid personality disorder is distant, not only emotionally, but
also socially. People with this condition are solitary and
secretive. In addition to that, they are apathetic, even when it
comes to social and romantic relationships. Ironically, these
individuals are passive and inferior. They prefer solace because
they are afraid of emotional intimacy. This disorder is rare, and
some psychologists argue that its diagnosis depends on a place
’ s cultural norms. In some countries, this type of behavior is
acceptable — not necessarily normal, but not far above or below
what is considered “ sane. ”

Negligence during childhood and extremely perfectionist

parenting are the main causes of schizoid personality disorders.
Other causes point to genetic inheritance.


Quite like the schizoid, a person with schizotypal personality

disorder seeks social isolation. He or she may develop odd
behaviors that others see as strange, like dressing up unusually
or talking to themselves. The difference between schizoid and
schizotypal is that the latter has more of an ability to converse
socially, but in an odd manner, which makes it difficult for the
person to form relationships. Schizotypal individuals also usually
have interesting beliefs, such as those in the paranormal field.

Schizotypal traits are usually developed early in childhood.

Negative experiences, such as early separation from the parents,
trauma, and negligence, are major causes. Genetic inheritance is
also a contributor.

Cluster B

Cluster B of personality disorders involves conditions that cause

dramatic and erratic behaviors. People with Cluster B disorders
have difficulty in regulating their emotions. They tend to have
extreme mood swings, become overly dramatic, impulsive, and
generally unpredictable. Their instability is not only visible in
their emotions, but is also evident in the relationships they


Antisocial personality disorder is also known as dissocial

personality disorder. Antisocial individuals are seen by most as
being purposefully juvenile and disruptive. They have no regard
for the rights or personal space of others. Most people with
antisocial personality disorder have criminal records. They seek
to go in the opposite direction of what is accepted as normal.
They are also prone to substance abuse and have a tendency
for violence.

There are many possible causes for a person to become

antisocial. The surroundings, including social influences, play a
heavy role in that. Psychiatrists also consider hormonal
imbalance to be a major contributor.


Borderline personality disorder is among the most well known

personality disorders. The person with this disorder is
characterized as emotionally unstable or emotionally intense.
They can be impulsive or have outbursts during random
situations. Unlike how normal people are, those with borderline
personality disorder are more deeply in tune with their
emotions. They feel more intensely, quicker, and longer than
average, regardless of the situation. They are also noticeably
sensitive to criticism, rejection, abandonment, and neglect.

People with borderline personality have unhealthy relationships.

They put their partners in unpredictable situations, displaying
extreme pleasure or extreme disappointment to their partner.
This personality disorder is characterized by intense mood
swings that are destructive when handled incorrectly.

Borderline individuals are usually depressed and may resort to

self mutilation during extreme emotional episodes. Being easily
swayed by negative emotions coupled with an inability to handle
rejection, they can be suicidal. Conversely, some might handle
rejection differently, becoming manipulative to regain control of
the relationship or loved one. They are especially attached to
their partners when feeling alone or suspecting a lack of
interest, love, or care. Self harm is perceived by the individual
as a means to end the “ feeling. ” Most of the time, borderline
individuals will “ zone out ” and retreat into their thoughts in
an unconscious attempt to block out intense emotions.

It is widely debated as to what the main causes of borderline

personality disorder are. The factors are usually complex for
each patient; some have had experiences of childhood trauma
or suffer from post-traumatic disorder. Others show significant
environmental and social influences.


Histrionics basically have little to no sense of self-worth.

Primarily, they dramatize for attention and seem to be playing
roles most of the time. People with this disorder seek approval
or praise from others, and the way they behave to acquire this
attention is generally inappropriate. As attention seekers,
histrionics can be overly charming, seductive, or very flirtatious.
They crave stimulation and excitement, using manipulative
behavior to achieve it. Their search for stimulation and
excitement usually puts them in situations where they can be
exploited. Since promiscuousness is also a characteristic of
histrionics, the exploitation is repetitive.

Despite a lack of self-worth, histrionic individuals are ironically

very mindful of their appearance and physical presentation.
Oftentimes, there is egocentrism and self indulgence involved.
Apparently, the need for approval is to ensure the survival of
their ego.

Relationships are very unstable and short-lived; there is an

exaggeration of intimacy on the affected person ’ s part. A
mnemonic that is used to easily describe a histrionic is the
phrase “ Praise me, ” which refers to the attention-seeking and
egocentric character of the ill person.
So far, there isn ’ t enough evidence that points to how
histrionic personality disorder develops. Some studies show
similarities in histrionic cases involving extravagance and vanity.
One of the theories of what contributes greatly to histrionic
personality disorder is abnormal lustfulness. In the
psychoanalysis of Freud, this lustfulness is caused by the
conditional love or emotional shallowness of the parents or


Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by exaggerated

self-importance. The name for the disorder is derived from
Greek mythology ’ s Narcissus, who became entranced by his
own beauty (seeing his reflection in the water) and dying
because of it (he never left nor stopped looking at his
reflection). Narcissistic individuals feel that others are envious of
them, but they are also envious of others they perceive as
being better or having more than they do. Selfish, self-centered,
and manipulative, narcissistic individuals are also susceptible to
seek revenge when they feel they are being slighted. This
makes relationships with narcissists impossible to maintain.

They may also display fits of rage or outbursts when ridiculed.

They have the notion that others cannot be more right than
they are. In romantic relationships, people suffering from
narcissistic personality disorder are manipulative and may have
a habit of keeping tabs on who ’ s right and who ’ s wrong.
There is an irrational and unrealistic expectation of praise,
admiration, and attention from others. They also talk a great
deal about themselves, are arrogant, and lack true empathy for
other people.

This personality disorder stems from excessive praises and

admiration from parents and relatives during childhood. Children
who are overvalued and overindulged are most likely to develop
narcissistic personality disorder. Emotional abuse as a child and
experiences of manipulative behavior in parents are also
contributing factors.
The Four Clusters /Types of Personality Disorder
(Clusters C & D)

Cluster C

The third cluster of personality disorders, Cluster C, consists of

conditions that are characterized by fearful and anxious natures.
The main associated behavioral problems are withdrawal from
society and avoidance due to heightened fears and anxiety. The
presence of anxiety and fear is persistent, and the person
suffering from this condition struggles on a regular basis. People
with personality disorders in this cluster are particularly shy or
withdrawn in nature and may have difficulty maintaining close
relationships due to insecurity or anxiety.


Avoidant personality disorder is also known as anxious

personality disorder. People with this condition avoid social
interactions in general and don ’ t deal well with criticism. Unlike
paranoia, avoidant personality disorder is characterized by social
anxiety instead of general anxiety. A person with this condition
has low self esteem and feels that he or she is socially
awkward. The reason for withdrawing from socializing is the
fear of being humiliated or disliked by people. There is a
general feeling of being unwanted, despite the lack of trying to
socialize. Some are not only extremely shy, but have severe
trust issues. Others develop self-loathing and self-criticism due
to constant contemplation.

This condition is developed in both childhood and early

adolescent years. Rejection by peers and public humiliation are
common causes of this condition.


Much like the name suggests, dependent personality disorder

can be characterized by submissiveness and the tendency to
rely on others to handle life in general. People with this
disorder perceive others to be stronger, smarter, and more
adept at handling different situations than them. Regardless of
the ill person ’ s own capabilities or skills, he or she prefers to
let others take the lead, especially in romantic relationships.

The trouble with this condition is that the person afflicted has
no confidence whatsoever that he or she can go on
independently. In this person ’ s perception, it is impossible, if
not extremely unbearable, to have no one to “ care ” for him
to whom he must submit, even to unreasonable demands.
People with this condition often get along with others who are
unpredictable or equally isolated.

As partners, they are meek, very submissive, and have no

individuality. They can be considered as martyrs of the
relationship, serving their partners hand and foot, even
overlooking the abusive qualities of their partner. There is so
much fear of abandonment that those afflicted will do almost
anything to preserve their dependant relationship. This condition
is chronic and can last throughout the person ’ s life if not
treated or confronted. The only viable cause for this condition
is experiencing clinging parental behavior.

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality

This personality disorder is not the same as obsessive

compulsive disorder. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is
a condition in which the person afflicted strives for perfection
and orderliness, while those suffering from obsessive compulsive
disorder see their own ritualistic behavior as undesirable or

People with OCPD (Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder)

have a tendency to be overly concerned with perfection,
orderliness, and control, not only with oneself, but also with
one ’ s environment. They usually have involuntary thoughts
that intrude even during hours of rest, which makes it
impossible for them to be calm or relax. There is always a
need and want for order and predictability, which is why
people with OCPD have difficulty in forming relationships.

While it ’ s true that they can be very responsible and capable

partners, their preference for perfection can drive their partners
away. OCPD individuals greatly fear the unknown, beyond how
an average person does. There is always a fear of new
experiences, situations, and changes. Their uncontrollable
anxieties are internal and involuntary. Oftentimes, this causes
compulsive behaviors, such as excessive body cleaning.

In their minds, excessive cleanliness will prevent them from

health deterioration, and keeping everything organized will
ensure the safety and balance of their mental and emotional
well-being. The reason OCPD falls under Cluster C is due to
their constant feelings of helplessness and powerlessness
regarding a variety of things. The effect of this helplessness is
an attempt to gain control over oneself and one’s environment.
While the attempt is bold and well-meaning, the result is often
unstable and unhealthy. Relationships are shaky because of
mistrust. People with OCPD are also usually serious, miserly,
and doubting, as well as humorless.

Childhood psychological trauma that is triggered by another

negative event in one ’ s life causes OCPD in most people. Such
psychological trauma may include include sexual, physical, and
emotional abuse during childhood. An influential environment
can worsen the condition. Psychiatrists believe that OCPD can
be copied from others who are very close to the individual.
Repetitive and ritualistic behaviors can be learned from others
and incorporated.

Cluster D

Cluster D includes personality disorders that have random

characteristics belonging to two or more of the disorders from
the other three clusters. These types of personality disorders
are difficult to predict, as their symptoms are not as frequent
or obvious when they show. These disorders are usually the
result of only one personality disorder at its worst state, which,
in its extremity, has developed another personality disorder.

For example, borderline personalities have a tendency for

manipulation when feeling unloved or insecure. At the height of
uncontrolled emotions, they have a tendency for paranoia and
even histrionic personality disorder. These disorders are closely
related because of their symptoms: insecurity, distrust, disbelief,
and erratic or uncontrollable emotions .
Signs, Symptoms, and Sub-factors of Mental Illness

The most common signs and symptoms of an impending or

present mental illness are depression, anxiety, paranoia,
insecurity, and withdrawal from society. These are also the
sub-factors that contribute to the development of mental illness
in a person. These symptoms or sub-factors are normally
found in meek people or people with low self esteem, but this
does not imply that they suffer from a mental illness. To be
considered mentally ill, a person’s symptoms must be of above
normal levels, meaning extreme.


Depression is a mood in which a person feels down due to a

certain thought or situation. Prolonged depression or general
depression is one of the common signs and symptoms of
mental illness. Most mentally ill individuals are regularly
depressed or experience loneliness and low self esteem. This
contributes to the development of negative thoughts that can
become involuntary overtime.


People can be anxious about any one thing with good reason.
People who are mentally ill are anxious and have fears without
valid reason, and if there are reasons, they are usually
irrational or exaggerated. They react to the feared object or
situation with such vigor that it ’ s possible they might hurt
others or get hurt themselves.

Their surroundings, and people in their surroundings, are often

disregarded, and the only thing that matters is the need to
escape from their source of fear. In the case of anxiety,
mentally ill people are so anxious that they may experience
insomnia due to constant worrying.


Paranoia is a disorder in itself, and it can be a sign or

symptom of a more serious type of mental illness. Paranoia has
no rational explanation for its fears, as with severe anxiety.
Afflicted individuals will go to any means to avoid the feared
object, or they will experience panic attacks when faced with it.

Withdrawal from Society

In most cultures, loners and anti-social individuals are not

considered abnormal, only unusual. Withdrawal from society as
a symptom of mental illness is usually an intense version of
average lonesomeness. Avoidant people who have difficulty
forming or keeping relationships and are downright antisocial
are most prone to developing personality disorders. Most
personality disorders share social incapability symptoms. The
lack of social interaction gives more space for solace, which,
while beneficial for self reflection, is not good in combination
with depression and anxiety.

Without moral support or social connections, people

experiencing depression and severe anxiety will have no one to
help ease their inner suffering. Solace provides space for
negative thinking, which enhances the overall mood of the
individual, deepening depression and heightening anxiety.

Prevention, Treatment and Overcoming

The best way to overcome mental illness, whether minor or

severe, is to have moral support throughout the duration of
therapy or medication. Since most conditions stem from
negative and traumatic childhood experiences, there is a need
for positive replacement. A person whose memory and thinking
is scarred by negligence, abuse, or maltreatment will most likely
develop undesirable characteristics that can alter his or her
personality. Since life experiences and people are unpredictable,
at some point, an occurrence could trigger the development of
a mental disorder.
Psychopathy Defined

Psychopathy has always been a fascinating subject not only for

psychologists and psychiatrists, but also for many people from
different professions, and even to the regular pedestrian. Law
enforcement officers, forensics experts, and criminologists are
particularly invested in this topic because more often than not,
psychopathy is associated with violent and horrendous crimes. It
has also been the subject of numerous films and novels, both
critically acclaimed and of the two-bit gore variety.

