1 - Introduction To Shilpashastra

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The document discusses the engineering sciences and technologies described in ancient Indian texts known as Shilpashastras. It provides context on the study of these texts and their relevance for modern engineering.

Shilpashastra refers to the ancient Indian texts that describe engineering sciences, technologies, and principles. They cover a wide range of topics including sculpture, machines, innovations, metals, and other artificial means/structures.

G.G. Joshi dedicated his life to collecting, preserving, and studying the scattered works of Rao Saheb K.V. Vaze relating to Shilpashastra texts. He amassed a collection of over 5000 related books, articles, and pictures now housed in the G.G. Joshi Shilpa Pratishthan Library in Nagpur.

Edited by

Dr Ashok S. Nene

1 Introduction to Shilpashastra
Engineering Philosophy of Ancient India

Shilpashastra E-book No.1

Introduction to Shilpashastra
SN Title Page

1 Cover 01

2 Dedication 02

3 Prologue 04

4 Ancient Indian Engineering 16

5 Extent of Indian Shilpashastra 34

6 Shilpashastra Preachers of ancient India- 39

7 Tanjore from Shilpashatra point of view 42

8 G.G. Joshi Shilpa Pratishan Library, Nagpur 51

9 About the Editor 53

2 Introduction to Shilpashastra
2 Dedication

This First book is dedicated to

Late K.V. Vaze (Nasik) and Late G.G. Joshi (Nagpur)

3 Introduction to Shilpashastra
The vast ancient Indian literature includes texts on engineering sciences
also. The information in these texts has scientific background and can be
very useful to modern scientists and engineers. Engineering sciences were
very advanced in India in ancient period (as early as 15000 BC). More than
thousand texts (Shilpasamhitas) can be mentioned on the various
engineering sciences. Out of these approximately five hundred texts are
preserved, in the form of manuscript on palm leaves, tree barks etc, in some
of the libraries of Oriental research institutes and museums. The vast
technical literature still exists as it is concealed in religious and mythological
scriptures. Modern engineers and scientists, unfortunately, have not paid
proper attention to this ancient literature mainly due to lack of knowledge of
the language i.e. Sanskrit or due to improper translation and interpretation
of this information by non-technical academicians. Though there are
hundreds of ancient references on engineering only few easily available are
quoted here. The references are from ancient Indian literature such as
Vedas, Puranas, and Shilpa-Samhita(s) etc. Most of the practices mentioned
in these references are scientific and relevant to modern engineering.

0.1 Terms and terminology

 Shilpa - The Sanskrit word has a very wide meaning, other than
sculpture or idol. Shilpa includes many articles (things), machines,
innovations, metals, and artificial means. Shilpa -The word Shilpa is
derived from words Sheel samadhou which mean anything that please
the mind. Sage Bhrugu has given a definition of Shilpa (SV1.1)

नानाविधानां िस्तसनां यंत्राणां कल्ऩसंऩदा ।

धातसनां साधनांच िास्तसनां शिल्ऩसंऻीतं ॥


4 Introduction to Shilpashastra
 SV0.1- Definition of Shilpa

 Shilpashashtra - science which deals with creation of a Shilpa is

termed as Shilpashashtra.
 Shilpasamhita means compilation of rules and procedures related to a
particular Shilpa. The exact period in which Shilpa-Samhitas i.e.
compilations were made is not known.
 Shilpdyna is one who is a master of Shilpasamhita or an engineer or
architect of modern term.
 Vidya- Vidya means a particular technique. One must have both
theoretical and practical knowledge of that subject. There are thirty-
two Vidyas related to Shilpashashtra.
 Kala - Kala means an art which can be acquired by practice and
observation. Even a handicapped person can be expert in a particular
art without any theoretical knowledge. There are sixty-four Kalas
related to Shilpashashtra.
Chiranjivi Shilpdyna - Matsyapooran describes eighteen divine engineers.
Ref.SV 1.2. It can be interpreted as eighteen different schools of learning,
prevalent in ancient India. Bhrugu, Atree, Vashishtha, Vishvakarma, Maya,
Narada, Nagnajeet, Vishalaksha, Purandara, Bramha, Kumar, Nandeesh,
Shounaka, Garg, Vasudewa, Aniruddha, Shuka and Bruhaspati are the
eighteen divine engineers. The structures (mainly houses, Temples, Palaces)
in different parts of the country were built according to these schools of
thought. For instance in Northern part, central part and southern parts
structures were built according to Samhitas (Engineering practices) of
Kashyapa, Bhrugu and Maya respectively. Out of these eighteen divine
engineers Bhrugu, Vishvakarma and Maya are more known amongst the

5 Introduction to Shilpashastra
भृगसरवत्रिवशिष्ठच विश्वकमाव मयस्तथा ।

नारदौ नष्जितच्चैि वििाऱाऺ् ऩसरंदरा् ॥२॥

ब्रम्हा कसमारौ नंहदि् िौनको गगव एिंच ।

िाससदेिो शनरुध्दष्च तथा िसकबृहस्ऩती ॥३॥

अष्टादिैते विख्याता िस्तसिास्तोऩदे श्का्

मत्सस्यऩसराण अ २५२

SV0.2 - Eighteen Devine Engineers

Matsyapooran describes Vishvakarma (Vidhha- old learned person), his tools

(Tape Jar a level, Binocular and books), his vehicle (Swan) and his works
(Creator of palaces all worlds). Ref. SV1.3

कंबासूत्रांबसऩात्रंिहशतकरतऱे ऩसस्तकं ऻांनसूत्रं ।

हंसारुढंत्रिनेिः शुभमुकुटत्रशराः सर्वतार्ृध्दकाया ॥

त्रैऱोक्यंएनसृष्टं सूरगृहं रािहम्याहदव हम्याव ।

देर्सौसूिधारोजगतत्रिलत्रहतः पातुर्ोत्रर्श्वकमाव ॥

मत्सस्यऩसराण अ २५३

SV 0.3 - Description of Vishwakarma

Sthapati is an Engineer or Architect in charge of construction. Samarangana

Sutradhara, which describes characteristics a "Sthapati"

6 Introduction to Shilpashastra
 The Sthapati should be well-versed in the science involving the
significance of objects to be created and their specifications.
 He should know the theory and the practice; he should have the
insight and the skill accompanied with procedure.

 That person is said to be an expert in workmanship who knows how to

sketch the ground plan, draftsmanship, the horizontal and vertical
measurements, the details of ground work of the plot, the 14 kinds of
sketch lines, the cutting of the logs and stones etc., and seven kinds of
circular sections; well finished joining of the joints and proper
demarcation of upper, lower and outer lines.

 A Sthapati should know eight-fold workmanship, the draftsmanship

and sketches of various kinds, and variety of carpentry, stone-
masonry and gold-smithy. The engineer equipped with these merits
invokes respect. One who knows the fourfold engineering with its eight
constituents and who is pure in his mind gets status in the assembly of
engineers, and is endowed with a long life.

0.2 Scope and extent of Shilpashashtra

Table 1.1 - Extent of Shilpashashtra

Shastra Engineering Shastra Engineering

Science Science

1 Krishi Biological Sciences 6 Vyomayan Air or Space


2 Jala Water Resources 7 Veshma Dwellings

3 Khani Mining & Metallurgy 8 Prakaara Forts

7 Introduction to Shilpashastra
4 Ratha Surface Transport 9 Town planning

5 Nauka Water Transport 10Yantra Machines

Sage Bhrugu divided the entire knowledge related to Shilpashashtra into

three Volumes. He further included three Shilpashashtra to each of these
volumes. The entire knowledge is further divided into thirty-two Vidyas and
sixty-four Kalas. The organization of Shilpashashtra is shown in a table 1.1.
Yantrashashtra (Machines) is common to all volumes and it is considered as
10th Shastra. Information related to geotechnical engineering is available in
most of these Shastras. The relevant Shastra is indicated in the subsequent

Table 1.2 below indicates the Vidya-s

Table 1.2 – 32 Vidya-s (Techniques)

