Tracheostomy in Palliative Cara
Tracheostomy in Palliative Cara
Tracheostomy in Palliative Cara
Palliative C are
Teresa Chan, MDa, Anand K. Devaiah, MD, FACSa,b,*
Tracheostomy Palliation Respiratory failure Ventilator
ALS End of life Aspiration
Department of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, Boston University School of Medicine,
Boston Medical Center, D608 Collamore, 88 East Newton Street, Boston, MA 02118, USA
Department of Neurological Surgery, Boston Medical Center, 88 East Newton Street, Boston,
MA 02118, USA
* Corresponding author. Department of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, Boston
University School of Medicine, Boston Medical Center, D608 Collamore, 88 East Newton Street,
Boston, MA 02118.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.K. Devaiah).
many lives; however, it was large and expensive, costing as much as the average
home at the time. Such limitations led James Wilson to propose the use of tracheos-
tomy in 1932 as a means of ventilation.7 This consideration by Wilson helped moved
tracheostomy from a treatment in obstruction to palliative ventilation.
Fig.1. (A) Drawing shows the thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, and upper rings of the tra-
chea. (B) An inferior-based tracheal flap can be developed to sew to the skin and form a sta-
ble opening. This flap will open into the trachea and allow for passage of a tracheostomy
tube. (C) Alternatively, a segment of cartilage can be removed, allowing circumferential
sewing of skin to the edges of the tracheal opening.
sections are offered as general considerations. Each method has its advantages and
disadvantages. The open method allows for excellent visualization and creation of
a stable tract. Generally, it requires an operating room setting but can be performed
at the bedside with the proper set-up. The percutaneous method is facile at the
bedside and in the operating room. It should not be performed in patients who have
thick necks or distorted cervical anatomy, because there is increased risk of airway
and cervical complications. Both methods carry the risk of airway loss, bleeding,
trauma to the airway, and other complications. When compared with the earliest
efforts at the procedure, the surgery is generally safe and well tolerated by patients.
The indications for tracheostomy as part of a palliative care plan do not differ greatly
from those in the acute or intensive care setting; however, the decision is often guided
by a different set of objectives, such as symptom relief, improvement in patient well-
being, facilitation of activities of daily living, and, if possible, optimization of long-term
function. Surgical intervention is not decided on the basis of curative outcomes which
are for the most part measurable and objective; instead, the decision must address
the foreseeable and imminent course of a patient’s disease and take into account
other more humanistic factors such as spiritual needs and psychosocial resources.
Whenever tracheostomy is considered in the setting of palliative care, it is necessary
to have a dialogue about the patient’s desire for his or her quality of life, their projected
prognosis, and the optimal timing in the natural progression of their disease.
136 Chan & Devaiah
Fig. 2. Tracheostomy tubes come in a variety of types, such as cuffed plastic (A) and low-pro-
file metal (B). (C) Shown is the appearance of a patient’s neck in which dwells a well-healed
tracheostomy site with a tracheostomy tube in place. At the end of this tube is a valve that
allows for vocalization.
Of utmost importance is preservation of the quality of life. What this means may
differ widely from patient to patient. In the setting of terminal illness, this discussion
naturally extends into the topic of the quality of dying as well. Patients and their
families are often concerned about the potential limitations that tracheostomy and
eventual ventilator dependence will place on the patient’s quality of life.9 Often, there
are concerns that tracheostomy serves to prolong life without contributing significantly
to quality of life.10 Additionally, for most patients, a tracheostomy implies an impend-
ing change in swallowing and speech function. It is necessary for the physician to
address these fears, to present possible options for voice and swallowing preserva-
tion, and to discuss realistic outcomes for the individual patient before proceeding.
In the setting of progressive motor neuron or neuromuscular disease, this conversa-
tion is often complicated by the anticipated decline in bulbar function which was
perhaps the impetus for discussion of tracheostomy in the first place. Early involve-
ment of a speech and language pathology team may be helpful in optimizing long-
term outcomes.
Tracheostomy in Palliative Care 137
Ultimately, the decision for or against tracheostomy should be left to the patient;
however, specialists and primary palliative care providers have the obligation to
ensure that a patient understands the ramifications of his or her decisions. For in-
stance, a patient with an unresectable cancer of the upper aerodigestive tract who re-
fuses tracheostomy as part of their care plan must understand what he or she is
choosing in terms of comfort and dignity in dying by progressive respiratory
tracheostomy. In the situation of an obstruction distal to the trachea for which the
patient remains chronically intubated (eg, obstructing lymphoma of a mainstem bron-
chus), tracheostomy would be of little help in ventilation. If a patient’s belief system
precludes the use of adjuncts that might be necessary for safe surgery, one must
proceed with caution to surgical intervention. Anesthetic factors such as pulmonary
reserve, cardiac health, and expected blood loss in the setting of bleeding diatheses
are all risks that must be weighed against the benefits of surgery.
Ultimately, when deciding whether to operate, three questions should be asked and
answered: (1) Does the patient understand and desire this intervention and its alterna-
tives? (2) Will this intervention facilitate palliation or supportive care? (3) Do the
benefits of the procedure outweigh the risks?
