Water: Rainfall-Runo Non-Homogeneous Sava River Sub-Catchments in Slovenia

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Rainfall-Runoff Modeling of the Nested
Non-Homogeneous Sava River Sub-Catchments
in Slovenia
Katarina Lavtar, Nejc Bezak and Mojca Šraj *
Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia;
[email protected] (K.L.); [email protected] (N.B.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Received: 29 November 2019; Accepted: 28 December 2019; Published: 31 December 2019

Abstract: Rainfall-runoff modeling is nowadays applied for water resources management, water
system design, real-time forecasting, flood design and can be carried out by using different
types of hydrological models. In this study, we focused on lumped conceptual hydrological
models and their performance in diverse sub-catchments of the Sava River in Slovenia, related
to their size and non-homogeneity. We evaluated the difference between modeled and measured
discharges of selected discharge gauging stations, using different model performance criteria that
are usually applied in hydrology, connecting the results to geospatial analysis of geological and
hydrogeological characteristics, land use, runoff potential, proportion of agglomeration and various
meteorological variables. Better model performance was obtained for catchments with a higher
runoff potential and with less variations in meteorological variables. Regarding the number of
used parameters, the results indicated that the tested Genie Rural 6-parameter Journalier (GR6J)
model with 6 parameters performed better than the Genie Rural 4-parameter Journalier (GR4J)
model with 4 parameters, especially in the case of larger sub-catchments. These results illustrate
the comprehensive nature of lumped models. Thus, they yield good performance in case of the
catchments with indistinguishable characteristics.

Keywords: hydrological modeling; rainfall-runoff; lumped conceptual model; model efficiency

criteria; non-homogeneous catchment; Sava River

1. Introduction
Reliable and robust hydrological models of different types are required for water resource
engineering applications. Furthermore, hydrological modeling is needed to evaluate the impact of
extreme events such as droughts and floods, on natural resources as well as risk management and
planning. By transforming meteorological input variables, using mathematical relationships and
parameters within the specific model one can simulate hydrological output variables to mimic the
most important processes of the hydrological cycle. Throughout the years, several hydrological models
have been developed for specific needs. According to Singh et al. [1], at least 64 different hydrological
models are available for rainfall-runoff simulations. However, not all models are suitable for all
environments (e.g., [2,3]). Thus, model selection should be tailored according to the modeling purpose
and aim and selected model should be able to capture the main catchment characteristics reflecting
the hydrological behavior of the catchment (e.g., [4]). For example, for the purpose of the design
hydrograph associated with a specific return period one can use the event-based models (i.e., modeling
of the specific rainfall event), whereas for the evaluation of different climate scenarios one should
use the continuous rainfall-runoff models (i.e., modeling of the longer rainfall-runoff time-series).

