Magnetic Particle Generic Procedure
Magnetic Particle Generic Procedure
Magnetic Particle Generic Procedure
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The signatures below certify that this management system procedure has been reviewed and accepted and
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Reviewed &
Approved by
This Procedure is reviewed to ensure its continuing relevance to the systems and process that it describes. A summary
record of contextual additions or omissions is given below:
Page No. Context Revision Date
ALL Issued for Initial 00 20/10/2018
Reviewed and Approved as per latest edition and new standard
ALL 01 01/09/2019
3.0 PROCEDURE........................................................................................................4
3.1 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION........................................................................................................4
3.2 PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION........................................................................................................4
3.3 ESSENTIAL AND NON-ESSENTIAL VARIABLES.........................................................................5
3.4 EQUIPMENT & MATERIAL...............................................................................................................6
3.5 MAGNETIC YOKE STRENGTH.........................................................................................................7
3.6 MAGNETIZING FIELD STRENGTH ADEQUACY & DIRECTION...............................................7
3.8 SPECIAL REQUIREMENT..................................................................................................................9
3.9 SURFACE PREPARATION.................................................................................................................9
3.10 APPLICATION OF MAGNETIC PARTICLES & MAGNETIZATION............................................9
3.11 TEMPERATURE REQUIRMENTS...................................................................................................10
3.12 AC YOKE METHOD..........................................................................................................................10
3.13 PERMANENT MAGNET METHOD.................................................................................................10
3.14 INSPECTION & RECORDING OF INDICATIONS.........................................................................11
3.15 ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS..........................................................................................................12
3.16 DEMAGNETIZATION.......................................................................................................................17
3.17 POST EXAMINATION CLEANING.................................................................................................17
3.18 REPORT FORMAT.............................................................................................................................18
3.19 ANNEXURE 1 ( MPI MAINTENANCE LOG).................................................................................19
This procedure describes the methods and requirements for Magnetic Particle Examination of
ferromagnetic welds/components for detecting defects open to surface/near surface
discontinuities and whose geometry and sizes are suitable for carrying out the above method of
testing, using permanent magnet & AC yoke with wet magnetic particles in the vicinity of visible
Personnel shall be qualified at least one of the following,
a) Personnel conducting the test shall be certified to ASNT Level II in Magnetic Particle Testing
in accordance with KTI Written Practice in compliance to SNT-TC-1A.
Personnel performing examination shall have vision, with correction if necessary, as follows:
a) Near vision acuity: capable of reading Jaeger J-2 or equivalent on standard chart at a
distance of not less than 30.5 cm (12 in). Test shall be administered annually.
b) Color contrast vision: color vision acuity per Ishihara charts, or shall be able to differentiate
the contrast among shades of grey used in method. Test shall be administered at five year
Surface preparation √ X
Demagnetizing technique X √
Permanent magnets either fixed or adjustable pole shall have a lifting power capable of lifting
a test weight of 40 lbs. (18 kg.)
AC Yoke of reputable brands shall be used which can maintain magnetization periods of at
least 30 seconds. The yoke shall have articulated legs with pole spacing which are adaptable
to curved surfaces.
The following brands of MT consumables shall be used.
Table – II
Material Brand Group
Black Ink 7HF
Nonmagnetic Surface contrast Magnaflux MT1
Nonmagnetic Surface contrast PFINDER MT2
Black Ink MR76S
Nonmagnetic Surface contrast MR chemie MT3
Black Ink BYCOTEST103
Nonmagnetic Surface contrast BYCOTEST MT4
Black Ink Ardrox 800/3
Nonmagnetic Surface contrast Chemetall MT5
Black Ink Magna ink- BK Pradeep MT6
MPI materials used in this wet visible continuous technique shall have good color contrast against
test surface, high permeability, low retentively and sufficiently fine.
Contrast paint shall be white in color and MPI Ink shall be black in color to provide color contrast
due to flux leakage from discontinuities.
Premixed with a suspending vehicle in a pressurized aerosol can shall be used.
Expired chemicals shall not be used for testing.