However, the creative license that many writers and directors

have taken on this subject has blurred the lines between reality
and myth when it comes to psychopaths and psychopathy in
general. Nowadays, people tend to use the term psychopath to
refer to almost all criminals who have committed crimes like
rape and murder. This misconception cannot be more wrong.
Cultural Grounding: Views and Myths about Psychopathy

You ’ ve heard everything about psychopaths. They are on the

news and in the movies, and you ’ re scared to death of them
because they ’ re mad as hatters and crazy as hell. They don ’
t think the same way as regular people, and they thrive on
inflicting pain and torture on others: a serial killer on the loose
who enjoys toying with his victims before killing them; a rapist
who mutilates his victims before having sex with them; a
deranged teenager who takes a shotgun and shoots everyone
in sight; a cannibal who relishes writing the details of his
exploits to the families of his victims.

Because of the sensationalism of the media, psychopathy has

become a widely-feared and often misunderstood psychological
disorder. The term has been used too loosely to refer to
people who ’ ve committed heinous crimes, when in fact,
psychologists have constructed a set of criteria and diagnostic
tools specifically used to diagnose psychopathy.

When you think about it, there are a lot of misconceptions and
myths about psychopathy in society, including the following:

Psychopathy means violence . Many people believe that all

psychopaths are aggressive individuals with violent tendencies,
and that all of them are criminals capable of committing
horrendous crimes. While it is true that a fraction of
imprisoned criminals have shown symptoms of psychopathy,
research suggests that most psychopaths walk freely among “
normal ” people.

Psychopathy means psychosis . Most people seem to think that

all psychopaths are insane. This view is only reinforced by
fictional psychopaths in popular culture, such as Batman ’ s
nemesis, The Joker, and the cannibal Hannibal.

Psychopathy has no cure . People who suffer from this

condition are believed to be hopeless cases, and that there is
no way to change their views and ways of thinking.
Not only are these ideas mostly wrong, they also contribute to
the widespread public hysteria regarding psychopathic criminals
and the supposed dangers that they pose to mankind.
Throughout this book, we will slowly debunk each of these
myths to create a more rational view of psychopathy and to
form a clearer understanding of this condition.
The Truth about Psychopathy: Facts and Figures

The term psychopathy was coined in 1941 by a psychiatrist

named Hervey M. Cleckley to describe specific traits and
behavioral patterns. In a nutshell, psychopaths are said to be
charming and seemingly normal at first — but they have an
underlying callousness and egoism that make them capable of
doing hurtful things simply for the sake of fun and enjoyment.
All they care about is their personal well-being, and they don ’ t
mind lying or doing whatever it takes to get what they want.

Psychopaths are highly rational, but they are known to be

undependable and irresponsible because they don ’ t exhibit
regular human emotions like empathy, guilt, or even love. They
are very impulsive, and when things go wrong in their plans,
they ’ ll find someone else to take the blame for them. They
don ’ t listen to the words of other people and will continue
head-on with their own plans.

Psychopaths are easily lured into criminal activity when they

think they will be able to get away with it. Calculating, devious,
and controlling, psychopaths are very dangerous when crossed.
Psychopaths make up roughly 1% of the global population, and
studies suggest that the majority of them are male.

It is true that many criminals can be considered psychopaths —

one study suggests that an estimated 25%, or 1 out of 4
criminals in jail meet the diagnostic criteria for psychopathy. But
these criminals are surely not the only psychopaths that walk
the earth, are they?

In fact, most psychopaths are not criminals— and one might

even be close to you. If not for their tendency to develop
erratic and impulsive behaviors, a lot of psychopaths would be
successful in their careers.

That being said, psychopaths tend to find high-flying and

glamorous jobs more appealing than regular ones since having
an impressive job strokes their egos. Corporate CEO-ship,
lawmaking and enforcement, politics, clergy, and media practice
are all potentially attractive job prospects for a psychopath.
Characteristics and Traits of a Psychopath

Psychiatrists and psychologists alike have come up with several

diagnostic instruments to gauge psychopathy. Cleckley himself
has devised a list of traits often displayed by psychopaths. A
Canadian psychologist, Robert Hare, also created the
Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), a popular 20-question
checklist used to diagnose the incidence of psychopathy.

There is a general consensus among these diagnostic

instruments about the common traits of a psychopath. The list
includes the following traits, tendencies, and behavioral patterns.
Some dominant behavioral patterns will be discussed in further
detail in another chapter of this book.

Charm and intelligence: Psychopaths are smooth talkers, and

they easily turn on a superficial kind of charm that leaves a
false good impression on the people they meet. They are very
verbose, and you ’ d never find one who gets tongue-tied or
shy around other people.

Egocentrism/Narcissism: In a psychopath ’ s way of thinking,

the world revolves around them. Everything has to be about
them: their needs, their wants, their desires. Anything else
beyond that doesn ’ t exist for them.

Pathological lying: At the very least, a psychopath may simply

be cunning, shrewd, or clever. At the most, psychopaths have
a tendency to carry out full-blown deceptions and manipulating
others for their own interests. They can be underhanded, and
because of their shallowness, they are without scruples in their
deception tactics.

Easily bored, needing constant stimulation: Psychopaths are

thrill-seekers. They thrive on excitement and danger. They love
taking risks and tend to get bored with routine. This is why
most psychopaths find it difficult to hold on to jobs and end
up drifting on the fringes of society.

Manipulation and conning: Once they ’ re sure that they can

get away with it, psychopaths tend to use their deception
techniques to control other people for personal gain. Cheating
and fraudulent activities may be typical fare for a manipulative

Guiltless and remorseless: Psychopaths don ’ t feel any twinges

of conscience for what they have done, because they have no
value judgment abilities, and a warped sense of right and
wrong. The only emotion they may display towards other
people (or their victims) is disdain.

Callousness/No empathy: Psychopaths tend to be generally

cold-hearted and unable to connect emotionally to other people.
They don ’ t feel concern or empathy regarding the damages
they may have inflicted on other people, and they never feel a
sense of loss. Psychopaths are often inconsiderate of other
people ’ s needs, and can be ruthless and tactless.

Shallow emotions and an inability to feel (especially love): A

psychopath technically isn ’ t a robot devoid of emotions, but he
’ s close to one. He doesn ’ t feel things the way “ normal ”
people do. Although he might appear gregarious and even
affectionate, his range of feelings and emotions is limited to the
point of being nonexistent.

Poor or no temper control: Psychopaths often have anger

management issues and violent tendencies precisely because
they cannot control their behavior and expressions. They easily
show signs of annoyance, anger, irritation, and impatience with
other people, sometimes even with explosive and dangerous
bouts of threatening and verbal and physical abuse.

Predatory/Parasitic: Psychopaths feed on other people. Because

they often have unstable lives and careers, they intentionally
find someone to manipulate to do their bidding. Instead of
working to support themselves, they choose to use someone
else to ensure their financial security. They can ’ t hold regular
jobs because they are looking for something grander (and
more exciting) for themselves.

Sexual promiscuity: Psychopaths are almost mechanical when it

comes to sex and relationships. They are impersonal and often
cold to their partners ; to psychopaths, each partner is just
another conquest and ego booster. They have multiple partners
in their lifetimes, and they don ’ t really feel love or affection
for any of them.

Impulsiveness: Psychopaths are very easy to distract, which is

why they never hold on to long-term goals in life. Once they
are gripped with an idea, a frustration or desire to do
something, they throw all caution to the wind and proceed
spontaneously to get what they want.

Never taking responsibility: When things go wrong in their

plans, psychopaths never take the blame. It ’ s always someone
else ’ s fault, and they make sure everybody knows it.

Fantastical view of self and life: Psychopaths always feel that

they are “ special ” and that there are great things in store for
them. They may suffer grandiose delusions about their
self-worth, that they are kings or queens on their own private
universe. They feel that they deserve only the best of
everything — they won ’ t settle for anything less, and they will
do everything in their power to get what they want.

Seeking gratification and reward: There ’ s nothing that matters

more to a psychopath than personal gains and gratification, be
it a desire for revenge against people who crossed him or a
desire for monetary gain from his exploits.

Suicidal tendencies, often premeditated: Psychopaths often have

a history of suicide attempts, not out of depression or low
self-esteem, but probably as a way to seek attention or as a
result of curiosity about how suicide works. Some may even
use suicide threats to manipulate others (but they won ’ t really
make good on their threats).

Unreliable: You can ’ t expect consistency from a psychopath;

they have a tendency to miss even the most lenient deadlines.
They forget to pay bills on time, skip out on meetings, and fail
to show up to pre-arranged events. They ’ re easily lured into
doing things based on a whim, and they easily cave in to
temptation. They ’ re easily frustrated, which is why they rarely
finish any projects or see anything through to its conclusion.
Lacking good sense and judgment: Psychopaths never learn
from their mistakes. They insist on doing things their own way,
even if their way has been proven to be wrong.

No long-term plans: Psychopaths are drifters with no definite

plans for the future. They are unable to make lasting and
long-term goals about what they plan to do with their lives,
and thus frequently end up living nomadic lifestyles.

Jack of all crimes: Psychopaths are drawn to trying different

criminal activities just to prove they can. This selection might
range from simple crimes to complex and more heinous ones
— theft or fraud to rape and murder.

Childhood and juvenile delinquency: Psychopathy may manifest

itself as early as childhood. Children who had cases of extreme
misbehavior, including theft, bullying, substance use and abuse,
and vandalism are most likely to become psychopaths in the
future. Teenagers who have been involved in any form of
crime are also more prone to develop psychopathy, assuming
they are not already suffering from the condition.
Psychopathy vs. Psychosis

Psychopaths are not the same as people who suffer from

psychosis, neurosis, or psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia
and other disorders with which fantasies and hallucinations are
common. In fact, psychopaths usually have highly rational
thought processes until the impulse to do something outrageous
hits them.

Psychopaths don ’ t have bouts of delusions or hallucinations

wherein they can ’ t distinguish reality from fantasy. They don ’ t
suffer from paranoia or any other psychiatric conditions
(although, their bloated self-importance and egos may indicate a
loss of touch with reality).

Just for Fun: The Psychopath Test — Are you one of them?

Here are the 20 traits of psychopathy according to the Hare

PCL-R criteria. Give yourself a score of 0 if the characteristic
does not apply to you at all, 1 if it slightly describes you, and
2 if it describes you perfectly.

Superficial charm – Are you a smooth-talker? Do you enjoy

speaking in crowds, never getting tongue-tied or self-conscious?
Do you speak your mind, no matter how it may affect others?

Rating: _______

Tremendous self-worth – Do you see yourself as very

important? Do you believe you are superior above all other
human beings? Have any of your friends (if you have any)
told you that you ’ re a tad too opinionated and overconfident
at times?

Rating: _______

Tendency towards boredom – Do you hate routine? Do you

crave excitement, taking risks, and doing dangerous tasks? Do
you hate tedious tasks and often abandon projects mid-way
because you ’ ve lost interest in them?

Rating: _______

Pathological lying – Do you think you ’ re clever or shrewd?

Do you possess a great deal of intelligence? Have you, in any
instance, used your cleverness to deceive and control other

Rating: _______

Conning and manipulation – Do you use your skills of

manipulation in order to cheat or exploit other people for
personal gain? Have you ever been involved in or considered
engaging in any form of fraudulent activity?

Rating: _______

Remorselessness – Do you feel nothing about the people that

you ’ ve hurt or caused to suffer because of your schemes? Do
you not sympathize with other people who have had bad
things happen to them? Do you think anyone who ’ s stupid
enough to become your victim only deserves what they get?

Rating: _______

Shallow emotions – Do you often wonder what the fuss is all

about when it comes to love and relationships? Have you
never felt in love with someone, not even a modicum of
affection? Do you hide your coldness and disconnect from
others by maintaining a gregarious fa ç ade?

Rating: _______

Un-empathic and callous – Do you feel nothing about other

people at all? Do you regard them all as useless unless you
have a need for them? Do you not mind saying hurtful words
to other people? Do you not consider the feelings of other
people before you say or do something?

Rating: _______
Parasitic tendency – Do you prefer to live off others ’ works
instead of doing hard work yourself? Do you intentionally
manipulate others so that you can freeload off their
hard-earned financial security? Would you rather get easy
money from someone else than tax yourself in your career?

Rating: _______

Short temper – Are you easily annoyed or angered by the

slightest mishap? Do you tend to show your anger or
impatience easily? Do you resort to threats or even verbal and
physical abuse when something or someone displeases you?

Rating: _______

Promiscuity – Have you had a lot of sexual partners? Have

you ever maintained multiple relationships at the same time?
Do you treat your partners coldly and almost impersonally, and
regard sex only as a means to boost your ego?

Rating: _______

Aimlessness – Do you find it hard to develop long-term goals

for yourself? Or, do you make plans but fail to follow through
on them?

Rating: _______

Impulsivity – Do you tend to do things depending on your

moods and whims? Are you easily tempted to try something
that interests you and then plunge ahead without making any
plans? Are you easily frustrated when things don ’ t go your

Rating: _______

Childhood misbehavior – When you were a child, did you

frequently get in trouble because of different misbehavior, such
as lying, thievery, bullying, or vandalism? Have you ever run
away from your home and family?

Rating: _______
Juvenile delinquency – When you were a teenager, did you
have a record of criminal activity (convicted or otherwise)? Did
you manipulate or bully other people, or engage in more
serious crimes in your youth?

Rating: _______

Irresponsibility – Do you perpetually fail to keep your word

and honor your promises to other people? Do you fail to meet
deadlines and adhere to schedules simply because you can ’ t
push yourself to care about them?

Rating: _______

Laying blame on others – When things go wrong, do you

have the tendency to immediately point a finger at other
people? Do you think that your decisions are always right? Are
you always on the defensive when people point out your
mistakes? When you get blamed for something, do you
respond by launching an antagonistic tirade that points the
blame in an entirely new direction?

Rating: _______

Multiple failed marriages – Have you been married and

divorced numerous times, or do you at least have several failed
long-term relationships? Have your relationships failed because
you couldn ’ t commit to your partner long enough, and you
ended up getting bored halfway through the relationship?

