University of Luzon: Senior High School The Problem and Its Background

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University of Luzon

Senior High School


The Problem and Its Background

I. Rationale

According to Peter Drucker, an Austrian-born American management

consultant, educator, and author, “Nothing is less productive than to make

more efficient what should not be done at all”. It is very important to be

productive in work because it shows how an employee gives importance to

his/her work. One of the major factors that can affect an employee’s

productivity is working in shift.

In some companies, a day shift typically refers to work that takes place

from around 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. to around 5 p.m. “Shift work” means, in general,

any form of organization of work, different from the normal “Daily work”. The

night shift, sometimes known as the graveyard shift, usually runs from around

midnight until 8 a.m. In some cases, workers in each shift perform similar

production jobs. In others, factory workers may perform different tasks or

duties depending on the shift.

Work shifting has good and bad effects in human being in terms of their

physical health, mental health and performance. In physical health, shift work

has been linked to certain chronic diseases and illnesses. Shift work disorder

can increase the risk of mental health problems like depression. Shift work can

also cause certain social issues that decrease wellbeing and happiness. If you

work irregular hours, you might eventually feel “out of step” with the people in

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your family or social network. Productivity and work performance can suffer for

several reasons. Shift workers are less likely to sleep the full amount their

bodies’ require, and this can accumulate into a large “sleep debt” over time.

The advantage of working in shift is that the employees are able to

choose the shift according to their needs. In shift work, the working hours are

reduced. In regular ordeal the work hours extend to overtime for the purpose of

completing the tasks given. Working in shifts can have a good advantage for

completing others responsibilities. Working in shift has also disadvantages,

shift workers come across many schedule changes as per shift change thus

they are totally disconnected with social life. Sometimes shifts are based on

seniority. The seniors get the best slot like the day shift and the rest employees

get the night shift. Employee’s health condition can be also at risk. In this

point, they were likely to suffer with blood pressure, insomnia, indigestion,

gastritis and acidity. In rotational shifts, one may get very less sleep. One

might have changed the set of shifts which makes him even more sleepy and

tired. This will consequently reduce the worker’s efficiency and competence to


The purpose of this study is to let people know the productivity of an

employee working in shifting hours. It will help us identify what shifting hours

an employee will be most productive. This will also help them know the

possible effects of work shifting, maintain their good performance, and also

people will have the benefit of receiving a good service.

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Senior High School


This study is to determine the employee’s productivity in working in

shifting days at Luzon Medical Center in Tapuac District, Dagupan City.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following research questions:

1) What is the profile of the pharmacist in terms of the ff:

a. Age

b. Gender

2) What shift hour the employees work most productive?

3) How can shifting affect their over-all performances?

4) What are the recommended tips in order to help employees under shifting

hours to improve their work performance?

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The research will be conducted at Luzon Medical Center, Pharmacy

Department located at Mac Arthur Highway, Tapuac District, Dagupan City.

This study focuses on the effects of morning or night shift in employee’s

productivity at Luzon Medical Center.


Employee’s productivity is very important in work. This will affect the

kind of service that the patients will receive. This research will benefit the


a) The Pharmacists

-this study will help them to be productive despite of their working in


b) The Patients

-this study will help them receive good service from the pharmacists

c) Future Researcher

- this study will serve as a reference to provide additional knowledge

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Definition of terms

Shift work. Is an employment practice designed to make use of, or provide

service across, all 24 hours of the clock each day of the week

Productivity. The rate at which goods are produced or work is completed

Employee. A person who works for another person or for a company for wages

or a salary

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Review of Related Literature

Research Literature

This subsection provides definitions of key concepts such as working

environment and employee performance from various sources.

Kohun (1992), defines working environment as an entirely which

comprises the totality of forces, actions and other influential factors that are

currently and, or potentially contending with the employee’s activities and

performance. Working environment is the sum of the interrelationship that

exists within the employees and the environment in which the employees work.