Water 2020, 12, 128; doi:10.3390/w12010128 www.mdpi.com/journal/water

Water 2020, 12, 128 2 of 13

The later models are also the main topic of this paper. Additionally, complex catchments in terms of
non-homogeneity of geology or land-use can sometimes require modification of existing models in
case of non-satisfactory model performance. On the other hand, hydrological models must be robust
and not over-parameterized [4,5]. Previous studies have shown that one of the main reasons of model
output and parameter uncertainty is an over-parameterization [2]. Jajarmizadeh et al. [3] demonstrated
that in some cases the performance of simple models can be almost as high as of models with more
parameters. Similarly, some other researchers indicated that increased model complexity does not
necessarily yield significantly better model performance. However, Perrin et al. [6] argued that there is
no single outstanding model according to any assessment criterion that would satisfy all diverse needs
and conditions.
Jajarmizadeh et al. [3] conducted an extensive comparative performance assessment of the
structures of 19 daily lumped models in 429 catchments. They demonstrated that that the complex
models outperform the simple models in calibration mode but not in verification mode. Two years
later [6] focused on creating accurate, fixed, conceptual model structure, using 429 catchments with
distinctive characteristics, but still robust and simple, so that the model would have the right balance
between complexity and robustness. They improved a 3-parameter Genie Rural (GR3J) lumped
conceptual model proposed by Edijatno et al. [7] and developed 4-parameter GR4J model. In addition,
Oudin et al. (2005) [8] evaluated 27 existing equations for the potential evapotranspiration calculation
based on the results of the simulations carried out using different hydrological models and came up with
a simplified and effective equation that gives the best modeling results in a process of rainfall-runoff
modeling. Therefore, only time series of rainfall and air temperature, with a daily time step are
needed as input data in the case of the GR4J model and there are four free parameters that should
be calibrated during the modeling process [6]. In 2011 the newer model version was developed by
Pushpalatha et al. [9]. Two parameters (i.e., GR6J) were added in order to obtain better simulation of
water exchange between the river and groundwater, which is one of the most important processes for
low flow simulations. During hydrological drought, groundwater can be the main source of water
supply to the watercourse. In the study conducted by Pushpalatha et al. [9], the GR6J model was
tested on 1000 basins in France using data from 1970 to 2006, which captured the great variability of
meteorological and hydrological data. The research included also periods of severe droughts (1976,
1989–1991, 2003, and 2005). Moreover, some catchments with specific characteristics were included
such as karst areas. The results of the study indicated that the complexity added by an additional
free parameter is warranted by the model’s results; however, the level of performance in low-flow
conditions seems to remain quite low. In another study [10] they tested different versions of the GR
lumped conceptual models, a 4-parameter Journalier (GR4J), Genie Rural, a 6-parameter Journalier
(GR6J), and the CemaNeige GR6J with additional snow module for rainfall-runoff modeling in case of
non-homogeneous Ljubljanica River karst catchment. The results showed that GR6J model slightly
improved the performance of the GR4J model, but only in the validation mode. Moreover, the GR6J
model did not perform better than the GR4J model in terms of the low flow simulation. On the
other hand, CemaNeige GR6J model with additional snow module outperforms both other tested
versions of the model. Another study conducted by Sezen et al. [11] revealed that lumped GR4J
model outperformed several data mining models when modeling rainfall-runoff relationship in case of
the complex karst catchments in Slovenia. In the comparative study of the 237 French catchments,
Van Esse et al. [12] investigated the influence of the conceptual model structure on model performance.
They investigated whether to use fixed or flexible model structure for specific catchment. They pointed
out, that the larger and more saturated the catchment is, the better performance of the lumped
conceptual model will be obtained. As pointed out by Andréassian et al. [13], hydrological models
will always incompletely reflect the nature. In order to improve hydrological models straightforward
tests on large and diverse data are needed. That is also important from the perspective of this study,
where we evaluated the performance of lumped conceptual models with different complexity for the
rainfall-runoff modeling in case of the non-homogeneous catchments.
Water 2020, 12, 128 3 of 13

