Checkmate Secret Societies Agenda

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Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report

Dear Global Watch Weekly Member

Secret societies and occult brotherhoods been active behind the scenes of world events for
hundreds of years? Do these self-proclaimed guardians of secret wisdom shape the growth of human
consciousness and influence the destiny of nations? Are certain secret elites manipulating political,
cultural, spiritual and economic movements, in the fulfilment of an ancient plan? Might the great
upheavals, wars, and revolutions, along with humanity’s pioneering discoveries in science, literature,
philosophy and the arts, be the work of a ‘hidden hand’? Is an occult war being waged between
secret societies? Can we decode history to find the mysterious interface of politics and occultism,
thereby uncovering the real creators of our modern world?

The German philosopher Oswald Spengler warned of a “mighty contest” between groups of men of
“immense intellect” who the “simple citizen neither observes nor comprehends.”

Major-General J.F.C. Fuller, a former disciple of Aleister Crowley, wrote about an insidious force
using “Magic and Gold” striving “to gain world domination under an avenging Messiah as foretold by
Talmud and Qabalah.” Fuller’s former chief the ‘Great Beast 666’ Crowley worked as a spy for Britain.
During the First World War, the German Foreign Office secretly requested the occultist Gustav
Meyrink to write a novel blaming the Freemasons of France and Italy for the outbreak of war.

In Proofs of a Conspiracy, the British scientist Prof. John Robison documented how the French
Revolution sprang from Masonic lodges. Robison claimed the infamous Order of the Illuminati had
infiltrated Freemasonry and used the lodges to further a radical agenda, the overthrow of the Church
and Monarchs of Europe.

The power of secret societies is generally dismissed by Western academics. Main- stream scholars
choose to ignore this aspect of history, believing it is of no significance. However, fifty years ago the
perceptive French journalists Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, in their best-selling book Morning
of the Magicians, observed:

Our ideas about secret societies are academic; we take a conventional view of extraordinary facts. If we want to
understand the world of the future, we shall have to reconsider and refresh our ideas about secret societies by making a
more thorough study of the past and discovering a point of view which will render intelligible the phase of history through
which we are now passing.

Just over a month and a half ago the Bilderberg conference for 2015 took place in Austria bringing
the usual media frenzy and conspiracy hype back into the public mainstream. We investigate the
latest insight into the Bilderberger agenda for world domination.


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When it comes to secretive globalist confabs, ties between Europe and North America in the
nothing quite compares to the Bilderberg Group. early days of the Cold War. Bilderberg was also
Founded in 1954, the first conference was held at pivotal in the formation of the European Union
the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, and the single currency Eurozone.
Netherlands, with subsequent gatherings Bilderberg’s post-World War II ascendency was
adopting the name of the founding venue. pivotal in the creation of a number of multi-lateral
Bilderberg Group attendees are hard to spot and entities, transnational
generally like to stay out of the limelight, at least watershed moments – like
where their Bilderberg activities are concerned. the UN, the IMF, the World
They are like garden gnomes – transient, and Bank and even the Bretton
only partially visible figures, who seem to live Woods Agreement. Each of
underground. Members see themselves, and these forms part of a wider
each other, as the world’s ‘movers and shakers’. power structure responsible
for coordinating most of the
Key founders of the conference include Prince wars in the 20th and 21st
Bernhard of the Netherlands, former Polish centuries – in what appears
resistance leader Józef Retinger, Queen Beatrix to be a nudging exercise
of the Netherlands, and Dutch head of Unilever, towards world government, and which was also
Paul Rijkens. Since then, Bilderberg has become outlined in American scholar and CFR archivist
a who’s who of transatlantic luminaries and Carroll Quigley’s book, Tragedy and Hope.
captains of industry, media and politics, including
David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Étienne American writer Jay Dyer explains:
Davignon, Baron Roll of Ipsden, Walter Scheel, Bilderberg, operating under the guise of ‘free market
King Juan Carlos of Spain, banking head Josef capitalism’, represents instead the complete culmination of
Meinrad Ackermann, and America’s Hillary banking corporate world control. It is presented as yet
Clinton and David Petraeus, as well as an another debate forum, the secretive meetings instead have
been revealed in numerous cases to have driven global
assortment of economic bagmen like Paul policy. The most shining example is the 1955 Bilderberg
Volcker, along with Danish Prime Minister Helle meeting’s plans for the creation of the “European Common
Thorning-Schmidt – to name only a few. Market” and “European Union (Unity)”...