Brenner (2004) was of the opinion that “the ability to share knowledge

throughout organizations depends on how the work environment is designed to

enable 8 organizations to utilize work environment as if it were an asset. This

helps organizations to improve effectiveness and allow employees to benefit

from collective knowledge”. In addition, he argued that working environment

designed to suit employee’s satisfaction and free flow of exchange of ideas is a

better medium of motivating employees towards higher productivity.

Opperman (2002) defines working environment is a composite of three

major sub-environments: the technical environment, the human environment

and the organizational environment. Technical environment refers to tools,

equipment, technological infrastructure and other physical or technical

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elements. The technical environment creates elements that enable employees

perform their respective responsibilities and activities. The human environment

refers to peers, others with whom employees relates, team and work groups,

interactional issues, the leadership and management. This environment is

designed in such a way that encourages informal interaction in the work place

so that the opportunity to share knowledge and exchange ideas could be

enhanced. This is a basis to attain maximum productivity. Organizational

environment include systems, procedures, practices, values and philosophies.

Management has control over organizational environment. Measurement

system where people are rewarded on quantity, hence workers will have little

interest in helping those workers who are trying to improve quality. Thus,

issues of organizational environment influence employee’s productivity.

Sinha (2001) stated that employees’ performance is depending on the

willingness and also the openness of the employees itself on doing their job. He

also stated that by having this willingness and openness of the employees in

doing their job, it could increase the employees’ productivity which also leads

to the performance. Stup (2003) also explained that to have a standard

performance, employers have to get the employees task to be done on track as

to achieve the organization goal or target. By having the work or job done on

track, employers could be able to monitor their employees and help them to

improve their performance. Furthermore, a reward system should be

implemented based on the performance of the employees. This is to motivate

the employees in order to perform more on their task. There are several factors

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that being described by Stup (2003) towards the success of the employees’

performance. The factors are such as physical work environment, equipment,

meaningful work, performance expectation, and feedback on performance,

reward for good or bad system, standard operating procedures, knowledge,

skills and attitudes. Franco et al (2002) defined performance that relies on

internal motivation but presence of internal factors such as necessary skills,

intellectual capacity and resources to do the job clearly have an impact. As a

consequence employers are supposed to provide appropriate working

conditions in order to make sure the performance of employees meet the

required standards.

Conceptual Literature

Employee’s productivity is very important for the success of the company

in today’s global competitive environment. Organizations now realized that key

asset is the human capital. Employees get stress in the working environment

and this slows their productivity. There are different factors like poor air

quality, open space, noise pollution, temperature, lighting, interior together

affect the productivity of employees.

Human resources are considered an entity’s most valuable assets and

should be well appreciated for them to be extremely productive. Such

appreciation increases employees’ productivity to ensure that a company

remains a market leader in the industry that it operates in. High productivity

also improves an organization’s market value. The use of incentives will be

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necessary to entice the workforce up to the point that they give their best to

their employer. Increasing the workforce’s productivity is mainly centered in

motivating them at the lowest production and operating cost possible.

This is the era of globalization. The business environment in America is

growing by giving tough competition to each other in all aspects (Marilyn,

2001). To stay in the market and deal with these work changing trends, the

organization or firms are focusing on internal operations like productivity, team

work, and resources. They now realized that their key asset is human capital.

Around 50% of North Americans in offices, and a large percentage of these

work in open-plan offices. Because people spend up to 90% of their time

indoors, and much of it in their workplaces, the physical environment in offices

should be carefully designed and managed. The physical conditions that tenant

experience are important determinants of satisfaction, comfort, well-being, and

effectiveness. Changes in modern business practices have considerably

changed the way we work in the office (Kate Charles etal). When doing modern

knowledge work, employees are required to analyze and integrate complex

information, create new ideas, learn new skills continuously, and work in

collaboration with colleagues. According to Marilyn (2001) the employees

recognized their power and are now searching for new ways of giving their

maximum productivity. Companies have come to realize the importance of

comfort in the workplace environment in order to retain quality personnel,

increase productivity, and maintain a competitive edge (Luparello, 2004). It is

very important to increase comfort level of employees in order to increase profit