The main aim of this paper was to investigate the performance of the lumped conceptual GR4J
and GR6J models in case of the Sava River catchment up to the Čatež gauging station and its four
nested sub-catchments (i.e., up to the Blejski most, Okroglo, Šentjakob, and Hrastnik gauging stations)
with various characteristics relating to their size and non-homogeneity. There are also some other
important differences among the nested sub-catchments. For example, the smallest sub-catchment
has significant torrential characteristics while the largest catchment has much slower response to the
rainfall input. Thus, we were interested if these differences among catchments have an impact on the
modeling performance. Additionally, we were also interested if a more complex GR6J model can yield
significant improvement over the GR4J modeling results.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Data
The Sava River catchment covers 53% of the Slovenia and the Sava River is part of the Danube
River catchment. The Sava River has two springs, namely the Zelenci spring (The Sava Dolinka River)
and the waterfall Savica (The Sava Bohinjka River). Near the city of Radovljica Sava Dolinka and
Sava Bohinjka have the confluence and river downstream from this point is named Sava. In order to
investigate the performance of the GR4J and GR6J models five catchments that are part of the Sava
River catchment were selected. Figure 1 shows the location of these five catchments and corresponding
measuring profiles/discharge gauging stations. Basic characteristics of the five selected catchments
are shown in Table 1. The smallest sub-catchment (i.e., Blejski most) is part of the Sava Dolinka River
catchment. Steep slopes and torrential characteristics characterize the headwater part of the Sava River
catchment (Table 1). The downstream part of the catchment is not so steep and the Sava River flow
characteristics are not purely torrential any more (e.g., [14]). The idea behind the catchments selection
was to find nested catchments with the same data availability and different characteristics in order
to investigate the impact of the size and non-homogeneity of the catchments on the rainfall-runoff
modeling performance.
Data period from 2000 until 2015 was used in the study. For the calibration period data from
1 January 2000 until 7 July 2013 was applied (year 2000 was used as warm-up period), whereas for the
validation period data from 8 July 2013 until 31 December 2015 was used. We followed the suggestions
of other researchers when splitting the data [5] and at the same time used larger percent of data for
the calibration process since some studies have indicated that calibration of the model on the full
time series could be preferred in some cases [15]. Blejski most and Okroglo gauging stations had
some missing data; therefore, linear correlation was applied to replace this missing data. In the case
of Blejski most gauging station, correlation with discharge data from Okroglo gauging station was
conducted (1 year of data was calculated based on the Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.93) and in the
case of Okroglo gauging station, correlation with discharge data from Šentjakob gauging station was
conducted (a bit more than 1 year of data was calculated based on Pearson correlation coefficient of
0.95). Precipitation and air temperature stations were also selected based on the data availability. Some
smaller percentage of missing data was interpolated using linear regression, where the most relevant
nearby meteorological station was used in order to estimate the missing data. Five rainfall stations had
up to 28% of missing data (stations Bohinjska Češnjica, Tržič, Kum, Babno polje, Spodnji Dolič) and the
Pearson correlation coefficients were between 0.87 and 0.95. Moreover, four air temperature stations
had some missing data and Pearson correlation coefficient in this case ranged from 0.98 to 0.99.
Additionally, in order to investigate how does different catchment characteristics impact
on the modeling performance we also analyzed geology, land-use, hydrogeology, percentage of
agglomerations, runoff potential (related to the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) method [16]), average
air temperature, average annual rainfall (1961–1990), average number of days with rainfall above
70 mm (1961–1990), and average number of days with snow cover (1971–2000). Figure 2 shows raster
Water 2020, 12, 128 4 of 13

maps of runoff potential [17], annual air temperature, average number of days with more than 70 mm
of rain, and
Water average
2019, 11, x FORnumber of days with snow cover [18].

Figure 1. Location
Figure of the
1. Location considered
of the consideredcatchments
catchments on the map
on the mapofofSlovenia.
Slovenia. Discharge
Discharge gauging
gauging stations
are indicated withwith
are indicated redred
points. Rainfall
points. Rainfalland
air temperature measuring
temperature measuring locations
locations are are indicated
indicated with with
and blue points,
and blue respectively.
points, respectively.

Table Main
1. 1.
Table Maincharacteristics
characteristics of theanalyzed
of the analyzedcatchments.

Discharge Number of
Discharge Catchment Mean Annual Number of
Discharge Catchment Gauging Station Mean Annual
Gauging Rainfall/Air
Gauging Area Precipitation Dominant Geological Type
2 Elevation Rainfall/Air
Gauging (km
Area) Station (mm)
Precipitation Dominant Geological Type
(m a.s.l.) Stations
Station (km2) Elevation (mm)
Blejski most 508.79 428 1907.9 Stations
4/3 Triassic limestones and dolomites
Okroglo 1198.73 (m356
a.s.l.) 1902.1 6/5 Triassic limestones and dolomites
Blejski Triassiclimestones
Triassic limestones
Šentjakob 508.79
2284.75 428
268 1907.9
1827.3 4/39/6
most quarternary
Triassiclimestones andand
limestones dolomites,
Hrastnik 5205.30 194 1669.3 16/11
Okroglo 1198.73 356 1902.1 6/5 quarternary sediment
Triassic dolomites
limestones and dolomites,
Čatež 10,232.42 137 1566.0 31/17 Triassic limestones and
quarternary sediment
Šentjakob 2284.75 268 1827.3 9/6 dolomites, quarternary
Triassic limestones and
Hrastnik 5205.30 194 1669.3 16/11 dolomites, quarternary
Triassic limestones and
Čatež 10,232.42 137 1566.0 31/17 dolomites, quarternary
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Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 13