Vidyas Techniques Vidyas Techniques

Vrikshya 1.Plantation Setu 17.Bridges

Pashu 2.Cattle Shakunta 18.Training

Handling Birds

Manushya 3.Human Viman 19.Aeronautics


Sanchetan 4.Water Vaso 20.Tents


Samharan 5. Kutti 21. Huts


Stambhan 6.Water Mandir 22.Temples


8 Introduction to Shilpashastra
Druti 7.Gemology Prasad 23. Houses

Bhasmkaran 8.Calsination Doorg 24. Forts

Sankaran 9.Compound Koota 25. Castles


Pruthhakaran 10. Aakar 26. Moats


Tari 11.Raft Yuddha 27. Warfare


Nau 12.Boat AapaNa 28. Markets


Nauka 13.Ship Rajgruha 29.Palaces


Ashwa 14. Horse Sarwajanawas 30.Public

riding places

Patha 15.Roads Vanopawan 31.Gardening

Ghantapath 16.Hill roads Dewalaya 32.Temple


Table 1.3 shows sixty-four Kala(s) -Arts or Skills

Table 1.3 – 64 Kala(s) -Arts or Skills

Sanskrit English Sanskrit English

Siradyakarshan 1.Ploughing Pashucharma 9.Removal of


VriksharohaNa 2. Tree Charmamardawakriya 10.Leather

climbing Tanning

YawadiKshuvichar 3.Sugar Kshurkarma 11.Shaving


9 Introduction to Shilpashastra
VeNutruNadikruti 4.Cane arts Kanchukadisiwan 12.Tailoring

GajaAshwasarathya 5.Horse Gruhabhandadimardan 13.Cleaning of

ridding pots

Dugdhadivichar 6.Dairy Vastrasamarjan 14.Laundry

Gatishikshya 7.Animal Manokul sewa 15.Amusement


PayataNkriya 8. Saddle NanadeshvarNan 16.Writting

making Scripts


Sanskrit English Sanskrit English

Shishusanrakshana 17.Baby Kshyarparikshya 25.Testing of

sitting chemicals

Sayuktadan 18.Punishment Snehaniskashan 26.Removal of


ShayyastaraN 19.Seting Bed Ishtikabhajan 27.Brick


Pushpadigranthan 20.Flower Dhatusanyog 28.Combination

garlands of metals with

Annapachana 21.Food & Kachapatradikaran 29.Glass

Nutrition making

Jalavayuagnisanyog 22.Extaction Lohabhisar 30. Smithy

of work from
water, wind
and fire

Ratnadisdyana 23.Gemology Bhanda kriya 31. Making

metal pots

Kshyariskashan 24.Slag Swarnadidarshan 32.Grading of

10 Introduction to Shilpashastra
removal gold


Sanskrit English Sanskrit English

Makarandadikruti 33.Powder Vivarkaran 41.

making .Tunneling

Sanyog dhatudyana 34.Metal Vrutakhanda andhan 42.Making

alloys Arches

Balhadibhirjaldarshan 35.Floats & Jalabandhan 43.Canal

Buoys Building

Sutradirajjukaran 36.Rope Vayabandhan 44.Ballons


Patbandhan 37.Cloth to Shakuntashiksha 45.Birds

mast training

Naukanayan 38.Navigation SwarNalepadikriya 46.Gold


Samabhumikriya 39.Ground Charmapatabandhan 47.Leather

leveling Tents

Shilarcha 40.Breaking Mrutsadhan 48.Soil

stones selection


Sanskrit English Sanskrit English

TruNadyachhan 49. Grass Shikharkarma 57.Roof

Roofing construction

ChurNopalepa 50.White Mallayuddha 58.Wresling


VarNakarma 51.Painting Shashtranipatan 59.


11 Introduction to Shilpashastra
Darukarma 52.Carpentary Astranipatan 60. Missiles

Mrutkarma 53.Soil Vyuha rachana 61.Military

conditioning formation

Chitradyalekhan 54.Drawing Shalyadruti 62.Surgery

and Painting

Pratimakaran 55.Sculpture Vrananirakaran 63.Wound


Talkriya 56.Foundations Vanopawan 64.Garden

Rachana layout

0.3 Reasons for loss of ancient technical literature

There were more than 20,000 texts on these subjects but by 20 th centaury
the number diminished to less than 1200. Reasons for loss of ancient
literature on Shilpashashtra-s can be summarized as below.

 Natural - Limited life of the writing materials, such as Barks of trees

(Bhurjapatra), Palm leaf (Talapatra) and paper. Many texts were
destroyed by white ants, moisture and fire.
 Language – Most of the texts are written in Sanskrit. Scientists and
engineers did not know this language. Sanskrit scholars did not know
 Secrecy – The knowledge was encrypted in religious texts and the
texts were not available to all sections of society.
 Foreign aggression - Most of the texts were destroyed during foreign
aggression and some very important texts were taken to other
countries by scholars.
 Improper interpretation – Some texts (Vastushashtra) were wrongly
interpreted and lost its utility.
 Neglect by modern engineers - Authors of books on engineering
completely ignored the ancient Indian references.
 Religion – There is a misconception that ancient texts are for a
particular religion. Hence the governments did not include these
subjects in the education systems.

12 Introduction to Shilpashastra
 Irrelevance – Most of the educated class thinks that the ancient Indian
texts are outdated or irrelevant.
 Absence of technical data - None of the ancient texts includes technical
data, formulae or specifications as those are provided in foreign texts.

Chronology of References - The exact period of Shilpashastra related

texts is difficult to ascertain. Few authors had mentioned the date of
completion of their work directly or indirectly giving planetary positions on
that particular date. A table below gives the chronology of references.
Chronology of References
Text (B.C.) Text (A.D.)
Vedas- 15000 to 10000 B.C. Hayashirshapancharatra 301- 400
Puranas - 10000 to 5000 B.C. Samarangana Sutradhara -1001- 100
Brihat-Samhita- 5000 B.C. Aparajitprichha - 1101- 200
Mahabharata- 3000 B.C. Manasollas- 1131
Shatapathbramhana- 1500 B.C. Shusruta- 1101-1200
Krushiparashar- 1300 B.C. Ratnasamuchchya- 1201- 300
Shilpashashtra-800 to 200 Manasara- 1201- 300
Arthshashtra-300 B.C. Tantrasamuccaya-1428
Amarkosha-300 B.C Shilpadipak- 1401-1500
Rajvallabha- 1433- 1468

From 17th to 19th centaury Shilpashastra was almost neglected. The

beginning 20th centaury brought new hopes of revival of Shilpashastra. The
time line given below shows the progress.
 1833- A thesis entitled as “Essay on architecture of the Hindus” by
Ramaraja, was submitted to Royal Asiatic Society of London.
 1876 - Rev. J.E. Kornas translated a Sanskrit text “Mayamat

13 Introduction to Shilpashastra
 1920- Madras manuscript library was established. Shri Ramaraja, a
civil judge, was requested to compile information related to
 1900- A.V.Tyagraj Ayyar compiled a book entitled “Indian architecture
of the Shilpashastra of India”
 1927- Dr Prasanna kumar Acharya compiled 3000 pages encyclopedia
named as “Manasara -an encyclopedia of Hindu architecture. Six more
books were added by him to the Manasara series.
 1930-1950-Many ancient texts were edited and published and new
generation of research workers started working on this subject.
T.Ganapati Sthapati, Dr. Dixitar, Dr.Raghawan, Dr.Madayya, Raosaheb
K.V.Vaze and Shri G.G.Joshi are few prominent names.
 1950-2000- Many publishing houses such as Chaukhaba Series, Motilal
Banarasidas,Tanjore Saraswati Mahal library, Jagannath Jaguste etc
published low cost books in regional languages.
 2000 onwards- With the advent of computers, digital printers and
scanners, digitization of ancient texts was possible. Government of
India formed Digital libraries in different parts of the country. Billions
of pages are available for free downloading. Many institutions hosted
their own web sites for exchange of knowledge. Rest of the world is
again attracted towards this subject.
For last 30 years I am working on the subject of Shilpashastra and
published 15 books published 30 technical papers and articles. I have also
uploaded about 50 presentations on web for free downloading.
During my research I have collected huge amount of reference material,
in the form of books, Journals, technical papers, Video clips related to
Shilpashastra. 90 pages Index of my digital library is also available on
internet. (7 DVDs)

14 Introduction to Shilpashastra
The purpose of compilation of all my technical papers, lectures and
articles is to make this information freely available to the students of
Science and Technology.
I hope and pray that the day is not far away when the subject of
Shilpashasra would be included in engineering curriculum.

15 Introduction to Shilpashastra
4 Ancient Indian Engineering

By Rao Saheb K.V.Vaze (L.C.E.)

