Experience of Working On Unit Level Large Data Sets With Proven Knowledgeof SPSS/STATA Softwareapplications

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(Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India)

Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030.

Advt. No.33/2019

NIRDPR has established a Chair on Rural Labour in honour of S.R.Sankaran,

an eminent civil servant and acclaimed rural development administrator. NIRDPR
applicationsforengagementoftheservicesofqualifiedanddynamicpersonsonshort term
basis for the position of Junior Research Officer attached to the Chair Professor
The requirement as regards to qualifications, experience, remuneration, age etc., are
detailed below:

Junior Research Officer(01 no.)

1. Consolidated Remuneration: Rs.40000p.m.

2. Term of engagement – One year on contract. Extension can be considered

based on Institute’s requirement andperformance
3. Nature of Work:

Assisting research and other academic activities of the Chair. Provide research
assistance, coordination and organizational help in the design and formulation of
projects, preparation of questionnaire, organization of field work, help in coding,
tabulation and drafting of reports. Provide coordination in the organization of
Seminars, Workshops, Conferences, and related activities
3. Qualification:
Masters degree in Economics, Development Economics, Econometrics or any other
related social sciences with at least two years of experience in field based
research. Familiarity with basic programming skills.
a. M.Phil or Ph.D in any socialscience
b. Experience of working on unit level large data sets with proven knowledgeof
SPSS/STATA softwareapplications.
4. Age:40 years. Relaxation as per the Government of Indianorm
General conditions:

 This assignment is purely temporary and does not envisage any kind of regular
appointment in NIRDPR in future.

 In case of large number of applications, the Institute may shortlist the

candidates as may be necessary

 Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification

 No correspondence or telephonic enquiry will be entertained as regards

shortlisting, calling for interview, selection or engagement.

 The Institute reserves the right to relax any of the requirements i.e., educational
qualification, experience etc. in exceptional cases.

 The selection will be at NIRD&PR, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad

 The candidates should apply through online registration available on the website
www.nirdpr.org.in; http://career.nirdpr.in/

 The last date for submitting applications online is 04.01.2020

Assistant Registrar (E) i/c

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