Alem Mezgebo Hailu: Associate Professor in The Department of Agricultural Economics

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Curriculum vitae


Adigrat, 50 Adigrat (Ethiopia)
[email protected]

Sex Male | Date of birth 17/10/1985 | Nationality Ethiopian

STUDIES APPLIED FOR PhD Student in Agricultural Economics


17/03/2020–Present Associate Professor in the department of Agricultural economics

Adigrat University, Adigrat (Ethiopia)
▪ Lecturing the courses operation research in agricultural economics, Mathematical Economics;
Natural Resource and Environmental Economics; Project Planning And Analysis; Farm
Management etc.
▪ Supervising graduate and undergraduate students in the area of Agricultural Economics and
Natural Resource Economics.
▪ Conducting research on the areas of food and resource economics, Agricultural Economics,
Environmental Economics, and Natural Resource Economics.

07/08/2018–16/03/2020 Assistant professor

Adigrat University, Adigrat (Ethiopia)
▪ Lecturing the courses operation research in agricultural economics, Mathematical Economics;
Natural Resource and Environmental Economics; Project Planning And Analysis; Farm
Management etc.
▪ Supervising graduate and undergraduate students in the area of Agricultural Economics and
Natural Resource Economics.
▪ Conducting research on the areas of food and resource economics, Agricultural Economics,
Environmental Economics, and Natural Resource Economics.

05/04/2016–06/08/2018 Assistant Professor

Haramaya University, Dire Dawa (Ethiopia)
▪ Taught the courses Mathematical Economics; Natural Resource and Environmental Economics;
Project Planning and Analysis; Farm Management etc.
▪ Supervised graduate and undergraduate students in the area of Agricultural Economics and
Natural Resource Economics.
▪ Have been conducted a research on the areas of Agricultural Economics, Environmental
Economics and Natural Resource Economics.

07/10/2011–04/04/2016 Lecturer
Haramaya University, Dire Dawa (Ethiopia)
▪ Lecturer
▪ Adviser
▪ Researcher

09/10/2009–29/10/2011 Assistant lecturer

Haramaya University, Dire Dawa (Ethiopia)

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Curriculum vitae Alem Mezgebo Hailu

▪ Lecturer
▪ Adviser
▪ Researcher

26/09/2007–08/10/2009 Graduate Assistant

Haramaya University, Dire Dawa (Ethiopia)
▪ Lecturer
▪ Adviser
▪ Researcher


01/09/2009–07/10/2011 Masters of Science Degree in Natural Resource Economic and

Hawassa University, Awassa (Ethiopia)
▪ Main subjects: Natural Resource Economics and Policy
▪ Very good knowledge on Advanced microeconomics, Advanced macroeconomics; Advanced
econometric; Environmental economics; Natural Resource Economics; project planning and

15/09/2004–12/07/2007 Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Resource Economics

and Management
Hawassa University, Awassa (Ethiopia)
▪ Main subjects: Agricultural Resource Economics and Management
▪ Very good knowledge on microeconomics, macroeconomics; mathematics for economics; project
planning and analysis; natural resource economics; environmental economics.

07/03/2016–11/03/2016 Certificate of training on Applied Data Management and Analysis

Haramaya University, Dire Dawa (Ethiopia)
▪ Applied Data Management and Analysis using STATA
▪ Skill on how to analysis cross sectional and time series data using STATA

23/02/2016–01/03/2016 Certificate of training on Computable General Equilibrium Modeling

and Analysis Using GAMS
Haramaya University, Dire Dawa (Ethiopia)
▪ Good skill on GAMS that used to analysis especially data at macro level


Mother tongue(s) Tigrigna


Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production

English C1 C1 B1 B2 C1
Amharic C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - Self-assessment grid

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Curriculum vitae Alem Mezgebo Hailu

Communication skills ▪ Good communication skills gained through my experience as natural resource economist
▪ Excellent contact skills with organizations that fund research grant.

Organisational / managerial skills ▪ Head for quality assurance office in the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
▪ Leadership skill gained as chairperson from project granted by Dire Dawa administration.
▪ Good organizational skills gained as delegated in the department of Agricultural Economics,
Adigrat University, Ethiopia).

