TEST II: True or False (10pts.) DIRECTIONS: Write A If The Statement Is Correct and O If The Statement Is Wrong
TEST II: True or False (10pts.) DIRECTIONS: Write A If The Statement Is Correct and O If The Statement Is Wrong
After forming the ephemeral club mentioned in number 19, Rizal also formed another society which pledged its
members to excel in intellectual and physical prowess in order to win the admiration of foreigners. What was the name
of this society?
a. Kidlat b. Indios en Paris c. Indios Bravos d. Los Indios
21. Who became the saviour of El Filibusterismo for its publication?
a. Maximo Viola b. Eduardo de Lete c. Valentin Ventura d. Hans Virchow
22. One of the reasons why Rizal decided to return to Manila was the formation of a society named what?
a. La Liga Filipina b. La Solidaridad c. La Mano Roja d. La Independencia
23. Jose Rizal conceived the establishment of Filipino colony in North Borneo (Sabah)to move the landless Filipino
families to that rich British-owned island which he considered to be as what?
a. New Filipinas b. New Calamba c. New Manila d. New Land
24. Who was the Governor-General that plotted the “Spanish Trap” where a case was secretly filed against Rizal and his
followers “for anti-religious and anti-patriotic agitation” when Rizal was on his way to Manila?
a. Despujol b. Blanco c. Polavieja d. Terrero
25. One of the members of the society which Rizal founded upon his arrival in Manila ultimately became the “real father
of revolution” and leader of Katipunan. Who was he?
a. Andres Bonifacio b. Apolinario Mabini c. Emilio Aguinaldo d. Pio Valenzuela
26. What is the name of the place where Rizal was deported because of the allegedly found incriminatory leaflets found
on Lucia’s pillowcases (Rizal’s sister)which were a satire against Dominican priests? The gubernatorial decree cited
that Rizal this place in is “one of the islands in the South”.
a. Dapitan b. Cebu c. Zamboanga d. Borneo
27. The novel El Filibusterismo was dedicated by Rizal to whom?
a. Gom-bur-za b. Filipinos c. Fellow reformists d. the Youth
28. The friars concocted an espionage plot on Rizal while on his deportation to filch certain letters and writings of Rizal
that will incriminate him in the Revolutionary movement by hiring a spy who assumed what name?
a. Pablo Mercado b. Protacio Rizal c. Simon Mercado Rizal d. Domingo Lamco
29. What was the name of the poem that Rizal submitted for the literary contest held by Liceo Artistico-Literario where
Rizal wonin1879?
a. A La Juventud Filipina b. Felicitacion c. El Heroismo de Colon d. La Deportacion
30. During his exile in Dapitan, Rizal discovered rare specimens which were named after him. Which among the
following isn’t part of his discovered species?
a. Apogonia rizali b. Raco rizali c. Rhacophorus rizali d. None of the options
______1. The moral character of a person is examined before he could be considered a hero.
______2. President Fidel V. Ramos created the fourth holiday which was the Republic Act No. 9256.
______3. The 19th century was a century of change in Europe, America, and Spain
______4. In the 19th century there were no efforts about freedom and independence among the colonies of
Europeans in Asia.
______5. The defeats of native revolts demonstrated that the Philippines was disunited.
______6. The quest for equality was the cry of the times, but it never influenced Rizal.
______7. In the 19th century, there was persisting issue of the secularization of the Philippine Church.
______8. The GOMBURZA were guilty of being out to lead a government that would overthrow the Spaniards.
______9. Senator Claro M. Recto filed a measure, which became the original Rizal Bill, recognizing the need to instill
heroism among the youth.
______10. Republic Act No. 1425 is a act to include in the curricula of all public and private schools, colleges, and
universities courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal.
1. Discuss the events and conditions in the 19th century that influenced Rizal’s ideals. (10 points)
7. When Rizal waselevenhe was sent to what school to studywhich was under the supervision ofthe Jesuits? a. San
Juande Letran b. Ateneo Municipal c. La Concordia College
2. Which amongthe followingwas not Rizal’s brother or sister?
a. Paciano b. Olimpia c. Ciriaco
6. The deathof the three priest martyrs awakened Rizal’s spirit ofpatriotism. Whichamong the followingisn’t part of the
three martyrs? a. Gomez b. Borromeo c. Zamora
8. Who among the professors inAteneo did Rizal consider to be the best andalsohelped Rizal to study harder and
improve his poetry? a. Father Sanchez b. Father Burgos c. Father Lleonart
9. Rizal went to Universityof Santo Tomasto seekhigher education. Which among the following wasn’t Rizal’s course
on that institution? a. Philosophyand Letters b. Medicine c. Literature 10. What course didFather Pablo Ramon,
Ateneo’s Rector, advice Rizal to take? a. Medicine b. Philosophyand Letters c. Arts