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for organization, firm and corporations. Another study was done by Ernesto

(1997) in which he analyzed that on an individual level, most people experience

some degree of stress in their daily lives and in their workplaces. To deal with

this growing problem of work-related stress, employers must identify the

specific sources of stress and take clear measures to address them (Allie,

1996). Good workplace design can make a big difference in staff satisfaction,

attraction, motivation, and retention. It can also affect the level of knowledge

and skills of workers, how innovative and creating they are, and how they

respond to business and technological change. Poor workplace design, by

contrast, is linked to lower business performance and higher level of stress

experienced by employees (Amble, 2005). Vangen (1999) notes that the design

of the workplace may be a significant driver in reducing employee stress.

Consequently, by addressing such issues as poor acoustics, poor lighting, and

poor indoor air quality, employers can go a long way towards reducing

workplace stress. Karen (2004) during his research noticed that companies will

look toward designs that will provide, open, technologically advanced, flexible,

comfortable, and secure spaces-all the necessary components to attract and

retain high calibre employees and maximize productivity. Welch (1996) focused

on stress reduction issues. There are numerous, well-studied strategies that

employers can apply, including anti-stress seating zones, ergonomic furniture,

physical fitness centers (DiNubile& Sherman, 1999). Knisley (2005) gave the

idea that lighting level must be separated for individual workstation so they

can perform better. However, it is important to note that this area of study is

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still in its relative infancy, and there is much research to be done on the

subject (Beehr, 1998). An office building must have flexible and technologically

advance working environment that are safe, healthy, comfortable, aesthetically

pleasing, and accessible. It must be able to accommodate the specific space

and equipment needs of the tenant. Special attention should be made to the

selection of interior of the office. Karen (2004) during his research noticed that

companies will look toward designs that will provide, open, technologically

advanced, flexible, comfortable, and secure spaces-all the necessary

components to attract and retain high calibre employees and maximize


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Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research methodology of the study, locale of

the study research instrument used and data gathering procedure that are

used by the researchers to obtain the accurate data analysis.

Research Method Used

The researchers used descriptive method to carry out the study.

Descriptive research can be explained as a statement of affairs as they are at

present with the researcher having no control over variable. Moreover,

“descriptive studies may be characterised as simply the attempt to determine,

describe or identify what is, while analytical research attempts to establish why

it is that way or how it came to be.”

Descriptive research is “aimed at casting light on current issues or

problems through a process of data collection that enables them to describe

the situation more completely than was possible without employing this


In its essence, descriptive studies are used to describe various aspects of the

phenomenon. In its popular format, descriptive research is used to describe

characteristics and/or behaviour of sample population.

An important characteristic of descriptive research relates to the fact that

while descriptive research can employ a number of variables, only one variable

is required to conduct a descriptive study. Three main purposes of descriptive

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studies can be explained as describing, explaining and validating research


Descriptive research is a methodology that is not exclusive to market

researchers but one that can apply to a variety of research methods used in

healthcare, psychology, and education. At its core, descriptive research seeks

to describe the characteristics or behaviour of an audience. While it’s not

grounded in statistics, and usually leans towards more qualitative methods, it

can include quantifiable data as well.

In additional, the objective of this method is to help the researchers to

gather data about employee’s productivity working in morning or night shifts at

Luzon Medical Center, Inc. Therefore, the researchers will be able to recognize

what shift hour the employees work most productive.

Locale of the study

In this study, it is important to state the exact location of the facility that

is being studied. Luzon Medical Center, Inc. is located at Mac Arthur Highway,

Tapuac District Dagupan City, Pangasinan, Philippines. Dagupan, officially the

City of Dagupan, or simply Dagupan City, is a 1 st Class Independent

Component City in the Province of Pangasinan, Philippines. According to the

2015 census, Dagupan City has a population of 171,271 people.

