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Cholangiocarcinoma 2020

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Cholangiocarcinoma 2020: the

next horizon in mechanisms and
Jesus M. Banales   1,2,3 ✉, Jose J. G. Marin   2,4, Angela Lamarca   5,6,
Pedro M. Rodrigues   1, Shahid A. Khan7, Lewis R. Roberts   8, Vincenzo Cardinale9,
Guido Carpino   10, Jesper B. Andersen   11, Chiara Braconi   12, Diego F. Calvisi13,
Maria J. Perugorria1,2, Luca Fabris   14,15, Luke Boulter   16, Rocio I. R. Macias   2,4,
Eugenio Gaudio17, Domenico Alvaro18, Sergio A. Gradilone19, Mario Strazzabosco   14,15,
Marco Marzioni20, Cédric Coulouarn21, Laura Fouassier   22, Chiara Raggi23,
Pietro Invernizzi   24, Joachim C. Mertens25, Anja Moncsek25, Sumera Rizvi8,
Julie Heimbach26, Bas Groot Koerkamp   27, Jordi Bruix2,28, Alejandro Forner   2,28,
John Bridgewater   29, Juan W. Valle   5,6 and Gregory J. Gores   8
Abstract | Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) includes a cluster of highly heterogeneous biliary malignant
tumours that can arise at any point of the biliary tree. Their incidence is increasing globally,
currently accounting for ~15% of all primary liver cancers and ~3% of gastrointestinal malignancies.
The silent presentation of these tumours combined with their highly aggressive nature and
refractoriness to chemotherapy contribute to their alarming mortality, representing ~2% of all
cancer-related deaths worldwide yearly. The current diagnosis of CCA by non-​invasive approaches
is not accurate enough, and histological confirmation is necessary. Furthermore, the high
heterogeneity of CCAs at the genomic, epigenetic and molecular levels severely compromises
the efficacy of the available therapies. In the past decade, increasing efforts have been made to
understand the complexity of these tumours and to develop new diagnostic tools and therapies
that might help to improve patient outcomes. In this expert Consensus Statement, which is
endorsed by the European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma, we aim to summarize
and critically discuss the latest advances in CCA, mostly focusing on classification, cells of origin,
genetic and epigenetic abnormalities, molecular alterations, biomarker discovery and treatments.
Furthermore, the horizon of CCA for the next decade from 2020 onwards is highlighted.

Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) constitutes a diverse group (20–30%) and iCCA (10–20%)1,6,7. CCA is the second
of malignancies emerging in the biliary tree. CCAs are most common primary hepatic malignancy after hepa-
divided into three subtypes depending on their anatom- tocellular carcinoma (HCC), comprising approximately
ical site of origin: intrahepatic (iCCA), perihilar (pCCA) 15% of all primary liver tumours and 3% of gastrointes-
and distal (dCCA) CCA1,2 (Fig. 1). Of note, considered tinal cancers1,6,7. CCAs are usually asymptomatic in early
as an independent entity, mixed HCC–CCA tumours stages and, therefore, often diagnosed when the disease
are a rare type of liver malignancy sharing features of is already in advanced stages, which highly compromises
both iCCA and HCC and presenting an aggressive dis- therapeutic options, resulting in a dismal prognosis1,8.
ease course and poor prognosis3,4. iCCAs arise above the CCA is a rare cancer, but its incidence (0.3–6 per 100,000
second-​order bile ducts, whereas the point of anatom- inhabitants per year)1 and mortality (1–6 per 100,000
ical distinction between pCCA and dCCA is the inser- inhabitants per year, globally9, not taking into account
✉e-​mail: jesus.banales@ tion of the cystic duct. pCCA and dCCA can also be specific regions with incidence >6 per 100,000 habitants
biodonostia.org collectively referred to as ‘extrahepatic’ (eCCA)5. In the such as South Korea, China and Thailand) have been
https://doi.org/10.1038/ USA, pCCA is the single largest group, accounting for increasing in the past few decades worldwide, repre-
s41575-020-0310-​z approximately 50–60% of all CCAs, followed by dCCA senting a global health problem. Despite advances in

Nature Reviews | Gastroenterology & Hepatology

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

CCA awareness, knowledge, diagnosis and therapies, and what is envisaged on the horizon for CCA, focus-
patient prognosis has not improved substantially in the ing on epidemiology, risk factors, clinical presentation,
past decade, with 5-​year survival (7–20%) and tumour diagnosis, genetic and epigenetic landscape, molecular
recurrence rates after resection still disappointing10–17. perturbations, chemoresistance and therapies.
Therefore, a detailed study of these types of cancers is
urgently needed to improve patient welfare and out- Methods
comes. Considering the high heterogeneity of CCAs, This international group of multidisciplinary experts in
individual characterization of these tumours at the CCA (that is, oncologists, surgeons, hepatologists, genet-
genomic, epigenetic and molecular levels is an indispen- icists, immunologists, basic scientists) has been inten-
sable approach to ascertain their pathogenesis, paving sively collaborating within the ENS-​CCA since 2015
the path for new therapeutic options and personalized with the main aims of improving our understanding of
medicine. In this expert Consensus Statement, which CCA and the management of patients. In this regard,
is endorsed by the European Network for the Study of this expert consensus is endorsed by the ENS-​CCA.
Cholangiocarcinoma (ENS-​CCA), we provide a com- The overall goal of this multidisciplinary statement is
prehensive and critical overview of current knowledge to provide a detailed critical overview of the current
knowledge in this field, proposing some expert recom-
author addresses mendations and highlighting what is envisaged for the
Department of Liver and Gastrointestinal Diseases, Biodonostia Health research
next decade.
institute – Donostia university Hospital, university of the Basque Country (uPv/eHu), J.M.B. and G.J.G. identified the areas of interest,
san sebastian, spain. stratified the consensus statement into the sections pre-
National institute for the study of Liver and Gastrointestinal Diseases (CiBerehd, sented in the document and assigned them to selected
“instituto de salud Carlos iii”), san sebastian, spain. ENS-​CCA members or non-​European collaborators
ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for science, Bilbao, spain. (L.R.R., S.G., S.R., J.H. and G.J.G.) who are expert in
experimental Hepatology and Drug targeting (HeveFarM), iBsaL, university of each field of knowledge and research. To write this docu­
salamanca, salamanca, spain. ment, a PubMed search was conducted by combining
Department of Medical Oncology, the Christie NHs Foundation trust, Manchester, uK. the term ‘cholangiocarcinoma’ with the following terms:
Division of Cancer sciences, university of Manchester, Manchester, uK.
‘epidemiology’, ‘risk factors’, ‘classification’, ‘cells of ori-
Department of surgery and Cancer, imperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital,
London, uK.
gin’, ‘diagnosis’, ‘staging’, ‘genetics’, ‘epigenetics’, ‘signal-
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and ling pathways’, ‘epithelial-​to-​mesenchymal transition’,
science, rochester, MN, usa. ‘cancer stem cells’, ‘tumour microenvironment’, ‘immuno­
Department of Medico-​surgical sciences and Biotechnologies, sapienza university biology’, ‘in vitro and in vivo models’, ‘biomarkers’,
of rome, rome, italy. ‘surgery’, ‘liver transplantation’, ‘therapies’, ‘clinical trials’
Department of Movement, Human and Health sciences, Division of Health sciences, and ‘chemoresistance’. No specific search dates were
university of rome “Foro italico”, rome, italy. used. All the sections were merged into a first draft by
Biotech research and innovation Centre (BriC), Department of Health and Medical P.M.R and J.M.B. and then extensively revised to create
sciences, university of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. the final document that was later circulated among
institute of Cancer sciences, university of Glasgow, Glasgow, uK.
all the authors for further correction, improvement, dis-
institute of Pathology, university of regensburg, regensburg, Germany.
Department of Molecular Medicine, university of Padua school of Medicine,
cussion and approval. The data presented in Fig. 2 were
Padua, italy. obtained by combining the values of mortality rates in
Digestive Disease section, Yale university school of Medicine, New Haven, Ct, usa. men and women for both iCCA and eCCA reported
MrC-​Human Genetics unit, institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, university in 2019 by Bertuccio et al.9. For the recommendations
of edinburgh, edinburgh, uK. on CCA management and research priorities, ideas were
Division of Human anatomy, Department of anatomical, Histological, Forensic proposed, discussed and approved after final revision by
Medicine and Orthopedics sciences, sapienza university of rome, rome, italy. all the authors to reach a consensus.
Department of Medicine and Medical specialties, sapienza university of rome,
rome, italy. Epidemiology and risk factors
the Hormel institute, university of Minnesota, austin, MN, usa.
The global mortality for CCA increased worldwide
Clinic of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, universita Politecnica delle Marche,
ancona, italy.
during the periods 2000–2004, 2005–2009 and 2010–
iNserM, université de rennes, rennes, France. 2014 (Fig. 2), according to the WHO and Pan American
sorbonne université, iNserM, Centre de recherche saint-​antoine (Crsa), Health Organization databases for 32 selected locations
Paris, France. in Europe, America, Asia and Oceania9. Furthermore,
Department of experimental and Clinical Medicine, university of Florence, Florence, CCA mortality was higher in men than in women world-
italy. wide, and in countries/regions in Asia versus those in
Division of Gastroenterology and Center of autoimmune Liver Diseases, Department the West. Accordingly, Asian individuals were reported
of Medicine and surgery, san Gerardo Hospital, university of Milano, Bicocca, italy. to have the highest mortality (2.81 per 100,000 men
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, university Hospital Zurich and in Japan). However, in the USA, the more noticeable
university of Zurich, Zürich, switzerland.
increases in mortality between 2004 and 2014 were
Department of surgery, Mayo Clinic, rochester, MN, usa.
Department of surgery, erasmus Medical Center, rotterdam, Netherlands.
found for African American individuals (45%), followed
Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) group, Liver unit, Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, by Asian (22%) and white (20%) individuals18. The
Fundació Clínic per a la recerca Biomédica (FCrB), iDiBaPs, university of Barcelona, age-​standardized incidence of CCA shows considerable
Barcelona, spain. geographical variation, with the highest incidence in
Department of Medical Oncology, uCL Cancer institute, London, uK. Eastern countries/regions; incidence varies from 85 per

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t





Left, right,
common pCCA
Intraductal-growing (50–60%)

Common dCCA
bile (20–30%)

Fig. 1 | anatomical classification of cholangiocarcinoma. On the basis of the anatomical site of origin,
cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is classified into intrahepatic CCA (iCCA), perihilar CCA (pCCA) and distal CCA (dCCA).
iCCA is defined as a malignancy located in the periphery of the second-​order bile ducts, pCCA arises in the right
and/or left hepatic duct and/or at their junction, and dCCA involves the common bile duct (that is, the choledochus).
Grossly, CCA can show three main patterns of growth: mass-​forming, periductal-​infiltrating, and intraductal-​growing.
Mass-​forming CCA is a mass lesion in the hepatic parenchyma. Periductal-​infiltrating iCCA grows inside the duct wall
and spreads longitudinally along the wall. Intraductal-​growing CCA is a polypoid or papillary tumour growing towards
the duct lumen.

100,000 in northeastern Thailand (the highest reported Furthermore, in the USA, the incidence of iCCA is
value globally) to 0.4 per 100,000 in Canada12. Variations higher in older people (≥45 years old) than in younger
in incidence probably reflect differences in local risk people and in Hispanic individuals than in non-​Hispanic
factors and potential genetic predispositions1,2,19. individuals, and is associated with a worse 5-​year
The three subtypes of CCA can have different risk survival in both these populations21. Worse overall sur-
factors, pathobiology, clinical presentations, manage- vival (OS) rates have also been reported for African
ment and prognosis, as well as distinct epidemiolog- Americans, followed by American Indians and Alaska
ical trends1,2. Over the past few decades, the reported Native groups21,22. Of note, the hospital charges asso-
age-​standardized incidence for iCCA has been stead- ciated with iCCA management almost doubled from
ily increasing in most locations worldwide, whereas 2005 to 2014 in the USA22, and male patients with low
the age-​standardized incidence for eCCA has been annual incomes (<US$37,999) tended to show shorter
decreasing2,19. However, these trends need cautious OS, pinpointing socioeconomic treatment discrepancies
interpretation given that all versions of the main that clearly affect outcome23. Other factors that affect
International Classification of Diseases (ICD) have so far the interpretation of CCA incidence trends include the
failed to include a separate code for the largest group of unknown effects of improved diagnostics (imaging,
CCA (pCCA) and previous versions of ICD–Oncology endoscopy, histology), greater awareness and the accep­
(ICD-​O) have cross-​referenced pCCA (technically tance of performing a biopsy even when imaging is
extrahepatic) to iCCA. Importantly, for the first time, highly suggestive of HCC (in accordance with current
subsequent iterations of both ICD and ICD-​O (ICD-11 guidelines), and increasing the detection of combined
and ICD-​O-4, respectively) — which are due to come HCC–CCA or iCCAs3,24–28. Furthermore, there is sub-
into effect by 2021 — will have separate codes for record- stantial global variation in rates of microscopically ver-
ing iCCA, pCCA and dCCA20. Having clearly defined ified (that is, histologically or cytologically confirmed)
codes for the three subtypes of CCA might facilitate cases of CCA reported to cancer registries worldwide.
more accurate and meaningful epidemiological data. For example, Khon Kaen in Thailand, despite being
In the meantime, reported epidemiological trends for believed to have the highest overall age-​standardized
CCA and/or biliary tract cancer need to be interpreted incidence of CCA worldwide, has one of the lowest mor-
carefully. phologically verified percentages (only 9% of all cases of

Nature Reviews | Gastroenterology & Hepatology

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

Annual mortality rates for CCA (per 100,000 inhabitants) Netherlands Norway Finland Czech Republic Hungary
in the periods 2000-2004 (2002), 2005-2009 (2007) 2002: 1.78 2002: 1.09 2002: 2.65 2002: 1.52 2002: 1.98
2007: 1.83 2007: 1.64 2007: 2.87 2007: 1.65 2007: 1.12
and 2010-2014 (2012) 2012: 2.33 2012: 2.18 2012: 2.42 2012: 1.88 2012: 2.03
<2 deaths
2–4 deaths Denmark Sweden Lithuania Austria Croatia
2002: 1.19 2002: 2.08 2002: 1.47 2002: 3.68 2002: 1.61
>4 deaths 2007: 1.49 2007: 2.22 2007: 1.32 2007: 3.79 2007: 2.01
Not applicable 2012: 1.87 2012: 2.49 2012: 1.71 2012: 4.04 2012: 2.75

Canada Belgium
2002: 1.71 2002: 1.74
2007: 2.05 2007: 2.06
2012: 2.71 2012: 2.59

USA UK Japan
2002: 1.56 2002: 1.70 2002: 6.52
2007: 1.71 2007: 2.48 2007: 6.19
2012: 2.05 2012: 3.10 2012: 5.85

Germany South Korea

2002: 1.05 2002: 2.16 Incidence >6
2007: 1.14 Puerto Rico 2007: 2.66
2012: 1.17 2002: 1.11 2012: 3.2
2007: 1.00 China
2012: 1.35 Incidence >6
France Switzerland
Venezuela 2002: 1.78 2002: 2.19
2002: 0.85 2007: 2.39 2007: 2.58 Taiwan
2007: 0.75 Colombia 2012: 2.94 2012: 2.85 Incidence >4
2012: 0.83 2002: 1.10
2007: 1.43 Brazil
Portugal Italy Israel
2012: 1.42 2002: 1.31 Hong Kong
2007: 1.43 2002: 2.21 2002: 1.48 2002: 1.36
2007: 1.71 2007: 1.76 2002: 4.33
2012: 1.47 2007: 2.32 2007: 4.31
2012: 2.76 2012: 2.01 2012: 1.92
2012: 4.36

