Homonyms and Homophones

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Homophones, Homographs and Homonyms

A homograph is a word that has the same spelling as another word but has a different
sound and a different meaning:
lead (to go in front of)/lead (a metal)
wind (to follow a course that is not straight)/wind (a gust of air)
bass (low, deep sound)/bass (a type of fish)

A homophone is a word that has the same sound as another word but is spelled
differently and has a different meaning:
The ending –graph means drawn or written, so a homograph has the same spelling.
The –phone ending means sound or voice, so a homophone has the same
pronunciation. A word that is spelled like another but has a different sound and
meaning (homograph); a word that sounds like another but has a different spelling and
meaning (homophone)

Homonyms, or multiple meaning words, are words that share the same spelling and
the same pronunciation but have different meanings

Homonyms Homophones Homographs

Same spelling,
Multiple meaning words Words that sound alike different pronunciation,
different meanings

 the price is fair...  pick a flower  bow = to bend down

 go to the fair...  bake with flour  bow = ribbon

I. Write another word that has the same pronunciation to each of the
following words.

1. bare ____________ 16. here ____________

2. be ____________ 17. hoarse ____________
3. been ____________ 18. loan ____________
4. beech ____________ 19. I’ll ____________
5. brake ____________ 20. maid ____________
6. by ____________ 21. mail ____________
7. dew ____________ 22. meat ____________
8. dye ____________ 23. mist ____________
9. flour ____________ 24. new ____________
10. four ____________ 25. knight ____________
11. fare ____________ 26. no ____________
12. grate ____________ 27. nose ____________
II. 13.
In groan
the spaces provided, write two words
____________ 28.that
pane have ____________
the following
14. heal ____________ 29. pare ____________
1. /siː/
15. heir
____________ ____________
30. red ____________

2. /riːd/ ____________ ____________
3. /pleɪn/ ____________ ____________
4. /preɪ/ ____________ ____________
5. /raɪt/ ____________ ____________
6. /rəʊd/ ____________ ____________
7. /səʊ/ ____________ ____________
8. /sʌm/ ____________ ____________
9. /sʌn/ ____________ ____________
10. /θruː/ ____________ ____________

III. Complete the following sentences which have the following

1. She enjoyed the latest ___________ of the X Files on television.
2. He liked to eat a bowl of ______________ every morning.
3. Cinderella is a famous fairy _____________.
4. A dog will wag its ______________ when it's happy.
5. The ________________ is shining.
6. Her ___________________ was very clever.
/peə r /
7. I enjoy eating _________________.
8. She bought a new _______________ of trousers.
9. He broke the _______________ of glass.
10. He hit his hand and was in a lot of _______________.
11. People go to church to ________________.
12. An eagle is a large bird of __________________.
13. The thief was __________ and taken to ____________.
/beə r /
14. The camper was attacked by a ______________.
15. He couldn't _______________ to watch.
16. Everyone in the sauna was _________________.
17. When he was old enough he _____________ his own shoelaces.
18. King Canute tried to stop the _______________ coming in.
19. When her son was good she gave him a _______________.
20. They stayed in the bridal ______________.

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