Checkmate Secret Societies Agenda
Checkmate Secret Societies Agenda
Checkmate Secret Societies Agenda
“The Number one weekly report which
provides concrete evidence of a New World
Order & One World Government agenda”
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Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report
Secret societies and occult brotherhoods been active behind the scenes of world events for
hundreds of years? Do these self-proclaimed guardians of secret wisdom shape the growth of human
consciousness and influence the destiny of nations? Are certain secret elites manipulating political,
cultural, spiritual and economic movements, in the fulfilment of an ancient plan? Might the great
upheavals, wars, and revolutions, along with humanity’s pioneering discoveries in science, literature,
philosophy and the arts, be the work of a ‘hidden hand’? Is an occult war being waged between
secret societies? Can we decode history to find the mysterious interface of politics and occultism,
thereby uncovering the real creators of our modern world?
The German philosopher Oswald Spengler warned of a “mighty contest” between groups of men of
“immense intellect” who the “simple citizen neither observes nor comprehends.”
Major-General J.F.C. Fuller, a former disciple of Aleister Crowley, wrote about an insidious force
using “Magic and Gold” striving “to gain world domination under an avenging Messiah as foretold by
Talmud and Qabalah.” Fuller’s former chief the ‘Great Beast 666’ Crowley worked as a spy for Britain.
During the First World War, the German Foreign Office secretly requested the occultist Gustav
Meyrink to write a novel blaming the Freemasons of France and Italy for the outbreak of war.
In Proofs of a Conspiracy, the British scientist Prof. John Robison documented how the French
Revolution sprang from Masonic lodges. Robison claimed the infamous Order of the Illuminati had
infiltrated Freemasonry and used the lodges to further a radical agenda, the overthrow of the Church
and Monarchs of Europe.
The power of secret societies is generally dismissed by Western academics. Main- stream scholars
choose to ignore this aspect of history, believing it is of no significance. However, fifty years ago the
perceptive French journalists Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, in their best-selling book Morning
of the Magicians, observed:
Our ideas about secret societies are academic; we take a conventional view of extraordinary facts. If we want to
understand the world of the future, we shall have to reconsider and refresh our ideas about secret societies by making a
more thorough study of the past and discovering a point of view which will render intelligible the phase of history through
which we are now passing.
Just over a month and a half ago the Bilderberg conference for 2015 took place in Austria bringing
the usual media frenzy and conspiracy hype back into the public mainstream. We investigate the
latest insight into the Bilderberger agenda for world domination.
A major UK clash ensued between No. 10 Key in the new control system is the rapid
Downing Street and Google over the issue of advancement of software and computer
corporate tax evasion. Google’s Matt Brittin was processing used to perform tasks which were
grilled by the UK’s Commons Public Accounts previously unthinkable and required very large
Committee (PAC) and its chair Margaret Hodge, and expensive platoons of expert labour and
who accused Google of “doing evil” by using an armies of analysts.
elaborate array of offshore entities in a “smoke
and mirrors” financial maze designed to avoid Beyond all of the social media, mobile device and
Big Data agendas, however, exists the next key Since 2014, Washington DC and the EU have
emerging area that Bilderberg would like to steer been very active in undermining regional stability
going forward. That field is the area of artificial in the Eurasian heartland, mainly by
intelligence, or ‘A.I.’ manufacturing a revolution in the Ukraine that
forced Russia to protect its own interests in the
Jay Dyer explains the true scope of this region. As a result of the chaos in Kiev, Crimea
ambitious endeavour: quickly exited the Ukraine and into the strong
arms of Mother Russia.
...the whispers are this year [Bilderberg will] discuss the
implementation and rollout of artificial intelligence. So far,
The West, led by NATO’s self-assigned military
2015 has seen a tremendous push for the acceptance of
automation, from robots in the workplace, to driverless mandate in Europe and Asia (and Africa too, it
cars, to implantable micro- chips…. what is most difficult to seems, in the case of the destruction of Libya in
convey is the unified nature of the overall plan, from 2011), used Crimea’s secession from the Ukraine
economic “reform” and “free market shock therapy as an excuse to press its military operations
austerity,” to the implementation of the Smart grid/A.I.
further eastward and directly challenge Russia’s
takeover, to the bio-chemical dysgenics operations, the
Atlanticist plans are unified, strategic, and full-spectrum. own sphere of influence and even Moscow’s own
They cover the entire domain of human experience, as well national security. No doubt all this was discussed
as the entire biosphere. The transition to ‘Smart- Cities’ is and catered for in recent years behind closed
the ultimate goal of the Green/Agenda 21 plan... doors at Bilderberg, as was the case with similar
destabilisation efforts recently in Syria and
As Bilderberg takes its road show into the 21st
previously in Yugoslavia.
century, it’s only right (in their eyes anyway) that
the Gnomes will do as they did with global FRIGHTENED GNOMES
government and finance – and direct and steer
us into the full implementation of the A.I. smart Elected officials meeting in secret to discuss our
grid. future (and their future finances) generally goes
down very poorly in terms of public opinion. For
THE MASTERS OF WAR this reason, Bilderberg likes to keep out of the
headlines and far away from public scrutiny.
Chief among the concerns of Bilderberg central
planners is how and when future wars are going Ditto for world government, a loathsome
to break out – wars that ultimately allow the ruling construct that would likely be ushered in without
elite to reshape the current global structure and any vote being cast by any citizen from the
control system by instituting a New Order out of individual countries involved – which is about as
chaos. undemocratic as it gets. This remains one of the
fundamental flaws at the heart of the ultra-liberal
utopian ideal that is global government, and thus
one of the ultimate flaws of the secretive
Bilderberg Group. The fact they must meet in
secret and hide during their confab is proof
First and foremost in this challenge is containing
enough that even they are not confident with their
the emergence of the BRICS power bloc that
plans and dystopic visions of a future
currently includes the following nations: Brazil,
Russia, India, China and South Africa. That bloc
could grow, and for this reason Bilderbergers will Our only chance to stop the Gnomes of
look for ways to undermine and derail the Bilderberg is to continue to shine a spotlight on
emergence of BRICS and similar organisations their activities and their agendas – and keep
like the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation them in the garden where they belong.
(SCO) currently led by China.