Chile Argentina Spain Australia New Zealand

2002: 0.74 2002: 0.32 2002: 1.65 2002: 2.04 2002: 1.89
2007: 0.96 2007: 0.32 2007: 2.19 Thailand 2007: 2.47 2007: 2.59
2012: 1.13 2012: 0.45 2012: 2.80 Incidence >6 2012: 2.88 2012: 2.43

Fig. 2 | Mortality of cholangiocarcinoma worldwide. Global age-​standardized annual mortality rates for
cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) (deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, including intrahepatic CCA, perihilar CCA and distal CCA)
obtained from Bertuccio et al.9. Data refer to the periods 2000–2004 (2002), 2005–2009 (2007) and 2010–2014 (2012).
Yellow indicates countries/regions with low mortality (<2 deaths per 100,000 people), orange indicates countries/regions
with mortality between 2 and 4 deaths per 100,000 people, and red indicates countries/regions with high mortality
(>4 deaths per 100,000 people). Mortality in eastern countries/regions in which CCA is highly prevalent (that is, Thailand,
China, Taiwan and South Korea) have not yet been reported and, therefore, CCA incidence is shown for these countries1.

liver disease)29. In this regard, CCA can be notoriously CCA cases remain sporadic, without any identifiable
difficult to accurately diagnose due to its location often risk factor present. A number of studies are examining
being inaccessible to histology or cytology, a lack of clear the potential influence of commonly used drugs such as
diagnostic imaging criteria, and inaccurate non-​invasive aspirin31–33 and lipid-​lowering statins34,35 in the preven-
tumour biomarkers1,2. tion of CCA. Notably, post-​diagnosis aspirin usage has
Several risk factors, both common and rare, have been found to be associated with a reduced risk of death
been linked to CCA (Table 1). Although some risk factors (HR 0.71) among patients with CCA36. Polymorphisms
are shared by all forms of CCA, others seem to be more of host genes encoding enzymes involved in xeno­
specific for one subtype and seem to be more important biotic detoxification, DNA repair, multidrug resistance,
in different regions. A common characteristic amongst immune response and folate metabolism have been
many of these risk factors is that they are associated with linked to CCA development19. There are currently no
chronic inflammation of the biliary epithelium and bile published genome-​wide association studies (GWAS)
stasis19. Several recognized risk factors have increased in CCA, but an appropriately powered one is eagerly
globally over recent decades (1990–2016) and could anticipated.
be contributing to increasing CCA rates. For instance,
high alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking and viral Classification and cells of origin
infections (hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus iCCA can emerge at any point of the intrahepatic biliary
(HCV)) have been reported to increase the risk of CCA tree, ranging from bile ductules to the second-​order bile
development30. Moreover, it is also important to high- ducts (segmental bile ducts). In contrast to HCC, iCCA
light the global obesity pandemic, as well as the meta- usually develops in non-cirrhotic liver37. pCCA can arise
bolic syndrome and/or presence of nonalcoholic fatty in the right and/or left hepatic duct and/or at their junc-
liver disease, as risk factors that deserve future central tion (so-​called perihilar bile ducts)38, and dCCA involves
attention30. However, in most locations, the majority of the common bile duct39. The current term eCCA is now

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

discouraged as it combines subtypes with distinct clin- frequently, as intraductal papillary tumours40. CCA can
icopathological features, prognosis and therapeutic be preceded by pre-​invasive lesions39. Histologically,
options, and also due to the difficulties in discriminating although the vast majority of pCCA and dCCA are
between intrahepatic and extrahepatic origins of pCCA. conventional mucin-​producing adenocarcinomas or
iCCA can show three main patterns of growth: mass- papillary tumours40, iCCA shows several histological
​forming, periductal-​infiltrating, and intraductal- variants (that is, conventional, cholangiolocarcinoma
​growing1,38 (Fig. 1); pCCA and dCCA present as flat and rare variants)41 (Fig. 3; Table 2). Conventional iCCA
or poorly defined nodular sclerosing tumours or, less can be further classified into two main histological
subtypes according to the level or size of the affected
duct42–46 (Fig. 3; Table 2). Small bile duct iCCA presents
Table 1 | risk factors for cholangiocarcinoma
as a small-​sized tubular or acinar adenocarcinoma with
risk factor study type or or rr from nodular growth invading the liver parenchyma, and
selected studies with no or minimal mucin production42–46. Large bile
Choledochal cyst30 Meta-​analysis OR 26.71 for iCCA duct iCCA arises in large intrahepatic bile ducts and
OR 34.94 for eCCA comprises mucin-​producing columnar tumour cells
Choledocholithiasis30 Meta-​analysis OR 10.08 for iCCA arranged in a large duct or papillary architecture38,46–49.
OR 18.58 for eCCA Remarkably, the histological subtyping parallels the high
Cholelithiasis30 Meta-​analysis OR 3.38 for iCCA molecular heterogeneity of CCAs and can be ascribed
OR 5.92 for eCCA to different cells of origin and pathogenesis41. Small bile
Cholecystolithiasis30 Meta-​analysis OR 1.75 for iCCA duct iCCA can be characterized by isocitrate dehydro-
OR 2.94 for eCCA genase (IDH1, IDH2) mutations or fibroblast growth
Caroli disease396 Population-​based study OR 38 for iCCA factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) fusions40,50–55. By contrast,
OR 97 for eCCA large bile duct iCCA, similar to pCCA and dCCA,
Primary sclerosing Population-​based study OR 22 for iCCA shows a high frequency of mutations in KRAS and/or
cholangitis396 OR 41 for eCCA TP53 genes51,53,56,57. Interestingly, dCCA is also associated
Cirrhosis30 Meta-​analysis OR 15.32 for iCCA with ELF3 mutations58. Growing evidence demonstrates
OR 3.82 for eCCA that distinct cells of origin within an organ can give rise
to different subtypes of cancer, typically tissue-​specific
Chronic hepatitis B30 Meta-​analysis OR 4.57 for iCCA
OR 2.11 for eCCA stem and progenitor cells59–62. Evidence regarding the
cells of origin of CCA in humans was obtained by phe-
Chronic hepatitis C30 Meta-​analysis OR 4.28 for iCCA
OR 1.98 for eCCA notyping the candidate tissues and/or cells of origin with
respect to CCA subtypes through histological and gene
Haemochromatosis396 Population-​based study OR 2.1 for iCCA expression analysis38,44,46,63–68, whereas indirect evidence
Inflammatory bowel disease30 Meta-​analysis OR 2.68 for iCCA might be derived from risk factors67,68.
OR 2.37 for eCCA Small bile duct and cholangiolocarcinoma iCCA
Chronic pancreatitis396 Population-​based study OR 2.7 for iCCA subtypes emerge at the level of smaller intrahepatic
OR 6.6 for eCCA bile ducts, including bile ductules38,44,46,69. In these por-
Liver fluke (Opisthorchis Meta-​analysis OR 5 iCCA > eCCA tions of the biliary tree, hepatic stem or progenitor cells
viverrini, Clonorchis sinensis)397 (HpSCs) and cuboidal cholangiocytes represent surface
Type 2 diabetes mellitus398 Meta-​analysis OR 1.73 for iCCA epithelium and are the putative cells of origin of these
OR 1.5 for eCCA malignancies38,44,46,69 (Fig. 3; Table 2). Interestingly, HpSCs
Nonalcoholic fatty liver Meta-​analysis OR 2.2 for iCCA have been implicated in CK19+ HCC70 and in combined
disease399 OR 1.5 for eCCA HCC–CCA4,64,71. Notably, CCA-​like HCC tumours dis-
Obesity30 Meta-​analysis OR 1.14 for iCCA play embryonic stem cell-​like expression traits, further
OR 1.2 for eCCA substantiating the involvement of bipotent hepatic pro-
Hypertension30 Meta-​analysis OR 1.10 for iCCA genitor cells, and in humans display a worse prognosis
OR 1.21 for eCCA than HCC72. In line with these findings, nestin, a maker
of bipotent progenitor oval cells, is greatly increased
Alcohol consumption30 Meta-​analysis OR 3.15 for iCCA
OR 1.75 for eCCA in HCC–CCA tumours and is associated with a worse
prognosis, and has been proposed as a new possible
Cigarette smoking30 Meta-​analysis OR 1.25 for iCCA
OR 1.69 for eCCA diagnostic and prognostic biomarker3,26. Small bile duct
and cholangiolocarcinoma iCCA usually develop on a
Environmental toxins background of chronic liver disease (such as chronic
Thorotrast (banned 1969)400,401 Retrospective study RR >300 viral hepatitis and cirrhosis)38,46,70, characterized by
1,2-​Dichloropropane 402
Retrospective study RR 15 HpSC activation71,73,74.
Large bile duct iCCA, pCCA and dCCA derive
Asbestos403 Case–control study OR 4.8 for iCCA
OR 2.1 for eCCA from columnar mucous cholangiocytes or peribiliary
glands38,44,46,47,49,69 (Fig. 3), which are also implicated in
Asbestos404 Case–control study OR 1.1–1.7 for iCCA
No association with the origin of precursor lesions (such as intraductal pap-
eCCA illary neoplasm)46. These malignancies mainly develop
eCCA, extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma; iCCA, intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma; OR, odds in ducts affected by chronic inflammation as in primary
ratio; RR, relative risk. sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) or liver fluke infection46,49,69.

Nature Reviews | Gastroenterology & Hepatology

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

Small iBDs Large iBDs eBDs

Bile ductule Interlobular, zonal, septal Area, segmental Hepatic, cystic, choledochal

Ø <15 μm Ø = 15–300 μm Ø = 300–800 μm Ø >800 μm

Bile ductule Interlobular bile duct Peribiliary glands Surface

Putative cell of origin

HpSC/DR Cuboidal cholangiocyte Mucous cells and/or columnar cholangiocyte

CLC iCCA Small duct-type Large duct-type pCCA/dCCA

Histological classification

Conventional iCCA

Fig. 3 | Histological classification and putative cells of origin in cholangiocarcinoma. Based on the duct size, the
intrahepatic biliary tree can be further subdivided into small and large intrahepatic bile ducts (iBDs). Small iBDs are lined
by small cuboidal cholangiocytes whereas columnar and mucous cholangiocytes line large iBDs. Typically, large iBDs
contain peribiliary glands within their wall. The extrahepatic biliary tree shares anatomical features with large iBDs.
Histological cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) variants reflect the phenotype of the involved duct and the putative cell of origin.
Conventional intrahepatic CCA (iCCA) has two main variants: small duct-​type iCCA arises in small iBDs with cuboidal
cholangiocytes representing the putative cell of origin, and large duct-​type iCCA involves large iBDs and is considered to
be derived from columnar cholangiocytes and peribiliary glands (seromucous glands; mucous acini are shown in light pink,
serous acini are shown in green). Cholangiolocarcinoma (CLC) is a frequent histological variant of iCCA and its phenotype
suggests the origin from bile ductules or ductular reaction (DR) that occurs in chronic liver diseases. The vast majority of
perihilar CCA (pCCA) and distal CCA (dCCA) are considered to originate from the lining epithelium and peribiliary glands.
This histological subtyping underlies distinct clinicopathological and molecular features as summarized in Table 2.
eBD, extrahepatic bile duct; HpSC, human pluripotent stem cell.

In PSC, peribiliary gland cell proliferation, muci- senescence in hepatocytes 66,82,83, and that lineage
nous metaplasia, and dysplasia to cancer progression tracing studies must be conducted and interpreted
take place within bile ducts and along the biliary tree, cautiously76,84–87.
mimicking the cancerization field (‘field defect’)49,75.
Controversies exist regarding the cellular origins of Clinical presentation
iCCA based on lineage tracing studies in experimen- Diagnosis
tal carcinogenetic models76. Indeed, there is evidence CCAs are usually asymptomatic during early stages. The
in favour of HpSC, cholangiocyte or hepatocyte origin most frequent symptom of pCCA and dCCA is jaundice
of iCCA from these experimental settings76–81. Thus, due to biliary tract obstruction88. In iCCA, jaundice is
a definitive determination of the origin of iCCA in less frequent and mostly associated with advanced
humans cannot be reached based on current evidence disease. Other symptoms of advanced disease include
and requires further research. Moreover, it should be asthenia, abdominal pain, malaise, nausea, anorexia
underlined that current experimental models of liver and weight loss. iCCA is an incidental finding in around
damage do not fully recapitulate the pathogenesis of 20–25% of cases88. In patients with cirrhosis, ultrasonog-
human chronic liver disease, including proliferative raphy surveillance for HCC enables iCCA diagnosis

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

at an asymptomatic, early stage89. Unfortunately, the with iCCA, washout takes place earlier than 60 s after
majority of iCCA cases occur in the absence of known contrast agent injection; this feature is rarely observed in
risk factors90, when the only chance for early diagnosis is HCC, and the intensity of washout in the portal phase is
by cross-​sectional imaging performed for other reasons. more marked in iCCA than in HCC89. These refinements
Imaging techniques, such as ultrasonography, might decrease the risk of misdiagnosis in HCC98, and
contrast-​enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS), CT and have been adopted by the Liver Imaging Reporting Data
MRI, play a key part in the management of CCA in System (LI-​RADS) for CEUS (LI-​RADS-​CEUS)99. No
terms of diagnosis, staging, follow-​up and assessment evidence supports the use of 18F-​FDG PET for comple-
of treatment response. Their diagnostic accuracy is tion of staging, which could be of special value to exclude
influenced by the anatomical location and growth pat- the presence of lymph node or distant metastases100.
terns of CCA, and their use for staging varies accord- As no specific CCA radiology pattern exists, histo­
ing to tumour location91. CT is considered the standard pathological or cytological analysis is mandatory to
imaging method for the preoperative assessment of both confirm the diagnosis1,28. This diagnosis is based on the
iCCA and pCCA; it provides a comprehensive evalua- WHO classification of biliary tract cancer showing an
tion of the primary tumour, the relationship with adja- adenocarcinoma or mucinous carcinoma101, with tubu-
cent structures, and potential thoracic and abdominal lar and/or papillary structures and a variable fibrous
spread91. MRI has similar accuracy to CT for diagnosis stroma102.
and staging, but it incorporates specific sequences such
as diffusion-​weighted imaging and the potential for per- Staging
forming magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography There is no widely used staging system for CCA,
(MRCP), which is critical for pCCA staging92. The most although it can be staged according to the American
frequent imaging patterns displayed by iCCA on both Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM system103,104.
CT and MRI are arterial peripheral rim enhancement Despite providing a clinically meaningful classifica-
with progressive homogeneous contrast agent uptake tion correlated with prognosis105, the current TNM
until the delayed or stable uptake during late dynamic classification has some limitations. First, it has limited
phases93,94. A targetoid pattern defined as arterial rim discriminatory ability between T2 and T3 tumours in
enhancement, peripheral washout and delayed cen­ surgically resected iCCAs105,106. T2 tumours include
tral enhancement can also be present in iCCA95. When multifocal disease or disease with intrahepatic vascular
gadoxetic acid is used, the washout should be read in invasion that probably reflect disseminated disease and
the portal phase instead of in delayed phases to prevent the OS in patients with these tumours does not differ
misclassification between HCC and iCCA in a cirrhotic from the OS in patients with extrahepatic metastatic
liver96. More controversial is the use of CEUS in iCCA, disease105. Similarly, there is also evidence supporting
particularly in the setting of underlying chronic liver the negative effect of the presence of multifocal iCCA
disease. iCCA exhibits homogeneous arterial hyper­ (iCCA with liver metastases; T2) on prognosis (OS)
enhancement followed by venous washout in near 50% when compared with other early stages, which might
of patients, a pattern indistinguishable from that found require consideration in future versions of the AJCC
in HCC94,97. However, in a relevant proportion of patients TNM classifications107. Second, although size has been