Synopsis: The following article written by the late by By Rao Saheb K.V.Vaze
(L.C.E.), a retired engineer of PWD, Mumbai, is contributed by Shri G.G.
Joshi of Nagpur. Shri Joshi has a special aptitude for studying literature on
ancient Engineering works. He has collected several references from
different parts of India.

After passing the LCE examination of Mumbai university in 1891, I was

surprised to find that the Poona Engineering college, the highest institution
in the Presidency of Mumbai made no mention of any Indian author or text
book or even a formula put forth by Indian writers . It is unbelievable that
India does not possess any engineering works fit for study in an Engineering
college. The Indian buildings, forts, canals and many other works of
engineering skill are admired by all; Indian paintings and sculptures are
models worthy of being copied by highest artists in the world. To execute
these works there nust have been master engineers and there must have
been works worth a study possessed by those engineers. For the last thirty-
five years, the author of this article has been in search of these treatises on
Indian engineering and it is a pleasure for him to say that he has found the
names of about four hundred works on this subject. He has read about a
hundred of these and possess copies of about twenty-five.

These texts are scattered all over India and are possessed by indigenous
artisans, carpenters, smiths, stone cutters, dyers and even shoe makers and
sometimes artisan converted to the Mohomedan faith . It is these artisans
who, though unable to understand Sanskrit texts, have kept up the
traditions of the arts and are very valuable repositories of ancient
knowledge, repositories, worthy of being unearthed and brought to light.

16 Introduction to Shilpashastra
This is a department of research wholly untouched and commonly
neglected, because it requires not only a research Instinct but also a
knowledge of engineering with a full grasp of Sanskrit language. Generally
Sanskrit scholar does not know engineering and in rare in which there is a
combination of these two qualities, the patience and perseverance required
for research are wanting.

Engineering is a material branch of human activities and in its study one get
eyesight into metaphysical and spiritual conceptions of ancient Indians.
Many incongruities –seemingly absurd manners and customs of Indian
communities are rationally explained by a study of physical sciences and
their worldly developments by ancient Indians. By the kind permission of
the editors of this volume , I shall in these new pages endeavor to show how
valuable and useful the study of these sciences is. I shall feel myself very
fortunate, if I am able to draw the attention of enlightened public to these
stories of knowledge. I have been, for last fifteen years, trying to get these
works introduced into the Indian colleges and universities, but so strong is
the perversity of sight created by Western studies, that I have not even
being kindly heard, much less duly appreciated. The Sanskrit name for
engineering is „Shilpa‟ The very word „Engineering „ in English means „ a
science dealing with engines‟, but the word „Shilpa‟ has much wider
significance, it is derived from root „Sheel‟ to satisfy and means a science
dealing with the production of things required for satisfaction of human
wants‟, in short , Shilpa deals with the production of all amenities. All things
from cooking of food to the construction of forts and towns, from the
manufacture of a pin to the building of a large mill, from a field terrace or
the building of a hut to the construction of harbor or of magnificent palaces
are included in this term. Shilpasamhita -Engineering encyclopedia is divided
into three parts according to the labor required.

17 Introduction to Shilpashastra
धातसनां साधनांच िास्तसनां शिल्ऩसंऻीतं ॥ भृगससंहहता
 Dhatu – the part dealing with extraction of materials.
 Saadhan- the part dealing with the conveyance of materials and
 Vastu –the part dealing with the construction of structures.

Extraction is easy, conveyance is more difficult and construction or

manufacture is the most difficult of all. These parts are again divided into
three sciences such as under:-

कृ षीिवऱ खशनश्चेशत धातसखड

ं ं वत्रधाशभदं ॥
नौकारथाष्नयानानां कृ शत साधनमसच्चते ॥
िेश्मप्राकारनगररचना िास्तससंषऻतं ॥ भ्रसगससंहहता अ.१
Dhatukhanda is sub-divided into Krushi –Agriculture, Jala-Hydraulics and
Khani –Mining. Saadhan Khand is subdivided into Nauka- naval architecture
Water transport, Ratha- roads and surface transport and Agiyan-Aeronautics
and balloons or Air transport/ Each of these sciences is also defined.

िृऺाहदप्रसिारोऩऩाऱनाहदहिया कृ वष: ॥ भ्रसगससंहहता अ.१

Krushi- agriculture is the science of production, regarding and uses of trees
, animals and man. All things in the universe are divided by Indian botanists
into two parts viz. Inorganic(Anshan) and Organic( Sashan). Organic things
are again subdivided into three classes according to the flow by which they
are fed; viz.

 Urdhwa strot- Things having upward flow,

 Tiryak Strot- Things having an oblique flow,
 Arwak Strot- Things having a downward flow,

The Urdhwa strot things are divided into six types viz. Vanaspati, Aushadhi,
lataa, twakasaar, Veerudh and Drum. This is Botany of modern times. All
animal life takes food by mouth and throws the residue at the tail. This flow
is thus in a slanting direction. All animals are included in Tiryak strot. This is

18 Introduction to Shilpashastra
biology of modern times. All human life is called Arwak Strot as they take
their food through mouth situated high in the head and throws the residue
through apertures vertically down the trunk. The flow is thus downward.

Krushishastra or Agriculture deals with production, bringing up and use of all

the organic beings. Thus the science includes modern Botany: Biology and
Sociology. An engineer in his professional work has to deal with both
organic and inorganic substances and amongst organic substances not only
with the vegetable and animal kingdoms but also with human beings in all
their grades. Engineers have to use all laborers, artisans and even
specialists in various sciences in construction of their works and therefore
must know the properties, qualities and defects of these human beings as
well as the inorganic substances or of vegetable and animal substances.
This branch is the study is totally neglected in Western engineering and
engineers and managers of large mills and factories are left to do the best
they can in the matter without a proper scientific study of the materials
(human nature) they have to use. An engineer must know the qualities of a
philosopher, of an electrician, or of a carpenter as well as the properties of
wood and other things he uses for his work.

संसेचन संहरणं िऱानां स्तम्भनं िऱम ।

Jalashastra or Hydraulics deal with three subjects viz.

(1)Water supply or Irrigation (Sanchetan)

(2) Drainage of water or reclamation (SanharaN)

(3) Storage of water or Bunding (Stambhan )

Indian engineers are known to be born irrigation engineers as is manifest

from the various small and large canals and other irrigation works built by
them in Sind, Deccan and other parts of India from times immemorial.
Indian engineers say that the flow of water in a river is Matsyamukh and

19 Introduction to Shilpashastra
Kurmaprushtha, i.e. the head of water is like the head of a fish , the portion
in the centre having greatest velocity flows front most and the surface of
flowing water is like the back of a tortoise ,the portion in the centre with the
greater velocity being highest with sides falling towards both the banks:

ऩाषाणधात्सिाहददृशतस्तद् भस्मीकरणं तथा ।

धातससांकयवऩाथवक्य करणाहदहिया खशन: ॥
Khani Shastra or Mining science deals with;

(1)Druti –Quarrying of stones and metal ores.

(2) BhasmikaraN- Burning of stones/ bricks and extraction of metals.

(3) Sankar-Preparation or mixtures and alloys.

(4) Parthakya – Analysis or separation of the component parts of a mixture

or alloy. The graduation of these sciences is according to the labor involved
in these operations; the production and rearing of animate beings are easy
and deal with the surface of the earth only; storing and removal of water
are more difficult as they have to go deep into the crust of the earth in
digging wells and obtaining impermeable strata for foundations; and mining
and metallurgy are still more difficult as they have to use not only deep
shafting and vast calcinations, but chemical reagents and forces.

नौकारथाष्नयानानां कृ शत:साधनमसच्चते ।
Transportation by running water is the easiest and so Naukashastra (Water
transport) is divided into three parts viz. (1) Rafts (Tatee), (2) Boating
(Nau) and (3) Shipping (Nauka). Rafts are floated on water and go as it
carries them. Boat (Nau) is that helped by wind in a sail and Ship (Nauka) is
rowed, sailed and floated.

ऩिमान सोमाभ्या नीता नौ:

The modern steamers are ships rowed by machines worked by steam or
such other power.

20 Introduction to Shilpashastra
Ratha shastra deals with construction of paths (Path), cleared roads (Adhv)
and Paved or metalled roads (Rathya). In constructing roads there are three
classes viz.

(1) Ghantapath- Hill roads on which the use of bells (Ghanta) was
compulsory as a warning to other carts ; these had their surfaces all sloping
towards the hill.

