320 The Holy All Russian New Martyrs PDF
320 The Holy All Russian New Martyrs PDF
320 The Holy All Russian New Martyrs PDF
Tsar-Martyr Nicholas was born in St. Petersburg on May 6, 1868, the day
upon which the Holy Church celebrates the memory of St. Job the Long-
Suffering. And how prophetic this turned out to be - for Nicholas was
destined to follow the example of this great Old Testament Saint both in
circumstance and in faith. Just as the Lord allowed the Patriarch Job to suffer
many things, trying him in the fire of calamity to test his faith, so was
Nicholas tried and tempted, but he too never yielded and remained above all
a man of God.
His grandfather was Tsar Alexander II, the liberator of the peasants, who
loved him and called him "sun ray". "When I was small," said Nicholas to his
daughters, "they sent for me every day to visit my grandfather. My brother
George and I had the habit of playing in his study while he was working. His
smile was so pleasant, although his face was usually handsome and calm. I
remember that it made a great impression on me in my early childhood...
Once my parents were away, and I was at the all-night vigil with my
grandfather in the small church in Alexandria. During the service there was a
powerful thunderstorm, streaks of lightning flashed one after the other, and it
seemed as if the peals of thunder would shake even the church and the whole
world to its foundations. Suddenly it became quite dark, a blast of wind from
the open door blew out the flame of the candles which were lit in front of the
iconostasis, there was a long clap of thunder, louder than before, and I
suddenly saw a fiery ball flying from the window straight towards the head
of the Emperor. The ball (it was of lightning) whirled around the floor, then
passed the chandelier and flew out through the door into the park. My heart
froze, I glanced at my grandfather - his face was completely calm. He crossed
himself just as calmly as he had when the fiery ball had flown near us, and I
felt that it was unseemly and not courageous to be frightened as I was. I felt
that one had only to look at what was happening and believe in the mercy of
God, as he, my grandfather, did. After the ball had passed through the whole
church, and suddenly gone out through the door, I again looked at my
grandfather. A faint smile was on his face, and he nodded his head at me. My
panic disappeared, and from that time I had no more fear of storms."
Dominic Lieven writes: "Aged 10, Nicholas was handed over to a military
governor, General G.G. Danilovich... Danilovich himself invited specialists to
come to the palace to teach the heir a range of subjects including four modern
languages (Russian, French, English and German), mathematics, history,
geography and chemistry. Of the subjects Nicholas was taught, history was
much the closest to his heart. His membership of the Imperial Historical
Society from the age of 16 was more than merely honorary. Many years later,
in the enforced leisure of his Siberian exile, he returned to reading works of
history. He commented to his son's English teacher, Sydney Gibbes, that 'his
favourite subject was history' and that he 'had to read a good deal when he
was young, but had no time for it later'. In his youth and adolescence
Nicholas had, however, also read fiction in English, French and Russian.
Someone capable of mastering four languages and coping with Dostoevsky
and the historians Karamzin and Soloviev at this age cannot have been
without brains.
"Of his tutors, Charles Heath seems to have been closest to the heir...
General V.N. Voeykov, the last Commander of the Imperial Palaces in
Nicholas's reign, knew the monarch well. He commented that 'one of the
Emperor's outstanding qualities was his self-control. Being by nature very
quick tempered, he had worked hard on himself from his childhood under
the direction of his tutor, the English Mister Heath, and had achieved a
tremendous degree of self-possession. Mister Heath frequently reminded his
imperial pupil of the English saying that aristocrats are born but gentlemen
are made.'"
Above all the creatures of the earth, Nicholas Alexandrovich loved birds.
When he heard them singing, he would become so absorbed that his
playmates often commented on it. Once, when a young sparrow fell from its
nest, little Nika, as his friends called him, said:
"It is necessary to pray for the little sparrows; may Dearest God not take it -
He has enough sparrows."
Nicholas described the event as follows: "We were having breakfast in the
Anichkov palace, my brother and I, when a frightened servant ran in and
"'An accident has happened to the Emperor! The heir [the future Tsar
Alexander III, Nicholas' father] has given the order that Great Prince Nicholas
Alexandrovich (that is, I) should immediately go to the Winter palace. One
must not lose time.'
"General Danilov and I ran down, got into a carriage and rushed along
Nevsky to the Winter palace. When we were going up the staircase, I saw that
all those who met us had pale faces and that there were big red spots on the
carpet - when they had carried my grandfather up the staircase, blood from
the terrible wounds he had suffered from the explosion had poured out. My
parents were already in the study. My uncle and aunt were standing near the
window. Nobody said a word. My grandfather was lying on the narrow camp
bed on which he always slept. He was covered with the military greatcoat
that served as his dressing-gown. His face was mortally pale, it was covered
with small wounds. My father led me up to the bed:
"I saw a fluttering of his eyelids. The light blue eyes of my grandfather
opened. He tried to smile. He moved his finger, but could not raise his hand
and say what he wanted, but he undoubtedly recognized me. Protopresbyter
Bazhenov came up to him and gave him Communion for the last time, we all
fell on our knees, and the Emperor quietly died. Thus was it pleasing to the
The activity of the hateful revolutionaries was to plague Nicholas and his
family throughout their lives. In 1888, while Tsar Alexander III and his family
were travelling towards Kharkov, the imperial train was rocked by two
explosions and derailed. Only the level-headedness and great physical
strength of the Tsar kept the Royal Family from being killed.
"On arriving in Kyoto the heir set off on foot to see Terakuto. He was
dressed in civilian clothes and accompanied by the Greek Prince George and
the translator, Marquis Ito. Terakuto was living in a grove. He said (these are
extracts from the reminiscences of Marquis Ito, published in English):
"'... Danger is hovering over your head, but death will pass you by and the
shoot will be stronger than the sword and the shoot will shine brilliantly. Two
crowns are destined for you - an earthly and a heavenly. Gems play on your
crown, O master of a mighty realm. But the glory of the world passes and will
dim the gems on your earthly crown, while the glittering of your heavenly
crown will last forever. Great sorrows and upheavals await you and your
country. You will fight for everyone, and everyone will be against you.
Beautiful flowers bloom on the edge of the abyss, and children rush up to the
flowers and fall into the abyss if they do not listen to the warnings of their
father. You will offer a sacrifice for your whole people, as the redeemer of its
recklessnesses. I see fiery tongues above your head. This is the consecration. I
see innumerable fires on altars in front of you. This is the fulfilment. Here is
wisdom and part of the mystery of the Creator. Death and immortality, a
split-second and eternity. Blessed be the day and hour on which you came to
old Terakuto.'
"A few days after this, there was an attempt on the life of the heir. A
Japanese fanatic struck him on the head with a sabre, which gave him a minor
wound since Prince George, who was all the time with the heir, parried the
blow with a bamboo shoot. By command of Alexander III, the shoot which
had played this role was encrusted with diamonds and returned to Prince
George. Thus did the shoot prove stronger than the sword, and the shoot
shone. The records witness that after his visit to the hermit Terakuto the heir
was for a long time thoughtful and sad."
By 1894 the health of Nicholas' father, Tsar Alexander, began to fail, and on
October 20 he reposed under the loving hand of his confessor, St. John of
Kronstadt. By this time Nicholas was already engaged to Princess Alix of
Hesse (Germany); and they were married one month after Alexander's repose.
The couple had met several years before and fallen in love, but there had been
obstacles to their marriage. Great Prince Sergius Alexandrovich, Nicholas’
uncle, and his wife, Great Princess Elizabeth Fyodorovna, Alix’s sister, had
done everything they could to bring the couple together But Tsar Alexander
III and his wife had been opposed to it, as had been Kaiser Wilhelm.
However, the major obstacle had been the Princess' faith. She had been born
and raised as a Lutheran and was very devoted to her faith, but she needed to
convert to Orthodoxy in order to become Empress of the Russian nation.
Being a highly principled woman, she did not take this as a light matter and
at first resisted. Thus in November, 1893 she had refused Nicholas, writing:
“Dear Nicky, you, having such a strong faith, will understand that I
consider it a sin to change my faith, and I would be unhappy to the end of my
days, being conscious that I had committed a great sin. I am sure that you
would not want me to go over to your faith against my convictions. What
happiness can marriage give if it begins without the true blessing of God?
And I consider it a sin to change the faith in which I have been brought up
and to which I belong now. I could not never acquire peace of soul, and so I,
though called to help you in everything, would never be for you a real
companion in life…”
But God in His loving-kindness did not abandon her. She was greatly
helped by her sister, Great Princess Elizabeth, who had converted to
Orthodoxy two years before; and soon, after a number of meetings with an
Orthodox archpriest who expounded to her the Faith, she gladly accepted
baptism. Her conversion was anything but nominal. The depth of her embrace
of Orthodoxy and the strength which it gave to her family was to be a
spiritual reproach to the modern Russian nobility and to the "intelligentsia"
who, listening to the spirit of antichrist, had gradually become ashamed of
their faith, considering it something "outdated".
Dominic Lieven writes: "Like her mother, Alix was a fervent Christian. She
abandoned Protestantism only after a great struggle. In her bedroom at
Tsarskoe Selo 'was a little door in the wall, leading to a tiny dark chapel
lighted by hanging lamps, where the Empress was wont to pray. When in
Petersburg, the Empress used to go to the Kazan Cathedral, kneeling in the
shadow of a pillar, unrecognized by anyone and attended by a single lady-in-
waiting. For Alix life on earth was in the most literal sense a trial, in which
human beings were tested to see whether they were worthy of heavenly bliss.
The sufferings God inflicted on one were a test of one's faith and a
punishment for one's wrongdoing. The Empress was a deeply serious person
who came to have great interest in Orthodox theology and religious literature.
She loved discussing abstract, and especially religious issues, and her later
friendship with the Grand Duchesses Militza and Anastasia owed much to
their knowledge of Persian, Indian and Chinese religion and philosophy. Alix
'zealously studied the intricate works of the old Fathers of the Church.
Besides these she read many French and English philosophical books.'
The official coronation took place in May of 1896. The young Tsar and
Tsaritsa spent the majority of their time in seclusion and intense prayer,
preparing themselves for the awesome responsibility of governing, with
God's help, the largest nation in the world, which was the protector of the
Orthodox Faith. The coronation of a tsar is no mere secular affair of state. As
Bishop Nectarius (Kontzevich) has written, "The Tsar was and is anointed by
God. This mystery is performed by the Church during the coronation, and the
Anointed of God enters the Royal Doors into the altar, goes to the altar table
and receives the Holy Mysteries as does the priest, with the Body and Blood
taken separately. Thus the Holy Church emphasizes the great spiritual
significance of the podvig (struggle) of ruling as a monarch, equalling this to
the holy sacrament of the priesthood... He (the Tsar) is the sacramental image,
the carrier of the special power of the Grace of the Holy Spirit."
"O Lord God of our fathers, and King of kings, Who created all things by
Thy word, and by Thy wisdom has made man, that he should walk uprightly
and rule righteously over Thy world; Thou has chosen me as Tsar and judge
over Thy people. I acknowledge Thine unsearchable purpose towards me,
and bow in thankfulness before Thy Majesty. Do Thou, my Lord and
Governor, fit me for the work to which Thou hast sent me; teach me and
guide me in this great service. May there be with me the wisdom which
belongs to Thy throne; send it from Thy Holy Heaven, that I may know what
is well-pleasing in Thy sight, and what is right according to Thy
commandment. May my heart be in Thine hand, to accomplish all that is to
the profit of the people committed to my charge, and to Thy glory, that so in
This was later held against the Tsar, and the tragedy was seen as a bad
omen for the coming reign...
The Royal couple settled into their life of responsibility and took the lead in
setting an example of godliness and true pastoral care for their enormous
flock. Nowhere was this more evident than in their love and care for the Holy
Orthodox Church. They gave much money and support to monasteries and to
the building of churches. The Tsar considered it his sacred duty to restore to
Russia her ancient traditional culture, which had been abandoned by many of
the "educated" classes in favour of modern, Western styles. He encouraged
the building of churches in the ancient architectural styles, rather than in the
styles favoured since the disastrous "reforms" of Tsar Peter I and Empress
Catherine II. He commissioned the painting of large numbers of icons in the
Byzantine and Old Russian styles, adorning many churches with them. In the
words of Archpriest Michael Polsky, "In the person of the Emperor Nicholas
II the believers had the best and most worthy representative of the Church,
truly 'The Most Pious' as he was referred to in church services. He was a true
patron of the Church, and a solicitor of all her blessings."
During the reign of Nicholas II, the Russian Church reached her fullest
development and power. The number of churches increased by more than
10,000. There were 57,000 churches by the end of the period. The number of
monasteries increased by 250, bringing their total up to 1025. Ancient
churches were renovated. The Emperor himself took part in the laying of the
first cornerstones and the consecration of many churches.
Wanderer, The Rudder, The Russian Monk, and the ever-popular The Russian
Pilgrim. The Russian people were surrounded by spiritual nourishment as
never before.
Tsar Nicholas visited churches and monasteries in all parts of the country,
venerating their saints. There was no tsar in whose reign more saints were
glorified (canonized) than that of Nicholas. His love of Orthodoxy and the
Church's holy ones knew no bounds; and he himself often pressured the Holy
Synod to speedily accord fitting reverence to many of God's saints. Among
those glorified during his reign were: St. Theodosius of Chernigov (glorified
in 1896), St. Isidore of Yuriev (1897), St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk (1909), St.
Anna of Kashin (1910), St. Joasaph of Belgorod (1911), St. Hermogenes of
Moscow (1913), St. Pitirim of Tambov (1914), St. John (Maximovich) of
Tobolsk (1916) and St. Paul of Tobolsk (1917).
Furthermore, on the return trip from Sarov, the Royal Family visited St.
Seraphim's Diveyevo Convent where Blessed Pasha (Parasceva) the Fool-for-
Christ spoke to them several hours; it is said that she foretold to them their
own martyrdom as well as that of Holy Russia.
Now this was one year before the birth of the heir to the throne and they
very much wanted an heir. So Blessed Pasha got up from her bed with a piece
of red material and said:
"This is for some little trousers for your son, and when he is born, you will
believe what I have been telling you."
They left her cell pale and shaken but resolute - they would accept with
faith whatever God had prepared for them, esteeming the incorruptible
During his reign the Tsar sought the advice of Blessed Pasha on all serious
questions. He used to send the Great Princes to her, and according to her cell-
attendant, Eudocia Ivanovna, one would no sooner depart than another
arrived. After the death of Blessed Pasha's cell-attendant, Matushka
Seraphima (Bulgakova), they would put all their questions to her through
Eudocia Ivanovna, who relates that she once said:
Not long before her death in August, 1915, Blessed Pasha was continually
making prostrations to the ground in front of the portrait of the Tsar. When
she was worn out, her cell-attendants lifted her up.
There were two portraits of the Tsar: one of him with the Tsaritsa and the
other of him alone. But she kept prostrating to the one of him alone. Again
she said about him:
The result of his proposal, the Hague Peace Conference, was convened on
May 18, 1899, and served as the precedent for the later League of Nations and
United Nations. In 1921, the American President, Warren Harding, officially
acknowledged the Tsar's noble efforts towards the limitation of armaments by
way of binding agreements among the Powers.
The Emperor took great interest in the strivings of the people for a better
life. He changed the passport system introduced by Peter I and thus
facilitated the free movement of the people, including travel abroad. The poll
tax was abolished and a voluntary programme of hospitalisation insurance
was introduced, under which, for a payment of one rouble per year, a person
was entitled to free hospitalisation. The parity of the rouble was increased
greatly on the international markets during his reign.