Rating: _______

Multiple crimes – Have you been engaged in different types of

crimes? Do you pride yourself on your criminal activities? Have
you committed any crimes that you got away with?

Rating: _______

Revocation of parole – Have you been in and out of jail

numerous times? Have you reverted to criminal behavior, which
resulted in the revocation of your parole?
Rating: _______

Scoring and Diagnostics

So, are you a psychopath or not? Psychopaths usually score

30 or above in the Hare-PCL-R diagnostic test, with 40 being
the “ perfect ” stereotypical psychopath, while a “ normal ”
individual with no psychopathic tendencies at all will score 5 or
less. Non-psychopathic individuals with criminal backgrounds will
likely have scores of around 22 and above, but no more than

Another diagnostic tool is Cleckley ’ s clinical profile for

psychopathy, but the Hare PCL-R is the more widely used tool
Personality Disorders and Psychopathy

Although psychopathy is not generally associated with psychosis

or neurotic disorders, it is in fact considered to be the result of
a personality disorder known as Anti-Social Personality Disorder,
or APSD .

One of the tools for measuring and diagnosing APSD is the

American Psychiatric Association (or APA ’ s) Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which helped
create a common vocabulary and understanding of different
psychological conditions and disorders.

However, diagnoses can be extremely difficult because of the

inherent traits and behavioral patterns associated with
psychopathy and APSD.

People with APSD are very good at deception; they usually

appear normal at first glance. Some may lead double lives in
order to satisfy their innate psychopathic tendencies while
maintaining a semblance of respectability and social acclaim on
the surface.

Because psychopathy is difficult to diagnose but often subject to

public scrutiny, it ’ s actually often confused with other
personality disorders with which it shares similar symptoms and
characteristics, like Narcissistic Personality Disorder and
Histrionic Personality Disorder.
Personality Disorders Associated with Psychopathy

Although APSD is the primary disorder that is linked with

psychopathy, psychopathic individuals often also exhibit certain
traits and characteristics exhibited by people who suffer from
other personality disorders.

Known psychopaths often suffer from multiple personality

disorders, which results in heightened psychopathic tendencies
and antisocial behavior. There are also some disorders that
may share similarities with APSD but are totally different from
psychopathy, such as Borderline Personality Disorder.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) refers to a mental

condition wherein a person becomes excessively obsessed with
him or herself in terms of physical looks, social prestige, and
power, among other areas.

People afflicted with NPD usually suffer from grand delusions

about their personal strengths, and because they hold
themselves in high regard, they are also terribly ignorant of
their shortcomings. They secretly envy others while harboring
the illusion that others envy them.

Other terms for NPD are egocentrism and megalomania. People

with NPD are in constant need of being praised and admired
by others, but don ’ t have the capacity to feel empathy for

Symptoms of NPD include arrogance, expectations of recognition

and constant attention from other people, as well as delusions
of grandeur about being extremely successful, intelligent,
attractive, or powerful. NPD individuals also lack the ability to
empathize with other people.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is often confused with

psychopathy because both conditions cause individuals to
behave impulsively and recklessly. However, whereas the
psychopath suffers from emotional poverty, a person with BPD
does things impulsively precisely because he or she is extremely
emotionally sensitive to the stimulus and people around him or

People who commit crimes of passion and revenge may be

suffering from BPD, but they are not considered to be

Psychopaths may experience any of these disorders alongside

ASPD, in addition to other anxiety disorders, depressive
disorders, and even substance abuse. Having multiple disorders
usually amplifies the psychopathic traits and characteristics of a
psychopathic individual.

Histrionic Personality Disorder is an attention-seeking disorder

that is usually driven by low self-esteem. People with HPD often
engage in risqu é behavior and seek constant approval. They
are also extremely sensitive to negative comments and criticism
from other people.

HPD is similar to psychopathy in terms of seeking attention,

apparent egoism, risky decision-making, deception, and easy
frustration. Those with HPD are also socially successful and
tend to use their social skills to manipulate others. The gross
difference between HPD and psychopathy is that people with
HPD are very emotional, which is in fact the driving force
behind their attention-seeking behavior.

Of all psychological disorder s, ASPD is the one most commonly

linked to psychopathy. It is distinguishable from all other
disorders because its symptoms mostly match the criteria for
psychopathy as outlined by Cleckley himself.

ASPD Definition

ASPD (also known as Dissocial Personality Disorder) refers to a

personality disorder wherein an individual repeatedly engages in
antisocial behavior without any regard for other people ’ s rights
and general welfare. People with ASPD often have poor senses
of morality and affection, as well as a long history of aggressive
and criminal behavior, sometimes beginning from childhood.

Under the APA-DSM 4 th edition, ASPD is clustered with other

personality disorders characterized by erratic behavioral patterns
(Axis II-Cluster B).

ASPD Symptoms

The APA bases its diagnosis of ASPD on the following

behaviors and characteristics:

1.) Constant disregard for social norms and the violation of

legal rights of others, usually dating back to teenage years

2.) Habitual or pathological lying, to the point of deceiving

others for personal gain

3.) Always acting upon impulse and having the inability to

make any plans for the future

4.) Aggression and quick temper, manifested in frequent cases

of engaging in physical brawls or assaults against other people

5.) Perpetual failure to honor promises and obligations

6.) Lack of empathy for others and an inability to feel remorse

for antisocial behavior which has harmed other people —
sometimes even defending antisocial acts by rationalizing them

ASPD is only diagnosed in people of legal age (over 18 years),

although experts usually look for early symptoms such as
perpetual misbehavior during childhood. Experts also rule out
other psychotic disorders by ensuring that episodes of antisocial
behavior occur when the patient is in a rational state and not
during bouts of hallucinations associated with schizophrenia or
manic-depressive episodes.

ASPD and Psychopathy

Although ASPD is often linked to the diagnosis of psychopathy,

there remains a controversy among psychological experts
regarding the correlation of these two conditions.

Some experts argue that these conditions are synonymous to

each other, but some say that they are different because they
are diagnosed differently (the Hare PCL-R for psychopathy and
the APA DSM-IV for ASPD). ASPD diagnoses focus more on
behavioral patterns, while in diagnosing psychopathy, an
individual’ s self-perception and the subjective judgment of one ’
s traits are relied upon.

For the purposes of this book, we will refer to ASPD and

psychopathy as similar concepts, often used in conjunction with
each other. These terms are often used interchangeably, and in
court cases, both are used to countercheck any related

ASPD Subtypes

Another component of diagnosing ASPD is categorization. Given

the surrounding controversies regarding psychopathy and ASPD,
another expert, Thomas Millon, devised several subtypes to
classify ASPD patients according to their dominant behavioral
tendencies or patterns.

Nomadic ASPD: Nomadic ASPD patients have dominant

avoidant and schizoid traits; they often feel that their lives are
comprised of nothing but a streak of bad luck. These are the
drifter psychopaths who live on the fringes of society as
vagrants, misfits, school dropouts, and tramps. These people are
generally malevolent and suspicious of other people.

Malevolent ASPD: Possibly one of the most dangerous subtypes,

psychopaths who fall into this category have dominant
tendencies related to sadism and paranoia. They are vicious
and belligerent by nature, with short tempers and a thirst for
revenge. They don ’ t feel guilt or fear, and they are very
suspicious of all people in general, even their friends and family.
These psychopaths often expect to be betrayed by others. They
tend to lash out through extremely violent and vicious acts.

Covetous/Psychopathic ASPD: This is one subtype of APSD that

exhibits a somewhat “ pure ” form of psychopathy, because
people who fall into this subtype are often motivated to commit
crimes due to greed or envy of other people ’ s possessions
and good fortune. They feel deprived and are always
discontented with what they have — they take more pleasure in
taking something away from others rather than the actual act
of possession.

Risk-taking ASPD: Psychopaths who fall into this subtype

display traits related to HPD, which makes them crave danger
and do things impulsively. Fearless and reckless, these
individuals mostly commit crimes for the sake of thrills and the
excitement of getting caught.

Narcissistic ASPD: These psychopaths are self-centered

individuals who usually lead respectable lives on the surface.
Some of them are even leaders of the community,
highly-regarded and respected in their careers. They commit
psychopathic crimes in secret, and when discovered, their first
impulse is to defend their reputations. Their inherent need to
be considered formidable and invincible is their most dominant
behavior characteristic.

ASPD Causes

As with other psychological conditions, ASPD is often the result

of a confluence of factors, both genetic/biological and
psycho-social. Psychological experts claim that genetics is the
primary factor in play with psychopathy, although traumatic
events may be the triggers.

Neuro-scientists also claim that there is a direct correlation

between the incidence of ASPD and lowered serotonin levels.
Serotonin is a feel-good hormone released from the human
brain that is responsible for intensifying feelings of happiness
and other emotional highs.

According to experts, the malformation of certain parts of the

brain as well as the physical effects of alcoholism and substance
abuse are also possible factors. Traumatic brain injury is also
related to some extent, since this can affect a person ’ s ability
to understand and follow moral and social norms.

However, psychologists also stress the importance of

socio-cultural factors in increasing the chances of developing
ASPD or psychopathy. Children may be affected by parents
who exhibit psychopathic traits themselves, as well as by how
the surrounding communities view and respond to misbehavior
in children and teenagers.

ASPD Therapy and Treatment

One common misconception about ASPD and psychopathy is

that they cannot be treated. While it is true that ASPD is
difficult to treat, it is not impossible; recent groundbreaking
Dutch research suggests that some psychopaths are not
completely devoid of emotions — they are just able to turn their
emotions on and off at whim.

What makes therapy especially difficult for psychopaths is their

inability to feel remorse and guilt; because they don ’ t feel
empathy, they also don ’ t understand the costs of their
antisocial behavior for their victims. In some cases, psychopaths
even simulate expressions of remorse just to make it appear
that the therapy is working.

Treatment is still possible with the proper care and

administration of a professional, but an external force is
required to ensure that the psychopath adheres to routine
therapy. Psychopaths won ’ t be motivated to undergo therapy
voluntarily because they don ’ t see any way they can gain
from it.

Empathy and Psychopathy

This is the most telling and basic symptom of psychopathy:

shallowness of emotion or a complete lack of emotions, a cold
disdain and disregard for other people, including their rights,
welfare, and interests.

Whether it ’ s genetic or as a result of an abusive childhood, all

psychopaths have no capacity to feel love for others or to feel
any form of affection. Some might understand social norms
and definitions of emotions enough to simulate them — but
often this understanding is used and abused to manipulate and
control others.

Psychopaths don ’ t feel remorse for their actions either,

because they ’ ve never experienced a sense of loss themselves.
This is why many convicted serial killers never show any signs
of guilt or remorse even to the very end, and their only
regrets are usually self-centered ones about being caught or
having destroyed their reputations.

Narcissism and Psychopathy

Not all psychopaths are dominantly narcissistic, but most exhibit

a substantial amount of megalomania. They are too
self-absorbed in their wants, needs and desires, often to the
point that they manage to construct fantastical views of
themselves and their accomplishments. Often, narcissism comes
into the fore during the actual performance of antisocial acts
(such as murder).

Fear and Psychopathy

Psychopaths are reckless and impulsive because they do not

feel fear, even in the face of death. However, they do
understand the concept of fear, and they often put it to use to
humiliate and debase their victims.

Fear is one of the best tools of a psychopath, along with pain,

and many cultural references and overhyped images of
psychopathy in the media only work to the advantage of

Anger and Psychopathy

There is some debate whether psychopaths are able to

experience anger. Although many psychopaths may have short
tempers and poor behavioral controls, experts suggest that
criminal psychopaths don ’ t really feel anger during their worst

However, they believe that psychopaths do have feelings of

repressed anger, which manifest in the acts of violence that
they commit, whether consciously or not.

Violence and Psychopathy

Psychopathy almost always leads to some form of violence,

whether physical, verbal, or worse. This is the only language
that the worst psychopaths understand and enjoy: making
other people submit to their whims through acts of violence.

For them, violence may be an empowering act, or it may be a

manifestation of their subconscious need to seek revenge
against someone who has hurt or offended them in the past.
Crime and Psychopaths

Not all psychopaths are criminals, and not all criminals are
psychopaths. However, psychopaths are more prone to
becoming criminals when they are given opportunities where
they can get away with crimes. Their manipulative skills and
charming exteriors make all psychopaths the most dangerous
kind of criminals and potential criminals.
Criminal Minds Explained

Research suggests that there are some neurological bases for

psychopathy. In a controlled clinical study of a group of
convicted psychopaths and another group of ordinary
individuals, brain scans showed that the former had a smaller
middle-frontal and orbital-frontal gyri compared to the control

Researchers also discovered that many psychopaths had

deformities in the amygdala, the portion of the brain associated
with emotions. This explains why true psychopaths are
incapable of feeling emotions like empathy, guilt, and love.

Aside from neurological factors, early childhood experiences,

adult models, and criminal imprisonment are all possible
situations that might trigger or aggravate an individual’ s
psychopathic tendencies.
Childhood Maldevelopment

Experts suggest that psychopaths are incapable of forming

lasting attachments and instead create only superficial
power-play relationships (often sadomasochistic in nature)
wherein they have control over their partners. This can be
rooted back to their early childhood, often as a result of having
an abusive and aggressive parent or guardian as a role model.

Psychologists explain that eventually, a psychopathic child

experiences a split into two personas: the vulnerable child
subjected to abuse, and the external personality that serves as
armored protection the inner child. Because the child thinks
that any interaction with his environment will be painful, he
chooses to isolate himself inside and views everyone else as a
potential threat to his safety and security.
The Teen Psychopath

Once a child reaches teenage years without a change in the

negative factors in his environment, the threat that he will
develop into a psychopath in adulthood multiplies tenfold.