Progressive neuromuscular or motor neuron disease can lead to any of the previously
listed indications for tracheostomy, and much of the current literature about end-of-life
use comes from studies of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).16–18
For this subset of palliative care patients, the use and optimal timing of tracheostomy
is possibly the most controversial. Without some form of respiratory support, the current
5-year survival rate for patients with ALS is approximately 7% to 20%, with a median sur-
vival of 19 to 30 months from diagnosis.19,20 Many of these patients are able to function
comfortably with noninvasive ventilation (non-assisted ventilation with nasal prongs for
oxygen supplementation) for a time, especially if bulbar involvement has been spared;
however, if bulbar impairment is more severe or if noninvasive ventilation is not tolerated,
a tracheostomy and positive pressure ventilation are sometimes sought.
Despite the survival statistics, the overall rate of use of tracheostomy and mechan-
ical ventilation in patients with ALS or other motor neuron diseases is low in the United
States, approximately 4% or less.18 This rate is consistent with the overall pattern of
resource use in this subset of patients. In a study by Albert and colleagues,18 a total of
121 ALS patients were followed up for a median of 12 months. Twenty-two percent
had percutaneous gastrostomy (PEG), 19.4% used Bi-PAP, and 4.3% had a tracheos-
tomy. Many patients did not take advantage of palliative care options before death.
For example, 36.6% used hospice, 48% had signed a power of attorney form, and
18% had ‘‘do not resuscitate’’ orders in their medical charts. The reasons are not
completely clear, although many explanations have been sought.
In a 1999 article by Albert which looked at preferences and actual treatment choices
in ALS patients, initial preferences toward tracheostomy and PEG tube placement
coincided with the eventual treatment choices. Patients who found the interventions
initially acceptable and who went on to use them were more likely to be recently
diagnosed, expressed a greater attachment to life, and showed great declines in
pulmonary function over follow-up.16 A separate article investigating the incidence
and predictors of PEG placement in patients with ALS and other motor neuron
diseases corroborates these data. The strongest predictor for PEG use was the
patient’s baseline preference, and patients who were inclined to PEG tubes were
also more likely to be proactive in their own care and to have established health
care proxies in advance. Patients who received PEG were also more likely to have
tracheostomies than patients not using PEG.17
In a study by Rabkin, 72 hospice-eligible ALS patients were followed up until trache-
ostomy or death. Fourteen patients, nearly 20%, chose long-term mechanical ventila-
tion and 58 died without it. The profile of the patients who chose tracheostomy was as
follows: younger patients with more young children, more education, and higher
140 Chan & Devaiah
household incomes on average. Although their physical conditions were similar, they
reported higher levels of optimism, including a belief in imminent cure and more pos-
itive appraisals of their ability to function in daily life, their physical health, and overall
life satisfaction. At study entry, none of the patients who later chose tracheostomy and
long-term ventilation were clinically depressed compared with 26% of those who
ultimately refused tracheostomy.10
ALS patients are a special subset of palliative care patients. They are typically young
and healthy before diagnosis and experience rapid functional decline over 1 to 5 years.
Although they are faced with similar dilemmas in end-of-life care as older patients or
those with chronic disease, any broad conclusions about palliative care patients with
respect to tracheostomy or other considerations from the perspective of this unique
subset of patients should be drawn with caution.
The timing of the discussion of tracheostomy and the circumstances of the decision
also influence the likelihood of a patient electing to undergo tracheostomy. Whether
this occurs in the acute care/intensive care setting, outpatient, or post intensive
care setting influences the gravity of the situation and the perceived prognosis. In
a study by Lloyd and colleagues21 looking at intensive care decision making in the
seriously ill and elderly, 50 patients were followed up prospectively. Seriously ill
patients were defined as adult inpatients with chronic illness and an estimated 50%
6-month mortality rate. Also included in the study were patients aged 80 years and
older with an acute illness. Patients were given two options: (1) mechanical ventilation
for 14 days or (2) mechanical ventilation for 1 month followed by placement of a trache-
ostomy and feeding tube. There was a wide variation in the preference for aggressive
care that did not appear to be influenced by the prehospitalization quality of life. The
predicted quality of life appeared to be as important as estimates of intensive care unit
survival in decision making. When confronted with extended mechanical ventilation
and associated care, a significant proportion of patients would accept this care only
for an improved prognosis.
Although the surgical method of tracheostomy is less likely to have marked enhance-
ments, gains may be realized in other areas such as the decision-making process. We
can further hone the tenets of medical ethics, further stratify risk (both short and long
term), and refine our understanding of overall patient benefits. The gain is in maximizing
judicious use of palliative tracheostomy. To arrive at this without compromising long-term
outcomes while improving the quality of remaining life would be highly desirable.
On the less esoteric side, further improvements in tracheostomy cannulas may bring
benefits. By refining the assortment of airway cannulas that allow for a stable airway,
proper ventilation, good pulmonary toilet, and low material complications, patient
benefit can be increased. Accidental decannulation due to excessive mobility or
poor placement/replacement of the cannula still occurs and can be devastating.
Further developments in cannula design to reduce interference in speech production
and swallowing are other areas for improvement. In palliative patients who have other
upper aerodigestive tract compromise, the airway cannula can be a lifesaver and
a detriment to their remaining quality of life.
The use of tracheostomy in palliative care offers a viable option for airway control.
Through a dialogue with the patient, family, and a multidisciplinary set of providers,
this procedure can be a useful component to a patient’s overall palliative care plan.
Tracheostomy in Palliative Care 141
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