In 1897, a law was enacted to limit work hours; night work was forbidden
for women and minors under seventeen years of age, and this at a time when
the majority of the countries in the West had almost no labour legislation at
all. As William Taft commented in 1913, "the Russian Emperor has enacted
labour legislation which not a single democratic state could boast of".
On January 6, 1903, at the feast of the Blessing of the Water at the Winter
Palace, during the salute of the guns of the Peter and Paul fortress, one of the
guns was loaded with grape-shot, and the grape-shot struck the windows of
the palace. Part fell near the procession where the clergy and the emperor's
and empress's suite was. The calmness of the emperor's reaction was so
striking that it drew the attention of the members of his suite. He didn't move
a hair and only asked:
And when they gave the name, he said with evident sympathy:
They asked the emperor what effect this incident had had on him. He
The emperor forgave the commander of the battery and the officer who
ordered the shooting because by the mercy of God there had been no serious
injuries. Only one policeman had been very slightly wounded. His name was
- Romanov...
Dominic Lieven writes: "Between 1895 and 1901 the Empress had given
birth to four daughters: Olga, Tatiana, Marie and Anastasia. The four little
girls were beautiful, healthy and lively children who were greatly loved by
their parents. Nicholas was a fine father and the family circle was full of love,
warmth and trust. If the Emperor had a favourite it was probably Tatiana,
whose personality came closest to that of her mother. Olga, his eldest
daughter, was the most thoughtful, sensitive and intelligent of the four.
Marie, the third, with huge grey eyes and a warm-hearted, simple, friendly
manner, was always the easiest to get on with at first acquaintance. Anastasia,
born in 1901, was notorious as the family's comedian. Under Russian law,
however, no woman could inherit the crown. Had Nicholas died before 1904,
the throne would have gone to his kind-hearted but weak-willed younger
brother, the Grand Duke Michael. Since Michael was a bachelor in 1904 and
subsequently contracted an illegal and morganatic marriage, the Romanov
inheritance would then have passed to a younger brother of Alexander III, the
Grand Duke Vladimir, and his descendants. Tension and mutual dislike
between the 'Vladimir branch' and the imperial couple were never far below
the surface in the twentieth century. Much therefore hung on the life of the
little boy born in August, 1904. All the more horrifying was the discovery that
the child had haemophilia.
"In the Edwardian era there was no treatment for haemophilia and little
way of alleviating the terrible pain it periodically caused. The chances were
against a haemophiliac living into middle age, let alone being able to pursue a
normal life. For any parents who loved their children as intensely as the
imperial couple did, the physical and emotional strain of a haemophiliac son
was bound to be great. In the case of Nicholas and Alexandra, however,
matters were made worse by the fact that it was considered unthinkable to
admit that the future autocrat of all the Russias was incurably ill and quite
possibly doomed to an early death. The natural sympathy and understanding
which might have flowed to the parents had therefore to be foregone.
Moreover, however harrowing one of Aleksei's periodic illnesses might be, a
monarch - let alone a Russian autocrat - had always to keep up appearances.
It says something for Nicholas's extraordinary self-control that, adoring
Aleksei as he did, he nevertheless never let the mask slip. As Alexandra
herself once wrote to him, 'you will always keep a cheery face and carry all
hidden inside.'
"Inevitably, however, it was the mother who bore the greater burden
during her son's illnesses, not to mention the incessant worry even when he
was relatively healthy. Nor could she escape the guilt born of the knowledge
that she was the cause of her son's suffering and of the extra burden of worry
about his dynasty's future which had been placed on her husband's
shoulders. Physically frail and always very highly strung, the Empress
poured her last drop of energy into watching over her son and nursing him
during his attacks... The effort cost the Empress dear. She was often too ill and
exhausted to play the role of a monarch's consort, incurring great odium as a
result. Moreover, the strain of Alexis' illness pushed his mother close to
nervous collapse. As the Grand Duchess Olga commented, 'the birth of a son,
which should have been the happiest event in the lives of Nicky and Alicky,
became their heaviest cross.'"
Shortly after the birth of Alexis, according to the Procurator Lukyanov, the
Tsar went to the metropolitan of St. Petersburg and asked for his blessing that
he abdicate from the throne and become a monk. But the metropolitan
refused to bless this.
The last great prophet of Holy Russia, St. John of Kronstadt, who clearly
foresaw the approaching catastrophe, repeatedly exhorted his countrymen to
repent and return to their former piety and support the God-anointed ruler or
face untold disaster, both here and in the world to come.
In 1905 St. John said: "We have a Tsar of righteous and pious life. God has
sent a heavy cross of sufferings to him as to His chosen one and beloved child,
as the seer of the destinies of God said: 'Whom I love, those I reproach and
punish' (Rev. 3.19). If there is no repentance in the Russian people, the end of
the world is near. God will remove from it the pious Tsar and send a whip in
the person of impure, cruel, self-called rulers, who will drench the whole land
in blood and tears."
Although the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-05 was a bloody failure, the Tsar
refused to allow the official record to whitewash anything. He said:
"The work must be based exclusively on the bare facts... We have nothing
to silence, since more blood has been shed than necessary.... Heroism is
worthy to be noted on an equal footing with failures. It is, without exception,
necessary to aim at recording the historic truth inviolably."
The year 1905 was to be a "rehearsal" for the bloody events which took
place twelve years later. Encouraged by Lenin and Trotsky, a campaign of
disorders was begun all over the Empire. Many high government officials
were murdered in the streets, among whom, in 1905 was Nicholas' uncle, the
Great Prince Sergius, husband of the Empress' sister, Grand Princess
The Tsar supported the restoration of canonical order and the patriarchate
in the Russian Church. Once, at the pre-conciliar assembly convened in 1906,
when the bishops were discussing these issues, he asked them whether they
had a candidate for the patriarchate. When they said no, he offered himself as
a candidate. The bishops were shocked and refused his offer. The Tsar, being
a humble man, never brought this subject up again.
On one occasion, the emperor was talking about the sufferings that lay
ahead of him with his prime minister at the time, Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin.
"It was not for nothing," he said, "that I was born on the day of Job the
"I have more than a presentiment that I am destined for terrible trials, and
that I shall not be rewarded for them on this earth... Nothing that I have
undertaken succeeds for me; I have no successes. Man's will is so weak... How
many times have I applied to myself the words of the holy Job, 'For the thing
that I fear comes upon me, and what I dread befalls me.'"
Once, having prayed a little before an important decision, the emperor said
to Stolypin:
But the Tsar never pursued industrial growth at the expense of his people.
In 1908 he was presented with a huge plan for industrialisation which
demanded far more money than was available. The Tsar replied:
"Peter I had little money and so he used forced labour and this cost him the
lives of a million of his subjects... the realisation of this project would cost
between 10 and 15 millions of the premature deaths of my subjects... I cannot
in conscience sacrifice millions of my subjects, and therefore we must endure
(without industrialisation)."
When he was advised that the success of future wars depended upon
industrialisation, he replied:
"We will hope in God. If the war is short, we will win, but if it is long, then
such is our fate."
Again, the head of the police promised the Tsar that there would be no
revolution in Russia for a hundred years if the Tsar would permit 50,000
executions. The Tsar quickly refused this terrible proposal. After the
revolution, however, the Bolsheviks thought nothing of butchering many
millions of people for acts of "civil disobedience".
The Tsar tried to heal the revolutionary illness with mercy and forgiveness.
One student was sentenced to death, but on the eve of the execution, his
fiancée petitioned the Tsar for a commutation. The Tsar was reached by
having his personal attendant call him from his bedroom. He received the
petition and sent off a telegram commuting the sentence. He praised the
attendant for his daring and even had the student sent to the Crimea for
treatment of his tuberculosis.
"Irritation solves nothing, and besides, a sharp word from me would sound
more offensive than from anyone else."
In 1911, during the performance of an opera in Kiev, at which the Tsar was
also present, Stolypin was assassinated. Before he fell to the ground, he
turned to his sovereign in the balcony and, blessing him with the sign of the
Cross, said:
The Tsar made many pilgrimages, and was a staunch supporter of the
schools operated by the Church. In 1912, there were 1,988,367 children in
these schools, in spite of a campaign by the Duma to close them. He also
opened special industries for the city poor to help them earn their own living.
At the outbreak of the war, the Liturgy was celebrated in the Winter
Palace. The French Ambassador observed that "Nicholas II prayed with a holy
fervour which gave his pale face a movingly mystical expression". The tsar's
When the war broke out, the Tsar ordered that all the money deposited in
Britain be returned to Russia. The British did not want to comply. The Tsar
then called a conference of bankers and merchants of the highest rank. He put
92 million roubles on the table and asked them voluntarily "to give money for
the military victory of which the Russian people will be proud." The
merchants and bankers refused to give any money. But the Tsar expended the
whole of his fortune on the war effort.
As soon as the war broke out, the Empress and the four Great Princesses
(Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia) became nurses; and hospitals were
opened at Tsarskoye Selo, near the family's residence, where wounded
soldiers were brought. They worked long hours, diligently and tirelessly
following the commandment of Christ to visit the sick, since "inasmuch as ye
have done it unto the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me"
(Matthew 25.30).
Anna Vyrubova, the Empress' closest friend, wrote that she was a "born
nurse", who "from her earliest accession took an interest in hospitals, in
nursing, quite foreign to native Russian ideas. She not only visited the sick
herself, in hospitals, in homes, but she enormously increased the efficiency of
the hospital system in Russia. Out of her own private funds the Empress
founded and supported two excellent schools for training nurses, especially in
the care of children.": "I have personally seen the Empress of Russia in the
operating room, assisting in the most difficult operations, taking from the
hands of the busy surgeon amputated legs and arms, removing bloody and
even vermin-ridden field dressings."
The Empress herself wrote to the Emperor on November 20, 1914: “This
morning we were present (I helped as always giving the instruments and
Olga threaded needles) at our first big amputation (whole arm was cut off).
Then we all had dressings (in our small hospital), very serious ones in the big
hospital. I had wretched fellows with awful wounds… scarcely a ‘man’ any
more, so shot to pieces, perhaps it must be cut off as it’s so black, but [we]
hope to save it – terrible to look at, I washed and cleaned and painted with
iodine and smeared with Vaseline, and bandaged all up – it went quite well –
and I feel happier to do the things gently myself under the guidance of a
d.[octor]. I did three such… One’s heart bleeds for them, I won’t describe any
more details as it’s so sad, but being a wife and mother I feel for them quite
There was a young soldier, still a boy, of whom she wrote that he “kept
begging me” and was “gradually getting worse”. When he died, the Tsarina
was overcome with grief: “I came home with my tears… Never did he
complain, never asked for anything, sweetness itself – all loved him and that
shining smile… Another brave soul left this world…”
At first the war went well, and the country was united heart, soul and
body in patriotic fervour behind their Tsar. But soon, due to poor
communications, low-level mismanagement and subversive treachery,
problems arose in supplying the armed forces with ammunition and food.
The army began to suffer defeats, and many men were killed. It was at this
crucial time that the Bolsheviks, fuelled by German money, went to work
spreading discord among the troops and at home.
In 1915, tens of thousands of Serbs began to die after their forced march to
the Albanian coast. Their allies looked upon them with indifference from their
ships. The Tsar informed his allies by telegram that they must immediately
evacuate the Serbs, otherwise he would consider the fall of the Serbs as an act
of the greatest immorality and he would withdraw from the Alliance. This
telegram brought prompt action, and dozens of Italian, French and English
ships set about evacuating the dying army to Corfu. But western
propagandists could not forgive the Tsar for his intercession and rumours
that he wanted a separate peace began to seep out.
Once, during manoeuvres, the Tsar and his suite were brought breakfast.
However, when he discovered that nothing had been prepared for the
soldiers who were holding his horses, he would not eat until all the soldiers
had received their rations. He also showed great compassion for the
"We went into the church, and a moleben began. The harmonious voices of
the monks immediately changed in mood: it was as if we had come into a
quiet bay after a storm. Everything was so prayerful, penetrating and quiet...
Suddenly beyond the doors of the church, which were very small, there was
an unusual sound, loud voices and a strange turmoil - in a word, something
that did not correspond to the seriousness of the moment or the usual
monastic order. His Majesty turned his head in surprise, knitted his brows in
displeasure and sent to find out what had happened and from where this
incomprehensible disturbance and whispering to each other was coming
from. I went out of the church and learned the following from the monks who
were standing there: in the rocks of the cliffs to the right and left there lived
two schema-monks whom none of the monks had ever seen, and who were
known to be alive only from the fact that the food which was placed for them
on the narrow path in the rocks would be taken by some invisible hand by
"And then an improbable event took place which shook all the monks of
the monastery: two elders in the clothing of schema-monks were quietly
climbing the steep steps that led upwards from the direction of the sea. They
could have known nothing about the arrival of his Majesty, for neither the
abbot nor the brothers themselves, nobody knew about the visit of his
Majesty, which had been decided on quite suddenly, at the last minute. That
was what caused the disturbance among the brotherhood. I told his Majesty
about this and saw that this event made an impression on him, but he said
nothing and the moleben continued.
"When the moleben had come to an end, his Majesty and the Empress
kissed the Cross, then chatted for a while with the abbot and came out of the
church onto the square...
"There, at the point where the wooden staircase ended, stood the two old
elders. One had a long white beard, while the other had a short beard. When
his Majesty came up to them, they both silently bowed to the earth before
him. His Majesty was clearly embarrassed, but he said nothing and slowly
bowed to them.
"... Now, after all that has happened, I wonder: did the schema-monks not
foresee with their noetic eyes the destinies of Russia and the Royal Family,
and did they not bow down to the feet of his Majesty the Emperor Nicholas II
as to the great sufferer of the Russian land?
"Living here, as a refuge, many years later, I heard from one reliable person
that his Majesty himself told him that once, as he was standing on the deck of
the Standart, and passing by the monastery of St. George, he saw what
seemed to be the figure of a monk in the rocks, continually blessing his
Majesty as he was standing on the deck of the Standart with a large sign of the
Cross, until the Standart disappeared from view."
torture, but at the sight of the suffering of her Divine Son, as Righteous
Simeon said, a sword pierced her heart. Then the eldress took little icons of
the Mother of God of Loving Tenderness, in front of which St. Seraphim died,
and blessed them from a distance for his Majesty and his Family. Then she
gave them to me and asked me to send them to them. She blessed icons for his
Majesty, her Majesty, the Tsarevich, the Great Princesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria
and Anastasia, Great Princess Elizabeth Fyodorovna and A.A. Vyrubova. I
asked her to bless a little icon for Great Prince Nicholas Nikolayevich. She
blessed one, but not of the Mother of God of Loving Tenderness, but of St.
Seraphim. She blessed icons for nobody else, although I even asked her to
bless some for some people. But my requests had no influence on her, for she
acted independently..."
Once, in December, 1916, the Emperor and Empress went for the day with
two of the Grand-Duchesses to Novgorod, where they visited some hospitals
and monasteries and attended the Liturgy in the cathedral of Saint Sophia.
Before leaving, the Empress visited the Yuriev and Desyatina monasteries. In
the latter there lived the eldress Maria Mikhailovna, who was according to
different accounts 107 or 116 years old and who for many years had been
lying on an iron bed in iron chains.
According to the Empress's own account in a letter to the Tsar: "She blessed
and kissed us. She sends you an apple (perhaps you'll eat it). She said that the
war will soon end - 'tell him that we've had enough.' To me she said: 'As for
you, beauty - a heavy cross - don't fear.' (She repeated this several times.)