11. Rizal Completedhismedicine course inwhat universityin Spain? a. UniversityCentralde Madrid b.
UniversityCentralde Barcelona c. Universidadde Barcelona
13. After completinghis studiesinMadrid, Rizal went to Parisand Germanyto specialize what fieldinmedicine? a.
Ophthalmology b. Obstetrics c. Pathology
14. When Rizal wasinParis, he workedas anassistant to a famous Frenchdoctor named? a. Dr. Louis De Weckert b. Dr.
AdoplhMeyer c. Dr. Feodor Jagor
15. After acquiring enoughexperience inhis specialization inParis, Rizal left for what Germancityfamous for its old
universityandromantic surroundings? a. Berlin b. Heidelberg c. Wilhelmsfeld
17. While Rizal wasinGermanyhe translatedseveral famous books into tagalog, one ofwhichwas Schiller’s William Tell
and another was FairyTales bya famous writer named? a. Hans ChristianAndersen b. Aesop c. Harriet Beecher Stowe
18. When Rizal wasinBerlinhe came incontact with great scientists, one of which wasDr. Feodor Jagor whowrote a
famous book, whichforetold the downfall ofSpanish rule inthe Philippinesandthe coming of America to Philippine
shores, entitledwhat? a. The Paradise of the East b. Travels in the Philippines c. Pearl of the Orient Sea
19. Rizal wantedto master Frenchsohe took private lessons from a professor named? a. FabianBourzat b. Isabelle
Delobele c. Lucile Cerdole
20. Who became the savior of Noli Me Tangere when Rizal could not afford the printing cost? a. Maximo Viola b.
Eduardode Lete c. Valentin Ventura
22. Governor-GeneralTerreroknewthat Rizal’s life was indanger due to the fact that the Spanishfriars were too powerful
andsohe assigned a young Spanishlieutenant as a bodyguardto Rizalas a securitymeasure. Who wasthis Spanish
lieutenant? a. Jose Rodriguez b.Jose Tavielde Andrade c. Gregorio Echavarria
23. Who was the theologianfromthe Manila Cathedral whobecame a gallant defender of Noli? a. Father Vicente Garcia
b. Father Federico Fauna c. Father Jose Beck
24. While on voyage across the Pacific, Rizal befriendeda Japanese journalist who wasa championfor humanrights and
was alsoforced bythe Japanese government to leave Japan. Later, onthe life of thisperson, he wrote twopolitical novels;
Nankai-no-Daiharan which resemblesRizal’s Noli and O-unabara which wassimilar to Rizal’s El Filibusterismo. What
was his name? a. Usui b. Kagumi c. Tetcho
25. What countrydidRizaldescribe as “the landpar excellence of freedom but onlyfor the whites”? a. America b.
UnitedKingdom c. Japan
26. Rizal’s greatest achievement while inLondonwas his annotationof Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas written bywhom? a.
Morga b. Morayta c. Beckett
27. While Rizal wasinLondon, he became the honorarypresident ofa patriotic societywhich would cooperate inthe
crusade for reforms. What was the name of thispatriotic society? a. Asociacionde Indio b. Asociacionde Felipinas c.
AsociacionLa Solidaridad
28. While on his2nd sojourninParis, Rizal formeda clubwhich waspurelysocial andtemporaryin nature to bring together
the youngFilipinos duringthe Universal Exposition. What was the name ofthis club? a. Kidlat b. Indios enParis c. Indios
29. After forming the ephemeral club mentionedin number 28, Rizalalso formedanother societywhich pledged its
members to excel inintellectual andphysical prowessinorder to winthe admiration offoreigners. What was the name
ofthis society? a. Kidlat b. Indios enParis c. Indios Bravos
31. Who became the saviour of El Filibusterismo for its publication? a. Maximo Viola b. Eduardode Letec. Valentin Ventura
32. One of the reasons whyRizal decidedto returnto Manilawas the formationof a societynamed what? a. La Liga Filipina b. La
Solidaridad c. La Mano Roja
33. Jose Rizal conceived the establishment of FilipinocolonyinNorthBorneo (Sabah)to move the landlessFilipino families to that
rich British-ownedislandwhichhe considered to be as what? a. New Filipinas b. New Calamba c. New Manila
34. Who was the Governor-General that plottedthe “Spanish Trap” where a case was secretlyfiled against Rizal and his
followers “for anti-religious andanti-patriotic agitation” whenRizal wason his wayto Manila? a. Despujol b. Blanco c. Polavieja
35. One of the members of the societywhichRizal founded upon his arrival inManila ultimatelybecame the “real father of
revolution” andleader of Katipunan. Whowas he? a. Andres Bonifacio b. Apolinario Mabini c. EmilioAguinaldo
36. What is the name of the place where Rizal wasdeportedbecause of the allegedlyfound incriminatoryleaflets found on Lucia’s
pillowcases (Rizal’s sister)whichwere a satire against Dominican priests? The gubernatorialdecree cited that Rizalthis place inis
“one ofthe islands inthe South”. a. Dapitan b. Cebu c. Zamboanga
37. The novel El Filibusterismowas dedicatedbyRizal to whom? a. Gom-bur-za b. Filipinos c. Fellow reformists
39. The friars concoctedanespionage plot onRizal while on his deportationto filch certainletters and writings of Rizal that will
incriminate himinthe Revolutionarymovement byhiring a spywhoassumedwhat name? a. PabloMercado b. Protacio Rizal c.
44. What was the name of the poem that Rizal submittedfor the literarycontest heldbyLiceoArtistico-Literario where Rizal
wonin1879? a. A La Juventud Filipina b. Felicitacion c. El Heroismo de Colon
45. What was the title of the first poem whichRizalwrote whenhe was eight years old? a. In Memoryof MyTown b. Sa
AkingMga Kababata c. RecuerdoA Mi Pueblo
46. What sculptural masterpiece did Rizal carve for one of his teachers inAteneo, Father Lleonart? a. SacredHeart of Jesus b.
The VirginMary c. The HolyTrinity
49.During hisexile inDapitan, Rizal discoveredrare specimens whichwere namedafter him. Which among the following isn’t
part of hisdiscoveredspecies? a. Apogonia rizali b. Raco rizali c. Rhacophorus rizali
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A 11-14. A 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. A 21. B 22. B 23. A 24. C 25.A
26. A 27. C 28. A 29. C 30. A 31. C 32.A 33. B 34-39. A 40. B 11. 41. A 42. C 43. C 44. A 45. B 46. A 47. B 48. A 49. B 50