Chapter One The Self-Developed Language Teacher: Comparison Between Yoshi's and Kathy's Teaching
Chapter One The Self-Developed Language Teacher: Comparison Between Yoshi's and Kathy's Teaching
Chapter One The Self-Developed Language Teacher: Comparison Between Yoshi's and Kathy's Teaching
Reading professional books and journals on teaching and learning language can
develop teaching. These books provide essential knowledge about ESL and EFL
teaching. In addition to single-author books, many anthologies are available. These
anthologies include a variety of topics relevant to the field. For example, topics such as
lesson planning, learning strategies, mixed-level teaching, technologies in the classroom
can highly cultivate teaching knowledge especially teachers who are new to teaching.
Another way to work on development of teaching is to attend professional
conferences. These are good opportunities to consider what teachers are doing in their
classes and to present one’s own techniques or action research.
Another new way to explore teaching is to establish a mentoring relationship with
another teacher. The concept of mentoring is “an interpersonal, ongoing, situated,
supportive, and informative professional relationship between two or more individuals,
one of whom ( the mentor) has more experience in the profession, craft, or skill in
A teaching portfolio is another way to explore teaching. Some language teachers
preparation programs ask graduating students to keep a portfolio to consider what they
have learned in the program to think about teaching and learning, demonstrates their
competencies and recognizes the complexities of learning to teach. There are a number of
documents that can be included in a portfolio. For example, written paper for courses,
class presentations, professional conference presentations, original teaching materials,
reflective journal entries, video / audiotapes of teaching, reflective observation reports,
syllabi, letter of recommendation, observation reports, evaluation reports, vitae, and
statement of teaching and learning philosophy.
Another practice language teacher apply is to learn another language. In this regard,
several advantages have been pointed out;(1) to better understand the challenges a
language learner may face. (2) to gain more insight into understanding language. (3) to
gain more insight into ways of teaching.
Another approach to develop teaching is action research, a way to center on problem
posing. The process includes a cyclic procedure i.e.
1. Posing problems based on classroom current situation(s).
2. To systematically create and initiate a plan to work through the problem.
3. Reflecting on the degree to which the plan works.
4. Posing new problem based on the awareness generated from the previous inquiry.
Action research allows teachers to investigate and pose problems in their classes to
solve these problems and to gain more awareness of teaching and classroom interaction.
It has declared that teachers gain much awareness after participating in action research
Observation is another way to explore teaching including observation of other
teachers and self-observation. Teachers may talk with other teachers to explore new
possibilities in teaching, as in writing about teaching in journal.
Teaching English as a Foreign or Second Language
Self-Development and Methodology Guide
2nd year
The idea of observing other teachers may seem contradictory, that we can see our own
teaching in the teaching of others. It is to observe others to gain knowledge of self to have
to construct and reconstruct our own teaching knowledge. It is possible to collect samples
of teaching in a variety of ways, such as taking fast notes, drawing sketches, tally
behavior, and note short transcript-like samples of interaction for the purpose of
analyzing classroom behaviors. By doing so , exploration is enhanced for all.
Talking about teaching can offer chances to learn about and reflect on our own
teaching. Talking can indeed be useful. It isn’t normal that talking goes on among ESL /
EFL teachers. It happens that an observer gives an opening evaluative remark such as “ I
like your class”. This this followed by a three-step evaluative sequence.
We can explore teaching by writing in a journal to record our observation of what goes
on in teacher’s classroom. However, journals are also a place to rais doubts, express
frustrations, and raise questions. The following list reflects what some teachers include in
their journals;
How can this book provide opportunities for teachers t explore teaching?
1. This book contains descriptions of teaching based on own observation of ESL/EFL
lessons to be reconsidered.
2. At the end of each chapter, there is TEACHER SELF-DEVELOPMENT TASKS to
provide a variety of different observation tasks.
3. The book guides the reader ( teacher) to audio-and videotape teaching, tally
observation or to make short transcripts and analyze teaching.
4. The book encourages the reader to work through the reflective exploration cycle
5. Finally, it is to apply the HOWs mentioned in the chapter.