(2) Veethi- Town roads are whose surface was low in the centre and carried
rain water away from the plinth of houses.

(3) Rathya –Plain roads whose surface was high in the centre.

Tunnels (Vivar) were not quite unknown though ordinary roads did not
require them very frequently.

Ship (Nauka is called Jalayan or a conveyance passing over water , Rath is

called Bhumeeyan or a conveyance passing over land and similarly Viman is
a balloon is called Agniyan or Vyomayan or a conveyance passing over fire
or through air. The word Agniyan when occurring in ancient texts is
frequently misinterpreted as meaning a railway; but a text of Agastya
Samhita gives the detailed construction of Agniyan is much similar to a
Zeppelin ,the motive power instead of a motor engine , being a flock of

गरुद् मद्हं सै: कंकाऱैरजयै: ऩषऺगणैरवऩ ।

आकािे बाह्येद्यान विमानशमशत संषऻतम ् ॥ अगस्त्सयसंहहता

Sage Agastya in his text gives methods for training birds and using them for
carrying balloons through the air. The want of light engines prevented the
general use of these balloons. The names of Garudavahan for Vishnu,
Hansavahan for Bramha and Grudhravahan for Agni indicates the power

21 Introduction to Shilpashastra
they used for propulsion of their balloons. The havoc playd by Ravana and
Shaalba with their balloons made the Indians detest these conveyances and
their use was probay prohibited by common consent. In the Ramayana we
read of Rama resigning the Pushpak Viman to Himalayas which is a store
house of all the best things and beings of Indian culture.


िेश्म प्राकारनगररचना िास्तससंषऻतम ्।


Vastukhand comprises of three science viz. Building construction (Veshma),

Defense works or construction of forts (Praakaar) and Town planning (Nagar
Rachana). The term Vaastu means something belonging to a receptacle
(Vaastu). A thing in which gods (Parmatma) resides is a Vaastu and a thing
that is made of vastu is Vaastu as explained in the following verse:-

प्रासादादीशन िास्तूशन िस्तसत्सिाद् िस्तससंश्रयाद्।

िस्तसशभशनवशमतत्सिाच्च प्रोक्ताजयेिं ऩसरातनै: ॥
The great peculiarity of Indian building is that they consist of open
courtyards. The town excavated near Monenjo-Daro in Larkana district in
Sindh and great cities of Vijayanagar and those founded by other Indian
kings consist of houses having one or more open court-yards. The Raste
wada in Poona is the best example of a palace on a small scale as described
in the Ramayana and Indian engineering books. The front gate of
Shanwarwada is exactly described in Arthashastra of Kautilya.The temples
in Nasik are exactly as required by the three Samhitas of Engineering.

 Naroshankar temple according to Kashyapa Samhita.

 Sunder Narayan temple according to Bhrugu Samhita.
 Kala Ram temple according to Maya Samhita.

22 Introduction to Shilpashastra
This shows that up to the advent of the British rule the ancient engineering
texts were consulted and adhered to. During the Maratha period the
Mohemddian style was abandoned and attempts were made to revive the
ancient texts and to follow them in detail as it is seen in the houses,
temples, towns, drainage works at Wai, Satara, Poona and Nasik. The
palaces particularly the Darbar hall at Satara is just as they should be
according to ancient engineering texts.

Praakaar Shastra deals with fortifications and various kinds of

defensive works. In the part of Engineering texts five Dhanurvedas are
mentioned which are authored by Vashistha, Vishwamitra, Ushanaus ,
Jamadagni and Bharadwaja. Out of these the first four are at present
available and a short description of these texts is given below:

(1) Vashistha Dhanurved – This consists chiefly the gymnastics only and this
was followed by Sugreev and his army as narrated in the Ramayana.
Weapons were unknown at that time and the name Dhanurved comes from
breaking of enemy‟s body by bending and not from bow. After quarrel
between Vashistha and Vishwamitra the latter invented weapons and bows.

(2) Vishwamitra dhanurved gives the details of weapons invented by

Vishwamitra who afterwards imparted his knowledge to Rama.

(3) Ushanus dhanurved describes the formation and properties of Vyuha or

the arrangement of the army. A particular formation (Vyuha) is to be used
under particular circumstances and with a particular object. The art lies in
the formation and development of it by which arrangements of fighters are
least exposed to an attack and this is called Sanjeevan vidya, the act of
counter acting the losses by deaths in the battle.

(4) Jamadagni dhanurved describes the explosives discovered by Jamadagni

and known after him as Jamadagni -living fire. Jamadagni describes some

23 Introduction to Shilpashastra
missiles(Astras) which are some sort of bombs to be attached to arrow and
exploded on striking against enemy‟s body. These were used by Parshuram,
Bhishma and others.

(5) Bharadwaj Dhanurveda was the text taught by Dronacharya and used in
the great battle of Kurukshetra between the Kauravas and Pandawas. No
text of thid Dhanurved is yet found.

It was Kashyapa who invented the means of protecting human bodies

against the weapons of the enemy such as shields, armors and this idea was
developed into ramparts, trenches and other defensive works.

यत्ते शिल्ऩं कश्यऩरोचनािद् ।

इं हियाित्सऩसष्कऱं शचत्रभानसम ् ॥
यषस्मन सूयाव अवऩवता: सप्तसाकं ।
तषस्मजना िानमशधविश्रयेयम ्॥

This verse from Taittariya Bramhana describes the protective works used by
Kashya and this in course of time has developed into Praakaar shastra
(science of Forts and Castles)

In Nagar Rachana shastra the planning of towns of various shapes and

sizes under different conditions is described in detail, selection of sites,
supply of amenities, construction of temples, courts, palaces , recreation
grounds, educational and charitable institutions , disposal of waste products
and allotments of land for bazaar and trade centers are the chief sections of
this science.

All town management is carried out by representatives of the various

communities living in their own wards and the Mayor is called Adhipati.
Kautilya in his book Arthashastra describes the formation of a town, the
settlement of a country and management of a community. Poona, Nagpur,

24 Introduction to Shilpashastra
Gwalior, Indore are examples of towns planned and settled during the
Maratha period. According to the texts water supply to a town was not to be
through pipe-connections but through cisterns for each ward or locality. The
quantity of water required for each locality is calculated at nine kumhas for
Brahmin, seven for Khyatriya, five for Vaishya and three for a Shudra and
one for low caste Criminal out laws (Chandalas).

In ancient literature there is no separate Yantrashastra but the various

implements and machines are described with the operations where they are
used. In later periods however Yantrashastra is separately treated. Indian
authors divide the whole world into five elements recognized by five senses
viz.(1) Aakash is recognized by ear through its property of sound. (2)Vayu
is recognized by the sense of touch through its property of touch, (3) Tej is
recognized by the eye through its property of color and form, (4) Aap is
recognized by taste through its property of dissolving and (5) Pruthwi is
recognized by the sense of smell through its property of odour. The five
senses of the human body are the only means by which the existence of any
thing is perceived and hence the primary elements cannot be more than

In Mechanics (Yantrashastra) there are five mechanical appliances suited to

the operation s to be carried out as under:-

Principal elements
Name of element Mechanical appliance Operation to be done
ऩृथ्िी Solids दण्ड Lever उच्चाटन Breaking
आऩ Liquids चि Wheel ििीकरण Leading
िायस Gases दं त Gear स्तंभन stopping
तेिस Light सरषण Inclined plane िारण Concentration
आकाि Ether भ्रम Screw मारण Annihilation

25 Introduction to Shilpashastra
दण्डै श्चिैश्च दजतैश्च सरषण भ्रमकाहदशभ:।
िक्ते: संिधवनं हकिा चाऱनं यंत्रमसच्चते॥ यंत्राणवि

Yantra is a contrivance in which one or more of mechanical appliances noted

above are used for transmitting and changing direction and place. Power
used is called Beej, outturn is called Shakti and fulcrum is called Keelak.
From the above details it will be seen that ancient Indians were not ignorant
of anything except the steam or motor engine. Coal and petrol was unknown
in India and engines propelled by these agencies were consequently
unknown. Indian engineers however used vegetable and animal products
very profusely and this is not a small legacy. Mineral products, however
extensive are sure to be exhausted one day or other, whenever the day
might come and Indian engineers rely more upon the everlasting sources of
vegetable and animal products.