Table 2 | Clinicopathological and molecular features of cholangiocarcinoma

CCa type Gross pattern precancerous Underlying tissue markersa Frequent mutations
lesion disease
iCCA — CLC Mass-​forming None Viral, NCAM IDH1/2, FGFR2 fusions,
cirrhosis BAP1, BRAF, ARID1A,
Increased IDH1 and TP53
iCCA — small Mass-​forming None Viral, NCAM, IDH1/2, FGFR2 fusions,
duct type cirrhosis N-​cadherin, BAP1, BRAF, ARID1A,
Increased IDH1/2, FGFR2
iCCA — large Periductal Biliary epithelial Primary Mucinb, IDH1/2, FGFR2 fusions,
duct type infiltrating neoplasia, IPNB, sclerosing MUC5AC, BAP1, BRAF, ARID1A,
(±mass-​forming) ITPN, mucinous cholangitis, MUC6, S100P, KRAS, TP53, SMAD4
or intraductal cystic neoplasm liver flukes SMAD4loss, BAP1
Increased KRAS and TP53
pCCA–dCCA Periductal Biliary epithelial Primary Mucinb, KRAS, TP53, SMAD4,
infiltrating or neoplasia, IPNB, sclerosing MUC5AC, ERBB3, PRKACA–PRKACB
intraductal ITPN, mucinous cholangitis, MUC6, S100P, fusions, ELF3
growing cystic neoplasm liver flukes SMAD4loss, BAP1
CCA, cholangiocarcinoma; CLC, cholangiolocarcinoma; dCCA, distal cholangiocarcinoma; iCCA, intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma;
IPNB, intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct; ITPN, intraductal tubulopapillary neoplasm; pCCA, perihilar cholangiocarcinoma.
Markers from single-​centre experience; international criteria and consensus on a definite panel of markers are still needed. bMucin
refers to histomorphological stains periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) or Alcian PAS.

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included for the first time as a prognostic factor for iCCA and IDH2R172) that cause an accumulation of the onco-
in the eighth edition of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, metabolite 2-​hydroxyglutarate (2-​HG)57, as well as the
the only cut-​off size considered is 5 cm in T1 tumours. constitutive active gene fusion event between FGFR2 and
Several authors have shown that a 2 cm cut-​off value many different partners, including the most prevalent
might identify very early tumours with very low likeli- (BICC1 (refs50,112–114), PPHLN1 (ref.115), TACC3 (ref.112)
hood of dissemination and potential long-​term survival and MGEA5 (ref.112)). These alterations are important as
with low recurrence rates24,108. Finally, the TNM classi- they are driving current marker-​based phase III clinical
fication misses relevant prognostic factors such as the trials testing specific agents targeting these alterations in
presence of cancer-​related symptoms (such as abdominal FGFR2 fusion-​positive CCA (NCT03773302)123,124 and
pain or malaise) or the degree of liver function impair- IDH-​mutated CCA (NCT02989857).
ment. As previously shown with HCC, future propos- To date, information on the inherited predisposing
als from society guidelines should focus on stratifying genetic risk factors causing CCA is very limited125. Data
non-​surgical patients for clinical studies using clinical mostly stem from GWAS of patient cohorts diagnosed
and imaging data. Notably, Chaiteerakij et al. proposed a with PSC25,126, with increased risk of CCA. However, the
new staging system for pCCA based on tumour size and only detailed genomic association with aetiological risk
number, vascular encasement, lymph node and perito- factors investigated by genome sequencing has been the
neal metastasis, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group association with liver fluke infection (Opisthorchis viver-
(ECOG) performance status (ECOG-​PS), and CA19-9 rini and Clonorchis sinensis), with fluke-​positive tumours
level, which has shown a better performance in pre- showing an overall higher mutational rate (median
dicting survival than the TNM staging system109. Also, 4,700 versus 3,143 somatic mutations per tumour)116
important for stratification in clinical trials, radiographic with prevalent mutations in SMAD4 and TP53 as well
staging parameters need to be developed in the absence as ERBB2 amplifications116–118. Furthermore, although
of histological staging, and a radiographic staging system not in a high proportion, KRAS mutations have been
has been proposed for pCCA109. recurrently found in all CCA subtypes56,116,117. A statis-
tically significant association has also been observed
Genetics and epigenetics between TP53 mutation and HBV infection119,120. Few
Genomics studies have investigated the molecular distinction
Initial efforts using integrative genomics approaches to between iCCA, pCCA and dCCA8,56,116,121. Nakamura
stratify CCA based on prognosis have highlighted exten- et al. emphasized the difference in anatomical loca-
sive deregulated transcriptomic landscapes showing aug- tion of the tumour, highlighting IDH, EPHA2 and
mented anti-​apoptotic signalling, angiogenesis, signal BAP1 mutations and FGFR2 fusions in iCCA, whereas
transduction and transcriptional control8,110. The main extrahepatic tumours specifically show PRKACA and
oncogenic networks comprised WNT-​CTNNB1, MYC, PRKACB fusions as well as mutations in ELF3 (similar to
ERBB, TNF and VEGF signalling, emphasizing cell tumours in the ampulla of Vater)127 and ARID1B56. Based
survival signalling pathways in patients with poor OS8. on these fundamental causal alterations, tumours in dis-
Regarding genomic alterations, CCA falls midway in tinct anatomical sites should probably be treated differ-
the mutational spectrum of cancers111, with an approxi- ently. Besides linking IDH mutations with the response
mately equal content of genomic alterations in iCCA to ivosidenib 128, few studies have related genomic
(median 39 non-​synonymous mutations per tumour) alterations to high-​throughput drug screening119,129,130.
and eCCA (median 35 non-​synonymous mutations Among these, Nepal et al. used an approach of integra-
per tumour)56. Massive sequencing studies56,112–121 have tive genomics in a large cohort of iCCAs to elucidate
improved our understanding of the causal mechanisms unique mutational signatures, structural variants and
in CCA, emphasizing the genomic complexity in prev- epigenomic alterations, emphasizing specific oncoge-
alent oncogenic modules affecting: cell cycle regulation; netic mechanisms in four distinct subsets of patients
DNA damage and genomic instability (TP53, CDKN2A, with potential drug responses and categories: RNA syn-
CCND1, ATM, ROBO2, BRCA1 and BRAC2); MYC thesis inhibition, IDH mutant; microtubule modulator,
amplification; epigenetic regulation including NADPH KRAS mutant; topoisomerase inhibition, TP53 mutant;
metabolism (IDH1 and IDH2), de-​ u biquitination and mTOR inhibitors119.
(BAP1), SWI–SNF complex (PBRM1, ARID1A, ARID1B,
ARID2, SMARCA2, SMARCA4 and SMARCAD1) and Epigenetics
histone (de-)methylation (MLL2, MML3, KMT2C, Epigenetics was shown to play an important part in the
KDM4A, KDM5D, KDM6A and KDM6B); kinase initiation and progression of CCA, affecting tumour phe-
signalling (KRAS, ERBB1–3, BRAF, PIK3CA, PTEN, notype in the absence of changes in DNA sequences131.
STK11, SMAD4 and FGFR1–3); immune dysregulation Deregulated patterns of methylation, histone modifi-
(JAK–STAT3 signalling); FGFR2 and PRKCA–PRKCB cations and aberrant expression of non-​coding RNAs
fusions; the WNT–CTNNB1 pathway (APC); Hippo promote unbalanced transcription and gene expression
signalling (NF2, SAV1 deletion); METLL13 amplifica- that impair cell homeostasis and sustain malignant
tions; and deregulated Notch signalling. Interestingly, transformation. Growing evidence supports deregulated
the predominant genomic alterations in CCA are asso- methylation motifs in CCA cells compared with their
ciated with epigenetic processes122. Indeed, the most normal counterparts, with a prevalent hypermethyla-
clinically significant genomic breakthroughs in iCCA tion of multiple CpG sites occurring in CCA132,133. One
are the discovery of hotspot IDH mutations (IDH1R132 of the largest studies of integrative genetic and epigenetic

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

analyses in CCA, including 489 CCAs from ten coun- epigenetic occurrence seem to have an enrichment
tries/regions, has shown how the molecular make-​up of of events within embryonic stem cell-​related bivalent
CCA goes beyond the differentiation according to ana- regulation134–136. IDH-​mutated tumours instead seem to
tomical site116. Indeed, by combining DNA sequencing resemble the profile of cholangiocellular CCAs that show
with transcriptomic and DNA methylation analyses, gene expression traits of epithelial–mesenchymal tran-
four clusters of CCA with different clinical outcomes sition (EMT)136. Histone modifications have been less
were identified. Two sets of hypermethylated CCAs studied in CCA. Histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes
stood out, with an interesting association between CpG are responsible for regulation of histone acetylation that
island hypermethylation and liver fluke-​related tumours, ultimately affects chromatin organization. HDAC were
increased mutation rate, downregulation of the DNA found to be upregulated in CCA in vitro137, and are being
demethylation enzyme TET1, upregulation of the his- investigated as targets of treatment. Evidence also sug-
tone methyltransferase EZH2 and an increased level of gests that HDAC inhibitors, as well as dasatinib, might
deamination events. Conversely, the subgroup of iCCAs be particularly active in IDH-​mutated tumour cells129,130.
with enrichment in IDH1/2 and BAP1 mutations, as well Non-​coding RNAs account for around 98% human RNAs
as FGFR translocations, showed hypermethylation of and include microRNAs (miRNAs) and long non-​coding
the CpG shores (the regions immediately flanking CpG RNAs, among others. These non-​coding RNAs regulate
islands, up to 2 kb away). This different pattern suggests the expression of a plethora of target genes affecting
how early epigenetic deregulation caused by external all the hallmarks of the cancer phenotype from cell pro-
carcinogenic events (for example, liver flukes) are at the liferation and migration to EMT and the regulation of the
basis of CCA development in the first cluster, whereas in primary cilium in cholangiocytes138–142 (Fig. 4).
the second cluster, epigenetic aberrations probably arise
as a downstream consequence of somatic mutations Signalling and molecular networks
(IDH) that produce oncometabolites responsible for the CCA often arises in the setting of prolonged biliary
DNA hypermethylation. These differences have remark- inflammation and/or cholestasis, which contribute to
able clinical implications, because on the one hand early carcinogenesis. According to transcriptomic profiles,
epigenetic events might be used for early detection of the ‘inflammation’ (38%) and ‘proliferation’ (62%) sub-
tumours in the first cluster (by using quantitative DNA types of iCCA were previously identified and reported
methylation markers in the bile of individuals at risk)80 to be differentially enriched with activation of the pro-
and on the other hand, the tumour clonal mutations ​inflammatory and oncogenic pathways, respectively110.
might be a marker of effective targeted therapies (such The inflammation subclass of tumours was character-
as IDH inhibitors). ized by induction of immune-​related signalling path-
Methylome data can also provide insights into the ways. By contrast, the proliferation subclass was enriched
cells of origin of CCA. Tumours with high genetic and in classic oncogenic pathways, including deregulated

↑ miR-17-92 ↓ miR-125b
↑ miR-200 ↓ miR-605
↓ miR-99a
↓ miR-let7c

EMT or migration or invasion Proliferation and cell cycle

↑ miR-200c ↑ AFAP1 ↓ miR-124 ↑ miR-141 ↑ AFAP1 ↓ miR-101
↑ miR-21 ↑ CCAT2 ↓ miR-138 ↑ miR-181c ↑ CCAT2 ↓ miR-138
↑ miR-221 ↑ CPS1-IT1 ↓ miR-144 ↑ miR-191 ↑ CPS1-IT1 ↓ miR-144
↑ miR-24 ↑ H19 ↓ miR-200b/c ↑ miR-200b ↑ EPIC ↓ miR-148a
↑ miR-421 ↑ MALAT1 ↓ miR-204 ↑ miR-21 ↑ H19 ↓ miR-152
↑ PANDAR ↑ PCAT1 ↓ miR-214 ncRNAs ↑ miR-210 ↑ HOTAIR ↓ miR-34a
↑ TUG1 ↑ UCA1 ↓ miR-376c in ↑ miR-24 ↑ MALAT1 ↓ miR-370
↓ miR-605 cholangiocarcinoma ↑ miR-26a ↑ PANDAR ↓ miR-373
↑ miR-29 ↑ PCAT1 ↓ miR-376c
↑ miR-31 ↑ TUG1 ↓ miR-410
↑ miR-421 ↑ UCA1 ↓ miR-494
Chemoresistance and survival ↑ miR-let7a ↓ miR-605
↑ miR-21 ↑ H19 ↓ miR-204
↑ miR-200b ↓ miR-29b
↑ miR-24 ↓ miR-320
↑ miR-31 Ciliogenesis
↑ miR-let7a Epigenetics
↓ miR-22
↓ miR-148a ↓ miR-433
↓ miR-152
↓ miR-373

Fig. 4 | non-coding rnas in cholangiocarcinoma and their relationship with different tumorigenic processes.
Non-​coding RNAs (ncRNAs) that have been found to be dysregulated (up or down) in cholangiocarcinoma and that have
key roles in the regulation of cellular processes, such as proliferation, cell cycle, ciliogenesis, epigenetics, inflammation,
chemoresistance, survival, epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), migration and invasion are shown.