'Because you came to us, two churches will be built in Russia (she repeated
this twice) - don't forget us, come again.'"
According to another account, when the Empress came in, the eldress
stretched out her withered hands to her and said:
She embraced her and blessed her. A few days later she died.
It has often been asserted that the Tsar was a weak-willed man who
allowed himself to be ruled by his wife in matters of State, and, through her,
by Rasputin. However, General A.I. Spiridonovich, having mentioned the
empress' insistence on not trusting anybody but Rasputin, Vyrubova and
Sablin, comments: "The Emperor understood all this well and very frequently
acted against her advice, guided by his own experience. Sometimes his
decisions coincided with the Empress' wishes. But to claim indiscriminately
that the Emperor acted in state matters only according to the Empress' wishes
is a great mistake. This means ignoring the facts as well as the character and
principles of the Emperor. Emperor Nicholas was far from being as simple-
minded and weak-willed as many thought."
In May, 1917, a Sarov archimandrite, who was sorrowing over the fate of
the Royal Family, fell asleep during prayer and saw a vision of the Family
together with St. Seraphim. And the saint told him not to sorrow, that God
would not forsake his chosen ones, and that He had sent him, Seraphim, to
comfort the Royal sufferers in the hour of their trial.
"Do you see the radiant light come from the faces of the Royal sufferers?
This is a sign that they are under the special protection of God, as being
righteous ones... Look at the face of the Empress and you will see that the
light coming from it is brighter than the others. This is a sign that she will
suffer more slander than any from the followers of the world's slanderer."
There had been even earlier prophecies of the martyrdom of the Tsar and
Holy Russia. Thus A.D. Khmelevsky writes: "[Towards the end of the
eighteenth century] the clairvoyant monk Abel wrote a prophecy entitled 'On
the destinies of the Russian realm' for the Emperor Paul I Petrovich which
referred to his great-grandson, the Emperor Nicholas II. This prophecy was
placed in an envelope and sealed with the personal seal of the Emperor Paul I
and with an inscription in his own hand: 'To be opened by our successor on
the one hundredth anniversary of my death.' The document was kept in a
special room in the Gatchina palace. All the emperors knew about it, but none
dared to oppose the will of their predecessor. On March 11, 1901, when 100
years had passed in accordance with the behest, the Emperor Nicholas II came
to Gatchina palace with the minister of the court and members of his suite
and, after a funeral service for the Emperor Paul, opened the packet and
learned of his thorny destiny. The writer of these lines knew about this
already in 1905.
"The Emperor Alexander I Pavlovich once visited the elder St. Seraphim of
Sarov in his poor cell, and this is what the man of God foretold him:
"'There will a Tsar who will glorify me, after which there will be a great
disturbance in Rus', and much blood will flow because they will rise up
against this Tsar and the autocracy, but God will exalt the Tsar...'"
The enemies of Holy Russia knew well that the greatest unifying factors in
Russia were the love of God and love for the Tsar, the visible symbol of the
Orthodox Empire. By cutting off the head, they hoped to render the body
powerless through fragmentation, thereby making it malleable to their evil
intents. Through infiltration of the press, slanderous stories against the Royal
Family were printed. The foreign press, hungry for scandal, printed
unverified stories, many of which are still believed to this day. Even the
Empress was accused of disloyalty and treason - she who was above reproach
in her heartfelt love for her adopted land. Conspiracies began to take shape
among court officials, the Duma (Parliament), the generals and the nobility,
even including relatives of the Tsar. This, at a time when unity was more than
ever needed.
The Duma deputies and army generals were putting pressure on the Tsar
to abdicate. They kept reassuring him that only such an act would save Russia
from bloodshed. He repeatedly asked:
"Are you confident that my abdication will save Russia from bloodshed?"
But the Tsar knew the quality of the men who were advising him. As he
sadly wrote in his diary on the day of his abdication:
And again, on the same day, while holding a bundle of telegrams from the
Corps of Generals and even from his own uncle, he said:
On the day of the abdication the enemies had arranged that the Emperor
should not meet his strongest supporter, the Empress. She understood this
and wrote: "My heart is rent with suffering, since you are completely isolated.
It is clear that they do not wish to allow us to see each other before you sign
some sort of paper. If they compel you to make concessions, you are under no
circumstances obliged to fulfil them, because they are obtained by unworthy
means. We are all of good cheer, but pressured by circumstances. We only
suffer for you and endure humiliation for you, holy sufferer..."
And after the abdication, the Empress wrote to the Emperor: "You will be
crowned by God Himself on this earth, in your own country..."
And so, after an entire night spent in prayer, he laid aside the crown for
what he felt was the good of his country. For, as he wrote: "I am ready to give
up both throne and life if I should become a hindrance to the happiness of the
homeland." And again: "There is no sacrifice that I would not make for the
real benefit of Russia and for her salvation."
What has been called “the Abdication Manifesto” was in fact a telegram to
the Chief of Staff of the Army, General Alexeyev: “During the days of the
great struggle against the external foe which, in the space of almost three
years, has been striving to enslave our Native Land, it has pleased the Lord
God to send down upon Russia a new and difficult trial. The national
disturbances that have begun within the country threaten to reflect
disastrously upon the further conduct of the stubborn war. The fate of Russia,
the honour of our heroic army, the well-being of the people, the entire future
of our precious Fatherland demand that the war be carried out to a victorious
conclusion, come what may. The cruel foe is exerting what remains of his
strength, and nor far distant is the hour when our valiant army with our
glorious allies will be able to break the foe completely. In these decisive days
in the life of Russia, We have considered it a duty of conscience to make it
easy for Our people to bring about a tight-knit union and cohesion of all our
national strength, in order that victory might be the more quickly attained,
and, in agreement with the State Duma We have concluded that it would be a
good thing to abdicate the Throne of the Russian State and to remove
Supreme Power from Ourselves. Not desiring to be separated from Our
beloved Son, We transfer Our legacy to Our Brother Grand Duke Mikhail
Alexandrovich, and bless Him to ascend the Throne of the Russian State. We
command Our Brother to conduct State affairs fully and in inviolable unity
with the representatives of those men who hold legislative office, upon those
principles which they shall establish, swearing an inviolable oath to that
effect. In the name of our ardently beloved Native Land We call upon all
faithful sons of the Fatherland to fulfil their sacred duty before it, by
submitting to the Tsar during the difficult moment of universal trials, and,
aiding Him, together with the representatives of he people, to lead the
Russian State out upon the path of victory, well-being and glory. May the
Lord God help Russia. Pskov. 2 March, 15.00 hours. 1917. Nicholas.”
Metropolitan Anastasius writes that the emperor "was far removed from
the idea of defending his authority only for the sake of the desire to rule. 'Are
you sure that this will be to Russia's benefit?' he asked those who, supposedly
in the name of the nation, presented him with the demand that he renounce
his hereditary rights, and when he received a positive answer, he immediately
laid aside the burden of royal government, fearing lest a single drop of
Russian blood might fall on him in case a civil war arose."
"Just to think that, now I am Tsar no longer, they won't even let me fight
for my country."
"And truly, there were many old, dust-covered icons there. They began to
wipe them one by one. But they still did not find the icon they were looking
for. But when she came up to the icon "The Reigning Mother of God", Eudocia
cried out:
"That's her!",
although it was still covered with a thick layer of dust which made it
impossible to recognise. But when they cleaned it, it was true: the wonder-
working icon of the Mother of God had been found. It depicted the Mother of
God seated on a throne, her countenance both stern and sorrowful, an orb and
sceptre in her hands and the Christ-child giving a blessing in her lap, with
God the Father looking down from above. This icon soon thereafter
miraculously renewed itself and the robe of the Mother of God was seen to be
blood red, something which had been foretold also in the dream. Services
were written to this icon and many people made the pilgrimage to venerate it.
Healings, both of physical and mental infirmities began to take place before it.
However, the attention the event deserved was given to it neither by the
provisional government, which was only to be expected, nor by the people,
which was less expected, nor even by the Church herself... Then the servant of
God Eudocia insisted that according to the revelation the icon had to be taken
round the Kremlin seven times. But they managed to take it round only once
during the time of Patriarch Tikhon, that is, after the October revolution, and
to the sound of gunfire. Eudocia said:
"The Mother of God said: if they take it round the Kremlin seven times, the
Bolsheviks will not be able to capture it!"
But this was not done. The Bolsheviks put the icon in a museum under the
title "A counter-revolutionary icon of the Mother of God". Recently, it has
been returned to Kolomenskoye.
After the abdication, on March 9, the Tsar arrived back in Tsarkoye Selo,
where his family were all under house arrest like common criminals. All the
children were ill. Alexis, Olga and Maria had measles and were bedridden
with high fevers; Tatiana and Anastasia both had painful ear abscesses.
Again the image of Job overshadowed him - all had been taken from him
except his dear ones and his indomitable faith. He did not curse his fate,
accepting all as the will of God, and did not even murmur against his captors
who treated him with disrespect and even contempt. What greater example
could the Russian people have asked for, or what nobler man could have led
them as their king? Thus Christ's lament over the chosen people was fulfilled
in Holy Russia as well: "How often would I have gathered thy children
together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would
not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate" (Matthew 23.37-38).
Not only the Tsar, but the whole of his blessed family, met their fate with
truly Christian patience. Thus on March 13, 1917, the Tsarevich Alexis wrote
to his sister Anastasia:
"I will pray fervently for you and Maria. With God everything will pass. Be
patient and pray."
And shortly after the abdication the Empress said: "Our sufferings are
nothing. Look at the sufferings of the Saviour, how He suffered for us. If this
is necessary for Russia, we are ready to sacrifice our lives and everything."
And again: “I love my country, with all its faults. It grows dearer and
dearer to me... I feel old, oh, so old, but I am still the mother of this country,
and I suffer its pains as my own child’s pains, and I love it in spite of all its
sins and horrors... Since [God] sent us such trials, evidently He thinks we are
sufficiently prepared for it. It is a sort of examination... One can find in
everything something good and useful - whatever sufferings we go through -
let it be. He will give us strength and patience and will not leave us. He is
merciful. It is only necessary to bow to His will without murmur and wait -
there on the other side He is preparing for all who love Him indescribably
From early childhood the Great Princesses had had the feeling of duty
instilled in them. A defining trait of theirs was their flaming patriotism. They
A. Volkov, who had been the Tsar’s valet for a long time, remembered: “I
cannot say much about the character of the Royal Family, because I am an
unlearned man. But I shall say what I can. I shall say simply this about them:
it was the most holy, most pure family…”
For five months the Royal Family lived under virtual house arrest in the
Alexandrovsky palace in Tsarksoye Selo, where there were regular services.
The celebrant, Fr. Athanasius Belyaev, wrote in his diary for Great Friday,
March 30, 1917: “The service was pious and compunctionate… Their
Majesties stood throughout the service… Before them were placed analoys on
which lay Gospels, so that they were able to follow the reading. They all stood
until the end of the service and left through the general hall for their rooms.
One has to have been close and seen for oneself to understand and be
convinced how fervently, how in accordance with Orthodoxy, the former
Royal Family prayed to God, often on their knees…”
On July 28 they learned that they were being sent, not to the Crimea, as
they had hoped, but three or four days’ journey away to the east. They were
ordered to pack warm things and prepare for departure. During the
preparations they celebrated the Tsarevich’s birthday, on July 30, and gave
him a book, Journey through the Urals. On the night of August 1 they were
taken to the railway station, accompanied by 45 of those close to them, 330
soldiers and 6 officers. They were put in a carriage marked “Japanese Mission
of the Red Cross”.
"I can in no way forgive myself for having given up power. I never
expected that power would fall to the Bolsheviks. I thought that I was giving
up power to the representatives of the people..."
At first the Royal Family went to services in the cathedral. And they and all
the people liked this. But once the cathedral protodeacon on the Tsar's
namesday, at the end of the moleben, pronounced the "Many Years" to the
Tsar with his full title. This annoyed the Tsar. After the service, on coming
home, he said:
"Who needs this? I very well know that the people still love me and are
faithful to me, but now there will be unpleasantnesses, and they won't let us
into the cathedral again."
And so it turned out. But thanks to this, the protopriest was invited to the
house to perform services, and in this way got to know the Family better. The
princesses sang simply and harmoniously. They had good books in which
they followed the services. The Tsar also assisted the priest during the
Once the Tsar sent Bishop Hermogen of Tobolsk a bow to the earth, asking
him to forgive him that he had been forced to allow his removal from his see.
He could not have done otherwise at the time, but he was glad to have the
opportunity of asking the bishop's forgiveness now. The bishop was very
touched, and sent a bow to the earth to the Tsar together with a prosphora
and asked for his forgiveness.
The late Rev. G.V. Vaughan-James, Anglican chaplain of the Convent of St.
Denys, Warminster, England related the following story. He was on a British
ship that was sent to a port on the Black Sea for the purpose of rescuing the
Tsar and his family and bringing them to England. The crew were very
excited by the mission. When they arrived at this port, Rev. Vaughan-James
was told to leave the ship and get into a train without asking questions. The
train travelled for some time and then stopped at a small station. A woman of
striking beauty and wearing a sable coat entered his compartment. She told
him that she was a lady-in-waiting of the Tsaritsa, and handed him an icon of
St. Nicholas with the words:
"The Tsaritsa has asked me to give this to you. Take it back to England, and
ask the English people to pray for the safety of her children."
The Rev. Vaughan-James was very surprised. The woman left the
compartment, and the train returned to the port. After returning to the ship,
the Rev. Vaughan-James was told that a telephone message had come from
London, ordering the ship to return to England without the Tsar and his
family. The rescue operation had been cancelled. No reason was given. On the
way home all the crew were depressed, and while they were still at sea it was
announced on the radio that the Tsar and his family had been killed.
The Rev. Vaughan-James did not know what to do with the icon, and gave
it to the Admiralty, where, he said, it still hung in one of the rooms. However,
a search recently undertaken at the Admiralty did not reveal the icon.
In the spring of 1918 a commissar arrived from Moscow and informed the
Tsar that he was being taken away that night. The Tsar feared that he would
be forced to sign the Brest-Litovsk treaty, but the commissar assured him that
that was not the case. The Tsar insisted on allowing someone to accompany
him, and the Tsaritsa suffered much, not knowing whether to follow her
husband or to remain with her sick son. Finally, after much heartbreak, she
decided to entrust her son to his tutor and to follow her spouse.
The parents and children had never been separated, but now they had to
be, and this on the eve of Pascha, which they had always celebrated together.
On April 13/26, the Royal Couple left Tobolsk and covered 285 versts by
wagon before reaching the railhead. On April 17/30, the Tsar, the Tsaritsa and
Grand Duchess Maria Nikolayevna with some members of the servants,
arrived in Yekaterinburg and were imprisoned in the home of the engineer
N.N. Ipatiev. On May 10, the remaining members of the family arrived.
Great Prince Michael was born on November 22, 1878, and had an excellent
education. On June 28, 1899 his brother, Great Prince George, died, and Great
Prince Michael became heir to the throne. However, in 1912, contrary to the
will of the Tsar, he married the twice-divorced Countess Natalya Sergeyevna
Brassova, as a result of which the Tsar deprived him of his rank and regency,
and exiled him from the country.
At the beginning of the Great War Great Prince Michael was allowed to
return to Russia, and in 1916 was made commander of the Second Cavalry
Corps. In July, 1916, after displaying great courage and ability in battle, he
was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General. In September he became
adjutant-general, and on the eve of the February revolution – General-
Inspector of the Cavalry.