Having so far described in detail the extent of the knowledge of engineering

in India, we shall now turn to some of the peculiarities of engineering
practices in India under three heads viz. (1) Theory (2)Design and (3)


In Indian Engineering, there are certain first principles which are to be

followed in all works.

(1) The most important is the axiom that the effect produced is proportional
to the power applied/ Money, time and energy are the principal powers used
in engineering works and nothing can be done without utilizing some of
these powers.

26 Introduction to Shilpashastra
(2) Things are to be used in their natural state, for example, in case of a
post. Its bottom must be the bottom of the tree and its top, the top of tree
of which it is made. All wood is to be used with the bottom down.

(3) Time is changing and engineering works must provide for this change;
for example a house should be warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather
or a ship should float well not only when it is loaded but also when it is

(4) Previous experience should always be duly considered and in making

alterations, the changes in disposition of forces under the altered conditions
should be taken into consideration

िणवगंधरसाकार हदक्िब्दस्ऩिवनैस्तथा ।
ऩररक्ष्यैि यथायो्यं संग्राह्यं िस्तसमात्रकम ्॥

An engineer must know the color, smell, taste, shape, crystallization, sound
and touch of all things and he should select the best material available. In
order to import this knowledge, samples of all things should be preserved in
the school museum.

िणवशऱंगियोऽिस्था: ऩररक्ष्यंच बऱबऱम ् ।

यथास्थानं यथायो्यं संस्कारान ् कारयेत ् ससधी: ॥

Before using any materials, they should be properly improved after taking
into consideration its color, gender, age, condition, strength / weakness,
place of origin and suitability. Meanings of these terms are given below:-

 Color (Varna) is the class to which a thing belongs by its natural


27 Introduction to Shilpashastra
 Gender (Ling) is a mark denoting a peculiarity in quality due to the
formation of the body.
 Age (Vaya) is the effect produced upon a thing by the action of time.
 Stage (Awastha) is the condition reached attained owing due to
improvements it has undergone.
 Strength / weakness (Balabal) is the particular capacity or defect of
particular thing. Thus tempered steel is very hard but too brittle etc.
 Place (sthaan) is the situation in which a thing is to be used. The same
thing when used in different situation requires different qualities as it
is acted upon by different forces.

Ability (Yogyata) is the particular quality required to suit the requirements of

a particular situation.

All these conditions have to be carefully weighed before the material is

prepared for use in a structure.


In designing engineering works the great peculiarity of Indian methods is the

consideration not only of physical comfort but also of material case. What
effect would a thing produce on the mind of the beholder and the occupant
is a matter the Indian engineer has to consider. In designing a house an
Indian engineer has to consider whether the structure would last till the
owner is again in an affluent condition. Indian houses were designed to last
at least 200 years and palaces and such other important structures for at
least 600 years. The dimensions of posts and beams are fixed according to
this requirement.

„Safety first‟ is the motto of Indian engineers. Houses having large

quadrangles with wall are safest. Thick walls all round full light, air, water

28 Introduction to Shilpashastra
etc from the open space of the quadrangle, all these go to make an ideal
Indian house. Indian roads are divided into five parts viz.

 First is in the centre for elephants.

 Second and third on both sides for horses.
 Fourth and fifth on the outskirts for foot passengers foot paths .

These are rules laid for regulation of traffic at the junction of roads. The
main trunk roads are to pass north and south so that shade can be had by
foot passengers all day long except noon when anybody goes out very

In designing flight of steps, a broader step is introduced after every four or

five steps in order to give relief to knee joint. Such steps are at least twice
broad as the others. In all the flights of steps on the bathing ghats on river
as also those leading to mountain- tops, this practice is invariably followed.

Temples are designed to meet these requirements:-

 The icon (Moortee) is intended to satisfy the sense of touch.

 The inner door (Garbhagruha) is intended to satisfy the sense of taste.
Tirtha Prasad is distributed in this place.
 The inner canopy(Antarmandal) is intended to satisfy the sense of
smell as sacrificial tree are blazed here.
 Hara os intended for the satisfaction of the sense of sight. The idol is
seen from this place. The ideal of Indian God is not the idol but the
lamp that burns near to it. As the lamp devotes its whole existence to
the distribution of light so a man is to devote the whole of his life in
doing good to the world.
 Padasootra is open space for going round the temple.
 Sabha is the place where prayers are heard or sung chanted.

29 Introduction to Shilpashastra
 Mandap is the place where the ideal devotee is installed as a model for
all to copy.
I. Bahirmandal is the place where the poor are fed and cared for.

In designing a structure, Indian engineers specify that the most important

parts should be made very strong and the remaining parts so as to suit the
purse of the owner. No revised estimates are allowed by Indian authors who
specify that all the requirements of the owner must be satisfied within the
amount he intends to spend. The engineer is at liberty to select the
materials suited to purse but he has to satisfy all comforts and
requirements. A king requires as much food and warmth as a poor man
does but their financial capacities differ considerably. The engineer
therefore fulfills the requirements and comforts of both by using different
materials suited to different persons.

It is not easily possible to get all good qualities at once. But the artisan has
to avoid as many defects and secure as many advantages as possible.

अल्ऩदोषं बहसगसणं कायं कमं प्रयत्नत: ।

(3) Execution

(a) Selection of a site- the site for a building or residence is selected on the
following considerations:-

 The kind of land and its neighborhood.

 The vicinity of water and its supply.
 Kinds of plants surrounding the site.
 Kinds of beasts and birds nearby.
 Kinds of men in the vicinity.
 Gradient and the directions of the prevailing winds and flow of water.

30 Introduction to Shilpashastra
(b) Testing of foundation- The foundation of a building is tested in the
following ways;

 By the absorption of water.

 By the compaction of the soil.
 By the direction of currents of air.
 By the absorption of heat and light by the soil.

(c) Selection of materials- The materials are selected , as already noted, by

testing their color. It is then determined what material is useful in the
particular place. It is then wrought to suit the requirements and this process
is known as Sanskar. There are 16 important Sanskars and 24 secondary
sanskaras to the first class material. The least sansakaras are 4 and even
the worst material undergoes these 4. The strength of a structure is that od
its that of its weakest part and hence Indian engineers specify that the
whole structure should be of uniform strength.

(d) Plinths- These are required to make up levels, to add to the security
against floods etc, and to enhance the beauty. Various designs for plinths
are recommended and to suit these, different chairs, posts , arches, lintels,
doors etc are specified so as to have a uniform impression from the bottom
to the top.

(e) Doors and windows- The dimensions of doors and windows are fixed with
reference to the number of storeys, the height of one storey and the width
of rooms. A uniform light is desired and with this object the heights of the
lower storeys and therefore the dimensions of the doors and windows are
kept greater than those of the upper storeys.

(f) Roofs- Different types of roofs are recommended for different climatic
conditions. The slope of roof varies from 1 in 12 in Sind to 1 in 1 in Kashmir
to suit the rainfall and wind conditions of the various Indian districts.

31 Introduction to Shilpashastra
(g) Ornamentation- It is very difficult to keep delicate carvings free from
dust and Indian engineers, therefore specify that carvings should be used
only on structures of well- to- do persons where cleanliness can be easily
secured. Carvings are to be used in temples, palaces and not in ordinary

In conclusion it may be noted that Indian students ought to study

Indian texts. Indian texts prescribe Indian materials, indigenous methods
and are suited to local manners, customs and conditions. When the people
are able to satisfy most of their wants by indigenous products, then and then
alone can be prosperous. Indian texts specify Indian wood, Indian stone,
Indian metals and take into consideration Indian conditions. Indian manners,
habits, customs and religious practices are the outcome of these conditions
and therefore Indian texts are worth to study by Indian students. New ideas
new inventions and discoveries are also to be studied and used but only in
addition to Indian ones. In the present system of teaching the Western
element is preposterous. Indian engineering graduates of the present day
know how to build a bungalow, design

a coffin or decorate a church but are quite ignorant to building of Indian

houses designs, tomb of Sannyasis or construction of temples. They know
the properties of oak and Pine trees but not of those of Indian trees. Indian
building stones, Indian soils, Indian colors, deserve to be tested by modern
methods as also the prescriptions of ancient authors to be verified.

