Focus On Hot Spots Brochure PDF
Focus On Hot Spots Brochure PDF
Focus On Hot Spots Brochure PDF
A “hot spot” is a runway safety related It may take a considerable length to time to
problem area or intersection on an airport. fix or improve a “hot spot.” Nevertheless,
Typically it is a complex or confusing identification of and communication
taxiway/taxiway or taxiway/runway about the problem is important. Following
intersection. A confusing condition may notification to airport officials and FAA
be compounded by a miscommunication authorities, dissemination of the “hot spot”
between a controller and a pilot, and may situation can occur via various methods
cause an aircraft separation standard to be including:
compromised. The area may have a history
• Issuance of a local “hot spot” notice
of surface incidents or the potential for
as a flyer or brochure for distribution
surface incidents. This may be due to any
to airport users
mix of causes: Why Be Concerned About A Hot
• Airport geometry Spot? • A safety briefing on the problem area
for local pilots and ground vehicle
• Ground traffic flow If the aircraft separation standard is likely operators
to be compromised, then the probability of
• Markings, signage, or lighting a collision with another aircraft, vehicle or • Request that Jeppesen depict the “hot
person is increased. Airport and air traffic spot” on its diagram for that airport
• Human factors
management needs your input to identify
the areas on the airport requiring special
emphasis. Pilot input is particularly useful.
It is better to report a potential safety
problem than to overlook it and have an
accident occur.