For those who still doubt there’s a hidden hand

steering the current globalist agenda, one only
needs to look at the high-powered pursuits of
Bilderberg attendees seeking to create a multi-
national sovereignty override through global
corporate takeover ‘world trade partnerships’ like
the Transatlantic Partnership (TTIP) and the
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Dyer continues:
It is important to recall that the European Common Market
came into play some three years later in 1958, while the
European Union itself was supposedly founded in 1993.
With this in mind, we can see how the TTIP is simply a
further extension of the same strategy of economic
integration, from the EU to NAFTA.
Among other things, it was initially designed to
promote the supranational concept of Atlanticism At Bilderberg, the carefully selected list of around
and to strengthen corporate, political and military 200 attendees gathers for three to four days
to hear presentations and hold breakout both the ruling party and the opposition party are
discussions regarding the ‘progress’ of business, not willing to take each other to task for such a
politics and defence – after which a consensus is blatant breach of conduct.
formed on the direction that international policy
will take over the coming year.

When it’s all over, the gnomes of Bilderberg

return to their home countries with a fairly precise
blueprint from the confab’s steering committee as
to how to proceed in the coming year. Agents will
then push this agenda through their regional
confabs like the Council on Foreign Relations
and the Trilateral Commission in the US,
Chatham House in Great Britain, and the
European Commission in Brussels. In essence, Bilderberg attendees insist they appear at the
the Bilderberg Group functions as a secretive annual conference as ‘private citizens’, not as
working group for a ‘shadow’ One World public officials. It’s hard to know exactly what the
Government. real story is because attendees are bound to
secrecy by observing what is known as ‘Chatham
Group members remain coy about the bigger House Rules’, whereby information disclosed
picture of global government, but at times their during a meeting may be reported by those who
true intentions leak out. In 2001, a Bilderberg were present, but the source of that information
Group founder and steering committee member may not be explicitly or implicitly identified. In
for 30 years, Denis Healey, said: other words – no transparency and no
To say we were striving for a one-world government is accountability.
exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in
Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one
According to pre-eminent Bilderberg researcher
another for nothing and killing people and rendering Daniel Estulin:
millions homeless. So we felt that a single community
Bilderberg meetings follow a
throughout the world would be a good thing.
traditional protocol founded in
Many critics in the US and the UK have cited 1919, in the wake of the Paris
Peace Conference held at
various oversight legislation and civil service
Versailles, by the Royal
codes which are meant to prohibit heads of state Institute of International Affairs
or government officials from attending what is a (RIIA) based at Chatham
private meeting to discuss and decide policies – House in London. While the
far away from the prying eyes and ears of the name Chatham House is
commonly used to refer to the
media and even further away from the
Institute itself, the Royal
accountability of the voting public. Institute of International Affairs
is the foreign policy executive
In the US, the Logan Act of 1799 was meant to arm of the British monarchy.
put the brakes on US officials attending secret According to RIIA procedures: “When a meeting, or part
meetings like Bilderberg, but in reality the Logan thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule,
Act is simply ignored as it has no teeth to enforce participants are free to use the information received, but
neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor
a code that both parties in the US regularly
that of any other participant, may be revealed; nor may it
undermine. In the UK, the ministerial code is be mentioned that the information was received at a
meant to restrain members of parliament from meeting of the Institute.”
attending Bilderberg to cut deals outside of the
democratic system, but just like the Logan Act Followers of the alternative media should note
this code is not worth the paper it’s written on if here that if not for the work of a few dedicated
independent journalists, investigators and also Demonstrators hoping to gatecrash the annual
whistleblowers, we might not know as much embryonic global government confab should take
about Bilderberg as we do today. Chief among heed that the secretive organization may have
the Fourth Estate resistance against the elitist deployed a sleight-of-hand deception regarding
gathering was veteran snoop Jim Tucker from the actual location of the main conference – in
American Free Press. With the help of a ‘mole’ order to herd activists to a secondary location as
embedded deep inside the annual gathering, looks to be the case in London in 2013.
Tucker was able to glean guest lists, meeting
Thousands of Bilderberg demonstrators gathered
agendas, and other tips that gave the alternative
at Watford’s Grove Hotel that summer, and even
media a rough picture of what the meeting was
staged a ‘Bilderberg Festival’ on the adjacent
really about and the key players.
grounds. Unknown to the alternative media crowd
On the shoulders of the late Tucker stand recent in attendance, the Grove Hotel may have only
researchers and authors like Spain’s Daniel been an ‘R & R’, or ‘rest and recovery’ venue for
Estulin, US radio personality Alex Jones and conference attendees Thursday to Sunday –
British journalist Tony Gosling – all of whom have hosting only social events, golfing and some
worked to report and expose deeper aspects of corporate presentations.
this elite club, and also its history and ties to
some of history’s most notorious regimes. Other
mainline pundits have since staked a claim to
covering the Bilderbergers like Charlie Skelton, a
British comedy writer, who has followed
Bilderberg for the London Guardian since 2008.


