Sindh Act No - Xvi of 2019
Sindh Act No - Xvi of 2019
Sindh Act No - Xvi of 2019
NO.PAS/LEGIS-B-27/2019- The Sindh Charities Registration and Regulation Bill, 2019 having
been passed by the Provincial Assembly of Sindh on 22nd November, 2019 and assented to by the
Governor of Sindh on 02nd December, 2019 is hereby published as an Act of the Legislature of
to register and regulate charities and collection and utilization
of charitable funds.
1. (1) This Act may be called the Sindh Charities Registration and Short title,
Regulation Act, 2019. extent and
(2) It extends to whole of the Sindh
(iv) the objects and purposes for which the fund shall be utilized;
(3) The non-official members shall be the persons who are known
for integrity expertise, experience and eminence, on such terms and
conditions as may be prescribed and until so prescribed, as the
Government may determine.
4. (1) The Minister, Advisor or Special Assistant for Social Welfare Chairperson of the
shall be the Chairperson of the Commission or in his absence any Commission.
other person nominated by the Chief Minister.
5. (1) Government shall designate one of the Director General in Director General.
BPS-20 from Social Welfare Department as Director General of the
(3) The Director General shall also be responsible for day to day
affairs of the Commission and shall perform such other functions as
may be prescribed or assigned by the Commission.
6. (1) The Commission shall perform such functions as may be Functions of the
necessary for accomplishing the purposes of the Act. Commission.
(3) The Commission may delegate any of its functions as may deem
appropriate in the prescribed manner.
(4) The meetings of the Commission shall be called by the
Chairperson as and when necessary; provided that the Commission
shall meet at-least once in three months.
8. (1) The Commission shall maintain a Register of Charities in such Register of Charities.
manner as may be prescribed and until so prescribed as the Commission
may determined.
10. (1) Every non-profit organization required to be registered under Application for
this Act shall provide to the registering authority the declaration registration.
regarding the objectives of the charity, the sources of income of the
charity and the nature of its spending, and such other documents or
information as may be prescribed.
13. (1) A promoter shall not make or solicit collection for any charitable Prohibition on
fund unless before the start of the collection, he makes a declaration in collection.
respect of the intended collection and delivers the declaration to the
Commission, in writing.
(2) The Commission may refuse to sanction the collection under this
section if it is not satisfied with regard to good faith of the promoter or
persons proposing to make the collection, or if the authority is not
satisfied with regard to the proper custody of the funds or the due
administration of the fund for the purpose for which it is to be collected.
15. (1) If, after evaluation or audit, the Commission is satisfied that any Violation.
charity has failed to comply with the obligations envisaged under this
Act, the Commission may –
(a) suspend or cancel the registration of that charity under
this Act; and
16. The Chairman or the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs or as Annual Report.
the case may be, shall lay the annual report before the Provincial
17. (1) The Commission may appoint a charity trustee or any officer or Power to appoint
office-bearer of a charity within a period of six months, if such charity charity trustee.
fails to remove a trustee or appoint a new trustee or officer where –
(c) ensuring that the charitable funds are not used for any
purpose other than the declared purpose;
20. (1) The charity trustees shall ensure that accurate accounting records Accounting records of
are maintained in respect of the charity. a charity.
(2) The accounting records shall mention all the transactions of the
charity and shall also reflect on the financial position of the charity.
(4) The charity trustees shall preserve the accounting records for
such period as may be prescribed.
21. The charity trustees shall ensure that accounting records of a Accounting of
charitable fund are maintained as required under the Act. charitable funds.
22. (1) The Commission may, under exceptional circumstances and Audit and Inspection.
in addition to regular annual audit, for reasons to be recorded, direct
that the accounts of a charity shall be audited or re-audited by a
specified auditor at the expenses of the charity or the person who has
applied for the special audit of the charity.
24. (1) Any person who dishonestly or fraudulently tampers with, Penalty.
conceals or destroys any record pertaining to the collection of any
charitable fund to which this Act applies shall be deemed to have
contravened the provisions of this Act.
(2) A person who contravenes any provision of this Act or the rules
or of any order made, direction given or condition imposed under this
Act shall be liable to punishment of imprisonment for a term which may
extend to one year but which shall not be less than six months and
fine which shall not be less than fifty thousand rupees or more than
one hundred thousand rupees.
25. (1) An offence under the Act shall be cognizable and bailable. Cognizance and
summary trial.
(2) A Magistrate of the First Class shall conduct the trial of an
offence under this Act in accordance with the provisions of Chapter
XXII of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1989 (V of 1898) relating to
the summary trials.
26. (1) Subject to sub-section (2), the Commission or any person Compounding of
specifically authorized in this behalf by the Commission may, at any offence.
stage, compound an offence under this Act subject to the deposit of
administrative penalty which shall not be less than fifty thousand
(2) The offence under this Act shall not be compoundable if the
accused had been previously convicted under this Act or his previous
offence had been compounded by the Commission or the officer
authorized by the Commission or is under trial under this Act.
27. A court trying an offence under this Act may order the Confiscation.
confiscation or recovery of any fund wrongfully collected or misapplied
by any person in contravention of this Act.
28. (1) Any person aggrieved by an order or direction of the Appeal.
Registering Authority may, within thirty days of the order, prefer an
appeal to the Commission.
29. The provisions of the Act shall take precedence over other Precedence
laws for the time being enforce.
30. (1) The Government may, by notification, make rules to carry out Rules.
the purposes of the Act.
31. Subject to this Act and the rules, the Commission may by Regulations.
notification, frame regulations to give effect to the provisions of the
32. No prosecution, suit or other legal proceedings shall be Indemnity.
instituted against any person in respect of anything which is, in good
faith, done or intended to be done under the Act.
33. Subject to section 28, Government may, at any time, on its own Revision.
motion or on the application of any aggrieved person, revise any
decision or direction of the Commission and pass such order in
accordance with the Act as it may deem proper.
34. (1) The provisions of the Charitable Funds (Regulation of Repeal and savings.
Collections) Act, 1953 (XXXI of 1953) to the extent of Province of
Sindh, is hereby repealed.