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Figure 1

Figure 2

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Respondents of the study

Total number of respondents: 10

Sex Frequency Average

Male 0 0%
Female 10 100%
Table 1

Profile of the respondents in terms of sex

Table 1 shows the frequency of male and female among the respondents.

It shows that the respondents are composed of 10 or 100% female out of 10


Age Frequency Average

20-25 1 10%
26-30 3 30%
31-35 2 20%
36-40 2 20%
41-46 2 20%
Table 2

Profile of the respondents in terms of age

In table 2, it shows the frequency of the respondent’s age. Among 10

respondents, 1 or 10% of the total respondents ages from the range of 20-25

years old, 3 of them or 30% age from the range of 26-30 years old, 2 of them or

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20% age from the range of 31-35 years old, 2 of them or 20% age from the

range of 36-40 years old, and 2 of them or 20% age from the range of 41-46

years old.

Research Instrument Used

The researchers used questionnaires in collecting data. Researchers

formulated specific questions that will be used in interview process in order to

collect data.

A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of

questions (or other types of prompts) for the purpose of gathering information

from respondents. The questionnaire was invented by the Statistical Society of

London in 1838. Although questionnaires are often designed for statistical

analysis of the responses, this is not always the case.

Usually, a questionnaire consists of a number of questions that the

respondent has to answer in a set format. A distinction is made between open-

ended and close-ended questions. An open-ended question asks the

respondent to formulate his own answer, whereas a close-ended question has

the respondent pick an answer from a given number of options. The response

options for a close-ended question should be exhaustive and mutually

exclusive. A respondent’s answer to an open-ended question is coded into a

response scale afterwards. An example of an open-ended question is a question

where the respondents have to complete a sentence (sentence completion item).

Data Gathering Procedure

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The researchers were asked to gather data about the employee’s

productivity in morning or night shift. The researchers will be given a formal

letter of request to get the approval of the respondents from Luzon Medical

Center, Pharmacy Department. The letter must be approved by their research

adviser and the principal of the department. The researchers will be submitting

an interview guide to the research adviser to check if the given questionnaires

are suitable to use when on an interview.

The pharmacists will be the respondents on the interview to give a data

that will be needed in this study. Questionnaires will only focus on employee’s

productivity in morning or night shift at Luzon Medical Center, Pharmacy


Photos of the pharmacy at Luzon Medical Center and interview process of

the research team are needed to testify that the interview is legitimate. To

ensure 100% questionnaire retrieval, the researchers will personally float the

questionnaire and will request the full support of the respondents. The

retrieved accomplished questionnaire will be analysed statistically



Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of the gathered

data. The data found in this chapter are arranged according to problems

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treated in this study. The answers gathered will help us answer the main

question of our study.

This study included the possible effects of morning or night shift in

employee’s productivity at Luzon Medical Center’s Pharmacy department. This

study will help us prove the different effects of morning or night shift in the

employee’s productivity at the said department. In accordance with this,

presented are the findings of interview from our ten (10) respondents. The

respondents include the pharmacists from Luzon Medical Center.

On the first question, “How many years are you in the service?” one out

of ten respondents answered 1 year below. Another one respondent out of ten

answered 1-3 years. Eight out of ten respondents answered 7 years and above.

On the second question, “Do you prefer morning shift or night shift?”,

seven out of ten respondents answered morning shift, six out of ten

respondents answered night shift, but three of them are working both morning

shift and night shift but in different days.

The third one is specification where they were asked to specify the exact

time of their shift. Six out of ten respondents answered 8am-8pm, six out of ten

respondents answered 8pm-8am, and one out of ten respondents answered

9am-6pm. Three of them are working both morning shift and night shift but in

different days.

On the fourth question, “What is the most appropriate shift you think you

will be most productive?”, Eight out ten respondents answered morning shift,
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five out of ten respondents answered night shift, the three of them answered

both and they are also the respondents who are working both morning and

night shift.