Figure 2. Runoff potential map (1 means A class, 2 B, 3 C, and 4 D class according to the Soil
Figure 2. Runoff potential map (1 means A class, 2 B, 3 C, and 4 D class according to the Soil
Conservation Service (SCS) methodology [16], average annual air temperature map, average annual
Conservation Service (SCS) methodology [16], average annual air temperature map, average annual
rainfall map, and average number of days with snow cover map.
rainfall map, and average number of days with snow cover map.
2.2. Hydrological Models
2.2. Hydrological Models
In the scope of this study, we have decided to use the GR4J and GR6J models. These two models
were In the scope
selected of this
because study,
they havewe have decided
yielded to use the GR4J
good performance and GR6J
in previous models. These
applications to thetwo models
in selected
Slovenia because
[10,11]. On the they
hand, yielded goodEnvironment
Slovenian performance in previous
Agency, which isapplications
responsible for to the
catchments in Slovenia [10,11]. On the other hand, Slovenian
flood forecasting uses the DHI NAM model [19]. There are no official suggestions regarding theEnvironment Agency, which is
responsible for the flood forecasting uses the DHI NAM model [19]. There are
hydrological modeling at the state level in Slovenia, which means that applicability of different models no official suggestions
should be the hydrological
investigated. Asmodeling
part of this at the state
study thelevel in Slovenia,modeling
rainfall-runoff which means was that applicability
conducted using ofR
different models should be investigated. As part of this study
software [20] and AirGR package [21,22] enabling the GR4J and GR6J lumped conceptual models the rainfall-runoff modeling was
conducted using
simulations. R software
Detailed [20] and
description of the AirGR packagemodels
two selected [21,22]and enabling the GR4J
equations used andin theGR6J
of the
models can models
be found simulations.
in Perrin etDetailed
al. [6,9]. description
The GR4J and of theGR6J two selected
are lumpedmodels
conceptualand equations used
in the scope of the models can be found in Perrin et al. [6,9]. The
models that only use rainfall and potential evapotranspiration as input data in order to simulate GR4J and GR6J are lumped
conceptual rainfall-runoff
discharges. The equation proposedmodels that only use
by Oudin rainfall
et al. [8] wasand potential
applied evapotranspiration
in order as input
to calculate the potential
data in order to simulate discharges. The equation proposed by Oudin et
evapotranspiration data. In this study, daily model time step was applied and average daily discharge al. [8] was applied in order
to calculate the potential evapotranspiration data. In this study, daily
data was used. The GR4J model is a four parameter model. Parameters are the maximum capacity model time step was applied
the average daily discharge
store, data was used.
the groundwater The GR4J
exchange model the
coefficient, is a one-day
four parameter model. Parameters
ahead maximum capacity
of therouting
maximum store,capacity
and theofunitthe hydrograph
production store,time the
[6]. The GR6J exchange coefficient,
model version the one-
day ahead
uses maximumexchange
intercatchment capacity of the routing
threshold and store, and the
coefficient forunit hydrograph
emptying time base
exponential store[6]. The GR6J
model version additionally uses intercatchment exchange threshold
(e.g., [21,22]). In the study, the GR4J and GR6J model parameters were calibrated using the method and coefficient for emptying
proposed bystore
Michel parameters
[23] that is (e.g.,
included In in
AirGR thepackage
GR4J and GR6J The
[21,22]. model parameters
selected were
method using theglobal
combines method andproposed by Michelfor[23]
local approaches that is also
parameter included[21–23].
estimation in the AirGR package
[21,22]. The selected calibration method combines global and local
efficiency (NSE), Kling-Gupta efficiency (KGE), and root mean square error (RMSE) criteria were approaches for parameter
applied [21–23].
in order Nash-Sutcliffe
to evaluate modelefficiency
performance (NSE), Kling-Gupta
[24,25]. The GR4J efficiency
and GR6J(KGE), models and
wereroot mean
square error
applied (RMSE)
to some of thecriteria were applied
catchments located inin Slovenia
order to evaluate model performance [24,25]. The GR4J
(see [10,11,26]).
and GR6J models were already applied to some of the catchments located in Slovenia (see [10,11,26]).
Water 2020, 12, 128 6 of 13