After the abdication of Tsar Nicholas, Great Prince Michael became tsar for
a day, but then abdicated and went to live in Gatchina. There, on August 21,
1917 he and his wife were arrested. The arrest was lifted on September 13, but
two months later, when the Bolsheviks had come to power, he was arrested
and taken from Petrograd to Gatchina. On March 9, 1918 the Sovnarkom
exiled him to Perm province. On May 18, to his great sorrow, his wife left
Perm for Gatchina. Until the end of May, he lived in a hotel in Perm and went
for walks. However, when the Bolsheviks noticed that old women were
making “pilgrimages” to the places where he walked, the decision was taken
to execute him.
When this would happen, the inhuman Bolsheviks would replace the
guards who had been so touched with crueller and more animalistic ones.
"We are one, and this, alas, is so rare today. We are tightly united
together... a small, tightly knit family..."
After midnight on July 4/17, 1918, the entire family, with their doctor and
two faithful servants, was brought to the basement of the house of their
confinement under the pretext of moving them once again because “there’s
unrest in the city”. There they were brutally and mercilessly murdered, the
children as well as the adults, under the cover of darkness - for "men loved
the darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil" (John 3.19). The
Tsar was shot as he stood forward to defend his family. Tsaritsa Alexandra
was able to make the sign of the Cross before she, too, fell. The first bullets
did not bring death to the youngest ones, and they were savagely clubbed,
bayoneted and shot at point-blank range before being robbed of all their
precious things.
Those killed were: the Tsar (born 1868), the Tsaritsa (1872), Olga (both
1895), Tatiana (1897), Maria (born 1899), Anastasia (born 1901), Alexis (born
1904), the Tsar's physician Eugene Botkin, the Tsaritsa's chamber-maid Anna
S. Demidova, the cook Ivan Mikhailovich Kharitonov and the servant A.E.
Trupp, the sailor Clement G. Nagorny, who had looked after the Tsarevich
since early childhood, and Ivan D. Sednev, the servant to the Grand
Duchesses. General Elias L. Tatishchev and Prince Basil Dolgorukov, who
had been refused permission to stay with the Royal Family at
YYYekaterinburg, were also shot in prison. The maid-of-honour, Countess
Anastasia V. Hendrikova, and the court teacher, Catherine A. Schneider,
were taken to Perm and shot there.
Eugene Sergeyevich Botkin was born on May 27, 1865, the son of an
outstanding doctor. In 1889 he graduated from the Military-Medical Academy
with distinction. In 1897 he became a lecturer in the Academy. He took part
in the Russo-Japanese war and distinguished himself by his courage. In 1908
he was appointed a doctor to the Royal court. In May, 1917 he was placed
under arrest together with the Royal Family and chose to go with them into
exile, leaving his own family. The Tsar was deeply moved by his decision. He
did not die immediately, but had to be shot again.
On August 21, just before Countess Hendrikova was shot, she was asked if
she had voluntarily followed the Romanovs to Tobolsk. She stated that she
had. When asked if she would return and continue to serve them if she were
set free, she said:
There is evidence that the murders were ritualistic. Thus strange cabbalistic
symbols were found on the walls of the room where the crime took place
which have been deciphered to mean: "Here, by order of the secret powers,
the Tsar was offered as a sacrifice for the destruction of the state. Let all
peoples be informed of this."
But the truth was quite the opposite. Belshazzar hated the people of God,
and his removal opened the way for the rebuilding of the Temple of God in
Zion by the Jewish Prince Zerubbabel. The killing of Tsar Nicholas, on the
other hand, opened the way to the destruction of Orthodox Russia and its
transformation into Babylon.
Thus ended the life of the Christ-like Tsar, as a sacrifice for the Orthodox
Faith and for the Russian people, both of whom he so fervently loved and
believed in.
him, and to those on whom they may have an influence, that they should not
take revenge for him, since he has forgiven everyone and prays for everyone,
that they should not take revenge for themselves, and should remember that
the evil which is now in the world will be still stronger, but that it is not love
that will conquer evil, but only love..."
And in the belongings of the same holy martyr were found the following
verses by S. Bekhteyev:
Posthumous Glory
"'Follow me!'
And He went into a wondrous garden, and I remained at the threshold and
awoke. Soon I fell asleep again and saw myself standing in the same arch, and
with the Saviour stood Tsar Nicholas. The Saviour said to the Tsar:
"'You see in My hands two cups: one which is bitter for your people and
the other sweet for you.'
"The Tsar fell to his knees and for a long time begged the Lord to allow him
to drink the bitter cup together with his people. The Lord did not agree for a
long time, but the Tsar begged importunately. Then the Saviour drew out of
the bitter cup a large glowing coal and laid it in the palm of the Tsar's hand.
The Tsar began to move the coal from hand to hand and at the same time his
body began to grow light, until it had become completely bright, like some
radiant spirit. At this I again woke up. Falling asleep yet again, I saw an
immense field covered with flowers. In the middle of the field stood the Tsar,
surrounded by a multitude of people, and with his hands he was distributing
manna to them. An invisible voice said at this moment:
"'The Tsar has taken the guilt of the Russian people upon himself, and the
Russian people is forgiven.'"
In the same year Elder Nectarius of Optina said: "Now his Majesty is not
his own man, he is suffering such humiliation for his mistakes. 1918 will be
still worse. His Majesty and all his family will be killed, tortured. One pious
girl had a vision: Jesus Christ was sitting on a throne, while around Him were
the twelve apostles, and terrible torments and groans resounded from the
earth. And the Apostle Peter asked Christ:
"And Jesus Christ replied: 'I give them until 1922. If the people do not
repent, do not come to their senses, then they will all perish in this way.'
"Then before the throne of God there stood our Tsar wearing the crown of
a great-martyr. Yes, this tsar will be a great-martyr. Recently, he has
redeemed his life, and if people do not turn to God, then not only Russia, but
the whole of Europe will collapse..."
"Today is the day of the commemoration of the Tsar-martyr. His son, the
young Tsarevich Alexis was the honoured ataman of the Cossack armies. Let
us beseech them that they intercede before the Lord for the salvation of the
Christ-loving Cossack army."
And Fr. Elijah served a moleben "to the Tsar-martyr, the Emperor of
Russia". And the refrain during the moleben was: "Holy Martyrs of the Royal
House, pray to God for us!"
The whole company sang. At the end of the moleben, Fr. Elijah read the
dismissal: "Through the prayers of the holy Tsar-martyr Nicholas, the
Emperor of Russia, his Heir the young Tsarevich Alexis, ataman of the Christ-
loving Cossack armies, the right-believing Tsaritsa-martyr Alexandra and her
children the Tsarevna-martyrs, may He have mercy and save us, for He is
good and loveth mankind."
To the objection that these holy martyrs had not yet been glorified, and
miracles from them had not yet been revealed, Fr. Elijah replied: "Through
their prayers we shall get out... They have been glorified... You yourselves
have heard how the people has glorified them. The people of God... May the
holy youth Tsarevich Alexis show us. Don't you see the miracle of the wrath
of God on Russia for their innocent blood?... You will see revelations through
the salvation of those who honour their holy memory... There is an indication
for you in the lives of the saints. You will read that Christians built churches
over the bodies of the holy martyrs without any glorification. They lit oil-
lamps and prayed to them as to intercessors and petitioners..."
Again, the nun Barbara (Sukhanova) writes: "In the summer of 1923 a girl
known to me by the name of Irina Meier received a letter from Petrograd from
her friend - also a young girl of gentry family. I am amazed that this letter got
through at that time. The girl from suffering Russia openly wrote that with
the help of God she had decided to choose the monastic path and was striving
for it with all her heart.
"This pure soul described a recent dream she had had. She was walking in
Petrograd when in front of her there rose up a new, beautiful, white church.
She entered it. The house of God was amazingly beautiful. Everything in it
was shining, gleaming and irridiscent. The girl was struck by its majesty and
"And an invisible person replied: 'In the name of the slaughtered Emperor
Nicholas Alexandrovich.'"
Again, Monk Zachariah writes: "The Serbian people loved the Russian Tsar
with all their heart. On March 30, 1930, there was published in the Serbian
newspapers a telegram stating that the Orthodox inhabitants of the city of
Leskovats in Serbia had appealed to the Synod of the Serbian Orthodox
Church with a request to raise the canonization of the late Russian Emperor
Nicholas II, who was not only a most humane and pure-hearted ruler of the
Russian people, but who also died with the glory of a martyr's death.
The following vision was seen in 1971 by a certain Basil, a spiritual son of
Archbishop Leontius of Chile of blessed memory, who had reposed that same
year, at the same time when the Church was discussing the glorification of the
New Martyrs of Russia: "At the beginning of this dream I saw myself in a
huge temple not built by human hands. On the right kliros for quite a distance
was a huge crowd of people dressed in white; I could not make out their
faces. Around me there was a quiet, heartrending singing, although I couldn't
see anyone there. Then both sides of the altar swung open and from them
began to come out holy hierarchs and monks, fully vested in gentle blue
vestments: among them I could recognise only St. Nicholas the
Wonderworker of Myra in Lycia. From the door near me, among the passing
bishops, Vladyka Leontius passed by and stopped near me, saying:
"'You, brother Basil, were called and you did come. You know we have a
great celebration here today!'
Finally, there is this testimony of a man from Spain: "I am 48 years old. I
am Spanish-born from Barcelona. My name is Mateo Gratacos Vendrell.
When the things I am going to mention happened, I was not a member of the
Orthodox Church. Now, through God's mercy, I've become a member
(August, 1989). During four years I had had a pain in the loins and in the belly
on the right side. I consulted various doctors and went through the usual
routine (x-rays, ecography, etc., and analyses). All the results were negative. It
was deduced that my pain was psychosomatic (psychological). To calm me
down, I was treated through acupuncture and laser, but in vain; my pain was
still there. I was desperate. One night I was experiencing again acute pain, I
started reading. To mark my page I had put a portrait of Tsar Nicholas (his
icon, in fact). I looked at the icon and he (the Tsar) looked at me. I started
asking him to pray to Christ our Lord; for having suffered during the last
days of his life, he would have compassion. I accepted the pain that I had but
I could not accept the fact that I was 'mad', because I knew that my pains were
real. On the next day, after that very night, as I was on my way to a job, a
client who is also a friend of mind asked how I was and upon knowing that I
was still suffering, he asked whether I had consulted Dr. P. I answered no. He
told me to go and see him on his behalf. I went there on the next day. When
he examined me he said that there was nothing psychosomatic; I had an
invisible (on the radio) kidney stone. I underwent a 'natural treatment' and
the stone went out naturally after one month. During this period of time I
prayed to the Lord to remember me because of my love for the Tsar. I
promised to Tsar Nicholas that I would distribute and make known his icon
as a 'moleben' for the mercy he showed to the poor man who suffered for four
years and saw his problem solved in less than a month through his
intercession. Thank you, Saint Nicholas II, I am very thankful."
pp. 129, 132, 143, 155, 157, 158, 160, 169; Dominic Lieven, Nicholas II, London:
Pimlico, 1993, pp. 34-35, 47, 162-163; Robert Massie, The Romanovs: The Last
Chapter, Jonathan Cape, 1995; Alexander Bokhanov, Manfred Knodt,
Vladimir Oustimenko, Zinaida Peregudova, Lyubov Tyutyunnik, The
Romanovs, London: Leppi, 1993; Protopriest Alexander Shargunov, Chudesa
Tsarstvennykh Muchenikov, Moscow: "Novaya Kniga", St. Petersburg:
"Tsarskoye Delo", 1995; Orthodox America, January, 1997, pp. 11-12;
Protopriest Lev Lebedev, Velikorossia, St. Petersburg, 1999; Tatyana
Mironova, “Nye Otrecheniye Gosudarya, a Otrecheniye ot Gosudarya”;
Zhitia i Tvorenia Russkikh Svyatykh, Moscow, 2001, pp. 1048-1071; S.L.
Firsov, “Legenda o Tsarskom Brate: Velikij Knyaz’ Mikhail Aleksandrovich –
Solovetskij Patriarkh Seraphim”, Gosudarstvo, Religia i Tserkov’ v Rossii i za
Rubezhom, 2010, no. 4, http://religio.rags.ru/journal/2010/2010_04/N_4-
10_209.pdf; “Ot Ipatyevskogo Monastyria do Doma Ipatyeva”, Pravoslavnie
Monastyri, 29, 2009, pp. 8-13;
Great Prince Sergius Alexandrovich was born in 1857, the son of Tsar
Alexander II and the brother of Tsar Alexander III. He was a very religious
and highly cultured man who loved reading and music. Shy by nature, he
made some of those around him think he was cold. But he was not. Without
advertising the fact, he helped very many people. Ludmila Koehler writes:
"All available evidence shows that Grand Duke Sergius was an outstanding
personality and that he was highly educated, strict and demanding, but also
kind-hearted. Naturally he was disliked by liberals and especially by the
revolutionaries for his firm convictions; he was therefore eliminated by them,
like so many other outstanding conservatives."
The Great Prince’s first educators were Anna Tiutcheva, the daughter of
the great Russian poet, who taught him to love Holy Rus’ and its holy sites,
Naval Captain Demetrius Arseniev, the Over-Procurator of the Holy Synod
Constantine Petrovich Pobedonostsev, the economist Vladimir Petrovich
Bezobrazov, the historian Constantine Nikolayevich Bestuzhev-Ryumin and
the talented archaeologist Alexis Sergeyevich Uvarov. The Great Prince’s
favourite subject, as of his beloved nephew, Tsar Nicholas II, was history.
From childhood Elizabeth loved nature and especially flowers. She had an
artistic gift, and throughout her life spent a lot of time drawing. She also
loved classical music.
People of various characters and positions in life were very similar in their
estimates of Elizabeth: "Exceptional beauty, a remarkable mind, a subtle sense
of humour, angelic patience, nobility of heart", was one such estimate.
Metropolitan Anastasy, second president of the Synod of the Russian Church
in Exile, wrote of her: "She was a rare combination of exalted Christian spirit,
moral nobility, enlightened mind, gentle heart and refined taste. She
possessed an extremely delicate and multi-faceted spiritual composition and
her outward appearance reflected the beauty and greatness of her spirit."
The couple were married in St. Petersburg, first according to the Orthodox
rite, and then according to the Protestant rite.
Although Elizabeth remained Protestant for the time being, she studied
Russian and tried hard to understand the culture and faith of her new
Soon after this, the grand duchess converted to the Orthodox Church.
Already in 1890 she wrote to the Tsarevich Nicholas that she had tried with
all her strength to convince her sister Alexandra (the future spouse of the
Tsarevich) that she would love the Orthodox faith, “to which I also am
striving to be united, the genuine and true faith, the only faith which has
remained undistorted down the centuries and has retained its original
On January 1, 1891 she wrote to her father: “You must have noticed how
profoundly I venerate the religion here since you were here last time, more
than one and a half years ago. I have been constantly thinking and reading,
and praying to God to show me the right path, and I have come to the
conclusion that it is only in this religion that I can find all the real and
powerful faith in God that a person must have in order to be a good Christian.