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stiffness GPCRs

fusions P

CK1α MST1/2

pathway pathway β-Catenin
β-Catenin LATS1/2
P P Ub

STAT3 BRAF AKT Mitochondria
STAT3 Proteosome Citrate
MEK1/MEK2 mTOR degradation Isocitrate
P β-Catenin β-Catenin
P β-Catenin
Histone and DNA 2-HG

• Proliferation
ARID1 PBRM1 MAML1 β-Catenin YAP/TAZ Target gene

• Apoptosis
transcription evasion
• Tumour growth
• Migration
Cytoplasm Nucleus and/or invasion

Fig. 5 | signalling pathways involved in cholangiocarcinoma development and progression. The process of cholangio-
carcinogenesis, and further tumour evolution and growth, involves complex and heterogeneous processes that include the
interplay of extracellular ligands (such as pro-​inflammatory cytokines, growth factors and bile acids, among others), which
are present in the tumour microenvironment, and increased expression and/or aberrant activation of cell surface receptors
and the deregulation of intracellular signalling pathways, finally leading to cell proliferation, survival and migration or
invasion. The most common genes that might be mutated or amplified resulting in the overactivation of some of these
pathways are KRAS, BRAF, ARID1, PBRM1, BAP1, IDH1 and IDH2. The activation of these signalling pathways might also
occur as a result of the interaction between the tumour epithelia and the tumour reactive stroma. 2-​HG, 2-​hydroxyglutarate;
ECM, extracellular matrix; RTK, receptor tyrosine kinase.

receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signalling, RAS–RAF– Chronic inflammation and fibrosis facilitate cholan-
ERK, PI3K–AKT–mTOR, insulin growth factor giocyte transformation in a multistep manner, provid-
receptor 1, MET, polo-​like kinase 1, aurora kinase A, ing extracellular ligands that modulate several signalling
KRAS mutations and stem-​like genomic traits as well pathways. In particular, sustained IL-6–STAT3 signalling
as a focal deletion in the Hippo pathway (SAV1)8,110,143. was shown to contribute to mitogenesis by upregulat-
Notably, patients with the proliferation subtype of iCCA ing myeloid cell leukaemia 1 (MCL1) or altering EGFR
displayed decreased OS (median 24.3 months versus promoter methylation144,145. Similarly, bile acids are not
47.2 months for those with the inflammation subtype; genotoxic but might also promote cholangiocarcinogen-
P = 0.048). esis through a mechanism involving the activation of
Cholangiocarcinogenesis is orchestrated by a EGFR, induction of COX2, MCL1 and IL-6, and down-
complex interplay of extracellular ligands (such as regulation of farnesoid X receptor (FXR)146,147. Of note,
pro-​inflammatory cytokines, growth factors and bile FXR expression was reported to be decreased in human
acids, among others), which are present in the tumour CCA tumours compared with surrounding normal liver
microenvironment (TME), and increased expression tissue, correlating with tumour differentiation140. By con-
and/or aberrant activation of cell surface receptors and trast, the levels of TGR5, another bile acid receptor, were
the deregulation of intracellular signalling pathways, found to be increased in CCA tumours and to be cor-
finally leading to cell proliferation, survival and genetic related with a worse prognosis (perineural invasion)140.
and/or epigenetic alterations (Fig. 5). CCA tumours, and particularly iCCAs and pCCAs, are

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characterized by a reactive desmoplastic stroma con- which has been shown to be related to well-​differentiated
taining cancer-​associated fibroblasts (CAFs) that cross- iCCA155, markedly reduced tumour burden in various
talk with CCA cells secreting paracrine factors such as mouse models of liver cancer (including iCCA)81,159,
heparin-​binding EGF-​like growth factor, stromal-​cell whereas overexpression of NOTCH3 was associated with
derived factor 1 (SDF1), platelet-​derived growth factor the development and progression of iCCA, promot­ing
(PDGF)-​B and extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins148. cell survival via PI3K–AKT signalling160. Several Notch
Although there are marked differences in the inhibitors are being developed, and their availability
genomic features depending on the anatomical loca- increases interest in this pathway161.
tion and risk factors, activation of the RTK signalling The WNT–β-​c atenin signalling pathway is also
pathway is a common event in CCA across subtypes. known to be activated in most CCAs, in part as an effect
In this regard, aberrant EGFR, ERBB2 and MET RTK of the release of Wnt ligands by inflammatory macro­
expression has been found in different CCA subclasses phages infiltrating the stroma162,163, but also as a conse-
that are associated with worse prognosis8,110. RTK signal- quence of DNA methylation alterations targeting this
ling mainly triggers the activation of the RAS–MAPK pathway133 and/or mutations encoding key components
and PI3K–AKT–mTOR pathways. Furthermore, RAS– of the canonical WNT–β-​catenin signalling pathway164.
MAPK pathway activation due to KRAS-​activating Notably, the promoter of the WNT–β-​catenin pathway
mutations is found in all CCAs without distinction, inhibitor SOX17 was hypermethylated in CCA tumour
whereas BRAF mutations are more prevalent in iCCA149. tissue compared with healthy tissue, correlating with a
Interestingly, chromosomal oncogenic gene fusion worse prognosis after tumour resection132. Noteworthy,
rearrangements involving FGFR2 RTK occur almost SOX17 was shown to regulate cholangiocyte differentia-
exclusively in iCCA50,52,56,112,113. Besides FGFR2 fusions, tion and to act as a tumour suppressor in CCA in vitro132.
ROS1 kinase protein fusions have also been identified WNT inhibitors successfully inhibit tumour growth in
in iCCA150. Thus, RTK signalling pathways present experimental models163 and clinical trials with agents
actionable molecular alterations that are amenable targeting this pathway are currently being explored164.
for therapeutic targeting at multiple levels. IDH1 and The Hippo–YAP signalling pathway regulates organ size
IDH2 encode metabolic enzymes that interconvert and cell proliferation, among other functions165. YAP is
isocitrate and α-​ketoglutarate51,53,113,117,151. Mutations in a transcriptional co-​activator that is usually inhibited
IDH1 and IDH2 lead to the production of high levels by Hippo (MST1 or MST2), but can be activated by
of 2-​hydroxyglutarate, an oncometabolite that inter- Hippo-​independent signals, such as inflammation and
feres with histone and DNA demethylases and inhib- changes in ECM composition and stiffness166. Several
its the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Indeed, groups have reported increased nuclear expression of
IDH-​mutant CCAs were shown to exhibit high levels of YAP in CCA specimens and correlation with a worse
mitochondrial and low levels of chromatin modifier gene prognosis167–169. In vitro studies on CCA cell lines have
expression, such as low ARID1A expression due to DNA shown that YAP can be activated by IL-6, PDGF and
hypermethylation121. Besides epigenetic silencing, inac- fibroblast growth factor170,171. PDGF and fibroblast
tivating mutations in multiple chromatin-​remodelling growth factor form a feed-​forward loop activating
genes (including BAP1, ARID1A and PBRM1) are YAP; YAP transcriptional targets are genes of these sig-
common in iCCA151. nalling pathways, such as FGFR1, FGFR2 and FGFR4
Developmental pathways, including Notch, WNT (refs170–172). Genetic alteration of the YAP pathway seems
and transforming growth factor-​β (TGFβ) signalling to be uncommon in CCA, according to an integrative
pathways are prominently active in iCCA compared with genomic analysis of CCA specimens121. However, muta-
HCC, as shown by integrated microarray analysis152. tions in ARID1A have been reported in up to 14% of
During liver repair and in inflammatory conditions CCAs149. ARID1A encodes a subunit of the SWI–SNF
(known risk factors for iCCA), signalling pathways chromatin-​remodelling complex that among other
involved in biliary development are activated in ductu- functions reduces YAP transcriptional activity173.
lar reactive cells, including Notch, WNT, Hippo–YAP
and Hedgehog. The Notch pathway is known to be EMT, stemness and plasticity
involved in biliary repair, growth, tubulogenesis, fibro- EMT is a cell plasticity-​promoting phenomenon initially
sis and maintenance of the stem cell niche; defective reported to occur during embryogenesis, but that also
Notch function due to JAG1 or NOTCH2 mutations takes place in cancer, enabling epithelial cancer cells to
causes impaired regeneration and Alagille syndrome153, acquire mesenchymal features with invasive proper-
whereas increased Notch activity has been associated ties that lead to metastatic colonization174. The proto-
with primary liver tumours154. Overexpression or aber- type inducer of EMT is the TGFβ-​dependent pathway,
rant Notch receptor expression has been reported both whose signature has been identified in iCCA stroma8,175.
in iCCAs and eCCA, including pCCA and dCCA155–157. In CCA, TGFβ induces EMT directly or cooperates with
Activation of Notch signalling was shown to mediate other major EMT inducer pathways such as EGFR176,177.
transdifferentiation of hepatocytes into cholangiocytes During this plastic EMT programme, tumour cells lose
during carcinogenesis79–81,158. In this regard, experimental their epithelial traits and gain mesenchymal features178.
overexpression of the intracellular domain of NOTCH1 Although initially considered as a binary process, it is
receptor (NICD1) in hepatocytes has been associated now well established that epithelial cells undergoing
with the development of iCCA in mouse models79,80,158. EMT become mesenchymal in a gradual manner, known
Similarly, inhibition of NOTCH2, the expression of as partial EMT178,179. Thus, EMT is a dynamic process

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that gives rise to intermediate cellular states with both miR-200c with EMT regulators such as ZEB1 and TGFβ
epithelial and mesenchymal traits, contributing to cell has been identified191. Besides EMT, TGFβ is known to
heterogeneity and a broad range of functions from promote stemness in CCA cells in vitro (human CCA
cancer initiation to progression178,179. Notably, EMT is cell line TFK-1)192. A statistically significant correla-
orchestrated by transcription factors (EMT-​TFs), com- tion between TGFβ1 and aldehyde dehydrogenase 1
prising SNAIL, ZEB and TWIST family, that regulate the (ALDH1), a functional CSC marker, has been found in
expression of epithelial and mesenchymal genes180. CCAs both iCCA and eCCA192. Furthermore, TGFβ-​induced
express EMT-​TFs, which are associated with poor prog- EMT resulted in acquisition of mesenchymal traits,
nosis regardless of anatomical localization181. Beyond the ALDH expression and resistance to 5-​fluorouracil (5-​FU)
EMT programme, EMT-​TFs display pleiotropic roles in vitro192. Moreover, new evidence suggests that cell plas-
linking EMT to stemness, metabolic reprogramming, ticity promoted by the EMT programme confers immu-
immune evasion and drug resistance178,182,183. nosuppressive effects on carcinoma cells by mechanisms
Increasing evidence suggests associations between not completely understood178; one mechanism identified
EMT and acquisition of cancer stem cell (CSC) prop- so far is the regulation of the immune checkpoint PD1
erties in different cancer types65,184, and this might also ligand (PDL1) by ZEB1 in breast cancer cells193.
contribute to CCA heterogeneity as well as resistance to
anticancer drugs. Importantly, CSCs represent a pecu- Tumour microenvironment
liar subcompartment of the tumour cell population CCA tumours contain a diverse range of cellular types
crucially involved in recurrence, metastasis and drug (Fig. 6). Although the tumour epithelium is considered as
resistance185–187. A growing body of evidence indicates the coordinator of tumour growth, the importance of the
that CSCs express EMT traits in human CCAs65,187–189. TME cannot be understated. Histopathologically, CCA
Interestingly, CCA emerging in patients with PSC are is typified by an extensive cellular and acellular stroma
characterized by EMT features and high expression of that can comprise the bulk of the tumour194. CCA shares
stem and/or progenitor cell markers in peribiliary glands, many characteristics with scars that form around bile
suggesting a connection between EMT and stemness in ducts in premalignant disease, as usually found in PSC
tumour initiation49. Indeed, EMT-​TFs, such as ZEB1, and congenital hepatic fibrosis, suggesting that the ori-
regulate expression of CSC markers by inhibiting miR- gin of the tumour stroma can be found in the regener-
200 family members, well-​k nown potent stemness ative microenvironment during bile duct repair195. The
repressors190. In stem-​like iCCA, a signature linking CCA stroma consists of cancer-​associated endothelial

CD8+ Dendritic
T cells NK cells
TH2 cells IL-13 PGE2 VEGF MMP3
PDGF-D Tenascin
Treg cells FGF Periostin
TGFβ1 Osteopontin
IL-6 IL-1β

Fig. 6 | Central role of cancer-associated fibroblasts in promoting tumour growth and metastasis of cholangiocarcinoma.
Cancer-​associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are recruited and persistently activated by cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) cells, in response
to the effects of PDGF-​D, and of FGF and TGFβ1, also released by tumour-​associated macrophages (TAMs). In turn, CAFs
enhance cell proliferation and the invasive ability of CCA cells directly, or by influencing the activity of other cells in the tumour
microenvironment. CAFs stimulate tumour-​associated lymphangiogenesis (lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC)), support M2
polarization of TAMs and the activation of regulatory T (Treg) cells, while dampening the activity of CD8+ T cells, natural killer (NK)
and dendritic cells. CAFs also induce heavy remodelling of the extracellular matrix (ECM), which becomes stiffer and affects
mechanotransduction of CCA cells, leading to activation of intracellular pathways, including YAP–TAZ. Soluble factors
mediating each cell–cell interplay are shown in boxes of different colours according to their origin (orange from CAFs, green
from CCA cells, light blue from TAMs, red from ECM). Mediators in bold are those with proven effects, the rest are putative
signalling molecules. CAF-​derived short-​range (Hedgehog (Hh)) and direct (NOTCH3) cell–cell developmental cues also
underlie interactions with CCA cells (lower right corner).TH2 cell, T helper 2 cell.

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

cells, CAFs and a complex group of inflammatory cells, periostin, in concert with an intensive degradation by
including macrophages, neutrophils, natural killer matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs; MMP1, MMP2,
(NK) and T cells196. In addition to this complex cellular MMP3 and MMP9) that are copiously released by
microenvironment, the tumour stroma also contains an CAFs, tumour-​associated macrophages and malignant
extensive network of ECM proteins such as collagens, cholangiocytes210. Thanks to these phenotypic changes,
laminin and fibronectin197,198. The TME directly interacts ECM boosts key pro-​invasive functions of tumour cells.
with the cancer epithelium to support epithelial prolifer- In cooperation with collagen I, tenascin C and integrins
ation and tumour growth, among which CAFs have been (α5β1, α5β3, α5β5 and α6β4), periostin stimulates cell
the most extensively investigated. proliferation of malignant cholangiocytes in a PI3K–
AKT-​dependent manner in vitro211. Increased ECM
Cancer-​associated fibroblasts stiffening is also instrumental in the activation of intra-
CAFs are a heterogeneous population of spindle-​shaped cellular mechanosensors, such as YAP–TAZ, involved in
cells with mesenchymal origin that contribute to tumour tumour initiation and progression. Whereas soft ECM
progression in many human cancers199. In CCA, the inhibits YAP–TAZ activity by favouring its sequestra-
abundance of CAFs positively correlates with tumour tion by the SWI–SNF chromatin-​remodelling complex
growth and poor survival200. CAFs most likely originate through ARID1A, stiff ECM induces YAP–TAZ to
from several different cells types, namely tissue-​resident detach from SWI–SNF and to bind to TEAD, unfolding
portal fibroblasts, hepatic stellate cells, pericytes, bone a transcriptional programme and promoting cell prolif-
marrow-​derived mesenchymal stem cells and monocyte eration, CSC traits, plasticity and reprogramming173,212.
precursor-​derived fibrocytes via transdifferentiation and Overall, the multifaceted interplay of CAFs with tumour
activation181,201,202. This activation process also results in cells, immune cells, lymphatic endothelial cells and ECM
a metabolic reprogramming that enhances prolifera- is continuously evolving (Fig. 6) and could offer potential
tion, cellular motility, as well as secretion of regulatory therapeutic targets. Importantly, selective pro-​apoptotic
molecules and components of the ECM. Importantly, targeting of CAFs with subsequent reduction in tumour
although CCA cells express mesenchymal markers they growth and lymph node metastases has been demon-
do not transdifferentiate into CAFs, but they do secrete strated in a CCA rat model213. Overall, the signalling
PDGF-​D to stimulate fibroblast migration203. In CCA, networks that govern CCA tumours are the result of the
the persistent activation of fibroblasts is induced primar- intrinsic genomic and epigenetic alterations of tumour
ily by TGFβ, fibroblast growth factor and PDGF, which cholangiocytes, as well as their interplay with CAFs,
are released from tumour-​associated macrophages immune cells and ECM. The secretion of proinflamma-
and CCA cells204. TGFβ was reported to be pivotal in tory, oncogenic and fibrogenic factors from CCA cells
promoting an iCCA-​desmoplastic phenotype in a 3D could contribute to the recruitment of other cells to the
rat organotypic culture model205, and targeting the TME, which in turn will activate and sustain specific sig-
TGFβ pathway in thioacetamide-​treated rats improved nalling pathways in cancer cells, thus perpetuating CCA
fibrosis and reduced CCA burden 206. CAFs secrete growth and progression.
a multitude of signalling molecules (such as IL-1β,
PDGF-​B, heparin-​binding EGF-​like growth factor and Immunobiology
SDF1) that promote cancer progression by enhancing Transcriptomic sequencing of CCA tumours has
proliferation, survival, chemotaxis and angiogenesis148. demonstrated that the subset of patients with the poorest
Furthermore, CAFs have also been shown to promote prognosis have an elevated tumour mutational load and
CCA growth through short-​range and direct cell–cell enhanced expression of immune checkpoint molecules56.
morphogenetic signals, such as NOTCH3 (ref.160) and Importantly, the presence of T cell-​infiltrated TMEs,
Hedgehog207. By secreting immunomodulatory fac- characterized by infiltration of CD8+ T cells, chemo­
tors, CAFs can also promote an immunosuppressive kines and molecules responsible for T cell priming
TME208: they regulate innate immunity by supporting and immune infiltration, is associated with higher
M2 macrophages, and decreasing NK cell activation. response to immune checkpoint blockade, whereas
Regarding adaptive immunity, CAFs promote regula- non-T cell-infiltrated TMEs have poorer responses214,215.
tory T cells and T helper 2 cells, and disable dendritic Regarding innate immune responses, activated
cells and cytotoxic T cells208. Data support the ability or ‘M2-​like’ tumour-​a ssociated macrophages are
of CAFs to interact with lymphatic endothelial cells209. anti-​inflammatory and immunosuppressive. M2-​like
Following stimulation by PDGF-​D originated from the macrophages stimulate WNT signalling with con­
tumoural cholangiocytes in vitro, CAFs secrete VEGF-​A sequent CCA progression163, and are associated with
and VEGF-​C, which recruit and assemble lymphatic inferior patient outcomes216,217. High numbers of M2
endothelial cells in vascular structures susceptible to tumour-​associated macrophages are linked to poor
tumour cell intravasation209. disease-​free survival in patients with iCCA217. Similarly,
Cell interactions within the TME are favoured by in a retrospective study of patients with pCCA who
the ECM, which is gradually ‘transformed’ into a com- had undergone surgical resection, high density of
pact and stiff scaffold, enabling mutual communica- tumour-​associated macrophages in the tumour inva-
tions and exchange of paracrine factors between the sive front correlated with increased local and tumour
different cell elements210. The ECM is continuously recurrence216. Myeloid-​derived suppressor cells are
remodelled by deposition of newly synthesized matri- another immunosuppressive element in the TME.
cellular proteins, including tenascin C, osteopontin and Fibroblast activation protein-​p ositive (FAP+) CAFs