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Modeliing Performance

Firstly, we investigated the performance of the GR4J and GR6J lumped conceptual models for
five selected nested sub-catchments. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate graphical evaluation of the modeling
performance for the validation period for the five nested sub-catchments using the GR4J and GR6J
models, respectively. Additionally, Figure 5 shows comparison between simulated and observed
discharge values for all five considered catchments. In addition to the graphical comparison of
simulated and observed discharge data, the model performance was evaluated also using NSE, KGE
and RMSE efficiency criteria. Table 2 shows model efficiency criteria for the GR4J and GR6J models in
the validation period for all five considered catchments.
Based on the presented results one can notice that for larger catchments (i.e., Čatež and Hrastnik
gauging stations) better modeling performance was obtained in comparison to smaller catchments
with more torrential characteristics and where the topography is more complex (Figures 3–5, Table 2).
Moreover, a reason for worse performance in case of smaller catchments with higher altitude is also
the fact that GR4J and GR6J models do not have a separate snow module. Thus, model performance
could be improved using the snow module (i.e., CemaNeige). This conclusion can be made based
on the results of all three selected performance criteria and also based on the graphical comparison
of the results (Figures 3–5, Table 2). Moreover, the same conclusion applies to both applied models,
namely GR4J and GR6J models. This finding is in accordance with the conclusion made by Van
Esse et al. [12], who analyzed rainfall-runoff modeling performance using 13 different conceptual
models in case of 237 French catchments. They argued that conceptual hydrological models perform
better on larger and/or wetter catchments than on smaller and/or drier catchments. Furthermore,
Merz et al. [27] investigated 269 catchments in Austria using the conceptual model and came to similar
conclusions. Additionally, Sezen et al. [11] stated that better modeling results were obtained for the
larger Ljubljanica River catchment up to the Moste gauging station compared to some smaller tested
catchments with the catchment area around 50 km2 . As pointed out by Van Esse et al. [12], a possible
reason could be that hydrological processes at larger scales are mixed and have therefore smoother
behavior, which enable easier modeling by the conceptual model structure. In our case, also significant
torrential characteristics of smaller catchments are important.
When comparing the GR6J and GR4J models one can notice that according to the KGE criterion the
GR6J model is able to yield better modeling performance in case of all five tested nested sub-catchments
(Table 2). This is especially evident in case of low-flow data (Figures 3 and 4). However, it is evident
that differences between both tested model versions are not significantly large, which is especially
evident in case of graphical comparison of the mean observed and modeled discharge data (Figures 3–5,
Table 2). A similar conclusion can be made for the NSE criterion with the exception of the smallest
catchment with the outlet at the Blejski most gauging station, where slightly better results were obtained
in the case of the GR4J model (Table 2). Similar findings were obtained by [10], who compared the
performance of the GR lumped conceptual models with different number of parameters in the case of
the Ljubljanica River catchment. They demonstrated that the CemaNeige GR6J model, which includes
an additional snow routine module, yielded the best modeling results. Thus, one could argue that
especially for the small catchments (e.g., Blejski most gauging station) inclusion of the additional
parameters (e.g., snow module) could lead to improved modeling performance. However, it should
also be noted that inclusion of the snow module would lead to two additional model parameters that
should be calibrated [28,29].
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Figure 3. Evaluation
Figure of the
3. Evaluation of GR4J model
the GR4J performance
model for thefor
performance five nested
the five sub-catchments in the validation
nested sub-catchments in the
period. 30-days rolling mean, flow duration curve and scatter plot in log scale are shown.
validation period. 30-days rolling mean, flow duration curve and scatter plot in log scale are shown.
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Figure 4. Evaluation of the Genie Rural 6-parameter Journalier (GR6J) model performance for the five
Figure 4. Evaluation of the Genie Rural 6-parameter Journalier (GR6J) model performance for the five
nested sub-catchments in the validation period. 30-days rolling mean, flow duration curve, and scatter
nested sub-catchments in the validation period. 30-days rolling mean, flow duration curve, and
plot in log scale are shown.
scatter plot in log scale are shown.
Water 2019,12,11,
128x FOR PEER REVIEW 99ofof1313