It would be a sin for me to stay as I am because I now belong formally and for
the outside world to one church, while inwardly I pray and believe as does
my husband. You cannot imagine how kind he has been: he never tried to
force me in any way, presenting all this to my conscience alone. He knows
what a serious step this is, and that one has to be completely convinced before
deciding on it. I would have done it even earlier, only I was tormented by the
thought that I would causing you pain, and that many of those dear to me
would not understand me. But don’t you understand, my dear Papa? You
know me so well. You must see that I have decided on this step only out of
profound faith, and that I feel that I must stand before God with a pure and
believing heart. How simple it would be to remain as I am now, but then how
hypocritical, how false it would be, and how I would be lying to everyone,
pretending in all external rites that I am a Protestant when my soul belongs
completely to the religion here. I have thought and thought deeply about all
this, having been in this country already for more than six years and knowing
religion has been ‘found’. I so strongly want to receive the Holy Mysteries at
Pascha with my husband… Earthly happiness I have always had as a child in
my homeland, as a wife - in my new homeland, but when I saw how deeply
religious Serge was, I felt so far behind, and the better I got to know his
Church, the more I felt that it brought me closer to God - it is difficult to
describe such a thing... This may seem sudden, but I have thought about it
already for such a long time, and now, finally, I cannot put it off. My
conscience does not allow me to. I earnestly beseech you, when you have
received these lines, forgive your daughter if she has caused you pain. But is
not faith in God and the confession of faith one of the main consolations of
this world? Perhaps you can telegraph me just one line, when you receive this
letter. May the Lord bless you. This will be such a consolation for me, because
I know that there will be many unpleasant moments, since nobody will
understand this step. I ask only for a small affectionate letter.”
Her father did not send her the telegram she wanted with the blessing, but
he wrote a letter in which he said that her decision caused him pain and
suffering and that he could not give his blessing. Then Elizabeth Fyodorovna
showed courage and spiritual firmness and, in spite of her moral sufferings,
she unhesitatingly decided to become Orthodox. In general, firmness was one
of the main qualities of her character: on taking a decision, she went straight
for the goal no matter what the obstacles. “My conscience,” she wrote to her
father, “does not allow me to continue in this spirit – it would be a sin; when I
remained in my old faith I was lying all the time… It would be impossible for
me to continue living as I lived before.”
“Dear one,” she wrote to her brother, “you call me unserious, and you write that the
external splendour of the church has charmed me. You are mistaken. Nothing external has
attracted me, and not the services, but the foundation of the faith. The external signs only
remind us of that which is inner… I am converting out of a pure conviction; I feel that this is
the loftiest religion and that I will do this with faith, with profound conviction and with the
About her husband she wrote to her brother: “He was a real angel of kindness. How often,
himself happy; and never, never did he complain. Take his side with your close ones and tell
them that I adore him, and also my new country and that in this way I learned to love their
religion also.” Elizabeth said that it was her husband who had educated her (presumably, in
Her German relatives were not sympathetic to her conversion, unlike her
English relatives, in particular her grandmother, Queen Victoria, who wrote
her an affectionate, encouraging letter, which brought her great joy. As she
wrote to the queen: "The only thing which made me wait so long was that I
knew that so many would be pained and not understand me. But God gave
me courage and I hope they will forgive me the pain I caused them, as I do so
having my whole soul in this Church here, and I felt I was lying to all and to
my old religion in continuing to be a Protestant. It is a matter of conscience
whose profound importance only the person concerned can really feel."
When she told her husband of her decision, according to a former courtier,
"tears involuntarily spurted from his eyes". He had not spoken a word to her
about his desire that she become Orthodox. As she wrote on April 18, 1909:
“He with his large heart never forced his religion upon me and found
strength to bear up in this great grief of not seeing me in his faith, thanks to
Fr. John, who told him: ‘Leave her alone, don’t speak about her faith, she will
come to it of herself’, and thank God it was so. Well, Serge, who knew his
faith and lived in it as perfectly as a true Orthodox Christian can, brought me
up and thank God warned me against this spirit of delusion you talk of.”
Tsar Alexander and his wife, and all the Orthodox relatives of the
Romanov house, were overjoyed at Ella’s decision. Her husband was in
raptures. As he wrote to Tsarevich Nicholas: “I am infinitely happy. I don’t
know by what right I deserve such grace. I am completely unworthy.”
On March 8/20 she again wrote to her father: “Please, please forgive me
for causing you so much suffering, but I feel so infinitely happy in my new
faith. Earthly happiness I have always had as a child in my homeland, as a
wife – in my new homeland, but when I saw how deeply religious Serge was,
I felt so far behind, and the better I got to know his Church, the more I felt
that it brought me closer to God – it is difficult to describe such a thing…
However, in this case everything is in my hands and in God’s, and I am
convinced that He will bless this step; my hope depends on His strength, and
I constantly pray that I will always be a good child and faithful wife and
always remain a good Christian, and that in my earthly happiness I will
always think of the future and my salvation and always be prepared for it
(death)… Please show Alix… this letter.”
And indeed it was difficult for both of them. Sergius loved his former post
as colonel-in-chief of the Preobrazhensky regiment, and now had to govern
the province of Moscow at a time of increasing revolutionary activity when
society was becoming increasingly anti-monarchist. Elizabeth had to smile to
guests, dance and talk, independently of her mood or health. Often she was
exhausted and had headaches. She was very popular, but also there were
many slanders. Once she told her brother Ernest that she thought that every
human being had to have an ideal in life. When he asked her what her ideal
was, she replied: “To be a fully perfect woman, and this is not easy, for one
must learn to forgive everything…”
Her sufferings, both physical and spiritual, were increased by the death of
her father, to whom she was very attached… A trip down the Volga, and
another to Darmstadt and England, consoled her, and she involved herself
more in charities for the poor in addition to the many public engagements
that she could not avoid. But her sadness lingered on…
Ella worked hard to bring abut the union of her sister Alix (Alexandra) to
Tsarevich Nicholas. As she wrote to Queen Victoria, “the world is so spiteful,
and not knowing how long and deep this affection on both sides has been, the
spiteful tongues will call it ambition”. However, the marriage finally took
place in 1894, and the two sisters were united in Russia in the Orthodox faith.
In 1903 Sergius and Elizabeth went to the uncovering of the relics of St.
Seraphim in Sarov. From there she wrote: “What infirmities and what
illnesses we saw, but also what faith! It seemed as if we were living in the
time of the earthly life of the Saviour. And how they prayed, how they wept –
these poor mothers with their sick children. And, glory to God, many of them
were healed. The Lord counted us worthy to see how a mute girl began to
speak. But how her mother prayed for her!”
During the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-05, the Great Princess became the
leader of a patriotic movement that swept the whole of society: she organized
sewing workshops for the needs of the army, several in the Kremlin itself,
where women of all classes worked; she equipped several hospital trains
excellently at her own expense, including camp churches equipped with
everything necessary for the Divine services; she daily visited hospitals; and
she worried over the widows and orphans of those killed in the war.
But then came the tragedy that changed her life. Great Prince Sergius had
just resigned from the office of governor general of Moscow because he
disagreed with the government on policy towards the terrorists, thinking that
they should be treated more severely. His letters show his complete devotion
to the monarchy and to Tsar Nicholas in particular. “You know,” he wrote to
him in 1896, “how I love You; my whole life belongs to You and the service
and works of Your Father. Believe me: Your glory is dearer to me than
anything on earth.” But he felt that the Tsar was being too soft, and therefore
retired into private life. For some time before his death he had been receiving
death threats, and when he went out used to try to ensure that he was as far
as possible alone. On February 6/18, 1905 he was killed by a bomb that
exploded almost at the doorstep of the palace that he and his wife inhabited
in the Kremlin. At that moment the Great Princess was leaving for her
workshops. She was alarmed by the sound of an exploding bomb nearby.
Hurrying toward the place (near the Chudov monastery in the Kremlin), she
saw a soldier stretching his military overcoat over the maimed body of her
husband. The soldier tried to hide the horrible sight from the eyes of the
unfortunate wife. But the Great Princess dropped to her knees, on the street,
and put her arms out trying to embrace the torn remains of her husband. The
bomb had shattered his body to such an extent that his fingers were found,
still in their gloves, on the roof of the neighbouring building.
The next day St. Elizabeth received Communion in the church in which her
husband’s coffin was standing. On the third day after his death she felt that
the soul of the deceased was asking her to do something. She understood that
Sergius Alexandrovich wanted to send his forgiveness to his assassin,
Kaliayev, through her. She went to the prison where he was detained.
"I am his widow," she replied, "Why did you kill him?"
"I did not want to kill you," he said. "I saw him several times before when I
had the bomb with me, but you were with him and I could not bring myself to
touch him."
"And didn’t you understand that by killing him you were killing me?”…
Then she said that she was bringing him forgiveness from Sergius
Alexandrovich and asked him to repent. The Gospel was in her hands and she
begged the criminal to read it. He refused, but she left it in his cell together
with a little icon. Leaving the prison, the Great Princess said:
"My attempt was unsuccessful, but, who knows, perhaps at the last minute
he will understand his sin and repent."
She asked the tsar for clemency for him. And he was ready to bestow it
provided the bomber did not refuse it himself. (According to another source,
her request was refused.) On the memorial cross erected upon the site of her
husband's death, the grand-duchess inscribed the Gospel words:
"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do..."
Great Prince Sergius was buried in the Chudov monastery in the Kremlin;
a chapel dedicated to St. Sergius, his patron saint, was built there.
Igumen Seraphim says of the Great Princess’ conduct after the murder:
"Like a spiritual heroine she did not break down in consequence of her great
sorrow, as happens to many women. She grieved most of all about the
sudden death of her husband, afraid for his fate in the world to come." And
yet she herself said of him that he was “a holy person, an angel of goodness,
who never did any harm to anyone”. And she was comforted by spiritual
elders, who told her that the blood of her husband's martyrdom would surely
efface all the errors and sins of his past.
From that time on, she remained in mourning clothes, refused the food she
was accustomed to, and vegetables and bread became her daily nourishment,
even before she took her monastic vows. She dissolved her court, withdrew
from the world and devoted herself entirely to the service of God and her
neighbour. She opened two hospitals in which she looked after the sick. She
divided her property into three parts, distributing it to the state, to the heirs of
her husband and (the largest part) to charity. With what remained she then
acquired a small estate with four little houses and a garden, and then another
neighbouring plot, on the Ordynka in Moscow.
Here, with the blessing of the elders of the Zosima hermitage, to whom she
placed herself in complete obedience, she founded a small monastic
community, calling it the convent of Saints Martha and Mary, in order to
unite in it the virtues of the two sisters of Lazarus - prayer and good works. It
contained a hospital with a house church, an out-patients' department, a
chemist's, a refuge for young girls, a library, and a hostel for the sisters. In
1911 the main Protection church was built in the traditional Novgorod-Pskov
style according to a plan by A.V. Shusev and with interior paintings by
Nesterov. Protopriest Metrophanes Serebryansky, an exceptional pastor, was
appointed the spiritual father of the community.
entering the Church, to teach them the faith, to help them during the
sacrament of Holy Baptism and to look after the sick and needy. During the
persecutions against Christianity the deaconesses had served the martyrs in
prison. However, the Russian Synod did not approve of her idea of
regenerating the institution, and she had to put aside this thought.
In April 1909 the Great Princess wrote: “My darling Serge rests in God
with so many he loved who have gone to join him and God has given me on
this earth a beautiful work to fulfil. Only He knows whether I will do it well
or badly, but I will try my best and put my hand in His and go with no fear
whatever the crosses and criticism this world may have in store – little by
little my life has turned onto this way. It is not a fantasy of the moment and
no disappointment ever can come – I can be disappointed in myself but then I
also have no illusion and don’t imagine I am different to others. I want to
work for God in God for suffering mankind, and in my old age when my
body can’t work anymore I hope God will let me then rest and pray for the
work I began and then I will leave the busy life and prepare for that great
home – but I have health and energy and there is so, so much misery and
Christ’s steps guide us amongst the suffering, in whom we help Him…”
The convent began its existence on February 10, 1909. At first it had only
six sisters, but within a year the number had risen to thirty and continued to
rise. On April 9 seventeen sisters headed by Elizabeth were tonsured into
monasticism (probably the little schema). She put off her black mourning
clothes, put on the white habit of a sister of mercy, and took the name Alexia
after St. Alexis of Moscow, whose relics rested in the Chudov monastery.
According to one source, she was tonsured by the future Hieromartyr,
Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev. According to another source, however, Bishop
Tryphon, in the world Prince Turkestanov, gave her her monastic vestments
with the prophetic words: "These vestments will hide you from the world,
and the world will be hidden from you, but at the same time they will witness
to your charitable activity, which will shine before the Lord to His glory."
Just before her tonsure, the Great Princess wrote: “My taking of vows is
even more serious than if a young girl marries. I am espousing Christ and His
cause, I am giving all I can to Him and our neighbours, I am going deeper
into our Orthodox Church and becoming a missionary of Christian faith and
charity work and – oh dear! – I am so unworthy of it all, and I do so want
blessings and prayers…” And on the morning of her tonsure she said to the
sisters: “I am leaving the glittering world where I had a glittering position.
But together with all of you I am ascending to a greater world – the world of
the poor and the suffering. I have lain this upon myself, not as a cross, but as
certain way full of light, which the Lord showed me after the death of Serge
and which for many, many years before this began in my soul…”
At the same time, her personal life was very ascetic. She slept for no more
than three hours in every twenty-four on a wooden bed without a mattress,
and after praying for a long time at night, she would go round the hospital
wards. For food she had a few vegetables and some milk, and kept all the
fasts strictly.
However, she considered the most important thing to be not the hospital,
but visiting and helping the poor in their homes. The community received up
to 12,000 requests for help every year. They had to arrange treatment for
some, look for work for others, send still others abroad to study. How much
money, food, clothing and medicine was distributed! But “Great Matushka”,
as she was called, considered their main work to be bringing the love of
Christ to the suffering.
She used to visit the notorious Khitrovka market, believing, as did all the
sisters of the community, that everyone is made in the image of God even if
that image is partly distorted by the passions of life. She tried to touch the
depths of their hearts, to arouse the beginnings of repentance in people sunk
in corruption. Sometimes she succeeded, and then the gradual recovery of a
spiritually sick person would begin. Mother Elizabeth rescued orphans from
these dens of iniquity, and tried to persuade their parents to hand them over
to her for education. She set up the boys in a hostel, and one such group even
formed an artel of messenger-boys. The girls were educated in the refuge and
in closed boarding-schools.
The sisters did not work for personal glory, and they did not count how
many people they helped. They had to endure insults and mockery,
sometimes they were deceived. But they did not despair in their service. The
pledge of their constancy and conscientiousness was their faith in the words
of Christ: "And he who gives even one of these My little ones to drink a cup of
cold water... will not lose his reward."
One of the nuns of the convent, Mother Lyubov’, Euphrosyne in the world,
came to the monastery in the following remarkable way. At the age of sixteen
she fell into a lethargic sleep, during which her soul was met by St.
Onuphrius the Great. He took her to three saints. Euphrosyne recognized one
of them to be St. Sergius of Radonezh, but she did not know the other two.
Then St. Onuphrius told Euphrosyne that she was needed in the Martha-Mary
convent. Waking from her sleep, Euphrosyne began to ask where such a
convent might be in Russia. One of her acquaintances turned out to be a
novice in the convent and told Euphrosyne about it and its abbess.
Euphrosyne wrote to the abbess asking whether she could be received into
the convent, and received an affirmative reply. When she arrived at the
monastery she went into the cell of the abbess and recognized in her the
female saint whom she had seen standing next to St. Sergius. Then, on
receiving the blessing of the spiritual father of the convent, Fr. Metrophanes,
she recognized in him the second of the saints. Exactly six years after this St.