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promote myeloid-​derived suppressor cell infiltration in proliferation and apoptosis can be accurately deter-
desmoplastic tumours218. Moreover, increased stromal mined, and they can be molecularly modified (that is,
FAP expression in human resected CCA specimens has by overexpression or silencing of genes, using antisense
been linked to poor patient outcomes218. The presence oligonucleotides, small interfering RNAs, CRISPR–Cas,
of CD83+ dendritic cells in human resected CCA speci- and so on), therefore enabling the study of single genes
mens was associated with better outcomes219. Although or signal transduction pathways. Furthermore, cell lines
NK cells comprise 30–40% of all hepatic lymphocytes220, can be subjected to drug administration. However,
current knowledge on the role of these cells in CCA is in vitro passaging renders cell lines increasingly differ-
limited. Culture of CCA cells (human CCA cell lines, ent from the original tumours. Primary cultures of CCA
Hucct1 cells and OZ cells) with the anti-​EGFR mono- cells from tumour tissue are used shortly after derivation
clonal antibody cetuximab augmented CCA cell death and grown under serum-​free growth factor-​enhanced
via NK cell-​induced antibody-​d ependent cellular conditions; therefore, more closely resembling the
cytotoxicity221. Similarly, infusion of ex vivo-​expanded in vivo situation236,237. Unfortunately, important short-
human NK cells in CCA mouse xenograft models comings also apply to this system; in particular, pri-
resulted in tumour regression222. mary cultures are time-​consuming and elimination of
CCA progression has been associated with a decrease non-​tumour cells can be complicated. Furthermore, pri-
in the components of the adaptive immune response223. mary cultures can only be established from surgically
Immunohistochemical analyses have demonstrated resected specimens, limiting the applicability to a sub-
a preponderance of CD8+ T cells within the tumour set of patients with CCA who have undergone surgery.
and CD4+ T cells in the tumour–liver interface224, as Also, primary culture cells lack realistic intercellular and
well as an association with longer OS and the presence cell–matrix interactions236,237. Importantly, preneoplastic
of tumour-​infiltrating CD4+ or CD8+ T cells223,225–227. (for example, PSC-​derived cholangiocytes) and/or nor-
Similarly, the presence of B cells has been linked to a mal cholangiocyte primary cultures should be used as
favourable prognosis in CCA223,224. Factors associated controls132,140,238,239.
with a higher likelihood of response to immune check- To recapitulate more adequately the in vivo tumour
point blockade include the presence of biomarkers such tissue structure and to investigate the interaction
as PDL1, genetic aberrations such as DNA mismatch between CCA and the TME, 3D model systems,
repair (MMR) deficiency and/or microsatellite insta- known as tumour spheroids and organoids, were
bility (MSI), and the cumulative tumour mutational developed240,241. Tumour spheroids are self-​assembled
burden2. On the basis of small cohorts of patients with cultures of cancer cells in the presence or absence of
CCA (range 41–104 patients across the studies), PDL1 stromal cells within a hydrogel, mimicking the basement
is expressed in 42–72% of tumours228–230, and seems to membrane, where cell–cell interactions predominate
be present primarily on immune cells228,229. MMR defi- over cell–substrate interactions241. By contrast, tumour
ciency has been reported in 5% of pCCA or dCCAs and organoids are self-​organizing stem cell-​like structures
10% of iCCAs231. Of note, hypermutation was found in cultured and expanded in a hydrogel76,242,243. Organoids
6% of CCAs and MMR deficiency and/or MSI was pres- are successfully established from resected tissue biopsy
ent in 36% of these hypermutated tumours56. MSI-​high and needle biopsy samples, faithfully recapitulating the
tumours are generally ‘hot’ tumours with an increased patient tumour at the histopathological level, both in
number of neoepitopes, CD8+ T cell infiltration, and culture and as xenografts in immune-​deficient mice242,244.
improved responses to immune checkpoint blockade However, to recapitulate CCA tumours in  vivo,
in cancer generally215. In a cohort of 86 patients with organoids should be co-​cultured with stromal cells.
MMR-​d eficient tumours, including four patients Importantly, whole-​exome sequencing revealed that
with CCA, immune checkpoint blockade with the anti-​ the vast majority of the mutations are retained in liver
PDL1 monoclonal antibody pembrolizumab resulted in cancer organoids derived from resected tissues, whereas
a complete response in one of the patients with CCA mutation retention is heterogeneous in biopsy-​derived
and stabilization of disease in the other three232. These liver cancer organoids76,242,243. Furthermore, CCA orga-
data indicate that immune-​directed therapies including noids have been shown to be a reliable system for drug
immune checkpoint blockade are a promising approach testing and personalized medicine applications, and
for, at least, this subset of patients with CCA. possess an almost negligible capacity to differentiate
into hepatocytes76,245. As an alternative method, CCA
In vitro and in vivo experimental models organoids can be established by inducing genetic muta-
Over the past decade, a number of in vitro and in vivo tions in healthy organoids via viral transduction and
models of cholangiocarcinogenesis have been generated CRISPR–Cas9 genome editing approaches, thus ena-
to clarify the phenotypic, biochemical and biological bling the characterization and elucidation of the roles of
events occurring during the transformation of nor- oncogenes and/or tumour suppressor genes, either alone
mal cells into fully malignant cholangiocytes (Table 3). or in combination, in cholangiocarcinogenesis76,246.
In vitro cell lines, mainly derived from human CCA Mouse models of CCA enable the investigation of
specimens, have been used widely as a tool to study the pathobiology of the disease and treatment response
this disease76,233–235. Cell lines exhibit various advantages in a context that more closely recapitulates the human
over animal models: they are free from non-​tumourous disease76,247–249. Multiple approaches have been used
and necrotic tissues, their growth can be synchronized, to induce CCA formation in mice and the principal
relatively high numbers of cells can be produced, cell mouse models can be classified into four major groups:

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

Table 3 | In vitro and in vivo models of cholangiocarcinoma

Models Main features advantages limitations examples refs
In vitro models
Cell lines A permanently Devoid of non-​neoplastic Become different from Human (HuCC-​T1 KKU-156, 76,233–235,

established cell and necrotic tissues; growth original tumours following Mz-​ChA-1, TFK-1, QBC939, etc.); 405,406

culture that can be synchronized; in vitro passages; generally mouse (SB1-​SB7); rat (CGCCA)
proliferates high number of cells representing only advanced CCA cell lines
indefinitely given generated; easy assessment tumour; lack of TME
appropriate fresh of proliferation and cell (immune cells, stromal
medium and space death; possibility of cells and blood vessels);
genetic manipulation genetically unstable;
(overexpression, silencing) normal cholangiocyte
and drug administration cultures should be used
as control
Primary cultures Cell culture system More similar than cell lines to Labour-​intensive; only Primary cultures obtained from 236,237

that is formed by the in vivo situation generated from surgically human or rodent (mice and rats)
culture cells directly resected specimens; lack of resected CCA specimens
obtained from CCA realistic cell–cell and cell–
tissues matrix interactions
Spheroids Cell aggregates that Mimic spatial architecture, Long-​term culture difficult Human CCA spheroids in 3D 205,240,

are either grown physiological responses, culture; 3D rat CAF–CCA cell 241,407

in suspension or secretion of soluble co-​culture models

embedded in a 3D mediators, gene expression
matrix using 3D patterns and drug
culture methods resistance mechanisms
of CCA
Organoids Simplified and Accurately mimic genetics, Lack of circulation limits Organoids of CCA isolated from 76,242,243

‘miniaturized’ cell organization and their size and complexity; human or rodent (mice and rats)
version of an organ behaviour, and response accuracy of the various liver specimens
generated in vitro in to drugs or mutations, in a phases of cancer
3D and preserving setting that resembles the development still need to
the tissue of origin original microenvironment; be fully validated in these
allow the study of the various 3D structures
phases of carcinogenesis;
can be grown from a limited
amount of starting material
(biopsy samples); useful for
gene editing
In vivo models
Chemically- and Mice, rats or Enable the identification Different pharmacokinetics TAA Furan Tp53ko–CCl4; 248,408

infestation- Syrian hamsters of natural or occupational and drug metabolism from diethylnitrosamine;
induced models subjected to the carcinogens; tumour humans; potential drug dimethylnitrosamine;
administration onset and progression toxicity; difficult to identify Opisthorchis viverrini
of chemical easy to assess from early the driving pathogenetic
carcinogens via stages; presence of chronic events; development of
various sites and inflammation; ‘natural’ cholangiofibrosis and
modalities microenvironment and intact intestinal metaplasia
immune system preceding CCA occurrence
in TAA and Furan
models; monitoring of
carcinogenesis using the
same instrumentation as
in humans (CT scan, MRI)
Genetically- Mice whose Tumour onset and Mouse strains do not Alb‐Cre;Smad4f/f;Ptenf/f 248,408

engineered mouse genome has progression easy to assess represent the genetic Alb‐Cre;KrasLSLG12D/+;Ptenf/f
models (GEMM) been altered from early stages; possible diversity of the human Alb‐Cre;KrasLSLG12D/+;Tp53f/f
using genetic to engineer specific population; mouse Alb‐Cre;KrasLSL‐G12D/+;Fbxw7LSL‐ R468C
engineering mutations to study gene tumours grow very fast Alb‐Cre;Idh2LSL‐R172;KrasLSL‐ G12D
techniques function or to add reporters; relative to human tumours; Alb‐Cre;NotchIC
well-​established technology; the engineering strategies Alb‐Cre;Tp53f/f;NotchICD
amenable to genetic are complicated and
screening approaches; expensive, requiring a
tumours develop in the dedicated infrastructure;
presence of an intact lack of chronic
immune system and a proper inflammation in the
tumour microenvironment; background; monitoring
able to predict the response of carcinogenesis using the
of human tumours to therapy same instrumentation as
in humans (CT scan, MRI)

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Table 3 (cont.) | In vitro and in vivo models of cholangiocarcinoma

Models Main features advantages limitations examples refs
In vivo models (cont.)
Implantation Mice or rats in Easy to generate and Useful mainly for the Subcutaneous xenografts of 205,248,

models which the tumour inexpensive; recapitulate study of advanced tumour human (Mz-​ChA-1, QBC939, 406,409

component from some of the human tumour stages; mainly stable at etc.) or mouse (SB1-​SB7) cell
an external source features the genetic level; different lines in nude or syngeneic mice;
(cell lines, human tumour microenvironment patient-​derived xenografts in
tissues, etc.) is from the native condition female NOD/SCID mice; bile
implanted either and lack of immune cells duct inoculation of tumorigenic
in the analogous rat cholangiocyte cell lines
(orthotopic) or a
different (ectopic)
organ from the
Transposon-​based Mice in which Tumour onset and Mouse tumours grow NRASV12;Ink4A;Arf−/− 247,248,408

models a gene or a progression easy to very fast relative to PIK3CA;Yap

combination of assess from early stages; human tumours; CCA NICD1
genes is stably possible to deliver specific develop from mature NICD1;myrAKT
integrated into mutations to study gene hepatocytes and not YAPS127A;myrAKT
the hepatocytes function or to add reporters; from cholangiocytes NRASV12;myrAKT
integrated using a easy, inexpensive, fast, or progenitor or stem NICD1;KRASLSLG12D+
transposase and high-​reproducible cells; monitoring of JAG1;myrAKT
technology; amenable carcinogenesis using the YAPS127A;myrAKT + IL-33 injection
to genetic screening same instrumentation as in
approaches; tumours humans (CT scan, MRI)
develop in the presence
of an intact immune system
and a proper tumour
microenvironment; allow
prediction of the response
of human tumours to therapy
CAF, cancer-​associated fibroblast; CCA, cholangiocarcinoma; TAA, thioacetamide; TME, tumour microenvironment.

