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8 Hpe Unit Plan

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Unit Plan

UNIT DURATION: 6 weeks – For weeks 3-6 the weekly plan will be influenced by the nature of learning, dependant on the regulations around the state of
TEACHER: the pandemic

SCHOOL: Tyler Nield

TERM: Burra Community School

Students will develop their understanding of the factors of fitness. They will be required to apply their understanding to a performance improvement task, there they will
work individually to improve one of their own fitness factors. They will be required to keep a journal of their progression. Use of ICT will be encouraged to allow students to
communicate with the teacher and analyse their own data.
Learning Overview:
Each week of online will consist of:
2x Offline learning lesson. These can be completed by the students whenever it suits them. The use of formative assessment tasks will monitor their participation. These
are approximately 50minutes each.
1x Online face to face teaching lesson. Students will be required to be in attendance of this lesson for the entire duration. This will be used to mark student attendance
and participation.


- Be able to define all the fitness factors
- Critically analyse the role of each fitness factor
- Evaluate the importance of each fitness factor to a specific sporting example
- Apply their understanding of fitness factors to a performance improvement task
- Provide a journal, detailing their progressions of their experience
- Analyse fitness data
AC SCIENCE: Identifying Student Learning & Achievement – Band level Years 7 and 8
Personal, Social and Community Health  Researching opportunities in the local community to participate in regular
Sub-Strand: Contributing to healthy and active communities physical activity and examining how accessible these opportunities are for

Movement and Physical Activity

 Participate in physical activities that develop health-related and skill-related
Sub-Strand: Understanding movement fitness components, and create and monitor personal fitness plans

Sub-Strand: Learning through movement

 Identifying factors that enabled them to achieve success in movement activities
and explaining how these factors can be transferred to other learning contexts
By the end of Year 8, students evaluate strategies and resources to manage changes and transitions and investigate their impact on identities. Students evaluate the
impact on wellbeing of relationships and valuing diversity. They analyse factors that influence emotional responses. They investigate strategies and practices
that enhance their own, others’ and community health, safety and wellbeing. They investigate and apply movement concepts and select strategies to achieve movement
and fitness outcomes. They examine the cultural and historical significance of physical activities and examine how connecting to the environment
can enhance health and wellbeing.
Students apply personal and social skills to establish and maintain respectful relationships and promote safety, fair play and inclusivity. They demonstrate skills to make
informed decisions, and propose and implement actions that promote their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing. Students demonstrate control and accuracy when
performing specialised movement sequences and skills. They apply movement concepts and refine strategies to suit different movement situations.
They apply the elements of movement to compose and perform movement sequences.
*This unit plan was developed during the height of the Covid-19 Pandemic. During this time we were informed to prepare for online learning. Hence why the crux of the unit
plan is tailored to suit online learning. When I arrived on the first day of placement, we had an attendance rate of 66%. This required me to make alterations to the unit, to
cater for traditional face to face teaching. In brief I was able to keep the fitness components assessment task, where students were able to train etc at school, rather than at
home. We also were able to engage in practical lessons. The practical unit was on Invasion games. During this time, we participated in a variety of invasion games GLO’s,
with a focus on three invasion game sports. These were football, netball and basketball.
Week 1 Introduction to the 5 key Offline 1- Prior to our first online lesson. Student will
fitness factors be asked to fill out a small questionnaire. It will
include their interests and hobbies, what physical
- Aerobic fitness activity they participate in, their opinion on the
- Muscular strength importance of participation in physical activity, their - Know students and
personal opinion on the importance of education and how they learn
- Muscular their most memorable sporting/physical activity
endurance memory. This questionnaire will allow me to develop - Student-teacher
- Body composition my understanding of the student’s interests, work relationship
ethic, topic interest etc. I will also fill out this
- Flexibility questionnaire and upload it for the students to read - Front loading
through. I envisage that this will help me create a
positive teach-student relationship and will allow me
to know my students and how they learn, to enhance
future planning.

Online –

Begin the lesson with a general discussion about

myself, why I am here etc. Answer and questions
posed by the students, before moving into what the
students know about fitness factors

- PowerPoint presentation on the fitness - Focus on

factors questioning to
- Although we will cover all 10, we will only engagement
focus on 5 of the factors

Introduction to the assessment task

Offline 2 - Fitness factors worksheet – Column 1 and

- Students will only be required to fill out the
columns for the highlighted 6 fitness factors,
however they will be encouraged to fill out all - Guided discovery Fitness factors worksheet
10 if they are able
- Differentiation
Week 2 Application of fitness Offline 1 – Watch the video that I create, which - Use of ICT
factors to specific outlines the assessment task. Students will then be
sporting examples required to start the assessment task.

Online – Discussion and clarification of the

Revision of the 5 key assessment task. - Focus on
fitness factors - Revision of fitness factors questioning to
- How are the fitness factors applied to specific promote
sporting and physical activity examples? engagement
- We will use column’s 3 and 4 of the
worksheet to facilitate this learning

Offline 2- Continue with assessment task - Guided discovery

Week 3 Testing of the fitness *Weekly plan will be influenced by the nature of
factors learning, dependant on the regulations around the
state of the pandemic
Offline 1 – Continue with assessment task. Email or - Guided discovery
post what has been completed so far.
- Focus on
Online – Discussion around how everyone is going questioning to
with the assessment task. promote
- Testing of fitness components engagement

Offline 2- Continue with assessment task

Week 4 Revision of the 5 key Offline 1- Continue with assessment task. Email or
fitness factors, how they post what has been completed so far.
are applied to specific
sporting examples and Online – Discussion around how everyone is going
how they can be tested with the assessment task
- KAHOOT quiz on the fitness factors, applying
them to sporting examples and how to test
Offline 2- Continue with assessment task. Email or
post what has been completed so far.
Week 5 Benefits of physical Continuation with assessment task
activity - Benefits of physical activity

Week 6 Continuation with assessment task


Performance Improvement Task

1) Students will individually decide on one of the fitness factors that they wish to improve
2) They will need to then test and record their initial capability of that chosen fitness factor – This test should be used throughout and at the completion of the unit, to
monitor progress.
3) They will then have the option of designing their own 4-week fitness program or finding one that is appropriate to them
4) Throughout the 4-week program, students will be required to record an activity log. This will be attached to the report as an appendix

At the completion of the 4-week program, students will need to produce a report.
This will need to include:
- An Introduction containing what fitness factor you have chosen, and why you have chosen it.
- Outline of your program. If you created it yourself, why did you choose the activities that you did. If you found one from the interent, what specific parts of the
program made you choose that specific – what made it look like it would work?
- Reflection of your experience – This will need to include a comparison from the first activity to the last. Ie Did you improve your speed/distance/reps etc? You will
need to show this with some sort of evidence
- A small outline of the benefits of participating in a fitness program for individuals and specifically, the Burra community. What current opportunities are there in your
community that help you exercise, are their any things that you think could be added to improve community involvement in physical activity?
- Must include a minimum of two references.

*Activity log must be attached as an appendix

Word Count – 800 Words

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