8 Hpe Unit Plan
8 Hpe Unit Plan
8 Hpe Unit Plan
UNIT DURATION: 6 weeks – For weeks 3-6 the weekly plan will be influenced by the nature of learning, dependant on the regulations around the state of
TEACHER: the pandemic
Students will develop their understanding of the factors of fitness. They will be required to apply their understanding to a performance improvement task, there they will
work individually to improve one of their own fitness factors. They will be required to keep a journal of their progression. Use of ICT will be encouraged to allow students to
communicate with the teacher and analyse their own data.
Learning Overview:
Each week of online will consist of:
2x Offline learning lesson. These can be completed by the students whenever it suits them. The use of formative assessment tasks will monitor their participation. These
are approximately 50minutes each.
1x Online face to face teaching lesson. Students will be required to be in attendance of this lesson for the entire duration. This will be used to mark student attendance
and participation.
Online –
1) Students will individually decide on one of the fitness factors that they wish to improve
2) They will need to then test and record their initial capability of that chosen fitness factor – This test should be used throughout and at the completion of the unit, to
monitor progress.
3) They will then have the option of designing their own 4-week fitness program or finding one that is appropriate to them
4) Throughout the 4-week program, students will be required to record an activity log. This will be attached to the report as an appendix
At the completion of the 4-week program, students will need to produce a report.
This will need to include:
- An Introduction containing what fitness factor you have chosen, and why you have chosen it.
- Outline of your program. If you created it yourself, why did you choose the activities that you did. If you found one from the interent, what specific parts of the
program made you choose that specific – what made it look like it would work?
- Reflection of your experience – This will need to include a comparison from the first activity to the last. Ie Did you improve your speed/distance/reps etc? You will
need to show this with some sort of evidence
- A small outline of the benefits of participating in a fitness program for individuals and specifically, the Burra community. What current opportunities are there in your
community that help you exercise, are their any things that you think could be added to improve community involvement in physical activity?
- Must include a minimum of two references.