chemically induced models, in which a chemotoxic CCA253. Detection of cfDNA in plasma samples could
drug is responsible for the oncogenic insult(s); geneti- also guide potential mutational-​based therapeutic inter-
cally engineered mouse models (GEMM); implantation ventions as de novo multiple point mutations in FGFR2
models; and transposon-​based models. As human CCA kinase domain were detected in cfDNA, primary tumours
can develop in the setting of a diseased liver, various and metastases from patients with CCA with acquired
methods have been developed to mimic liver altera- resistance to the pan-​FGFR inhibitor BGJ398 (ref.254).
tions, such as those induced in humans by viral hepatitis, On the other hand, miRNAs have received special atten-
chronic inflammation and cholestasis, further increas- tion due to their increased stability and abundance in
ing the similarity with the human situation. Another biofluids. Two meta-​analyses have evaluated their diag-
major advantage of in vivo models is that they enable nostic value for CCA, and found a pooled area under the
the study of CCA starting from early pre-​neoplastic to receiver operator curve (AUC) of ~0.9 (refs255,256). Notably,
fully progressed lesions, meaning researchers can dis- bile represented the biological fluid with the highest
sect the specific molecular events occurring at various diagnostic capacity, followed by serum, tissue and urine
stages of cholangiocarcinogenesis. In addition, in vivo (AUC 0.95, 0.913, 0.846 and 0.745, respectively)256. In this
models enable real-​time monitoring of tumour devel- regard, some bile miRNAs have already been shown to
opment and response to therapies using imaging modal- display increased diagnostic capacity for CCA, in com-
ities such as CT or MRI, or other techniques involving parison with healthy individuals (miR-9, miR-145)257 and
bioluminescence. also when comparing patients with PSC-​derived CCA
and isolated PSC (miR-412, miR-640, miR-1537, miR-
Diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers 3189)258. Importantly, combining miR-1537 with CA19-9
The current ‘omics’ era is enabling the discovery of new resulted in higher diagnostic values than CA19-9 alone
and promising biomarkers in biofluids (serum, urine, bile, (AUC 0.91 versus 0.88; P > 0.05)258. In serum, the levels of
saliva) and tumour tissue that could change the paradigm miR-21 (refs259–261), a well-​known onco-​miR, were found
in disease diagnosis and management in the upcoming to be increased in patients with CCA, compared with
years (Supplementary Figure 1). healthy individuals, positively correlating with clinical
Circulating nucleic acids found in biofluids after active stage and poor survival, although the translation of this
transport or resulting from dying cells are promising diag- miRNA into clinics should be performed carefully since
nostic and prognostic tools for human disorders250–252. it is usually increased in serum and/or plasma of patients
Cell-​free DNA (cfDNA) has been envisaged as mirroring with HCC and other liver diseases and cancers262,263.
changes in tumour aggressiveness and size, being found Other miRNAs were also differentially found in the
both in tumour tissue and plasma from patients with serum and/or plasma of patients with CCA compared

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

with control individuals264–270, but with some inconsist- Specific biomarkers in tumour tissue represent pro­
ency, which underscores the necessity for conducting mising tools to predict prognosis and treatment response
further studies for validation in large, biopsy-​proven to potential adjuvant therapies in resected CCAs. In two
and well-​characterized cohorts of patients and adequate large and independent cohorts of patients with iCCA who
controls. had undergone tumour resection (n = 137 in one study56;
Proteins and cytokines are now regarded as potential n = 292 in the other119), mutations in KRAS (12–16%) and
diagnostic and/or prognostic biomarkers. A soluble frag- TP53 (13–20%) were associated with shorter OS and an
ment of cytokeratin-19 (CYFRA 21-1), MMP-7, osteo- increased rate of tumour recurrence when compared
pontin, periostin and IL-6, among others, were shown with patients with IDH1 or IDH2 mutations or an
to be enriched in the serum of patients with CCA, when ‘undetermined’ group (with none of the aforemen-
compared with healthy individuals as controls and/or tioned mutations)56,119. According to the transcriptomic
patients with benign biliary diseases (such as PSC)271–282. profile of iCCA tumours110, the proliferation type was
Among these biomarkers, increased CYFRA 21-1 and linked with a worse prognosis. Furthermore, a spe-
osteopontin levels showed superior diagnostic capac- cific 36-​gene signature was strongly associated with
ity for identifying CCA compared with CA19-9 and poor survival in patients with resected iCCA8, and a
CEA271,275, and also showed prognostic value. Of note, meta-​analysis of 73 studies (including 4,126 patients
increased serum periostin levels were also associated with CCA) revealed 77 prognostic protein biomarkers,
with decreased OS, and the serum periostin level was of which fascin, EGFR, mucin 1 (MUC1), MUC4 and
an independent prognostic factor (HR 3.197)282. As can- p27 were independently associated with OS: high lev-
cer cells display marked metabolic alterations, measur- els of EGFR, MUC1, MUC4 and fascin expression were
ing metabolites in distinct biological samples is now associated with reduced survival, whereas a high level of
regarded as an encouraging alternative to find diagnostic p27 expression was associated with increased survival294.
and/or prognostic biomarkers. Up to now, only a limited Increased levels of miR-21 expression in iCCA were also
number of studies have addressed this issue. Bile acids positively correlated with clinical stage at diagnosis,
and phospholipids have been highlighted as promising tumour differentiation status and were linked with poor
metabolites in bile for the diagnosis of CCA, as their overall and progression-​free survival259,295.
levels are increased in patients with CCA compared
with healthy individuals and patients with HCC283–287. Management
Serum metabolomics has also revealed promising diag- Treatment of localized and advanced disease stages
nostic biomarkers288,289. An international collaborative Surgery is a potential curative option for CCA. However,
study including patients with biopsy-​proven iCCA, most patients (∼70%) are diagnosed at late stages due to
HCC or PSC and healthy individuals found that several lack of specific symptoms104. When disease is unresect-
metabolites had higher diagnostic capacity for iCCA able, only palliative treatment is possible104,296. Figure 7
than CA19-9, and the authors proposed an algorithm summarizes the experience and recommended man-
containing six metabolites that was able to differentially agement of patients diagnosed with CCA according to
diagnose iCCA and HCC (AUC 0.9) in discovery (n = 20 current guidelines, and lists upcoming potential treat-
per group) and validation phases (independent cohorts ments (see also Supplementary Table 1 for a summary
of 14–15 patients per group)289. Interestingly, proteomic of relevant clinical trials of drugs for CCA).
analysis of serum extracellular vesicles from patients
with CCA, HCC or PSC and healthy individuals as con- Surgery. Most patients with CCA have metastatic
trols revealed candidate proteins with high accuracy for or locally advanced (that is, unresectable) disease at
the differential diagnosis of these liver diseases, having presentation, and only ∼25% are eligible for resection297.
higher AUC values than either CA19-9 or α-​fetoprotein The majority of patients with iCCA present with
levels239. Furthermore, another study identified an extra- large tumours (median size 6 cm)298. In ∼15% of patients
cellular vesicle-​derived miRNA panel in bile (miRNAs the tumour grows towards the hepatic hilum causing
miR-191, miR-486-3p, miR-1274b and miR-484) for biliary obstruction. A biopsy is not needed to confirm
the discrimination of CCA from non-​malignant bil- the diagnosis in patients with characteristic CCA imag-
iary diseases290. Although few studies have addressed ing, elevated serum levels of CA19-9 and normal IgG4
the potential role of circulating tumour cells (CTCs) as levels, or after excluding other primary tumours (that is,
diagnostic and/or prognostic biomarkers in CCA, in a colorectal, gastric and breast). The goal of surgery is a
study investigating the associations between numbers of complete margin-​negative resection (R0) with an ade-
CTCs, patient and tumour characteristics and survival in quate future liver remnant. Most patients require an
patients with biliary tract cancer, 17–25% of the patients (extended) hemi-​hepatectomy with lymphadenectomy
showed elevated numbers of CTCs (two or more per of at least six locoregional lymph nodes for adequate
7.5 mL of blood)291–293, and <10% of the patients showed staging103. Staging laparoscopy is recommended by clin-
five or more CTCs per 7.5 mL of blood292. Elevated num- ical guidelines, especially in patients with a high CA19-9
bers of CTCs were correlated with greater tumour extent level or major vascular invasion299.
and with reduced overall and disease-​free survival292,293. Regarding pCCA, pre-​operative drainage of the
Nevertheless, novel isolation techniques are warranted future liver remnant is performed to improve liver func-
since the available ones are mainly based on the presence tion and avoid post-​hepatectomy liver failure300,301. For
of epithelial cell adhesion molecule, which is elevated in this purpose, imaging (CT and/or MRCP) should be
only ~10–20% of CCAs291. performed prior to biliary drainage for accurate staging

Nature Reviews | Gastroenterology & Hepatology

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Is disease resectable?
Yes No
Expected outcome Expected outcome
• Median OS: 51.1 months • Median OS: 11.7 months
• Median RFS: 24.4 months • Median PFS: 8.0 months
• Relapse rate: 60%

Proceed with surgery (curative intent) Proceed with palliative treatment

Adjuvant chemotherapy
6 months of capecitabine recommended by international guidelines
Treatment selection
Factors to consider
Liver-predominant disease BSC for ECOG-PS ≥3
• Liver-directed therapies: radioembolization, Integration into patient
pathway depending on • Disease distributuion:
liver chemosaturation oligometastatic,
clinical trial results
Oligometastatic disease liver-predominant
• SBRT, EBRT • Molecular profiling:
Under development
• Immunotherapy; CAR T cell therapy
• Novel chemotherapy agents and/or combinations

Targeted therapies Systemic chemotherapy

• FGFR inhibitors • TRF inhibitors First line: gemcitabine + cisplatin
• IDH inhibitors • Others: WNT Second line: FOLFOX

Fig. 7 | Current decisions and management of patients with cholangiocarcinoma. Flow chart of the presentation,
management and outcome of patients with cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) according to current formal guidelines
(Supplementary Table 1). BSC, best supportive care; CAR, chimeric antigen receptor; EBRT, external beam radiation
therapy; ECOG-​PS, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status; FOLFOX, folinic acid, 5-​fluorouracil and
oxaliplatin; MMR, DNA mismatch repair; OS, overall survival; PFS, progression-​free survival; RFS, relapse-​free survival;
SBRT, stereotactic body radiation therapy.

and surgical planning. Surgery typically involves an and of the function of the future liver remnant to reduce
(extended) hemi-​hepatectomy, including the caudate the likelihood of post-​hepatectomy liver failure. Surgical
lobe with en-​bloc resection of the extrahepatic bile duct strategies for dCCA usually require performing a pan-
and regional lymph nodes. Staging laparoscopy should creaticoduodenectomy, with removal of the head of the
precede laparotomy to exclude occult metastatic disease pancreas, the first part of the duodenum, the gallbladder
that occurs in ∼15% of patients302. The 90-​day postop- and the bile duct296.
erative mortality is up to 10% in experienced centres in Patients with distant metastatic disease or involvement
Europe, with most (~48%) of those who die dying from of aortocaval or truncal nodes are unlikely to benefit
post-​hepatectomy liver failure303,304. In the largest centre from resection309. In a 2018 SEER analysis, even patients
in Asia, overall mortality was 4.7% for the period 1977– with positive regional lymph nodes had similar OS
2010, with the rate markedly decreasing from 11.1% after resection and adjuvant systemic chemotherapy310.
to 1.4% for the periods 1977–1990 and 2006–2010, Most guidelines recommend resection only for soli-
respectively305. Patients with metastatic pCCA clearly tary tumours28,296,299. In a study investigating long-​term
do not benefit from resection305. However, patients with outcomes after resection of iCCA, the median OS in
locally advanced disease undergo resection. The pres- patients with a solitary iCCA was 43.2 months, versus
ence of Bismuth type IV pCCA (involving both the right 21.2 months in those with two tumours and 15.3 months
and left intrahepatic ducts) is no longer an absolute con- in those with three or more tumours311. Patients requiring
traindication for complete resection since it is associated major vascular resection for iCCA increasingly undergo
with an OS similar to that in patients with less extensive resection with an acceptable median OS of 33 months312.
biliary extension306. Moreover, resection and reconstruc-
tion of the portal vein and hepatic artery are increasingly Resectable disease: role of adjuvant therapy. Frequent
performed307,308. However, tumour abutment on imag- post-​surgical relapse313,314 has led to multiple attempts
ing of the main portal vein or common hepatic artery to identify patients at increased risk of relapse315,316 and
exceeding 180° is associated with a poor prognosis297. In also to a number of studies of adjuvant therapy. Three
most patients with extensive vascular involvement, the phase III randomized clinical studies have been reported,
small potential benefit of resection might not justify and in all of them patients with resected biliary tract
the considerable surgical mortality rate. Future research cancer (CCA and gallbladder cancer) were randomly
should improve pre-​operative assessment of the biliary assigned to observation alone or chemotherapy317–319. The
extent of pCCA to reduce the number of R1 resections chemotherapy arm was gemcitabine in the BCAT study

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

(pCCA or dCCA only)317, gemcitabine and oxaliplatin in an intention-​to-​treat analysis, even after accounting
(all biliary tract cancers) in the PRODIGE-12 study318, for tumour size, nodal status and PSC333.
and capecitabine in the BILCAP study (all biliary tract The data for liver transplantation in the setting of
cancers)319. A total of 226, 196 and 447 patients were ran- iCCA are more preliminary than for pCCA, but might
domly assigned in each study, respectively320. Although be of great value for patients with cirrhosis and tumours
the BCAT and the PRODIGE-12 study failed to show smaller than 2 cm. In an initial Spanish study, 5-year
a benefit from gemcitabine-​based chemotherapy, the survival following transplantation in patients with
BILCAP study showed a benefit from adjuvant capecit- small, incidental iCCA (<2 cm) was 65%, and this was
abine in the pre-​planned sensitivity analysis when com- confirmed in a larger international retrospective analy-
pared with observation alone, in terms of OS (HR 0.71); sis using similar selection criteria24,334. In a small series
however, no statistically significant benefit was observed of patients (n = 6) with very large, unresectable iCCA
in the intention-​to-​treat OS analysis. The BILCAP study treated with liver transplantation after a prolonged
did show a benefit in favour of capecitabine in terms of period of disease stability following treatment with
relapse-​free survival (HR 0.75). Based on the partial bene- neoadjuvant chemotherapy, the 5-​year survival was 83%
fits reported in the BILCAP trial, international guidelines although, importantly, recurrence was noted in 50% of
published in 2019 recommend adjuvant capecitabine for the patients335.
a period of 6 months following curative resection of CCA
as the current standard of care321. The role of chemora- Palliative chemotherapy. At the time of assessment of
diotherapy remains unclear and might be of benefit in patients with CCA for palliative treatment, the following
patients with pCCA or dCCA with microscopic posi­ three aspects need to be considered: patient fitness as
tive surgical margins (R1)321,322 or other high-​risk fac- assessed in terms of ECOG-​PS (patients with an ECOG-​
tors, although this approach needs to be confirmed in PS of ≥3 are unlikely to benefit from treatment and
prospective studies. Ongoing studies are evaluating the should be managed with best supportive care); disease
role of combination chemotherapy such as cisplatin distribution (patients with oligometastatic disease or with
and gemcitabine (ACTICCA-1 trial, NCT02170090; liver-​only disease might be suitable for specific treatment
ClinicalTrials.gov) in the adjuvant setting. approaches); and accessibility of tumour profiling.
Robust data support the used of first-​line cisplatin
Liver transplantation for intrahepatic and perihilar and gemcitabine chemotherapy in patients with advan­
CCA. The inability to obtain a complete resection ced disease336,337. The ABC-02 trial randomly assigned
remains a limitation. Liver transplantation for pCCA 410 patients with ECOG-​PS ≤2 to systemic chemother-
was initially determined to be contraindicated due to a apy with gemcitabine alone or cisplatin–gemcitabine336;
high rate of recurrence (~50%)323–325. However, fol- the study showed an OS benefit in favour of cisplatin–
lowing promising initial single-​c entre reports, a gemcitabine (HR 0.64), a benefit confirmed in the
multi­centre retrospective study in 216 patients with early-​ Japanese randomized phase II BT22 study337. Although
stage, unresectable pCCA treated with neoadjuvant patients with bilirubin more than twice the upper limit
chemoradiotherapy followed by liver transplantation of normal were excluded from the ABC-02 trial, safety
in 12 centres in the USA demonstrated 5-​year disease-​ and feasibility data support its use in patients with a good
free survival of 65%, with an intent-​to-​treat 5-​year ECOG-​PS (PS 0 or 1) with jaundice who have refrac-
survival of 53%326–328. An area of uncertainty is that in tory biliary obstruction due to endoluminal disease338.
a subgroup of patients, no malignancy was ever con- More intensive triple-​chemotherapy combinations are
firmed (either pre-​operatively or in explanted spec- being explored in the first-​line setting, such as cisplatin–
imens)329. Subsequent studies have replicated these gemcitabine combined with nab-​paclitaxel339 or with S1
findings, and identified risk factors for wait-​list drop-​ (tegafur, gimeracil and oteracil)340, and FOLFIRINOX
out as well as for disease recurrence, thus identifying (5-​FU, oxaliplatin and irinotecan; AMEBICA study,
potential candidates for more effective future systemic NCT02591030). Acelarin (NUC-1031) is a first-​in-​class
therapies329–332. Still, in an Irish cohort, short-​term mor- nucleotide analogue, which, unlike gemcitabine, is inde-
tality (10–58 months) was observed in patients with pendent of hENT2 (also known as SLC29A2) cellular
CCA undergoing liver transplantation and receiving transport and is not metabolized by cytidine deaminase,
neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy330. resulting in greater intracellular concentrations. Acelarin
The efficacy of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and with cisplatin341 will be compared with gemcitabine
liver transplantation in patients with unresectable dis- and cisplatin combination therapy in a phase III study
ease has led to the question of whether similar therapy (NCT04163900).
should be offered to patients with resectable pCCA. After progression on first-​line chemotherapy, the
The extremely limited supply of liver allografts and the benefit of second-​line treatment remained unclear
need for life-​long immunosuppression are important until the past few years342. The phase III ABC-06 clin-
obstacles to this strategy. However, a retrospective ical trial randomly assigned 162 patients diagnosed
multi­centre study found that patients with unresecta- with advanced biliary tract cancer (72% CCA) who had
ble pCCA undergoing combined neoadjuvant therapy already progressed on first-​line cisplatin–gemcitabine to
plus liver transplantation had longer 5-​year survival active symptom control (81 patients) or active symptom
(64% versus 18%; P < 0.001) than patients undergoing control with FOLFOX (folinic acid, 5-​FU and oxalipla-
resection who otherwise met liver transplantation crite- tin) second-​line chemotherapy (81 patients), with OS
ria, and this difference remained statistically significant as the primary end-​point343. The ABC-06 trial showed