On the globalist technocrat’s annual social

calendar, Bilderberg falls just before the G8 (or
G7) transatlantic meeting. More often than not it
is held in relatively close proximity to the G8, Meanwhile, the real Bilderberg conference
making it easy for globalist operatives and heads appears to have taken place on the other side of
of state to attend both meetings in succession. London, with steering committee meetings on
Such has been the relentless coverage and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday held at the
pursuit by the alternative media of Bilderberg that luxury Selsdon Park Hotel resort located in
elite planners have been forced to employ Croydon, South London – a venue with its own
various strategic PR maneuvers – not just to heliport and only minutes away from Gatwick
avoid being accused of covering up their International Airport.
activities, but also in order to deceive potential
snoops long enough to make it difficult to TECHNO GNOMES
organize major demonstrations.
Controlling the digital chokepoints is key to
The Bilderberg paradigm certainly shifted in 2013 controlling the globe in the 21st century. In 2013,
when the formerly private meeting effectively a sister event was quietly held at the Grove Hotel
‘came out of the closet’ by posting what it claimed in Watford right before Bilderberg. That was the
to be its full guest list and agenda in a major annual Google ‘Big Tent’ event. Many of the
media outlet, the London Telegraph newspaper. attendees of the Google weekender were also
present at Bilderberg the following week, and
Last year’s meeting in 2014 marked the first time some of the same faces even attended the G8 in
the location of the annual meeting was Ireland the following week.
announced by Bilderberg in advance.
What’s becoming ever more clear with each paying any significant tax into UK coffers. Both
passing year is the pre-eminence of tech gurus Prime Minister David Cameron and Chancellor
and Internet moguls, with many now occupying George Osborne also publicly accused Google of
key positions on Bilderberg steering committees. being “immoral.” Meanwhile, Google’s Peter
Representatives and heads of firms like Google, Baron claimed the firm was in full compliance
Microsoft, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Paypal, with UK law, issuing a public statement: “None of
and others, are now permanent fixtures in seats the allegations put to us change the fact that
of power. Google pays the corporate tax due on its UK
activities and complies fully with UK law.”
Among the regular attendees in recent years
have been men like Google’s former CEO Eric
Schmidt, and Peter Thiel, head of digital
investment house Clarium Capital, who provided
the financial backing for online ventures like
Paypal, Facebook, LinkedIn and Friendster. Thiel
was promoted to Bilderberg committee head in
2011 and has since emerged as a key influencer
in US industrial and political spheres. It was all Punch ‘n Judy in the end because the
fact of the matter is Google is extremely powerful.
These same companies, along with tech giants With a net worth that trumps some countries and
like Apple, are also steering a highly visible move much of the world’s commerce, the Google brand
towards a globalized cashless society – a brave wields great power and influence in Britain and
new digital domain where anonymous everywhere else it seems. Despite all the
transactions are banned – and all buying and rhetoric, no British politician could strong-arm
selling is tracked and analyzed. Not surprisingly, Google because behind the scenes both Google
Bilderberg technocrats love the prospects of such and Britain’s political elite share a place on
a mechanized financial future – one where no central planning’s top round table – the
one escapes universal taxation and where Bilderberg Group.
access can be denied to any citizen who strays
off the technocrat’s repressive political The reality of Bilderberg is much more practical in
reservation. 2015 than ever before. While the first 60 years of
Bilderberg were about establishing a framework
In 2013, Google supplied what appeared to be for a global government (through ‘governance’),
the Trojan horse needed to implement a global now we see the actual implementation of the new
taxation system. Right before Bilderberg, UK control system. UK Column Editor Mike Robinson
political leaders were whipped into a frenzy by explains:
the media over Google’s alleged tax sins,
“I think that the embryonic global in- situations are already
naturally leaving the public clamoring for a in place, and we’re going to see them being given more
solution. The saying “never let a good crisis go to and more real ‘jobs’ to do as time goes on, and collecting
waste” chimes in well here. corporation tax is clearly going to be one of those.”

