Instructions For A Bad Day - Dhanvi Agarwal
Instructions For A Bad Day - Dhanvi Agarwal
Instructions For A Bad Day - Dhanvi Agarwal
Mrs. Stewart
When feeling stressed, I can feel several changes throughout my body, including the
mind and overall “spirit”. I experience irritation, grumpiness, fatigue, and a loss of
motivation. Physically, I avoid eating much or engaging in other activities as I tend to be
extremely focused on the task which is causing me stress. There is a lack of laughter and
spending time with family as well. In addition, I have observed that my mental health
worsens; I feel unhappy, angry, anxious, and lose interest in performing normal activities.
Moreover, regarding my spiritual health, I know that I do not feel accomplished or proud
of my actions and tasks that I complete. I feel that I do not complete them to the best of
my abilities when under pressure; therefore, I am not at peace during stressful situations.
My prime objective is to finish the task at hand, but then there is no ultimate purpose as I
am not learning anything valuable.
2. How are physical, mental and spiritual health related? Why is it important to
understand the links between mind, spirit and body?
Physical, mental, and spiritual health are related because they play a vital role in
controlling our life. All three elements connect and lead to one another; for example, if
you do not exercise, eat enough meals, or spend time with your family, this will cause
your mental health to go downhill. Since they are related, this will result in your spiritual
health also worsening; therefore, you will not be at peace, feel accomplished, or have a
strong will to continue completing your tasks/routine. It is important to understand this
link so you can take care of yourself in every aspect. Only focusing on one of these will
not be beneficial; hence, it is essential to know the differences between physical, mental,
and spiritual health, as well as how they lead to consequences if each is not considered.
3. What are some physical changes you might observe when you experience stress?
Some physical changes I might observe when experiencing stress are weight loss or gain,
lack of exercise, and not spending time with family. This tends to occur when I stress
about my assignments or tasks and often do not find the opportunities to enjoy my day.
4. How might positive self-talk (definition: It's like having an optimistic voice in your
head that always looks on the bright side.) help in dealing with stress? What can
you do to make this strategy work for you?
Positive self-talk can help deal with stress by guiding you in the right direction and
mindset. An optimistic voice that often goes unnoticed has the power to completely relax
your mind and relieve stress. To make this strategy work effectively, whenever I am
feeling stressed, I can take a minimum five minute break and lie down. Then, I will
proceed to close my eyes and allow the voice to guide me in a calm place, without stress.
Furthermore, playing soft music can also help with easing my mind and letting the voice
inside my head encourage me.
*I have discussed how I bounce back from stressful situations during the instructions, instead of
writing a separate paragraph.
It is only one day; one bad day. Sit down, drink a glass of water, put your devices far
away, and breathe. Relax, clear the fog that your countless thoughts created in your mind; let it
cool down and fill it with peace. Begin to pick a tune with the melody of nature, the sound of
water droplets, a light wind that would gently blow your hair and curve your lips into a beautiful
smile. Imagine those droplets crawling down your skin and escaping into the ground, while
carrying the weight of your stress away forever. Start to lie down, get comfortable, and slowly
close your eyes. Everyone experiences tough times in their life; without these situations, we
would not be able to learn how to improve our health, as well as discover what truly triggers our
delight. Today, you will resist defeat and instead, you must rise stronger than ever with a positive
mindset leading to success.
Listen… do you hear it? That quiet, angelic voice in your head telling you to take care of
yourself, enjoy your day, and forget about the stress? Now, follow this voice; allow it to guide
your struggles and worries elsewhere so you can focus on developing your physical, mental, and
spiritual health. It is crucial for you to take a hiatus from your tasks and attend to the top priority,
which is yourself. Personally, I constructed a well-organized schedule to plan my days
accordingly; this guarantees that I have enough time to perform my daily routine, complete my
homework, play games, exercise, and more. When bouncing back from these stressful and
intense events, it is compulsory to practice self-compassion and I can say with confidence having
done it myself, that this is extremely beneficial. Essentially, you will try to create a peaceful
atmosphere within your spirit; whether it be having a self-talk with the optimistic voice,
searching for professional help, asking for advice, or simply meditating. A small step will make a
significant difference in your overall health and drive away those awful days. Your prime
objective is to prioritize your own life first; you are important and you belong here. No matter
how dreadful these times seem to be, in the end, they only assist us to become an ameliorated
human being. Your circumstances could be worse, so count your blessings and know that the
next day will be different. As of now, talk to your family or friends, play some video games,
learn a new sport, go to the park; do what channels your mirth!