Job-related skills ▪ I have the personal and academic capability to perform multiple tasks, adhere to deadlines and
study under pressure. Besides, I have the experience to work independently, strong quantitative
skills in econometric. Above and beyond, I have a good experience in writing scientific paper and
designing project proposals.

Digital skills SELF-ASSESSMENT

Information Content Problem-

Communication Safety
processing creation solving

Proficient user Proficient user Proficient user Proficient user Proficient user

Digital skills - Self-assessment grid

▪ Good command of office suite ( Ms word, MS excel, MS power point)

▪ Good Skills on the basic computer (SPSS, STATA, GAMS, Kyplot, Nlogit, R and SDSM
4.2 software).


Academic administration and ▪ College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Quality Assurance head
committee work
▪ Research committee, College of Agriculture and environmental sciences, Adigrat university since
September 2019 till present.
▪ Member of the board of examiners for 12 MSc. thesis defense in 2017/2018
▪ Monitor of the network class for AgEc 2nd year students, Adigrat University in the academic year of
▪ Delegated for the Agricultural Economics program from Dec 3, 2018- Dec 5, 2018.
▪ Co-advisor, for four MSc. students at Haramaya University in 2017
▪ Member of the ad hoc committee to scrutinize a promotion request by Dr. Jema Haji from the rank
of associate professor to the rank of professor on December 12, 2016
▪ Member of the ad hoc committee to scrutinize a promotion request by Mr. Beyan Ahmed from the
rank of the lecturer to the rank of assistant professor on November 07, 2016.
▪ Member of the ad hoc committee to scrutinize a promotion request by Dr. Degye Goshu from
the rank assistant professor to the rank of associate professor on April 18, 2016.
▪ Member of the exam and grade approval committee in the School of Agricultural Economics
and Agribusiness since February 12, 2016
▪ Delegation experience for Agribusiness and Value Chain Management program from April 28- May
01, 2015
▪ I served as a module (Applied Economics (AgEc-M3121) team leader at Haramaya University from
September 2013- July 2018.

Professional activities and ▪ Conducted project study entitled "manufacturing export industries resource potential assessment,
community services project identification and selection, and profile and incentive guideline development'' for Dire Dawa
Administration, Ethiopia in 2016.
▪ Prepared two pre-employment exams for laborers for the fields of Environmental Economics, and
Natural Resource Economics and Management which was requested by the Dire Dawa

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Curriculum vitae Alem Mezgebo Hailu

Administration, Ethiopia in 2016.

▪ Provided training for farmers and micro-enterprises on business plan preparation in poultry
production organized by enterprise development and community engagement office of Haramaya
University from March 02-07/2016 at Haramaya University.
▪ Participated and presented my research work on the 5th annual conference on ‘’Environment and
Development’’ held from June 4-5, 2015 at Dilla University, Ethiopia.
▪ Prepared ‘’Institutional Economics’’ Module I and II to the distance office of Haramaya University,
▪ Participated and presented my research work on the 3rd annual conference on ‘’Environment and
Development’’ held from May 20-22, 2013 at Dilla University, Ethiopia.
▪ Designed project proposal entitled ''Improving the Marketing Systems of Cash crops in Wondo
Genet area'' in 2010.
▪ Designed policy entitled ''Transportation system of Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural
Resource'' in 2010
▪ Prepared ‘’Natural Resource and Environmental Economics’’ Module I and II for St. Marry
University College in 2008/2009, Ethiopia.

Working and Research interest ▪ I am interested in the fields of agricultural economics, Environmental Economics, Natural resource
economics, Economic Development, Policy and Institutional Analysis.

