7 Powerful Money Mantras To Attract Prosperity
7 Powerful Money Mantras To Attract Prosperity
7 Powerful Money Mantras To Attract Prosperity
Mantras are sacred sayings to focus the mind. It comes from the two
Sanskrit words, “man” and “tra”. Tra means tool, and man means mind.
Therefore, mantra is a tool for the mind. Eastern-based healers have used
mantras for centuries to calm the central nervous system and tap into their
inner peace. Whether it’s known as mantra, prayer or affirmations, they
can be found across religions and spiritual teachings.
I decided to re-read the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and
dive into the world of money psychology. In doing so I discovered a
whole new world. A world of abundance thinking and training my
thoughts to attract money with ease and grace. I vividly remember sitting
in my living room early one morning before Nick woke up, lighting some
sage and writing out different money sayings to recite. I didn’t know this
at the time, but I was writing money mantras.
I repeated these money mantras every morning and over time I noticed a
shift in my finances and in my confidence. As you embark on your
journey of boosting your self-worth and net-worth, I invite you to try out
these seven money mantras that I love to use to create peace and
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