LC H Eduu 675 Signature Assignment Assessment Case Study
LC H Eduu 675 Signature Assignment Assessment Case Study
LC H Eduu 675 Signature Assignment Assessment Case Study
Linda Corral
June 28,2020
Areas to Assess
After reviewing the areas of concern in regards to Johnny’s needs and his case study
provided. The five areas that are of concern and are recommend to be assessed are the following;
Language, fine and gross motor skills, academics, behavior, and additional testing conducted by
the school psychologist and additional stokehold members. They will be looking into the social
emotional and academic areas of need of the whole student. The assessment will be conducted
stated as followed. A Speech Language Pathologist will conduct a Language assent the
Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) and the Comprehensive Receptive &
Expressive Vocabulary Test (CREVT). The Occupational therapist will conduct an Assessment
in the Occupational Therapy Evaluation and evaluation tool of children’s handwriting tool for
children. This will address Johnny’s handwriting and atonal areas stated of concern. The Special
Education Teacher will work with the school psychologist to test his academic needs and will use
the assessments of the Woodcock Johnson III and Woodcock Johnson IV Tests of Achievement.
The Behavior Specialist Schools BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyze) if school district has
one. If a BCBA is not n staff a trained teacher could conduct an FBA -Behavior Assessment-
Functional Behavior Assessment. Lastly, the School Psychologist will be overseeing the
assessment process and will conduct the Abilities Based Learning and Education Support
(ABLES) and Psychological Assessment for Johnny. All report of findings will be shared at an
Individual Educational Planing (IEP) meeting, 60days from the date the parent agrees to the
Educational Related mental Health assessment will be requested fro the mental health
The Stockholders that will be part of conducting the assessments needed for Johnny will
be the School Psychologist, he or she will look at the whole child and will use a system to assess
Johnny in all areas, this will help us know how to better support him, to his learning style and be
practices for Johnny. The Behavior Specialist BCBA, will address the challenging behaviors the
Johnny has been displaying (socially and task-refusal). The Occupational Therapist,will look into
the students handwriting and other areas of Johnny’s fine and gross motor development. The
Speech Pathologist, will support and assess within Johnny’s language development and
assessment. The Special Educational teacher, will assess Johnny for his academic needs and will
conducted some class observation of Johnny’s current setting. Additional staff that will be
involved will be Johnny’s parents to file out forms and be interviewed for students current state
and additional insight of Johnny’s history. Additional staff will as help under the directions of the
individuals who will be assessing Johnny. In addition, to the general education teacher who will
be of support with questionnaire, collection of data, and classroom observation. Parents will be
the most important in collaborating to form a history of Johnny’s history. These assessments will
be addressing his behavior, his off-task behavior, academic concerns, and social concerns
The assessments will be conducted by each stockholder. They will address the different times of
observation and of direct testing. This will be so that the students testing is not overwhelming to
him. The assessments will need to be completed for overview at least a draft by day 40 of the 60
days. If an extenuation is needed they will address the team. They will need to met once all
assessments are completed to review the assessments. This pre-meeting will be to hold each
other accountable for the assessments to be completed on time and to support in proof reading
and or in mistake within the report that might be of concern. At this meet parent will be invite to
be of support within her history report. In addition if the results are showing the need for some
services draft of a plan will start to be developed for the students best interest. During the
assessment process the stockholders will communicate via email and each will keep a log of
In the consultation of the assessments and testing process within the timeline of 60 days
an IEP meeting will be held. Parent will be given her procedural and safe guards - parental
rights.At this meeting every stockholder will take a turn to present their findings. Based on the
findings the team will decide for an agreement for placement for Johnny, a Behavior Intervention
Plan or Behavior Support Plan, A Psychologist full report, a conclusion of services if given from
Occupational Therapy and speech therapy. All of the areas addressed will develop an offer a free
and appropriate public education (FAPE) in aline with the he Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act ( IDEA ), if the parent is in agreement for her child to continue receive services
form Special Eduction. If parents agree with the offer of FAPE, they will sign the IEP which will
become a illegal document which will be followed by all of Johnny’s services providers and will