Figure 5. Comparison between modeled and observed discharge data in the validation period for the
tested 5. Comparison
models (i.e., GR4Jbetween modeled
and GR6J) for fiveand observed
nested discharge data in the validation period for the
tested models (i.e., GR4J and GR6J) for five nested sub-catchments.
Additionally, comparison of the calibration and validation results demonstrated that NSE and
KGE model efficiency
Additionally, criteria results
comparison of the in the validation
calibration period were
and validation generally
results better compared
demonstrated that NSE and to
KGE calibration period. criteria
model efficiency This could indicate
results in the that tested period
validation GR models are robustbetter
were generally and suitable
compared fortothe
rainfall-runoff modeling of the selected nested sub-catchments. However, in
calibration period. This could indicate that tested GR models are robust and suitable for the rainfall- the case of the RMSE
criterion, better results
runoff modeling of thewere obtained
selected nested in sub-catchments.
the calibration period.
However, Another
in theinteresting
case of theconclusion that
RMSE criterion,
can be made
better resultsbased
wereon the results
obtained is that
in the with theperiod.
calibration increasing catchment
Another area the
interesting maximum
conclusion capacity
that can be
the production
based on the store (i.e., is
results model parameter)
that with was decreasing.
the increasing catchmentThis areameans that larger
the maximum catchments
capacity of the
had smaller production
production store compared
store (i.e., model parameter) to was
smaller catchments.
decreasing. This This
means canthat
be regarded as relatively
larger catchments had
unexpected result sincestore
smaller production smaller values oftothis
compared parameter
smaller leads to higher
catchments. This canpeakbedischarges.
regarded However,
as relativelyit
also true that this since
result parameter
smaller impacts
valueson ofthe
parameter ofleads
the recession
to higherpart
peak of discharges.
the hydrograph (i.e.,
higher values
it is also truelead
thatto smaller
this slope impacts
parameter of the recession part). Furthermore,
on the dynamics the impact
of the recession part ofof the
can also
(i.e., be reduced
higher valueswith
leadother parameters
to smaller slope(e.g., the recession
of the one-day ahead part).maximum
the of the routing
impact of this
store parameter).
parameter Moreover,
can also be reduced the unit
other parameterstime base
the one-daywasahead
maximumwith increasing
capacity of
the routing area. This
store could be somehow
parameter). Moreover,expected, since smallertime
the unit hydrograph values
this parameter lead to higher
was increasing with
peak discharge
increasing values area.
catchment and faster response
This could to rainfall
be somehow input. Thus,
expected, this is avalues
since smaller characteristic of torrential
of this parameter lead
to higher peak Furthermore,
discharge the maximum
values and faster value of the groundwater
response exchange
to rainfall input. Thus,parameter was obtainedof
this is a characteristic
case of the smallest catchment
catchments. Furthermore, (i.e., the
Blejski most gauging
maximum station),
value of whereas the
the groundwater largest catchment
exchange parameter(i.e.,
Čatež gauging
obtained station)
in case of thehad the smallest
smallest value (i.e.,
catchment of this parameter.
Blejski most gauging station), whereas the largest
catchment (i.e., Čatež gauging station) had the smallest value of this parameter.
Table 2. Model efficiency criteria (i.e., Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), Kling-Gupta efficiency (KGE),
root mean
Table squareefficiency
2. Model error (RMSE))
(i.e.,the GR4J and GR6J
Nash-Sutcliffe models
efficiency in the
(NSE), validation efficiency
Kling-Gupta period for(KGE),
considered catchments.
root mean square error (RMSE)) for the GR4J and GR6J models in the validation period for five
considered catchments.
Gauging Station NSE KGE GR4J NSE GR6J
RMSE (mm) RMSE (mm)
Gauging Station
(-) NSE (-)KGE NSE
(-) KGE (-)
RMSE (mm) RMSE (mm)
Blejski most 0.62 (-) 0.71 (-) 2.08 (-)
0.60 (-) 0.72 2.14
OkrogloBlejski most
0.74 0.62 0.850.71 2.08
2.17 0.60
0.77 0.72 0.86 2.14 2.01
Šentjakob Okroglo 0.79 0.74 0.870.85 2.17
1.65 0.77
0.83 0.86 0.90 2.01 1.50
Hrastnik Šentjakob0.80 0.79 0.890.87 1.65
1.22 0.83
0.85 0.90 0.93 1.50 1.05
Čatež Hrastnik 0.85 0.80 0.900.89 1.22
0.91 0.85
0.86 0.93 0.90 1.05 0.87
Čatež 0.85 0.90 0.91 0.86 0.90 0.87
3.2. Non-Homogeneity Investigation
3.2. Non-Homogeneity Investigation
In the second step of the study, we investigated the relationship between different catchment
In the second
characteristics (alsostep of the of
in terms study, we investigated and
non-homogeneity) the relationship between
rainfall-runoff different
modeling catchment
characteristics (also in terms of non-homogeneity) and rainfall-runoff modeling
Catchment characteristics shown in Section 2.1 were analyzed. Analyses demonstrated that geology, performance.
land-use, characteristics
hydrogeology, andshown in Section
percentage 2.1 were analyzed.
of agglomerations do notAnalyses demonstrated
have a significant that geology,
relationship with
land-use, hydrogeology, and percentage of agglomerations do not have a significant
the modeling performance. This means that we were not able to relate better or worse performance ofrelationship
with the modeling performance. This means that we were not able to relate better or worse
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 13
Water 2020, 12, 128 10 of 13