Elizabeth received the crown of martyrdom on the day of the uncovering of
the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh, while Fr. Metrophanes later received the
monastic tonsure with the name of Sergius in honour of St. Sergius… Once,
when she was not yet trained in the rules of the monastic life, Euphrosyne
went into the cell of the abbess without asking a blessing. She saw St.
Elizabeth in a hairshirt and chains. “My dear,” said the saint, “when you
enter, you must knock.”
Among her very varied charitable works, St. Elizabeth paid the fares of
pilgrims sailing from Odessa to Jaffa, and built a large hospital in Jerusalem.
She also built an Orthodox church in Bari in Italy where the relics of St.
Nicholas the Wonderworker rested.
Among the holy elders she knew, writes Ludmila Koehler, "the grand
duchess singled out Schema-Archimandrite Gabriel. The grand duchess was
in the habit of seeing him on her annual pilgrimage to the Seven Lakes
Hermitage (near Kazan). There she attended all the monastery services and
shared the simple food with the brotherhood. Archbishop Tikhon (of San
Francisco) relates that she and her faithful cell attendant Barbara usually were
present at the four o'clock tea in the Abbot's quarters.
"News of the impending war reached the grand duchess while she was in
the province of Perm. She proceeded to Verkhoturye to venerate the relics of
St. Simeon; here she took Holy Communion. Verkhoturye is located only a
short distance from Alapayevsk, which was destined to be the scene of her
"She was particularly impressed when her sister told her that 'once when
visiting a particularly dirty part of Khitrovka, the grand duchess sneezed, and
the woman in the room at once offered her a very dirty rag, and she accepted
it as though it were of finest, cleanest linen.'
Gangrene had set in and the doctors despaired of saving her. With gentle but
obstinate courage, the grand duchess nursed her back to life. It took two
hours each day to dress her wounds, and the stench was such that several of
the nurses fainted. The patient recovered within a few weeks and this was
considered a miracle at the time.'"
Then the war began, and part of the sisterhood was sent to work in the
field hospitals. Others served in a hospital in Moscow. Serious difficulties
arose with the provision of food and clothing, but the community did not
suspend its charitable work.
Metropolitan Anastasy wrote: "She suffered deeply for the royal family...
when the thorns of grievous slander were woven around them, especially
during the war. In order not to give impetus to new evil gossip, the grand
duchess tried to avoid conversations on the subject. If it so happened that
because of idle people's tasteless curiosity the subject was broached in her
presence, she immediately killed it by her expressive silence. Only once after
returning from Tsarskoye Selo, she forgot herself and remarked, 'That terrible
man (i.e. Rasputin) wants to separate me from them, but, thank God, he will
not succeed.' The occasion referred to is probably the one mentioned by
several writers when the grand duchess went to warn her sister."
“Once, when speaking to her face to face, I told her about my adventures,
which, as it seemed to me, were unknown to her.
“’Calm down,’ she smiled, ‘I know much more about you than you think. It
was for that reason that I called you. You are capable of much evil, and of
much good if you find the right path. And great sin is not greater than sincere
repentance. Remember that the reason sins more than the soul. But the soul
can remain pure even in a sinful body. Your soul is important to me. And I
want to open it to you yourself. Destiny has given you everything that a man
could desire. But from him to whom much is given, much is required. Think
that you are responsible. You are obliged to be an example. You should be
respected. Trials have shown you that life is not a game. Think how much
good you could do! And how much evil you could cause! I have prayed much
for you. I hope that the Lord has hearkened to my prayer and will help you.’
“’Poor Russia!’ she cried. ‘What terrible trials await her! And we are all
powerless to resist the will of the Lord. It remains to us only to pray and hope
on His mercy.’”
“’You could not have acted otherwise,’ she said when I fell silent. ‘Your act
was the last attempt to save the homeland and the dynasty. And it is not your
fault that events did not measure up to your expectations. The guilt lies on
those who did not understand their own duty. The killing of Rasputin is not a
crime. You killed a demon. But it was even to your credit: in your place
anyone should acted in the same way.’
corridors crying like hysterics and tearing their dresses with indecent
movements of the body.
“Time flies so unnoticeably that you don’t even distinguish days or years,
everything merges together into one second of prayer and mercy… Today is
twenty-five years since I was united to our beloved Church… Everything is
merged together in the profoundest gratitude to God, to our Church and to
those noble examples that I have been able to see in truly Orthodox people.
And I feel myself to be so insignificant and unworthy of the limitless love of
God and of that love which has surrounded me in Russia – even the minutes
of sorrow were sanctified by such consolation from above, and while the
petty misunderstandings that are natural for people were smoothed away
with such love that I can say only one thing: ‘Glory to God for all things, for
all things.’”
The Lord bestowed upon Mother Elizabeth the gift of spiritual discernment
and prophecy. Fr. Metrophanes related that not long before the revolution he
had a very vivid and clearly prophetic dream, but he did not know how to
interpret it. It was composed of a sequence of four pictures, in colour. The first
revealed a beautiful church. Suddenly, it became surrounded by tongues of
fire, and the whole church went up in flames - a terrifying spectacle. The
second showed a portrait of the Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna in a black
frame; the corners of the frame sprouted forth shoots bearing lily buds that
blossomed, becoming so large as to conceal the portrait. The third showed the
Archangel Michael holding a flaming sword. In the fourth, St. Seraphim of
Sarov stood on his knees on a rock, his hands upraised in prayer.
The revolution threw the country into chaos. Crowds of freed prisoners
roamed round Moscow. Mother Elizabeth forbade the sisters to leave the
community. In the spring of 1917 she wrote to her sister Victoria: "God's ways
are a mystery and perhaps it is a great blessing we can't know all that the
future has in store for us. All our country is being snipped into little bits. All
that was gained in centuries is being demolished, and by our own people,
those I love from all my heart. Truly, they are morally ill and blinded not to
see where we are going. And one's heart aches, but I have no bitterness. Can
you criticize or condemn a man in delirium, a lunatic? You can only pity and
long for good guardians to be found, who can keep him from smashing all
and murdering whomever he can get at."
The German ambassador Mirbach twice tried to see her and pass on an
invitation to go to Germany, but she refused to receive the representative of
an enemy country and said that she categorically refused to leave Russia: "I
have done no harm to anyone. May the will of the Lord be done."
In April, 1918 she wrote to the same correspondent: "If we look deep into
the life of every human, we discover that it is full of miracles. You will say, 'Of
terror and death, as well.' Yes, that also. But we do not clearly see why the
blood of these victims must flow. There, in the heavens, they understand
everything and, no doubt, have found calm and the True Homeland - a
Heavenly Homeland. We on this earth must look to that Heavenly Homeland
with understanding and say with resignation, 'Thy will be done.' Great Russia
is completely destroyed, but Holy Russia and the Orthodox Church, which
‘the gates of hell cannot overcome’, exists and exists more than ever. And
those who believe and who do not doubt for one moment will see ‘the inner
sun’ which enlightens the darkness during the thundering storm… I am only
convinced that the Lord Who punishes is also the same Lord Who loves. I
have read the Gospel a great deal, and, we wish to recognize that great
sacrifice of God the Father when He sent His son to die and be resurrected for
us, we must feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, who illumines our path. And
then joy will become eternal, even if our poor human hearts and our little
earthly minds will experience moments that seem very terrible… We work,
we pray, we hope, and each day we feel the mercy of God. Each day we
experience a constant miracle. And others begin to feel this and come to our
church in order to relax in soul.”
“Even though all the powers of hell may be set loose, Holy Russia and the
Orthodox Church will remain unconquered. Some day, in this ghastly
struggle, Virtue will triumph over Evil. Those who keep their faith will see
the Powers of Light vanquish the powers of darkness. God punishes and
"The spring of 1917," writes Ludmilla Koehler, "marks the beginning of her
slow but steady ascent to martyrdom: searches, accusations, disruptions of the
welfare system so painstakingly established by her, deportation, and finally a
martyr's death. God led her to her great destiny by measured steps so as to
strengthen her spirit. By the end of her ordeal she was as strong as tempered
steel, radiating the bright light of her sainthood. Grand Duchess Elizabeth's
attitude toward the turmoil besetting Russia is seen in a letter she sent to an
old friend about this time. In it she predicts the complete disintegration of
Russia and accepts it with the words, 'Thy will be done.' She is, however,
simultaneously convinced that the gates of Hell will not prevail over the
Church, which has been promised an eternal existence. Those who believe in
this will be able, according to her, 'to discern the concealed beam of light
shining through the darkness at the very height of the storm.' To be sure, she
anticipated severe trials, but she looked on the approaching storm as having
both 'horrifying as well as spiritualizing elements'.
“There,” he told her, “I know good people in Old Believers’ sketes and
they can protect Your Highness.”
It was not long before Fr. Seraphim was able to retrieve her body and fulfil
his promise to the Great Princess…
Another trial came at Pascha, 1918, when the chekist secret police arrested
some of the sick and declared that they were transferring the orphans to a
children's home. Then, on the third day of Pascha, continues Ludmilla
Koehler, "on the feast day of the Appearance of the Iberian icon of the Most
Holy Theotokos (March 31), Patriarch Tikhon was celebrating the Liturgy in
the Iberian church across the street from the Martha and Mary Convent. After
the service, the Patriarch visited the sisterhood and served a moleben, finding
heartening words for the abbess and the sisters. He promised his assistance
and protection should they be needed. The sisters felt greatly relieved and
encouraged by this gesture but the grand duchess may have had
premonitions of an impending separation from her community.
but he couldn’t, he was crying… And they took her away to Yekaterinburg,
with someone escorting her, and Barbara was with her. They were
inseparable… Then she sent a letter to us, to batyushka and each sister. 105
little notes, and every one in accordance with her character. To one a
quotation from the Gospel, to another from the Bible, to another from herself.
She knew all the sisters, all her children…”
During the rail journey she wrote to the sisters: “Lord, give the blessing.
May the Resurrection of Christ console and strengthen you all… May St.
Sergius and the holy hierarch Demetrius and St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk
protect you all, my dear ones… I cannot forget yesterday, all your dear faces.
O Lord, what suffering is in them, how their hearts are suffering! Every
minute you become dearer to me. How can I leave you, my children, how can
I console you and strengthen you? Remember, my dear ones, what I said to
you. Always be not only my children, but obedient pupils. Come closer to
each other and be as one soul, all for God, and say, with John Chrysostom:
‘Glory to God for everything!’ You older sister, unite your sister. Ask
Patriarch Tikhon to take the ‘chicks’ under his wing. Make a place for him in
my middle room. Make my cell a place for confession, and the big one for
receptions… For God’s sake, do not become despondent. The Mother of God
knows why Her Heavenly Son sent us this trial on the day of Her feast… only
don’t become despondent and don’t weaken in your radiant intentions, and
the Lord, Who has temporarily separated us, will strengthen you spiritually.
Pray for me, the sinner, that I may be counted worthy to return to my children
and become perfected for you, and that we may all think how to prepare
ourselves for eternal life.
“You remember how afraid I was that rely too much on my support as a
stronghold in life, and I said to you: ‘You must cleave more to God. The Lord
says: “My son, give Me your heart, and your eyes will see My paths”. Then be
assured that you will give all to God if you give Him your heart, that is, your
very selves.’
“Now we are going through one and the same experience and
involuntarily we find the consolation to bear our common cross of separation
only with Him. The Lord has found that it is now time for us to bear His
cross. Let us strive to be worthy of this joy. I thought that we would be too
weak, that we had not grown sufficiently to bear a great cross. ‘The Lord has
given, the Lord has taken away.’ As it was pleasing to God, so has it
happened. May the name of the Lord be blessed unto the ages. What an
example St. Job gives us by his submissiveness and patience in sorrows. For
this the Lord later gave him joy. How many examples of this sorrow do we
find in the Holy Fathers in the holy monasteries, but then there was joy.
Prepare for the joy of being again together. Let us be patient and humble. Let
us not grumble but be thankful for all things.
St. Elizabeth and her two nuns were joined in Yekaterinburg by other royal
prisoners: Great Prince Sergius Mikhailovich, the three Brother Princes Igor,
John and Constantine Constantinovich, the poet Prince Vladimir Paley (who
wrote about "Aunt Ella's" great kindness to him) and Prince John's wife, the
Serbian Queen Elena Petrovna.
Then, on May 20, the prisoners were taken to the Urals town of
Alapayevsk, where they were imprisoned in one of the city schools. For some
weeks Mother Elizabeth, though under guard, was able to go to church, to do
some gardening, to paint and to pray. She was also in contact with her nuns
in Moscow, and received gifts from the peasants of the region.
But on June 21 a stricter regime was imposed and Sisters Barbara and
Catherine were taken away from their spiritual mother to Yekaterinburg.
There they petitioned the authorities to be returned to Alapayevsk, and finally
they were allowed back.
Soon Prince John Constantinovich's wife Elena Petrovna was torn from his
side, and it was obvious to the captives what was in store for them. By the
beginning of July their last contacts with the outside world were severed and
the number of guards increased.
On the night of July 3-4 Tsar Nicholas and his family were executed in
Yekaterinburg. On the following night, the eve of the feast of St. Sergius that
meant so much to Grand Prince Sergius and his wife, the two nuns and other
members of the royal family were taken outside the building where they were
staying on the pretext of an armed attack. Nobody was allowed to see them.
Outside the house their hands were tied behind their backs and they were
blindfolded. They were taken in a car twelve miles outside the town. The
leader of the assassins was named Ryabov.
"Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Grenades were thrown into the mine shaft; they killed Prince Theodore
Mikhailovich Remez. The others died in terrible sufferings from hunger,
thirst and wounds. The bodies of Mother Elizabeth and Prince John
Constantinovich were found on a ledge only 50 feet from the top. Mother
Elizabeth had remained alive for a long time. Mortally wounded herself, she
had tried to bind the wounds of Great Prince John, serving her neighbour
until her very death. Two grenades fell beside her, but did not explode: the
Lord preserved the body of her who was pleasing to him. On her chest was an
icon of the Saviour Not Made with Hands adorned with precious stones,
which the Tsar had given her on day of her chrismation, and on the back of
which were inscribed the words: "Palm Saturday, April 13, 1891".
A peasant hid near the mine for two days, and all the while he could hear
the martyrs singing. It was the cherubic hymn that they chanted from under
the ground. The peasant drove to the camp of the not very far distant White
Army and told them about what had happened. They reproached him for not
giving any help, at least by throwing a piece of bread into the mine.
When the White Army was able to reach the spot they removed the bodies
of the martyred ones, who included, besides Mother Elizabeth and Nuns
Barbara and Catherine, were: Princes Sergius Mikhailovich, John
Constantinovich, Igor Constantinovich, Constantine Constantinovich,
Vladimir Paley and Theodore Remez.
Nun Barbara, in the world Vera Tsvetkova, was from Moscow. She
belonged to a religious family of intelligentsy that greatly venerated Mother
Elizabeth. After emigrating to the south of France, they found themselves in a
difficult situation. They had to find a new flat, but their poverty deprived
them of the possibility of finding it in such a short time. However, believing
in a miracle, the daughter nevertheless began to search. On the eve of the day
on which the family was to be evicted, Barbara had a dream in which she saw
Mother Elizabeth, who asked: "Why don't the Tsvetkovs appeal to me for
help? If I could help them earlier, now it is still easier for me to give them
help." And she promised Vera to arrange everything in the way she wanted.
