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Role Play Reflection and Analysis Paper

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INT102- Interpersonal Communication Skills


Personal Reflection on Role Play of Career Advisor


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Personal Reflection on Role Play of Career Advisor

Personal Analysis

Ever since working in the education industry, and working around students, I wanted to

be a guidance counselor. I thought that would be something that would give me the opportunity

to help the students that walk our floors every day. Then after getting my lower education

complete, I thought I can go further by getting my higher education in Phycology. I thought how

hard it can be since I help students all day every day. However, in learning all that career

counselor entails, and then doing the role play showed me that it is not as easy as I thought.

Walking in the shoes of a career advisor was not easy. Just making sure that when I speak to

someone I am not saying anything that is too personal, or trying not to pry or force information

out of someone is not easy. IN doing the role play, I had to make sure that I stayed within the

guidelines that I had to in order to get the project done. I did not want to be that career advisor

that colleges use as an example of what not to do.

The insight that I gained from the experience is that you do not know what the other

person is thinking about the negative ideas that he/she already planned in their mind. Another

thing that I had to learn is to make sure that I stay neutral and aware about all the required

information. Another insight is that it is very important for a career advisor to obtain all the

information that is needed in order to provide the right resources for a student who is already

demoralize. Knowing a student’s background, the family response and other classmate mood

about the current situation, their relationship with their surroundings, etc., is something that can

help a career advisor determines how to handle a case and not assume what to do.

The aspect of this case that was challenging for me is the fact of rehearsing and recording

the project. I consider myself to be a very shy person, and to have to say the lines on camera, I

felt as if I was put on the spot. Then I was nervous in making sure that I was not sounding as if I

was bored or too over joy in talking through the student’s case. I felt as if I was not detailed

enough in the role play, or that I may not have shown the empathy that I should have in the case.

I also was nervous in which I do not think I asked all the questions that was needed in order to

come up with a proper plan for the student. I think if I was to do it again, I would be a little more

at ease.

The technique in which I did was more of a one on one. I wanted to do a group session,

because that way I would not have to do that much talking since the group would be the one

doing all the talking and I would say my two cents here and there. But the one on one was good

since I was able to focus all my attention on my student and would be able to come up with a

plan that would be great for him/her.

Peer Review

The video in which I reviewed from one of my peers is also a career advisor role play. I

believed that she did a very good job portraying a career advisor. I find that she was professional

in her attire, as well as her demeanor. She had a comforting tone with her student in which she

seemed to have a relationship with not only the student, but the other students as well. According

to Kirst-Ashman & Hull (2012), assessment always involves determining the situation of the

environment and come to some form of conclusion (Pgs. 150-151). She took the time to listen to

the student, to hear what student had to say about their decision to change the course, and she

was listening attentively. She also gave the student the opportunity to speak, and gave her

response so that student did not feel as if she should be hesitate of anything. According to Kirst-

Ashman & Hull (2012), assessments need critical thinking and should look for the best practice

of how to communicate with the informant so that there is proper evaluation (Page 153). She was

able to provide valuable information to help the student. She did not only say the information,

but she provided written information so that student has a record of what they spoke about. She

was able to set up meeting schedules in which she can keep up with the student, and made the

student feel comfortable and trusting to which she can continue to provide other resources that

would help.

When it comes to what my peer could have done better, there is not that much in my

opinion. I believed that she did a great job in her role play. The only thing I would say would be

maybe to set up something for the student to participate in the meeting as well. The student

believed that it would help him in opening up that communication and gain more support of her

teachers and classmates. Another thing that would be good is maybe offer student to attend a

group session to which she can have support of other demoralized students that are thinking like

him, and in a similar situation as student is now in. When it comes to the video portion of the

project, maybe to be a little louder to get the full effect of the role play. Some parts were a little

difficult to hear. Other than that, I believed she did a wonderful job.


Being a career advisor is something that is not easy. It is a job in which you are

encountered with so many situations. Some may even be hard to change the already settled mind.

However, the career advisor to remain professional and well update to all required information.

The career advisor also has to make sure that the proper counseling has been done. Meaning that

they ask the student the necessary questions about the matter, and everything that entails in that

student’s life to cause the situation in which they are in. Then after that have to come up with a

plan in which to either provide the necessary resources for that student, or a schedule that would

allow the student to overcome the negative thinking.


The role play project in which took place was something that was not easy. It involved

being more than creative, but to have the nerve to walk in the footsteps of an actual and brilliant

career advisor. It is important that even in a role play, it is important to make sure that every

incident, conversation, or anything involving a client (student) is taken seriously and the proper

counseling should be done so that there will not remain any chance of negative thinking in client

(student) mind. In taking part in this role play allowed me to know that I would like to continue

in pursuing being a career advisor, and the best one that I can be.


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