An abused child may become exposed to the wrong kind of

peers when he reaches his teens, or he may become even
more isolated and misunderstood. In either case, the
psychopathic tendencies that began to take root during
childhood may intensify, and the adolescent will soon move on
to more serious acts of cruelty and callousness.

Juvenile delinquency is the next step down the road for a

psychopath in the making. Whether they get caught or not,
psychopaths usually have a history of criminal activities during
their teenage years: vandalism, bullying, animal cruelty, alcohol
use, and even cases of arson and other serious offences.
The Full-Grown Psychopath

A full-grown psychopath is a force to be reckoned with.

Although not all psychopaths are a danger to society, many of
them are in fact dangerous when crossed, even ones that are
not criminally inclined.

Psychopaths view potential victims not as people, but as mere

symbols and representations of something that they desire and
wish to own. Some psychopathic criminals tend to go into a
haze during their acts of violence. They do not feel anger
towards their victims, but it is the obvious message
communicated by the horrific acts they commit, whether or not
they are aware of it.

Some psychopaths also undergo episodes of hallucinations while

partaking in antisocial acts. They are often drawn into images
of mythical heroes and imagine themselves as such during their
most horrendous crimes.

Although all convicted psychopathic criminals undergo therapy

sessions in exchange for parole, some experts say that there
are psychopaths who are beyond redemption. These are the
ones who can carry out an entire plot of deception by reading
books on psychology and psychopathy and using their
newfound knowledge to manipulate the people who are
handling their therapy sessions into believing that they have
been treated.

Some psychopaths even go so far as to pretend to have

another mental disorder that is more prone to eliciting
sympathy (such as schizophrenia and other disorders related to
psychosis) just to avoid being diagnosed with ASPD or

In fact, some of the worst psychopaths have been cleared

several times for parole, only to revert to their criminal acts
and be caught again. They charm and talk their way out of
prison, only to go back to their criminal behavior. Some even
plead criminal insanity and psychosis just to get away from
taking responsibility for their actions.
Criminal Profiling: Regular Criminals vs. Psychopaths

In the previous chapters, we covered the different tools used

by psychiatric experts and criminologists to diagnose
psychopathy in convicted criminals. For two-bit criminals whose
only claims to fame are fraudulent acts and conning, finding
the psychopathic diagnosis doesn ’ t seem so important, but
when it comes to those who have committed heinous acts, it is

A diagnosis of psychopathy can cause complications in the

legalities of the criminal judicial process, especially when
horrendous crimes are involved. There are three primary types
of psychopathic criminals who fall into the category of the
worst kinds of criminals in existence:

Serial killers are psychopaths who often target victims of a

specific demographic (female/male, of a certain age, or physical
appearance), assault them sexually, and torture or beat them to
death. Some serial killers, like Ted Bundy, also commit
perverted sexual acts like necrophilia, as a final debasement and
humiliation of their victims. Serial killers are often sadists who
have morbid fantasies and a compulsion to kill.

Mass murderers are psychopaths who seem normal, but one

day, they snap and kill a large number of people at once. One
of the more recent examples of this is the teenager responsible
for the Virginia Tech massacre.

Spree killers are psychopaths who kill different people in

numerous locations in a matter of hours, days, or weeks.
There is always at least one similarity in the way the victims
are killed, almost as if the psychopath wants to leave clues to
help authorities discover his identity.
World’s Worst Historic Psychopaths

Again, not all psychopaths are criminals, but the most notorious
and fascinating psychopaths often are criminals. The rest of the
pack does not attract the attention of ordinary,
non-psychopathic people, because they keep a low profile. The
only fascination you might have with unidentified psychopaths is
the possibility that you actually are acquainted with one.

So, as a final offering, this chapter presents the worst

psychopaths that have ever walked the earth, along with a brief
profile and list of horrendous crimes.

Albert Fish: If you ’ ve watched Silence of the Lambs, then you

’ re probably acquainted with Hannibal Lecter. Albert Fish is the
real version of Hannibal Lecter, only much worse, and very
much twisted. He is also known throughout history as the
Gray Man, the Brooklyn Vampire, and the Werewolf of

Albert Fish was a cannibal, serial killer, and child molester. His
favorite victims were young children of both sexes, whom he
enticed to come with him by offering treats to them. He would
molest them first, then kill them and dismember them before
eating them.

To add insult to injury, Fish ’ s signature act was to send

letters to the families of his child victims, detailing how he
molested, killed, and ate them. Fish had about a dozen other
sexual perversions aside from cannibalism, including coprophilia
(arousal from eating fecal matter) and necrophilia.

Fish was ruled to have been criminally insane, supposedly due

to genetic anomalies, as his parents were close relatives of each
other. He was sentenced to electrocution, a prospect which
actually fascinated him to the end.

Jack the Ripper: The case of Jack the Ripper case is probably
one of the world ’ s greatest unsolved criminal cases. Jack the
Ripper was an anonymous serial killer who preyed upon the
prostitutes of London in the late 1800s. His signature method
of killing was to slit the throats of his victims, thus earning him
the moniker Jack the Ripper.

There are many conspiracy theories linking Jack the Ripper to

other psychopathic criminals during that time, but there was
never enough evidence to link him to anyone of them.

Adolf Hitler: There have been some studies that suggest the
correlation of psychopathy with people in high levels of
authority in government. Adolf Hitler is one of the glaring
examples that can be used to support this claim. Hitler is best
known for megalomania, which was inherent in his belief that
the German race is superior to others. He is also responsible
for the genocide of many Jews who lived in Germany and
other countries during his rule, as well as inhumane
concentration camps and other forms of torture.

John Wayne Gacy Jr., the Killer Clown: John Wayne Gacy Jr.
was a convicted serial rapist and murderer of men and young
boys. He was responsible for the deaths of no less than 33
people in between 1972 and 1978. The nickname “ Killer Clown
” comes from his occupation as a clown entertainer in children
’ s parties.

Jeffrey Dahmer, the Milwaukee Cannibal: In a span of almost

two decades, from 1978 to 1991, Jeffrey Dahmer murdered at
least 20 men. But that ’ s not the most heinous of his crimes:
he had an occult obsession with the corpses of his victims. He
was caught because his apartment began to smell of rotting
flesh, and authorities soon discovered severed heads and
corpses inside his fridge and in large containers. There was
proof that he had sex with his victims ’ corpses and that he
also engaged in cannibalism.

He was convicted to 15 life sentences, but his time was cut

short when he was beaten to death by a fellow inmate in
Psychopaths vs. Sociopaths

Another modern term for psychopath is sociopath, but experts

say there is a distinct difference between individuals who fall on
these two categories. Ordinary people often use these terms
interchangeably, but similar to the case of ASPD and
psychopathy, there is some dispute regarding the synonymity of
these two terms.

Some experts claim that sociopathy and psychopathy are two

different strands (or subtypes) of APSD, with major differences
in terms of dominant behavioural traits and patterns. Also, while
psychopathy is said to be caused primarily by genetic factors,
sociopathy is said to be the result of psycho-social and
environmental ones.

Following this line of argument, here is a clarification of the

subtle but distinct differences between these two conditions.
Delineating Psychopaths and Sociopaths

Psychopaths are those people who are said to be born with

genetic anomalies or maldeveloped parts of their central nervous
system. This results to a heightened impulsivity and
recklessness, as well as emotional poverty and inability to
process socially accepted norms and behaviour.

In contrast, sociopaths are people who have normal biological

makeup but still exhibit psychopathic/antisocial behavioural
patterns. These individuals tend to develop ASPD more as a
result of negative psycho-social factors in their environment,
including but not limited to familial neglect, choosing the
“wrong” kinds of friends, and poverty or social standing.

For psychiatrists, these two strands of ASPD are more or less

the same, and often psychopaths and sociopaths are subject to
similar therapy and treatment. However, in the field of
criminology and law and order, experts choose to distinguish
between the two and have different ways of handling them.

According to criminologists, a psychopath is highly impulsive

and without conscience, while sociopaths are not necessarily
always impulsive. Psychopaths are also more erratic and difficult
to second-guess, while a sociopath exhibits strong controls over
their behaviour.

Psychopaths often get caught because of their impulsivity and

recklessness—they tend to leave clues behind after they commit
a crime (both intentionally or oversight). On the other hand,
sociopaths are very crafty when it comes to pre-meditated
crimes—they only take risks when the chances are high that
they won’t get caught. They cover their tracks to avoid being

Psychopaths are more known for excessively impulsive criminal

tendencies. They are opportunistic criminals, which mean that
they will strike whenever there is a chance to cheat, con, or
victimize other people, often without a second thought to the
possible risks. This is contradictory for the cautious sociopath,
who only strikes in a situation or environment where he can
be in control. In some cases, sociopaths can even plan to
commit crimes years ahead, carefully laying out their plans for
a particular target.

In terms of relationships, psychopaths are those who don’t

seem able to commit to long-term relationships, as evidenced
by their numerous failed marriages or partnerships of any sort.
Sociopaths, meanwhile, try to maintain a façade of normalcy
when it comes to relationships. In fact, sociopaths often use
their mask of affluence to prey on unsuspecting victims.

Sociopaths are able to maintain stable careers, because they are

highly-organized individuals as opposed to the clutter-brained,
easily distractible psychopath. In some ways, sociopaths have a
level of understanding when it comes to human affections and
emotions, they just don’t have the capacity to feel and
experience them firsthand.

Lastly, psychopaths are highly violent, while sociopaths are not

necessarily predisposed to commit violent acts.
Similarities of Psychopaths and Sociopaths

Despite their distinct differences, there are also numerous

similarities in terms of behavioural tendencies between
psychopaths and sociopaths. For one, they both don’t care
anything at all about the welfare and rights of other people,
which make them capable of doing almost anything.

Both psychopaths and sociopaths have early manifestations of

cruelty and misbehaviour, even criminal activities, sometimes as
early as childhood or during mid-teens. These are not singular
cases or instances, but often repetitive patterns without any
signs of remorse.

Both strands of APSD, psychopathy and sociopathy, tend to

result to violent antisocial crimes. However, in this light,
sociopaths appear to be more sinister than psychopaths
because of their capacity to mask their psychopathic tendencies
underneath being a high-functioning, charming and legitimate
member of society.

What’s even more daunting is the statistical information that

both criminally-inclined psychopaths and sociopaths are more
persuasive than non-psychopathic criminals. As a result, they
tend to get released from prison much quicker than regular

Blurred Lines of Distinction

The differentiation of psychopaths and sociopaths are still

subject to varied interpretations, even among experts. One case
of psychopathy may be entirely different to another one.

What’s important is to understand the innate traits and

characteristics associated with both psychopathy and sociopathy.
Distinctions will hardly matter when you become a target of
either one of them.

Historical Sociopath: Ted Bundy

According to the working definition provided in this chapter, it
can be agreed upon that sociopaths are somewhat more
dangerous than your average psychopath. In fact, some of the
most historical criminals who have been dubbed as psychopaths
actually led normal lives before their crimes caught up with
them. Some are even highly-regarded members of their
communities with successful careers.

One of the most popular examples of a sociopath is the serial

rapist-murderer Ted Bundy, who was convicted for at least 30
counts of rape-slay cases.

Before he was caught for his crimes, Ted Bundy was

considered an excellent young man who was in his final years
of law school. He had a brilliant political career ahead of him,
and all of his acquaintances thought that he was a likeable and
charming fellow.

However, beneath all that glossy charm, Bundy was living a

double life. During a brief period before the series of rape-slay
murders began, he was dating two women at the same time.
His accounts of his early childhood and family background
during the course of his trial and eventual conviction are also
contradictory, so it is uncertain whether he had been exposed
to a grandfather who had psychopathic tendencies or not.

At the height of the murders, Bundy began showing signs of

irresponsibility, until he completely dropped out of law school,
surprising his acquaintances.

The crimes: Ted Bundy is best known as a serial rapist and

murderer of at least 30 women or more, but what many
people don’t know are the specifics of those crimes.

In essence, Bundy was a sadistic and violent killer who beat

and strangled his victims to death—but that wasn’t the worst of
his crimes. He was also a necrophile: after committing his
crimes, he returns to the crime scene to have sex with the
corpses repeatedly. For Bundy, women were merely toys he
targeted and played with.

To the end of his trial, he never admitted to the charges

against him despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
He was a pathological liar, and he showed no remorse to the
very end—his only regret was that he was careless enough to
get caught.

Although he did confess to his crimes in some interviews, he

withdrew them as he walked towards his death, claiming that
those were only desperate pleas and that they weren’t true.
Sociopathy Defined

Sociopaths are often viewed with extreme prejudice and are

often treated as a threat. That is because most people are
stuck with the thinking that sociopaths are criminals, serial
killers, and generally dangerous people. But, the truth is that
most sociopaths live among us and they seem to live normal
The Common Characteristics of Sociopaths

One of the first things you should know about sociopaths is

that they can be very charming. These are people who are
equipped with charisma. This is one of the main characteristics
of a sociopath that allows them to draw people in. The glow in
their personality gives other people the impression that they can
be trusted. Other people tend to go to them for guidance and

Sociopaths have an innocent charisma. But, they are also gifted

with sexual appeal, although this does not mean that all sexy
people are sociopaths. The sexual appetite of the typical
sociopath is rather over the top. They are also likely to have
weird fetishes.

As compared to other people, sociopaths are rather

spontaneous. They can be very intense, which at times can be
mistaken for passion. They are bizarre and are more likely to
be erratic. While most people act within the normal social
norms and respect social contracts, sociopaths are wary about
such things. They are likely to behave in an irrational manner.
They often engage in risky behavior.