The fifth one is the “Possible advantages of shift work”, one out of ten

respondents answered “reduced amount of working hours”, eight out of ten

respondents answered “flexibility”, five out of ten respondents answered


The sixth one is the “Possible disadvantages of work shift”, seven out of

ten respondents answered “abnormal routine”, three out of ten respondents

answered “work imbalance”, one out of ten respondents answered “shift


On the seventh question, “Possible effects of work shifting in terms of

physical, social, and emotional/mental aspects.” In physical aspect, two out of

ten answered “obesity”, four answered “gastrointestinal problems” and seven

out of ten respondents answered “sleep deprivation.” In social aspect, seven out

of ten answered “less time for family”, three answered “social isolation” out of

ten respondents, and four out of ten answered “diminution of quality life.” In

emotional/mental aspect, two out of ten answered “depression”, eight out of

ten respondents answered “insomnia”, and six answered “altered mood” out of

ten respondents.

Lastly, for the eighth question “What are your personal recommended tips

for other employees working in shifts?” The first respondent said “Take vitamins

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daily to boost immune system.” The second answered “flexible shift working

hours and medical assistance for night shift workers.” The third respondent

said “observe and maintain flexibility at all aspects.” The fourth respondent

answered “less working hours for every shifts.” The fifth respondent answered

“excellence in all means of communications.” The sixth respondent said

“practice professionalism at all times. Rest when you can. Balance time for

family, work, and personal life.” The seventh respondent answered “use

caffeinated products wisely. Make healthier meal and snack choices. Find

constructive ways to keep busy. Learn how to accommodate the circadian

clock, and exercise.” The eighth respondent said “give importance to health by

eating balanced diet, taking vitamins daily, and practicing healthy lifestyle-

avoid smoking and drinking liquor.” The ninth respondent answered “use time

wisely- balancing work and family, eat healthy meals and do exercises daily,

practice respect for your workmates for everyone is dealing with their own

problems.” The tenth respondent said “use caffeinated, carbonated, and energy

drinks wisely to prevent its toll to your health. Be sensitive to the feelings and

needs of others.”

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

This chapter presents the Summary, Conclusion, and the recommendations.

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In summary, the research provides a description of the background of

the problem and the viewpoints of the problem. Further research could be

conducted here in Dagupan city to better understand how the pharmacists of

Luzon Medical Center face the possible effects of working in morning or night


It also provides the general description about how effective and efficient

the shift works is; generally, the researchers found out the possible effects of

working in shift. Most of them are in favor in morning shift and some are in

night shift. Through the use of the questionnaires to develop this study, data

were collected which addressed the research problem posed in the first chapter

of this study.

The product of this study is to confirm the point of view of different

employees from the said department who are aware of the possible effects of

working in morning or night shift in their productivity which is hoped to be a

good instrument in their development as an employee.


Thus, the researchers hope that the findings of this study will provide

the employees with a better understanding about the effects of working in

shifts in their productivity. The researchers hope that this case study offers

researchers and the people the opportunity to understand the topic. The

researchers suggest that this is noteworthy because the people will be able to
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understand the possible effects of working in shifts to the employee’s


1. Among 10 respondents, 10 or 100% of the total respondents were female.

Among 10 respondents, 1 or 10% of the total respondents ages from the range

of 20-25 years old, 3 of them or 30% age from the range of 26-30 years old, 2 of

them or 20% age from the range of 31-35 years old, 2 of them or 20% age from

the range of 36-40 years old, and 2 of them or 20% age from the range of 41-46

years old.

2. As a result of the survey, it turns out that the pharmacists are more

productive in morning shift. Majority of the respondents also think that

working in morning shift is more favorable for them. Most of the possible

effects of work shifting are encountered by those respondents who work in

night shift that’s why the respondents who work in morning shift are more


3. In the questionnaires that the respondents answered, we include the

possible effects of work shifting and we provide some possible effects they may

encounter in physical, social, and emotional/mental aspect. All those effects

can affect every employee’s productivity. One of the most answered effects is

insomnia. The common problem of shift workers is lack of sleep and it is also

because they have irregular sleeping pattern. Shift workers are also prone to

developing different illness like gastrointestinal problems, obesity, and they

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may even develop depression. Working with illness is a hard thing to do and it

will greatly affect an individual’s performance.