performance of the models with aforementioned catchments properties. On the other hand, runoff
the modelswhich is related to the
with aforementioned soil type properties.
catchments [16] demonstrated
On the othersomehand,
relationship with thewhich
runoff potential, model is
related to the(Figure
soil type6).[16]
can notice that larger
some catchmentswith
relationship havethehigher
model values of runoff(Figure
performance potential6).
compared to smaller
One can notice catchments
that larger (Figurehave
catchments 6). This can values
higher partly explain
of runoff smaller values
potential of the production
compared to smaller
store parameter
catchments that6).
(Figure was obtained
This in the
can partly process
explain of the model
smaller values calibration in case store
of the production of larger catchments
parameter that
(Section 3.1). On
was obtained theprocess
in the other hand,
of the this could
model also mean
calibration that of
in case forlarger
the catchments
catchmentswith smaller
(Section 3.1). rainfall
On the
losses (i.e., this
other hand, higher
couldrunoff potential)
also mean onethecan
that for expect awith
catchments better model
smaller performance.
rainfall losses (i.e.,This could
higher be
explained withcan
potential) one more “predictable
expect nature”
a better model of this kind
performance. of could
This catchments compared
be explained withtomore
the “predictable
nature”the percentage
of this of direct runoff
kind of catchments is smaller
compared to the and rainfall where
catchments, losses the
larger (i.e.,oflower
direct runoff
is smaller and rainfall losses are larger (i.e., lower runoff potential).