The feelings of guilt, remorse, and shame are some things that
normal people are quite familiar with. A sociopath, on the other
hand, lacks these feelings. Their brains that lack the proper
circuitry that is capable of processing these emotions.

For this reason, sociopaths find it easy to betray other people.

They also find it "normal" to resort to threats. They can even
harm others. When they have their mind set on something,
they are unlikely to be swayed.

Sociopaths are self serving. Their main concern is their own

interests. It does not matter whether they harm people along
the way, as long as they get what they want, when they want
it. Some people who serve in government positions have this
kind of tendency. To them, the end justifies the means.
Sociopaths are likely to be liars. They are in fact, pathological
liars. They have no problem inventing truth. They lie about
everything, including their experiences. They also exaggerate.
They do so to the point of absurdity. But, because they have a
gift for storytelling, they are rather believable.

Sociopaths can win people over. They are fixated on the idea
of winning. They will not back down in an argument or a
fight. Sociopaths will defend their stories and lies viciously. They
will do whatever it takes to avoid getting caught in their own
web of lies.

These are considered to be highly intelligent people. The

problem is, they often use their intelligence for deception. For a
sociopath, being able to deceive others gives them some kind of

Sociopaths are likely to have high IQs. While this may be a

positive thing, the way they decide to use their intelligence is
what makes them dangerous. This is proven by those
sociopathic serial killers who can evade law enforcement.

Sociopaths are self centered. They do not feel love the way
other people do. They lack love and compassion. However, they
can fake these emotions in an effort to get what they want
and what they think they deserve.

These people also have a gift for words. They speak poetically.
Sociopaths are master wordsmiths. Their monologues and
speeches can be very hypnotic, and the same time, very
intriguing. They are excellent storytellers.

Sociopaths will never apologize for the things they do wrong.

They will never admit to any faults. That is because in their
minds, they lack such awareness. They feel no guilt and they
have no conscience to bother them.

Even if they are confronted with strong evidence, a sociopath

will find a way to escape being confronted. Instead of
apologizing, a sociopath will resort to an attack that makes the
other person feel guilty. They can turn the tables, just like that.
What makes the lies of a sociopath believable is the fact that
they believe their own lies. A sociopath can twist the truth with
his or her words. They are outstanding at creating illusions.

How to get to the truth?

Sociopaths can create their own truth. They are experts in

creating elaborate stories and fictional explanations in an effort
to justify their actions. They create illusions.

When a sociopath is caught red-handed, he will deny his guilt

and never apologize. Rather, a sociopath will respond with
threats and anger. He will then create new lies and invent a
more elaborate explanation to get away from being held
responsible for what he was caught doing.

For instance, a sociopath who has just been caught with stolen
bag full of cash will never admit that he actually stole the
money. Instead, he is likely to deny the truth. He would invent
a story, for instance, that he is actually saving the money to
prevent other people from stealing it. He might say he is trying
to give the money back to the rightful owner.

If you did not know any better, you would believe the story
and actually declare the thief a hero. Someone who questions
the sociopath will be met with an attack. The sociopath is more
likely to defend his "honor" and shame you for even
questioning his so called honesty.

The lack of conscience, shame, remorse, and guilt makes the

sociopath's mind a truly criminal one. The way a sociopath’s
mind works is perfect for committing and getting away with
crimes. They can deceive people, creating arguments and strife.
They can make people turn against each other. Sociopaths are
extremely delusional. While they may be intelligent, they can
defy logical reasoning.

It can be very difficult and even impossible to reason with a

sociopath. If you want to find out the truth, you have to ask
questions, but you must proceed with caution. Otherwise, you
will only drown further in the sociopath's ocean of lies. You
should never attempt to reason with this kind of person, unless
you want to waste your time. Reasoning with a sociopath will
only cause you to annoy him. Trying to reason with this kind
of individual is essentially a futile cause.
The Goal of a Sociopath

Sociopaths are often associated with serial killers. While there

are many serial killers who are diagnosed sociopaths, some
sociopaths are capable of living ordinary lives. What makes
them different is that while they may lead seemingly normal
lives, they do things differently.

These people lack conscience. They are not capable of feeling

affection. Essentially, they do not have a care about other
people, including those close to them, those people who they
are supposed to care for.

Sociopaths do not feel empathy. They do not feel the same

emotions as the rest of the population, but they can be very
good observers. Their skills of observation allow them to mimic
affection and empathy. This also makes it challenging to detect

Undetected, sociopaths can ruin their families, their supposed

friends, and the people they work with. A sociopath is a
master of deception. These people would take whatever it is
they want even if it means hurting other people, especially
those that will get in the way. And, they never feel sorry. They
manipulate and lie to people without a second thought. They
can leave other people confused and ruined.

While some studies confirm the early warning signs of

sociopathy, research is still unable to determine the link
between this condition and the kind of childhood a sociopath
has. That means a sociopath may come from any kind of
family or from any kind of childhood.

What is certain, however, is that a sociopath's brain functions

differently as compared to a normal brain. A sociopath's brain
works in such a way that the emotional life is unusually
shallow. But, through observation, they can copy emotions and
make it believable, just like a professional actor can.
What Do Sociopaths Want?

A normal person's purpose is most likely driven by affections

and connections with other people. For a normal person, loving
relationships with other individuals ultimately lend meaning to
life. A sociopath does not feel the same emotions. So, what is
it that influences a sociopath's purpose? What is a sociopath's
purpose? What is it that they want?

Top Things a Sociopath Wants

A sociopath is most likely to target someone who has what he

wants or has something that can help him get what he wants.
Most of the time, it is about money. But, that is not always the
case. In addition to money, here is a list of the top things a
sociopath may want.


It is easy to bore a sociopath. This is why they will always

crave stimulation. As such, they turn to what they find highly
stimulating: that is, sex. For this reason, sociopaths are more
likely to have multiple sexual affairs at the same time. And, this
is why their relationships do not usually last.

However, sociopaths are far different from sex addicts. They

are not enslaved by the need for sex. Rather, they merely use
sex to cure boredom. They also use sex as a vital tool of
manipulation. They use sex and the person involved to get
what they want.


What makes sociopaths most effective at manipulation is that

they do not directly ask for what they want. Instead, they can
make people voluntarily hand it to them. For instance, a
sociopath who needs money will not directly ask for it. Rather,
he may insinuate that he wants to live with his partner/victim.
Making this suggestion will make the other person feel loved
and wanted. A sociopath will want the other person to feel this
way. But, the truth is, the sociopath merely has nowhere else
to go.


There are chores that we do not really like doing. In most

cases, we do them ourselves anyway, or pay someone to do it
on our behalf. But, a sociopath will not take that route. Rather,
he will use someone to do it for him. A sociopath is more
likely to engage in a relationship to make his life much easier
and more comfortable so he does not have to do the things
he does not want like cleaning, cooking, or even taking care of


Someone can guess at your character by taking a look at the

people you hang out with. But, for most normal people,
association with the rich and famous is not enough to make
them want a personal connection. For a sociopath, however,
wealth, fame, and success may be far more important that
affection, simply because they do not feel any. A sociopath is
likely to form a seemingly real relationship with another person
for the sole purpose of improving his status.


A sociopath gets easily bored. Excitement and stimulation is

what he craves. This is also why sociopaths are more likely to
seek out people who have access to an exciting social scene.
They may use other people to form connections with
personalities who can give them a taste of excitement.


Connections are indeed important for success. A sociopath is

well aware of that. The problem is, they do not recognize any
boundaries. As such, they do not hesitate to use someone who
has connections or has the skills to help them reach their

Image is very important to a sociopath, as it is to everyone
else. A sociopath knows he is different from everyone else, and
the last thing he wants is to be discovered. In order to hide
his true nature, a sociopath will build a very specific image of
himself to present to the world. And, he will stop at nothing to
complete and protect it, even if it means using someone or
hurting another person's feelings.


A sociopath always has a hidden agenda. Because he is

concerned about protecting his image so that he will not be
detected, a sociopath is likely to live a double life. A sociopath
will use other people as cover so that his hidden agenda will
not be discovered. This way, he can operate as he pleases and
get what he wants without being found out.


Because normal people have empathy, the idea of using other

individuals for fun is not appealing. A sociopath, however, free
from empathy and having no regard for social norms, does not
hesitate about using, manipulating, and deceiving other people
just because he can. A sociopath may do things just for fun.

Sociopaths like the idea of being above everyone else. It gives

them the pleasure of being in control. They may seduce and
break other people's hearts because it gives them delight.


Power and control are two of the main driving forces of

sociopaths. They will pursue domination to feed their need for
feeling superior. In their minds, they are more powerful,
smarter, and more capable than others. And, they will prove it,
even if it means destroying other lives along the way.

A sociopath wants to WIN!

Ultimately, a sociopath is driven by the want to win. The

ultimate goal is winning, and a sociopath is ready to do
anything at all and employ any means for the sake of winning.

They do not care about love and relationships like most people
do. Without such factors as part of the equation, what feels
important to them is merely winning—winning at all costs and
winning the game, whatever game it is they are currently
preoccupied with.

For instance, winning, for a sociopath who is in business, may

be to get rich and eliminate the competition. For a sociopath
who is caught up in a sibling rivalry, winning would be to
defeat the sibling. Winning for a sociopath can also mean
making other people suffer, lose, or fail. Winning could mean
doing whatever it takes to cause the embarrassment, frustration,
and demise of other people.

Sociopaths are conniving and clever. That's because unlike

normal people, they do not have a lot to think about. They
have no regard for morals and no concern for relationships.
They are not bound by conflicting feelings. This allows them to
think of more effective ways to earn the trust of people, only
to stab them in the back. They manipulate and deceive, and
the people they are using either have no idea what is going on
or choose to deny the truth.

Normal people do not usually feel burdened by boredom,

because relationships with other people keep them busy. Since
a sociopath could care less about such things, their interest
shifts to preventing boredom instead. For a normal person,
boredom is much more tolerable than worry, upset, drama,
and other negative emotions. But, for a sociopath, boredom is
the most intolerable of all. This is where their incessant urge
for stimulation comes from. Playing the game to win keeps
them busy, interested, and occupied.

Sociopaths are very different from normal people. It makes

them difficult to understand and troubling to deal with. Their
lack of empathy itself may be incomprehensible to a lot of
The Weaknesses of a Sociopath

Sociopaths are wired differently. It is just not a matter of

upbringing that makes them so different. Their inability and
incapacity to feel emotions just like normal people do is
something that is deeply embedded in their being.

Fear may be normal to a lot of people, but it is not something

that sociopaths have much of. Somehow, this also puts them in
a powerful position.

Sociopaths can easily spot the weaknesses of other people.

They use such information to manipulate. It is easy for them
because they essentially do not care about other people. They
do not care about anybody else but themselves. However,
sociopaths do have their own share of fears. These fears may
be different from what normal people fear. Nevertheless,
sociopaths are afraid of two things.
Two Things that Sociopaths Fear

There are basically two things that sociopaths fear. One is the
fear of losing control, and the other is the fear of being

Their sense of purpose is driven not by love and relationships.

Rather, they are driven by power and control. And, their
biggest fear is losing both.

Sociopaths fear losing control.

There are people who have the constant urge to be in control

of things. But, a sociopath's need for control is much more
different. They don’t just want to control everything; they also
need to be in control of everyone. And, they have a clever
way of hiding this need of control.

Some people are transparent. You can easily tell whether or

not they have obsessive compulsive tendencies. Sociopaths
operate differently. They project a different image. They make
themselves seem like laid back and relaxed individuals, making
it so easy to trust them that a normal person will never
suspect them.

Sociopaths hide their desire for control. And, most people who
come across sociopaths are quite clueless about being
controlled. When a sociopath loses this advantage, when a
sociopath loses control, he will break down. A sociopath is well
aware of this, which is why he will do anything to keep control
of things and of people.

Sociopaths fear being exposed.

A sociopath is quite aware that he is different. He knows he is

unlike normal people. And, he is afraid of being exposed. This
is why he builds an image, pretends, and protects his status so
that he will remain undetected. He seeks cover, and it does
not matter who he uses to keep that cover.
Lying, deception, and manipulation is what a sociopath resorts
to. He can be very creative and resourceful when it comes to
hiding his true self. He is willing to go to great lengths to keep
people from finding out the real person he is behind the mask
he carefully wears.

This is why sociopaths cling on to people they have used. They

do not like ending relationships, although they know they are
hurting and ruining the other person. When a sociopath
refuses to break up with a lover, it does not mean that he
cannot live without the person or that he truly cares. His
refusal to let go stems from his fear of losing control over the
other person and the fear of being exposed.

What are the things that a sociopath will do to prevent losing

control and being exposed?

A sociopath is more likely to instill fear in his partner. This can

make the other person afraid of exposing the sociopath. The
risk is still present, though, which is why the sociopath will take
precautions. To ensure that he will not be exposed, he will
destroy the other person's credibility. He will spread lies and
make the other person look bad to the point of insanity. This
makes the sociopath sure that when the other person talks ill
of him, no one will believe it.

A sociopath will make threats. He will stalk and harass people

who may know about the real person inside. It does not
matter how long the relationship has lasted or how deeply
invested the other person is. A sociopath only truly cares about
himself and his own needs, and he will protect himself at all
costs, even if it means harming others in the process. Needless
to say, engaging in relationship with a sociopath is destructive.

Why is a sociopath afraid of losing control?

Control is one of the essential things that keep a sociopath

focused. His goals and life plan are driven by the desire for
control. He does not value love or relationships. Power and
control are the only things that give value to his life. Take
those away, and the sociopath will be reduced to nothing.
A sociopath sees other people only as sources of supply or as
tools. A sociopath may fear losing a loved one. But, it is not
because he cares for the other person. It is merely because he
fears losing his source of supply.