MPI materials shall meet the requirements of ASME Sec V Art. 7 / ASTM E-709. Product certificates
will include batch numbers
Permanent magnets shall have a lifting power capable of lifting a test weight of 40 lbs (18kg.)
at the maximum pole spacing. Permanent magnet shall be checked daily when in use. Lifting
test shall be witnessed, recorded and countersigned by Level II/Level III. Any yoke that does
not conform to the procedure test, shall not be used and shall be tagged so. The
magnetizing power of the magnetic yoke shall be checked at least once in a year and also
whenever the yoke has been damaged and repaired.
AC magnetic yoke shall have a lifting power capable of lifting a test weight of 10 lbs. (4.5kg).
This check shall be done daily when in use & Evidence of this test shall be provided. The plate
shall be weighed on a scale of the reputed manufacturer and stenciled on it prior to first use.
The weight need only be verified again if damaged in a manner that could have caused
potential lost of material.
When it is necessary to verify the adequacy or direction of the magnetic field, the magnetic
particle field indicator as described in fig.1 or fig. 2 shown below shall be used. When using
the indicator as described in fig. 1, it should be positioned on the surface to be examined,
such that the copper plated side is away from the inspected side.
When using the indicator as described in fig. 2, it should be positioned on the surface to be
examined such that the artificial flaw side of the indicator is towards the inspected surface. A
suitable flux or field strength is indicated when a clearly defined line of magnetic particles
representing the 30% depth flaw appears on the indicator face when the magnetic particles
are applied simultaneously with the magnetizing force. This indicates the proper test
The intensity of the visible light (natural/artificial) at the surface of the part undergoing
examination should be a minimum of 1000 lux to enable interpretation of the result
accurately. A 100 W lamp at maximum of 0.5 meter distance gives the required light intensity.
This has been verified by demonstration using light meter. These light meters shall be
calibrated once in every year or whenever the meter has been repaired.
The light intensity on the surface of component shall be not less than that used in the
procedure qualification test.
MPI shall be performed after post weld heat treatment when PWHT is required. If
enhancement coatings are to be used, the procedure shall be qualified as required by ASME
Sec. V, Article 7, T-741.2 and submitted for approval to CONTRACTOR/COMPANY.
Magnetic Particles shall be applied by aerosol spray cans on to the area of interest (about 4”
examination part). The Yoke is placed on the surface and switched on while the MPI ink is
flowing. Turn off the ink flow before switching off yoke. The duration of the magnetizing
current shall be sufficient enough to interpret indications. This is repeated with yoke placed
in such a way that magnetic lines are perpendicular to the earlier examination. Poles shall be
placed on area to be tested as described in figure 3.
The aerosol ‘spray can’ shall be shaken well before application to ensure the magnetic
particles are applied uniformly on the examination surface.
This method shall be generally used on all as welded joints and repaired areas at
temperatures not greater than 135˚ F (57˚C) of the part surface and of the suspension except
if otherwise specified by the actual medium manufacturer and in compliance with ASME Sec.
V Artcile-7.
Alternatively, the particles may be used outside the particle manufacturer’s recommendations
provided the procedure is qualified at proposed temperature to prove adequacy as required
by ASME V, Article 7, T-731.Pre-mixed aerosol cans of magnetic particles in a high flash point
blend of oils shall be used.
Pre-mixed aerosol cans of magnetic particles in a high flash point blend of oils shall be used.
The operating sequence of the wet particle method shall be as follows:
a. White contrast paint shall be applied as a thin coat to the cleaned surface being tested.
The paint shall be allowed to dry.
b. The magnetic field shall be applied to the area under test by placing the yoke and
switching on the current flow with leg spacing between 75-150 mm as described in figure
c. Good contacts of yoke shall be ensured on the test piece in order to avoid any electrical
sparking on the job and the current flow shall be switched on.
d. Magnetic particle ink shall be applied onto the area under examination while the current
flows on.
e. The magnetic field shall be held for sufficient time to allow particle migration before
f. The examined surface shall be visually inspected for discontinuity indications.
g. The current flow shall be turned off before the removal of the yoke.
h. The yoke shall be relocated so that the magnetic field is perpendicular to the initial test
position and the above steps repeated.
i. When an indication is found, the above steps shall be performed at an axis perpendicular
to the axis of the indication in order to obtain maximum sensitivity.
j. All examinations shall be conducted with sufficient (approximately 50mm) overlap to
ensure 100% coverage at the required sensitivity.