The great advantage of study of Indian Engineering is that it embodies

the experience of so many ages. Terraces constructed on the present
methods always leak but terraces constructed according to Indian
specifications do not. Tempering of tools according to Indian specifications is
more lasting than that according to the western specifications. It is true that
Indian authors use minerals very sparingly and amongst metals they

32 Introduction to Shilpashastra
depreciate iron as the worst and easily perishable metal. The experience of
animal and vegetable materials as recorded by Indian authors is vast.

Indian authors advise that engineers ought to be able to treat ordinary

accidents on their works and for this purpose devote chapter on treatment of
wounds bruises and diseases(VraNa vyadhinirakaraN). Many of these
remedies are very simple and effective.

They require ordinary plants and herbs that are available everywhere and
can be had anywhere in India.

33 Introduction to Shilpashastra
5 Extent of Indian Shilpashastra
G.G. Joshi

Introduction: Bhrugu samhita is the only text which describes the extent of
Indian Shilpashastra. Sage Bhrugu has divided the entire Shilpashastra into
three volumes as given below;

Three volumes of Shilpashastra

1-Dhatukhand: Exploitation part: The knowledge of sources of materials
available in the world.
2-Sadhankhand:Distribution- Transport the exploited material to place where
it has to be used.
3-Vastukhand:Manufacture / Value addition- Convert the exploited material
into useable form.

These volumes were further divided into ten sub-parts.

Ten sub parts –Shastras (Sciences)

Dhatu Khand- 1 Krushishastra-Biology

Exploitation part 2 Jalashastra-Hydraulics
Sadhankhand- 4-Naukashastra-Marine
Distribution 5-Rathashastra-Communication
Vastu-Value addition 7-Veshmashastra-Shelter
khand- 8-Prakarshashtra-Protection
9-Nagar Rachana-Town Planning

These ten sub parts (Shastras) are divided in 32 Vidyas (Techniques) and 64
Kalas (Arts)

1-Krushishastra -Biology includes 3 Techniques (Vidyas) and 21 Skills


34 Introduction to Shilpashastra
Technique- Kalas-Arts or Skill
1.Vrikshyavidya 1.SiradyakarshaN-Preparation of ropes from tree barks
Biological 2.VrukshyarohaN- Tree climbing for leaves or fruits collection
science 3. Yavadikshuvikar-Sugar preparation from sugarcane etc.
4. VenutruNadikruti – Bamboo and cane crafts.
2-Pashuvidya 5. Gajashvasarathya- Mounting and driving elephants and
-Zoology horses.
6. Dugdadohvikar-Milking and preparation of milk products.
7. Gatishiksha-Animal training
8. Palyankriya-Preparation of saddles or seats for mounting on
9. Pashucharmangnirhar- Extraction of leather from dead
10. Charmamardavkriya- Leather softening and tanning.
3- 11. Kshyurkarm – Shaving
Manushyavidya 12.Kanchukadisivan-Sewing ladies clothes
-Human 13.Gruhabhandadimarjan- Cleaning utensils
resources 14. Vastrasamarjan-Washing of clothes
15.Manokulseva- Serving (to please others)
16. NanadeshiyvarNlekhan- Learn scripts of other countries.
17.ShishusamrakshyaN- Baby sitting
18. Sayuktadan- Reasonable punishment to defaulter.
19. ShayyastaraN- Laying of beds.
20. Pushpadigranthan-Preparation of flower garlands etc.
21. Annapachan –Cooking food.

2-Jalashastra-Hydraulics includes 3 Techniques (Vidyas) and 1 Skill (Kala).

4.Sanchetan vidya –Water 22. Jalavayyagnisanyog-Blasting for

distribution, cooling and spraying water source
5.SanharaN-Drainage of Nil
excessive water
6.Stambhan- Storage Nil

3-Khanishastra -Mining includes 4 Techniques (Vidya) and 12 Skills (Kala).

7. Drut vidya- 23. Ratnadi Sadsajdyana- Gemology

Precious stones
8.BhasmikaraN 24. Kshyarnishkasan- Extraction of Alkalis
- Calcinations 25. Kshyarpariksha –Testing of Alkalis

35 Introduction to Shilpashastra
26.Snehanishkasan-Extraction of oil
27.Ishtikadibhajan- Manufacture of Bricks and Tiles
9.Sankarvidya 28.Dhatvaushadhisanyog-Preparation of metallic
-Combination of medicines
metals or alloy 29. KachpatradikaraN- Preparation of glass articles.
making 30. Lohabhisar-Making pig iron from ore.
31. Bhandkriya- Making clay pots.
32. SwarNaditathatmyadarshan- Testing of gold.
33. Makarandadikruti- Preparation of liquid extracts.

10.PrutthakaraN 34.Sanyogedhatudyan-Separation of pure metal from

Vidya- impurities

4-Naukashastra -Marine includes 3 Techniques (Vidya) and 4 Skills (Kala).

11.Tarividya- 35. Sailing with Rafts & Buoys

Rafts & Buoys 36. BavhadibhirjalataraN- Swimming
12.Nauvidya- 36.SutadirajjukaraN-Prearation of ropes
Sailing with 37.Patabandhan-Preparation of sails (Wind shields)
wind energy
13.Naukavidya- 38.Naukanayan –Navigation of boats and ships

5-Rathashastra -Communication includes 4 Techniques (Vidya) and 5 Skills


14.Ashwavidya- Skill Nil

Horse riding
15.Pathavidya- 39.SamaBhumikriya- Leveling of ground
Roads 40.Shilarcha – Paving of roads
16.Ghantapathvidya 41.VivarkaraN-Tunnelling
-Hill roads
17.Setuvidya- 42.Vruttakhandbandhan- Stone arches
Bridges 43. Jalabandhan-Water bridges

6. Vimanshastra -Aeronautics includes 2 Techniques (Vidya) and 3 Skills


18.Shakuntavidya- 44. Shakuntashiksha- Training birds for carrying


36 Introduction to Shilpashastra
19. Viman vidya- 45.Vayubandhan- Air balloons
Aircrafts 46.SwarNlepadisatkriya- Gold or Silver plating of

7. Veshmashastra -Shelter includes 4 Techniques (Vidya) and 11 Skills


20.Vasovidya 47.Charmakarpasadipatbandhan-Weaving cloth from

leather, cotton silk etc.
21.Kuttividya 48.Mrutsadhan- preparation of soil
49.TruNadyacchandan- Grass roofs
22.Mandir Vidya 50.ChurNopalepa-Plastering
51.VarNkarm- Painting with lime and colors
53.Mrutkarm-Mud construction
23.Prasadvidya 54.Chitradyalekhan-Drawing pictures
55.PratimakaraN- Idol making
56.Talkriya- Flooring of building
57.Shikharkarm- Dome construction

8. Prakarshastra -Protection includes 4 Techniques (Vidya) and 6 Skills


24. Durgavidya- Skill Nil

Construction of
big forts
25.Kutavidya- Skill Nil
Construction of
small forts
26. Aakarvidya- Skill Nil
27.Yuddhavidya - 58.Mallayuddha- Wrestling
Warfare 59.Shastrasandhan-Fighting with weapons
60.Astranipatan-Trowing of weapons
61.Vyuvharachana-War planning
62.Shalyadruti-Surgery for treatment of wounds
occurred in war
63.VraNvyadhinirakaraN-Tratment of scars and wounds

9. Nagar-rachanashastra -Town planning includes 5 Techniques (Vidya)

and 1 Skill (Kala).

37 Introduction to Shilpashastra
28.AapaNvidya- Planning of Bazaars Skill Nil
29.Rajagruhavidya-Construction of Skill Nil
30.Sarvajanvasvidya –Construction Skill Nil
of houses for all classes
31.Vanopawanvidya-Forests and 64. Vanopawanrachana-Landscaping
32.Devalayavidya Skill Nil

10. Yantashastra - Mechanics does not include any techniques (Vidya) or

Skill (Kala).

Indians had mastered all these ten sciences and developed further. Due to
limitations of pages I have to avoid the temptation of further description.

The readers may be curious to know whether above mentioned text “Bhrugu
samhita” is available and where? The answer to this question is painful. My
Guru Raosaheb Vaze obtained the manuscript in incomplete form from Ujjain
in 1920.Based on its contents Vaze wrote many articles up to his death in
1929. His successors are unaware about the status of this text.