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a benefit from second-​line chemotherapy (adjusted HR phase  III trial in which 185 patients with IDH-1
0.69). Although differences in median OS were mod- mutant CCA were randomly assigned to ivosidenib
est (5.3 versus 6.2 months) between study arms, differ- or placebo128, ivosidenib showed a benefit in terms of
ences in survival at 6 months (35.5% versus 50.6%) and progression free-​survival (HR 0.37). Median OS was
12 months (11.4% versus 25.9%) were clinically meaning- 10.8 months in patients receiving ivosidenib and
ful. Based on these findings, FOLFOX can be considered 9.7 months in patients receiving placebo (HR 0.69); after
a new standard of care in the second-​line setting. adjustment of the OS estimation in the placebo arm for
crossover (57% of patients in the placebo arm crossed
Liver-​directed therapies and management of oligo- over to ivosidenib at time of disease progression), the
metastatic disease. The benchmark for liver-​directed median OS in the placebo arm was 6 months. This land-
therapies was set by a subgroup analysis of the ABC mark study provided level A evidence for the efficacy
trials including only those 32 patients who received cis- of targeted therapy in CCA and mandates the provision
platin and gemcitabine for unresectable iCCA without of molecular profiling in this cancer.
extrahepatic metastasis344. The median OS in cisplatin-​ There have been promising preliminary data
treated and gemcitabine-​treated patients with iCCA for FGFR inhibitors from phase II studies 123,354–357.
was 16.7 months and the 3-​year OS was 0%. Patients Hyperphosphataemia has been shown to be a class
diagnosed with iCCA in liver-​predominant disease effect due to on-​target blockade, and requires moni-
might be considered for liver-​directed therapies345,346. toring and active management356. Some FGFR inhib-
Options for intra-​arterial therapy include transarterial itors are currently being evaluated earlier in the
radioembolization (TARE) with yttrium-90 (ref.347) and disease course (first-​line setting; for example, the FIGHT-
liver chemosaturation232. TARE is the most developed 302 study (NCT03656536), and the PROOF study
approach but robust evidence supporting its activity is (NCT03773302)). Furthermore, some pan-​tumour
modest347–350, and the randomized SIRCCA clinical trial studies including patients with neurotrophic RTK
evaluating the benefit of adding TARE to gemcitabine fusions (TRK inhibitors)358,359 or WNT pathway altera-
and cisplatin in liver-​only locally advanced iCCA was tions such as RNF43 mutations (porcupine inhibitors;
prematurely interrupted because of poor recruitment NCT03447470)118 are relevant to CCA, but only for a very
(NCT02807181). Options for local therapy, in the form small percentage of patients.
of external beam radiation351, are also available. Data are
awaited from prospective studies (such as the ABC-07 Role of immunotherapy. To date, the clinical data
study; EudraCT 2014-003656-31) to evaluate the ben- on immune-​directed therapies in CCA are limited.
efit derived from such approaches in combination Immunotherapy approaches such as vaccines have been
with systemic chemotherapy. A phase II trial includ- tested in CCA without notable success360. Early data are
ing 38 patients with unresectable iCCA who received also available for CAR T cell immunotherapy361. In some
hepatic intra-​arterial pump chemotherapy with floxu- patients, immune checkpoint blockade with mono­
ridine found an impressive radiological response rate of clonal antibodies has shown remarkable and durable
58% and a 3-​year OS exceeding 40%352. response rates in a variety of human malignancies362.
Checkpoint inhibitors were shown to be effective in pati­
Targeted therapies. Inhibitors of IDH1 (AG120, ents with MMR-​deficient tumours (including some
IDH305), IDH2 (AG221) and pan-​IDH1–IDH2 (AG881) patients with CCA) achieving objective responses in up
are currently being tested in patients with iCCA. AG120 to 40% of patients363. The KEYNOTE-028 basket trial of
(ivosidenib) was tested in 73 patients with IDH1-​mutant pembrolizumab included patients with advanced biliary
advanced CCA in a phase I study353. The only treatment-​ tract cancer. The objective response rate in this subset was
related grade 3 or worse adverse event present in more 17% (4 of 23) with a median progression-​free survival of
than one patient was fatigue (two patients, 3%), and 1.8 months364. However, the KEYNOTE-158 trial failed to
5% had a confirmed partial response. In a preliminary confirm such activity in biliary tract tumours, with only
6% of patients responding, with a median progression-​
Box 1 | recommendations for cholangiocarcinoma management free survival of 2 months (NCT02628067) according to a
preliminary report230. The probable way forward for the
• surgical resection (based on the tNM criteria) is currently a potential curative option development of immunotherapy in CCA (in tumours
for cholangiocarcinoma (CCa). without MMR deficiency, which respond better) requires
• adjuvant chemotherapy with capecitabine for 6 months after surgical resection with either combination immunotherapeutic approaches
curative intent is recommended for intrahepatic CCa. targeting both the innate and adaptive immune system
• Liver transplantation is a potentially curative option for intrahepatic and perihilar and/or combined strategies involving chemotherapy or
CCa; promising results in terms of overall survival have been reported and it must be radiation, already planned as part of some of the ongoing
considered for patients with cirrhosis and intrahepatic CCa tumours ≤2 cm.
clinical trials (ABC-09 trial; NCT03260712). Overall, rec-
• Combination of cisplatin and gemcitabine is the standard of care for patients with ommendations for CCA management are summarized
unresected tumours, as a palliative treatment. in Box 1.
• FOLFOX (folinic acid, fluorouracil and oxaliplatin) can be recommended as
second-​line standard of care chemotherapy. Mechanisms of chemoresistance
• Molecular profiling of cancer tumour tissue is highly recommended because it could A major limitation in the management of patients with
provide access to effective, personalized, treatment options; phase iii trials with CCA is the lack of response to pharmacological treatment.
iDH1–iDH2 or FGFr inhibitors as first- and/or second-​line treatment are ongoing.
Mechanisms of chemoresistance (MOC) accounting for

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

MOC-1a MOC-1b MOC-2 MOC-3 MOC-4 MOC-5 MOC-6 MOC-7 MOC-8

MOC ↓ Drug ↑ Drug ↓ Intracellular Altered ↑ DNA ↓ Apoptosis ↑ Survival Changes ↑ Epithelial to
uptake export proportion of drug repair in tumour mesenchymal
active drug targets environment transition


Proteins ↓ ENT1 ↑ MDR1 ↓ UMPS ↑ TYMS ↑ ERCC1 ↓ HGFR ↑ BCL-2 ↑ Laminin ↑ HMGA1
↓ CNT1 ↑ MRP1 ↓ TYMP ↓ ERα ↑ RAD51 ↓ FAS ↑ ERK
↓ CTR1 ↑ MRP3 ↓ UPP1 ↑ MutS ↓ p53 ↑ AKT
↓ ERβ
↓ OCT1 ↑ GSTP1 ↓ EGFR ↑ MutLa ↓ BCL2L4
↑ p53R2 ↓ BCL2L7

Drugs Gemcitabine Many Gemcitabine 5-FU Cisplatin Gemcitabine Cisplatin Doxorubicin Gemcitabine
drugs Targeted Epirubicin Sorafenib
5-FU 5-FU 5-FU 5-FU
Cisplatin Cisplatin Gemcitabine Sorafenib

Poor response to chemotherapy

Fig. 8 | Mechanisms of chemoresistance in cholangiocarcinoma. Relevant genes and proteins involved in each type
of mechanism of chemoresistance (MOC-1 to MOC-7) in cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) are shown, either because they
are upregulated or downregulated or their function is enhanced or impaired. Drugs whose efficacy is affected by these
changes in the resistome are shown. 5-​FU, 5-​fluorouracil; TKI, tyrosine-​kinase inhibitor.

the marked multidrug resistance phenotype of CCA are etoposide, doxorubicin, paclitaxel and vinblastine, has
still poorly understood365. Nevertheless, to identify the been detected in gallbladder epithelium373, whereas the
so-​called resistome, including a set of proteins involved multidrug resistance-​associated proteins MRP1 and
in the lack of response to chemotherapies, is required MRP3 have been observed in CCA369. MRP1 expression
to predict treatment failure and to adapt the therapeu- has been associated with poor prognosis of patients with
tic strategy to the evolving defences of the tumour366. iCCA374. Changes in metabolic enzymes can reduce the
Genes involved in MOC are expressed by normal chol- proportion of active drugs inside tumour cells (MOC-2).
angiocytes, with different roles in their physiology, such Uridine monophosphate synthase, thymidine phospho-
as protection against potentially harmful compounds rylase and uridine phosphorylase 1, which transforms
present in bile. Their expression during carcinogenesis 5-​FU and gemcitabine into their active metabolites, are
accounts for intrinsic chemoresistance, whereas upreg- upregulated in many 5-​FU-​sensitive CCA tumours375.
ulation in response to treatment contributes to acquired Glutathione S-​transferase P, which inactivates drugs,
chemoresistance365,367. such as cisplatin, by conjugation with glutathione, is
On the basis of their mechanism of action, MOC highly expressed in CCA376.
genes have been classified into seven groups 365,366 Importantly, the response to anticancer agents is
(Fig. 8). For instance, impaired expression and/or func- dependent on the expression and/or function of their
tion of plasma membrane solute carriers involved in molecular targets (MOC-3). High expression of thymi-
drug uptake (MOC-1a) results in decreased sensitivity dylate synthase in human biliary tract carcinoma cells
to drugs that cannot reach their intracellular targets. has been related to insensitivity to 5-​FU377. Studies in
Downregulation of concentrative nucleoside trans- CCA cells expressing oestrogen receptors have sug-
porters and equilibrative nucleoside transporters, gested that selective agonists could be a therapeutic
involved in the uptake of nucleoside analogues, such option in patients with CCA378. Expression levels of
as gemcitabine and 5-​FU, or the copper transporter EGFR have been associated with the sensitivity of CCA
CTR1, involved in cisplatin uptake, lead to reduced cells to targeted agents379. Moreover, increased ability
sensitivity of CCA cells to these drugs368,369. OCT1 of tumour cells to repair drug-​induced DNA damage
downregulation in CCA369–371 is involved in the lack of (MOC-4) can also contribute to chemoresistance. The
response to sorafenib372. ATP-​binding cassette pumps endonuclease DNA excision repair protein 1 removes
are important factors accounting for the low intracel- bulky DNA adducts, whose levels have been associated
lular concentrations of anticancer drugs (MOC-1b). with the response to cisplatin in patients with CCA380.
The multidrug resistance protein 1, able to export Changes in promoter methylation of protein complexes