In a romantic relationship, the sociopath will do anything and

say everything to keep the other person attached. To be able
to have control over his own life, the sociopath feels the need
to keep controlling the other person, as well as others.

A sociopath may feel paranoid, possessive, and jealous. But,

underneath those feelings is ultimately the fear of losing control
over someone they own. A sociopath never views someone he
is romantically involved with as partner. Rather, he sees the
other person as a possession.

Why is a sociopath afraid of being exposed?

Sociopaths are incredibly charming. People are attracted to

them because of their charisma. People readily accept and trust
sociopaths. They use their gift of charm to win people over.
This also makes it easy for them to manipulate and deceive

Sociopaths create an illusion, a false image that draws people

in, who eventually become their victims. The sociopath wants to
prevent exposure. This is why a sociopath wants to keep his
sources of supply close and under control. Otherwise, he will
draw suspicion, and that will make it much more difficult for
him to manipulate other people.

A sociopath is drawn to the easy kind of life. He likes to be

handed things for free. He likes to live off of others. He feels
entitled, and so he makes other people work for him. If he
feels in any way threatened, he will stop at nothing to eliminate
said threat.

For these reasons, it would be foolish to attempt to expose a

sociopath. A normal person cannot beat a sociopath at his own
game. Any such attempts may only backfire. For one, a
sociopath is capable of things that a normal person will not
even dare to think of doing. Therefore, it would be wiser to
walk away as soon as one gets the chance than to go head to
head with a sociopath.
Dealing with a Sociopath

Normal people possess a natural affinity for other individuals.

This is why it is impossible to hurt someone without feeling at
least the slightest pinch of guilt or remorse. Normal human
beings naturally care for their fellow human beings. That's
because we share the feelings of fear, anguish, suffering, and

There are times when we hurt the ones we love, although we

do not mean to. In this case, the guilt is worse, because in
addition to causing them pain, the remorse is heightened due
to our affection for them. Our attachment with them makes the
guilt over hurting them much worse. With a sociopath, such
natural feelings of attachment and affection are non-existent, as
are guilt, conscience, and empathy.
Sociopaths are More Common than you Think.

According to research, sociopaths comprise about four percent

of the population. This goes to say that sociopaths are quite
common. They are everywhere, and most of them are not so
easy to detect. In fact, people who come into contact with
sociopaths are in denial. They simply cannot admit that
someone they thought they knew, someone they have trusted,
is actually a sociopath incapable of love.

It is not easy to identify a sociopath. This is mainly because

they are clever in building up their cover. But, there are a few
questions that may lead you to clues that can help you detect
a sociopath. The trouble here is that it may prove difficult to
be objective in your assessment, especially when this person is
someone close to you. In any case, you can ask yourself the
following questions to help you compare this person with others
in your life and ultimately find out whether he or she is a
sociopath or not.

• Does it feel like this person is only using you?

• Does it feel like this person does not really care about you?
• Does this person lie to you constantly?
• Does this person contradict his own statements or stories?
• Does this person take from you and never seem to have the
intention of giving back?
• Does this person use pity?
• Does he make you feel sorry for him too often?
• Does this person make you feel guilty or turn the tables and
make it appear like you are at fault?
• Does it feel like this person is taking advantage of your
• Does this person get easily bored?
• Does he seek constant stimulation?
• Does he often use flattery to get to your good side?
• Does this person make you feel worried?
• Does this person make you feel like he is entitled or like you
owe him?
• Does this person tend to blame others for his mistakes?
• Does he refuse to acknowledge his own faults and take the

Finally, does this person seem to do such things more than

any other people in your life? If most of your answers are
affirmative, then there is a good chance that you are indeed
dealing with a sociopath. Even if he is not one, this person is
clearly not good for you.

Dealing with a sociopath is not easy. Whether you are in a

romantic or business relationship with this person, there are a
few rules you must follow. Doing these things can help
minimize the damage and the possible harm that may come
your way.

Seek immediate help from a professional.

Unless you make an effort first to understand how a sociopath

operates, you have a minimal chance of surviving a sociopath.
A professional can help you learn the motivations and the
tactics of a sociopath. A professional can help you understand
that this person is different, not to mention the fact that they
are very good at mind control.

Someone who specializes in sociopathy can help you

understand how you have been trapped in a vicious cycle of
deception and manipulation, and how it can be stopped. Finally,
you can see through the illusion that the sociopath in your life
has created. You will realize what the relationship is all about.
In this way, you can stop this person from controlling you.

The moment you become aware of the sociopath's true identity

is the same moment he starts to lose control and power over
you. He may still try to, but the effects become minimal.

Stop making contact.

As long as you give the sociopath a chance, he will continue to

make attempts to manipulate you. This makes it much wiser to
stop contact completely. That means you should not call him,
receive his calls, answer his emails, or even read his messages.

There is no hope of reasoning with a sociopath. Such a person

is incapable of feeling the same emotions as normal people do.
This person will feel no guilt for what he has put you through.

Do not try to give the sociopath any ultimatums. It will never

work. You are bound to lose. The sociopath's advantage is his
lack of guilt. So, do not waste any more energy trying to make
peace with this person.

Once you make the attempt to flee from the sociopath, you
must also inform the people around you about the situation.
The tendency is for the sociopath to contact them and get on
their good side. The sociopath is more likely to isolate you
from the people you care about and to make it appear like
you are the one with the big issue. You must stop it before it

Do not share any more information.

After a while of being with the sociopath, he has more likely

learned some information about you, your family, your work,
and your friends. This information will be used and may have
already been used against you. Remind yourself that you are
dealing with a professional manipulator. Do not give him the
chance to use any more information to take control of you.

Understand both your strengths and weaknesses.

Before leading you into his world, the sociopath has taken his
time to learn about and understand your strengths and
weaknesses. And, he has used this knowledge well. By
understanding your strengths, and especially your weaknesses,
you become more able to recognize the instances when the
sociopath will make an attempt to press these buttons.

Stick to your instincts.

You may have seen the signs, but you may have given this
person the benefit of the doubt. A sociopath is not worthy of
such a benefit. You become subject to further manipulation and
you are repeatedly dragged into the worst of situations when
you continue to override your instincts.
Do not make any attempts at reformation.

It is important to understand that a sociopath does not think

there is anything wrong with him. Treatment for sociopaths,
especially for adults, is more often than not, useless. In fact,
treatment may make them even worse than they already are.

Just like drugs can be misused, therapy can also be misused.

Sociopaths abuse the privilege of therapy to get more
information about people's behavior. You can trust that such
information will be used for their advantage later.

You must accept the fact that a sociopath cannot change his
very nature. In fact, sociopaths do not even recognize the need
for change.

Realize none of it is your fault.

You have been tricked. That is the plain truth. This person has
appealed to your good nature and has used you. If you
continue to let him, he will drain you up. It is also important
to realize and understand that none of this is your fault.

You should not blame yourself. So, be forgiving of yourself.

Of course, the story changes when the sociopath turns out to

be someone who is part of your family. You are bound by
blood and obligation. That means it is not an option to walk
away. This does not mean, however, that you should let your
guard down. Take the same precautions. Keep informed and
seek help for you and your loved one.
Is there Hope for a Sociopath?

Sociopaths share similar personality traits. But, there are

different types of sociopaths too. Such includes the following.

The Entitled Sociopath

This type of sociopath is in a state of over self entitlement. For

this sociopath, fulfilling his needs is of utmost important. He
has no ideals. He is immune to shame. And, he is more likely
to feel satisfaction in what he does. This sociopath likes to defy
authority and actually feels proud of it.

The Amoral Sociopath

Lacking any sense of guilt, this sociopath bears no concept of

morality. This sociopath often has a very weak capacity to feel
pain. He has a primitive sense. He is incapable of
acknowledging the pain that he inflicts to others. This sociopath
is more likely to torture, and finds pleasure in watching others'

The Common Sociopath

This sociopath makes up the majority of antisocial personalities.

And, like other types of sociopaths, he feels no remorse for
what would normally shame other people. He has either a
weak or no sense of caring for the future. And, rather than
observing the rules, this sociopath likes breaking them.

The Alienated Sociopath

This sociopath's ability to love is undeveloped. He feels no

attachment to other people. He is unable to identify with others
or care about them.
There are different types of alienated sociopath. One of them,
the disempathic type, is capable of emotional investment.
However, his circle of empathy is only limited to family
members and other loved ones, including pets. People who are
outside his circle of empathy are treated merely as objects.

The Aggressive Sociopath

This sociopath likes to feel empowered and has a strong sense

of self importance. This is the kind of a sociopath who actually
finds pleasure in hurting and threatening others. Dominance
and control give them gratification.

In addition to becoming criminals, this sociopath's desire for

interpersonal dominance may also be seen in police officers,
bureaucrats, and even employers, educators, and parents. In
this case, aggressive sociopathy can become one's personal

The Dyssocial Sociopath

This sociopath can be normal in both psychological and

temperamental facets. He may be capable of feeling guilt and
shame. This person may even be capable of loyalty. However,
such feelings are only dedicated to the group he recognizes.
And, it is a limited circle. Among the other types of sociopaths,
this one has a higher chance of learning a different set of
rules than what he grew up to adapt to.
So, is there hope for a sociopath?

First of all, it is important to bear in mind that the sociopath's

brain is wired differently. This is something that is unfixable.

Sociopathy cannot be cured. However, at its early onset, the

development into full-blown sociopathy may be prevented.
Nevertheless, there are treatment options for sociopaths that
can help them cope and recognize normal human emotions.
Such treatments include social skills training, behavioral and
cognitive therapy, medication, and physical treatments such as
electroconvulsive therapy and neurosurgery.

These treatment options may help a sociopath cope and

recognize social norms. It can enable them to live close to
normal lives. The problem is, most sociopaths do not recognize
the need for help, which can make treatments ineffective.

Not all sociopaths are intrinsically bad.

The second point that has to be made is that not all

sociopaths are criminals. Not everyone is violent. There are
actually high functioning sociopaths who contribute positively to

The idea of a "good" sociopath may be debatable. It may be

close to saying that black magic can be good, too. Some
sociopaths are capable of channeling their energy to become
productive members of society, although this does not change
the fact that they are far from normal.

Sociopaths should not be viewed in comparison to normal

people. As mentioned previously, sociopaths have a different
kind of wiring. Their brains have a different make-up. They
cannot be blamed for being the way they are, for being and
feeling different. However, the fact remains that they are
completely responsible for making their choices, whether those
choices result in good or bad.
Narcissism Defined

The term “ narcissism ” was derived from the Greek myth

about a hunter named Narcissus. He was the handsome and
arrogant son of a god and a nymph. He was so attracted to
his own reflection in the water that he did not leave it until he

Nowadays, narcissism is the term used to refer to all those

who seek to satisfy the self as driven by one ’ s own vanity. It
is also defined as a strong approval and interest in the self,
particularly in one ’ s physical and intellectual characteristics. In
a nutshell, narcissism is the result of haughtiness and pride.

Narcissists are especially fond of mirrors, as narcissists are

concerned about how they look and wish to frequently monitor
and admire their outward appearances. The narcissist also
projects the aura of having a high level of self confidence, but
lacks the humility of a balanced person.

One common tendency among narcissists is that they become

very defensive when someone poses a threat to their
self-esteem, and some narcissists even become increasingly
hostile towards the source of such threats. Some narcissists use
their bloated ego as an attempt to mask insecurity, while others
actually feel highly satisfied with themselves and live an
affectedly genteel lifestyle.

Narcissism is a subject of study in the social sciences due to

its effects upon the self and society. There is, in fact, the
acknowledgement of a healthy form of narcissism, and it should
not be mistaken as being synonymous with egocentrism (which
is more likened to being self-centered or selfish).

Oftentimes, the narcissist is physically attractive and charismatic

when you first meet him or her. However, the longer you get
to know a narcissist, the more you realize that they find it
difficult to maintain healthy long-term relationships. Generally,
narcissistic behavior dwindles once the person reaches the age
of 30.
The Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissism becomes a disorder once it disrupts the life of the

individual and the people surrounding them. This is referred to
as Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and it is more severe and
less common than narcissism. Individuals who suffer from this
condition feel that they are the center of the universe. Thus,
they lack empathy, view themselves as the only priority, and
constantly seek the attention and appreciation of others. The
person who is perceived by many to be too self-assertive,
selfish, manipulative, and needy is one who is highly likely to
have this disorder.

Narcissists prioritize accomplishing extreme personal goals, such

as becoming famous, and believe that they are entitled to being
treated exclusively over everyone else. They tend to
overestimate their capabilities and engage in risky and impulsive
endeavors, as they believe that they can always come out the

A narcissist does not hesitate to step on other people ’ s toes

to reach her goals, and often lies about her accomplishments,
abilities, and importance. A narcissist often daydreams about
becoming impossibly successful, powerful, attractive and
intelligent. He is quick in temper, and becomes very jealous if
the attention is diverted from him. At its extreme, the
Narcissistic Personality Disorder leads a person to be incapable
of feeling any emotions towards others.

Unfortunately, there is no absolute treatment for Narcissistic

Personality Disorder, as narcissists deny their condition and do
not seek clinical treatment. One way to help narcissists become
more engaged and sincere towards others would be to include
them in social groups and community activities.
The Possible Causes of Narcissism

It is an ongoing debate as to what causes narcissism. It may

be due to both genetics and the environment. Narcissism may
be the effect of inherent physical and intellectual traits . A
physically appealing individual often feels superior to others,
especially if this belief is reinforced by the people surrounding
him or her. Narcissism may also be triggered by environmental
influences, such as the admiration of a celebrity who also
exhibits narcissistic traits.