Publications ▪ Mezgebo, Alem, Teferi, Abadi, Teklay Shishay and Hagos, Gebretnsae (2019). Efficiency, Yield
Gaps, and Profitability of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum) Production in Kombolcha District, Oromia
National State, Ethiopia. Agricultural Science Digest, 39(3): 184-189.
▪ Shishay Teklay Kahsay, Gebrehaweria Kidane Reda & Alem Mezgebo Hailu (2019): Food
security status and its determinants in pastoral and agro-pastoral districts of Afar regional state,
Ethiopia, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 11(7):1-9, DOI:
▪ Alemaw, A. Teferi and Alem M. Hailu (2019). "Institutional challenges of poverty reduction and
household coping mechanisms in Eastern Hararghe, Eastern Ethiopia." Economics of
Agriculture66(2): 499-512.
▪ Musa Hasen Ahmed, Aemro Tazeze, Alem Mezgebo & Eden Andualem (2018): Measuring maize
production efficiency in the eastern Ethiopia: Stochastic frontier approach, African Journal of
Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, DOI: 10.1080/20421338.2018.1514757
▪ Saleamlak Fentaw and Alem Mezgebo (2018). Households’ Demand for Groundwater
Conservation: The Case of Irrigation Practices in Kombolcha District, Eastern Ethiopia. Economics
of Agriculture, 65(1): 173-185, doi:10.5937/ekoPolj1801173F.
▪ Samuel Syraji, Alem Mezgebo, Abdibeshir Said and Mulu Brhanu (2017). Developing Community
Based Ecotourism to diversify livelihood and assure environmental conservation in Haramaya and
Gurawa Districts, Ethiopia. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 6 (3).
▪ Alem MEZGEBO, Endrias GETA, Fresenbet ZELEKE (2016). Urban Freshwater Users’
Willingness to Pay for Upland Degraded Watershed Management: The Case of Dechatu in Dire
Dawa Administration, Ethiopia. Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Advance online
publication. Doi:10.15414/raae/2016.19.01.13-20
▪ Geta, E., Mezgebo, A. and Zeleke, F. (2015): Economic valuation of improved management of
Dechatu drainage basin in Dire Dawa Administration, Ethiopia. Studies in Agricultural Economics,
117 (3) 169-176.
▪ Alem M. (2012). Households’ Willingness to Pay for Restoring Environmental Resource: A Case
Study of Forest Resource from Dire Dawa Area, Eastern Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Economics,
21(2), 33-62.

ARTICLES IN PROGRESS FOR ▪ Abadi Teferi Alemaw, Alem Mezgebo Hailu. Food Security Status and its determinants in Pastoral
PUBLICATION and Agro-pastoral Districts of Afar Regional State, Ethiopia(Accepted in African Journal of
Science, technology, innovation and development)
▪ Abadi Teferi Alemaw, Alem Mezgebo Hailu, Shishay Teklay Kahsay(2020). Adoption of maize
varieties on smallholder farmers’ for market participation in Oromia Regional State,
Ethiopia(Submitted and accepted in African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation, and

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Curriculum vitae Alem Mezgebo Hailu

▪ Yohannes Halefom, and Alem Mezgebo (2020).Effect of livelihood diversification on rural
households’ poverty reduction in Tigray regional state, Ethiopia.
▪ Alem Mezgebo, Gebretnsae Hagos, Shishay Teklay and Bereket Hailemichael(2019).
Agroforestry Practice and It's Socioeconomic Benefits in Eastern Ethiopia (Submitted for
publication to Agroforestry systems)
▪ Alem M. Hailu, Gebretnsae H. Gebrejewergs, Bereket H. Tekia and Shishay T. Kahsay (2019).
Analysis of the Availability of Potable Water, Causes, and Effects of Unstable Water Supply in
Eastern Ethiopia (Submitted for publication to urban water journal).

Teaching experience and Course ▪ I have been taught the following courses: Operation research in agricultural economics,
taken Mathematics for economists; Natural Resource Economics; Environmental Economic; Project
Planning and Analysis; Institutional Economics; Microeconomics; Macroeconomic; Farm
Management; for different departments in Haramaya and Adigrat Universities.
▪ Course taken: Advanced Microeconomics, Advanced Macroeconomics, Farm management,
Project planning and analysis, Mathematical programming, Econometric, Natural resource and
environmental economics, Project planning and management, Policy Analysis and Decision
Making, Economics of peasant agriculture, Agricultural policy analysis, Agricultural marketing,
Rural finance etc.

▪ Endrias Geta (PhD) Senior Researcher and Coordinator of Regional Socio Economics Research,
Hawassa, Ethiopia, Email address: [email protected]; Telephone: +251916868202
▪ Worku Tessema (Ph.D), Netherland Embassy, Addiss Abeba Ethiopia, Email address:
[email protected]; [email protected]; Mobile +251-910-508996

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