Figure 6. The relationship between runoff potential, average air temperature, average annual rainfall,
Figure 6. Thenumber
and average relationship
of daysbetween runoff
with snow potential,
cover average
and the GR4J air temperature,
model average
performance (i.e., NSE annual
criteria rainfall,
is used).
and average number of days with snow cover and the GR4J model performance (i.e., NSE criteria is
Additionally, also the influence of various meteorological variables of the catchments on the
model performance was investigated (Figure 6). When comparing the average air temperature values
and the number of alsodaysthe
snow cover of various
one canmeteorological
notice that for thevariables of thewith
catchments catchments on the
higher average
model performance
air temperature andwas investigated
smaller number of (Figure
snow6). When
cover comparing
days the average
better modeling air temperature
performance values
was obtained.
Thisthe number
result couldofbedays with snow
expected since cover
testedoneGR4J can notice
and GR6Jthat for the
models docatchments with account
not specifically higher average
for the
accumulation and and
smaller number
melting of snow
process (e.g.,cover days better
[6]). Thus, modeling
as already performance
stated in the case ofwastheobtained.
This result could
catchment be expected
(i.e., Blejski since tested
most gauging GR4Jmodeling
station) and GR6Jperformance
models do not specifically
could account
be improved for the
snow accumulation
CemaNeige and melting
snow module processMoreover,
(e.g., [28,29]). (e.g., [6]). itThus, as already
should statedthat
also be noted in the caseair
higher of temperature
the smallest
values also(i.e.,
leadBlejski mostpotential
to higher gaugingevapotranspiration
station) modeling performance
values, which could
withbe improved
lower average using the
rainfall cause snow module
smaller (e.g.,
specific [28,29]). Moreover,
discharge values (Figureit should also be noted
5). Moreover, that
better higher air
modeling temperature
performance is
values also lead
also obtained to higher
in case of lowerpotential
mean annualevapotranspiration
rainfall valuesvalues,
(Figurewhich with
6). This canlower averagewith
be explained annual
fact thatcause smallercatchment
the smallest specific discharge values
(i.e., Blejski most (Figure
gauging5). Moreover,
station) hasbetter modeling
torrential performance
characteristics and is
also obtained
located in case
in alpine ofwhich
area, lower means
mean annual rainfall
that rainfall valuesare
events (Figure
often 6).
veryThis can be explained
localized and intense.with the
fact that the smallest catchment (i.e., Blejski most gauging station) has torrential characteristics and
Water 2020, 12, 128 11 of 13

these kinds of events are more difficult to model in comparison with longer duration frontal rainfall
events. This finding is in accordance with the conclusion made by Van Esse et al. [12]. They argued
that model structure performed worse in the catchments with flashy flows or unexplained variations
in low flows.

4. Conclusions
This paper presents rainfall-runoff modeling results using the lumped conceptual models
with different number of parameters, namely the GR4J and GR6J models applied to five nested
non-homogeneous sub-catchments that are part of the Sava River catchment in Slovenia. Based on the
presented results, the following conclusions can be made:

- Better modeling performance is obtained in case of larger catchments. This applies for the GR4J
and GR6J models.
- The GR6J model with 6 parameters, which was developed to improve low-flow simulations,
slightly improved the modeling performance in comparison to the GR4J model with 4 parameters.
- Investigation of the influence of the non-homogeneity on the modeling performance demonstrates
that for larger more non-homogeneous catchments in the Sava River catchment in Slovenia better
modeling performance was obtained comparing to smaller catchments. The main reason for this
is probably due to the fact that smaller catchments have significant torrential characteristics and
are located in Alpine climate, where snow accumulation and melting process has an important
role in runoff generation. However, better performance could be obtained using hydrological
model with separate snow module.
- Better modeling results are obtained in case of the catchments with higher runoff potential. Other
considered catchment characteristics like geology, land-use, hydrogeology, and percentage of
agglomerations do not demonstrate a significant relationship with the modeling performance.
- Related to various meteorological variables, higher air temperature values, smaller number of
snow cover days and lower annual rainfall amount yielded better modeling performance.

Future studies could investigate the performance of the hydrological model with the incorporated
snow module (CemaNeige GR6J) on various catchments in Slovenia. Moreover, performance of hourly
forecasting model that is also part of the AirGR package could be evaluated and compared to the
performance of DHI NAM model that is used by the Slovenian Environment Agency.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.B. and M.Š.; formal analysis, K.L.; visualization, K.L.;
writing—original draft, K.L., N.B. and M.Š.; writing—preparation and revisions, N.B. and M.Š. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), grant number P2-0180 (Water
Science and Technology, and Geotechnical Engineering: Tools and Methods for Process Analyses and Simulations,
and Development of Technologies).
Acknowledgments: Authors would like to acknowledge Slovenia Environment Agency (ARSO) for making data
publically available.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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