On waking in the morning under the strong influence of her dream, Vera
renewed her search. As she was passing the office where she had only
recently applied for flats for sale without success, she felt an insistent desire to
ask again. Vera knew that her fresh inquiries were likely to be as
unsatisfactory as her previous ones. But some clearly felt invisible force urged
her to try again. Great was her astonishment when the official, seeing her
arrive at the door, called her in, pulled out a map of the city and, pointing to a
house and garden with his finger, said to Vera: "This village will suit you." It
turned out later that a Belgian had entrusted the office with offering his dacha
to needy Russian refugees. The owner of the house did his good deed in
memory of the happy years he had spent in Tsarist Russia. Later, Vera became
one of Mother Elizabeth's nuns with the name Barbara.
In 1945 the Soviets occupied Manchuria, and the bodies of all the princes
buried in Peking disappeared.
On January 27, 1919 the following princes were also shot by the Bolsheviks
in the yard of the Peter and Paul fortress in Petrograd: Nicholas
Mikhailovich, Demetrius Constantinovich, George Mikhailovich and Paul
Alexandrovich. The latter in February, 1917 was working on the project of a
constitution, and his son, Demetrius Pavlovich was the murderer of Rasputin.
Great Princes Demetrius and George died with prayer on their lips.
On the arrival of the bodies in Harbin, they were met by Duke Nicholas
Alexandrovich Kudashev, who reported that “the bodies were totally decayed
– all, except the Great Princess Elizabeth, whose body was totally incorrupt.
The coffins were opened and put in the Russian Church. The Great Princess
was lying as though she were alive and had not changed at all since the day
when I, before my departure for Peking, said good-bye to her in Moscow –
only on one side of her face was a large bruise from when she was thrown
into the mine.”
On April 3, 1920, the bodies of the martyrs were buried in the church of St.
Seraphim of Sarov at the cemetery of the Russian mission in Peking. The body
of the Martyr Elizabeth was found to be incorrupt. She looked asleep, and the
three fingers of her right hand were folded as if she had been trying to make
the sign of the cross.
On May 2, 1982, the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women, the relics of the
holy martyrs were translated from the crypt of the convent of St. Mary
Magdalene to the convent church. It was found that each of them had been
buried in five coffins, the outer one of oak containing two further zinc caskets,
a wooden one, and an inner one of metal. When the inner casket of the Great
Princess was opened, the chapel was filled with a sweet fragrance, which was
said to be like that of honey and jasmine. Although the chapel was open and
well-aired, this fragrance remained. The clothing of the martyrs was found to
be damp, although the atmosphere at Gethsemane is very dry. The material
was as if some liquid had been poured over it, so moist was it, although
hitherto the coffins had been sealed. When a small portion of the relics was
placed in a glass-topped receptacle, the glass became moist, and it was found
that the sacred relics of both the martyrs exuded a fragrant myrrh. The bodies
of both martyrs were found to be in a state of partial incorruption.
In 1981 the hand of St. Elizabeth and the hand of St. Barbara were brought
to the glorification of the Holy New Martyrs of Russia in New York – the only
relics of New Martyrs taken beyond the borders of Russia.
St. Elizabeth once said: "It is easier for feeble straw to resist a mighty fire
than for the nature of sin to resist the power of love. We must cultivate this
love in our souls, that we may take our place with all the saints, for they were
all-pleasing unto God through their love for their neighbour."
And again she said: “If we look deep into the life of every human being, we
discover that it is full of miracles. You will say, 'Of terror and death, as well.'
Yes, that also. But we do not clearly see why the blood of these victims must
flow. There, in the heavens, they understand everything and, no doubt, have
found calm and the True Homeland - a Heavenly Homeland. We on this earth
must look to that Heavenly Homeland with understanding and say with
resignation, 'Thy will be done.' Great Russia is completely destroyed, but
Holy Russia and the Orthodox Church, which ‘the gates of hell cannot
overcome’, exists and exists more than ever. And those who believe and who
do not doubt for one moment will see ‘the inner sun’ which enlightens the
darkness during the thundering storm… I am only convinced that the Lord
Who punishes is also the same Lord Who loves…
“Even though all the powers of hell may be set loose, Holy Russia and the
Orthodox Church will remain unconquered. Some day, in this ghastly
struggle, Virtue will triumph over Evil. Those who keep their faith will see
the Powers of Light vanquish the powers of darkness. God both punishes and
His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon, in the world Basil Ivanovich Bellavin, was
born on January 19, 1865 in Toropets, Pskov province, the son of a priest, Fr.
John of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky church. His mother was called Anna. Once
his father dreamed that he spoke with his dead mother. She warned him of
his imminent death and went on to say that one of his sons would die a youth
and be brought back to Toropets, and Basil would become very great. Just
after he had been made Bishop of Alaska, Basil accompanied the body of his
youngest brother back to Toropets, in fulfilment of this prophecy.
In 1872 Basil entered the Toropets spiritual school, and in 1878 - the Pskov
theological seminary. He was a very cheerful, good-humoured and kind boy,
quite tall with blond hair. He was also very intelligent, and used to help his
schoolmates with their work. In 1884, at the very young age of 19, he entered
the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. He was very popular with his
fellow-students, who prophetically nicknamed him "Patriarch" and once
jokingly censed him, crying: "Many years, your Holiness". On June 11, 1888
Basil graduated from the Academy as one of the best students; his dissertation
was on the subject, “Quesnel and his relationship to Jansenism”. Then he
returned to Pskov seminary as a teacher in Dogmatic and Moral Theology,
living very simply in a tiny annexe to a simple wooden house near the church
of St. Nicholas. On December 14, 1891 he was tonsured into the mantia by
Bishop Hermogenes (Dobronravin) of Pskov. On December 15 he was
ordained to the diaconate, and on December 22 – to the priesthood.
Fr. Tikhon's simple, unaffected ways endeared him to the local population,
and many uniates returned to the Orthodox Faith through his gentle tact. This
reached the ears of the Holy Synod, and on October 19, 1897 (or 1898) he was
consecrated Bishop of Lublin, a vicariate of the Kholm-Warsaw diocese, in the
Trinity cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg by
Metropolitan Palladius (Rayev) of St. Petersburg, Archbishop Arsenius
(Bryantsev) of Kazan, Archbishop Anthony (Vadkovsky) of Finland, Bishop
John (Kratirov) of Narva and Bishop Gurias (Burtasovsky) of Samara.
Archbishop in America
However, Tikhon did not attend this Council because on January 25, 1907,
he was appointed Archbishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov. Here, as always,
Tikhon made a special point of visiting all the churches in his diocese, and by
his humility, approachability to all classes and kinds of people, and active
interest in the details of the lives of all his spiritual children he soon became
as popular in Yaroslavl as he had been in Kholm and America. But his
gentleness and love were combined with firmness on matters of principle.
This once brought him into conflict with the governor of Yaroslavl, who on
December 22, 1913 secured his transfer to Vilnius. The people were greatly
saddened, and at a grand farewell ceremony he was made an honorary citizen
of the city, the first time any bishop had been accorded this honour.
During the war Archbishop Tikhon was frequently called upon to attend
meetings of the Holy Synod. On January 29, 1917, on his way to one such
meeting, he stopped in his native land of Pskov and served the Divine Liturgy
and a moleben for the granting of victory to the Russian armies in the Trinity
cathedral. That evening, however, at a meeting with the seminarians, he
prophesied terrible times to come for Russia, and great sorrows and
deprivations for everyone without exception…
After the abdication of the Tsar and the coming to power of the Provisional
Government in March, 1917, Archbishop Tikhon was a member of the Synod
under its new procurator, Prince Lvov. However, there was so much friction
between Lvov and the members of the Synod that in April the procurator
dismissed all of them except the future traitor of the Russian Church inside
Russia, Archbishop Sergius of Finland. Sergius became head of the new
Synod, which also included the future traitor of the Russian Church in
America, Metropolitan Platon of Georgia.
Metropolitan of Moscow
Metropolitan Tikhon immediately set about visiting all the churches of his
diocese, and became a member of the committee to prepare the election of
delegates to the forthcoming Local Council of the Russian Church.
Then he looked at the bishop who was just entering and said:
Surprised by this strange behaviour, the bishop asked the superior who
this was. And he received the reply:
"This is Monk Tikhon, who already a year ago, having gone out of his
mind, began to go up to the window and bless the people entering, saying
similar things."
It is not known whether the bishop was satisfied by this reply. But soon the
election of Archbishop Tikhon to the patriarchate gave a prophetic
significance to the acts of Monk Tikhon…
On August 15, 1917, the Local Council of the Russian Church opened in the
cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow attended by 564 delegates. On the
day before the opening of the Council Archbishop Tikhon was promoted to
the rank of Metropolitan. He was elected president of the Council by 407
votes to 33.
While the Council was in session, the Kremlin was being bombarded by
the Bolsheviks, who were resisted only by a small force of junkers. When the
Kremlin fell, everybody in the Council was very worried by the fate of the
young men who had fallen into the hands of the Bolsheviks, and on the fate of
the holy things that had been fired at. The first to enter the Kremlin when
access was made possible was Metropolitan Tikhon at the head of a small
group of Council delegates. These delegates witnessed that the metropolitan
went everywhere fearlessly, paying no attention to the savage soldiery.
The first major question before the Council was the restoration of the
patriarchate, which had been abolished by Peter the Great in 1700. 200
delegates participated in the Section on the Higher Church Administration
which was to decide this question, and for a long time the opponents of the
patriarchate, led by the future renovationist Professor Titlinov, waged a bitter
struggle against its restoration. However, the Bolshevik coup on October 25
changed the mood of the Council, and on October 31, at the suggestion of
Count Paul Mikhailovich Grabbe, nominations of candidates took place.
Soon the word went through Moscow that God had chosen, not "the
cleverest" (umneyshij), Anthony, or "the strictest" (strozhayshij), Arsenius, but
"the kindest" or "the quietest" (tishayshij), Tikhon. And on November 21 /
December 4, 1917, Metropolitan Tikhon was enthroned as Patriarch of
Moscow and All Russia in the Kremlin Dormition cathedral.
As he received the staff of St. Peter from Metropolitan Vladimir, the newly
elected Patriarch expressed his sorrow at the tragic events that were taking
place around him: "The patriarchate," he said, "is being restored in Rus' at a
terrible time, in the midst of shooting and weapons of death-dealing fire.
Probably it will itself be forced to resort more than once to bans in order to
bring the disobedient to their senses and restore church order. But as in
ancient times the Lord appeared to the Prophet Elijah not in the storm or in
the earthquake but in the coolness and the breath of a quiet breeze, so now to
our pusillanimous reproaches: 'Lord, the sons of Russia have abandoned Thy
covenant, they have destroyed Thy altars, they have fired at the holy things of
the churches and the Kremlin, they have slaughtered Thy priests' - the quiet
breath of Thy words is heard: 'There are still seven thousand men who have
not bowed the knee to the contemporary Baal and have not betrayed the true
God.’ And the Lord as it were says to me: 'Go and search for those for whose
sake the Russian Land still stands and is maintained. But do not abandon the
lost sheep who are doomed to destruction and slaughter - sheep who are truly
pitiful. Shepherd them, and for this take this, the staff of goodwill. With it
search out the lost sheep, return the oppressed, bind up the wounds of the
wounded, strengthen the sick, destroy those who have grown fat and
obstreperous, shepherd them with justice.' May the Chief Shepherd Himself
help me in this, through the prayers of the All-Holy Birth-Giver of god and
the Holy Hierarchs of Moscow. May God bless you all with His Grace.
After the Liturgy the Patriarch went round the Kremlin in a cross
procession, sprinkling the wall with holy water.
moment in your spiritual activity, but with fiery zeal call your children to
defend the rights of the Orthodox Church which are now being trampled on.
Immediately organize spiritual unions, call on them to enter, not of necessity
but voluntary, into the ranks of the spiritual warriors, who oppose external
force with the force of their holy inspiration..." The decree ended with an
appeal to defend the Church, if necessary, to the death.
This was read out by Metropolitan Cyril of Kazan to a closed session of the
Council, which immediately supported the Patriarch with an epistle of its
Civil War
In October, 1918 the Patriarch again condemned the Red terror, saying: "It
is not our task to judge earthly governments. Every government allowed by
God would attract blessing if it were truly a servant of the Lord for the benefit
of its subjects and were a deterrent not for good deeds but for bad (Rom.
13.34). But now to you who use your powers for the persecution of the
innocent, we direct our word of warning. Celebrate the anniversary of your
rule by freeing the imprisoned, cease the bloodshed, violence, destruction,
persecution of the faith, turn not to destroying, but to maintaining order and
laws, give the people their well-deserved rest from civil war. Otherwise you
will have to answer for all the righteous blood shed by you (Luke 11.51), and
you who have taken the sword will perish by the sword (Matthew 26.52)."
When this epistle was read out at a united session of the Synod and the
Higher Church Council, many tried to dissuade the Patriarch from publishing
it, indicating that it would put him in great danger. The Patriarch listened
carefully to all this, but did not change his decision. However, the Muscovites
feared for the Patriarch's life, and organized 24-hour guards at his residence
so that the alarm could be sounded immediately if he was arrested.
On November 24, 1918 his Holiness was subjected to house arrest, and a
search was conducted in his flat. On January 6, 1919 he was released under
guard. In the course of 1920 the Patriarch was often subjected to house arrest.
On November 7/20, 1920, as the White armies boarded the ships taking
them to Constantinople with several Russian hierarchs on board, he issued his
famous ukaz no. 362, which authorized hierarchs who were out of touch with
the centre to form their own autonomous administrations. This not only gave
the émigré bishops the basis for their independent activity, but also helped
the patriarchal Church to survive during the ascendancy of "the Living
Church" and was used by the Catacomb Church after the apostasy of
Metropolitan Sergius in 1927.
In February, 1922, the Bolsheviks decreed that the local soviets should seize
all the valuables from the churches. This led to bloody clashes between the
local soviets and believers. Many Orthodox suffered martyrdom defending
the Church from sacrilege, many were brought to trial. On May 6 the
Patriarch himself was placed under house arrest in the Troitskoye podvorye,
At one such trial, that of the 54 in Moscow in May, the Patriarch appeared
as a witness for the defence.
Patriarch: "Yes, I recognize them, to the extent that they do not contradict the
rules of piety."
President: “You ordered that your appeal calling on the people to disobey
the authorities [this was the statement on church valuables] should be read
out to the whole people.
Patriarch: “The authorities well know that in my appeal there was no call
[to the people] to resist the authorities, but only to preserve their holy things,
and in the name of their preservation to ask the authorities to allow their
value to be paid in money, and, by helping their starving brothers in this way,
to preserve their holy things.”
President: “Well this call will cost the lives of your faithful servants.”
Among the critics of the Patriarch on the question of church valuables was
a group of pro-revolutionary "renovationist" clergy, who created the so-called
"Living Church". In this same month of May they took advantage of the
Soon the renovationists were attacking several of the basic dogmas of the
Church, and introduced several modernist innovations such as the new
calendar and married bishops. They adopted a vigorously pro-Soviet and
anti-patriarchal policy. The GPU supported them while imprisoning those
clergy who remained loyal to the Patriarch. Soon most of the churches in
Moscow and about a third of those in the whole country were in their hands.
However, the masses of the people remained faithful to the Patriarch, who in
April, 1922 was imprisoned in the Taganka prison pending his trial.