38 Introduction to Shilpashastra
6-Shilpashastra Preachers of ancient India
G.G. Joshi

(Source - Monthly “Stapatya” May 1981, pp 53 to 58)

Introduction: I had briefly described the Indian Shilpashtra, in the April 1981
issue. In this article I had mentioned that the study of Shilpashastra includes
following subjects;

1. Sutragranth (Geometry)
2. Samhita grantha (Engineering texts)
3. PuraNa (Mythology)
4. Jyotushya (Astrology)
5. Ganit (Mathematics)
6. Chitra Vidya (Drawing & Painting)
7. Dravya (materials)
8. Murtishastra (Iconography)
9. Upawanvidya (Horticulture),
10 Vastushastra (architecture),
11 Viman shastra (Aeronautics),
12 Naukashastra (Navigation),
13 Devalayavidya (Temple arts),
14 Yantrashastra (Machines),
15 Khanishastra (Mining & Metallurgy)
16 Tantravidya,
17 Rasvidya (Chemistry),
18 Prakarshastra(Forts & Castles),
19 Nagar Rachana shastra(Town planning),
20 Vrukshyavidya (Botany),
21 Pashuvidya(Zoology),
Arthashastra, Kamashastra etc

In 1924 Sri K.V.Vaze has mentioned names of 400 Sanskrit texts on

Shilpashtra. In 1945 Dr. Prasanna Kumar published an Encyclopedia of
Hindu Architecture. In 1951 Prof. Haridas Mitra published a book
“Contribution to bibliography of Indian Arts and Aesthetics”. Based on these

39 Introduction to Shilpashastra
three references I compiled a list 805 texts on Shilpashastra and it was
published in weekly Shilpasansar 1955 issue.

In the present article the names and works of ancient Shilpashastra

Updeshaka (Preachers) are enlisted.

Aniruddha – AniruddhaShilpa
Atri- AtriSamhita, Atreta Shilpa , Atreyatilakam
Aushanas- Aushanasshilpa , Aushanas Dhanurveda
Bharadwaja- Bharadwaja-Shilpa, Bharadwaja-Dhanurveda,
Bharadwaja- Arthashastra
Bhaskara- Bhaskariyashilpa
Bhoja (King of Bhopal) - SamaranganaSutradhar
Bhrugu- Brugushilpasamhita, Bhrugumat
Bramha- Bramhiyashilpa , Bramhiyachitrakarmashastra
Bruhaspati - Bruhaspatishastra, Bruhaspatiyam, BruhaspatiArthashastra
Chitrakarma – ChitrakarmaShilpa
Feruthakkar- FeruthakkarVastu
Hanumant- HanumatShilpa
Ishaan – IshaanShilpa, Ishaanshivgurudevpaddhati
KauNapdant- KauNapdant Arthashastra
Kautilya- Kautilyiya Arthashastra
Kumara – Kumarashilpa, Kumaragama, Shilparatnam
Manasar- Manasaar
Mandan- VastuMandan, Kodandamandan, Vasturajvallabha,
Prasadmandan, Roopamandan
Manu - Manutantra, Manusaar, Manusmruti, Manavsutra.
Markandeya - Markandeyashilpa
Munimaya- Mayamatam , Mayashastram ,Mayadipika,
MayaSangraha, Mayamaya,Mayavidya, Mayaratnam
Nagnajeet - Nagnajeetshilpa, NagnajeetChitralakshyaN
Nala- Nalatantra, NalapakdarpaN
Narada - Naradashilpa, Naradiya, Naradanitishastra*

40 Introduction to Shilpashastra
PaNini – PaNiniShilpa
Prabodha- PrabodhaShilpa, Prayoga- PrayogaShilpa,
Prajapati – Prajapatishilpa
Prashuddha –PrashuddhaShilpa
Rhushimaya- RhushimayaShilpa
Rudrayamal –RudrayamalVastu
Sanatkumar- Sanatkumar Vastushastra, SanatkumarGruhashilpa
Saraswata- SaraswataShilpa, Saraswatiyachitrakarmashastra
Shatrughna- Shatrughna Shilpa
Shounaka – Shounakashilpa
Sukhanand- SukhanandVastu
Twashtra- Twashtratantra
Vajra- Vajrashilpa
Valmika- Valmikashilpa
Vashishtha- VashishthaShilpa
Vasudeva – VasudevaShilpa
Vishalakshya-Vishalakshya Arthashastra
Vishva – Vishvashilpa
Vishvakarma-VishvakarmaPrakash ,VishvakarmaVastushastra
Vishvamitra- Vishvamitrashilpa, VishvamitraDhanurveda
Wasudev- Wasudev Vastushastra
Yama- Yamashilpa

The above mentioned list may contain some errors and needs cross-
verification. One may refer “World Catalogues of Sanskrit texts “prepared by
Madras University. United States of America has published two important

 A census of Indian manuscripts in the United states and Canada-Edited

by Dr. Pullman.
 Union list of printed Indian texts and translations in American
41 Introduction to Shilpashastra
I had written an article “Ancient Indian book treasure in foreign countries”.
This Marathi article was published in Sunday edition of Daily Tarunbharat,
Nagpur, dated 6th December 1953 and informed readers that there 7273
Indian manuscripts were preserved in America. Germany, a Sanskrit loving
country, has compiled index of Shilpashastra related Sanskrit books
available in German libraries. The texts unknown to Indian Sanskrit scholars
are published with proper German interpretations.

Many Sanskrit manuscripts were taken to foreign countries and India is

permantly deprived of the knowledge in these books. One of the most
important manuscripts is Bhrugushilpasamhita. But Bhrugu Jyotishya
samhita (Astrology book) is well known in India. Shri Vaze in his books and
article had quoted many verses from this shilpasamhita and I am compiling
all these verses to get an idea of the intractable complete manuscript.

Fortunately three handwritten manuscripts, in Grantha script, are available

at Adyar Library, Chennai. Translation of manuscript in Deonagari script, is
urgently need so that this rare text can be studied in details.

Two Books namely, Bharatiya Mahashilpam (1977) by Rao and Rupa Dyana
Ratnavali (1979-80) by S.M. Ganapati, Published by Rastriya Sanskrut
Sansthanam Delhi have added luster to the existing literature on

42 Introduction to Shilpashastra
7-Tanjore from Shilpashatra point of view
(Source – Weekly Shilpasansar, Pune, Vol.1 January 1955, pp 69-70)

Introduction: Shri N.G. Gadre has published an article “Panorama of

Sanskrit literature” in January 1955 issue of Jr. Shilpasansar. In this article
author has described briefly “Saraswati Mahal manuscript library at Tanjore.
Many readers may be curious to know about Tanjore city.

City: Tanjore city is important from Shilpashastra point of view. An article

was published in Jr. Dharmayug of 16th May 1954. The article describes the
huge and artistic temples. One wonders how the artisans worked on 200 feet
high domes which are among world‟s tallest domes. The Worcester Cathedral
of England is similar in height to these temples.

The perimeters of Temples are very large. The statue of Nandi (Sacred Bull)
is about 60 meters. The statues on the walls, doors and in the temple are
very skillfully and proportionately carved. The temple halls are large enough
to accommodate 50000 persons at a time. The dome is carved out of a
single rock piece weighing more than 300 tons. The stone was moved up on
an inclined plane. The place from where the dome piece was moved is
appropriately called Kalashpur.

Palace: Tunneling is one of the 64 skills of Shilpashastra. The palace of King

Vyankoji of Tanjore is an architectural marvel. There are 20 to 30 km long
underground tunnels in all four directions for emergency exit leading to
nearest fort. One tunnel is so big that a horse ridden soldier can easily pass
through it. Only one tunnel is open for visitors.

Library: The world famous Saraswati Mahal library was established by King
Serfoji in 1856. Prof. Haridas Mitra, in his book “Contribution to a
bibliography of Indian arts & Aesthetics” has given list of manuscript related
to Shilpashastra.

43 Introduction to Shilpashastra
Students Architecture and Civil engineering must visit Tanjore al least once
to know the glorious heritage of Indian Architecture.

Annexure: Please note that the following information and photographs

related Tanjore city and Saraswati Mahal are downloaded from web sites
and was not a part of G.G. Joshi‟s article .

Brihadeshwar temple Tanjore

Brihadeeswara Temple is situated at Thanjavur District, in Tamil Nadu. It is

dedicated to Lord Shiva. It was built in the 10th Century by Raja Raja Chola
of the Chola Dynasty. The temple is gigantic in proportions. The striking
feature of the architecture is that the shadow of the cupola never touches
the ground. The rounded monolithic cupola on the summit of the temple
tower weighs over 80 tons. This enormous piece of stone is said to have
been moved into position by moving it along an inclined plane 6 kms. long.
The temple is considered an engineering skill of the Chola architects who
planned its construction in such a way that the shadow of the cupola never
falls on the ground.