A major UK clash ensued between No. 10 Key in the new control system is the rapid
Downing Street and Google over the issue of advancement of software and computer
corporate tax evasion. Google’s Matt Brittin was processing used to perform tasks which were
grilled by the UK’s Commons Public Accounts previously unthinkable and required very large
Committee (PAC) and its chair Margaret Hodge, and expensive platoons of expert labour and
who accused Google of “doing evil” by using an armies of analysts.
elaborate array of offshore entities in a “smoke
and mirrors” financial maze designed to avoid Beyond all of the social media, mobile device and
Big Data agendas, however, exists the next key Since 2014, Washington DC and the EU have
emerging area that Bilderberg would like to steer been very active in undermining regional stability
going forward. That field is the area of artificial in the Eurasian heartland, mainly by
intelligence, or ‘A.I.’ manufacturing a revolution in the Ukraine that
forced Russia to protect its own interests in the
Jay Dyer explains the true scope of this region. As a result of the chaos in Kiev, Crimea
ambitious endeavour: quickly exited the Ukraine and into the strong
arms of Mother Russia.
...the whispers are this year [Bilderberg will] discuss the
implementation and rollout of artificial intelligence. So far,
The West, led by NATO’s self-assigned military
2015 has seen a tremendous push for the acceptance of
automation, from robots in the workplace, to driverless mandate in Europe and Asia (and Africa too, it
cars, to implantable micro- chips…. what is most difficult to seems, in the case of the destruction of Libya in
convey is the unified nature of the overall plan, from 2011), used Crimea’s secession from the Ukraine
economic “reform” and “free market shock therapy as an excuse to press its military operations
austerity,” to the implementation of the Smart grid/A.I.
further eastward and directly challenge Russia’s
takeover, to the bio-chemical dysgenics operations, the
Atlanticist plans are unified, strategic, and full-spectrum. own sphere of influence and even Moscow’s own
They cover the entire domain of human experience, as well national security. No doubt all this was discussed
as the entire biosphere. The transition to ‘Smart- Cities’ is and catered for in recent years behind closed
the ultimate goal of the Green/Agenda 21 plan... doors at Bilderberg, as was the case with similar
destabilisation efforts recently in Syria and
As Bilderberg takes its road show into the 21st
previously in Yugoslavia.
century, it’s only right (in their eyes anyway) that
the Gnomes will do as they did with global FRIGHTENED GNOMES
government and finance – and direct and steer
us into the full implementation of the A.I. smart Elected officials meeting in secret to discuss our
grid. future (and their future finances) generally goes
down very poorly in terms of public opinion. For
THE MASTERS OF WAR this reason, Bilderberg likes to keep out of the
headlines and far away from public scrutiny.
Chief among the concerns of Bilderberg central
planners is how and when future wars are going Ditto for world government, a loathsome
to break out – wars that ultimately allow the ruling construct that would likely be ushered in without
elite to reshape the current global structure and any vote being cast by any citizen from the
control system by instituting a New Order out of individual countries involved – which is about as
chaos. undemocratic as it gets. This remains one of the
fundamental flaws at the heart of the ultra-liberal
utopian ideal that is global government, and thus
one of the ultimate flaws of the secretive
Bilderberg Group. The fact they must meet in
secret and hide during their confab is proof
First and foremost in this challenge is containing
enough that even they are not confident with their
the emergence of the BRICS power bloc that
plans and dystopic visions of a future
currently includes the following nations: Brazil,
Russia, India, China and South Africa. That bloc
could grow, and for this reason Bilderbergers will Our only chance to stop the Gnomes of
look for ways to undermine and derail the Bilderberg is to continue to shine a spotlight on
emergence of BRICS and similar organisations their activities and their agendas – and keep
like the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation them in the garden where they belong.
(SCO) currently led by China.

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