10% overlap
P1 P2 P2
P1 P2 P2
a. All indications shall be evaluated whether it is relevant, non-relevant, or false indications.
b. Indications will be revealed by the retention of magnetic particles. All such indications are
not necessarily imperfections, however, excessive surface roughness, magnetic permeability
variations (such as at the edge of the HAZ) etc., may produce similar indications.
c. An indication is the evidence of an imperfection. Only indications which have any dimension
equal to more than 1/16 in. shall be considered relevant.
d. True (relevant) indications are caused by leakage fields due to discontinuities in the
e. Non- relevant indications are caused by leakage fields other than the discontinuities such as
change in sections, change in permeability, magnetic writing, and false lines from excess
magnetization etc.
f. False indications are those that are mechanically held on by gravity with no relation
whatever to the leakage field. For example- dirt, grease, surface irregularities etc.
g. Rejectable indications shall be marked by suitable means on the part itself and shall be
recorded on a sketch, if required and be attached to the MPI report form.
j. The examination shall be repeated using new test parameters when non-relevant indications
could mask relevant ones or when broad areas of particle accumulation occur.
Cumulative length of incomplete ≤38mm (1.5 in.) in any 152mm(6 in.) weld length
D Size and distribution of internal porosity See BPV Code, Section Ⅷ, Division 1, Appendix 4
K Depth of root surface concavity Total joint thickness, incl. weld reinf. ≥Tw
Tw = Nominal wall thickness of the thinner of two components joined by a butt weld.
(1) Criteria given are for required examination. More stringent Criteria may be specified in
the engineering design.
(2) Longitudinal groove weld includes straight and spiral seam. Criteria are not intended
to apply to welds made in accordance with a standard listed in Table A-1 Table
(3) Fillet weld includes socket and seal welds, and attachment welds for slip-on flanges,
branch reinforcement and supports.
(4) Branch connection weld includes pressure containing welds in branches and fabricated
(5) These imperfections are evaluated only for welds ≤3/14 in. (5mm) in nominal
(6) Where two limiting values are separated by "and" the lesser of the values determines
acceptance. Where two sets of values is separated by "or" the larger value is
acceptable. T is the nominal wall thickness of the thinner of two components joined by
a butt weld.
(8) For groove welds, height is the lesser of the measurements made from the surfaces of
the adjacent components; both reinforcement and internal protrusion are permitted in
a weld. For fillet welds, height is measured from the theoretical throat; internal
protrusion does not apply
Any indication with a maximum dimension of 1.6 mm (1/16 in.) or less shall be classified as non
Relevant indications shall be unacceptable when any of the following conditions exist:
a. Linear indications evaluated as crater cracks or star cracks exceed 4 mm (5/32 in.) in length.
b. Linear indications evaluated as cracks other than crater cracks or star cracks.
c. Linear indications are evaluated as incomplete IF and exceed 25 mm (1 in.) in total length in a
continuous 300 mm (12 in.) length of weld or 8% of the weld length.
Cluster Porosity [CP] that occurs in any pass except finish pass shall comply with the above
mentioned dimensions. CP that occurs in the finish pass shall be unacceptable when any of the
following condition exists:
Acceptance standard
Demagnetization shall be carried out when residual magnetism in the part could interfere
with subsequent processing or usage. E.g. welding or when required by the specific
requirements of project specifications. Technique shall be specified when demagnetization is
required. When MPI is done on bevel ends/ welds ends, Residual magnetism shall be checked
using a calibrated Gauss meter. In the event that residual magnetism in excess of ± 2 Gauss
detected in the test object, demagnetization is required to be done.
Post examination, cleaning shall be carried out as per the project specific requirements if