Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Learning Targets
Chapter Outline
Nature of trends and constraints in nursing research
Evolution of nursing research
Gains in nursing research
Nursing research constraints
Recent trends in nursing research
Terms to Remember
Promotion and prestige
Knowledge and expertise
Postgraduate studies
Outcomes research
Replication studies
4. Scholarship Grants.
Institutions that grant scholarships often require the
applicant to have an ability to conduct research. Those who are
willing to undertake further studies may be able to gain
scholarship grants because of their interest in furthering research.
5. Increase in Pay.
Notably, those who are able to do research in an area of
interest are able to get increases in pay just as much as a
promotion on the job.
1. Research Content
The scientific method cannot be used to answer questions
that are moral or ethical in nature. Problems of measurement exist
such as in the case of behavioral or psychological phenomena.
There is also possible artificiality that restricts the scope of
2. The Researcher
The individual researcher may not have sufficient background
knowledge and skills to study the particular subject, identify the
problems and pursue the research process. Measuring tools may
also be inadequate or not available for assessing and analyzing
research data.
3. Sources of Data
There are research problems which may be constrained by
the availability of data at the time when the study is being
conducted. These limitations may place the researcher in a
doubtful situation which will eventually affect the accuracy of study
results due to lack of reliable data.
4. Related Literature and Studies
Most studies are anchored on knowledge derived from past
researches. These past literature and studies strengthen the analysis
Ilk mad interpretation of research findings as well as suggest clues for
the treatment and measurement of data. These theories from the
literature and previous studies also serve as basis for testing the
hypothesis, analysis and interpretation, conclusions and
recommendations of the study as well as its use for future researches.
Libraries, both actual and virtual, like the internet, can provide
abundant sources of related literature. However, when available
literature on the topic is scarce, this limits the researcher's ability to
justify the findings of the study as well as to document its importance
or significance to the nursing profession.
5. Time Management
A nurse is always challenged to balance time for work and family.
Often, nurses work long hours and barely have time for their selves.
The stress levels are often high which can sometimes lead to chronic
fatigue syndrome. The addition of conducting clinical research will
only add to the already considerable burden borne by the nurse.
A. Knowledge Assessment
Answer the following as best as you can.
1. How did research emerge as a primary tool in improving the art and
science of nursing?
2. Discuss six (6) recent trends in nursing research.
3. Explain the strategies in research development in nursing.
4. Explain the five (5) nursing research constraints?
5. How will nurses be able to cope with the recent demands for more
research studies?
6. How will the future directions of nursing research be realized by
Chapter 3
B. Practice Test.
Encircle the letter that corresponds to your choice.