4. Aside from the checklist, the respondents also provided their personal

recommended tips. Using caffeinated drinks wisely is one of their common

recommendations. Making a healthier meal and snack choices in line with

taking vitamins daily to boost immune system is also included. As shift

working has effects that can affect our health, they also recommend to practice

healthy lifestyle-avoid smoking and drinking liquor, along with this is to rest

when you can and exercise. Working in shift also affect our social and personal

life because it has an irregular schedule so it is important to balance time for

family, work, and personal life, and learn how to accommodate the circadian

clock. To be able to be productive at work, it is important to practice

professionalism at all times, respect your workmates, and be sensitive to their

feelings. As they are experienced in working at shifting hours, they recommend

observing and maintaining flexibility at all aspects.


Based on the findings and conclusion of this study, there are still some

recommendations needed to guide the pharmacists in Luzon Medical Center to

be productive and for the to be able to handle the possible effects of working in

morning or night shift, the following recommendations is strongly suggested by

the researchers:

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1.) The respondents should eat healthy foods throughout the day especially

breakfast to have good health, avoid energy crashes, and keep your brain

properly fuelled including better memory and concentration.

2.) Make sure that you have time to socialize with your co-workers so that in

times of difficulties you can help each other and solve the problem.

3.) Keep yourself inspired and motivated by your loved ones. This will improve

your physical and mental working abilities.

4.) While resting, try to listen to some relaxing music or do something that

makes you feel comfortable for you to boost productivity.

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Appendix A

February 04, 2019

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Senior High School

Mrs. Jelynna Dela Cruz Santos

Head Pharmacist
Tapuac District, Dagupan City

Dear Mrs. Santos:

The students of UL Senior High School Accountancy and Business

Management (ABM) strand are currently conducting a study entitled “Effects
of Morning or Night Shift in Employee’s Productivity at Luzon Medical
Center’s Pharmacy Department”. This study aims to determine the
employee’s productivity in working in shifting days.

In this regard, we ask for your approval to allow us to conduct survey

and interviews with the employees in your department.

We assure that the data we will gather will remain absolutely confidential
and to be used on research purposes only. Your approval on this request is
greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,

Camila May G. Raoet Laarnie Mae S. Arandia

Maxine Mae Antolin Tiffany Salinas Abrera

Jessica Mae Rico Estrada Icetherly S. Montoya

Bea Micah B. Solis Rehan Nesryn M. Sultan

Noted by: Approved by:

Ms. Aileen M. Sim Dr. Imelda E. Cuartel

Research Adviser Principal
Appendix B

Name:_________________________________ Sex:________ Age:_________

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We are the students from University of Luzon Grade11- ABM Strand currently
conducting a study entitled “Effects of Morning or Night Shift in Employee’s
Productivity at Luzon Medical Center’s Pharmacy Department”.

Direction: Put a check on the box of your chosen answer. If need

specification, please specify. Please answer the ff. questions respectively.

1. How many years are you in the service?

Below 1 year

1-3 years

4-6 years

7 years and above

2. Do you prefer morning shift or night shift?

Morning shift

Night shift

3. Specify the exact time of your shift.

4. What is the most appropriate shift you think you will be most productive?

Morning shift

Night shift

5. Possible advantages of shift work.

Reduced amount of working hours



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6. Possible disadvantages of work shift

Abnormal routine

Work imbalance

Shift inequality

7. Possible effects of work shifting in terms of;

 Physical Aspect

Gastrointestinal problems

Sleep Deprivation

 Social Aspect
Less time for family

Social Isolation

Diminution of quality life

 Emotional/Mental Aspect


Altered Mood

8. What are your personal recommended tips for other employees working in

Appendix C

“We asked the pharmacists to answer the questionnaire about the effects
of morning or night shift in employee’s productivity.”