44 Introduction to Shilpashastra
Brihadeswara Temple Brihadeswara Temple entrance.

A Big Image of Nandi Huge Shivalingam

45 Introduction to Shilpashastra

Serfoji's Sarasvati Mahal Library

Serfoji's Sarasvati Mahal Library is one of the few medieval Libraries that
exist in the world. It contains very rare and valuable collection of
manuscripts on all aspects of art, culture and literature. The Encyclopedia
Britannica in its survey of Libraries of world mentions this as "the most
remarkable library in India."

Serfoji's Sarasvati Mahal Library

The Library was started as a Royal Palace Library during the Nayak Kingdom
over Thanjavar (1535-1673 A. D.) and was developed by the Maratha Kings
of Thanjavur (1676-1855 A D.). During the reign of these two dynasties
Thanjavar was a centre of art and literature and the kings were the patrons
which led to enrich the collection of the library, in various fields.

Maharaja Serfoji II (1798-1832 A. D.) was an eminent scholar in many

branches of learning. With a great enthusiasm he took special steps for the
enrichment of the Library. He employed many Sanskrit scholars to collect
buy and copy a vast number of works from all the renowned centers of
Sanskrit learning in the North and other areas. It is a fitting tribute to the
Great Collector Serfoji, that the Library is named after him

46 Introduction to Shilpashastra
Serfoji II, Ruler of Thanjavur

The Government of Madras in October 1918 framed a scheme for the

management of the Library. The name of the Library was changed from "The
Sarasvati Mahal Library" to "The Thanjavur Maharaja Serfoji's Sarasvati
Mahal Library”. In 1983, the Library was declared as an Institution of
National Importance.

Sanskrit Manuscripts: out of 46,695 manuscripts 39,300 manuscripts

belongs to Sanskrit language. The scripts used for Sanskrit are Granthˆ,
Devanagari, Nandinagari, Telugu and a few in Malayalam, Kannada, Oriya
etc. This collection covers almost all branches of Sanskrit literature.

47 Introduction to Shilpashastra

There is a Reference Library comprises of old books and new books The old
books were mostly collected by the king Serfoji during his life time which
consists of 4,500 books in English French, German, Italy, Greek and Danish
languages These books deal with many subjects.

48 Introduction to Shilpashastra
The latter collection consists of more than 42,600 books, which are in Tamil,
English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu and a few in other Indian and
Foreign languages These books are catalogued according to the language
and class)fied under various subjects.


 The earliest catalogue available in this 1ibrary was prepared in 1801 A

D by Sadasiva Bhatta by the order of the King Serfoji which was only
for palm-leaf manuscripts.
 In 1857, by the order of the British Govt, Dr. A. C. Burnell prepared a
catalogue for Sanskrit manuscripts which was published in 1880 in two
 In 1920, the preparation of Descriptive catalogues for al1 the
manuscripts was started and the work is still going on. So far 23
volumes of catalogues for Sanskrit manuscripts, 10 volumes for Tamil,
5 volumes for Marathi and 2 volumes for other languages.


The library is publishes rare and unpublished manuscripts to spread the

knowledge contained in the manuscripts to the public with the grant-in-aid
from the Government of India. 354 books are published so far in which 114
are in Sanskrit, 175 in Tamil, 40 in Marathi, 19 in Telugu A bulletin is also
released by the Library.Minor works and Research articles based on the
Library manuscripts are published in it.


A small museum is situated in the library to expose the importance of the

library by displaying various rare artifacts available here. Rare manuscripts,

49 Introduction to Shilpashastra
books, beautifully decorated Thanjavur style of paintings in paper, wood,
glass and canvass, illustrated manuscripts like Gaja Sastra, Asva Sastra,
Mythological paintings, Botanical specimen paintings, Military costumes,
Ramayana in miniature paintings, Rare maps, sketches and prints are
displayed in this museum for the visitors.

Palace Entrance Palace Interior view



50 Introduction to Shilpashastra
8 G.G. Joshi Memorial Shilpa Pratishan Library ,Nagpur

[Rare treasure of knowledge related to ancient Indian science &


G.G. Joshi Memorial Shilpa Pratishan Library, started by Late

G.G. Joshi Sanshodhan Pratishan has more than 5000 ancient
text references related to Science and technology in ancient
India. The project is a brain child of Late G.G. Joshi who worked
as an engineer in Public Works Department in many districts of
Maharashtra. He worked extensively in search of ancient
literature and collected rare scriptures and kept unraveling the
mysteries of ancient India.

Shri G.G. Joshi was born in Dhulia district in 1919 and came to
Nagpur to study Civil engineering in School of Engineering. After completing
education Joshi joined Public Works Department. When he was pursuing his
education, his Principal, who was an Englishman, told Joshi about the work
of Late K.V. Vaze. Vaze had deciphered many texts of Shilpa Shashtra and
delivered many lectures all over India on this topic. Raosaheb passed in

51 Introduction to Shilpashastra
When G.G. Joshi started work in this direction, to his utter dismay,
he found that literature produced by Rao saheb Vaze was scattered all over
India in libraries with Engineering and Indological institutions, from Tanjore
to Kashmir and Dacca to Lahore.

G.G. Joshi decided to collect all pieces of his literature without giving a
thought to how difficult it would be. Joshi just embarked upon the mission
and devoted his life, time and money for the cause. He copied many texts
which he was unable to bring to the city. He also deciphered and translated
many pieces of literature. He had collected most of the works of Raosaheb
Vaze. He continued his work till death in 1992.He had collected some 2500
books and 2500 articles and pictures related to Shilpa Shastra. After the
death of G.G. Joshi some likeminded persons of Nagpur, formed a trust to
preserve the ancient literature treasure. Both Vaze and Joshi wanted
students and scientific persons to examine the rationally and scientifically
each of the ancient tradition, understand real meaning and significance of
every traditional practice. Joshi believed that, once people recognize the
value of our tradition they would naturally feel proud of our heritage. The
library has collection of many rare books on the diverse subjects such as
Textiles, Paper technology, Hydraulics, Irrigation, Metallurgy, Vastu shastra,
Machines, aeronautics, Cookery, Gemology, Astronomy, Astrology etc. Some
manuscripts are hand written on Palm leaves.

Efforts are being made to digitize the important and rare texts. Dr.
A.S. Nene, retired Professor of Civil Engineering, VNIT Nagpur, has soft
copies of many texts related to engineering and architecture, which can be
shared freely. Index of Digital library of G.G. Joshi Trust is available on web.

Using the most of references available in the Library, Dr. Nene has
published four Print books and eleven E books on Shilpa shastra. One of his
Print books “Geotechnical Engineering in ancient India, published by Pune

52 Introduction to Shilpashastra
Vidyarthi Gruh Prakashan, is included in a “Time Capsule” at Paris, as India‟s
contribution on Geotechnical Engineering. The other E book “ Engineering
philosophy of ancient India –G.G. Joshi memorial volume” consists of English
translation of Hindi and Marathi articles written by Joshi.

53 Introduction to Shilpashastra
About the Editor

 Name and Designation: Dr. A.S. Nene Retired Professor and Dean,
VNIT Nagpur.
 Date of Birth: 10th July 1942
 Name of the Institution: V.N.I.T. Nagpur (1972-2002)
 Department: Civil Engineering
 Field of Specialization: Geotechnical Engineering
 Academic Qualifications : B.E., M.E. Ph.D. ,MIGS,MSET
 Industrial Experience: Supervised more than 150 Consultancy projects
 Award: Khosla Memorial Award (1987) by Roorkee Universit
 Nomination: Nominated by Indian Geotechnical Society to Tech.
Committee TC-19 of International Society of Soil Mechanics &
Foundation Engineering ISSMFE on "Preservation of Historical Sites"
 Developed six CAL-CAD, Self learning Software packages for
undergraduate students of Civil Engineering.
 Patent on “Use of Geo-foam geo-synthetics for expansive soils”

Research Guidance:

 Three Ph.D. and Two M. Tech. Dissertations Completed.

 One Ph.D. dissertation under progress

Research Papers –More than 50 papers in National and International

journals and conference proceedings

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54 Introduction to Shilpashastra

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