“’They promised to cut off my head,’ replied the Patriarch with his usual
“He served the liturgy – as always, with not the slightest trace of
nervousness or even tension in prayer. Looking at him, who was preparing
himself for prison, and perhaps also for execution (that was a serious threat at
the time), I involuntarily remembered the words of Christ: ‘The prince of this
world come, and will find nothing of his own in Me’. Let them accuse, they
will find nothing, he will be innocent…”
The council tried Patriarch Tikhon in absentia, and deprived him not only
of his clerical orders but also of his monasticism, calling him thenceforth
"layman Basil Bellavin". Then the patriarchate itself was abolished, its
restoration being called a counter-revolutionary act. Finally, some further
resolutions were adopted allowing white clergy to become bishops, and
priests to remarry, and introducing the Gregorian calendar. When the
decisions of the council were taken to the Patriarch for his signature, he
calmly wrote: "Read. The council did not summon me, I do not know its
competence and for that reason cannot consider its decision lawful."
46 "bishops" out of the 73 who attended the council signed the decree
condemning the Patriarch. One of them, Joasaph (Shishkovsky), told Fr. Basil
Vinogradov: "The leaders of the council Krasnitsky and Vvedensky gathered
all those present at the 'council' of bishops for this meeting. When several
direct and indirect objections to these leaders' proposal to defrock the
Patriarch began to be expressed, Krasnitsky quite openly declared to all
present: 'He who does not immediately sign this resolution will only leave
this room straight for the prison.' The terrorized bishops (including Joasaph
himself) did not find the courage to resist in the face of the threat of a new
prison sentence and forced labour in a concentration camp and... signed,
although almost all were against the resolution. None of the church people
had any doubt that the 'council's' sentence was the direct work of Soviet
power and that now a criminal trial and bloody reprisal against the Patriarch
was to be expected at any time."
The pressures on the Patriarch were mounting inexorably, with daily visits
from the GPU agent Tuchkov, who made blackmail threats to force him to
make concessions to the State. (Tikhon called him "an angel of Satan".) In
April, the government announced that the Patriarch was about to go on trial
on charges arising from the trials of the 54 in Moscow and of Metropolitan
Benjamin in Petrograd the previous year. However, partly because the
authorities wanted to give the renovationist council the opportunity to
condemn him first, and partly, later, as the result of an ultimatum issued by
the British foreign minister Lord Curzon, which was supported by an outcry
in the British and American press, the trial was postponed to June 17.
At the beginning of June, the Patriarch fell ill and was transferred from the
Donskoy monastery to the Taganka prison. There he was able to receive only
official Soviet newspaper accounts of the Church struggle, which greatly
exaggerated the successes of the renovationists. Feeling that his presence at
the helm of the Church was absolutely necessary, and that of his two enemies,
the renovationists and the communists, the renovationists were the more
dangerous, the Patriarch decided to make concessions to the government in
order to be released. As he said: “Reading the newspapers in prison, with
each passing day I was more and more horrified that the renovationists were
taking the Church into their hands. If I had known that their successes were
so meagre and that the people was not following them, I would never have
come out of prison.” But, being in ignorance of the true state of affairs, on
June 3/16 and again on June 18 / July 1 he issued his famous "confession", in
which he repented of all his anti-Soviet acts (including the anathema against
the Bolsheviks), and "finally and decisively" set himself apart "from both the
foreign and the internal monarchist White-guard counter-revolutionaries".
Tikhon was released on June 27, 1923, and his appearance in public – he
had aged terribly in prison – was enough to send the Living Church into a
sharp and irreversible decline. They remained dangerous as long as they
retained the favour of the authorities; but by 1926 the authorities were already
turning to others (the Gregorians, then Metropolitan Sergius) as better suited
for the task of destroying the Church. And by the end of the Second World
War the last remaining renovationists had been absorbed into the neo-
renovationist Soviet Moscow Patriarchate. However, the Patriarch bitterly
repented of his “repentance”; he said that if he had known how weak the
Living Church really was, he would not have signed the “confession” and
would have stayed in prison. And when he was sadly asked why he had said
that he was no longer an enemy of the Soviet government, he replied: “But I
did not say that I was its (i.e. the Soviet government’s) friend...”
the crown of life from the Lord, Who looks on the heart and intentions of
men, forgiving them their unintended consequences…
Protopriest Lev Lebedev writes: “On freeing Patriarch Tikhon from prison,
[the Bolsheviks] at the same time officially forbade the commemoration of his
name during the Divine services, as a criminal whose accusation had not been
removed…For violating this ban, according to the circular of Narkomiust N
254 of December 8, 1923, those guilty (that is, those who would continue to
consider the Patriarch the head of the Church and commemorate him during
the Divine services) were subjected to the punishment appointed for criminals –
three years in the camps! But in spite of everything the people, the priests and
deacons continued to commemorate him!”
The Patriarch, though now released from prison, was severely curtailed in
what he could do. Once he told Fr. Michael Polsky, who brought him
greetings and bows from bishops and priests who were in prison: “It’s better
to sit in prison. After all, I only consider myself to be in freedom, but I can do
nothing. I send a hierarch to the south, and he lands up in the north; I send
another to the west, and they take him to the east.”
The authorities then tried to make the Patriarch introduce several of the
innovations which the renovationists had adopted. One of these was the new
calendar. For a short time, the Patriarch was in favour of this, thinking that
the other Orthodox Churches had accepted the new calendar. However, the
people were against it, and when he received a telegram from Archbishop
Anastasius of Kishinev, the future first-hierarch of the Russian Church
Abroad, saying that the other Orthodox Churches had not accepted the new
calendar, the Patriarch reversed his decision. He informed the authorities
about this, and noted with some irony that he did not quite understand why
the secular authorities should be interested in changing to the new style...
"The brutal persecution," writes Fr. Demetrius Serfes, "did not let up
during the entire remaining period of the Patriarch's life. They wished thereby
to make him their obedient slave, as Metropolitan Sergius subsequently
became, but he remained a guardian of Orthodoxy. Never during the
Church's entire history had it ever been confronted by such a cruel and evil
foe. The Patriarch literally fell ill after every encounter with Tuchkov, who
directed Soviet ecclesiastical policy. The Patriarch was not afraid of
martyrdom. The most savage death would probably have been easier for him
than having to be constantly concerned over exiled bishops, priests and
faithful laymen. On the other hand, as the breakdown which took place
during his imprisonment indicated, it would seem that it was essential to do
everything possible without changing the fundamental principles of the
Church and its internal freedom, so that the recent state of affairs under
which the sheep were abandoned to the mercy of wolves, would not occur
again. The sheep however, realized that their shepherd had not forsaken
them, but had been parted from them against his will. And they showed their
love for him whenever possible."
The Patriarch was in effect powerless. As he said: "It's better to sit in prison
- you know, I'm only considered to be free, but in fact I can do nothing. I send
a hierarch to the south and he turns up in the north, I send him to the west,
and they take him to the east."
On March 21, 1924 the case against Patriarch Tikhon was shelved.
At about this time the Patriarch confided to his close friend and personal
physician, Michael Zhizhilenko, the future Catacomb Bishop Maximus, that
he feared that soon the "political" demands of the Soviets would go beyond
the bounds of faithfulness to Christ, and that the Church, in order to remain
faithful, would have to go into the catacombs.
On December 7, 1924, the Patriarch sent an epistle to all the clergy of the
Church, in which he wrote: "Whoever was in the administration of the Living
Church in the HCA cannot take up any further administrative position in our
Church. And not only can he not be an administrator: he cannot have a vote
during a Council." This was an important decree, because it disqualified the
man who eventually became “patriarch” after Patriarch Tikhon, Metropolitan
Sergius of Nizhni-Novgorod, who had been a member of the renovationist
Higher Church Administration.
After the publication of this epistle, the Bolsheviks decided to kill the
Patriarch – or perhaps only frighten him by killing the man closest to him, his
cell-attendant James Anisimovich Polozov (according to another version,
Sergeyevich Ostroumov). He began serving the patriarch in 1902, when he
was in America. On returning from America, in 1920, James married Princess
Drutskaya-Sokolinskaya. On March 19, 1921 he was arrested at the patriarchal
Trinity podvorye and cast into the Lubyanka, and then into Taganka prison.
The order was signed by Dzerzhinsky himself. Immediately the patriarch sent
a letter to the investigator, asking him to free James Anisimovich. A few days
after the arrest, his first daughter was born, but the mother’s emotion was
such that it affected the child, who died eight days after birth. On August 11
James Anisimovich was condemned to one year’s imprisonment on Solovki.
But the sentence was not carried into effect, and he was released because the
GPU had only arrested him in order to exert pressure on the patriarch. On
March 22, 1922 he was arrested again. The patriarch said: “They don’t need
him. Let them take me.” Again, James Anisimovich was interrogated only
once, and for a long time was not even accused. In the end he was accused
that “in every way he aided and made easier the coming to the head of the
Church of counter-revolutionary elements”, but he refused to sign this. He
was cast into the Lubyanka, but fell seriously ill there with a nervous disease,
so he was transferred to a prison hospital. His wife did everything she could
to have him released. By October she had obtained his release on condition
that he promised not to leave the city. When she came to take him home he
was in such a state that she did not recognize him, and the whole of his
journey home he was stopping and weeping. Two weeks after his release a
son was born to the couple. The patriarch became his godfather.
On the evening of December 22, 1924 another attempt was made on the life
of the patriarch or his faithful cell-attendant – it is not clear who. In any case,
it was the cell-attendant who was killed. Jane Swan writes: “… The Patriarch
was standing before the icons in his bedroom praying. Hearing a shot, he
crossed himself in the direction of the shot, then opened the door. For a
moment, the door could not be opened for something was obstructing it. Then
it suddenly gave and there James lay covered with blood, half on the floor
and half against the door. Two men stood there. On seeing the Patriarch, one
of them grabbed his own head with his hands and turning, ran out. The other
followed, also running. Tikhon shouted,
"James opened his eyes, looked at the Patriarch, and then died. The police
were called at once, and next day a notice was printed in Izvestia that two
thieves had entered the apartment of Citizen Bellavin and stolen a fur coat.
No mention was made of the murder and no investigation was ever made.
Curiously enough, the Bolsheviks made an issue over James' burial [which
took place on December 25 before a huge crowd of worshippers]. The
Patriarch wished to have him buried at the monastery and for a while the
Bolsheviks refused. Finally it was allowed, but almost as soon as the grave
was made, the government announced that they were building a crematorium
on that spot. Tikhon had the grave removed next to the walls of the church
and eventually his own body was to be placed in the grave next to James'.
This incident shattered the little health which remained to the Patriarch and
his attacks [of angina] increased."
Holy Martyr James was canonized by the Russian Church Abroad in 1981.
On January 12, 1925, the Patriarch was admitted to a small private hospital
run by Dr. Bakunina. Even here he came under pressure from the GPU agent
Tuchkov. However, his health recovered somewhat, and for a while he was
able to officiate in church again. On March 23, he consecrated two bishops.
But the following evening he arrived back at the hospital exhausted after a
meeting of the Holy Synod.
Metropolitan Sergius' false synod] came to him. The Patriarch told him that he
would serve the next day, but Seraphim said:
"'Do not serve, your Holiness, have a rest. You are very tired and weak.'
"The Patriarch felt well and was getting ready to serve the next day. But
suddenly there was a ring at the door. When they opened the door, a doctor
entered. The doctor said:
"'Your Holiness! You rang us and asked us to come since you were weak.
Here I am to examine you and prescribe you some medicines.'
"'Okay,' said the doctor, 'but just allow me to examine you. Your pulse is
weak. You must drink some medicine.'
"The Patriarch asked: 'Why have you come and not my doctor, who always
looks after me?'
"'He's not at home now, he's on call, but I was at home - so here I am,'
replied the doctor. 'In an hour's time I shall send you a mixture.'
"An hour after the doctor had left, at ten o'clock in the evening, [the cell-
attendant] Mark brought the Patriarch a mixture and said that the doctor had
ordered him to drink a spoonful.
"Mark poured out a spoonful of the mixture and the Patriarch drank it.
Immediately he began to vomit (be sick). The cell-attendants Stratonicus and
Mark rang the doctor. After a few minutes the doctor appeared. The Patriarch
was lying down.
"The doctor demanded to see the mixture immediately. They gave it him.
On seeing it, the doctor threw up his hands and immediately sent the
Patriarch to hospital. Mark and Stratonicus took him out and put him in the
carriage. They got in themselves and accompanied him to the hospital. There
they gave him some milk, and prepared some baths, but nothing helped.
Within an hour and a half Patriarch Tikhon had died. The cell-attendants took
him back. At three o'clock the Patriarch was laid out as a corpse at home. I
write this from the words of the cell-attendants Mark and Stratonicus, who
were with the Patriarch in the place of the murdered James."
Just as the official version of the Patriarch's death may have been tampered
with, so his official will, which was flagrantly pro-Soviet, was almost certainly
a forgery. That was the opinion of Bishop Maximus and Protopriest Basil
Vinogradov. As Bishop Gregory Grabbe writes: "We know that on the day of
the death of the Patriarch the question of the epistle [his will], which was
demanded by Tuchkov, was discussed. Apparently the last conversation
between the Patriarch and Metropolitan Peter was precisely about this. The
room in which the Patriarch died was immediately sealed by Tuchkov. Only
after several days did Tuchkov give what purported to be the will of his
Holiness to the two metropolitans to be taken to the newspaper.
"But Fr. B. Vinogradov tells us, from the words of people who were near
the room of his Holiness the Patriarch, that during the conversation with
Metropolitan Peter the Patriarch was heard to say: 'I cannot do that.' Then it is
very important to draw attention to the fact that at the meeting of the
assembled bishops the notorious 'will' was NOT proclaimed. Fr. Vinogradov
is right in emphasizing that Tuchkov, in allowing the meeting, would
undoubtedly have demanded its proclamation if it had really been signed by
the Patriarch. Moreover, Metropolitan Peter in his first address as locum
tenens did not mention the will…."
the ‘Testament’ and does not refer to it, which he would unfailingly have
done if he had considered it genuine.”
The burial of the Patriarch took place on March 30 / April 12, 1925 in the
presence of fifty-eight bishops and enormous crowds. There has never been
such a huge demonstration of religious feeling in Russia from that time to the
present day. He was buried in the old winter church of the Donskoy
The monastery was closed in 1927, and it was rumoured that the monks
had hidden the relics to protect them from the communists. However, in May,
1991, after a fire that damaged the church, a search commenced for the relics
of the Patriarch. Hearts sank when, after hours of digging beneath the marble
slab bearing the Patriarch's name, they finally uncovered a burial vault only
to find it contained nothing but cobwebs. Closer inspection, however,
revealed that this chamber was only part of the underground heating system.
They also noticed that the heating ducts directly beneath the assumed burial
place were firmly secured with cement and not limestone as elsewhere in the
system. More significantly, this part of the system lay not on the ground but
on top of a massive cement slab. The care with which it was all arranged
made it doubtful that this was the work of chekists. Two more days of intense
digging - and the real sepulchre was uncovered. It may have been that this
was the plan from the first, which would explain why only a few hierarchs
were admitted into the church for the actual burial. The relics, which were
almost entirely incorrupt in spite of the extreme dampness of the vault, were
discovered on February 19, 1992 (according to another source, February 22).
recognize the face of the Patriarch from his incorrupt visage, and his mantia
and mitre were also preserved in complete incorruption. Witnesses also speak
about a beautiful fragrance and an unusual feeling of reverential peace at that
moment. But then, as some patriarchal clerics confirm, on contact with the air
the relics crumbled, or - as the Catacomb Christians remark - the relics were
not given into the hands of the Moscow Patriarchate. Then they buried them
in plaster - a blasphemous act from an Orthodox point of view..."