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Heavy Duty Polyurethane Primer for UCRETE RG


UCRETE PRIMER RG is a solvent free primer based on
the UCRETE heavy duty polyurethane resin binder sys- SUBSTRATE QUALITY
tem. It is a thixotropic primer and pore filler for use with Substrates will normally be concrete or polymer modified
UCRETE RG render and coving grade. screeds. Other substrates may be suitable; consult your
specialist applicator or local BASF Construction Chemicals
FIELDS OF APPLICATION office for advice.
Concrete and other cementitious substrates must be visi-
PRIMER RG is suitable for use on all substrates prior to bly dry and have average tensile (pull-off) strength of
the application of UCRETE RG. 1.5MPa. UCRETE may be applied to substrates of lower
PRIMER RG is not a flooring primer and must not be used strength but the long term performance of the floor may be
with UCRETE flooring grades. affected. All traces of contaminants, such as oils, fats,
greases, paint residues, chemicals, algae and laitance
FEATURES AND BENEFITS must be removed.
 Expert installation by fully trained licensed applicators
 Suitable for application on to 7 day old concrete and 3
day old polymer screeds and renders PREPARATION OF SUBSTRATE
 Suitable for porous and non porous substrates includ- As with all surface coatings, proper surface preparation is
ing concrete, brick, exterior grade plywood, mild steel vital to ensure the successful application and perfor-
and insulated wall panels mance of UCRETE PRIMER RG.
 Immediate application of UCRETE RG wet in wet for
speed of application Prepare the surface by vacuum shot blasting, concrete
 Long open time surface planer, grit blasting or surface grinding to pro-
duce a clean sound substrate with good profile suitable to
 High temperature resistance for use in extreme
receive a resin finish.
Cut anchor grooves around all free edges as detailed in
the Design and Preparation of Substrates brochure.
UCRETE has been awarded the Indoor Air Comfort Gold
Label following extensive VOC emission chamber testing MIXING AND APPLICATION
and auditing of quality management and production con- For best results, the site and material temperatures should
trol procedures. be in the range 15–25°C. Minimum substrate temperature
This demonstrates that UCRETE is an extremely clean
product without any volatile compounds that might taint Do not apply when atmospheric condensation is occurring
foodstuff or affect the well-being of personnel. or likely to occur before overlaying, i.e., when the ambient
or substrate temperature is within 3°C of the dew point.
All UCRETE grades give very low emissions and conform
to all the emissions requirements for indoor flooring sys- Mix with a low speed electric drill operated at 350 rpm and
tems in Europe including AgBB in Germany, Afsset in mixing head in a suitable container.
France, where they are rated A+ for VOC emissions (the
cleanest rating), and M1 in Finland. The working life is approximately 10 minutes. Multiple
units may be mixed, but do not mix more material than can
For further information please contact your local BASF be applied in 10 minutes or overcoated within 1 hour.
Construction Chemicals representative.
The PRIMER RG is applied by brush and roller to wet out
the surface of the substrate.
Use a stiff brush to apply into anchor groves. Do not fill
anchor grooves with PRIMER RG

Heavy Duty Polyurethane Primer for UCRETE RG


Tools may be cleaned immediately after use using Xylene.

UCRETE RG is normally applied immediately after the
application of the PRIMER RG while the primer is still wet.
UCRETE PRIMER RG forms part of the
The open time of PRIMER RG is 1 hour at 20°C. Do not UCRETE RG system which conforms to the
apply UCRETE RG after this time. If the open time of the relevant CE mark.
primer is exceeded allow the primer to fully cure. Typically
16 hours at 20°C. Please refer to the relevant Declaration of Per-
formance number 0113 0070 and the product
Once fully cured, reprime and apply UCRETE RG as and system data sheets.

If the time between coats exceeds 48 hours, or if conden-

sation or water impacts the surface, fully abrade the sur-
face. Reprime and apply UCRETE RG as normal. DISPOSAL
Part 2 containers should be decontaminated with 5%
COVERAGE sodium carbonate (washing soda) solution after use and
Coverage is greatly influenced by substrate texture and disposed of as building waste in accordance with local
porosity as well as temperature and mixer efficiency. Typi- regulations.
cal coverage rates are:-
0.15 – 0.2 kg/m2 In its cured state UCRETE is physiologically non-
7 - 9 m2 / unit hazardous.

For normal flooring applications UCRETE does not require

the use of respiratory protective equipment during installa-
UCRETE PRIMER RG is supplied in 1.43 kg working
Operatives should consult the CoSHH risk assessment
and their work instructions.
In covered warehouse conditions, above 5ºC and below
30ºC and out of direct sunlight. Materials must be raised
off the floor and kept dry. Liquid components must be
protected from frost.

© BASF plc, Construction Chemicals August 2013

BASF plc, Construction Chemicals BASF plc, Construction Chemicals

Head Office Redditch Office
PO Box 4, Earl Road, 19 Broad Ground Road,
Cheadle Hulme, Lakeside, Redditch
Cheadle, Cheshire Worcestershire
SK8 6QG B98 8YP
Tel: +44 (0)161 485 6222 Tel: +44 (0)1527 512255
Fax: +44 (0)161 488 5220 Fax: +44 (0)1527 503576

www.basf-cc.co.uk www.basf-cc.co.uk

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