Focus On Hot Spots Brochure PDF

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What Is A “Hot Spot?” What Can Be Done Immediately?

A “hot spot” is a runway safety related It may take a considerable length to time to
problem area or intersection on an airport. fix or improve a “hot spot.” Nevertheless,
Typically it is a complex or confusing identification of and communication
taxiway/taxiway or taxiway/runway about the problem is important. Following
intersection. A confusing condition may notification to airport officials and FAA
be compounded by a miscommunication authorities, dissemination of the “hot spot”
between a controller and a pilot, and may situation can occur via various methods
cause an aircraft separation standard to be including:
compromised. The area may have a history
• Issuance of a local “hot spot” notice
of surface incidents or the potential for
as a flyer or brochure for distribution
surface incidents. This may be due to any
to airport users
mix of causes: Why Be Concerned About A Hot
• Airport geometry Spot? • A safety briefing on the problem area
for local pilots and ground vehicle
• Ground traffic flow If the aircraft separation standard is likely operators
to be compromised, then the probability of
• Markings, signage, or lighting a collision with another aircraft, vehicle or • Request that Jeppesen depict the “hot
person is increased. Airport and air traffic spot” on its diagram for that airport
• Human factors
management needs your input to identify
the areas on the airport requiring special
emphasis. Pilot input is particularly useful.
It is better to report a potential safety
problem than to overlook it and have an
accident occur.

What To Do About A Hot Spot

Review of the runway safety related
problem may result in various
recommended solutions, both short-
term and long-term, that need to be
addressed in a broader forum, since they
will affect airport users. For this reason,
it is recommended that areas of concern
be brought to the attention of airport
management, and to air traffic management
at towered airports.
What Is A Runway Incursion (RI)?
A runway incursion is any occurrence at an
aerodrome involving the incorrect presence
of an aircraft, vehicle or person on the
protected area of a surface designated for
the landing and take off of aircraft

What Can You Do?

If you should be aware of any locations
on an airport that warrant extreme
caution because of complex airport
geometry and/or potential pilot
disorientation, do not hesitate to inform
airport or air traffic management. We
need your participation to reduce airport
surface incidents, particularly runway
incursions. Report:
• Confusing pavement intersections
• Unclear pavement markings or
• Perplexing/absent signage
• Distracting airport conditions
• Confusing air traffic procedures
and communications

Federal Aviation Administration

Air Traffic Organization
Office of Runway Safety

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