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involved in DNA MMR, such as human MLH1, affect multidisciplinary team, and at all levels. We need to
prognosis in CCA381. Upregulation of ribonucleotide ensure the appropriate education of coding personnel,
reductase p53R2 has been proposed as a predictive who should have senior clinician input to check the
marker of CCA resistance to gemcitabine382. Decreased accuracy of coding data. Furthermore, accuracy of cod-
expression and/or function of pro-​apoptotic proteins ing data should be regularly audited. In the future, given
results in reduced efficacy of chemotherapy (MOC-5a). advances in our understanding of the genetic drivers for
Downregulation of NK4 in response to 5-​FU treatment subtypes of CCA, perhaps coding of CCA might also
induces resistance in CCA cells to this drug in vitro55. involve molecular profiling.
Downregulation of BAX, BAK, caspase 3 and caspase 9 CCAs are highly heterogeneous at both the intertu-
has been associated with drug resistance in cancer383. moural and intratumoural levels, and have a very poor
Interaction of Fas cell surface death receptor with prognosis. The high heterogeneity and chemoresistance
calmodulin inhibits Fas-​induced apoptosis and results of CCAs represent a limitation for common therapeutic
in CCA chemoresistance384. By contrast, enhanced strategies, but it is a unique opportunity for personal-
expression and/or function of anti-​apoptotic proteins ized, targeted therapies. Up to 50% of CCAs have cur-
also reduces the efficacy of chemotherapy (MOC-5b). rent druggable mutations, amplifications or fusions (for
Overexpression of ERK and BCL-2 or the overactivation example, IDH1, IDH2, BRAF, FGFR, HER2, PIK3CA,
of the PI3K–AKT and RAF–MEK–ERK pathways have MET, among others), opening a new opportunity for
been associated with chemoresistance in CCA cells385. therapeutic intervention that deserves intense basic
CCA usually shows lower vascularity than in HCC — and clinical research. In fact, targeting these mutations
probably as a result of its extensive stroma — which is is amenable and is already a reality in other types of
associated with greater malignant potential386. Moreover, cancer389,390. In this scenario, the treatment of patients
this reduced vascularity due to extensive stroma can with breast cancer or colorectal cancer with trastu-
limit the access of administered drugs to all tumour zumab (anti-​HER2)391 and cetuximab–panitumumab
cells (MOC-7). This feature and other characteristics (anti-​EGFR)392 is an example of the successful use of
that affect the TME, including hypoxia and reduced targeted therapy. Therefore, exploration of targeted ther-
pH, could reduce the effectiveness of anticancer drugs apies on a background of standard of care chemotherapy
(MOC-6)387. It has been proposed that ECM proteins, should be continued for CCA. In addition, combined
such as laminin-332, induce resistance to doxorubicin efforts should be made to develop curative therapies.
and sorafenib in CCA197. Finally, activation of EMT is Cost is a major drawback and funding opportuni-
also involved in resistance to chemotherapy (MOC-7)366. ties should be revisited and improved, in parallel with
High mobility group A1 protein promoted CCA tumori- increased awareness amongst the research community,
genicity and conferred resistance to gemcitabine in vitro general society, funding agencies and the pharma­ceutical
in CCA cell lines388. industry. Concerted action aimed at increasing the coop-
eration of these entities should be realized to achieve
Future directions and recommendations new effective therapies.
The known risk factors for CCA are only involved in Interactions between cancer cells, CSCs and the
∼20% of cases, indicating the urgent need to ascertain TME, as well as the evident clonal evolution and cellu-
other causes of disease to improve awareness and screen- lar aberrations (genomic, genetic, epigenetic and molec-
ing policies for early diagnosis, which might substan- ular) contribute to CCA heterogeneity. New technical
tially influence patient outcomes. However, considering approaches such as single-​cell RNA or DNA sequencing
some established risk factors, potential prevention strat- could provide novel critical information about cellular
egies and lifestyle-​modifying concerted actions should heterogeneity, in both the tumour compartment and the
be developed to increase awareness. For instance, HBV stroma, by capturing genomic and/or genetic alteration
vaccination, improvements in treatment of HBV infec- with a resolution at the level of the single cell.
tion, HCV infection and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, New classifications of CCAs based on the combina-
and promotion of specific campaigns aiming to reduce tion of clinical, radiological, histological, genomic and
alcohol and tobacco consumption, as well as obesity, molecular features, and later evaluation of their asso-
might markedly influence both the incidence and ciations with prognosis and treatment response, are
mortality of CCA. mandatory. In addition, it is fundamental to include
The accurate recording of epidemiological data (inci- the resistome in this equation, since the baseline and
dence and mortality of each subtype of CCA) and the acquired MOCs will undoubtedly contribute to the suc-
elucidation of the environmental risk factors and their cess of the therapies tested. The potential determination
interplay with genetic and molecular determinants in of the resistome in liquid biopsies (that is, in cfDNA)
cholangiocarcinogenesis are extremely important. In this would open a new avenue for personalized treatment.
regard, a new coding system was recently approved Future clinical trials should consider the stratification of
(ICD-11 and ICD-​O-4)20 that better reflects the CCA patients considering clinicopathological subtyping and
subtypes — intrahepatic, perihilar and extrahepatic risk factors, as well as the genomic landscape. Moreover,
(distal) CCAs — and will start to be used in 2021. patient selection for surgery, local therapies, chemother-
Importantly, diagnostic data need to be recorded uni- apy and targeted therapies must be improved. Similar to
formly and accurately by clinicians, administrators and the tumour compartment, a better stratification of these
cancer registries. Awareness of the historical miscoding alterations within the microenvironment could help in
of CCA should be raised amongst all members of the the design of innovative treatment options including

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

Table 4 | research priorities for cholangiocarcinoma

Category priority timescale Cost–benefit ratio Initiative
Basic or translational research
Expertise Dedicated centres with multidisciplinary Long-​term Proper translation of basic NA
expertise are urgently required investigation to clinical practice
and amelioration of CCA
management will be boosted
Expertise Dedicated special topic conferences Short-​term This constitutes a great opportunity ENS-​CCA has established
bringing together basic and clinical to share fundamental research a biannual meeting; CCF
researchers, industry and also stakeholders findings, develop multi-​team and AMMF have annual
and governmental counterparts must be international collaborations and meetings; EASL has an
implemented also engage political institutions to annual meeting on liver
speed up the translation of research cancer
into clinics
Genetics GWAS in CCA are still missing Short-​term The identification of specific SNPs An International GWAS is
that might be related to CCA currently ongoing with the
development might be of great support of the CCF; future
help in identifying patients with genomic DNA samples will
early disease be needed for a validation
phase, particularly from
less-​represented and
developing countries
Biomarkers International validation studies of Medium- or The identification of new An international project for
biomarkers for CCA are mandatory to long-​term diagnostic and prognostic the validation of diagnostic
translate the preliminary results available biomarkers will greatly influence biomarkers for hepatobiliary
from multi-​omic studies into clinical practice health systems, enabling the early cancers is ongoing
through evidence-​based recommendations; identification of patients and (ESCALON; European
these studies should include large cohorts treatment responses, and will be H2020, SC1-​BHC-18-2018,
of patients with histologically proven of value for follow-​up after surgery €3.3 million)
diagnosis, appropriate control groups
(e.g. cirrhotic, non-​cirrhotic, HBV and HCV
infection, steatosis), and further prospective
validation in the setting of clinical trials
Platforms Platforms that facilitate translational Medium- or A better understanding of primary NA
research, enabling access to tissue and long-​term and acquired resistance to
blood samples from patients enrolled in systemic therapies together with
clinical trials and also treated with standard other predictor factors of response
of care therapies are required will be possible and will enable
better therapeutic decisions
Animal models Different animal models of CCA have Medium- or The consequences of using International collaborative
been proposed in the past few years; long-​term incorrect animal models might efforts are currently
however, deep characterization of their provide false-​positive results being coordinated
histomorphology, pathobiology, cells that will probably lead to failure within ENS-​CCA
of origin, and genomic, epigenetic and of translation into the clinic, and (European COST Action
molecular features are still missing, as also false-​negative’ results that EURO-​CHOLANGIO-​NET,
well as analysis of their similarities to and will result in potential missed CA18122) to develop strict
differences from the different CCA human opportunities for new therapies; guidelines and define the
subtypes appropriate CCA animal models distinct models of CCA with
will enable proper translation of respect to human subtype
new drugs into the clinic counterparts
Animal models Experimental models of CCA under chronic Medium or Appropriate CCA animal models NA
liver damage (e.g. chronic cholestasis, PSC, long-​term will enable the proper translation
cirrhosis, HCV, HBV, steatosis) are needed, of new drugs into clinics
which could recapitulate better the disease
origin and progression and that reproduce
the standards of clinical care (e.g. surgical
resection of desmoplastic liver tumour
followed by adjuvant chemotherapy of
metastatic disease).
Animal models The capacity of xenobiotics to promote chol- Medium- or Appropriate CCA animal models NA
angiocarcinogenesis should be tested in vivo long-​term will enable the proper translation
to identify potential risk factors linked to the of new drugs into the clinic
exposome, and to help in the development
of new animal models of CCA
Immunotherapy The value of immunotherapy and CAR Medium- or Applying immunotherapy in CCA NA
T cell immunotherapy on the different CCA long-​term treatment might substantially
subtypes needs to be determined improve patient outcomes and
quality of life

Nature Reviews | Gastroenterology & Hepatology

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Table 4 (cont.) | research priorities for cholangiocarcinoma

Category priority timescale Cost–benefit ratio Initiative
Basic or translational research (cont.)
Molecular Molecular and biological aspects of Medium- or Understanding the MOC in CCA NA
and biological CCA tumours must be analysed, and the long-​term treatment might help in the
characterization involvement of the desmoplastic stroma in development of new personalized
of CCA tumours such mechanisms and their link to treatment therapeutic strategies to overcome
response must be implemented in clinical this drawback
practice; MOCs should be explored in the
setting of translational research networks
linked to the ongoing clinical trials in CCA
to derive a better understanding of the
resistance mechanisms of both current
treatment strategies and those under
Characterization Combined morphological and molecular Long-​term It will be possible to elucidate NA
of iCCA subtypes description of intrahepatic CCA subtypes is the aetiology and actionable
urgently needed molecular alterations in
intrahepatic CCA
TME An in-​depth analysis of the TME is needed, Long-​term A better understanding of NA
including the role of cancer-​associated carcinogenesis and therapeutic
fibroblasts, innate and adaptive immune dependencies will enable the
cells and extracellular biomatrix development of new and more
effective drugs
Clinical research
Awareness Awareness actions and prevention Short-​term With increased awareness of The Global CCA Alliance
strategies, mainly related to CCA risk factors potential CCA risk factors, tumour shares this vision and mission
(HCV and HBV infection, obesity, NAFLD incidence and prevalence might
and/or NASH, alcohol consumption, tobacco markedly drop
use, liver fluke infestation) should be highly
promoted worldwide
Adjuvancy Further development of adjuvant strategies Short-​term It will be possible to improve NA
is required outcomes of patients with
resectable disease and
to reduce the risk of tumour
First-​line An understanding of he role of first-​line Medium- or It will be possible to improve NA
treatments triple-​chemotherapy combinations in the long-​term patient treatment and outcomes
setting of advanced CCA is needed and will and better decide which drugs
require randomized clinical trials comparing should be used to treat patients
such strategies with the current standard of
care (cisplatin–gemcitabine)
Local therapies The role of local therapies such as liver Medium- or It will be possible to improve NA
transplantation, liver embolization, liver long-​term patient treatment and outcomes
chemosaturation and external beam and better decide which drugs
radiation therapy should be explored in the should be used to treat patients
setting of prospective clinical trials
Second-​line Further research is required to improve Long-​term It will be possible to maximize NA
treatments second-​line systemic treatment strategies benefit to patients
in CCA
Collection and Standard guidelines for the collection Short- or Variability between centres and ENS-​CCA
processing of of CCA tumour tissue, serum and other medium-​ countries/regions will be greatly
samples biological samples, and also for sample term reduced, resulting in more robust
processing and acquisition of clinical data data
should be developed
Staging Currently available staging classifications Medium- or Better classification and NA
(AJCC Cancer Staging; TNM) need to be long-​term stratification of patients will
reviewed to reflect the emerging prognostic greatly aid in deciding on
factors the therapeutic regimen and
which patients should undergo
curative resection and/or liver
Risk factors Identification of CCA risk factors is of great Long-​term Enhancing and implementing NA
interest screening policies that would
enable the early diagnosis of CCA
at stages when curative surgery is

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

Table 4 (cont.) | research priorities for cholangiocarcinoma

Category priority timescale Cost–benefit ratio Initiative
Clinical research (cont.)
Machine The field of machine learning and Medium- or Might gather all the information EU funding calls dedicated
learning development of algorithms and statistical long-​term necessary for CCA diagnosis, to this field
models should be explored prognosis prediction and
therapeutic decisions, in shorter
periods of time and with more
reproducibility and accuracy
AI The field of AI for the compilation of Medium- or Development and testing AI EU funding calls dedicated
multi-​omic data to improve personalized long-​term technologies on multi-​omics to this field
medicine should be evaluated and health data repositories;
identifying new knowledge;
supporting clinical research
and decision making
AI, artificial intelligence; CCA, cholangiocarcinoma; CCF, Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation; EASL, European Association for the Study of Liver Disease; ENS-​CCA,
European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma; GWAS, genome-​wide association study; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; MOC, mechanism
of chemoresistance; NA, not available; NAFLD, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; NASH, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; PSC, primary sclerosing cholangitis;
SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism.

immunotherapies (such as immune checkpoints and will concentrate in the following objectives: shorten
CAR T cell therapy) and ECM-​oriented treatments. the current gaps in CCA knowledge and applications
The majority of clinical trials performed so far for by overcoming the limitation of the small number of
advanced CCA did not take all these considerations cases through the development of international clinical,
into account, which might explain, at least in part, the histological and radiological registries, which are nec-
disappointing results obtained. Thus, action needs to be essary to dissect the multilevel heterogeneity of CCAs;
taken to bring together experts across different fields. improve translation by generating consensus on appropri-
In addition, robust circulating biomarkers are needed ate experimental models of CCA, diagnostic and/or prog-
for the accurate diagnosis of CCA, as well as to predict nostic biomarkers and imaging techniques, and clinical
prognosis and treatment response. Non-​coding RNA, management; dissect intertumoural and intratumoural
specifically miRNAs, long non-​coding RNAs and cir- heterogeneity to define specific features for early diagnosis
cular RNAs393,394 and circulating proteins and/or metab- of each CCA subtype; rationalize cost-​efficient, person-
olites could represent such promising biomarkers, due alized, targeted therapies for CCA by defining the driver
to their easy detection and stability in biological fluids, mutations, epigenetic alterations, and transcriptome of
either free or encapsulated into extracellular vesicles. each CCA histomorphological subtype; and develop
In this regard, international collaborative projects, such novel drugs and therapeutic strategies. The ENS-​CCA,
as the ESCALON project (competitively funded by together with dedicated foundations such as the AMMF
the European Union as part of the Horizon 2020 pro- and the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation, as well as other
gramme), are warranted to improve the understanding, international networks and collaborators have contri­
prediction (risk factors) and diagnosis (biomarkers) of buted to the creation of the Global Cholangiocarcinoma
CCA not only in Europe and North America, but also in Alliance, which has the aim of joining forces to increase
Latin America and other continents. awareness of this cancer and to establish a global voice
CCA management nowadays requires dedicated in CCA through community collaborations. In Asia,
centres with multidisciplinary expertise that enable the an important consortium was created — the Thailand
proper translation of basic investigations to clinical prac- Initiative in Genomics and Expression Research for
tice. International collaborative networks of multidisci- Liver Cancer (TIGER-​LC) — to identify genomic and
plinary scientists such as the ENS-​CCA are especially endemic factors that could modify CCA and HCC sus-
important as they are accelerating acquisition of scien- ceptibility and progression395. Combining the efforts from
tific knowledge on this cancer, which then influences experts worldwide will definitely contribute to improved
clinical practice. In particular, it is important to high- understanding of CCA and will reinforce the necessary
light the ENS-​CCA Action EURO-​CHOLANGIO-​NET, link between basic and clinical science, and therefore
a European Horizon 2020 competitive programme hopefully improve patient welfare.
(2019–2023) that has the objective to create and boost
multidisciplinary and cross-​sectional studies to deci- Conclusions
pher the biological jigsaw of CCA. This open, struc- CCAs are highly aggressive and heterogeneous, at both
tured initiative has received the support of the European the intertumoural and intratumoural levels, resulting
Commission and is endorsed by the European Asso­ in poor prognosis. Different risk factors, interactions
ciation for the Study of the Liver, the International Liver between cancer cells, CSCs and the TME, as well as
Foundation, several research and development com- the evident clonal evolution and genetic and/or epi-
panies, and the CCA patient associations (including genetic aberrations contribute to CCA heterogene-
the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation in the USA and the ity. Different CCA molecular subtypes, with distinct
Alan Morement Memorial Fund (AMMF) in the UK). prognoses and responses to therapy, have already been
During the coming years, EURO-​CHOLANGIO-​NET described. Tumour resection is still the only potentially

Nature Reviews | Gastroenterology & Hepatology

C o n S e n S u S S tat e m e n t

curative option for these patients, although only a small treatment decisions. Although important information
percentage of patients are eligible and the percentage has already been unveiled, CCA is still an open field
recurrence is high. We still lack of accurate noninvasive of research, with important gaps that need to be filled
biomarkers for the diagnosis and to estimate the prog- (Table 4). Therefore, all the efforts must be gathered to
nosis in patients with CCA. Furthermore, knowledge of try to go beyond and decipher the complexity of CCA.
the MOCs of these cancers needs to be expanded, but
current information should be included in the future Published online xx xx xxxx

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ture fees from Bayer, Gilead and MSD; consultancy fees https://doi.org/10.1038/s41575-020-0310-​z. ammF – the Cholangiocarcinoma Charity:
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Bayer, BTG; educational grants from Bayer, BTG; conferences Open Access This article is licensed under a Clinicaltrials.gov: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/
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