According to Sigmund Freud, the development of narcissists can

stem from how their parents treated them. Narcissists were
often the ones who were either treated coldly or were given
too much admiration by their parents; narcissism is even more
likely to occur if a child is given a combination of both types
of treatment. Future scholars of psychology lean towards this
theory and further state that such inconsistency leads a person
to feel insecure inwardly and react by bolstering their
confidence as they seek the admiration of others. Peers also
contribute to this inconsistency and further the development of
narcissism, because they are initially attracted to the charisma
of the narcissist but then shun him once they get to know him
in the long run.

In truth, there are so many other factors that can come into
play in regards to shaping the mind of a narcissist. You will
learn more about these in the succeeding chapters.
Identifying a Narcissist

Contrary to popular belief, narcissism is not always easy to

understand, because there are so many aspects to it. Actually,
not all narcissists act as if they are the kings or queens of the
world. Some of them are so manipulative that they can mask
their haughtiness and fake interest in others, with the ulterior
motive of getting everyone ’ s attention.

Narcissism is sometimes channeled through excitement,

aggression, or a mixture of both. If you take a look at the
common traits among narcissists, you will find that they all
have an overflow of self-confidence, self-absorption, self-praise,
and grandiloquence.

The ongoing trends of modern culture, such as the ability to

easily self-advertise online via social media networks, have
strengthened the cultivation of narcissism. With such a
phenomenon going on right now, it might even be more
challenging to find a person who is not a narcissist than to
find someone who is.
Conversing with a Narcissist

One way to find out if a person is a narcissist is simply to

engage them in a conversation. If you start talking about a
topic that does not focus on him, you will notice that the
conversation will always go back to him talking about himself.
The narcissist is also incapable of listening to someone else talk
about topics that do not involve him.

As expected, the favorite topic of any narcissist is their own

selves. If the conversation is about anything else, a narcissist
will fight to gain the advantage by frequently interrupting the
other speaker or letting them finish and then once again start
talking about a completely different topic (which will most likely
be about themselves again).

They are unable to empathize with anyone else and tend to

brush off the stories and experiences of other people. Another
thing that you will notice when you are in conversation with a
narcissist is that they tend to namedrop a lot in order to make
themselves sound superior. This can range from knowing the
right people to having gone to prestigious schools and being
part of exclusive clubs. Bragging is second nature to the
The Narcissist ’ s Relationships

You should also take a look at the relationships that a

narcissist maintains. They often find it difficult to keep long-term
and mutual relationships, and they usually have only trivial
friendships. They tend to stick with people who constantly
supply them with praises and admiration.
The Severity of Narcissism

When it comes to how they carry themselves, you will find that
there are “ mild ” and “ severe ” narcissists. Some of them can
actually be very approachable and charismatic in the superficial
sense, but there are those who are snobs and have a
fondness for putting down other people and talking about them
behind their backs. The worst part is, narcissists are unaware
of their condition, and so they tend to lack self-reflection. They
feel that their behavior is normal and acceptable, and they find
it hard to grasp when someone else does not find them
likeable, attractive, and so on.

If you happen to be well-acquainted with a sociable narcissist,

you will be quite mesmerized by how they carry themselves,
and you might want to accompany them more frequently. Take
care, though, as the narcissist often manipulates others in order
to acquire their personal goals. More often than not, once a
narcissist feels that you are of no use to them, they will simply
dismiss you, and will not want anything to do with you.

The narcissist prefers to dwell in metropolises, with individualistic

culture being the norm. They have a strong liking for
entertainment that celebrates the self, such as reality TV shows,
and their idea of leadership would be to dominate and exploit
their subordinates instead of doing their part in the hard work.

Try to insult a narcissist, and you are in for a bitter war. They
never like to listen to criticism, even the constructive kind.
Some of them put on a face of seemingly accepting it with
grace, but would then talk bitterly about the criticism and then
attempt to justify their own behavior. A narcissist prefers to be
admired over being liked by people, and when you tell them
that they are not as intelligent or as attractive as they think
they are, they will become very hostile.

Observe the body language of a person whom you think could

be a narcissist. Usually, they carry themselves haughtily,
constantly bearing an arrogant expression, especially when
facing a possible threat to their self-esteem. They also tend to
exaggerate their hand gestures during a conversation.

Furthermore, in order to determine whether a person is a

narcissist or not, find out whether he expresses unconditional
love to anyone else. Unconditional love is granted only upon
those that one can gain nothing from, such as a helpless
animal or senile relative. A narcissistic person will not bother to
spend time with anyone or anything that will not help them
satisfy their selfish desires.
The Secret Narcissist

A lot of people tend to think that narcissists are extroverted

individuals. While this stereotype has a lot of truth to it, there
are actually introverted narcissists as well. A lot in this book is
dedicated to the extroverted narcissists, as they tend to be
more influential, but in this chapter, you can take a peek at
the mind of the secret narcissist.

According to psychologists, secret or “ covert ” narcissists pride

themselves on being perceived as “ sensitive ” and “ mysterious,
” when in reality, giving this impression is intended to mask
their anxieties and vulnerability. In this sense, they are just as
extremely needy as their extroverted counterparts.

The Traits of the Secret Narcissist

Secret narcissists easily become lost in thought regarding

themselves and their many fears. They are very self-conscious
when getting attention, but are eager to hog credit for an
accomplishment, even if it was achieved with the help of other
people. They feel that their concerns are too important for
them to bother about the problems of others. They prefer to
be alone, and only care to be in a group if the others openly
accept and praise them. Just like the extroverted narcissist,
secret narcissists easily get jealous of others, and would feel
annoyed if someone started talking about another person to

The secret narcissist is often quick to judge, and rates others

depending on how they treat him. Secret narcissists can also
be aggressive and hostile, especially when they are criticized or
have failed at something. Secret narcissists steer clear of any
form of rejection. They also feel that they are always burdened,
and they tend to have that “ me against the world ” thing
going on.

One major reason why the secret narcissist is different from

the more extroverted one is due to their ability to put up a fa
ç ade in front of their real selves, thus making them somewhat
more successfully manipulative.

The Secret Narcissist vs Introversion

How does one distinguish between the secret narcissist and the
naturally shy person? That is indeed a difficult task, as both
individuals are mum about how they really feel inside. The
secret narcissist pretends to be withdrawn, when in fact they
are just very frustrated at how the rest of the world fails to
recognize their brilliance. One way to tell the difference between
the two is to find out what passions they have. For example,
an introverted person who is genuinely interested in activities
such as rescuing animals or volunteering for a charity is
certainly not a secret narcissist. On the other hand, the
seemingly quiet individual who has nothing to talk about except
herself in her private blog may very well be a secret narcissist.
The Narcissist in You

In light of the promotion of self-love, the distinction between

having healthy self-esteem and having narcissistic tendencies
should be spelled out clearly. After all, it is standard within
society, particularly in urban communities, to have high
self-esteem. It helps you pass job interviews, build networks,
and accomplish piles of tasks on a daily basis, which makes it
perfectly alright. It is a natural part of our personalities, a
survival instinct. However, the moment a person starts to treat
others manipulatively or in any other negative way for their
personal pleasure, they are crossing over to the dark side of

To put it bluntly, healthy self-esteem is all about being able to

respect one ’ s self. Narcissism, on the other hand, is all about
seeking recognition due to the craving for attention and
admiration. To the narcissist, these are drugs, and if the supply
starts to run out, they will immediately find ways to get more.

A person with healthy self-esteem gets his or her strength from

within, while the narcissist only feels good if he or she gets the
approval of others. Having self-esteem is all about
acknowledging your principles and respecting your role models,
while narcissism leads its victims to set impossibly high
standards for themselves and others around them. Narcissists
tend to admire public figures who share similar character traits.
Narcissism is all about the green-eyed monster; competition and
comparison are the rules of the game. A narcissist prefers to
be the dictator, while a person with healthy self-esteem leans
on cooperation and equality.

Having self-esteem means believing in yourself without needing

to brag to others about your abilities, while narcissism is all
about braggadocio and putting down other people to make
oneself seem more important in the eyes of others.
Development of Narcissism vs. Self-Esteem

Children whose parents praised them even if no effort was

made are more likely to become narcissists. Such children grew
up feeling pressured to be someone who should always find
praise from others, making this their primary goal.

However, children who were raised by parents who responded

genuinely to their actions would have a sense of awareness
regarding themselves and their surroundings, thus developing
healthy self-esteem.

According to studies, in order to avoid raising a narcissist, it is

important to not dish out praises to children for talents that
they do not have, or for skills that they have not honed. They
should be complimented for real achievements in order to boost
their self-esteem.

Of course, it is not just the parents who are to blame for the
development of narcissism. Each society also has a critical role,
particularly its culture. A society has certain cultural and social
standards that either make a person feel better or worse about
themselves. A person can also set the bar too high for
themselves in terms of meeting those standards, end up getting
disappointed, and cope in whatever ways they can, one of
which is to become narcissistic.

For instance, in most parts in the West, an “ ideal ” man

should be wealthy and successful, while the “ ideal ” woman is
young and beautiful. These ideas can have severe effects on
children, and coupled with other influences surrounding them,
these ideals will affect how children view themselves and others.
Developing Self-Esteem Instead of Narcissism

The first thing you need to do is to recognize patterns in your

behavior. Reflect upon the last time you have hurt someone, or
how you reacted to criticism. Did you react defensively and
start trying to justify your behavior? Narcissists tend to block
out any thoughts and actions that make them feel insecure.
But, in order to have healthy self-esteem, you need to take a
look at it objectively, and own up to any mistakes in order to
learn from the experience.

Learn to be more sensitive towards how other people feel. For

example, be more patient with a person who cannot seem to
understand a concept as quickly as you did, instead of gloating
on your superiority.

A person is taught all his life to fight in order to survive, and

striving to improve one ’ s self has become the norm. While
this is not entirely a bad thing, one should not beat himself up
over failures and perceived imperfections. That way, healthy
self-esteem is nurtured and narcissism is discouraged.

How do you find out if you are a narcissist? If you are, the
chances are that you know of it. After all, every single person
has a certain level of narcissism within them. Each person
whether they admit it or not experience moments of narcissistic

How do you find out if you are a narcissist? If you are,

chances are that you already know of it. After all, every single
person has a certain level of narcissism within them. Each
person, whether one admits it or not, experiences moments of
Healthy Self-Love

It is not an entirely bad thing to like your own self. A lot of

research has revealed that most people – about eighty percent –
usually inwardly believe themselves to be better than the rest.
This is healthy, in a way, for it helps us survive. This mindset
allows us to acknowledge our personal strengths and depend
on them in order to survive day by day.

A distorted perception of the self, on the other hand, is what

the narcissist has. They overemphasize their strengths and
believe themselves to have no weaknesses. Individuals with
healthy minds occasionally find faults within themselves, which is
another function of the human instinct to survive, for it helps
that person to be open to change.
How Narcissistic Are You?

Now, the main concern is the severity of one ’ s narcissism. To

find out how narcissistic you are, ask yourself the following
questions: Have you caught yourself constantly hyperbolizing
your achievements or lying about them? Do you feel that you
are better than most of the people around you, that you are
more attractive, intelligent, or talented than they are? Do you
treat the people around you in a haughty manner? Are your
goals sky-high and almost – if not completely – impossible to
reach? Are these goals all about attaining power, riches,
success, and beauty?

You should also question yourself as to whether you have a

strong desire for constant praise and attention, often catching
yourself asking others if you are beautiful or if you are great
at something. Also, if you feel that you have every right to be
treated in a special way, look out. It is highly likely that you
are a narcissist. Have you ever exploited someone in order to
attain something that you wanted for yourself? How many
times has this happened? Are you indifferent towards the
feelings of other people?

If you happen to come across someone who is happy or

grieving, do you catch yourself faking your emotions? If you
said yes to most of these questions, then your level of
narcissism is quite high. Think back on the times when you
were envious of someone ’ s accomplishments, as well as the
times when you thought that someone was jealous of you,
even if you have no proof. If you cannot seem to feel love
towards another person, the kind of love wherein you still feel
for them even though you will not get anything in return, then
you may be highly narcissistic.
The Extreme Narcissist

Unfortunately, if you are the kind of person who is questioning

his or her own narcissistic tendencies, then you are not an
extreme narcissist. The reality is that extreme narcissists do not
care about such self-reflections, for they consider themselves to
be guiltless and would even find many of these questions
insulting. After all, they do think that the universe revolves
around them, so how could someone of less importance dictate
their behavior? What they do know – and they can be quite
proud of it – is that they are aggressive, power-hungry, and

This certain level of self-awareness should not be mistaken for

self-reflection, though, as the extreme narcissist does not like
the idea of changing themselves. All they know is that the
people who are “ pulling them down ” are either jealous or
cannot fathom their splendor. The arrogance that a narcissist
displays is their reaction to these so-called “ haters. ”

What is even worse is that narcissism – being popular, beautiful,

and mean – is perceived as a status symbol. Hollywood has
emphasized the seeming correlation between meanness and
being attractive. Thus, a person who is being called a narcissist
who is arrogant and mean also believes him or herself to be
attractive and the subject of envy. Think of the 2004 released
movie “ Mean Girls. ” The main character, Regina George, is a
narcissist who is admired and feared by everyone.

If you take a look at the cult following of the film, there are
many young adults who still look up to her despite her
narcissistic traits. The fact is that narcissists prefer to be
admired and feared rather than to be liked by everyone. They
actually revel in being described as being assertive and
ambitious and care little for being perceived as kind and caring.

An extreme narcissist tends to have a lot of new friends, but

very few, if any, old ones. As previously mentioned, narcissists
attract a lot of acquaintances, but the more they get to know
who the narcissist really is, the less they want to be with that
person. One interesting thing is that narcissists actually know
about this, but they do not really care, for they will always
believe that they deserve better company.