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NAME: Tiffany S. Abrera

GENDER: Female

BIRTHDAY: September 14, 2002

BIRTHPLACE: Dagupan City

NAME OF FATHER: Daniel N. Abrera


ADDRESS: Bonuan Gueset Dagupan City




PRIMARY: Sta. Maria Elementary School

SECONDARY: Mapandan National High School

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: University of Luzon



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NAME: Maxine Mae Antolin

GENDER: Female

BIRTHDAY: March 23, 2002

BIRTHPLACE: Region 1 Medical Center

NAME OF FATHER: Mars W. Madriaga

NAME OF MOTHER: Charlene T. Antolin

ADDRESS: #0520 Caranglaan District Dagupan City




PRIMARY: Caranglaan Elementary School

SECONDARY: East Central Integrated School

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: University of Luzon



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NAME: Laarni Mae S. Arandia

GENDER: Female

BIRTHDAY: May 04, 2001

BIRTHPLACE: Region 1 Medical Center

NAME OF FATHER: Maritone D. Arandia

NAME OF MOTHER: Marlyn S. Arandia

ADDRESS: #1412 Hidalgo St. Caranglaan District Dagupan City, Pangasinan




PRIMARY: University of Luzon

SECONDARY: University of Luzon

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: University of Luzon



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NAME: Jessica Mae R. Estrada

GENDER: Female

BIRTHDAY: September 14, 2001

BIRTHPLACE: Binmaley, Pangasinan

NAME OF FATHER: Eugenio M. Estrada

NAME OF MOTHER: Josephine R. Estrada

ADDRESS: #183 Dulag, Binmaley, Pangasinan




PRIMARY: Jesus the Nazarene Academy of Binmaley

SECONDARY: Jesus the Nazarene Academy of Binmaley

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: University of Luzon



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NAME: Icetherly Sen Montoya

GENDER: Female

BIRTHDAY: November 20, 2001

BIRTHPLACE: Binmaley, Pangasinan

NAME OF FATHER: Rodil T. Montoya

NAME OF MOTHER: Zenaida S. Montoya

ADDRESS: #70 Puelay District, Dagupan City, Pangasinan

NATIONALITY: Filipino/Chinese



PRIMARY: University of Luzon

SECONDARY: East Central Integrated School

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: University of Luzon



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University of Luzon
Senior High School

NAME: Camila May G. Raoet

GENDER: Female

BIRTHDAY: May 24, 2002

BIRTHPLACE: Alaminos City, Pangasinan

NAME OF FATHER: Marcelo R. Raoet

NAME OF MOTHER: Pamela G. Raoet

ADDRESS: #87 Centro St., Polo Alaminos City, Pangasinan




PRIMARY: Polo Elementary School

SECONDARY: The Great Plebeian College

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: University of Luzon



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University of Luzon
Senior High School

NAME: Bea Micah B. Solis

GENDER: Female

BIRTHDAY: September 11, 2002

BIRTHPLACE: Bolingit Hospital San Carlos, Pangasinan

NAME OF FATHER: Wilfredo P. Solis

NAME OF MOTHER: Cecilia B. Solis (Disease)

ADDRESS: #20 Sitio Balani Brgy. Ambonao Calasiao, Pangasinan




PRIMARY: Bued Elementary School

SECONDARY: Bued National High School

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: University of Luzon



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University of Luzon
Senior High School

NAME: Rehan Nesryn Magandia Sultan

GENDER: Female

BIRTHDAY: December 06. 2001


NAME OF FATHER: Mangontawar A. Sultan

NAME OF MOTHER: Raisa M. Sultan

ADDRESS: Rivera St., Dagupan City




PRIMARY: Lyceum Northern-Western University

SECONDARY: University of Luzon

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: University of Luzon

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