List of C Program Scenarios
List of C Program Scenarios
List of C Program Scenarios
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NMIMS University
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engg (Mumbai)
Programming for Problem Solving (PPS)
B.Tech. EXTC Sem II AY 2018-19
C Program Scenarios for Practice
Faculty Incharge: Pratidnya S. Hegde Patil
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NMIMS University
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engg (Mumbai)
Programming for Problem Solving (PPS)
B.Tech. EXTC Sem II AY 2018-19
C Program Scenarios for Practice
Faculty Incharge: Pratidnya S. Hegde Patil
Programs on Recursion
50. C program to add natural numbers from 1 to n using recursion.
51. C program to find factorial using recursion.
52. Reverse a string using recursion.
53. C program to print fibonacci series till n using recursion.
54. C program to calculate power of a number using recursion. For example (2^3=8).
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NMIMS University
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engg (Mumbai)
Programming for Problem Solving (PPS)
B.Tech. EXTC Sem II AY 2018-19
C Program Scenarios for Practice
Faculty Incharge: Pratidnya S. Hegde Patil
55. C program to count digits of a number using recursion. For example: input value is 34562, and
then total number of digits is: 5.
56. C program to find sum of all digits using recursion. For example: input value is 34562, and then
sum of all digits is: 20.
57. C program to calculate length of the string using recursion.
58. To convert decimal number to its binary equivalent using recursion. For example decimal 10
= binary 1010.
59. Print the reverse of an inputted string using recursion.
Programs on Strings
(One-dimensional array)
71. C Program to Find the Frequency of Characters in a String.
72. C Program to Find the Number of Vowels, Consonants, Digits and White space in a String
73. C Program to Find the Length of a String
74. C program to Concatenate Two Strings
75. C Program to Copy a String
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NMIMS University
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engg (Mumbai)
Programming for Problem Solving (PPS)
B.Tech. EXTC Sem II AY 2018-19
C Program Scenarios for Practice
Faculty Incharge: Pratidnya S. Hegde Patil
Programs on Structures
86. Store information (roll, name, percentage) of one student using structure and print it on the
87. Store information (roll, name, percentage) of n students using array of structure and print
each student information.
88. Display a student’s record with the given roll number as input.
89. Create a shopping bill with (item, quantity, rate) for n items and then print the final bill amount
payable. (price=quantity*rate and bill amount=addition of all item prices).
90. Add two distances having (inch, feet) using structures.
91. Add two complex numbers having (real, imaginary) using structures by passing the structure
variable to a function.
92. Create a union of student(roll, name, percentage) and display the union elements.
Programs on Pointers
93. Swap two values through a function using call by reference and compare with swap function
using call by value.
94. Reverse a string through a function using pointer.
95. Dynamically create an array of n elements using malloc() and search a given number in it.
96. Comparing two strings using pointers.
97. Search for a character in a string using pointers.
98. Count the length of a string using pointer.
99. A function to return more than one value (sum, average) of two numbers using pointer.
100. Concatenate two strings using pointers.
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