If you feel that you have strong narcissistic tendencies, do not

despair, for there is still hope for you, which will be discussed
in the next chapter.
Learning From Healthy Narcissism

While extreme narcissism will not help you establish strong and
meaningful relationships, mild narcissistic traits can be beneficial
for you in life. For instance, exhibiting self-confidence for as
long as it is realistic can help people gain your trust.

Your self-confidence will give you the strength to face challenges

and overcome them. You can channel your self-confidence in
recreational activities such as performing on stage or delivering
a speech. A healthy level of narcissism will not include the
exploitation of others, but enables you to be consistent in your
being friendly and outgoing.

Having healthy narcissism also enables you to respect yourself

in such a way that you are being your own best friend. In
other words, you are able to defend yourself against people
who are indeed trying to put you down. There is also a sense
of pleasure in appreciating one's self, the feeling of knowing
that you are exactly the kind of person that you want to be.
The Narcissists of Today

There are many factors that can contribute to narcissism. It is

indeed possible that one ’ s naturally good looks and smarts
can attract a lot of attention, thus strengthening the self-love of
a narcissist, which leads to the conclusion that it is often both
the genes and environment that shape the mind of a narcissist.

Pop culture has been worshipping the concept of individualism

so much that it has strengthened narcissism as well. The
messages that come across in today’s society are all in praise
and support of the self: “ you have every right to reach your
potential” , the YOLO trend (You Only Live Once), “ me ” time,
and so on. Celebrities, athletes, and political figures also heavily
influence the self-love culture due to the tremendous amount of
attention that they are getting. Social media networks further
encourage people to capture their self-love moments and show
them to others, which makes everyone else think it is perfectly
acceptable, so they follow suit.
The Epidemic of Narcissism

Truth be told, narcissism is indeed spreading fast. There have

been so many changes in society, particularly in terms of
technology, that have grown the narcissist ’ s tendencies to
magnificent proportions. This sharp increase is actually more
notable in women, according to one study, although men still
hold the trophy for the most number of blatant narcissists.

A recent survey that was conducted in order to check the

prevalence of Narcissistic Personality Disorder has revealed that
for every 10 young adults (individuals who are between 20 to
30 years of age), one has the disorder. It is notable that the
number of cosmetic surgeries is skyrocketing, and even those
who cannot afford it are willing to go in debt just to get it.
Even the entertainment industry is displaying more and more
personalities with extreme narcissistic traits, and audiences like

A US study conducted by personality researchers in 2012

shows that the current generation of young adults has the
highest recorded number of narcissists of any generation so
far; thus, the term “ Me Generation ” has been coined.
According to research, most high school and university students
of today are driven by selfish desires instead of selfless goals
such as helping the environment and the community. This
finding led the head researcher to conclude that narcissism is a
widespread “ disease ” that is growing fast within society.
However, this does not mean that everyone born from the 80
’ s to the 2000 ’ s has the narcissistic bug in them.

It must be noted that each individual has his or her own

unique personality, physical makeup, educational background,
and social circles. The internet and social media can also affect
how people view themselves and others around them.

The source of narcissistic behavior nowadays may also stem

from contemporary culture’s love of money. While money itself
has also been the object of desire of many past generations,
the current generation ’ s desire to acquire money has grown
so much because there is an even bigger need for it. There
may also be a bigger need to be more concerned about one ’
s image in society – from the looks to the curriculum vitae –
because the struggle to compete against others for a job
position has become even more challenging.

Another factor to look at in determining how one becomes a

narcissist is how they were raised. Generally, Baby Boomers are
more concerned with society in comparison to members of
Generation X, if you trace back their respective behaviors and
experiences. A Generation X parent may raise their children to
be more self-loving compared to how the Baby Boomers raised
them. Of course, that does not necessarily mean that
Generation X does a bad job of being parents. It is possible
that the trend among today ’ s young adults of delaying
marriage in order to pursue personal goals and explore abilities
can help them to become better individuals that can influence
the future generations.

Individuals have varying degrees of narcissistic traits within

themselves, and people do change for the better or worse.
Narcissism, as was mentioned in the previous chapters, reach
particularly high levels before a person hits his or her 30s. In
this day and age, when self-interest is increasingly becoming a
socially acceptable norm, narcissistic tendencies are flourishing.

However, there is still hope, for as long as these tendencies fall

into a pathological personality disorder, a person can actually
outgrow his or her narcissistic ways. The saying “ it ’ s just a
phase ” can come into play here. There is a correlation
between narcissism, age, and life experiences that change how
a person views himself and society.

What you should never do to a narcissist is to humiliate them

or be too blunt towards them, for it is more than their
personality can take.

It is clear to many social scientists that the one who is hopeful

to change the narcissist isn ’ t the narcissist himself, but the
person who genuinely cares for him. It must be made clear
that in order for this change to occur, the narcissist must want
There are instances wherein a narcissist changes his ways if he
has been subjected to a “ humbling experience, ” but oftentimes,
they will bounce back to their old ways as soon as they are
able to recover. It is difficult for a narcissist to get out of the
warped sense of reality, for it is their comfort zone, a place
where they feel safe and secure. Any threat to this comfort
zone will cause the narcissist to become very hostile, so tread
The Challenge of Changing the Narcissist

Many people who have been dealing with narcissists through

most parts of their lives have accepted the fact that they rarely
ever change. It is indeed difficult to convince a person to
change who is already extremely satisfied with his or her
personality. Narcissists are very happy with how they live their
lives. If you want them to change, they will actually think that
there is something wrong with you, and that you should be
the one to change.

If you want to see a change in your narcissistic loved one, the

first thing you need to do is to reflect upon yourself instead of
thinking about the narcissist. You must accept the possibility
that if you are unable to change him, you can instead make
changes within your own life and outlook. If your narcissistic
loved one is abusive, you should start saying no to the
relationship. Otherwise, you too will become narcissistic.

To enable the narcissist to change, or at least to minimize their

narcissistic tendencies, what you can do is to expose a
narcissist to opportunities for empathy, which will enable them
to become more sensitive towards people, and help them tone
down their self-centeredness. One example would be for a
narcissist to watch movies or documentaries that will show him
the many other faces of humanity, helping him realize that he
is a part of a bigger whole.

Give him the chance to talk to others who are less fortunate
than himself, and allow him to extend a helping hand. If there
is little to no response regarding this, then you would have to
turn the tables by using the narcissist ’ s own weaknesses
against him to make him change. He will only seek to change
himself if he sees that this change will personally benefit him
and offer him what he desires so much – power, control, and

Although society is very much fascinated with the tools that

breed narcissism within it – from social media networks, with
the constant flow of communication and photo posts, to reality
TV – action must be taken into consideration in order for this
so-called narcissism epidemic to subside. While a healthy level of
self-love is encouraged, failure to empathize and do one ’ s part
as an active member of the community is not advocated.
How to Deal with a Narcissist

Narcissism does not sound lovely at all, so naturally, you would

feel the need to avoid narcissists. However, there will be
multiple times in your life when you will have to face them or
even spend a part of your life with them. It could be your
mother-in-law, your boss, or even your new roommate. It won
’ t entirely be a bad thing to spend some time with a
narcissist, as long you know how to deal with them.

For instance, the narcissist as a leader is very much a control

freak. He is very charismatic and manipulative, showcasing his
abilities to society with false bravado. The narcissistic leader is
capable of extended networking and is prone to do so because
he wants the attention and admiration of as many people as
possible. Narcissistic leaders tend to lose their temper when
they feel that control and power are slipping from their fingers,
or if they are no longer included in social activities.

Keep in mind that many successful organizations and

businesses have narcissistic leaders. It isn ’ t a wonder, for they
have the charm and confidence to pull it off. Expect them to
blow their top off, sometimes unconscionably. Every now and
then you will find that you and all the other subordinates are
doing the more grueling parts of the work.

In order to deal with the narcissist in your life, one thing that
you can do is to butter them up. This is a great tactic if you
want to manipulate the narcissist, who is a manipulator himself.
If you think that you can ’ t pull it off, remind yourself of the
real reason behind it.

Be realistic when setting expectations with a narcissist. Keep in

mind that they are artful manipulators, so they are definitely
going to try and weasel their way into turning things in their
own favor. If you have to work or live with a narcissist, you
have to set boundaries very clearly with him up front.

Allow the narcissist to soak up all of the attention, especially

when you want him to help out. Narcissists are notorious for
being poor performers, but when placed in the limelight, they
will do whatever it takes to gain favor. Keep in mind that they
do not like to work in a group, so if they have to pitch in,
you can tell them that you ’ re posting stuff online about the
team effort, and let the magic unfold.

On the other hand, avoid threatening their egos, because they

may turn to aggression. There have been several cases of
narcissists exacting revenge upon those who have openly
criticized them. Choose your words very wisely in providing
feedback to a narcissist. One piece of advice would be to make
your tone sound light and humorous when providing feedback
to a narcissist. Since narcissists use humor as a tool to get
attention and admiration, you can use it on them as well to
get your point across.

Thanks again for purchasing this book!

Psychopaths are a very fascinating subject for “ normal ”

people, mostly because they are capable of committing
unimaginable and often horrifying acts.

However, it is easy to confuse psychopaths with regular

criminals because media and other social institutions have
blurred the lines between the facts and myths about
psychopathy. I hope that that book has been able to help you
better understand the concept of psychopathy.

Not all psychopaths should be feared. In fact, many of them

should be pitied — especially those psychopaths who mingle with
normal people without really connecting with them.

While they are incapable of feeling negative emotions, they are

also incapable of feeling love and attachment. When you think
about that, psychopathy is the loneliest type of existence for
any human being — only psychopaths themselves don ’ t realize

Remember, the information contained in this book is strictly for

educational purposes. It is in no way intended to instruct
people on how to clinically identify psychopaths, nor should it
be used to imitate the horrendous acts perpetrated by some of
the world ’ s worst psychopaths.

I hope the information presented here has given you a new,

clear perspective about sociopathy. As researchers note, four
percent of the general population are sociopaths. In other
words, the chance of encountering one is not impossible.

In dealing with a sociopath, understanding his or her nature is

the first step. And, may the things shared in this book become
helpful to you along the way. Armed with the right information,
you can better protect yourself if it becomes necessary.

Second, sociopathy is a heavy cross to bear. It stays with a

person for the rest of his lifetime. While full-blown sociopathy
may be quite impossible to correct, stopping the development of
sociopathy is perfectly possible at its early onset. Awareness of
the warning signs can help you prevent a loved one from
turning out differently than the rest.

Finally, please bear in mind that not all sociopaths are created
the same. Their lack of guilt, shame, and remorse, as well as
their self centeredness and lack of empathy for others may be
their common denominators. But, not all of them have criminal

Sociopaths may be different. But some of them manage to do

better than what is expected of them.

Narcissism is indeed a very interesting topic, not just for social

scientists, but for the rest of the world as well. It is widely
present, and it is also spreading out fast. You also may have
noticed that, as society continues to change, the views and
behaviors of narcissists also adapt to it. Their consistency is in
their exceptional admiration of themselves, as well as their
constant need for the approval of others.

Remember to cultivate healthy self-esteem within yourself and

your community in order to become more sensitive towards
each other. Narcissism may seem so captivating at first, but it
will definitely not benefit the narcissist. Developing good habits,
such as self-reflection and being open-minded, is key to avoid
becoming narcissistic. In this world full of online status updates,
pictures of digitally modified ideals, and the increased
acceptance of public boasting, maintaining a healthy
self-confidence has become all the more challenging. Remember
that self-esteem is all about believing in yourself, the quiet kind
of assurance that does not require anyone’s approval.

Hopefully, this book has succeeded in its goal of broadening

your understanding of personality disorders and mental illnesses,
and may it also aid you in coping with the the tendencies that
surround yourself and your loved ones.

One thing to remember about mental illness is that diagnoses

of most conditions are based on what is normal or accepted in
a culture. While severe anxiety is considered a mental condition
in some countries, it is disregarded in others. In undeveloped
places, mental disorders are perceived as possessions, curses, or
results of witchcraft. However, only professionals can diagnose
mental illnesses.

Mental illness is a sickness of the mind, an imbalance in the

functioning of a person’s brain that causes them to behave
differently than others. As explained in the book, personality
disorders are a kind of mental illness. The difference is that the
characteristics are not morbid or altered versions of the normal
personalities of humans, which is the case with most mental
illnesses. Personality disorders are just as irrational as most
mental illnesses, but the characteristics are within “sane”
jurisdiction. They are, however, extreme versions of the average
human personalities.

People with mental disorders do not suffer from them by

choice. Much like other medical conditions, mental illnesses are
caught or passed on, but most of all, they are developed.
Afflicted people should not be judged or scorned. It is much
harder for them to cope for reasons not everyone can
understand. Their ability to comprehend is limited, and their
thinking is clouded, disorganized, and disbelieving. It takes
months to years of mental repair for them to be able to live
like normal individuals.

They should be treated with sympathy as opposed to neglect,

disrespect, or discrimination. Knowledge of mental illness will
give us an understanding of what plagues the mentally ill and
how the illness befell them. It will provide relatives and loved
ones with what they need in order to support the afflicted
person. It may not generate sympathy, but it will certainly
discourage negative outlooks and treatments of the mentally ill.

With the help of this e-book, one can also determine signs,
symptoms, and causes of mental illnesses. This will help one to
determine whether internal issues are possible impending
personality disorders or simply seasonal problems. It may
enlighten those who have been suffering from a mental
disorder without knowing of it and encourage them to seek
help from loved ones or professionals.

In conclusion, one should not take recurring depressive states

or dissocial characteristics lightly or discriminate upon those
who experience them. One cannot know if this might be a sign
of mental illness or a trigger for it.

Thank you and good luck!

Clarence T. Rivers

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